
by LucidDreamer

First published

Two adventurers on the run find a reason to pause for a moment. Impending doom? Thousand years? Nah, but they will have what's on offer at the inn for a few days.

Cinder is a Fireblooded Centaur.

Snug's a Shadow-touched Kobold.

They've been adventuring together for as long as they've known each other. Mostly involving Snug beating up any centaur who starts something with Cinder.

They find a reason to stop in Taurville, if only so Snug gets the chance to punch an ancient evil in the face.
They had no idea the sort of things they were signing up for by that simple action.

A High-Fantasy story by Thadius0 and LucidDreamer.

There will be violence. There will be explicit sex (eventually). There will be swearing.
Any chapter with sex will have kinks noted in the story description and chapter author's notes.

001 - Not so warm welcome for hot blooded guests

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“This town better be friendlier than the last one.” Cinder grumbled with a huff.

Cinder was a centaur, a “cursed” Centaur if you asked any other members of her species. Her charcoal black hooves strode down the dusty road as her almost brass colored hands held an unfolded map. Bright, fiery orange eyes blinked and her orange-haired eyebrows furrowed. She shook her head, shaking her long curls of bright orange hair.

She looked up from the map, folded it and tucked it into a sack at her waist. She folded arms under her ample bust, (That was only covered by a loose red robe that went down to her waist.) and looked towards the small town in the distance. “Mmmmph. This is primarily a Centaur town too. Fuck.”

“Aww, don’t worry,” a voice said from her back. It belonged to a short, black-scaled form that was wearing a cloak to hide most of his body from the sunlight. If one looked under the cloak, they would see a kobold with strange, purple eyes hiding under his goggles, and if he opened his mouth, they would notice that the purple extended inside as well. His hands were clasping the protective cloak closed around his body as the sun beat down overhead. “Anyone starts anything with you, and I’ll beat them into next week. We’re just two adventurers looking for jobs.”

“Absolutely Snug, we just want a few-” Cinder nodded but was cut off as there was a loud flapping of wings.

The pair looked up as an odd wooden box with windows on the sides slowly descended into the field of tall grasses they were currently surrounded by. It was held aloft by four silver-armored harpies all with bright white wings. All four harpies perched on small stands as the room his the ground. When it did, the small “room” shuddered and a door appeared in the side, which promptly opened.

A small red-scaled kobold with gold stomach scales hopped out. Of note was the wings on his back, the black horns protruding from the back of his head, and his bright green eyes with slit pupils. He wore black shorts and a brown vest with holes in the back for his wings.

Following the kobold, was a female Lamia. From her waist down was a large violet-scaled snake tail. Above her waist was chocolate-brown skin. Her torso was thin and slender, as were her arms. There were scales on her cheeks that merged with the scales around her violet-scaled, long, pointed ears. Violet eyes stared down at the kobold as she fully slithered out of the room. She reached up and brushed out some midnight blue hair behind her ear. Notably her hair also had a streak of pink and a streak of purple running through the middle of it. She wore a loose-fitting, short-sleeved blue robe. It left her midriff and forearms exposed. Around her shoulder was a bright blue back with a violet six pointed star on the side.

“Spike it would be rude to just land in the middle of Taurville, I don’t want to make that much of a scene.” The lamia sighed as the kobold ducked back into the room and returned with a messenger bag over his shoulder.

‘Spike’ shut the door and pounded twice on the room and waved. “Thanks guys.”

The room started to ascend as the harpies took off from their perches.

“Huh, well, so far so good,” Snug commented. “We can sneak in after the lamia and the other ‘bold do.”

“Or, we could join them. Blend in. Heh, like we could blend in.” Cinder snorted a chuckle.

“Twi, it’s not hard. Just go say hi.” Spike spoke up as the pair approached Snug and Cinder.

The lamia and kobold walked/slithered up to the centaur with the kobold on her back.

“H-hi.” ‘Twi’ said with a wave.

“Hey there.” Cinder nodded.

“Hello,” Snug said in his strangely layered voice. Okay, so maybe he’d tapped the Shadow for a moment to creep the other kobold out.

The red kobold blinked at the cloaked kobold. “Oooookay.” He looked up at Twi. “Keep going.”

“Oh! Right” Twi put a hand to her chest. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, Student of the Sun, and heir of House Star. I am going to Taurville to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration set in two days time.”

“Oh right, that was coming up.” Cinder nodded. She looked over her shoulder. “Snug, how we celebrating, and don’t be too crass, we are in front of nobility.”

“Well I was going to suggest getting so drunk I black out for the whole day,” the kobold said bitterly. “You know I don’t like being out under the daystar. I do it for you.”

“And you’re sweet to sacrifice yourself like that.” Cinder smiled then looked at Twi. “I’m Cinder Stonehoof, this is Snug Shadowscale, we’re… fuck it, we’re mercenary’s for hire pretty much. We’re just moving into Taurville to see if there’s any jobs. A place like this is bound to have quite a few.”

“Wait… are you two…” Twi blinked. “I’m sorry, but I’m working on a book, temporary name of Twilight Sparkle’s Tome of Creatures.” She explained. “You two appear to be unique.”

“Fire-Blooded Centaur Pyromancer.” Cinder pointed at herself. She pointed at Snug. “Shadowfell-Touched Kobold Monk.”

Twi’s eyes widened. “I could devote pages to you two! Would you mind? Letting me study you, that is.”

“Sure, just nothing weird. I’m kinda devoted to this guy.” She thrust a thumb at the kobold on her back.

“You meant to say, ‘Snug is my night guard and anytime some uppity centaur hick gets their knickers in a twist about me being cursed and tries to off me when I’m sleeping, he’s there to show them what their lungs look like,’” the kobold helpfully supplied.

“Not actually cursed per-say,” Cinder added. “Centaur just called me cursed because Fire-Blood. So I get the hate just because one of my ancestors, from however many generations back, boinked an efreeti or something.” She shrugged. “Either way. I’m down. However, talk is better when we’re moving.” She gestured down the road.

“Oh right.” Twi blinked. “Ummm would you mind if we join you?”

“Feel free,” Snug answered. “Keep in mind that we’re going to listen for other jobs to do when we get there.”

“Well, we have a place set up to stay at, but I think we should a few things first.” Spike commented as he pulled out a small scroll and looked it over. “The Sugarcube Tavern would be a great place to start. Should be able to get you two some rooms at the very least.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Cinder smiled.

“In theory,” Snug added.

“No plan survives first contact.” Cinder snorted and shook her head.

“Great!” Twi grinned. “Also, good advice.”

The three, plus kobold rider, trotted, walked, or slithered down the path.

“So Twi, do you mind Twi by the way?” Cinder made to start then shifted her question.

“Twi’s fine.” Twi nodded.

“Good. So, Twi, What exactly are you doing in Taurville?” Cinder asked.

“Oh, let’s see…” Twi hummed as Spike handed her the scroll. She unrolled and looked it over. “Check with the Apple Clan for the Celebration’s food. Check with the Celebration planner, Pinkie Pie. Check with the decorations manager, Rarity. Check with the town’s lead Aeromancer, Rainbow Dash. And lastly, meet the Grove Warden of the Everfree, Ambershy.”

“Snug, ten gold that we’ll get some kind of job from each of them.” Cinder smirked and glanced back at her passenger.

“I’ll take that bet,” the kobold answered easily. “You honestly think a harpy is gonna give us, some ground-bounders, a job?”

“Well in a town like this, you never know.” Twi commented. “I may join you. Celestia did want me to get out more.”

“She also wanted you to make some friends.” Spike poked her tail with a claw.

“I don’t think making some friends is going to help with the end of the world.” Twi rolled her eyes as the three crossed a bridge over a slowly flowing river.

The outskirts of the town weren’t far away. A few small houses with some “small” plots of farmland dotted the sides of the road beyond the small stone walls that lined the road. In the distance was a bridge, and beyond that was a tall wooden wall, complete with a pair of towers on either side of the gate into town.

“And what are we?” Cinder chuckled.

“Overprotective, prone to fits of violence, constantly covering each other’s back,” Snug pointed out. “Oh wait, you meant us to her. My bad.”

“Could be the same.” Cinder chuckled. “You looking for a fire mage and a shadowy ball of fury to protect you in a place like this?”

