> Saving Whitespot > by ACPictures > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not every day is an ordinary day. Some days are exciting, boring, or tragic. It doesn’t mean it impacts your life. Life leads you to a new goal, something more special than ever before. You may be lucky or unlucky, but there’s more to it than fortune.   It is an ordinary life to live in an average cottage in Ponyville. It is a beautiful summer morning without care. A young, blue pegasus filly is walking down the hallway. Her name is Little Spot. She has a white mark on her forehead. She has a golden orange mane with light yellow stripes, so does her tail. Her eyes are purple. She wears a pretty silver necklace around her neck. It is shaped like a pair of wings spread outward. It was a gift from her mother, and her mother before her, and her mother before her. When Little Spot is about to enter the kitchen, she sees her mother preparing breakfast. She bypasses her. As she continues to walk through the hallway, she notices a door is ajar. She enters a darkened room. The lights dim. She is in awe of what she sees. The room is full of trophies, medals, awards, and picture frames of her mother. Her mother was an acrobat. Little Spot looks either surprised or jealous due to her mother’s fame. She looked at the picture frame of her mother when she was her age. Her mother looks exactly her Little Spot, only prettier and more proud. She noticed that she has a bandage or wraps around her torso. Little Spot is curious to know what happened to her mom. Her mother is standing behind her.  “I see that you are wondering about my stuff.” Little Spot is startled when she hears her mother’s voice. She looks back and blushes with embarrassment. “Mother, I didn’t mean to enter this room. Are you mad?” “No, darling,” said her mother, “These recognitions are just my reminders that I earned my keep and --” Then her mother notices a picture frame on top of the shelf. She is completely stunned to see a picture frame of her earliest memory: Before her recognitions, before her current life and family, and before her losses… “Mother, what is it?” Whitespot’s earliest childhood story begins... > Chapter 1 - The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, a young, sky-blue gymnastic Pegasus Filly with a white, triangular spot on her forehead was practicing her Acrobat moves. Her name was Whitespot. She was demonstrating her fantastic moves to the other captivated foals. She also had an orange and yellow striped mane and tail. She was one of the most unique fillies in Ponyville. They looked so astonished. In an Acrobat Gym, Whitespot’s moves were so flexible. She jumped through hoops and walked on bars or strings. She could even flip herself, and spinned herself very quickly with her trusty, lucky wings. Her basic movements were the concept of parkour sport. Every time there was a new challenge, she tried her best to practice her moves. Her deep secret, Whitespot was unsure if she could improve herself. After her moves, the fillies cheer for Whitespot. Whitespot didn't understand why, but she felt flattered. Yet, a spoiled gymnastic unicorn Filly named Twisty Light confronts Whitespot. Twisty Light was one of the students of acrobats. She had dark purple fur with a yellow mane. She resembles Diamond Tiara's personalities, except she's more ignorant. The rest of Twisty Light's friends are following her. They were Twisty Light's teammates. “Ha, ha, ha! Very impressive, but Twisty Light has some special moves, better than you!” “Just you wait!” An earth-pony Filly, named Thistle, Whitespot’s best friend said as she approached. She said, “When the competition is here, Whitespot will surely win and beat the record!” “Serves you right!” She leaves. Then, a coach pony blew her whistle and called to her pupils. They gathered around her. She announced, “Alright, everypony, I’d like to make a little announcement. As we all know, next week is the big gymnastics competition, and everypony will make their moves. Your moves have to represent your heart like: how I learned to be helpful and loyal to my teammates. Now, remember, it is a matter of time and patience that you’ll open to your new door. Miracles can show something that will lead to a new path and never give up on your faith and always be responsible. Either win or lose, you still earn your goal and keep moving forward.” After her announcement, the teams left. Whitespot looked a little concerned or a bit baffled. She didn't understand the coach’s statement, miracle, or earning goal. It sometimes confused her. Thistle said, “No worries; you’ll do your best in the end.” Whitespot felt a little better. Although she was good at gymnastics, she didn't believe anything was right; she was a bit shy and brilliant. She didn't know it yet. > Chapter 2 - Need in Recognition and Luck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Whitespot and Thistle are walking in downtown Ponyville, they spot a few Wonderbolts flying in the sky. Whitespot’s dream is to become a member of the Wonderbolts. Unlike Whitespot, Thistle has her dream. “I don’t mean to hurt you. Sometimes, everypony has different dreams, ideas, or life. Luckily, you’re not the only one.”  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Thistle notices Whitespot looking down or bored. Whitespot is usually quiet and not very communicative. She sometimes wants to talk about exciting things, such as acrobat or dreams. Additionally, she is just an average, ordinary Pegasus. Thistle says, “Hey, why the long face? Shouldn’t you be proud of the competition?” “I do,” said Whitespot. She tries to stay calm or confident, but conflicts doubt her thoughts. “I always want to do so badly, but I’m just so afraid if I’m ready for this. What if I go wrong? I want to win so badly that I want to prove myself better or to be recognizable.” “Whitespot, win, or lose doesn’t even matter. You still have a chance to improve better than before. After all, better late than ever. My point is: nothing is too late, everything is on time. Life knows when your time has come.” “I hope so…” At Whitespot’s house in Cloudsdale, Whitespot is swinging on a swing, looking up at the sky. She sees a blue, figurative pony with rainbow-colored mane who is busting some clouds in the sky. Whitespot looks wondered. Her sense of reality changes her fearlessness. She looks down to the ground, kicking her back hooves and looking at the far distance of Ponyville. She stops swinging and goes to her house. In Whitespot's house, a full-grown Pegasus named Partly Cloudy is chopping some vegetables. It is Whitespot's mother.  