> The Virtuoso > by Jamis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Death is certain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A rush, elation, ecstasy, perfection. So many words to describe how he felt. But They all seemed to fall short of the man’s sensations, it was killing that made him whole. It was death in bloom that showed true beauty, it was his talents that brought forth works of art. Each bullet he placed sung in the air, the vibrations sent chills through the man’s frame. ... A few minutes earlier The performer was close now, he sat in a tower that overlooked the small city below, it had been a while since he had been in Ionia. The beginnings of spring was just over the horizon. The start of new life after the season of death, it was not that Jhin did not love to see the wilted flowers, and fallen leaves. He simply enjoyed the death of people, and the composition was always completed by living flowers. He saw beauty in death, but also hated to see something beautiful fall into drab colours and a frail state. As the small stage-play the townsfolk had set up was coming to an end Jhin mirthfully reflected, ’Cute, pathetic in quality but an artist must start somewhere, not everyone can get away with being as talented as me. They’ll just have to settle for being my audience’s warm up.’ The artist could not help but smirk, his clients had sent him here to kill the host of the black market auction that was near by, he could see his sight lines now. The assassin was practically a master tactician the way he planned his victim’s moves. All of it planned to a detail. Not many could bring in a possibility he had not thought of, when it did happen it was exiting. Especially when they couldn’t stop his work regardless. The man began to hum a tune to himself, a melody formed, it repeated in a circle before he varied the form through whistling. A chuckled escaped his lips after a moment, under his mask his lips formed a smile that could be interpreted as amused. His mask, a white face and detailed piece of art. It’s non-uniformity was interesting to look at to say the least. Behind the mask was his left eye, its iris brown, while the right side of his mask showed only dark fabric beneath. And the rest could be said for his outfit: white, gold, unsymmetrical. All of these were quite apt descriptions, his torso was cloaked in a poncho like garb, though to compare the two garments was blasphemous. It sat on his shoulders, with a green fastened gem that sat just below his red collar. A large angular bump was present on his right shoulder. This too was covered by the garment in question, and below the bump was his arm. Golden, the the entirety of his arm was in armor. His left held a small shoulder plate of the same gold. As for the the arm, it was bare of anything but a thin black leather cover, it ran over his forearm and first finger. The rest of his hand remained bare, as the man finished his humming the fingers on his right hand stopped their nearly silent rhythm on his waist. From the waist and below was dark blue cloth which cover his legs to the knees, there more armor that covered the rest of his legs went forth. The boots were rather unique, it was a heeled set of foot wear. Though the uniqueness was present from the large toe, as if a sandal was made for a prosthetic. But the true eye catchers weren't just his mask and golden armor, the gun was a very interesting piece. White stock connected to a short barreled pistol, on his hip a long thin detachable barrel. Its name was Whisper, a true marvel of craftsmanship. The Virtuoso's mark was carved into Whisper and emblazoned onto the shoulder bump's clothe. Four arrows pointing up with only half the tip for each, as the half spear heads faced outward. Jhin could feel it now, the anticipation was building in his body. Slowly he removed the barrel from his hip and began to almost methodically attach it to his gun. Jhin then began to walk to the edge of the tower, he crouched and looked down the sights of his now rifle. The artist steadied his breathe, deep and relaxed inhales and exhales. "One two three four, two two three four." The man quietly spoke, a whisper to himself and the wind. As if on some sort timer the building that Jhin was pointed at seemed to have all of its attendees spill forth from the confines of its halls. His breathing quickened a slight degree, as he watched a group of three people all moved in unison all walked with a short fat man in the middle, this far away Jhin could just barley see the panic on the criminal's face. The people that poured from the building were screaming and in shock. Men and women were attempting to escape the supposed horror if their cries were anything to go by. As the short and clearly rich man looked around with his two body guards by his sides he smiled, confident in his new safty. A crack of thunder caused the people in the street to stop and look at the sky, before someone screamed and they all looked in one spot. Their stocky host who had fled from the building with them was on the ground. But the true reason was that, where his head once was, now stood an empty space. The ground covered in a picture, yes, a picture. The golden blood, yes, golden blood formed a splatter that formed a flower on the ground. But it was soon covered by a wave of fresh paint, the gold filled the street. No one had time for a second scream though, just then another shot sounded. One of the man's body guards who had been gaping at their boss' death joined him in the dirt. The third man snapped out of his stupor, he began to turn from his companions bodies to run only to feel a pain in his back. The third clap of thunder roared in an echo. Blue and red blood mixed into a whirlpool of purple, and the colours met with the gold. As the colours and shades mixed it produced a beautiful mess of forms. People began to flee again screaming, the people that had not fainted that is, or thrown up. Jhin took in one last breath before he pulled the trigger again as he exhaled. The bullet traveled farther and faster than the others, its hum was louder, and seemed to glow blue. The building responded to the shot to its confines by exploding, the flames were a varied cloud of light. A grin was hidden below the mask, but it was obvious by the look in the assassin's eye. His performance was complete, now to leave the stage after the carton's fall. The flames consumed the building, its walls fell in on its self after the weight became to much. As Jhin left the city in chaos he grinned, they were like puppets he made dance. After planting a bomb