“Well, I have been trained in some of the arcane battle arts.” Twilight replied. “However, I haven’t seen any actual combat outside of the occasional duel. So... I will take you up on your offer.”

“Snug, before you ask, consider her more a teammate and less like an escort job. So, no she won’t be paying us.” Cinder said, glancing at the kobold.

“I mean, I could.” Twi blinked.

“She could probably learn a lot of defensive magic just by training with you,” the shadowy kobold pointed out. “You and the word ‘restraint’ are never within a mile of each other.”

“Hey, it can’t counter attack if it’s ashes.” Cinder pointed out.

“Amen!” Spike cheered.

“He gets it!” Cinder pointed and held out a fist to bump it. Which the kobold did.

“I might have to take you up on that.” Twilight nodded with a smile.

“I’m surrounded by flame-brain mages,” Snug sighed dramatically, slumping against Cinder’s back.

“Sorry.” Cinder shook her head. “So, Twi, did you say something about the end of the world?”

“Oh, right.” Twi blinked.

“Twi’s convinced that a thousand year old entity of darkness is going to return during the Summer Sun Celebration.” Spike explained.

“I read the prophecy in Predictions and Prophecies.” Twilight frowned and pouted at the red kobold.

“...You know, maybe I will stay up during this celebration,” Snug said, suddenly happy.

“Oh, you just wanna punch an ancient evil in the face.” Cinder rolled her eyes.

“Are you kidding? Fuck that, the death of the daystar is something to be celebrated!” Snug countered.

“If the daystar dies, so does the rest of the world.” Spike commented.

“I...huh. Damn.” Snug fumed. “Okay, can I knock the ancient evil out but keep it around for when I want to do my shopping?”

“Heh, we’ll see.” Cinder chuckled.

“Are you two making fun of me?” Twilight pouted.

“What?” Cinder blinked at the lamia. “No. Not at all. Honestly, we, err I at least would help take this thing on.”

“Really? Just like that?” Twi blinked.

“If this thing destroys the world like you think it will, I want to help stop it. Because I prefer living. Also no world means no alcohol and no shadowy companion.” Cinder grinned.

“Aww, I knew you cared,” the kobold on her back grinned under his hood. Which was slightly terrifying to see. “Meanwhile, I’d prefer to leave the evil running rampant for about a day and enjoy not having my scales burn in the sun, buuuuut leaving Cinder to become the new source of heat and light just means she’ll set the world on fire. So I guess I’ll punch an ancient evil in the face. Won’t be happy about it.”

“Who knows, it might take a day to beat.” Cinder snorted then looked at Twi. “So, what are we dealing with here?”

Twi cleared her throat. “Well, it’s called Nightmare Moon. It apparently fought Celestia over one-thousand years ago. It was beaten a thousand years ago, to the day of the Summer Sun Celebration. It wanted to douse the sun and drown the world in darkness. If my research is right, from my cross analyzing of historical materials, Nightmare Moon is actually Luna, Celestia’s sister. The problem is, there’s too little information to determine if Luna fell and became Nightmare Moon, if she was Corrupted, or possessed by an entity known as the Nightmare, or the most radical theory, she was captured and replaced by the Nightmare.”

“Huh. Well shit.” Cinder blinked.

“So, no burning the Nightmare,” Snug commented. “Could be a hostage situation. Or could be the hostage situation. Fortunately, I am trained in thirty means of non-lethal takedowns, and have invented ten more.”

“He’s not lying.” Cinder added. “Also, I will limit myself until we have more information.”

“I might be able to do more research at the library where I’ll be staying.” Twi nodded as they entered the town proper. There seemed to be mostly centaur around, most of which gave dirty looks to Cinder, which she didn’t seem to care about. There was the occasional harpy flying over head, as well as the occasional lamia slithering by.

The town seemed to be centered around a tall building that had to be either a guild hall or town hall, possibly both. Nearby the hall were a few notable buildings. A large multi-story building of dark oak wood, with green vine-like filigree on the corners, and a roof of pale white tiles. It almost looked like some kind of yuletide gingerbread inn. It even had an attached stable and what seemed to be a small section near the stable specifically for four-legged guests.

Not far away was a mostly open building of dark wood, with a blue tiled roof. Metal pillars held up most of the roof in an overhang, and beneath was very evidently a smithy and forge, as well as a large assortment of various weapons. A red-skinned hobgoblin wearing little more than black pants and a forgers apron, pounded away at some metal on an anvil.

On the other side of the inn was a building that seemed a tad out of place. It was a bright white circular building, with a violet tiled roof. A few centaurquins, lamiaquins, and harpyquins showed off some fancy dresses and suits as they sat underneath a small white wood enclosure.

“Found the town center.” Cinder commented.

“And there’s the inn.” Spike pointed at it. “Or tavern… Maybe both.”

“Oh good, shelter,” Snug sighed. “I mean it’s not great shelter, but it’s a roof and that’s what matters.”

“And that’s our first destination.” Twi nodded with a smile.

The group made for the inn. Once inside, they were met by a large open space. A counter was at the far end of the room. To the right was a set of stairs that looked to lead up to a balcony as well as a few rooms. On the wall that made up the stairs was a large board with a few pieces of paper hanging off it. To their left was a large doorway that seemed to lead to the tavern side of the inn. There was already the sound of conversation and the clinking of plates and tankards, as wells as the smells of freshly cooked food.

At the counter was a lamia with gold eyes and two-toned hair of green and white. She had pale green scales on her cheeks and ears. She wore a white dress shirt and black vest. “Hello, welcome to Sugarcube Tavern. I’m Lyra, the general information guide around here. Can I direct you anywhere?”

Cinder, Twilight, and Spike moved over to the counter.

“Well, I know him and I would like a room.” Cinder gestured to the kobold on her back.

“And, I was wondering if I could get a map of Taurville. I need to know the way to get to the Golden Oaks Library.” Twi added.

“We have rooms available. Even one’s accommodating Centaur.” Lyra nodded with a smile. “Also, here.” She held out a folded map to Twi, which she took.

“Thank you.” Twi nodded, unfolding it to look at it. “Ah, that is Town Hall out there.” She nodded. “That’s where the Celebration’s going to be held. Now, I’ll just need to find the girls on the list I have here.”

“Snug, what do you think on a room?” Cinder looked back at him.

“Will it be dark?” the kobold asked instantly.

“We have some pretty thick curtains in a few of our rooms for our guests that avoid the sunlight.” Lyra nodded.

“Excuse me a moment. Would you happen to know a Pinkie Pie?” Twi asked.

Lyra giggled. “Pinkie Pie knows everyone, she works over there actually.” She gestured towards the Tavern side. “I’m surprised she hasn’t found you yet, mare’s got some weird new person sense or something.”

Snug slightly bristled under his cloak. They hadn’t even really arrived and already it was happening. Well...they were used to it.

“I knew it!” A peppy voice called from the tavern entrance. The group turned to see a Centaur mare standing right outside the doorway. Her coat was a light pink. Her skin was on the pale side. Her hair and tail were a large mane of bright pink curls. A pair of pink horse ears protruded from her curls. She was wearing a black cloth top and a white apron. Both of which seemed to be stretched by the mare’s bust. “I knew there were new people in town! Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!” She trotted over. “Oooooo!” She cooed at Cinder.

Cinder deadpanned, preparing for the worst.

“You’re special. Like me.” Pinkie grinned.

Cinder blinked. “Huh.”

The pink mare leaned around and looked at the cloaked kobold on her back. “Awwww is someone grumpy cause it’s too bright out?”

“There is no acceptable level of sunlight when it makes your scales feel like they’re on fire,” Snug deadpanned in response.

“Well how are your eyes?” The mare frowned a little.

“Hiding behind dark goggles, thank you kindly,” the kobold said, lifting a clawed hand up and tapping the glass. “One of the first things I bought.”

“Oh good!” She smiled then turned to Twi.

“I need to talk to you.” Twi said. “I’m-”

“Twilight Sparkle?” Pinkie asked with a grin. “I was told you’d be coming. The event’s set to go, everything’s ready to be set up, and the entire thing is timed. If you need to know, Rarity is currently in the town hall doing more decorating.”

“Oh, well good.” Twi blinked.

“I can get you a checklist of everything later when I’m off work.” Pinkie smiled. “Which I should probably get back to.” She blinked. “But first.” She looked at Spike. “Hi.” She waved.