Whitespot enters the house, looking down. She goes to the table and sits down silently. “Is there something wrong, Whitespot?” “No. It’s fine,” said Whitespot, but she isn’t. “Mother, why is life so-so? I mean, I feel like... I have an empty space inside me. Something needs to fill it up.” Partly Cloudy says, “Whitespot, it’s tough to say, but sometimes life is rough. It's not just only you; it’s the time. And sometimes luck could change our lives when things go all right in the end. I know how you feel a little lonely, but your life will be changed soon enough.” Whitespot nods quietly. Partly Cloudy senses Whitespot that she needs a reminder or charm to cheer her up. She takes off her necklace and puts it on Whitespot. Her necklace is a shape of two-wings flapped open. “This is for luck. You may be better at gymnastics than anypony, but you’re just as strong and courageous as anypony, as well.” Whitespot smiles and hugs her mother around her neck, never to let go. > Chapter 3 - A Savior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Ponyville schoolhouse, dozens of fillies are playing in the playground. Whitespot is hopping, spinning, and balancing on a rail as Thistle is watching her. Thistle encourages Whitespot to keep it up because Whitespot is getting better and better. Thistle gives her a cheer. “Don’t you think I could win and beat the record in the competition?” asks Whitespot. “Of course, you will,” said Thistle, “I mean, you can create fantastic moves. Entering the competition is your chance to prove yourself and face your fears with great courage.” As Whitespot balances herself with her wings, she sees that Twisty Light is practicing her moves too. Twisty Light begins to have more efficiency and experience better than ever. Whitespot looks a little nervous as her body is trembling. “Don’t worry. Your nervousness will go away once you dare to pursue your fears.” Whitespot begins to feel a little better. During class in Ponyville schoolhouse, Whitespot is being picked on and bothered by Twisty Light and her friends. They make fun of her. Every time they do that, they have avoided getting into trouble, because the teacher does not see it. Whitespot looks down, trying to make the embarrassment and sadness go away. After class, the fillies exit out of the schoolhouse. As she walks out, Whitespot is immediately interfered by Twisty Light and her friends. “Look who it is, girls, a broad pony with no spot on her. I mean, what kind of a name is that--how is that your name? It should be Blankey,” said malicious Twisty Light. “My name's Whitespot.” “Whatever,” ignored Twisty Light. “Take a quick moment, runt. You think you can beat me in the competition? Please, ever since you came here, you were weak and hopeless. Now, I see that you're improving, but still stupid. Just like a lame filly who lacks the ability to stand.” Twisty Light tells Whitespot terrible things, which makes her lose confidence. Whitespot begins to feel a little nervous and timid. Twisty Light and her friends start teasing her, and Whitespot is upset. Then, out of nowhere, an orange Pegasus filly with a purple mane and tail steps in from the bush. It is Scootaloo. She is one of the members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She stands in front of Whitespot as a defense. “Leave her alone!” “Oh, look. It’s just a scoot,” said Twisty Light. “They don’t call me Scootaloo for nothing! Try to touch one hoof on her, and I will pulverize you!” The girls laugh. “Serves you right! Come on, girls, let’s beat.” They walk around Scootaloo as they bump onto Scootaloo's shoulder without bumping Whitespot. “See you in the competition, Blankey.”  Scootaloo steps in and says, “I said, ‘move’!” Twisty Light walks out, giving Scootaloo and Whitespot a malicious look.  Scootaloo goes to Whitespot, reaches out of her hoof, and says, “You all right, friend?” Whitespot looks shy. She grabs her hoof, and Scootaloo lifts her. Whitespot nods silently.  “Don’t let yourself be troubled by those ponies, only you can do your best.” Scootaloo walks off while Whitespot looks stunned. That night at Whitespot's house, Whitespot is resting on her bed looking at the cloudy ceiling. She seems quiet and a little concerned. She is thinking of the filly who saved her from Twisty Light. She wonders, “That filly who saved me. Why would she do that? I should stand up for myself, but…” She hesitates. She yawns, begins to snuggle on her bed, and shuts her eyes slowly. The next morning is the day that changes her whole life forever. > Chapter 4 - The Dark Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whitespot and Thistle are chattering to each other as they are walking in a park. Whitespot manages to climb up a tree. She even uses her both wings and her moves to penetrate through branches and thick logs. She stops for a moment to take a rest. Then out of nowhere, a huge, violent storm is heading towards Ponyville. It is the biggest storm in the history of Equestria. It is unlike anything they have ever imagined. This powerful storm hasn't happened before for a thousand years. The storm is huge and has black, thunderous clouds with lightning.  