Behind the Queen

by Musical_theatre_demon

First published

The backstory of Queen Chrysalis.

Did you ever think about the fact that Queen Chrysalis wasn't always evil?

What if I told you that this backstory will make you see the character in a whole new light?

Be prepared to read about Queen Chrysalis's rise to evil and her tragic life story.

You'll see the Queen Chrysalis in a way that you've never seen her before.

Including original songs written by me (hopefully paragraph issues don't happen with the lyric stanzas).

Chapter 1

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One day, long ago in an alternate universe, a baby Changeling hatched out an egg at the Changeling Hive Nursery. She was a Changeling princess, who her parents, Queen Pupa and King Spiderweb, had named Chrysalis. Princess Chrysalis was to be the heir to the Changeling throne if Queen Pupa were to die.

Time went on and now Princess Chrysalis was a young Changeling.

"Now, dearest, it's time for your training if you're gonna be Queen someday," said her mother.

"But mother, what if I don't want to be Queen?" Chrysalis asked, "What if I want to live my own life elsewhere where I'm free from this musty old hellhole?"

"ENOUGH, CHRYSALIS! I AM YOUR MOTHER AND THE RIGHTFUL QUEEN OF THE CHANGELINGS!" Queen Pupa roared, "When I die one day, which I will because Changelings are nowhere near immortal beings, you must be ready to take over in my place. Now, Chrysalis, if you are to be a great queen someday, you must be able to master basic transformations. And above all else, you must start consuming love from those damn ponies which you revoltingly resemble."

Princess Chrysalis's face turns rage red. She doesn't understand how any creature could be so vile and coldhearted.

"Changelings have a hole in their chests, so why the hell are you always acting like you have a heart!" Chrysalis's mother shouted, "Go practise your transformations, and that's an order!"

Chrysalis, still pissed to the maximum and ready to explode, yelled, "Why must I impersonate somepony I'm not? Queen or not, Changeling or not, it doesn't make it right!"

Queen Pupa's eyes lit up like fire, ready to burn her daughter if only she could.


Princess Chrysalis had tears in her eyes, but blinked them back.

What Kind of Queen is That? Lyrics

Chrysalis: This and that
Do this, do that
All in your evil best interest
But I'm not all like that

Queen Pupa (spoken): CHANGELINGS DON'T SING!

Chrysalis: Queens must act in their best interest
Of the people
And what you do is the opposite of that

You say that there may be a day
And that we need to survive
Well, on vegetarian I thrive!

I will never go down that path
The path that makes everypony question
What kinda queen is that?

Queen Pupa (spoken): YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE!

(sung): If it pleases you
You do what you do
You can live in a penthouse
Far away from here
With those ponies you seem to adore!

At your core
You know nothing but that friendship crap
Be careful, Chrysalis, you're making me snap!

If you want to be like this
Ignore what I say
Then you'll see that day

Those ponies are not your friends
You live for yourself
You're not telling me
What a queen is

Chrysalis: It's more than just a rise to power!

Queen Pupa: It's making all bow down and cower!

Chrysalis: It's about maintaining a happy, successful kingdom without force
I mean, who wants a queen like you?
What will become of my subjects if I do?
Well, what kind of queen is that?
You tell me

Queen Pupa (spoken): Give me a break! My daughter, you're so damn demented!

Chrysalis (spoken): Ouch, Mom. Demented? Wow. I'm just being me.

Queen Pupa: Your view's messed up

Chrysalis: I don't give a shit
What you say
If I am to be queen someday
So be it

I'm gonna rule my kingdom
As it should be
Prosperous and kind
Just like me!

Queen Pupa: I can't believe the Changeling race
Needs such a basket case
You think you can be queen?
You in your naive state?

Chrysalis (spoken): Yeah, why?

Queen Pupa: A Changeling Queen
Must stay pure and clean
A Changeling Queen
Must enact evil
For she has no heart

She must consume love
Oh, you poor little dove!
Naive, naive little dove

How do you know the path
That you must go?
You don't get to choose
I mean, dear Chrissy
What kind of queen is that?

