> Despite All Odds > by Nightroad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Humble Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy frowned. It was a frown that had learned to form after years of jealously watching other ponies find a lover to complete their lives. Of course, she would always smile and wish them the best, but inside her heart, a black knot of envy formed. 'I'm just as pretty as any other pony...right? I should be able to easily find somepony to love me...' That's where she stopped herself. She didn't want somepony; she knew who she wanted. The protege of the Princess of the Sun, Twilight Sparkle. Ever since she had come to Ponyville, she couldn't get the lavender unicorn out of her mind. She sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time that day as her friends Lyra and Bon Bon walked by, oblivious to the world around them. They were head over hooves for each other and it was just a fact that ponies had come to accept. 'But what if it's different with Twilight? I mean, we are sort of famous. Not to mention the fact that she's the personal student of Princess Celestia. I could ruin her reputation if I were to be selfish and express my love to her.' Fluttershy stared aimlessly at her surroundings, daydreaming about herself and her purple friend when a voice brought her back to reality. "Hello Fluttershy." The pegasus gasped and quickly spun, only to end up muzzle to muzzle with the very unicorn who had often graced (or occasionally plagued) her dreams. "Oh! H-hello Twilight." The timid pony replied, a faint blush already creeping onto her face as she took a step back. "Sorry, I didn't scare you did I?" Fluttershy simply shook her head and instinctively hid part of her face behind her mane. "What brings you here Twilight? I didn't peg you a fan of Bon Bon's candies." Twilight chuckled and said, "Sometimes I want something that isn't overwhelmingly sweet. I mean, no offense to Pinkie, but lately her treats are just too...sugary for my tastes. Besides, Bon Bon is the only mare around who can make my favourite candy." Fluttershy followed her crush inside after being ushered to follow. "Ahh, well hello Twilight. Here for the usual?" Bon Bon asked with a grin. Twilight giggled (which Fluttershy couldn't help but find cute) and nodded her head happily. "Well you're in luck. I just finished making a batch about an hour or so ago, so they should've finished cooling by now." Bon Bon disappeared and was replaced by Lyra, who grinned at the pair. After a moment of the mint unicorn staring at the two, she finally said, "You know...you two would look really cute together." Twilight blushed crimson while Fluttershy nearly fainted at the statement. Lyra laughed at their speechlessness and was quickly shoved aside by the candy-maker. "Honestly Lyra..." She mumbled with a shake of her head. "That'll be 5 bits please." Twilight quickly paid with a sheepish chuckle, then headed out of the store without a word. "Lyra! How could you do that to poor Fluttershy?" Lyra simply smiled, avoiding a stray candy thrown at her and said, "Relax. I was just trying to help is all. Seriously Fluttershy, you need to mare up and ask her out, otherwise some jerky stallion will take her away." Fluttershy sighed in mild frustration. "I know..." "Don't listen to her. You'll tell her when you're good and ready. Not all romances can be rushed. And before you say anything-" She turned and faced her partner. "Our case was different." She looked back at the pegasus and finished, "Sometimes you just gotta go slow." She offered a consoling smile to the yellow pony, and after a moment, said good-bye as Fluttershy left the candy shop. Bon Bon wished the best for the pegasus before turning around to find Lyra grinning. "Different huh?" The mint unicorn sauntered over and before the candy pony could say anything, Lyra pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss before closing the door with her magic. As Fluttershy made her way back to her cottage, she heard Lyra's words replaying in her head. “I don't want a stallion to take her away...” “Then ask her out for Celestia's sake!” The sudden voice made the timid yellow pony squeak in fear and dive into the nearest bush. “Relax Flutters, it's just me.” Fluttershy looked out from between the foliage and sighed, placing a hoof over her ribs, trying to stop her heart from breaking through. “I didn't hear you Rainbow Dash. Sorry.” The cyan pegasus waved the apology away as they continued toward Fluttershy's home and said, “Seriously though, just ask the egghead out already and get it done with.” Rainbow was the only other pony Fluttershy dared to tell about her crush on the magical pony. “I want to...I really do...I've even practiced what I would say and everything. But...I always freeze up on the spot whenever I'm actually talking to her.” Dash knew this was bothering her fellow pegasus pretty badly; Fluttershy was usually very quiet, so for her to be speaking this much was an obvious sign. “Just do what I did. Fly up to her, say “I love you” and kiss her. Worked great for me and Vinyl.” Fluttershy couldn't help but smile. She had introduced Dash to her friend Octavia, who had brought the DJ along to meet Fluttershy. The pegasus and unicorn quickly hit it off and before anypony knew it, they had become an item. “How is she anyways? I haven't seen her around for quite some time.” Before Rainbow could answer, a carrot flew through the air and struck Fluttershy's forehead. “I'm sorry Angel. I ended up taking longer than usual.” He replied simply with his characteristic frown and thumping his foot in annoyance. “Mama will make it up to you tomorrow. I promise.” His answer was to turn and hop off to who knows where. “You really need to quit babying him like that Fluttershy. He's just walking all over you.” “I believe you were about to tell me how your marefriend was doing?” The canary coloured pegasus said, quickly switching back to the subject at hoof. Dash was silent for a moment, then began to talk of the DJ and their love for each other, as well as what they did when Dash was done with the weather and Vinyl finished entertaining. More than a few of the details made Fluttershy crimson beneath her coat as the more...intimate parts of the relationship were voiced. “It's amazing what she can do with a dismantled sub-woofer. Last week after work, she-” The colourful mare was cut off by a gentle hoof on her mouth. Dash couldn't help but laugh as her friend blushed darker than a tomato. “Sorry 'Shy, but I can't help myself. I just get so carried away talking about her.” Fluttershy said nothing, instead gazing deeply into her friend's unfocused eyes and feeling that familiar knot of anger and envy build up within her. She saw pure love in Rainbow's eyes, not just lust for another playmate. 'Why can't that be me? It should be just as easy for me as it is for her!' Finally, Dash sighed happily and said, “Well...” The word brought Fluttershy back from the depths of her brooding and looked at the prismatic pony before her as she lifted herself off the floor with her powerful wings and headed towards the door. “It was fun talkin' to ya, but I gotta go. Need my rest for the upcoming storm tomorrow afternoon.” Fluttershy simply nodded and stood in the doorway, waving as her friend disappeared on the horizon. As Dash disappeared, Luna's moon began to peak over the reaches of Fluttershy's vision slowly, as if making sure it wouldn't offend anypony with it's arrival. The shy pony stared wistfully at the moon and sighed happily, feeling the envious anger drain from her system. Fluttershy always felt a wave of calming tranquility wash over her whenever the lunar alicorn's symbol hung in the sky. “Maybe on the next full moon I could tell her how I feel...” She mumbled absent mindedly. With one last look outside, Fluttershy turned back into her home and shut the door with a light kick of her hind hoof. She went around, tending to anything that drew her attention, then settled in the chair that occupied the corner of her living room next to the bookshelves. After she got comfy, she grabbed the book off the nearby nightstand and began to read. However, she didn't get 10 words in before Rainbow's words set in. “Storm?” She rushed over to the weather calender she got from the weather pony and found the date she needed. “Oh my...the last rain before winter.” Fluttershy cast a quick glance around her home and noticed that there weren't as many animals scurrying around as their usually was. There were still plenty of animals, but the caretaker could always tell when there were a few missing. She made a mental note to get up early to gather supplies for the work that lay ahead for tomorrow before the storm. She had fallen a bit behind in helping the animals prepare their dens for the winter and know it had come back to bite her in the flank. With a sigh, she extinguished the candles lighting her home and made her way to bed, hoping that her inevitable dreams of her precious unicorn would be of the pleasant variety instead of the kind that would keep her up all night crying. Twilight groaned as she slid away from her desk and stretched. She had been taking notes about old Equestrian history and as usual, completely lost track of time. She walked over to the window and saw Luna's moon high in the sky. “Wow...guess I really overdid it again.” She mused with a light chuckle. She turned back around and saw something she failed to notice before. There, on her desk just inches away from where her she had been focusing was a sandwich, along with a note on the side. She furrowed her brow and wondered how she could've missed them when they were right beside the book she had been studying for the past six hours. She walked over, hearing her stomach growl at the prospect of having food and quickly devoured the sandwich. Then, she lifted the note with magic and quickly read it. “Twilight, you missed dinner and was too zoned out in that old book to hear me so I left you a sandwich. From, Spike.” She smiled and looked lovingly over at the snoozing dragon, whose blanket, she noticed, was haphazardly tossed onto the ground from his constant tossing and turning whilst in the thralls of sleep. She smiled at the cute scene before her before reaching down and grasping the blanket and draped it over him, gaining an instant sigh of happiness from the dragon. She chuckled softly as he snuggled it closer to him, but stopped when she heard him mumble “--mom...” The unicorn simply stood there, shocked. Despite the fact that she had basically raised him from birth, he had never once called her mother or said that he loved her. She leaned down and tenderly kissed his cheek before retreating into her own room. She lifted the blanket, then lowered it, snuggling it against her much like the young dragon had done moments before. Her sleep was calm and peaceful as Luna's moon lowered and Celestia's sun took it's place. When the warm rays passed over the student's eyes, she naturally tried to hide, but her mentor's gift was quite hard to avoid while she was in bed it seemed. So, with a yawn, she rolled out of bed and brushed her mane before heading down to the kitchen. There, she saw her 'son' on the counter, eating a topaz muffin and looking out the window. “Spike, we've gone over this quite a number of times; no dragons on the counter.” Twilight said, a small grin on her face as she lifted her dragon off the counter and onto a chair. “Yea yea, but I want to watch the weather team work.” The lavender unicorn looked out the window and sure enough, there were pegasus ponies all over the place, gathering clouds and moving them to cover Ponyville. “Is there a shower scheduled for today?” She asked aloud to herself. However, she got a muffled response that held a tone of unknowing. A moment later, “Hey, do you mind if I head over to Rarity's for a bit? Sweetie Belle and the other Crusaders need my help for something.” “That's fine, but be back before it starts to rain. We don't want the smell of wet dragon filling the library and driving ponies away.” The mare teased. Spike just rolled his eyes and mumbled something as he waddled out of the library with Twilight on his tail, but she walked in the opposite direction, heading right instead of left. She needed to stock up on quills, parchment, and ink before it got too cold out. She had almost made it to the store that sold quills (and sofas for some odd reason she had yet to figure out) when somepony bumped into her, sending them both bowling over and the contents of the other pony's saddlebags to spill out onto the ground. “I'm really sorry about...Fluttershy? Wow, you don't look to good.” Twilight looked over her friend with a worried gaze. The pegasus looked as if she had been running rampant since early morning; her usually beautiful and flowing mane was disheveled with strands sticking up in places, dark circles under her eyes, and to top it off, she was barely standing. “I'm...fine...” The yellow mare said between deep breaths, lifting herself up off the ground after much struggling. She stood for a moment before her knees buckled, but Twilight managed to get beside her to allow Fluttershy to lean on her and rest a moment. “Thank you...” They both stood for a moment before the pegasus was able to stand on her own. Her legs threatened to give out again, but she stayed up. “Thanks again Twilight, but I really must be getting back. I still have so much that needs done.” “Then let me help. No offense, but you look almost as bad as Applejack when she tried to buck all those trees by herself.” Normally Fluttershy would've politely declined, saying that she didn't want to interrupt whatever the other mare was doing, but right now she was too tired and too far behind in her work, so she just nodded. Then, to her surprise, the unfamiliar feeling of magic lightly enveloped her and lifted her onto Twilight's back, where she gave a small squeak of surprise. However, when the magic dissipated, she blushed as she felt Twilight under her. “Ready?” Fluttershy didn't dare answer for fear of what kind of noise may come from her as her blush darkened. So, Twilight took the silence as a yes and began running towards Fluttershy's home. She tried not to bounce around too much so that Fluttershy wouldn't fall off or anything. She had contemplated just teleporting, but swiftly shoved the idea away. Pegasi were a tad uncomfortable being a part of anything magical as Rainbow Dash had told her countless times. “It just isn't natural Twi. It's like...being wrapped in chains and locks until you can't move a single muscle. We pegasus ponies need that free mobility. I can't really explain it, but we just do.” Of course, this answer bothered Twilight to no end; there was no evidence, fact, or anything. It just was. She accepted it nonetheless, chalking it up to that small category of unexplainable things (the other being Pinkie Sense). After a good seven minutes, she made it to her friend's cottage. Twilight opened the door and placed Fluttershy onto the couch that sat in the living room. “Okay, where should I start?” The pegasus caretaker was a little shocked. She knew Twilight liked animals like she did, but didn't know that she'd go this far just to help. She shook the shock away and began to explain how to make each animal's diet of mixed fruits, veggies, and nuts and how much to give and what to do if an animal began to act up. When she figured that she'd rested long enough, Fluttershy got off the couch and began to help. At first, Twilight objected, saying that she could handle it. Fluttershy felt a sort of guilty pleasure surge through her at Twilight's concern over her. “Don't worry, I feel much better now thanks to you.” She said, trying to keep a blush off her face. She saw the unicorn also trying to keep a blush off her face at the praise, so she quickly turned and continued working, inciting a laugh from the pegasus mare. With the both of them working together, all of the animals had been moved out and into their hibernation homes. Even Angel had decided to give it a try (thought it may have also been because of the lady bunny he had been spending so much time with) and with a sigh, they both plopped down onto the couch. “Thank you so much Twilight. It would've taken much longer without your help." “It was my pleasure Fluttershy. I want the little animals to be happy, just like you. Fluttershy nearly melted at the smile presented to her from the beautiful unicorn. “Well...I should probably be getting home. Those clouds look ready to burst and I'm sure Spike is worried. Fluttershy desperately wanted to stop her, to tell her that she could stay the night until the rain passed, but her shyness and uncertainty won out. “Oh...yes. I guess I'll see you later.” Twilight gave her another smile, then disappeared in a flash of light. As Fluttershy regained her vision, she saw the first few drops of rain fall by her window. It was if it was waiting for the unicorn to leave before spreading tranquility across Equestria. Fluttershy let loose a deep, unhappy sigh. She was truly alone now: her secret love was gone and all her animals were going to be gone for the whole winter. Despite this being the eighth or so year, she was still not used to the blanket of silence that always followed. It was always strange and a little unsettling for her. She got off the couch and slowly walked through her house and out the back door, coming to a halt on top of a nearby hill, letting herself get drenched in the rain. She took a few deep breaths, drawing the cool air into her lungs. She felt shivers as she slowly exhaled each breath. As she stood there, she failed to noticed a small hole open in the clouds above her. Eventually, she sensed a presence and looked around, seeing a patch of moonlight. She followed the cone of light up and saw a silhouette looking down at her. She squeaked in fear and tried to move, but her legs were locked in place and refused to move. The shadow unfurled large wings and slowly drifted down to her. When the pony landed, Fluttershy was shocked to see that it was the Princess of the Night herself. “Tell us...why doth thou stand in the pouring rain? Come.” The lunar princess lifted Fluttershy off the ground and carried her into her home. “Doth thou have...” She cleared her throat for a moment, then said, “Umm...do you have a towel I might be able to use?” Fluttershy finally snapped out of her trance and quickly nodded, running to the bathroom. When she returned, she gave her biggest towel to Luna while she herself used a much smaller one. “Thank you...Fluttershy, correct?” The yellow pegasus nodded and said, “Yes, um, your majesty.” Luna chuckled and Fluttershy felt relief pass through her. She knew that she could be at least a little casual around Equestria's royalty, but she still feared that she'd say or do something to offend them so she usually just did what everypony else did. But Luna had simply laughed at the proper greeting. “You may just call me Luna. Now then, we- I mean...I wish to know: why were you just standing in the rain?” It took Fluttershy a moment and she was grateful for the Princess's patience with her. “No particular reason. I just like the rain is all.” “As do I young Fluttershy. Now, if you don't mind, may I ask another question?” Fluttershy simply nodded, somewhat a bit nervous. She always got real nervous whenever ponies asked her a lot of questions. “I don't mean to be rude and pry, but I simply hate to see a lover of the night such as yourself unhappy. I have seen you gazing at my moon with nothing but sadness in your eyes. Is there anything I can do to help?” Fluttershy was caught completely off guard. Here was one of the two Princesses of Equestria, and she was asking if she could help with a normal pony's problems. “I...no...I appreciate the offer Princess, but it's something I have to do myself. Sorry.” The lunar pony looked down at the floor, obviously disappointed. The look in her eyes was almost enough to make Fluttershy cry. “Yes...of course.” Fluttershy cringed. She hadn't meant to upset the alicorn, so she quickly said, “I-it's not that I don't want your help...I just...I don't know how to ask, or how you could help. It's a...delicate situation.” She began to explain how she had fallen in love with the pupil of Luna's sister. When she finished, Fluttershy was pulled into a gentle hug by the Night Princess. “We know all too well how you feel dear Fluttershy. Years before my...banishment, I could find nopony to love me, or my gift. I think that may be part of why I was so consumed by jealousy so long ago.” Fluttershy knew that this was a touchy subject for Luna, but despite that, she couldn't help the tears that pooled in her eyes. She was overwhelmed by emotion, so instead of trying to hold it in, she just let it go and cried into the soft coat of Luna. The royal pony offered the occasional comforting word or reassuring pat on the back the whole time, not daring to move. To Luna, this experience was just as emotional. There were many ponies nowadays who appreciated and loved her night, but not like Fluttershy. This pegasus loved the night for what it was; a time to relax and be with somepony you loved. When Fluttershy's tears dried up, the rain had also relaxed into a pleasant drizzle. “Umm...t-thank you Princess. I'm sorry I kept you so long, listening to me cry or talk about my problems or-” A light pressing of a hoof on her lips caused her to stop. “You needn't worry dear. It was...nice to bond with one who enjoys the night such as you.” Luna offered a gentle a warm smile, which Fluttershy returned happily. “So...you don't mind the fact that we're both mares?” This was Fluttershy's main problem. Ponyville was an old settler town and as such, still clung to many old traditions, traditions that were alive and well to this day. Despite Lyra and Bon Bon's claims otherwise, she had seen the two ridiculed and berated many times before most ponies learned to simply tolerate their relationship. She was answered with a laugh. “Of course not. As the “Lady of the Night”, love is something that falls into my jurisdiction as it were. As such, to me, love is exactly what it is; an emotional and spiritual bond between two ponies who care deeply for each other whether it be a mare and a stallion, two stallions, or two mares. Love is blind as they say.” Fluttershy let out a breath that she wasn't even aware that she had been holding. “That's a relief...even if it is just one pony out of all the ones I care about.” “Why not ask your friends how they would feel about it? Gauge their reactions and then you can act accordingly. Fluttershy nodded and said, “I want to...but I want Twilight with me in case something goes wrong. I don't think I'd take it well if things go bad...” Luna knew exactly what she meant. 'She wants her love to be there to comfort her in case one of their friends doesn't approve; to feel the consoling touch of reassurance and hear words of strength.' Luna thought for a few minutes, then grinned. “Twilight also likes to look at my artwork that is the night sky. Perhaps you could plan a night picnic and I could provide a meteor shower of sorts.” Luna was grinning widely now. “It will be so romantic she won't be able to resist!” Then, before Fluttershy could say anything, The Night Princess was gone. “Oh my...” (Author's Note: Alright everypony, I finally started to begin posting my story (yay me). Anyways, this is my first and hopefully not last story on here so...yea...Anyways, criticism is welcome as long as it's constructive! Remember, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all ^^ Hope you enjoy!) > Contradicting Mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Twilight was rereading one of the many book written by Starswirl the Bearded, a memory rushed through her studious mind, shocking her. 'You two would look really cute together.' The unicorn looked around the room as if expecting the see the other unicorn, but found it completely empty aside from herself. “Why did that thought come up? I haven't thought about it since she said it and there was no reason for me to think of it.” Twilight shrugged and went back to reading. '...cute together.' A frown formed on Twilight's lips. “Yes, I get it; Lyra thinks Fluttershy and I would make a cute couple.” However, the words would not dissipate from her mind, no matter how hard she tried to distract herself. She sighed and walked away from the book and hopped onto her bed with an audible “Oof”. As she laid there and contemplated the words, her thoughts began to drift into the unfamiliar territory; affection and love. As studious as the unicorn was, this was one of the few subjects she absolutely could not wrap her head around. She read the occasional romance novel (not that she would ever admit it) and had learned absolutely nothing about love other than “love is a beautiful thing and must be nurtured”. Naturally this bothered Twilight; something was confusing to her and she couldn't just open a book and solve it. She wanted facts and it wasn't like her own personal experiences would help. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...” She mumbled bitterly. The unicorn closed her eyes to help herself think, but ended up drifting off to sleep. When she awoke, she felt groggy and slow and the world seemed like it was a large blur. However, as she was slowly walking down the stairs, a knock at the door made her snap out of the post-nap trance and she cantered over to the door, where she was surprised to see Rainbow Dash standing there. “Wow...Rainbow Dash is actually KNOCKING on the door instead of crashing through it or flying through a window? I must still be asleep.” She said with a laugh. Rainbow just rolled her eyes and walked in. “So what brings you here Dash? The new Daring Do book isn't supposed to come in for another week or so.” Rainbow looked around, as if waiting, then said, “Well I-” She was cut off by a very distraught Fluttershy as she burst through the door. “Please Rainbow Dash, don't tell Twilight!” The yellow pegasus stopped for a moment, then slapped her hooves over her mouth. “Don't tell me what Fluttershy?” She waited patiently for the yellow pegasus to reply. “I...um...Oh! I didn't want her to um, tell you about the upcoming meteor shower and I...I wanted to ask if you would maybe...join me? I mean, if you aren't too busy that is.” The last few words were barely audible, but Twilight had heard them and beamed. “Of course I would! When is it?” The unicorn was now inches away from the pegasus, causing the flier to freeze. “Umm...it's...soon...” Was all Twilight got. She gave a small frown, but quickly hid it. “Oh, well alright. When you figure out when it is, can you tell me?” “Oh of course Twilight. I'd hate for you to miss it.” Then, the unicorn hugged her and after a moment, Fluttershy hugged her back. She subtly rubbed her muzzle against Twilight's neck and softly inhaled her scent. It was a faint citrus sort of smell, coupled with an even fainter smell of literature. She reluctantly let go after Twilight did and stood there, unsure of what to say or do. Finally, Rainbow Dash reminded them of her presence. “Hey Fluttershy, why don't you stay the night here since all your animals are gone?” Fluttershy wanted to jump happily, but managed to control the urge. “Only if Twilight doesn't mind.” “That would be just fine. I haven't had a slumber party since Rarity and Applejack stayed here during that storm. It'll be nice to have another one. Come to think of it, would you like to join us Rainbow...Dash...” She looked at where Dash had been not even a second ago and swore she saw a faint outline of where the mare used to be before it disappeared. 'Thank you so much Rainbow Dash' Fluttershy thought gratefully. “Well, shall we get started?” Twilight asked, walking into the kitchen with the timid pegasus behind her (who was trying not to stare at the way the unicorn's hips swayed). “What would you like to drink?” “Water would be nice.” Within moments, they were both comfortable in Twilight's room, laughing as they reminisced about their past adventures. “I still can't believe you've stared down an adult dragon AND a cockatrice. You really are a brave pony to be able to face such fierce creatures.” Fluttershy couldn't help but blush at the praise, and it probably didn't help coming from the pony she loved. “That's nothing compared to when you moved that Ursa Minor from Ponyville all the way back to it's cave. I wish I could've been there to see you being so...cool.” Now it was Twilight who was blushing. “That reminds me-” Twilight said quickly, eager to move the conversation off herself. “Where DID you go when Trixie came to town?” “Oh, I umm...I had to go back home. One of my birds told me that some bears were around and were causing trouble. Turns out they were all just really sore and needed massages.” Fluttershy smiled sheepishly and Lyra's quote once again jumped into Twilight's mind. As the thought came and went, the unicorn couldn't help but look her friend over. 'She's more intelligent than she lets on, likes to read, is understanding, compassionate...those are all good qualities for a romantic partner...right?' She was promptly brought out of her train of thought when she felt Fluttershy's hoof on her shoulder. “Umm...Twilight? Is there something wrong? If so, I can come back at another time.” The thought of Fluttershy just leaving left a strange emptiness within her. “N-no! I'm sorry, I was just...uh...thinking of a spell is all.” Twilight lied. “Oh? What kind of spell?” Twilight hadn't expected that. Usually whenever she got onto the topic of magic, everypony around quickly adopted a gaze of boredom. Even Rarity, who was also a unicorn, tended not to listen, (unless it had something to do with her directly). “Um...well...Oh! It's not really a spell per say, but more like a sort of side effect. You see, I'm trying to figure out why a unicorn's aura takes on a certain colour. For example, some unicorn's magical aura is the same colour as their eyes while others are the dominant colour of their cutie mark. You see, I think that...” As Twilight continued on, Fluttershy listened to every word. She loved to hear Twilight's beautiful voice, even if she was explaining something. She did of course do her best to keep up, only asking a question or making a comment when she felt that it was appropriate. Finally, she managed to ask a question that made Twilight stop and think. “If all of that is true...then could you discover an imposter pony if they assumed someone else's form? Like if another pony took your form, would their aura match their usual one or would it shift to fit the disguise?” Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. “I'm...not too entirely sure myself. Not too many unicorns use illusion magic like that, and if they do, it's just for an act or something. I just can't believe that you listened to my rambling long enough to figure something like that out.” The praise didn't fail to make Fluttershy blush as usual. “O-of course. I wouldn't miss a word you say Twilight. That's what friends are for.” Fluttershy immediately wished she hadn't said friend. It left a bitter taste of her mouth that left a hint of depression in her mind as the thought of rejection crept into her mind. “Anyway, I think that's enough talk about that. Shall we play a game?” The unicorn asked, smiling. “Okay, but what should we play?” “How about...Truth or Dare?” Fluttershy swallowed a lump in her throat. 'This could be my chance to get a kiss! Or at least find out how she feels about a relationship with two mares...' Though, she couldn't help but favour the kiss outcome a tiny bit more. “Okay Fluttershy...truth or dare?” Fluttershy desperately wanted to say dare, just to see what would happen, but of course she said, “Truth...” Twilight thought for a moment, then grinned. “Okay, is it true...that you've kissed Rainbow Dash?” The yellow mare's jaw nearly hit the floor in shock and her cheeks flared with embarrassment. “W-where did you h-hear that?!” She managed to ask the laughing unicorn. “Dash brought it up one time when she came to pick up a Daring Do book. I just figured I'd get a confirmation from you.” “Oh...well...yes. We did k-kiss...It was in Flight School and she wanted to try it to impress her marefriend back then. It didn't exactly work out well for either of us...” Twilight tried to hide her laughs, but it didn't work very well and Fluttershy just continued to blush. “Alright Fluttershy, your turn.” Twilight said after her giggles had died down. “Oh, right. Um...truth or dare?” Twilight was quiet as she thought which to pick, then said, “Dare.” 'Oh my...should I do it now? No, I'd seem too eager and she'd get suspicious. But if I don't do it now, I may not be able to work up the nerve to do it later. Oh...what should I do?' As Fluttershy mentally battled herself over what to do, a knock sounded at the door. “Huh...who could that be? And at this hour no less...” Twilight mumbled as she cantered down the stairs. Fluttershy stayed behind, taking deep breaths and releasing them quickly. However, this made her become light headed rather fast, so she fell backwards onto the pillows she had been resting on. “Oh...now what should I do...” The canary coloured mare sighed. Twilight came back into the room a minute later with a grin on her face. “That was Princess Luna! She said that the meteor shower is tomorrow night!” The unicorn made a cute “squee” noise before sitting down. “She also said that neither of us would forget, especially me. I wonder what she meant by that.” She turned her bemused gaze on Fluttershy, who simply shrugged with a faint blush. “I'm not sure, but hopefully it will be fantastic.” Twilight smiled warmly at her friend and said, “Well, we had better get some rest. Don't want to be tired for the shower tomorrow.” Fluttershy chuckled at the lavender mare's excitement. She let Twilight crawl into the bed before joining her. “Sorry about this Fluttershy. I still haven't got around to getting another guest bed yet after it got ruined when Rarity and Applejack stayed during that storm.” “Oh, it's no trouble Twilight. Thank you for letting me sleep with you. In your bed! I mean...um...” Fluttershy was crimson by this point and Twilight's stifled chuckles weren't helping. “It's okay, I understand.” With a final good night, they both closed their eyes and began to dream of the upcoming shower. When Twilight woke up, she didn't immediately open her eyes. She was comfortable in staying in the state of warmth she was in and seeing her teacher's bright sun right now would've ruined it. However, as her senses sharpened, she realized that she was much too warm from just being under the blanket, so she risked cracking her eyes open and relieved to see that the sun had yet to rise very high. She opened her eyes all the way and looked to her right, only to very lightly press her muzzle against Fluttershy's, their lips mere centimeters apart. She looked down a little more and saw Fluttershy's arms wrapped around her, easily drawing the two together. 'Statistics show that usually when two ponies are this close they're supposed to...' Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat as her face became warm. 'Maybe...maybe it'll be different this time. Perhaps I'll feel that tingle you're supposed to feel when you...kiss...the pony you love...' Twilight hesitated, knowing that it was risky to get her hopes up like this again. She had been quite devastated last time she had been in a situation like this. She frowned and in her head nodded. 'It's different this time. I'm not some infatuated school filly. I'm a mare now. I can do this!' She took a quick breath then released it and got a tiny bit closer. It wasn't until now that she registered that she could feel Fluttershy's breath and hear a nearly silent snore coming from her. Twilight closed her eyes and closed the distance. In that moment, the world seemed to stand still for her. Twilight's senses seemed to elevate even higher in the state she was in. She could feel the softness of Fluttershy's lips, hear the sound of their hearts beating in sync, everything seemed to be perfect. However, it was shattered when she heard a light gasp come from the pegasus. Instead of panicking like she wanted to, she simply kept her eyes closed and waited. Fluttershy moved her head away, but kept their bodies close. The lavender unicorn faintly heard her talking. “Oh my...did I kiss her in my sleep?” Followed by silence. Then, she felt Fluttershy's breath on her face again. “It doesn't seem right to try when she's asleep...but...this may be my only chance...” Twilight was confused. 'I don't understand...does this mean she likes me? As in...love?' This time, it was Fluttershy who kissed her. It was different this time; Twilight felt a surge of happiness run through her as she just laid there, allowing Fluttershy to kiss her. 'Is this what love is supposed to feel like? I mean...here's a mare who could take care of me and I could care for her. We could make it through anything together as long as we had each other...' Sadly, the kiss was short-lived as Fluttershy reluctantly pulled away. “I can't believe I did that...hopefully I'll be able to do it again soon...” It was this that caught Twilight's attention the most. 'Soon? Does she mean to ask me out?' On one hoof, Twilight was incredibly happy at the thought of having somepony to love and love her back. On the other hoof, her past experiences made her weary and cautious. 'No! I mean, this is Fluttershy...she wouldn't, no, couldn't hurt another pony even if by accident. She's much too sweet for that...and for me. Who am I kidding...I wouldn't be able to care for her like she could for me. She could easily find somepony else who is better for her...' Twilight sighed mentally and figured now wasn't the best time to reveal that she was awake, so she just drifted back into a fitful sleep. When Twilight awoke again, the first thing she noticed was that Fluttershy was gone. The next thing she noticed was that the sun was on the horizon, but was a dull orange instead of being a bright yellow. She rolled out of bed and groaned, her mind a jumbled blur. She brushed her hair as she allowed the haze to clear from her mind and eyes and tried to figure out what had happened. When she remembered, she wanted to just crawl back under the blankets. However, the prospect of stargazing cheered her back up (though not as much as she had hoped) and she started down the stairs. When she reached the bottom step, she couldn't help but smile at what she saw. Fluttershy was humming a melody to herself as she rearranged some of the books that Spike hadn't gotten around to yet, hovering just above her normal height. Below her on the couch was a picnic basket, a telescope, and a blanket. 'Wow...' Was the only thing Twilight could think. She simply stood there and watched Fluttershy. As she did, she noticed how graceful the timid pony was in the air. 'Not that she isn't normally, but it's different when she's flying.' Twilight shook her head. 'No. You can't start thinking like that now. You don't deserve her so don't even think about it Twilight Sparkle.' She mentally reprimanded herself and she must've done something to make noise because Fluttershy spun around, a startled look on her face. “Oh! Twilight, I didn't hear you come down the stairs. Are you alright? You've been asleep all day.” “Er...yea. I'm alright. Guess my body figured that since I wasn't really going to do much during the day that it could catch up on some of the sleep I usually miss when I'm studying.” She said with a smile. “Oh, that's good. You really don't get enough sleep with all of your studying. I'm not saying that's bad! I mean, um...” Fluttershy mumbled and tripped over her words trying to explain what she meant, causing Twilight to chuckle. “It's okay Fluttershy, I know what you meant, and you're right. I need to sleep more, but I just can't help myself whenever I get into reading.” Fluttershy nodded, lowering herself down onto the floor and walking over to the picnic things. “Well...are you ready to go?” Twilight nodded and grabbed the telescope with her magic as Fluttershy grabbed the basket and blanket, then the two headed out the door. “So, did you have a spot planned for this? If not, I know of a few good stargazing spots around Ponyville.” “Oh, I wouldn't doubt it, but I do have a spot in mind. That is, if that's okay. If you want to go to one of your spots, that's fine too. I'm sure any of the places you pick would be much better anyway.” “No, it's quite alright Fluttershy. And who knows; maybe the place you picked is one of my favourite spots, or it could be an even better one.” The unicorn said, quickly getting her friend off the trail of thought she was on. 'Why does she always think negatively of herself? She's a great pony if only she herself could see that.' Twilight thought with a frown. She hated to see Fluttershy contradict herself like that, especially when there was an underlying tone of inferiority in it. It made Twilight feel like giving somepony a serious talking to about how it wasn't right to make a pony like that. “Twilight? We're here.” Twilight lightly shook her head, then gaped in awe. The clearing that Fluttershy had chosen was just outside of Ponyville, but it overlooked a cliff that seemed to make the night sky that much larger. The ground was soft and flat, perfect for this kind of nocturnal pursuit. “Wow Fluttershy...this is perfect! How did you find this place?” “Oh...well, I like to come here to think sometimes...” Fluttershy was hiding her face behind her mane, but Twilight only smiled. She had seen the blush that was creeping onto her friend's face. 'Don't encourage her! You don't want to break her heart do you? Do you really want to hurt her more than she already will be?' Twilight cringed at the harshness behind her words, knowing that she was right. 'This is going to be the worst night of her life...and it's going to be all my fault. Maybe coming wasn't such a good idea after all...' “Twilight, could you please help me unfold the blanket?” “Oh, right. Sorry.” She gripped the other half of the blanket within her teeth and they quickly set the blanket and picnic up. “This is going to be a wonderful night.” Fluttershy said happily, grabbing things from the basket. “Er...yea.” Was all Twilight said. She sat next to Fluttershy and thanked her for the glass of cider that was offered. She took a large sip and just waited. “Are you okay Twilight? I mean, I figured you'd be a lot more talkative about this kind of thing.” “Sorry, I just got caught up thinking about it...Oh look! It's starting!” Fluttershy turned away from her and looked upon awe as colourful streaks graced the clear night sky, illuminating the land with beautiful hues of green, red, violet, and white. As the two mares watched, neither of them noticed the pony coming up the hill behind them. “Umm...Twilight? Can I tell you something important?” 'Oh no...here it comes...' Twilight took a few deep breaths before answering. “Of course you can Fluttershy.” The pegasus pawed at the ground while she hid her face with her mane. “Well...you see...um...well...What I mean is...” She looked up and Twilight saw determination and affection in Fluttershy's eyes. “I love you.” Twilight expected a whisper, but it came out in her normal speaking voice. “I want to be with you Twilight Sparkle. I want to be the pony who helps you through troubled times. I want to be the pony you see when you wake up in the morning. I want to be the pony who gets to say 'I love you' to you every day. I want to be your marefriend...I mean...if that's okay.” “Fluttershy...I-” “Hello ladies.” Both Twilight and Fluttershy leapt into the air out of fear from the unexpected voice. Twilight was the first to recover. “Star Bright? Is that you?” He just smiled. “Twilight Sparkle! It has been much too long.” He said with a smooth tone. He walked up and looked between the two of them. “Umm...is your friend going to be okay Twilight?” She gave him a questioning stare, then looked over to Fluttershy. What she saw nearly killed her. The pegasus was doing her best not to let the tears in her eyes flow, her whole body was trembling and her wings were actually drooping. “Fluttershy, are you-” “I'm fine!” Was the teary reply she got as Fluttershy got up and ran off, flapping her wings and taking to the sky within seconds. “Fluttershy wait!” “Last time I checked, it was you running away, not the other way around.” Twilight spun, her brow furrowed and a scowl on her face. “Why are you here Star Bright?” He laughed, holding up a hoof. “My my, such aggression. Is that really the way the protege of the princess should behave?” “I asked you a question.” Was all the lavender mare said, never taking her eyes off the unicorn before her. His coat was a lightish grey colour with a wavy pale blue mane and golden eyes that seemed to speak to anypony that looked into them. His cutie mark was of a telescope. “I'm here because I heard of the meteor shower that was happening tonight.” Twilight simply continued to scowl. “Well, it's over so you can go now.” She hissed, stomping her hoof in annoyance. “You can't seriously still be upset with what happened those six odd years ago.” “Six is an even number, and after what you pulled? How COULD I forgive you?”Her voice was dripping pure venom by now and she saw a shift in his eyes. “By Celestia you are just as bitter now as you were back then. At least I tried to give you an out; a way to have fun.” “You did no such thing! You just wanted to say that you had been with the Princess's personal student is all.” His grin changed into something that made Twilight want to gag just from looking at it. “So? Is there anything wrong with wanting to bed a mare as...distant as you? Ask any stallion and I'll bet they all say the same thing.” He adopted a fake voice and said, “Who, Twilight Sparkle? Yea! She's always alone and such, she must be such a freak in bed!” He sneered at her and she simply rolled her eyes. “That's why I don't associate with too many stallions Star Bright.” She said, saying his name as if spitting out a vile liquid (but to her it was basically the same thing). “One of these days Twilight, you come out of your “fillyfooling stage” and realize that I'm probably the best thing for you. But until then, you know where to find me.” He laughed and walked off, leaving behind a furious Twilight Sparkle. She wanted to scream aloud, but she didn't dare give him the satisfaction. “I didn't then and I won't now.” She packed up the picnic things and teleported home. When she appeared in the library, she heard Spike scream in terror and drop something, causing a loud crashing sound. “Spike, it's just me.” She said, quickly placing the things on the couch and walking into the kitchen where he had been. He was sitting in the middle of a large pile of broken dishes with a look of exasperation. “What's going on Twilight?” “I have to find Fluttershy, so if I'm not back in an hour, go to bed. Got it?” He just nodded. He had seen that look in her eyes before and knew better not to argue. Her eyes held that strange look of fear, doubt, and determination that she got when something was seriously wrong. He wanted to ask; to see if he could help in any way her could, but by the time he had gotten back up, she had rushed out of the library, leaving the door hanging open. 'Please Fluttershy, please be home!' (Author's Note: Alrighty, part 2. I'm honestly kind of surprised at how many people have read this already. I figured it'd be one of those stories that just kinda sat around, but I'm rambling. Umm...Oh! According to a good number of people, I have terrible formatting skills and I apologize. I'm still trying to figure everything out so I apologize. However, if it's still bad in this chapter, leave me some tips to help fix it to make it more readable mkay? Also, someone pointed out that I was moving a bit fast in the beginning. I'm trying not to make it too fast, but not too slow. I've read a good number of stories that people complained about it being too slow to get into anything so...yea. Anyways, I'm just babbling now so...bye ^^) > Fixing What Was Broken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Fluttershy flew, she gradually stopped on a cloud and hugged it close as she poured her tears into it. Her plans had been ruined and her confession had been for nothing. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, then looked up. Luna's moon has right above her and shining all over Equestria. She desperately wanted to talk to the royal pony, but had no way of getting ahold of her. So, she decided to do the next best thing. She hopped off the cloud and with teary eyes made her way home to pack. She was going to be leaving Ponyville for hopefully a few weeks to get her head clear. She knew she would have to talk to Twilight eventually, but now (or anytime soon for that matter) was definitely not an option. She went in through her bedroom window and quickly packed. 