“Hey.” Spike waved back.

“And I’m off.” Pinkie trotted back towards the tavern, her tail swishing happily as she hummed a song to herself.

“That was different.” Cinder blinked.

“First time I’ve seen a friendly centaur around you,” the kobold on her back agreed.

“You know that actually might be kinda nice.” Cinder shrugged.

“Well, we could just leave you two here.” Twi commented. “It’s obvious you were traveling.”

“Eh…” Cinder looked at Snug. “Wanna get out of the sun? I could get you a room and let you stay out of the sun for a bit.”

“Mare, you can’t walk anywhere without me,” Snug commented. “Let’s accompany the lamia back to wherever she’s staying so we can research and be the topics of research at the same time. As long as it’s somewhere with a roof to keep out the sun, I’ll be fine.”

“Fair enough.” Cinder sighed and rolled her eyes. “Where to, you two?” She asked the lamia and other kobold.

“Town hall.” Twi said, checking off her scroll with a quill. “I think we should try to hit as many as we can today. Then I could just get whoever I miss tomorrow before the unofficial start of the Celebration in the evening.” Twi commented.

“Good plan. I’m glad you’re not trying to go overboard.” Spike said with a smile.

“I’m just trying to plan within reason.” Twi smiled back. “You helped me figure that out.”

“Welp, we got Pinkie, Rarity’s next, and we can figure out who’s next after her.” Cinder listed.

“Exactly.” Twi nodded.

“We could leave Rarity for a little bit if she’s still decorating, or we could just nip next door and ask how it’s going,” Snug mused. “Though I draw the line at helping.”

“The latter is pretty much all I need to do. Baring it’s not horrendous, I just need to say everything looks good.” Twi shrugged.

“Sounds great to me.” Cinder nodded.

“She better not ask for my opinion, there’s a reason I wear the goggles,” Snug pointed out.

“I’m sure it’ll be quick.” Spike shrugged.

“Before you go, want to book a room?” Lyra called out.

“Right!” Cinder jumped then turned back to trot towards the counter. “Snug, would you be okay with a centaur room?”

“Big, thick curtains,” the kobold answered easily.

“Oh we have a couple with thick curtains for those who like to sleep in.” Lyra said with a smile. “You’ll have Room Two out by the Stables.” She retrieved a key. “That’ll be two silver for the night.”

Cinder fished around in a pouch at her waist and fished out a gold. “We’ll take it for five nights, just in case.” She set it on the counter and took the room key, with an attached ring and wooden square with a ‘two’ carved in it. She tucked the key into another pouch.

“Pleasure doing business with you.” Lyra waved as the pair joined Spike and Twi.

The group moved outside and headed for the town hall, occasionally having to weave around a centaur.

“Place to stay. Check.” Cinder commented.

“Let’s help them with checking on things for the celebration before we get some rest,” Snug added.

“You’re in a helpful mood.” Cinder giggled, craning her head to glance at the kobold.

“He’s normally not?” Twi asked.

“Eh, depends.” Cinder shrugged as she looked at the lamia.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t been paying attention to where she was walking and crashed into a centaur. A centaur mare with a light cream coat and a dark red mane to be exact.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Cinder gasped, as she helped the mare steady herself.

“Oh, it’s fi-” The mare’s pink eyes fell on Cinder, and immediately widened. There was a brief pause. “I’m sorry, I really must be going!”

The mare bolted down the road.

“And figures.” Cinder rolled her eyes.

“Eh, at least she had the decency to not call you a monster,” Snug noted. “Progress is progress.”

“True.” Cinder shrugged.

“So that’s what you meant.” Twi commented.

“Oh no, that’s nothing.” Cinder snorted. “Let’s just move on.”

“Good idea.” Spike added.

“D’you want me to give her nightmares later?” the kobold asked hopefully.

“Oh I think she’ll get an inkling when we get to the Apples.” Cinder shook her head as she started trotting again, letting Spike and Twi follow her.

“I have a feeling that it’s not going to be good.” Spike groaned as he had to fast walk to keep up with the centaur and the lamia.

They entered the town hall. The entryway was relatively large, bearing a spiral staircase to their right and left that lead up to the next two floors. A balcony was over head, and directly in front of them was a set of open double-doors leading into a massive great hall.

As they entered the hall they saw that it was mostly bare. The floor was dark wood tiles and the walls were painted white. There were stacked tables off to the side. The balcony from the entryway wrapped around the hall’s second story. It seemed there were a few built in perches for harpies to roost on. White columns held up the upper level. Large ribbons of purple fabric were hung on the columns and tied up into bows. Each bow was a link in the chain of ribbons that connected each column together.

A lamia had coiled herself around a column and was adjusting a bow. Her tail scales were a pearl white. A pattern of light blue diamonds ran along the length of the top of her tail. The skin that was bare was almost alabaster. As she was wearing a dark purple top of some fancy-looking material than covered her torso and most of her arms, yet was a v-neck so as to “show off” her cleavage. Her face was stunning, by most race’s standards. Bright blue eyes, with slit pupils, focused on the task at hand. The lamia had managed to style her deep purple hair into a pair of large curls. Her dainty hands were surrounded in a blue glow as another blue glow encompassed the bow she was working on.

“Excuse me.” Twi called out.

“Ap! A moment.” The lamia paused and held up a finger. “I am quite focused and I do not want to be interrupted.”

“Everything looks good.” Twi commented to the other three. “If she’s busy, we can just come ba-”

“Darling!” Everyone’s eyes snapped to the pale lamia, as she uncoiled herself from the column and slithered over to the group. Everyone was surprised when she focused on Cinder. “You are just stunning.”

“What?” Cinder just stared at her.

“Your mane, your beautiful bronze skin, those adorable ears...” The lamia brushed Cinder’s black ears that poked out of her curly orange mane. They flicked back at the contact.

“...Okay, that’s a first,” Snug commented from Cinder’s back. “Never heard you be called beautiful before. Well,” he amended. “Not by anyone that meant it.”

The lamia blinked and looked around Cinder. “Ugh that cloak- Wait! Those scales!” She gasped and slithered around to get a better look at the kobold.

“Umm...hi?” Snug blinked a few times, slightly shrinking back from her enthusiasm.

“Why does a lovely scaled kobold like yourself wear something so ratty?” The lamia asked.

“...Because the sunlight literally burns me?” Snug offered. “It’s why I wear specialized goggles when I’m out and about in the day as well.”

“Oh you poor dear.” She cooed.

“I have never seen someone this enthusiastic.” Spike commented with a chuckle.

The lamia’s ear twitched.

“Oh no.” Spike gulped as she turned around.

“Wait, excuse me.” Twi held up a hand, making the other lamia look at her. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. I’m here to check on the decorations.”

“Of course, Twilight!” The lamia shifted to look at her properly. “Of course, I was told you’d be coming! I am Rarity. You’re from Antioch, correct?”

“Yes?” Twi blinked. “But I don’t really have time to-”

Rarity grabbed her wrist. “Oh darling, you must try on this number I put together!”

There was a moment where the other three watched Twi get dragged out of the hall, before Cinder grabbed Spike, tossed him on her back behind Snug, and raced after the pair.

Rarity had managed to drag Twi outside, much to Twi’s shocked, stammering protests.

“Rarity. Let that poor girl go.” A deep voice called out.

Rarity froze as Twi managed to yank herself free.

A large hobgoblin strode through the parting sea of centaurs, now giving the coming scene a wide berth. He was almost as tall as Cinder, and he was bedecked in dark red armor, mostly consisting of layered plates. He bore a black cloak, festooned to his armor by a gold pin bearing a symbol in a language that wasn’t immediately recognisable. A curved blade hung in a sheath at his waist, and a large kite shield peeked out from beneath his cloak. His head was bare. He had ruddy red skin and hard eyes with yellow scleras and grey irises. His nose was on the larger side and was tinted slightly purple. He bore a thick black beard and sharp white teeth peeked out from beneath the bristles. His black hair was tied into a large topknot, held together by a silver pin.

“C-Captain Shao. How good to see-” Rarity began.

“I expected as much.” ‘Shao’ cut her off, his voice as gravelly as a rocky road. A hand rested on the pommel of his sword. “As soon as I heard that Twilight Sparkle had arrived, I expected you to try something. Lady Rarity, contain yourself, it is quite rude to abduct a dignitary from Antioch.”