on one of the items to go off after it was relieved on stage the people fled to his waiting arms, where his art could be seen. That was the true reason, he could have easily entered and discreetly slipped past the guards to work, but there was such a small audience in there. He did however plant bombs to be destroyed when shot in the right spot. While his clients were likely to be unhappy with his public spectacle, they would be pleased with the complete destruction of the goods his victim possessed. None of his colleagues could salvage them after he was dead. Just as Jhin entered his hideout he relaxed, he covered the entrance to this abandoned ruin, a rarity in Ionia. The walls were lined with murals depicting various scenes of death. It was an old temple to the spirits of the Kindred, the roof was partially open to the sky, moonlight formed beams of sublime lines. It was almost like a spotlight on a stage, Jhin smiled at the thought. His work was dedicated to death, it was the single most beautiful thing in the world. Whoever had built this temple had clearly shared his reverence to the concept's importance, after all the end was important in all things, why would death not be important. More often then not Jhin had introduced his victims to the wolf, few if any had resigned themselves to his work. They weren't willing merely accepting that there was no escape from his bullet. The quiet mercy kill of Lamb's arrow and the viscous chase of Wolf, apt metaphors, one that had differed through the cultures but a omnipresent one none the less. Jhin set down his equipment and moved over to his resting place in a dark corner of the temple. He would have to camp here for the night before he moved on. He laid down and closed his eye, the quiet quite soothing after his artistry. ... Jhin awoke, he felt sluggish, like he was walking through water. His arms felt like they weren't responding. But all of this was quickly over shadowed by what was in his surroundings. His was still in the temple but there was a visitor, or perhaps visitors was more apt. There was two of them after all. One stood on one leg and the other floated in the air, white and black the pair seemed to both mirror and oppose the other. The kindred, Jhin stood slowly it felt like he had been drugged. Judging on his efforts and what he was seeing, that might have been true. Each wore the mask of the other, their eyes a ghostly blue flame, Wolf a floating head with cruel teeth and a dark coat of wispy fur. Lamb, a whited furred bipedal creature with intricate bow. The Wolf spoke first, “What is this one Lamb?” the voice was gravelly and harsh, a curious tone behind the floating head’s question. “A man in a mask devoted to death, he has hunted by our side many times. It reminds me of someone we knew.” a stark contrast to the Wolf snarls was the gentle almost melodically pleasing voice of the Lamb. The huntress moved to two feet and slowly walked over to the man. The bow set in her left hand, Wolf followed close as he began to circle the artisan with hunger and interest. The performer was speechless, caught without a script, a deep silence was his only reply. “Yes! A very lonely man he was till he got a friend. But what of chasing and biting, what shall we do Lamb? Can I chase it?” if he had not known better Jhin would have assumed Wolf was a child asking he mother for some candy. “I do not know Wolf, we shall see. Your time has come, so tell us. What do you choose? My arrow?” her flowing voice was quickly responded to by Wolf’s. “Or the Chase!” the spirit gazed at the man with both sets of its eyes. Jhin, who’s mind and senses seemed to have steadied looked between them, his mind went a mile a minute. A thousand thoughts and ideas, reject it? He couldn’t just let his art stop here! But he was no fool, few who met the kindred lived to tell of it. Even then, most thought those who did were insane. Not that, that madness was an issue. After all, all artists are mad. However, if it was his time, no matter the reason. Should it not be beautiful? But how? He had not the time to set the stage for his big performance!! The man sighed internally, ‘Its so difficult to work under these conditions.’ Truly his work to set up the most important moment of a person’s life in a artful way, was something to be grateful for, he really couldn’t understand why he never received any thanks. So he had to accept it, but how could he do so, as to make his death worthy of his talent? Then a thought struck him, a phrase he had uttered to many of his puppets. A grin was hidden beneath his mask, the man walked in strides toward the spirit. Wolf’s exited growls broke the complete silence and Jhin stopped a few feet in front of the pair. From there the performer noted the Lamb’s bow in her left hand, he offered his right golden armored hand with his palm upward. “Shall we dance?” Wolf’s growls halted in confusion, Lamb tilted her mask. “What is your choice?” “Death, is certain, but it doesn't have to be ugly. I will go willingly, but I can not think of a more poetic or classic end then a dance with death. However I hope you don’t mind if I take it literally. To simply keel over would be droll, but I hope you understand my request enough to grant it.” Wolf huffed at the words ‘go willingly’. The childish side of the spirit was rather miffed it didn’t get its chase. “We have never had prey like you before,” Lamb spoke, “I fear I do not know how to ‘dance’ s-“ without another word before she decided to simply fire her arrow Jhin moved and grabbed her hand. The pair tensed but Jhin dragged the spirit along to the center of the temple. The moon still shown through and they were now in the spotlight of the night. Wolf circled the pair of bipeds curiously. “Not to worry, I have made many dance. I can teach you, you will do beautifully, I swear.” the man was so caught up in the moment he barely noticed the bow fade from Lambs hands. His right joined with her left, his left moved to rest on her right shoulder. They began to slowly twirl in a almost clumsy fashion, “One two three four, two two three four.” The man set a rhythm and beat with his steps and words, it was then that Jhin began to hum. Soon after Lamb added her own voice along side his, the pair took turns humming. Their steps were smoother now, even wolf spun around with them. Jhin quickened the pace silently, the man moved his left arm from the spirit and used his hold on her right to have her spin on her own before he linked both of his hands with hers and the two swung their arms behind themselves in a dual spin. After that they linked their