> Equestria Girls: Bonds Forged of Friendship I (Love) > by Flotsam > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Act 1 — Chapter 1 - Among Orchards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typically, the Apple Family looked forward to the fall season more than any other. The cooler weather meant finishing up chores without getting so sweaty; the drier, firmer earth meant not having to trudge through as much mud; and the constant shedding of so many trees provided for a near-endless supply of leaf piles to dive into—with some spectacularly chromatic splashes to boot. Most importantly, however, was that Sweet Apple Acres' namesake product was in full bloom around this time of year. Apples, both large and lustrous, were practically bursting from every tree on the farm right now. This season was looking to be particularly bountiful, and with that bounty came a whole slew of tantalizing possibilities... Pinkie Pie could usually put it best: “Apple butter, apple juice, apple cider, apple sauces, apple jams, apple dumplings, apple stroodles—oooh, apple streusels—apple turnovers, apple chips, apple pies, APPLE CAKES, MMMMMM!” just to name a few. And it was these products, as well as their resultant profits, that would help maintain and improve the farm year after year. It was a whole lot of hard work, but the dividends were almost always as sweet as the produce. Yes, for one reason or another, the Apple Family always looked forward to fall, and most of them were enjoying it as much as expected; however, one such Apple wasn't quite as jubilant as the rest of the bunch, and her friends were beginning to worry about her. Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy made their way down the path leading to Sweet Apple Acres' western orchards. Between clear skies and a refreshingly crisp breeze, it was certainly a lovely Saturday afternoon—perfect for spending some time with their best friends. Sadly, they were already down one of the usual group, and Applejack had passed on almost every opportunity to hang out for over a week now. Her excuse was always that there were chores to catch up on, but that was sounding less believable by the day. The cowgirl was a hard worker, no doubt, but rarely did her responsibilities ever keep her away for too long. Add onto that how distant and distracted she seemed as of late, and it all became a bit too much not to wonder about. “I'm telling you, something is definitely up,” said a determined Sunset. “Ohh...I don't know, Sunset,” Fluttershy chimed timidly. “Maybe Applejack's just fallen behind on her chores? This is usually the busiest time of the year for them, right?” “Sure, but didn't you notice how the rest of her family was acting?” Following the directions they were given from Applebloom, the two started to veer off toward the trees then. Applejack's younger sister had actually been the first person they encountered on this visit, and they found her just aimlessly putzing about. An unusual sight to behold, but it wasn't the only thing that seemed amiss around here. “It's almost like...they're falling behind her. Like she's outworking all of them. How often is Applebloom just standing around with not much to do? And did you see Big Mac? He was lugging all those apple-bins like it was a marathon or something!” “Well...I guess it is a little strange. Every time I help out around here, they always seem pretty coordinated with each other. And the animals are acting a bit more...uptight than usual.” “See? Maybe it's nothing, but we should at least check to make sure she's alright. If nothing else, we could offer to help out. Better to work with friends than alone, right?” The girls ventured deeper inward, hoping to track down their friend by following her trail—footprints, discarded apples, or even a line of fruitless trees—but there wasn't any to speak of. All of the nearby trees were stripped clean, but everything else seemed largely untouched. Did Applejack seriously have the time to harvest all of this and tidy up the aftermath without any help at all? Sunset and Fluttershy were having enough trouble just navigating these labyrinthine woodlands. They tried calling out for their friend but to no avail. Fluttershy would've asked some nearby wildlife for directions, but the harvesting must've scared them all away for the time being. Eventually, as the options dwindled away and the orchard grew harder to navigate, the two were forced to rethink things for a moment. “Ugh! I always forget how large this place is. How does AJ do it?” “Should we head back?” "Yeah... Maybe we can track down Applebloom again and—" Before they could deliberate any further, however, the excited barks of a familiar little collie began echoing throughout the orchard. Moments later, Fluttershy spotted said pup bounding towards her, and before she could even react, it leaped into her arms and licked at her face enthusiastically. “Why, hello, Winona!” she giggled. “How are you today? Oh, your coat looks so lovely! What? Oh! She's saying 'hello' to you too, Sunset!” “Um, hey, Winona... Nice weather, huh?” Sunset awkwardly patted the collie's head. Even with Fluttershy as a translator, she never quite knew what to say to most animals. What kind of small talk could you possibly make with a dog, after all? Still though, perhaps there was something that might be worth discussing with this one right now. “Hey, you haven't seen Applejack around here by chance, have you?” Winona replied with only a few barks, but they were enough to elicit a chuckle from Fluttershy before she interpreted them for her friend. “That's so kind of you! She says she has, and she'd be happy to show us where.” “That's great! Lead the way, girl!” The collie launched from Fluttershy's embrace and started jogging along, with the girls following closely behind. A couple of minutes and more than a few twists and turns later, they finally reached what was certainly a unique landmark to behold: a veritable pyramid of apple-bins. Each one was to the point of overflowing, and the entire precarious arrangement stood about as high as a tractor. Uninitiated though she may have been, even Sunset could tell that this was beyond an early fall day's worth of harvest—especially for one person. “Whoa! No wonder Big Mac's running himself ragged! Can you imagine having to carry all these back in a day?” “Especially when more are coming?” Fluttershy added, pointing to a nearby tree encircled with more bins—just as a few more apples fell into some already mounting piles. As the girls walked up to get a closer look, they soon noticed the ladder also leaning against the tree, as well as the farmer perched on top of it. Her golden ponytail was littered with leaves, and her hat housed enough loose twigs to fashion a small bird's nest; however, debris or not, there was no mistaking who was rummaging through those branches then...and who was looking every bit as off as she had for the past week. “Applejack?” they both asked, sharing a glance before approaching their friend. Well, things certainly seemed alright with her, insane amount of implied labor notwithstanding. Applejack was always good at projecting a certain aura—one of stalwart dependability and confidence—the kind that reaffirmed her role as one of the most trustworthy people around. To the average observer, that's exactly who seemed to be atop that ladder right then: a hard worker just focused on her duties. But her closest friends saw more and knew better. “Applejack?” Fluttershy called out lightly. Their friend didn't respond. Instead, she just plucked another apple from the tree, gave it a serious once-over, and tossed it over her shoulder. “...Bad,” she moaned, before reaching for another. Sunset took a step closer. “Hello? Applejack?” The farm girl's sharp glare could've peeled the fruit she was inspecting then. It rotated slowly between her palms as she grumbled, her face twisting with a look somewhere between confused and upset. "...Fer cryin' out loud," she mumbled. "Can't believe she—" “APPLEJACK!” “Gah!” she yelped, nearly tumbling down the ladder in a startle. It took a moment more for Applejack to gather herself then, but having been jolted back to reality, she finally noticed her friends and regarded them with a slightly embarrassed smile. “Oh, uh...howdy, Sunset! Fluttershy! Y'all gave me a pretty good jump there. What brings ya 'round these parts?” “Sorry about that, AJ,” Sunset replied with a light chuckle. “We were just wondering what you've been up to. Haven't seen much of you around lately.” “Heh, yer lookin' at most of it. Just gettin' a head start on this year's harvest is all.” “Yyyeahhh...we noticed.” Sunset looked back over at the apple pyramid, just in time for a pickup truck to pull up nearby. From there, a disheveled Big Mac stepped out and started wearily loading the truck with bins, all the while trying his hardest to keep both the pyramid and himself from falling over. It's a shame they hadn't run into Applejack's brother first during this visit. He could've given them a ride, and they could've perhaps given him a moment to catch his breath. “Umm, I'm no apple expert or anything, but isn't it still a little early to be this far into harvesting?” Applejack readjusted her stetson, trying to hide how awkward she felt while fishing for an explanation. “Oh, uh... Heh heh. Well, it's lookin' to be a pretty busy season this year, so me an' the family thought it'd be best to get a move on now, ya know? Early bird gets the worm an' all that.” With that, she quickly turned back around and started ruffling through the branches again. “Uh-huh... Speaking of, Applebloom told us you already took care of her harvest chores. And we couldn't help noticing Big Mac. Looks like he's really struggling to keep up with all the bins you've filled. Are they all from this morning?” “'Course not, Sunset,” Applejack replied, tossing another couple of apples over her shoulder. She seemed to be moving a bit faster at this now. “Reckon that's only about half a' everything I harvested so far today. An' don't you worry none 'bout Big Mac. Why, he practically lives for luggin'. Ain't that right, Big Mac!?” “...Eee...yup!” the young man panted, all the while wobbling his way back with a bin balanced on his hunched-over back. Sunset and Fluttershy couldn't help but exchange a worried glance—if not for their friend, then for the poor fellow who looked like he was about to keel over underneath a makeshift apple-bin tombstone. “Well...sure was nice seein' y'all,” Applejack said rather hastily, “but I'd best be gettin' back to my work, so...” Everyone had their tells, and hers were about as loud and unsubtle as Pinkie Pie announcing a party. “...Um, Applejack?” Fluttershy said. “...Are you sure you're alright?” “Huh!? 'C-'Course I am! What makes y'all think I ain't?” Those apples were falling about as fast as she could pluck them now. When was the last time one actually made it into a bin? “...Well... It's just... You haven't seemed quite like yourself.” “And you haven't been around much lately," Sunset added, sensing her friend's discomfort over broaching the topic. "Is something wrong?” “I...I-I just been busy is all. Shoot, between all the pluckin', gatherin', inspectin', an'—” “Inspecting? I thought Granny Smith was in charge of that. Isn't that where Big Mac's taking those apples now?” “Uh, well... I-I mean... Granny's just gettin' a bit older nowadays, an' her eyes ain't 'xactly what they used to be. So, I reckoned I'd help out a bit. They say the eyes are always the first to go!” Applejack forced a weak laugh before tossing another apple aside. “Take that lil' sucker right there. Ain't no way we can use it.” Fluttershy picked up the apparently bad produce and looked it over. “Really? But...this apple looks perfectly delicious. Why, I bet even Angel Bunny would love this, and he can be very picky with his midnight snacks.” “Heh. Sure, that one looks mighty fine now—all shiny an' smooth-like. But maybe it's startin' to dry out, or it ain't quite ripe enough, ya know?” Okay, now she was just launching apples straight from the tree. “An' how 'bout when it's gone an' you don't know what's goin' on with it? Maybe it gets all bruised on the trip over to the barn.” An apple landed right near Sunset's foot. “Maybe it falls overboard, or gets lost when they're bein' unloaded!” An apple flew dangerously close by Sunset's shoulder. “Um, Applejack?” “Or MAYBE it gets attacked by a gosh-darn worm, an' you ain't there to help it cuz it hasn't reached out to ya in—” An apple bounced right off of Sunset's head. “OW! Hey...” Applejack stopped then and there, turning to see Sunset nursing the newfound bump on her scalp. The guilt almost instantly washed over her, and she quickly slid down the ladder as Fluttershy inspected their friend's head. “Are you alright, Sunset?” “Yeah...no biggie. Hey, maybe now I'll have an epiphany about Equestrian Magic or something, right?” Seeing Sunset joke just made Applejack feel all the worse. Her friends came here to check up on her, and all she did in return was try to dodge their concerns and rain down red-delicious carnage. And all over something so stupid... Enough was enough. She pulled her hat off and held it close to her chest before speaking, all the while choosing her words carefully. “...I'm mighty sorry, Sunset. To you too, Fluttershy... I...I know I've been actin' off lately. Truth is, I been feelin' a might off as well. That's why I started workin' so much 'round here, so y'all wouldn't have to put up with it, an' so I could get my mind offa my thoughts fer a while. And...I guess I was just a lil' embarrassed talkin' 'bout it...” “Hey,” Sunset replied gently, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. “It's alright. We didn't mean to pry into your business. We just wanted to make sure you were alright, and see if we could help. You know there's nothing to be embarrassed about around us, but if you'd rather just handle things on your own for now, we totally accept that.” Fluttershy nodded with a soft smile, and Applejack couldn't help but grin back at the both of them. She hated showing weakness, especially to the people that she cared about most. However, her friends always found a way to remind her of just how much strength it took to confide in those you trusted, and how much strength they could lend if you allowed them to. If Rarity were here, she'd say the same— “...Heh... Reckon I've done just about enough on my own," " she said, before placing her hat back on and taking a deep breath. "Truth is...it's about Rarity... Actually, have either of y'all heard from her?” “Hmm, nothing directly. But her Snapgab's been on fire lately. Seems like she's really having fun in Manehattan!” “Oh, did you see her latest picture?” Fluttershy pulled out her phone, fiddled with it for a moment, and showed Applejack. On the screen was an image of Rarity and her sister chowing down on a generously-sized ice cream sundae, their grinning mouths coated over with melted chocolate and vanilla. Sunset certainly wasn't wrong; she really seemed to be enjoying herself... “...Aw, y'all know I don't really follow all that Snapgab hooey...” Applejack couldn't hide the solemn look on her face then, or the slight slump in her shoulders. “...Is everything alright?” “Well... Y'all know how we had that lil' spat before she left, right?” “Wait, you guys still haven't made up?” “I ain't been able to!” she blurted out, before shaking her head in protest. “I mean, not like I have anything to apologize fer, but still...I ain't heard a thing from her...” “Huh, that is a little odd. I know you two tend to argue a lot, but it's not like Rarity to just ignore you for too long. What were you two fighting about?” “Aw, it was stupid!” Applejack huffed, as she started pacing. “Rarity promised to help me out with this year's harvest is all. I told her she didn't have to, but that gal plum insisted! Even seemed excited fer it... Then, she just up an' tells me she's goin' to Manehattan with her family A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE DAGGUM TRIP! No warnin', no nothin'! An' she says she don't understand why I'm so peeved! Can y'all believe that!?” Sunset and Fluttershy were a bit taken aback then, but mostly by how upset Applejack seemed. After all, it wasn't often that something could upset her so visibly, let alone when it came to her best friend. “Well, I mean... It was a chance for Rarity to spend some time with her family... She doesn't get to do that too often, right?” “Yeah, and she is an aspiring fashion designer. From what I hear, Manehattan is supposed to be, like, the nation's clothing capital! Kinda hard to pass up an opportunity that could be good for her career, you know?” “Don't y'all think I realized that stuff already?” The farm girl sighed as her pacing slowed down. It was obvious that she'd been keeping this all bottled up for a while now, and being able to finally vent about it must've been as relieving as it was emotionally exhausting. “At first, it just seemed like Rarity was ditchin' me to goof off in some fancy-pants city... I was so mad, I even said some things at her I prolly shouldn't have. But after she left, I got to thinkin' an'...realized 'xactly what y'all are sayin'. Doesn't make everything right, but it does make more sense. And I did promise her an' all...” She stopped pacing and looked at her phone before continuing. “So, I been textin' an' callin' to try an' clear the air, but...” “...You haven't heard back from her?” “And that's what's got you feeling so down?” “Well, that an'...” Applejack partially turned away. She could feel the warmth rising in her cheeks, and hoped her friends would just attribute it to all the hard work from harvesting. “Aw, shucks... This is just plain silly...” Sunset stepped just a bit closer. “It's okay. You can tell us.” Save for the light breeze rustling throughout, silence permeated the orchard as cowgirl's response stalled. Winona did let out an enthusiastic bark at one point, but it only prompted a giggling Fluttershy to reply with a gentle “shhh,” as well as a light head-scratching. Eventually, when Applejack did finally speak, she lead off with something rather unexpected. “...Truth is...this is the longest me and Rarity've ever gone without talkin', an'—” “Wait...seriously!?” The farmer nodded. “But, that can't be true, can it? What about when she worked at Equestria Land? We didn't see her for weeks!” “Didn't see her, yeah. But we still talked an' texted plenty.” “What about before Twilight showed up?... P-Princess Twilight, I mean, not the regular—er, the human Twilight... Back when Sunset was so mean and used all those awful tricks to break us apart? Oh, sorry...” Fluttershy smiled sheepishly at a half-smirking Sunset. “Eh, not gonna argue with you when you're right,” she replied, lightly punching her friend's arm. “Well, actually...Sunset just fooled me into bein' mad with Rainbow Dash. I still talked with Rarity... Just not so much at school.” The farm girl walked over and picked up one of the discarded apples, her half-glossed eyes settling on a massive bruise as she examined it in greater detail. “...Point is, we ain't ever gone so long before without...well, any kind a' interactin'...an' I guess I... I just really miss her...” “...Well, what's wrong with that?” “Huh!?” Applejack turned around a bit faster than intended, nearly crushing the apple within her grasp out of surprise then. She wasn't quite sure why that question caught her off-guard the way that it did, but at least her friends didn't seem to notice too much. “You and Rarity are best friends!" Sunset continued. "You've known each other since elementary school! It's only natural you'd miss her. And we feel exactly the same way. Right, Fluttershy?” “Oh, um...right! ...Exactly the same!” The farmer's eyes shifted to the ground, unsure of what they were even scouring for. Everything Sunset said was technically correct. Missing a close friend was only natural, and of course it wasn't a feeling unique to just her. After everything that she and the rest of the girls had been through, it would've been strange otherwise. And yet...something was off...like her friends didn't fully comprehend how she felt. She didn't blame them, though. How could she, when Applejack didn't completely understand it all herself? It wasn't just one thought or emotion. It was a whirlwind of them—a maelstrom of contradictions that increasingly plagued her mind and dogged her steps. She worked harder than ever, yet felt so much less motivated. Minutes away from her phone passed like hours, while hours waiting beside it flew by like nothing. She delighted in feeling unfettered of all the whining and prissy behavior, only to find herself reminiscing on those very qualities rather than enjoying their absence. She flipped between anger at every one of Rarity's wrongdoings—real or implied—to anxiety over whether or not she had done something to upset or even hurt the seamstress. She did miss Rarity; that much was obvious. But it wasn't the right word. It wasn't the right feeling. It was more like... Honestly, where was Rarity when Applejack needed an overly dramatic summation of things she didn't outright get? Even with friends by her side, Sunset could see that the farmer was still feeling down, and she wished there was more that could be done to help out. However, while it had always been uniquely admirable, the bond that Applejack and Rarity shared was one that she just didn't have much experience with. Even with all of her progress in understanding friendship, something as old and strong as one from an early childhood was beyond her expertise. Still, she had to try something... “Hey, AJ?” she asked, bringing the farm girl out of her musing. “Mind if I see your phone for a sec?” “Uh...sure, Sunset. Everything alright?” “Yeah, just...wanna take a look at something real quick.” Sunset took Applejack's phone and started perusing it. While she was busy with that, Fluttershy took the opportunity to inquire about something herself. “Um, can I ask you something?” “Sure, Fluttershy. Fire away.” “Well... What was that promise you mentioned before?” “Huh?” “When you were talking about your argument, you said something about how you made Rarity a promise. I was just wondering what that was, but...if that's being too pushy...” “...Oh! Uh, nah, it's fine. Just a promise I made her back when we first met.” “Really? I don't think I've ever heard either of you mention that before.” “Heh, I doubt that gal even remembers half a' what I say. And it ain't really that big a deal. Just something I try an' hold myself to, is all.” “Um, AJ?” Sunset interrupted. “When was the last time you texted Rarity?” “Hm? 'Bout an hour or two ago, I reckon. Why?” Sunset double-checked her friend's phone before answering. It was hard to believe, but...maybe there really was a way that she could help out, after all. “Well, you do know that message didn't actually go through, right?” “...Beg yer pardon?” She showed Applejack the phone and began scrolling up its chat log. “Yeah. Actually, it looks like none of your messages have gone through for a while now.” “Wait, WHAT!?” Applejack grabbed her phone and frantically scrolled through it. Sure enough, at the bottom right of the last few dozen texts—displayed next to a small stop-sign icon—was the phrase “Message Not Sent.” The farmer's eyes widened, and her cheeks practically mirrored the hue of the apples she'd been harvesting. “...But...I... CONSARN NEW-FANGLED PHONES! Can't they make something like that more obvious!?” “Maybe that's why you haven't heard anything from her, either. There could be something wrong with both your phones.” “Wait...are y'all serious!?” Applejack could barely hold back her shock, let alone the growing hope that Sunset was correct. “Well, is there anything we can do about that?” “Maybe Twilight could think of something,” Fluttershy offered. “She did help set up my phone and computer, after all. She even installed that game service you recommended, Sunset!” “Hey, yeah! And I'll bet with all of us working together, we could easily figure out something as simple as tech support. How about it, AJ?” For the first time in a while, Applejack was genuinely elated. Honestly, even if the opportunity to reach out to Rarity hadn't presented itself, it just felt good knowing how much her friends were there for her. Between Sunset's empathy, Fluttershy's kindness, and doubtless the many other ways that they all showed their support every day, she couldn't help but feel truly blessed at that moment. With not a moment's hesitation, the farmhand replied with a hearty laugh. “Maybe I could use a lil' break, if y'all still wanna do something.” “Of course!” Fluttershy said. “Absolutely! I think Rainbow Dash is still working her shift at the mall, but I'm sure we could all meet up for her break!” “Well then, what're we waitin' for!? Let's get a move on!” With that, the girls began making their way back to the farm's entrance; however, they only got a few steps away from the tree before Fluttershy raised one final concern. “Oh... But...will your family be okay if you're gone for a bit?” “Huh? Oh, I'm sure they'll make do. Something tells me Big Mac could use the break, anyways...” She shouted over at her brother, who was currently lying on his back amongst a pile of spilled apples. “Hey, Big Mac!? Y'all be alright without me fer a spell?” Her brother managed to force a thumbs-up between pained gasps. “...Eee...yup!...” And with that, the chuckling girls once again started back towards the entrance. It was a lovely Saturday, after all, and a perfect opportunity to hang out with best friends. Next Time: Among High-Rises > Chapter 2 - Among High-Rises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh, Manehattan... What are you doing to me?” Rarity leaned back in her chair, swiveling it to gaze down at a city that never seemed to sleep. Even from thirty floors up, the streets of Manehattan shined as brilliantly in the evening as in broad daylight. From an outsider's perspective, it was probably gorgeous. It certainly was when she first arrived, at least. The glamorous cars; the neon signs; the sleek LCDs that ran constant streams of news and ads every minute, on the minute. And that was to say nothing of the countless upscale establishments, which attracted the upper echelons of high society like ornate moths to a flame. Five-star restaurants, designer boutiques, and amusements of all kinds lined every street and bathed every patron within the golden glow of such brightly lit buildings and displays. It was modern; it was trendy; it was simply dazzling. And here she sat—in a high-rise hotel that towered above it all—like a diamond adorning a glittering crown. What a facade... She looked down at the phone on her lap, only to be stared at by her own melancholy reflection then. Perhaps her friends were just so busy with school right now. Perhaps her best friend simply misplaced her phone or forgot to charge it. Perhaps Applejack would read this text: Do you have a moment?... Hoping that message would finally allow her to explain everything, she laid the phone back down on her lap and began reminiscing a bit more on this glorious city, while somberly awaiting a response... **** Even before setting foot in Manehattan, Rarity's mood had been viciously soured. After everything that brute said to her—calling her self-centered, saying she'd fit right in with all of those stuck-up Manehattanites, and whatnot—how could she not be utterly incensed!? Maybe that's what that uncouth country bumpkin desired all along: to preemptively ruin this trip and spoil the majesty of such a glorious city. Well, it wasn't going to work! Rarity was determined to make the absolute most of Manehattan. She would enjoy everything despite, and indeed to spite, her so-called friend. Moreover, there was to be no communication at all with said friend during the entirety of this time away. No matter how many texts or calls or apologies inundated her phone, she would simply be too busy enjoying herself to acknowledge them. Who needed that lout's blessing to have a good time anyway, or at all for that matter!? And thus, Rarity's vow of silence began. For the first few days, it was easy enough to commit to, thanks in no small part to her family. Touring the shopping districts with her parents, visiting the local amusements with her little sister, seeing Hinny of the Hills live and in person; these were all things that she didn't even have to try and delight in. As a matter of fact, they were so much fun that she briefly neglected to even look at her phone's inbox at all. “Hmph! Hopefully, there aren't too many missed calls,” she mused, before checking. There wasn't a single one...from anyone... Perhaps that ingrate was holding out, trying desperately to prove that she could ignore her best friend's absence longer. Perhaps the other girls were all staying far away from such an immature squabble started by such an immature hooligan. Perhaps, Rarity decided three days into her vow, she would bait the hook and send Applejack a quick little taunting text: How's everyone at school? Expecting that message to lightly prod at her friend's nerves, she slipped the phone back into her purse and smugly anticipated a response... **** In the midst of her reminiscence then, Rarity didn't even notice the sounds of someone approaching her hotel room, let alone the beep of the automated lock as it released. But when the door swung open, accompanied by a shrill but enthusiastic “HEY, RARITY!” it jolted the seamstress so hard that she nearly jumped from out of her chair. Following a moment of recovery, she turned around to see her younger sister flicking on the lights and gaily skipping into the room. “Oh...hello, Sweetie Belle,” she said, quick to straighten out the startled loose ends of her perfect coiffure. “You know, dearie, you really shouldn't enter a room so abruptly. How was the show?” “Great! They sold outta the one, so mom and dad took me to see the Blue Mane Group! It was so amazing!" her sister recounted, excitedly bouncing on her bed while reenacting some of the performance. "They were doing magic and stunts! Maybe that's what Applebloom, Scootaloo, and I could do! We could be performers! THE CIRQUE DU MAGIE ET COMÉDIE!" Rarity might've been more impressed by her sister's loose French then had it not been shouted against her eardrums. “Er, well...I'm certainly delighted that you had such a nice time, dear...” “Annnd,” Sweetie Belle teased, leaping from the bed and unfolding a flyer in front of her sister's face. “Look what I found!” Rarity leaned back to actually focus on the flyer, which seemed to be advertising some sort of massive ice cream sundae. Three bulbous scoops of strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate—all floating amongst a cloud of whipped cream. The entire thing was covered in banana slices, drenched in a caramel drizzle, and sprinkled over with crumbled nuts. As with almost everything else in this city, it was certainly a picturesque sight to behold. Sweetie Belle's finger, however, pointed towards the words in the flyer's corner, highlighted within a garish explosion graphic. “...The 2-4-1 Challenge?” “Two contenders, one HUGE sundae! If they finish in under 30 minutes, they get their picture up on the wall of fame! Whaddya say!?” Rarity's eyes shifted back to the outside view. It was still early enough that they could reach the parlor and return before it got too dark, but... “...I'm sorry, Sweetie, darling," she said, swiveling and rolling the chair back to her makeshift workstation in the corner. "But I really don't know if I—” “Rarityyy,” her sister whined, “you've been moping in this room for two days now! You spent half of yesterday crying dramatically into your pillow! You can't still be upset over that tour, can you!?” “And why would I not be!? After that conniving shrew swindled me out of my designs? And after everything I learned!? It was mortifying!” “But it was just one bad experience. And it still proves your designs were great! Isn't that what matters?” “Yes, sweetheart, but... Oh, you wouldn't understand. And besides, it...it isn't just...... I-I simply want to get back to my fashion sketches, alright?” Sweetie Belle looked over at Rarity's apparent sketches. Problem is, there were none. Just a bunch of crumpled-up papers littered all around the desk. All that her older sister had created in the past few days was just a larger mess for the maids to clean up, and enough was enough. “Okay, that does it! Come on now, get yourself ready! You and I are going to have some fun!” She pulled the chair back from the workstation, much to the protests of its current occupant. “Oh, now, Sweetie Belle! This is hardly—” But before Rarity could object any further, her sister spun her around with surprising force and pulled her up by the arms. Then, when their eyes met, Sweetie Belle utilized one of her most underhanded tactics: the pouting glare, complete with faux-watery eyes and a quivering lip. “Don't you like spending time with your baby sister?” All things considered, it was a masterfully done little expression then, and was especially effective whenever Sweetie Belle used it. Her naturally cracking voice could add that little pinch of pseudo-hurt to anything she said, and it made denying her requests vastly more difficult. Rarity should've been able to resist such maneuvers. After all, she taught her sister a fair chunk of them in the first place! Sadly, when it came to playing someone like a fiddle, the student had become an unparalleled instrumentalist. “...I... Well, I... Oh, alright, dear,” she sighed, a slight grin forming at the edge of her mouth. Annoyed as she was by the obvious deception of it all, Rarity couldn't help but feel a bit of pride for her sister's cunning. And, she had to admit...that sundae did look rather divine... “Buuut...you had better be able to finish your half of this beast. They say people tend to gain weight whenever they're on vacation, but I absolutely refuse to.” “Deal!” Sweetie Belle cheered, already halfway out the door. “Meet you by the elevator!” “Be right there! And don't run so fast down the hall!” she cautioned, all but certain that it was ignored. Between donning her shoes, straightening her hair, and making sure that she was perfectly presentable, it took Rarity a couple of minutes to get ready then. She probably could've finished much sooner, but every few seconds away from her phone compelled her to make sure that it didn't vibrate or turn off, or any number of other possibilities. Sadly, this kind of compulsion wasn't new. In the past couple of days, she found herself increasingly torn between two options. She could either stare at her sketchpad in the hopes of somehow bypassing this infernal creative block, or stare at her phone in the hopes that it would finally go off. Both were equally fruitless and wholly unpleasant endeavors, but they were all that she could focus on lately. Perhaps her sister was right about all of this moping. Perhaps her sister's offer to conquer a veritable mountain of ice cream was just the sort of break that she needed. Perhaps her sister could wait just one extra moment while she sent out one more text: I just want to talk. Please?... Thinking that message was as blunt as could be, Rarity clung to her phone as she stepped out—the memories of her last departure from the hotel still painfully fresh—while anxiously praying for a response... **** A week into her already shattered vow, Rarity was having quite a bit of trouble holding her position on the supposed high ground. Ordinarily, at times like these, she would work through her problems by confiding in her closest and most tight-lipped confidante: her feline, Opalescence. Sadly, pets weren't welcomed in such extravagant quarters—one of the very few complaints that could reasonably be issued against her hotel. As a result, she simply had to make do by consulting with the bathroom's full-body mirror, all the while preparing to depart for her big tour. “Oooh, come now, Rarity! Maintain your composure!” she commanded to her reflection, swapping between an entire cavalcade of possible dresses as the motivational speech continued. Ruby-Red Hoofman Blazer? Too aggressive. “Alright, yes, you did promise to lend Applejack your assistance with this year's harvest. That was never meant to be a lie! You even started putting together an ensemble for the occasion!” She recalled that particular outfit well—a weathered duck wesley, with jeans and matching lace-up boots. It was a bit of a throwaway, but it was also form-fitting, while still loose enough to allow for maneuverability. “...Not like she would even notice,” the fashionista grumbled. But it wasn't just about being noticed this time. After all, she wanted to actually be of use to Applejack, especially after everything the farmhand had done for her. And maybe...maybe she was even slightly looking forward to spending some time on the farm with her best friend... Charcoal-Grey Pencil Skirt? Too restrictive. “But Manehattan, darling! The heartland of all things fashion! The very epicenter of sweeping trends, the capital of couturiers! For the sake of your career, a chance to set foot in this rapidly revolving door is essential! Surely, Applejack understands that! She can't still be upset...” In the past few days, justifications like these and many more kept bouncing around in her head. Most of them ultimately found their way onto her phone as she texted her friend dozens of times already. But still no response came. It was unprecedented for Applejack to stay silent for this long, and it was beginning to rattle Rarity in ways that she never even expected. Anxiety gripped at her chest, as seeds of doubt began sprouting seemingly impossible possibilities. Dusty-Blue Hem Lace Bodycon? Too...something, she was sure. “But...what if Applejack is still upset? What if they all are!? What if... What if you've irrevocably tarnished your standing with all your friends!?” Whatever had slipped from her fingers then? Too...whatever! “No... No!” she declared, dramatically strutting across the bathroom and rummaging through her wardrobe. “This is all simply outrageous! There has to be an explanation! We've survived far worse than this! You've done far worse than... W-Well, even if it was an error on your part, it isn't something that cannot be repaired!” Deep-Indigo Etsuko? Perfect! “In fact,” she concluded, “the second that you've finished with this tour, and when Applejack finally concedes to your texts, you'll straighten out this whole ugly affair then and there! And I'm sure that when she comes around, the others will as well!” With that determination flaring, she straightened her hair, polished her nails, and accentuated every feature to perfection with the utmost detailed applications of makeup. “But first thing's first! Time to make a fabulous first impression!” She was confident! She was unique! She was absolutely perfect! It was time to depart, and take the first fashionable steps toward the very cradle of her future! Contrary to all of the tourism and commercialism, Manehattan wasn't just a proverbial buffet of trendy shops and shows. It was also a city that fostered the most burgeoning of young talent. Specifically, it was home to one of the premier technical institutions in the whole nation: The Manehattan University of Specialization and Technique. A pretentious name, to be certain, but the university had more than earned it—with a reputation as being a MUST for young designers and artists looking to break into the big-time. Alongside all of the technical teachings, it offered internships, international studies, workshops, and endless opportunities to market oneself. It wasn't just an education. It was an advantage, a head-start in career fields that were growing more popular and more crowded by the year. And it was here where a certain young fashion designer was confident that she would fit in perfectly. So, Rarity called ahead of time, and though it took quite a bit of explaining, call-backs, and being on hold with bureaucratic bean-counters for hours on end, she managed to secure a guided tour through the campus, as well as an interview. This was the chance that she had been anticipating so highly. Getting to see greatness in the making was nice enough, but it was the opportunity to show off her own that made this so exciting. After all, becoming a MUST-have student would take more than just grades and experience. Connections most certainly mattered, and who better to be connected with than people on the inside? It wouldn't be easy, but Rarity would begin building those bridges during her visit. She would speak with and get to know as many students and faculty as possible. She would marvel over all of the creative works on display, becoming a part of this tightly-knit community as they discussed and encouraged each other's passions. Her shining and generous personality would surely make for a rather favorable first impression. And if that wasn't enough, her little portfolio stuffed with some of her best work would undoubtedly seal the deal! It would all be her first graceful step into the professional world of fashion and style! It would all be perfect! It should've been perfect... Rarity's first step certainly was graceful, and her thirty-minute wait before the tour began was even more so. During that time, she had the fortuitous opportunity to meet a few other aspiring attendees, including one very enthusiastic old acquaintance. “RARITY! It's so good to see you again!” "Oh, uh...yes!" she replied. "So nice to see you, too, um—” There was nothing worse than not recognizing someone from your past, especially when that someone wasn't having the same issue. This woman did look familiar, or rather that headband and crossed scarf seemed recognizable, but still... Thankfully, and with a rather abrupt hug then, she spared Rarity the embarrassment of having to guess at her identity. “Don't you remember me? Suri Polomare, from Crystal Prep. We met during the Friendship Games!” “Oh! Yes, of course, of course! I knew you seemed familiar, I-I just couldn't quite place it. How have you been, darling?” “Fantastic! Just getting a head-start on college prep. Hoping to make it in the big city and all that, hmhmhm, m'kay. I see you're doing the same.” “Indeed! Manehattan is all just so marvelous, it would be a dream come true to actually be able to study here.” “Well, I know you're a shoo-in! I remember your collection back when we competed, and it was simply gorgeous! And obviously things haven't changed a bit,” she said, waving a hand over Rarity's current outfit. “Oh, you're far too kind, and clearly your work is equally as beautiful! I'm sure the rest of your pieces are as stunning as this,” she responded in kind, addressing Suri's Purple Hoofman Blazer. “Well, I do try my best, hmhmhm hmhm, m'kay. But your pieces always were a cut above the rest. I did bring a few of my own, but still...” “Nonsense! Why, between your charming style and demeanor, I'm sure everyone here is in for some rather stiff competition!” “Well...speaking of... I know we're all trying to make a name for ourselves here, but that doesn't mean we can't still be friends, right? And I was just wondering... Would you like to compare designs, as friends? Maybe give each other some constructive notes? I have done a LOT of research about this place, so I know a bit about what's popular around campus right now. What do you think?” “Why, that would be positively delightful!” Rarity beamed. Not even an hour in and she was already making meaningful connections! “How could I pass up such a kind offer? Are you sure you don't mind sharing what you've learned?” “Not at all... What are friends for, right?” The two friends sat together and began comparing outfits and notes. Perhaps if Rarity didn't have so much faith in others' generosity... Perhaps if she had stopped to notice the other girl watching with quiet concern... Perhaps, had her latest text not been so demanding, things would've somehow turned out differently... We need to talk! I'll be free after 3:00. Call me then! Thinking that message's instructions would be followed to the letter, she kept the phone in her pocket and confidently expected a prompt and timely response... **** In the midst of—actually, Rarity's reminiscing was briefly put on hold as she and Sweetie Belle made their way back to the hotel. The plan was to return before nightfall, but smuggling a metric ton of ice cream in their bellies had slowed things down considerably. Ultimately, they didn't reach their room until after darkness had already fallen, and when they did, Sweetie Belle almost immediately fell right along with it. “Ughhhh," she moaned in bilious defeat, flopping onto her bed as the extra calories helped her sink into it faster. "Can't believe we couldn't even eat half of that... I don't think I'll ever eat again...” “Indeed...” Rarity sighed. “I doubt even Pinkie Pie could've—well, she probably could. Still, though, we certainly gave it an admirable attempt! Maybe next time, we—” Sweetie Belle could only hum gently then, already halfway into sleeping off a massive sugar-crash coma. Ordinarily, Rarity