“You are correct.” Rarity nodded, her cheeks flushing bright pink. “I am terribly sorry Twilight.” Rarity gave a small bow to the violet-scaled lamia.

“It’s okay.” Twi blinked.

“Rarity, how goes the decorating?” Shao asked, finally stopping next to the small group plus Rarity.

“Oh, well, I… should probably get back to it.” Rarity said with a deeper blush.

“You better had.” He nodded.

The white-scaled lamia beat a hasty retreat back into the town hall.

“Thank you.” Twi nodded at the captain.

“You’re welcome. I am Captain Shao Shen Lung, Taurville’s Captain of the Guard. I trained under your brother.” He nodded at her with a small smile. “These are your companions, I take it?”

“Oh, yes. Yes they are.” Twi looked at the three.

“Hello,” Snug waved from Cinder’s back.

“That’s Snug.” Cinder gestured at the cloaked kobold. “I’m Cinder.”

“I’m Spike.” Spike said with a wave.

“A pleasure.” Shao nodded. “Do you require an escort beyond your companions?” He asked, looking back to Twi.

Twi looked at the others.

“Ehhhh...I’m pretty sure if anything can pose a threat to Cinder, the town will be in trouble,” Snug commented.

“Then, perhaps someone in authority here can talk the situation down.” Shao nodded at the kobold. “I take you as one quick to action, Shadow-Scale.” He looked to Cinder. “I will come along, if anything, to see that you are not persecuted for a transgression not of your choosing. You are not the only one who is touched by flame.”

“Thanks.” Cinder blinked. “I mean, it would be nice to not get harassed.”

“Well…” Twi looked at her scroll. “That’s Rarity off the list. I can check on how things turned out later. So she’s more half-a-checkmark.” She hummed. “That leaves the Apples, Rainbow Dash, and Ambershy.”

“Rainbow Dash could be anywhere.” Shao mentioned. “The Apples are out of town a bit, and Ambershy’s Grove is near the path cleared into the Everfree.”

“So, Apples then Ambershy, and we hope that we can come across Rainbow Dash?” Spike offered.

“Question,” Snug spoke up. “The Apples, I’m guessing, are centaurs. If it turns out like any other centaur meeting, how much faith do you have in your ability to de-escalate a confrontation between myself and the next disemboweling victim?”

“I can maintain a modicum of order. Though, I recommend that if they ask Cinder to leave, that she does so. Not because anything is her fault, but because it will de-escalate the conflict.” Shao posed.

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Cinder rolled her eyes.

“Doesn’t make it feel better,” the shadowy kobold grumbled.

“I do not expect it to.” Shao shook his head.

“I’ve heard good things about the Apples.” Twi commented. “They’re a close knit family, albeit a large one. They have a reunion every year…” She paused and shifted through her bag until she took out another scroll. “Family all over Aetheria. Yearly reunion is… the next three days. Apple Clan in Taurville consists of Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Apple Bloom.” She listed.

“Huh,” Snug hummed. “Well, at least there’s not that many here yet,” the kobold pointed out. “I’m pretty sure we could handle four centaurs.”

“You did- Wait.” Twi looked at her notes again. “I was off, It’s today and the next two days. So the entire clan is at the orchard. I mean, you two could wait outside the orchard?” She smiled weakly at Cinder and Snug.

“I mean, if it doesn’t cause any issues?” Cinder shrugged.

“...You know what, I think I should at least see them, just so that I know who to avoid,” the kobold pointed out. “How racist can they be?”

The walk out of town was thankfully uneventful and the path leading to the very noticable and very massive apple orchard in the distance. The past few minutes had been spent walking by a white fence that separated the orchards from the path to the farm proper.

They, at last, made it to a large arcway with a sign reading “Sweet Apple Acres”. Even from here, the group could hear the sounds of partying.

“Were they not out of town, they’d be getting a noise violation.” Shao commented.

“My hatred for loud crowds is only outweighed by a need to see who to keep an eye on,” the shadowy kobold commented, hopping down from Cinder’s back. “Stay here,” he told the mare. “Don’t need two troublemakers attracting attention.”

“Oh no! Y’all aren’t coming in here ya damned fire-blood!” A clearly angry, and thickly accented feminine voice made the group as a whole look towards the farm proper.

A centaur was stomping her way towards them. She had a bright orange coat, and a very tanned skin. A farmer’s tan could be barely seen as her red button-down shirt shifted with her movements. Blond hair was tied into a ponytail, and was for the most part hidden beneath a beaten, brown stetson. Freckles covered her cheeks and nose, right under a pair of green eyes that glared daggers at Cinder. “Don’t ya take a step inta my property ya varmint!”

“And, this is what I expected.” Cinder rolled her eyes as she sighed.

Shao held out a hand to pause the dark kobold from saying anything to escalate the situation. He stepped forward. “Applejack, please, she is simply a companion of Twilight Sparkle of Antioch. It is quite rude of you to spit such venom at a fellow centaur, because of the differences in her ancestry.”

‘Applejack’ looked and Shao then looked back to Cinder. “Yer right.” She sighed. “Ah reacted and Ah apologise. Ah can’t say that my kin would be any less happy were ya ta trot inta the reunion.”

“I wasn’t planning on leaving this spot actually.” Cinder commented then looked at the black-scale next to her. “Thanks for the apology at least. Snug, don’t hit her.”

“Oh, yer little friend there can pack a punch.” Applejack chuckled.

“I once eviscerated a centaur with my bare hands for not taking Cinder’s ‘no’ as an answer and refusing to keep his hands to himself~” the shadowy kobold said all too cheerfully. “Then again, I’m not sure it counts if all his organs were splattered on the wall behind him.”

Cinder facepalmed. Twi looked a little queasy. Spike looked at Snug in awe. Shao simply raised a brow at the kobold.

“Oh, y’all hit him so hard ya made him shit his guts out?” Applejack actually smiled. “Y’all shoulda seen what I did ta the colt who tried ta get handsy with mah sister.”

“Multiple fractures. Both sets of ribs were little more than dust. He couldn’t walk for over a month.” Shao started listing. “Be glad that there were witnesses Applejack.”

“Fucker tried ta abduct mah sister. I showed everyone what tha consequences for that was.” Applejack snorted.

“Well! If this horrifying conversation is over, I’m going to stay with Cinder here, while you three can go in and chat!” Spike almost shouted as he climbed onto Cinder’s back.

“Right! Right, I need to check on your food preparations.” Twi nodded quickly, looking a tad green.

“I’m fine here.” Cinder shrugged.

“I’d be honored.” Shao said with a polite nod.

“Sure, I’ll put eyes on the rest of the clan,” Snug nodded. “Pays to know who might need sense knocked into them if we plan to stay in town.”

“Well come on in then.” Applejack chuckled as she turned and trotted up the path towards the source of the celebratory noises.

Shao followed her at a walk. Twi looked at Snug, then shrugged and slithered after the hobgoblin.

There was a flash of darkness, and Applejack had a sudden weight on her back. “Yeah, I’m not walking after you,” Snug’s voice said. “Short legs.”

“Y’all are one a those dark-touched ain’t ya?” Applejack glanced over her shoulder.

“If you want to be pedantic about it, yes,” the kobold rolled his eyes. “And here I thought the cloak was being subtle.”

“Ah didn’t want ta be ru- Eh, that doesn’t sit right with me now.” Applejack sighed. “Centaurs give non-earth and non-plant magic centaurs too hard a time fer somethin’ not their fault, don’t we?”

“...Do you want to hear about the centaur I sodomized with his own dick? Because I can totally go into more horror stories of things I did to protect Cinder,” the kobold pointed out.

“Y’all are her knight in black scales.” Applejack chuckled as dozens of centaurs came into view. They were chatting around tables and at the two-story farmhouse. “Y’all must love her somethin’ fierce.”

“She’s the first being that didn’t run away screaming when she saw me under the sunlight,” Snug answered. “Granted, that might be because I’d stolen her cloak to hide under, but once we got one for me I gave it back. And we became fast teammates, fast friends, protecting each other from things we couldn’t deal with on our own. I’m strong, but fragile. She’s a great caster, but she can’t watch her back all the time.”