left hands and circled the other moving closer to the other. It may have not been long but after they reached a hands length Jhin spoke, “How lovely! Sublime performance my dear. But if I am not mistaken it is time for the finale.” “Yes, we have spent long enough to humour you,” the dance partners separated. “Death should never be quick, it should be an opera.” the spirit merely remained silent, the bow returned. A question was about to form in Jhin’s mouth before before he felt it. He hadn’t see her shoot him but the white arrow the stuck out of his chest was undeniably there. A laugh escaped his lips and he felt the strength sap from his limbs, as his last action he bowed. His left arm over his chest the right extended out. His vision went dark. > 2. But Killing Doesn’t Have to be Ugly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent, dark, peaceful, he envied silence. Because to the sheer quiet of it all made him seem loud. But wait, he could think, was there something after death? And what was that infernal sound breaking up his perfect silence. It was almost rhythmic and familiar? It sounded like, breathing. Panic filled Jhin's form, he was dead how could he hear breathing? As if on instinct he tried to silence himself and not become detected. The breathing stopped, he relaxed slightly and the sound returned. So it was his breathing, he was breathing. Did the dead need to breathe? Wait the darkness was not so dark, Jhin opened his eyes to find himself still in the temple. The man sat up and looked around, he had been a crumpled heap on the floor of the structure. he could see small glimmers of sun through the roof of the site, so he was alive? A dream? But that didn't explain why he was were he had stood last night, a hallucination? But how, did someone drug him while he slept. But that wouldn't have explained why he was still here. if he had been drugged he would have been captured or killed. The man picked himself off the ground and shrugged his worries away for now. If he was still here then he needed to move to avoid any searches. After gathering his supplies Jhin wrapped a grey travel cloak around his form. It obscured his clothes and most of all helped him blend in. Not many would know his appearance, but it was best not to draw attention. The travelling performer walked over to his pack of maintenance equipment and supplies. The man had to make his own ammo most of the time, and even when he didn't he had to modify it to infuse the bullets with magic. But aside from his weapons the pack also contained food, and other necessities for survival without help from civilization. Jhin walked out of the temple before he paused, the forest was different. The colours weren't as vibrant, and the whole area seemed to be darker. The plant life had seemed to change, the virtuoso had a hard time identifying any of the species, he simply didn't recognize them. he had never seen the like in Ionia, or anywhere for that matter. This wasn't a good sign, the man continued on his way, he didn't recognize anything. The man had planned his escape route to the tee, 'Prehaps I am not where I was after all.' After a moment he fished out a rarely used piece of equipment, his compass. 'I'm heading east, well i suppose that is a good as place as any to start. I certainly won't be backtracking, besides the if what I am seeing in the sky is any indication the day has just begun.' The foliage was thick and only rarely did Jhin come across a clearing. As the man walked he pondered what could have happened to land him in this rather foreign forest. 'Could the temple have contained a sort of teleportation spell? I can't imagine why such a difficult spell would be used in the temple, but how else did I get here?' As the artisan walked he noted some sounds stick out from the quiet like a flare. A rustling faded in and out of his hearing. Instinctively the assassin reached for Whisper on his hip, his left hand then brought the weapon forward and waited. A few moments passed before a form leaped from the bushes, or rather several forms. Without even truly looking at them Jhin began to count, "One." A bullet shot from Whisper and buried itself into one of the creatures, a sound of splinters barley registered as the man began to dash away from his targets before he fired another shot, "Two." more splinters and the sounds of cracked wood, 'Sentient tree monsters, I suppose I have heard of those before.' Jhin leaned over slightly and pulled back the cover on his shoulder to reveal a set of tubes and machinery. As if commanded, one of the tubes produced and fired out a grenade that landed in between the two wounded creatures. The grenade canister discharged magic and fire onto the wolf like monsters and they cried out as they died. Jhin was quick to cover his shoulder again, despite the death of their comrades two more of these wood wolfs charged madly at the man. But in a contest of madness they had already lost, "Three, Four!" another shot was quickly placed in the closest muzzle and the remaining wolf was the unlucky one. On the fourth shot a great crack of thunder came from the barrel and the wolf was naught but ash and twigs. A grin reached the artists lips under the mask, these creatures were only on sapient kindling but he enjoyed the thrill none the less. Just then another rustle in the bushes, Jhin only had enough time to turn to his right find wolf within a foot of him, in an effort to shield himself from its open jaws his through up his arms. Whisper was thrown from the man's hand as the wolf latched onto Jhin's right arm. It was times like these he was glad he wore some armor, as the creature attempted to bite into his flesh he tried to wrestle his arm away from the beast. Finding no flesh to bite into the creature leaped up and pinned the man. Now the wolf let go of the armored limb it attempted to claw at the madman, using his arms to hold the paws at bay was no easy task. But as an artist one must be gifted in all sorts of fields, and the virtuoso was no stranger to conditioning his body to be stronger. Or working, out as his former fellow prisoners may have said. The two were at an impasse, neither could overpower the other. The jaws of the wolf were just out of reach, but the wolf's weight pressed down on the man and he was beginning to lose space. It was then that an idea struck, "If this outfit gets dirty I am going to be so annoyed." Jhin quickly placed his legs beneath the wolfs body before he kicked the whole of it over his head. Jhin rolled to his feet but didn't see Whisper anywhere. A growl turned his head as the wolf had righted itself. Just as the beast was about to charge again Jhin grabbed the barrel extension from his hip, with his right hand he pointed the barrel at the monster. A trigger was present on the barrel, it acted as a one shot long range gun of its own. The wolf fell over and died magic burned from his corpse and scorched the earth beneath it. After Jhin caught his breath he saw Whisper on the ground, he picked up the weapon and reloaded it. He took in his surroundings, after he concluded he was safe for now he dusted off his person. Thanks to his grey cloak, he was without many stains, and even then the few he found were on his legs, blue was easier to clean than white. Another glance around yielded nothing so he began to walk again. The sun was lower in the sky and the masked man and just reached the edge of the forest. After a moment of survey he let out a hum of interest, ‘Arid, Im not in Ionia thats for sure, Valerian perhaps, though I can’t be sure where.’ Jhin continued his long trek soon enough he found a road, ‘So there are people here, and by the look of these tracks Im headed in the right direction for a settlement. And if I can find a settlement, then I can find a place to rest and more importantly where I am.’ Yet more walking after a break to eat and drink, however this time was made much faster and easier by a straight beaten path. The sun began to set and as it did the marksman spotted the edges of a town, it was hard to see it in full but it was there. And now that he came closer he saw, ‘Tracks? Am I near Piltover, but why would they ever build tracks for a train out here?” The town was within spitting distance now, and the moon and stars shown over head. He payed they no mind, and entered the town. There he saw a sign for an inn, he walked up to the door and entered. A woman sat at the counter and looked up to see Jhin in his cloak, it covered his mask in shadow. The hump on his shoulder she disregarded as another pack, the small one he wore on his back was visible even partially covered in grey. She wore a simple dress and had her hair back in a bun, she had what appeared to be identical tattoos of something on her upper arms. Jhin internally cringed at the symmetry the tattoos held, “Well, odd time of night to get a visitor that comes by foot, especially at this time of day... night. My name is Hearth Heart, and welcome to the Dugout Inn, finest stay in all of Dodge Junction, how can I help you sir?” the woman spoke in curious tone. “I was hoping to procure a room for the night,” a pause before he continued, “I understand this is an odd question, but due to my circumstances I am forced to ask, where am I exactly?” While the hostess showed a small amount of surprise she merely answered with a smile. “Your in Dodge Junction, a prospering town with great ponies, if you meant in geographic terms your east of the Everfree forest and west of Baltimare.” the woman continued to smile despite the stranger not showing his face, she had learned that those with something to hide about themselves, whether it be a scar or deformity were nicer when you didn’t care if they hid their flaws. Jhin found the seeming breeding of equines of no interest and instead decided to focus on the foreign names, he had never heard of them before, though he assumed he had been in the Everfree earlier today then. The pause Jhin produced seamed to cause the air to take on an awkward tone. "I am from quite far away and I fear that those names are not familiar to me, would you mind telling me some general information about this country, I have yet to meet another traveler on my journey here." 'Wow, I know that foot traffic has been decreased due to trains over the years but not meeting anypony?' the inn keeper's thoughts were amazed and critical, 'I suppose its not so far fetched for him to not be a pony. Unless they were hideously scarred, nopony would ever feel such a need to hide their face. But if you were in a foreign land and a different species that would do it.' She nodded in affirmation, "Well I guess that makes sense, well as I'm sure you know Equestria is a thriving nation best known for its friendly relations with other nations and, our economy is matched by few if any. But one thing that most visitors don't know about Equestria, is that our way of life shares a central theme but ever part of it differs greatly. Just thinking about the way different types of ponies are distributed population wise is daunting. And so drastically different from area to area you might think we don't get along. Might have been that way a thousand years ago but it sure as Celestia ain't now." Almost unconsciously Jhin tilted his head, "I fail to see what ponies have to do with getting along with your countrymen." It was Hearths turn to look confused, "First off whats a 'countrymen', is that some way of referring to nationality?" 'It would appear I am farther away than I initially thought' the artists' mask shook slightly, 'nothing this women says makes sense, and she is incapable of understanding simple terms.' The assassin's gaze fell on her again, "Yes. I fail to see how you and your fellow... 'Equestrians' have anything to do with ponies, or equines of any kind for that matter. Though I suppose based on your country's name it is rather central to your culture." "Uhhhh, now I'm even more confused, how wouldn't ponies be important to Equestrian culture, we founded this country as a united nation, and still make up the vast majority of the population even with the few griffons, yaks, and centaurs that migrated over the years. Did you never get a history class or something.” Jhin looked at her with a unflinching figure, Hearth could swear she could see one of his eyes, brown and piercing. The madman’s thoughts were as fast as ever, not to say that he thought faster than others, but he certainly didn’t have to think about something as long to come to a conclusion. ‘I must be on some undiscovered continent, that can be the only explanation for all of this, but that doesn’t explain the language, even if there are differences. Why would there be so many similarities. I may be speaking common, but the differences between even regional languages in Noxus or demacia make the differences between Ionian and shumriman look like brothers’ the man thought for a moment still, “Hmmm, it would appear that terminology is different here, where ever here is.” the former prisoner kept that last part quiet, “Forgive the question but are you a ‘pony’?” “Yes,” the tone of her voice made her sound as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “What do you