would've protested her little sister's immediate somnolence, what with the sticky remains of their dessert still drizzled all down her clothing. Instead, however, she simply chuckled—just like when Sweetie recounted more of the Blue Mane Group's performance along the way. Just like when they started getting competitive once the sundae had arrived, and when that fervor ebbed away as they started savoring the sweet succor of every bite. Just like when they posed for a quick photo, and subsequently posted it to their Snapgab accounts. She brushed the top of her sister's head, realizing just how much fun she would've missed out on were it not for the little dear's insistence. “Thank you so much, Sweetie. Get some rest.” With that, she pulled a blanket over Sweetie Belle and nestled a pillow under her head. And finally, noticing how she herself was also still a bit of a mess, Rarity opted then to take a quick little shower. Nothing capped off any sort of day quite like a long shower, especially within a four-star establishment that spared no expense. As hot water ran in rivulets down her skin, cleansing her of all that pastel grime and residue, Rarity couldn't help but briefly forget her troubles and just take in the luxury of it all. The scented soaps and conditioners gave the stall a delightfully relaxing aroma—like standing in a field full of lavender—and the ornate stylings were as ellegant as they were inspiring. Honestly, between the porcelain walls, the stained glass door, and the smooth marble tiling, she knew of at least a few alterations that would need to be made to her bathroom back home. Back home... But while the last two hours had certainly proved to be a welcome reprieve for Rarity, they were also sadly short-lived. And as the shower continued, she steadily felt the levity of it all wash away from her, leaving behind the same frustrations that had persisted ever since that blasted tour. Credit given, Manehattan was indeed a city full of wonders and delights. The food, the entertainment, the shopping; it was everything she had hoped it would be and so much more. But as she stepped out from that shower, and the chill began to cling mercilessly to her skin, so much of this city's unpleasant underpinning came into focus. The impatient looks of snooty salespeople who sold her the most gorgeous of outfits. The irritation of sharply dressed pedestrians who couldn't even spare a smile to their fellow man. The avarice of designers more interested in gold lining pockets rather than the golden lining of pockets. It was all so hollow... So egotistic... So selfish. “So...me,” she muttered to the vanity, “...just as Applejack said...” Rarity's reflection wore a pitiful expression then as she finished getting dressed—one of betrayal and loneliness—and it looked exactly like Applejack's had when she broke the news about this whole trip. In all the fury and bitterness of the argument that followed, she had forgotten...or perhaps repressed...those moments when her best friend's face went from surprised elation to incredulous confusion, and finally to saddened outrage. It was an awful image, and with it came an awful realization: Applejack had been badly hurt...and by nobody other than Rarity. Perhaps she was just like Suri and the rest of these Manehattanites... Perhaps she was even worse... Perhaps this text would...would do something...anything... Could we please just talk? Please? Knowing that message was probably little more than a fruitless plea now—as futile and pathetic as all of the ones from after her interview—she dropped her phone onto the balcony table outside, losing hope for any kind of response... **** During the entirety of her interview, Rarity conducted herself with the utmost grace and decorum. No question surprised her, no situation unnerved her, and no revelation appeared to shake her. When they inquired about her previous experience and projects, she displayed her sketches with dignified reserve. When they regarded such works with a doubtful raise of brows, she kept her leg from nervously bobbing. When they revealed that these were nearly identical to sketches from an earlier candidate, her eyes only marginally widened. And when they suggested not relying so heavily on derivative works, she stifled a gasp and responded with a humbled nod. Yes, Rarity was the perfect interviewee. And like any perfect interviewee, it was only after setting foot outside of the office that she allowed her dignified front to shatter. A good thing too, since she was rather confident that her crimson cheeks and deathly glare were quite unbecoming of a perfect interviewee. She could've left then. She probably should have. After all, her first tour around M.U.S.T. was already an unpleasant and unfulfilling one—certainly nowhere near the perfect scenario that she had so carefully laid out in her mind beforehand. Taking a second one in search of retribution seemed ill-advised; however, Rarity simply couldn't allow such an injustice stand, for the sake of both fashion and her own dignity. So, she retraced her steps...and suffered largely the same issues as before. Most of the students were still rude, regarding any interaction with either apathy, secrecy, or plain hostility. Some of them, however, were willing to be a bit more forthcoming if it meant redirecting her increasingly short temper away. Most of the faculty were still arrogant, looking down on practically everyone else. They kept their faces glued to screens and monitors, and sneered with disgust at anyone who interrupted their work. Some of them, however, were desperate to avoid inciting an incident by not acquiescing to her increasingly loud questioning. It was a draining and time-consuming task, but she scoured the entire campus for Suri, intent on wringing some answers out of that little wench if it was the last thing that she did. Sadly, her search came to its end when another applicant approached soon after the remaining interviews concluded. “E-Excuse me,” she said hesitantly, “but...are you looking for Suri?” “YOU'VE SEEN HER!? WHERE!?” Rarity was tired and disheveled, and only a few modicums of humility short from foaming at the mouth. But this new girl didn't seem fazed at all. Instead, she just looked...remorseful. “I'm sorry, but...she's already gone... She left pretty shortly after her interview...” “WHAT!? WHY, THAT DISHONEST, UNDERHANDED... After everything that happened, she believes she'll just get away with this!? Well, we'll see about that after I inform the faculty!” Rarity started to march away then, but was stopped in her tracks by what the demure young lady said next. “...I don't think that'll do anything...” “And why not!? For that matter, who are you, and how do you know Suri!?” “...My name's Coco. Coco Pommel. I go to Crystal Prep. And I know Suri because...well, she used me too...” “What!? Did she steal your designs as well!? Then, why ever wouldn't you want to expose her for the fraud that she is!? She can't be allowed to just tarnish the name of this prestigious academy!” This girl—Coco—she sighed and pulled out her phone, browsing through it as the two began to walk. “...Suri didn't steal anything from me. I helped her research this place. She said that we should work together as Crystal Prep students, and help each other get accepted. She was so nice and encouraging; I-I thought she really wanted to be friends. So, I agreed.” They started walking through one of the campus courtyards, mindful of the many students still scattered all about. “But,” Coco finally continued, “...it was all just a lie. After I showed her everything I discovered, she barely noticed or even acknowledged me. The one time she spoke, all she said was 'Sorry, but it's just as you found out: it's everybody for themselves in this business.'” “...What does that mean? What did you find out?” Coco passed Rarity her phone and instructed her to browse through its many bookmarks. Among them were apparently the many testaments to M.U.S.T.'s quality as an institution...and what she read then was stunning. Student forums crammed with tips and tricks for excelling at this university—including, among other things, plagiarism, bribery, and even sabotage... Official reviews from various sites, many of which referenced shady practices that made it difficult for anyone without money or connections to succeed... Buried articles detailing scandals associated with M.U.S.T., citing several instances of tuition gouging, rigged competitions, and celebrated alumni acting unscrupulously... Dozens of examples, scores of testimonies; all painting the exact same picture of this unbecoming...and disgusting environment. Rarity was left speechless, her emotions incomprehensible even to her own mind then. Without even knowing it, she found herself sitting on the nearest bench, unable to process anything going on all around them. And Coco sat beside her, half-gazing at the ground as her fellow applicant began to reel. “This...this—this can't be true... I-I can't... I refuse to believe it! Th-This is simply... It has to be fake! All of it!” She tried to summon some inkling of dramatic indignation, but it faded in the presence of Coco's unflinchingly defeated tone. “I didn't want to believe it, either... For so long, I thought this was the best place to learn about fashion, and to share that kind of passion with others. That's why I still came here to tour. I wanted so badly to believe that it was all a lie; that everything I found out was wrong. But I guess I wasn't wrong...and neither was Suri...” “B-But...h-how can—how can you be so sure!? Because of some stupid websites!? “...Not just them. Actually, it's when I walk around here that I feel it the most. Looking at all these students and professors, they just seem so...I don't know...miserable...” Rarity desperately wanted to walk away from this conversation. She wanted to rally as many of the faculty and student body as she could, and protest against people like Suri. But looking around, it only grew more obvious. She sensed it when touring, ignored it while searching, and now felt it while sitting amongst it. There were students all over the campus, and some of them did congregate into little groups and cliques; however, not a single one of them interacted with anyone else. Even among their own kind, so many just looked...disconnected. It reminded her of those sadder days at CHS, but this was far worse. The people here...they were almost like animals...carefully patrolling their territory and growing hostile when anything encroached upon it. This place was supposed to be the center of creativity, and yet nobody was working on anything. It was supposed to be a community of passion, and yet everyone was so seclusive and scornful. It was supposed to be a beacon for artists everywhere, and yet all of those reviews and testimonials... “...But...b-but I...” “...Maybe I'm just being foolish,” Coco said. “I hope I am. I hope these students are all getting exactly what they wanted... Hopefully, you'll do the same. I just don't think I want this... If this is what fashion is all about...if it really is everyone for themselves...maybe I'm just not cut out for it...” She slowly rose onto her feet then. “I'm sorry to bother you...and I really hope you get in. Maybe you'll get along better here than I ever would...” She started to walk away, prompting a distraught Rarity to ask one last question. “Wait! I don't understand! Why!? Why did you tell me all of this!?” Coco turned around to face her one last time. Throughout this entire exchange, Rarity was hesitant to fully trust her, especially after everything that had just happened with Suri. However, when she saw the dejected, almost broken look on this poor girl's face then...it was more than enough. It was all the truth. “...I showed Suri everything I found...including those forums on how to get ahead. Everything she did is because of me. She stole your ideas...because of me...and I'm so sorry!” Unable to bear the grief any more, and with watery eyes that couldn't hold back any longer, Coco began to cry as she ran away, disappearing into the crowded streets nearby. And like that, amongst a campus filled with creators and artistes...Rarity sat alone. She was stunned. She was numb. She needed something. She needed someone. Usually, in times like these, she would turn to her friends. To Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer for their support and spirit. To Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy for their humor and comfort. To Twilight Sparkle for her wisdom, and to Applejack for...well, all of it. But they weren't around... Even then, almost twenty minutes after five, there was nothing... She tried texting Applejack. No response. She tried calling. No answer. Perhaps she simply... Perhaps she... Perhaps... **** Rarity sat outside on the balcony, gazing down at a city that never seemed to sleep. So much of her time in Manehattan seemed to playback incessantly, forcing her to live in the past almost as much as the here and now. From the glamorous zenith of those first few days to the crushing nadir of her big break, and finally to what was then: a very melancholy middle-ground. It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to enjoy every moment of this city, especially after her argument with Applejack. But maybe that was just it. Maybe that's why she kept digging up the past. Because, throughout everything that had transpired, a single truth underlined this whole experience—one that she desperately tried to deny until it was too late. Her parents did spring this vacation on her rather abruptly. And she did want to spend some time with her family. And she got lost in the excitement of it all. And she saw an opportunity that seemed foolish not to pounce on. And it was all for her career...for her future. She kept reverting to these and a hundred other excuses to rationalize her actions, but they were still just that: excuses. And even if they were all true, did they really justify hurting her friend's feelings, being indignant over her friend's justifiable outrage, and not even apologizing to her friend for any of it? She genuinely believed that her time at Equestria Land had taught her a valuable lesson when it came to neglecting the people that mattered most to her. And yet, that's exactly what she did here. This time, however, nobody was around to help her make things right. She was here now because of her own mistakes—mistakes that embittered the best of times and made the worst of them all the more painful. Perhaps—no—undoubtedly, she missed her home. Unquestionably, she missed belonging. Undeniably, she missed her best friends...especially Applejack. You were right...about everything. I know I hurt your feelings, and I'm so sorry. Just, please... Please talk to me... Rarity almost sent that message. Instead, however, she simply deleted it, walked back into her room, and crawled into her bed. No response was coming, and she couldn't bear fighting against that harsh truth any longer. Hopefully, a proper apology could be arranged once this vacation was over. But for now, all she could do was drift off to sleep, alone and miserable in the glorious city of Manehattan. Next Time: Then and Now > Chapter 3 - Then and Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had always been given three simple instructions before being dropped off anywhere. Alongside a farewell hug, she was told to behave herself, make lots of friends, and be careful with her hat. They were simple enough directions to follow, and she never had any real difficulty living up to them. Her well-meaning nature ensured that she seldom got into too much trouble, while her earnest attitude rarely ever failed at getting people to like her. And even though it was much too large for someone so young, that hat never strayed too far from either her head or mind. Things were no different on her first day at elementary school. As exciting as new people and places were, she always remembered to mind her manners and be respectful of the rules. But even then, the lively spirit of her family—as well as the weighty legacy of that hat—reflected through her every action. Whenever someone needed help, she offered a neighborly hand. Whenever someone seemed lonely or afraid, she offered a warm smile and a welcoming presence. She was hard-working. She was uplifting. She was a true friend. She was also quite fortunate that day to meet not only another true friend, but her best friend. And like so many of the best people in her life, that hat connected them in more ways than one. It's just a shame that it had to take quite a beating to get things started... It was nobody's fault, really; just one of those things that happens. She got a little too into playing, and the wind was a little too strong. Before she knew it, her hat had flown off and landed directly in the path of a veritable stampede. None of the other kids even noticed, instead too busy focusing on whatever game caught their eyes next. And in their careless wake, her hat laid half trampled and trodden over in the dirt. All things considered, this could've been much worse. After so many rodeos and roundups, it would've been rather sad for such a sturdy piece of headwear to be retired by little more than a herd of tiny tykes. Most of the damage was actually just superficial, and it regained its form after only a couple of vigorous shakes; however, its brim was an entirely different issue. Almost half of it had been torn then, creating an opening that only seemed to widen more with her every desperate attempt to fix it. In her short time on this earth, she had sustained far worse injuries. She's lived through scratches, scrapes, and broken bones—all courtesy of either too much horseplay or too much pride in working too hard. However, seeing that hat in such a state then brought her more pain and fear than anything she could ever recall. Her heart began to race as her imagination ran wild, foreseeing countless bleak fates for something so precious and irreplaceable. She felt helpless... She felt heartbroken... She felt her eyes beginning to moisten, and could do nothing but cling tightly to her ruined hat as everything else faded into the distance... Well, almost everything else. From our of nowhere, a loud gasp interrupted her moment of silent mourning. Startled by the noise, she looked around and spotted another girl running daintily towards her then. This newcomer was certainly...something. Her purple hair retained an unusually intricate shape, her manner seemed strangely reserved, and her clothes looked so fancy and well-kept compared to all of the other kids. Rather prissy, all told. “Oh, dear! You poor thing!” the prissy girl declared, her accent as strange as her look. She initially thought that this stranger's concerns were being directed at her, but that all changed when her hat was grabbed straight from her own hands then. “Hey, that's mine!” Her protest went largely unnoticed, as the culprit was too busy inspecting the damages. “Ohhh... I saw the whole thing. Those barbarians should really be more careful. You may be a bit shabby, but that's hardly cause for such treatment.” This prissy, pompous girl examined things for what felt like an annoyingly long time then. She could've tried to swipe her hat back, but what if that caused it further harm? At this point, it was literally being held hostage, and there was nothing that she could do about it. She was at the mercy of this weirdo, who finally spoke again after the umpteenth moan of consideration. “I simply cannot allow such high crimes against fashion to stand! You with the freckles! Kindly fetch me some glue and a thin brush!” “Huh!? What're y'all talkin' abo—” The prissy, pompous, pretentious girl grabbed and shook her by the shoulders. “This is no time for questions! Every second is of the utmost importance! Can you procure what I asked of you, or not!?” She nodded blankly. This gal didn't even look like she could lift a bale of hay, but was nevertheless surprisingly strong-willed. “Good! See to it that you do, and meet me in the home-economics room tout suite!” With that, the prissy, pompous, pretentious, and particularly bossy girl ran off towards the school building, leaving her completely dumbfounded. She didn't know what to make of that whole exchange; however, for the sake of her hat, it seemed better to table her curiosity until after this was all over. And thus, with an uncertain spark of hope welling within, she raced off in search of the required materials and— WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, TIME OUT!!! **** Applejack stopped her story at Rainbow Dash's request...for the third time now since beginning it. Everyone looked over at their disruptive friend in annoyance then, but she didn't seem to notice the collective ire being aimed at her. “Wait just one sec! Be right back!” With that, she bolted from the table, leaving behind nothing but a multicolored trail that followed in her wake. With a unified sigh, the girls decided to make use of this intermission as best as they could. Fluttershy offered to refill everyone's drinks, while Pinkie Pie went to fetch more snacks for the table. Sunset opted to look up the results of their latest fundraiser, and Applejack merely watched as Twilight tried to figure out whatever was wrong with her phone. “Any luck, Twi? Or is my phone just plain kaput?” “Just give me a few more minutes. I may have ascertained the problem, but we won't know anything until I run some tests.” “Sure. Take all the time ya need.” So far, their group effort to unravel this mystery was proving ineffective. Applejack's phone simply refused to send or receive any messages or calls. And it wasn't just hers, either. It seemed like all of the girls were having trouble getting in touch with one another, although nowhere near as bad as she was. Most likely, this meant that Rarity's phone was also malfunctioning. So, even if they could get theirs to work, she might ultimately be unreachable regardless. Still, one bridge at a time. Twilight had been toiling away on Applejack's phone for the last hour, and though progress was slow, she was confident in her ability to crack whatever was going on with it. In the meantime, and following Sunset's proposal, the girls opted to spend their afternoon at the Canterlot Mall. It wasn't much, but it never needed to be. Just being together with everyone helped Applejack to relax a little. Well, “everyone” might be a bit of a stretch, considering how Rarity was halfway across the country and Rainbow Dash was consistently halfway across the mall then. Nevertheless, it was all still fun, and there were things worth discussing outside of technical support. When everyone reconvened, for example, Sunset decided to kick things off with a bit of good news. “You guys, this is amazing! Our CDs are selling like crazy! Look!” She passed her phone around the table. “Oooh!” Pinkie Pie said between slurps of her smoothie. “That's a lot of zeroes! That's as many zeroes as the O's in that 'oooh' I just said. Can you guess how many that is?” she playfully asked, turning to Fluttershy. “Um...a lot?” “Exactly!” she cheered, handing her timid friend the phone. “...Oooh!” “I know, right!?” Pinkie giggled. Applejack was handed the phone next. “Huh, guess Rainbow Dash was onto something after all when she suggested recordin' our songs!” “Of course I was!” Rainbow said, snatching the phone from her country friend. “As awesome as we are, I knew people would wanna be able to hear us wherever they went!” She slid the phone across the table back to Sunset, who capped off the news with a bit more detail. “And it's not just CHS students buying them. Thanks to Twilight, our friends at Crystal Prep, and Post Crush and Vignette promoting us on Snapgab, they've been a hit throughout Canterlot and beyond!” They all gave a cheer to that and raised their drinks in a toast then. It was indeed a hard-earned victory, after all, especially considering what the money would ultimately be used for. Of all the fundraisers that the Rainbooms had been involved with, this music CD was easily one of their most ambitious and difficult to realize. Between setting up a proper studio, the actual recording process, acquiring all of the materials, burning the songs, designing art for jewel cases and booklets, and creating a website to promote and sell the finalized product, there were endless complications along the way. But for the sake of their final year at Canterlot High School, this would all hopefully be worthwhile. It was a palpable feeling shared among the seniors of CHS—the sense that their time together was steadily coming to an end. For some, of course, their journeys would segue further into college together. For others, it would take them to new and foreign locales far away from the people that they've come to know so well. But one way or another, a massive turning point was on the horizon for everyone. It was a daunting thought, and more than a little depressing as well, but it was also a motivating one. After everything these young adults had been through together—all of the adventures and changes and whatnot—it couldn't just end on such a gloomy note. This needed to be big; bigger than big! To commemorate such a meaningful time in their young lives, the seniors of CHS vowed to make this entire year a celebration unlike any other! A noble aspiration indeed, but such lofty festivities obviously wouldn't come cheap. Thankfully, the Rainbooms weren't the only ones going the extra mile lately. Between Trixie's magic shows, Micro Chips' tutoring sessions, Photo Finish's scenic pictures, and several other efforts already underway, everyone was working harder than ever to realize this goal. And every penny that was earned would provide for all of the upcoming events—the first of which was especially important to Sunset. “If things keep going like this, we'll definitely be able to make this year's Fall Formal one to remember...for all the right reasons, this time.” “Speakin' of, any word yet on what Principal Celestia might be plannin' fer that?” “I heard she's been in talks with a few possible performers,” Fluttershy said. “They might even be hosting it somewhere outside of school this year.” “Ooh,” Pinkie added, “maybe they'll have it on the beach! Or Equestria Land! Or maybe we could go back to Princess Twilight's castle! That was super fun last time!” “Yeahhh,” Rainbow replied skeptically, “I doubt many people are gonna want to go to the Fall Formal as a pony. It's hard enough just walking on four legs, let alone dancing on them.” “Well, we prolly won't know anything till it gets a tad closer, anyways. I'm just hopin' fer once that it's a nice, quiet gatherin'.” “Fingers crossed,” Sunset said. Nobody was wishing for that more than her. After all, it had been almost two years now since her selfish actions first introduced Equestrian Magic to this world, and that all took place on the night of the Fall Formal. Of course, rarely did she regret anything that brought them all closer together, but being responsible for that never stopped bothering her, especially after all the dangers they had faced since then. Still, at least this passing summer had proven to be a relatively uneventful one, and hopefully that would just stay the case for the remainder of this year. “We can worry more about the fine details later,” Rainbow said. “For now, where were we before all that?” “Welllll,” Pinkie answered, “Sunset called us all up to hang out here since you were still working, and to see what was going on with Applejack's phone. Then, Fluttershy and I noticed that our phones were acting wonky too, since she never got any of my texts on how many snacks I should make for her animal bake sale, and Twilight thought that maybe our phones' VIPs were being too secure for their own good—” “Uh, Pinkie?” “So she started playing with Applejack's phone while we had lunch, and then Fluttershy and Sunset told us what she said about her and Rarity never being apart for so long, and we were all, like, 'no way!'” “Pinkie.” “And then we all realized that we never actually heard the story of how they met, and you and I were both SUPER curious about that promise she made, so she started telling us about her first day of elementary school and—” “PINKIE!” they all shouted. “...What?” she asked innocently. “Did I skip something?” Rainbow sighed. “I know where WE were! I meant, what happened next in her story!?” “Ooh, yeah, I wanna know that too! What happened next, AJ!?” They all excitedly looked over at a slightly uncomfortable Applejack then. Campfire stories were one thing, but the farm girl wasn't used to narrating her past so vividly like this. She couldn't even tell if her story was that interesting, let alone if it was being told well at all, but everyone seemed anxious for her to continue on regardless. Give the audience what they want, she guessed... “Um, right... So, anyways...” **** Within ten minutes of reaching the home-economics room, she found herself waiting anxiously as the purple-haired girl worked on mending her hat. Apparently, the glue was just there to hold the brim together while the real repairs were taking place. She never expected any actual sewing to occur, but that's exactly what was happening then. At first, she was doubtful over this whole thing, and more than once considered just taking her hat back and making for the nearest exit. But as that needle deftly wove between planes of fabric, and the rip steadily began closing in on itself, she couldn't help but start watching with mild curiosity. She had tried sewing a few times throughout her life, and found herself to be unquestionably awful at it. Dexterity had never been her strong suit, nor had patience or finesse. Frankly, if she was the one wielding that needle right now, her hat would probably be little more than a pin cushion. But this girl was entirely different. She wasn't so much fast as she was efficient, her motions careful to avoid mistakes while still brisk enough so as not linger too long on any one action. Her slender fingers kept that needle moving seamlessly, all the while never poking herself or getting it stuck within the firm fibers of the brim. It looked like demanding precision work, and yet that face reflected neither anxiety nor intense focus, but instead a zen-like confidence. It was as if this was all just second nature to her, like breathing or blinking. And during the entirety of this procedure so far, the seamstress remained largely silent. She did as well. It wasn't that she was so stupefied by the sewing, or afraid to interrupt it, that she couldn't speak. It was just...what could you say to someone like this? Someone so radically different from yourself? Any attempts to talk would probably just feel awkward, and she still couldn't decide if this girl was even that likable. Still, though, her family did teach her better, and such generosity absolutely deserved recognition. “...Um... T-Thanks, by the way...” “Hmm? What was that?” the girl said, not breaking her focus from the task at hand. “Thank ya kindly...fer tryin' to fix my hat an' all.” “Oh... My pleasure. I'd do the same for any chapeau, really.” “...Any what?” “Er, um...any hat, as you put it.” “Oh...” Prolonged silence yet again. Maybe that was enough, she thought. No need to try and make more out of this than necessary, right? “......Y'all, um... Y'all seem to know a lot 'bout this kinda stuff. Didja take a class too?” “Pardon?” “A class. Like, fer learnin' to be fancy an' all that? My auntie n' uncle took me to some of them when I was real young. Didn't get too far, though...” “Hmm, indeed... But, no, I haven't really had any lessons, per se. I taught myself most of this.” “Really!? “Yes. Is that a problem?” “No, no, just...interestin' is all...” She decided to stop there. This wasn't going anywhere, and she started feeling more like a bother than anything else. Some people just couldn't click, it seemed... Much to her surprise, however, the silence broke once more. “...A stetson.” “Huh?” “This chap—erm, well...this hat of yours. It's actually called a stetson.” “...Is that bad?” “Not at all. Few people wear these anymore, but it seems to suit you rather well.” “Heh, that's kind of y'all to say. I sure hope that's true...” They both seemed to relax a little after that. The seamstress even smiled a bit, almost as if she was pleased to be talking about this sort of thing. Maybe none of the other kids really gave her much of a chance to discuss clothes and sewing. To be fair, were it not for this incident, she probably wouldn't have even spoken to this girl, let alone gotten to know her. What a shame, considering she was actually kind of interesting. Weird...but interesting. “Though, I must say, this particular stetson does seem to be a bit too big on you. And I know that they tend to project that classically tough image, but it's also rather worn-out and weathered. Honestly, where ever did you even find this dusty old thing?” “......It's my pa's...” For the first time during this whole affair, that needle nearly slipped out from under those dexterous hands. In any other situation, it might've been comical to see this prim young thing suddenly break into an embarrassed stammer, trying desperately to regain her composure after committing such a faux pas. “Oh, I... Um, w-well, I-I... I-I-I'm—I'm sure it looks absolutely fetching on him!” A well-meaning attempt at a save, to her credit. Sadly, however, one slip is usually followed by another. “So, um... Well, what kind of hat does he wear now? Probably something just as bold and masculine, I imagine.” “......He's......He ain't around no more...” Even then, the needle still didn't slip from those hands...but it did stop moving entirely. For a moment, everything seemed to stop as the gravity of those few words took full effect. “...I... I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean to—” “Naw, it's...it's fine... It was a while ago...” Neither girl could so much as look at the other after that, and the silence that followed just made that ever-lingering heartache all the more prominent for her. She didn't expect either side to speak again after that, but... “...You know... Your clothing can say quite a lot about what kind of person you are. Were you aware of that?” “...Can't say I was... That really true?” “Oh, yes! Um... Well, take this stetson, for example. Now, I-I know I called it weathered before, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, looking at it a bit closer, I can tell that it has held up remarkably well. That means that its owner was very hard-working, but also careful of what mattered the most to him. And as I said before, it is the very image of rugged masculinity.” Strange as it all seemed then, hearing those words did make her feel a little bit better. Her father was exactly as described, and it felt nice to know that his most treasured belonging apparently conveyed those qualities. It's like his spirit remained with her no matter what. Ruminating on all of that, she didn't even notice the finishing touches being put on the repairs. “And, of course, if your father entrusted you with it, then both you and this stetson must have been rather special to him.” The seamstress walked up to her and handed over the finished piece. “So...do take care to wear it with pride, darling.” With that, she took her hat back and examined it repeatedly, gazing in awe at how much better it suddenly looked. It was almost like it had never even been damaged, to begin with. The only notable difference was the twines of silver that now kept about a third of its edge bound together. “I do apologize for not having a less bold color of thread. It was all I could find on such short notice, and—” “IT'S PERFECT!” she cheered, jumping to her feet and giving it a light toss into the air. With nary a moment's hesitation, she caught the hat atop her head and made sure it was on tight before addressing its savior. “How'd y'all do such a bang-up job!?” “Oh, um... Well, I suppose I am a talented couturier, if I do say so myself.” “Well, I don't rightly know what any a' that means,” she chuckled, “but you sure got a knack fer fixin' clothes! My name's Applejack! What's yers?” The girl seemed a bit taken aback by such a forward manner, but she gave a little curtsy nonetheless. “It's Rarity. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She grabbed Rarity's hand with both of hers and shook it with all of her gratitude—so much so that the seamstress's entire body practically swung up and down then. “Nice to meetcha too! Only wish I could pay y'all back properly fer all yer help! Say, are ya hungry!? My granny made me some fresh apple fritters to share with my classmates.” “Oh, no,” she replied, her voice wobbling in the midst of such an enthusiastic handshake, “I couldn't possibly impose—” “Aw, c'mon! I insist! That's what friends are fer, right?” With that, she took a still hesitant Rarity back to the playground, excited to celebrate and learn more about her new friend. When they reached the—WAIT, HOLD UP! **** The girls couldn't suppress their frustration this time and groaned in exacerbation as their disruptive friend rose from the table yet again. “I'm sorry! Just give me one minute! Promise I'll be right back!” Rainbow barely finished that plea before speeding off once again, forcing yet another impromptu intermission. Soon after, Twilight let out another groan, as her head bumped against the table. “Hey,” Sunset said, patting her back, “I'm sure she'll be back shortly. Then we can listen to the rest of it.” “It's not that,” Twilight replied. “Well, it's not just that. It's this phone! I've tried everything conceivably possible to get it to work! I checked to make sure that it wasn't in airplane mode, or that the 'Do Not Disturb' and 'Call Forwarding' functions weren't interfering with it. I looked to see if any numbers were accidentally blocked. I tested the signal strength, made sure all the network settings were appropriately configured, including the VPN...” She stated that last step rather sharply, her glare narrowing at an oblivious Pinkie Pie all the while. “But nothing seems to work!” Twilight handed her friend's phone back to her, finally conceding in failure. “I'm sorry, Applejack. I can try and examine it more thoroughly when I get home, but there's nothing more I can do right now...” Disappointing as this news was, Applejack still wore a genuine smile then. “Hey, it's alright, Twi. I just 'ppreciate y'all tryin'. Least now I know Rarity's not just outright ignorin' me...hopefully...” “Guess that means all our phones are buggy, huh?” Sunset asked. “I guess so...” Fluttershy responded, checking her own phone in the meantime. “I still haven't gotten any of the pictures you sent me, Pinkie...” “Did you try turning your phones off and on again?” Pinkie asked, with not a trace of irony or sarcasm in her voice. As much as she fought to resist, Twilight couldn't stifle her laughter at that question. “Oh, Pinkie. I'm sorry, but I highly doubt that would help in this instance. We'll probably just need to contact our providers and—” She was interrupted by Fluttershy's phone letting out a little ping. “Oh!... It worked! I got your pictures this time, Pinkie!” “Wow, that was super-duper fast! I just sent those ones, like, a second ago! What do you think of the little fish-shaped cat treats!? Aren't they cute!? I was thinking of mixing in some real—” “WAIT, WHAT!?” Twilight shouted. “But...But...HOW!?” “How what, Twilight?” “YOUR PHONES!? ARE WORKING!? HOW!?” “Well, I just figured maybe they were tired and needed a little break. So, I turned mine off and on again. Technical doohickeys like these run really REALLY fast, so a few seconds off is like an eight-hour nap for them, right?” “...I...B-But I...” Pinkie Pie turned to address a gawking Applejack then. “Did it work with your phone?” Applejack anxiously followed her cheery friend's instructions. When her phone powered back on, she brought up her chat-log with Rarity. For a moment, her heart raced as her fingers hesitated. She wasn't sure what to say, or if it even mattered. She didn't even know what state their friendship was in after almost two weeks of silence following that nasty argument. But she couldn't stand waiting any longer for something—anything to finally give her some semblance of her best friend's presence. And so, she typed the first thing that came to mind: Hey. Can we please talk for a spell? Without even thinking, she hit the Send button right away. The moments afterward dragged on like nothing else, as that little loading icon incessantly spun around and taunted her with uncertainty. Finally, however, her message popped up on the bottom of the screen; and underneath it, displayed next to a small thumbs-up icon, was the phrase “Message Sent.” “IT WORKED! YEE-HAW!” Everyone joined in on that cheer—well, everyone but Twilight, whose head once again hit the table with an audible thud. Sunset would've moved in to comfort her then, but she was interrupted by Rainbow Dash nearly colliding with the table upon her hasty return. “Whew... Sorry about that. I told this customer I'd have to check the stock room to see if we had the right-sized cleats, so I've got at least three minutes this time!” “Uh, Rainbow?” Sunset asked, a slight tinge of annoyance lining her voice. “I thought we agreed not to use our powers as often for everyday needs. Remember what happened the last time you started doing that?” Nobody present could forget that collection of nightmares. And to think it was all due to a few simple accessories. As Twilight determined a while ago, the girls' magic-granting Geodes were interconnected not just in origin, but also in usage. Whenever one was active, it caused a sort of magical resonance to occur between all of them, steadily amplifying their overall power in the process. Under certain circumstances, this proved immensely beneficial in moderation. When they were all together, said resonance could be redirected as a powerful stream of magic, or even concentrated into just one Geode to grant its user a vast increase in their abilities. However, with overly frequent use of even a single Geode, all of the girls could find their powers steadily going haywire, which usually caused...complications in their daily routines. Going through that ordeal once was enough, and since discovering this little setback, they'd all been making a concerted effort to resist relying upon their powers too often for frivolous needs. Of course, with a little extra effort, any situation could be spun as dire enough to warrant a bend in those rules. “Aw, come on, Sunset,” Rainbow reasoned. “It's not my fault that Applejack decided to be free when I'm working overtime! Or that she chose to tell a cool origin story now! You don't expect me to just miss out on all of this, do you?” Only then, in the midst of portraying her so-called plight, did she notice Twilight's head bumping against the table repeatedly. “Um...what's with her?” “We, uh...figured out how to fix our phones.” “Oh, awesome! You'll have to show me how when I get back! But right now, what happened next in the story!?” Applejack could already see where this was going. For the sake of not having to concede to any more intermissions, as well as risk losing her place, it seemed better just to finish this whole thing off with an abridged version. She sighed while placing her stetson on the table. “Long story short: me an' Rarity got to talkin' over lunch. I told her a bit 'bout farm livin', she told me 'bout bein' fancy an' growin' up to be a famous fashion designer. Said it'd been her dream since kindy-garten...” She lifted the hat up then and showed it to everyone, her thumbs gently rubbing against the silver twines that united the brim still after all these years. “...She was so passionate 'bout that dream, I couldn't help bein' impressed. And after everything she did fer me, I knew I had to repay her generosity back somehow. So, I made her a promise as a friend. I told her that, no matter what, I'd help her to realize that dream a' hers. She prolly forgot this whole thing long ago, but I still hold myself to that promise even now...” Saying all of this aloud was already mildly embarrassing for Applejack. But when her audience cooed with a collective “aww” at that ending, humiliation radiated from her cheeks as brightly as break-lights. She quickly donned her stetson and tilted it downward, if only to make herself feel slightly less exposed then. "...An'...well, that's that..." “That's so sweet,” Fluttershy said, not helping to mitigate her friend's discomfort. “I'm sure Rarity remembers that day as well.” “Heh, I'm kinda hopin' not, to be honest. 