'If I know Twilight, she'll want to talk about it now, so I don't have much time.' She felt horrible thinking like that, but Fluttershy wasn't sure how she'd react if she saw her crush right then while her heart was weak and fragile. When she was satisfied, she tossed her saddlebags onto her back and went out the window, heading for Ponyville, or more specifically, the train station. When she arrived, she placed a bag of bits on the counter and said, “A two way ticket to Canterlot please.” She noticed that she hadn't shied away as she spoke, but she didn't really care. To her, the world was just a monochrome place and she didn't have the energy to do anything except be grey. “Here you go young lady. The next train will be here in ten minutes.” She took her ticket and thanked the stallion behind the desk, frowning as she walked away. She could tell he was watching her hips, so she turned and with her eyes narrowed in irritation said, “What're you looking at?” He quickly looked away, turning smack dab into a cork board and falling to the ground. She huffed and walked over to the bench to wait for the train. When it finally arrived, her irritation had drained from her body, leaving only the despair and depression from earlier. With a heavy heart she climbed aboard and sat in the far back car, away from any and everypony that would most likely ask her what was wrong. The ride from Ponyville to Canterlot was at least two hours, so she used the time (when she wasn't crying her eyes out) to plan what she would do and say when she got to her destination. Thankfully the train arrived without delay and nopony stopped her to question her puffy eyes or her sobs that she miserably tried to hide. She flew above most of the city, looking for a particular apartment complex named the Shooting Star Apartments. 'Ironic how you look for comfort within a shooting star when your heart was shattered in the presence of shooting stars.' Fluttershy thought unhappily. She walked in through the front gate and headed for the third floor. Then, after climbing the two flights of stairs, she headed for room 356; the last room on the whole floor. She took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes again, sniffing for good measure and with a weak hoof, knocked on the door. Octavia wasn't really a mare for change. She liked to keep things on schedule; wake up, eat, practice, go out for a walk, come home, practice, eat, sleep, repeat. The only time she allowed for deviation was when she had a concert or if something came up with a friend. At the moment, she had just gotten back from her walk and decided to shower. When finished with that, she walked out of her room, sighing happily as she dried her hair. She looked out the large front window and took in the view of Canterlot at night. It was bright like a city should be, but was still dim enough to give the whole city a sort of strange ethereal glow that gave it a beauty that nopony could match through art or with words. As she began to zone out, a knock brought her back to reality, making her drop her towel. “Who could that be?” She glanced at the clock and saw that it was 11 at night. So, she walked over to the door and opened it, and needless to say, the sight shocked her. “Fluttershy? Sweet Celestia please come in.” Fluttershy thanked her in a voice that was quieter than normal and slowly trudged her way into the earth pony's home and onto the couch where she tossed off her saddlebags and cried into the pillow. 'This must have something to do with that unicorn.' Even though Fluttershy had never told her, Octavia was smart enough to know when one pony was crushing on another. Instead of asking, the light grey mare simply sat beside her friend and rubbed her back gently. It wasn't until 11:54 that Fluttershy ran out of tears. “It's about that unicorn, isn't it?” Fluttershy just nodded, not caring that Octavia's guess was spot on. Octavia sighed and just kept stroking Fluttershy's back. “I just don't know what went wrong...the night was perfect and I still managed to ruin it...” “Start from the beginning.” Octavia simply said. So, Fluttershy quickly explained her crush for Twilight, then told the musician about the evening up until that point. “To me, it doesn't sound like she rejected you.” “You should've seen the look in her eyes Octavia...she looked so apologetic. I just know she was going to say no.” “But you don't that for sure. Listen, let's go to bed and we'll talk more in the morning. You look like you could use the sleep.” With a sigh, Fluttershy nodded and followed Octavia, who took her to the guest bedroom. “I apologize if it's a little messy. Vinyl usually doesn't clean up after herself after she “crashes” here.” “It's okay. I just want to escape reality right now. The state of where I do it doesn't matter.” Octavia had nothing to say, so she simply allowed Fluttershy into the room, wished her a good night, and went to her own room. When Octavia awoke, she went through her usual morning routine, she quietly walked up to the guest bedroom door and peeked in. She was greeted with pitch black nothingness. She wasn't really surprised though; Vinyl had spent a great deal of time making it totally dark for when she had a hangover from one too many drinks from her job. It wasn't like she did it every time, but those few times that she had gotten drunk, she found Vinyl in this room, sprawled out and groaning in pain. However, the last two times her pegasine marefriend Rainbow Dash had been in bed with her. The second time she had looked in to check on them, she had caught sight of them in the middle of a rather...intimate act. So she usually knocked when she knew Vinyl was there. However, since it was Fluttershy, she didn't want to wake the heartbroken pegasus. However, when she barely cracked the door open, she heard the faint sound of sobbing, so she just quietly closed the door again and walked into the kitchen to begin making breakfast. Though, even after breakfast had been made and she had eaten, she saw no sign of the yellow mare. She got up from the table and made her way back to the guest room and knocked lightly. “Fluttershy? Would you like some breakfast?” The reply was barely heard by the earth pony. “No thank you...” “Oh...alright. Well, it's in the kitchen if you want some. I'm going to go out for a walk, okay?” She was answered with silence. “I'll be back soon.” With a sigh, Octavia walked out of her home and began walking her usual route through Canterlot. (Later that week) “Twi? It's almost been a week. You need ta come out now sugarcube.” Applejack knocked on the library door a few more times with increasing irritation. “That's it! Sorry about this Twi.” She turned and with a sharp kick, knocked the door off it's hinges and into the darkness of the library. The orange pony saw a large amount of dust fly off the ground as the door hit the floor. “Applejack? Is that you?” Spike walked around the corner, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Hiya Spike. Where's Twilight?” As soon as the question left her lips, she heard a loud thud behind her. She jumped, spinning around and landing on her hooves easily. “Twilight? You look about as good as a rattler on a cool winter's day.” Twilight's mane was ragged and sticking up all over the place, she had numerous cuts and bruises on her body, and near pitch black circles around her eyes (which she could barely keep open). “Gotta...find...Fluttershy...” “Trust me darlin' we all wanna find her, but runnin' ourselves ragged ain't gonna help.” Applejack said, laying beside the unicorn and offering herself as a pillow. “You don't understand Applejack! I have to make things right!” “I know sugar, but think of what Fluttershy would think if she saw you like this.” Twilight was silent, allowing Applejack to continue. “Lemme throw a suggestion out to ya. Why not leave the search to us and go take a break up in Canterlot. Ya know, go for a nice walk around the gardens, talk to the Princesses.” Twilight nodded and with a deep sigh, fell quickly into sleep's grasp. Applejack sighed in relief and looked up at Spike with a small smile. “Mind gettin' me a pillow partner?” He smiled back and quickly went to grant the request. When Twilight woke up later that day, Applejack went over the conversation they had before Twilight passed out and handed her a train ticket and her saddlebags packed for a three day vacation. “You know...now that I've had some sleep, I've been able to think something over.” “What's that sugarcube?” “Well...You're the only pony I've told about my...situation with Fluttershy and you didn't react at all like I thought you would.” Applejack's eyebrow rose in amusement. “An' how did ya think I was gunna react?” Twilight looked down at the ground, pawing at a patch of dirt. “Well...I figured that with your background as a member of a family with deep traditions...” Applejack was silent, then burst out laughing, shocking Twilight. “Yea, that's what I figured. Listen Twi, it's not a well known fact, but I myself prefer mares as well. In fact, I even have a marefriend.” Twilight's jaw nearly hit the ground. “R-really? How long have you-” “About a year now. An' before ya ask, the answer is yes; you do know her...kinda.” Twilight still couldn't answer due to her jaw still hanging. Eventually, it caused the orange pony to turn as red as her brother. “C'mon Twi...you're makin' me blush.” She said, putting a hoof on the unicorn's chin and raising her jaw up to close her mouth. Twilight shook her head for a moment, absorbing the information, then asked, “Who is it?” “Spitfire.” “Spitfire? As in...captain of the Wonderbolts Spitfire?” “Eeyup.” Twilight smiled and hugged Applejack. “Thanks for trusting me with your secret. Also, congrats on the whole having a marefriend...it must be nice to have somepony to love...” Twilight's smile faltered and she couldn't help but look at the ground. “Don't'chu worry sugarcube; we'll find Fluttershy and you can fix this. Maybe get your own marefriend.” Applejack said with a wink. Twilight blushed lightly and nodded. “Now go on. Your train'll be leavin' soon.” “Oh! Right! Thanks Applejack.” “T'ain't no problem Twilight. Now get movin'.” She gave the unicorn a shove and Twilight took off towards the train station while she began walking back towards Sweet Apple Acres to wake up a certain fiery pegasus who was probably still sleeping in her bed. Twilight had had Spike send the Princess a letter that let her know that she would be in Canterlot for the next few days and of course the Sun Princess had insisted that she stay within the castle. Twilight wouldn't say no of course. She loved the castle and everypony in it; she had practically grown up around most of the ponies in the castle before she moved to Ponyville. It would be nice to get her mind (somewhat) taken off the hunt for Fluttershy as she visited all the castle residents. When the train pulled into Canterlot, she stepped off and took a large breath. She couldn't quite explain it, but there was always a somewhat sweet scent that lingered in Canterlot that she always liked to smell before she did anything else. After she finished inhaling the scent, she began walking towards her former home. When she came up to the front gates, she smiled and said hello to the guards. “Ahh, Ms. Sparkle. I was told by the Princess to inform you that Guard Captain Shining Armour has returned from his honeymoon and would like to see you at some point during your stay.” “Shining Armour's back?! Yay!” She took off down the road that lead to his home with a speed that would impress even Rainbow Dash. When she had got there, she quickly rapped on the door several times, waiting for an answer. As soon as the door opened and she saw his white coat, she jumped at him, knocking him to the floor. “Welcome back!” He laughed and she hopped off him, allowing him to get up and hug her. “Heya Twily. How've you been since I've been gone? Good I hope.” “Of course. How was your honeymoon?” “It was fantastic! Isn't that right honey?” Twilight turned and saw Cadence coming down the stairs, a smile on her face. “Hello Twilight.” She lifted a foreleg and hugged Twilight, chuckling at the mare's excitement. “C'mon. Let's get something to drink while Shining Armour finishes unpacking.” She said, laughing as the stallion rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. “So what brings you into town? We just got back not even two hours ago, so it can't be to see us.” The pink pony said as she began to make tea. “Well, I'm kind of taking a break. You see, a friend of mine went missing because of me so this past week I've been looking for her nonstop. My friend Applejack told me to come up here to take a small break while they keep looking for her.” “Oh my. I hope you find her soon. But what did you mean that she went missing because of you?” Twilight didn't know how to answer. On one hoof, Cadence was family, AND her special talent dealt with love. However, on the other hoof, she didn't know where she stood on the whole “both of them being mares” thing. “Oh...uh...we got into an argument and...stuff...” Twilight wanted to smack herself for not coming up with a better explanation. However, the princess in front of her seemed to take no notice. “Oh my. I hope you find her soon.” Twilight could've swore she saw a glint of something in her sister-in-law's eyes, but dismissed it to the light. When the tea was finished, Cadence took a cup to her husband, then sat back in the kitchen with Twilight and told the purple unicorn of their honeymoon in Baltimare. However, when the clock struck seven, Twilight politely excused herself and headed for her room in the castle after giving her family one more hug. By the time she made it to her room, Luna's moon was half visible and hanging in the sky. Twilight tossed her saddlebags onto the floor of her old room and stared out at the sky, watching as the stars began to fade into existence. A knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts. “Come in.” She turned and saw Princess Luna walk through the door. “Hello Princess Luna. What brings you here?” “Hello Twilight Sparkle. I simply wish to know if you liked the meteor shower or not.” “Oh.” Twilight's mind quickly went into overdrive. 'Did she set up the meteor shower in order for Fluttershy to confess to me? She must have with the way she's smiling right now. Oh...what do I say? What should I do?' Question after question fired through Twilight's mind as fast as little jolts of electricity fired from nerve to nerve in her body. “Oh? Why simply oh?” “Er...the meteor shower itself was nice...but...” “But...?” Luna asked. Twilight couldn't speak another word; she was too busy trying to figure out what to say. “Enough of this...beating around the bush; that is the term correct? Anyways, I wish to know if Fluttershy and yourself are together.” Twilight swallowed the lump in her throat and said, “No...not exactly...” Luna frowned, and that was all Twilight needed before she felt tears in her eyes. “I messed everything up! I've been trying to fix it but I can't find her and let her know that I feel the same way she does!” She collapsed to the floor, sniffling and trying to stop the torrent of tears from escaping her eyes. Luna laid next to her, nuzzling her sister's student and offering comforting words. When she had managed to calm Twilight down, she asked for what had happened. Twilight explained, trying to go through the part with Star Bright quickly so she didn't have to dwell on it (that and she really didn't want to have to explain THAT as well). “And so I'm here taking a break even though I shouldn't be...” Luna stood up and walked away from Twilight and over to the large window. “I see. Well, I shall keep my eyes peeled and perhaps I shall see her at night. On the other hoof, continue your search here. Who knows; she may have come here to get away from Ponyville.” Twilight nodded and thanked the princess, wiping her arm across her eyes and bidding the Night Princess fair-well. Twilight sighed and crawled into her bed and fell into a dreamless, restless sleep; a surefire way to know that the Princess of the Night was more than a bit upset with her. Octavia awoke and the first thing she did was check on Fluttershy. The pegasus had improved little since she had arrived a week ago, but was gradually doing better, especially after the little “incident” she had had. Luckily, the pegasus was still asleep. “I really should send Twilight Sparkle a letter. Talking to her is the only thing that's going to help Fluttershy at this point.” She said to herself as she closed the door. After eating, she left her home to begin her morning walk. However, this morning was different simply because she didn't get even two blocks away from the apartments when she saw the unicorn Twilight Sparkle. She made her way over to the unicorn, who was window-shopping at a candy store. “Excuse me, but are you Twilight Sparkle?” Twilight spun around and looked at the earth pony. “Yes. And you are?” “Octavia, first chair cellist for the Canterlot Orchestra.” “Ahh, I thought you looked familiar. I saw you play a couple of times when I still lived around here. How can I help you?” “Walk with me. We have much to talk about; namely Fluttershy.” Twilight's eyes widened and she nearly tackled the pony to the ground. “Where is she?!” Octavia politely pushed the unicorn off and simply began to walk. “Come with me. Like I said, we have much to talk about.” Twilight could only comply, her heart jumping around in her chest at the thought of being reunited with Fluttershy. “How long has she been with you?” “Since the beginning of the week. She showed up around eleven on Sunday and has been with me ever since.” She looked back at Twilight, giving a subtle glare to the lavender pony. “You hurt her quite badly Twilight Sparkle, whether you meant to or not.” Twilight cringed; she had caught the light venom in the musician's voice and it had hurt. “She's barely eaten, she's only left my home twice, and early Wednesday morning I caught her...well...let me put it this way; what do you think a deeply depressed pony does to rid themselves of pain, even if it's temporary?” Twilight's brain quickly moved through book after book of psychology that she had read and the outcome she came to hurt her much more than the words Octavia used on her. “She...hurt herself?” A nod confirmed Twilight's fears. “With what? By Celestia's mane please don't tell me it was with something sharp.” Octavia said nothing and this time, Twilight stopped her. “Answer me.” Octavia shook off the bookworm and said, “I had to hide all the knives in the kitchen.” Twilight covered her mouth with her hoof and commanded that Octavia take her to Fluttershy. “Of course, but I warn you; she's been improving but please take care with what you say. I may not be as educated as you are in matters such as this, but I do know that a pony that far into depression will stop at nothing to end that pain.” Octavia was looking Twilight straight in the eyes by now. “I understand.” The musical earth pony nodded and began the trek back to her home, hoping to both the Princesses of the Sun and Moon that the outcome would be favourable. Fluttershy had waited until Octavia left to do anything. She knew that she looked like a train-wreck and she really didn't want Octavia to see her like that, especially not with the bandage around her right leg. The cut had only been deep enough to scar, but not bad enough to leave any lasting damage. She had only done it three days ago and already the pain was dull to the point where she only felt a dull throb whenever she put weight on it. She walked out of the darkness she had called home for the past week and walked into the kitchen to eat the food Octavia prepared for her. She was eternally grateful that Octavia was so understanding of her depression. Fluttershy sighed as she washed the plate her food had been on and risked looking in a mirror. What she saw wanted to make her repeat her action of three days ago, but knew that she wouldn't be able to; Octavia had hidden anything that was sharp or could be used to inflict damage upon herself. Her usually luscious pink and flowing mane was ragged and knotty, her silky yellow coat was bunched up in some spots and it was beginning to grow in uneven patches, her beautiful crystal clear eyes were red and bloodshot, the dark circles around her eyes were a testament to all the nights she laid awake, wondering how she could fix what had happened, and her wings were due for a good preening. She growled and raised a hoof to smash the reflection, but just before she struck, she took a deep breath and slowly lowered the raised hoof. Instead, she just turned and walked away. Just as she was about to head back into her room, she heard the door unlock and open. She gasped and dove into her room and closed the door, but kept her ear pressed against the door. “She's in the room on the far end of the hallway. I will be back within an hour.” The voice obviously belonged to Octavia, but the next voice shocked her. “Thank you so much Octavia.” 'Twilight? Here?! Oh no! I don't think I can meet her, I mean, I look terrible and I can't imagine how I must sound. I have to-' Her thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door, making her ear ring. She rubbed her ear for a moment as Twilight knocked on the door. “Fluttershy? It's me, Twilight.” Fluttershy twisted the door handle, then quickly dove under the blanket to hide herself from the unicorn. The door opened all the way, allowing light to flood into the room and Twilight immediately began to take mental notes. 'Some feathers scattered here and there, the blanket and sheets are mangled like she's been tossing and turning, no light other than what I've let in...' The last thing she noticed elevated her fear. 'Bandages...some fresh, others...not so fresh with a decent amount of blood...' She took a deep breath and gulped loudly. “Fluttershy? Are you awake?” Fluttershy wanted to stay silent, but knew she had to face this now. “Yes...” The pegasus was thankful that her voice wasn't too raspy from the lack of use. “So...” Twilight was unsure as to where she should go from this point. “Why did you come here Twilight?” “Originally it was to take a break from looking for you. Everyone insisted since I've been running myself to death looking for you.” “Why? It's not like I matter to you.” “That's not true! I-” Twilight was interrupted by the blankets on the bed being tossed aside and she saw Fluttershy for the first time in a week. She wanted to act on the urge to rush over and hug her, but the look in Fluttershy's eyes stopped her. They were almost cold, like she didn't care about anything anymore; like her reason for living had been lost. “You what?! You were going to let me down gently, I could see it in your eyes Twilight Sparkle, so why are you here? And that little stunt you pulled? I thought you were a good pony but after you brought your coltfriend up to what was supposed to be our special picnic, you have the nerve to try and apologize!?” Twilight could feel the rage radiating off her friend like a tidal wave of emotion. She wanted to speak, but fear held her in place. “I know I may not be much, but I can guarantee that I can take much better care of you than some prissy stallion like that! I would've given everything up for you, but now I don't want anything to do with you, so just go!” Twilight thought she had thought up a counter argument for anything Fluttershy had to say, but this completely eradicated anything she may have planned to say. “Coltfriend? Fluttershy, you may be right about him being prissy, but he's not my coltfriend. He means absolutely nothing to me. And the reason I'm here is not to apologize, but to take you up on your offer. I've been thinking it over this whole past week and I've realized something. I've always loved you Fluttershy; when I first saw you and your birds getting ready for the Summer Sun Celebration I knew that there was something special about you. This past week without you has just...I don't know how to describe it. It's like you tore a piece of me away when you left. I couldn't do anything except try to find you, mope, or just sit there and be depressed. I couldn't even study, no matter how hard I tried. I know we live far away from each other and that we don't exactly spend a whole lot of time together, but just knowing that if I needed you that you'd be there was enough for my subconscious and myself, but when you left...it meant I couldn't reach you anymore and I was scared that I had lost you. I was too afraid to say anything at first because my past experiences with love always just ended up hurting me, so I locked that love for you away deep inside me, but as I laid in my bed night after night, it came back from the depths of my mind and let itself be known...Please Fluttershy, I'm so sorry I made you go through all of this, but please...come back with me.” By this point, tears were running down Twilight's face and dripping onto the floor. She didn't care though; it had felt good to get it off her chest and out into the open, but it didn't stop her from collapsing to her knees and crying. Fluttershy just stood there with an unreadable expression on her face. 'She...loves me too...she's always loved me, just like I loved her...She didn't mean to hurt me, his appearance was just ill-timed...' She stood there for a moment longer before walking up to Twilight. The unicorn didn't notice until her chin was in Fluttershy's hoof, making her look into the cyan eyes she loved so much. “Fluttershy...” Twilight whispered. Instead of words, Fluttershy let her action speak; she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against Twilight's. Twilight's tears continued to fall, but they changed from tears of sorrow to ones of happiness; of love and peace of mind. She closed her eyes as well and pressed her lips against Fluttershy's as well, relishing the feel of the pegasus's lips against her own once again, but this time they were both aware that the other was awake. Twilight knew that time wasn't really slowing down, but she still felt the feeling of slowness as their lips parted and their tongues began to explore each others mouths in the fiery passion of inexperience and emotion. The unicorn could feel herself losing control of her emotions as her mind started to become fogged from the haze of lust as they continued to kiss, Fluttershy being the one to lead the dance for dominance within their mouths. She felt surge after surge of pleasure run through her body as the thought of Fluttershy being dominant stuck in her mind. However, before things got more heated than what they were, a light cough broke them apart, both blushing the darkest red of the colour spectrum. It also didn't help that a small strand of saliva was hanging from their lips. Fluttershy reached up and severed it quickly as they both bashfully looked at Octavia. She was leaning against the doorframe, a light smile on her lips. “Glad to see you two have made up. I just wanted to be sure nothing bad happened. I'll be in the kitchen when you two have finished.” She chuckled as she walked away and the new lovers just looked at each other with a sheepish grin. “Fluttershy...that was...indescribable.” “Then I must have done something right because your vocabulary is quite large.” Twilight couldn't believe it; Fluttershy had just made a joke and without stuttering once or anything. She couldn't help but snicker and Fluttershy followed after and soon they were in the midst of a giggling fit that neither could escape from. They both felt as if a large weight had been lifted off of them; their emotions had been laid bare to each other and had been accepted, allowing them to move on to the next step in life. Twilight nuzzled Fluttershy before wrapping her hooves around the pegasus. “Thank you Fluttershy.” Fluttershy said nothing, instead opting to hug her new marefriend back. “C'mon. We shouldn't keep her waiting.” Twilight nodded and they walked into the kitchen side by side. When all three ponies were sitting, they all agreed that their first rule of business was to clean Fluttershy up and make her more presentable. With the help of Twilight's magic and Octavia's eye for detail, they had quickly managed to clip the overgrown patches of hair and trim her hair back to its normal position before she bathed. After that, she spent the next hour preening herself (something that she had wanted privacy for) before they allowed her to leave. “Thank you so much Octavia for putting up with me this past week. I'm sure I wasn't a very good roommate and-” Octavia held up a hoof to stop Fluttershy's words. “It's alright Fluttershy. I'm just glad things worked out in the end for you. I hope you two are very happy together, and know that you're always welcome here.” Fluttershy smiled and began the trip down to the front gate but Twilight stayed behind for a second. “Thank you for taking care of her. It means a lot to me, and to her no doubt, that she has a good friend like you.” “Just be sure that it doesn't go to waste. I want her to be happy, and if she finds happiness with you, then I'm content. Now I believe it's your turn to take care of her.” Octavia said with a warm smile. Twilight nodded and thanked the musician once again before she took off after her lover. As the pair walked through the dimming streets of Canterlot, they walked in complete silence opting to just enjoy each others company. Fluttershy had wrapped her tail around Twilight's and Twilight simply smiled, walking as close as she could to the pegasus. They took many different turns, not really walking to a specific destination. It wasn't until Luna's moon was on the decent that words were finally voiced. “Twilight?” “Hmm?” “Do you...do you really love me? I mean, you aren't just doing this because you feel bad for me?” Twilight shook her head. “Of course not. I wouldn't ever do that kind of thing, especially not to you Fluttershy. I meant every word I said and I always will.” Fluttershy nodded slowly, then turned and hugged Twilight tightly, burying her face in the unicorn's mane. Twilight tenderly nuzzled Fluttershy's neck and said, “C'mon. We should be getting back to the castle. I'm sure Princess Celestia is worried and I think we should go tell Princess Luna that it worked out for us. I'd hate to delay that.” Twilight shuddered and said, “A piece of advice; never upset Princess Luna. Last night was the worst night's sleep I've ever had.” Fluttershy chuckled lightly and Twilight smiled as they continued to walk. By the time they had made it back to Twilight's room, Fluttershy was nearly asleep, leaning her head on Twilight as they walked to help keep her balance. “Excuse me, sir?” Twilight asked one of the nearby guards with a yawn. “Yes Ms. Sparkle?” “Could you tell everypony that we're back and that we'd like not to be disturbed?” She finished her sentence with another yawn and the guard gave a small smile. “Of course. Have a good rest.” She thanked him and entered the room and after helping Fluttershy into the bed, snuggled up next to the pegasus and was asleep in moments. (Author's Note: Hello everypony. Hope you enjoyed chapter 3 of the story ^^. Not much else to say, but I do want to thank Incognito for his tips on how to help with my terrible formatting. I just hope I did it right, cuz I have a tendency to not follow tips correctly...so...yea. Other than that, you know the drill; comment nicely and if you absolutely MUST criticize my work, do so constructively and not rudely mkay? Have a nice :insert time of day here:) > A Day at the Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy bass echoed through the empty building, reverberating back and forth between the walls and pounding into the lone pegasus and her partner in the middle as they danced with reckless abandon. They both felt the thundering music flow through them like the blood in their veins. They drew together and rubbed against each other, their eyes closed but knowing exactly how to hold and feel the other pony in their arms. When their eyes opened as the music tapered off, they gazed deeply into each others eyes. The pegasus knew that the unicorn was placing great trust in her by showing her eyes (which were the same cerise colour as her own eyes) and she sighed happily, ignoring the light burning in her lungs from dancing and whispered, “I love you. I love you more than anything in Equestria.” While her words were honest, she couldn't help but feel odd. She never was good at expressing herself with emotions, but thankfully her partner didn't care. “I love ya too Dash, no matter what happens.” They closed their eyes again and as the last note played, pressed their lips against one another. No matter how many times they had kissed before, it still held that euphoric sense of happiness for both Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch. They pulled each other closer until their bodies meshed together, rubbing their coats against each other and both feeling the heat radiating off one another. Vinyl snaked her hooves around and gently began to caress the blue wings she had become so familiar with over the past couple of weeks, drawing a moan from her marefriend. She used this opportunity to strike and take dominance of Rainbow's mouth with her tongue. However, she knew Dash wouldn't give up that easily and as soon as she figured out what was going on, the cyan pegasus didn't let the unicorn down by fighting back. Eventually, they fell to the floor with Dash being on top. Vinyl couldn't help but giggle as she felt the prismatic locks of hair tickle her forehead. She felt Rainbow Dash smile against her lips before she pulled away, allowing them both to take in the air they so desperately needed. The two ponies laid there on the floor, panting heavily as music poured from the speakers the surrounded them. Normally, Vinyl would always listen to the transition from song to song, but whenever a certain pegasus was around, she always lost track (which wasn't too bad considering she was usually “occupied” whenever her marefriend was around) of the song transitions. When they somewhat regained their breath, the quickly closed the distance between them once more as each pony's mind became more hazy and fogged with a desire that many ponies feel, but only the ones who truly loved another could even experience. With a lustful smirk, Vinyl slowly lowered one of her hooves down Rainbow's back towards a more...intimate area. Meanwhile, another pegasus was diving down towards a tree and as soon as she went through the leaves, she pulled up and headed for then next one as apples fell behind her. When she had finished another three trees, she wiped her forehead and began to lazily scout her lover from amidst the orchard. It didn't take her long to find the tell-tell cowpony hat that almost never left her head. 'Emphasis on never.' The pegasus thought with a chuckle. The earth pony seemed to sense her decent because she turned and smiled. The fiery pegasus hovered about two feet off the ground as she neared the orange pony. “There ya are. I was just about ta call for ya.” No matter how many times she heard it, the pegasus always found that southern drawl adorable. “Well the sun's gone from the horizon so I figured I'd come find you, eat, then cuddle with you in bed until tomorrow morning.” Spitfire said, laughing as Applejack blushed. “I don't know why you blush when I say it; it's what we do every night. Well...apart from the nights where we share a romantic evening under Luna's moon.” Spitfire smiled as the earth pony's cheeks became even darker. She lowered her head and Applejack met her half way, crushing their lips together. Spitfire couldn't help as her wings fluttered a little faster as Applejack slowly coaxed her to the ground where she quickly dominated the pegasus. The farm pony had quickly learned that Spitfire was of the submissive sort and had loved to take advantage of that fact as they stood there with lips locked and breath forgotten. To them, the kiss seemed to last forever despite only lasting a few minutes before they finally allowed themselves a breather. “You know...I'm really glad that your family accepts us. I don't know how I would deal with having a secret relationship.” The Wonderbolt said between breaths. Applejack simply nodded. It hadn't taken long for the two to admit their feelings to the farm family due to Applejack's unease at lying. However, the Apples simply took it in stride instead of condemning them for it like the other founding families would. When they had both caught their breath, they stood beside each other, Spitfire's wing over Applejack as they gazed at the moon, resting their heads against each other. “I love ya Spitfire.” “I love you too Applejack. Now come on, I'm sure Macintosh is looking for us right now and I'd hate to have him see us kiss again.” They both began to laugh as they headed for the farmhouse. “I know I've asked before, but why is it that you're only able to see me every so often? I mean, being a celebrity must be tough work, but half the time I only see ya in shows. The rest of the time you're training so you'd think you'd be able ta see me more often.” “I know, and I really wish I could be here more. But to answer your question, the Wonderbolts get three weeks off for every time the seasons change; the week before, during, and after the seasonal change. Like right now it's still the week before fall becomes winter. Then, I'll have the week off while all the pegasus ponies switch the weather, then I have the week after. After all that, we have to go back to entertaining and making appearances.” Applejack nodded, taking in the information. “So when Winter Wrap-Up comes along...you'll be back?” Spitfire nodded. “Eeyup.” They shared a chuckle at Spitfire's imitation of the simple phrase that many of the Apples used. Applejack sighed happily and nuzzled the pegasus's neck softly. “I'm glad I met ya sugercube.” “Me too Applejack...me too.” The Princess of the Night smiled as she felt the love between ponies emerge in many different places all over Equestria, especially in Ponyville and Canterlot. “Tis always strongest in these two places.” She said happily as she turned from her balcony and headed for the pony sitting on her bed. The pony in questions back was to her, but Luna knew that the earth pony could sense her approach. “Shall I begin to play love?” Luna climbed onto the bed and made her way to the grey pony. “Not quite yet.” She gently turned the head of her lover and tenderly kissed her. The earth pony pressed back, equally as soft. They might not have expressed their love as passionately as some of the other couples in Equestria did, but they still felt the same overwhelming sense of bliss everypony else did. When she broke the kiss, Luna laid her head down on her lover's lap. “Now you may begin my dearest Octavia.” The musician nodded and whispered, “I love you.” Before she began to draw the bow across the strings. Octavia's eyes slid closed as the notes began to pour from her cello and Luna sighed in silent contentment. She had originally invited the earth pony to come and play for her on occasion and eventually it had evolved into the relationship they were sharing now. She couldn't help but snuggle closer to the warm stomach that was next to her head and she could feel Octavia shiver. She held in the small chuckles that welled in her throat so as not to disturb the musician any further. She played for at least an hour and a half before finally bringing her notes to a graceful end. “Beautiful as always my dear.” Luna leaned up with eyes closed and kissed Octavia's neck, making her draw a sharp breath. The lunar princess removed her head and crawled into the bed normally as Octavia replaced her cello with perfection and precision. She had an obsessive hold on the instrument, a story which had yet to be told to Luna. She knew being curious and asking may or may not turn out well so the alicorn simply decided to wait until Octavia herself told her. She had already had her eyes closed when she felt the blanket move and the bed shift to accommodate more weight before feeling the near familiar warmth of another pony against her. She wrapped her hooves around Octavia as best she could and sighed happily once more. “I love you too.” It didn't take long for Octavia to fall asleep, but the night princess knew she couldn't sleep yet; not until her sister rose the sun and relieved her of her celestial duty. She inhaled deeply, catching the smell of Octavia's perfume as well as her natural scent. She clutched the mare a little tighter against herself as if making sure the earth pony wouldn't just disappear and turn out to be a figment of her imagination. Luna was relived that Octavia had taken her loneliness seriously. The alicorn had never really been the most social of ponies and because of it, could never understand relationships very well. So when Octavia had shown interest in her of all ponies, she jumped on the chance to have a relationship right away. At first she was glad that somepony could love her. However, as time went on, she began to truly understand what love was. She was grateful that the mare in bed with her was patient enough to not get mad or upset whenever Luna did something inappropriate or something. She kissed Octavia's head, hearing a content mumble from the slumbering pony. Luna chuckled lightly and rested her head on Octavia's and closed her eyes; not to sleep, but just for the sake of being in complete darkness with nothing but the sound of her lover sleeping and the feel of another as she waited for the sun. As Twilight stirred from the depths of sleep, she clenched her eyes tighter shut to escape Celestia's sun as it crept over the horizon. She buried her head deeper against the pillow, mumbling to herself. However, her eyes shot open when she heard a light chuckle followed by, “Stop Angel, that tickles.” She back away a little and saw that she had been trying to bury her head in Fluttershy's chest. The yellow mare gave a light snore and scratched her muzzle tenderly. Twilight smiled as memories of the night before played in her mind. She laid back down and happily cuddled back up against Fluttershy. As if it were instinct, the pegasus extended her free wing and draped it over Twilight. Twilight beamed happily as she simply laid there under the wing of her new lover and enjoyed watching the light of the rising sun creep slowly across the floor and eventually begin it's ascent up the wall. It was about halfway to the ceiling when Fluttershy stirred. By then, Twilight had become quite comfortable so when her marefriend shifted, she gave a light snort of unhappiness as the warmth removed itself from her. Fluttershy yawned (cutely Twilight thought immediately) and her eyes fluttered apart. She smiled upon seeing Twilight's face and nuzzled the unicorn. “Good morning Twilight.” “Good morning sleepyhead.” Fluttershy gave a look of groggy confusion and Twilight said, “It's probably 10:30 in the morning by now. I woke up about two hours ago, but you just looked so peaceful and beautiful I just had to let you sleep.” Fluttershy fought with all her might the blush that tried to make itself known. Twilight on the other hoof was still adjusting to the feel of such honeyed words coming from her mouth to speak about another pony. Twilight rolled off the bed and began to stretch as Fluttershy did so on the bed. It reminded the unicorn of a cat; stretching her limbs forward and lightly pulling on the blanket as she brought them back to her body and the way her back curved so gracefully the whole time she was doing it. Her wings slowly unfurled and quivered as they reached their full span. She flapped them lazily a few times, then a few more times quicker before closing them back against her sides and hopping off the bed to join Twilight. Before they could do anything else, a light grumble let itself be known. “Heh...shall we go get some breakfast?” The pegasus laughed as Twilight blushed in embarrassment. “That sounds wonderful.” Fluttershy began to walk out the door, but stopped when she didn't feel a presence beside her. She turned back around and saw Twilight fixing the blankets and sheet of her bed. The unicorn sheepishly chuckled and walked past Fluttershy to some unknown area of the castle. As they walked, they saw Luna's guards switching posts with Celestia's. A few of the guards smiled at the pair or said good morning, but otherwise were too tired to do much else. As Twilight turned a corner, she stopped in her tracks, causing Fluttershy to bump into her. “Twilight? Are you...” Her words stopped short in her mouth as she watched Octavia's lips slowly separate themselves from Princess Luna's. They were both too shocked to say anything or do anything beside watch Luna close her door and Octavia walk away with her cello strapped to her back as she hummed a light tune happily. Fluttershy was the first to break herself out of the trance. “Wow...I had no idea...” Her statement was followed by another grumble, much louder than it had been in Twilight's room. “Can we please discuss this after breakfast?” Fluttershy laughed and kissed Twilight's cheek. “Lead on.” Twilight's brow furrowed as the yellow mare just smiled and soon enough, Twilight smiled back. 'Fluttershy almost seems like a whole new pony when it's just us.' She thought as she walked through the familiar corridors until she made it to the dining room where Celestia was sipping something from a cup. Twilight spoke first, followed by Fluttershy. “Good morning Princess.” “G-good morning.” The Princess of the Sun looked up and smiled warmly. “Good morning my faithful student. And good morning to you as well Fluttershy. I didn't know you were staying here as well.” Fluttershy immediately felt nervous energy run through her. “O-oh...well Twilight b-bumped into me last night and since s-she's been looking for me, I thought I should c-come and stay.” Celestia just nodded and Fluttershy mentally sighed in relief. “So how much longer can we expect you here at the castle Twilight Sparkle?” The princess asked, taking another drink of whatever beverage she had in her cup. “Oh, probably until tomorrow. I'm sure Spike's getting worried, not to mention behind on the library duties so I'll need to get back to make sure they don't get too messed up.” She chuckled as she levitated a few pieces of toast over for herself and Fluttershy, as well as two cups filled with orange juice. They all ate in silence with the occasional sound of a service pony coming in and checking up on them. When Celestia finished, she stood up and as she walked towards the door said, “Well, it was nice to be able to have breakfast with the two of you, but I'm afraid duty calls. Twilight, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk and catch up with you sometime later today. Is that okay?” “Of course it is Princess. Have a good day.” The princess nodded and walked out. However, just before the door shut, she turned and looked straight at Fluttershy; as if into her soul. The stare was backed by the power of the sun itself, burning into Fluttershy and paralyzing the pegasus in place. “Fluttershy? Are you okay?” Twilight's voice barely reached the ears of her marefriend. 