> Booty Call > by PayBayRay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Booty Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- First floor. Now. You could feel how your breath caught in your throat as you stared at the smartphone in your hand. A small notification had popped up from the top of the screen, showing the message A.B. had just now sent you. This… could only mean one thing. You could feel sweat breaking across your forehead as the realization became clear to you. Of course. It was Tuesday. It was meeting Tuesday. Yes, for some reason the big bosses up above had pulled this idea out of their ass and had decided to make the worst day of the week even worse, by concentrating every meeting on this very day. Hell, you were in a meeting right now. Briefly, you looked up from your phone, which was safely hidden under the table in front of you, to see one of your higher-ups hold a lengthy monologue about cost-cutting and revenue maximization. Really, you couldn't be assed to listen to this. And now, it seemed fate had sought out a different pastime for you. It only figured that this would happen today, seeing how she most likely was on meeting-duty as well. God knows minds could get heated during those things. And, well… apparently her mind was quite heated indeed. Normally you wouldn’t have hesitated to come to her rescue, being the good friend and coworker you are, however… You briefly looked up from your screen again. The middle-aged man in the cheap suit was still talking, occasionally pointing at a chart that was projected onto the wall behind him, filled with figures and numbers you couldn't be bothered to understand. You… really couldn't just leave. Everybody knew how dreaded those meetings were, and that everyone was trying to get away from them by any means possible - sick calls on Tuesdays had tripled since the implementation of that rule. However, noticing a significant decline in attendance, management had cracked down on that subject, and absence was now harshly punished. I’m kind of in the middle of something here. You texted her back, albeit deep down already knowing that- So am I. The reply came within mere seconds. Be there in five. Find a way. Please. That last part caused you to falter. She normally didn’t ask for it when she was… like this. This had to be urgent. You gave a groan of discomfort, your phone disappearing in your pocket. Trying not to disturb the still ongoing monologue -what did Return on Equity even mean?- you carefully pushed your chair back. As inevitably all eyes in the room came to rest on you, you cleared your throat, and briefly muttered something about having to use the toilet. You were met with a few rolled eyes and displeased mutters, some of them going so far as to claim you were trying to weasel yourself out of this meeting. And well, they weren’t wrong, but… Again, you shook your head, your feet picking up the pace as you headed for the exit door of the meeting room, and slipped outside. Your leather shoes walking silently on the carpeted floor, you headed for the elevator -the halls were mostly empty, since seemingly everyone was in some sort of meeting- and headed for the first floor. You couldn't deny a certain shakiness in your legs. As much as this has become common practice over the course of the past weeks, it still felt just a little bit bewildering. The bell chimed softly as the elevator doors slid to the side, and you wiped your sweaty palms on the back of your pants. She hadn’t told you exactly where to meet, but based on previous experiences, you were fairly sure she was referring to the bathroom at the far end of the hallway. It was situated in a quiet corner of the large office building, and offered at least a little bit of privacy - something you knew she very much appreciated. However, as you gazed down the hallway, you noticed that she wasn’t there yet, presumably still in one of the many meetings being held. Blinking, you carefully looked around the office floor. You normally didn’t work on this floor, and while the layout was similar to the one on your floor, you still felt a little bit lost. Your eyes wandered over the deserted hallway, large office spaces to your left and right, before your gaze finally settled on a large room on the far right. Through its large windows you could see people sitting inside -meeting-Tuesday!- and a mare in a suit stand at the front end in front of a whiteboard, gesticulating wildly. You swallowed audibly as your eyes settled on her. Her normally so calm and happy looking amber eyes were already lighting up with an alien-looking white glow. Her soft, fuzzy mane was standing in all directions, and even from here you could see the faintest traces of a light red fire smoldering atop her head. Oh boy. Feeling your heart rate pick up the pace, you walked through the empty office and over to the meeting room. Through the window you could see her lean forward, apparently in quite a heated discussion with some of the stallions sat at the round table in front of her. You couldn't quite make out the content, but even from here you could hear her voice sound through the thin crack between the glass doors. She… did not sound happy. You overheard something about a proposal of hers being quite literally torn to pieces, and felt a frown form on her face. She wasn’t in this job for too long, and could get quite excited about her ideas - and all the more frustrated when they didn’t receive the result she’d been hoping for. Either way… You positioned yourself in front of the large window, standing in plain sight for her. You didn’t dare knock on the glass pane, not wanting to attract more attention than necessary, and instead just hoped she would see you. And indeed, you noticed how she stopped in the middle of her movement as her glowing eyes, almost completely white now, focused