> Dseran Legacy - "Uncontrolled Emergency Landing" > by Icy Creation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One - Descent From the Sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I guess I am going to have to introduce myself for a third time, since Midnight just... Ummm... Deleted likely over a thousand words of text that wasn't saved. I can imagine he is pretty frustrated at that. Yeah, I am, Void. Obviously. Oh, so he speaks! A rare occurence, and one that I really don't care about whatsoever. Anyway, my name, again (Thanks a lot Midnight, like I hadn't already introduced myself enough times), is Enter the Void. I am a narrator. I'm not going to go through the process of how I work and exist and what I can and can't do, go look at the longer description, on the page you were at before this one, probably, for that. If Midnight wanted me to tell you more about that, he shouldn't have deleted what I said the first time. Anyway, lets try this whole story making thing again. For the second ******* time. Shall we? I swear, if he does it again, I'm going to make him narrate this ******* chapter. Terenilione Uis, most commonly known as Teren to the people he knows, known by some (Falsely, again, he does kill when he absolutely has to) as the Pacifistic Psion, known by one as Prey, known by another, one who made the mistake of trying to kill the only other living Dseran while he was around, and who is also essentially immortal (And a bit off in the head), as That Damn Psion Who Made Me Have To Regenerate From A Few ******* Cells, was not in what one could realistically call a good situation. His ship, the ship most certainely being his, as he is the only actual organic being that inhabits it, was heavily, very heavily, damaged. Breaches on fourty two of fourty seven decks, five of twelve reactors blown, the main reactor in the process of overheating, sixteen of twenty five engines irreparably (At least until he finds a station with very high quality repair facilities that isn't unwilling to follow unfamiliar schematics) damaged, and fire on three of the five decks that still had air. Now, most people would have already decided to scuttle the ship and jet the escape pods. There are two problems with this idea. The first is that Teren is quite attached to the Elseyon Kierst, it being the only thing left of the era he grew up in of the civilization he left behind. The second, is that, well, there aren't any escape pods to jet in the first place. The people who designed the ship never thought to add escape pods because they thought the ship would never need them. And for good reason, too. They managed to fit the most powerful hardlight shields available to the most elite ships of the navy, managed to actually create an even stronger version of the usual Gerine alloy, which is already so much stronger than anything else that was available to them. They even developed special engine tech for the ship. Dark Energy-Antimatter Pulse drives, able to propel the ship at speeds that most kilometer long ships could only dream of. And the most important factor behind their denial that anything could ever destroy the ship without being a dreadnought or above, was the fact that according to the Travi pilots (People who left the system. They were never allowed to come back, under threat of execution, and they had to have chips implanted in their skull that would release chemicals that dissolve the brain nearly instantly if they ever tried to give the location of the system to anyone) that actually came back, the Dsera were far ahead of anybody else in the galaxy in terms of technology and scientific knowledge. Of course, those Travi pilots were still executed, but they were at least given better housing. Although, this fact was kept secret. So, in the end, they decided not to add any escape pods. Of course, Teren wouldn't have jetted anyway, but if he were willing to, he wouldn't be able to. And now, we have come to the moment we are currently in. The ships sensors have found a world, earthlike, close by but hard to reach, perfect to hide in and with a world to land on in order to shut down the reactors and keep the main from overheating. So that brings us here. Teren standing next to a leather captains chair, his wings (Did I forget to mention that little fact? My bad.) folded behind him, or at least as much behind him as they can be. He always had larger wings than most people did. The average wingspan for most Heights was eleven to thirteen feet, he had fifteen feet of wings. On the outside, the side you would see if you looked down on them from above as he was flying, they are ruby red. On the inside, the side you would see if you were looking at him from in front of him with his wings stretched out, they are a dark purple framed in the same ruby red as on the outside of his wings. But anyway, enough about his wings. About the rest of him, now. He has darker green eyes, dark brown hair swept to the side, nothing growing on his face, and wearing a sapphire blue thin windbreaker made of what looks like nylon or something like it, with emerald green stripes going down it, two of them, one on each side of the zipper. Though it isn't exactly a normal zipper, as it lacks the zipper part. It looks more like very thin metal strips embedded in the fabric. It was open, showing a red shirt underneath. The windbreaker had no hood. His pants were a pair of dark blue jeans. Wearing emerald green