An air siren sounds off. The ponies hear the siren. The wind begins to blow. The ponies start to panic, and they run off like magic. Thistle hears the siren. She is trying to warn Whitespot. Yet, whitespot can't hear Thistle due to the loud sound of screaming ponies and an air raid siren sounding off. Thistle is dragged away by a fleeing crowd of runaway ponies. Thunder crashes down to the ground, and massive winds blow harder with leaves and sticks. Whitespot is in shock when the storm approaches towards her. She holds onto a tree limb tightly. Then the tree limb that she’s holding starts to crack. Both Whitespot and the tree limb fall. Whitespot starts to flutter her wings, but then the wind blows her down to the ground, dazed. Right before her eyes, the tree begins to fall too. She immediately fleas off.  Whitespot is trying to get away from falling branches, leaves, and rocks, and flying debris, but the wind pushes her too hard. As she is running for her life, she trips on a log and falls down a steep hill. She begins to flutter her wings as hard as she can, but the strong wind makes Whitespot wear out. Out of nowhere, a piece of the debris hits her hard, and she falls to the ground. As a result, after she hits the ground, Whitespot's wings are injured. Her wings are badly bent and weak. Even her hoof is hurt badly. She tries to push herself to move forward, but the wind is too strong. As she’s trying to walk through the gusts of wind, she immediately gives up. She’s lying on the ground weakly. Before her eyes, another tree starts to fall right over Whitespot. Whitespot has nowhere to go; she’s trapped and faints. > Chapter 5 - A Heartbroken Filly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Whitespot is lying on a bed with bandages on her. She even has a tensor bandage around her torso, covering her both wings. She wakes up exhaustedly. She’s in the  hospital. Then a pony doctor enters Whitespot’s room. He is relieved.  “Oh, thank heavens! Are you alright, kid?” “I think so. Somehow, I feel something strange and-” A pony doctor says, “Some pony managed to save you and brought you here.” Whitespot puzzles and feels something weird; she looks at her torso, “What’s happening to me?” The doctor seems so silent.  “Please, tell me.” Whitespot looks worried. Later that day, Whitespot is sent to an operating room. Then two-hinged doors open widely. Two doctors walk down the corridor. One is pushing a wheelchair where Whitespot is sitting on it, looking sad. The other is walking next to Whitespot. As doctors are talking to each other, Whitespot looks worse than before. She moves her torso around. Her wings have been amputated due to the damage and weak injuries. She can no longer fly anymore. In a waiting room, Whitespot is sitting in a chair where doctors are trying to figure out what to do with her. Before she leaves the hospital, Whitespot catches something right before her eyes. She notices some doctors enter a private office. Whitespot checks it out. She overhears the conversations of both Whitespot’s injuries and her mother’s injuries. One of the doctors says that Whitespot’s mother doesn’t make it, because the storm wiped out almost the entire Cloudsdale.  Whitespot is shocked and horrified. Then she sees a young filly sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by a doctor. Then she sees that more ponies are in the hospital. Whitespot starts to investigate without being seen. Whitespot looks curious when she sees some of the ponies are growing weak. Then she spots a pony pushing a trolley quickly, where another hurting pony is lying on the bed, and the trolley enters an emergency unit room. (Combination of recovery room & homeless shelter) Whitespot immediately starts to investigate and enters the room. She hesitates a bit and sees something that she couldn’t believe her shocking eyes. She walks forward as she sees hundreds of groaning, sad ponies and fillies. They are lying on the floor where doctors are helping them. All the ponies are suffering and injured due to the powerful, violent storm. Whitespot looks horrified. Then her heart starts to pump faster. She starts to feel trauma, lose confidence, and whimper. She immediately realizes the truth that most ponies suffer from injuries. She concludes her mother is gone too, like the rest. She runs away. She passes all those ponies in the hospital. Whitespot runs through Ponyville as she is still crying. She accidentally bumped into Scootaloo. Whistespot looks at her and runs away again, yet Scootaloo looks worried and knows something is wrong with Whitespot. At the park, Whitespot is sobbing, facing down on a bench, under a tree. Thistle finds her; she looks so sorry for her. Thistle goes to her, and Whitespot tells her about everything, especially her mother’s death. “She is gone. Mom’s gone. I don’t know what I am going to do now. I lost all hope. I have nothing to go on for. I’m no pony.”  Thistle tries to convince Whitespot about her loss of wings and loss of a mother. “Whitespot, it’s hard to say this, but there’s still hope. Life can never be the end; it’s only the beginning. There are other ways to build a life for yourself. Something that you will achieve better, ” said Thistle. “Like what? Like you?!” Thistle is startled when Whitespot snaps back at her. Still, Whitespot is upset and doesn't have courage or strength. So Thistle gives her some time and tells her that miracles will come. And miracles will give Whitespot a new path. She leaves her alone. Whitespot looks quiet; at the same time, she’s both mad and sad. > Chapter 6 - Lost of Hope Until... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout her practice, Whitespot always falls. She tries to do the flips, the spin, and her moves, but none of them can achieve well. All the other ponies in the gymnasium start to laugh at her, even Twisty Light. Twisty Light said, “Oh, poor little Whitespot, never do anything for herself.” Her friends laugh at Whitespot. "Let's hope she could fail the competition. Oh, wait. She will. 