“That’s real nice.” Applejack nodded, as Shao walked over to chat with an elderly, green-furred centaur mare who was laying on a larger checkered blanket. Twi seemed to be awkwardly trying to avoid any talk whatsoever. Applejack continued. “But it was a long way of not answerin’ mah question.” She snorted. “Sorry, Ah can be as nosey as Rarity sometimes.”

“We’ve never had a home of our own,” the kobold pointed out. “Always been concerned about other things. I wonder why we kept getting run out of centaur towns.” The dry sarcasm was thick enough to cut with a knife.

“Well, hopefully Taurville will change that. Who knows, maybe y’all will do somethin’ that will change centaurs minds.” She shrugged.

“We tried that before,” the kobold pointed out. “It ends in flames, with us running from arrows.”

“Don’t give up hope yet.” She said as she stopped at the front of the house.

Something very out of place caught the kobolds eye. Nearby one of the two large barns that dominated the yard, were a pair of large metal drums that went almost to the barn’s roof. A pipe snaked out of each and went into holes cut into the barn proper. A small figure was running what looked like a stick, around one of the drums. He managed to make out green skin, large pointed ears, a shock of pink hair, and what he guessed to be goggles around the figure’s head.

“Huh. Who’s that?” the kobold asked. “They’re not a centaur.”

“Huh?” Applejack looked over to see where the kobold was looking. “Oh, that’s just Tikka, she’s doin’ a little work for us. Magically reinforcing a few things, and- And here’s she comes.”

The figure solidified in the kobold’s vision. She was a goblin. She wore a gray shirt and grey pants held up by a brown belt. At said belt was a small harness filled with various small tools and wands. She also wore a blue cloak that seemed to have pockets woven inside, filled with more wands of various types of wood and gem headpieces. Her feet were mostly bare save for the black sandals she wore. She was almost cute, for a goblin. She had a pointed nose on the larger side. Here ears were massive compared to her head, like most goblins in general. Her eyes were a bright blue however, and looked more like one of the three prime races, instead of a goblin’s normal beady red eyes. Though her teeth were still sharp, like the rest of her kin. Her bright pink hair was tied into a pair of pig tails, and she had a pair of goggles sitting on her forehead.

“Got everything done for ya.” She called out as she approached Applejack. “Got your distillers reinforced, added a sturdying enchant to your tools, and even fixed up your carts and made the wheels turn easier, thanks to a few small enchants.”

“Thanks Tikka, how much do Ah owe ya?” Applejack asked.

‘Tikka’ shook her head. “It’s free, I took too long to come out and work on things for you.”

“No no no, not again.” Applejack shook her head. “Snug, mind gettin’ off, Ah need ta grab the gold fer her work.”

“Oh, no problem,” the kobold said, sliding down Applejack’s side and landing in front of Tikka. They were actually the same height.

Applejack trotted into the house.

“Hi there.” The gobliness smiled toothily at the kobold.

“Hello,” the kobold dipped his head politely.

Tikka seemed to look him over. She hummed as she frowned and slid her goggles down. “Ooooo! Nice goggles! Decent enchant, could be better. Why isn’t your cloak enchanted?” She asked as she started to slowly pace around him.

“Because I mostly use it to keep the sun off of me?” the kobold answered, turning his head to keep an eye on her. “I don’t need anything more than a cover, really.”

“That’s the point though!” She said waving her arms. “Hey, you need that cloak tuned-up up a bit, I have a shop in town. I’d do it here, but I don’t have the right tools, it’s broad daylight, and the work takes awhile. Thus, I’d actually need the cloak to enchant it. And you know,” she waved an arm up at the sky, “daylight.”

“Yeah…” Snug said dryly. “I mean, it’s no cloak of shadows, but if it were, I’d take it to you to get it enchanted.” He snorted a few times. “‘Course, the last one of those was a thousand years ago, so I’ve got my work cut out for me if I intend to find one of them.”

“Ooooo! You sir, know the cloak you need. I’m no slouch, but I know I’m not good enough to make a real cloak like that. I could try my best, given I had the time. It’d be a lesser one, at least.” She grinned happily. “Oh, and I’m sorry, I completely got lost in the talk. I’m Tikka. Tikka Gearheart.” She held out a hand.

“Snug Shadow-touched,” the kobold answered easily, quickly putting out his own hand to shake hers. The handshake was more of a fast formality, as even that amount of time out from under his cloak made the black scales of his arm and hand smoke a bit.

“Oh! Right! Sorry! That must have stung.” Tikka winced.

“Eh, I’m used to it,” Snug answered with a shrug. “I’m normally not awake during the day, but getting settled in a new town means having to make sure Cinder doesn’t do something stupid. Like wander into a farm full of discriminatory centaurs.”

“Oh, friend of yours?” Tikka tilted her head to the side, as the sound of the farmhouse door announced the return of Applejack.

“I can tell you about her later,” the kobold answered as the large mare arrived.

“So, Mac did the counting.” Applejack held out a large clinking sack to the goblin.

“I can’t-” Tikka protested as she slid her goggles back up to her forehead.

“Ya wlll, ya derserve it fer all yer hard work.” Applejack shook her head.

Tikka sighed, taking the sack. “Fine.” She turned to Snug. “Look me up in Taurville if you want the cloak worked on.”

“Will do,” the kobold nodded at her. “Assuming we stay for long enough,” he amended.

“True.” Tikka nodded and waved around at the crowd. “Bye all.” With that, she walked down the path back to town.

Twi slithered over. “Make a friend Snug?”

“Eh, she might be useful to have around,” the kobold answered easily. “Offered to work on my cloak, so that’s something.”

“That’s nice.” Twi smiled then looked at Applejack. “How’s the food situation? For the Celebration?”

“We have the list and everything’s going to start cooking tomorrow morning. It’s perfect cause the whole Clan can help work on the catering.” Applejack said with a grin. “It’ll be hard work, but good work.”

“And, that’s all I needed to hear.” Twi checked off her list. “Shall we go?” She asked the kobold.

“Yeah, you can walk back, I’ll take my shortcut,” the kobold answered, before he started vanishing and reappearing in a chain towards where Cinder had been left at the property line.

“Thanks Applejack. I should let you get back to your reunion.” Twi said with a bit of an awkward smile. Shao walked up next to the lamia.

Shao gave a polite nod, and the pair moved down the path themselves. Only, to meet up with Spike, Snug, and Cinder.

“Hey.” Cinder waved.

“That went better than expected.” Twi said with a weak smile. “A bit too many people though.”

“Agreed,” Snug said from his reclaimed position on Cinder’s back. “I think they’ll be reasonable as long as you don’t set hoof on their land,” he added to Cinder. “Coming across them in town should be fine, they mostly seem proud about their farm and want to avoid any collateral damage to it.”

“Makes sense to me.” Cinder nodded.

“Ambershy’s grove isn’t far from here, just beyond their farmlands.” Shao gestured ahead down the path directly across from the archway.

“Then that’ll be everyone sans Miss Rainbow Dash.” Cinder commented.

“Again, she could be anywhere.” Shao shook his head. “She flies around monitoring air currents and cloud formations.”

“Harpies,” Snug rolled his eyes. “Heads in the clouds, the lot of them.”

“I will not argue that stereotype.” Shao grunted. “Especially here.”

Cinder shrugged. “Welp, no sense in waiting for her to show up here.” She shook her head.

“True.” Twi nodded and started to slither down the path that Shao suggested, only to be closely followed by Shao, and Cinder serving as transport for the two kobolds.

“I suppose we could just use observable evidence to see if this ‘Dash’ is doing her job,” the shadowy kobold pointed out.

“That would require you to look up at the sunny sky.” Cinder asked as she glanced back at the pair of kobolds.

“I don’t see that happening.” Spike commented.

“You could not pay me,” Snug agreed.

“Of course not, that could potentially be fatal.” Shao commented as he strode ahead of the lamia and centaur. Cinder looked around at the orchards on either side of the path, separated by white fences on either side.

“It’s why I travel with Cinder as well, she’s an excellent weather forecaster, mainly because she can look up during the day,” the shadowy ‘bold quipped.

“A valid response.” Shao nodded.

“You two sure seem close.” Twi smiled over at the fiery-haired centaur and the cloaked small form on her back.

“Best of teammates, us,” the kobold bragged. “She’s good at crowd control, I’m good at handling things in small, dark spaces.”