on you. You felt yourself shrink by a solid inch. “E-excuse me for a second, will you?” she half-spoke, half-snarled at the ponies sat in front of her, her voice already having that distinct tone to it that indicated that she was about to… transform. Without waiting for a response from them, you watched the mare squeeze herself past the round table and towards the exit door. Her audience merely lowered their heads and pulled out their phones, muttering something that you were positive wasn’t nice. With a power that lacked any and all modesty, the glass door was shoved open, and out came Autumn Blaze… or what remained of her, anyway. Mother of God, there was a solid flame burning atop her head. “Hey,” you made an attempt at a friendly conversation and put on a smile. “Come.” she merely growled at you as she trudged past you. You didn’t even need to follow, as she was quick to grab you by the collar and drag you after herself, your legs struggling to keep up with her very brisk pace. “Bad day, huh?” you made another attempt to calm her down at least a bit. She just growled in that beast-like tone she had when she was angry. Without a moment of hesitation, she more or less dragged you to the bathroom you had eyed earlier. Giving another guttural growl, she pushed the door open. It banged against the adjacent wall, loud enough, you were sure, for her meeting-partners to hear. Whether that was intentional or not you could only guess. She was unpredictable when she was like this. A few seconds later, and you found yourself pushed into one of the two bathroom stalls, and onto the toilet. Not even waiting for an invitation, your kirin coworker began undoing the pants of her pantsuit, and you knew you’d better do the same, lest you’d want to direct her barely restrained fury onto you. She… really must have had a bad time in that meeting. “Take off your pants.” she not asked, but demanded of you as she slipped off her jacket and tossed it in a corner. Her button-up blouse was ripped open, and you could see a fire blaze on her shoulders. “Now!” she urged you a second time as you only sat there and watched in silent awe. You’d never seen her this angry before. “S-sure, let me just…” you stuttered as you fumbled with your shirt. You had made the mistake of not taking it off beforehand once - you wouldn’t do it again. “Rrrrrah!” a guttural growl came from the mare in front of you. Your body twitched instinctively as her hands wrapped themselves around your belt line, and your pants were ripped off of you, just in time for you to finish unbuttoning your shirt and tossing it over the door of the bathroom stall. You felt a gust of cold wind hit you as you sat there in only your boxers, watching Autumn furiously pull down her own pants. They came down after a brief struggle, and you found your eyes lingering on her now exposed bottom half - her normally so soft and fuzzy -you would know- cream-colored fur was slightly damp, and the thin trail of pubic hair above her pussy was lighting up with a small flame similar to that you had seen sitting atop her head. You could feel the heat even from where you were sitting. Without a single word, her right hand came forth, and pulled down your boxers, exposing your stallionhood. Instinctively, you found yourself wanting to cross your legs in defense, but her hand was faster. Wrapping itself around your sheath, it gave your best piece a not so gentle squeeze, and you gasped softly as you watched it come out of its hiding spot, and grow to its full size, stimulated by her touch, within mere seconds. You looked up at Autumn Blaze momentarily, and saw how the thinnest of smiles formed on her glowing face. She pounced onto you. You were sure you could hear the toilet bowl crack underneath your combined weight, but were too overwhelmed with all that was happening to really care too much about it. With a practiced ease -again, this had become fairly common protocol- she wrapped her arms around your shoulders, and positioned herself on top of you. One hand of hers reached downward and wrapped itself around your shaft, guiding it to her readily waiting entrance and- “Uuuh~” you couldn't contain a groan as you slipped into her, Autumn sinking downward and onto your lap until her butt touched your thighs. The kirin (nirik?) merely hissed, baring her teeth. You could only wonder if she was still capable of speaking at this stage. Truth be told, you didn’t know much about kirin-anatomy. Their whole race had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, just about a year ago, and society was still in the process of adjusting to them. Hell, all you knew was that they got really nasty when upset - reports of kirin going into full nirik-mode still made the news occasionally. Autumn Blaze, however, seemed to be quite the sweetheart, giving out compliments left and right, helping her coworkers out where she could, and always bearing a smile. Well, she wasn’t smiling now. This was, as you two agreed, her blow off valve, so to speak. Whenever she was getting near that point, she would call you up and… well… You didn’t know how exactly this helped her calm down, but hey, you weren’t going to question it. As far as you were concerned you were doing a dear coworker a favor. By… letting her do you. Truly, it was a wonderful world to live in. However, your thoughts were quickly drawn back to the here and now, as you found yourself face to face with the increasingly intimidating visage of your friend. Her eyes were fully glowing now, her once fuzzy orange mane entirely replaced by a blazing purple flame. “Come on,” she growled, and her nirik-voice sent shivers down your spine - not in the good way, for once. “I… I need this.” And really, who were you to say no? Wasting no time, you pulled your arms up and put them around your back, holding on to her shoulders - this was, as she had told you when she wasn't in nirik-mode, her favorite position.  