> What Are Siblings For? > by AndwhatIseeisme > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What Are Big Brothers For? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle pranced excitedly around the entrance to her castle, waiting anxiously for a knock at her door. Her brother was coming for a rare visit alone today, Cadence being otherwise occupied with some administrative duties back in the Crystal Empire. Ever since Shining and Cadence had married, these moments of alone time were becoming fewer and fewer. As much as Twilight loved Cadence, she was looking forward to being able to spend a little time alone with her bbbff doing what Applejack referred to as "sibling bonding". Twilight had made sure to clear her own calendar and told her friends that she would be unavailable for the day, not that her and her friends had really had much time together recently anyway. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK Three heavy hoof-falls came rapping upon Twilight's door, interrupting her train of thought. Twilight hurriedly grasped both sides of the door with her magic and flung them open, revealing the long-desired form of her brother standing at the door. Twilight took a moment to appreciate the body that all those years in the royal guard had provided him, before pulling him inside and slamming the doors behind them. "Woah!" Shining exclaimed as he was hurtled inside Twilight's castle. That was all the sound that he was able to get out before Twilight launched herself at him, tackling him onto his back and straddling his chest. "Seems someone is eager to see her big brother," Shining teased as he gazed up at his sister's lightly panting face, making note of the dampness slowly gathering on his chest where she sat. "I don't think I'm the only one excited here, big bro," Twilight responded, sliding her lower body backwards down his chest and stomach until her butt came upon a very hard obstruction in it's way. A mischievous grin came to her face as she slid her ass up and down the cock nestled between her cheeks. "We haven't even said hello, and here you are all hot and bothered about your little sister. What would your wife think?" "That I'm moving too slowly," he grinned. "So first, hi Twiley, nice to see you." he gave her a quick peck on the cheek, "and second, do you want to move this to your bedroom or do you intend to fuck me right here in your foyer. Cause you know I'm up for anything anywhere, but I'm not sure how my back is going to feel in the morning if it has to support an Alicorn riding me on this hard floor for long." Twilight giggled at her brother. "You must be getting old if that's your biggest concern right now, but the bedroom is probably a good idea. I know how you can get when you get heated, and I think I'd prefer being plowed into a pillow rather than a hard crystal wall. So, follow me Shining, and let your sister guide the way to the promised land." Twilight took a moment to lap up the juices she had spread down her brother, running her tongue from his navel up his chest, pausing here and there to give a light nip or suck a little extra juice out of his fur. When they were muzzle to muzzle, she kissed her brother mouth to mouth, feeling his tongue trace the edges of her mouth, trying to get a sample of her taste. When they broke apart, Twilight stood up and began to trot toward her bedroom, giving Shining one last look over her shoulder before moving on. Shining couldn't help but notice that she kept her tail flagged high above her back, giving him an unobstructed view of her pussy and ass. When they finally reached her bedroom, Shining was the first to take action this time. Twilight was shoved onto her bed, landing hard on her back as her brother loomed above her. Shining leaned down to kiss her more forcefully than their last, their tongues traced every corner of each other's mouths. Twilight felt her brother's dick sliding up and down her stomach, pulsing lightly and dribbling pre out onto her chest. She wrapped one hoof around the back of Shining's head to deepen the kiss as she brought another up between his legs to gently caress his balls. At last the sibling's broke apart, and Twilight watched her brother move down her body, kissing her a various point on her chest and stomach. Finally, she felt his breath between her legs and she braced herself for an even more intimate kiss. Suddenly her whole body tensed and arched backwards as she felt the first lick between her lower lips. She felt Shining's tongue traveling up and down her cunt, lapping at the juices that were were gushing out of her. Years of experience with one another meant Shining knew exactly how Twilight liked to be eaten out, and Twilight had never been with another stallion or mare who could provide the same level of oral stimulation. She felt his tongue exploring every inch of her, occasionally pulling out to lick around her labial walls. Finally, when he knew she was getting close, he wrapped his mouth around her clit and began sucking and licking her button. Just as she was reaching her peak, he gave her a gentle but firm bite that sent her over the edge, crying out his name she doused his face in her climax. Twilight lay there a moment trying to recover, idly wondering what she must look like right now. Her wings splayed out across the bed, mane already a tangled mess, body spamming in pleasure, and her tongue hanging out her mouth panting in ecstasy; not many ponies had the privilege of seeing