(spoken): GO TO YOUR ROOM!

Chrysalis (spoken): I don't have to listen to you! I'll go there whenever I want!

Queen Pupa: Can't be hasty now
Do what you want now
I can't control you, I've tried

But one day you'll realise
My words are indeed wise
My words long enough you've denied
But all I can say is
That I've tried

Chrysalis: What kind of queen are you?

(song ends)

Chapter 2

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Princess Chrysalis ran downstairs to her room, locking the basement door with her green magic.

Her mother, Queen Pupa, ran to the door in rage, trying to open it, but she could only rap at the door.

Princess Chrysalis was crying in her room.

Soaring Lyrics

Chrysalis: If only she knew
If only she understood

I'm stuck here trying to survive
In a mad Changeling Hive

If only I could soar
Right out of here
I would be free
From the chains she confines me

When will she get it?
I'm not her, and I'll never be
I may be just a nopony...

I must find a way
To break out
I can't stay

If only I could go soaring
If only I could be free

But I'm confined to the Changeling Hive
Trying my best to thrive

Now it plagues me
What if she's right?
What kind of queen will ol' Chrissy be?

(song ends)

* * *

It was now night and Chrysalis was fast asleep.

Tomorrow the young Changeling princess had school. Though she had been to school before, she hated it in the Hive and wished that someday she could go to school in Equestria with ponies. Surely they wouldn't mind, would they?

Queen Pupa had given up for the night trying to threaten her daughter to open the door. So, the queen retired for the night.

Chrysalis, however, arose minutes later and left the Changeling Hive, where she was met with some students that went to Changeling School with her.

"What are you guys doing up so late?" Chrysalis asked.

The other Changelings laughed at Chrysalis, and began to tease her in a chant that goes like this, "Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy is a pussy!"

Princess Chrysalis, afraid, retreated back to her room and slept. The other Changeling children were now fast asleep too.

After she slept for a while, Chrysalis arose for good at 9:00 A.M. She looked outside of the entrance to the Changeling Hive, excited and hopeful for a day out in the world.

So, she ran out to find Ponyville when she stopped and saw these weird-looking creatures called draconequus.

She heard the two talk.

They seem like father and son, Chrysalis thought.

The princess went to investigate, observing the cotton candy clouds and chocolate rain. Chrysalis tried her best to shake it off, but still felt as if she was hallucinating or high on drugs.

One of the weird creatures walked up to the confused and bewildered Chrysalis.

"You're not high on drugs." he said when he approached her.

Chrysalis backed away asking him, "Just who the hell are you and where the hell am I?'

The weird-looking creature smiled and laughed.

"I am the Prince of Chaos," he replied, "Once my father, Mayhem passes, I will become the Lord of Chaos."

This seemed all too familiar to her--- destiny and heir wise.

"I'm Chrysalis, but you can call me Chrissy," she said.

He smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Chrissy. My name is Discord," he said.

They became quick friends, eventually getting closer and closer by the years. Little did she know that she had entered the Realm of Chaosville.

Chapter 3

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Princess Chrysalis had tears streaming down her face.

Discord looked at her with concern, asking, "Why are you crying?"

Chrysalis hesitated, not knowing trust and friendship exactly, but for some reason, she trusted the weird Prince of Chaos.

"Ever since I was very little, my mother pushed me to be the most ruthless Queen of the Changelings because someday she will die and I need to take over. Well, she's still doing that, so I ran away to start a life in Ponyville, getting away from her crazy bullshit," Chrysalis said.

He wiped her tears and kissed her. She felt at ease, but then realised that she must get home immediately. Discord held out a paw, but she turned away in fear and sadness.

"I'm sorry. I love you," she said.

* * *

When she got back to the Changeling Hive, her mother, Queen Pupa was furious.

"Where the fuck were you? And what's this you tell me? You did what?" she yelled.

"Mom, I-I can explain!" Chrysalis said.

But Queen Pupa had enough. She slammed Chrysalis against the Hive walls here and there, but the princess wasn't covered in blood, only bruises. The Changeling Queen then grounded her own daughter brutally and violently, making her never to forget to mess with her mother.