'Why did she look at me like? It was a normal enough look, but I could practically feel the anger she was pouring into it. Oh no...is it about Twilight and I? Oh...how am I going to deal with an angry princess?' Twilight's voice finally made its way into Fluttershy's consciousness. “Oh, I'm so sorry Twilight. What were you saying?” “I was just asking if you were alright. You got kinda pale for a second...” Fluttershy took a few breaths and said, “Yea, I'm okay. I was just remembering one year before winter came a small animal came to me and was...well...not in good shape.” Twilight just gave her a confused look and Fluttershy simply shrugged as she reached for her last piece of toast. Twilight chuckled and finished her juice as she waited for Fluttershy to finish. When the staff cleaned away the table, the girls began to wander the castle with Twilight leading. She told Fluttershy of all her childhood memories within the castle and about her occasional mishap inside the massive structure. If anypony had been around, they would've heard the laughter of two mares simply enjoying each others company. “So after I stumbled out of the passage, I ran into some of the Royal Guard and they didn't know what to do.” Fluttershy laughed and Twilight couldn't help but notice how loudly the pegasus laughed. She looked at Fluttershy and was about to continue, but before she could say one more word, Twilight was pressed up against the wall with lips against her own. She closed her eyes, not caring how dark her blush was as she tried to kiss back. Of course, she had no experience other than the kiss they shared at Octavia's so she decided to let Fluttershy lead. She felt her knees wobble as the unicorn felt a light flick of the pegasus's tongue run across her bottom lip. She slowly opened her mouth to allow the sensual organ better access and couldn't stop the faint moan that died against Fluttershy's lips. Twilight hesitantly wrapped her free legs around Fluttershy and pulled her closer. However, she accidentally brushed her legs against the pegasus's wings a little roughly and the result was instant; Fluttershy broke the kiss and rested her forehead against Twilight's chest, panting heavily. “I...I didn't know that would really work...” Twilight breathed. After a moment, Fluttershy set all four hooves back on the ground, allowing Twilight to do the same. Thankfully, it wasn't until they were both on the ground when a few guards walked around the corner. “Ladies.” One said as they walked past the pair. They both looked at each other and smiled, sharing a quick kiss before continuing their walk. At some point, the managed to go outside and sat on one of the many balconies that were placed on the castle. “I used to come to this particular balcony a lot when I was younger. This was the best spot in all of Canterlot to look up at the night sky. Sometimes I'd do it for studies but as I got older, I noticed that I was doing it just for the sake of doing it.” As Twilight spoke, Fluttershy leaned her head on Twilight's, feeling the light vibrations of her voice when she spoke. “Oh! I still need to go talk to the princess. Would you like to come with me?” Fluttershy immediately thought of the glare from earlier and shook her head. “N-no thank you. I want to go see if I c-can find Princess Luna and talk to her.” Twilight nodded, though she couldn't help but notice the stutters when the yellow pony spoke. 'Huh...She must just be nervous about talking to a princess is all.' She hugged Fluttershy and kissed her cheek. “Alright. I'll meet you back in my room later okay?” “Okay.” Fluttershy hugged Twilight back, wishing she had the courage to speak of what had happened earlier. 'But if I did that, it could ruin the image of Princess Celestia that Twilight has built over all these years. I couldn't do that to her...she'd be devastated.' As Twilight turned and began to walk back inside, Fluttershy called out to her. “Hmm? What is it Fluttershy?” The pegasus took a deep breath, then said just louder than a whisper, “I love you.” Twilight smiled warmly, ignoring the warmth on her cheeks. “I love you too Fluttershy.” And with that, Twilight disappeared behind the door and walked down the hall to who knew where. Fluttershy sighed and looked up into the sky and saw only one cloud, floating alone against a sea of blue. She saw that the day alicorn's symbol was beginning to descend upon the horizon so she figured that it was at least 6:40 or so. After sitting for another minute or so, the yellow pony got up and began to retrace her steps back towards Twilight's room and more importantly, Princess Luna's. When she turned the corner that lead to the hallway where the bedrooms were, Fluttershy could've swore she saw Octavia walk into the lunar princess's bedroom. So, she quickly made her way to the door and knocked three times. “Enter.” She swallowed a small lump in her throat and pushed open the door. She took a breath when the door finally gave way and allowed her entrance into the room. “Fluttershy? I thought you and Twilight would've been back to Ponyville by now.” “Eh? Twilight has made up with you then Fluttershy?” She heard the Princess of the Night ask after Octavia's question. “Oh yes, we made up and are...together.” She squeaked the last word, causing the other ponies to laugh. “I could've swore I told you this yesterday sweetheart.” “You told me no such thing my beautiful musician.” Fluttershy couldn't believe the two other ponies were being so...open around her. “So...” Fluttershy's mind was drawing a blank. She didn't think she'd be able to ask about this relationship so soon after seeing it. “Let me guess...you wonder how long we've been together?” The yellow mare nodded, taking the seat offered to her beside Octavia. “Well...it was about a month and a half ago...” Twilight pushed open the doors to the throne room as quietly as she could and saw that the Princess was still in court. “I see. Well, I believe I may be speaking with him tomorrow so I shall bring up the matter to him before he leaves.” “Oh thank you Princess, thank you!” A stallion cried out before bowing out of the room leaving only two guards, the Princess, and herself. “Ahh, my faithful student. Guards, you may take your leave for the night.” They thanked the alicorn and left the room without so much as a peep. Twilight made her way eagerly to sit beside the throne of her mentor. “So what did you want to talk about Princess?” “Oh, nothing in particular. It's just been awhile since we've talked casually. How go your studies? I believe in the last letter you sent, you told me you were studying ancient unicorn rituals.” “Oh yes! They're quite interesting. I mean, I know you probably already know all about them, but just the variety of subjects that had a ritual in itself was baffling. One for the rising of the sun, one for the rising of the moon, one for each of the seasonal changes, one for fertility, one for romance, one for study itself...the list goes on!” Celestia chuckled at her student's exuberance of learning and simply listened. After awhile, the snowy white royal interrupted. “Tell me Twilight Sparkle...how are your friends all doing?” “Huh? Oh, well they're all doing quite well. Why do you ask?” “Simply curious. Though like I said earlier, I did not expect to see the pegasus here with you.” “Who, Fluttershy? I-” Twilight stopped for a moment as a thought ran through her head. 'Should I tell the Princess of our relationship without letting Fluttershy know? I'm sure she'd want to be at least told before I blabbed about it, even if it is just to the Princess.' “Twilight? What were you going to say?” The lavender unicorn shook her head and chuckled. “I was going to say...that what she said was true; I had been looking for her the past week or so and since I had found her, I figured that we could go home together and tell everypony the good news. Because everypony's been looking for her as well!” She added quickly. Celestia just stared for a moment and then said, “Why were you looking for her? Or rather, why was she in Canterlot avoiding you?” Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat that she didn't even know had formed. “Er...well...we kind of got into a disagreement about something and I said something that may have struck a sensitive area for Fluttershy. So, she left Ponyville and my friends and I have been searching for her ever since.” “I see. Well...that's all I wanted to talk about. I'll be sure to see you off tomorrow before you leave the castle. Good night Twilight Sparkle.” “Uh...good night Princess.” As she watched the alicorn get up and walk out of the room, Twilight couldn't mask the confusion on her face. 'That was...weird. It's not like her to just end a conversation like that. I guess she's just tired is all.' She yawned aloud and smiled. “Guess I'm pretty tired as well. Time to go back to my room and...cuddle.” She giggled like a school-filly at the last word and bounced down the hall much like Pinkie did anywhere she went. However, in her excitement, she failed to notice the Princess standing around the corner with a slight frown on her lips. “Hmm...” Was all she said before she turned and went to her own room. When Twilight made it back to her room, she opened the door just enough to allow herself entrance, then shut it quietly. Fluttershy was on the other side of the room, gazing at the sheer mass of books piled high next to Twilight's old desk. With a grin, the magical pony stealthily made her way towards her pegasine marefriend. She stopped as Fluttershy yawned and stretched, but continued on when she figured that she hadn't been spotted. She was mere inches away and lifted her hooves to lightly tap Fluttershy's shoulders when the pegasus spun around quickly and said, “Boo!” Twilight yelped in fear as she scrambled and fell backwards, her eyes wide with shock. “Oh, I'm sorry Twilight. Are you okay?” Fluttershy quickly asked when Twilight didn't move from where she had fallen on the floor. “I don't believe it; Fluttershy...MY Fluttershy actually scared somepony? This is definitely going in a calender.” They shared a laugh and Fluttershy helped Twilight to her hooves to easily pull her into a soft kiss. Twilight smiled and gently kissed Fluttershy back. She didn't want to say anything, but she thought she was getting good at kissing despite this was only her third kiss. “So...why did the Princess have to say?” Fluttershy asked, leading her marefriend over towards the bed. “It was kind of weird, but I'll tell you on the way home tomorrow. I'm kind of tired.” As if to prove her point, a yawn escaped to punctuate her sentence. Fluttershy couldn't help but follow in example and crawled into bed after Twilight. The pegasus wrapped a wing around the unicorn and sighed happily, gazing with half closed eyes of lavender. “Good night Twilight. I love you.” “I love you too Fluttershy. Good night.” They shared one more kiss before closing their eyes and allowing blissful sleep to take them. (Author's Note: Another four days, another chapter. Uh...So, I just wanted to say two things about Octavia and Luna: 1. It's so ADORABLE! and 2. I actually only got the idea after reading a fic on the website. It was incredibly sad, but at the same time was just so...I dunno, heartwarming? Anyways, you should go check it out. It's called All the Stars in the Sky by Lynked. Other than that...how about that Princess Celestia huh? Bein' all suspicious and stuffs...Well, I'm done now so...bye ^^) > Return Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Celestia got back to her room, she did nothing but pace. She wondered the same thought over and over again. ‘How can Twilight...I just don’t understand. Does she not realize that she is wasting the opportunity of a lifetime by being with her pegasus friend?’ The day alicorn knew that something had to be done and soon before Twilight Sparkle became too attached to her friend. “When all is said and done...she will thank me. I’m sure of it.” The Princess said aloud to nopony but herself, but even still she expected some response. She nodded and repeated the statement in her mind over and over as sleep drifted over her and lulled her into it’s calming grasp as she finally passed out. When Fluttershy awoke, her mind immediately went into caretaker mode. ‘I need to get up and start making breakfast for all my friends before...’ She stopped in the middle of her thought when she heard a light snort. She looked down and smiled; Twilight was laying with her back pressed against Fluttershy’s stomach, lightly clutching the pegasus’s wing like it was a blanket with a smile that fit her sleeping form perfectly. ‘Or I could just lay here and relax with my lover until she decides to wake up.’ She suppressed the light chuckle that welled in her throat and slightly shifted so she could offer Twilight more of her wing. The unicorn took the extra warmth eagerly, shuffling closer to Fluttershy and lightly cooing in her sleep. ‘She’s almost like a filly when she sleeps.’ Though she knew Twilight was a grown mare with a prowess in magic that nopony could begin to fathom, Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel the need to protect the pony beneath her wing. ‘ Is this how our friends feel when one of us is in danger? Do they always feel this overwhelming need? I know I’m not exactly guardian material, but I think I do well enough with my animals. . Here is a mare that can be broken just as easily as me, if not easier. I doubt it would take much if the situation was played out just right...I have to make sure that situation never sees the light of day. I will protect her and I will keep her safe, no matter what.’ The yellow pony nodded her head in determination, but froze when Twilight shifted. She rubbed her forehead for a moment, then relaxed once more. A light sigh escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she settled back down, happy with her silent resolution and closed her eyes, waiting for the one she loved to awaken from her own slumber. She guessed that an hour and a half had passed before Twilight made any sort of movement that showed her slow progress towards waking up. “Ugh...five more minutes...” The unicorn said, burying her face in the crook of Fluttershy’s forelegs. “But that will make us five minutes late in getting up.” Fluttershy teased, knowing full well the reaction and result of her words. “Late?!” Twilight’s head shot up as she looked around, but she slowly lowered it back down, groaning. “Head rush...” the unicorn mumbled. Fluttershy snickered lightly and moved her wing back to her side before rolling over and stretching while Twilight dealt with the rush of blood to her head. “And good morning to you my dearest bookworm. Did you sleep well?” After a moment, Twilight lifted her head out from under the blanket she had thrown over her head and nodded. “Yup. Thanks for clearing that up with Princess Luna for me.” “Anything for you.” Fluttershy replied, winking at Twilight. The lavender pony smiled back at the pegasus and quickly made her bed before doing anything else. When it was back in its original position, Twilight moved over to the vanity where she began to brush her mane. “May I use the brush after you?” Twilight nodded, but blushed as a thought came to her head. “Actually Fluttershy...would you mind if I brushed it for you? I mean...I’ve always wanted to feel how soft your mane actually is. Wow, that sounds kind of creepy now that I think about it.” Twilight frowned as she went over the wording of her request. Fluttershy giggled and said, “That’s fine. I haven’t had anypony brush my mane in a long time. It’ll be nice to have my marefriend to it for me.” Twilight blushed and began to playfully pout when she saw no redness on Fluttershy’s cheeks. So, she blinked a few times seductively (or at least how the magazine had said to do it) and got close to Fluttershy and said, “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” This made the pegasus blush darkly, but Twilight didn’t foresee the other outcome; she suddenly lost her grip on the brush as her magic sputtered as her focus was diverted to the lips that took hers. She closed her eyes and allowed the pegasus to take control, letting herself be lead in this intimate dance. Sadly, a knock at the door caused them to jump apart, scared out of their minds. “Um...ladies? The guards are ready to take you home now.” “Th-thank you.” Twilight stuttered, causing Fluttershy to snicker. Twilight playfully rolled her eyes as they quickly gathered their things and headed towards the courtyard. When they arrived, they saw both Princess Celestia and a a sleepy Princess Luna. “Good morning girls. Are you ready to return home?” The Princess of the Day asked. Twilight nodded while Fluttershy quickly hid her face behind her mane, avoiding the eyes of the white alicorn. “I’m sure I’ll have quite a mess to clean up when I get back.” Twilight said, laughing as she finished her sentence. Celestia laughed as well while Luna simply yawned. She had been awoken to help send Twilight and Fluttershy off and had yet to fully wake up. However, she wasn’t so far within the thralls of sleep to notice the canary coloured pegasus’s strange behavior. ‘ It’s as though she’s avoiding something...but what? There is no danger; only myself, my sister, and a few guards...’She yawned again and waved as the two got onto the chariot and watched as it pulled away from the grounds and down towards Ponyville. “I’m going back to bed now sister.” The night pony said, trying to hide her annoyance at being woken up from what lasted only five minutes. ”Of course. I’m sorry to have got you up so soon after you went to bed, but I figured that you’d want to see them off as well.” Luna said nothing, not really listening but thinking rather about how comfortable her bed was. When she made it back to her room, she lifted a quill with her magic and wrote, “Fluttershy’s strange behavior, sending off” and hid it under another piece of paper before plopping back down in her bed and snuggling against the pillow before drifting back to sleep once more. When the guards landed in Ponyville, it was at least nine in the morning so there weren’t a whole lot of ponies up and about yet, especially since it was Saturday. “It’s good to be back, isn’t it?” Twilight asked as she turned towards Golden Oaks Library. “Oh yes. Though, I can’t say I’m too eager to return home.” Twilight turned back around and gave her marefriend a questioning look. “Well...since all the animals are in their hibernation dens...I’m all alone in my cottage. No birds to sing and keep it lively, no squirrels to keep an eye on...nothing.” Twilight saw how upset Fluttershy was as she spoke. ‘Even though she’s been through this for a good number of years, the loneliness still gets to her...I can’t blame her though; out near the Everfree Forest with nopony but yourself to talk to...’ She walked over and put a foreleg around Fluttershy and said, “Well, you won’t have to be alone this winter because you’ll be staying with me. And before you can say no, I insist. I can’t have my marefriend be unhappy as long as I can be there to cheer her up, right?” Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” “Of course not Fluttershy!” I mean, what kind of pony would I be to leave you alone like that? A terrible one, that’s what kind.” She said, grinning as Fluttershy began to perk up. Twilight turned back around and the first thing she saw as they neared the library was a note attached to the door. She grabbed it with her magic and pulled it towards her to read as she walked in. “Dear Twilight; fixed your door for ya, and I also kinda borrowed Spike. We needed his help to get the last of the apples down here so I’ll be keepin’ him for awhile. From, Applejack.” Twilight had read the note aloud so her companion could hear as well. “I hope they didn’t overwork themselves. I mean...I’m sure Spitfire is a great help but they must’ve been behind if they had to have Spike help.” The pegasus said. “Yea, but...wait...you knew about Applejack and Spitfire?” Fluttershy nodded. “I was there when they announced their love for each other in front of Applejack’s family. It was really sweet to see them all hug after it was said and done.” She said as the moment replayed in her mind. “Okay then...so we know that Applejack will approve, and I’m assuming Rainbow Dash will too?” Twilight asked. “Oh yes. She’s been going out with Vinyl Scratch for almost a month now.” Twilight rose an eyebrow at the name, so Fluttershy quickly explained, “She was the white unicorn with the electric blue mane and those dark sungla- I mean “shades” that played at your brother’s wedding and at Rarity’s fashion show when we were showing off our...less than perfect Gala dresses.” Twilight nodded, chuckling at Fluttershy’s use of a word that normally wouldn’t exit her lips. “So then all we need to do is tell Rarity and Pinkie Pie, right?” Fluttershy nodded, then said, “Oh! Um...if it’s okay...I’d like to tell Bon Bon and Lyra...if you don’t mind of course.” She knew that they weren’t really Twilight’s friends so much as the were hers, so Fluttershy sighed in relief when the unicorn said they could. “Of course we can. I don’t know them as well as you do, but they’re still your friends.” “Thank you Twilight. “ Fluttershy watched as Twilight gripped all their things in her magic and carried it upstairs, then followed her. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight thought for a moment, then said, “I’m not too sure yet. Let me put this up and we can take a look at what needs to be done.” Twilight had finished quickly and when she turned to talk, she saw Fluttershy staring absently out the window. “Fluttershy? What’s wrong?” “Nothing...it’s just...I can’t believe that I won’t have to be all alone this winter...” Before Twilight knew what was happening, Fluttershy had spun and buried her face in Twilight’s mane, shaking a little at Twilight could only guess to be happiness or sorrow. Twilight simply hugged her lover tightly, allowing Fluttershy to sob softly into her coat. Twilight didn’t need to say a word because she knew all too well how Fluttershy felt. Twilight had spent many nights alone when she was growing up and even when she had become a grown mare. Spike had always been a great comfort, but there was only so much the baby dragon could do for her. She loved that he was there for her no matter what, but sometimes Twilight would lay awake for night after night and simply think about her lonliness and about whether or not it would last until she drew her last breath. Those thoughts and so many more crossed her mind during those nights of insomnia that would always seem to come up when she least wanted them. However, when she had discovered her love for Fluttershy, all those thoughts seemed to be washed away, at least for little while. Twilight’s thoughts were interrupted by a small sniffle. She pulled herself away and tenderly wiped Fluttershy’s tears away. They looked into each other’s eyes with a warm smile and Twilight softly pecked the soft lips of her lover and said, “Come on. We’ll need to get your things from home.” Fluttershy just nodded and fluttered after the unicorn to whom she was going to give her all to. As the two walked down the streets of Ponyville towards Fluttershy’s home, they failed to notice the pink pony coming up from behind with a look of pure joy written on her face. She bounced three times before she gave herself that extra oomph with her fourth bounce, landing in front of the two and scaring them half to death. “P-Pinkie Pie?!” Twilight exclaimed as Fluttershy tried not to faint. “Hiya girls! I see you found Fluttershy and you know what that means.” She was silent for a moment before bursting out, “Party!” She hovered in the air a second longer than should have been possible and asked, “So what’re you gals up to?” The two lovers glanced at each other for a moment and passed a silent message to keep the relationship under wraps for the moment. “Well, since Fluttershy’s animals have all moved into their hibernation dens, I figured that she could come stay with me this winter instead of being all alone outside Ponyville.” Twilight said, smiling at her pink friend. “Aww, that sure is nice of you Twilight. Say, I’ll catch up with the two of you later okay?” They both nodded and continued on their way. However, just before she bounded away, she noticed the two of them were standing awfully close together. A quick thought ran through her mind and couldn’t help the small twitch that accompanied it. She quickly shook it away before smiling again. “It IS getting colder out. I’m sure Fluttershy is just trying to share some of that natural pegasus warmth right? Right?” She looked up, as if she were actually looking at somepony or someone that only she could see before continuing on her merry way. As the two walked through the town on the way to Fluttershy’s home, they couldn’t help but notice that everything seemed brighter or more vibrant. It was if the world was a dull place until they became a couple. “Hey Twilight?” “Yes Fluttershy?” “Don’t you think we should tell everypony that I’ve returned? It sounds like my absence caused quite a stir...” Twilight gave her partner a small hug and said, “It’s alright, we were just worried about you.” Fluttershy nodded and the unicorn continued. “But you are right. We need to tell everypony that you’re back if Pinkie hasn’t already done so with her need to throw a party. However, since we’re on the way to your house, we can tell Applejack at least and then on the way back, we’ll tell Rarity and Rainbow.” “That sounds like a good idea.” Fluttershy gave Twilight a loving nuzzle after making sure that nopony was around to ruin it. As they made their way through the countryside towards the pegasus’s home, they talked of various topics; stars, plants, animals, the moon, their friends, anything that crossed their mind. However, their pleasant conversation halted immediately upon opening the cottage door as a small white blur flew at Twilight, launched itself off of her hard enough to make her stumble away from the yellow flier and into the pink hair of said pony. “Angel? What are you doing here? I thought you would be hibernating this year?” He shook his head and cast a quick glare at the lavender pony, trying to figure out why she was even there in the first place. She was not important to his caregiver, so why had she bothered to come? “Angel, it isn’t polite to do something like that. Say you’re sorry to Twilight.” To say that the rabbit was shocked would’ve been an understatement. He was more than shocked; he was outraged, furious, and any other synonym of the word he could think of. He had absolutely NO reason to apologize to this stranger in his home. She was intruding upon his territory and he was merely defending it. He had seen the effects that his caregiver’s “friendships” had had on her ability to take care of the animals (but mostly him); her attention was more focused on her friends than him so he had to break from his act simply to get her attention and risk blowing his cover. So, he shook his head and tapped his foot on the ground. He heard the flying pony sigh and apologize for him as expected. “I’m really sorry Twilight. I didn’t know that he’d be home.” “It’s alright Fluttershy. I’m sure he’s just a little homesick is all.” The bunny rolled his eyes as they spoke to each other. He could care less for this pit called a “home”, much less the pony who owned it. All he really cared about was that his every need was met and all his whims bowed to. The only reason he had ever protected or helped Fluttershy was just to make sure that, by day's end, she was his to command with no interruptions. Otherwise, he was completely apathetic to the yellow pony’s life. However, as he watched the two converse, he noticed something strange. His caregiver had a case and was putting various bits and bobs in it. He looked up into the faces of the taller creatures and listened. “I don’t know about this Twilight...I mean, if Angel’s back then I’ll have to stay and take care of him. He can’t stay in the house alone...” The rabbit nodded in agreement, smiling smugly as he crossed his arms. “Fluttershy, I don’t mean to be rude or to offend you, but Angel is a grown rabbit. I’m sure he’ll go back once you explain that you’ll be staying away for the winter.” Fluttershy nodded and said with a lowered head. “You mean I should stop babying him...” “Well...yes...” Twilight gave her lover an apologetic look. Fluttershy nodded and looked up. “You’re right; both you and Rainbow Dash. I mean...he is an adult and as such, doesn’t need to rely on me for EVERYTHING he wants.” Angel’s jaw dropped in shock and Twilight’s nearly did as well if not for her clenching it shut before speaking. “Wow...I honestly thought you were going to tell me about how it’s your sworn duty to take care of all creatures.” Fluttershy moved a few more things into her case before replying. “It is, but only to an extent. I mean...at first, I would take care of any and all animals, regardless of their problems or conditions. However...the more I think about it and the more everypony keeps talking to me about it...it feels like I’m doing more than my share of helping. Like the animals are just taking advantage of me for their own comforts. I really hate to say it but...they aren’t my friends at all...” The pegasus stopped after the last word had been uttered and just stood there, staring at the floor. Twilight moved close and wrapped a foreleg around Fluttershy’s neck and pulled her into a tight hug. “I know, but kindness is something that unfortunately is easily taken advantage of for the benefit of others. I know that being kind is basically the core of who you are, as well as your Element, but there are limits to how kind a pony should be.” Twilight stopped and frowned. “Now it just sounds like I’m trying to change who you are. I don’t mean to...love, but...what I’m trying to say is that I know you don’t want to hurt anything or anypony, but even you have to draw boundary lines about how kind you. Otherwise you’ll always be-” “A doormat for the rest of my life...Pinkie and Rarity told me the same thing awhile back.” She explained for the studious unicorn. “I have been improving ever since Iron Will came to Ponyville.” Twilight gently rubbed Fluttershy’s neck as the pegasus spoke. She knew that this wasn’t an easy conversation for Fluttershy to have. “But, the fear that if I DO actually take charge and limit my kindness...that I won’t take proper care of the animals that actually need me and I can’t afford that happening...” “Fluttershy, I can’t really say that I completely know how you feel, but I can say that I understand. I can only imagine the sort of thing you would go through if you lost a friend because you didn’t do something right, but...” Twilight couldn’t help but glance at the scar on Fluttershy’s leg before removing her leg from around Fluttershy’s neck and gently pushing Fluttershy’s chin up so their eyes met. “I know that won’t happen. You love these animals like you would love your own child and it’s because of that fact that I know you’ll never, ever hurt your friends.” Fluttershy smiled gently, feeling a few tears slide from her eyes and onto the floor. “Thank you Twilight...” The pegasus leaned forward and tenderly kissed Twilight. This was the point where Angel could stand no more. He growled, hopped off his perch, stomped to the door and slammed it behind him hard enough to cause a few birdhouses to fall and crash to the floor. The two mares were taken aback, but recovered quickly. “Is he...okay?” “I...I think so. He’s probably just upset that I won’t be here this winter.” Twilight nodded and watched Fluttershy as she continued to pack. When she had finished, Fluttershy had ended up needing a second suitcase (which she apologized for at least three times) to gather the last of what she needed. “Ready, lover?” Twilight couldn’t help the small grin that came to her lips after the term of endearment left her mouth. The pegasus didn’t disappoint in her smiling reaction. “I think so.” Fluttershy felt one of the suitcases leave her back as it was enveloped in Twilight’s magical grasp and lifted above her. “Then let’s get going shall we?” Fluttershy laughed as she rose a few inches off the ground and flew beside Twilight. As they were approaching the turn that would take the two towards Sweet Apple Acre’s, they bumped into the farm pony pulling her usual cart of apples. “Well howdy you two. Glad ta see ya back Fluttershy.” Applejack nuzzled Fluttershy happily and the pegasus smiled. “So she was in Canterlot then?” Twilight nodded. “Yea. Come on, we’ll tell you on the way.” Applejack nodded and followed while Twilight and Fluttershy told Applejack what had happened since the two met up. They had both left out Fluttershy’s use of the knife on herself and Fluttershy even flew on the right of Applejack since the wound was on her right foreleg, it would be easier to just cover it with her left leg. When the trio made it back into Ponyville, they had finished their tale. “Shoot...well, I’m glad it all worked out for the best. That’s the important thing. Listen, ah’ll catch ya’ll later alright?” They nodded and waved good bye as they continued on their way. “Now we just need to tell Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie.” Twilight said with a faint smile and a nod of her head as if checking something off of a checklist. “Right. I just hope Pinkie and Rarity take it as well as Applejack...” “Me too Fluttershy...me too.” (Author's Note: Alright, here's your next dose of ponies my friends. Um...everypony needs to thank Incognito for becoming my proofreader/editor (if you don't mind please?) And comment you ponies, comment! I want to know if you like the direction the story is going in, if you like how I'm portraying the characters, plot development, etc. So please, share your opinions and whatnot, mkay?) > A Painful Evening, An Intersting Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the girls had finished moving Fluttershy in, Twilight began to explain why she was moving in to Spike while Fluttershy finished setting up her things. “So...she's moving in so she won't be alone when winter rolls around?” “That's right Spike. I figured that we'd be good friends and let her stay here for the duration of winter,” Twilight said. “That doesn't bother you much does it?” “Not really. I'm just glad that you found her and that she's making you happy.” Twilight chuckled. He had begun to walk off, but turned when she questioned him. “Yea, I guess that's...wait...what? Twilight, I've been with you my whole life. I think I can recognize when you've found someone special.” With his statement finished, he continued on his way out. Twilight on the other hoof just sat there dumbfounded. “Wow...guess I should give him more credit than I usually do...” She got off the floor and headed down into the basement to find a book that Spike had left down there one night while she was doing experiments. Meanwhile, Fluttershy was cleaning up the mess she had made with her suitcases. She had brought a few things of winter clothing, a few pictures, and a small lock box that had been given to her by her mother. As she was pushing the suitcases into the closet when she heard a loud knock on the door. “I wonder who it could be...” She knew that Twilight said that she was going to be in the basement for awhile, so she cantered down the stairs and opened the door to see Rarity and Pinkie, both with strange looks on their faces that they were trying to hide. “Hello,” was all she could manage to say. The way they looked at Fluttershy made her think that they were criticizing some flaw that she couldn't see and naturally it made her nervous. “I'm glad to see you back Fluttershy.” Rarity said before reaching out to hug her. However, she looked back at Pinkie and withdrew herself before Fluttershy could meet her halfway. The pegasus stifled the whimper of hurt before she next spoke. “W-what brings you here?” She said, trying to be polite. She stepped aside to allow them entrance into the house, but they both just stood on the threshold. “Well...” Rarity and Pinkie looked at each other, a moment of concern flashing on their faces before looking back at the pegasus. “We heard a rather unsettling rumour and we thought that we would come check it out.” “Wh-what was t-the rumour?” Fluttershy was stumbling all over her words and while she could see the faint look of pain behind her friend's eyes, the yellow mare could still tell that they were pushing it back to attend to the business at hand. “You see...we were walking and we bumped into Applejack. She seemed awfully happy so we asked what it was about. At first she dodged our questions but eventually-” Pinkie pushed past Rarity and stood mere inches from Fluttershy, staring down the shy pony and making her withdraw as far as she could from the party pony. “Are you and Twilight together? Like...IN LOVE together?” Fluttershy was shaking now, unable to answer the question. “Then...it's true...” Rarity said. The way she had said those words were like a thousand hooves stomping on her heart. The tone of disappointment and disapproval was clear within them. “Let's go.” Was all Pinkie said, her hair drooping slightly as her voice adopted a monotone. As they turned and walked away, Fluttershy could see the faint specks of snow drift down through teary eyes while the door slammed itself shut moments later with help from Rarity's magic. The slam was the last straw and Fluttershy just broke down on the spot, weeping loudly and openly as the words replayed in her head. 'Then...it's true...' Twilight was humming happily as she began her ascent from the depths of her home, book in tow. She was a good 20 steps away from the door when she heard a loud slam. “Huh...wonder what that could've been...” She pondered as she continued up. When she opened the door, she heard the sound of crying and she dropped the book and rushed to the front where she was greeted by a sight that nearly split her heart. “Fluttershy? What's wrong?” She ran over and laid next to her distraught lover and began to comfort her as be as she could. It was at least over an hour before Fluttershy calmed down enough to explain what had happened before slipping back into silently sobbing. The whole time Fluttershy had told her what went down, Twilight frowned and it only got worse as she became more furious at her friends. 'They may have a right to speak their opinion, but they didn't need to make Fluttershy cry! I thought we were friends and I'm pretty sure friends don't make other friends cry!' The unicorn thought angrily. She sighed, knowing that getting upset wouldn't help Fluttershy at all. “Hey, c'mon. Let's go upstairs okay?” Twilight whispered, lightly nudging her shaking lover. The pegasus nodded and attempted to stand, but fell back down quickly afterwards. “I-I'm sorry...” Fluttershy said between hiccups and sobs. “It's alright. Here.” Twilight tenderly kissed Fluttershy's cheek and as carefully as she could, enveloped the timid pony within her magical grasp. She expected Fluttershy to begin to panic or sob even louder. However, it actually seemed to bring some small comfort to Fluttershy, much to the confusion of Twilight. With a mental shake of her head, Twilight started up the stairs towards their room. As they went, Fluttershy became more and more calm. Once upstairs, Fluttershy was placed on the bed, the door was closed and Twilight moved in front of her lover. She opened her mouth to speak, but closed it quickly afterward. The unicorn was still getting used to the whole “being in a relationship” thing and even if she wasn't, Twilight was never particularly good about switching from a bad topic to something a bit more uplifting. The only real subject she was familiar with was literature and that sure wouldn't help her now. “Um...so a stallion and a mare walk into a bar...” She mumbled, her face pointed at the ground. She heard a sniffle, silence, then quiet snickering that quickly evolved into laughter. She looked up and smiled. “Sorry, but it was the only thing I could think of. Cadence used to do that all the time whenever I was upset as a filly, though she used more age appropriate jokes.” She chuckled as Fluttershy hugged her. “Thank you Twilight. It is kinda sudden and not exactly in the best situation, but what's done is done...we'll have to talk with them, but not now.” “Agreed. Though I am certainly going to give them a piece of my mind next time I see them.” She couldn't help it as her brow furrowed at the thought of her friends making her lover cry, but she lightened up when she felt a kiss on her forehead. “And I'm sure they're absolutely dreading the moment's arrival.” Fluttershy moved over and Twilight crawled onto the bed with her. “So...I have to ask this or else it's going to bother me; I thought all pegasi were uncomfortable with magic so how come you didn't freak out? Uh...that sounds kind of rude. You know what, never mind. I never asked that.” Fluttershy smiled and shook her head, rolling her eyes. “To answer your question...I'm not entirely sure myself. I'm sure I would have if it were any other pony, but when I know it's you...it just sort of...” She paused for a moment, searching for the right words or phrase. “I don't know...I just feel more safe when your magic is around me because it's like you said; a unicorn's magic is like an extension of themselves so it's like you're right there with me like this.” She finished while nuzzling Twilight's neck. The unicorn felt her cheeks heat up at the sudden (incredible!) feeling that came from the gesture. Twilight felt a shiver rush up and down her spine and then spread to the rest of her. The next time the pegasus did it, she couldn't stop the light moan that escaped her lips. As soon as it was out, they both looked at each other and each saw the other blushing darker than Big Macintosh's coat. They stayed like this for a moment longer before Fluttershy attacked Twilight, crushing her lips against her lovers and easily taking control of Twilight. Fluttershy could feel every moan that escaped Twilight's lips die against her own and it only served to push her onwards. The pegasus could feel her wings slowly stiffen but she didn't care as her attention was directed elsewhere. When the two broke apart, a small strand of saliva dangled precariously betwixt them as they looked at each other with eyes glazed over with lust. “Fluttershy...” Before anything else could be said or done, they heard a loud knock and then, “Twilight? Fluttershy? You two in there?” Twilight let out a surprised “Eep!” before diving under the blanket. Fluttershy jumped, but remained in place. “Yea Spike, we're in here.” She said, wincing at the slight irritation hidden in her voice. “Okay, just making sure. I'm going to go ahead and start making dinner.” Fluttershy sighed as she heard the dragon thump down the wooden stairs. She turned and couldn't help but start to laugh as Twilight removed her head from under the blanket. Her hair was messed up and sticking out every which way and her blush had yet to fade. “We almost...I mean...Spike nearly...” She was utterly at a loss for words, causing the pegasus to fall onto her back, her laughs getting louder. “S-shut up!” Twilight stuttered, a smile beginning to form on her face as well. “I-I'm sorry, you just look silly.” Fluttershy managed to say, wiping a tear from her eye. Once they had finished laughing (and Twilight brushed her mane), the pair headed downstairs to find Spike whistling a tune while making some kind of soup. “I'm not going to find gems in mine this time, am I?” Spike jumped, nearly falling off the chair he was on and spun to see the two giggling. “Ha ha ha, very funny. And it was just that ONE time!” The dragon said in defense, a small flare coming from his nostrils. The two ponies took the seats that were next to each other (most likely due to Spike) and eagerly awaited. “That smells delicious Spike!” Twilight said somewhat loudly to hide the growling emanating from her belly. “Thanks Twi. It's a new recipe I'm trying.” As they continued their banter, Fluttershy put her hoof on Twilight's and got a smile from the unicorn as well as a peck on the cheek (when Spike wasn't looking of course) as she just continued to listen or speak up occasionally. When he finished, the purple dragon set a bowl in front of each pony and eagerly awaited a reaction. Twilight spoke first. “Spike...” She looked up and directly into his eyes. “This soup...is fantastic!” As soon as the words left her mouth, soup went into it. Spike beamed as Fluttershy gave her approval as well. “I have to agree with Twilight. This soup is simply marvelous.” As soon as the word left her mouth, Fluttershy had to resist the tears that she could feel wanting to form. “Is something wrong Fluttershy?” “N-no. My eye's just a little itchy is all.” Twilight knew that it was a lie, but said nothing. She knew just as well as Fluttershy that if what had happened was told to Spike, he would be crushed much like Fluttershy when she ran off to Canterlot. “Oh, alrighty then.” He continued to smile and proceeded to place crushed up gemstones into his own soup and stirring it all together. Dinner continued with little noise other than the occasional sound of a spoon hitting the bowl or a chair shuffling to allow it's occupant to get more soup. Finally, when they all finished eating and cleaning their dishes, Spike went over to the fireplace to read a book he had found a few nights ago while the mares headed up to Twilight's room. As soon as the door shut, Twilight asked, “I know the answer already, but I figured I should ask...are you okay?” Fluttershy sighed as she plopped onto the bed. “No...but I will be as long as you're here with me. I know this isn't hurting you as bad since you haven't known them as long but it must still hurt nonetheless.” Twilight nodded and curled up by Fluttershy who immediately covered the unicorn with her wing. Twilight snuggled as close as she could and closed her eyes. “I'm sure we'll figure something out...I love you Fluttershy.” “I love you too Twilight. Good night.” She kissed Twilight's head and in seconds the lavender pony was drifting into the Night Princess's domain of sleep. Fluttershy on the other hoof knew she wouldn't be getting any sleep anytime soon. 'Granted, that was a sort of curve ball earlier, but still...I'm not doing a very good job at the whole “being strong for Twilight” thing. It seems like it's the other way around the more I think about it. That has to change...I mean, I like her being there for me, but I have to be there for her as well and that's not going to happen with me crying all the time.' She ruffled the wing over Twilight before setting it back down and closing her eyes. As she laid there in the darkness with only the sound of light breathing coming from both of them and the feeling of their synchronized heartbeats, Fluttershy contemplated on what to do next. 'I need to tell Rainbow about myself and Twilight, but I probably shouldn't tell her about what happened today. She's probably fly off the handle as usual and attempt to force the others to apologize. We'll also need to find Applejack and tell her that it's alright. She's probably beating herself up right now...I just hope Spitfire can help her until we can talk with her.' As her thoughts continued to go through her mind, she slowly entered the bliss of sleep just as Celestia's sun was rising above the horizon. When Twilight opened her eyes, the familiar sight of the sun against the wooden walls of her room filled her vision. “Everything is as it should be.” She said. Twilight began to move when she felt a small breeze replace the warmth on her back. She turned her head and saw Fluttershy snoozing, giving a light snore every now and then. 'Scratch that...everything is better.' The lavender pony thought with a smile. She slowly removed herself from under the pegasi's wing and watched as it retracted against the sleeping pony's side. 'Hmm...Now that I think about it, I never got around to that study of Pegasine anatomy...Especially the wings.' She felt herself darken at the thought of gaining in depth knowledge of her lover's other sensitive areas. As she levitated her brush towards her mane, a thought occurred to her. 'Her wings are only ONE of her sensitive areas...the other...' If it were possible for Twilight to become any darker, it had definitely happened as she turned and looked at Fluttershy in...THAT way. As her eyes wandered over the body of her marefriend, she could practically feel the hormones rush through her bodies as thought after inappropriate thought lingered in her mind of what she and Fluttershy could do with a few hours of privacy. Twilight closed her eyes to allow the thoughts more clarity and without thinking began to gently brush her hoof across her foreleg and slowly moving across her chest and down a little more. She allowed herself to mewl quietly as she felt the natural magic that all ponies shared begin to dissipate and start to show her more...vulnerable parts of her body. When she passed over her special area, she squirmed in pleasure. She had only done this once before when she had become a mare and had been too embarrassed to do it ever again. Twilight continued the light ministrations to herself and couldn't help but think what she would do if Fluttershy were to wake up and see her doing this. 