sneakers. He had no real muscles visible, being a bit on the skinnier side of things, also being five feet and seven inches. He had white skin (As did most Dserans) but not so white he looked dead. He stood there with one arm on the arm of the chair, the other beside him, looking at the small construct that hovered in the air nearby. This construct, with a single cyan glowing eye and a elongated (Oval shaped with the thin sides pointing horizontally) frame, was the A.I.S.P unit for the Elseyon Kierst. A.I.S.P standing for Artificially Intelligent Ship Personality. Teren just called her SP. I would too, honestly. Anyway. Moving on. "SP, any systems we can hide in? I would rather not let the hul-" The ship shakes as yet another reactor blows, "-Shit! SP! Now!" Teren had stumbled a little when the reactor blew, but Heights are known for their balance, among many other things. A robotic, feminine, synthesized voice replied from the construct, not without audible concern of its own, "System found. Planet centric, one world, earthlike, biosphere present, inhabitants intelligence unknown. Captain, I know we need to go somewhere, now, but ar-" She was cut off, by both a beam of orange light shooting straight past the window of the bridge, and by Teren telling her to just ******* do it. "Confirmed Captain. Activating Drift drive." As soon as she finished her reply, everything, the stars, the nebula, everything outside the window that was previously visible vanished as the wormhole was pushed at speeds much faster than the speed of light, dragging the ship along with it. Unfortunately, they didn't have time to scan the planet further, as they dropped out of Drift, deceling back below the speed of light, just outside the atmosphere of the planet. With the hardlight shields at full power on the frontal facing projectors, the reverse engines trying their hardest to reduce the Elseyon Kierst's speed to survivable levels, and with Teren on the bridge, sitting in the chair, bracing for impact, the ship hit the ground. And it hit the ground hard. Unknown to Teren, a certain group of sapient equines, six of them specifically, in a forest locally regarded as dangerous, watched as the ship slammed into the ground. > Chapter Two - Encountered > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teren was on the floor. This was not what was supposed to happen. Although really, he shouldn't have expected the inertial dampeners to still be fully functional after taking so much damage. If anything, he's lucky that he didn't just go splat on impact. That would have be- er. Sorry, not finishing that sentence, it would have been a bit spoilery. You will just have to wait. The ship crashed deep in a thick forest, gouging a valley out of the land three kilometers long, and a kilometer and a half deep. The valley behind the ship was flooding with water, as it had cut through a moderately sized river. Smoke was pouring out of the upper decks and flooding the night sky from the forest near the new valley. It was burning, and to some, arsonists probably, it might even be beautiful. Creatures were scattering from the crash, and in the sky, a massive cloud had been cut in two by the descent. When it hit the ground, the sound could be heard for miles, an earthquake alongside the sound, and the dirt sprayed for six kilometers around. ...I didn't mean to make that rhyme. The ship itself was in no worse condition than it had been before the crash, surprisingly. It seems that the hardlight shield did its job. There were a few scorch marks on the paint on the sides, but otherwise it was in, well, there is no way anyone could ever call that perfect condition, but certainely in better shape than it might otherwise have been. Of course, it still looked like ****, but it already looked that way when the direction you would point in to point at it was up. The side shields (Always on, powered by backup reactors. The designers had a sense of style.) were flickering, their red glows going off and back on again. The center beam was off, not distributing power any longer. The hammerhead style front (Like a hammerhead shark) was completely buried in the ground, alongside a large portion of the front of the ship and twenty five of the fourty seven decks. Fortunately, the lower airlocks, the Hardlight Docking Canal, and the- oh, wait, there aren't any escape pods, almost forgot about that. The lower airlocks and the Hardlight Docking Canal (HDC) weren't the only exits on the ship. They also had one in the bridge. Anyway, back to Teren, and SP, and Teren being on the ground. Although he wasn't actually on the ground, as he was high above the ground, but he was on the floor. And not just standing on it, he was on the floor. Needless to say, he quickly got off the floor. Testing his wings one at a time to see if they were damaged, he extended and retracted them both individually, and not simultaneously. Or, at least, he would have, if there hadn't been a large shard of metal embedded in his left wing, blood dripping from around it. Unfortunately, it turns out that the floor really wanted him back, because as soon as he noticed the metal, he started feeling the pain, and it was a lot of pain. Fortunately, he has gotten some experience with pain in the past few months, and he knew exactly what nerves to temporarily disable with his psionics to stop the pain. After a few seconds of this groundedness, he got up, slowly, and decided to just