this side of the bookworm princess, but it was a part of her that she had never been shy about showing her brother. He had been her first after all, and much like the classical literature that lined her library, there was nothing that brought her quite as much pleasure as the first editions. She felt the bed shift as Shining moved back onto it, laying down beside her. She felt his hoof gently caressing her, moving up and down her body. Finally recovering from her orgasm, she turned to look at her lover. She tried her best to stifle a laugh when she saw his soaked face looking back at her, but Shining managed to catch sight of the smirk before she could hide it. "Guess you were a little backed up, huh Twitwi?" he asked her with a teasing tone in his voice, "I haven't seen a mare gush like that since Cadence and my wedding night, and she had been stuck for weeks underneath Canterlot prior to that." Twilight gave a slight sigh as she admitted to her brother "Yeah, I guess it has been a bit of a dry spell. But at least now I have you all to myself, so let me make up for lost time." She began to lower her mouth to Shining's rod, but felt her brother's hoof gently push back her head. She looked up to see a concerned look on his face. "Hang on a minute Twi, this isn't something I'm just letting you gloss over. I know you've never been quite as, uh, outgoing as Cadence is, but you do have some of the best friends in Equestria. How in the world did you let yourself get this backed up that all it takes is one quick tongue lashing to have you gushing like Neighagra Falls? Is everything okay?" Twilight sighed. This wasn't really a topic she had wanted to bring up, especially not before having a few loads of cum in her to mellow her out a bit. However, she knew that there was no distracting her brother when he got that look, so she decided she'd have to open up to him before she got another chance to open up for him. Besides, part of her was reminded suddenly of when her and Shining were young, tangled up in each other's hooves, just talking about whatever problems they were having at school or such as they explored each other's anatomy. "To be honest it's been hard recently. We're all just so busy there hasn't been a lot of time for any stress relief. Rainbow Dash has the Wonderbolts, Rarity's spreading herself thin with all the boutiques she's managing, Applejack has the farm to care for, Fluttershy just opened up a new animal sanctuary, Spike is spending more and more of his free time with the CMC, Starlight is dating Trixie and Sunburst, and Pinkie keeps such a tight schedule of parties, work, and hook-ups, that right now I'm not due to sleep with her for another week and a half. I mean, I'm sure Pinkie would make room for me if I asked, but I would never ask to intrude on another pony's schedule. There are some things that are just taboo!" Twilight said, before pausing a moment to lick her cum off of her brother's face before it dripped onto her pillow. "All of that plus my own royal duties and all of us trying to run a school, there just hasn't been much of a chance for me to be intimate with anypony recently." "But you were able to make time for me to come here and fuck you all day and night?" Shining Armor asked. "Well, yeah, but I almost never get you all to myself like this, so I made sure to clear the day." Twilight responded. "Look Twiley, I'm glad you thought I was important enough to make time for, but don't you think you're friends are just as important?" "Well, yes but..." "No buts, Twi". Twilight arched an eyebrow at him as the placement of his hoof disagreed with his statement. Shining Armor shot her a glare before continuing, "You know what I mean. If spending time with me is important enough for you to clear time for, than spending time with your friends should be just as important. Don't you think some of them are feeling just as overwhelmed and backed up as you?" "Well maybe... Rarity and Fluttershy for sure. Applejack probably too, Big Mac's been dating that girl from Starlight's old village so I don't think AJ has been getting as much of his attention as she's used to," Twilight reflected. "And don't you think they might need someone they care for between their legs to help them relax just as much a you did?" Shining asked? "I didn't even think about it like that. I've been so focused on keeping my urges to myself and concerned about not wanting to bother them, I didn't even think about how much they might all need a good fucking too!" Twilight flapped up off her bed, landing on the floor in front of it and began pacing back and forth as Shining forced himself to hide a smile. "Ohhh, they must all think I'm a terrible friend. They've been helping me run the school and save Equestria and run their own lives and I haven't even offered any of them sex in almost a month! How could I let this happen?" "Calm down Twiley," Shining climbed down from the bed and wrapped his sister in a hug. "I'm sure you've all been too busy to even realize how much you all need a good fucking. Tell you what we'll do. Tomorrow you figure out a day where all you girls can get together and come up to the Crystal Empire for a day or two. I promise that whenever you do, Cadence and I will make ourselves and our whole guard corps available to all of you". "You'd really do that for us, Shiny? I mean, I don't want to impose-" "Nonsense," Shining cut her off, "after all you girls have done for us, I promise every guard in the Empire would be happy to make sure none of you leave unsatisfied. I swear on my honor as a guard." "Thanks bbbff!" Twilight hugged him hard, and gave him a more chaste kiss on the mouth than they had shared earlier. "So, now that we've solved that dilemma..." Twilight's gaze upon her brother shifted to a more sultry look, "why don't you let this princess thank you for such wise consul and your generous offer?" she asked as she guided her brother back to the bed, laying his back on the bed as his hind legs hung off the edge. Shining Armor looked down at his younger sister as she took his length into her mouth and began to suck. "Yeah. I'm a pretty awesome big brother," he thought. > What Are Little Sisters For? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight nestled between Shining Armor's legs, pushing her nostrils against his balls and inhaling her brother's scent. She gave his sack a couple appreciative laps before she moved her attention higher. Her tongue drew up the length of Shining's cock, locking eyes with her brother when she reached the top and giving him a quick smile before taking it into her mouth. Twilight's tongue danced around the head of his cock, slurping up the precum that was dripping out. She popped the cock out of her mouth and began to slather her tongue up and down, coating the shaft with her saliva. Once she felt that she had given his cock the spit-shine it deserved, she took one last lick from the base up before impaling her throat down on his member. She might have been a little out of practice when it came to servicing a stallion, but she had done this for Shining enough times that muscle memory let her take the whole length down her throat with minimal effort, only taking a couple bobs before her muzzle was touching his stomach. She continued to bob up and down his throat, dancing her tongue around his shaft as she blew him, and settling into a comfortable rhythm. Wet slurping sounds filled the royal bedroom as Twilight did her thing, interspersed with the two siblings' moans. Twilight loved the taste of Shining's cock, having never found another stallion who could quite match the tangy musk flavor that his cock exuded. She traced her tongue over every vein and ridge, trying to taste every square centimeter of that delicious dick. She looked up at her brothers face to see his eyes shut and him biting his lip, obviously trying to hold back and make this blowjob last as long as possible. Shining's hips began to buck upward into her, driving the shaft farther down her throat as she sucked. She could feel it starting to throb harder, so she wasn't surprised when she felt his hooves suddenly push down on her head, driving himself as far into her as he could before spilling his seed into her stomach. After the first couple spurts she pulled off, allowing the last few shots of cum to land on her face and in her mane. She had always enjoyed being splattered with his seed, proudly carrying his scent on her as long as she could before being forced to wash it off. "Wow Twi, I swear you get better at that every time I see you," Shining said, smiling down at his little sister's cum spattered visage. "You know I always give my best to you, bbbff," Twilight responded, "but I do miss when we could do this every day. I can't say that I'm not a little jealous of Cadance being able to taste you all the time." Shining tousled her mane lovingly, not minding the cum that smeared onto his hoof as he did. "You know I miss you too, but doesn't the time we spend apart just make these moments that much more special?" "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, huh?" Twilight mused, "I'm familiar with the theory, but I don't think there's enough empirical evidence to make that claim certain. Maybe if we ran a few tests, like gathering a group of mares and stallions and having them rut at different intervals across a series of years? Then we could measure the pleasure and intensity exhibited and compare it across the curve". "Twilight..." Shining started to say, rolling his eyes at his sister. "Maybe we could even define an ideal period of time to go between sexual encounters in order to optimize the experience!" "Twitwi, maybe we cou-" "Of course, any good experiment needs a control group. A couple of ponies fucking everyday at set intervals to set a baseline..."Twilight looked at her brother with wanton eyes, "what do you say, Shiney? Want to help with a little science experiment?" Shining Armor laughed. "Nice try sis, but I think both our schedules are a little full to manage that". He got off the bed and nuzzled against her, nibbling her ear before speaking softly into it, "why don't we just make the best of the time we have right now?" "Can't blame a girl for trying," Twilight said with a huff. "Well then, I guess we better move on to the main event." Twilight walked up to the bed and placed her forehooves atop it. She turned around and locked half-lidded eyes with her brother before slowly flagging her tail to the side, presenting her glistening pussy to him. "Well big bro, you aren't going to keep your favorite little sister waiting, are you?" "You're my only little sister, Twi," Shining said as he mounted her. Twilight could see his hooves come down beside her head and felt the flare of his cock rub teasingly against her lower lips. "But no stallion would dare leave a lady waiting at such a kind invitation". Twilight moaned as she felt him enter her. It was a tight fit, one of the benefits of