'She...she would saunter over here...and she would...say that I'm a naughty mare...and...and...' Her thoughts were interrupted as a white flash of rapture flooded her mind and consumed her vision. Her whole body shook as she shuddered and her knees buckled sending her withering to the floor as she rode the aftershocks of her bliss. After some semblance of sense returned to her, she looked around and then looked down at the slight mess on the floor as well as the sticky clumps of fur near her nether region. The haze slowly left her mind as her action finally reached her rational thinking. “Eep! I can't believe I just did that!” Twilight whispered loudly. She quickly wiped the liquid off the floor with her clean hoof then teleported into the bathroom where she turned the knob for her sink and tub simultaneously with her magic and began to furiously scrub her hooves before jumping into the bathtub to begin washing off her body. She slowed a bit as she began to wash her lower areas (which were still quite sensitive and sending small signals of pleasure each time she brought the washcloth over it) and as soon as she was finished, washed another two times before she was satisfied that she was clean and drained the water. Twilight sighed and watched the water swirl around the drain before disappearing into the pipe system. “Okay...let's try this again...” The unicorn mumbled as she walked out of the bathroom and down into the main library. She began to prep for the day ahead as she organized the front desk before she opened the library. She placed her personal copy of Advanced Magical Theory and Use (8th edition!) on the desk and a copy of Understanding Everything About Pegasi Anatomy (9th edition!) in the underlying shelf under the top of the desk. The last thing Twilight did was to put the “Open” sign on the front door of the library. Before she closed the door, the unicorn couldn’t help but look at the scenery; a thin blanket of snow was already beginning to coat Ponyville and it would only get thicker as the winter came in full force. With a small smile, Twilight turned and shut the door, and then walked over to the desk, sat down and began to wait for any ponies that would come through the door to lose themselves within a literary adventure or to broaden their knowledge. She waited patiently for at least 10 minutes before slyly taking the pegasus anatomy book out from under the desk and begin to delve into it. She stopped every three chapters to make sure that nopony was standing in front of the desk or browsing the various books the library offered. However, after two hours of nopony coming in she tied her hair up into a bun and donned her glasses (she really didn't need them but she just loved to wear them from time to time) and continued to read the anatomy book. Meanwhile, when Fluttershy's eyes finally decided to open, she noticed the shadows stretching up onto the wall, immediately telling her that the night was gone and day had taken its place. The next thing she noticed was the faint itching she felt where her scar was forming. She sat up, yawning and stretching her legs and wings before unwrapping the medical tape from her leg. When she pulled it away, she inspected the wound. It had healed quite nicely thanks to Octavia's timely intervention, but the fur would never grow over it so if anypony looked, they would see the scar easily unless she deliberately hid it. She very tenderly ran her free hoof over it and the pain throbbed a bit harder, but nothing too major. She sighed and placed all her hooves on the floor. She put normal weight on her injured leg and winced slightly. She had been avoiding putting too much pressure on the leg for this reason but Fluttershy knew that it was necessary to help the leg heal. Fluttershy started to walk forward when she slipped slightly. She looked down and saw nothing that would've made her slip. However, she shifted slightly and thanks to the light, she saw a liquid gleaming on the ground. She brought her hoof up and inspected the small amount that had clung to her hoof. She turned her hoof this way and that to try and determine what it was before lightly sniffing it. “Is this...?” She blushed as her answer ran through her head. “I-it couldn't be...She doesn't seem the t-type to...” Fluttershy could feel her wings begin to leave her sides much to her embarrassment (despite there being nopony in the room with her) as she headed down the stairs and into the bathroom. Once inside, the yellow mare saw the small remainder of water in the tub glistening from the light. “She...she took a bath...” Fluttershy nearly passed out as more and more blood rushed to her face. She steadied herself by gripping the sink and turning on the water to wash her hoof. The pegasus risked looking in the mirror and laughed at what she saw. She was blushing so darkly that her fur seemed almost a whole new colour of yellow. After she had washed the sticky liquid off her hoof and waited for her wings to calm down, she hovered downstairs and saw Twilight behind the desk, reading a book. However, she had her hair back into a bun as well as a pair of glasses on her face. 'She looks...really...really...cute.' Fluttershy thought with a grin. She flew over and hovered just behind Twilight, reading over her shoulder. “You know, you look adorable with your hair back and with those glasses.” Twilight shouted in surprise and in an instant was over the desk and spinning to see who had spoke. Fluttershy giggled loudly into her hoof while Twilight put her foreleg over her chest to calm her hammering heart. “F-Fluttershy?! Don't do that!” The unicorn cried with a smile. “Sorry, but I was only speaking the truth.” Twilight blushed and got rid of the glasses and took her mane down quickly. “You should've left it on. You look really good with your mane up.” Twilight shook her head. “It's only when I'm alone and I'm really wrapped up in a book.” She said, smiling at the pegasus before she spoke again. “So what should we do today? I'm thinking that we should go try and find Rainbow and let her know you're back first or go talk to Lyra and Bon Bon?” “Probably stop by the candy shop first. Rainbow could be anywhere right now and she's most likely still sleeping. It IS only 10 in the morning.” They laughed together and after Twilight had put her book away (and making sure to tuck the anatomy book as far back as she could into the desk) they headed out and to the right towards the sweet shop. The pony paced back and forth in the darkness, muttering under her breath the whole time. “It isn't right...It's wrong. Mares cannot love each other. It's downright disgusting.” The mare's words became more and more angry the more she spoke until she got to the point where the words were straining to escape her grating teeth. She stopped and stomped her front hooves in frustration for a moment before taking deep breaths and calming herself down. “No...you are a calm wind, not an angry torrent...Being angry and upset will get me nowhere.” She looked up and grinned as a plan rushed into her mind and like scattered puzzle pieces, clicked together. She began to chuckle before heading up the stairs and out into the open; There was much to be done. (Author's Note: Chapter 6, woo! Not much else to say other than the usual; leave feedback about what you like or don't like and if you wanna criticize, do so CONSTRUCTIVELY, mkay? As for the bit with Twilight, that's my first attempt at anything steamy that's pony related. I've written plenty of steamy bits in other stories I've written, but they were with actual people so...I apologize if it was lame or whatever. If people liked it, I'll add more bits like that but if not, then no more. So YOU decide what you want, ja? And with that, I'm off!) > Apologies, and Dinner With A Side of Scheming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Twilight and Fluttershy had made it to the candy shop, they walked in to see Lyra on top of Bon Bon, both of them laughing loudly. Lyra had some kind of powder all over her body while Bon Bon was coated in chocolate. “Er...should we come back later?” Twilight asked, resisting the urge to laugh along with the two on the floor. “Fluttershy! You did it!” Lyra shouted, leaping off the candy-maker and onto the pegasus and sending powder flying off of her and onto the lavender unicorn and the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy smiled and hugged Lyra as Bon Bon walked up and congratulated the two. “Ya see? That wasn't too hard, was it Fluttershy?” Fluttershy didn't say anything for a moment, then just nodded. “Yea, it kind of was.” “That's how love usually works.” The mint unicorn laughed while Bon Bon lifted her off the floored pegasus. “I'm glad you were able to bring her back home Twilight.” The mentioned pony nodded. “Me too.” She blushed as she pecked Fluttershy's cheek with a kiss, causing Bon Bon to smile affectionately and Lyra to grin widely. “I told you! You two look SO cute together!” Fluttershy chuckled into her hoof while Twilight simply rolled her eyes and tried to hide the smile that was forming. As the group continued talking and laughing, they failed to notice the pony watching them from the window. “Hmm...” Was all the mare said before turning and walking away, nearly bumping into a stallion headed toward the candy shop. The four ponies went quiet when the door bell jingled as the door opened. Twilight immediately scowled, but said nothing. “Ahh, Twilight. What a coincidence that I might see you here. You always did favour those little fruit flavoured hard candies did you not?” “What do you want Star Bright?” Twilight asked. He chuckled, making Twilight want to retch. “My sweet tooth is acting up my dear Twilight Sparkle, so I figured I'd indulge myself and eat something less than healthy.” As he began to browse the store's selection, Lyra quietly walked up beside Twilight and whispered, “This guy seems like bad news.” “He is.” Lyra nodded and went back over to Bon Bon while Fluttershy took the musical pony's place. “Isn't that the same stallion who interrupted us during the meteor shower?” Twilight nodded. “Yea, I'll tell you about him later.” The whole time Twilight spoke, she never took her eyes off the male. When he had finished selecting his sweets, he went to the counter and paid. As he walked past Twilight, he lightly flicked her chin with his tail and winked at her before walking out. “UGH!” Twilight huffed before furiously rubbing her chin as if he had left a stain upon her coat. “That guy seems like a HUGE jerk. Who is he Twilight?” Lyra asked, immediately in front of the other unicorn. “His name is Star Bright. He was a student at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns like I was. However, we never really saw much of each other since I was more studious than I am now. Well, that and the fact that his talent has to do with astronomy. Anyways, there were a few times when he would deliberately search me out and spend time with me, despite the fact I told him I wanted to be left alone.” As Twilight spoke, Fluttershy could feel her rising unease with each word that left her mouth. She moved closer and stretched her wing over Twilight and leaned her head against the mare's neck to offer a consoling nuzzle. Twilight stopped for a moment and smiled down at Fluttershy. “Thanks Fluttershy.” After taking a few breaths, the lavender pony continued. “Well, eventually I sort of...developed a crush on him. He was very nice and I was quite a naïve pony. Eventually he somehow managed to trick me into dating him. This went on for at least...2 weeks before I overheard him talking to some of his friends.” All the ponies in the room saw that Twilight had begun to shake slightly in anger. “He said that he just wanted to say that he had been the only one to...do THAT to me!” There was a confused silence at the vague statement made by the librarian. “He wanted to mount me, then brag about it.” Twilight elaborated. This earned a shocked gasped from the other three who each adopted a frown of their own. “What a JERK!” Lyra shouted before turning to Bon Bon and said, “You are NEVER to do business with him again!” Bon Bon politely pushed the musician away and said, “As much as I would love to do that, I can't. As long as he pays for what he comes in for, I have to take his business.” “Well...then make him pay extra.” Twilight muttered. Even Fluttershy nodded at the statement. “That, I can do.” Bon Bon grinned and the girls all laughed. “This has been fun, but we need to get going.” Twilight said, turning towards the door. “Alright. Oh! Before you go, here.” Bon Bon tossed a small bag towards Twilight, who caught it with her magic. “It's on the house, but only if you take good care of Fluttershy.” “Yea! Cuz if you don't, we're gonna come after ya!” Lyra shouted winking at the other unicorn. “Got it. I don't want wanna guess at what you two would do if I messed this up.” Fluttershy smiled and finally spoke. “I wouldn't let them hurt you too bad.” Then, she leaned forward and planted her lips on Twilight's, shocking everypony else. “F-Fluttershy...” Lyra laughed aloud and clapped her hooves. “Woo! Go Fluttershy!” She then tackled Bon Bon to the ground and mirrored Fluttershy's action only...it was a bit more intimate than Fluttershy's kiss, as heard by Bon Bon's light moans against the mouth of her partner. “Uhh...perhaps we should go now, huh Fluttershy?” The pegasus in question nodded absently, her mouth moving like she was talking but the words simply lost their form. Twilight took one look into Fluttershy's eyes and she could immediately tell what was on her mind. So, before things got out of hoof, she grabbed Fluttershy with her magic and headed out the door, closing it and placing the “closed” sign on it with a smirk on her face and a blush on her cheeks. After a block or so, the lavender pony put Fluttershy down and allowed her to walk on her own. “It's about 12:45 or so now. You think Rainbow is awake?” “Why? Ya lookin' for me?” Both ponies on the ground flinched in fright at the unexpected voice behind them. They turned to find Rainbow Dash on the ground, rolling about and laughing loudly. “Rainbow! That isn't funny!” Twilight said, a small frown already on her lips. “I'm sorry, hehe, I just couldn't resist! Think of it as a welcome back present.” The prismatic pegasus said with a grin. Her friends just rolled their eyes and Fluttershy looked around before speaking. “Where's Vinyl Scratch?” “She's out shopping...I think. I dunno, sometimes it's really hard to read her writing and she left before I got up so now I'm just lazing around until I see her.” As the blue flier spoke, Fluttershy took a step closer to Twilight and as soon as she did, the reaction was instant. “Whoa! You two are together now? Way ta go Fluttershy! Tell me, have you...” Dash looked around, her eyes shifty before drew her friends closer. “Have you done the bedroom romp yet?” Once again, Dash was on the ground and howling with laughter as her two friends nearly passed out from the amount of blood rushing to their heads. “R-Rainbow Dash! That is NOT a q-question you ask so...so...CASUALLY!” Twilight cried, causing the nearby ponies to stop what they were doing and stare at the trio. Fluttershy tried to speak, but her mouth would not let her do anything but stay quiet. After Rainbow had managed to regain the ability to stand without falling over laughing, she asked the two when they got back. “We got back at around 9 in the morning yesterday.” Twilight answered easily. The athletic pony nodded before asking another question. “You two talk to anypony else about your relationship?” This time, Fluttershy answered. “We've talked to Lyra and Bon Bon, as well as Applejack...” She stopped for a moment and before she could continue, Dash cut her off. “What about Rarity or Pinkie Pie? And you told Applejack first? Wow, that was kind of a gutsy move on your parts. I mean, there's absolutely NO WAY that she could've approved of your relationship.” “Well...actually...” Three minutes later, everypony within a 2 mile radius could hear the sound of Rainbow Dash screaming, “SHE'S WHAT!?” “She...has a marefriend.” Twilight said, lightly digging at her ear to make the ringing stop. “Who is it? How long has she been dating this mare? Do I know her? C'mon, tell me already!” She had by this point began to lightly shake Fluttershy until the yellow flier was disoriented and dizzy. “Uh...I don't think it's our place to tell you. Why don't you go ask-” Dash was gone before Twilight had finished her sentence, leaving a large rainbow streak across the sky. “Umm...Twilight?” The unicorn looked at her marefriend and said, “Yes Fluttershy?” “If we can, we need to go talk to Applejack too. She's probably beating herself up about revealing our relationship to...our friends.” Twilight snorted at the word and said, “Friends? Huh...I don't know if I'd call them that since they made you cry, but you are right. Let's go ahead and get headed out that way; Rainbow isn't going to make it any easier to talk once she learns who she's dating.” They both laughed quietly as they made their way out of Ponyville and towards Sweet Apple Acres. Before the couple could make it to the orchard, they heard the shouting of the farmpony. “Now git! I don't wanna see you back here if it's just ta bother Spitfire!” “Fine!” A moment later they say a rainbow streak across the sky. “Oh my...” Was the only thing said between the two as they continued towards the barn. When they passed through the seemingly never ending field of trees, they saw Applejack bucking trees angrily as the apples shook off the trees with Spitfire trying to calm her down. “Applejack, it's fine, really. I mean, she is a Wonderbolts fan; it's expected she's going to react like that. You knew she would come here as soon as she figured it out or heard about it.” “Ah know that.” Was the earth pony's short reply before moving to the next tree. Spitfire sighed and looked up to see the pair of ponies walking towards them. “AJ, we have company.” Applejack stopped in mid-buck and looked at her friends while the flaming pegasus landed beside her lover and waved at the two. “Hello girls...” Applejack said, her eyes quickly directing themselves at the ground. “Applejack-” Fluttershy had begun to reach out to her friend, but Applejack took a step back and took her hat off before looking at her friends. “Ah'm real sorry about telling the others about you two bein' together. They just kinda...ambushed me with question after question and ah'm sure you know how bad I am with lyin'...” Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other before moving to their friend and hugging her. “That's why we're here. We aren't mad at you, in fact, we knew that you wouldn't be able to keep our secret if pressed. So you don't have to apologize.” Twilight explained. “Are ya sure? I mean, it still wasn't right of me to just-” A hoof on Applejack's shoulder made her stop and turn to see Spitfire smiling warmly at her. “Just take the apology would ya?” The orange earth pony chuckled and hugged her friends back. “Like I said, ah'm real sorry girls. But thanks for comin' all the way out here for me.” “Anything for our friend, right Fluttershy?” “Of course.” The four mares smiled at each other before Applejack said, “So...it's us and Rainbow Dash against Rarity and Pinkie huh?” Twilight hung her head and replied, “Unfortunately it seems that way. If only there was someway to have them understand that our relationships are just as good as a normal one...” Later that evening, the basement of Town Hall was packed with ponies of all ages, sizes, and origins all trying to get comfortable. The earth ponies and unicorns all grumbled while the pegasi occuiped the small air space available. Every single pony had received a letter that had told them all to meet; to gather and talk about something very dire. One pony in particular chose to stand near the exit wrapped in a cloak to conceal her white coat, magnificent purple mane, brilliant azure eyes, and her three cut diamond cutie mark. Rarity had been one of the first to arrive, but had decided that it would be best to hang back. She had been able to deduce from the various conversations she heard that everypony was confused about what this “dire situation” was. However, her own letter had explained exactly what was to be discussed this evening; the relationship of two mares. She had tried to find Pinkie, assuming that the party mare would be here herself but after half an hour, she had given up the search. Her eyes were drawn away from the various ponies when she heard a loud stomp come from the stage at the far end of the building. There stood a pony cloaked entirely in a black cloak much like she was, but this cloak was specifically stitched to hide EVERYTHING while Rarity's own at least showed her hooves and part of her muzzle. Everypony was silent at seeing the pony suddenly materialize, as if stepping out from the shadows themselves. “Mares and stallions...I have gathered you all here tonight for one reason, and one reason only.” The gears in Rarity's mind began to turn as she tried to figure out who the pony was that had captured everypony's attention. It was hard to tell if it was a stallion or a mare simply due to the almost distorted quality of the voice and so Rarity couldn't tell to whom it belonged. The tone was that like a long forgotten friend that drew you to them, but at the same time made a pony want to keep their distance. “The horror, no, the SHAME that has been spreading through our town. I'm talking of course, of the fillyfoolers.” As soon as the word was spoken, voices of various ponies cried out in anger. “I hear your anger my friends, and I share your distress. It is unnatural for two females to even consider being together and it most certainly is disturbing to think of it. However, as I said before, our fair town is host to such mares.” Murmurs filled with hate spread like wildfire in the cramped room and with another stomp, all eyes returned to the pony on stage. While they continued to speak, Rarity noticed something. This pony had absolutely everypony, herself included, enraptured with his or her voice. It was the voice that would reach out to anypony and breed loyalty within seconds of hearing it. The kind of voice that ponies would rally around and die for if need be. Rarity knew a lot of ponies from her line of business, but none could even come close to this pony's gift of speech. “So, it is with a heavy heart to tell you that, while they are beloved members of our community, they are to be PUNISHED!” The shout that punctuated the end of the sentence visibly sent shivers through every single pony that was at the meeting. Cries of agreement rang through the building and bounced around the room as cheer after cheer burst forth from the group. Rarity managed to keep herself in check despite wanting to cry out with the rest of them. The pony on stage lifted a hoof and silenced them all. The dressmaker tried desperately to catch a glance of the coat colour of the mysterious pony, but to no avail; the cloak masked her foreleg in heavy shadows that clung to the pony like a filly who's mother was taking her to her first day of school. “However, we cannot and I repeat, can NOT attack them openly. We need to do this in a way that will win over the town; to make it seem like we were only trying to help them see the error of their ways.” The ponies in the crowd started to nod and whisper their approval of the plan. “Tonight was our first meeting, so of course I cannot assign you any jobs quite yet. So, we are dismissed for the night. I will send letters to you all when we are to assemble again, but until then, farewell.” Then, as if nothing happened, the pony turned and walked out of the door to her right. It wasn't until the door shut that the group shook itself clean of the stupor they had been put in. They all began talking and conversing of what had just happened. Rarity on the other hoof, had left as soon as the other pony had. She still felt the shivers running throughout her body as the words of the mystery pony ran in her mind. She made it back to her home, then into her room where she discarded the cloak and leapt into bed and despite her giddiness, was asleep in moments and needless to say, it was the best night's sleep she had ever gotten. After Fluttershy and Twilight had finished talking with Applejack, they headed back into town where they had dinner at a restaurant that Lyra and Bon Bon recommended near the outskirts of Ponyville that served anypony, regardless of sexuality. When they walked in, they saw that the restaurant was empty save for one other couple; a pair of stallions that neither of them recognized. The stallions smiled and waved politely at the mares, who in turn, waved back. Seconds later, a lightish yellow pony with an orange mane and a cutie mark of three carrots cantered up to them. “Hello and welcome to Grass is Always Greener. I'm Golden Harvest and I'll be taking care of you this evening.” The pony set them at a table near the window and after asking what drink they preferred for the night, disappeared behind a set of double doors. “Isn't that the pony who lives at the carrot farm by Sweet Apple Acres?” Twilight asked after the mare had disappeared. “I'm not too sure. I've seen her in and around town a lot so I couldn't really tell you for sure.” Twilight nodded and the two continued their conversation. A moment after Twilight finished telling a story about how she had managed to teleport into a building after only seeing the inside, Golden Harvest made her way towards the pair, two glasses precariously balanced on a tray on her back. When she got closer, Twilight took the cups in her magic and set them on the table. “Um, excuse me, Golden Harvest?” The pony smiled and said, “You can call me Carrot Top. That's what all my friends call me.” Twilight smiled and asked, “Do you live on that carrot farm out by Sweet Apple Acres? I'm sorry if it seems rude to ask, it's just one of those things that would be stuck in my mind and leave me frustrated searching for the answer.” Carrot Top laughed, making Fluttershy giggle at her marefriend's need for knowledge, even about something as mundane as where a pony lived. “Nah, it's alright, and no. That's my parent's home now. I used to live out there, but I moved to town about...three years ago and I've been staying with a friend of mine since then.” Twilight nodded with a smile. “Thank you.” “Not a problem. Now then, have you two decided on what you wanted for this evening?” Both Twilight and Fluttershy looked down at the menu to choose one item out of the large list of food, each dish sounding more appetizing than the last. “Umm...I'll have the...alfalfa and honey soup with a side of toast please.” Fluttershy said, pushing the menu towards Carrot Top to collect. “And I will have the Chef's Salad with extra ranch please.” “Alrighty. One alfalfa and honey soup and one Chef's Salad, coming right up!” Carrot Top took the menus in her mouth and headed back into the kitchen. While they waited, Twilight and Fluttershy made idle conversation about nothing in particular until the bell to the door rang, causing them as well as the stallions to turn. In the doorway was Octavia followed by a unicorn mare with a dark blue coat and a small waning moon cutie mark. The musician saw the two and walked over while her companion stayed quiet. “Hello girls. How is your evening?” The earth pony asked, taking a seat at the table closest to her friends. “It's been nice so far.” The yellow pegasus answered while looking at Octavia's companion. “Umm...hello.” The voice that answered surprised her. “Hello Fluttershy, and to you as well Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight's jaw hung in surprise for a moment before she spoke. “Princess Luna? Is that you?” Her voice came out as a whisper, figuring that the Princess of the Night was disguised for a reason. “But of course, though it is a bit upsetting that my disguise was so easily seen through.” Fluttershy smiled and said, “It wasn't so much the disguise as it was your voice.” Luna nodded and looked at Octavia. “I told you I should've change my voice as well.” “And mask the beauty the rides your natural voice? I think not my love.” The two leaned across their table and gave one another a small peck on the lips before settling back down, causing Twilight and Fluttershy to faintly blush. “So what brings you two here? Just wanted to get away from Canterlot for awhile or is the food here just that good?” Twilight joked as her blush faded. “Both of those, and simply to walk in the moonlight on the roads around Ponyville. Quite romantic if I do say so myself.” Luna said proudly. As the four continued their conversation, Carrot Top had returned and served Twilight and Fluttershy their food and took Luna and Octavia's orders before disappearing once again. By the time the unicorn and pegasus pair had finished their food, the stallions were paying their bill and leaving, waving at the group as they walked by. After Carrot Top had seen them off, she joined the group and added her own voice to the small cacophony as they all talked and laughed. It was finally 11 when Fluttershy had gave a small yawn. “Well, I guess we should be getting back home, right sweetheart?” Twilight blushed as the word left her mouth and Fluttershy just smiled. “I guess we should honey.” Fluttershy said. Twilight's blush darkened just a bit, causing all the other mares to laugh at the exchange. “How much is our bill?” Twilight asked, already reaching for the bag of bits she had with her. “18 bits.” Carrot Top said, nearly making the lavender pony drop the bag. “A-are you sure? Our meal surely would've been more than that.” “Oh it was, but I like you two.” Carrot Top nodded her head to Fluttershy as she spoke to Twilight. “I can't just under pay you, I mean-” “It's no trouble, now go on.” Carrot Top pushed Twilight towards Fluttershy and laughed as their muzzles were inches apart, making them both a bit nervous. “I say, give her a kiss!” Luna exclaimed excitedly. “Yes, kiss her.” Octavia encouraged. “Fluttershy?” Twilight looked her partner in the eyes and then closed her eyes as the pegasi's lips pushed themselves lightly onto hers. She felt that warm melty feeling pass through her as her friends gave a small cheer. “I love you Twilight.” “I love you too Fluttershy.” Their friends smiled and wished them a merry evening before they left to which they replied with the same wish and headed towards Golden Oaks Library with tails intertwined. > Tales of Youth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the pair reached the library, they found that Spike was fast asleep in his basket. “Poor little guy. He must have been up worrying about us.” Fluttershy walked over and gently tucked him in, making him sigh happily as he pulled it closer to his head. Both Twilight and Fluttershy smiled and went up to Twilight's room without another sound. They closed the door and after blowing out the few still lit candles, they climbed into the bed and snuggled close together. Twilight was almost asleep when she heard her marefriend's nearly silent voice. “Twilight?” The unicorn opened her eyes and looked straight into Fluttershy's. “Yes dear?” Fluttershy fidgeted for a moment before giving a reply. “Who exactly is Star Bright?” Twilight sighed and said, “Like I said earlier at the candy store, he was a student like I was and was supposedly obsessed over me. Like I also said, I managed to discover his plan before he was able to do...THAT to me.” Twilight stopped for a moment and after taking a deep breath, continued. “What I didn't tell however, is how I really discovered his intent. What I told you at the candy shop was...a sort of lie. You all know that I'm a usually reclusive and studious pony with barely any interaction right?” “I know that you USED to be like that.” The yellow mare said with a soft nuzzle. “Well...in truth, there was a time when I was a little more social than what I was when you first met me.” “You mean...you had friends?” Twilight shook her head and had to fight to keep the tears from her eyes. “No...I had a friend. Her name was Amethyst Star. She was the only pony other than my brother who could get me to come out of my room and away from my books. She has a light magenta coloured coat with beautiful purple eyes and her hair is purple as well with a lighter purple streak. She might have been the first pony I ever loved...” Fluttershy didn't know how to respond to this comment, fearing that she would offend Twilight or make herself paranoid so she simply stayed silent. “She was always so nice to me, and was really smart too so I could talk about anything and she would actually understand.” “What happened to her? You make it sound like something bad happened.” At this, Twilight's eyes narrowed into slits. “Yea. Star Bright happened.” She said through clenched teeth. “Twilight...if this story is too upsetting, you can always tell me later.” Fluttershy said, lightly laying a hoof on the unicorn's shoulder. It immediately calmed Twilight to have her lover show concern like this for her instead of prodding for additional information like most ponies might do. “No...I mean, I appreciate the offer, but it might just be better for me to get this off my chest and into the open. I'm tired of keeping this all...locked up.”Fluttershy nodded and opened her hooves to the distressed pony. Twilight eagerly wedged herself between the arms of her lover and began to relax considerably as Fluttershy began to tenderly stroke Twilight's mane, much like anypony would stroke a cat. “It was during the Summer Sun Celebration when I met her...” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there.” A young Twilight Sparkle said, shaking her head and looking for her book while simultaneously apologizing to the filly she knocked down. “Heh, it's alright.” The light purple filly picked herself up and after a moment of staring, she grinned. “Hey, I know you! You're Twilight Sparkle; Protege of Princess Celestia herself.” Twilight blushed as she gripped the book with her still developing magic and said, “Um...yea...well, I really am sorry I bumped into you but if you don't mind, I need to get back to my studying.” “But...but...You gotta come play with me. Think of it as...making up for bumping into me.” The young pony said with a smile. Twilight smiled back, albeit nervously. “A-are you sure? I mean...ask anypony around and they'll all tell you that I'm a terrible playmate. I don't know the rules to any of the games, I don't know how to even PLAY any-” “Calm down and c'mon! I'll teach you as we go.” Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat and carried the book as she walked alongside the other unicorn. “So...you know who I am, but other than seeing you around, I don't know who you are.” “Oh! My bad! My name is Amethyst Star! A pleasure to meet you.” Amethyst Star held her hoof out and grinned. 'She's very loud...' Twilight thought with mild annoyance as she shook the unicorn's hoof. “C'mon! I'll race ya!” Amethyst took off, leaving a surprised Twilight behind. “W-wait for me!” Twilight galloped to catch up with the other filly. When she was a few inches behind Amethyst, Twilight smiled and jumped, tackling the other filly to the grassy ground. They both laughed as they rolled around, trying to win the wrestling match they suddenly found themselves in. As they day went on, Amethyst Star continued to show Twilight how to play the various games and explain all the rules that went with them. It wasn't until Celestia's sun was near the horizon that Twilight tried to leave. “Well...I guess it is getting late. Promise that I'll see you tomorrow?” “Oh...well...I had fun and all today, but I don't know if-” Twilight was cut off by the energetic filly getting right next to her face with large eyes and a protruding bottom lip. “Please? Please please please please PLEASE?” With each please, the magenta filly got closer and closer until their noses were touching. “Okay! I'll see you under the large oak tree tomorrow afternoon. I promise.” Twilight said, slightly cringing at the aggressive nature of this other pony. “Yay! See ya tomorrow Twilight!” Amethyst skipped away, making Twilight snicker as she collected her book and headed back to her own room. This continued for the next few months; Twilight would meet Amethyst under the oak tree around noon and the two would play from then until evening. However, one day while Twilight was running to play with her friend, she stopped when she saw a few colts bullying her friend. “Why does she want to play with filly from a dirty home when she could play with us where she belongs?” “Probably because you guys are all snobs.” Amethyst said with her tongue sticking out at the bullies. “Ugh. You low ponies are so lame. C'mon guys, let's show this little girl who's in charge.” The three colts slowly began to advance upon Amethyst. It was at this point that Twilight scratched at the ground and with a battle cry, rushed forward with her horn glowing. “What the?” The leader asked before being shrunk. The other two tried to run but were turned into a frog and toad respectively. “You leave her alone!” Twilight said, stomping her hoof when she neared the group. “Twilight! You made it!” Amethyst said, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. A small, high pitched voice made itself known. “Of course. Leave it to the fillyfooler's marefriend to save the day. Chocolate Tail, Graphite, let's go!” A small grey colt ran off while the two amphibians followed after. “Don't you think that you should change them back?” Twilight giggled and said, “It'll wear off as soon as they're out of eyesight so they should be fine.” They pair laughed loudly as they walked to the small candy shop near the Academy. It wasn't until Twilight was on her way back to her room that she bumped into the grey colt again. “Ugh, you again?” The purple unicorn said with a roll of her eyes. “Hey now, I didn't do anything to you. If anything, I should be mad at YOU.” He said, his golden eyes looking straight into her purple ones. “You were the one who was messing with my friend first!” “Yea but you were the one who made me LITTLE!” The two young ponies pressed their heads against each other as they glared into each other's eyes. The colt was the first to back off. When he next spoke, his eyes stared off into the distance and away from Twilight's gaze. “I just wanted to apologize is all, but I guess that I'm wasting my breath.” He stomped his right hoof and walked down the hall with his chin high in the air and his eyes closed as he tried to act dignified and it would have worked had he not ran into the wall instead of turning. Twilight laughed as he glared and rubbed his chin before disappearing around the corner. Twilight made it to her room and quickly went to bed to make the next day come quicker so she could spend time with Amethyst Star. The two spent all their time together, even after Spike was old enough to start staying with Twilight. Both mares shared all their secrets and dreams with each other, played and laughed with each other and helped one another study as time went on. However, as time went on and the two friends matured, it was hard for Amethyst to ignore the growing annoyance of Star Bright's numerous attempts to talk to Twilight and be nice to her. Another such day was the day of Twilight's 16th birthday. “Thank you so much for the gift Amethyst. I never imagined that I would get such a wonderful gift that wasn't a book!” Amethyst blushed and smiled sheepishly. “Well...I figured that emeralds would look good on you, so I picked out the best ones and had my mom help me get them onto the necklace.” Amethyst had gotten her cutie mark a long time after Twilight; three diamonds, to signify her talent in picking out the best gems for jewlery. “Ah! Twilight Sparkle, there you are.” The two mares spun around and both immediately frowned. “What do you want Star Bright? Can't you see I'm trying to enjoy my birthday?” “That's why I'm here to see you. I have a gift for you.” He laid a small package on the ground and turned away to start walking. Twilight cautiously tore away the wrapping and gasped. It had been a copy of History of Magic and All Things Arcane (5rd edition!), the very book Twilight had been after for a good 2 weeks. “Wow...thanks Star Bright. How did you know I wanted this book?” “A gentlecolt always knows what a lady wants.” He winked and continued walking. Twilight couldn't fight the light blush that pranced across her face. “Ugh! How sappy!” Amethyst Star groaned, scrunching her face up in disgust. “Yea...but it was nice. Maybe he's finally grown up?” Twilight suggested as she put the book in her saddlebag for later reading. “Yea, and I've grown wings and become a pegasus.” The magenta mare said in a deadpan. Twilight laughed and pushed her friend before taking off. “I'm going to get you for that Sparkle!” Amethyst laughed after catching her balance and chasing after her friend. That night, Twilight had managed to convince Princess Celestia to allow Amethyst to stay the night (to study of course). Which they did for a large part of the night. At around 3 in the morning, Twilight yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Wow...we've been up for quite awhile...” “Yea...hey Twilight? Can I ask you something personal?” “Of course Star. Anything.” Twilight noticed that her friend's face had taken adopted a reddish tint and could barely form her sentence. “W-well...i-it's just th-that I...Er...n-never mind. It's n-nothing.” “Doesn't seem like nothing. What's on your mind Amethyst?” Twilight moved closer and put a consoling hoof on her friend's shoulder, making the magenta mare jump. “N-nothing! I'm just really tired! I'm gonna hit the hay now. G'night Twilight!” With that, Amethyst Star dove into her sleeping back and was silent. “Oh...okay...” Twilight sighed and blew out the single candle that lit the room and crawled into her bed, wondering what was bothering her friend. The next few days, Star Bright had kept offering gifts or nice words to Twilight while ignoring Amethyst Star's harsh glares. One night, Amethyst and Twilight had parted ways after Twilight and Star Bright had gotten into talking about the recent astronomical bodies that had been discovered. Before Amethyst could turn the corner to leave the castle courtyard, she heard his voice. “I'm so close to getting into Twilight's bed! But Amethyst Star keeps getting in my way!” The magenta unicorn gasped and snuck closer to where the voices were coming from. “We keep trying to distract her for you, but she just ignores or avoids us Bright.” “UGH! You two are idiots! I've told you how to get her away and you still manage to screw it up. You two need to step up your game or else my reputation will be ruined and I'll be a laughing stock! And if that happens, you don't wanna know what I'm going to do to you foals.” Star Bright's voice was highly aggravated and when that happened, his voice tended to rise several octaves, something that made Amethyst laugh every time. She snickered, but quickly covered her mouth. “Who's there!? Find who ever is snooping around and bring them to me!” Star Bright screamed. 