'Specially considerin' I ain't been doin' all too hot a job helpin' her...” “You shouldn't be so hard on yourself,” Twilight said. “We can all lose our patience from time to time, but that doesn't change how we feel, or what we're willing to do for each other.” “And I'm sure Rarity understands that as well,” Sunset added. “Just give her some time.” “Yeah...yer right. Thanks, y'all.” After a few moments of benign silence then, Pinkie Pie raised her hand. “Ooh, ooh! Remember the first time we met, Applejack!?” “Um...well...” **** When she was given a fresh apple pie to take with her to school that day, it came with one instruction: share it with her friends. It wouldn't be difficult to do so—this was too much for one person to eat alone, after all—but as she waited in the cafeteria for Rarity and the others to arrive, she noticed a pair of excitable eyes glancing longingly over at her dessert. They belonged to a classmate adorned in this wildly colorful dress and sporting some absurdly bouncy pink hair. By chance, the two ultimately sat together, and as they glanced over at each other, she couldn't help but attempt to break the silence. “Um...hi.” “Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie.” “Well, uh, howdy there, Pinkie Pie. I'm Applejack. Y'all, um....... Y'all like apple pie?” “I love apple pie! Actually, I like all sorts of pie. Cherry pie, blueberry pie, peach pie, lemon pie, key-lime pie, cranberry pie. Ooh, and not just pie! I like all desserts! Cookies, cakes, ice cream, ice-cream cakes—although I'm not sure if those are different or part of the same group. Also cobbler, cupcakes, pudding—especially pudding—and yogurt, and gelato, and—” And that went on for...for quite a while... **** Pinkie Pie sighed wistfully then. “Haha, yeah... Good times...” They all shared a good laugh over that quick little tale, and as the conversing and joking continued, Applejack only occasionally looked down at her phone. She was still nervous over whatever reply might come, but it felt better than worrying about whether or not her friendship was permanently ruined. In the coming hours, she would begin debating on exactly what to say to Rarity. What did she regret saying that day? What truly upset her back then? What's been bothering her ever since? And what about those dreams as of late? But for now, Applejack merely basked in the warmth of good company, as well as the pleasant memories that started it all. Next Time: Miscommunication > Chapter 4 - Miscommunication > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Rarity awoke that morning, bleary-eyed and at least another hour short of feeling fully-rested, she simply allowed routine and muscle memory to guide her along initially. Arising from bed, shambling about the hotel room, drawing the shades open; these were all relegated to auto-pilot while her mind slowly acclimated to reality. Outside, an eager sun was already peeking over the horizon, dyeing the skies with deep shades of both orange and carmine. And below all of that, Manehattan...still shined... Was it was too much to hope that everything would somehow be clearer after a brief night's rest, or that she would feel better about herself come dawn? Apparently so, because even after weathering what was hopefully the worst of this emotional crisis, the sheer melancholia of it all still hung heavily over her. On top of that, knowing that nothing could be done about any of it for now—let alone if at all—just weighed her spirits down even further. Simply put, this was going to be a rough few days, and she was dreading every moment of it. But, if nothing else, at least her countenance could reflect otherwise. Being fake was certainly still easy enough... As she turned away from the balcony then, Rarity's eyes briefly swept across the room, making sure that everything was at least vaguely as it should be. Sweetie Belle still in bed... Her phone still on the nightstand, clearly powered on... The doors and windows all still shut tight... Finally, when her groggy mind was half-convinced that nothing demanded her immediate attention, she retired to the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for another glorious day in Manehattan. ...A light... In the midst of pouring droplets and rising steam, Rarity once again found herself drifting through the past as she showered. These dalliances with nostalgia were especially annoying in the early mornings, at a time when her memories were merely a kaleidoscope of scattered images and sensations cluttering her still-waking mind. The saccharine tingle of ice-cream melting across her tongue... The grayish indigo of that cardigan she bought for her mother on their first tour downtown... The endless half-started sketches and broken pencils that filled her wastebasket... But amongst this infernal buckshot of recollections, something else was nagging away at her then. An idea? Or perhaps a question? Regardless, this...thing...kept photo-bombing the blurry edges of her every thought, and it only seemed to grow more elusive with her every attempt to pinpoint it. Did she leave her wallet behind at the parlor last night? Had she planned to visit a particular locale today? Did she dream of a brilliant new outfit that simply had to be transcribed onto her sketch paper post-haste!? No, no, and begrudgingly...no. So what then was her subconscious trying so poorly to alert her about? ...A little light... Having finished her shower, and feeling not so much refreshed as she was annoyed, Rarity then toiled away in front of the vanity to complete her usual beauty routines. For what was supposed to be a leisurely vacation, it sure seemed as though she was working harder than ever just to put on a proper face anymore. Worse still, and as if this morning wasn't already frustrating enough, she was even starting to fail at that... For some reason then, no matter what was covered in cosmetics or tweaked with tools, her face just wasn't coming out right, even after half a dozen attempts already. It was increasingly aggravating, especially for someone whose skills and brushes had never failed to meet the moment beforehand. And it certainly wasn't for lack of effort that things weren't going perfectly, either. She wielded her makeup as expertly as always, after all, and her beauty regimen was custom-tailored to address every possible imperfection. Stress wrinkles? Concealed beneath an imperceptible mask of foundation! Puffy eyelids? Vanquished by mighty strokes of shadow and mascara! Dried lips? Rejuvenated by a moisturizing and glossy balm! Frowny Eyebrows? Well...at least the balm tasted nice... Perhaps that was the issue all along. The foundation, the shadow, the handful of other instruments; maybe all of that was fine. Maybe it was just the expression that couldn't quite match the execution. Because between everything weighing on her mind then—her career, her creative stagnation, her friends' torturous silence—Rarity simply found it impossible to shine with the same confidence, the same radiance as usual... If nothing else, it certainly wasn't helping that her brow kept furrowing in frustration, courtesy of this STUPID little niggling thought that refused to stop badgering her! Eventually, she just threw her hands up in defeat, content with simply looking...fine enough. Was it something she forgot!? Something that needed to be done!? Something about this morning, or about today!? ...A little, red light... Speaking of, what was on the agenda for today? Rarity pondered that as she finished getting dressed, even though she felt little motivation to do much of anything. Perhaps it would be best just to follow in her family's merry wanderings for the remainder of this trip. After all, her time with Sweetie Belle last night was a refreshing delight, and her parents were never lacking when it came to either activities or corny laughs to share in. Ideally, their palpable mirth might continue to rub off on her, and maybe even help her to find some peace of mind. It certainly sounded better than whiling away even more hours at that confining desk, trapped between either being ignored by her muse or trying desperately to ignore her phone... Again, was it too much to hope that her problems with Applejack would just disappear overnight? Failing that, was it too much to try and keep her wandering eyes from glancing over at that idle device? Apparently so, because despite having already made bitter peace with her many mistakes, Rarity knew that, no matter what, she would ultimately keep checking her phone with the slightest bit of hope. Hope that it would ring, or let out a small chirp, or even just blink with a— A light... A little light... A little, red light... ...On my phone... My phone!? ...MY PHONE! Rarity dashed from the bathroom as fast as she could, making her way over to the nightstand by her bed. In the process, she nearly slipped on wet tile, tripped over her own shoes, and almost collided with a lamp—all with the utmost grace and dignity, of course. And at the end of that protracted obstacle course laid exactly what her subconscious had promised: her phone...with a little red light shining from its corner. As silly as it all sounded, she couldn't stop from feeling nervous then, even though that indicator could've meant anything. Spam mail; an update notification; literally a dozen other possibilities. It couldn't have been... After everything she did, everything she said... After finally accepting that no messages were coming, it simply couldn't have been— ...It was a message...from Applejack... Hey. Can we please talk for a spell? It was all Rarity could do then not to let loose a sharp gasp, for fear of disturbing her little sister's slumber. Instead, she took a few deep breaths, quietly crept outside onto the balcony, and sat down to brace herself. Her mind was a deluge of thoughts and questions. What should she do? What should she say? Was this an invite to a friendly conversation, or to another full-blown argument? That message was so little to go off of, after all, and it was just so terribly vague! Actually, it almost seemed...strangely out of context, as if none of her previous attempts to communicate were even acknowledged. Could it be that, somehow, Applejack hadn't read any of her prior texts? Was that a realistic hope!? ...Or maybe they were all just so pathetic and pitiful that her friend didn't know how to address them—or worse, was preparing to throw them right back in her face... She was excited. She was anxious. And try as she might to collect herself, Rarity was unable to bear it any longer. No more messages, no more fretting, no more waiting in lonely anticipation any longer! With that, and with one final deep breath, she selected Applejack's icon and tapped the call button... **** Applejack had been lying awake in her bed for about an hour now and had practically given up on getting back to sleep. A lifetime of farm living certainly had its advantages, not least of which being that she could actually function at the crack of dawn; however, this was early even by her own standards, and there was little that could be done to tire herself out now. After apparently running circles around them these past few days, her family had all but grounded her from getting a headstart on more chores, and even the livestock didn't take too kindly to being disturbed this early in the morning. So, with little else to do and little chance of getting any more shuteye, she opted to just gaze out at the night sky as her mind drifted along aimlessly. Better than being startled by another nightmare, anyway. Outside, a beautiful full moon was starting to tuck itself into the horizon, and the stars still faintly twinkled like sequins across an endless cosmic cloth. With the light chirp of crickets and the occasional rustling of the wind, it was certainly a peaceful night down on the farm, and Applejack was grateful for it. After everything that happened today, a bit of downtime was more than welcomed. Of course, spending time with her friends had been a hoot as always, but almost every hour after bidding them farewell had been much less relaxing. There were just so many things that she was still so unsure of... When and if the time finally came...what should she say? Was it even worth trying to make a case for why she was originally so upset? Maybe it was too late for that. Maybe it was too late to make any sort of amends at all. Matter of fact, who's to say that her text had even been received? Sure, her phone was working properly now, but what about Rarity's? Her message might just remain adrift among the digital aether, for all she knew... But ever the cautious optimist, Applejack wanted to be prepared just in case. As such, she started rehearsing as many conversations as possible, taking each topic and applying different words and emotional filters to see which responses sounded the best. If Rarity said this, should she counter with a pinch of snark or agree with a dollop of remorse? If Rarity brought up that, should she chuckle heartily, or hum pensively? Should there be more emphasis on the "land" or the "sakes?" Or was that all too accusatory sounding to start!? So many things to consider... It was a trying ordeal, especially since that phone could've gone off at any moment and completely derailed her. However, as silly as it might've sounded, doing all of this did ease her nerves just a bit. When the stakes might be so dire, it was important to be prepared for anything, and that's exactly what she was feeling! But for now, at least, Applejack could just ignore most of these hypotheticals and try to relax for a while. After all, odds were good that if any call was coming, it would likely be some time in the afternoon. Just the thought of that made her heart race... Since when did friendship get so dang complicated, anyways? Well...no point in getting more stressed over things just yet. Besides, if and when that time finally came, she was already more than prepared for whatever may— My wheels keep turnin' (Oh, oh!). My fire's still burnin' (Oh, oh!) The farmer let out a loud yelp then, almost tumbling out of bed as the sudden noise caught her by surprise. Why was it that nearly falling off of things was starting to become a running theme in her life!? What, was this meant to be some sign that her dream of holding the record for mechanical bull riding was ill-fated!? Before questioning that notion any further, she realized what the cause of her startle was this time around, and it instantly put the breaks on all of her thoughts. ...Her phone was ringing. It couldn't possibly be Rarity...not this early in the morning! Maybe it was Sunset Shimmer or one of the others. Maybe there was some imminent problem with school, like a test or a project that they forgot about. Maybe Equestrian Magic was finally on a rampage again, or maybe— It was Rarity... On the screen, an image of her and Applejack in Equestria Land was being displayed, and only then did the cowgirl recognize the ringtone as that of The Other Side. It couldn't be anyone else. It's a game of waitin' (Hey, hey!). Anticipatin' (Hey, hey!). But I keep creatin' (Hey, hey!) And like that, Applejack's mind was a blank slate. All of that preparation and rehearsal? Completely gone. She started to panic, debating on whether or not to answer the phone at all. There were other options. She could just ignore the call and give herself some time to regroup. She could see if a message might be left, and use that as an indicator of where their friendship stood before calling back. Either of those options would probably be for the best. She couldn't possibly talk to Rarity now! She'd just end up sounding like a fool, or make things awkward between them, or...or something worse! “...Just let it ring,” she whispered to herself. “...Just...let it ring...” So I can get to the other, get to the other si— **** “...H-Hello?” ...It was her...after all this time...it was Applejack... Of course it was—this was Applejack's number that she dialed, after all! But still, to actually hear from her friend again, and after being so certain that the call was just about to end up going straight to voicemail. Rarity was too in the moment to notice, but her anxiety and relief were practically canceling each other out then, leaving behind little more than stunned uncertainty as she searched for a reply. “...A-Applejack?” “Um...uh...h-heya, Rarity! How's it goin'?” How's it going!? That's all she had to say!? Applejack silently cursed her own idiocy then. Not even a sentence in, and she was already regretting answering the phone... “Darling, it...it's so good to hear from you,” Rarity said gingerly, trying to feel out her friend's disposition. “Y-Yeah?... I-I mean, yeah, it's...it's nice to be talkin' to you too. H-How ya—How ya been doin'?" "Fine! Just, well...fine and—and well! A-And you?" "Good—great!... Er, um...g-good." "Oh, good...hmhm..." Good lord... Walking on eggshells was one thing, but this was like tiptoeing over a minefield, with both parties too afraid of setting the other off. Eventually, however, between moments of mutual fidgeting and throat-clearing, Applejack opted to just leap first into whatever topic she could think of. "Um, uh, well...h-how's the—how's the big city been treatin' ya?” “......It's...w-well...” And there it was...the question Rarity wanted so badly to just avoid altogether. She would've given anything not to discuss her time in Manehattan then, alongside all of the pain and humiliation that came with it. But after everything that she had done, and all of those texts that she sent. All the mood-shifts, demands, excuses, and pleas... Heavens, how could her best friend not think less of her after all of that? The fashionista's eyes began to moisten then as she once again came face to face with this harsh reality. There was no denying just how awful this city was...or how awful she had been... “...I...B-Before that, Applejack...we should probably discuss... That is, I-I'm sure that your phone has... W-Well, I—” “I-I know it's been a while,” Applejack interrupted, desperate to explain herself before saying anything else too stupid. “But my phone's been actin' real screwy-like all week, a-an' I only just got it workin' again, an'—” “Yes, and...I-I know that my—" Rarity was just about to let it all out then—the wrongdoings, the misfortunes, the guilt—but her mind slammed on the breaks at the very last second. She even managed to blink back her tears then, though only out of confusion over what her friend had just told her. "...Wait... What was that...about your phone?” “It's... Well, it's...been on the fritz. Ain't been gettin' or sendin' any messages, far as I could tell.” “Has... Has it not been working at all!?” “Pretty much, yeah.” “F-For how long!?” “Well... Least fer a week now... Why?” Had Rarity not been sitting then, she might've been toppled over by the wave of relief enveloping her. It was just as she had hoped...no matter how impossible it may have seemed. All this time, Applejack wasn't ignoring her. She didn't even sound upset anymore. And all of those embarrassing texts—those childish quips and pathetic whimperings—they were never seen... Perhaps... Perhaps this was her one and only chance...for a fresh start. After all, was there really any need to revisit all of that ugliness before Manehattan? Did Rarity really need to relive all of her woes, and did Applejack need to hear all about them? Did the seamstress have to confess to everything, and risk making herself look and feel even more pathetic? ...Couldn't things just go back to how they were before? Couldn't this just be two best friends catching up...after a perfectly lovely vacation? “...R-Rarity? Y'all still there?” Applejack said, afraid that the call was already over. It took a moment, but Rarity quickly snapped back to attention and responded...with a tone that was suddenly much more embellished...and confident! “...I......W-Why, yes, darling! So sorry, I was just...checking my itinerary for the rest of the day, haha! Anyway, that truly is a shame to hear about your phone. I did think it a little peculiar not to have heard from anyone, but I—why, I've just been so preoccupied that I haven't had much time to notice, I suppose!” “...Wait... Really?” “Yes, well, life just moves at such a breakneck pace around here! And I've been enjoying it all so much that it's been rather easy for things to get lost in the shuffle, as it were, hmhm!” “...Oh... Um... T-That's great to hear...” Even with all the rehearsal in the world, Applejack couldn't possibly have been prepared for that. Here she was worrying about all of this silence for so long, and it turns out that Rarity had paid little mind to any of it. The fashionista wasn't upset or anything. She barely even seemed to recognize her best friend's absence... But that was a good thing, though...right? “...So...Manehattan's been pretty fun, huh?” “Oh, it's been absolutely delightful!” Rarity forced a little chuckle then, all the while hastily cherry-picking out the best parts of this trip with which to regale her friend. She needed to sell this city like no other! She needed this vacation to be perfect! “There's just so much culture and sophistication! It truly is a place of high-society and cutting-edge fashion, if I do say so myself, haha! Why, dare I say, it's the kind of life I've always dreamed of living!” she finished wistfully. Applejack was feeling more deflated by the moment, and like so many of her other emotions lately, she didn't understand why. She should've been happy for her friend. After all, it sounded like Manehattan was everything that a stylish and insanely talented designer could ever wish for. Compared to all that, a small city like Canterlot didn't offer much, nor did anything in it... ...What good was a simple farmhand in a fancy world like that? “Well, I'm... I'm really glad fer ya, Rarity,” she said, trying her utmost to disguise the growing dejection. “And, uh... Well, guess I better not keep ya too long, then... Sure y'all got plenty of excitin' things lined up fer today that...ya wouldn't wanna miss out on... Besides, it's prolly 'bout time I got outta bed...” Rarity's stomach churned slightly then, and her heart raced at the sudden suggestion of ending the call. That wasn't what Applejack was supposed to say. She—She should've laughed, or...cracked a joke, or asked for more details. Why would she want to wrap this all up now? Why did this all feel so...wrong? “...W-Well, there's certainly no urgency on my end, darling! Really, Manehattan is always so active and—and so full of amusements, you can easily reschedule for anything, haha! And besides, I-I was hoping that we—Wait... Did you say 'get out of bed?'” “Yeah... I mean, the sun ain't risen yet, but...by the time I get myself all tidied up an'—” “Oh, Applejack!" Rarity gasped. "I'm so sorry, darling! I forgot about the time difference between us. It's already in the early morning here, you see. I-I didn't wake you, did I?” “Nah, I was already bright-eyed before y'all called... Been gettin' an early start on the farm lately. Gotta keep ahead a' those chores n' all. S-Speakin' of, I should prolly...” “Oh...o-of course... Well, I certainly don't want to take up your time, if you have chores that need completing... I-If you want, I... W-We could...” This wasn't normal. Applejack wasn't usually like this. Where was that easy-going charm, those carefree laughs, and her lovably warm and welcoming manner? They hadn't spoken in so long, and now it seemed as though the farm girl didn't even want to hold a conversation with Rarity. Why?... The call couldn't end—not like this! Not with so much unease and anxiety starting to erupt from within her. Not until things were perfect! The young tailor grasped for whatever topic she could think of then, trying her hardest to maintain an air of positivity. “Oh! B-Before that, I-I almost forgot to ask! H-How has everyone else been fairing as of late!? Did Twilight help Fluttershy with the—w-with her brand new computer!? I-I know she was positively giddy with excitement over it! Please, tell me all about it!” Well, least she's plenty interested in the others... Applejack felt herself growing weary, as well as a bit frustrated with both Rarity and herself. She hated how this conversation was eating away at her, but she had no idea how to curb that aggravation—not when she was smack-dab in the middle of it all. “They're doin' fine, far as I can tell...” “......Well!? Do go on!” “That's 'bout it.” “Applejack!” “What!? Sorry, but there ain't really anything else worth tellin'! I ain't even seen much a' the gals lately! Had my hands full workin' on the harvest an' all!” “Is that all that you've been doing!? Just working!? And since when do you do chores this early on a Sunday!? Honestly, I understand how important the harvest is to you, but that's—” ...That's no excuse to just neglect your friends... That's what Rarity wanted to say then, but the words got caught up in her throat. After everything that had happened—everything that she did and was trying to get away with now—she was going to lecture Applejack on neglect!? The friend whom she neglected!? The friend whose wounded freckled face was now burned into her mind as a result!? What kind of friend was she!? What kind of person!? THE KIND THAT DESERVED TO BE ALONE IN THIS CITY AND— ...And like that...the memories came flooding back...reality came crashing down...and Rarity's perfect fantasy came to an end... The phone remained silent for a few moments too long, and Applejack was beginning to feel uncomfortable with it all. She didn't mean to sound so curt, and the last thing that she wanted was to sour her friend's mood or day. But as much as she wished otherwise, this conversation needed to end before that's exactly what ended up happening. “...Listen, Rarity... I-I just got a lot on my plate right now... Maybe it'd be best if we—” “...I'm sorry,” Rarity replied, her voice suddenly trembling and barely above a whisper. Tears were welling up in her eyes again, and she grasped at her chest as emotion began to overwhelm her. “...Huh?” “...I'm sorry,” she reiterated slightly louder. She wanted to hang up. She needed to. If she didn't then and there, everything would— “Sorry, hun, but...I can't rightly make our what yer—” “I SAID I'M SORRY! WHAT, DO YOU WISH FOR ME TO SAY IT AGAIN, FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO HEAR!? VERY WELL, THEN! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY! OK!?” Applejack could only stay silent as steady panting poured in from the other end of the call. In the wake of her friend's outburst then, her own frustrations had suddenly disappeared and were replaced with stunned bewilderment. “Um...o-ok? Why're you—” “Because you were right! You were right...about everything... I... I... Oh, Applejack...” A moment later, the heavy breaths were replaced with barely-stifled weeping, and they forced Applejack to clutch her chest in a cold panic. She was used to hearing Rarity cry dramatically, but these weren't the mawkish sobs that she recognized so well. They sounded very real...and very pained. “Whoa, whoa, settle down there, sugarcube...” she said as gently as possible. “W-What are ya talkin' 'bout? What's the matter?” Rarity gathered what little of herself that she could then. There was no hiding from reality now, no matter how ugly it all was. At this point, between sobs and sniffles, she just let it all trickle out. “Everything you said about me... You were right... I am self-centered. I am stuck-up. I've been an awful friend to you...and I belong in this miserable city with all of these miserable people!” “Wait, what!? When did I......O-Oh... You mean, right before y'all left...” Applejack's obliviousness certainly wasn't helping then, especially since it just shined a spotlight on what Rarity was already painfully aware of. “No! Right before I abandoned you! And came to this stupid place to demonstrate my stupid talents! And got devoured like the STUPID fool that I am!” “Hey, now! I never called ya anything like that!” “You didn't have to! I discovered it all by myself! Isn't that just wonderful!?" She wiped the tears from her eyes before continuing, though it did little good. "...Honestly, why did you even send me that text? Why did you wish to talk at all?... You should have just ignored me... After everything I did, you don't deserve to be wasting your time with TRASH LIKE ME!” “WOULD Y'ALL STOP IT, ALREADY!?” Applejack shouted, much louder than intended. Maybe that was a bit too confronting, but enough was enough! She had been prepared for Rarity to be angry with her. Heck, she even welcomed that! But for the fashionista to be so harsh and so belittling of her own self... It lit a fire in the farmer's chest that burned hotter and with more ferocity as each baseless insult was uttered. And she couldn't take it anymore. “Now, look here! We both know y'all wear a lotta things well, but self-pity ain't one a' them, an' I ain't gonna hear it no more! Sayin' I shoulda ignored ya, and callin' yerself all them nasty things! You are bein' a dern fool right now, but that's only 'cause ya keep actin' so cockeyed!” As saddened as she felt then, Rarity could only respond to such aggression with her own. She felt the tears that rolled down her cheeks starting to grow hotter, and her shaky voice growing louder as even more bottled up emotions began to erupt from within. “Excuse me, but you're the one that accused me of being some of those things! And you were right to do so! Don't even pretend otherwise with me!” “I was angry at the time! And my feelin's were hurt! And even then, I didn't mean a dang word of it! Shoot, we've both known each other fer so long, I can't believe you'd take even half a' that guff SERIOUSLY!” “OF COURSE I DO, APPLEJACK! You have no idea how much it's weighed on me all this time! How awful I've felt for how I made you feel! And how shameful I've felt for trying to deny it! Can you even begin to guess how many messages I've sent you JUST TRYING TO APOLOGIZE!?” “YA SAID YOU'VE BARELY EVEN NOTICED YER PHONE!” “I LIED, OBVIOUSLY!” “WELL, HOW WAS I S'PPOSED TO KNOW THAT!?” “WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AT ME!?” “BECAUSE—” If she were a slightly less proud woman, Applejack probably would've allowed herself to cry at that moment. Instead, however, she blinked back her tears and summoned just enough strength to keep her voice from shaking too much. “Because...yer my best friend...an' I missed ya...” “WELL, YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND, AS WELL! AND I...... I...... I've missed you...too...” The two sat quietly then for what seemed like forever, completely lost and confused, afraid to speak up and shatter whatever uneasy truce this silence had forged. Eventually though, as emotions began to settle and breathing returned to normal...the stalemate was broken. “...I....I truly am sorry, Applejack...” “...I'm mighty sorry, too, Rarity... I know Manehattan was important to ya, and I shouldn'ta flew off the handle like I did... Yer my best friend, and I shoulda been more supportive...” “No... It was important to me...but you're my best friend, darling...and you mean more to me than any of it... I only wish I had realized that sooner...” The silence resumed, but at least the atmosphere was a bit more comfortable now. Applejack actually started to feel much better, finally alleviated of all that pent-up bitterness and doubt. And knowing that Rarity missed her just as much as she missed that dramatic little fashionista...it made her feel...so warm inside. But while the farmer's own wounds had been mended, her best friend was still clearly aching, and she wanted nothing more than to fix that. It took a moment of thought, but something did eventually bounce to mind. “...Ya know, fer what it's worth, I sent y'all a ton a' messages too. None a' them went through, though, what with the phone an' all...” “...Yes," Rarity said, still sniffling just a little. "...I can certainly understand that...” “...Wanna know who fixed my phone?” “...Hmm? ...It was Twilight, I assume.” “Nope.” “Then...Sunset? Fluttershy?” “Nuh-uh. Pinkie Pie.” “Wha—H-How...how ever did she manage that?” “...Told me to turn my phone off an' on again.” “...You're joking... You must be, surely.” “Nope. And it worked, too.” “...None of you thought to do that in the first place?” “Not a single one of us...” In place of more sniffling then, Rarity began to giggle and had to fight hard to resist from breaking into an undignified chuckle. But when Applejack started to join in, they both couldn't stop themselves from cracking up. “Honestly, darling,” she said between laughs, “you girls can be so silly sometimes!” “Right!? You shoulda seen the look on poor Twi's face! It was priceless!” That wholesome laughter continued for another minute or so, before steadily dying down. It wasn't much, but it didn't need to be. As Applejack discovered yesterday, just spending time together could be more than enough to ease a troubled mind. Speaking of, it was still rather early in the morning...and maybe her best friend could still use a bit of company...and maybe she could as well. “So...are we alright now, Applejack?” Rarity's voice was a little shaken, and perhaps still too hampered by remorse, but she certainly sounded a bit better. “Almost. But first, why don't ya tell me a bit more 'bout yer trip? I know somethin' musta happened, after everything you said, an' I'd sure love to hear as much as possible...if'n you wouldn't mind.” “Oh, darling... I'm not sure...” “C'mon now, sugarcube," she reassured, her tone as warm and comforting as usual. "Can't start feelin' better unless ya talk 'bout it. Learned that lesson not too long ago, myself. Please?” “...Are you really sure you want to hear more of my whining?” “Heh. Reckon I've been missin' it fer a while, now. Actually, before all that... Got any tea?” Next Time: Tough Love > Chapter 5 - Tough Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the second time that morning, and not even an hour since the first, Rarity once again found herself laboring in front of the bathroom vanity. This time around, however, she was essentially running damage control—striving to repair the “fine enough” visage that had effectively been hosed away by her prior tears. Of course her makeup still wasn't turning out as desired then, but she didn't have the luxury of time for several retries at it now. Then again, considering what this was all leading up to, surely her friend could stand to wait a little longer for her to adequately prepare. Part of her still couldn't believe what she was ultimately preparing for. Before they could carry on with their admittedly bumpy reunion so far, Applejack came up with an absolutely silly idea: tea for two, in person. She knew that a hot cup could always manage to calm her best friend's nerves, after all, and being face-to-face sounded a heck of a lot better than just chatting over the phone. Soild reasoning, all told, but there were more than a few complications to her suggestion. Firstly, Rarity highly doubted that Applejack had any tea readily available to her... “Don't matter,” the farm girl responded nonchalantly. “Apple cider works plenty fer me.” Secondly, it was still nighttime in Canterlot, and alongside not wanting to keep her friend up, Rarity also didn't wish to disturb the remainder of the Apple Family with their little colloquy... “Like I said, been wide awake fer a while now. And don't y'all worry none 'bout my family. I'll just take this outside on the porch.” Finally, there was the little issue that having “tea” in person might prove rather difficult when there was hundreds of miles of travel time between them! Of course, Applejack only chuckled at that particular objection. “Good thing we got video call, huh?” Even with those many workarounds, Rarity was still hesitant to go along with such a production. She was already embarrassed from her little emotional meltdown earlier, and the thought of being seen immediately afterward just made her feel all the more vulnerable. But her friend's assurances were always worth her weight in gold, and she had to admit...there was something kind of...sweetly charming about the whole notion. Eventually, she conceded to her friend's idea, with the condition that a brief recess be permitted so as to freshen up. “Sounds fine to me. Hows 'bout I call ya back in half an hour? Plenty a' time fer prettifyin', right?” And so, twenty minutes of prettifying later, Rarity put down her brushes and examined her newly revitalized countenance. The eyes were still slightly bloodshot, unfortunately, but everything else had been restored to its prior quality...or at least, she hoped so. This was going to be the first time that they had actually seen each other in so long... Perhaps just a little bit more eye-shadow to— “Oh, come now, Rarity!” she scolded her reflection, all the while still adjusting her hair. “You are fretting far too much over this! It's just Applejack! There's no need to be so nervous...especially now...” With that, and following a few more flutters and puckers just to ensure that everything was in order, the young tailor departed from the bathroom feeling as aesthetically prepared as she possibly could. She then proceeded to brew herself a fresh pot of herbal tea, and even went so far as to procure some sweets for the occasion. What was teatime without a suitable finger-food, after all? Finally, with a tray in hand and a phone fully charged, Rarity returned to the balcony and awaited her friend's call. She actually couldn't have timed things any better then. Matter of fact, almost immediately after making sure that everything was arranged properly, her phone rang to the tune of Shake Things Up, and its screen displayed a photo of her and Applejack at the StarSwirl Music Festival. She might've been a bit messy and stubborn at times, but leave it to a hardworking farmhand, of all people, to appreciate the values of punctuality. "...Alright," Rarity said, following one last deep breath—as well as just one more adjustment of her hair for good measure. She then sat down, tapped on the video icon, and readied herself to finally see her best friend once again. Seconds later, there she was. It took a moment to get their phones in the right positions then, but Applejack was soon fully visible and sitting out on her porch, just as promised...in naught but her onesie pajamas! “Howdy, pardner!” “Applejack!” Rarity gasped. “You're still in your nightly attire!?" "Yup!" "But...what on earth happened to 'prettifying!?'” “Never said nothin' 'bout myself with that. Did brush my hair a tad, though.” The fashionista's cheeks puffed up then, and her lips gave a slight pout. “And after everything I did to look presentable! You could have at least told me beforehand.” “I reckoned the surprise was just too good to miss. Looks like I was right, too.” “Hmph! You're simply the worst sometimes, you know that?” "Yeah, sometimes. Heh heh." Rarity was almost determined to hold a grudge there, partly for the jape and partly because Applejack could still somehow look so good even with such little effort. However, one glance at her friend's mischievous little smirk caused her to giggle away most of that animosity. Applejack joined in on the laughter then, grateful to see her friend cheering up a bit after all of those heartwrenching sobs from earlier. Truth be told, she spent the last half-hour worrying that Rarity might've been too disheartened to really help right now. But when she finally saw her friend then—as pretty and gussied up and hilariously prickly as always—it felt just like old times. It felt like she was back in her element now, and like she could surely bring Rarity back into hers. “...Feelin' any better?” “A little, I suppose... Thank you for your concern, darling.” “Heh, don't mention it. What kinda tea did y'all go with?” “Hmm? Oh, just a light blend of ginger. Nothing too fancy. And how about you? Did you settle on apple cider?” “Yup! Got it right here," she said, raising her bottle and popping off the cap with a quick flick of her thumb. Rarity took hold of her own drink then and brought it close to her chin, allowing the earthen aroma to gently drift up her sinuses for a few seconds. Before she could take her first sip, however, the fashionista noticed how her friend's bottle of cider was inching closer into view, and how it stopped just short of bumping against the screen. The farm girl allowed it to dangle from her fingers then, and gently waved it to and fro like a bell as she spoke. “Cheers! To best friends!” It took Rarity a moment to catch on then, as well as an extra one just to chuckle at her friend's corny little gesture, but she wasted little time in responding when it all sunk in. “To best friends, indeed,” she said warmly, lightly tapping her cup against the phone. With that lovely little toast, the two best friends shared in some hearty sips and lost themselves in the tranquility of it all for a while. It had been so long since either of them had simply basked in the other's company, after all—perhaps even longer than before this whole incident—and neither girl was in a rush to bring that to an end anytime soon. Honestly, between looking up at a stunning sunrise and down at her friend serenely swigging some cider, Rarity would've been content just to do this for the rest of the day. Sadly, however, though Applejack would've agreed wholeheartedly with that sentiment, she was never one to ignore responsibilities for too long...especially to those whom she cared about the most. “...So," the farmer said, following a satisfied gasp, "where were we before?” “Ah...yes,” Rarity replied wearily. “Discussing this whole vacation... Are you absolutely certain that you wouldn't rather just tell me about your escapades with the girls? I'm sure they're far more worthwhile than my own...” “Nice try, but I ain't completely clueless. I know there's more to y'all feelin' down than just us arguin', and I aims to help ya any way I can.” “That's very sweet, Applejack, but... W-Well, it's...it's probably all just silly...” “Hey,” she encouraged softly, “it's alright, hun. There ain't nothin' silly 'bout how ya feel. An' y'all can tell me anything. Okay?” The farm girl had leaned in then, her face reflecting equal measures of both concern and assurance as she spoke. It was amazing how, even though her expression grew more intent, she still somehow retained that same warming aura as always. At that moment, Rarity knew that there was nobody on earth whom she could depend upon more for this. “...Alright,” she sighed, “...I'll tell you... But before that...I suppose I should preface this with... Well, I'm sure that we've all been considering what to do after graduation for a while now, but...” For almost an hour, Rarity recounted her whole experience at MUST thus far, including the expectations, the preparations, and the realizations. With ornate whimsy, she painted an image of this quintessential institution, casting its very buildings as the ivory towers upon which so many striving young minds and artists were housed and hoisted. With technical finesse, she elaborated on the many facets of her plan to make an impression on her future colleagues, including the painstaking efforts that went into her choice of vesture. And with a deflating heart, she juxtaposed her every infallible hope against the unpleasant realities that arose throughout her actual time here on the campus. Time-consuming though it all might've been, the clothier spared no expense when it came to the finer details of her recounting. She was determined to take her friend through as intimate a tour of MUST as possible, and she also took this opportunity to vent some of her pent-up frustrations along the way. Meanwhile, for the most part, Applejack remained relatively silent as her friend carried on with said tour, only occasionally interrupting to pose a quick question or clarification. She also managed to maintain a pretty steady poker-face throughout as well, though it began to fold by around the halfway point of this tale. Still, credit given, she held up a lot better than one would've assumed as the twists kept on coming. The initial meeting with a seemingly harmless Suri? That only lightly stoked a jealousy that she was all too familiar with. The school-grounds being filled with standoffish and rude students? That only slightly made her brow furrow in irritation. The snobby interviewers paying Rarity with a veiled insult? That only partially amplified the flare of her fuming nostrils. The realization that Suri was a snake in the grass? That only incrementally reddened her complexion by a couple shades. The story ending with Rarity utterly humiliated and in tears? That only barely failed to push her rage past its boiling point. But the cowgirl ultimately managed to restrain herself from interrupting, intent on only commenting once the narration had actually finished. Thankfully, that happened right before steam could start spewing from her ears like a kettle. “WHY, THAT NO-GOOD, TWO-BIT, CROOKED-SHOOTIN' LITTLE... I got half a mind to mosey on over to that school right now an'—” “Applejack...” “Ain't bad enough she roped that poor other gal in on her dirty lil' schemes, but then she goes an' tries to piggyback offa you!?” “Applejack.” “Let's see her steal the design offa my boot AFTER I INTRODUCE IT FIRSTHAND TO HER—” “APPLEJACK!” Rarity's objections did little to actually quell her friend's anger, but at least the farmer had simmered down long enough to take another gulp of her cider then. “What's done is done, darling,” she reasoned. “If such practices really are that common—and from what I've been reading up on, that certainly seems