alicorn physiology was that she never got stretched out for long before returning to normal. But between how damp she was and the spit lube she had provided her brother it wasn't too difficult for him to slide all the way into her. He gave a few shallow bucks in and out before at last he hilted inside of her, and she could feel that wonderful fullness that had eluded her for so long. Shining bent over her, letting her support his well built body as he licked up a dab of his own cum form her forehead and then kissed her. The two siblings shared that jizz between them as they made out, comfortably connected with each other but neither moving just yet. After a few minutes making out like that, their mouths separated. "How do you want it, Twiley?" Shining asked. "Do me hard. I've been waiting for this for a while, and I need it rough. Do me like Cadence has you do her maids." "Heh, alright sis, you asked for it. Just let me know if it gets too intense for you." Shining said. Twilight felt Shining rear up, bracing his hooves against her flank. Suddenly, he withdrew nearly his full length out of her before he slammed back in with all the force a former royal guard captain could muster. Twilight cried out in shock at the force of being split open like that, but before she could even catch her breath he was doing it again and again to her, never even giving his sister a moment to catch her thoughts. Twilight could do little more than cry out and moan as her body was rocked back and forth by the force of the rutting. "What's the matter sis, too rough for you?" Shining shouted as he continued to plow his little sisters cunt, "And you call yourself an alicorn? I've had servants on their first nights take it better than you." Shining smacked Twilight's cutie-mark with a hoof to get her attention back. SMACK "Want me to stop," he yelled "no" she murmured. SMACK "What was that? I couldn't hear you." Shining put one hoof on her head, pinning it sideways to the pillow. "I asked if you want to stop wasting my time and let me find a mare worth fucking." "No, please... don't stop," Twilight whimpered SMACK "Then tell me what you want, slut," Shining said as he pistoned his cock in and out of her. He knew he wasn't going to be able to last long at this pace, but he was too into it to care. "Fuck me" she said SMACK "I can't hear you. Speak up!" He smacked her ass again. "Fuck me harder, big bro! Fuck your little sister raw!" Twilight shouted. Shining focused all his strength and attention on giving Twilight the best dicking of her life. The bed rocked underneath them, straining to support the force of Shining's bucking. Twilight gasped every time he drove into her, and let out a deep moan as he withdrew. After what felt like ages, Shining thrust into her one last time as deep as he could go, before coating the inside of her womb with his semen. Twilight shuddered as she felt wave after wave of her brother's essence spray inside of her, causing her to clamp around his cock and hold him inside as she reached her own climax. Once they had both come down, Shining withdrew from Twilight and collapsed backwards onto the floor. He looked at his younger sister's rear as she still lay splayed open in front of him, his cum slowly dripping out of her well used cunt and dribbling down her legs. "Wow Twi, that was great. What do you say we go grab a bite to eat and get some rest?" Shining asked. "What do you mean by was, Shining? I hope you don't think we're done yet." Twilight turned around on the bed and looked down at her brother from her perch. "But Twi, come on now, surely you could use a break. That was a pretty intense fucking just now." Shining replied, beginning to get slightly nervous. "Would Cadence have been satisfied with that?" Twilight asked, a predatory grin beginning to spread across her face. "Well, no... but Cadence has a whole staff and guard troop to tend to her needs when I'm not around." Shining responded, realizing that he hadn't taken his sister's alicorn libido into account when he showed up without Cadence today. Usually when they visited, the two of them kept each other entertained while he recuperated. Suddenly he was being lifted into the air in his sister's familiar magenta aura. "I told you I've been preparing for today, didn't I?" Twilight smirked. Suddenly Shining felt a new spell brush over him and noticed that his little soldier was once again at full attention. He found himself being guided onto his back, his cock pointing ramrod straight toward the ceiling. Twilight was once again straddling him, wings fully flared and horn glowing bright. Shining noticed that Twilight hadn't released him from her hold yet, making him unable to move. He felt his cock pressing against her back door. "Don't worry Shining, your little sister will keep you ready and able for your whole visit." She smiled as she lowered herself onto his dick, the walls of her ass parting to let in the intruding member. "For now, just lay back and let me take you for a ride". As Shining watched his younger sister bounce up and down on his cock, still pinning him to the bed and conjuring something that he could feel teasing his own back entrance, he took a moment to appreciate how lucky he was to have two beautiful alicorns in love with him. As he shot another load into his sister's ass and felt her magic parting his cheeks, a shared sense of ravenous lust overcame them both, and that was the last coherent thought either pony would have until morning.