Rhene, the butler and Royal Guard of the Changeling Hive, looked at her in concern.

"My Queen, isn't that a little over the top?" he asked.

Queen Pupa shot Rhene an icy glare and walked away.

Abusive Love Lyrics

Chrysalis: I love her
But does she love me, her daughter?

The way she treats me
How can it be?

Abusive love
Never knew that parents
Could be this mean

I don't understand
How a Changeling Queen
Could be so mean
So scary

I love her
And I bet deep down she feels it too
Even though Changelings like me
Have no heart to make do

I love her
And I have a feeling that
All this harshness
Left her nothingness
No wonder she took that route

Her love is too abusive
But it pulls me in and makes me stronger
Makes me know not to be the queen my mother is someday
I can't wait any longer
To have power and be stronger

To rule in my own way!

I'm not afraid of you
Telling me what I should and shouldn't do
Abusive love
Can't hurt me, a dove!

I will rise out of your flames
Everypony's blames
Have no effect on me
Or who I'm meant to be

I will take a stand
And show my mother
That I will be
The best queen
That I can be someday

Ruling all in my own way!

(song ends)

Queen Pupa sighed, staring at the clock. It was time for her incompetent daughter to practise her queenly duties. Queen Pupa unleashed her anger a little too much. She opened the door of the basement, trotting to Chrysalis's room, trembling to knock.

Queen Pupa knew that her daughter didn't really appreciate the ways of a Changeling queen, so she promised herself to do it Chrysalis's way.

In front of the door, she got the courage to call out to her daughter.

"Chrissy, honey, it's time for your queen training!" she said.

"Wait, I thought I was grounded," said Princess Chrysalis.

Queen Pupa shook her head and forced a smile.

"We're gonna practise queenly duties your way, dearie," said Queen Pupa.

Confused, Chrysalis opened the door, but didn't ask questions. She just followed her mother to the throne room.

There, Queen Pupa demonstrated queenly duties and had Chrysalis follow. Chrysalis smiled, finally learning to rule without violence. But as soon as Chrysalis invited the pony queen, Celestia, into the Changeling Hive, Queen Pupa was furious.

Chrysalis flashed a nervous smile, but then let Queen Celestia demonstrate the real way queens should behave. Queen Pupa swore at Queen Celestia, forcing Her Majesty out.

This made Chrysalis gasp and run up to Celestia, saying, "I'm sorry for my mother's inhospitality, Your Majesty,"

Queen Celestia smiled and replied, "You need not worry, Chrysalis,"

Queen Pupa turned to her daughter, teaching her the way Changelings stay looking young. "You must learn to transform into ponies!" Queen Pupa roared violently.

But Chrysalis refused. Angry and full of hate for her mother, Chrysalis shouted, "I thought we were doing this my way for once! I hate you!"

Surely, she didn't mean that, for Chrysalis loved her mother unconditionally. She was afraid of her reign someday in which she must take over her mother after her passing. She wasn't ready for this, but knew in her "heart" that she'll find a way when the day comes.

Chapter 4

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Six years passed and now Queen Pupa has come down with a fatal fever. Rhene, the Loyal Royal Guard and Butler of the Changeling Monarchy, was trying his best to care for the queen as much as possible.

Princess Chrysalis came into Queen Pupa's bed chambers, pacing around with a hot bowl of soup, pondering over the sickness. Yeah, her mother had treated her harshly, but Chrysalis believed that there was a motive behind it. She trotted up to her mother with the bowl of soup, handing it to Rhene.

Rhene smiled, happy to have a bright, young Queen-in- Waiting. "You seem concerned about something, My Queen In-Waiting," he said, taking a closer look at Chrysalis's long face.

"Really, Rhene. It's nothing," Chrysalis assured him, going to grab a book titled How to Be a Changeling Queen. Reading it , she opened her eyes that she is destined to make it as happy as Queen Celestia's kingdom, Equestria.

* * *

A few days later, Princess Chrysalis was faced with the death of Queen Pupa. Rhene told her the news and she began to cry. He gave her a worried look.