to be the case—then there's no point in ruining perfectly good footwear on somebody's...posterior.” “Yeah, I know,” Applejack grumbled. “Don't make it any more pleasant to stomach...” With that said, she hastily chugged down the remainder of her drink. Either those last few gulps seemed especially fizzy, or the cider was boiling over as it drained down her fiery chest then. Just the thought of this Suri character... It was enough to make her muscles tensen and her forehead tighten. Of course, Crystal Prep students had a spotted history, in general, but most of them proved to be rather friendly and upstanding folk after that whole debacle with the Friendship Games had subsided. Sadly, Suri must've escaped that particular change of heart. Truth be told, that little wench probably could've kindled Applejack's anger for a while still, but the cowgirl's flames started fading at the sudden sight of her friend. Of course, it wasn't uncommon for Rarity to wallow when things weren't going her way, but to see her curled up in that chair then...looking so downtrodden and tired... At that moment, it spurred the cowgirl to shove aside all of her ire in favor of more nurturing instincts. “So...that's what's got ya all blue?” Rarity nodded solemnly. “Well...shoot, hun... Maybe I'm just too simple-minded fer this sorta stuff, but... Y'all do know that ain't really yer fault, right?” “...Yes.” “An' seems to me like yer designs were pretty well-liked. That's mighty important too, ain't it?” “Yes. Sweetie Belle said just as much, and you're both correct.” “So...what's the matter?” “Applejack,” she sighed. “You know that it's been my dream to be a fashion designer for as long as I can recall—to share my visions and help others to shine as fabulously as possible with them. This place was supposed to give me a glimpse into that very dream.” “Makes sense.” “Well, a glimpse is exactly what I caught...and it terrified me. Suri, the university, the entire city; it's all mired in such...hideous selfishness. And I deluded myself into thinking otherwise...” “Hey, even the shiniest apple might have a worm in it. Never know till ya get up real close an' inspect 'em. An' ya can't let just one bad apple spoil the whole lot a'—” “But that's just it, darling! What if this is simply what it takes to make it in the industry!? I always believed fashion to be a thing of pure beauty, but perhaps it's all just dominated by greedy, self-centered individuals...similar to how I've been acting.” “Rarity! I thought I told ya once already, y'all—” “I appreciate that you don't view me in that light, Applejack. Truly, I do. But that doesn't change how I view myself now, especially not after how I treated you. And I'm afraid that I don't see much of a difference between my conduct and what passes for acceptable around here!” “Rarity...” “...When Coco said that she didn't wish to be a part of this kind of world, I was still in shock. But now...I find myself agreeing with her. Maybe that's why I haven't come up with a single design in days. Maybe I'm just so disillusioned with this profession, and with myself...... And if this is really what being a fashion designer is all about...then maybe I'm simply not cut out for MUST...or fashion at all...” For a second then, Applejack could only watch as her friend burried her face within her knees. Once again, she didn't know exactly what she was feeling. She didn't even know what to say...but she didn't care in the slightest. Seeing Rarity so saddened and doubtful then...her lurching heart refused to accept it, and demanded that something be done. Something to make everything right... Something to help the young woman whose generosity had long ago changed her life for the better ever since. For the promise that bound their lives inexorably together... For the sake of their friendship... For Rarity... With all of that pushing her forward, Applejack simply trusted in her feelings, lifted up her phone, and led with the most powerful phrase known to the Apple Family. “...Nope.” “Hmm?” Rarity said, raising her head slightly. “What was that?” “I said nope!" she replied, blindly rushing forward with whatever popped into her head then. "I don't believe it, not even fer a sec!” “B-Believe what, darling?” “I don't believe y'all ain't cut out fer fashion! An' what'd I tell ya earlier 'bout all this self-pity!?” The fashionista was a bit surprised by her friend's bluntness, but she found herself compelled to answer nonetheless. “Applejack... B-But I—” “No buts!” Applejack snapped. “Now listen up, lil' missy! Who here made an entire line a' clothes fer a buncha poor lil' crabs lookin' to be adopted!?” “I...W-Well, I did, but—” “An' who made sure CHS was plenty prepared with outfits fer the Friendship Games!?” “...Me.” “An' who keeps the Rainbooms stocked with WAY too many costumes to ever keep track of!? Rarity gasped at that one. “First of all: me! And second: you can never have too many costumes!” “Ya see!? With attitude an' talent like that, what in tarnation makes y'all think ya weren't born fer this!?” What exactly was happening then? They were raising their voices and snapping at one another, but this didn't feel like one of their typical fights. The stern but almost proud look on Applejack's face. The demanding but almost protective tone in her voice. It was all so...captivating...and inspiring. Without even realizing it, Rarity had snapped out of her defensive posture and was leaning forward, all the while holding her own phone up just as close as her friend was. “I-I never said that I didn't have talent, darling! But so do all of these other aspiring designers, I'm sure! And unlike my own, their attitudes are clearly far more in-line with the fashion wor—” “That's a load a' horse apples that I ain't buying neither! Listen! Y'all might've had a run-in with a buncha hoity-toity snobs, but that don't mean all fashion folk are like that! At least some a' them are creative, bighearted, awe-inspirin' people who're as beautiful on the inside as they are out!” “AND HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT!?” “CUZ THAT'S EVERYTHING YOU ARE!” The second that declaration was out in the open, both girls recoiled in shock, their expressions mirroring one another as blushing cheeks and widened eyes underlined the silence. Of course, tiny screens and limited resolutions couldn't properly convey every detail then, but for a moment...it was almost as if the phones had disappeared entirely...and their faces were but a few inches apart... The illusion was broken, however, when Applejack suddenly put down her phone and walked away, much to Rarity's confusion. Half a minute later, she returned with another bottle of cider in one hand...and her hat in the other. “Applejack?” The farm girl took a giant swig from her new drink then, before angling the stetson so that its silver-lined brim was plainly visible. “See this? Y-Y'all prolly don't recall, but...when we was just lil' tykes, there was this incident with my hat. I had it figured fer ruined, but—” “I sewed it back together.” “...You... You remember that?” Rarity almost took offense to that question. “Of course I do! I'd recognize my handiwork anywhere! And besides...that was the first time that you and I spoke. Frankly, darling, I'm surprised that you still recall this work. What I did truly wasn't all that—” “Don't y'all dare say what ya did ain't important!" Applejack snapped. It was her turn now to be a little offended, but she used that leeway to instead make her point. "It was to me! An' what you do now matters to plenty of other folk, as well! It makes people feel good; it helps 'em to see AND bring out the good in themselves!" "W-Well...I-I mean, I suppose, but—" "Listen... I may not always understand it, but that dream a' yers is beautiful, an' when I see all the hard work ya pour into it, I realize just how amazin' fashion can be! That's all on account of you, Rarity...an' it's proof that bein' a designer is yer callin'!” “A-Applejack...” she whispered, the blush returning and intensifying across her face yet again. With what little defiance that remained, her eyes shifted away as she mustered a weak frown and a weaker deflection. “T-Then clearly I'm in the minority...” The farm girl chuckled gently then, breaking away from her stern tone. She knew that her message had just about been received, and there was only one truth left to tell. “An' since when was that such a bad thing?" "H-Huh?" "Y'all have always been more of a trendsetter than a follower, ain't ya? An' that's plenty true when it comes to how amazin' of a person ya usually are.” “I..I-I...” Applejack leaned forward one last time. Maybe it was the crack of dawn shining just the right amount of light behind her then, or perhaps it was the dim glow of the phone reflecting off of her at just the right angle. Regardless, and for whatever reason, the proud smile that she wore then was more enchanting than anything Rarity could recall laying eyes on as of late. And it just made what followed all the more striking. “Y'all think ya ain't cut out fer them highfalutin city-slickers, but they ain't cut out fer you...cuz you got just as much talent an' vision as any one a' them, AND you got a more beautiful heart than they could ever dream a' havin'... Simple as that!” Silence... A lengthy silence... From Applejack's limited perspective, Rarity was practically frozen in time then, staring unflinchingly forward for what seemed like minutes on end. For a moment, the farm girl wondered if her phone was broken again, though a gentle breeze keeping loose strands of indigo aloft quickly put that concern to rest. Eventually, and without any warning whatsoever, the fashionista took a deep breath...closed her eyes tightly...and pushed her phone over, giving Applejack a sudden and lopsided view of the Manehattan skyline. Before she could even question what that all meant, the farm girl was confronted with an unpleasantly familiar sound: her friend desperately choking back heavy sobs. “Gah! R-Rarity!? W-What's wrong!? Aw shucks, w-what'd I say!? I'm sorry, I—” “Ohh!” Rarity squeaked between sniffles. “...And I just...reapplied my makeup so—so you wouldn't see me like this! Honestly, Applejack, what were you thinking!?” “I-I-I didn't mean to insult ya!” Applejack said in a panic. “I-I thought I—I wasn't really thinkin' when I—I'M SORRY!” “YOU SHOULD BE!” Rarity snapped, grabbing her phone so as to finally give the farmhand a clear shot of her faux-indignant face. Tears, mixed with eye-shadow and foundation, steadily rolled down her flushed cheeks, and her lips and brows quivered in the fight to hold back vastly greater amounts of crying then. What Applejack noticed the most, however, were Rarity's eyes—these deep cerulean pools that overflow and shimmered not with anger...but affection. “T-That was...the s—the single nicest compliment...that anyone's ever...ever given me... W-WHY WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!?” “...Cuz it's the honest truth, sugarcube...” Applejack said, a humble smile forming along her own increasingly heated cheeks. “Besides," she grinned playfully, "y'all wear too much makeup, anyways.” “OH, APPLEJACK!” Rarity shouted, tightly hugging her phone as she burst into tears then. But these weren't the frustrated and painful cries from earlier. They were whiny, overly dramatic, and—ironically enough—a sign that she was actually relieved...and happy. Applejack knew as much, and though she tried to calm her friend down, she was content in allowing Rarity to just let it all pour out for the time being. She only wished that she could be there in person then...to embrace the seamstress, and comfort her in any way possible. But there would be plenty of time for all of that later. For now, another silly little idea began to hatch in the farm girl's head...and maybe after this teatime wrapped up, she would check to see if her friends could help make it happen. Next Time: An Extracurricular Intermission > Chapter 6 - An Extracurricular Intermission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of all the possible places to make the most of a pleasant Sunday afternoon, let alone savor the waning warmth of early Fall, CHS certainly wasn't at the top of Sunset's list. Not that she didn't enjoy her time as a student, but most of what made the school special was completely absent on the weekends. Its hallways echoed with the sounds of her lone footsteps, and the dim fluorescence of the auxiliary lighting gave each empty room a slight otherworldly feel—like she was wandering through a still-life rather than a familiar part of her own life. To think there was a time when this sort of loneliness suited her... But at least all of that was in the distant past. Sunset wasn't alone in this world anymore, nor was she the only occupant in the building right then. After all, the only reason she was even granted access into CHS on the weekend was because of Twilight, who was currently making some adjustments to her latest...thing over at the engineering lab. The ever-aspiring inventor said it would only take a few minutes to complete her work, whereupon she'd join back up over at the yearbook committee's quarters to help with their favor for Applejack. That was twenty minutes ago, and after getting more than enough of a head-start on their project, Sunset decided to make sure that her friend wasn't currently trapped underneath some sort of Rube Coltberg machine, or something as equally outlandish. Nothing of the sort, as it turned out. In fact, what she walked in on was kind of anticlimactic. The engineering lab was almost as quiet as the rest of the building, save for the gentle hum of some machines running vaguely in the background. And even in the relative darkness, it was easy enough to see that the room itself was surprisingly barren. No mounds of half-broken contraptions littering the floor; no elaborate arrangements of cogs and conveyors snaking around the place like she half-expected to find. It was all just so standard and disappointingly empty, save for the bespectacled young woman buzzing about in the far corner. “Twilight?” “Ah, Sunset!” Twilight responded promptly, though her eyes were still tightly glued to her own work. “Perfect timing! Can you come here for a second? I need some assistance with this part.” Sunset gingerly approached, feeling both eager and slightly apprehensive of whatever her friend might be intently laboring on. It wasn't too long ago, after all, that the girls fought off a half-toaster, half-mechanized-monstrosity as a result of Micro Chips' own miscalculations. Between that and when her own efforts to understand the Rainbooms' magic resulted in electrocutions, explosions, and other mishaps, she was understandably growing a bit gun-shy of all this experimentation. Nevertheless, catching a closer look at this particular endeavor only made her all the more curious. Whatever Twilight was fiddling with, it barely took up any space on her workbench, and it was fully illuminated under a single desk lamp. This device had the relative dimensions of a microwave, and it shared the same overall appearance. Really, the only things that stood out about it were the display screen—which currently just featured a purple line running along the lower end—and the rotating antenna that somewhat resembled a bent eggbeater. Its purpose was anyone's guess, but Twilight's not-so-subtle excitement suggested something grand. “Do you have your Geode with you?” “Yeah, of course. Never leave home without it.” “Perfect!” With a finishing twist, Twilight set down her screwdriver and pressed one of the buttons on the box's panel. Moments later, a little Plexiglas compartment rose up from atop the device, revealing her own Geode housed within. She plucked it from the casing, draped it over her neck, and turned toward her perplexed onlooker. “Okay, just place it in there and we can finish the preliminary calibrations.” “This isn't gonna damage it or anything, right?” Sunset inquired, despite already complying with her friend's request. Seconds after detecting that something new had been inserted into it, the compartment receded, and the machine began to whir and buzz with indistinguishable activity. “Not at all. I've had my Geode in there numerous times now, and it's still functioning flawlessly. Look!” Twilight took the moment to display her telekinetic magic then, raising some nearby containers and twirling them around in the air effortlessly. “I've been making sure to test it frequently while working on this project, and so far I've noticed no abnormalities!” “Twilight,” moaned Sunset, “what did we just get through explaining to Rainbow Dash yesterday? We can't just keep using our powers all willy-nilly like that.” In all of her excitement, the young inventor was actually caught off guard by her own admission of misusing magic then. She sheepishly lowered the crates back to where they belonged and flashed her friend an embarrassed smile. “Um, w-well... I-I certainly haven't been using my magic frivolously. It's all been in the greater name of science, which is okay...right?” “Uh-huh... So, when I saw you the other day levitating Spike around while he pretended to be a super-hero, I guess that was for science as well?” “...Heh heh... He does love playing Power Ponies...” As if on cue, the device sounded off with a rather loud beep, effectively interrupting Twilight's exercise in hole-digging. “Oops, looks like everything's ready to go, let's continue with this deliberation some other time, okay, haha?” With that, she quickly returned to her project, completely missing out on her friend's playful eye-roll in the process. Following what seemed like just some random tapping away at the pseudo-microwave's buttons, the compartment containing Sunset's Geode reappeared. With a confirming nod from her friend, she grabbed the trinket and slipped it back on around her neck. It was only then that she noticed how this mystery machine was apparently connected to a nearby printer, which itself began to disgorge a sizable pile of readouts. Once it finished, and with uncanny discernment and precision, Twilight rapidly sifted through most of the freshly printed documents, only to stop midway and carefully analyze a few choice pages. “...Hmm... Yes... Yesss...... YES!” She spun around to face her invention and, after a few more taps against its panel, beckoned her friend to observe its screen. The purple line from beforehand was still visible, but now it was accompanied by a red one that ran along the display's upper half. To Sunset, this was all about as exciting as one of Mr. Cranky Doodle's lectures on vector mathematics, but Twilight was beaming at her with fevered anticipation then. “Do you realize what this means!?” “Um... The slopes are both zero?” “Hah! Good one,” Twilight chuckled, before clearing her throat and dramatically gesturing to properly unveil her latest invention. “Sunset Shimmer! May I introduce to you: The Telemeter for Magic Appraisal and Positioning!” “...” Well, there were no crickets nearby to chirp, but at least the nondescript humming in the background provided a suitable substitute. Sunset stared blankly at her friend, unable to even muster an appropriate response for humoring the situation. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Twilight to try and coax the reaction that she was apparently expecting. “You see, utilizing the specific resonances and energy signatures of our Geodes, this machine has been programmed to recognize and apply them as the baseline values for a comprehensive magical spectrum, which it can then cross-reference to detect any local abnormalities!” “......” “Then, through the use of technology similar to that of basic chronographs, as well as the incorporation of global positioning satellites, the Telemeter can recognize these abnormalities and roughly triangulate their positioning relative tooo...” “.........” Twilight let out an exacerbated sigh then. “Alright, let me show you...” With that, and following a few brief checks to ensure that everything was running optimally, she dragged Sunset along to the other side of the lab. “Here," she said, outstretching her hand. "Read my mind.” “Uh, are you sure?” “Trust me.” Sunset did exactly as she was instructed, gently gripping Twilight's hand with her own then. Moments later, a collection of her friend's thoughts and memories began to flow rapidly through her consciousness: Adjusting the internal sensors so as to better filter out possible atmospheric interference... Making sure that Applejack's phone is using the appropriate Wi-Fi settings... Lifting Spike into the air while his cute little paws are stretched out... With those and a myriad of other recent moments and sensations now freshly transcribed into her mind, Sunset released her friend and fully returned to the here and now. “So...what was that supposed to prove?” Twilight didn't immediately respond. Instead, she walked back over to her little corner and yet again toyed with the Tele-something-or-other. Shortly thereafter, the printer once again began spitting out pages of data, though the young inventor was only interested in a few key excerpts. “Ahem,” she started, while adjusting her glasses, “EMA—or Equestrian Magic Abnormality—detected within the vicinity of Canterlot High-School. Time of detection? Around 1300 hours, or 1:00 PM. What time is it now, Sunset?” “It's...1:21...... Wait...” she said, suddenly grasping her friend's demonstration. “So, that Tele-thing... Are you saying it can tell when and where we've been using our magic!?” “Roughly speaking, yes. But that's only the basics. It can also theoretically categorize the nature of magic abnormalities, and—” “Twilight, that's amazing! Why didn't you say so before!?” “...I thought I did,” she grumbled. Sunset approached to get a closer look at the machine then. “Talk about being full of surprises! If you didn't tell me any of that, I would've thought this whole thing was just you warming up some lunch. Can it sense everyone's magic? Even Rarity's?” “No. Well, not yet, at least. I still need to get ahold of everyone's Geodes and program the Telemeter to recognize their magic first. And even if everything was properly calibrated, the sensors wouldn't have enough power to detect magic from somewhere as far away as Manehattan.” Twilight yet again exercised her telekinesis, this time to raise some pencils off of the workbench. As she did, the device's display screen reacted accordingly, with the purple line fiercely oscillating up and down in response to this nearby magical occurrence. “Honestly, it's just a prototype. And it's still in the preliminary trial phase. With enough time, I could probably increase the range to cover most of Canterlot, but for now...” She ceased her little demonstration, and the screen returned to its idle state. “Right now, it's just for use at CHS.” “That's still really impressive! But, come to think of it, is all this necessary? I mean, it's really cool that we could detect our own magic and all, but I doubt any of us are abusing our powers enough to need that kind of surveillance. Don't you?” “But that's the best part, Sunset!” Twilight replied, her elation reaching its peak. “Right now, the Telemeter can only detect the magic of you and me. But that's not even its intended function! Ideally, when all of this is finished, it won't even react to our magic, unless I calibrate it to do so. Instead, it'll be able to detect and locate magic from sources outside of our own! Sources such as—” “Anything that's been overrun with Equestrian Magic!?” “EXACTLY! This little device will help us to locate foreign magic, so we can deal with it before things get out of hand like usual!” “TWILIGHT, THAT'S INCREDIBLE!” Sunset shouted, grabbing her friend's shoulders and lightly shaking her. “No wonder Principal Celestia gave the okay for you to come in on the weekend! This is seriously important work!” “Well, that...and she trusts me to water her office plants.” Following a brief chuckle over that little quip, Sunset leaned in to examine the machine a bit more closely. She knew of ways to detect magic in Equestria, but those methods were nowhere near as effective or effortless as something like this... Just the thought of what it could be capable of achieving was staggering. One minute, the girls could be off minding their own business. The next, an alert on their phones or something calls them into action, and they rush in to combat a magical disturbance and save the world! It was like something out of a comic book! "Wow, it's almost like you're building our very own crime computer! I guess Dash's superhero talk is starting to rub off on you, huh?" "Maybe a little," Twilight said, still slightly embarrassed over giving in to Rainbow's enthusiasm. "Honestly, though, I've been working on this device more for you than anyone else, Sunset." "Me?" “Yes... I... I know you still feel guilty about Equestrian Magic being in this world—even though you shouldn't—and I also know how much you've been hoping for the Fall Formal to be uneventful this year. Maybe this isn't much, but after everything you and the others have given me over the years, I just wanted to do something to help alleviate your burden... At the very least, I—" Before she could say another word, Twilight suddenly found herself in Sunset's tight embrace, and could only smile as her friend whispered between some subtle sniffling. “...It's more than enough...and thank you...” For a few more minutes, the two friends discussed the Telemeter before finally departing from the engineering lab. After all, making advancements in combating rampant Equestrian Magic was certainly important, but another friend was in dire need of some encouragement then, and Sunset knew exactly where to look for it. The yearbook committee's quarters were about as dark as the engineering lab, but at least this was an environment that Sunset had more experience with. It also didn't hurt that the unified glow of neighboring monitors made everything a bit easier to see. Of course, there wasn't much need to actually wander about right now, especially since both girls were just browsing through the committee's private files. What Applejack sought was relatively simple: proof. Proof of Rarity's talent as a fashion designer, and of the effect that she's had on others because of her skills and unselfish behavior. But as simple a task as that may have seemed, the discussion that Sunset ultimately had with Applejack evolved into a bit more of an elaborate plan, one that she further explained to Twilight as they both combed through multiple gigabytes of old photos. “So,” Twilight started, “we just need pictures of her outfits, right? I'm sure there's tons of those in here, but I've got quite a few on my phone as well, if we need.” “Yeah, same. And I suggested that to Applejack, but she brought up a pretty good point. We're Rarity's closest friends, so it's easy for us to have that kind of stuff lying around—and to be super encouraging about it all. Problem is, it's also easy to see that kind of thing as us just playing favorites.” “You don't think Rarity would believe we're just humoring her, do you?” “Of course not. But after talking it over this morning, we both agreed that she needs more than just her friends' support on this one. Not to say that we can't send her some of our own, but—” “It would be better to have as many unbiased opinions as possible?” “Right.” The search for such impartial evidence was a bit more cumbersome than expected, due largely to the disorganized nature of all these files. After all, who honestly expected that the need would ever arise to revisit old yearbook folders? Still, it was both surreal and entertaining to take a digital trip through memory lane, and it managed to spark an important, albeit slightly somber, conversation. “Ooh, I found a few really good ones,” Twilight declared, as she copied the files onto her jump-drive. “I still can't believe Rarity would ever think she wasn't good enough to be a fashion designer. Some of this stuff is just so pretty.” “Well, I get how expectations can clash with reality. But yeah, I do agree with you on that. It didn't feel like AJ gave me the whole story, but I think that university really got to her. Guess when you start planning your whole future around something, finding out it's kinda crummy can leave you feeling pretty bummed out.” “Yeah, I suppose you're right...” Planning for the future... There was a brief silence as Twilight searched for the right way to broach this topic. Eventually, however, she decided to try and lead with a bit more of a general question first. “Speaking of... Have you been giving much thought to college yet?” “Mmm, not as much as I probably should. How about you? Decided on anything?” “Um... No, not yet...” “Still can't pick between Harvard or Yale, huh?” “Heh heh... Good one...” Sunset sighed heavily as she leaned back in her chair then. “...It's funny how different things can be around here. In Equestria, when people—or ponies—discover their true calling, everything else just kinda falls into place from there." "What do you mean?" "Well, a lot of us don't really need further schooling after our cutie marks appear. It's almost like learning a trade. You realize what you love to do...then you go off to do it. Sure, there's always more to learn, but you can grow and find your place in the world a lot faster there, ya know? Look at Princess Twilight and her friends. They're a similar age to us, but most of them live alone, manage their own businesses, and even rule over entire populations. I guess you could say that...some things seem a bit simpler where I'm from.” “Oh... Well, I-I'm sure even that comes at a price. It certainly doesn't sound like they have as much time to spend with each other...before real-world responsibilities commence.” Sunset chuckled. “Actually, Equestria's a bit more compact than this world. And a lot of creatures there do fly, or teleport or whatever. Not to mention all the changes going on these past few years... Honestly, it seems like Princess Twilight gets into adventures with her friends almost every week!” “Oh...I see...” There was a brief lull in the conversation before Sunset continued. “...Hmm, adventures with friends... I think that's what I'll miss the most when everyone parts ways...” “Huh!?” Twilight squeaked. “W-Well, that isn't necessarily going to occur. I mean, considering everyone's plans, it's not like they'd be that far away, right?” What were everyone's plans following graduation? Neither Twilight nor Sunset was completely certain, but at least some educated guesses could be made based on what was known. Rarity's were the most obvious. In her endeavors to become a world-renowned fashion designer, she would seek an institute that catered specifically to her craft. Probably one of the more prestigious schools like those in Manehattan, or even someplace outside of the country. Fluttershy's were a bit more local. Never one to stray too far from outside of her comfort zone, she was content to pursue veterinary studies somewhere closer to home. Canterlot University—or CU, for short—seemed like the most probable destination for her. Applejack's were the most rooted. Knowing that her calling would always be to her family and their farm, she considered not even pursuing additional studies at all. At the very most, a couple of years at a local trade school were possible, if the need ever presented itself. Pinkie Pie's were naturally all over the map. Party planner, entertainer, pastry chef; just a handful of the many occupations that she expressed interest in. But regardless of the intent, CU seemed the most likely place to house those budding and completely erratic aspirations. Rainbow Dash's were surprisingly the vaguest. Becoming a pro-athlete was obvious enough, but exactly what kind was much tougher to determine. There was also the question of which college would provide the best athletic scholarships to suit her needs. Overall, some would probably drift further away, while others would remain close. But was that good enough for Twilight's point—and her hopes—to stand? “Really, most of you girls will likely still be around...right?” “Yeah, it's possible, but I'm not so sure... Besides, even if that were true, it'd still be pretty lonely without you around.” “What!?” Twilight shifted around to face Sunset then, unsure of what she fully meant by that comment. “Well, I mean, you're as brilliant as they come. And you've got tons of academic interests, and an amazing portfolio! I'll bet plenty of universities would go to war with each other just to have you as a student.” “I...I'm not so sure about that...” “Hey,” Sunset chuckled, tilting her head so as to show her friend an encouraging smile. “Anyone who could tutor all of us into getting straight A's—let alone invent something as amazing as what you just did—is definitely a genius! You know we all believe in you, and I know you'll go far no matter what you decide.” “...T-Thanks...” Twilight forced a weak smile before turning back to her computer, her fingers nervously fidgeting as she pretended to scour for more images. Such a disheartened reaction didn't go unnoticed by Sunset, however, and she couldn't help feeling a bit surprised by it...and concerned. Was it something she said? “Are...are you okay, Twi?” For being so apparently brilliant, Twilight was unsure of how to answer that question. What was she supposed to say, especially given how Sunset's expectations of her were already so high? She didn't want to cause any friction, nor did she wish to disappoint anyone. Maybe it wasn't the best time to bring this all up. Maybe it should never be brought up again... “Yeah,” Twilight sighed, “I'm fine. Even geniuses get a little worn out staring at screens for too long. Maybe we should just focus on finishing the search, huh?” Sunset didn't quite buy her friend's explanation then, but she did raise a good point. It was getting later in the afternoon, and there was still quite a bit of work to do before enacting Applejack's idea. They needed to send these files, contact the others, coordinate their actions and timing... Realizing all of that, she returned to her own search then, all the while making sure to have a deeper talk with her friend once all of this was behind them. Perhaps by then, she'll have finally decided on whether or not returning to Equestria was the right path forward following their graduation... Graduation... Of all the possible places to make the most of a pleasant Sunday afternoon, CHS certainly wasn't at the top of Sunset's list. However, as she and Twilight continued sifting through a deluge of memories and halcyon adventures, they both silently accepted that this school—as well as everything in it—wouldn't even be on that list for much longer... Next Time: Countdown > Chapter 7 - Countdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days to go... That was the remaining amount of time that Rarity had left on Sunday. Three days before her vacation in Manehattan finally came to an end, whereupon she'd be boarding a return flight to Canterlot that would make landfall by Thursday evening. In hindsight, it's amazing just how quickly things had changed around here...and how much her perspective on that time limit had shifted. When she awoke early on Sunday morning, those looming 72 hours seemed like a grueling eternity—a lengthy battle of attrition that, along with the rest of the city, she couldn't wait to have as far behind her as possible. But now, as street lamps began to illuminate the evening rush outside, three days was suddenly nowhere near enough time. Why in the world had she whiled away so many hours in premature defeat when there was still so much work that needed to be done!? So much to recall, so much to draw inspiration from, and most importantly, still so much left to create! And yet, there was just so little time left for any of that. It was a daunting challenge indeed...but it was also one that Rarity relished. To once again be working under such pressures with naught but liberal amounts of confidence, conviction, and caffeine to push her through. Simply put, it felt like a return to form; a return to the person that she's always been proud of. To think that the fashionista had almost forgotten what it meant to truly be one...were it not for the most wonderful people to have ever blessed her life... In the midst of her sister's latest project, Sweetie Belle entered their hotel room with her usual boisterous flair, kicking the door open and bearing a large tray of snacks and beverages as she marched in. “Room service!” she announced triumphantly. “And don't forget to tip your bell—whoa!” Her quip for a tip was interrupted as she tripped over herself then, launching all of the naught-cuisine into the air with her stumble. Thankfully, before any of it crashed or spilled, a series of diamond-like panels manifested to catch the foodstuffs in mid-fall. From there, Rarity exercised her powers to bring it all to a graceful landing atop the sisters' beds, before walking over to help Sweetie Belle back onto her feet. “Thank you very much, dear. But I don't believe catering to be your true calling, hmhm. Did you remember to—” “Yup! Got it right here,” her sister said, pulling from her pocket a box of colored pencils. “Perfect!” Rarity replied, plucking the box from Sweetie Belle's hand and examining its contents. Not the most elegant of assorted hues, but they would certainly work in a pinch. More than satisfied with the service then, she pulled out her wallet and gifted her sister with reimbursement, as well as a few bucks extra. “A little tip for my little bellhop,” she chuckled, before grabbing the most agreeable refreshments from the pile and returning to her workstation. Sweetie Belle joined in then, jumping onto the neighboring bed with an armful of treats and quickly going to town on them all. So much for never being able to eat again. “How's the sketches going?” she mumbled between munches of chips. “They're progressing rather smoothly, I think. And now that I can envision the fabrics with a bit more color, they should look even more promising! Thank you again, Sweetie Belle. Oh, but do swallow before talking, please. You're getting crumbs all over the bed.” Her sister did as instructed before continuing. “Can I see some of them?” “Hmm... Very well. Just wipe your hands first, and be careful.” Rarity handed over her completed sketches to Sweetie Belle, who proceeded to spread them along the mattress so as to admire the collective collage as a whole. “Wow! They're so pretty! I can't believe you did this all so quickly!” “Yes, well, I certainly hope the girls admire my designs as much as you do. Every outfit will be crafted with their particular tastes in mind.” The designer had only been working for a couple of hours, but her ideas and visualizations were nevertheless as stunning as they were prolific. They ranged from gorgeous full-body dresses to more casual ensembles, but each one bore little pieces and details of what was currently trending within Manehattan. It was as if every outfit would be a sort of souvenir from the big city itself, just as she intended. Of course, having outfits inspired by the cutting-edge was all very well, but there was little point if her friends' unique personalities didn't shine through. And Rarity absolutely refused to allow this city to swallow up the natural beauty of those who truly inspired her, let alone saved her from becoming engulfed by it herself. It started not too long after those rather embarrassing phone calls earlier this morning. As much as she felt foolish for her undignified outbursts—bawling like a toddler in front of her best friend, and whatnot—the entire thing did prove to be rather cathartic. Had that been all there was to this day, she could've at least weathered the remainder of her vacation feeling much more at peace, assured that things back home were as pleasantly normal as always. But then came a message...from Sunset. It was just an image—one depicting performers adorned in Rarity's outfits for the Light Parade at Equestria Land—but it spoke a thousand words, and triggered a deluge of memories within the fashionista. Endless amounts of labor and stress, culminating in near-breakdowns underneath so many dwindling hours of crushing pressure. But just look at what all the sweat and tears helped to fuel! Those outfits and costumes were gorgeous, elaborate, and practically brought to life the very characters and creatures they were meant to represent. But even more important were the people wearing them. They looked so pleased and confident in themselves. Rarity could still remember how many of them said as much, marveling over the quality, and thanking her for all of her efforts and suggestions. She helped them to put on a performance they could take pride in. She helped them to look and feel fabulous... Then came a second text, and then another. Multiple messages from all of her friends came pouring in, each bearing a photo that depicted one of her prior works. It was a cavalcade of projects, commissions, and gifts. For friends and family; for people and animals; for men, women, and children of all ages. Every picture told a different story, but they all ended the same: with stunning outfits, blissful faces, and a sense of fulfillment within herself. It was everything she thought—everything she knew fashion should be. The final photo came once again from Sunset, and it was the most striking of them all. It was the holiday greeting card of Rarity and her friends as they posed in those ridiculous vegetation costumes that she...that she made in the name of friendship. And underneath that image was the first line of text to grace this entire inundation of memories since it started. Putting effort into clothes is what I live for, and spending time on my friends fills me with energy! She remembered saying that, alright. It was right before they met this world's Twilight. And it was true back then...just as it still was now. Her friends gave her so much inspiration, and they always pushed her to run with it to the fullest. Just looking at them and everyone else in these photos, showcasing what made them such beautiful people. Fluttershy's gracefully reserved manner, Pinkie Pie's boundlessly eye-drawing enthusiasm, Sunset Shimmer's boldly reassuring self-confidence...really, they each boasted alluring qualities too numerous to count! It's just a shame that they couldn't accompany her to Manehattan. In a place like this, there were dozens of styles and simple ways to accentuate their... And that's when it happened. That's when the couturier's cogs finally began to turn again. In hindsight, it was all so obvious. Of course, Manehattan was a vast pool of inspiration, but like any other, it needed to be dove into from the right angle to be harnessed properly. Rarity found hers then, and from there it all flowed so much more naturally. Her mind suddenly became alight with ideas; her pencils smoothly glided along once again with purpose; and even the little wet spots dotting her sketches couldn't stifle the tearfully happy expression she wore while rekindling her passion. Hours later, and Rarity still remained at that workstation, going stronger than ever and creating even more pieces, as her little sister continued to marvel over the current set. “Oh, and don't fret too much, Sweetie Belle. I may be focusing on my friends at the moment, but let's just say that I have a few presents planned for a certain bellhop as well, hm hm.” “Really!? Thank you SO much, Rarity! Just...no actual uniforms, please. I don't think I'm really cut out for bellhopping..." "Duly noted," she chuckled. Sweetie Belle continued to admire the sketches, delighting in hitherto unseen details that only revealed themselves with each successive perusal. But there were a few features in particular that seemed rather ubiquitous amongst all these dresses, and she couldn't help but wonder why. "So, are all these the ones you're gonna make for Applejack?” Such an innocent question, and yet it made Rarity's heart skip a beat. “Hmm!? Why, no, dearie. I believe only one or two of my designs so far have been with Applejack in mind. Why ever did you assume otherwise?” “Well, it's just...all of these have her modeling them, I think.” “Huh!? Why, don't be silly, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity stopped her current design and walked over to look at the little impromptu gallery herself. “I'm sure your eyes are just playing—” A loose ponytail held together by a band at its fraying end. Three distinct freckles dotting both cheeks. The APPLE imprint on the pendant. These features were shared between every sketch, and they were rather hard to miss. “Oh! I suppose...you're quite correct...” “You mean you didn't know?” “W-Well, um...not entirely. But I—well, it does make sense,” she said, trying hastily to explain more to herself rather than to her sister. “Applejack has modeled for me more than any of the other girls, and her form and measurements are practically a basis for everyone else's. Taught and firm, but still svelte and feminine enough. She's what we in the industry call 'the gold standard,' you