“Yep. Best of teammates.” Cinder nodded. Twilight noted that Cinder’s smile seemed strained.

“I would say like Twi and I, but we never were really combat oriented.” Spike shrugged.

“Want some training?” Snug asked his fellow ‘bold. “I know a punch or two you could pick up on easy.”

“Why not?” The winged ‘bold shrugged.

“Huzzah, combat training,” Snug smirked. Whyyyy did Spike suddenly have chills go down his spine?

“You’ve doomed yourself Spike.” Cinder chuckled as the group passed beyond the orchards. The shade of the trees left as the path cut through open fields of tall grasses. The sky was a bright blue, yet bore more than a few large clouds drifting by above. To their left, beyond the field of tall grass, was a wall of gnarled tall trees, shrouding the ground beneath them in darkness. To their right, Taurville could be seen in the distance. In the distance ahead was another cluster of trees. Much different from the dark wall to their left, the trees in the distance were tall oaks with large branches covered in bright green leaves. Cinder could see a trail of smaller trees following another path towards Taurville.

“Everything around here is nice.” She sighed then gestured to the dark wall of wood. “Except for that.”

“Idunno, it feels like it’s trying to get me to frolic in it,” Snug commented. “I mean it’s got the shade part down already, so points to it there.”

“The Everfree is dangerous, Snug.” Shao spoke up. “It bears dangerous connections. Leylines link beneath the old castle deep within. The barriers between our plane and others are thin. It is touched by the Shadowfell, the Feywild, and the Elemental Planes, depending on where you go. It is beyond treacherous.”

“Sounds like a party.” Cinder chuckled.

“I don’t like your idea of a party.” Twi frowned at the centaur.

“Eh, we stumbled across an Eldritch horror once,” Snug quipped. “I found it’s eyes and kept gouging them out while Cinder cauterized the wounds. You get jaded after something like that.”

“I actually don’t want to know for once.” Twi commented.

“Such seasoned adventurers as yourselves could help us in the Guard.” Shao nodded. “If you are interested, I might have a job opening for you.”

“To clarify, we didn’t beat the thing,” Snug pointed out. “We just blinded it for long enough to run.”

“Well it was an aberration, they are notoriously difficult to put down.” Spike added. “Or so the books say.”

“I needed a new cloak after that,” Snug grumbled. “The damn thing bled acid.”

“Yeah, sounds like something that something like that would do.” Spike nodded.

“Was it a Beholder? It sounds like a Beholder-” Twi was cut off as a wooshing sound came from over the group’s heads.

A bright blue streak shot past them, with an accompanying shockwave of air.

“Ah. There she is.” Shao nodded, his cloak rippling in the breeze as the others yelped at the sudden gust of wind. Snug had seen the blue flash and clutched his cloak tightly against his body, though the edges did flare up a bit. That ended up revealing scales as black as night that smoked a little from the sunlight on his legs, before the cloak settled down again and hid him fully from view.

“Everyone good? Snug? How’s the cloak?” Cinder asked as she watched the streak arc around above them.

“I need a new clasp for the thing already,” the kobold grumbled. “But it’s fine. I’m fine.”

“Maybe Rarity if she doesn’t try and steal your cloak.” Twi offered as the streak slowed down and came nearer.

“If she did, she’d find her place of business suffering from several unfortunate accidents,” Snug threatened.

“Well maybe somebody else?” Cinder offered.

“Rainbow Dash, careful with your flybys.” Shao called out, looking up at the harby flapping above them.

“Sorry.” A rough voice called out. The speaker was bore sharp gray talons. The feathers of her legs were a bright cyan. She wore tight blue shorts that covered most of her legs and waist. Her midriff was bare and her skin was quite tanned from sun exposure. The right side of her ribs seemed a bit bruised. She wore what looked like a black training bra over her rather flat bust. Her wings flapped just slow enough to keep her aloft. They bore a slight sheen of something oily, reflecting light in a rainbow of colors on each feather. Her face was almost cute, save for the slight bruising on her left cheek and the white bandage over her nose. Her eyes were a vibrant magenta. Her hair was a windblown mess. It was on the short side, and was a literal rainbow of colors.

“I was just practicing a few stunts in my off time.” The harpy said with a bit of a wince. “Morning was spent checking the weather plans for the week. Felt a little cooped up.”

“Understandable, however, remember to keep your eyes open for others when you practice.” Shao nodded at the harpy.

“Doesn’t the Celebration call for a cloudless sky?” Twi asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

“Oh, yeah it does.” Rainbow nodded at the lamia. “That’ll be adjusted tomorrow morning.”

“Oh. Right.” Twi blinked then pulled the scroll out of her pouch and marked off a box.

“Fat lot of good that does me,” Snug muttered under his breath.

“Whoa, what?” The harpy’s gaze turned to the cloaked ‘bold on Cinder’s back. “Not a fan of the work I’m putting into the day?”

“The last word in your sentence undermines the rest of it,” Snug replied dryly. “I’m about as much of a fan of daytime as you are of the idea of walking.”

“What?” Rainbow frowned at the kobold. “Not a fan of daytime?”

“Not when it burns me alive, no,” Snug pointed out.

“Whoa… Well… Sorry…” The harpy said awkwardly. “You know I could set up some overcast days for anybody who doesn’t like sunlight. I mean, hells, there’s a district beneath Taurville proper.”

“Wait. Beneath the town?” Snug was suddenly very attentive.

“Got some Goblins, Hobgoblins, and Kobolds that are light sensitive. Have their own district.” Rainbow explained. “Shao, did you not mention that to the guy who’s allergic to sunlight?”

“Unfortunately it happened to slip my mind.” Shao frowned. “My apologies, Snug.”

“I know where I’m spending my days~” the shadowy ‘bold all but sang.

“Twi, want me to find you tomorrow so I can give you the weather report for the Celebration?” The harpy asked the lamia.

“Yes please.” Twi nodded. “Ugh, tomorrow’s going to be busy.”

“Should be for everyone.” Rainbow nodded. “I’ll look you up tomorrow, for now, I have stunts to perfect.” And with that the harpy shot up with a gust of wind.

Cinder frowned, having just gotten her hair back to the way she liked it, it was once again a mess. “I don’t like harpies.”

“They take some getting used to.” Spike shrugged.

She takes some getting used to.” Shao nodded.

“Where’s this underground district?” Snug asked. “I want to know where I can hide from the sunlight!”

“There is a hill north of Taurville proper. There is a noticeable hole in the face. This is the main entrance, it winds down into the tunnels. The district is lit either by torches or bioluminescent fungi. It’s virtually a small town in itself, though it does attach to Taurville at other points.” Shao explained.

“Interesting.” Twi commented. “I may need to visit there, myself.”

“I am going to map that place out within two days,” Snug promised.

“Please. A day, at least.” Cinder chuckled.

“Should we continue?” Spike asked. “I’m guessing Ambershy is close.” He gestured at the large copse of trees ahead of them.

“Yeah alright, fair enough,” Snug grumbled, shifting a little on Cinder’s back.

Twi started to slither, causing Shao and Cinder to follow her. It didn’t take them long to enter the copse of large trees. The branches and leaves shaded the group. The path opened up into a glade. There was a stream running through the center. Various woodland creatures, squirrels, rabbits, deer, and more, wandered, drank, and sat around without a care. In the center of the glade was a massive tree, a mighty oak that towered over the glade, and other trees surrounding it. A large form sat on a rather thick tree root.

He was bipedal, wearing only leather hide pants. His body was covered in green scales. Said scales did little to hide the rippling muscles of his barrel-like torso, or the bulging biceps of his arms. His hands ended in wicked claws tipped in silver. The same could be said of his bare feet in the grass. His head was draconic, with a short muzzle bearing a single silver horn just above his nostrils. A pair of light green, membranous frills seemed to be his ears. The sclera of his eyes were a bright yellow on the inside, which faded to an orange on the outside they bore thin, slit irises. At his feet was a simple woodcutting ax.

He appeared to be lost in thought as he stared down at the grass. His claws were clasped together as his elbows rested on his legs.

Twi slithered closer to him. “Ummm, excuse me.”

The draconic head turned to look at her. “Ah, I believe you were expected.” His voice was deep, very deep. It bore less gravel, and more stone being dragged over another stone.