"My Queen, I know it's hard...," he began to say.

She sighed melancholily and more tears streamed down her face. "I just wish I could've said I loved her," she said, voice breaking as she cried.

"I'm sorry about your mother, Your Majesty. I really am, " said Rhene, "If there's any way I could..."

Chrysalis suddenly feels a sharp pain in her head and lightheaded, putting a holey hoof on her head. Rhene got ready to catch her if she should fall.

"My Queen, are you ill?" he asked.

She shook her head. "I just need to think."

Chrysalis trotted to the throne room, feeling weird sitting in the throne. While sitting in the throne, Chrissy began hearing echoes of those bully Changelings from her childhood.

Chrissy Lyrics

Voices: Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy is a pussy!

Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy is a pussy!

Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy is a pussy!

Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy is a pussy!

Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy is a pussy!

Chrysalis: Everyday I heard those words
Princess Chrysalis longed to be adored
For I had no idea
That other creatures
Would be so mean

I still hear these words
From the back of my mind!

"Chrissy, Chrissy
Chrissy is a pussy!
Utterly useless
And worthless"

If they could see
Queen Chrissy
And how I'd long to do something
But I never could

Until Queen Chrissy
Opened up her eyes
And realised
That she won't
Let them bring her down!

I will never frown!

So, listen up
Everypony that ever
Hurt Chrissy
Will learn

Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But Changelings are strong
If you think your words
Will hurt me, Chrissy
Then you're dead wrong!

But then I met you
You showed me what to do!
You lifted Chrissy up
And made her invincible

And whenever I hear your voice
So sweet
I whisper, "Discord, thank you.
Chrissy owes it all to you"

If I had a heart
And a concept of love
I'd say I love you

And you'd be there
Right beside me

Voices: Chrissy, Chrissy!
Can't fight back!
Useless, you should die!
Chrissy, Chrissy!
Our bucking pussy!

Chrysalis: Chrissy will not be afraid
But deep down
They'll still leave a mark
On Chrissy!

Then you'd come
To reassure
Queen Chrissy
That all is alright
That I shouldn't give myself a fright

And everypony
Who brought me down

Fuck it!

I need you now!
Show me how
To beat the fear!


Be right here

For your
Dear Chrissy!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(song ends)

Discord appeared out of the blue, Chrysalis pretending to be angry. "You interrupted my thinking session, you little pile of shit! You should leave immediately!" she shouted, "Just what the hell are you doing in the damn Changeling Hive?"

"I'm only here to help." Discord said.

Chrysalis scoffed, saying, "Well, I was only thinking quite deeply,"

She waved a hoof, signaling him to scram. Discord realised that this was not the Chrysalis he knew and tried to snap her out of her madness.

"Well, aren't you just fucking peachy? Well, since you're here, I guess I have a desire for you to fulfill," Queen Chrysalis said, "I want you to take me to Ponyville."

"I must take care of something first," Discord said.

"OK, I'll be waiting," Queen Chrysalis said genuinely.

Don't Be Afraid Lyrics

Discord (spoken): I only heard a call that I must answer, Why, the call of fear I know too damn well. I'm here, so what the hell?

(sung): You called
So I'm here to help you
Beat the fear
That fills your body and makes it tremble

You worry, I know
But there's a place that we can go

Chrysalis: Where's that? Where's that?
I wanna know
I wanna go
Tell me, tell me now

Discord :Come with me to a land of harmony
Where your dreams will come true
Let's journey into the place
That will help you

I tell you, don't be afraid
You are not useless
You are not nothingness
Believe me, I know!

Chrissy, you have potential
But now I'm here
Let's go on a journey to rid you
Of your fear!

Chrysalis: Let us go to Ponyville
Where everypony has strong will
Maybe there's a way
Maybe there's somepony
Who could help out old Chrissy

Help out old Chrissy
Chrissy, Chrissy!

No, get out of my head!
I'm a queen now
I must be strong, nothing should ever go wrong
I cannot risk ending up dead!