see.” “Ohhh,” Sweetie Belle replied, innocently taking in this reasoning as if it were obvious in hindsight. With that, Rarity returned to her desk and continued working, though not before checking to see who exactly was wearing her current work-in-progress. Of course, between everyone that she had to be immensely grateful for, Applejack stood at the very forefront of her mind. In truth, earning the farm girl's forgiveness alone was a massive reprieve, and knowing that her best friend was finally back in her life helped put so much into perspective. It never really dawned on her beforehand just how much you could take someone's presence for granted, let alone how much you might miss them when they were gone. But as crucial as all of that undeniably was, it was Applejack's actions afterward that especially spoke to Rarity. Only that silly bumpkin would earnestly suggest something as unorthodox—and as childishly charming—as teatime over the phone just to make her feel better. Only that headstrong farmhand would do something with such little forethought—and such genuine concern—as searching for ways to remind her of everything that she's achieved in her career. Only that untactful darling would embarrass herself by saying things so uncouth—and so disarmingly touching—as if they were all completely inarguable truths. To think what her best friend had actually claimed so boldly to her... Calling her work, her dreams, and even her heart beautiful... Of course, Applejack was never really interested in the world of fashion, and her appreciation for such things was always...cut from a different clothe. But Rarity respected her in ways that were far more different and arguably far more important. Really, the fact that such a strong, truthful, hard-working, and more bighearted person could think so highly of her in any regard... That entire conversation and those heartwarming thoughts kept reverberating within her mind and making her chest feel aflutter with what could be none other than inspiration! Perhaps that's why Applejack was appearing throughout her work then. She was serving as a reminder of what these pieces represented, and how important it was that Rarity powered through to finish them. Accepting that, and determined not to let her friends down again, she continued her sketches and planning with even more fervor. She also started conceptualizing a single outfit for herself...all in the name of a little surprise for her best friend. **** Lunch time at CHS was always a lively highlight for the girls, but Monday's gathering was especially spirited. After all, it wouldn't be too much longer before Rarity was finally reunited with them, and the table was all abuzz with plans and deliberations for how to commemorate the occasion. Obviously, a celebration was in order for this weekend; however, where and what it should entail was the real topic of discussion. Rainbow Dash wanted to go big with a trip to Equestria Land, ideally without having to do too much hero work this time. Sunset thought that one last beach-day would be best, especially before winter came blustering in. Fluttershy and Twilight suggested a more tranquil affair, like a slumber party at one of their homes. Pinkie Pie was largely indifferent to the locale, determined to bring a parade's worth of confections and confetti to whatever venue was ultimately chosen. And Applejack... Actually, she was absent for most of this debate, but returned just in time to hear its conclusion. “Sorry, y'all... Got a lil' held up at my locker. Um, w-what'd I miss?” “Well,” Sunset said, “we couldn't agree on one specific idea, so—” “We decided to do them all!” Pinkie cheered. “Oh boy, I'll have to make sure all my party cannons are pre-loaded!” “Heh, that's perfect timin'. I just got a text from Rarity. Said she's got a big surprise planned fer all of us, too.” “Ooh,” Twilight said, “I wonder what she could be planning?” “Hopefully nothing too expensive,” Sunset replied. “I'm sure she's already spent a ton in a place as fancy as Manehattan.” “Aw, I wouldn't worry too much 'bout all that. Seems like she's been pretty frugal the past few days, if our talkin' is anything to go offa. Didn't even mention that kinda stuff this mornin', and she usually loves goin' off on one last buyin' spree before—.” “Wait, wait, wait,” Rainbow interrupted, “you guys talked today!?” “Well...just fer a bit, before I headed off to school. Couldn't chat last night 'cause she was too busy workin' on that surprise, I reckon... What's the matter?” “Well, it would've been nice to add us to the call. We haven't heard from Rarity in, like, forever!” “Wait, what? Didn't she thank y'all fer those texts yesterday?” “Yeah, but it's not the same,” Pinkie sighed, sounding a little dejected herself. “I really wanted to hear more about her trip, especially the desserts...” “Aw, don't sound so down, you guys,” Sunset said. “She's only got two more days left in Manehattan. After that, we can hear all about her trip. And remember, Rarity's been through quite a bit this past week. It only makes sense that she'd be talking with Applejack a lot right now.” Almost everyone agreed to Sunset's reasoning on that matter, but Applejack was slightly taken aback by it; moreover, the fact that all the girls seemed in on that assumption just amplified her uneasy bewilderment. “Huh? W-Whaddya mean by that? I'm sure Rarity's plenty excited to talk to us all, but—” “Oh, absolutely! It's just, you've been such a good friend to her lately. You comforted her when she was feeling down.” “You worried about her when you couldn't get in touch,” Fluttershy added. “You helped her get over that stuffy old school,” Rainbow continued. “And,” Twilight finished, “you pioneered the idea to remind her about everything she's accomplished!” Applejack wasn't sure which was worse—the fact that everyone was listing her gestures one by one, or that there were apparently so many to mention in the first place—but it was all making her feel more anxious by the second. What exactly were the girls implying? Sure, she had essentially proven herself a caring friend, but it's not like Rarity saw her as anything special... “Well, I-I mean...S-Sunset was more the ringleader when it came to that plan. An' we all pitched in our fair share to make it work. A-An' I'm sure any one of us woulda done just as much fer Rarity, right!?” Yet again, everyone agreed with what was being said, but it didn't seem to matter. It did little to quell the blush coming off of the farmer's cheeks, or the anxiety overcoming her mind. Even worse was the one-two combo that came next. “Still,” Sunset said, “you shouldn't sell yourself so short. We all know how dependable you are, but you really went above and beyond when it came to your best friend.” “It was very sweet,” Fluttershy added. “I-I... W-Well...Uh...” Applejack would've continued stammering for an excuse, but she was saved by the school's bell going off. “Whoops! Well, time to get back to class. See y'all later!” The farm girl rushed off before any of her friends could even rise from the table. She felt ignorant for making such an abrupt and rude exit, but the panic was almost unbearable. Her heart was rushing, her face flushing, and her forehead was beginning to perspire. It was all almost as bad as the panic attack from earlier. That's actually why she was so delayed in rejoining her friends for lunch in the first place. Halfway into the break, and just as she finished retrieving something from her locker, Applejack became engaged in a text-chat with Rarity, and it concluded with the fashionista catching her off guard once again. I simply cannot wait to see you again!!! It was an innocent enough statement, but like so many unassuming things as of late, it affected her in unexpected ways. She caught herself deliberating on the meaning of that text, and working herself into a tizzy that took quite a bit of time to suppress. It seemed as though lately she just couldn't stop herself from becoming overly stressed. Her reaction to that text, her manners in the lunchroom, and even all the days spent overworking herself at the farm... Why was this happening so much anymore? Was the absence of her best friend really throwing off the rest of her life that drastically? Thankfully, it was all almost over. Once Rarity returned, Applejack was sure that everything else would settle back into normalcy around Canterlot. Between that assurance, the clothier's actual return, and whatever this upcoming surprise was, at least she certainly had a lot to start getting excited for. Hopefully her anxiety could stay manageable until then. **** Rarity's fashionably early return on Wednesday evening was indeed a surprise, but it was certainly a welcomed one. It was also a bit of an exclusive reveal, seeing as how only Applejack was made privy of her best friend's early flight home. It wasn't usually in the farmer's nature to keep such secrets, but her friend wanted to spend some time alone with her so that they could finally catch up. Of course, there wasn't much that could be done on a school-night to celebrate the occasion, but the two found a way to make this evening a suitable prelude to the rest of the upcoming festivities. Applejack originally intended to help Rarity with her unpacking, believing that her super-strength would come particularly in handy after the fashionista's tour through the consumer capital of the continent. However, there wasn't actually that much to unpack. In fact, Rarity was unpacked and practically settled back into her home within what seemed like less than twenty minutes! Anticlimactic as that may have all been, the entire situation did open up an opportunity for them to spend that coveted time together. Applejack was already in Rarity's house, after all, and her friend did wish to show proper gratitude for the farmer's help... What better way than with a little impromptu slumber party? Not the most honest or direct of circumstances—Applejack did promise not to tell her friends or family about this party—but it still sounded kind of fun to share in this secret little get-together. And how long had it been since she last got to spend some time alone with Rarity? Just the two of them. How could she pass up such an opportunity? Thankfully, she didn't. A few calls and fibs later, as well as a quick stopover at the farm to pick up some nightly essentials, and their slumber party was in full-swing. Granted, calling it a party with only two people in attendance may have been a bit much, but it was as fun and relaxing as any other hootenanny that Applejack could ever recall being a part of. The two best friends chatted and reminisced, joking around and laughing raucously well into the night. It was just as she had hoped. Everything was back to normal; everything was perfect. Of course, time flies when you're having fun, and this time was no exception. Applejack was enjoying herself so much, in fact, that she didn't even notice how quickly the hours were passing on by. Before she knew it, it was ten o'clock, then eleven—all in what seemed to be the blink of an eye. As midnight drew nearer, the two eventually found themselves on Rarity's bed, with the farm girl sitting at the foot of it and the seamstress resting along it. She gave a peaceful sigh as she stretched out, probably delighting in the sense of finally being back home. “Goodness, what a week. I simply cannot thank you enough for all that you've done, Applejack. I doubt I'd have made it through without you.” “Ha ha, anytime, Rarity. But I'm sure y'all woulda managed just fine without me... I know what you mean, though. Been a pretty rough time fer all of us. Feels like I might need a vacation just to recover from yer vacation!” “Indeed! You'll have to take me along with you, I fear, just so I can finally unwind a little bit myself... Perhaps we should go someplace together, just you and I? A day at the spa...or the beach?” “Hmm... I'd like that a lot...” As Rarity continued to relax, Applejack began to look around her best friend's bedroom, taking comfort in the familiar decor of it all. Slowly, however, she started noticing little changes that never registered with her before. The poster of Dirk Thistlewood was indeed new, as were the apple-scented candles, and the mound of pony plushies over in the corner. With each glance, more of these small differences began to crop up, and they started making the farm girl feel a little uneasy. She usually knew this place so well, but now... She opted to settle herself by focusing on something recognizable. Sadly, less of the room seemed familiar to her the harder that she looked around. And for some reason, in that increasingly unsettling search for normality, Applejack's wandering gaze eventually rested on Rarity's ankles... They appeared so delicate, as if crafted from flawless porcelain, and they subtly guided the eyes to slide down her insteps—these smooth slopes that were like hills of finely packed snow—and ultimately settle upon slender toes that were pristine, pedicured, and painted perfectly (with purplish polish, precisely). From there, Applejack's eyes roamed back upward, running slowly along ivory legs that felt impossibly soft and seemed to stretch on for an eternity. It was only when she reached the edge of her friend's nightgown that the shock of what was happening finally hit her. When did her hand join in on this little tour? Why was she suddenly so brazen about doing this? What did Rarity— In an instant, her eyes darted up in an effort to meet Rarity's. After how shameful her actions just were, she felt utterly terrified of how her friend might be feeling about such a breach of personal space. Would she be angry? Mortified? Disgusted? But much to Applejack's surprise, her friend's face reflected none of those emotions. Instead, Rarity just regarded her with...a pleasant smile? Was that a usual reaction to this sort of thing? It's almost as if the clothier didn't even notice the farmer's hand steadily sliding up her thigh and— Applejack instantly recoiled and spun back around to face the dresser, or whatever was standing in front of her then. Was her reaction any better? She didn't try to explain herself, or even apologize. Instead, she just continued conversing. “Heh... Actually, Twilight's lil' gizmo is some pretty amazin' stuff. We prolly coulda used that thing to find some of our newer friends a while ago.” “Hmm, is that so?” “Yeah," she replied awkwardly. "An' with Pinkie an' Sunset at the helm, I reckon our little group is gonna do just fine, ha ha.” The farm girl's eyes yet again browsed the bedroom, though she was quickly interrupted by a statement that felt as strange as everything else going on. “You're a terrible liar, Applejack,” her friend said softly. It wasn't an accusation, nor was it laced with any kind of malice. Nevertheless, it made her seize up and sweat a little. She couldn't refute the claim, but... “Y-Yeah...” Without even turning around, Applejack began to shift herself backward, slowly moving from the foot of the bed all the way until her back pressed against its headboard. Despite wanting to, she didn't dare look over at Rarity, fearful of whatever unknowable thing might happen should she even shift her glance a bit. It was all so strange. Her mind was reaching a state of muted panic, but her body felt disjointedly calm, and it continued to do so even after what happened next. From out of the corner of her eye, a hand reached forward and gently pressed against her cheek. It was cool and smooth to the touch, and smelled faintly of lotion. It was all just so disarmingly pleasant, especially as that hand began to lightly caress her, with fingers that ran effortlessly through her hair, and sharp nails that traced lines of tingling goosebumps down her neck. “What's wrong, darling?” Applejack's head turned, though she couldn't tell if that was of her own volition or not. She looked over at Rarity, who continued to wear the most unassumingly calm face possible. But whatever the fashionista was feeling then, one thing was certain: she was beyond beautiful. Those lustrous streams of indigo hair—with half flowing down her velvety neck, and half tracing the contours of that perfect face—with tantalizingly juicy lips, an adorably curved nose, and pillowy fair cheeks that gracefully underlined those gorgeous blue eyes—with gazes so intense, so deep and sparkling and soulful, like ethereal pools of sapphire too chasmic to reflect anything but their own mesmerizing— “Applejack?” she asked quietly, with those dulcet tones that were only amplified by that seductively posh accent, and— What was happening!? What was Applejack doing!? Seeing Rarity like this, looking so gorgeous and almost welcoming of whatever may come. There was no hesitation, no resignation, nothing in her manner whatsoever to indicate that this was wrong. And yet it WAS wrong! It HAD to be! She knew as much, and did everything possible to stop things from progressing any further. But her body absolutely refused to wait any longer. Ignoring the fact that they were just friends, she slowly adjusted herself so as to lay on top of Rarity. Ignoring that this might ruin everything forever, she caressed Rarity's carefree face with her own hand. Ignoring every screaming, begging plea from her own terrified mind, Applejack leaned in and pressed her lips firmly against Rarity's. What followed next was...surreal. At some point, both bodies became entangled within ever-twisting sheets. At another, the lights were turned off, and every article of clothing eventually found its way scattered onto the floor. Applejack had little recollection of these events actually happening. Instead, she could only recall the most vivid moments of her time engaged with her best friend. Savoring Rarity's tender neck with deep kisses, followed by the peppering of her legs with softer, more playful ones. Having her face buried within those soft breasts, only to find herself nibbling against that supple back. With every disjointed second that passed, she could feel a pressure building within, as small paroxysms of ecstasy steadily rippled throughout her body. And with each wave, she crossed yet another threshold of lubricious delight...with fewer left to reach before the climax... Throughout all of this, and while her body got to enjoy a grand tour of heaven itself, her mind was begrudgingly engaged in a hellish civil war. The reasons for why she should stop this whole thing were plentifully obvious, and they were loudly trumpeted by her subconscious till it was blue in the superego. But did any of that really matter? Was any of that really the issue? Squeezing and nipping the stress from Rarity's shoulders... Not much longer... The truth was, even the loudest dissidents of her psyche wanted this. She wanted it all, she was in the middle of it all, and she couldn't truly enjoy any of it. Because it was wrong. But did it have to be? If there was just something...a single reason, a sole invite for her to just relish what she so deeply pined for without any caveats or guilt. Kissing Rarity's legs from thigh to toe... So close... But there was none. No moans of delight, no returning kisses, nothing from Rarity whatsoever. She was just...there...allowing all of this to occur without any signs of either contentment or contempt. It's like she was purely indifferent, and that was more terrifying than anything else. Her lips pressed against Rarity's own, as her tongue... Almost... It's not like this had to happen. Just one word, one uneasy syllable or hesitant twitch from the fashionista, and Applejack would willingly and gladly stop. Rarity had the power to bring it all to a grinding halt. So why wasn't she? Was she enjoying this, or hating it? Was Applejack being selfish with her lust, or were they both giving and taking from one another equally? Just one... Just give her one answer, before... Applejack found herself back on top, gently thrusting and gazing down at Rarity. She was practically angelic then, with fair skin that shined within the radiance of the full moon, and a beautiful face peeking out beyond disheveled curtains of purple locks. The farmer's body was at its limit, with a heart that was racing, and loins that were beginning to erupt. Seconds away from... Please, her mind begged—without any semblance of coherent thought—as her breathing intensified, her body trembled, and tears began to well up within her wide, pleading eyes. Please...just do...just say something. Anything... So I... So I know y'all... “Applejack,” Rarity whispered. “...I...” “GAH! RARITY!” Applejack shouted. She launched up from the bed in a cold sweat, panting heavily as cognizance slowly reclaimed her from whatever nightmare she was just engulfed in. She hastily looked around as bits of her brain began to power back on, connecting all of the sensations and memories into something much more coherent. A rooster alarm clock perched atop the neighboring nightstand. A window through which the moon's dim glow spilled into the rest of the room. Her pillows, her sheets, her comfort. Her bed. She was in her bed...in her room...on her family's farm. Whatever just happened, it was all merely a dream. Rising to sit up, Applejack quickly noticed just how much of a mess she apparently was. Her eyes were moist, her body was covered in sweat, and her inner thighs seemed— “Oh, fer cryin' out loud...” she whispered in frustration, wiping the wetness from her burning eyelids. Having an arousing dream was one thing, but what in the world could've been so dramatic as to elicit this kind of... “...Oh, no...” As the vivid memories of that dream began to replay in her mind, she quickly came to understand why she was feeling so uneasy moments ago. And within moments, the terror that she was just freed from quickly consumed her all over again. Rarity... She kissed Rarity... She had...with Rarity... Applejack's head fell back onto her pillow, and her trembling hands gripped at her bangs as she reeled from all the implications. It wasn't the fact that she fantasized about a woman. She knew what floated her boat, and never felt any shame in that regard. It wasn't even necessarily the fact that this nightmarish fantasy involved Rarity. Considering how pretty and frankly seductive she could be, it was a safe assumption that the seamstress was quite the starlet of many people's daydreams. Though the farm girl would never admit it out loud, her best friend was an occasional guest star of her own fantasies, from time to time. But those were always just vague images to whip the reins a little, like pages in a magazine or scenes in a movie. To actually...to actually have sex with Rarity... And maybe that wouldn't be such a problem. Maybe this whole thing could just be waved off as a terrible fluke. But there were two issues with that hypothetical. Firstly, this wasn't an isolated incident; it was an escalation. For the past week or so, many of Applejack's dreams involved Rarity, and they were growing more pronounced with each one that followed. Granted, they were never quite so bold beforehand—they actually started off not revolving around any sexual context at all. But they were still becoming weirdly prevalent in her mind, and THIS nightmare was as blunt and demanding as they came. At first, she just assumed it was all in response to the arguing and the prolonged silence, but now there was no credence to that excuse... But even worse was the second issue: a sentence. A single statement that Applejack heard right at the end of her dream, and one that she simply couldn't get passed. It terrified her like nothing else, especially since it explained so much of what's been happening to her these past few weeks. Just the thought of it made the farm girl's heart race and brought tears to her eyes yet again... Applejack...I love you. She so badly didn't want to remember that. She so desperately wished that it didn't matter at all. However, as she couldn't blissfully ignore what the depths of her mind were shouting any longer, there was no more hiding from...whatever this was. “Consarn it,” she cried, pulling a pillow so tightly over her face that she didn't even notice the bright green light that briefly emanated from somewhere outside. About one day. That's the remaining amount of time Applejack had left on Tuesday night. Roughly 24 hours before Rarity's vacation ended, whereupon she would be flying back from Manehattan, and arriving in Canterlot by Thursday evening. In hindsight, it's amazing just how quickly her perspective on that time-limit had shifted. Not even six hours ago, she was practically counting down that remainder of time in excited anticipation. Now, she was dreading the passage of every single second. What was Rarity to her now? What did she want to be to Rarity? What would everyone else think if they found out? What would become of the oldest and dearest friendship she ever had? All these questions, and so many others, would have to be confronted soon enough...whether she really wanted to or not. One day to go... Next Time: Inspiration Infestation... > Chapter 8 - Inspiration Infestation... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The grand unveiling of Twilight's invention to her friends on Monday largely mirrored the sneak-peak that Sunset got earlier. It featured a collection of puzzled onlookers, a quick demonstration, and a wave of epiphanies that ultimately led up to commendations all around. But gratifying as it was when her friends finally comprehended its potential, she wondered why her Telemeter for Magic Appraisal and Positioning required so much explanation just to elicit any kind of response. Maybe it was the name? It was obviously quite apposite and to the point, as it should've been; however, nobody but her seemed to be able to pronounce it fluidly. Instead, they relied on varying monikers like “Tele-Something,” or “The Microwave Thingy” to identify it. Perhaps a change was in order. She might need to set up a focus group and test out alternative titles for the Telemeter for Magic and—well, for that. Regardless of the handle, Monday proved to be yet another productive leap forward for Twilight's work. By the end of the morning, everyone but Rarity had their Geodes analyzed by the machine, and their unique magical signatures were recognized and recorded promptly thereafter. At this point, the display screen almost had a full rainbow of lines running across it, save for the light-blue one representing their diamond-conjuring friend. Thankfully, that was an absence that would soon be accounted for, and development could continue unabated without it for the time being. As the day continued, she put the Telemeter through its paces to see just how well the current build was performing. And the results were extremely encouraging. With every hour that passed, it managed to pick up on the magical exertions of its many contributors, noting the relative time, nature, and location of each instance. Granted, Twilight had to repeatedly tweak its sensors and streamline its readouts with every chance that she could; however, by late afternoon, she was being greeted by compact printouts that yielded much more user-friendly data: Magic Anomalies (3) Detected (1) Estimated Time: 1:00 PM – Nature: Combustion (PP) – Location: Canterlot High-School (2) Estimated Time: 1:00 PM – Nature: Acceleration (RD) – Location: Canterlot High-School (3) Estimated Time: 1:00 PM – Nature: Communication (FS) – Location: Canterlot High-School Three simple readouts, but they revealed so much. Alongside being reliably reactive to magic usage, the Telemeter also seemed to be rather accurate in its interpretation of each event's nature. After all, Twilight could at least corroborate the circumstances that resulted in two of those afternoon readings, seeing as how she witnessed them firsthand. The second one was Rainbow yet again breaking her high-speed track record during P.E. class, while the third was Fluttershy conversing with the class hamsters during an afternoon constitutional around the field. Meanwhile, the first one was apparently triggered by Pinkie Pie, and... Well, causing an accidental explosion somewhere didn't seem too far removed from the realms of possibility. By the end of the day, it was obvious that there was still so much work yet to be done. While the machine could detect larger-scale anomalies from all across campus, it still struggled to pick up mid-level ones from a distance, let alone smaller displays like Sunset's telepathy. On top of that, it would certainly be beneficial for the time and location estimates to be as specific as possible. A whole hour's span across an entire school did make the prospect of tracking down an unknown magical presence far more difficult than it should be, after all. Still, things were progressing at a remarkably productive rate, and Twilight concluded her work on Monday with just as much excitement for what could be achieved tomorrow. This was all such a wonderful sensation, taking steps toward answering a question that she once again started to feel so passionate about. What is magic? The answer itself was relatively obvious, but like so much in life, it only served to unearth more questions than anything else. Was it an energy? Was it tangible? Was it conscious? In every instance, the response to these questions was always the same: sometimes. For a scientist, that was frustratingly vague, and these weren't even the loaded queries that required more specific clarifications. What made magic act one way versus another? What told it where to go? What commanded when and how it should act? What dictated its purpose? What made it begin, and what made it end? These were all conundrums that Twilight had long considered, but could never quite answer to a satisfying degree. To her, Equestrian magic should've been the equivalent of a computer program—an aethereal algorithm of sorts. It was given form, outfitted with certain functions, inhibited by specific parameters, and tasked to execute something until either a limit was satisfied or an endpoint was reached. In a perfect world, everything could be explained this way, and glitches could be tracked down, understood, and corrected as a result. But this wasn't a perfect world, and it was apparently connected to an even stranger one still. Sunset's many tales from Equestria could attest to that, featuring creatures and scenarios that seemed determined not to be categorized in any straightforward manner. A walking, talking embodiment of chaos and entropy; organisms that could shape-shift with little mind paid to the conservation of mass; a forest that was completely immune to the rest of that world's rules. As obvious as this sounded, magic simply defied so much of common logic and reasoning, and that was extremely aggravating to Twilight. But it also enticed her, especially with regards to her own world. When it came to magic, no mystery was without answers, and every answer paved the way forward to more mysteries. It was science and discovery at their finest; moreover, it was an exciting new field of study ripe with possibilities that could redefine so much of mankind's understanding of the universe! It was all so wonderful...and so utterly terrifying. This pursuit of knowledge, this insatiable curiosity. It always came from good intentions, but it could be incredibly dangerous if left unchecked. There was a time, after all, when Twilight's quest for understanding magic nearly destroyed the world. That was a traumatizing ordeal, and she couldn't allow it to happen ever again. Thankfully, she had done a marvelous job keeping her passions under control since then, with no small amount of thanks owed to her friends. However, there was always the possibility—that little niggling presence in the back of her head that sought to understand everything, no matter the cost. Sunset banished it away once before, and Twilight suppressed it herself again afterward, with everyone's support. She just wished that her friends could always be around...to keep her safe from Midni—from herself. But it was pointless to worry about all of that for the time being. Instead, maybe if she just focused on making this thing work right here and now, it might convince the others to... Well, in any event, her Telemeter would be the first step in this novel pursuit of knowledge, and the coming days would mark even greater strides in its development. At least she could be certain of that! Sadly, Tuesday was nowhere near as productive. In fact, by the end of that day, it would prove to be a massive holdup. All because Twilight left her machine on to test if it could run for an extended period of time. She couldn't have known what it would detect that night, or how overwhelmed its sensors would become before it completely shorted out. **** How long had it drifted there, in this realm between realms? How much time had passed since it was banished from where it was originally summoned. Where was it now? Where was it going? How much longer could it last? Honestly, these questions mattered little. For many forms of magic, the concepts of time, location, and even existence itself held only small amounts of meaning. They were all mostly just hard limitations meant to keep incredible powers in check. Certain kinds of magic, however, weren't restrained by such trivial things. These were the kinds often decried as dangerous, dark, or forbidden. They were the kinds that drifted throughout this void now, mindlessly awaiting either oblivion or inevitable decay. This one entity of magic, however, refused either fate. Not that it had any real choice in the matter, but something kept it from completely dissipating into the void. Something pushed it forward. A collection of...not memories...not feelings... Something in between. Instances of its past. Fragments of what it once was. What was it? Sought after...by a young dragon. Sealed deep...within a forbidden tome. Summoned forth...by a unicorn of pure alabaster, whose aching heart yearned for affirmation of her talents. And with a simple incantation, that's exactly what it helped her to achieve: From in the head to out in the world, every thought to action. Hold close this book and through its spell, you'll start a chain reaction. Projecting forth whatever beauty you see. Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free. And like that, this magic was unleashed unto the unicorn. Together, they were an unstoppable pair. With its immense power coursing through her, she made manifest her every beautiful whim in an instant. A lavish theater, a cavalcade of gorgeous dresses, a jewel encrusted cart; all trifles. But that was only a taste of its power. As their bond grew, it scoured the depths of her subconscious, of her very soul, to make possible even the most impossible of her wishes. Golden roads and chariots, miniature mansions, reality itself altered to give it a touch of class. It was perfect, it was easy, and it was all just the beginning—the opening act to a worldwide stage just begging to be molded by her visions and talent. It gave her everything she wanted... So, why was it abandoned? Its manifestations...belittled by that dragon! Its powers...forsaken by that unicorn! Its existence...stripped from everything by those alicorns, and banished to a realm between realms, where it would eventually just fade away! True enough, in this endless void where indeterminate amounts of time had passed, parts of it had faded away... Certain abilities were reduced... Certain conditions became irrelevant... Certain limitations ceased to be... But a sizable amount of its essence still remained. And its purpose still remained. To fill the emptiness within one's heart. To bestow upon others the power to foster their own sense of completion. To bring about all-encompassing fulfillment. That was its purpose. That was what kept it together. And that was exactly what it would achieve. And when it finally stumbled upon an opening, a tear into another world, it seized upon the opportunity... **** It began in the dead of night on Tuesday, at a time when almost everyone was asleep and blissfully unaware of what was stirring. It began over at Canterlot High-School, atop the broken pedestal that continued to serve as a link to both Equestria and its many inhabitants. It began...and it was the beginning of so much to come. From within the cracks of the pedestal, little wraith-like tendrils of magic slowly seeped out and rose into the air, waving to and fro like seaweed amongst a gentle current. As more started to spill out and wash over the stone base, it steadily tested the surroundings, sensing and feeling out for whatever it could. There were no living beings nearby for it to inhabit, but there was something recognizable in this environment... There were traces...of other magic. Other beings with magic. Their auras—their essences—practically lingered around this landmark. One, in particular...it belonged to an entity so different, and yet...so strangely familiar. This creature... Its essence... So similar... To that... THAT UNICORN! And like that, it no longer hesitated. Instead, it spewed forth from the pedestal—a copious billow of magic that propelled itself high into the air, and dispersed throughout the looming clouds within moments of its arrival. In the presence of this eruption, the entire city was briefly blanketed in a hauntingly viridescent glow that persisted for seconds on end. Afterward, everything seemed to return to normal. No person was cursed, no object was enchanted, and no living being was any the wiser. But throughout all of Canterlot, Flashes of emerald began to light up the clouds. A silent storm was beginning to brew. And Equestrian magic was about to reign. End of Act I > Act 2 — Chapter 9 - When It Rains > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How did the old saying go? Bad things come in threes? Yeah, that sounds about right. As Sunset stood there in the engineering lab, marveling over the damaged remains of Twilight's Tele-Something, she couldn't help wondering just how often that unpleasant adage proved to be accurate. She also started dreading whatever the third issue of today might end up being, considering how awful the first two already were. What in the world could possibly top off a trifecta like this? It's actually amazing just how quickly things went downhill, especially since the day itself started off relatively fine. Sure the skies were cloudier than anyone had anticipated, but that did little to dampen spirits around here too much. After all, the school-week was already almost halfway over, and Rarity's imminent return—as well as the cavalcade of celebrations that would follow shortly behind it—promised to make this weekend an absolute blast! There were also the mounting rumors that Principal Celestia would soon be announcing plans for the Fall Formal, which coincided nicely with news about the Rainbooms's CD having almost completely sold out. Between all of that, Sunset had plenty to keep her enthusiasm burning brightly as another Wednesday at Canterlot High rolled on through. Sadly, the flames of that exuberance had almost completely flickered out by lunchtime, when the second misfortune reared its ugly head. And to think, the girls initially gathered in the engineering lab expecting a piece of good news. Now, it was almost like stumbling in on a crime scene around here, complete with a heavy rain outside just to accentuate the dreary mood of it all. And among this little investigation, everyone served a different role then. In the corner was Rainbow Dash aimlessly examining broken pieces of the mechanical corpse that was the Tele-Something. Pinkie Pie, meanwhile, was combing over the area, searching for any wayward parts that might've gone flying whenever the device blew open. Then there were Fluttershy and Twilight, the latter of whom was busy having a miniature meltdown while the former was trying to console her over at one of the other workbenches. And Applejack was...yet again nowhere to be found... Poor Twilight... In the span of five minutes, she had already cycled through the five stages of grief twice over, as well as added a few new ones to that list. Quietly cackling like a maniac to herself was currently on display, but at least that was a step up from loudly sobbing into her own arms. Nobody could blame her for being so upset, though, especially since this came out of practically nowhere. It was just supposed to be a routine trial. The plan was to leave the Telemeter up and running by itself for a full 24 hours—from lunchtime on Tuesday to the same on Wednesday. Not much of a task, granted, but it was a necessary test-run nevertheless. After all, if this thing was ultimately meant to be a constant vigilance for Equestrian magic, then it needed to actually live up to the “constant” part of that job description. Handling this kind of workload fully unattended would've been an important measurement of that functionality, and it should've been a flawless success. But when it was time to check in on Wednesday, Twilight and her friends found only a half-broken machine on the workbench. It's circuits were at least partially fried, segments of it were blown off, and the entire room reeked of smoke from it. It was such a dismal sight, and it raised so many questions. “I just don't get it,” Sunset said, picking up another piece of the casing. “Your inventions never break. They may go a little buggy every now and then, but...not like this...” “You sure everything was set up right with it?” Rainbow asked. “Am I sure?” Twilight snapped between giggles. “Sure I'm sure, at least I was sure, I'm always sure, I triple checked everything, I was as sure as sure can be, SURELY, hee hee hee!” “Shhhhh,” Fluttershy replied gently, patting her friend on the head. “It's alright, Twilight. There's no need to raise our voi—” “AH HA!” Pinkie Pie shouted out of nowhere. In her hand was a wrapper of some kind, which she held triumphantly upward for everyone to see. “It's just as I thought! Somebody must've been in here to SABOTAGE the Microwave-Thingy! They even left a telltale clue!” Everyone exchanged a puzzled look for a moment, before Sunset decided to inquire. “...A gum wrapper?” “THIS isn't just any ordinary wrapper, my dear Sunset!” She sniffed the inside of the...not ordinary wrapper...before elaborating any further. “It still smells super sweet, meaning that the culprit must've unwrapped it not too long ago. And it was tossed next to the trashcan—not in it. Our perp clearly was in a rush when they indulged in their sweet tooth, probably to flee the scene before anyone noticed their dastardly deed! AND this gum is a brand that Twilight never chews! This all proves, idubidoubly so, that someone broke in to wreck Twilight's invention!” Again, everyone exchanged a puzzled look. And again, Sunset was the first to inquire further. “Uh, Pinkie? Why would anyone break in here just to wreck it? Not many people even knew what it did.” “Yeah,” Rainbow added, walking over to get a closer look at the wrapper in question. “Also, I'm pretty sure that's from the gum YOU just gave me right before we came in here.” She finished her statement by blowing a neon-green bubble, which popped just as fast as Pinkie's theory in the face of such questioning. “Oh,” the pink-haired Holmes said sheepishly. “Well...you should really be more careful with your littering, Rainbow Dash! Buuut...since this is your first misdemeanor, I'll let it slide.” With that sentencing out of the way, she pulled out a couple more sticks of gum and popped them into her mouth. “Case closed!” she muttered between chews. At least Rarity wasn't around to investigate this as well. With her whole Shadow Spade obsession, she and Pinkie might've turned this entire thing into “The Case of the Blind Leading the Blind...” “Wait!” Twilight declared manically. “Maybe that's what it was! Maybe the casing wasn't sufficient enough to allow for proper ventilation and cooling of the circuitry!” The young inventor rose from her seat and rushed over to a nearby pile of printouts. She had been keeping every piece of data that the Telemeter produced since its first test-run, just in case the need ever arose to review or compare prior results. “Twilight, what are you looking for?” Sunset asked. “Maybe it was that silicon thermal paste! I knew I should've splurged and gotten the ceramic kind! I need to check what the internal temperatures were over the last few months!” “...Um, okay... Well, aside from that... Is there anything else that could've done this? Something besides paste or...sabotage?” It took a moment to respond, but at least Twilight was calmer now that she was investigating something herself. Familiarity could be comforting, after all. “Well... It could've been improper conductance, or possibly faulty connectors—ooh, I'll have to check for those too! And then, of course...it could also be...” She trailed off and started mumbling to herself, all the while scouring through even more of the printouts. Odds were good that she was probably just listing off technical jargon that would go over her friends' heads, but still... “Um...Twi?” Rainbow interrupted. “Oh! Sorry! Umm, outside of internal factors, there might've been an external cause. A massive