And indeed, the mare sitting on your lap gave a groan that sounded almost pleased as she bared her teeth and pushed herself up, her shoes struggling to find purchase on the tiled floor. She lifted herself up, her hands pressed onto your shoulders for support, fingers digging into your flesh. Your groan fell on deaf ears as the mare went up just enough to almost slip out of you, only to let herself sink back onto your lap, her fiery tail causing a distant sensation of warmth around your legs.  She pushed herself up again, more fierce and direct this time, then let herself drop. You bucked your hips forward to coincide, and a spark of pleasure ran through you. "Yessss~" the mare atop you gave an almost feral-sounding hiss. You could feel her twitch around you.  Now there was no holding back. She had tasted blood, and she wanted more. With a growl of determination she pushed herself up again. You slid your hips slightly forward just as she came down, her thighs making a juicy slap sound against your lap. Without hesitation she came up again, bouncing up and down on your lap, a determination in her movements you had never quite seen before. "Hold me." a growl came forth, and obeying without hesitation, you let your hands glide south, wrapping them around her ample butt. She gave a groan of approval and slid herself forward on top of you. Her entire body seemed to glow as she rode on top of you, the sound of your two bodies bouncing against each other filling out the small bathroom stall. You weren't really concerned about anyone hearing you - after all, pretty much everyone was in some sort of meeting at this hour. You felt a silly smile on your face as, with Autumn Blaze sliding forward, her chest was right on eye-level with you, and your face was now buried in her soft, fuzzy cleavage. It occurred to you only now that this circumstance, along with the sensation of her furiously riding you like a rodeo bull, was pushing you closer and closer to the edge. In fact, you had to contain yourself to keep your mouth shut, your toes curling with ecstasy as Autumn wrapped her arms around your head and pulled you closer, your face now entirely buried between her breasts.  From the way her breathing became more and more ragged, you could tell she was getting close as well. Shifting her weight on top of you, she adjusted her position, grinding herself over your lap momentarily before pushing herself back, allowing you to take a breather. She leaned back, and you could look into her brightly glowing eyes. Flames had now consumed most all of her mane, and her formerly cream-colored fur was now a sickish blue. She locked eyes with you, and you could feel your legs going weak. She growled something, but with her heavily contorted voice you weren't able to make out what it was.  Not that it mattered, anyway. With newfound determination, the nirik lifted herself up again, then dropped herself, gaining a gasp from both of you. She repeated the motion a second time, and again, you bucked your hips in sync with her.  She really was going all out now.  "Fuck..." you cussed quetly, feeling the telltale sensation of pressure building in your nethers. Your stallionhood was twitching with every movement you made, feeling just about ready to burst.  You gave another groan, looking up and locking eyes with her, then…  An infernal scream; an ungodly roar tore through the deserted bathroom. Autumn Blaze slammed her butt down on you as she came.  Then your vision was consumed by bright purple flames. Heat exploded over your body, and you could smell the sickening smell of scorched hair as flames washed over your body.  Then… there was silence. For a few serene moments, all you could hear was the soft breathing of your friend and coworker as she relaxed, dropped forward, and remained lying on top of you, your stallionhood still buried within her.  As you finally dared to open your eyes again, you were greeted with the sight of Autumn Blaze, looking harmless and cute as ever, sitting on your lap, leaning against your chest. Her head was resting on your shoulders, the mare softly breathing down your neck; her poofy orange mane took up most of your vision, but even now you could see the scorch marks on the bathroom stall door. A frown formed on your face. You would have to draw yourself a new set of eyebrows before going back to your colleagues. Good thing the bathrooms were all tiled, otherwise your friend would pose a major fire hazard. However, your thoughts were interrupted as the mare lying atop you slowly caught her breath, and raised her head.  "T-that was good…" she spoke softly, her voice back to its normal, pleasant chime. "Sorry if I got too rough. You know I can't really help it when I'm…" you felt her fidgeting nervously, "like this." You said nothing for a moment, feeling how a smile found its way back onto your face.  Yep, Autumn Blaze was back.  Then, however, you merely chuckled, and gently raised your hand to run it over her exposed backside.  "It's alright," you said softly, trying to ignore the scorched hair on your chest. "You know I'm glad to help."  "Aww, you're so sweet," Autumn cooed softly, snuggling herself up to you. Her fuzzy mane was tickling your face. She brought her mouth next to your ear, and her voice gained a conspiratory undertone as she added, "I'll make it up to you after closing time~"  Again, you felt a smirk form on your face at the thought, knowing that Autumn, when not in nirik-mode, was very much capable of being gentle, caring and smooth.  "Alright," you responded calmly, enjoying the feeling of her soft chest fur against yours, the sensation of your two bodies seeming to melt into one another. Yes, it really was nice helping a friend out when she needed you. No matter what she might need. "Alright…"