Discord: Don't be afraid
Take my hand
Together we'll journey to a faraway land

It's not Ponyville
It's out of this world, but you'll like it

Chrysalis: Worthless!
I don't know where to go
Or what to do!

You're here now, so work your magic
Hold me close and tell me it's all OK!

Discord: Don't be afraid
My Lovely Lady, it'll all be alright!
Don't worry, I'm here!
My Lovely Lady, it'll all be alright!
You shouldn't give yourself such a fright

Seeing you scared
Makes me scared

Chrysalis: If only I had a heart
Then I'd see the art of your words
I'd see that I cared

But I'm immune to emotion
So how am I scared and sad?
Does that mean I care for you so bad?

Discord: Please calm down
No need to break down
It'll be alright

Fear is a natural emotion
And it's hard enough that you're
Faced with a dead mother
And having to be a queen so suddenly

Don't be afraid, dear Chrissy
You are not a pussy!
I love you!

And if I know you well enough
You may have a whole in your chest
But it's for the best

If I know you well enough
You are capable of love
To me, you are a beautiful dove
And birds are beautiful and brave

Chrysalis: How and why does that matter?

Discord: Well...

You made the call
I snapped my fingers, came in through the hall
Ran into the wall
Finding my way to you

Just to tell you
All you've gotta do
Is calm down
No need to break down

Don't be afraid, my darling
I love you
It's gonna be alright, my dear
As long as I'm here

We'll fly so high
We'll say goodbye
To the life you've known

Maybe we could make some love
You and me, my dove!
But only if you want to

Chrysalis: Must keep a regal composure
Can't risk exposure
Into Ponyville for my coronation!

You're here to break the fear
And it worked too damn well
We must go to Ponyville now
All I know is... I don't know how

Discord: Don't be afraid!
I'll take you there, my darling!
My little starling!

Here we are
My shining star

Chrysalis: Thank you so much
Chrissy cannot thank you enough
For helping her out
When going through things so rough

If only I could tell you how I feel
With a hole in my chest, I don't know

I love you
You helped me see what I should do!

Coronation by Queen Celestia
In the magical, fantastical
Land of Equestria
They all talk about

I can't wait!
I can't believe my eyes!
How beautiful Ponyville is!
And I wouldn't have seen it
If you haven't brought the Changeling Queen
To see it

I'm no longer afraid!

Coronation, coronation
Lovely coronation
Here I...

Changeling Guard (spoken): My Queen, back the Hive! Whatever you desire, it won't work! You're getting coronated there! You are never going there!

Chrysalis: Here I come?

Rhene (spoken): Let her be coronated there if she wants. I see to it, My Queen.

Chrysalis: Coronation, coronation
Lovely coronation

Here I come!

(song ends)

Chapter 5

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Chrysalis breathed in the fresh air, looking around for the Queen. She was told that Celestia would be visiting Ponyville. Just at that moment, she ran into Twilight Sparkle, who was speechless, but probably about to call her friends to defeat her due to the hate between ponies and Chrysalis's own kind. Twilight, still a unicorn at the time, had that look in her eye.

Instead, Twilight Sparkle smiled. "You must be Queen Chrysalis. Her Majesty has told me everything about you," she said.

Chrysalis explained why she was in Ponyville and wanting to be coronated in Equestria, in which Twilight is sceptical of. Chrysalis looked at her, concerned.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Chrysalis asked.

Twilight Sparkle flashed a nervous smile, reassuring Chrysalis that everything was OK and teleported the both of them to Canterlot.

"This is the place in which you will be coronated," said Twilight, pointing a purple hoof towards the Castle of Canterlot.

Trotting through the Castle of Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis spotted Queen Celestia, bowing down to her on instinct. "My Queen, I would like your permission to be coronated in your castle."

Queen Celestia nodded, suddenly bringing up the sensitive topic of Chrysalis's mother. "So, Chrysalis, how is your mother?" she asked.

Queen Chrysalis hung her head, Twilight Sparkle putting a reassuring hoof on Chrysalis without thinking.

"Oh, my condolences, Queen-to-be Chrysalis," said Celestia.

"i'm sorry too. You must've cared... a lot," Twilight added.