Twi blinked at his voice. “Are you Ambershy?” She asked, unsure. “I’m probably wrong, but I don’t really see anyone else.”

He chuckled in a way that reminded her of a rockslide. “No. I am Wulfarn Embre, half-dragon, hobgoblin and a simple woodsdrake for Taurville’s lumber mill.”

“I see.” Twi nodded slowly. “Well, is Ambershy away?”

“No, you are in her presence. She has known you’d arrived the moment you slithered off your sky carriage.” Wulfarn shook his head.

“Ooooookay?” Twi looked unsure and looked back at the group with a shrug.

“Wulf, don’t tease her.” A soft, warm, femanine voice seemed to fill the whole glade. “You’re being so vague.”

“Ummm… Hello?” Twi called out.

“I’m sorry for my friend.” The voice continued as ‘Wulf’ chuckled.

“Waaaait a minute,” Snug spoke up. “You’re here but not physically present, but we can hear you…” He smirked. “Miss Ambershy, just how connected to nature are you?”

Something emerged from the massive oak. A hoof made of wood stepped into the grass.

Twi’s eyes widened at the being.

She had the appearance of a centaur. Her lower body was a rich amber-colored wood. The top of her horse-half was covered in green moss. Her tail was simply hanging, leafy creeper vines. Her torso was a pale green color and certainly looked like skin. Her generous bust was surrounded in leaves and vines. Her left arm was slender and bore a ring of yellow flowers around her wrist. Her right arm was the same, at least to the elbow. The forearm and hand were a deep brown wood. The forearm bore indentions of swirls and knots, all of which glowed with a green-ish light. The hand only bore four long claws. The left half of her face was hidden by a mane of vines, moss, leaves and yellow flowers. A pair of long, pointed ears poked up from either side of her head, emerging from the mass of hair. The right half of her face bore rosey green cheeks, a small nose and a vibrant teal eye that glowed softly, the glow could also be faintly seen between the foliage that made up her hair. From her forehead emerged a pair of wooden antlers tipped in four prongs each.

“You’re a-” Twi’s breath caught in her throat.

“A dryad, yes.” The dryad known as Ambershy nodded slowly.

“No- not just a dryad. You’re a Grove Keeper!” Twi’s waist bounced a little in excitement and the tip of her tail flicked back and forth. “You’re supposed to only be native to the Feywild! What are you doing here?!”

“When the Apple Clan and Redblade Clan decided to settle down next to the Everfree, they called upon Spirits of Nature to bless their new home.” Wulfarn spoke up. “She is the one that answered. She decided to stay in this Plane, to aid the Clans in holding the chaotic nature of the Everfree back.”

“That’s another chapter for my book.” Twi said with a grin. “I-if you’d let me come by and talk to you some time, that is.”

“Of course.” Ambershy smiled softly and nodded. “All I have is time.”

“Thank you.” Twi nodded. “Oh, I’m Twilight Sparkle. I guess we’ve met now. Ummm, and these are my companions.” She gestured at the group.

“Amber, always an honor.” Shao gave a polite bow.

“Ummmm…. Hi? I’m Cinder.” Cinder waved nervously as Spike just stared at the dryad in shock.

“You have nothing to fear, fire-blood, so long as you do not harm the Green.” Ambershy nodded, maintaining her smile towards the Centaur.

“...You know, maybe you should learn some self-control exercises,” Snug spoke up from Cinder’s back. “Just to be safe.”

“Yeah. Maybe some anger-management therapy too.” Cinder nodded a little shakily.

“You’re all safe here.” Ambershy said softly. “Stay as long as you like. This grove is a place of peace away from the worries of the rest of the world.”

“May need to come here more often, then.” Cinder said quietly.

“If you ever need an ear to listen. I will be here.” Ambershy spoke, then turned and walked towards her tree, only to merge with it.

“Whelp,” Snug noted. “That’s probably the only member of the fae that we’ll get along with.”

“I might take her up on the ear bit.” Cinder nodded.

“And that’s her off the list.” Twi checked off her scroll.

“Now that your tasks are completed, I will return to Taurville.” Shao spoke up, turning towards the second path out of the grove. “Snug, Cinder, should you need a job besides your adventurer work, let me know. Twilight, Spike, it has been a pleasure.” With a final nod at each one, he walked down across the grass and strode down the path.

“So, Twi, now that you have your list filled for the most part. What now?” Cinder asked.

“Late lunch, earlier dinner?” Spike offered.

“Sounds good,” Snug agreed. “Get something to eat before we figure out what to do later about this whole threat.”

“Just some time to actually relax with food and friends sounds great.” Twi said with a sigh. “Tomorrow’s going to be busy and stressful, so… yeah let’s eat.”

“Twi, did you call them your friends?” Spike said with a small grin.

“Yeah.” Twi said, slithering back to the three. “I mean, we’ve been spending time together today, they seem nice. Why not?” She shrugged.

“Hear that, Cinder? Friends, she calls us,” Snug pointed out. “Let’s try to not set the town on fire, eh?”

“I’ll try.” Cinder rolled her eyes.

“Well, let’s go get some food then.” Twi said with a smile.

The four sat around a table at Sugarcube Tavern. There were even specific chairs for lamia and centaur.

“I can actually say that I’m excited for food.” Spike said as his stomach growled.

“Yep.” Cinder stared at her tankard of ale. “Not going to drink until I got food in my belly first.”

“Smart.” Twi nodded, glancing at her own glass of red wine.

“Whereas the last time I drank...what was the bill for the damages?” Snug posed to Cinder.

“Fifty gold.” Cinder groaned. “You’re not going to drink are you?”

“Nope, sticking with water,” the shadowy bold replied. “What time is it?”

“About four-thirty.” Twi commented, her hand lighting up in violet for a moment. “There’s a surprising amount of people here already.” She glanced around at the races at the bar and at a few other tables.

“Eh, not quite late enough then,” Snug sighed. “I mean I could take my cloak off...I’ll wait a little while longer.”

“There are a few windows open still.” Twi nodded. “Unless they’d let us close the curtains.”

“Eh, they might do that themselves.” Spike shrugged.

“I’d rather not be burned by my own stupidity, thanks,” Snug nodded.

“Valid.” Twi nodded. “Ah.”

“Hi guys!” Pinkie said happily, carrying a tray on her back. “So, who had the rack of ribs?”

“Me.” Spike held up a claw. Pinkie, shifted around and took the plate off of the tray. She set it down and most of it was taken up by a thick rack of ribs, slathered in sauce, and surrounded by fries.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Twi smiled at her.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I serve you guys?” She giggled and shifted to look at the plates. “Pot pie?”

“Here.” Cinder smiled as a plate was set down with a large steaming pot pie on top.

“And… the Hobgoblin Fire Chicken Curry?“ Pinkie asked.

“That’d be me!” Snug smiled under his cloak. Pinkie set down a plate of rice covered in a bubbling red sauce with large chunks of meat in it.

“And the cheese and bread basket must be yours.” Pinkie smiled as she set down a basket of various breads and cheese slices.

“Thank you.” Twi smiled at the mare.

“You’re welcome. Enjoy!” Pinkie grinned and trotted towards the back.

“Mmm...spicy food,” Snug grinned as he picked up his fork.

There was a roaring cheer from the bar, causing both Cinder and Twi to give it a look.

“They better not try something stupid.” Cinder rolled her eyes as she pulled the bready top off her pot pie and set it off to the side to let it cool.

“This is a centaur village,” Snug pointed out. “Stupid goes with them about as well as four hooves.” Then he dug into his food and smiled through the painful tears the meal was making him shed. Once he swallowed his first bite he coughed a little. “Damn, I love food that bites back!”

Twi nibbled at her cheese and bread. “I’ll take your word for it.”

Cinder blew on the softly bubbling gravy filled with meat and veggies. “He has a thing for spicy food.”

“Ya donmph say.” Spike managed through a mouth full of rib.

“I mean, we didn’t have much in the way of spices back where I...grew up,” the shadowy ‘bold replied, idly poking his food with a fork as the memories surfaced. “Unless you wanted your meat cooked to a crisp. ‘Burned’ was about as sophisticated as we got for seasoning.”

“Ugh…” Twi’s face twisted in disgust.