'Cause she will forfeit." Whitespot looks utterly miserable. Twisty Light and her friends laugh. On the other hand, Thistle looks so sorry for her. After practice, Whitespot is sitting on a bench, sad and alone. Her gymnastic coach tries to cheer her up and tells her that it takes a matter of practice and hope. Still, Whitespot feels bummed and sad. In Ponyville, sad little Whitespot sits on an end of the bench crossing her forearms. She sits next to a stallion pony who is reading a book. He looks like a minister. He wears a white and brown robe with purple sashes. He says, “A sad filly with a sorrowing look on her face is losing hope. She needs guidance to look for a new way. Miracles can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All you need is faith. When you have done everything you can do, that’s when miracles will step in and do what you can't do!” At some point, Whitespot is curious and says, “Do you believe miracles will change anything?” Then another pony says, “I believe so. Somepony says, ‘a new door where no one can shut is a new path where hope can be found.’” “I agree.” Whitespot looks agog. Later, Whitespot is lying on a bench, facing down, looking at a puddle with a reflection of her, sad and alone. She looks up and sees the figurative filly walking in the street of Ponyville. She can barely see her, but a lot of townspeople are walking by. Whitespot begins to investigate herself. She tries to find that filly, but she loses her in the crowd; this happens a few times. As she’s trying to find that filly, Whitespot gives up. She’s walking through the park; still no sign of that special filly. “I see that you’re alright, my friend.” Whitespot is shocked. What she sees behind is that particular pony recently: Scootaloo. Whitespot couldn't believe that she saw her before. She was the filly who saved her from bullying Twisty Light. Whitespot is speechless and shy when she sees Scootaloo. “You must be the pony who I saved you. It must have been a terrible storm when you were out of nowhere. I'm glad I saved you from a falling tree.” “Wait, what?” confused Whitespot. In her flashback Whitespot was trapped and fainted when a tree fell over her. However, Scootaloo, in her scooter, came to the rescue and saved her right before the hit. Scootaloo was riding down through the storm while she is holding Whitespot. She was still fainted. Back in the real world Whitespot is amazed that Scootaloo saved her. “You,” said Whitespot, “you saved me, but why-” “Duh,” said Scootaloo, “I couldn't let yourself get hurt. I just knew what I had to do. Well, right now, you’re perfectly OK.”  Whitespot doesn't say anything. She walks away from Scootaloo and stands in front of a pond. Scootaloo looks worried. Her depression forces Scootaloo to confess to Whitespot.  “Are you ok?” asked Scootaloo. Whitespot shakes her head and doesn’t say. “Hey,” said Scootaloo, “you could tell me. After that, I saved you from the storm; it must have been terrible to be in-” “It’s not the rescuing thing,” said Whitespot. Scootaloo is confused. Whitespot moves her eyeball down to show Scootaloo her torso with bandages. Scootaloo doesn’t even recognize the bandages and immediately understands. “Were you…” Before Scootallo says anything else, Whitespot nods sadly. She moves her torso to show that her wings are amputated. Scootaloo understands that Whitespot was a Pegasus as she covers her mouth in horror. She feels so sorry for Whitespot. Whitespot explains everything about her gymnastics championship, her loss, and her lost reputation. Scootaloo listens to everything, as Whitespot explains. For Scootaloo, she couldn’t just ignore or leave her alone. She has a profound impact on her humiliation, right to her very core. Between the two, they both have in common. Scootaloo knows that she has to do something. Whitespot doesn’t dare to face her fears or fulfill her dream. Scootaloo asks, “Is there a chance that I could do for you?” Whitespot shakes her head sadly with the answers of no. And she walks off. While Whitespot walks off, Scootaloo catches her attention to help Whitespot. The appearance of Whitespot is beyond Scootaloo. She has a cutie mark, which Scootaloo doesn’t have, but both fillies are athletes although they’re the same age. Whitespot's cutie mark is a right-wing with a ring crossover. Scootaloo believes the cutie mark represents a power of wing with courage and pride. Despite the fact, she knows what she has to do. “Wait!” yells Scootaloo, “Maybe we can get things together. What I mean is: maybe I could help. I don’t know much of that gymnastics and stuff, but I see how they do; I’m much more an athlete too. I know losing your wings won’t help your ability to do the flips. Or lose your reputation, but there is a chance that we could get around. Look, I’ll be glad to help you.” Whitespot said, “Why would you help me?” Scootaloo looks agog and says, “Because... Because I knew there would be a time that you pursue your future and fulfill your purpose.” Whitespot looks agog. Also, Scootaloo is involved. Scootaloo confronts Whitespot that life may be rough, but a new door will lead to a new way. She understands how difficult it is for Whitespot to understand the meaning of life. Scootaloo knows that Whitespot can make a difference. There's a conflict between Whitespot and Scootaloo's points of view. Whitespot can't believe anything is true. She thinks "support" is to make anyone feel better, so they would ignore anything or anyone. In Scootaloo's feelings, she feels the same way as Whitespot has. Scootaloo also has her deep feelings inside. With prideful words and encouragement, Scootaloo tells her she is excellent at everything. These words astound Whitespot, and Scootaloo doesn't remember who told her. Scootaloo tells her, "with great pride, comes help to build encouragement.” Whitespot looks stunned. Scootaloo said, “It's up to you, friend. I shall help you to accomplish the task, something that achieves without your wings.”  Scootaloo walks off as Whitespot watches her walking away. She looks a little surprised. She puzzles herself a few seconds and follows her. > Chapter 7 - Training the Challenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout her practice, Scootaloo is training with Whitespot. Scootaloo trains Whitespot to jump, loop, and spin accurately. Whitespot tries to do that too but fails many times. Scootaloo takes her to Ponyville to try something else.  