Chrysalis quickly changed the subject to her coronation to become the next Changeling Queen, her coronation beginning in the Castle of Canterlot instantly.

* * *

Night fell and Chrysalis flew back to the Hive, in which she is now officially queen, but something was missing. She knew her plans for the Changeling kingdom--- knew them ever since she was little. Now she remembered her mother and came to a realisation that this was the only way, even if it plagued her so.

The next morning, Queen Chrysalis was nowhere to be seen. In Ponyville, she was hesitating before she feasted on her first love from the ponies who she once considered her friends.

She's hungry, famished, trying to control it.

Love Lyrics

Verse 1: Everypony beats me down
Everyday I wear a frown

But I am strong
I am brave
A Changeling Queen
Must be ready
For anything

I have a unique way
That I must survive
Everypony doesn't understand

Twilight Sparkle (spoken): My Queen of the Changelings, please stop this!

Refrain: Love
As pure as a dove!
Why does it fit in my stomach like a glove?
Oh, love!

If only I could make them see
All that I am and can be
If they understood
Love is what I need to survive

Verse 2: Everypony has a way to survive
Everypony has a way in which they must thrive!

I don't know what love feels like
How I've longed to have a heart
And then I'll feel that tingly feeling
Of love

(to refrain)

Verse 3: What can I do to make them see?
How this is just me
How this is just how I must get by
When will they see?
All that Chrissy can be !

(to refrain)

Verse 4: Everypony will open up their eyes
And see
Then Equestria will realise
The new me

Queen Chrysalis!

(song ends)

Twilight Sparkle gasped, running back to Queen Celestia as quickly as she could. Stumbling right outside of Canterlot, she was met with the evil smile of Queen Chrysalis, who was licking her lips.

She never knew how great it tasted to suck up ponies' love and she wasn't gonna stop until she got her filthy, holey hooves, on Twilight Sparkle.

Quickly, Twilight Sparkle huffed and puffed as she rose. She ran to the castle doors, shutting them with her magic. Queen Celestia approached her faithful student.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Queen Celestia asked.

Twilight Sparkle huffed and puffed, eventually composing herself. "It's Queen Chrysalis! Something has gone terribly wrong and now she has turned into an evil monster! I'm scared, Your Majesty! "

Queen Celestia reassured Twilight, telling Twilight what she should do. Whispering, Her Majesty talked about using the Elements of Harmony.

"But, My Queen! She used to be our friend! There has to be a better way!" Twilight Sparkle cried.

Celestia hung her head. "I'm sorry, Twilight, but it's as it should be. I feel terrible about it too, but it must be done."

Twilight Sparkle gathered up Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, knowing that she needed her friends more than anything if they were going to defeat Queen Chrysalis.

But there was nothing they could actually do because this is Chrysalis's story and whatever she did determined her fate.

Chapter 6

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Going back to the Hive, Queen Chrysalis was delighted. Rhene looked at her, horrified.

"GET ME SOME TEA AND MAKE IT HAS LOVE IN IT!" Queen Chrysalis barked.

"My Queen, are you feeling alright?" Rhene asked.


"You're not your mother, Your Majesty," said Rhene, "It is best you stop this disorderly behaviour."

That was it for Queen Chrysalis, her face turning red hot with anger as if she were a bomb about to explode at any given moment.

What Kind of Queen is That? (Reprise) Lyrics

Chrysalis: Don't underestimate me
You dare to defy me
Tell me what I should and shouldn't do
And shouldn't be

Why, you're just like my mother
Well, ,like mother
Like daughter, it seems

Wake up from your fantasy dreams
Fall to my lovely schemes
I mean, when am I wrong?

You chose to defy me, didn't you?
I'm your queen now
You don't tell me what to do

You do what I say
Until that fateful day
I decide to kill you all!

Yes, I am no longer that naive
Little bitch
I am stronger, I flipped that switch
Long ago

Don't you know me better than that?
This is all a tit for tat
You think I care like I used to?
You're pulling my dick!
You're making me sick!

Don't you know me better than that
I am now realising how I
Really should be
Don't you know me better than that?