stop the bleeding and deal with it later. At least, he had decided that until he realized that he couldn't exactly get down from the ship without his wings, since the power was off which meant he couldn't use the HDC, and the lower airlocks were buried. So, he decided to just deal with the pain, and yanked the shard out with his telekinesis. Then he covered the hole with a telekinetic field, before going to wash the wound. Knowing that he didn't have to do it immediately, though, he decided to go look at the area he had, er, "landed," in. So he went to the LNGTV hangar and dropped the hardlight door, looking out over the forest, seeing a ruined castle in the distance. Even farther out, as he leaned out and looked around the side of the ship, he noticed a town even farther out in the distance. It appeared to be rural, with a gingerbread house and a... Carnival ride? Sure, why not. Alongside a large farm, and a... Tree. The tree was notable for having windows. And a door. And a sign with a book next to it. At this point, it is clear to him that there are sapient creatures inhabiting this world. And then he noticed a pony with wings in the distance, approaching rapidly. A pony with a rainbow mane and tail. A cyan pony. He simply accepted this fact, as he has seen much stranger creatures. A thing he didn't do, however, is recognize it as a pegasus, as where and when he came from Earth was simply a story, and your mythology had been completely forgotten. As he noticed her getting closer, he started to slowly back up, folding his wings behind his back, preparing to raise her temparture to a million degrees celsius, in the event that she was an actual threat. As he realizes she likely won't be able to stop in time, he steps to the side just as she rockets past him, turning to her and channeling his energy through his hand, pointing it at her, creating a pyrokinetic field around it, preparing to launch said field at her if she presents any serious danger. She crashes face first into the wall. He links to her mind to give her the knowledge of his language, before unlinking. It takes less than a quarter of a quarter of a second, before he starts talking. "Hello there. What exactly are you and why exactly did you just attempt to ram me? No offense, but it dosen't seem a particularly smart idea to ram somebody from flight at those speeds..." He laughed, "Actually, I know that from experience." "...How do I know what you are saying?" She suspiciously (Is that the right word? Not sure actually. I apologize if it isn't.) asked, in a voice that you probably already know. If you don't know her voice, why the **** is this the first story you are reading of Equestria? Anyway, as she said this, she had turned towards him, crouched like she was ready to jump at him, her wings slightly spread in preperation for a stationary takeoff. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Who are you, anyway?" He simply laughed at this. Already going much better than most of the similiar situations he had been in over the past seven months. At least nobody was shooting or dying. Yet. "Well, ignoring the fact that you chose to completely ignore my questions, my name is Terenilione Uis. Though most who know me just call me Teren. Its shorter. As for how you know what I'm saying, I gave you full knowledge, or at least as far as I know, of my language through telepathic information transfer. I do apologize for not asking permission first, but that would have been a bit difficult without a shared language, as you might imagine. I... Er... I also didn't exactly do it conciously, it was more instinct, really. Again, I truly do apologize, do you have anymore questions, or can I go attend to my wing? I mean, I've already stopped the bleeding, and, um... disabled, the pain nerves, but I need to go disinfect it soon. So, if you will excuse me, I'm going to the med bay now. Feel free to leave when you want to, but if you want to ask me more things, you will have to wait a few seconds while I vaporize any foreign molecules within the wound. Be back in a second." And with that he left the room, closing the door behind him, leaving a suspicious, confused, and a bit alarmed Rainbow Dash behind in the LNGTV Hangar. She looked at the door, then the LNGTVs, then at the door he left the room through, deciding to wait and take him to the others, realizing she probably isn't the person for this. Honestly, I'm surprised that she realized that. I mean, I'm not, I knew it was going to happen before it happened, but if I hadn't then I would have been surprised. Maybe. Probably? Rainbow isn't exactly known for that, as far as I know. Might be wrong though. Oh, yeah, and another thing, they had a certain dark mist observing as well, so thats fun. > Chapter Three - The Group > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, anyway, as he walked out the door, he dissipated the pyrokinetics, seeing that he wasn't in any danger yet, and not really being willing to cremate her where she stood anyway. He walked through the halls, taking note once again of this last remaining example of just how amazing Dseran architecture and design really was. Looking at the golden flowing lines in the white silver walls, the light orange glass floor, the floating lights in the shape of a flat diamond, with borders of hardlight and outputting a pure white light, the lights embedded in the floor producing a more natural light that, combined with the