Everywhere they go, Scootaloo trains and helps Whitespot to exercise her moves. So Whitespot will be able to practice with her body. Whitespot tries to hoop onto a line of barrels as she spins her body up and down. Then she walks on a rope in the middle of a lake but fails. Then she tries to pull a massive block of hay with the help of Scootaloo’s best friend, Applebloom. Then she taps with a small paintbrush onto a painting. Whitespot looks impressed. Then Scootaloo looks at the painting and shakes her head. The painting is revealed on ‘Sunday in the Park with George’ with a black dot on a corner. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo’s other best friend, looks at the painting and faints. Throughout many times, she keeps trying and failing. However, she achieves some goals. Whitespot is taking her shape to relax. Scootaloo goes to her and says, “Well, it could be worse if we give up right now.”  “What's the use,” said Whitespot with tiredness speaking. “Without my wings, I couldn't be much more achievable. Maybe I should forfeit the competition.” Scootaloo tries to confront Whitespot not to give up. Every time, Whitespot talks back at Scootaloo, Scootaloo talks back again. Then, as they are talking back at each other, Whitespot asks Scootaloo personally, “What about you? Do you use wings when traveling from place to place often?” Scootaloo hesitates with a little shocking moment. In her deep secret, Scootaloo is hiding something from her. It might breaks her heart and makes her feel devastated, but she tries to avoid her secret. “Of course! I often use wings anytime; I'm not as unusual as other Pegasus. Forget about that. What's more important is that you should always be confident and courageous.” Whitespot nods slowly. “Can I ask you something?” Asks Scootaloo, “What were you involved in doing gymnastics?” Whitespot says, “As a youngster, I saw these gymnasiums making their precise moves. I was so involved in doing this, and I got my cutie mark for that. As a matter of fact, I have no idea what it means.” Scootaloo looks agog. “But I want to prove myself that I can do anything. There’s one challenge that I have to attempt to do: the high-speed-loop-eclipse of doom!” The H.S.L.E. is a gymnast that a pony has to run towards a wall, hop on it, and spin itself in the air. As a pony turns in the air, it has to make up to 10 meters high and passes through the sun to create an eclipse. At midair, a pony has to keep spinning until she heads toward down to a target where she has to stand in one hoof. Scootaloo is entirely shocked, but she thinks it’s awesome! She asks her, “Why would you want to do that?” Whitespot explains, “I want to prove myself that I can do anything, but somepony doubts that. They think I couldn’t do anything because of my shyness, flaws, or quietness. Although I was trying to attract these ponies, sometimes I felt disbelief, and I couldn’t be the best at everything. I could wish I had everything that they have.” Scootaloo knows the feeling. The same happens to her. Scootaloo says, “Look, kid. I know that you want to prove yourself, but there are other ways to do better rather than being the best. You got everything you have. But faith is all in your hoof. Just be yourself and like what you are." Whitespot is agog. > Chapter 8 - A Time Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo and Whitespot are standing silently in the park. Scootaloo looks up in the sky, filled with partly clouds. She has an idea to cheer Whitespot up. “Hey, Whitespot? How would you like to hang on the clouds?” “How? I don’t have wings anymore. I may fall.” Scootaloo is thinking and says, “Your wings aren’t about walking on clouds or luck; it’s your heart.” Whitespot never thinks about this before. She understands that wings aren’t as important to walk on clouds or luck, so she nods. Whitespot and Scootaloo runoff. Later, Scootaloo and Whitespot are standing on the clouds. Cloud is floating across the land. Whitespot is incredulous when she manages to stand on the clouds. She was told that she couldn’t walk on clouds anymore, but she can.  “Wow, I never thought I could do that,” said Whitespot. “Yea. I never thought about that too,” says Scootaloo. “How come you can’t fly up to pick up the cloud, rather than constantly jumping and grabbing a cloud?” questioning Whitespot. “No reason. Just enthusiastic." Scootaloo tries to keep her secret from Whitespot. As the cloud is carrying them to the land of Ponyville, Whitespot is amazed to feel the breeze. “It’s beautiful to be up here: looking down the landscapes, seeing things going on, wondering about life being down there. I sometimes go down there for fun, but the sky is better than the ground, I guess. Kind of like on top of the world, you know? But, every time I’m on the ground, I thought of something less different. Currently, without my wings, I'm permanently on the ground. But I felt something more different than before. I couldn’t understand why.” Scootaloo is agog to hear her thoughts and feelings and says, “I know what you are saying. I don’t know why. I guess life will take you into a new step. Everything is an opportunity to learn about a new experience and life.” “What about you, Scootaloo? Any thoughts of flight?” Scootaloo is silent. She doesn't want anything to be painful for her. She says, “I just like to live in the moment on the ground. That’s for sure.” Whitespot doesn’t react. She looks neutral and calm. The cloud floats back on the ground. > Chapter 9 - Scootaloo's Secret & The Savior > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the training, Whitespot and Scootaloo are hanging very well together. Then Twisty Light and her friends show up in the middle of nowhere. “Well, girls. We see some bunch of losers are having- what do