'I've gotta warn Twilight! I knew there was a reason he was being so nice to her!' Amethyst turned and started running, but before she got too far, she felt something grip her back legs which sent her sprawling to the ground. “Well well well, lookie here Star Bright.” Amethyst Star felt herself being lifted and held upside down by the magics of Chocolate Tail and Graphite. “Ahh...Amethyst. We were just talking about you.” Star Bright flashed a grin that made the captive unicorn's stomach twist. “So, what're you doing out this late?” “N-nothing at all. I was just-” Amethyst clenched her teeth in pain as a hoof lodged itself into her stomach. “Shut your mouth!” Star Bright laughed after he hit her again. “Now then, what shall we do with you?” “We should blindfold her and drop her off in the downtown area.” “No! We should take her to Underground's gang! He said he's been looking for new “recruits” for raising money.” Chocolate Tail and Graphite shouted at the same time. “No...I have a better idea.” Star Bright took hold of her back legs with his magic and gently traced her jaw. “Let's tell the guards about Amethyst Star's family “secret”. You know, the one about how her father is selling Canterlot secrets to the highest bidder?” “My father would do no such thing! He's the captain of the royal guard!” Star Bright chuckled and said, “You mean he's a washed out old man! He'll be replaced soon enough and as for you...” He drew his hoof back and smashed it against the mare's jaw and she could feel something snap within her head. “You mention one word of this to anypony and I mean ANYPONY...well...let's just say that you and your family will be worse for wear.” He dropped her and as she fell, spun and lashed out with a strong buck, catching her in the barrel and with a resounding cracking noise, sent her a few feet away. She immediately began clutching her sides and groaning. “Let's go boys.” Amethyst laid there and thought of what she should do. The next day, Twilight was surprised that her friend was nowhere to be found. “That's strange...maybe she's just running late.” The lavender unicorn sat down and started to wait for her friend to show up. “Good afternoon Ms. Sparkle. How is your day?” Twilight turned her head and saw Star Bright walking up with a smile. “Oh, hello Star Bright. My day is alright but have you seen Amethyst Star anywhere?” He shook his head and sat beside her. “Strange that she isn't here. Usually you can't pry her off of you with a crowbar.” Twilight smiled and said, “Yea, but she IS my best friend.” Star Bright chuckled and said, “Yes...but anyways, I have something very important to ask you.” As he spoke, he leaned closer and closer to Twilight, making her heart race and her face beet red. “Y-yes?” “Well...I was wondering if you'd do me the honour of becoming my marefriend?” Twilight was struck speechless. “I...I...” He gently put a hoof on her lips and smiled, his golden eyes glimmering. “Yes...” He laughed quietly and said, “Excellent. You have no idea how happy you've made me Twilight Sparkle.” After the two talked for a little while longer, Star Bright suggested they go into town and celebrate their relationship, but much to his irritation, she declined. “Sorry, but I can't just leave. What if Amethyst Star shows up while I'm gone?” “I'm sure you can explain the next time you see her.” “Sorry, but maybe tomorrow?” He rolled his eyes and walked off, leaving Twilight confused. She waited another 2 hours before she got up and with a heavy sigh, slowly walked back to her room. While Twilight walked, she didn't notice the light sobbing coming from the willow tree near the entrance of the park she and Amethyst always went to. Behind the sagging tree's protective branches, a light magenta unicorn with purple hair was crying at what she had seen hours ago. “I've lost her...I waited too long and lost her...” She cried, despite the pain that flared up whenever she moved her mouth or sucked in air. Over the course of 2 weeks, Amethyst followed Star Bright and Twilight Sparkle to make sure nothing bad happened to her. Thankfully, Twilight had resisted most of Star Bright's attempts at “showing his affection”. However, one night, he had tried to kiss Twilight and the lavender unicorn had reacted in a way that neither of them had predicted. “Umm...what are you doing?” She asked, backing away from him. “I'm trying to give my marefriend a kiss. Don't you think you should give your coltfriend a kiss?” “Er...well...I...” He tried again and once more, Twilight dodged him. “Why are you moving? Hold still and let me kiss you.” “No thanks...I'm still not ready for a kiss...” Both Twilight and Amethyst could see him grit his teeth in anger, but he took a deep breath and said, “Fine. I'll see you tomorrow.” He turned and stomped away and that was when Amethyst took her chance. “Twilight!” “Amethyst?” The magenta pony tackled Twilight to the ground and begun to cry into her coat. “W-what's the matter? Amethyst, talk to me!” Through tears, Amethyst had told Twilight what she had overheard weeks ago and about how Star Bright had been keeping her away from Twilight with threats of having her family exiled from Equestria. “We have to tell the Princess!” “NO! There's no way she'll believe my word over his...” “She will if I'm backing you up!” Amethyst shook her head and buried her face into Twilight's chest. “I can't take that risk Twilight...I just can't.” Twilight wanted to argue and said that she could make the Princess see reason, but instead picked up Amethyst on her back and carried her friend to her room. Twilight put Amethyst down on her bed and stood by her. “There has to be something I can do for you...” Amethyst looked out the large glass wall of Twilight's room and saw that the moon had taken the sun's place. “Lay with me...” Twilight blushed darkly at the thought that immediately ran through her mind. “Not like that...just, here...with me.” Twilight nodded and after blowing out the candle and swallowing the large lump in her throat, crawled into bed with her friend where she fell asleep quickly after cuddling up with her friend. She wasn't sure, but Twilight could've swore she heard Amethyst mumble something that sounded like, “I love you” before she had passed out. The next morning, Twilight was roughly awoken by the sound of her door flying open. “Amethyst Star, your family is being placed under arrest for selling Canterlot secrets on the Black Market. I'm going to have to ask you to come with us.” Two guards were standing in the doorway with Celestia behind them. “What? No! My family would never do such a thing!” Amethyst leapt out of bed, wincing as pain exploded in her body. “Never the less, you are to come with us.” They advanced forward while Amethyst backed away. “Wait! She's telling the truth! You can't take her away!” Twilight said, leaping in front of her friend. “Twilight...move.” Celestia said, gazing into her student's eyes. “No! You can't take her! She's innocent and so is her family!” The guards continued forward, making the pair step further back. “Twilight...” The unicorn shook her head. “I won't let them take you Amethyst.” Shutting her eyes, Twilight concentrated and with a groan of exhaustion, managed to teleport both her and Amethyst out of her room and under the oak tree in the park. “Come...come on Amethyst.” Twilight breathed, trying to take in more air than her lungs could hold. Amethyst helped Twilight stay on her feet until she was breathing properly and said, “Where are we going to go?” Twilight thought for a moment, then said, “The palace labyrinth!” The mares took off running for the large hedge maze on the other side of the palace courtyard. They were just about to run in when a blinding light made them halt. “Twilight Sparkle, stop.” The light faded and there stood Princess Celestia. Twilight immediately stood in front of Amethyst who had crouched on the ground in fear and pain. “You can't take her Princess!” “I'm sorry Twilight...but the guards have hard proof that he was indeed selling secrets.” “It's all Star Bright's fall your highness!” Amethyst stood and said, “He's been blackmailing me for the past few weeks with the information to make me stay away from Twilight!” Celestia sighed and shook her head. “Your father admitted to it when we questioned him.” Amethyst stood there, shocked beyond belief. “I...I can't...” The regal pony took a step forward towards the pair, but Twilight stopped her. “NO! You can't take her from me!” “Twilight-” “I said no! She doesn't have anything to do with this! I-” Twilight suddenly felt light headed as the world around her faded into darkness while Amethyst screamed her name. Twilight mumbled and rolled around in her bed before shooting straight up and screaming, “Amethyst no!” Cold sweat ran down her body as she looked for her friend, but saw nopony other than the Princess of the Day. “Where is she!?” Twilight shouted before jumping out of bed. “Twilight, calm down.” “Where is Amethyst Star? You can't-” “Twilight, stop!” Twilight cringed as the alicorn rose her voice to halt her student's voice. Celestia looked at her for a moment, then at the ground. “She's gone Twilight...I would have let her stay here, but at the trial...they were adamant that her whole family leave Canterlot. They wanted to exile her from Equestria, but I managed to calm them down. You can see her before she leaves...but she can never return to Canterlot...” Tears were streaming down Twilight's face as the news settled into her mind. Celestia moved towards her student to offer a comforting wing, but halted as a single word was uttered. “Leave...” To the royal pony, the word stung worse than a thousand spears thrust into her heart. “Twilight-” “I said LEAVE!” Celestia stood still for a moment before leaving with a lowered head. As soon as the door closed, Twilight broke down, wailing loudly at the loss of her friend. It had taken three hours before Twilight stopped due to her throat being incredibly sore from her constant screaming and crying. As she laid on the floor sniffling and wiping her eyes, Twilight didn't notice the door open behind her. “Twilight?” The unicorn was about to scream and tell the pony who had dared to bother her to leave, but the words died in her throat when she saw who it was. “Amethyst!” Twilight scrambled to her hooves and ran to her friend. They met and hugged and Twilight began to cry all over again, but this time, she had a friend to cry with her. The two didn't cry for more than an hour before simply laying down in front of Twilight's glass wall and staring out at Canterlot as the city dimmed and took on the ethereal glow that many ponies loved. The unicorns didn't say a single word during those final hours together, instead using the time to just be together. It wasn't until 10 that a knock sounded at the door. “Twilight...it's time.” The lavender pony was tempted to scream at whoever was at the door, but stopped when she felt her friend's hoof on her back. With a tearful smile, Amethyst pulled Twilight into a hug and whispered, “I'll miss you Twilight...more than you'll ever realize...” Then, she pulled herself away from Twilight and disappeared behind the door, taking the small emerald necklace with her. It had taken Twilight years to pull herself out of the depression that followed that day. There were days where she would get so engrossed in her studies to escape reality that she would have to be taken to the hospital from malnourishment and sleep deprivation. Other times, she would be hateful to anypony that dared cross her path. She would hate the world, her fellow students, the guards, and even the Princess herself. Anything that sparked her ire would find itself burnt, frozen, shocked, or in some form of pain. Even Spike would stay away from her during these periods of rage. It was one of these days that Star Bright had foolishly tried to talk to her. Twilight's day had already started horribly when she couldn't find a particular book and she was in no mood to speak to anypony or even speak at all. So, when she heard a knock, she immediately screamed, “Go away! I'm busy!” When the door opened, she turned her bloodshot eyes on the pony who had foolishly walked in and wished that looks could kill when she saw who it was. “Hello Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight could practically feel her anger flow through her body. “If you know what's good for you Star Bright, you will turn around and walk out that door.” He laughed and said, “Oh please. Now, I wanted to talk to you about-” His sentence was stopped in mid syllable as she lifted him off the ground and threw him through the door. He collided with the wall with a groan as small cracks spider-webbed out from behind him. “You're lucky that I put a small protective spell on you. Now BEAT IT!” She fired a bolt of frost magic at him and with a yelp, he dodged it and ran off. “I'll be back!” He cried before flying around the corner with a speed only fear could grant. She ignored him and rebuilt the door and slammed it back into the door-frame. The next day, he had returned like he promised. Only this time, instead of rage flowing through her body, it was sorrow. “You know, you only have yourself to blame in Amethyst's departure. If you would have just forgotten about her and focused on ME, she would've been able to stay.” “No...It was-” “YOU! You were the one she couldn't stay away from so logically, this is YOUR FAULT Twilight Sparkle!” He screamed in delight. “No...no!” She ran past him with tears streaming down her face as he just laughed at her pain. Two more years would pass before her emotions stabilized and she went back to being a recluse. Nopony would even mention Amethyst Star around Twilight and even Star Bright left her alone once he began to take interest in other mares. Though everypony definitely agreed on one thing; she was definitely more isolated than she was before. Finally, a year later, Twilight would be sent to Ponyville to study the Magic of Friendship. (Author's Note; First off, I want to apologize to you, the readers. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't as...clean cut as the others have been. My editor has I guess been doing life stuff and I haven't heard from him at all so I edited it as best I could so...yea, sorry if it doesn't read as smoothly. Other than that, nothing too much to say other than...uh...nothing? Remember to comment about stuff, mkay?) > Time in Cloudsdale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Twilight had finished her story, she had cried, laughed, shook with rage, and dropped into depression. “So that's why you hate Star Bright so much...” Fluttershy mumbled quietly. “Yes. I can never forgive him for what he had done to me for his own personal gain and now that he's back in my life again, I've no doubt that he's up to something once again.” Fluttershy didn't know what else to say, so instead she just continued to rub Twilight's head, coaxing her into a state of relaxation. “Well...whatever he's up to, we'll fight him together.” The unicorn sighed and said, “That's what I'm afraid of.” She spun, startling the timid pegasus and said, “I don't want to lose you like I lost Amethyst. I don't think I could handle that amount of pain again Fluttershy...” Fluttershy pulled Twilight into a tight hug, feeling her body shake with each of Twilight's sobs into her chest. “It won't come to that Twilight...I know it won't.” Fluttershy whispered into Twilight's ears, as well as other comforting words. The lavender pony eventually ended up falling asleep in Fluttershy's grasp and any other night, the pegasus would have happily fallen asleep as well but tonight had shaken her. 'From what it sounds like...Amethyst was just like me, or I was like her, or we are alike. Am I just a replacement for this Amethyst Star? What am I to Twilight? Is our whole relationship a lie just because I'm basically Amethyst Star but with wings instead of a horn and a different colour?' Fluttershy felt tears begin to stain her vision, but she clenched her eyes shut and wiped them away with her free wing. 'No! Our relationship is real and even though Amethyst and myself are alike, we are two different ponies. She was Twilight's love then, and I'm her love now. Past and present, then and there to here and now. She loves me because I'm me, not just some imitation of a pony she loved long ago...right?' The ring of doubt still rung in her ears, but she shoved that doubt far into the depths of her mind and closed her eyes. 'She loves me now...' Was the last thought that went through the shy pony's mind before sleep gently lulled her into its realm. Despite going to bed later than Twilight, Fluttershy still managed to get up before the unicorn and after carefully slipping away from Twilight's possessive hold on her, she hovered downstairs where she found Spike still sleeping soundly. She flew into the kitchen and grabbed a pencil before landing and wrote, “Twilight, I've gone into town to do some shopping. Not an epic adventure, but I still figured you'd want to know where I was. Love, Fluttershy” When she was satisfied, the pegasus grabbed her scarf and after wrapping around her neck, opened the door and quietly closed it to avoid waking the sleeping patrons of the library. The first thing that Fluttershy did was head to Applejack's apple cart to buy some things and talk with a friend. “Well howdy Fluttershy. Chilly mornin' don't ya think?” “Oh yes. It's definitely going to be quite a cold winter this year.” The farmpony sighed and said, “Unfortunately so. Now then, what can I get'cha?” Fluttershy picked out what she needed and after paying lingered for a moment. “What's the matter sugercube? Somethin' on yer mind?” “Well...it's just...” As Fluttershy tried to find the words to explain how she felt about Twilight's story, a mare walked up and tapped her shoulder. “Hey Fluttershy?” The pegasus nearly jumped, but managed to control her fear. She turned and saw the town mailmare Ditzy. “Oh, hello Ditzy. How are you today?” The cross eyed pegasus grinned. “I'm great! How're you?” “I'm not too bad. Is that for me?” Fluttershy pointed to the package balanced on the yellow hair of her fellow pegasus. “Yup, and this one too.” She opened her right wing and a letter fell neatly into her hoof, then held it out to Fluttershy. “If you would sign here please?” The muffin loving mare reached into her saddlebag and gripped a clipboard with her mouth and with a yank pulled out then pen that was attached via string. “Of course.” Fluttershy grabbed the pen and quickly signed the board, taking her mail from Ditzy. “Have a nice day Fluttershy.” The pale blue pegasus said, waving a hoof and flying away while greeting all the other ponies that called out to her, whether it be her actual name or her nickname Derpy. “So what did'ja get sugercube?” Applejack asked in curiosity. “Well...one is unmarked other than a small heart...and the other...” She turned the letter over and nearly dropped it. “I-it's from my f-father!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “Is that good or bad?” Fluttershy smiled the biggest smile Applejack had ever seen and said, “Of course it's good! I have to go tell Twilight! I'll see you later Applejack!” Fluttershy picked up the unmarked box and tossed it into her saddlebag while she grabbed the letter in her mouth and took off full speed back to the library. “Whoa...don't think I've ever seen Fluttershy that excited, or loud before.” The earth pony speculated, slightly shocked. Twilight had just woken up and was in the kitchen, reading over Fluttershy's letter and downing a mug of warm coffee. “Huh...wonder what she went-” She stopped when she heard the front door open followed by hoof-beats on the wooden floor. “Twilight! I got mail!” The pegasus said in excitement. Twilight yawned before answering. “From who?” “My father!” Twilight searched her mind for any mention of Fluttershy's parents and came up blank. “What does it say?” Fluttershy set it down and within seconds, Twilight had it open for Fluttershy to read. The pegasus cleared her throat and read it aloud. “To my dearest Fluttershy; How are you? I hope you've been well. I have recently returned to Cloudsdale and was wondering if you'd honour me by coming to see me. I would love to see you again, as would Lightning Streak. Please send us a reply as soon as you can. Love; your father Warm Breeze.” Fluttershy could barely contain her excitement and it showed. She was shifting from hoof to hoof, she couldn't stop grinning, and the tips of her wings were flapping rapidly. “So when do you plan on going?” Twilight asked, re-reading the letter. “You mean WE and I'd like to go tomorrow...if that's okay.” “Of course we can. I don't think you've ever mentioned your parents so it'll be nice to meet them.” Fluttershy nodded and said, “I can't wait to tell him everything that's been going, especially about us getting together.” Twilight nearly gagged on the coffee she had taken a drink of. After coughing for a moment, she said, “Are you sure you want to do it so soon after he got back? Or right after meeting me for that matter?” Twilight could feel nervous energy begin to wash over her but began to calm down when Fluttershy hugged her. “Don't worry. When you meet him, you'll understand my aloofness about telling him about us. Besides, I just know you'll love him.” Fluttershy skipped out of the room while Twilight's mind was reeling with questions. However, she stopped herself before it became too out of control. 'No use in worrying about it too much. I've got to trust Fluttershy.' With one last sip, her coffee was gone and she was ready to start the day by making a checklist for Spike since she would be gone for a day or two. Star Bright was walking through the town of Ponyville, his mind slinging various insults or harsh words at whatever he deemed unfit for his eyes to pass over when a voice called out to him. He turned to his right and nearly dropped his jaw. The shadows themselves were moving, beckoning towards him. He inched closer and after making sure nopony was close enough to hear him, he said, “Sorry, but I don't deal with dark and “spooky” things. So if you want to talk to me, you WILL show yourself.” The shadow did not move but whispered two words. “Twilight Sparkle.” He looked into the depths of the dark mass and saw a pair of eyes gleaming back at him. “I'm listening...” The rest of the day went by rather quickly for the couple as they helped set up the library for Spike whilst they would be gone in Cloudsdale. “I'm also going to need you to pick up something more quills from Quills and Sofas...I'm also going to need...” Spike rolled his eyes as Twilight continued to list of things that would need finished while Fluttershy went up to their room. She walked over to her small corner of items and grabbed the small violet box that she had brought and opened it up. Inside were 2 items; an old photograph and a ring. Carefully, Fluttershy removed both the ring and photograph and stared at them both. The photo depicted a happy family of pegasi. A yellow stallion with hazel eyes and a cyan mane, a grown dark orange mare with crystal blue eyes and a pink mane tied into a single braid, and a young yellow filly with teal eyes and a pink mane. On the back written in elegant cursive was “Warm Breeze, Graceful Flight, and Fluttershy”. The yellow mare couldn't help but smile fondly at the photo before putting it back. Next, she gazed at the ring as if it were the most valuable thing in the world (and in a way, it was). “Mom...” She held back the tear that threatened to fall before putting it back in the box. “You've never talked about your parents before.” Fluttershy turned around and saw Twilight leaning against the door-frame, a warm smile on her face. “I know...” Twilight walked over and looked down into the box to see the picture. “Your mom and dad?” Fluttershy nodded and said, “My dad's name as you know is Warm Breeze, and my mother's name is Graceful Flight.” “Wow...she's really beautiful Fluttershy. Now I see where you get it from.” Twilight said, kissing her lover's cheek. Fluttershy chuckled and said, “Flattery will get you everywhere my dear bookworm.” Twilight giggled and turned her attention to the ring. “What kind of ring is this? I've never seen one like it. It's like a Horn Ring, but your mother is a pegasus.” “It's a Wing Ring. When two pegasi get married, they receive rings much like unicorns do. However, unlike unicorns, most pegasi leave their rings on. You see...they go on like this...” Fluttershy lifted the ring up and gently bit down, causing it to separate at a small nearly hidden joint. Then, she turned her head and wrapped part of it around the joint of her wing that connected it to her body, then with another bite, it snapped closed with a perfect fit. “Wow...It's amazing...” The ring was silver with the brightest blue sapphires that Twilight had ever seen and was easily visible on Fluttershy, even when her wings were closed and at her side. “It was my mother's wedding ring.” Twilight could hear the tone of sadness in her marefriend's voice, so she pulled Fluttershy into a light embrace. “What happened to her?” Fluttershy sighed and Twilight felt the pegasus tighten her hold around her neck before answering. “She had an illness that only pegasi can get. The doctors said that she wouldn't live to be 24. She lived until she was 28...when she had me...The birthing process was too much on her body with the illness and after I was born...she passed away.” Twilight could feel wetness on her coat and immediately began to stroke Fluttershy's back. “This ring and photo are all I have of her.” Twilight nodded as Fluttershy took a step back to dry her damp eyes. “I'm sorry Twilight...I didn't mean to start crying.” “It's alright Fluttershy. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had lost my mother like that...I'm glad you have a keepsake that will remind you of her whenever you need it.” The pegasus mare just nodded and removed it with the same fluidity that she had used to put it on and within seconds was back in the small box. “I love you Twilight.” The unicorn smiled and said, “I love you too. C'mon. We're going out to eat; You, Spike, and myself.” Fluttershy smiled and after putting the box back onto her shelf, followed Twilight and Spike to their destination while the snow fell around them in small flurries. It had been another average day for Pinkie Pie. She had been working really hard since she had learned the news of her friends being in a relationship together. “Don't they know that nothing good will come of it?” She mumbled to herself as she pulled a pan of muffins out from the stove. She carefully put them on the counter and before she could begin to add the frosting, the bell above the door rang. The party mare put a smile on and walked up to the counter. “Welcome to Sugercube Corner. Today we have...” Her words trailed into silence as she looked past the customer and out the window where she saw Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy walking side by side with Spike riding on Twilight. They were all smiling and Spike was laughing at something only they could hear. “Um...excuse me? My order?” “Yea, here.” Pinkie said absently as she shoved the bag into the customers waiting arms and collected his money. Then, she shooed him out, closed the store and after dressing warmly, took off after her friends. She managed to catch up just as they were walking into a restaurant. She watched them through the window and quickly dove into the nearby bush when they took a seat near the window she had been peeking through. So, she crawled a few feet away then poked her head out. The trio were still laughing and smiling and even had the waitress laughing with them. Pinkie growled a little but continued to watch. As she did, she tried to read their lips. However, she had underestimated the cold and because of that, she had under dressed. She couldn't stop her body from shivering and when it spread to her head, it became hard to make out the words as her head shook with cold. Finally, Pinkie huffed and began the trek home, muttering to herself. “All I got was something about parents. Ugh, stupid weather.” With one last look at the restaurant, the pink mare sighed in defeat and walked into her home. When dawn broke the next day, Twilight and Fluttershy got up to share breakfast and coffee as they awaited a more suitable time to leave. When the time had come, the girls had woken Spike up so he wouldn't forsake his morning chores and after making sure that he WOULD stay awake, Twilight checked the hot air balloon they had drug out the small storage room behind the library. They had allowed it to start inflating while they ate and woke up. “Everything seems to be in order. Shall we get going?” Fluttershy nodded and as soon as the balloon was in the air, the yellow pegasus flew around to make sure there was nothing wrong with the balloon or basket. “We're good to go.” Twilight marked something off a checklist and began to make the balloon rise. When she was satisfied, Twilight allowed the wind to guide the balloon to Cloudsdale. Fluttershy came and joined her in the basket to offer her natural warmth to Twilight. Flying in high altitudes during cold weather meant a pony could easily freeze if they weren't prepared or were anything other than a pegasus. The ride was relatively boring but the pair managed to keep themselves occupied by talking. As they approached Cloudsdale, Fluttershy hopped out of the basket and directed Twilight on where to go. After steering and nearly crashing a few times, Twilight managed to set the balloon down on a large cloud plateau that lead to where Fluttershy's father lived. Twilight took a moment to cast the cloud walking spell before she hopped out. “Ready?” Fluttershy asked. Twilight nodded but couldn't help but feel butterflies in her stomach. As they neared the house, Twilight stopped for a moment. “Is something wrong Twilight?” “Other than the fact that I'm about to meet your parents? No. I mean, I'm just kinda nervous is all...what if he doesn't like me?” Fluttershy laughed and said, “Don't worry. My dad likes everypony, so I'm sure he'll take a liking to you. Besides, he used to work at the Cloudsdale Library when he first met my mom.” Twilight's eyes brightened. “Really?” “Mhmm. Now come on.” Fluttershy continued to lead the way and when they got to the door, she knocked. “Daddy? You awake?” The pair heard a pair of voices and a few seconds later, the door opened. “Fluttershy! I didn't think you'd come so soon.” He said, scooping up the mare with ease and spinning around. She laughed and hugged him tightly. The act in itself was enough to make Twilight's jaw drop in amazement. She had never seen Fluttershy act so...happy about something that normally would have frightened her. “Oh? And who is this pretty young mare?” Both father and daughter laughed as the unicorn blushed. “I-I'm-” “Father, this is Twilight Sparkle. She's my marefriend.” Twilight's blush darkened while one was forming on Fluttershy's face. “Your marefriend eh?” Warm Breeze set his daughter down and walked up to Twilight, easily towering over her as he inspected her. “A unicorn huh? Well, I must say dear, you have fantastic taste. She's a very beautiful mare and I've no doubt that she'll make you happy.” Twilight threw her nervousness to the wind and asked, “So...you don't care that we're both mares?” He lowered his head down so that they were eye to eye and gave her a blank look. The unicorn swallowed the forming lump in her throat as the worst case scenarios played in her head. She was about to say something when he burst out laughing. When he had finished, he wiped a tear from his eye and said, “Mind? Sweetie, of course I don't mind. The way I see it, as long as you make my Fluttershy happy, I'm happy. Well, that and I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't approve.” “I don't follow.” the unicorn’s confusion showed on her face. Just then, another pony joined the trio. It was a stallion with a pale blue coat, emerald green eyes, and light amber mane with an even lighter amber streak running through it. “Well good morning Lightning Streak. You sleep well?” Warm Breeze leaned back and planted a kiss on the stallion's cheeks as he yawned. “Of course.” He looked down at Twilight and turned back to Fluttershy's father. “Umm...not to be rude but who's the unicorn?” “Twilight Sparkle. Pleasure to meet you Lightning Streak.” Twilight answered, holding her hoof out to shake. She was trying not to over-react at the fact that Fluttershy's father was basically doing the same thing they were, but with switched genders. Lightning shook Twilight's hoof before noticing the yellow pegasus. “Ahh, Fluttershy! You look well.” He leaned forward and pulled the mare into a hug. “It's nice to see you too Lightning Streak. Taking good care of my father?” “But of course. I'd hate to have you on my tail if I ever hurt him or let something happen to him.” The two laughed and after some more conversation, Warm Breeze invited everypony into the cloud home where he poured a cup of tea for each pony before settling down on the couch beside his lover. “So, tell me Twilight...what do you do? I don't mean to offend but your cutie mark tells me nothing of your occupation.” “I'm uh...the Protege of Princess Celestia...” Twilight mumbled the last few words, causing the stallions to lean forward a bit. “Sorry dear, what was that?” Twilight cleared her throat and said, “I'm the personal Protege of Princess Celestia herself...and I run Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville.” Twilight and Fluttershy couldn't help but fall to the cloudy floor as the stallion's jaws dropped, nearly joining the two on the floor. “M-my daughter...and...the Princess's p-personal student? Catch me Lightning Streak.” Warm Breeze said, throwing a hoof in front of his forehead and falling into the waiting hooves of his partner dramatically with a smile. Once the group had recovered from their laughing fit, the mares began to tell the tale of how they ended up together. As they spoke, Warm Breeze kept staring at Fluttershy's leg after he saw her itch it one too many times. Finally, as the girls were wrapping up their story, he cut them off. “Fluttershy honey, why do you keep scratching your leg?” Fluttershy managed to control herself from widening her eyes in shock. “Oh...umm...well...one of my animals lashed out at me because I accidentally pressed on a sore spot and it just itches where he got me is all.” Fluttershy smiled and hoped that he bought it. She didn't like lying to her only parent, but she also didn't want to start unnecessary trouble. “I see...” He left the subject alone, but the yellow mare could see it in his eyes that he was doubtful of the story. He was about to say something else when both Lightning Streak’s and Twilight's stomach's growled loudly. The blue pegasus laughed while the lavender unicorn chuckled sheepishly. “Sorry about that. I haven't eaten since this morning and its what...three now?” Twilight asked. Warm Breeze looked at the clock behind the horned pony and said, “two fifty-seven, but close enough. What say we go out and get some doughnuts? There's this amazing little store down the way that sells the best doughnuts in Cloudsdale.” The others agreed and after allowing the stallions to put on some warm clothing, they headed out. While they walked, a few pegasi floating by and waved, said hello, or even asked for Lightning Streak’s autograph. “Comes with bein’ a Wonderbolt” He told the unicorn.. Twilight couldn't stop looking around at the magnificent city. The last time she had been here, she had only really seen a small piece of the city along with the Weather Factory and the Cloudiseum. While they walked, Twilight would ask a question and either Warm Breeze or Lightning Streak would answer for her. “So Cloudsdale is actually a recent development in Equestria?” “Kind of. Cloudsdale has always been around since the founding of Equestria, but the pegasi were still a little cautious about sharing such a place with the other tribes. It wasn't until some 200 years ago that all the pegasi in Equestria gathered to move the city into the open. Many pegasi still consider this the capital for the pegasus while Canterlot is the capital for the unicorns.” He laughed and said, “Some even think that Ponyville should be the capital for earth ponies simply because it's so close to the other capital cities.” The others laughed along with him; not in a mocking way towards Ponyville, but simply at the idea. “That would definitely make the town more interesting than it already is.” “I don't know if I'd like all those extra ponies around...” Fluttershy said, frowning at the thought that her normally quiet town would be packed with strangers. “Well, technically we were a capital for a short time; The Chaos Capital of Equestria!” Twilight said, her voice taking on a deeper tone to try and imitate the defeated avatar of chaos. The refreshed the laughter that lasted until they got to the shop. A small bell rang over the door as they walked in and Twilight couldn't help but gasp at the pony behind the counter. “Pony Joe? Is that you?” The stallion spun and rose his eyebrow. “I beg pardon? My name is Pony Moe.” He thought for a moment, then smiled. “You must have me confused with my brother, the unicorn.” Twilight looked the stallion over quickly and saw that he did indeed have wings instead of a horn. “Don't worry, we both get it quite a lot since we look similar and all that.” She glanced back at his cutie mark and saw it was the same as Pony Joe's but the frosting was blue instead of pink. “Now you never told me you had a brother, Moe.” Warm Breeze said, walking up to the counter. Moe laughed and said, “Can you blame me? Then you'd go and try his doughnuts and betray me!” “What? I'd never do that! I like your doughnuts far too much. Well...that and you aren't half bad to look at either.” Moe rolled his eyes playfully and said, “Don't let my wife hear you say that. She might get jealous.” The stallions laughed and the mares chuckled. “I heard that Moe!” A woman's voice called from somewhere in the shop. “Heh, what'd I tell ya?” The group of 4 eventually got around to ordering some lunch. As they sat, ate, and enjoyed each other's company, Warm Breeze continued to glance at Fluttershy's leg, but said nothing about it. When they had finished, they bid Moe a pleasant farewell and continued to walk through the town. Warm Breeze had taken up leaning against Lightning Streak and Fluttershy had draped her wing across Twilight as evening quickly approached. Everypony was content to be with their loved ones that evening and for the test of the night, they had no trouble. (Author's Note: Well here it is everypony. Your next chapter :3 Thank you all for waiting and putting up with my tardiness and stuff but...Borderlands 2 is just SO much fun. Well...that and I've got to do as much as I can before Resident Evil 6 comes out so...yea ^^* And I've decided that your reward for waiting shall be...the introduction/prologue of the next story I'll be writing; No Regrets. I warn you, it hasn't been edited other than what I've done (and we all know I SUCK at editing so...don't be too surprised if it's kinda hard to read mkay? XD) Anyways, I'll just post it as the next chapter so just read on mkay? See ya in the next author's note.) > An Intimate Evening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Mini-note: Slight warning to you all; this chapter gets a bit...intimate towards the end so...heads up for that) On the way back to Warm Breeze's home, the three pegasi hovered while the single unicorn walked (not that she had much choice). Fluttershy of course stayed close to Twilight while the two stallions hovered just above them, whispering and snickering among themselves. “What do you think they're talking about?” Twilight asked after gesturing Fluttershy to fly lower. “I'm not sure. I think it's about Lightning Streak's schedule with the Wonderbolts.” Twilight nodded and just kept walking, admiring the cloud structures and the city's nightlife. There were numerous pegasi couples gliding about; some were heading uptown, others were going downtown. Some were simply hovered in one spot and admired the night and others flew by, eager to be somewhere. Twilight noticed though that they all seemed to be together, sharing their happiness with one another. “Hey Fluttershy?” “Yes Twilight?” Fluttershy had tilted her head slightly as she waited for Twilight's question. “I love you...with every ounce of my being.” Fluttershy was a little shocked at the depth of the words, but smiled warmly nonetheless and answered, “I love you too, Twilight. And don't let anypony ever tell you otherwise.” The yellow mare put her hooves on the cloud and gently kissed Twilight. Normally the unicorn would've been a bit embarrassed due to the fact that they had just kissed in public (not to mention in front of Fluttershy's father and his lover), but there was just something about the kiss that just felt...appropriate for the time. “Aww...my baby girl...” Twilight heard Warm Breeze mumble happily as they continued on. He whispered something down to Fluttershy as they passed by and turned the corner that lead to his home. “What did your father say?” The studious unicorn asked when the kiss had ended (much to Twilight's dismay). “He just told me that he would leave the door unlocked because I wanted to keep walking with you for a little while. If that's alright with you.” “Of course it is love. I'd walk all of Equestria with you.” She nuzzled Fluttershy's cheek before she continued to walk. Fluttershy simply smiled and walked alongside her soulmate. No words were spoken as they lazily made their way around the large cloud city with no certain direction. They nodded politely whenever a pony would recognize them or wave if waved at, but they never spoke a word. They didn't need to; they were together and that was all that mattered. Ponies that saw them couldn't help but feel the soothing aura that seemed to surround and follow them. Even the bitterest of pegasi would feel calm and warm as they passed by. After hours of aimless wandering, the pair of lovers ended up at one of the edges of the city. It was here that a spoken word was finally said. “It's so...beautiful.” Twilight whispered. From her standpoint, Twilight could see to the far reaches of eastern Equestria; the bright lights of Manehatten, Fillydelphia, and Baltimare, the quiet lighting of Canterlot, the majestic Foal Mountain as well as the beautiful Neighagra Falls. She could also see the lines of railroad that ran through the land and the few clouds that lazily floated through the small sections of Equestria that weren't governed by natural laws much like the Everfree Forest. “Not that I'm complaining...but why did you leave here? To give up this kind of view, not to mention your dad seems like a wondrous pony.” Fluttershy sighed and laid her head against Twilight's and closed her eyes. “Well...I loved being on the ground so much and...well, it was hard to continue to live here. I was relentlessly tormented for my lack of flying ability and Rainbow Dash couldn't always come to the rescue so I was always at the mercy of bullies about...93 percent of the time. “As for my father...this was back when he was still depressed about losing my mother so he was pretty much just dead to the world more often than not. It was like he had lost his spirit and just shuffled around as an empty husk. I sent him a letter telling him that I'd be moving down to Ponyville. I didn't get a response for 4 years. That was when he met Lightning Streak, which I'm grateful that he did and was able to help my dad...” Twilight nodded slowly and rubbed her head against Fluttershy's affectionately. “I see...Well, like I said before, I'm not complaining.” The unicorn said with a smile. Fluttershy just continued to stare out into the expanse of land beneath them. “Sometimes, when I'm looking out like this when I come visit my dad...I always feel like the sheer mass of this empty sky is going to just reach out and grab me. That's one of the reasons I was always so afraid to fly; simply because I was afraid of what could be hiding behind the edge, even though I knew it was nothing but land below.” “So then...you aren't afraid of heights?” Fluttershy shook her head. “No. But whenever I fly this high, I remember the terror of free-falling when Rainbow Dash knocked me off that cloud after that race began and my body just...freezes.” “I see.” Twilight couldn't believe how talkative Fluttershy was being. 'Is she changing and becoming more...open? Or is this just how she is around me? I always read that love can change a pony but this is ridiculous.' Twilight didn't complain though. She loved Fluttershy whether she was shy or not. “I feel like I should tell you something now.” “You don't have to sweetheart.” “I know, but I just have that feeling that I should.” Fluttershy nodded and waited for the unicorn's voice. “When I was younger, I never made friends just because I wanted to study. In truth...I was always afraid that the other ponies would judge me and make fun of me because I never knew what to do around others. Being alone bothers other ponies, so I also never had anything really in common with anypony else. I grew up reading while others grew up playing.” Twilight sighed deeply before continuing. “I remember all those fillies and colts who would come knocking on my door at home, asking if I wanted to play. Then I'd have to come up with some weird excuse as to why I couldn't, though most of the time it was true. I would tell them that I had to do chores, my parents said I had to stay home, I had to practice the piano or-” “You were learning how to play piano?” Twilight stopped and looked at Fluttershy. “Er...well...I...I wanted to at one point but I...” Twilight looked back out at the land as a dark blush crept onto her face. “Do you think you could still play?” Twilight shook her head. “Probably not...I haven't practiced or played in...10 or 11 years.” Twilight saw that Fluttershy looked a little upset at this statement but quickly hid it. “Oh, well, I guess that if you don't use a skill for so long, you forget it. It happens.” Twilight frowned at the sight of her loved one upset, but said nothing. The pair stood there for a little while longer before heading back to Fluttershy's previous home. On the way back, Twilight couldn't help notice how antsy Fluttershy was. She kept opening her mouth as if to speak, but would close it quickly before any words could escape, she would flap her wings impatiently as if they were trying to make her talk, and her tail would flip occasionally and brush Twilight's flank (by accident...right?). Finally, the lavender pony stopped and asked, “Is there something wrong Fluttershy?” “Oh...uh, no. Nothing's wrong.” “Your body says otherwise.” Fluttershy looked back and chuckled sheepishly. “Oh...well...it's just...” She lost her sentence and seemed to fumble with the words in her head. “Fluttershy, it's okay. You can tell me anything.” Twilight laid a hoof on the pegasus’ shoulder and smiled. This seemed to help Fluttershy tremendously and let her relax. “Thank you. But...I was just wondering if maybe...possibly...if you wanted to...fly for a moment with me?” Twilight had no idea how to respond to this question. “Like...how do you mean fly with you? I think if I cast the spell that would grant me wings, I'd fall asleep from the strain.” “No...I meant...I'd carry you.” “Oh.” Twilight was unsure. She wasn't exactly the lightest pony (despite the fact she went long periods of time without eating due to studying) and asked, “Are you sure? I mean...could you carry me for very long?” Fluttershy giggled and said, “Where I lack in speed, I make up in endurance. Rainbow is faster than me because that's what she practices with; speed. I on the other hand, can fly with heavier weight because I've carried so many animals of many different weights. I carried a whole cart of frogs before, remember? And I've only gotten stronger since then.” “Well...alright. I trust you.” Twilight said with a smile. Fluttershy smiled back and gave Twilight a kiss before she hovered just above the unicorn. “Ready?” Twilight took a few deep breaths, then nodded. “Mhmm.” Fluttershy wrapped her front hooves around Twilight's midsection and began to flap her wings. It took no more than 2 flaps before Twilight was off the cloud and with another 3 flaps, Fluttershy was easily gaining altitude. “You can open your eyes now.” Fluttershy knew that Twilight had shut her eyes as soon as she felt wind lightly blow through her hair. The unicorn chuckled nervously and slowly opened her eyes. “Wow...” Twilight was struck breathless at the sight that played out before her. The land below moved lazily past as the pair soared through the night sky. “Fluttershy...this is amazing.” The pegasus didn't answer, instead she closed her eyes in bliss at the thought that she was sharing something so personal with her marefriend. Fluttershy was a great flier herself, but she just never liked to show it off for fear that she would be placed in situations that would call for precise flight (besides, Rainbow Dash took care of that just fine) and to Fluttershy, flight held a whole other meaning. To the pegasus, flight was something you did with the one you loved. She knew that Rainbow had taken Vinyl flying numerous times at night from the rainbow streak she would see in the night sky followed by the shouts of joy from the DJ. Occasionally Fluttershy would slowly dip, then ascend back into the sky and at the request of Twilight, flew through a few clouds. They laughed as the vapor clung to their coats and tickled their noses. Eventually, Twilight suggested that they land so Fluttershy wouldn't tire herself out. “Alright. Hey, Twilight?” “Hmm?” “Thank you for trusting me.” “No, thank you. This experience was one of the most thrilling and...I don't know how to explain it. If I were to put it simply...is was amazing. Plus, since I was with you...it was just made rapturous.” Fluttershy blushed as she felt Twilight turn her head and kiss her chest. When they neared the home, instead of landing in front of the house like Twilight expected, Fluttershy flew around and instead landed on a small balcony. “Where does this go?” “Into my room.” Twilight nodded and took a step towards the door, but before she could open it, Fluttershy stopped her. Not a single word escaped Twilight's lips before Fluttershy pressed her own hungrily against them. Twilight could barely think straight as she kissed back. There was just something about that particular moment in the moonlight, under the glowing stars that both mares could feel themselves become hungry for one another. So, with their lips still locked and tongues still battling, they stumbled into the room until Twilight fell back onto the bed with Fluttershy on top of her with a hazy grin. “Fluttershy...” “There's nothing to distract us this time...” Was all the yellow pegasus said before resuming her attack. Twilight was more than eager to be lead in this intimate dance they were performing, but still wanted to at least give a little struggle instead of just letting herself be completely dominated (that was how all those books said to do it anyways). She fought to keep her moans in her throat as Fluttershy kissed her and even when she began to work her way down, nipping and biting at her neck and ears while one hoof lazily traced a haphazard trail down towards Twilight's belly. The lavender unicorn had no idea what to do as Fluttershy continued her gentle ministrations, so she wrapped her hooves around around the pegasus and tenderly rubbed Fluttershy's wings, carefully brushing the feathers like her anatomy book had shown. She felt Fluttershy moan against her neck, causing delightful little shivers to travel all over Twilight's body. This kept up for quite awhile; Twilight would rub Fluttershy's wings and Fluttershy would continue to kiss, nibble, and nip at Twilight's head and neck. It wasn't until Twilight passed her hooves over the margins of the pegasus's wings that something different happened. As soon as Fluttershy felt the hooves, she bit down a little harder as she moaned deeply into Twilight's throat. Twilight, who had nothing to block her mouth, let loose a pleasant groan that made Fluttershy's mouth vibrate. As Fluttershy pulled away, she heard Twilight gasping and say, “B-bite harder...” The pegasus could practically hear the lust behind the voice, but obeyed nonetheless. She lowered her head back down and bit harder than she did before and it caused Twilight to pull her as close to her body as she could. Fluttershy blushed a heavy red when she felt Twilight's wetness against her lower stomach, close to her own marehood. “Twilight...you keep this up...” Fluttershy looked straight into Twilight's eyes and finished, “I'm not going to be able to control myself.” Twilight loosened her hold and looked away from Fluttershy for a moment and the pegasus was afraid she had scared her lover. “This is my first time doing something like this...”Fluttershy nodded and kissed Twilight, but it wasn't a hungry, lustful kiss. Rather, it was a gentle, comforting kiss. “Mine too, my love. So if you want me to stop now or at any time, just say so. Okay?” Twilight shook her head. “No...I want to do this with you Fluttershy. I love you with my whole being and this is the most intimate thing two lovers can do...and I want to share the experience with you.” Fluttershy smiled and pulled Twilight into another kiss. The touching heart to heart talk was forgotten as time went on and lust was rebuilt. Fluttershy kept biting Twilight and her bites gradually became harder and harder to the point Twilight had requested earlier while Twilight continued to gently rub Fluttershy's wings. Eventually, Fluttershy began to nip and suck lower and lower upon the unicorn's body. As she went, Twilight's pants and moans came more sporadically and heavier and as such, she gripped Fluttershy's wings a little tighter. This of course drove Fluttershy even further on her course for the lavender pony's southern region. Every mewl or noise that Twilight made sent pleasurable shocks all throughout her pegasine body, especially to her wings as well as her own marehood. While her own body screamed for more attention than what Twilight was giving it, Fluttershy's instinct told her to continue. This was their first time together and she wanted it to be remembered for as long as they lived. When she finally made it, she took a moment to breath and inhale the scent before her. It wasn't bitter, it didn't make her nose cringe or anything like that. It actually had a sort of sweet smell, but wasn't overpoweringly strong. It reminded Fluttershy of honey. With an amused mental chuckle, Fluttershy couldn't help but wonder, 'Perhaps it also tastes of honey?' With just a small ounce of hesitation, Fluttershy slipped her tongue out from between her lips and made a light flick across the wetness. Twilight's whole body tensed from the short stimulation, making her tail twitch uselessly under Fluttershy (thought it was rubbing her stomach just above her own pink flesh) and it made the pegasus shiver. She flicked her tongue another three times before she began to gently move up and down the unicorn's exposed area. Twilight's mind was trying to make sense of how this intense pleasure was working, but