mean?” “Ah, well, I guess even if we speak the same language, words mean different things. Thank you for the information but I have one more, what is the currency here, I have money of value though it is most definitely not what you are familiar with. At the very least the material should serve as a payment.” to illustrate his point the virtuoso pulled out several gold coins of various mints, and some silver serpents. He placed ten coins down on the table and continued his questioning, “Would that be enough for a room for tonight?” “Well, ‘Bits’ is the name of money in Equestria, they are gold and silver coins. These aren’t bits but since this is gold and silver, not to mention the fact I have never seen these coins before, I’ll take you up on your offer. Breakfast is at eight sharp in the dining hall. Or if you would prefer you can take your food to your room, then return the plate and cutlery after.” Hearth Hearts explanations was quick and practiced, her tone cheerful. She hand Jhin his key which he accepted with his left. The mare saw strong forearms, a hint of white and golden clothing, and something on his hip though she had no idea what. “Thank you,” he walked to the stairs of the inn after he glanced at his key, ‘if I find out that I actually am on an undiscovered continent, I will never forgive who ever is responsible, they will beg for death, and when I grant it their faces will be beautiful!’ > 3. My Clients > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn shone out on this new land, light poured from the crack in the window’s blinds. Jhin rose from his rest and smiled at the rising sun. The man stretched then dressed in his clothes and armor. He wore all but his white garb, he had carefully and skillfully folded and placed the clothing item away in his pack. In the current moment the blue and red of his outfit still a bit unusual. After his placed the black cloth mask on his face and head he adorned the front with his smiling face. Before he donned the grey cloak a thought struck him, ‘I may have to purchase or steal clothing of suitable camouflage, I need to blend in for now.’ The man moved from his position to the window and stood just before the glass before he knelt down. From there the assassin set to disarm the traps he had placed in case someone decided to pay him a visit, it never hurt to be too careful. After he put the traps away he began to count his supply of equipment, he still had plenty however since he had no idea where he was, he would have to find sources to replenish his stock. It was as he began to finish that he heard a knock at the door, “Sir, are you awake? Breakfast will be ready soon.” The inn keeper’s voice called through the door. The artist sighed before he adopted a poise of cheer, “Yes, thank you for letting me know, I will come down to take some soon.” His voice was false but it was convincing none the less. The virtuoso could almost hear the smile he had provoked from that women. ‘And they call me mad, she at the least is the one who is mad, if not this whole country if she is honest about her claims.’ After a few moments the emerged from the stairwell in his grey cowl like cloak, he walked and spotted activity behind a pair of doors which seemed to lead to a hall, ‘The other guests no doubt.’ As the artisan walked into the room a few of the dozen or so guests looked at him, their glances wary but most didn’t notice his entrance. After a few moments the marksman noted an oddity, or rather his oddity. All of the people, or “ponies” as they were so called, had clothes that were those of merchant travelers, and laborers. But that was not odd, no. Each had tails, horse tails. He even saw the inn keeper had a short brown tail to match her hair. ‘Vastyans?’ the people with animal features of his homeland were rare but he could think of no other way to describe them. A couple of them had what seemed to be horns, those that did only had one spiral like horn on their forehead and a vibrant colour. And few of the ponies had wings of various colours like the horns. Each pony had a unique tattoo in the same places as Hearth Heart, their upper arms were the host of these tattoos. However, one or two of the ponies were parents. The children that were either eating or playing didn’t possess any tattoos, ‘A coming of age ceremony?’ the puppeteer brushed aside his questions, ‘It matters not.’ Jhin walked over to where the food was being piled fresh on the table, mostly vegetables, grains, and fruit. The only meat he noted was eggs, however the assortment of food was good and he would find all of his nutritional needs met. The cloak didn’t actually touch the performers feet, it did however reach far enough that it was hard to see them if you were standing. Jhin moved almost like it was a dance, his golden boots only ever briefly showing from his smooth steps. Even then not a soul would know that, how often are shoes your focus of attention? The quiet clacking of his boots were shadows under the sounds of conversations and chairs’ squeaks. After he had collected a healthful serving of food the man grabbed cutlery. He held the plate with his food and utensils in his left hand close to his body. This only revealed his lower arm, the grey figure flowed towards the doors. “Hey!” the voice was not overly loud, but it cut through the chatter and appeared to be aimed at Jhin. Quietly he turned and glanced till he made eye contact with the speaker, his sight was met with a dirty blond male of medium height and larger build. “Where do you think your going with that?” After a second pause Jhin answered, “To my room, I was informed by the innkeeper I was allowed to eat there, so long as I returned with my dishes.” An incensed huff escaped the blond before he spoke again. “Oh, I see so your so high and mighty that you won’t even eat down here with they rest of us lowly peasants.” Jhin slowly tilted his head to communicate confusion. This seemed to only goad him, a few others took note of the exchange, “Didn’t think I’d notice, your boots are gold, I saw the shine from them. I can guess what kind of pony has that kind of money, nobles or merchants from Canterlot. You guys are always looking down on us, well I-“ “Iron Forge! Will you leave my guest alone!” just as the newly named Iron Forge was about to continue his rant Hearth Heart walked over hearing the commotion. “Hearth, what are you doing catering to this rich fla-“ before he could finish his insult Heart covered his mouth. “Im sorry, last week a noble from the capitol came made the whole town miserable. He threw around his money like a threat, and most