Your daydreams astound me
Oh, your hallucinations I see!

Don't you know me better than that?
Don't you know me better than that?
Don't you know me better than that?

I am not that girl
I am so much better than
The old me which makes me wanna hurl!

And say
(Don't you know me better than that?)
And say
(This has always been a tit for tat)

And say to the old me
To make herself see

Why, what kind of queen is that?

(song ends)

"Have it your way, Your Majesty!" Rhene shouted, storming off.

Queen Chrysalis cackled, breaking into song once again.

Love (Reprise) Lyrics

Chrysalis: I have become my mother's image
It's nothing to be proud of
This crave for love...

It has made me go insane
Like I no longer have a brain

I'm Queen Chrysalis, but am I?

I look in the mirror
And what do I see?
A monster like me filled with agony

What will it take?
Can I change fate?
For Celestia's sake!
I can't handle this much hate!

As pure as a dove
I'm ashamed to consume
But through the throne room
To fall to my doom
All on my own

I must survive
For there is only one way a Changeling
Must thrive

Being a vegetarian got me nowhere!
Turn around, look around
You aren't you anymore
When you've changed fate forevermore

As pure as a dove
Oh, love!

Come to me
I seek you, let me see
Come to me
Like one, two, three
Soon you'll see
The end of me

But oh, not yet
For love I need, for love I must get
For evil I must be!


Coldhearted, I am
Useless and worthless, am not!

I may be a villain
A monster with nowhere to go
But what do I know?

There's a whole world waiting out for me
Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy!

Love, love, love, love, love!

Get ready to witness the new Changeling Queen
New and improved
Craving for love!

Love, love, love!
Love, love, love!

For love I need, for love I must get
For evil is the only way
To go! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(song ends)

Chapter 7

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That night, Rhene fearfully knocked on the door of Queen Chrysalis's bed chambers.

She sighed. "Come in," she said.

Rhene comes in with a tray with a cup of tea infused with fragments taken from the hearts in Ponyville. "I hate having to do this, Your Majesty...," he said.

He sat down next to Queen Chrysalis, which irritated her, but she shook it off. He looked at her and then at the ground, nervous about what to discuss with Queen Chrysalis due to the fact that he was serving yet another Evil Queen and not able to do anything about it.

Rhene sighed. "My Queen, I apologise for angering you earlier," he said, "I'm just concerned is all. I was hoping the tea would bring you to your senses."

"You know, I don't regret a damn thing I did back there. The past is past, isn't it?," Chrysalis said after taking a few sips, "I guess it's a lot to take in even for me, but this is me, so you're gonna have to get used to it."

Rhene didn't know whether to be happy or alarmed or just plain nonchalantly say something for the hell of it. He sighed and trotted off, bidding Queen Chrysalis goodnight.

Queen Chrysalis fell asleep in the throne, never to be the same again.

Chapter 8

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The next morning, Queen Chrysalis awoke to her favourite breakfast--- just this time instead of blueberries, the pancakes contained parts of pony hearts.

After breakfast, she gazed out from the Changeling Hive at Equestria.

Rhene came to join her. "Beautiful, isn't it?," he remarked.

Chrysalis didn't know what to say. She used to love ponies, but now she only saw them as prey. She even went as far as to teach herself how to transform for the next few hours.

When she was ready, she turned into a pony, trotting into Equestria to do whatever dastardly thing she pleased--- who knew.

This Day Aria (Harmony and Lyric Edit) Lyrics

Chrysalis: This day is going to be perfect
The day I thought would never come

But yet here I am
Living my life story and damn
It's finally the end

This day is going to fulfill my
Wildest dreams
So it seems

I have a plan
If I believe that I can

This day is going to be perfect
And then everypony I'll control
And suck up all their love

Their love
As pure as a dove!

This day will be so perfect!
I am blessed with evil
And guaranteed my own ending

Soon the land I once adored
Will go down in flames
It's me
Who everypony blames

But wouldn't it be nice?
Just once
Everything could be all mine?

It's about to become mine
All mine!

(song ends)