she was too lost in the fog of lust to really care. All she knew was that she didn't want it to stop. She kept twitching her tail with each pass and she could hear Fluttershy groan against her thigh occasionally. Eventually, Fluttershy's licks became faster and more refined as time flowed on, leaving them a few pleasant paces behind. Twilight couldn't help but wrap her hind-legs around Fluttershy as the pegasus began to get a little more rough by biting the insides of her legs (but not hard enough to show). Finally, with one last bite from the pegasus, Twilight leaned forward and in one fluid motion, unwrapped her hind-legs from Fluttershy's waist and wrapped the pink maned pony's head with her forelegs in an embrace as her senses were overloaded with bliss. She hugged Fluttershy as tightly as she could, trying to hold back the torrent of noise that wished to escape her mouth. She didn't want to let go of this feeling that overtook her mind, body, and soul. Fluttershy also was sent into this short respite from reality as well, but mostly due to the chaotic shuffling of her lover's tail against her own region. While it wasn't as intimate as Twilight's release, it was still meaningful simply because it had been Twilight who had brought her beyond the edge with her. The pair looked at each other and both wanted to say the same three words to each other, but knew that even a single syllable would ruin the night. So instead, they closed the gap between them and shared the most tender kiss the two had ever shared. While it wasn't as passionate as their other kisses, it still held the pure love they had for each other in it. When the kiss ended, they pulled each other close and fell asleep in each others embrace. Lightning Streak had gone to bed an hour or so after the couple had returned to their home while Warm Breeze had stayed up to make sure Fluttershy came home alright. He sat in the living room, reading a favorite of his late wife when he heard a light noise come from above. He chuckled and continued to read another 5 pages before closing the book and heading to his own bed. As he climbed the stairs, Warm Breeze could've swore he heard a noise, so he stopped and listened, his ears lazily turning back and forth to find the source. When he heard nothing else, he shrugged and continued up the stairs. When he got to the top, he made his way down the hall towards his room. However, as he passed by Fluttershy's room, he heard a single sound; the synchronized moans of two ponies who were truly in love with each other. He chuckled lightly and went to his room. When he crawled into bed he sighed happily and Lightning Streak mumbled groggily, “Huh? What's up?” “I just heard some of the most beautiful music in the world.” “What's that? After a moment's pause, Warm Breeze closed his eyes and smiled. “Love.” The next morning, the girls woke up feeling refreshed and just a little embarrassed as the previous night's escapades replayed in their minds. Instead of saying anything, Fluttershy directed Twilight to her shower where they quickly washed remnants of last night from their bodies. When they were fresh and clean, they headed downstairs to see Warm Breeze sipping from a mug. “Good afternoon girls. I trust you slept well?” He asked, winking at them. It immediately brought a blush back to their faces. The stallion chuckled and said, “There's a few cinnamon rolls left for you on the counter as well as some juice or coffee.” They mares just nodded and after taking their seats at the table, Twilight grabbed the plate of cinnamon rolls and two cups along with some juice (and the coffee for herself). She then poured the beverages and give Fluttershy her cup and then took a deep drink from the coffee. “This coffee is really good Warm Breeze. It's got just the right amount of sweetness and warmth. How'd you get it to turn out like this?” “Flattery, my dear Twilight Sparkle? Heh, I'm liking you more and more.” He laughed before continuing. “Anyways, there is a store up here that actually uses small clouds to make the creamer. I don't know how they do it and no matter how many times I ask, they won't tell me how it's done.” The yellow stallion said with a slight pout. “You're still trying to get that recipe out of Raindrop's mom?” Fluttershy asked after swallowing a bite of cinnamon roll. He nodded. “I can't help it. It's just so good!” Fluttershy smiled and just rolled her eyes. “Can you show me how to mix it into the coffee? I wouldn't mind buying some of this stuff before I went back home.” Twilight said, taking another sip of the morning beverage. “But of course sweetheart.” As the two went over to the counter, Fluttershy watched in amusement at how well her father and lover were bonding. “So I take it that Lightning Streak had to go practice with the Wonderbolts?” Warm Breeze sighed and said, “Unfortunately so. Winter flight season is going to be starting soon so he had to head back to start practice.” Fluttershy nodded and looked to Twilight. “Then that means that Spitfire probably has left Sweet Apple Acres as well.” “Ahh, so that's where Spitfire goes during her time off. Lightning mentioned that she had a marefriend, but said he had no idea where.” Warm Breeze said with a smile. “Do the other Wonderbolts know about Spitfire's and Lightning Streak's...disposition on relationships?” The unicorn asked curiously. “I know Fleetfoot does about Lightning Streak. Heh, I came up after one of their shows and gave him a kiss in front of both Spitfire and Fleetfoot. They teased him for ages about it too. It was quite fun to watch. Anyways, other than Fleetfoot...I don't think Soarin' knows...and as for the other Wonderbolts...who knows. I don't really see much of them and Lightning says that they just disappear after every show so...meh.” He said with a shrug. The pair nodded and finished the breakfast that had been prepared for them. “I have to give my compliments to the chef. These were amazing. Is this how you became such a good cook Fluttershy?” Both father and daughter laughed and Warm Breeze said, “Really Twilight, stop with the compliments. You're going to make me blush. As for your question, I am the one she gets her cooking skills from. Graceful Flight couldn't cook to save her life but she definitely tried many times.” Fluttershy, with a smile still on her face said, “Remember the time you told me about how she tried to make you dinner?” This brought a whole new wave of laughter from the stallion. “Yes of course. I was working that night so she figured that she'd try to make a romantic dinner. When I came home, the kitchen was filled with smoke and Grace was sitting in the middle of the kitchen with food plastered all over her face and when she saw me she started to cry and said over and over how she wanted to make me dinner.” Warm Breeze took a breath and continued. “We spent the rest of the night cleaning the kitchen. It was one of the most romantic nights we shared.” “That's a touching story.” The lavender mare said with a smile. Fluttershy's father nodded and said to Twilight, “I wish you could've met her. She would've loved you like a daughter.” The trio sat in silence for a moment before Warm Breeze got out of the chair he was standing in and yawned, stretching his body out. “Well, I'm glad I got to meet you Twilight, I really am.” He walked over and pulled her into a hug, which she happily returned. “Likewise Warm Breeze. It was lovely to meet you.” “You going somewhere daddy?” The yellow stallion nodded and pointed towards the lunchbox on the counter. “Lightning left his lunch here AGAIN. I swear, that stallion would forget his own wings if they weren't attached. So, I've gotta run it to him before I head to work myself.” He kissed Fluttershy's forehead and said, “Love ya sweetie.” “Love you too dad. Tell Lightning Streak we said good-bye.” “Of course. Take care both of you and Twilight?” “Yes?” “Thank you.” With that, he walked out the door with both mares watching him as he unfurled his wings. They were just a little larger than the average stallion wings and after a quick comparison, Twilight was shocked to discover that his wings were only beaten by Princess Celestia herself. “Fluttershy...your dad has very large wings.” The yellow mare nodded and said, “I know, I inherited them from him. My wings are actually bigger than most other pegasus's wings my age. Dad says that when I grow older that they'll be as big as his. Well, I mean, comparatively speaking of course.” Twilight chuckled and kissed Fluttershy's cheek. “I'm glad I got to meet him.” “Me too.” They stood there for a moment before they went back into the kitchen to clean their dishes, then went out to begin airing up the hot air balloon to begin their return trip to Ponyville. (Author's Note: Sorry this chapter took so long to get out. My editor Incognito has been going through some rough stuff in his life so the editing was delayed a little (poor guy...life is being mean to him). Anyways, he may or may not continue to edit so if later chapters aren't as clean cut, it's because he's taking a break to get stuff figured out. Um...as for the steamy bit, since I only got one comment about the light stuff I had in an earlier chapter (Thank you bujin2919 for the one comment) so I decided to try my hand at it again, albeit a little more...descriptively. So if you didn't mind it, let me know. If you didn't like it, also let me know. Depending on the comments, I may or may not write another bit like this but with a different pairing within the story so...yea That's all ^^) > Mistrust and Trickery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the pair had returned to their home and landed, there were two things Twilight noticed right off the bat; how much colder it was, and the amount of snow on the ground. “Something's not right...” She mumbled to herself as the air was released from the balloon. “What do you mean?” “Well...I don't know if you can feel it, but it feels really cold, too cold for this time during winter. Also, there shouldn't be this much snow on the ground this early either.” “I think you're overlooking things a bit, hun,” Fluttershy said after examining the powder on the ground. “Yea...I guess.” Twilight shrugged and after the balloon was flat, she shoved it back into the storage room and locked it. “Now then, let's get inside. I'm freezing!” Fluttershy giggled into her hoof as Twilight rushed to be inside the warm tree. The unicorn (after she had managed to stop shivering) was pleased to see that the interior was well kept and clean instead of the chaotic mess she had expected. “Spike? Are you here?” She called into the air. After a few moments of silence, she shrugged and said, “He must be with Rarity or the girls.” Fluttershy nodded and flew behind Twilight as the bookworm checked to see if any books had been checked out or returned. Rarity stared out onto the snow covered streets of Ponyville, feeling sorry for the various ponies out there selling their wares. While the cold weather was good for business, the temperature was getting ridiculous even for the fashionista. More and more ponies were ordering heavier coats and against her better judgment, made them (with her own personal flair of course). As she continued to loose contact with reality, the world around her slowly began to fade. However, the ring of a bell brought her back, startling her into spinning around, ready to grab whatever had disturbed her with magic. She was relieved to see a pony rather than a monster (or a horribly dressed pony). “Ahh...my dear Ditzy, please don't do that.” The alabaster unicorn said, holding a hoof over her hammering heart. “Oh, sorry Rarity. I have a package for you.” The mailmare dipped into her seemingly endless bag of mail and dropped the package onto the counter. After signing the appropriate paperwork, the pegasus bid the unicorn adieu and left the store. Rarity looked the package over with suspicion. At the end of the meeting under Town Hall last night, the leader (whom Rarity had taken to naming them Shadow) said that he/she would be sending a package to certain members to begin striking at the more well known couples. The past few days had gone rather well for the group; they had managed to root out and break up at least four relationships. Three of the couples were fillyfoolers while the last was a pair of coltcuddlers. Rarity didn't really like either of the titles slapped onto the ponies who were in the relationships. “Too...demeaning for my tastes.” She said with a slight frown. She shook off the daze she was beginning to return to and began to unwrap the package. When all the paper was gone, all that was left was a small pendulum clock along with a note. However, before she could read it, the door to her shop opened and so she quickly hid both the note and the clock and looked over the counter. “Ahh, hello Star Bright.” “Good morning fair Rarity. How do you fare this cold winter's day?” He replied, smiling. The white unicorn rolled her eyes and said, “Rather terribly. This cold weather is sure to dry out my hair.” He nodded in agreement and said, “I know. Is it usually this cold here in Ponyville this early in winter?” Rarity shook her head and said, “Not usually no. I'm sure the pegasus ponies will get around to fixing it soon.” He mumbled something under his breath, but Rarity couldn't make out what he had said. “So, did you receive a package from our dear leader?” Star Bright had joined the group at the request of Shadow and he had embraced the group enthusiastically. “I actually was just about to read my instructions on what I'm supposed to do with it.” She took the items from their hiding place and cleared her throat before reading. “Rarity, take this clock and give it to a mare in Canterlot by the name of Octavia. Do not activate the clock yourself, or else you will trigger the sleep spell enchanted upon it. To active the clock, press the small bronze button on the back. When activated, the pendulum will swing and the clock will strike once. This sound is what will send her to sleep, but it will you as well so be prepared.” “That's all it says. Though...I think I've only heard of this Octavia once.” Rarity said, a hint of confusion in her voice. Star Bright scoffed and said, “She's a cello player for the Canterlot Orchestra. And here I thought she was a dignified and well kept mare. Seems I was wrong...though I am curious from whom we are taking her from.” Rarity shrugged as she inspected the clock for the activation button. “I'm not sure, but I hope it's not as...emotional as the last few couples we've broken up.” Star Bright laughed and said, “Which reminds me, we broke up another 3 couples last night. It was hilarious to see them bicker and fight with each other. We set it up to make it seem like they were cheating on each other. However, the last couple was rather...difficult. They were angry at first, but then they began to forgive each other. We actually had to jump in and force them apart. It was gross; they were reaching out for each other and crying like they actually LOVED one another. I was the one who cast the forget spell on them. So it was like they never met.” Rarity wanted to gasp, but she kept herself silent. 'Is it really okay for us break apart these ponies? What if...what if their feelings for each other are true and we're just bringing heartache to them? I...I don't know if I can keep this up...' “Equestria to Rarity...HEY!” Rarity squealed and jumped in fright. Star Bright just gave her an odd look and said, “So when do you plan on leaving?” “Oh..I-I'll do it tonight.” He smiled and said, “Good. See you at the next meeting.” With that, he turned and left her store, leaving the fashion designer a bit perturbed. 'Is he...enjoying this? Ugh...and to think he looks like such a nice pony. That's it, after this, I'm leaving the group. I may not agree with them, but those ponies have just as much right to enjoy love as we do if they actually mean it.' With her mind made up, Rarity wrapped herself up in warm clothing and closed up the store, then headed for the train station. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike were all having dinner when a knock sounded from the door. “I'll get it.” Spike said, jumping out of his chair and ran to the door. “I wonder who it could be?” Fluttershy wondered aloud. Twilight shrugged and just kept an eye on the doorway. A few seconds later, a shivering Bon Bon and Lyra were standing in the door. “Where have you two BEEN?!” Lyra questioned loudly. “W-what? Why, is something wrong?” Fluttershy asked, shrinking into her chair just a bit. “Yes! There's-” Lyra was cut off by Bon Bon holding a hoof in front of her. “Now Lyra, we don't want to scare the daylights out of them. You see, there is something that's a bit...disturbing going on in town. Apparently there is a group that's rooting out and breaking apart all relationships like ours.” Both ponies at the table gasped and looked at one another. “We don't know a whole lot, but they've already ruined almost 10 perfectly good relationships already. We just wanted to come by and make sure you two were okay.” “Y-yea. We're good. We spent the day in Cloudsdale the other night. How long has this been going on for?” Bon Bon shrugged and said, “Who knows? We think that they've been running for quite some time, but have just now decided to strike. They must've just been planning these things because some of those couples I knew and they were really close. So it stands to reason that this organization has been doing some serious plotting.” Twilight nodded and said, “Has...has anyone we know...” “Thankfully no. We've been keeping an eye on your friends and like I said, they all seem fine.” Fluttershy sighed in relief and said, “B-but...what do we do if they c-come after us?” She looked fearfully over to her lover and tried not to imagine being torn away from her. Twilight left her chair and went over to nuzzle Fluttershy. Twilight smiled comfortingly and said, “Don't worry. If they come after us, we'll just show them who's right and who's wrong.” Fluttershy smiled and nodded, giving Twilight a quick peck. “Thank you girls. Would you like some dinner? Spike made a little too much as usual.” “I heard that!” Came the dragon's voice from another room. The four laughed and sat down at the table were Twilight served her guests while Fluttershy kept them entertained. By the time Lyra and Bon Bon had left, it was almost midnight. Twilight asked them if they wanted to stay instead of braving the cold, but they politely declined and dashed out the door and for their home. Twilight just chuckled and closed the door behind them. After making sure there was nothing left undone, the mares went to their room and were fast asleep within moments of curling up together under the blanket. Over the course of the week, more and more couples had been broken up with still no idea who was doing it. Finally, Twilight had called a meeting of her friends (with the exception of Rarity and Pinkie Pie) to the library to discuss this matter. So, with herself and Fluttershy included, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra, and Bon Bon had all taken a seat within the living room. “Vinyl, have you heard from Octavia lately?” The DJ shook her head. “Nuh uh. I haven't heard from her in...6 or 7 days at the most.” Twilight nodded and said, “Alright then...guess this is everypony. As I'm sure you've noticed, there has been a number of relationships that have been wrecked due to a mysterious group of ponies. Sadly, there has been no information as to who they are or where they've been meeting. I want everypony here to be on the lookout for anything suspicious around town and come tell me immediately, okay?” They all nodded in agreement and Applejack stood up. “Alright ladies, I'll be sure to keep my eyes on things, but I gotta get back. This cold is startin' to get into the house back on the farm so I've gotta help Big Mac box up the house. See ya'll later.” With that, the farm pony left. “Speaking of which, what's up with this weather Rainbow Dash? I don't think winter is even supposed to BE this cold.” Twilight asked the cyan pegasus. “Nopony knows. None of the ponies at the weather factory knows what's causing this and we can't seem to stop it either.” The lavender pony nodded and said, “Maybe it's just a cold front from the Everfree Forest...Like when a storm passes from there to here.” “That's what a lot of the pegasus are saying, but I dunno...something seems kinda fishy to me.” The prismatic pony said. “What're you complaining about anyway Dash? You're all nice and warm while I'm sittin' here freezing my tail off!” Vinyl said with a laugh. Rainbow smiled and wrapped a wing around the white unicorn and said, “You just gotta ask, sheesh.” It was at this point Lyra spoke up. “You girls are all lucky; you each have a pegasus to keep you warm.” A glare from Bon Bon made her laugh nervously and say, “Not that I don't keep warm anyways.” The rest of the group laughed and after a few more hours, they all departed, leaving only Fluttershy and Twilight. “Oh, that reminds me, I have to go too.” The yellow pony said, heading towards the door. “Where are you going?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow. “Oh...um...nowhere in particular.” Before Twilight could continue her questioning, the pegasus was out the door. The unicorn sighed and looked into the fire. “Is there something wrong with me? It seems this whole week Fluttershy's been avoiding me...” The depressed pony walked up into her study to try and forget her sorrows. She was about mid-way through a book about clockwork when a flash of light behind her made Twilight jump. She spun and to her surprise saw the Princess of the Sun herself. “P-Princess Celestia? What're you-” “It's good to see you too Twilight. Tell me...is Fluttershy here?” Twilight sighed and looked down at the wooden floor. “No...she left a few hours ago.” “Then it is as I thought.” This caught the unicorn's attention. “Huh? What're you talking about Princess?” The alicorn walked over to the window and sighed. “I hate to say this Twilight...but I think your lover is seeing another.” This statement nearly caused Twilight's heart to fail in mid-beat. “W-what? T-that's crazy. Fluttershy wouldn't do that to me...especially not after...” The rest of the sentence was lost in mumbles. “You question your teacher my faithful student?” “N-no! It's just...I don't see her as the kind of pony who would do that.” Celestia turned and looked her pupil straight in the eyes. “I've been keeping an eye on her for the past 2 weeks to make sure she wouldn't hurt you. This past week itself, she has gone to Cloudsdale to see a stallion. One who is older than her.” “No...that's not-” Celestia just continued her speech. “I've seen her laughing with him and having a grand time. Without you.” “But...” Twilight's resolve was slowly fading as sorrow and tears were brought forth. Celestia knew that she had the unicorn at her mercy and willing to do anything, but she had to be sure. “Here, I will even show you.” The unicorn ran over as Celestia filled a bowl with water. “Look.” Twilight all but shoved the royal out of the way as she nearly thrust her face into the wooden bowl. The water shimmered for a moment, then began to ripple. Afterward, when the water had calmed, it depicted a smiling Fluttershy. She seemed quite content with the stallion who had yet to be seen. “You see? She frolics and enjoys life without you.” The alabaster ruler whispered, her words sad and pained, but her tone was selfish and greedy. As the water continued to show the lavender unicorn what was transpiring, the Sun Princess continued to whisper. “You see Twilight? It cannot work between you two. However, I offer an alternative. If you-” “Shut up.” The white pony took a step back in surprise. “Twilight?” “I said...shut up.” The unicorn turned and Celestia saw pure fury in Twilight's eyes. “You liar...Fluttershy isn't seeing another stallion.” Celestia grit her teeth, but quickly adopted a look of confusion. “What do you mean?” “You know exactly what I mean!” Twilight, in her rage, fired off a blast of frost magic at the Princess. Naturally, Celestia dispelled it but was too shocked to do much else. “You know precisely who that is! And don't tell me that you have no clue; you're Princess Celestia of Equestria! You are supposed to know EVERY SINGLE PONY who lives here! So tell me right now who that is.” Celestia's wings had flared in defense as she was backed against a wall. “I...” Twilight's eyes narrowed into daggers. “It's Warm Breeze...her father.” Twilight turned her back and walked back over to the bowl and with a swipe of her hoof, sent it clattering to the floor, spilling the water and cracking the bowl from the force of the swipe. “Leave.” “But Twilight, I'm only trying to-” “I said LEAVE! You have no right to be here right now, and I certainly don't WANT you here! So just go!” By now, the unicorn was panting heavily and her horn was glowing brightly. Celestia said nothing as she flashed away in a sphere of light. With the Princess gone, Twilight's breathing steadied and her horn dimmed until there was no light in the room other than what was filtering in from the window. Twilight glared out at the light and with a flash of her horn, closed the curtains, throwing the whole room into darkness. As darkness surrounded her, Twilight sat on the floor and let the conversation replay in her head. Her body felt numb and her mind scattered as it came together; Princess Celestia, her teacher and surrogate mother, had just tried to break her and Fluttershy apart. It was a painful truth with which there was only one anodyne; the love of her life. Sadly, she was too far away, so Twilight did the only thing she could do. Wait. Meanwhile, in Cloudsdale “I just don't know what to get her. I mean, I know she'd like a book, but I want to get her something special.” “I know what you mean sweetie. Tell me, what else does she like to do?” Fluttershy thought for a moment, then said, “Besides reading...she likes to look at the night sky, day-dream, though she'll never admit it, and...being with me.” “Hmm...not much to work with I'll admit. But, never fear my dear! Your beloved father shall help to find the perfect gift!” The stallion said with a flair of his wings, causing a few pegasi to look at them strangely. Both Warm Breeze and Fluttershy paid them no heed as they laughed and continued on their way. “Perhaps you could make her something. If I remember right, you picked up your mother's ability to sew.” Fluttershy's eyes widened as she gasped. “I can make her something! But the question is what to make her.” Warm Breeze chuckled and hugged his daughter with his wing. “Honey, you aren't making this any easier.” Fluttershy joined in on the chuckling and after another half hour of floating about, she gave her father one last hug. “Thank you so much for helping me this past week. I feel really bad about just leaving Twilight like that though.” “Don't worry. She'll understand once Hearth's Warming Day arrives don't'cha think?” She nodded and kissed his cheek. “Bye daddy!” “Farewell sweetheart!” With the good-byes said, the yellow mare took off with top speed back to her home and back to her love. When Fluttershy had reached Ponyville again, she hummed a light tune as she landed in front of the library and walked in. “Hello Spike. Is Twilight here?” “Yea, but she won't come out of her room for some reason.” He said with a shrug as he continued to sweep. The pegasus furrowed her brow and headed for their room. When she arrived, she knocked tentatively. “Go away Spike.” Was the flat response she got. “Twilight? It's me, Fluttershy.” She heard a light click as the door unlocked and opened just a crack. The yellow pony pushed open the door slowly and saw nothing but darkness. 'This looks familiar...' Fluttershy thought with unease as she rubbed the scar on her foreleg. “Twilight? Sweetheart, where are you?” Fluttershy took a few cautious steps into the shadowed room and wasn't more than 6 steps in when the door closed behind her and relocked itself. Fluttershy stopped herself from whimpering at the sudden noise and movement and continued. She finally felt a soft lump that she quickly pulled against her. “Twilight, what's wrong?” By now, Fluttershy's eyes had begun to adjust and she could just make out Twilight's eyes as tears overflowed from them. “Don't ever leave me...please...” “Of course I won't Twilight. I love you too much to let you go.” Twilight just repeated her question as she cried into Fluttershy's coat. Fluttershy offered comforting words and soft strokes as she comforted the obviously shaken unicorn. The pegasus's mind was reeling with what could have made Twilight like this. 'I don't think I've ever seen her this upset before...what's going on?' Finally, after an undetermined amount of time, Twilight calmed down enough to talk. “I...I had a nightmare that you left me for a stallion...It was just so realistic and you looked so happy...Please Fluttershy, I'm sorry if I've done something wrong. Just tell me what it is and I'll change it. Just...just don't leave me like that again.” Fluttershy took a deep breath and just held Twilight. “I'm sorry my bookworm. I've been visiting with my dad because...well, I wanted his help with something that I couldn't ask you about. You'll understand soon, I promise.” Twilight just nodded and kept her face buried against Fluttershy's stomach while the pegasus just calmly stroked her mane. As time went on, Fluttershy began to hum a lullaby for Twilight and the unicorn was asleep within minutes. Being careful not to wake her, Fluttershy put Twilight onto their bed and covered her up, smiling when the lavender pony curled up into a ball with the blanket and begin to lightly snore. Then, before she walked out, the yellow flier gently kissed Twilight's head and whispered, “Sweet dreams.” before heading back into the library and down into the basement where the sewing machine was. “Time to get to work.” Was all that was said before the machine hummed to life as fabric was fed into it. (Author's Note: Sorry everypony that this chapter took so long to get out. I was waiting for Incognito to finish editing but it seems that his life stuff and my impatience have struck, so I'm going to post what he's edited so far so I apologize if it isn't as well done as previous chapters. Sorry Incognito... Umm...other than that...why must the world be so cruel? First it was Borderlands 2, then it was Resident Evil 6, and now Dishonored...WHY MUST SO MANY GOOD THINGS COME OUT SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER?! Sorry about that, but don't worry. You ponies come first. Anywho...That's it for this note. Oh! I lied, I guess I should mention that I went back and edited the first few chapters myself (so be prepared for failure) so that they aren't giant walls of text anymore. Okay, now I'm done ^^) > Sleepover and A Pre-Holiday Confession > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Fluttershy had finished, she had no idea what time it was or how much time had even passed. She assumed that no more than five hours at most had gone by. She walked up the long set of stairs, (after hiding her work of course) yawning as she went. When she finally made it out, she looked out the nearby window. She winced as the first few rays of the dawn shone over the horizon to bring forth the day. “I must've been down there for the rest of the day AND all night...” The tired pony mumbled as she headed towards the bedroom stairs. She slowly opened and closed the door and was relieved to find Twilight still asleep. With a content sigh, Fluttershy crawled under the blanket, snuggled close to her love and was asleep before her head hit the pillow. It wouldn't be until an hour later that Twilight awoke from her fitful slumber. Her whole night had been spent thrashing and turning in bed as a nightmare enveloped her mind. In it, she imagined that Celestia herself was behind the group that was destroying perfectly good relationships and that all her friends were helping just because she had so openly defied the Princess. With a low groan, Twilight removed herself from Fluttershy's grasp and out from under the blanket and headed to the bathroom for a warm bath. As she soaked in the water and began to wake up, there was one thought that plagued her mind; who was leading this group? She ran through all the ponies who were likely suspects, but each one was dismissed due to some other reason. She had given up trying to guess as she drained the water and dried herself off. Feeling somewhat refreshed, the unicorn went downstairs and saw a note from Spike alongside a small stack of waffles. “Twilight, went to go help the girls out at Sweet Apple Acres. Be back later. Spike” Twilight smiled and began to brew herself a mug of coffee. While she was waiting, she went to the front door and opened it to look outside. She instantly regretted it. Just the air alone was enough to freeze Twilight to the bone, but the light wind made it even worse, as if it would freeze her solid within seconds. She quickly shut the door and stood there shivering. “W-w-why is it s-s-so c-co-cold?” With chattering teeth, Twilight quickly put some logs into the fireplace and lit them while grabbing a blanket from the nearby closet and wrapping it around herself. She levitated herself into the kitchen (she couldn't help but giggle at the fact she looked like some kind of flying castle or fort) and grabbed the coffee mug in her magic and after pouring herself some of the warm beverage, went back into the living room and curled up on the couch with a light blue book titled Musical History (8th edition!) and picked up where she had left off. It wasn't until 4 hours later that Fluttershy finally came downstairs, yawning. “You look rather cozy.” Fluttershy said, walking over to the unicorn and taking a kiss from her lips. Twilight chuckled and when Fluttershy pulled away and said, “Well of course. It's WAY too cold out for me not to be under a blanket or under your wing.” Fluttershy couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. “It can't be THAT cold out.” “Go see for yourself.” Fluttershy walked away from the couch and over to the door and opened it (but not before seeing Twilight retreat further into the blanket). Fluttershy stood there for a moment before closing the door again. “Well...it's not as cold as you made it sound, but it is still kinda cold.” Twilight poked her head out with a look of disbelief. “What? Well...it's different for you. You're a pegasus and thus have natural warmth from your feathers. I have nothing like that!” The pegasus chuckled and lightly fluffed her wings, making Twilight pout. “No fair.” They both laughed and Fluttershy went into the kitchen. “You didn't eat breakfast, did you?” “No, why?” “Well, these waffles I'm guessing were supposed to be breakfast. Sadly, they're too cold now so I'll have to make something else. Any requests?” Twilight thought for a moment before sheepishly replying, “Waffles please?” Fluttershy giggled and began making more of the square breakfast delights despite the fact that it was almost 1 in the afternoon. When the girls had eaten breakfast, they had spent the remainder of the day just lounging around, reading, talking, or laughing. There came a point where Twilight embarrassed herself by telling Fluttershy what she had done before the pegasus woke up and was confused when Fluttershy began laughing. “That's why it seemed so cold out; you were still damp from your bath!” Twilight blushed darkly as the realization hit her and tried to justify her forgetfulness. “I...I was focused on the temperature and trying to figure out...umm...” The unicorn hid her head as her face became flushed with red. Fluttershy's laughs had died down to chuckles as she hovered over and removed the blanket enough to kiss Twilight. As the two began to become enthralled with each other, Spike and Scootaloo barged in through the door, promptly making Twilight squeak in fear and try to smush herself further into the couch while Fluttershy gasped and flew straight up to the ceiling. Spike, along with Scootaloo laughed at the pair. “What were you two up to?” Scootaloo asked, her laugh panning out before Spike's. “Oh, we were...um...comparing books. Right Twilight?” A muffled response was all they could hear from the unicorn. “Anyways, may I ask why Scootaloo is here? You do know that tomorrow is Hearth's Warming Eve, don't you?” “Well yea, but Scootaloo parent's are stuck in Hoofington and won't be back until a few days after Hearth's Warming so I wanted to ask if maybe she could stay here with us for the holiday?” Twilight finally managed to find her way out from under her cover and said, “That's alright. Sorry that your parents aren't going to be here this Hearth's Warming.” “It's alright. They haven't seen my aunt and uncle in a long time, so this is their time to catch up,” the young filly said with a shrug. After an hour of sitting around, Twilight decided to make dinner while Fluttershy went with Scootaloo to grab some things from her home that she would need. As Twilight was preparing the sauce to go with the noodles, Spike wandered in and stood behind her, poking his fingers together. “Is something wrong Spike?” “Well...kinda. I was hoping to ask your advice about something.” “Oh? What kind of advice.” He took a breath and mumbled something. “Spike, you need to speak up or I won't be able to help.” She waited a few minutes, then Spike said quietly, “I need love advice.” The unicorn couldn't help but smile. “Is that so? Well, I'm not sure I'm the right pony to go to seeing as how I've only discovered love recently but I'll help as best I can. So, who is the lucky mare? Is it...Scootaloo?” Twilight said, narrowing her eyes in false accusation. “W-what!? No way! We're just friends!” He cried out, making the lavender unicorn laugh as she added noodles to the sauce and stirred them around. “I was just kidding Spike. But really, who is the young mare who caught your eye?” “Dinky...” Twilight ran through the ponies she knew before anypony came up. “Ditzy's younger sister?” Spike nodded and said, “She's just so...adorable that I can't help myself.” Twilight nodded and said, “True...but what about Rarity?”Spike took a seat at the table and sighed. “It is hard to get over Rarity...but like you always said: it was just puppy love. I've finally realized that she would never go for me. I'm too young and...I dunno...” “Well, that's her loss then.” Spike looked up from the table and smiled. “Thanks Twilight.” “My pleasure. Now then...” The next half hour was spent talking about Spike's attraction to Dinky and how he could begin his advances. “But like I said, you may want to ask Fluttershy too. I'm not exactly the best at this kind of thing, even though I'm in a relationship.” Twilight said, levitating plates of food to each spot on the table. Then, as if right on cue, the two pegasi walked through the door with Scootaloo shivering under Fluttershy's wing. “I can't wait 'til my wings get that big. I'd never be cold again!” The filly said as she kicked her boots off and tossed her scarf and hat onto the rack before running to the fireplace. Fluttershy did the same except she dropped a small bag onto the couch before joining everyone else at the table. Not even 10 seconds into the meal, Scootaloo gasped and said, “Whoa! This is WAY better than what my mom makes! Thanks Twilight!” Twilight chuckled lightly and said, “Thank you Scootaloo but this is nothing compared to what Spike or Fluttershy can make.” The orange filly snickered and said, “Spike cooks?” “Yes I do as a matter of fact!” The dragon said proudly. “Heh, lemme guess, that little pink apron behind the door is yours to?” “Yes! I mean, no, I mean...ugh!” Spike threw his hands up, defeated, and continued to eat with a slight tinge on his face while the three ponies just laughed. When dinner had been finished and the dishes washed, the group retired to the living room, playing board games and simply enjoying themselves. By the time midnight had rolled around, both Spike and Scootaloo were yawning with droopy eyes. Fluttershy smiled warmly and said, “I think it's time for bed, don't you Twilight?” The unicorn nodded and grabbed Spike with her magic while Fluttershy picked up Scootaloo. Twilight took Spike into his room (Twilight had decided a few days ago that he deserved his own room so she had created an extra room with her magic) while Fluttershy put Scootaloo on the couch and tucked her in as best as she could. “Thank you Fluttershy...” The filly mumbled before passing out, snoring lightly. The yellow pony couldn't help but laugh softly and kiss the young pony's head. “Good night Scootaloo.” Fluttershy walked over to the stairs that led to the bedroom and met Twilight at the bottom. “I love you Twilight.” “I love you too.” The couple shared a kiss before heading upstairs and into their room to curl up together and sleep. Later that night, Fluttershy woke up craving something to wet her throat. So, after somewhat carefully maneuvering out of bed, she groggily made her way downstairs. However, as she walked into the living room, she saw Scootaloo sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around her. She was quietly sniffling and Fluttershy could see that the young pony had been crying. “Scootaloo? Are you okay?” They filly looked over in alarm and quickly rubbed her eyes. “Y-yea. I'm fine.” Fluttershy just continued to stare until Scootaloo looked away. “You don't seem fine.” The older pegasus took a seat next to the younger pony and wrapped a wing around her. “If something's wrong, you can tell me.” At first, Scootaloo said nothing, instead opting to remain silent against the soft coat of the older pegasi. Finally, with a sigh, Scootaloo said, “My parents aren't stuck in Hoofington...they're actually gone. I've been taking care of myself all this time.” Fluttershy gasped and pulled the young filly into a hug. “But, why didn't you say anything?” “Because...I wanted to prove that I could do just fine on my own despite what my aunt thinks or says.” “Your aunt?” Scootaloo nodded and said, “After my folks passed away, I was sent to live with my aunt in Canterlot. She always went on about how my dad was a deadbeat and that my mom should've never married him. She also said that I looked alot like my dad and that I'd probably turn out like him as well. So, I came back to Ponyville to prove her wrong.” “You poor girl...How have you been able to stay alone without anypony questioning your lack of parental supervision?” “I just told everypony that they were traveling on business trips. I found a way to pay for food and stuff by doing odd jobs around town as long as they promised not to tell anypony that I was working there.” “I see...You know, you're awfully mature for your age.” Scootaloo couldn't help but laugh softly. “Sorry, but I have to disagree with you.” Fluttershy chuckled and held Scootaloo a little tighter. “You remind me a lot of myself at your age if not a little older after I came to Ponyville.” Scootaloo stayed silent and allowed Fluttershy to continue. “I had to work at every job I could to afford the cottage where I live now. After I finally managed to pay it off, the next thing I worked for was furniture and a sewing machine. I figured that I could just make all my rugs or whatever I needed. As time went on, I added onto my home to make up for all the animals that lived with me and here I am today.” The yellow pony took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “What I'm trying to say is, while I believe you can pull this off, I want to say that you don't have to. You have wonderful friends whose families would gladly take you in.” “I dunno...maybe...” The rest of the night was spent in silence as the young orange filly ended up falling asleep on Fluttershy, lightly snoring as her little wings would occasionally flutter as she slept. The yellow pony just hummed lightly and ended up falling asleep as well, casting her wing over the small filly as if to protect her from some unseen evil. When Twilight woke up the next morning, she immediately went into a panic at the lack of a pegasus in her bed. She looked around the room frantically before heading downstairs. She nearly slammed the door open, but remembered Scootaloo was sleeping on the couch in the next room, so she quietly opened in and sighed in relief. She saw her lover curled up on the ground with her wing draped over the younger of the two fliers as they slept contently. Twilight smiled and quietly walked over and kissed Fluttershy's head before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast. As she was finishing up, Scootaloo came into the kitchen, yawning loudly. “Good morning Scootaloo. Did you sleep well?” “Uh huh.” The young pony said as she yawned again. “That's good. Go ahead and have a seat and I'll give you some pancakes.” The orange filly nodded and sat down, trying to keep herself from falling asleep at the table or laying her head on the table itself. “Here you go. I'm gonna go wake everyone else up.” Twilight put the pancakes down in front of the filly and walked out into the living room. Scootaloo carefully cut off a slice of the pancake and bit into it. Her eyes opened wide as she continued to eat. “Whoa! These are amazing!” She cried out before digging into the rest of her pancakes. As she was finishing her last one, Fluttershy hovered into the kitchen. “Good morning Scootaloo.” “G'morning Fluttershy.” The younger of the two said with a mouthful pancake. Fluttershy just laughed and got a plate of pancakes for herself. “Blueberry pancakes huh?” The yellow pegasus said after taking a bite of her own. It was at this point that Twilight came back with a half asleep Spike behind her. “Can I have some more Twilight?” Scootaloo asked quickly, holding her plate up and smiling. Twilight couldn't help but smile and say, “Of course. Let me make some more and you can have the first two that I make okay?” “Okay!”The filly waited enthusiastically as Spike slowly made his way onto a chair and began eating his pancakes slowly. “What kind do you have Spike? I had chocolate chip and Fluttershy has blueberries. What do you have?” Scootaloo asked while trying to peek inside the dragon's breakfast. “Emerald.” He said with a content smile. “I still can't believe you eat gems. It's just...weird! What does an emerald even taste like anyway?” The dragon swallowed the pancake he was eating and said, “Well...it's like...uh...it tastes...um...good?” All the ponies laughed while Spike just shrugged and continued to chow down. When they had all finished breakfast (which was after Scootaloo had three helpings of pancakes), they all went into the living room and sat by the fire. Of course, the two youngest quickly became restless and bored. “I'm bored...hey Spike, wanna go play outside? Maybe we can get the girls and go Cutie Mark Crusading!” They both look at Twilight and she just chuckled and said, “Alright, just be sure to dress warm and be back before 4, alright?” “Okay!” The dragon and filly said simultaneously before dashing for the door. Within seconds, they had dressed in warm clothing and were out the door, heading for Sweetie Belle's home. As soon as the door had closed, Fluttershy turned to Twilight. “Hey Twilight...I have to tell you something.” “What is it?” The unicorn asked as she maneuvered herself so that her head was resting on Fluttershy's side. “Well...last night...I found out that Scootaloo is...well...an orphan.” Twilight turned her head and looked straight at Fluttershy. “What? There's no way that's true. I mean, how would she be able to live for as long as she has done alone? Somepony must've noticed something by now.” “She used to live with her aunt in Canterlot before she ran away here and besides, give her a little credit. She is mature for her age when she needs to be, like I was at that age when I first came to Ponyville.” Twilight nodded and laid her head back down. “We need to tell somepony about this. I know she's been fine all this time, but she needs parents to help guide her or help her...or to comfort her or...I dunno, all the things a parent should do for their child.” “That's the thing...” Fluttershy took a large breath and pushed all hesitation away and said, “I think we should adopt Scootaloo.” The statement sent Twilight to the floor as she tried to spin in surprise. Fluttershy looked down at the slightly dazed unicorn before asking, “Are you okay?” “Yea, but adopt her? That sounds well and good, but the real question is if she would be okay with it. I mean, this is a big decision not just for us, but for her as well. I hate to say it, but she barely knows us other than when she's been here with Spike or the girls.” “I know, but I can't stand to think of her all alone after winter is over. Besides, she must trust us to a degree; she opened up to me last night and she's staying here instead of at a friend's house.” Twilight nodded, then sighed. “I don't know Fluttershy...I mean, do you think we're ready to take on that sort of responsibility?” Fluttershy crawled off the couch and onto the floor beside her lover and wrapped an arm around the unicorn and pulled her close. “I don't know, but it's not like we'll be raising her from birth. She's already quite an independent young girl.” “True...alright. How about this; we tell her that we'd like to adopt her on Hearth's Warming and if she likes it, then we can get the proper paperwork filled out and have her aunt fill out the parts she needs. If not, then we'll let her know that the offer is always there. Deal?” “Deal.” Fluttershy leaned in and kissed Twilight. The unicorn shivered and began to kiss her back. As Fluttershy began to lean in a little further, the two fell onto the floor with Fluttershy looking down at Twilight. The lavender pony blushed as the thought of what happened last time that had been like this ran through her mind. Fluttershy chuckled and lowered her head and continued to kiss her lover. While the two managed to control themselves from getting too far lost in the thralls of lust, they did allow themselves to brush against each other and to continue kissing. Finally, when the two stopped, they were both sweaty and gasping for air. “I love you Fluttershy.” “I love you too.” The couple crawled back onto the couch and just laid there with Twilight's head on Fluttershy's stomach and Fluttershy gently stroking Twilight's hair. As 3 o' clock rolled around, a knock at the door startled them. “Who could that be?” Twilight asked as she went to the door. When she opened it, she gasped. There before her was the Princess of the Night. “Good afternoon Twilight Sparkle. Might I come in?” “Of course. Is something wrong?” Luna waited until the door had been closed before collapsing to her knees. Both Twilight and Fluttershy ran to her side. The midnight princess had began to sniffle as tears streamed from her eyes. “I can't find my beloved Octavia! I've searched everywhere in Canterlot and here and there's been no sign of her...” After that, any words were lost in quiet sobs. The two ponies began to comfort and console their princess as best they could. Finally, they had coaxed Luna onto the couch and had gotten her to stop crying, though she still sniffled occasionally. “When did she go missing?” “I...I don't know. At first I thought she might have just gotten caught up in practice, but after 4 days, I became suspicious. So, I flew to her apartment and I found no sign of her their. However, there was a cup of tea that had fallen to the floor and stained and her neck bow was lying on the floor as well, as if it had been ripped off in a struggle. There was also the wrapping of a package, but I couldn't make out anything written on it. I suspect that my beloved has been kidnapped.” Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other grimly. “Princess...there is a group that's on the prowl and they've been breaking same sex couples apart...We don't know anything about them unfortunately...” Luna frowned and stood up. “I see...if that's the case, then I shall have my guards search this town high and low until I find them and when I do...they. Shall. Pay.” The Princess of the Night's horn was glowing with a dark blue aura and her wings were flared and her coat stood on end. “Please, Princess Luna. I hate to say this, but that may actually make things worse.” Luna turned her gaze upon the lavender unicorn and Twilight couldn't help but flinch away. “Explain Twilight Sparkle.” “W-well, with all those guards prowling around the town, they may step up their security and could disappear off the grid entirely until they felt safe again. If that happens, it would take even longer to find Octavia.” Luna thought over what her sister's student said and sighed in defeat. “You are right...but I just can't stand to think of my beloved musician at the hands of some...ruffians.” Luna said with a sneer. “Neither can I, but we have to stay calm like Twilight said.” Fluttershy said, locking gazes with the Princess. “I know...Very well. I shall return to Canterlot and await a reply for when you have found the group's location.” With that, the lunar princess disappeared in a flash of darkness. “Poor Luna...” Fluttershy mumbled sadly. Twilight wrapped an arm around her lover and pulled her close. “Yea...but that just means we'll have to step up our game.” Fluttershy nodded and removed herself from Twilight's arm and headed for the basement. “What're you doing?” “I'm going to make a present for Scootaloo. Would you like to help?” Twilight smiled and nodded and followed her lover down the stairs and into the depths of the library. (Author's Note: Heh, wow...12 chapters (not including the small little prologue of another story). I really didn't think that I'd make it this far. When this idea popped into my head, I just had the ending and nothing else XD. So it's been quite an adventure for us all if I may be so bold to say so. Anyways, poor Scootaloo eh? I kinda don't like to use the whole "she's been abused by someone in her family" thing, but at least it wasn't her father right? But I like Scootaloo so I had to throw her in somewhere ^^ Last thing; the next chapter is gonna be on Hearth's Warming day and I kinda want to do part of this next chapter like...with another pairing of the story. Like most of it will be Twilight and Fluttershy, but I feel like I've kinda forgotten the other couples so here's my question to you all: Which couple should get their own little segment this next chapter? You've got Lyra and Bon Bon, Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch, or Applejack and Spitfire (ya know...since Octavia's kinda...indisposed. Shame on me). So lemme know in the comments and whichever couple is asked for the most, I shall provide mkay? Kay bye!) > Hearth's Warming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the two ponies had finished, they began to climb up the stairs. “That...actually didn't take near as long as I thought. We started at...around 3 and it's...4:45 now.” “Normally it would've taken longer but I had such an...attractive I mean, attentive assistant.” Fluttershy said with a wink. Twilight laughed and poked Fluttershy's side and began running up the stairs with the yellow pegasus right behind her. Each girl used their abilities to their advantage to avoid each other. Finally, Twilight was backed up against the door that lead to the living room. “Got'cha!” With a flying tackle, Fluttershy slammed into Twilight and sent them both through the door. As they tumbled through the air, both girls couldn't help but laugh like fillies and when they finally landed, Fluttershy leaned down and crushed her lips against Twilight's. Twilight closed her eyes and just kissed back. “Ahem.” “Gross!” The unicorn and pegasus pulled away from each other and looked at who made the voices. There stood Spike and Scootaloo with looks of disgust and embarrassment respectively. “I know you love each other, but seriously...” Spike said, shaking his head as he walked to his room. Scootaloo just stood there, a dark tinge to her face. “Umm...Wait up Spike.” The young pegasus ran after the dragon, nearly tripping over her own hooves. Twilight and Fluttershy just looked at each other and began laughing before heading into the kitchen to prepare dinner. After Scootaloo joined Spike in his room, they began to play one of the board games he had. However, the sight of the two older mares kissing stayed in her mind. “Hey Spike?” “Hmm?” “What do you think about the whole...“two mares being together” thing?” “Personally, I think that if they're happy, they should be left alone but that's just me. Why?” “Er...no reason. I mean, Twilight is basically your mom so it makes sense that you'd want her to be happy.” Spike just looked at her strangely and said, “Are you okay? This seems a little...emotional for you.” “Shut up! It was just a question is all!” Spike grinned and said, “Scootaloo's becoming a softie!” “Shut your scaly little lips!” Scootaloo lunged at the dragon, but he dove out of the way and for the next half hour, the two chased each other around, laughing and just having fun. It was while they were resting that Twilight poked her head in and said, “C'mon you two. Dinner's ready.” “I'm starving!” Spike said, leaping up off the floor and running past the unicorn. “Can't wait to see what we're having tonight. No doubt it'll be amazing!” Scootaloo said as she followed Twilight to the kitchen. What she saw slightly surprised her. On the table was a spread of warm buttery rolls, a pan of hot tomato soup, a bowl of steamed vegetables, a pot of seasoned mashed potatoes and gravy, and to top it off, a chocolate raspberry cheesecake. The young filly was shocked into silence. “Are you going to sit with us Scootaloo?” “Yea, c'mon Scoots.” Spike said, patting the seat between himself and Fluttershy happily. “Oh, right. Sorry. It's just that I'm used to eating such a big meal on Hearth's Warming, not Hearth's Warming Eve.” Twilight chuckled and said, “My family's always been kind of strange about that rule. You see, my great great grandmother has always taught that the largest meal should be held on the eve of Hearth's Warming so that way, everypony would go to sleep faster so that the next day would come.” “Oh...That makes sense I guess.” The orange pegasus replied as Spike began to pile food onto his plate. “Thank you...both of you.” Scootaloo said, trying her best not to let the tears that stung the back of her eyes through. “You're quite welcome Scootaloo.” Fluttershy leaned over and gave the small pony a warm hug. This is what finally pushed the tears past Scootaloo's eyes. “Is something wrong?” The older flier asked in concern, looking her younger counterpart over. “No...I'm just so happy that you'd just take me in like this...this is the first meal I've had like this in a long time...” Twilight got up and walked over to the pony and wiped her tears away and hugged her as well. “I'm happy I was able to make this Hearth's Warming Eve exponential for you. We really do enjoy your company Scootaloo.” Fluttershy just nodded and the two older ponies gently hugged the younger as she cried in happiness. Spike just looked on with a happy and warm smile. When Scootaloo had finished crying and wiping her tears away, they all dug into the food, talking, laughing, and enjoying themselves as the day faded into night and the moon took the sun's place in the sky. When all was said and done, the two youngest were pretty much asleep at their tables. Fluttershy chuckled softly and lifted Scootaloo onto her back as Twilight took Spike into his room. The pink maned pegasus repeated the steps she had performed the night before except after kissing Scootaloo's head, she said, “Good night sweetheart.” Scootaloo mumbled something, but afterwards rolled over and faced the back of the couch. Fluttershy giggled lightly and met her marefriend at the foot of the stairs that lead to their bedroom. “Ready for bed dear?” “Almost. We have to bring the gifts upstairs first.” “Oh, I almost forgot.” The pegasus said with an embarrassed chuckle. The pair headed down into the basement to grab the gifts that had been made and some of the ones that had been purchased a few weeks prior. After all the gifts had been brought upstairs and arranged under the tree, Fluttershy headed back over to the basement. “What're you doing?” “I'm making sure we didn't forget any. Go ahead and go to bed. I'll be up in a minute.” Twilight nodded and yawned as she ascended. Fluttershy quickly hovered down and grabbed Twilight's present and after placing it under the tree, she flew up to their bedroom. After crawling under the blanket, the two mares shared a goodnight kiss and fell asleep in their usual position with Twilight curled up against Fluttershy with a wing covering her and arms wrapped around her waist. The next morning, the couple was jolted awake by the door being thrown open and two energetic youths pouncing onto the bed. “Wake up!” “It's Hearth's Warming Day!” came the simultaneous wake up call. Twilight's eyes shot open and she resisted the urge to either teleport away or shove whatever had awoken her with a blast of wind. Fluttershy on the other hand, just chuckled lightly and crawled out of bed, stretching as she went. “You look like a cat when you do that.” Scootaloo said, watching the way Fluttershy moved. “You see? I told you!” Twilight said, pointing an accusing hoof at her lover. The older pony just laughed and said, “Okay, I guess I do. C'mon, let's go downstairs and have breakfast.” Spike then jumped in and said, “I already make breakfast for you two since me and Scootaloo already ate.” “Scootaloo and I, Spike.” The baby dragon rolled his eyes and ran back down the stairs with the orange filly behind him. The mares smiled and headed down the stairs after sharing a kiss. “Did you sleep well? I hardly slept at all I was so excited.” Fluttershy said, her wings lightly fluttering against her sides. “I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Guess the tradition stands strong.” Twilight replied with a laugh. When the two got to the kitchen, they began to eat as the two youngsters ran around the table. As Twilight and Fluttershy finished eating, Scootaloo grabbed the plates and tossed them to Spike, who caught them and quickly washed them. “C'mon! Presents!” The eager dragon said, pushing the two out of the kitchen and into the living room. Twilight laughed and said, “Now now Spike, no need to rush. We DO have all day.” “Yea, we could always open them later.” Fluttershy said, winking to Twilight. Spike and Scootaloo's eyes widened and they both shouted “NO!”. The older ponies just laughed and sat down in front of the tree. “Alright, why don't you two open a present?” Scootaloo sat there, shocked. “What's wrong Scootaloo? You seemed excited a moment ago.” Fluttershy said, quickly noticing the silence from the young pegasus. “Well, I was just caught up in the moment...but I wasn't expecting to get presents.” “Of course you'll get presents. It IS Hearth's Warming after all. All good ponies get presents.” Scootaloo grinned as a present hovered over to her. She began to rip open the packaging much like a Timberwolf would tear into it's food. “Wow...” Inside was a beautifully crafted blanket that was dark blue with swirly clouds. The filly wrapped it around her and gasped. “It's already so warm! It feels like I've been snuggling with it for hours!” “I enchanted it so that it would immediately adjust to your body temperature and either keep you warm or cold depending on the surrounding weather.” Twilight said, a glimmer of pride in her eyes. “Thank you Twilight!” The small filly ran over and hugged the unicorn tightly. Twilight was taken aback for a moment, but with a warm smile she returned the hug. Then, Spike tore open his present. “Alright! New apron! Thanks Fluttershy!” “Heh, you're welcome Spike. Why don't you open a present Twilight?” The yellow pegasus said, pushing a small box over to Twilight. The unicorn smiled and after a moment of hesitation, tore into the box much like Scootaloo. “Wow, thank you Fluttershy.” Inside was a coat that had Twilight's favourite constellations on the outside and warm wool on the inside. “I figured that since winter was the best time to stargaze since the night sky is so clear if there are no clouds, I'd make you something warm.” Twilight leaned over and gave Fluttershy a quick kiss, making Spike mock-gag and Scootaloo just giggled. “Your turn Fluttershy.” Scootaloo pushed a present over to Fluttershy and waited. “It's from...Scootaloo?” The little pony smiled and nodded. Fluttershy slowly unwrapped the present. “Oh my...” Inside was a small hat with ear covers that was coloured orange like a fox. “Thank you Scootaloo. It's a very nice gift.” The small pegasus beamed happily and the four began to open the rest of their presents. Finally, after all the boxes had been opened and all the wrappers had been torn off, Twilight said, “I have one more gift for you Fluttershy.” “Oh? What is it?” Fluttershy's wings quivered in anticipation. “Come with me.” The older pegasus got up and followed Twilight, but a few seconds later, Spike and Scootaloo followed as well. Twilight dove behind a door and opened only enough to show her head. “Wait out here for a few seconds. Count to ten before you come in.” Then, she closed the door. After a second of silence, Spike wondered aloud, “I wonder what-” Spike was cut short as elegant notes filtered through the door. Fluttershy's eyes widened and pushed open the door to see Twilight behind a piano, her eyes closed as notes flowed from the instrument. The three watching her stared in silent awe as music easily came from the piano. As Fluttershy listened, she couldn't help the few tears that escaped her eyes. As soon as the one-pony symphony was finished, Fluttershy tackled Twilight to the ground and kissed her passionately. Spike just looked away with a blush and Scootaloo just watched, not knowing what to do. When Fluttershy finally pulled away, Twilight was left breathless. “So...definitely a good thing.” Fluttershy giggled and helped the unicorn up. “Well...this was easily the most entertaining and amazing Hearth's Warming EVER!” Scootaloo said, jumping into the air and fluttering her little wings. “Well, there is one last thing...” “What else could there be?” Spike asked in a confused tone. Instead of answering, Twilight and Fluttershy just walked back into the living room and sat down, then looked at Scootaloo. “Well...you see, Fluttershy told me about your...situation, Scootaloo.” For a moment, the young pegasus adopted a look of fear. Fluttershy took over from this point. “We've decided...to adopt you. If you don't mind of course.” The filly was completely silent and the two mares feared they had overstepped their boundaries. Suddenly, the two found themselves pinned to the ground with small orange hooves squeezing them as tears watered their coats. Twilight and Fluttershy simply hugged the filly back and allowed her to cry happily. Elsewhere “Lyra...Lyra...” The mint unicorn mumbled and scratched her muzzle. “Lyra...” “Five more minutes mom...I don't wanna go to school today.” Then, a light tickling sensation attacked her ear. Lyra cracked her eyes open after the feeling persisted and saw Bon Bon smiling down at her. The lyre player smiled and leaned up, drawing the candy maker into a kiss. Bon Bon giggled into the kiss, causing their mouths to vibrate against each other. The cream coloured pony pulled away and said, “Come downstairs. It's Hearth's Warming you know.” Lyra rolled her eyes and flopped out of the bed and began to stretch and Bon Bon winced as she heard various joints crack and pop. “Ugh, that's so gross.” “You still love me,” the unicorn said with a flick of her tail. Bon Bon smiled and just headed down the stairs into the living room that was set up behind the storefront with Lyra just behind her. The room was decorated festively, but still held the humbleness that many ponies had attributed to Bon Bon over the years. However, there was still the splash of impulse that was easily a testament to the addition of a certain unicorn in her life. The muted greens and reds, while they clashed with the earthen tone of the home's natural colour, they also brought out the tranquility of the home. Lyra smiled and dashed over to the tree. “So where'd you hide 'em this year?” “I can't tell you that. What if I decide to hide next year's presents in the same place?” The unicorn groaned and grabbed the bowl of cereal that she knew Bon Bon placed in the kitchen for her. “I'm so glad that you put the cereal in the same spot every time.” “Well if I didn't, you tear the kitchen apart looking for the cereal so I decided awhile ago that it's just best to put a pre-made bowl of cereal in one spot so you can find it.” “And for that, I love you,” Lyra said with a mouthful of cereal. Bon Bon just chuckled and took a seat on the couch beside the minty unicorn as she continued to eat. As Lyra ate, Bon Bon talked about the day up until that point. Finally, the musician finished and the two walked over to the tree. “You first oh lover of mine,” Lyra said with a bow. The candy-maker smiled and said, “Why thank you kind miss. I think I shall.” Bon Bon grabbed the first present within her reach and opened it up. “Aww, thank you Lyra.” Inside was the latest edition of Exquisite Eating; Desserts (9th edition!). “No problem. I can't have my lover behind on the times with all things dessert. Besides, you look so darn cute when you're concentrating on your baking.” Bon Bon couldn't help the blush that crept onto her face. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” “Is that an invitation?” The unicorn said with a sultry tone as she immediately made her way on top of the cream pony. “As much as I like where this is going...” Bon Bon reluctantly pushed Lyra off of her and continued. “You should open your first gift.” Lyra sighed and said, “Fine.” With a small pout, the unicorn picked a random gift and brought it to herself. As soon as it was in her hooves, Lyra shook it lightly while putting it next to her ear. “Don't shake it too much. Just open it.” Lyra huffed and quickly tore off the paper. What was inside quickly made tears appear in her eyes. Inside had been an artfully crafted lyre, made from the finest gold for the frame and the highest quality silk enchanted by the most talented of unicorns so that they would never break or split, which eliminated the need to replace the strings. “I...I can't believe it...” Bon Bon wrapped a hoof around Lyra and said, “Look on the bottom.” Lyra flipped over the stringed instrument and gasped. On the bottom was engraved 'To my little musician. Play on my dear, play on.' “It's....it's...” “It's your old lyre.” “But how!? I sold it years ago to help pay for my moving here...I never thought I'd see it again!” The unicorn cradled the instrument against her chest, ignoring the tears streaming from her eyes. “A friend of mine in Canterlot actually found it in an auction. From what I hear, it was up to at least 700 bits before he bought it.” “Why'd he buy it?” Bon Bon shrugged and said, “No idea, but he sent me a letter a few weeks ago telling me about it and since he owed me one, I told him to send it to me.” Lyra was silent as she took in the information. “Are you okay?” Instead of answering, Lyra took the lyre in her magic and began to play a melancholy tune. The song held a small tone of sadness, but at the same time it made a pony feel as if they had been reunited with an old friend. When her song was finished, Lyra set the small instrument on the table and hugged Bon Bon tightly. “Thank you Bon Bon...thank you so much...” The candy-maker just chuckled warmly and rubbed Lyra's back comfortingly. “It's no problem my love. Anything for you.” The rest of the day was spent with the two laying comfortably on the couch while Lyra played the precious instrument given to her by her father. Later that night, Golden Oaks Library After Scootaloo and Spike had gone to bed, the two mares rested on the couch before going up to their room. “So it's official; we're adopting Scootaloo.” Twilight said in disbelief. “Are you okay with this?” Twilight just sighed in content and said, “Of course. Besides, I can't back out now. It'd break her heart if I did.” Fluttershy smiled and gave Twilight a kiss. “I'll head to Canterlot tomorrow and get her aunt's signature,” Fluttershy said. “Are you sure? I can go if you want,” Twilight suggested. The pegasus shook her head and said, “It was my idea, so I have to go through with it.” The lavender pony said nothing but instead got up off the couch and lead the pair upstairs to go to bed. However, neither pony noticed the pair of eyes that were peering in on them through the window. When the couple went upstairs, the owner of the eyes turned and ran off. When it arrived at it's destination, it whispered what it had seen to a pony in a dark cloak. The pony chuckled and said, “Then tomorrow...we strike.” When Fluttershy woke up, she crawled out of bed before she woke Twilight and stretched. As she did, she glanced over at the mirror and watched herself as she did. 'Huh...I do look like a cat...' The flier said with a bemused smile. After she finished, she headed downstairs and began to make breakfast for the occupants of the house. As she cooked the oatmeal, she heard light hoof-steps behind her. She turned her head and saw Scootaloo yawning and climbing onto the chair closest to Fluttershy. "Oh, good morning Scootaloo. You're up awfully early." "I can't help it. I'm an early riser." The young pony said with another yawn as she laid her head down on the table. "Why don't you go back to sleep if you're tired?" "Can't. Once I'm up, there's no going back to sleep for me. It sucks." Fluttershy giggled and after a few minutes, put a bowl of food in front of the filly and said, "Well, since you're up, would you like to go to Canterlot with me?" "Why do you need to go there?" Scootaloo asked with a mouthful of food. "Since your aunt is your legal guardian, we have to have her sign a paper that transfers custody from her to us." Scootaloo was quiet as she thought over her reply. "I can understand if you don't want to go. From what you told me, she took awful care of you so it's only natural if you don't want to see her." After swallowing some more oatmeal, the orange pony said, "No...I'll go. She still is family after all, even is she is a pain in the flank. Plus I still have a few things to grab that I left there a long time ago." "Are you sure?" "Mhmm! Don't worry, if anything goes wrong, you can just Stare her into submission." The two pegasi laughed and Fluttershy sat down and began to eat after giving Scootaloo another helping. The two laughed and talked up until Twilight finally came downstairs, her mane sticking up all over the place and her eyes half open. "Good morning honey. I take it you slept well?" A sleepy grin formed on Twilight's face as she nodded in content. The unicorn took the other seat by Scootaloo and Fluttershy quickly got her a bowl of oatmeal. "Thanks, love." The lavender pony wasted no time digging into the food as Scootaloo helped Fluttershy wash their bowls. "Hey hun, Scootaloo is going to be coming with me to Canterlot alright?" "Mkay." Came the sleepy reply. After the pegasus ponies had bundled up, they headed for the train station to begin their trip to the capital. "So where exactly does your aunt live?" "She lived in...the Runshaw district next to a pony named Fleur de Lis last time I was there. I dunno if she still does or not." Fluttershy nodded and said, "Well if she doesn't live there, we can search for her by name. What is her name by the way?" "May Ball. She's a unicorn. She explained how she was mom's sister with genetics and all that but...I kinda...didn't listen." The young pony said sheepishly. The older pony chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I don't really understand it either." Scootaloo laughed and for the next half hour, the two kept themselves amused at the train station as they waited for their transportation to arrive. After Fluttershy had left, Twilight started to brew a cup of coffee and began to go through the library's records to see if any books needed to be returned that day. After finding out that no books needed to be returned, the bookworm put her hair up and slid her spectacles onto her face and with a grin, took all the books off the shelves and began to re-shelf them. About an hour and a half into it, Spike lumbered out from his room, yawning loudly. "Watch out Spike, I'm-" Her warning was cut short as the baby dragon was sent sprawling to the floor after he tripped over some books. "Re-shelving..." She finished after he hit the ground. Spike just picked himself up and angrily mumbled to himself as he walked into the kitchen to eat his breakfast. Twilight giggled and continued her work. It was at least two in the afternoon when Twilight had finally finished her task. "Started at ten, ended at two. I'm getting much quicker, wouldn't you say Spike?" The dragon looked up from the book he had grabbed in the storm of literature and said, "I guess, though I don't see why you have to do this every week. Nopony even checks out that many books at a time other than you." The magical pony chuckled and said, "That may be true, but it's still good exercise for my magic use and besides, it's fun!" Twilight removed the glasses and took her hair down and asked, "I don't mean to be rude, but did you happen to make lunch while I was working?" "It's on the table. Hey, do you mind if I go to Dinky's house for a bit?" "Not at all Romeo. Just be back at five, okay?" "Thanks Twilight!" The dragon quickly hugged her and took off faster than she had ever seen. "Heh, wow. He never moved like that for Rarity," Twilight said as she headed into the kitchen for her food. She allowed herself to eat slowly and to actually enjoy her lunch instead of rushing through it like she usually did. After she finished, Twilight washed her dishes and walked into the main library and sat behind the desk. However, she wasn't there for more than five minutes when a pony burst in through the door. "Twilight, come quick!" The unicorn shouted in surprised as she nearly toppled off the chair she was in. "Cloud Kicker? What's wrong?" Twilight asked, her voice carrying a worried tone. "It's Raindrops. She's hurt and we need to get her to the hospital but we can't move her without magic and you're the closest unicorn." "Let's go!" The blue pegasus took off and Twilight followed, not bothering to put on her snow gear (which she quickly regretted). However, duty called so she shoved her complaints into the back of her head and followed closely behind the distraught pegasus. After running down the street for a few minutes, Cloud Kicker turned sharply to the right and Twilight had to double back since she slid in the snow when she tried to stop. She ran after the blue speck in front of her, but slid to a halt when she was met with a wall. "Now!" Before Twilight knew what was going on, a blindfold had been fastened around her eyes as she felt a weight suddenly plop down on her back. Instinct took over and Twilight felt magic gather in her horn as she prepared to unleash a spell. However, her attacked moved first and just as Twilight was about to fire off the spell, a sudden cold and numbing feeling rushed through her body as her magic was cut off. She felt something attach itself to her horn and Twilight collapsed, trying to resist the urge to heave up the lunch she had eaten a few minutes ago. She failed and sent soup spattering onto the ground as she groaned and convulsed. Her body felt completely cold and she tried to use her magic. Pain shot through Twilight's head and a new wave of convulsions overtook her, making her cry out. The lavender unicorn moaned and wished that death would come swiftly and take her from this painful existence. While it may seem overly dramatic to other ponies, for unicorns, it was a natural thing to feel this way after being cut off from their magic. To be disconnected from their magic, even temporarily, was a heavily traumatic experience for a unicorn. "Congratulations Twilight Sparkle; you have just become a bargaining chip." That was the last thing Twilight heard before unconsciousness overtook her. (Author's Note: DUN DUN DUN! Heh, but in all fair seriousness...Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I haven't been feeling very motivated lately (not to mention I've been distracted...*glares at Xbox*). But, better late than never, no? Also, by popular request, I did have a Lyra X Bon Bon bit in there (as you all saw obviously) and I hoped you liked it. I know it wasn't long, but I thought the emotional-ness of it would make up for it (I hope). Umm...oh! I also hope you liked the musical selection I had with the blue words and stuff...it took me like...2 whole hours to find one for Lyra's part that I liked >.> Okay, this note is long, so I'mma stop now) > Abducted Lovers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the train ride, Scootaloo and Fluttershy played a number of games to help pass the time. At some point, a filly in Scootaloo's class came over and asked if she could join in on their merriment. From this point on, Fluttershy watched and conversed with the filly's mother as Scootaloo and the other pony played together. Finally, they all said good-bye as they went their separate ways once they arrived in Canterlot. "Okay...last time I was here, I think I remember seeing a sign that lead to the Runshaw District...this way." Fluttershy said, hoping that her memory served her well. As the two pegasi walked, they kept an eye out for the sign, but couldn't help but gaze at all Canterlot had to offer; the numerous shops selling everything from fabric to rocks, the restaurants that served food neither pony had ever heard of; everything about the large city mesmerized the pair. It was about two o’clock when Fluttershy saw the sign that directed them to the district. While they walked, Scootaloo told Fluttershy everything she could remember to help them spot the house they were looking for. However, at one point, Fluttershy stopped and shivered. "Are you okay, Fluttershy?" "Y-yea...I just had a feeling something bad happened..." "What do you mean?" Fluttershy shook her head and said, "It's probably nothing. It was most likely a cold shiver and I'm just overthinking it all." The young pegasus looked at Fluttershy for a moment and said, "If you say so." then continued walking. The yellow pegasus looked up into the cloudy sky and thought, 'I hope that's all it was...' before moving to catch up with Scootaloo. Finally, after another hour of walking, the pair of pegasi found the home they were looking for. "It looks...nice." Fluttershy said with a small bit of skepticism. The outside was peeling paint and the lawn looked like it had only been mildly cared for, evident by the patches of uncut grass. Scootaloo scoffed and said, "Let's get this over with." Fluttershy nodded and knocked on the door. A few moments later, a yellow unicorn with a heavy lilac hair colour answered the door. "Can I help you?" She asked, not even trying to mask her irritation. "Umm...yes, hello. My name is Fluttershy, and I-" The unicorn ignored her and narrowed her eyes at the filly, who did the same in return. "Ahh, so you've come crawling back, have you Scootaloo?" "You wish May Ball. I'm just here for some things and so I can watch you sign the papers." The unicorn looked up and her eyebrows moved in confusion. "Papers? What papers?" Instead of saying anything, Fluttershy grabbed the papers from her saddlebag and showed them off. May Ball snatched them with her magic and her eyes quickly scanned the papers while occasionally glaring at Fluttershy. "Adoption...Ponyville...Twilight Sparkle AND Fluttershy? You don't mean to tell me-" "Yes. Twilight and I are together and yes, we live in Ponyville, and yes, we'd like to adopt Scootaloo," the lemon coloured unicorn was shocked into silence. "Y-you can't...I mean, you're both..." "Mares? Yes, we know. Now if you would kindly sign?" Fluttershy offered a pen from her saddlebag, but May Ball just scowled. "And WHAT exactly do you take me for? An idiot? I would be RUINED if anypony found out a relative of mine was adopted by fillyfoolers like you! I will not sign these papers, but I do "thank" you for bringing the brat back home. The guards were beginning to ask questions." The unicorn said with a frown. She then looked past the pony in front of her and said, "Get over here you little degenerate." Scootaloo stuck her tongue out at the elder and May Ball scowled. "I said, come here you little-" The sentence was never finished. Fluttershy stomped a hoof down, scaring both the older unicorn and the younger pegasus. "Now you listen here! I will NOT have you talking to my daughter like that. I don't care if you are her actual relative or not, you shouldn't EVER talk to a child like that. Now sign these papers or else I'll inform Princess Celestia herself that you've been ignoring her and in turn, providing no healthy lifestyle, no education, no food, nothing." "I...you...you lie!" May Ball said, trying to make herself intimidating. However, Fluttershy's stare made her lower herself as far down as she could go. "I-I could have you a-arrested for this!" "I think my argument would go over far better than yours. Who do you think the Princess would believe; a pony whom she actually knows AND helped save Equestria THREE TIMES, or some stuck up pony who doesn't know what she's talking about?" Scootaloo was absolutely amazed at how Fluttershy was acting. 'This is insane! I figured she'd have to use the Stare, but to use her connections to the Princess...Wow...' "So, are you going to sign it, or is the Princess going to have to pay you a visit?" "NO! I'll sign!" May Ball quickly snatched up the pen and quickly scrawled her signature where it was required. Afterwards, Fluttershy took the forms back and with a polite smile, said, "Thank you very much. We'll be sure never to bother you again. Come along dear." Fluttershy said, nudging Scootaloo along with her wing, leaving May Ball to stand in the hall, mouth agape at she tried to process what just happened. "Fluttershy, that was amazing! I've never seen ANYPONY stand up to my aunt that way! That was so cool!" The young filly was bouncing around Fluttershy, her little wings fluttering as she bounded through the air. Fluttershy blushed a light pink and said, "Well, I couldn't just give you up to such a terrible pony. You deserve much better than that." Scootaloo nodded and said, "Thank you..." The yellow pony stopped and looked down at her younger counterpart. "Don't thank me. Twilight and I just want what's best for you. Besides, we like you too much to give you up now," Fluttershy said with a wink. Scootaloo smiled and couldn't help the laugh the burst forth from her mouth. Fluttershy joined her and as they walked and laughed, ponies couldn't help but stare as the two walked through the town. As they were heading back towards the train station, Scootaloo's stomach grumbled loudly, making the young filly blush in embarrassment and chuckle sheepishly. "Has it really been that long since breakfast?" Fluttershy asked aloud in amazement. "Well...we got here at like...one-forty-five, found my aunt's house at around...two or twenty past two. I think and it's two-forty now...so yea, it's been awhile," Scootaloo said, her eyes gazing upwards as she tried to remember when she had actually had breakfast. "Well let's get something to eat here before we go. Spike'll be so jealous." Scootaloo's eyes lit up and she chuckled mischievously. "We could say we went to his favourite doughnut shop and say we ate ALL the best doughnuts!" Fluttershy smiled and said, "That might be a little too mean hun." "Yea, I guess...wait..." Scootaloo stopped moving as a thought hit her. "Is something wrong?" Fluttershy asked, concerned at the filly's sudden stop. The orange pony turned and said, "When you were arguing with my aunt...you called me your daughter..." "Of course I did. The way I see it, as soon as we decided to adopt you, you became our daughter, even if we didn't have the paperwork signed." Scootaloo lowered her head enough so that shadows hid her face. Fluttershy figured that either she would begin to cry happily, or laugh aloud at how "cheesy" it was. Instead, the young pegasus looked up with a warm smile as a single tear slid down her face. "Thank you...mom." Fluttershy smiled back and pulled Scootaloo into a hug. They stayed like that for a good 5 minutes before Scootaloo's stomach reminded them of the task at hand. Both ponies began to laugh as they pulled away from each other and headed for the nearest place of food. When Twilight woke up, there was nothing but darkness for her to gaze into. All she could hear was her heart beating in her chest and her own breath. There were faint noises around her as well, but she didn't want to risk alerting whatever else was in the room with her. So, she tried to move, but found her movement restricted. She struggled against her bindings a little more before she realized that she wasn't on the ground; she was on the wall. She moved each limb a little to get a sense of where they were. Her forelegs were pinned above her, both angled away from her head and her hind legs were pinned in a similar manner, which made her imagine an X in her head. 'Okay...you're pinned to the wall by shackles, your eyes have yet to adjust to this darkness, you can hear...something else in the room with you...' Twilight swallowed a lump of fear and cautiously called out in what was barely a whisper. "Hello?" It was silent for what seemed like an eternity before she got an answer back. "Ahh, you've awakened. That's good." A feminine voice replied, nearly scaring Twilight at the suddenness of it's voicing. "W-who's there? Where are we?" "It's Octavia, and I don't know. I've been here for at least a week I think and our kidnappers have yet to give me any indication as to our location." "I see...is there anypony else here?" There was only silence. "There are, but they're probably sleeping off the pain." "What do you mean?" Twilight heard a sigh and then, "Apparently, we have stronger connections to the ones we love and as such, won't let them go. So, they've basically been torturing us until we either forget our loved ones or renounce our love for them." "That's horrible! Are you okay? I mean, you've been gone the longest." "It's nothing that can't be healed. I just hope it doesn't look as bad as it feels. I worry about what Luna might do if I'm too badly hurt." Twilight gave Octavia a confused look, but remembered that the musician probably couldn't see her. "What do you mean?" "You know that Luna was once Nightmare Moon, correct?" "Of course." Octavia took a deep breath and released it slowly. "Well...if she came upon me, broken, battered, and bruised, how do you think she would react? I know she's been alive for who knows how long, but sometimes she acts rather than thinks. She would see my abused form, and she would be consumed by anger, hate, and sorrow. Thus, she would become the Nightmare once again. She would forget about me and just go to try and bring nighttime eternal...and I don't want to lose her." Twilight nodded, finding sense in the grey pony's words. "Who else is here? Or do you know?" "I know there are 5 of us, you and myself included. I do not know the others that were placed in here, but I did get a glimpse of them. Perhaps you will know who they are when I describe what little I saw of them. Though, they brought you all in rather close to each other." "Alright, so there's you, me...who else?" "The first they brought here after myself was a blue pony with rainbow coloured hair." "Rainbow Dash!" "Next was a cream coloured pony. I think her cutie mark was some sort of confectionery treat?" Twilight ran through her brain quickly and said, "Bon Bon. Who else?" "I believe the last one gave them a lot of trouble as they brought her here. They said that she kicked one of them so hard they had thought him dead." "Most likely Applejack...so that's you, Rainbow, Applejack, Bon Bon, and myself." Octavia sighed and said, "I wonder why they didn't capture our loved ones and do the same to them?" "Hmm..." Thoughts rushed through Twilight's mind as she tried to guess the intent of the group. Finally, with a gasp, it dawned on her. "They took us because they figure our lovers will want to do anything to get us free and keep us safe." Twilight heard Octavia mutter angrily under her breath and said, "So basically, they'll be informed of what's being done to us and out of duty to protect us..." "They'll renounce their love so we'll be safe..." "Dirty ponies." Octavia spat. Before Twilight could agree, she heard a groan next to her, followed by, "Ugh...my head...hey, where am I?" Twilight recognized the voice to be Bon Bon. "Bon Bon? It's me, Twilight." "Twilight? What's going on, where are we?" "I'm not sure..." Twilight explained everything that she and Octavia had discussed. Halfway through, Applejack and Rainbow Dash woke up and Octavia filled them in as well. "Well what're ya waiting for Twilight? Use your magic and get us outta here!" Dash shouted. "Oh...right." Twilight closed her eyes and focused on breaking the shackles. "Ah ah ah." Then, Twilight screamed in pain as electricity coursed through her body. She was quickly joined by her friends as they each got a charge themselves. "Naughty naughty Twilight Sparkle." Suddenly, light filled the room, blinding all the ponies there. When Twilight's eyes adjusted, (and she could actually move her head after getting rid of all the tingles), she looked up and scowled. "Star Bright!" The stallion walked in and stood in the middle of the captured ponies. "The one and only! How do you like your new accommodations Ms. Sparkle? Not too uncomfortable are they?" He asked as he pressed a button on a small remote, shocking Twilight once again. "Hey, you leave her alone!" Rainbow shouted before she too got shocked. "Quiet filth." Star Bright said through a smile. Twilight narrowed her eyes as he walked up to her and stood on his hind legs to be eye level with her. He tenderly traced her jaw line while she glared at him. "Now now Twilight, let's be civilized. Tell you what, you forget the little...girl you're with and get with me, I'll let you go." "What about my friends?" She asked immediately. "Pff, I don't know, nor do I care. So what do you say?" By now, he had gotten inches away from her face and was smiling with shining teeth. "I think...I'll have to say...NO!" Twilight drew her head back as far as she could and brought it forward with all her might. Her head crashed down upon Star Bright's, sending him down to the floor as pain exploded in Twilight's mind. 