likely had a superiority complex.” the innkeeper turned from Jhin who still stood and held onto his plate. “As for you,” she removed her hand from the stallion's lips, “you shouldn't throw around insults without basis.” "But I-" Iron Forge's excuse was stifled rather quickly in the form of a glare, "He has golden boots." The last sentence was quiet and muttered in a soft tone of guilt. "Well, I don't know about you Iron, but I have never heard of their being noble in Canterlot that wasn't a unicorn, much less a non-pony. Besides he has been rather polite to me, if only a bit odd." she put one of her hands onto her hip. “What do you mean he is not a pony?” Iron asked, Hearth brushed his question aside both metaphorically and physically. “I’ll tell you later, just eat your breakfast.” she waved her hand as if she was dusting off a surface, “As for you sir, I’m sorry for the accusations you may go eat now.” Iron’s protests were stifled as she pushed him away from the doors toward the tables. “Hmmm,” the small hum of thought escaped his mouth as he pondered his situation, ‘He will be the first to die, I am a true artist, and I will not be belittled by some fool with too many lines.’ The man stepped out of the hall and began to return to his room. His thoughts seemed to slide into a anger pointed toward the inhabitants of the inn. ‘No,’ the sudden clarity struck as if it was thunder, ‘if I kill anyone, they will be suspicious of me. I will be the only suspect. No, I have to get a better baring on my location before I resume my work.’ The artist found himself inside his room, he locked the door and removed his masks, the food was almost tasteless as his mood was soured from his thoughts. As he grappled with his thoughts something occurred to him, ‘Those two ponies, they seemed like friends. But friends can easily become more...all the more reason to wait to kill him I suppose.’ Jhin chewed the last of his food before he continued his thoughts aloud, “Iron Forge, hmmmm,” his mask was returned to his face, ‘Well as pedestrian as that name is. I must wait until the composition is perfect, only once these two love birds join will my art truly bloom in full. Very few single voices can outshine two in unison.’ He grabbed his bag, his dishes, and cutlery. Lost in his thoughts the man found himself outside the hall again, most of the guests had left the tables and a neat pile of dishes was present near the door. After depositing the white fragile cargo the assassin moved to the front desk where Hearth Heart was once again sat. She saw him approach and moved to be standing. Now on her feet she spoke, “Apologies for earlier sir, my friend is simply protective of our town and didn’t want a repeat of-“ The puppeteer held up his left hand, the bare fingers of fair skin showed. He placed six silver coins on the counter, “If you wish to apologize, then will you accept this as acceptable payment for my prolonged stay? I plan to be in this town for at least tonight.” despite there being no gold coins among the payment she was rather happy to know her guest was still willing to give her a chance. “Of course, thank you. Do you plan to stay in your room for the duration of the day or are you leaving for a while?” the question was asked with an innocent look on her face but she could hardly be trusted. “Well, I have a need for a few items.” the vague answer would have been seen as a sign by most. That the one in question wanted to not talk about their dealings. ‘If every single... pony in this town knows what I am buying, they will get suspicious, at least much faster if they are the type to distrust. However the vagueness of the response was quickly jumped on, “Well I could give you directions for the various businesses around town.” Almost without prompt she began to identify the many ponies and their shops in town. Most were useless to the man, but four could yield some interesting results. After thanking the brown maned mare, the virtuoso left the inn and in grey attire moved down the street in the light of day. His first stop was a clothing store, a grey eyed mare with a horn on her head welcomed him, though rather distrusting of his cloaked appearance, “Can I help, you?” her tone was polite though she was wary of him, she paused before the last word. Then the man spoke, “I require some new attire, my current clothes are rather... unique. And while that is all well and good, I don’t savour drawing crowds, well unless I’m preforming, but even then I like a smaller audience.” The mare was middle aged, not old but certainly not a spring chicken. Her eye brow raised at the man’s words, “You’re a performer?” “I am an artist.” the tone was one of correction, though not condescending, at least to the ear, and not truly in intention. “Well, I suppose you will want something comfortable and breathable, all while still being stylish. A bit of simplicity ought to accomplish a more... reserved look if you don’t wish to draw a crowd. Here take a look at some of what we have here, tell me if there is anything that catches your eye.” the mare didn’t make it a habit to distrust costumers but she usually could see them in full looked them in the eye. A hum of a odd musical melody was his response as he glanced over the displays. After a moment he settled on three colours of the same design. Red, blue and purple slim outfits of this countries design. Or at the very least this region’s design. With the clothes he was wearing included, a nice even four outfits were available to him. “Hold these for a moment, would you?” his tone was light and near unreadable. The mare a bit annoyed, she could only take the clothes the stranger had chosen from him. It seemed he was entitled, ‘Great another one...’ the groan was held back as she kept a neutral expression. The artist fidgeted beneath his cloak and seemed to place something in his bag before he de-cowled. She looked her costumer up and down, at the moment she could only see his back. His clothes were indeed unique, all the colours of the clothes he had chosen she noted before her eyes were drawn away. She hardly noted the mask of black clothe that fully covered his head, no. Gold filled the mare’s sight, gold all over his right arm, shoulders, and boots. A strange metal hump on his shoulder, ‘Yes that would draw a crowd.’ The man turned to face her, “Do you have changing rooms?” the woman saw the black clothe of his mask, she could only see one of his eyes. It was a deep and lovely brown that almost seemed to glow. His movements in some fashion or another could be seen as precise. “Ahh, yes this way.” she quickly recovered, while he was unique the stranger before her was not as weird as the time years ago, when a minotaur came to her shop. She lead the marksman to the near back of the store before he entered behind a curtain. A minute or two passed, and he emerged in the red set, his form held no gold or oddity, except for his boots. “Yes these will do nicely, now while I do not have what you would consider currency, I do have other forms of it. If nothing else the material should be the medium of exchange.” Jhin held out several gold and silver coins for her to inspect, the mint was extremely foreign on both. She nodded and selected two from each of the categories much to the man’s silent pleasure. She Responded then, “I think this will do nicely, even if everyone in town had some coins like this. I wouldn't doubt for a second that they were rare in Equestria.” The assassin returned the grey cowl to his form and once again seemed anonymous, “I’ll take my leave then.” the mare called out thanks and told him to come again should he need to. Jhin didn’t plan on coming back anytime soon if he could help it. While not entirely comfortable without his face on, the mask should only be seen by his audience, and unfortunately his talent still had to be restrained. But it could not be contained for long, soon. > 4. Expect the Best > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next spot on the list was the local pharmacy, why? Well it was quite simple really, they had some ingredients he needed. Once he entered the man was met with a bored looking young stallion, he appeared to pipe up at the man’s entrance. “Welcome to Remedy Pharmacy, how can I help you today?” After Jhin walked to the counter before he spoke, “Do you sell medicinal ingredients in isolation? I have need of a few you may be in possession of.” The stallion’s brow furrowed for a moment, “Well, depends, what did you have in mind?” the small amount of suspicion was understandable, many could create certain narcotics from some common materials. “I have need of sulfur and saltpeter,” the brow of the pharmacist stayed the same but didn’t furrow further. The stallion shifted his feet and cleared his throat quietly. “What might I ask do you need with those, if you don’t mind the question?” the stallion was not openly skeptical, however the marksman was glad this was not the first time he had to come up with excuses for needing these materials. “The sulfur is for a skin medicine, as for the saltpeter, when I travel I sometimes find myself staying in one spot for a while. Usually somewhere with fruit bearing trees, I set up shop and fertilize the ground with it so as to make the trees produce better fruit.” plausible, the stallion could still refuse to give him anything but his grounds to do so wouldn’t be worth the loss of money. From there, there was some bartering on the amount of coinage to be exchanged for the amount of the ingredients the artist needed. The pair finally came to agreement, and Jhin left with two of the four items on his first list. It was approaching mid morning now, it had been a couple hours since he had left his inn. Once the man finished his shopping he would return there. After a minute or two walking to his next destination he arrived, the black smith's forge. Entering the front the puppeteer heard the sound of a hammer, the man’s sharp eye caught a contraption attached to the door. It not only rang a small bell but also appeared to trigger another louder bell from behind a door near the counter. A voice called out from that door, “Be there in a moment!” the counter was empty of an employees and so the virtuoso concluded that the shop was run by only one. The previously mentioned door near the counter opened to reveal a dirty yet familiar sight. ‘Of course the name was an indicator of his job title, how quaint’ Iron Forge seemed to pause when he saw who his costumer was. “Oh, its you...” the surprise was quickly covered by annoyance. “Look about this morning I-“ Jhin held up his left hand. The man paused before he spoke to the stallion. “If you want to apologize, then you can do so by giving me a fair price on what I need.” Iron sighed before nodding. “What do you need, don’t take this the wrong way but you don’t strike me as the kind of pony to use anything I make.” the man tightened his jaw slightly at the use of the word pony as applying to him. “I need a few things, thin brass sheets and charcoal. If that is available then I also need some copper, lead, and two different knifes.” a few steps and the man was stood at the counter awaiting a response. An eyebrow raised at the list, "Well, I do have charcoal and some brass ingots. But I may need sometime to get that into sheets, as for the lead and copper I assume you want ingots. I'll also need you to specify what kind of knifes. The amount of each would also be appreciated." A sort conversation followed and the amount of coins was discussed, it was less than you would expect, and not just because of the light discount. No, the smith had the ability to melt down and use the coins for their materials. Not only that but Iron Forge was a craftsman, he saw the value of the coins engravings and prints. They were unique and complex by Equestrian standards. "Well, thanks for the business, if you don't mind my curiosity. What are you going to use all that material for?" Jhin had expected the question but had a perfect and quite truthful answer, "Quite simple, I'm an artist, all of these materials can be used for various forms of sculptures and creations." A small hum came from Iron's throat as he thought, "The brass and copper I get, hell even the charcoal could be used for drawing on paper or outlining something. But what do you need the lead for?" Though he did not show it the puppeteer grew tired of this conversation, "Weights, lead is quite heavy for its size. Therefore, if I need to have a stable base for a work, the lead is excellent when it comes to making sure my craft doesn't fall over and break." 