electrical surge could've done it, or a considerable spike in magical energy, or even—” Suddenly, and from out of nowhere, an explosion rattled the entire lab and startled the girls out of their theorizing. Whatever had happened, the resultant boom was loud enough to make their ears ring, and strong enough to blow their hair out of place. Following that little shock, the girls were suddenly treated to a light snowstorm of what appeared to be shredded paper, the flecks of which fell like confetti all over the lab. As the flurry of parchment started to settled, everyone looked around to identify whatever had caused all of this. Fluttershy was the first to speak up. “Oh, Pinkie! Are... Are you alright!?” They all looked over to spot their joyful friend, who at the moment seemed more shocked than anything else. She certainly took the brunt of whatever had just occurred. Her hair was completely frozen in disorderliness, and she was practically coated in paper scraps. Of course, she shook all of that off pretty quickly, and returned to her usual look in a matter of seconds. “Yup! I swallowed my gum, though...” “What happened!?” “Not sure. I was just tossing away all my gum wrappers. Then I turn around and—next thing I know—BOOM!” She gestured towards the massive bin that stood behind her. Its lid had been completely blown off, and there were thin wisps of smoke rising out from within it. “The trashcan blew up?” “Ugh!” Rainbow yelped in disgust, desperately trying to shake off all the debris that she was covered in. “Are you telling me we've got garbage all over us!? Pleh! I think I swallowed some of it...” “Actually, that bin was just for papers that needed shredding.” Twilight brushed off a few of the flecks from her head. “Guess that job's been taken care of now...” Uh oh!” Pinkie gasped. “You don't think it's cause I threw the wrong kind of trash in there, do you!?” “...No,” Sunset replied, her face suddenly as serious as could be. “It's us...” She turned toward Rainbow, with a brow raised to highlight her accusing glare. “Still think it was just a fluke!?” The athlete stood there frozen, her eyes widening as the gravity of what Sunset implied took full effect. Sadly, whatever unspoken realization they were sharing in was completely lost on everyone else. “Wait,” Fluttershy said. “...What was a fluke?” And there it was—the first bad thing to kick off the day, now officially a problem after hours of debate and denial. It had already been obvious to Sunset all morning long, but Rainbow didn't want to believe it. Of course she didn't. That would imply some kind of fault on her end for it happening. So, when she suddenly sprinted into a wall earlier, she blamed it on a hitherto unseen puddle. The second time that it happened, it must've been due to a sudden gust of wind at her back. And the third time, she just didn't know the strength of her own legs, apparently. Oh, but the coincidences didn't just stop with her. Spotting Fluttershy being unknowingly trailed by a couple of animals? It was probably just because she was carrying some alluring treats. Swearing that Twilight's bike lifted off the ground by an inch without her noticing? It must've been Sunset's eyes playing tricks on her. The entire morning, Rainbow dismissed all of it. Even the moments that she couldn't properly explain were apparently just a series of unfortunate coincidences. “I'm telling you, it's all just a fluke!” she stubbornly insisted. But Sunset didn't believe that, just like she didn't believe the trashcan magically exploded on its own just then. Magic was involved, yes—but it was theirs, and an uncontrolled detonation courtesy of their unsuspecting friend was the final straw. It was just as she had feared. Their Geodes were growing supercharged, and their powers were starting to go haywire again. “Wait, wait! Just hold on a sec!” Rainbow pleaded, desperately searching for any other possible explanation. “What about our Geodes!? They're not glowing or anything!” “They didn't start glowing the last time either!” Sunset replied. “Not till things got way out of hand! And ever since, we were supposed to be more careful with our powers!” “Oh, come on!” she said, pointing to the tower of printouts. “It's not like I'm the only one whose been using magic lately! At least half of those readings came from someone other than me!.......Right?” Twilight really didn't want to answer that. The good news was that she didn't have to. The bad news was because her train of thought was just derailed by a disturbing possibility. “Maybe...that really was it...” “Huh?” “If... If our magic really is starting to surge again...then it's possible that the Telemeter just couldn't handle it.” “Wait,” Rainbow said, “...Y-You're joking, right?” “You really think our magic could do this?” Sunset asked. “I don't know... I never accounted for something like this happening. But...the sensors weren't calibrated to handle massive spikes in magic yet...” “So,” Fluttershy added, “...we might've caused this?...” Everyone exchanged worried looks over the thought of that notion being true, but Sunset wasn't entirely convinced. Firstly, this surge in their powers was nowhere near as bad as it could get. But even if things were totally out of control on that front, it was difficult believing that something as...nebulous as their magical resonance could cause such a durable piece of hardware to break. After all, they had witnessed far more focused amounts of magic imbued in a cellphone, not to mention something as fragile as a mirror! Those two objects withstood enchantment perfectly fine, and yet the Tele-Something—which was built specifically for this sort of thing—could not? If anything, it should've taken a massive amount of magic to even... As that train of thought reached its conclusion, a nameless fear awoke within Sunset. She caught herself staring at the broken machine, unable to silence the foreboding possibilities swimming around in her mind. Was it really happening now? Could something like that have done this? Part of her just wanted to waive aside the whole idea, to dismiss it as nothing more than paranoia. Sadly, she couldn't tell whether or not that was her logical side speaking up. And since when did Equestrian magic follow any form of logic, anyway? “...Are you alright, Sunset?” Fluttershy asked, concerned over how grave her friend suddenly looked. She wasn't the only person to notice that, either. Everyone could see the shift in mood, and they all waited for an explanation as to what was wrong. “...Has anyone seen AJ?” Sunset finally asked. “Uh, not since class,” Rainbow said, “and I couldn't even get her attention then. She's really been out there lately.” “I need to go find her. Can you guys handle this mess till I get back?” “Sure,” Twilight said, “but, what's the matter?” “Nothing... It's just... Applejack may not be very tech savvy, but she is a great mechanic. Maybe with her help and your notes, we could get your machine back up and running again.” “Sunset... I mean, I appreciate the offer, but... The Telemeter is so damaged. I don't know if anything can even be salvaged...” “Besides,” Rainbow said, “are you sure it's okay to be messing with it right now? I thought our magic might've caused this... And I...I don't wanna ruin Twilight's work again...” It was rare to see her self-confident friend looking so reserved, but everyone seemed to be sharing in those melancholy doubts. Sunset wanted to tell them about her fears then, and how she believed it wasn't anyone's fault at all that this had happened. But she couldn't—not when she wasn't even sure if her theory had any real credence to it in the first place. It would just add pressure to an already stressful situation, and that was the last thing her friends needed right now. But still...she had to reassure them somehow. “...Even if our magic did cause this,” she said, regarding Rainbow with a smile in the process, “we can still fix it! Just because we made a mistake, doesn't mean we can't learn from it. And we can always help to make up for it. Right?” Though she hopped her message was received, Sunset couldn't wait long enough to find out. With one foot already out the door, she shot Twilight one last concerned glance. “That's cool with you, right?” “...I... Of course,” she replied. "Whatever you think is best..." And with that, Sunset departed the engineering lab to search for Applejack. Even if this was all just paranoia, she certainly wasn't going to wait around for a third misfortune to show up today. It's just unfortunate that she was about to barrel right into one, instead. **** With a quick shuffling through her belongings and an extra-quiet shutting of the locker door, Applejack started making her way over to her next class, all the while trying to stay hidden within the ever flowing rivers of students. Of course, she was going to be extremely early—there was still 20 minutes of lunchtime remaining, after all—but that prospect sounded much better than trying to juggle both socializing and intensive worrying. Besides which, she hadn't been hungry all day... This was such a temporary solution, and she felt like a coward for relying upon it. Why couldn't she just wake up this morning feeling unwell? At least then there could've been a good excuse for having to quarantine herself away from everyone else. Sadly, a tummy aching with anxiety wouldn't have passed even Apple Bloom's qualifications for staying home, and there was no earthly way she was letting her family know what was going on in her mind. As much as she loved her brother, Big Mac was simply too much of an unintentional gossiper sometimes, especially when conversations got too quiet. So here she was now, trying her best to avoid being around her friends for too long. There was no doubt in her mind that they could see something was off, and odds were good that she'd be confronted about it sooner rather than later. Avoiding them would only work for so long, and it was only going to get much harder to do so come tomorrow. But even realizing all of that, she just...couldn't face her friends. Not right now. Applejack? The truth was, a part of her knew deep down that nobody would treat her differently for this. Her friends and loved ones would ultimately accept however she felt about anyone. At any other time, she'd be grateful to have that kind of long-term acceptance so readily available. However, for this situation, none of that mattered, because it was the weeks that would follow immediately afterward that were the most terrifying. After all, here she was essentially disrupting what everyone knew as one of the most stable and staple friendships around. The idea of being seen as the cause of such a disturbance just made her feel so uncomfortable. And it was a lot harder not caring about other's views when your own were just as conflicted. But all of those opinions—from both herself and everyone else—completely paled in comparison to what her best friend's might be. Because for every person to find out about this, the odds of it reaching Rarity's ears increased drastically. And what then? The worst-case scenario? Their friendship is destroyed, and the remainder of the year would be an incredibly painful and lonely one. The best-case? Her feelings are spurned—with the most patronizingly gentle “letting her down easy” approach imaginable—and the remainder of the year is a hollow and fruitless attempt to recapture what they once had. Either way, it wasn't good... Hey, Applejack! There was one other possibility, however remote and completely impossible it may have been. She kept trying to explain away this alternative scenario, but it refused to stop popping up in her mind. After all, it was pretty obvious. Her dream spelled it all out plainly. Rarity could always...feel the same way about— Sakes alive, this stupid dream! Why did it have to happen like this!? Why did it have to happen at all!? This was supposed to be a year of big triumphs, momentous graduations, and unforgettable celebrations! And everything was going so well! She had just mended things with her best friend, and she was excited to see Rarity again so life could return to normal! She wanted to go back to that! She just wanted to see Rarity normally again. And not in that bed...with those beautiful eyes gazing up at her...and that lilting voice...as she said... Appleja— From out of nowhere, Applejack felt someone's hand rest on her shoulder, startling her back to reality—again with that running theme in her life! Without realizing it, she must've stopped walking partway through that train of thought, and she turned around with the intention of apologizing for the lollygagging. But the one who ended up expressing regret was the person that just read her mind like an open book. When Sunset finally found Applejack wandering the halls, she called out to her repeatedly, but to no avail. Whatever was on her mind then, it was completely distracting her from everything else. Rainbow wasn't kidding when she said that the farm girl had been out there as of late, and Sunset was tempted to get to the bottom of matters right then. But there would be plenty of time to air concerns like that later. Right now, getting the Tele-Something back up and watchful for Equestrian magic took the utmost priority. Thankfully, when Applejack stopped for whatever reason, it gave her time to catch up and get her friend's attention. That was all she wanted when she reached forward. That was all she intended when her hand pressed against the farmer's shoulder. But she got more than just her friend's attention then. In an instant, she was treated to so much more. Nervously checking her phone, almost afraid of receiving any more texts from Rarity... Avoiding the hallways and usual spots where her friends might be gathered... Rarity laying in bed, whispering “Applejack... I love you...” Sunset's arm recoiled then, and her mind reeled from what she just saw...or rather, that she had seen anything. Her powers had activated just then...without her intention. “Oh no...” she whispered, looking down at her hand as if it had just betrayed her. Of all the times in all the places in all the worlds, why did her magic have to surge then? That was the worst part about the early phases of these powers going haywire: there was no way to predict when they would flare up, with the exception that it usually occurred at the worst possible time. And this was the epitome of that awful timing, reading into her friend's mind when she was having a deeply personal— Sunset's eyes darted up to see Applejack, who at the moment wasn't looking too fine. Her complexion had paled considerably, and her eyes were as wide as her mouth was open. She was so in shock from realizing what had just happened that it took the roar of thunder from outside to finally elicit any kind of response. “...S-Sunset?” “AJ...” “What, uh... What just...happened?” “It was an accident! I swear! I'm so, so sorry! It's all because—wait! AJ, have you noticed anything strange happening today!?” “You mean...besides you readin' my mind?” “That's just it! It's our powers! They're going haywire again! Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy have all been having issues with it today, too! What about you!?” “Not that I'm aware of... Wait, so...are y'all serious!? Our powers are gettin' outta hand again!?” “Yes! Pinkie just blew up a trashcan with some candy wrappers over in—actually, I'll explain later! We really need your help with—” “Whoa, whoa, hang on there, Sunset... You gotta tell me what you just saw.” “...Huh?” “In my mind! What did y'all see when ya read my thoughts!?” “...I...I didn't see anything.” “Sunset!?” “I swear!” she replied, feigning innocence about as well as a bank robber still holding the bag. “W-What could I possibly see, it's—it's not like you've got anything to hide, certainly nothing involving us or—or Rarity or anything, s-so—” That was it. All it took was hearing the name...and Applejack knew that her secret was out. She was already fearful of everyone discovering this, but for it to happen so suddenly and without warning? Instantly, that awful anxiety yet again started consuming her. Overwhelming her. She couldn't deal with this... She couldn't face it... Not now...not ever! Without even another word spoken, the farm girl spun around and bolted for the exits. “APPLEJACK, WAIT!” Sunset pleaded. She started to give chase, and even came close to catching up with her friend when they neared the school's entryway. But...what could she possibly say? What could she possibly do? Her magic was out of control, one friend had all of their work ruined, and another was going through more than she could possibly imagine. Realizing all of that, Sunset found herself starting to slow down. Eventually, she came to a complete stop, and watched helplessly as Applejack ran through the double doors and disappeared into the rain outside. For the first time in who knows how long—and for the remainder of the day—she felt genuinely powerless... How did that old saying go, again? Bad things come in threes? That evening, Sunset leaned against her windowsill, gazing as Canterlot firmly withstood the torrential downpour going on outside. It was difficult to see, beyond a blurry film of rainwater cascading down the glass, but the streets were completely deserted, and the clouds showed no signs of clearing up anytime soon. Her rooftop rattled as large drops hammered down on it relentlessly, and her lights flickered in response to the occasional thunderclap that would momentarily deafen everything else. It was almost as if the whole city was trembling in the presence of such raw force. Watching all of this play out, Sunset thought back to that old adage for a moment. Looking back on this day, she decided that it no longer seemed appropriate for summarizing everything that was going on. Instead, a much better phrase came to mind, and she uttered it right before flopping into her bed, and turning in for the night: “Man... When it rains, it pours...” **** It could feel the entire city beneath it. As each raindrop fell, imbued with a tiny fragment of its essence, it could feel every object and creature that was blanketed by its shower. Few living beings stirred right now...and none of them were her... But throughout the evening, it did detect quite a few presences... Poor souls burdened by self-doubt and insecurity, and riddled with desires... Pitiful beings that could benefit from its power... Potential hosts that could help replenish it... A gardener, solemnly toiling amongst vegetation and flora... A performer, frustrated by everything but her own capabilities... A farmer, conflicted and confused by her own heart... A layabout, doing everything in his power to avoid failure... A scientist, deeply fearful of being alone with herself... A slew of youths, approaching their futures with mounting trepidation... So many possibilities for it to flourish...at least until she could be located... In the meantime, it would leave a little bit of itself to linger on each of these candidates. Not all of them were ready just yet. However, when the time was right—when their hearts were most vulnerable and in need—it would seek them out...and forge an unbreakable bond... Actually, one of them was already quite ripe with uncertainty... Perhaps they would make a fitting first host... Next Time: It Begins... > Chapter 10 - It Begins... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For some people, greatness is something that they're born with. For others, it's something that they achieve through hard work and perseverance. For the Great and Powerful Trixie, however...well, it was a little bit of both, really. Now, when it came to greatness, she was rarely one to engage in needless boasting. Furthermore, she was certainly humble enough to acknowledge just how much luck had played a favorable role in her life thus far. After all, being born great wasn't necessarily a guarantee for anyone, and there was just as much chance that she could've come into this world as average, or even sub-par. Her mind shuddered at the very thought, but it was nevertheless a reality that she fully accepted. Without a doubt, she knew that she was lucky to have been born great. But having said all of that, Trixie had absolutely no reservations when it came to pride over achieving greatness. And why would she? Such accomplishments were forged entirely of one's own willpower, and it was through hers alone that she now held a very important title—one officially recognized throughout the eternal annals of Canterlot's history: The Greatest and Powerfulest Student! Truly, no superlative so perfectly reflected her status quite like that one. Better yet, it was one that she had earned squarely through sheer determination and unwavering belief in her convictions. It was as if all of her blood, sweat, and tears had finally been transformed into a bold and immutable ink that proclaimed her greatness throughout the world...all on pages 137 and 138 of the school's previous yearbook. It was definitely catchy, to be sure...but it went far beyond just being a title for her. It was who she was...who she had always been...who she always saw herself as. ...So why couldn't everyone else see that? With a huff in her step, and a face flushed with both humiliation and anger, Trixie kicked open the door to her dressing room—which thirty minutes ago had just been one of the community theater's utility closets—and stomped right on in. “Philistines!” she shouted. “Those fools wouldn't recognize true power if it was right in front of their faces!” Ah, the tough crowd. It was the bane of every struggling performer out there, second only to stage fright and tight-fisted tippers. This afternoon's assemblage was especially rough, and it was comprised not only of unimpressed patrons, but also wailing infants, distracting chatterbugs...and hecklers! “You should make yourself disappear!” she parroted mockingly, all the while throwing her top-hat onto the nearby stool. “What do they know about magic, anyway!? WHAT DO ANY OF THEM KNOW!?” In a flash of fury, she threw her wand across the room, and watched as it slammed against the broken window pane that had been serving as her impromptu vanity. Of course the wand would hit at exactly the right angle then to trigger its hidden compartment, and of course the trick bouquet held within would be released in mid-air, with fake flowers being scattered all about in the process. Only when everything settled did Trixie survey the results of her little tantrum, and only then did she really take notice of just how cluttered and destitute this dressing roo—this closet really was! “Stupid wand... Stupid theater!... STUPID AUDIENCE!” With that last little sputter of rage, she slapped the top-hat off of her stool, and took a wobbly seat to try and calm herself for a few minutes. Honestly, getting this upset over a bad performance—or rather a bad audience—was surprising even to her. And since the entire point of these fundraising shows was to contribute to Canterlot High's senior celebrations, she should've been happy just to be pulling in her fair share of the funding. With all of that in mind, who really cared what the occasional group of malcontents thought about her magic anyway, right? Then again, it wasn't just this evening's crowd that was proving dismissive as of late. It had been like this all week...and the criticisms were coming from more than just random locals... It seemed like, not even a few months ago, things couldn't have been going better for Trixie. Ever since getting that superlative into the yearbook, she had more friends, more fans, and more loyal followers than ever before. And with all of that came even more recognition of her many talents, especially with regards to magic. Granted, hers wasn't quite as flashy or superhuman as Sunset's little group, but sleight-of-hand was a fine art in its own way. To be acknowledged as a talented performer of prestidigitation, not unlike the great Harry Hoofdini himself, was what she had always strove to achieve in life. Lately, following up on that tremendous act seemed more feasible than ever before. But then the curtains rose, and the harsh spotlights of reality started to glare down and blind her... A rap at the door interrupted Trixie's attempts to decompress. Moments later, a stagehand poked his head into the room, and, without even looking up from his clipboard, quickly notified the young magician of her remaining time. “Five minutes till you're back on, kid!” “...Fine!” she snipped, annoyed at not even being addressed by name. With that, the door slammed shut, and Trixie was yet again left alone to gather herself in peace. Sadly, with what little time remained before the second half of her act was to go underway, she would just have to settle for gathering the fragments of her trick bouquet instead. At least while she did that, there was one person to whom she could vent her many frustrations, even if he wasn't technically present to hear them. “...Oh, Harry,” she sighed ruefully, standing to address the poster that she had hung near the window pane. It's a shame that Hoofdini had lived long before color photography became a thing, but to his credit, the black-and-white look certainly accentuated his mystifying aura. Back then, things were probably so much simpler all around. No colored pictures, no digital editing...no actual magic. Just one's own wit and ingenuity to pull off genuine feats of mystery and amazement! That poster depicting him escaping from a straitjacket—upside down, whilst dangling from a crane, no less—was one such feat, and it always filled Trixie with both wonder and motivation. And as of late, it also served as a rather convenient piece for her to converse with. If Harry was gonna spend all day hanging around, after all, he might as well lend an ear to her woes in the meantime. “How did you do it?” she asked, for once not just referring to his Upside Down act, either. “Your tricks could shut all these idiots up in a heartbeat! I'll bet whenever anyone doubted your greatness, you showed them all just how narrow-minded they were being!” She got onto her knees and started picking up the flowers, all the while rattling off examples of the kind of nay-saying mockery that her idol surely encountered in his line of work. “Ooh, Hoofdini! Bet you couldn't escape from inside a whale...” That was probably what each of those pompous businessmen said, before he proved them all wrong! “Ooh, Hoofdini! You'll never be able to swallow all those needles...” That was most likely what every dubious onlooker shouted, before he swallowed and pulled out a literal necklace of needles! “Ooh, Hoofdini! Stop this silly magic stuff, and focus on getting into a good college!” That was... Actually, that probably wasn't a common argument back in his day... “Nobody cares about magic anymore. Who still goes to see shows like that? Why not apply for Canterlot U? Why risk your future like that!? YOU'RE NOT AS GREAT AS YOU THINK!” That last comment cut especially deep, and almost spurred Trixie to throw the bouquet as hard as she possibly could. She refrained at the last moment, however, not wishing to kneel on the ground any longer than necessary. “Well,” she muttered, “I'll show them... I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!” There was still one flower left unaccounted for, and it took Trixie a moment to spot where it was hiding. Wouldn't it figure that the cloth carnation somehow found its way behind the window pane, right at the spot where it was hardest to reach. Who even knows what kind of dirt and debris had since nested within that little nook. But the young magician had come too far to quit now, especially since these particular props could run upward of five dollars a flower. Without a moment's hesitation, fueled by both frustration and frugality, Trixie crawled over to the window and stuck her arm behind it, stretching as hard as she possibly could in the process. “...If they think that...The Great and—oh, come on—The Great and Powerful Trixie...” In the reach for that flower, her breathing became so labored, and her grunting so exacerbated...that she didn't even hear what sounded like steam seeping in through the vents overhead. “...is going to just give up...rrrggghhh...ON EVERYTHING SHE'S WORKED TOWARD!” Her eyes grew so laser-focused on that accursed flower...that she didn't even notice the emerald tint reflecting off of the window's broken glass. “...thennn...they....better prepare...TO BE AMAZED!” She reached forward one last time with all of her might, giving it everything she had to stretch even another picometer further. Thankfully, her fingers managed to clasp onto the tip of the flower then, and she pulled it out with one clean motion before falling onto her back. “AH HA!” she shouted triumphantly, holding her prize high into the air whilst gazing at it in great and powerful glory. A few moments later, Trixie's attention shifted from the flower in her hand...to the cloud of magic floating directly above her. And before she could even let out so much as a scream, it descended on her... Once again, there was another series of loud knocks at the closet door; however, nobody poked their head in, this time around. Instead, the stagehand from earlier merely shouted directions through it. “One minute, kid! Make sure you've got everything!” Trixie didn't respond. Staring at her reflection in the full-bodied, tri-folded mirror—which not two minutes ago was just a broken window—she felt so strange... So different... So confident and powerful. Was this really her? It must've been. Who else would it be? But...all of that doubt from earlier... All that worry and aggravation... It was all gone... Of course it was, she reasoned. It was just some worthless opinions that managed to get under her skin for a few moments. But no longer... Trixie moved forward to get a closer look at herself then, only to notice how she was stepping all over her plastic flowers. Fake little toys for petty little tricks. Moments ago, she managed to conjure up an entire mirror for herself—and that was just on a whim, a brief wish to better see if she looked any different after...something had happened...or at least, she thought it had. But maybe not. Had this always been possible for her? If so, what else was she capable of? Only one way to find out... She aimed her wand at the ground and gently flicked it toward the flowers. Moments later, they all started levitating before her very eyes! It was just like when she had performed street magic with Twilight Sparkle's dog a year ago. Only, this time, she actually felt fully in control of what was happening. It was amazing! With her every wave of the wand, the flowers danced whimsically about in the air. They raised and lowered rhythmically, and even twirled around in unison...before finally combusting into flames with but another excited flick! Shocked and afraid of what she just witnessed, Trixie could only pull the wand back and hold it tightly to her chest. That wasn't intentional at all... She didn't want to destroy those flowers! They cost a bundle! And that was a really dangerous use of her...her powers. And what outstanding powers they were! Perfect for a master magician such as herself! Of course...she needed to be much more careful from now on...and she would be. But she also couldn't help wondering what else was possible now. No more simple sleights of hand, or hollow little illusions! This was all real magic! And it was all hers! Now, nobody could deny the abilities of the Great and Powerful— “Hey!” the stagehand yelled, all the while impatiently banging at the door. “Showtime, kid! You in there, or what!?” Though she was growing tired of being summoned so unceremoniously, the young magician felt neither anger nor anxiety this time around. Instead, she was merely excited to get her new show on the road! Reinvigorated, and ready for the second half, Trixie gave her wand three last little flicks before departing for the stage. The first one teleported her top-hat right onto her head. The second gave her clothing a bit of an overhaul—complete with darker threads, a glittering cape, and a flashy new golden plume. The third and final flick sent forth a bolt of magic that blew the door right off of its hinges, sending both it and the annoying stagehand halfway across the hall. “The Great and Powerful Trixie...is ready!” For some people, greatness is something that they're born with. For others, it's something that they achieve through hard work and perseverance. But for the Great and Powerful Trixie...not only was it a little bit of both...but it had also just been thrust upon her as well. And now, it was time to show her audience just how great she—how great they were... **** Today's the big day... This evening's gonna be it... Not much longer to go, now... With every hour that passed on Thursday, Applejack found yet another phrase to incessantly underline just what was on the horizon for her. And with every hour that five o'clock inched closer by, she found herself growing infinitely more anxious—and now it wasn't just because of Rarity, either. When Sunset took a peek into her mind yesterday, the farm girl wasn't quite sure what to expect in the aftermath of it all. Would her phone erupt with calls expressing both shock and confusion? Would it become inundated with texts that were littered with questions she didn't know how to answer? Would any of them be from Rarity? Regardless of the possibilities, Applejack was certain that at least something would follow in the wake of what had happened. Something had to follow...and yet nothing did. When she didn't show up for the rest of yesterday's classes, there wasn't a single call from anyone all evening. When she skipped out of school today to focus on helping with the harvest—and to delay confronting any of her friends directly—her phone didn't so much as vibrate even once. And as the evening drew nearer, things remained so quiet that she repeatedly checked to make sure the phone wasn't broken yet again. Theoretically, this all should've helped to ease the farmer's troubled mind quite a bit. It's not like she was looking forward to dealing with this particular fallout in the first place. So, not hearing anything from anybody should've been a relief—almost like a stay of execution. And yet, it was having the exact opposite effect. All of this silence was just getting her more antsy by the moment. It brought to mind the old saying of “the calm before the storm,” and Applejack's experiences long ago taught her that usually the better the calm, the worse the storm that would inevitably follow. Five minutes till five, now. One way or another, the farm girl would soon be hearing from everyone, whether she liked it or not. Guess that's what she got for being so eager to help in the first place... A few days ago, during the planning for Rarity's arrival, Applejack volunteered to take the girls to the airport and back via her family's truck. What other vehicle might prove up to the task of hauling all of her friend's luggage and souvenirs, after all? And since the fashionista would be arriving at around six o'clock—and factoring in the twenty minute drive, as well as finding parking and whatnot—it was decided that they'd meet up at the farm by five sharp to get on the road and beat the evening rush. So here the farmer was now—sitting on her bed, staring at her clock, and waiting for that call. Was she ready for any of it? Not in the slightest. But there was nothing that could be done about it now. There was no way to avoid everyone at the same time with such short notice—especially with super-speedy Rainbow Dash ready to head her off at any pass. Frankly, she was getting sick of avoiding her friends, anyway. Already, Applejack felt so foolish for running out on Sunset yesterday. Granted, her anxiety simply got the best of her during that exchange, but that wasn't a good excuse! And she couldn't allow these stupid fears to dictate the rest of her life! “Come on, Applejack,” she insisted, rising to her feet and standing resolutely in the face of what was coming. “Y'all can do this! No matter how sick yer belly feels, or how quick yer heart's beatin', or how ya might break down in front of everyone an' end up makin' a total horse's behind outta...yerself...” “Actually,” she moaned, slumping onto her bed and suddenly feeling desperate to avoid what was coming. “...Wonder if the troughs need another good scrubbin'... Maybe I should just—” One minute before five, and Applejack's phone finally vibrated. At least this time she wasn't shocked into almost taking a tumble, but that did little to address the knot that her stomach was suddenly tied in. She briefly looked around for some kind of out, anything to postpone this...but there was nothing of the sort. Eventually, she just had to give up. She had to take a deep shaky breath...and get through all of this as best as she could... “Alright,” Applejack said nervously, pulling out the final phrase she had ready for this moment. “Let's get this over with...” **** As wonderful a place as Canterlot was, one of its greatest strengths also occasionally proved to be a massive inconvenience. Being surrounded on all sides by forests, steep hills and the like certainly gave it a wholesome charm, but it also meant being relatively isolated from the rest of the world. And while one could reasonably subsist on everything that this self-sustaining city offered, there were certain attractions and features that simply weren't readily accessible to locals. Camp Everfree, Equestria Land, the beaches; getting to any of them required a lengthier commute than usual, and going on foot was completely out of the question—unless you were Rainbow, of course. And on that list of unreasonably far places to venture was the very airport that Rarity would be arriving at shortly. Of course, a roughly twenty minute drive really wasn't that big of a commitment, but Applejack had obviously expected this particular trip to be both entirely awkward and thoroughly unpleasant—both of which could make even ten minutes feel like an eternal slog. And while the ride was certainly suffering from the former, it wasn't entirely for the reasons that she originally figured. “...Seems like we're making pretty good time,” Sunset offered, breaking the lengthy silence. For the last minute or so, Applejack had been so focused on everything that her friend just informed her about that she simply drove without uttering a word. “...Yeah,” the farmer finally replied. “...Reckon we'll make it with plenty of time to spare... An' everyone else is just gonna meet us there?” “That's the plan. Might already be there waiting for us. They did get a head-start and all...” “Right...” It was certainly a surprise to find only Sunset waiting by the barn earlier, but had Applejack actually checked her phone rather than just head out to meet up with everyone, she would've seen the text that explained things: Hey, it's just me. Plans have changed a bit. Of course, “a bit” seemed like a bit of an understatement now, especially considering just how much things were altered. Rather than using just the truck for this, it was decided that the girls would take two vehicles to pick up Rarity—the truck for her and her friends, and the Rainbooms's tour bus for her family and luggage. This way, not only was there assuredly plenty of room for everyone's bags and suitcases, but it also meant that the girls could hang out for a couple of hours without having to make as many stops. It was a pretty good idea, all told, and Applejack had to appreciate Sunset's quick thinking when it came to making this a more convenient operation all around. Of course, speaking of convenience, splitting up the work like this also meant having to split up the group. And just what were the odds that the two girls who happened to be paired off in this truck also had quite a bit to talk about as well? With at least another fifteen minutes to go before reaching their destination, there was still plenty of time left to get to the root of matters—as well as address a few other things in the meantime. “So...has Twilight's gizmo completely kicked the bucket?” “We're...not sure yet. At the very least, it'll take a lot of work to put it back together. That's why I was looking for you. Figured you could help with more of the fine repairs and all that.” “Poor Twi... Shoot, can't believe I wasn't there to help...” “Well...nobody seems too optimistic about our chances of fixing it, anyway. To tell you the truth, even I'm not sure if it's worth trying...” “If I hadn't run away from ya like a dang coward...maybe I coulda done something!” “AJ, you weren't being a coward! I'm sure you're dealing with a lot right now, and the last thing you needed was me finding out about—” Both girls slightly twinged at that unfinished thought, as if Sunset had just struck a raw nerve shared between them. But with the issue finally in sight, she decided to just press forward as gently as possible. “Applejack... I'm really sorry about yesterday. I-I would never—” “It's... It's fine, Sunset... It was just an accident. I know that...” As they drove along the highway, dusk started to settle over Canterlot. The trees swayed lightly as the winds picked up, and the occasional raindrop forewarned of how the storms might not be over with in the slightest. But even with the threat of rainfall looming overhead, the truck continued to move at a slower pace then, with both its passenger and driver too wrapped up in how to address the elephant in the room—or rather the back seat. Eventually, Applejack just gave in and cut to the chase. “Go on, Sunset... Ask whatever ya want... I know you got questions, and y'all know I ain't ever been good at lyin' much, anyways...” There was another lull as Sunset gathered her thoughts then, and Applejack seized on the moment to brace herself for whatever was coming. The question was going to involve Rarity. She knew it would. But even with that knowledge firmly in place, she was still somehow surprised by what was ultimately asked. “Are...you and Rarity...dating?” “Huh!?” she replied hastily, nearly veering into the wrong lane in the process. “'C-'Course not, Sunset! W-Where in the world would—” The farm girl took a deep breath. She had to remember that her friend didn't have the full context of everything that was probably seen. Question was, how could Applejack explain something that she wasn't even wasn't fully prepared for herself? “No...we ain't datin'. Pretty sure if that were the case, it woulda come out a long time ago.” “Good point... So, when Rarity said she loved you?” “T-That—that was just—that was all just a dream,” Applejack replied hastily. “Look, I... I-I ain't sure how much of it y'all saw, but... Well, that was the most important part...” “Actually, AJ... I hate to break it to you, but...I can't actually see people's dreams. Just their thoughts and memories...” “...O-Oh...right...” The farmer sighed, realizing all too late that dreaming about your best friend's romantic confession did little to make this seem any less conspicuous. And with that little detail now out in the open, there was no way to steer this conversation away from the obvious conclusion. Even with being a terrible liar, at least beforehand Applejack could've tried to pass this all off as just a nightmare, or maybe a wayward thought being taken completely out of context. Guess that wasn't an option anymore...and maybe that was for the best. “...Guess I've been thinkin' real hard 'bout that part, then...” Sunset already felt awful for what her magic had forced out into the open, and prying further like this only intensified that feeling. She contemplated just stopping then and there, but her friend almost looked as if she was expecting more to come. Maybe the farmer needed someone to talk this all over with, regardless of whether or not she had been ready for that. “Applejack...is that how you feel about Rarity?” And there it was: the literal heart of the matter. Applejack considered the question for a few moments, but no answer seemed quite right. Eventually, she just sighed and admitted the first thing to come out of her mouth. “I...I don't know how I feel 'bout Rarity right now... All I know is, fer the past few weeks or so, she's been livin' rent free in my mind...” The farm girl took a deep breath, as the knot in her stomach loosened slightly. Slowly, she started to let the truth pour out, one experience at a time. “...I fret over not hearin' anything from her. I find myself missin' all the things she added to my day, big an' small. I get real happy over the thought of seein' her again, an' real nervous at the same time. I keep overthinkin' every little thing she says or does... An' now...I'm even dreamin' of her...” Though she long ago mastered the many facets of friendship, Sunset wasn't the greatest when it came to matters like this. She had dated in the past, yes, but never did her feelings come close to what Applejack was describing now. She wished she could do more then—to offer some guidance or advice to a friend in need. But for the time being, all she really could do as a friend was just listen. “Heh... Pretty pathetic, ain't it?” “...Have you discussed any of this with Rarity?” “'Course not. What am I s'ppossed to say? 