you call a word- flap training with her.” Then, Scootaloo is shocked. Twisty Light tells Whitespot about the importance of training by professional coaches with no lack of experience. She explains Whitespot that most Pegasus achieve in flying as she has seen. Twisty Light points at Scootaloo that she’s the only Pegasus who can't fly. After that, Twisty Light starts to tease her harmfully and calls her a ‘chicken’ who can't fly high enough. “If I were you,” Twisty Light says, “I would give up yourself for being such an embarrassing trainer.” “What in tarnation is going on around here?” Then Thistle appears out of nowhere. Twisty Light immediately tells her that the orange pony is taking your friend always from Thistle, and Whitespot enjoys having fun with her. All that is a LIE. Whitespot tries to explain to Thistle, but Twisty Light abruptly tells Thistle that Whitespot would be able to win a competition without Thistle. Thistle cannot believe what she hears. Whitespot tries to explain, but Thistle doesn't want to listen, and she runs off. Twisty Light starts to tease Scootaloo again. Then Scootaloo starts to whimper, and then she runs away. Whitespot looks shocked. “Now that's what I call: some weak flyer,” said Twisty Light as her friends laughed. “It’s your choice,” said Twisty Light, “either you join with that weak flyer or join with your old friend who forfeits you as a friend.”  Whitespot stands up to Twisty Light, looking mad and says, “I will never give up myself or her even if we don't win!” She storms away from her and follows after Scootaloo. In the woods, Whitespot is still searching for Scootaloo, looking worried. Then she finds Scootaloo sitting on the grass, looking down. She sees a blue scooter that has been thrown, covered in dirt, and laid sideways. Whitespot looks concerned. She goes to her. They are standing at the edge of the cliff where a lake is underneath flowing quietly. Scootaloo looks sad and mad at the same time. “You alright, Scoot?” Scootaloo sniffs. “I'm fine.” She seems pretty upset. Whitespot is still concerned. “Scoot, I mean that this would ever happen, but- I could make this up. I mean, the way you teach me, something happens to me that you help me for the gymnastics during the training, and-” “It’s not the training! It's my wings. You see, I’ve kept hiding from this for a long time. My wings ain't have enough strength to flap properly. They are too small, and I admit to myself: I'm as unusual as other Pegasus.” Whitespot tries to convince her that Scootaloo is not different from others. She tells her that her inspiration helped her to achieve Whitespot’s skills. Scootaloo’s courage helped Whitespot to do her best. Scootaloo is obsessing. Plus, she never thinks she could be the best at anything because nopony ever told her. Whitespot keeps trying to help Scootaloo not to be disappointed or feel guilty. Always encouraging to one another and build each other up, just as you are doing. Scootaloo is still feeling a little remorse. Afterward, Whitespot gives her some time and tells her that her faith can never be impossible. She leaves her alone. Scootaloo looks quiet. She looks at Whitespot, walking away. She tries to say something to her but fails. Still sad, she is thinking. She looks at her scooter. She is always watching. Her expression starts to look stern, focusing on her attention. She looks away, and then looks back at her scooter again. She grabs her scooter. Later, Scootaloo stands on top of the hill. She is preparing to launch herself with her wings on the scooter. She twists her wings to different angles and flaps them rapidly. She pushes herself forward down to Ponyville. She rides as fast as lightning. She even penetrates through narrow corridors and neighborhood houses. She drives all around areas in the town. As Whitespot is walking sad, she looks beyond the horizon. She sees Scootaloo riding her scooter. Whitespot feels pleased. When Scootaloo stops her scooter, right in front of Whitespot, she takes off her helmet and looks at her intensely.  Both Whitespot and Scootaloo looked at each other, happily. During her training, Whitespot keeps practicing as Scootaloo is helping her. At the same time, Whitespot keeps encouraging Scootaloo to not give up. She tells her to keep moving forward. Every where Whitespot goes, she sees Thistle. She walks away angrily; Whitespot feels remorse. When Whitespot is taking a moment to relax, she sees Scootaloo standing on a hilltop looking up in the sky. Whitespot joins her. She thanks her for helping her. However, Scootaloo is worrying if she trains and improves her well. Whitespot says win or lose doesn't even matter as long as we live. Always keep looking forward, work hard, and try our best. What’s done is done! She also invites her to join the Olympic competition stadium. Scootaloo accepts it. They hug each other. > Chapter 10 - Apologizing Thistle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Thistle’s cottage, Whitespot knocks on the door, and Thistle answers the door. She looks surprised and confused. She sees both Whitespot and Scootaloo. Whitespot begins to apologize to Thistle for not being with her or being such a lousy friend. All because Scootaloo helps Whitespot. With a startling speech that Whitespot couldn't say something, Scootaloo interrupts. Scootaloo tries to tell Thistle that a friend can never take another friend away. She doesn't mean to take Whitespot away from Thistle. Thistle now understands and believes in Scootaloo. She hugs Whitespot, and Scootaloo hugs them all. > Chapter 11 - A Grand Competition Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Olympic stadium, Whitespot and Scootaloo enter the stadium where thousands of ponies are waiting outside. As Whitespot and Scootaloo enter, they see thousands of crowded ponies in their seats. There are flashing cameras and competitors in the stadium’s Olympic field. Whitespot and Scootaloo look so surprised; they have never seen anything their life. On the other hand, Whitespot