“Yeah, one of the many reasons I left,” Snug nodded. “Another was a gender imbalance.”

“Gender imbalance?” Twi asked, clearly intrigued.

“I was not in favor of the idea of being used as a breeding stud,” the shadowy kobold replied dryly. “The matriarch disagreed with my assessment as to what my future should hold, and I left.”

“Wait, she wanted you to be a stud?” Twi blinked at him.

“Yep.” Cinder nodded. “Kinda the opposite of what happened to me.”

“Well when a shadow-touched kobold appears in the den, and a male one at that,” Snug pointed out, “It kind of is the opportunity most matriarchs would be idiots to try and squander. A whole army of shadow-touched kobolds is something they would love to have.”

“But that’s not how the trait works.” Twi blinked. “Magical traits like Cinder’s and yours are incredibly rare.”

“Try telling that to a kobold matriarch who thinks she owns you,” Snug countered.

“Shit. I can see why you left.” Spike commented over a small pile of bones, as he worked on his fries.

“Mhm,” Snug nodded, having gotten quite a bit through his curry while the others were talking.

“Cinder, you mentioned you early life.” Twi looked at the centaur.

“Mmmm…” Cinder nodded swallowing her spoonful of food. “Yeah. So, as you can imagine, being born like this,” she gestured to all of herself, “in a centaur clan isn’t exactly welcomed. As soon as I was delivered, my mother, and me, were cast out. She raised me in a lamia village. Though apparently she traveled a lot before finally settling down. The lamia were much more open to a fire-blooded child.”

“I’d expect so.” Twi nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault.” Cinder shook her head.

“Hey! Hands off the flank!” They all her Pinkie snap.

They looked over to the bar, only to see a couple centaur and a couple red-skinned hobgoblins hitting on the pink-maned waitress.

“Grrr…” Snug growled, dropping his fork...and his cloak as he stomped over to Pinkie to defend her, carefully staying out of the few stray sunbeams. His black scales glinted like the night sky, his goggles reflected the low light of the tavern off themselves. “Hey, idiots, why not pick on someone who can fight back?” he snarled.

“Snug, sweetie, you don’t have to help. They were just leaving.” Pinkie shot a glare at the clearly drunk group.

“And here we go.” Cinder sighed.

“What are you gonna do, tiny?” One of the centaurs chuckled as Pinkie yanked her arm out of his grip.

“You know, that is an excellent question!” Snug smiled, the light reflecting off his many, very sharp teeth. He reached up and pulled his goggles off, revealing his glowing purple eyes. “How about I start by shoving your head up your own ass so you can see what you had for breakfast, hmm?”

“Try it, scaley.” A hobgoblin chuckled drunkenly.

Pinkie groaned and shook her head. She smiled at the kobold. “Just try and knock ‘em out Snuggy. You don’t do any real damage and I might have a way to thank you later.” She winked.

“Of course.” Cinder sighed, rolling her eyes. Twi noted Cinder’s slightly tightening jaw.

“Y’hear that?” Snug cocked his head to the side. “That, was the sound of the mare you’ve been harassing, saving your life. Congrats, boys, you get to limp home!” He cracked the knuckles in his hands, that vicious smile not leaving his face. “And when we’re done, you’ll be kissing her hooves and thanking her for that favor. I’ll see to it myself.

The first hobgoblin was about to say something, before he found himself short of breath. The reason for that was evident as the kobold had blinked across the distance and buried his fist in the Hob’s solar plexus, driving out all his air. Before the second could properly react, the kobold raised a leg and kicked.

That was about when the second hobgoblin became airborne.

“How, he’s so small compared to them?” Twi asked aloud.

“Training and practice.” Cinder grumbled.

A centaur staggered towards him and took a swing. Snug grabbed ahold of the arm and used it as a handhold to climb up towards the centaur’s face, grinning manically so as to give the poor stallion nightmares. The last thing he saw before a tiny fist hit his temple was the kobold’s face pressed against his own, glowing purple eyes boring into his soul.

“One left.” Pinkie announced as the last centaur tried to stagger away. “He’s failing to make a run for it.”

“One thing you never do around a kobold, boys!” Snug said proudly, jumping down and blinking towards the last stallion. “Leave your kneecaps uncovered!”

Four very small, precise strikes were delivered in quick succession, making the last stallion kneel as Snug blinked out from under him. The kobold’s evil smirk commanded the stallion’s attention as he strode up to the incapicated stallion.

“Please, Ah’m sorry.” He slurred.

“Well you shouldn’t have made a pass when you’re drunk.” Pinkie pointed out.

“I told you, you’d be thanking her for saving your life, didn’t I?” Snug’s smirk only grew. “Go on. Say thank you for stopping the evil little kobold to miss Pie. Because believe me, I could have redecorated the inn with your innards.”

The stallion looked around to Pinkie. “Thank ya miss Pie for saving us from that little demon.”

“Apology accepted.” Pinkie smiled.

“Go on, you can leave,” Snug stepped aside. “Your legs should work alright if you get the blood pumping again. Oh, and one more thing.”

Snug was suddenly gripping the centaur around the waist with his feet, staring directly into the stallion’s eyes as he steadied himself by holding onto his shoulders. “Don’t. Do it. Again.

Okay, for that one he would admit to tapping the Shadow.

“M’sorry!” The stallion yelped.

“All right, break it- Oh.” Shao called out as he entered flanked by a pair of centaur guards . “It seems you’ve dealt with the drunkards already.”

“Mhm,” Snug dropped to the floor and bowed. “Six feet of badass in a two foot frame, ready to do the right thing. As long as the sun’s down,” the kobold stipulated.

“Mmmm.” Shao nodded as the centaur guards gathered up the drunks. “We will need statements for the records.”

“I can say something.” Twi offered.

“Same.” Cinder said raising a hand.

“They assaulted me and he was defending my honor.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“Very well, this shouldn’t take long.” Shao said with a nod.

The small group went outside, Snug had to redon his cloak, for statements. It wasn’t too complicated, simply time consuming. When they were finished, Pinkie trotted up to Snug.

“Say, I get off soon, you have any plans for the evening?” She asked the ‘bold with a smile.

“I was going to find what passes for an under-city around here sooner or later, and show off my talents,” Snug replied easily.

“Welll…. Want some company?” Pinkie asked.

Cinder shook her head. “Twi, mind if I come to the library for a bit? I’d prefer the distraction.”

“Of course, it’ll just be Spike and I getting situated.” Twi said with a nod.

“It’s fine. I can help.” Cinder shrugged, trotting over to Twi and letting Spike climb onto her back.

“Company for what?” Snug tilted his head curiously.

“You know, companionship. I wouldn’t mind seeing how talented your claws can be.” Pinkie giggled.

“Well, I mean, I am pretty good with my hands,” Snug nodded.

“Oh, really? How good?” Pinkie blushed.

Cinder snorted. “Snug, we’ll see you later.” She called out as Twi and her started off.

“Well I had to train for a while to get as good as I am,” Snug mused. “But I’m very talented now.”

“Interested in showing me how talented you are?” Pinkie asked with a giggle.

“I mean, sure?” Snug blinked. “Where did you want me to show you?”

Pinkie blinked then suddenly sighed. “You’re not one for subtext are you?” She asked.

“Subwhat?” the kobold blinked again.

“You know what. I’ll just show you.” She picked him up and shoved him into her breasts as she hugged him. She trotted towards a set of stairs behind the tavern.

“A-Ah. We...weren’t talking about me knocking out more drunks, were we?” Snug blushed. Huh, he even blushed purple.

“I have to thank you properly for that.” Pinkie giggled as she trotted up the stairs.

“No, really, you don’t have to, I’m probably pretty small compared to you, and-”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Pinkie cut him off as she opened a door to a loft. “Plus, not everything is about size.”

“I’m pretty sure this is!” Snug was a little higher-pitched, though he wasn’t making a move to escape. “I mean, the whole act is-”

“What?” Pinkie paused, holding him out in front of her.

“Look, I’m just sure you’re not going to be...satisfied at all,” Snug pointed out. “I mean, what can I do to you?”

“Honestly, sweetie?” Pinkie giggled and narrowed her eyes lustfully at him. “You’ve got a tongue and those small fists of yours.”

“ does that…” Snug was confused.

“Here.” Pinkie set him down and shut the door behind her.

“Let me show you…”