light of the ceiling lights, made the colors stand out more. Dseran engineers, designers, architects, they all had a sense of... Form? Style? Perhaps a better term would be aesthetics, actually, yes, aesthetics. They had a sense of aesthetics that most of the civilizations in the galaxy today lacked. Although that never made the creations less efficient, or less functional, but rather flowed with the function. The gold in the walls concealed the wires, and was not in fact pure gold. More of a gold carbide, or something similiar. The walls reflectivity made them immune to laser fire, with a bit of assistance from the material they were made of. The floor was not normal glass, but psionically infused glass to allow Teren's energy when he channels through the ship to more easily pass to the amplification psi circuitry. It was also reinforced, so as to not be liable to break in case of boarders. The lights were floating purely because they could be, but it was more efficient to use hardlight projectors for entire halls of lights, then to make them individually out of more materials. The floor lights were put there so they could run off an entirely different power source and circuitry system than the ceiling lights. Nothing the engis and desis did was done out of pure function or out of pure aesthetic value. Even the maintance shafts were a blend of function and form. However, if I started off talking about how other still living civilizations tended to lack this quality, I would get so sidetracked we would never get back to Teren, so I won't. Anyway, back to Teren. As he walked down the halls, on the way to the nearest inter-deck wormlink, he stopped for a second, remembering something. Something very important. Something that there is no good excuse for having forgotten. Half the ship was buried and flooding, and the rest was on fire. Not counting a few upper decks, like the bridge deck he was on. He realized this meant he would probably have to go get the flight assistance device (A jetpack, pretty much. Something that most Heights hated, almost on instinct, because of its function being to fly for you. Flying on your own, without tech to help, was something that most Heights, from an early age, were taught to be only good way to fly, unless you are flying the void. In which case they were taught not to be idiots, in other words, not to try using their wings in a vaccuum, where there is no air to breath in or fly in.). He sighed, going back to the flight con of the bridge deck (He often fell asleep here, and by often, I mean he had not once used the beds himself.) and bending down under the captains chair, pressing a blue and green button, before telekinetically levitating a small ring out of a compartment and levitating it between his shoulder blades, just under his neck on the back. The outer edge of the ring flashed blue for a moment, before glowing bright green and extending tendrils into his back, attaching to his spinal cord, then extending two hardlight "wings" to either side, ten feet in length on each side, glowing, aside from with the cyan light of the hardlight, with a faint purple light of psionics at work. Many of the technologies of the Dsera were psionically boosted or assisted or just functioned based on psionics entirely. This didn't pose a problem for non psions, for reasons that are irrelevant here, because Teren is a psion. A powerful one, actually. He winced as the tendrils attached to the spinal cord, but the pain quickly faded. He did a quick flight check, hovering in the air with faint pulses of purple energy coming from the bottom of the "wings" and the ring glowing with a bright orange glow. The non glowing parts of the ring are made of the same material and have the same look as the walls of the interior of the ship. He flew around the room once, doing a flip, testing the manuevering, the height adjustment, the forward, sideways (One of the very few advantages over winged flight), backwards, and diagonal propulsion, then landed back on the ground, de-genning the hardlight for now. He looked at his wing, noticing it had healed a bit, but was in no way in any condition to actually fly with yet. He siged, dissapointed at having to use tech flight instead of manual flight, but left the room anyway, walking back down the hall to the hangar, opening the door and stepping through. He looked at the... colorful... pony sitting in the room, still with a bit of a confused look on her face, though less of one now. She reacted immediately to his entrance, looking over at him and then looking back at the hangar exit, the one that led outside, not the one leading into the ship. "Come on! Follw me, I don't have much time to hang around here, and I'm not leaving you here to do... whatever you are planning on doing. You might be planning on... I don't know, blowing up the town! So you're coming with me!" She had already flared her wings in preparation for takeoff, ready to jump. He looked at her, tilting his head, a bit... Confused? I don't think that's right, but that's the best I can think of to explain it. He untilts his head after a moment, noticing her looking a bit impatient, walking over and just deciding to go with it for now. "Um. Okay, sure, why not. And I will give you the gift of me ignoring the fact that you just assumed I might be evil, without any evidence to back it up. Don't go too fast right now, I'm flying on assisted prop, my wing is too injured for manual