is nervous, trembling. Scootaloo encourages her to stand up and be confident. Whitespot agrees. As they walk through in the stadium field, they see dozens of pony rivals practicing their moves. There are dozens of sports they perform, such as jumping rope, gymnastics, acrobat, etc. Whitespot even sees Twisty Light creating her fantastic moves. She gives an ugly, stern look at Whitespot. Whitespot, on the other hand, ignores her. As the competition begins, dozens of ponies perform their moves on the field. Some ponies finish their rounds, and some don't. Dozens of names have changed from the next round to another on a competition chart as the judges score their points. Twisty Light even beats every series toward the final. On the other hand, Whitespot is trying to beat the rounds, too, with the support of Scootaloo. During the competition, two rivals make the final round: Whitespot and Twisty Light.  During the break round-up, Scootaloo gives Whitespot some relaxation. She encourages her to keep it up. An announcer tells everypony at the stadium that the judges will score for two rivals. They have at least three minutes to perform before the horn sounds off. The announcer chooses Twisty Light to perform first. As the lights dim off, many lights and lasers flash, and rock/pop music plays, unexpectedly. They spin. A foreshadow character in a fancy 70s fashion appears and sings. It's Twisty Light. She wears a silver, reflective mirror dress. Her mane is twisted and curved beautifully, like Lady Gaga, with silver straight lines. She makes fantastic gymnastic moves and performances. Also, she holds two silver streamers, spinning dizzily. Her friends, as background performers, perform their steps while Twisty Light sings and performs. At the same time, while she performs and sings, she goes to Whitespot and makes fun of her, picking on her. Her moves are so flexible than Whitespot during the performance. Right before the horn sounds off, Twisty Light gradually stops performing. Thunder from the crowd applause and cheers. Cameras are flashing brightly. The judges score her round. The crowd applauds loudly! Both Whitespot and Scootaloo are in shock. Whitespot is incredibly horrified. Gradually, the entire sound is fading down in her mind. Everything around her is confusing and dizzy. She looks stressed, tired, and dizzy, ultimately. Finally, a few seconds later, Scootaloo grabs Whitespot’s hoof, and her dizziness fades out. “Hey! Are you alright?” Whitespot nods a bit. > Chapter 12 - Whitespot's Challenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the announcer is calling for Whitespot to perform, Whitespot can't go on the stage. She's afraid that she could never be better than Twisty Light. Her moves are so slow than Twisty Light, so Whitespot can't make it finish in three minutes. Scootaloo convinces her to believe in herself, keep moving her moves without hesitation. More importantly, miracles can change something incredible. Scootaloo believes her. When the horn sounds off, Scootaloo pats Whitespot's shoulder, and Whitespot joins in. On the Olympic field, Whitespot begins to perform her moves as the horn sounds off. She makes a quick spin through the hoops, flips herself down the mat, penetrates through hoops, bars, walks on a string very efficiently. Scootaloo is so impressed. Twisty Light says, “Oh, please. That ain't gonna happen with that traditional moves!” Scootaloo has enough of that foolishness. “HEY! What is your problem, gal?! Don't you even realize that she's improving well? And now you’re just going to tease her like that?! I hope you'll realize one day you’ll feel the same feeling as Whitespot has. Just as much as you being such a jerk pony like you!” Twisty Light is incredulous or shocked. It is a moment that seizes her to her very core. Five seconds before time finishes, Whitespot has to face her final challenge: the High-Speed-Loop-Eclipse of Doom! At the end of the mat, she sees something that looks so far away! She starts to tremble. Scootaloo seems so nervous. Then she sees a ray of sunshine brightening over the ceiling. “Take it down! TAKE IT DOWN!” Whitespot immediately runs toward the wall. She jumps up, lands on top of the wall, and spins herself rapidly up toward the ceiling. The crowd gasps in astonishment. Whitespot flies through the sunbeam, creating a majestical eclipse. She is heading toward the center of the field where a pillar stands. Then her entire body starts to glow. As the horn is about to sound off, she immediately stands on the pillar with one hoof! The crowd is cheering wildly! Most of the judges are astonished and speechless, even Twisty Light. Scootaloo cheers even wild too. She looks so exciting, dynamic, and exploding as Pinkie Pie! Whitespot is so astonishing. She looks so happy too. She spins herself down to the ground and lands on the mat. She is so astonished than ever before. The crowd continues to cheer! Whitespot bursts to tears in joy. Scootaloo runs towards her and hugs her tightly. Cameras are flashing brightly. > Chapter 13 - The Value Lesson of Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the competition, the judges score their points. The crowd is going wild, anticipating the winner of the Olympic tournament—more cameras flashover. Whitepot and Twisty Light are standing on the stage surrounded by crowds of ponies. Scootaloo is standing behind Whitespot. Scootaloo is hoping if Whitespot could win the competition. She wants to make Whitespot feel happy for all the training and confidence she gave her. The announcer walks on the stage, holding the envelope. "Alright! And now the moment you have been waiting for. The winner of the Olympic championship is: “TWISTY LIGHT!” The crowd crowds wildly! Both Whitespot and Scootaloo are stunned but disappointed. The judges honor Twisty Light and her team to receive a 1st place medal of the Olympic Record. They place her over her neck. Whitespot looks so proud of Twisty Light; at the same time, Scootaloo seems a little upset. She sighs disappointedly. She walks off. Whitespot looks back and notices she's gone. She follows her.  