'The only things that will fall over, are my victims, from the lead of my bullet, piercing their hearts.' "Hmm, well one of the knifes you requested was a carving knife so that makes sense. But the other one, what are you planning on using that larger one for?" the suspcion in his voice had been well quelled till now, a crack of the distrust was present as he spoke. But Jhin was an actor, and he knew how to speak words better than anyone. The marksman nodded his head in an understanding gesture, "Protection, after all, wild animals don't care for words. And not every soul one meets on the road is a friend in waiting." "Ahh, what makes you so sure you'll be in danger?" "I'm not, however. It is better have it and not need it, then not have it, and have need for it." Iron perched his lips for a moment and nodded. "It will take a couple of days for the knifes, and sheets of brass. Everything else you asked for is here." Iron forge handed over the plain materials and then moved to head into the back room. Picking up the third item on his first list, and half of his second list the man spoke to the smith before he was out of sight, "If you would be kind enough, when the items are done, could you bring them with you to the inn the next time you visit Miss Heart?" Iron paused at the door to his workshop, "Why do you think I visit Hearth often enough for that to be easier for me, than you coming here later?" A reasonable question, but Jhin had an eye for many things, "I have seen enough of life to know if not what you two are, then at least what you could become." After a moment of pregnant pause Iron blushed and spoke quietly, more to himself than anyone else, "I... don't think she sees me that way, unfortunately." Jhin of course heard him and despite the young soul in front of him clearly wanting him to leave the subject continued his scheme, "A shame, I have an eye when it comes to love and romance. There is so much that plays and stories get right. Food for thought." The desired events had been set in motion, in coming months, the composition would be perfect. Then and only then would his work be warranted here. Jhin exited the shop with a small smile hidden under his cloth mask, he had only caught the smallest fragment of Iron’s blush. However even in that small look the blush seemed to have comparably become red from pink. The man had finished his two lists, eight total items, new clothes, materials for bullets, and new knifes. Jhin had of course used traditional knifes of Ionia before he had gotten his hands on foreign weaponry. Infusing magic into his bullets had been just as easy as the knives, but since he was unlikely to find everything he needed for bullets where ever he went. Jhin now had to return to an older tool for his mediums, not that the artist couldn’t make his work as fresh and sublime as ever. However, carving did take longer than the explosive bangs he was now used to. After a several minute period the marksman was back at the inn. The door opened on a well oiled hinge that screamed of care and attention. Behind the front desk was miss Heart, the inn keeper’s smile was found in response to the assassin’s entrance. ‘I seem to have been a bit too friendly, no, it is not that I have been too friendly. They are, all for the best I suppose. It is easier to get an audience if they trust you.’ “Hello, uh, sir. You know, as rude as it sounds, I don’t think I have asked you for your name yet. If you don’t mind, could you tell me, I find just ‘sir’ to be too impersonal?” the cheery tone was a certain annoyance, however the puppeteer bit his lip as he began to act. “Khada Jhin. Tell me,” this was a gamble but he had to at least try before he moved farther into his planning, “have you a map I could look at? I haven’t a proper one for this country, as I am sure you might have guessed from what you already know.” The inn keeper smacked her head. “Of course you need a map, you didn’t meet anyone else on the way here and you didn’t even know about Equestria. How could you have a map if you don’t know any of that.” Hearth Heart turned around and rummaged through a drawer, “How was your shopping? Did you find everything you needed?” She finally found a map and placed it on the desk. The paper map spread out on the desk and Jhin set to work examining it. After a moment he responded to the question. "Yes, I hope once he is finished with my items Mr. Iron will leave them with you. If it is not too much trouble please let me know so I can bring them to my room." in an almost absent minded manner, the man removed the bag from his person and began to search it. The result of the search was what appeared to be a small journal a Piltover style mechanical pen. After he placed the book on the desk he dug into his coin purse and produced less than a dozen coins, "This should enough for two more nights stay, I plan to be here for three nights including tonight. As for your map, would you mind talking about the general points of import?" The inn keeper nodded slightly though she did give pause at the sight of the pen, unsure of what it was. "Of course, Mr. Jhin. Here we have our town of Dodge Junction," she pointed to the center bottom right of the map. Jhin noted the borders of this 'Equestria' and began to flawlessly copy the map in his journal. After she denoted where they were she continued by pointing out the capital, near by land marks of dodge junction, and general facts about Equestria that went mostly ignored. But some of the information was filed away, should the seeming fact that Canterlot had a rather corrupt noble class ever be needed. "By the way, I was hoping you could clarify on what you meant by Iron dropping off your items. I assume he didn't cause you any trouble?" The artist continued to finish off the map he had draw for himself, the penmanship was remarkable to Hearth's untrained eye, though she mostly attributed it to the odd metal quill he used. "No he didn't, he is making me some items, he also sold me some materials. If you want yo know what, ask him, as to why, I am an artist, thus I need tools and materials." after a few moments he placed the journal into he bag and pulled down the hood of his grey cloak. The black clothe mask showed Hearth Heart a single eye, brown, deep, it showed both intelligence and observation. The cloak was disrobed after a moment and the man quickly and neatly folded it under his left arm before he began to carry the bag again. The red of his new outfit and his now shown golden boots created an odd and almost eloquently graceful pose. "Thank you, for your help, it is appreciated." He moved up the stairs quickly but without being in a rush, "Oh, yes, your welcome Mr. Jhin." she then once again is left alone, her guest gone upstairs, 'I may have to talk to Iron soon, odd his profession was an artist, or at least self proclaimed.' Upstairs in his room the assassin had set to work on making gun powder, now that he had all the ingredients he was eager to get them ready for when the material for his casings was finished. After he had completed a good batch of powder he set to work on storing it. The lead would have to wait until he had a suitable tool, but its purpose was just beneath the surface.