flight. On three? Or just go?" He lights the hardlight wings, pre-firing the forward propulsion, keeping himself on the floor by counterfiring the back propulsion and downwards propulsion. She looked at him, her eyes showcasing her surprise with size as she obseves the assisted flight device, looking back out to her destination. "Go." And as she takes off with a rainbow trail, Teren stops counterfiring and shoots off just behind her, though the AFD is nowhere near as fast as she could go, so she has to slow down a bit from her usual pace. "You know, that thing on your back, whatever it is, is really slow compared to me. Can't you make it go any faster?" She asks this as she slows to be flying beside him, looking to the side, seeming a bit impatient and annoyed at having to go so slow. "Well, unfortunately, no. I wish it could go faster as well, but this thing is nowhere near as fast as any natural wings are. I apologize for a shard of metal lodging itself in my wing while I was hurtling through the atmosphere at supersonic speeds, just barely keeping concioussness due to the Gs I was taking." He had said that last part sarcastically, though not in a way that would seem rude, rather seeming more like a joke than a retort. Although truly, it was the prouct of him being a tad annoyed at the winged pony. This was not unusual over the past seven months, as "a tad annoyed" in this context is roughly equivalent to how annoyed you get at a fly buzzing past you. Most things in the galaxy were things he got annoyed like this at, and it was really no different than his normal emotions at this point, it having become so common. She tilted her head at him, before deciding to not ask any questions just yet, and looking back ahead and speeding back up so she was leading them again. And pretty much the rest of the flight passed in silence. Thirteen kilometers- approximately- later they finally reached the others. The colorful one, the one who decided it would be a good idea to take him to the others now instead of just waiting for later, called to the other five as she got closer, saying something in a language that sounded somehow familiar to him yet was completely incomprehensible at the same time. He had no way of knowing that this language that they were speaking was a nearly exact copy of pre-interstellar Earth's english. The language spoken by the Dsera was not english, and the language spoken throughout most of the galaxy was mostly known, at least it would be known as this in our language, as human basic. He looked around, not having landed yet, but just hovering off to the side. He saw a large creature in the distance walking around in the forest, with a tail with a large stinger on it and bat like wings. Its fur was a pale golden color, and it had a orange fluff of fur encircling its neck, along with upwards pointing exposed... Fangs? Tusks? Really big teeth that stick out for some reason? Not sure. Anyway, yeah, I think that anyone who has even seen the first episode or read a story following the events of the show from the beggining know what I'm describing. And this should let you know how far along their journey to the old castle they are. He however, knew nothing of any journey of any sort being undertaken by these six, and just really wanted to know what they planned on doing with him. He had been feeling a strange... Sensation... since he entered this worlds atmosphere. He knew what sense was sensing it, but had absolutely no clue what it was. Normally when his Senser genetics sensed a psion nearby, it was like a locational... Buzzing... In the back of his head. This wasn't what it actually was, but it was how his brain interpreted it. From the "loudness," and the "pitch," and the "direction," and the "closeness," of the "buzzing," he understood the exact location of any psion within a half a million kilometers, and the rough location of any within a lightyear. This sensation was coming in through that same sense, but it was... Different... Instead of a "buzzing" it was more like... I don't know... Like a slowly pulsing sound of an ocean on a calm day. Much stronger in the "direction" of the purple one with the horn and the dark purple hair, and the white one with the horn and the purple hair... And in the "direction" of the pink one that was... Bouncing on her tail? Sure, why not. In that "direction" was something else entirely... And then he jumped... Or whatever the equivalent when you are flying is, as the "sound" he felt in the pink ones "direction" was very, very clear, very obvious laughter, and a energetic sounding female voice saying "Oh, hey there, who are you? Do I know you? Do you like cupcakes? Everybody like cupcakes, what am I talking about, of course you like cupcakes! Where are you anyway? Are you that flying man over there? Oops, was I not supposed to know that word? Sorry, can't take it back now, want a cupcake? I think I ha-" And then he cut her off by forcibly cutting out that sense, because she was talking so fast it was giving him a headache. He tried to block out the memory of... Whatever just happened (I may have accidentally let her know about the word "man" when we were talking earlier.), and tried to focus on other things. Like the fact that the light purple one was seemingly gesturing for him to come down there for some reason. He decided that if anything happened he could deal with it, so he descended slowly, before touching down on the ground and