As Scootaloo walks sadly away, Whitespot stops her. She says, “Hey!” “I failed you. I'm sorry.” Scootaloo's one tear falls. She tries to look away from Whitespot. Whitespot feels empathy. “No. You did not fail; you saved me! Even though I didn't win the competition, I feel happy to beat the record, like never before, and you make me happy. As long as we live, we can still be friends forever!”  Scootaloo smiles. Whitespot hugs Scootaloo. Scootaloo walks away. Whitespot goes to Twisty Light and says, “Nice job on a field! That was impressive!” Twisty Light looks shocked. She begins to feel a little empathy too. “Thanks.” Before Whitespot walks away, Whitespot determines to stand on Twisty Light. “Listen, I don't want to argue anymore. Competition has nothing to do for being famous or being the best at anything. It's all about friendship with great honesty and determination. Truce?” Twisty Light nods. Both Twisty Light and Whitespot clack together for a high five with their hooves. Twisty Light walks out and waves at her. So does Whitespot. Thistle finds Whitespot, and they start to chat with each other. Scootaloo looks at Whitespot in the front entrance, smiling. She looks so proud and pleased with her friend or to herself.  “You did pretty well, Scoot.” Scootaloo is shocked. What she sees behind is a full-grown, rainbow-colored, figurative Pegasus pony. Her idol: Rainbow Dash. She is looking at her and smiling at her. “Rainbow! But how d-did you- when- how- what-” “Duh, I’ve seen you every day. I mean, you did pretty well to help with your little friend here. That was really impressive. You showed yourself the determination and wisdom of what is really important to your dedication. For a pony like you, you proved yourself with such bravery.” Scootaloo is both speechless and blushing and says, “I knew I could do anything.” “Yea, I knew you could. You know, Scootaloo, you reminded me of myself just like when I was your age. You see, I wasn’t that type of pony who was awesome or coolness. I was looking for some new ways to build up for myself. A pony that I know taught me something important: never give up, always be responsible. That phrase really means so much to me. And I knew that I could be the best flyer in all Equestria. The same way I was taught, the same way I taught you.” Scootaloo looks so pleased with Rainbow Dash. At some point, Scootaloo is feeling a little down when she looks at her small wings. “Hey, one day, kid, whatever happens to your wings, you’ll do even better than you ever imagined.” Scootaloo feels empathy and sighs. She looks at Whitespot and says, “Yea, I hope so. You see, for Whitespot, she could never be able to make it across without my help. Her sadness broke her apart from that she could never be confident. She will never be able to win the competition or break the record without my help. Her ability is a miracle. Even though her wings were gone, now she feels more confident, stronger, and more courageous than anypony else. All because I helped her. To her, she can do anything with or without her wings. Somepony, like her, will be able to find new ways to achieve better than ever, and also will make a difference. In fact, she reminded me of something that I never thought of before. Her characterization gives me the ability to be patient, think hard, and believe in myself. The way I taught her; the same way she taught me. She taught me that friendship could never have a little white lie to someone who has a secret from the inside. Always encouraging one another and building each other up, just as in fact you are doing. That really means so much to me. She proved that I’m the best at everything, even her... And I knew what I had to do just that: saving Whitespot!” > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to the present, a little filly is looking astonished. She looks similarly to Whitespot, only younger. What she is looking at is a full-grown Pegasus pony. It is Whitespot who is telling the story about herself. “And that’s what happened when I became a new member of the Olympic championship game. I won multiple awards and taught fillies to do the same thing as I was taught. I made it across to be the best Olympic gymnastic pony ever.” Littlespot asks, “So what happened to your friend now? How’s she doing?” Whitespot is silent until, “Oh, I think she has some practicing in her flights.” She looks out of the window, and she sees a few birds flying across the full moon in the nighttime sky. Littlespot looks in awe. Whitespot looks down, remembering her past or Scootaloo. “Hey, Littlespot, one day, you’ll become a great championship pony, just like me. All you have to do is be confident and strong, just like me. Trust me! I know it; you just got to be patient, and I know you’ll do the best.” Littlespot is feeling okay and off to bed as Whitespot looks at her daughter, walking. Whitespot stands steadily thinking. Then she looks at the top of a shelf, saying, “Thank you, my friend, for everything you did. I would never make this far without you. Without you, everything will be different, and I could never be the same pony as I’m today. I will always remember what you taught me in the park: "always be confident and courageous." The same way Rainbow Dash taught you, the same way you taught me, and the same way I taught you. You’re my best friend that I ever got, and I promise that I will be the best pony ever. I hope you have a wonderful time making your dreams come true and live in a better place. We had a lot in common with each other, huh?” Whitespot takes a moment to think silently and says, “let us strain forward where miracles have a new goal and prize for us!” Whitespot looks so pleased. She sighs and walks away. What she was looking at, on top of the shelf, is a picture of both young Whitespot and Scootaloo hugging each other in the Olympic stadium. There's also her old 2nd place medal. The End.