'Guess that's why they say never to use a head-butt....ugh...' The stallion, once his daze had gone away, looked up at Twilight as a small trickle of blood flowed from his forehead down his face. His grin quickly fell as a look of rage replaced it. "You...WHORE!" He brought the remote up and nearly smashed it as he pressed a button and Twilight's body lit up in pain as electricity coursed through her body to a point where she though it had replaced her blood as it ran its path and stifled the scream that wanted to leap from her mouth. All her friends could only look on in horror as the stallion smiled sadistically while the lavender pony's body shook with spasms and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Enough!" Star Bright turned and his rage was converted to fear in less than 2 seconds. The leader, cloaked entirely in black walked up to him and smacked the control away from him before spinning and lashing out with back hooves, sending him against the nearby wall. The following crack that followed made everypony wince as he slumped to the ground, unconscious. "Idiot..." the cloaked pony muttered. "Get him out of here, and get Twilight medical attention. She's of no use to us dead." Two ponies came in and after unlocking Twilight, carried both unicorns with magic to some unknown destination. "Let us down right now!" Dash cried, struggling against her restraints harder than before, with Applejack right along-side with her. "And why would I do that? You have to be contained so that you don't cause a ruckus." The pony walked over to Octavia and looked up at her. The musician tried to get some semblance of who the pony might be, but shadows covered any and all features that might give away a name or some clue. The pony chuckled and said, "Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to get ready. I believe the time is coming for me to...work my magic, as it were." With that, the pony left. Applejack cried out in frustration as she pushed herself against the metal bonds. "T'ain't no use...ah can't bust out..." She said between breaths. "Me neither! Ugh! This is so...irritating!" Rainbow Dash said with a huff of annoyance. "Calm down you two. While it is frustrating that we can't do anything, Twilight will be fine." Octavia said, taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it. "Easy for you to say! Twilight isn't your best friend!" "But she is in love with MY best friend Ms. Dash. So naturally, I'm going to care about her," Octavia said, narrowing her eyes at the pegasus, despite the fact that the room had been cast in darkness once again. While Rainbow wanted to argue, she could feel that Applejack was giving her that "let it go" stare and said, "Yea...sorry." "It's alright. I guess all we can do now is wait." So the 4 ponies all sighed at once and waited in the darkness. Scootaloo trotted happily out of the ice cream parlor licking the frozen chocolate treat that clung to her lips as she waited for Fluttershy to finish paying. She looked up and saw the sun casting it's final glow over the horizon, painting what few clouds were in the sky with a faint orange tinge that made the young filly's wings stretch out and flutter as she imagined herself soaring through the sky. "Scootaloo?" The little pony opened the eyes she didn't remember closing and spun to face her soon-to-be mother with a light blush on her cheeks. Fluttershy chuckled and spread a wing over her and said, "Dreaming of flight?" "Yea...is it normal for a pegasus my age NOT to be able to fly yet?" Fluttershy knew she had to approach this topic carefully so she began to herd the filly in the direction of the train station before answering. "I'd like to think so. I wasn't able to fly at the same time as everypony else, despite the fact I was older than them. I think you just have to have the right motivation. The first time I flew normally is when I had to save a young fox from a pack of Timberwolves. Just give it time." Fluttershy closed her wing a little, drawing the younger pegasi close to her. "Well...if you say so." Scootaloo said, hugging the elder. Fluttershy smiled and said, "C'mon. Let's get home. I'm sure Twilight and Spike are worried sick about us by now." The orange filly smiled and took off for the train station, calling out behind her, "I'll beat'cha there!" Fluttershy shook her head and with a smile, began to run after the filly. When they had got to the train, Scootaloo took pride in the fact she had beat an older pony who could fly just by running and Fluttershy bowed and called her the "Queen of Speed" (and Fluttershy just hoped Scootaloo wouldn't tell Rainbow Dash of the title) as they waited for the train itself to arrive. "So...you and Twilight will be my moms tomorrow?" "Mhmm." "Hmm...so how am I supposed to call for one of you, but not the other? I can't just call out like, "Hey mom!" can I? I mean, it would confuse the two of you, right?" "You have a point..." Fluttershy put a hoof on her chin as she thought of a way past this future conundrum. "Aha! You can call me Momma, and Twilight can be Mommy." The yellow pegasus said with a pleased grin. Scootaloo just laughed and said, "Kinda babyish, but alright Momma." The filly said with a wink. Fluttershy just answered by pulling the child into a hug. As they pulled away from each other, the train pulled into the station and within the next half hour, they were home-bound. As they got closer to Ponyville, Scootaloo began to yawn and had to fight to stay awake. However, about 10 minutes before they pulled into the town's station, the filly was out like a light. So, with the help of a unicorn seated in the same car, Fluttershy got the filly onto her back and headed for the Library the promised warmth and love. When she got to the Library, she slowly opened the door and looked around. She didn't see Spike or Twilight, and the fireplace looked as if it had been dead for at least several hours. "Spike? Twilight?" Fluttershy called as she headed for their bedroom after placing Scootaloo onto the couch and bundling her up in blankets after removing her snow-gear. 'Twilight's warm clothes are still hanging up...so she can't have left. She's probably just sleeping. It is almost midnight after all.' Fluttershy thought as she ascended the stairs. 'But Spike's things are still gone...he should've been back from wherever he went by now.' The pegasus just shook her head and thought, 'Maybe he's staying the night at the young filly's house who he's so fond of.' However, when Fluttershy opened the bedroom door, she saw no unicorn snoozing in their bed. She turned on the light and scoured every inch of the room before flying back down and searching all over the house. As each room was searched with no results, Fluttershy's panic nearly hit a peak. 'Where is she?! I need help!' So after making sure Scootaloo was still asleep, Fluttershy took off full speed for the candy-shop. When she arrived, she knocked on the window to the couple's room. She continued to knock until a sleepy Lyra opened the window. "Fluttershy? It's like...early..." The mint unicorn said while rubbing her eyes. "I can't find Twilight and I need your help!" The pegasus said all in one breath. "Kay...Bon Bon...hey, Bon Bon..." Lyra disappeared into the darkness of the room and after a minute, the light came on and Fluttershy could see the panic building in Lyra's face. "She's not here!" So the two headed to the next closest place which was the apartment that Vinyl had been using when she wasn't in Canterlot or in Rainbow's cloud home. "Eh? Umm...alright...hold on..." Vinyl said as she retreated back into the house to dress in warm clothing before following the two out to Sweet Apple Acres. When they arrived, they saw a tired looking Spitfire laying on the couch with Big Macintosh beside her. "What happened?" Fluttershy asked. "Apple Bloom said she saw some ponies yelling at Applejack so she went to get Big Mac and by the time they had got back...she was gone. I flew all the way from Cloudsdale after I got the letter and have been looking for her all day..." The Wonderbolt said with a sigh of depression. "From what Apple Bloom said, they had at least three other ponies with them." Fluttershy, Lyra, and Vinyl all looked at each other. "So they've all been...kidnapped..." Vinyl said, sitting down on the floor as reality hit her. "Yea...but how do we find them is the question?" Spitfire asked, sitting up as Big Macintosh left the room. That's when the door to the house flew open to reveal two ponies. "Rarity?" (Author's Note: Stuff! And things! No, but seriously, sorry it took so long to post. Incognito, my wonderful editor, has most likely been quite busy so I had to take matters into my own hooves and kinda...steal it before he could finish editing and edited what was left myself...please don't hit me? Anyways, things be picking up and stuff. So...stick around, yea?) > Final Confrontation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The alabaster unicorn walked in and Fluttershy was immediately at her side, ready to catch the weary pony should she fall. "Thank you..." While Rarity was catching her breath, Fluttershy took this time to examine the other pony who had arrived. It was a light grey stallion (which Fluttershy almost mistook for a mare). His mane was long and mostly straight until it reached his neck, where it started to curl and was a few shades darker than his coat with streaks of blue hiding within. He wore glasses with a black frame, as well as two crimson bangles around his left forehoof. She glanced up and saw his horn poking out from under his hair, then looked down into his eyes. They were a softer shade of purple than Twilight's and seemed to have an almost hypnotic power to them. "Umm, I beg your pardon Miss Rarity, but I brought you here because you had something to say?" He said with a quiet voice that seemed almost perfect for him. "Oh, right." Rarity stood on her own and said, "First of all, I want to apologize to you all. Especially you Fluttershy...you're my best friend and I let my upbringings stand in the way of that. I hope that you can forgive me after all this is over, but if you can't...I understand." "What do you mean?" The yellow pegasus asked. "Well...I am, no, WAS a part of that awful group who's been going around and-" Rarity's sentence was cut short as she was tackled to the ground by an angry Spitfire. "Where's my Applejack? And I swear, if you're lying I'll-" "Calm yourself. Shouting will get us nowhere," The stallion said, enveloping Spitfire within a lavender aura. The pegasus struggled for a moment before calming down. She was set back down on the couch before the aura disappeared. "Thank you." The grey unicorn simply nodded and waited for Rarity to continue. "That's why I'm here. I felt simply terrible about what I did, so I was going to head to the hideout to see if I could convince the leader to let your lovers go. However, I was turned away before I could enter the building. So as I wandered, trying to figure out what to do, he shows up and explains that he knows what's going on and what I should do." Rarity flicked her head back to the unicorn by the door, who looked uncomfortable with all the eyes in the room suddenly on him. "Who are you by the way? I don't think I've ever seen you in town before..." Rarity asked, looking him over. Before he could answer, the white pony cried out, "You have no cutie mark!" Fluttershy's eyes moved from his eyes to his flank and saw that it was indeed bare. "My name isn't important, and I'm very well aware of my lack of a cutie mark. Back to the subject at hand, I told Rarity that she should come and find you, whose lovers have been taken, and go rescue them." "Thank you, but how are we going to get in if Rarity can't get inside herself?" Fluttershy asked. "Leave that to me. I wish you all luck." With a dull flash of light, the stallion disappeared. "Well...you heard him! Let's get going!" Spitfire said, leaping off the couch and taking to the air, flying around for a moment before diving out the door. Rarity nodded and took off back towards Ponyville with four ponies following her. 'I hope they're all okay...' Fluttershy thought as she flew above the others beside Spitfire. As the group drew closer to town, they saw a flash of light over by City Hall. "That must've been that stallion!" Lyra exclaimed as the light died down. "Then we better hurry!" The DJ shouted. When they had arrived, they saw a good number of ponies asleep on the ground around the cellar entrance. "Don't worry about these ponies. They'll wake up with a slight headache, but nothing major." The ponies turned to see the stallion walking towards them. "You did all this? But there must be at least thirty or more ponies here!" Rarity asked, her mouth hanging agape. "Now's really not the time for twenty questions. You five go on ahead. I'll be back as soon as I can be." With another flash, he was gone. "We really must get his name when he comes back," Rarity said with a light smile. "C'mon!" Spitfire groaned before dive-bombing the cellar doors and breaking them off their hinges. The other ponies lost no time following the burning flier. When they had all delved into the darkness, the door magically rebuilt itself and shut them all in, trapping them within the blackness. "Hold on," Lyra said. A few seconds later, a bright light illuminated the room as a small orb of light left Lyra's horn. "Neat trick." Vinyl said, already thinking of ways to manipulate the orb of light for her personal use. Rarity looked around for a moment, then lead the pair down a passageway. "I didn't know the cellar was this...big." Fluttershy mumbled. "It wasn't. We, I mean, they expanded it at some point to make room for their operations,” Rarity explained as she looked in the various rooms that they passed. Finally, Rarity gasped and dashed into a room, and was quickly followed by the others. Inside the room, on the far side of the room was the kidnapped ponies hanging on the wall by shackles with strange wires attached at various parts of the bindings. Each pony shouted their lovers names as they rushed forward. However, Rarity saw a flash of magic and quickly grabbed the others as cages came from nowhere and dropped where the group had once been. "I heard you were no longer helping, but I didn't think it was true. Guess you just couldn't handle the reality that is shown to you." "If these ponies really love each other, they should be able to live in peace, just like a normal couple," the fashion designer replied, glaring at the stallion that walked into the light. "Ugh, please. Two mares just CAN'T love each other. It isn't natural and you know it!" Star Bright's horn light up again and before Rarity could react, everypony but Fluttershy was held in place by magic pressure. The stallion slowly walked up to Fluttershy and grinned a twisted smile and Fluttershy couldn't help but cringe away. "You are the little filly who is infatuated with Twilight, correct?" "N-no. I'm the one in love with her." The yellow pegasus said, gathering her courage and standing up, facing him eye to eye. He chuckled and said, "Right. Now listen, I'm going to give you a choice. You can either renounce your love with Twilight and save her from pain, or I can shock her and give you...well, let's call it an...enlightening surprise." As if to prove his point, a small remote came floating out of nowhere and hovered near him. He pressed a button and the ponies saw the shackles restricting Twilight spark before hearing her groan in pain. Fluttershy gasped, but stood firm. "Don't you dare hurt her! The answer is no!" Star Bright frowned for a moment, then smiled. He turned to the darkness and said, "Go ahead and allow it." A flash illuminated a pony for a split second before they disappeared. "Congratulations Fluttershy! You are now homeless!" The yellow pony's eyes widened in surprise. "W-what?" "That's right! Your enlightening surprise is the burning down of your little cottage!" "No!" Fluttershy could feel tears welling in her eyes as she imagined her home burning to the ground as Star Bright just cackled in her ears. "Oh, and let's not forget..." He pressed another button and Twilight shouted in pain as electric fire ran through her. "Stop hurting her!" "Then give her up! Do you really think that you're the one who can make her happy? That you're the one who can fill her needs and grant her desires? NO! Because you're just some insignificant pegasus who doesn't know what's best for her!" He lifted a hoof and forcefully shoved Fluttershy, making her fall to the ground. "Fluttershy!" Twilight and Octavia cried out in concern for the fallen pegasus. It was this cry that woke Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Bon Bon. They all took in the scene in front of her and Rainbow shouted, "Don't let him push you around like this Flutters! He's just a coward!" "Quiet!" The click of a button was heard and Rainbow stifled the screams that welled in her throat. "Don't you hurt my Dashie!" Vinyl screamed, trying to force herself up off the ground. "Don't make me laugh." Star Bright said as he strengthened the pressure on Vinyl. "Don't let him beat you Fluttershy!" Bon Bon said before she too started to get shocked. "Stand up for yourself, and your lover." The grey musician said before taking a dose of electricity. Finally, Twilight said, "I love you!" Star Bright turned and narrowed his eyes at the lavender pony. "You'll regret saying that to anypony but me!" He jammed his hoof down on the button and Fluttershy saw the pain that Twilight was enduring. 'He's hurting my friends...and my lover...he want me to just give up and let her go...' Something inside Fluttershy began to flare up and without warning, just exploded. Her wings shot out and with a wrathful cry, tackled Star Bright and knocking the remote away, putting an end to the shocking, as well as the pressure holding down the rescuers. They all wanted to move to help their lovers, but the pure rage they felt from Fluttershy kept them in place. She was screaming and lashing out at the stallion, breaking anything she could hit. Normally he would've just thrown her off with magic, but each hit that connected interrupted his focus and made the spell fizzle out. Finally, he created a pulse that sent her flying into a large stack of crates. The wooden boxes broke and crashed down upon the yellow pegasus and Twilight just watched in horror as they all fell down. "Fluttershy?" She whispered. As if to answer, the boxes exploded and Fluttershy began her attack anew. Star Bright frowned and grabbed whatever he could reach with his magic and began to throw them with all his might at her. A few hit her, but ultimately did not deter her and she crashed into him. She brought her hooves down a few times before lifting him up and ramming him into a wall. "What is wrong with you?!" She said before pounding him with her one free hoof. Eventually, she tossed him down, and before he hit the floor, she flew down and pressed her hooves into his chest and the resounding crack of his ribs made everypony wince as red hot pain spread through his body and out his mouth in the form of an agonizing scream. When he finished screaming, Fluttershy just stood over him, panting heavily as blood flowed freely from her wounds. She never took her glare away from his eyes and he coughed up some blood before he managed to say, "M-mercy..." Her eyes widened in fury. "Mercy....MERCY?! I'll show you mercy!" She howled. She rose up onto her back hooves and in that instant, everypony would remember this moment as if time had frozen her as an image. Tears streaming from her cyan crystal eyes that were puffy and purple, bruises on her neck, fore-hooves and side with blood streaming from them, her face reared in a snarl, wings flared and hair knotted. Her left fore-hoof weeping more blood as her scar had torn itself open and dripped onto Star Bright's head. Just as she was about to bring them down, a pair of hooves shot forth from the darkness and connected with her head, sending the pegasus tumbling to the dirt and unconscious. "Idiot. He should've known never to rile up a mare such as her." The pony who had kicked Fluttershy away said. "Fluttershy!" Twilight screamed. With a determined nod to herself, Twilight closed her eyes and allowed the magic to flow through her body as she began to pull the electricity into her body like a living conduit. "Twilight, stop! If you're doing what I think you're doing, you'll kill yourself!" Octavia shouted. "I don't care! I have to help Fluttershy!" Twilight could feel her body becoming numb alarmingly fast, but she knew she'd need a sufficient charge for what she was going to do. Finally, as her neck started to numb, she released the charge and sent it back through the wires, shocking each shackle until it broke. One by one, each pony fell to the ground and Twilight herself hit the ground running. She nearly tripped over herself as she made a mad dash for her unmoving lover. 'Please be okay!' She shouted in her mind. When Twilight made it, she couldn't help the tears that overflowed her eyes as she looked down at Fluttershy's body. Blood was quickly pooling around the damaged pegasus and Twilight felt panic override her body as she was frozen in place. 'What do I do...What do I do?!' She glanced up at the other ponies and screamed, "STOP STANDING THERE AND GET A DOCTOR!" Octavia nodded, but nearly collapsed as she headed for the door due to her injuries. "Hold on!" Dash said as she flew for the door. "Stop right there." A ball of darkness tackled Rainbow Dash to the ground and quickly jumped away from her, taking a place in front of the door. "Nopony is going anywhere." The pony said in a calm, cool voice. "Can't you see that she might die?" Twilight narrowed her eyes at the cloaked pony, but got no response other than, "I'm aware of that and she will get medical attention...after you renounce your love for her." "Never!" "Then I guess she'll just die here and you'll spend the rest of your life with the regret that your selfishness allowed her to die." "Why are you doing this?" Twilight asked, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Go." Twilight looked to her right and saw Octavia there, ready to take her place. "Thank you." Twilight moved and Octavia placed Fluttershy's head on her lap while Twilight confronted the pony. "Why? I'll tell you why. Because it isn't natural for two mares to be together. Haven't you noticed that most of Ponyville is comprised of mares? If this keeps up, Ponyville as a town will cease to exist just because we'll have no stallions to continue to make children and Ponyville will die. That's why I'm doing this; not just because I want to break up your petty romance, but to keep Ponyville alive!" "That's ridiculous! Ponies are always moving to Ponyville." "Just as many move away! We have to keep things balanced." Twilight frowned as she took in the knowledge. 'While he...or she does have a point, I highly doubt Ponyville will wither and die like that. It's impossible for any place, big or small, to die out from a lack of males.' Twilight thought. She then said, "You know, it's impossible for Ponyville to die out, even if it was populated by all females. You see, there's an ancient magic ritual that-" "NO! Ponyville is a place for EARTH PONIES not UNICORNS! We don't NEED magic to sustain our way of life." Twilight shook her head and leapt at the cloaked pony. "You're being illogical!" She shouted. "And you're being ignorant!" The pony replied. Twilight began to reach out with her magic, but the pony moved around far too much for her to get a clear shot. 'She must be a unicorn since she knows that magic needs a clear shot to be performed correctly and accurately.' Twilight thought with mild irritation. So, the lavender unicorn began to slowly inch her way towards the pony as they continued the back and forth dance they performed and finally, Twilight dove at the pony, tackling them to the ground. "Got'cha!" "Not quite." Twilight felt pain explode beneath her as she was bucked off the pony. She landed a few feet away with a pained thud. "Oh..." The unicorn moaned as she got back onto her hooves. "Perhaps I can persuade you like this." The pony grasped the hood of the cloak and in one swift move, ripped it off and revealed themselves to the group of ponies that opposed them. "I...I can't believe it." Twilight said. The other gasped as they looked the pony over. There, standing before Twilight with a frown on her face and steel in her eyes, was Pinkie Pie. The party pony shook her head, her cotton candy mane wiggling as she did so. "Twilight, listen. You have to understand. I've been in Ponyville for far longer than you have. I've seen this happening ever since I got here as a filly. More and more ponies are moving away simply because they can't take living here." "Well maybe if the townsfolk would quit HARASSING THEM!" "Ponyville was brought up on the standards that only a mare and a stallion can be together. That's how I was brought up, it's how we were ALL brought up!" Pinkie said, stomping her hoof onto the ground. Twilight then stomped her hoof on the ground and retaliated. "That may be true, but we're all free to choose what we do later in life. Some of us may stick with those upbringings, but as we live our lives and go through experiences, those upbringings may change. Have you never had another pony love you Pinkie?" The pink pony was about to speak up, but quickly shut her mouth. "That's none of your concern!" Pinkie cried out before tackling Twilight to the ground and hitting the unicorn. After a few hits, Pinkie stopped and looked down at Twilight. "Pinkie..." The pony in question simply looked down and shadows masked her face. "I was young...a filly from the neighboring rock farm used to come over and play with me and my sisters...but after awhile, she asked me to be her marefriend...I accepted. We kept it secret of course, but one day...my father walked in on us kissing. After that, I never saw her again and I was beat every day based on the number of days I was with her...so I endured that pain for 2 years...until I realized that two mares CAN'T be together...Don't you see?" Twilight saw faint tears well up in Pinkie's eyes as she finished her story. "I'm so sorry Pinkie..." Pinkie turned her gaze up so that shadows no longer covered her face and Twilight winced at the angry glare that was directed at her. "I DON'T NEED YOUR PITY!" She began to attack Twilight for a short burst again before stopping to catch her breath. "Now...renounce your love, or else your life will just be unhappy..." Rainbow Dash tensed every time that Pinkie hit Twilight and wanted to just tackle the party pony, but she was held back by Applejack. "Hold on sugarcube...Twi's got this." "She's getting creamed! We have to help her!" Applejack just looked at Rainbow and shook her head. Something in Applejack's eyes made Dash just nod and watch. "Well?" Pinkie asked Twilight. The unicorn opened her eyes and opened her mouth and began to sing. "It's true, some days are dark and lonely And maybe you feel sad..." "No..." "But Pinkie will be there to show you that it isn't that bad There's one thing that makes me happy, And makes my whole life worthwhile And that's when I talk to my friends and get them to smile." As Twilight sang, Pinkie rose her hooves as if to hit her, but lowered them at the last moment. She repeated the process at least 3 times before she actually hit Twilight. “Stop singing!” However, the unicorn just continued to smile and sing. "I really am so happy Your smile fills me with glee I give a smile, I get a smile And that's so special to me" By now, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Lyra, and Bon Bon all began to sing along with the familiar song. "Come on everypony smile, smile, smile Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine All I really need's a smile, smile, smile From these happy friends of mine" As they all sang Pinkie's song, the party pony felt more and more tears pour from her eyes until she finally let go and just began to bawl loudly, throwing herself off of Twilight and onto the ground. "I'm so sorry!" Pinkie cried over and over as she cradled herself. She felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Twilight there, her arms open. Pinkie sniffled and after a moment, threw herself at Twilight and cried into the lavender coat of her friend. Rainbow Dash took this opportunity to head for the door to leave the room, but was stopped by Luna and a few of her royal guards as well as some medics. The medics ran into the room and quickly picked up Fluttershy and began their diagnostic of her wounds. Luna ran over and took Octavia into her hooves and cried against the musician's coat while Octavia simply stroked Luna's spectral mane over and over as she calmed the Princess of the Night. Twilight looked at all the ponies in the room, seeing their relieved faces at seeing their loved ones unharmed and happy. However, she saw one pony near the door, just barely out of the shadows of the hall. A grey stallion looked into the room and she could've swore she saw a look of happiness with sorrow buried under it within his eyes before he turned and left. 'Who...' Twilight looked down at the pony who was buried against her side and said, "Pinkie, can I get up please." "Oh, sorry." The pink pony got up and helped Twilight up, then said, "I'm really sorry about all that I've put you girls through...It wasn't right of me to force my beliefs on you like that..." "It's alright Pinkie. We all have done something we regret." Pinkie chuckled and said, "Yea...I should probably go apologize to the others huh..." Twilight nodded and said, "Don't worry. As your friend, I'll stand by you no matter what. Besides, they're your friends too and I'm sure they'll forgive you." "Thanks Twilight." So one by one, Pinkie began the process of apologizing to everypony in the room that she had hurt (and vowed to help all the other couples get back together one way or another) and was met with mixed results. "You expect me to forgive you after you took my Octavia away from me and hurt her?" Luna asked, glaring venomous daggers at the earth pony. "No...but I'd feel a lot worse about it if I didn't at least try to apologize." "I should-" Luna was interrupted by a soft hoof on her leg. "Dear, calm down. She was...confused by her morals. She thought she was doing what was right, albeit in the wrong way. She seems genuinely sorry for what she has done, don't you?" "No doubt about it! If I could take it all back, I would in a heartbeat! It wasn't right of me to do what I did, but I will take responsibility for it all." Luna looked down at the young mare and for a few minutes, Pinkie thought the Princess of the Moon would banish her, but instead, with a sigh, Luna said, "Very well. If my lover can forgive, then so can I. But know that I shall be keeping an eye on you for some time to come." Pinkie let out a large sigh of relief that she hadn't realized she had drawn. "Sounds fair to me!" As the ponies all talked and awaited Fluttershy's awakening, Twilight couldn't help but feel something strange picking at the back of her head. "What's wrong Twi?" The orange farm pony asked, casting a concerned look to the lavender unicorn. "I don't know...I just feel as if something bad is about to happen..." Then, as if from nowhere, the broken and battered form of Star Bright staggered out of the shadows, a knife in his magical grasp. "NOPONY DOES THIS TO STAR BRIGHT AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" He ran forward as fast as he could, straight for the bandaged form of Fluttershy. However, before he could get anywhere close, a dark blue aura enveloped him and within a few seconds, he was out like a light. "I take it he is this...Star Bright, I've heard about?" Luna asked, bringing the unconscious stallion before her with her magic. "Yes your majesty." "Hmm...If I remember right, his family has been suspected of many things over the years. This provides us with an ample opportunity." The stallion disappeared in a dark flash of blue and Twilight couldn't help but ask, "What're you going to do with him?" "Do not worry yourself about it Twilight Sparkle. Let's just say he will get what he's got coming to him." The ponies all laughed and continued to wait instead of all leaving the lavender pony alone with the medics and an unconscious lover. However, a few minutes passed and Twilight felt an inexplicable pull somewhere within the labyrinth of City Hall's cellar. She got up and without a word, left the room to find what it was that was attracting her attention. Fluttershy felt her body being slightly constricted and it made her body flare up in pain. However, it wasn't 2 seconds later that a soothing feeling surrounded her body and comforted her back into the dark abyss that was unconsciousness. Now she could feel the pain, but it was dull and numbed to a point where it was easily ignorable. She slowly opened her eyes and scanned all the ponies in the room besides herself. However, she slowly felt panic rise when she couldn't find Twilight. "Where's Twilight..." She muttered as she picked herself up off the ground. "Darling, take it easy." Rarity said, quickly by her side. "Where is Twilight?" Fluttershy asked again. "Hmm....Ah don't rightly know sugarcube. Maybe she stepped out for a breath of fresh air?" Applejack suggested. Fluttershy moved towards the door, despite the protest of everypony in the room. She wandered the halls that lead back up to the entrance of the cellar. However, as she walked by a hallway, she saw a faint light in the otherwise pitch blackness. So, she turned and headed for the light and as she drew closer, she could hear voices. "...do you mean, become like you?" This voice she recognized as her lover's. Though, the next voice shocked her. "I mean, you can become an alicorn, like Luna and myself." Fluttershy held the gasp that threatened to give herself away, but Twilight gasped loudly enough for them both. "That's...possible? I always speculated that alicorns were born under special circumstances." "You are both right and wrong. You see, myself and my sister were the only alicorns ever born. Every other alicorn that has been in existence has been created through a special ritual we designed. Though, we can only perform the spell if the unicorn in question is especially gifted in magic." "Like me..." "Correct." Celestia confirmed. "So then...that means Cadence-" "Yes. At one point, she too was but a unicorn." Twilight looked down at the ground and said, "So then...she'll outlive Shining Armour..." Celestia sighed and said, "No. And if she does it won't be for much longer after he passes on. Long ago, Cadence was presented to us as an exceptional student. However, she had an illness that was slowly destroying her body. This illness is still with her today and because of it, she will die. You, however, will not. You will live forever with myself and Luna." Fluttershy heard only silence and it made her begin to imagine all the worst possible outcomes. "But...why me?" Twilight finally said. "Because...I love you Twilight Sparkle." Fluttershy was shocked into silence. 'So that's why she always seemed so...hostile towards me!' She thought. "You...l-love me?" "Yes. Never in my life have I met a unicorn such as yourself and...I wanted to spend eternity with you." Fluttershy could feel tears on her eyes. 'There's no way she'll pass up a chance like that, I mean, this is a once in a lifetime chance and-' Fluttershy's thoughts were cut off when she heard Twilight again. "Thank you...but I'm afraid I must decline." "Huh? W-why?" "Well...I'm already in love with somepony Princess. And though I love you too, it's more of a child's love towards a mother. I am truly thankful for this wondrous opportunity, but I'm afraid I can't just leave Fluttershy like that." "So then...you really do love her..." "Mhmm. I'm sorry Princess." Fluttershy heard a deep sigh, then Celestia said, "It's quite alright. I should've known when I first saw you together that I stood no chance." Celestia chuckled softly and said, "Can you forgive me for my earlier transgression against your love?" "Of course I can Princess." Fluttershy peaked in and saw the two hugging warmly, as well as a single tear escape Celestia's eyes. "You'll make a good wife for her Twilight. One day..." With one last sigh, the Princess bid her student good-bye and disappeared in a brilliant flash of light. It was then that Fluttershy decided to walk in. "Hey." Twilight turned and smiled warmly. "Hey. How're you feeling?" "Better now that I'm with you." They both took a deep breath of relief and looked out the lone window as moonlight poured in. "Despite all odds...we made it through together. I love you Twilight Sparkle." "And I love you too Fluttershy." The two turned to each other and shared a tender kiss that neither would ever forget. "C'mon. I'm sure the others are waiting." Fluttershy nodded and after intertwining their tails, the pair walked back to the room where everypony had been waiting for them. (Author's Note: Ahh! Last chapter guys and gals! Well...except the epilogue, but you know what I mean. So...short author's note because I figure you'll all comment on the epilogue anyways so...yea X3 Also, I was gonna have a picture in here, but I can't get on deviantart to ask if I can use said picture so...give it time.) > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Years Later "Mommy Twilight..." Twilight Sparkle mumbled and tried to shoo away what was prodding her side. "Mommy, wake up." Once again, Twilight mumbled and hid herself deeper into her pillow. "That's not how you do it Moon Song. This is how you do it. Hey Mommy Twilight, wake up!" The lavender pony's eyes shot open and before she knew it, she was on the floor as her daughters looked down from the bed, laughing. "Moon Song...Scootaloo? What is so important that you have to wake me up after a whole night of studying?" "We were told to come get you." "Momma wants you!" The dark purple filly said. Twilight smiled as she gazed at her daughters. Scootaloo had grown and was now taller than the other Crusaders (which they heard about to no end). Though she still had trouble flying on some days, she had achieved her goal of flight itself. She had also discovered her cutie mark: a dark green book, symbolizing her love to write (not that she would admit. Twilight still remembered the orange pony coming home and complaining that her cutie mark wasn't as "cool" as she thought it would be). Her other daughter, Moon Song, was a little smaller than Scootaloo was when they had adopted her and was a dark purple with a dark emerald mane with a little horn poking out from it's embrace. Her eyes were the clearest turquoise, which surprised both mothers. "Alright. Tell Fluttershy I'll be done in a moment." "Mkay. C'mon Moon Song." Scootaloo gently grabbed the filly and put her on there floor, where she immediately ran over and hugged Twilight. "Love you Mommy." "I love you too dear." Scootaloo smiled and said, "Love ya." Before heading out the door with her younger sister in tow. Twilight stood up off the ground and after stretching, she gazed out the window. The sun was shining brilliantly and all over Ponyville, flowers bloomed and displayed their beautiful colours for all to see. As she looked, she saw Pinkie walking by, talking with Rarity. The party pony must have noticed her because she stopped in mid-conversation and waved enthusiastically at Twilight. Rarity turned and smiled with a polite wave. Twilight waved back to them and turned away from the window as they continued on. After that night under City Hall, the others had been quite angry with them and it had been a few months before they had spoken to either Pinkie or Rarity. Luna had wanted to punish them, but after a few calming words from Octavia, she agreed to leave them alone apart from the watching she would do to make sure neither of them would try anything funny. During this time, the winter only got colder and colder from what Twilight guessed was the Windigos, feeding on the anger they all felt. The snow piled up and even persisted into the beginning of spring, trapping many ponies in their homes. Thankfully, it was only a month and a half that passed before the ponies affected by Pinkie's plans had forgiven her. Of course, the pink earth pony had thrown a party to celebrate the reuniting of friends and they both promised not to interfere with anypony's love life ever again (unless asked in Rarity's case). Twilight smiled and quickly ran the brush through her head and then headed down the stairs. As she got closer, she could hear laughter coming from the living room. 'Huh...wonder who's here? Maybe Warm Breeze decided to stop by again.' However, Twilight was shocked into stillness after she saw who was sitting on the couch beside Fluttershy, the two of them laughing merrily. "I...I can't..." "The great Twilight Sparkle, at a loss for words? Now I really HAVE seen it all." "Amethyst Star?" The magenta pony smiled and said, "Of course. Who'd you expect; Discord?" Twilight's body finally allowed her free movement and the first thing she did was tackle the other unicorn into a hug. "Where have you been? How are you? I mean, it's been so long! How have you-" "Whoa, slow down Sparkle. I'll explain everything after you explain some things to me." Twilight chuckled sheepishly and sat in the space between her friend and her lover. "Okay...what's your question?" "Well, First of all...how in Luna's sake did you two get MARRIED?! And how did you have a KID? I mean, you're both mares...doesn't that kind of thing require a...you know." "Require a what?" Moon Song had found her way onto the couch beside Amethyst Star, nearly scaring the magenta unicorn off the couch. "Oh! Um...uh..." Amethyst's eyes shifted from every inch of the room to avoid answering the question. "Boop." Amethyst had tenderly poked Moon Song's nose as she had spoke and the filly burst out laughing. "Boop!" She did the same back to Amethyst before running off to do the same to her older sister. "Whew..." Twilight and Fluttershy laughed as Amethyst wiped a few beads of sweat off her brow. "Now then, back to the matters at hand." "Right. Well...Fluttershy, why don't you explain how we got married?" "Of course my lazy bookworm." "I am not lazy!" Fluttershy and Amethyst rolled their eyes and Twilight just huffed and laid her head on Fluttershy's side. "Well...perhaps she should know of what happened before we were married." So for the next two hours, the married mares told the story of how they came to be a couple while leaving out a few parts that they thought wouldn't need to be included. Finally, by the time they had finished the story itself, Amethyst was shocked. "Wow...all of that..." They both nodded. "Yes...but we came out alright, as did our friends." Amethyst nodded and said, "And are you really sure it was Windigos? I mean, what if the pegasi just got bored and made it especially cold that winter?" "Our friend Rainbow Dash works for the weather patrol and she told us that it wasn't a the pegasus ponies who were doing it. Besides, only Windigos can make it that cold in such a short amount of time." "Plus, it started to get warmer after we all made up and forgave them." Fluttershy explained after Twilight. "I see...Alright, so tell me about the marriage! I bet it was SO romantic!" The married couple reflected on the day of their marriage and they both nodded and said, "It was." Amethyst laughed, making the two blush. "So, tell me." She said impatiently. "Heh, alright. Let's see..." Fluttershy said, recalling the events. "It was two years ago on...February eighth...Twilight had been preparing everything for the wedding a week before it was scheduled. I personally took care of music, food, and the guests." It was here that Amethyst interrupted. "How come I didn't get an invitation?" Though she only meant it as a joke, Twilight replied, "Well, maybe if you sent a letter every now and then? Speaking of which, where DO you live?" "Eh? Oh...I live in Tall Tale, over near Vanhoover. Anyways, back to the wedding." Fluttershy nodded and gently patted Twilight's head as the lavender unicorn pouted. "The wedding itself was held in Canterlot. We had the whole park rented and it was just beautiful." "It was the park near one of the mountain cliffs; you know, the one that looked like the open sky would just swallow you up." Twilight explained to the other unicorn. Amethyst smiled and nodded. "I remember. We used to go there all the time and throw pebbles off the side to see if we could guess where they would land." Twilight laughed and allowed Fluttershy to continue. "We began to say our vows and as we finished and kissed, the sun was rising. It was very beautiful." Amethyst smiled warmly and said, "Wish I could've been there to see it." "I wish Princess Celestia could've seen it as well, even though she was the one who ROSE the sun..." Twilight said with a light sigh. "Eh? I thought she would've been right there next to you since you are her star pupil." "Well...if the wedding would've happened closer to now, she would have. However...she was still hurt about what had happened and what she had done." "She took it rather hard upon herself..." Fluttershy said, wishing she could've helped the Princess in her time of depression. "Well...maybe if she would've have tried to break you two apart, I'd be a little more compassionate but..." Amethyst started to say, but Twilight stopped her. "We thought the same but look at it this way; she's been alive for who know how long and in that time, she had locked her sister in the moon for a thousand years. Imagine her loneliness for all those years. She can't have a lover since they would pass away after so many years..." Twilight said, a tone of sorrow in her voice. "Hmm...Yea..." Amethyst mumbled, stirring Twilight's words in her mind. "Well, moving on..." The magenta unicorn mumbled. "Well, since Celestia wasn't there, Cadence oversaw the wedding in her place. You should've seen Shining Armor's face when he saw who I was getting married too." Twilight said with a light chuckle. "I can only imagine if he's the same as he used to be when we were younger. So who was the ring-bearer? The cute little pegasus running around?" "Scootaloo was our ring-bearer yes. Her friends were so jealous. It was quite cute." Fluttershy said, smiling as Moon Song and Scootaloo rushed by and out the door. "Well, since we're on the subject...how'd ya have'em?" Amethyst said, nodding her head towards the direction of the door. "Well, Scootaloo is adopted like Fluttershy explained in the story. Moon Song however...we really have no idea how that happened. Not that we're complaining or anything." Twilight said, shifting her body to stop the numbness building in her legs. "Well explain how she came to be then. Maybe I can help." The magenta pony suggested. Fluttershy and Twilight glanced at each other as a blush formed on their cheeks. "Well...it was a few months after we got married...we got into a...rather intimate exchange. The only strange thing about it was that during our "act", a large flash of magic came from my horn when I...uh..."released"." Twilight told Amethyst, her blush getting even darker as the magenta unicorn's smile got bigger and bigger. "A-anyways...no unicorn doctor can explain it, nor can Celestia or Luna. It's quite a gift, but I just wish I knew how it happened. I know about ancient rituals that unicorn mares can preform to induce a pregnancy in their mates, but we didn't do ANYTHING described in the ritual." Twilight said, her mind wandering to the ritual itself. "Hmm...that is strange, but sometimes these things happen for a reason, ya know? Better not to question them or else something bad could happen." Amethyst said, shrugging as she went. "Well...either by magic or something else, I'm glad we have her." Fluttershy said, nuzzling Twilight's neck, making the lavender pony chuckle. "So was it you that had Moon Song Fluttershy?" The pegasus nodded and said, "Yea. I've seen animals give birth and helped them through it, but it was quite an experience to go through that myself." "I don't doubt it. Though, with you bringing up animals, I have to ask; what exactly do you do since your cottage was burnt down all those years ago? I don't mean to be rude in asking that since it WAS your home after all." "No, it's alright. At first, I thought about rebuilding it but then I realized that if I did, I'd be farther away from Twilight and since I was with foal, I felt that if I left to live out near the forest's edge, I'd basically be taking our child away from her. So, I got a job at the pet store here in Ponyville. Don't get me wrong though, I still go out and look at the patch of land where my home once stood and mourn the loss of everything...but in the end, it turned out well, didn't it love?" Fluttershy asked, nudging her wife awake. "I wasn't sleeping..." Twilight mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Honey, I know you like to study, but if you keep this up, I'm going to lock your books up until you get a few nights worth of decent sleep." The pegasus said with a playful roll of her eyes. "You'd feel bad and give them back." Twilight said with a yawn. "Same ol' Twilight." Amethyst Star said with a light chuckle. "Well...I guess I had better get going." The magenta pony said after her chuckles had died down. This made Twilight perk up and jump off the couch in front of her old friend. "B-but you just got here! Surely you can stay a little longer! I mean, we have a guest bedroom and-" "Calm down Sparkle. I'll be closer than you think." "Huh?" "I'm moving here, to Ponyville." "Really?" Amethyst just nodded. Twilight could barely hold her excitement for more than three seconds before she started bouncing around, saying, "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" The other ponies simply laughed at the lavender mare hopping around like a school-filly. When Twilight had calmed down, Amethyst Star offered to give them a tour of her new home. Of course they took her up on the offer immediately and the three headed for the door. However, as soon as it was opened, the three mares saw Spike kissing Dinky on the doorstep to Golden Oaks. "Ahem." Twilight said with a smirk. "Ahh!" Both pony and dragon screamed in unison at the sudden noise behind them. "Oh, uh, heya Twilight." Spike said sheepishly. "And after the hard time you gave us, you turn around and do it." Fluttershy said, trying her best to contain her laughter. "Indeed. Now, what do you two have to say for yourselves?" Twilight said, her smirk evolving into a smile. "Umm...well..." Spike racked his brain for something to say, but Dinky beat him to it. "Good morning?" All three of the older mares laughed aloud and Spike sighed in relief. "I'll talk to ya later, alright Spike?" The young dragon nodded and Dinky lightly kissed his cheek before walking towards the Market. Twilight chuckled as he ducked his way inside, a bright tinge lighting up his face. "We'll be right back Casanova. Tell the girls if they come looking for us." "Got it!" With that, the mares stepped into the warmth of Ponyville and headed for Amethyst's home. (Author's Note: Alright ponies, this is the official end of Despite All Odds. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have to give like...a BAJILLION thanks to Incognito for putting up with me and editing everything I gave to him so...Thanks Incognito! I hope I answered any questions that were brought up in the last chapter, but if not, I'll be glad to answer them for you :3 Well...guess that's it for now. I am going to begin writing my next fic, but it's still up to you ponies as to what I write. So far, I have two votes for a Scootaloo X Fluttershy but we'll see...so for now, Nightroad, OUT!)