immediately degenning the hardlight wings. Having them active made him a bit uncomfortable, a typical thing when it comes to Height Variants. He looked at each of their faces, before looking at the light purple one's face. Of course, with his eyes, he saw much deeper than simple appearences. He also took the chance to study the cyan one's face, since he never really looked in depth at it, and so didn't really notice anything that could tell him anything about what she was thinking. Of course, he also noticed the fact that literally everyone there aside from him, at least he assumed, was female. This didn't really mean much to him, as he didn't really care what gender someone was. Typically. Unless caring could save someones life, or save his own life, or other such circumstances, but that was relatively rare. He saw that the pink one was... Very happy even considering the surroundings appearance, and the rest of the groups expressions. He was confused, but chose to ignore it for now, deciding to figure it out at a later date. As for the white one, he couldn't exactly read her expression, though it seemed to be something like... Confusion? Maybe. Or disgust, or perhaps... I'm not entirely sure what her expression is displaying, myself. As for the one with the hat, well, first he was very confused about an equine wearing a cowboy hat, but decided to let it go for now, noticing her expression was, not blank, more like, studying. Studying him, his expressions, probably trying to figure out what he wanted and what he intended. He turned to the other one with wings, though it appeared that she was a tad, or much more than a tad, timid as she was at that moment hiding, although ineffectively, behind a thin tree, attempting to blend in with said tree. Somehow, surprisingly, she actually was doing a pretty good job of it, even his eyes almost passed over her, thinking her a part of the tree for a brief moment. She was terrified, and it was visible in her expression. He looked back and up at the one who he first encountered, her expression seemingly unconcerned, even confident, but he could also see flaws in the partial falsity, as with all of them, with the notable and utterly confusing exception of the pink one, there was an underlying fear behind all of their emotions. And he had the feeling it wasn't all towards him, either. He finally looked at the light purple one, who was standing in front of him, looking at him with seemingly barely restrained curiosity, alongside the same underlying fear, and something else as well. A faded coldness in her expression. Only faded, not gone, because if it was gone he wouldn't have seen it. You can't see something that isn't there, no matter how hard and deep you look. He can tell that she wants to ask him a thousand questions, and that is a lower estimate, but he also notices that she realizes they don't speak the same language. The light purple one turns to the first one, saying something. The one in flight says a single short word in response, the light purple one looking a tad dissapointed. He decides to simply do what he had done with the first, but doing the opposite transfer. Linking her mind, he took (Without taking) her knowlege of their language and copied it into his own mind. There was something that seemed very, very familiar about it, but he didn't know exactly what still. He unlinked, the whole process having taken less than a half a half a half a half a half a half a second. He decides to listen for a moment before letting them know what exactly he had done. Light purple, "Hmmm... Rainbow Dash, didn't you say that he could speak? I haven't heard him say a single thing since he got here, in any language." The first, now known to Teren as Rainbow Dash, "Yeah, he's being really quiet for some reason..." She looks at him suspiciouslly, "I wonder why..."' The one with the hat spoke up, "He dosen't seem the kind of pony to do anythin' of that sort, Rainbow." Rainbow replied, "Of course he dosen't seem like that kind of pony, Applejack, he isn't a pony!" The one who Rainbow called Applejack thought for a moment, before conceding that Rainbow had a point. "Ya know, you're right, he ain't exactly a pony, now, so we can't exactly judge him by our standards can we?" Dash, glad she had gotten Apples to see her point, replied, "You see! What if he is planning on... I don't know... Blowing us up? We should just leave him deeper in the forest, it should take care of him itself." The light purple one looked both shocked and a bit angry when she put her thoughts out, "Look, Rainbow, we can't just go and leave him out to die in the forest without actually knowing anything about him first! What if I decided that you might be dangerous and just took you out here, erased all your knowledge of the forest, and left you!?" Rainbow looked a bit shocked, before thinking for a few minutes, looking a bit less confident than usual as she replied to the question, "Well, I mean, yeah, you put it that way..." As soon as the pink one began talking, Teren immediately stopped listening, not wanting to deal with the absolute pure confusion of that memory yet. He looked around, before realising that the large creature from before was much closer now. In fact, it was standing just twenty, maybe thirty feet away, staring right at them. And he was the only one who had noticed it so far, the others all still listening to the pink one. And then it started preparing to charge.