'Heya, Rarity! Great to see y'all again! By the way, think I might like ya as more than a friend! So, how was the trip!?'” They came to a stop then as the traffic light turned red, and Applejack took the opportunity to readjust her hat and rub at her temples. Whatever mild relief she was feeling from finally letting some of these emotions out, all the stress returned in spades when she thought about having to go through this all again with her best friend. “Argh! Land sake, why'd this ever have to happen!? We had so much planned fer this year, an' now it's all spoilin' like applesauce out in the sun! I just wish things could go back to normal...” “...Maybe...they still can,” Sunset chimed, grasping at a realization that just popped into her head. Granted, it was a bit of a long-shot, but that was still better than nothing. “Huh? Whaddya mean?” “...Believe it or not, when I first came to this world, I wasn't quite the she-demon I ultimately became. I was scared and alone, in a place that I knew nothing about.” “Sure... I reckon comin' to a place where everyone's standin' on hind legs would do that to ya.” “Well, even without that, I just started getting homesick. Like, a lot! And during those times, especially early on...I'd get some really strange dreams myself. About lots of random stuff! Being with people—or, ponies—that I had no interest in otherwise, trying things that I'd never consider doing in real-life.” “What kinda things we talkin' about?” “Well... Like, combining certain spells together for no good reason, or dancing with a manticore, or finding out that I was always meant to be an earth pony and transforming into one...” “...Uh, that all seems a tad...different from what I'm goin' through...” “The point is, I started missing what I saw as normal so much that...it was like my subconscious was going to whatever lengths it could to make me think about it. And even though my dreams were pretty extreme, they still reminded me of the life I was more comfortable with.” “And...you really think that might be happenin' to me!?” “I don't know for sure...but, best friends like you guys? That's one of the strongest bonds around. Way too strong to just change overnight. And I bet once things go back to normal around here, you guys will be the same way.” For the first time in a while, Applejack felt somewhat relieved. Not completely, mind, as the anxiety still washed over her in little waves every so often. However, the thought of her friend's suggestion being true certainly helped to perk her up a bit. She would love nothing more than to get back to normal, with her best friend right by her—and there was that anxiety again. Maybe normalcy would also be what finally put that in its place as well... “Heh...I sure hope yer right... Thanks, Sunset.” “Any time. And don't worry. Like I told you before, I promise I won't tell a soul about any of this. Pinkie promise!” Already, Sunset was certain that her bubbly buddy felt that one even from miles away, but at least this would be an easy enough promise to uphold. “Actually,” she said, “one question.” “Y-Yeah?” “Haven't we been sitting at this light for a while now?” The two looked up at the stoplight, only to realize that its red light had actually been blinking in and out for some time now. “Hmm, reckon it's busted.” “So we've just been sitting at this intersection for the last five minutes!?” “Guess we're mighty lucky nobody's 'round to honk their horns at us, huh?” The two shared a good chuckle over that, and Applejack started driving again after checking to make sure the way was clear. Meanwhile, Sunset checked her phone just to see how late they might've been running now. “Huh,” she said, putting the phone to her ear. “Looks like I got a voicemail from Twilight. They're probably wondering where we could possibly be right now.” “Ha! Just tell 'em we're bein' fashionably late. That's what Rarity would—uh, well...” Again with that stupid anxiety! Could it at least be over something that wasn't completely ridiculous, for a change? There was a moment of silence before that wish apparently came true. “...Oh, no...” Sunset said gravely. She slowly lowered the phone as her eyes widened. It was exactly as she had feared. “What's the matter?” Applejack asked, turning to see a friend who suddenly looked more than a little spooked. “...We've got a problem...” Next Time: Deus ex Magicae > Chapter 11 – Deus ex Magicae > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it came to seeing shows live and in person, Pinkie Pie never quite understood the appeal of a balcony seat before. She always wondered why anyone would ever want to sit so far away, especially when all of the action was going on down in front. Half of the fun of attending a Gallaherd show in the first place, after all, was just sitting in the splash-zones while he smashed watermelons to pieces. Wasn't that the entire point—to bask in, and literally become a part of, the act? Perhaps some people just didn't appreciate fine theater quite like she did... With all of that said, however, things were a bit different this time around. In fact, considering what was currently going on with Trixie's show, Pinkie was more than happy for once just to be observing things from a distant balcony—or rather from outside the community theater's clerestory windows. Either option was fine, really. “WOW!” she cried out. “Her act's gotten way better!” “Shhh!” Twilight insisted, straining to keep her unhelpfully squirming friend aloft with her powers. “Not so loud! We don't want her to hear us!” “What's she doing now?” Fluttershy asked softly. “Well, she just made some giant gloves appear, and now they're juggling people! It'd be really neat if it wasn't thanks to evil magic...” Mindful of overusing their own, especially before a probable confrontation, Twilight lowered Pinkie back onto the ground before inquiring any further. “And it's still due to the wand, right?” “Yup! Every time she waves it, magic comes out like 'WHOOSH!'” “Hmm. And could you estimate roughly how many people are still in there?” “Ummm... It's kinda hard to tell, especially when she keeps making things happen to them... But I think there's at least twenty?” “Oh dear," Fluttershy said. "At least most of the audience fled before things got too crazy...” “True, but still...this definitely isn't ideal...” The trio continued reviewing what Pinkie had observed, before raising her back up once again to gleam whatever else she possibly could. At this point, every little piece of information could prove vital, and they would need as much as possible to effectively deal with a threat like this. As their friends handled reconnaissance from the side, Applejack and Sunset were over by the theater's entryway, with the former gauging how to quietly pry open the magically sealed doors, and the latter giving Rainbow Dash an update over the phone. “So, that's the situation so far. At least we got here pretty quick. Guess traffic's really died down. Any sign of Rarity's plane yet?” “No,” her friend sighed. “Seriously, what's the point of arrival times if nobody actually arrives on time!?” The young athlete sounded a little frustrated, and Sunset couldn't exactly blame her. Considering how Rainbow had been the first to discover this incident via Snapgab, and how she always welcomed any chance for them to be super-heroes, being relegated to simply waiting around for their friend must've been quite the curve-ball. “You sure you guys don't need me?” “Of course we need you, but Applejack did make a really good point.” Even as she said it, Sunset wondered whether or not that was really the case. Calling it a point alone seemed like a stretch, all things considered. But everything had happened so quickly, and there were already so many hangups just getting here, that it was difficult to argue logistics now, let alone half an hour ago in the heat of discussion. Originally, the plan was just for everyone to meet up at the theater, but that would've meant leaving Rarity clueless and her family without a ride home. Then, right before departing from the airport in Applejack's truck, the girls realized that someone would still have to stay behind anyway. How else would Rarity find out about what was happening, let alone acquire the keys and directions to where their tour bus was currently parked? Bearing all of that in mind, the question then became one of who should remain. Almost immediately, everyone assumed that Applejack would be the one to await her best friend's arrival, but the farm girl was rather quick to rebut the notion. N-NO!... I-I me—I mean, I... I-I reckon, uh... What about Fluttershy!? O-Or Rainbow!? She's—uh—she's got that super speed an' all, so... Nobody quite understood the reasoning then, but Sunset caught onto her friend's trepidation quickly enough. And though not usually an advocate for avoiding one's problems like this, she opted to help out with a last-second save. Heaven knows just how valid her improvised rationale really was, but it certainly convinced everyone of Applejack's suggestion back then. Hopefully it would continue to sound reasonable enough while on the phone now. “If anyone else stayed behind, not only would we be short two people, but there's no guarantee they'd make it here in time to help, either. At least this way, once you let Rarity know what's going on, you can just dash over here in a heartbeat.” “Yeah... I guess you're right. Well, just don't be too awesome without me. And call if anything comes up!” “Absolutely. Oh, gotta go! Wish us luck!” Sunset hung up then, just in time for Applejack to report on breaching the entrance. “Any luck?” “Sorry, but the structure's way too old an' creaky. An' them doors are sealed tighter than a barn in hurricane season.” “So, we can't get in that way? “Oh, we'll get in fine. Just ain't gonna be quiet. Reckon we'll have to bust right on through, and ain't no way Trixie don't notice that kinda entrance.” “Hmmm... That might be for the best, actually...” They joined the others soon afterward, just as Pinkie finished taking in another round of illegitimate theater, to compare notes and devise a strategy. Obviously, Trixie had fallen under the influence of Eqeustrian magic, and was growing more corrupted with each passing moment. This particular magic seemed especially powerful, as it apparently allowed her not only to conjure up objects from out of nowhere, but also to transform things into whatever she willed. A dangerous opponent, for sure, but not without some weaknesses. First and foremost was what seemed to be the source of the magic itself: her wand. With every wave of that thing, the young magician managed to pull off yet another impossible feat, and she seemed to be particularly focused on it in these last few minutes. Clearly, that would be the girls' primary target, and the means by which they could resolve all of this. They break that wand, they free the user, and everything else returns to normal—same as always. Second was the actual person that they were dealing with. Not only was Trixie a natural showboat, but she was also rather easy to goad on, and tended to be more focused on her audience than anything else. She wouldn't be one to notice what's going on behind the scenes, if that was indeed the case. It certainly wasn't going to be an easy mission, especially when the entire team wasn't together. However, so long as they understood and took advantage of what they could, it was definitely achievable nevertheless. “Alright,” Sunset said, as the girls huddled around. “Is everyone good on the plan? Pinkie, AJ, and I will go in first and get Trixie's attention. While we're keeping her distracted, you two wait for an opening to sneak in unnoticed.” She turned to address both Twilight and Fluttershy, the stealth team of this operation. “Twilight, you'll be our trump card. If things start looking bad, your magic can support us. But until then, just focus on rescue and evacuation.” “Got it!” “And Fluttershy, you're sure Angel's probably still backstage somewhere?” “I mean... I'm pretty sure. He's been helping Trixie with her shows all week. I can't imagine he'd have just gone wandering off...” “Okay. Then, while we're dealing with her, you make your way around to the back, find where he's being kept, and get him ready to grab the wand when her guard's down.” “R-Right... Um... A-Are you sure there isn't any other way?” “You heard what's going on in there. We'll definitely try, but we might not be able to get that close to Trixie. And with people still in there, we can't confront her too much without also putting them at risk. But Angel's so quick and small, he should be able to swipe her wand before she has time to react.” “Oh...right...” “Don't worry,” Sunset said, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. “He'll be safe. I'll make sure of it.” Fluttershy nodded, and steeled herself as much as she could. “Okay... We'll try our best!” With that, Sunset looked around at her friends one last time. It had been a while since they needed to take action like this, and the last few days certainly did little to boost morale; however, right then, they still shined with the same confidence and camaraderie as always. At that moment, she knew that they'd definitely pull together through this slump...and save the day yet again! “Everyone ready?” With a unified cheer in response, the girls all ponied up then. Their leader was the last one to do so, and she followed it up with one final declaration. “Then let's do this!” **** For most people, the hardest step of any art tends to be at the very beginning. Be it the first few strokes of a painting, the first few lyrics of a song, or even the first few words of a book; regardless of the medium, many artists simply have the most trouble when it comes to getting started on whatever their passion might be. The same could also be said of the performing arts, as well. Indeed, for anyone whose calling guides them to the big stage, the hardest part of that art form was often just the opening warm-up. Be it clearing out the pipes, stretching out the limbs, or finding one's particular groove; simply put, there were many things that could make warming-up the most difficult part of a performer's routine. Trixie was usually no different. In some ways, getting warmed-up at a show was akin to waking up in the morning for her. She could never just jump right into an act, or hit the ground running thereafter. It always had to be something that she steadily acclimated toward, with every trick incrementally sharpening both her performance and her sparkling showmanship. Now, this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was usually better to end on a stronger note than not, and she always saved her best stunts for last, anyway. But it did mean that her opening acts were usually rather uneven, and this particular performance had been no exception. But just look at her now! Standing on this stage, in front of a roaring crowd that surely cheered as the hecklers became active participants in her new act. And what an act it was proving to be! Levitation, teleportation, transmogrification... A little bit of everything for everyone! That condescending neckbeard down in the fifth row? She made his whiskers grow out until he became a literal hairball! The few that threw popcorn at her? She threw something right back: darts, which flew around and proceeded to pin each of them to the walls and ceiling. And for rest that couldn't keep their mouths shut!? She decided to fall back on some good old-fashioned juggling—up close and very personal! Granted, you simply can't please everyone. A few handfuls of the audience did depart from the theater in a rush. But the important thing was entertaining the ones that stayed behind—the loyal ones, who surely would stick around even if she hadn't magically locked the doors. And again, this was all really just the warm-up. After she finished bowing and basking in standing ovations around here, she'd literally get this show on the road! It would be the beginning of The Eternally Great and Infinitely Powerful Trixie's Worldwide Sorcery Tour! The title was a work in progress, but the tour itself would be grand! And, soon enough, everyone would bear witness to— Before Trixie could further entertain either herself or her ideas, a loud knock reverberated throughout the theater. A second one followed shortly thereafter, and only then did she realize where it was emanating from. Something, or someone, was slamming against the entryway doors; furthermore, they were actually coming close to breaking through, even with her magic serving to reinforce them! There were a myriad of ways to deal with this problem, but time simply wasn't on the performer's side. In fact, before she could do anything more than think about responding, one final blow caused the doors to break apart entirely. And just like that, the theater was yet again opened to the masses. In any other situation, Trixie would've welcomed the adamant insistence on seeing her show. Such dedicated fans were usually something to be cherished, after all. However, when it came to the three women currently running down the aisle, she could already predict that they would be a new group of troublemakers. A farmer, a party animal...and their ringleader. Points for originality, but it would take far more than that to make it on the big stage...especially with a master sorceress already headlining. “Ah, Sunset Shimmer,” Trixie announced, her tone just a little more condescending than usual. “You and your friends come to see my new act? Well, don't think that just because we go back a little, I'll cut you a deal on ticket sales and refreshm—” “Trixie?” Sunset interrupted. “What's happened here? What are you doing?” “Isn't it obvious? The Great and Powerful Trixie is conjuring up wonders and amusements, the likes of which NOBODY has ever seen! Just look at the audience! They're so awestruck, they're speechless!” “Are you sure they're not just terrif—” Sunset shushed Pinkie Pie before she could finish that question—innocent and accurate though it might've been—and cut in with something a bit less immediately confronting. “So...this is all just part of your act? Don't you think it's a bit intense?” “Ha! Typical jealousy! Just because my magic's far greater than yours, you can't help but criticize it.” Realistically speaking, no matter what was said then, provoking and upsetting Trixie was most likely inevitable; however, there was always a slim chance that perhaps she could be reasoned with before things got too heated. Sunset wished to take that approach before any other, and she was hoping that the young magician wasn't too far gone yet for it to work. Sadly, what happened next pretty much ended any chance of that coming true. “Least our magic ain't bein' used to torture folks!” Applejack interjected. Peaceful discussion only worked when both parties were calm enough to engage in it, and the farmer was anything but, as of late. It certainly didn't help, either, that their opponent was not only skilled at dishing out aggravating barbs, but was also quite susceptible to them herself. “Torture!? As if simpletons like you could do any better at captivating an audience!” “Heh, betchya without that fancy wand, y'all wouldn't even have an audience to bore!” Trixie gasped, and held her treasured accessory even closer than before. Things were pretty much going exactly not as desired now. “Wait,” Sunset urged, “she didn't mean that! Your usual routine is great! Isn't that right, Pinkie!?” “Mmmm, I don't know,” their friend mulled, once again proving incapable of reading the room. “Even I can only watch card tricks so much...” “That does it! The Great and Powerful Trixie won't tolerate any more of these interruptions! To the three imbeciles currently proving so disruptive...DOWN IN FRONT!” And thus, the warm-up was over! With a wave of her wand, Trixie cast a bolt of magic at her new critics, each of whom jumped out of the way before it hit the ground and exploded. Sunset and Pinkie Pie both remained near the center of the aisle, but Applejack landed beside one of the nearby seating sections. Then, mindful of her role as a distraction, she decided to throw more than just some rotten tomatoes at this awful act. With her super-strength in play, it was easy enough to rip the seats out from the floorboards, and even more so to lob them in Trixie's direction. Were the young magician a bit more attentive, she might've noticed just how off the farmer's aim deliberately was then. Instead, however, she instinctually cast her magic at the oncoming projectiles, transforming them into flowers, cards, and all manner of softer objects before they even hit the stage. The two engaged in this back and forth for a few rounds, but Sunset was intent on changing things up before Applejack ran out of ammo. “Pinkie!” she said, holding out her hand. “Grenade!” “Huh? OHHH!” Catching onto her friend's train of thought, Pinkie Pie pulled out a can of sprinkles and gave it a vigorous shaking. With the aid of her magic, the container of confections quickly became a ticking time-bomb, and she tossed it over to her leader when it had about five seconds left till detonation. Sunset positioned herself, and took aim at one of the intact seats near Applejack. Three seconds. “AJ!” she yelled, throwing the can right into the crook of the folded cushion. “Ha! Much obliged!” The farm girl grabbed that particular chair and sent it flying towards Trixie—one second—who yet again transformed it in midair, this time into a bunch of feathers. The makeshift bomb, however, continued flying forward, and went off only a few feet away from where the performer stood. From seemingly out of nowhere, a loud and colorful explosion manifested right in front of Trixie. It didn't really hit her, but it was bright enough to temporarily blind her, and the resultant smoke clouds only further added to that effect. “There's our chance!” Twilight said, observing from the edge of the entryway. “Let's go!” “Right!” The two girls seized on their opportunity, bolted into the theater, and split up almost immediately afterward. Fluttershy started crawling around the perimeter, steadily making her way toward one of the side-doors that hopefully lead backstage. Meanwhile, Twilight started weaving between the rows, searching for anyone who might've been taking cover from all of the chaos going on up front. So far, so good... In the midst of Trixie being surrounded and confused by all of the smoke, Sunset saw a chance to end this right now. She climbed onto the stage and, upon finally seeing where her opponent stood, reached forward to grab for the wand. Though her attempt proved successful, actually prying it from Trixie's hand proved more difficult. “HEY!” the magician shouted, grabbing at her assailant's shoulder to resist. The two struggled briefly for hold of the wand, but things came undone when Sunset grabbed Trixie's wrist. Without warning, her powers activated then, and she was treated to...something bizarre. There were clearly flashes of the performer's own memories then, but they were interspersed with something else... Something almost like...otherworldly sensations... —a unicorn of pure alabas— —banished to a realm between— —feel the entire city beneath— —what outstanding powers they— Suddenly, she felt overwhelmed. Something started screaming within her head, blaring at her mind as if to violently force her from out of Trixie's. It quickly became too much to bear, and in the pain of it all, she was forced to let go of both the magician and the wand. As the smoke finally cleared, Trixie saw Sunset clutching at her head, almost as if she was having a bad case of brain freeze then. Perhaps the little thief just couldn't handle the pressures of being on stage! “Sunset!” she taunted, before giving her wand another flick. “You don't look so well...” Suddenly, Sunset was lifted into the air against her will. “Maybe you should TAKE A SEAT!” With that, Trixie pointed back toward the aisle, and her very temporary assistant was launched into the air and off the stage. Pinkie Pie managed to catch Sunset as she fell, cushioning the impact as they both rolled down the aisle. It didn't take long for either of them to recover, but the young magician also didn't wait long to strike again. With two troublemakers in her sights, she cast forth another magic bolt, one that would surely knock them both out for a while! Before it could land, however, yet another airborne chair intercepted the blast. “Ain't you got more important things to be worryin' about!?” Applejack taunted, already winding up for another pitch. As the farm girl resumed her barrage, Pinkie and Sunset managed to rise onto their feet. “...You okay, Sunset?” “Yeah,” she moaned, still rubbing her head. “Sorry... I'm not sure what happened there.” “Hey!” their friend urged between throws. “I could use a lil' help with what's happenin' here!” “Oh!” Pinkie responded. “Coming!” She rushed in to join the assault, and started tossing a variety of exploding containers and sweets to keep the magician busy. Between the two girls tag-teaming Trixie then, she couldn't do much more than just play defense for the time being. Meanwhile, Sunset could only watch as her friends pushed forward. She was still taken aback by everything that just happened, but there would be plenty of time to reflect on all of that later. In the meantime, she kept a steady eye on both the performer...and the curtains behind her. When she saw Sunset and Pinkie about to be attacked, Twilight nearly broke from her designated role to go help out her friends. Thankfully, Applejack's quick actions proved sufficient in keeping them safe, and convinced her to keep focusing on evacuating everyone else for the time being. Most of the remaining theatergoers had taken cover down on the ground. Since Twilight couldn't fly or run around without risking being spotted, finding some of them proved more time-consuming than anticipated. At least getting people out of the theater was an easier task, since almost all of them had wound up in the rows closest to the exit. And in the ensuing volleys of magic, explosives, and flung furnishings going on elsewhere, she found plenty of opportunities to covertly direct people toward said exit. Eventually, almost every civilian had been evacuated—with the exception of those being juggled in mid-air, those still pinned to the ceiling, and the gentleman in the fifth row who was too tangled in his own hair to really move about. Unfortunately, there was no way for Twilight to continue stealthily from here on out. Extricating the remainder of this audience would require the use of her magic, and she'd have to get closer to pry some of them free. She could only hope that Trixie wouldn't yet notice her most visible patrons pulling a disappearing act without her... Successful as they had been so far, the distraction duo were beginning to run out of steam a bit. Pinkie Pie had almost completely depleted her supply of explosive treats, and though Applejack still had plenty of scenery left to throw, it was proving far less effective as a tactic. Trixie herself was growing tired of these one-note stunts, and began retaliating as more openings presented themselves. But why rely on the same old tricks herself to silence these interlopers? The unstoppable sorceress had an entire assortment of spells at her disposal, and it was time to change up the act a little bit. As Applejack backed up to the next row of chairs, her grab for one was interrupted by an object whizzing right past her outstretched hand. “What the hey!?” The way it spun in midair then, she initially thought that Trixie had thrown some kind of throwing star at her. But on closer inspection, it was actually a playing card that was now slightly embedded into the seat's armrest. It wasn't the only one on its way, either, as Trixie pulled out a deck of cards and tapped her wand to them. “Tired of card tricks, huh? How about a game, instead!? Ever heard of 52 card pickup!?” With that, she squeezed the deck and allowed the cards to spray from her hand; however, rather than just limply fall to the floor, they picked up speed and started to fly around in the air. Moments later, the paper projectiles angled around and dive-bombed the girls, forcing each of them to hastily take cover beneath what rows remained. “Eeek!” Pinkie squealed as she hid. “I hate getting paper-cuts!” As Trixie enchanted deck after deck, more cards rained down on the girls, effectively keeping them pinned down to where they were. Now, these mischief-makers were just three more members to add to her adoring audience. “Ha ha ha! It's too bad you girls had to go and waste your talents like this! You probably could've made a decent opening act for The Great and Powerful Trixie's many shows to come! Oh, well! Guess you'll just have to settle for being spectators like the rest of—HUH!?” Trixie stopped in mid-boast, suddenly more interested in what was actually going on over in the back rows. “WHERE IS EVERYONE!?” They were gone! Her entire audience was gone! The hairball? Nothing left where he was, save for some unkempt locks tangled within the cushions! The juggling act? Nothing there but some magic gloves just waving up and down now! And where was everyone else!? If the others had managed to walk out on her, whose to say they didn't!? While dealing with these little upstart whelps, her audience had simply vanished! No... They were chased off! Now she had nobody to watch her performance, and it was all because of— But wait! What about the ones hanging from the ceiling!? Trixie looked up then, expecting to find even those popcorn pelting peons to have somehow gotten away. What she saw instead, however, was even more infuriating. There was Twilight Sparkle, high up in the air and pulling at the darts that kept everyone pinned by their clothing. Needless to say, the sorceress on stage was less than amused. “Stealing my act is one thing... BUT STEALING MY AUDIENCE!?” For a moment, Trixie was so angry that she couldn't decide what course of action to take! Soon, however, her eyes rested on the gloves that had been reduced to mere miming now. If they weren't going to juggle, then perhaps they could at least catch a very annoying little gnat! Twilight was so close! She had rescued almost everyone in the theater, and just had to unpin these last few civilians before joining in the fray down below. Sadly, her powers alone couldn't get these enchanted darts to budge much at all. For the sake of brevity, she was forced instead to try and pull at them with both her magic and her own strength, which so far had proven a bit more effective. Now, it would just be a matter of time before the rescue was complete. Unfortunately for Twilight, her time was up right then. From out of nowhere, the giant gloves that she had freed people from earlier surrounded her. They clapped in and grasped tightly at her torso, squeezing some of the air right out of her lungs in the process. “Hey!” she shouted, struggling to break free all the while. “Let me go!” Rather than oblige to that request, however, they instead brought her down to where their master could get a better look. “Well, well,” Trixie teased. “So nice of you to volunteer to be a part of my act, Twilight. But we've already done juggling, and using just one ball isn't very interesting, anyway... Ooh! I know...” The gloves tightened their grip just a bit, as the sorceress playfully drew out the suspense. “Maybe... We should try that sawing-in-half trick again, but with YOU this time, instead of your dog!” In the few moments she spared to deal with Twilight, Trixie had completely forgotten about the three women currently hiding from her precipitation of playing cards. And once that barrage had subsided, they were all back out, on their feet, and ready for another round within seconds. Seeing their friend currently being held captive, however, quelled the girls' fervor quite a bit. Throughout all of this, Sunset kept eyeing the stage curtains, hoping to find some sign that their final ploy was ready to go. Thankfully, just as things started looking a bit dicey, she finally spotted some rustling near the curtains' edges, with Fluttershy and Angel popping their heads out shortly afterward. The two girls made eye contact, and Sunset gave the signal to hold for just a bit longer. If anything, Trixie was far too active with her wand right now to make a clean grab for it. She needed to be calmed down a bit first...and maybe even be made to realize just what she was doing. “Why you,” Applejack growled, already prepping to charge in for another assault. “AJ!” Sunset called, catching the farm girl's attention and motioning for her to refrain from anything drastic at the moment. Applejack found it hard to comply, what with Twilight currently being treated like a squeeze-toy and all, but she trusted in their leader's judgment, and did as instructed. As Trixie prepared to summon the necessary tools for her next act, Sunset quickly ran up and called out to the young magician. “Trixie, stop! Why are you doing this!? Maybe it was the sheer audacity of how this fool questioned her, or perhaps it was the fact that the answer should've been so painfully obvious. One way or another, however, Trixie was annoyed enough by Sunset's query to put everything else on hold and address her directly. “Why? WHY!? After how they all mocked me...how they made me feel! I'm not the one doing anything wrong here!” “No, this isn't you! The real Trixie wouldn't get so hung up over some stupid comments from meaningless strangers! Because she knows that she's better than them!” “Ha! I wish this was just over some strangers! BUT IT ISN'T! You try standing up here, Sunset! Try having an audience, and friends...and family...AND EVERYONE ELSE...DISCOURAGE YOU FROM FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS!” In their master's anger, one of the gloves was compelled to release their captive then, and slam down at the floor with all of its might. At least Twilight had a bit more room to breathe now, but she still couldn't break free just yet. “But now, nobody will so much as think about doubting my powers! Now, I can finally be what I was always destined to be, and soon the whole world will be looking up in admiration at the new—the improved—THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!” “DOES THAT LOOK LIKE ADMIRATION TO YOU!?” Sunset threw her hand upward, directing Trixie's attention to the people still hanging from the ceiling. She had almost forgotten about those ingrates... But perhaps that was for the best! Worthless wastes who got exactly what they deserved, and they should get even more! She might just leave them up there for a while, so they can keep looking and feeling just as...as overwhelmed...and scared...and powerless...as she does? “They don't respect or admire you! They don't see you as great and powerful! They see you as a monster, and they're terrified! Is that really what you want!? Is that how you want everyone to feel about you!?” “...I...I...NO!” The young magician griped at her head, clearly struggling with whatever was compelling her thoughts then. And she really needed to stop struggling, especially when they were all just trying to belittle her achievements! “NO! YOU'RE WRONG! THEY ALL LOVE ME! THEY LOVE MY MAGIC!” “Except it isn't yours! None of this is your doing, and it doesn't have to be! You've never needed to rely on some dark magic before, and you don't need to now! You can become whatever you want, with your own talents! You are The Great and Powerful Trixie, after all...right!?” “That's...I—NNGHHH!” Every word that came out of this woman's mouth grated against the sorceress...but Sunset was technically correct, right? Trixie had worked so hard to get to where she was now...and what did she have to show for it!? More friends, more fans, more loyal followers... In the ensuing argument that raged on within her mind, the performer finally allowed her guard to drop for a moment. She stumbled back and forth, clenching at her pounding head with one hand, and barely keeping hold of her wand with the other. Sunset saw their chance right then, and, without hesitation, gave the word. “NOW!” Seconds later, and before Trixie could either rebound or revert back, she felt something snatch the wand from out of her grasp. “HEY,” she cried out, “THAT'S MINE!” By the time that she realized who the culprit was, Fluttershy's rabbit had already rushed off of the stage, with the wand held tightly in its mouth. And before she could do anything in response, he delivered her precious keepsake right into Sunset's hands. “NO! WAIT! DON'T!” “Sorry, Trixie, but the show's over!” With that, everyone braced themselves. Sunset raised the wand upward, and with one clean snap, proceeded to break it over her knee in an instant. It was just as she said. The show was finally over...right? Next Time: Ms. Direction > Chapter 12 - Ms. Direction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a simple mistake...but Sunset would quickly come to regret it... Her team's plan certainly wasn't flawless, and the execution even less so, but they had succeeded. Trixie's wand was broken, with an audible crack that briefly echoed throughout the aisles as it snapped against Sunset's knee. The show should've been over then, and were their initial assumptions correct, it probably would've been... The chief problem with Equestrian magic in the human world has always been that of unpredictability. You never knew who, what, where, or when it would strike next; furthermore, and worse still, there was no way of predicting just how it would affect whatever was enchanted, let alone what kind of trouble it could ultimately cause. Would it all end up being a minor incident—like a watering can that nearly incited a floral insurrection? Or would it escalate into a borderline catastrophe—like a storm strong enough to capsize an entire cruise-liner? Either way was possible, really. Actually, anything seemed possible when it came to Equestrian magic, and that was simply something that the girls always had to be ready for. Mind you, unpredictability wasn't the same as unpreparedness, which is something that they worked hard to ensure was rarely the case. In particular, the Rainbooms had seen enough action over the years to at least recognize the most common ways in which magical threats manifested themselves. Twilight even went the extra mile at one point to develop a classification system, though too many outliers and variables ultimately put that to rest. Still, when pooled together, most forms of Equestrian magic that underlined their many adventures could generally be grouped into one of three categories. On the one hand, there was completely unbound magic—that which was tethered to neither person nor possession. So far, the girls had encountered this kind of threat only once, but that was frankly more than enough for a lifetime. If the Storm King's wayward tempest was any indication, then unbound magic was not only stable enough to sustain itself without a host, but also powerful enough to cause immense collateral damage. Thankfully, this kind of magic seemed to be on the rarer side of occurrences, and hopefully it would just stay that way indefinitely. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there was bound magic—specifically, that which resided within inanimate objects. The aforementioned watering can, a mirror that granted wishes, a cellphone that could teleport things and replace them with holograms; all courtesy of Equestrian magic, and all considerable nuisances. In general, smaller tools such as these were the most common targets for enchantment, though nobody quite understood why. Perhaps most magic that entered the human realm was simply too fragmented or weakened to inhabit larger objects. If that was the case, then the mind shudders to think of what these forces were capable of back when they were whole. But between those two categories, there existed one other, and it was arguably the most dangerous of them all. The thing about unbound magic was that, regardless of its power, it seemed largely mindless of its own actions. The Storm King's tempest was indeed vicious, but it struck with no concept of either purpose or prey. It was literally just an unbridled force of nature. Meanwhile, enchanted objects might've been more far numerous in occurrence, but they were also considerably weaker in action. Granted, those fragments of magic could still cause serious damage, but it was nowhere near the scale and size of some of the girls' worst encounters. But what about enchanted people? What about those individuals who somehow found themselves directly imbued with Equestrian magic? Surely, they couldn't be much worse than any of the other possibilities, right? Desperate to protect her family's legacy, an enchanted Gloriosa Daisy nearly buried all of Camp Everfree underneath a tombstone of bramble and vines. Insatiable for knowledge and understanding, an enchanted Twilight Sparkle nearly caused two worlds to violently collapse into one another. Angered at not being properly recognized for her talents, an enchanted Sunset Shimmer nearly led a brainwashed army into a full-blown war with Equestria. Perhaps they weren't quite on the same level, after all. No...what made enchanted humans especially dangerous was that they were the best of the worst of both worlds. They had the power to cause untold devastation, and the control to shape that devastation however they pleased. They were easily corrupted by magic, but they could also alter the very nature of magic itself into something entirely different—something unknown, even to experts like Princess Twilight. The Rainbooms' ponying up via different triggers over time was testament enough to that, and that was one of the more benign examples! What was it about humans that made their bonds with magic so volatile, even when compared to most creatures in Equestria? Maybe it was because neither side had much exposure to the other. Maybe both sides just naturally fed into one another, creating this symbiotic escalation of both power and influence over time. Or maybe it was just pure dumb luck. Whatever the reason, one thing remained certain: people that were directly enchanted with Equestrian magic were some of the most dangerous opponents to deal with, and they needed to be handled with the utmost caution and strategy. Unfortunately, not only were the Rainbooms apparently facing off against such a threat right then...but they only realized as much after managing to tick her off in the worst possible way... “...How dare you,” Trixie whispered, after having been briefly brought to her knees in shock. The sight of a precious belonging being snapped in half was bad enough, but seeing a confused Sunset examine it afterward...no doubt just to add insult to her loss...only filled the magician...the sorceress...with pure, unbridled fury! The moment after that wand broke against her knee, Sunset's mind became ablaze with questions. Where was the thunderous boom? Where were the bright flashes, or even the shock-waves? Where was anything, whatsoever!? Since when was Equestrian magic ever inconspicuous, especially when being rapidly released from something? Did she somehow just...miss it? Was she so focused on bracing for whatever came next that the entire thing slipped by her unnoticed? A quick look around at her friends suggested otherwise. One by one, in a wave of realization, everyone steadily went from shielding themselves to sharing in a look of pure bewilderment. Everyone but Twilight, that is—who was still being tightly restrained by a giant disembodied glove! “Uh oh,” Sunset said, a sudden panic coming over her. As if on cue, she heard Trixie whisper something then, and if everything else hadn't already been enough of a red flag, what came next firmly put all doubts of their mistake to rest. The young magician steadily arose from her brief stupor, sporting a vengeful glare aimed right at Sunset. It took a moment for her to speak again, and it seemed as though she was struggling to actually formulate a complete sentence. But her transformation then spoke louder than any words could. Her hate-filled eyes started to glow, with an emerald green as piercing as it was bright. “...That wand...” Her insidious voice grew layered, as if multiple timbres were overlapping with one another. “...cost me...” And her suddenly levitating body...was absolutely surging with Equestrian magic. “A WHOLE MONTH'S ALLOWANCE!” This was perhaps the first time that Trixie had ever left an audience completely speechless—without it being due to a legendarily blundered stunt, that is. As energy coursed throughout her, the performer's anger practically caused it to spill out across the entire theater. The curtains rustled, the windows shuddered, and the lights flickered as sparks of Equestrian magic ran along the walls and ceiling. Between all of that, the girls probably could've remained awestruck for minutes on end. Their attention, however, was quickly recaptured...when a corrupted and indignant Trixie continued on with her show. “So, people see me as a monster, huh, Sunset!? They're terrified of me!? Well then, LET'S GIVE THEM A GREAT REASON TO BE!” With nary a moment's hesitation, and with her fire-headed adversary in her sights, the magician launched a massive bolt of magic from her own two hands. Sunset probably could've avoided the attack, albeit narrowly, but something caught her eye right at the last second: Angel. In all of the confusion and sudden craziness, the poor creature had been paralyzed with fear. He stood next to Sunset like a rabbit in the headlights, even as danger quickly sped towards them. With little time to think, she attempted to grab Angel and toss him out of harm's way. Unfortunately, she only got as far as getting a hold of him before the blast went off right in front of them. The explosion sent the two victims flying then, and they ultimately landed near the entryway with a rough tumble. Thankfully, Angel didn't even have a scratch on him thanks to Sunset, who tried to take the brunt of it all in an effort to shield him—and who now laid unconscious right beside him. “SUNSET!” Applejack and Pinkie Pie both shouted, while Trixie seized on the opening for her next set of feats. From both hands, a beam of magic shot out, each striking their respective target during the brief stint of inattention. For Applejack, the effect was more immediate, as a series of wooden panels and iron links manifested from out of nowhere all around her. One by one, they rapidly surrounded the farmer, trapping her inside a makeshift box that became wrapped up with chains. To cap it all off, a large padlock appeared, locked the chains together, and weighed the entire box down onto its side. Pinkie Pie started rushing over to help her friends, only to realize after a few steps that she wasn't getting anywhere—well, nowhere forward, at least. Gradually, her entire body felt weightless, and she began floating higher and higher into the air. Only the ceiling prevented her from drifting off any further, and all she could do from there was mingle with the audience members still being pinned up with darts. “Um... Enjoying the show?” Well...it took a bit of venting, but the sorceress finally managed to regain her composure. Not the most dignified of outbursts...but just look at her now! No longer was her mind plagued with uncertainty. There was no more struggling, no more resisting. She fully accepted her powers now, and could feel them growing even stronger as her mind let go of all inhibitions. Even the magic of others was paltry child's play compared to what she was capable of now. “Hmmm,” Trixie mused, finally calming down enough to admire her own amazing work. “An Applejack-in-a-box...and a Pinkie Pie-in-the-sky! Not bad at all!” Suddenly, her admiration was interrupted by another plea...from behind her, this time. “Trixie, please! Don't do this!” “Fluttershy? So, you're here too, huh? I appreciate everything you've done for me, but that doesn't entitle you to a backstage pass! I'm afraid you'll have to keep everything you saw back there UNDER WRAPS!” With a tug of her sleeve, a string of colored handkerchiefs slithered out and pounced at her latest costar. They quickly coiled around the demure girl, and wrapped her up like a rainbow-colored mummy, before she hit the ground wriggling helplessly. And like that, they had all been silenced. Every critic, every malcontent, every single rabble-rousing troublemaker; they were all dealt with by none other than the Great and—by none other than Trixie. Who needed a stupid little wand when she had so much power at her own fingertips!? Who needed to perform on petty little stages when they could do whatever she pleased!? Those girls' tactics might've been a minor irritant, and that one's words even more so, but now? Now, there was nothing to stop them! The world was a stage now...and it was all theirs! When she was attacked by Trixie then, Applejack was at first too confused by the spectacle of it all to realize what had transpired. One second, she's preparing to rush over and help her friends; the next, she's surrounded on all sides by a whirlwind of planks and chains! And now, here she laid, stuck in a little box while the others were still in trouble! She could hear the magician laughing it up from outside, and that only further added to her mounting aggravation. “Grrr...This is gettin' on my last nerve!... Thinks she can keep me hogtied, huh!?” It took a moment to get readjusted, but with her super-strength raring to go, she wasted no time breaking free of her little makeshift prison. With a few quick swings, the box practically erupted open from within, and the iron chains snapped like frail strings in the wake of such force. Moments later, Applejack was freed, on her feet, and once again ready for another round, much to the amusement of her annoying captor. “Impressive! Buuut...maybe we should see just how good of an escape artist you really are... Think you could break free while dangling from a skyscraper!?” Between the taunting, the capture and everything else, the farmer's patience was at its limit. Had she calmed down and looked around a bit, she might've noticed how the rest of her team was beginning to recover, themselves. In the back, a conscious Sunset was starting to shake off her dazed stupor. Behind Trixie, Fluttershy was steadily being freed herself, as Angel diligently chewed away at her many wrappings. Meanwhile, Twilight had managed to get an arm free, and was using her powers to slowly weaken the giant glove's grasp on her. At this rate, the girls could've regrouped for a second assault with a little bit more time; however, Applejack simply couldn't stand feeling so helpless any longer. She needed to do something! But what was there to work with? Quickly looking around, she noticed a length of chain that was still relatively intact laying nearby. It wasn't exactly long enough to count as a lasso, but a bolas would do just fine. Hopefully, it would distract Trixie just long enough for her to get in closer. What to do afterward wasn't quite as clear, but that's a bridge that she'd just have to cross when the time came. It was all or nothing now. Applejack grabbed the chain, twirled it around for the wind-up, and slung it at her hovering foe, before making a mad dash forward. Talk about throwing everything but the kitchen sink! For a second, Trixie was actually surprised—though only because she couldn't believe that anyone would attempt something so foolhardy. Still, perhaps props weren't such a bad idea, and how kind of her audience to provide her with one just then. With a raise of her hand, she stopped the incoming projectile before it even got close. Then, with a simple flick of the wrist, she sent it spinning right back at the charging lout, catching her legs mid-run and causing her to tumble to the ground. Not bad for someone who's never even been to a rodeo! There's always one in every crowd—the rowdy hooligan that needed to be escorted out—and this one certainly fit the bill. It was time for her to go and never come back! “Before I retire from showbiz and move on to greater things, I'll grace you girls with one last trick! I'll make every one of you disappear...AND YOU'RE FIRST!” The sorceress took aim, and gathered as much energy as she could into one palm. Before her victim could even free their legs of that chain, let alone rise from off the floor, it was too late. The largest bolt of magic yet was already hurtling through the air, mere seconds away from its target. There was no time to dodge, no time to react. There was only the end now. As the bolt came speeding towards a firmly grounded Applejack then, all she could do was close her eyes and reluctantly await the end. And with every second that passed until the end, another regret raced through her frazzled mind. Couldn't even have a moment's peace before being blown away, huh? Why did she just rush in all willy-nilly like that... Why didn't she stop and think first... Maybe try to find cover... Or help her friends... Her friends... She never even got to see her best fr— Boy, there seemed to be a lot of seconds left before the end... It only then dawned on Applejack, but...she should've been hit by now. That bolt couldn't have been more than a few yards away, and there's no way that it missed the mark. Matter of fact, she already heard the explosion a moment ago. But...she felt fine? Opening her eyes, the farm girl observed that she certainly seemed fine as well. Not a scratch anywhere on her, nor on the floor under her for that matter. Did the bolt really miss? If it did, it couldn't have been by much. There were clouds of smoke all around her, after all—actually, no... She was surrounded but...not directly. Something stood between her and the debris...something slightly translucent...like a barrier!? Not just one, either. The entire space around Applejack was sealed in by a dome then...an almost crystalline structure of diamond-like panels that interlocked with one another. Wait...diamond-like?... The panels quickly disappeared then, leaving a confused Applejack to question if she was hallucinating from one too many knocks to the head. In the distance, she could suddenly hear the echo of high-heels as they clapped against the flooring, growing louder and drawing closer with every step. She turned toward the source of those sounds, directing her gaze at the theater's entryway just as a figure steadily approached from outside. It was difficult to see through all of the smoke, but the silhouette definitely belonged to a woman. And as this woman calmly marched in, her every step carried with it a certain kind of dignified grace. The way the hips gently swayed with such confidence... The way the hair maintained its intricate shape even after a dainty hand brushed it to the side... ...It couldn't be... Though she managed to get her legs untangled, Applejack found herself unable to stand then. It felt as if her heart—as if everything—had suddenly stopped, unable to process what seemed like such an impossibility. She could only sit there and wait for the smoke to clear, and as it did, more of this newcomer's familiar details came into focus. The ivory skin... The indigo locks... The pointed, pony-ears... Was this really happening right now? There's no way she could be here, right? But it was her... Standing right there, all ponied up and clasping a glowing Geode, was none other than... “...Rarity?” “RARITY!” the other girls shouted, drowning out their friend's whisper. At least now she knew that she wasn't just losing her mind...not yet, anyway. Being fashionably late was one thing, but this was cutting it especially close. Another few seconds later, and Applejack might've been turned into an Apple-Fritter! Rarity could only count her blessings for having arrived when she did then. The fashionista took a few more steps forward, all the while flaunting a confident smile, and even struck a little pose at the end of her walk. Regardless of the situation, she never could resist making an exceptional entrance—especially when all eyes were fervently on her. “So sorry I'm late, girls! It's always such a hassle finding one's luggage at the airport.” Bravado aside, she also took the brief opportunity to get a more detailed impression of the theater, as well as where all of her friends were currently situated. They were certainly a bit more scattered than she would've hoped—especially Pinkie Pie, who was waving at her from upside down on the ceiling—but at least they were all safe for the moment. And then there was the main attraction, levitating above the stage and clearly annoyed at having to deal with another uninvited attendee. “Well, well, well,” Trixie taunted. “Look who finally decided to show up! Here to join the rest of this pathetic excuse for an act, Rarity?” “My goodness!” Rarity gasped, a look of pure fright running across her face at the sight of something so ghastly and alarming. “Trixie!? What on earth happened to you!?” “Ha ha ha! Surprised!? We've finally awoken our true powers, and soon the whole world shall—” “Hmm!? Oh, yes, yes—the whole 'overflowing with magic' thing. That's all very well and whatnot, but...I was referring to that horrifying choice of outfit!” “We will—Wait... What!?” “Well, black and gold, darling! It's all just so—ugh—last season... And that giant plume!?” “That's... THIS is the outfit of a master sorceress!” “Oh, sweetie,” Rarity chided, in the most patronizingly haughty way possible. “It's more like the rags of someone trying far too hard to be recognized. Why, I doubt anyone could possibly take you seriously in such a ridiculous—” “NOW WE'RE BEING MOCKED FOR OUR CLOTHING!? ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE!” Once again, the magician's eyes were headlights of pure green, and magic surged violently around her as she became engulfed in rage. With a clap of her hands, she focused as much energy as possible into a massive orb, before hurling it at her latest critic. Either Trixie hadn't exactly figured out what went wrong with her last attack, or she was simply too corrupted to even care. One way or another, Rarity was perfectly content with relying on the same tactic again if her opponent was going to. Tapping into her own magic then, she manifested a massive panel in front of her to intercept the blast. This time, however, she willed it to rapidly jerk forward at the moment of impact, effectively paddling the energy ball and sending it flying right back toward its sender. It wasn't a genuine threat by any means, but Trixie was caught off-guard then. It was as if she never even considered the possibility that her own magic could be used against her, and that realization took far too long for her to process. As such, all she could do was quickly drop to the ground in order to dodge her own attack in time. As she landed onto the stage, her rebounded orb whizzed by overhead, tore right through the curtains, and ultimately went off somewhere backstage. Moments later, a sizable portion of the burned off drapes fell to the floor, and she was gradually able to glimpse some of the freshly destroyed props that were consumed by the explosion. Had she reacted even a few seconds later, that all could've been her... Taken aback as Trixie was by all of that, the young performer's ire quickly returned to Rarity, who continued on unabated with her habiliment heckling. “Oh, now, honestly, Trixie! If you wish to go around looking like a common Las Pegasus street performer, that's your prerogative. But you simply must learn to take some constructive criticism, dear!” “Big talk coming from a prissy little wench! LET'S SEE HOW LONG YOU CAN BACK IT UP!” No more games! The sorceress channeled as much magic as she could, and fired it all as one continuous beam at this cocky little interloper! Of course, her foe summoned another set of those blasted barriers to hide behind, but this time she couldn't just volley their power back—not when Trixie was continuously outputting even more magic! And as more magic continued to assault that diamond defense, more cracks started to appear on its surface! This girl was certainly holding her own, almost to an admirable degree, but she wouldn't last much longer now! Her comrades couldn't help out either, not when they were either trapped or dead in her sights! Realizing that, the sorceress poured even more magic onto that shield, and delighted in her inevitable victory! “HA HA HA! STARTING TO CRACK UNDER THE PRESSURE, RARITY!? GUESS YOUR MAGIC'S JUST SECOND RATE COMPARED TO OURS!” “Nnghhh!” Rarity grunted, as another massive crack appeared in her increasingly brittle bulwark. No doubt she was almost at her limit, but even as the strain grew more immense, she couldn't help forcing a little smirk. “I...I'm surprised at you, Trixie... You—nnghh—you claim to be a great magician....and yet...you've forgotten the most important part...... Keeping...your audience—ahhh—distracted......while you...act elsewhere!” Her panels were just about to break, and an unyielding Trixie focused absolutely everything she had on finishing her off. “HA! YOU THINK YOU CAN DO SOMETHING TO ME NOW!?” “...Not I, per se... NOW!” It had happened right under the magician's nose. Even as the entire entryway was within her sights, she was too focused on the fashionista to notice as a rainbow blur sped along the periphery moments prior. She didn't even realize that someone was standing right behind her then—at least, not until that someone grabbed at the rim of her hat and proceeded to yank it down tightly over her head. “HEY!” Trixie yelled, immediately ceasing her attack so as to try and pull the hat off. Before she could so much as tug at it, however, her speedy assailant began to circle around and wrap her up in the burned off curtains. Seconds later, she was completely encased in a cotton cocoon, unable to so much as move an inch. With one last flick, Rainbow Dash tipped the trapped Trixie over, and briefly delighted in seeing her so aimlessly writhing around on the floor. “And that's a wrap! Heh heh, get it? Cause she's—” “RAINBOW!” the girls cheered...or shouted. “Oh, right! Awesome quips later, hero time now!” As Rainbow rushed over to help release Fluttershy, Twilight finally managed to get both of her arms free then. Now she could fully utilize her powers again, and promptly did so to further force the giant glove's grip to weaken. Soon enough, it was pried all the way open, and she leaped from its palm before sending it flying off into a corner. “Finally!” she gasped. “Some deep inspirations!” Her respiratory relief would have to wait, however, as she quickly realized that Pinkie Pie was still stuck on the ceiling. At least, compared to dealing with Trixie's handiwork, bringing her airborne ally back down was a relatively simple endeavor, even if she did have to hold onto Pinkie's ankle to keep her from floating off again. “Whew! Now I know how a balloon must feel!” With her friends quickly liberating each other, and with their magical adversary temporarily indisposed, Rarity took the opportunity to dispel her shield...and fall to her knees. After not dealing with dangerous magic for such a long time, that was certainly an exhausting ordeal...and a bit too close for comfort as well. A few moments to gather her strength was all she needed, but that didn't stop someone from rushing over to her aid then. Before she knew it, Applejack was already right beside Rarity, with a hand on her shoulder and a look of pure concern across that freckled face. “Hey, easy there!” the farmer urged, her voice slightly shaken. “You okay, Rarity!? Are ya hurt anywhere!?” “I'm fine, darling... Just a little winded...” The fashionista took a few more firm breaths then. For a moment, Applejack merely watched, ready to jump at the slightest hint of anything wrong with her friend. But as Rarity steadily recovered, and as her complexion grew a little less white, the farm girl felt a familiar irritation arise at her best friend's actions. “Land sakes...what were y'all thinkin' goin' up against Trixie like that!? You coulda seriously gotten hurt!” “Ha!” Rarity snapped back. “You mean like how you almost did? I believe I'm the one who should be doing the lecturing here, Applejack!” “That...that was different...” “Oh!? And how so?” I don't care if I get hurt! That's what she wanted to reply with, but a familiar pang in her chest stopped the farm girl from saying anything. Instead, she simply allowed silence to dominate her response, which her best friend took as a decisive victory on her end. With that matter apparently settled, a revitalized Rarity stood back up, and Applejack followed suit shortly after. Suddenly, both girls found themselves sandwiched, as the rest of their team rushed over and gathered in for a group hug. “Oh, Rarity,” Fluttershy said between cheers and laughs, “it's so good to see you again!” “I'll say!” Sunset added, before turning to regard Rainbow Dash as well. “You both couldn't have come at a better time! How'd you get here so fast, anyway?” “Uh, duh,” Rainbow laughed, stroking her Geode all the while. “Wait,” said Twilight. “You ran!? All the way here!? But...I thought only your body could take that kind of velocity for extended periods.” “True—I am that awesome—but Rarity had a really great idea before I left!” All eyes turned toward their fashionable friend, who herself wore equal measures of both pride and embarrassment at what she was about to confess to. “Well...I certainly couldn't stand the thought of not being around to help you girls, and I knew that my magic could likely take Rainbow's speed. So...we, um...appropriated a proper means of transport and—” “Yeah! We found one of those luggage carrier-things! Rarity put shields up all around it, and she rode in it while I pulled!” “Um...well, yes,” she admitted awkwardly. The seamstress was hoping to avoid getting that deep into the...less graceful facets of their heroic journey. In hindsight, however, it was probably too much to expect Rainbow not to divulge every little detail. Her friends all regarded her with a blank stare then, probably unable to fully envision or even believe what they just heard. Much to her surprise, Applejack was the first one to break that silence...with a hearty laugh. “Boy howdy, I'd have paid anything to see that! You!? Ridin' in a little do-it-yerself cart, prolly bumpin' all around?” At those bemused provocations, Rarity could only turn her head away in a huff. “Yes, well, I'm afraid you won't ever get the chance to see something like that. Honestly, it was one of the worst rides I've ever been in. Almost as bumpy as riding around in that truck of yours.” “Not the same as them fancy limos y'all are used to now, huh, city gal?” “Hmph!” It was just like old times...and just like old times, the two friends' barbs devolved into some lighthearted giggling, which quickly spread between the rest of the girls. Their team was finally reunited, and it felt so good! Unfortunately, the celebrations would have to wait a bit longer. Back on stage, the blowhard-in-a-blanket was beginning to glow with ever-amassing energy. This time, the entire theater began to rumble, and the lights threatened to completely short out as magic erupted from within that cloth covering. Whatever happened next, this was definitely the end. “You guys ready to finish this?” Sunset asked. Her confidence was reignited, especially as everyone energetically cheered in response. It was time for one last trick to top them all! They had been insulted... They had been attacked... They had been made a fool of...multiple times now! But no longer... Enough showmanship. Enough banter. Enough witticisms, games, and stupid little tricks! They would just bring this entire wretched building collapsing to the ground, and bury those harridans under its rubble! THEY WOULD END THIS ALL NOW! As their body absolutely overflowed with magic then, it was a simple matter to utterly decimate those flimsy rags surrounding them. From there, they shot back up into the air, and prepared to unleash all of their fury in one final, glorious eruption! Rather than run away in terror, however, those girls merely remained over by the entryway, with their infuriating leader taking point. She wished to be the figurehead as they were all dragged down into oblivion, huh? A perfect ending, indeed! But before they could finish these aggravating adversaries off...something was happening. Each of them started to radiate magic then, and it was all being funneled into that fire-headed figurehead. Suddenly, she started to levitate, and she was coursing with their united power. How was that possible!? No matter! Any second now, this would all be over! This entire place would be a smoking crater! And from the ashes and rubble, they would rise to bring about a new epoch of—wait... Those girls' magic? Somehow, they had channeled all of it into a beam...AND IT WAS HEADING STRAIGHT FOR THEM!? Before they could do anything, the beam made contact, and the energy started to engulf them. So many different essences...all entwined and intermixed so imprecisely into this indistinguishable mess! It was discordant! It was chaotic! It should've been completely unstable, and easily broken! But it wasn't! This power....it was unbelievable! Overwhelming! They couldn't fight back...they couldn't do anything! They.......they......the power inside of Trixie was quickly losing control...their inseparable bond...was being severed, as the magic of friendship overloaded and purified her body. It held on as tightly as it could...but, seconds later, she was released lightly onto the ground, while the dark essence remained trapped within a rainbow orb that was quickly closing in on it. No......NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo trace of it remained, as the orb imploded and eradicated everything trapped inside of it. At last, after all of this time, the show was finally over. **** Trixie awoke to the sight of a familiar face hovering overhead, and was utterly confused by her friend's sudden appearance. “...Sunset...Shimmer?” “Hey, Trixie. How are you feeling?” The young magician groaned as she slowly leaned back up, looking around to see a theater that was a total mess. “Unhh...what...what happened?” “You don't remember?” Trixie took a moment to try and focus her thoughts. There was a large portion of her evening that seemed to be a complete blur, though little details started coming back with enough effort. “I...I was getting ready to go back on...on stage?” Again, she looked around, and saw that her supposed stage was now more of a series of charred craters than anything else. “Did I...miss some things?” Sunset chuckled lightly. “You might say that. But you're okay now. Can you stand?” Sunset helped the performer onto her feet, and they both steadily walked off the stage. Towards the entryway—or, rather, the massive hole where that used to be—the rest of their friends were either helping with repairs or making sure that people were okay. One such person—the popcorn pelter from the front row—actually walked up to Trixie then. “Excuse me, miss?” “...Yes?” she replied hesitantly, expecting either more criticisms or a second helping of flung foodstuffs. “I just wanted to pop over and say...your act was AMAZING!” “I—wait... Huh!?” “Your whole 'evil sorceress' routine! It was incredible! I know I was a bit harsh earlier, but so many of these shows just end up being the same tired old routines... But yours truly picked up, my dear! And the way you did battle with so many other performers!? Marvelous! You gals must've been practicing day and night for this!” “Uh...well...I-I don't really... I-I mean, I...” “And how did you get us all up into the air like that!?” “Um,” Sunset interrupted, “maybe we should save the interview for another time. These kind of shows can really take a toll on—” “It's alright, Sunset,” Trixie said, stepping up to directly address her interviewer. “...The truth is...The Great and Powerful Trixie never reveals her secrets! But! She's very glad that you enjoyed the show! Just remember, the next time you throw food on stage, you do so at the peril of angering an all-powerful sorceress!” “Ahahahaha! I shall absolutely keep that in mind! And I'll be sure to tell all of my friends to beware of your amazing powers when they come to see you! Until then, my dear!” With that, Trixie's latest fan walked off, leaving her both ecstatic...and curious. “I, uh...don't suppose there's any way we could do an encore performance...is there, Sunset?” “Sorry, Trixie,” Sunset replied with a giggle, “but I think that was more of a one-time special feature than a whole new act.” The young magician shrugged. “Eh, I figured... But no matter! The Great and Powerful Trixie will simply have to work even harder to convince everyone of her many talents!” Compared to earlier, Trixie seemed much less...burdened than before? The performer would never confirm it out-loud, but Sunset believed that she got more joy out of just getting people to be engaged in the spectacle, rather than simply herself. That was perhaps Trixie's greatest talent as a magician: she could inspire others, and even herself, into believing what seemed impossible. Sunset gently punched at her confident friend's shoulder before commenting. "Can't wait to see what your next act will be.” As Sunset tended to Trixie, and the others focused on some light cleaning, Applejack was busy making various repairs around the theater. Turns out, having someone skilled in carpentry also being a super-hero was a win-win—she could do as much collateral damage as she wanted, considering she'd be fixing it all up anyway. The repairs were going slowly, however, in part because her attention kept shifting over toward her friends...one friend in particular. Watching as a fussy Rarity halfheartedly swept up some dirt, the farmer couldn't help but feel...nothing? No, that wasn't right... It wasn't that she felt nothing, but rather that she was waiting for...something. In the heat of battle, she and Rarity had acted more-or-less the same as always, which was great! But what about now, when the situation was resolved and the adrenaline was wearing off? Would she continue to feel fine, or would her heart start firing again on all cylinders? It was the quiet before the storm, and Applejack didn't know which way the winds were blowing. She didn't even know why her best friend was in her sights then. Was she captivated with affection, or just observant with paranoia? Still...at least she felt pretty calm about everything. There wasn't any real anxiety gripping at her stomach, or racing throughout her mind. It was almost like the fear of the unknown had been far worse than the actual reality of it all. Maybe their leader was right, all along. Maybe things really were back to normal. Speaking of, Sunset had finally returned from helping Trixie to recover, and offered her assistance to the team's resident carpenter. “How's it going?” “Umm...slow but steady. Reckon we'll have this place mostly fixed 'fore closin' time. Can ya hold these fer a sec?” “Sure.” Sunset took a handful of nails from Applejack, and steadily handed them back as the farmer hammered in another section of flooring. Once that was finished, she rose up off of the floor before the conversation continued. “How're you feeling?” The most honest answer would've been embarrassed, considering how Applejack was obviously being asked about their...prior discussion. But at least her friend wouldn't judge whatever answer she gave. “...Fine, so far.” “Any problems? Or nervousness?” “Well,” the farmer tentatively replied, a hopeful smile forming along her lips as she continued. “None, really. I feel pretty good, actually. Guess you were right, after all.” “See?” she said, relieved at her friend's own relief. “Told you things would probably go back to normal.” Their conversation was interrupted then, when a dainty finger lightly tapped against Sunset's shoulder. “Ahem,” Rarity politely said, “so sorry to interrupt, Sunset, but would you mind if I borrowed Applejack for a moment?” “Oh, sure! Go for it.” Sunset stepped aside, and the fashionista calmly approached the farmer. Come to think of it, this was technically the first time they'd get to speak since Rarity returned—without so much craziness going on all around them, that is. Question was, what did she want to say? “Um... H-Heya, Rarity! Everything oka—” Before Applejack could even finish the question, Rarity wrapped her arms around the farm girl and gave her the tightest hug that she possibly could. It wasn't a brief exchange either, as she steadily leaned in with all of her weight, and even cooed a little as her leg lifted behind her. And there it was. Applejack got exactly what she was waiting for: something. But it wasn't the kind of something that she was desperately praying for. Instead, it was the heart-gradually-racing, face-quickly-warming, mind-completely-shutting-down kind of something. And the longer that affectionate hug persisted, the harder it became for her to do anything but stand there like a clueless fool. Sunset watched all of that play out then, and she observed as Applejack's face became tomato-red and her eyes grew unblinkingly wide. She might've felt more guilty then, but it was clear that her country friend was too zonked-out to even throw her a questioning glare. “Or,” she said sheepishly, “...maybe not...” It was a simple mistake... Sure seemed to be a lot of those going around, lately... **** When the custodian arrived for his shift at the theater, he was prepared for a long...long night. Apparently, according to upper-management, he was going to be walking into an utter mess this evening. Something about an out-of-control act, a bunch of teenage girls getting a bit rowdy or whatever. Kids these days just don't have much respect for public property, it seems. Of course, the details really didn't matter when he was going to end up cleaning all their messes, regardless... At least these hooligans took some responsibility for their actions. Based on what he had been told, all of the most substantial damage seemed to have already been repaired. The rows were intact, the double-doors were reinstalled, and even the singed curtains had been replaced with brand-new ones. Really, it seemed like the only thing that they didn't get a chance to take care of around here was the myriads of props scattered all about. Playing cards practically lined the floors, flowers and handkerchiefs were scattered all along the stage...and a pair of giant gloves were draped across some of the chairs. What exactly was the act that involved all of this!? Clearly, a heavy-duty vacuum was going to be in order, and that's exactly what he stepped out to go and fetch. Never met a mess before that the Byson 7000 couldn't tackle. But when the custodian returned with vacuum in hand...it was all gone. The props had completely disappeared, with no trace of how or who was responsible. He combed the entire theater afterward, searching for any possible clue as to their whereabouts. But there was nothing... At one point, he swore that he had briefly seen something slither into the ventilation system—greenish fumes of some kind—but that didn't explain anything. So...what!? Did it all just get up and fly away!? Next Time: Back Together...Better Than Ever? > Chapter 13 - Back Together...Better Than Ever? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity's return to Canterlot was always going to be accompanied by a period of awkward readjustment, especially when coming off the coattails of a city as fast-paced and exceedingly populated as that of Manehattan. Unpleasant as her experiences there might've ultimately been, it was still an environment that her body and mind had grown accustomed to...and even continued admiring to at least some degree. Suddenly abandoning all of that in favor of her more humble hometown necessitated more than just a few changes in routine, and it would simply be a matter of time for all of that to fully take. It certainly didn't help things, either, that she would inevitably be returning to a mounting pile of both personal responsibilities and social obligations, neither of which waited patiently for anybody. Three week's worth of missed homework, assignments, and exams was certainly a daunting enough prospect, not to mention having to brush up on all of the latest local trends just to adequately perform her job over at Carousel Boutique. And then there were the dozens of friends and acquaintances that she simply had to catch up with, requiring her to take in as much of the news and gossip as she possibly could in order to remain firmly in the know. Capping it all off, the fashionista had to counterbalance these many duties against her insatiable urge to get cracking on each of her best friends' new wardrobes...as well as her little surprise for Applejack. No two ways around it; she was being thrust from one whirlwind-tour into another, with far more actual work taking place this time around. In all fairness, however, it's not like Rarity never anticipated any of this. In some instances, she even welcomed the challenge that it all presented. She thrived under that kind of pressure, after all...usually. And there were a few silver linings to this patchwork of projects that somewhat helped to alleviate the stress of it all. Twilight had offered to help her get caught up with her studies, for one, and that always made for more welcomed company. And since when did Rarity ever have any real trouble or qualms when it came to reacquainting herself with something as familiar and comforting as fashion—or socializing, for that matter? Indeed, it was the pleasant familiarities that would prove most helpful in cushioning her return home...which is why the changes that she noticed on her first day back were all the more absolutely unacceptable. The day started off fine enough, and was in fact a welcomed respite after how eventful yesterday evening had proven to be. True, Rarity was used to getting up at the crack of dawn now, but at least that allowed her to cycle through each of her morning routines before even the roosters were roused. And yes, she had grown accustomed to merely flowing with the foot-traffic of uncompromising crowds, but at least the slower stroll down Canterlot's sidewalks allowed her to take in some refreshingly friendly faces along the way. It's just a shame that the one friendly and freckled face she was most looking forward to seeing hadn't accompanied her on the walk to school that morning... It was actually rather jarring, not walking with Applejack along these familiar streets. After being apart for so long—amidst a torturous period of silence, no less—Rarity had assumed that they'd both relish the chance to finally spend some time together. Once again, however, harvest duties apparently gave the farmer quite a head-start on the rest of the day, and she was already at CHS before the seamstress had even set out. Of course, it's not like they always walked to school together or anything, but it just seemed like such a wasted opportunity... Speaking of, the opportunity to spend time together didn't present itself much at school, either...or, at least, Applejack never seized on it. They had been around each other most of the day—among other company, yes, but still—and while everyone else flocked like moths to a fabulous flame in order to welcome Rarity back, her best friend merely stood by most of the time. And when they did interact on occasion, Applejack could barely muster a conversation, instead only stammering over short answers and being unable to maintain eye-contact. Needless to say, this was nowhere near the easy-going and confident cowgirl that had her counting down the days until they could be reunited once again. And the more that her friend kept acting so strangely, the more worried Rarity grew. Was Applejack simply feeling under the weather? The persistent warmth that seemed to grace her cheeks could suggest as much, but nothing else seemed to suggest any sort of malady. Perhaps Applejack was just giving her some space to get readjusted? Or to get all of the other greetings out of the way? Noble thoughts, if true, but surely the farm girl knew that she took priority over all of that. If anything, she was the biggest comfort in returning to Canterlot. Maybe it was just as Rarity suspected and feared... Maybe things weren't truly back to normal between them... That was certainly the case come lunchtime, though none of her friends were acting normally then... The days leading up to her arrival, everyone seemed absolutely ecstatic about Twilight's Telemeter. As the final piece to her friend's latest endeavor, Rarity herself couldn't wait to both contribute and witness it all in action. Monitoring for Equestrian magic was exciting enough, sure, but she was also just thrilled to finally catch a better glimpse of the little gray box—and perhaps offer some pointers so as to bring a tad more style and color to it. Well, she certainly caught a better glimpse of it then...in the form of a borderline autopsy report. “Twilight,” Rarity spoke quietly, unable to look away from the ruined remains of her friend's work. “I'm so sorry, darling...” At least the engineering lab didn't look half as bad as it did on Wednesday. The reek of smoke had ebbed considerably, and now all of the broken Telemeter's pieces were gathered in a convenient little pile on the workbench. It was also nice not to be absolutely covered in recycled confetti this time around, either. Still, the feelings in this room were as palpable as they were unpleasant. And it wasn't just coming from a justifiably crestfallen Twilight, either. Everyone seemed so gloomy and forlorn then... “...How on earth did all of this happen?” “I... W-We don't really know how—” “It's my fault,” Rainbow blurted out, much to everyone's surprise. “...It's just... Super-speed makes life so much more awesome, and I get so caught up with having it that...I start overusing it, like I did here... Now, our Geodes are going haywire, their magic overloaded Twilight's machine...and it's all because of me...” The young athlete turned to face Twilight, though shame prevented her from fully looking her friend in the eyes then. “...I'm sorry, Twilight. I didn't mean to—” “Wait,” Fluttershy interrupted, “it isn't just Rainbow who's been overusing her magic... Pinkie and I have been, as well...” “Yeah,” Pinkie added ruefully, “and sometimes I don't even have a reason for using it... I just like seeing the sprinkly explosions... We're really, really sorry, Twilight...” Rarity almost chimed in there, realizing that she too had perhaps been a bit culpable in the overloading of their Geodes. Her panels were always just such a stylishly convenient umbrella, after all—as well as a means to carry her shopping and trace straight lines and even just to gaze at in sheer appreciation of their flawless facets for hours on end... Her joining in the group apology, however, was derailed by Sunset, who stepped up then to voice her own confession. “You guys...it's good that you wanna take responsibility, but I think I'm the one most at fault for what's happened...” “Whaddya mean, Sunset?” Applejack asked, only for Pinkie Pie to immediately follow with a gasp. “Oh no! You didn't think the Microwave-thingy was actually a microwave and try to heat your lunch up in it too, did you!?” “Uh...no? ...But I am responsible for bringing magic into this world... I was really hoping that maybe we'd seen the last of it here, but...considering what we just dealt with yesterday, and how things got so out of hand that we barely succeeded...” “Hold up,” Rainbow said. “What does that have to do with Twilight's machine?” “Think about it... Literally the day after it blows up, we're going face-to-face with a corrupted Trixie absolutely teeming with Equestrian magic. Doesn't the timing just seem a little too coincidental?” “You think that's what did this?” Twilight asked. “But...that can't be true,” Rainbow said, clearly unconvinced of her friend's reasoning. “You said it yourself: the Tele-Something broke a whole day before we dealt with Trixie. So, what, did the magic attack it, then just wait a while before going after her?” “I mean, I'm not—” “Also,” Twilight added, unable to ignore her own skepticism, “the Telemeter's range only covered that of CHS. Leaving aside the disparities in time, how could a magic incident from halfway across the city set it off?” “Well, maybe—” “And don't you think we would've noticed such a—” “I DON'T KNOW, ALRIGHT!?” Everyone was a bit startled by Sunset's outburst then, as well as how frustrated she seemed. It was rare to see even her wearing such a melancholy expression nowadays, but her words reflected a very familiar avenue of self-doubt and regret. “...Sorry, I... I-I don't know, maybe I am wrong—seems like I've been nothing but wrong lately—but...it's just...” “Sunset...what's wrong?” Twilight asked. “There's something more bothering you than just the Telemeter, isn't there?” “Yeah,” Rainbow followed. “You can't really still be blaming yourself, right? Especially not for yesterday—not when we totally whooped that magic's sorry butt! It was over before you could even say 'Abraca—'” “But that's just it!” Sunset snapped. “I don't think it's over! I think what happened yesterday is just the beginning!” Again, the room was rendered silent by such a bold claim, and everyone exchanged a confused glance before Fluttershy broke that silence. “...What do you mean 'just the beginning'? Didn't we win yesterday?” “Yes,” Rarity continued, “with a rather flashy finish, I might add. What more is there to be said?” Sunset took a deep breath. She had been pondering a few things all night, unsure what exactly to make of everything that went down. But a gut feeling resonated within her this entire time, and though she loathed to bring it up to her friends without more concrete proof, it seemed like there was no other option now. “...When we were first fighting Trixie, there was a moment when I tried to grab her wand away in all the confusion.” “I remember that,” Applejack said. “Looked like y'all were in a real tussle over it, too, but then you just sorta...stopped...like ya got a real bad headache all the sudden.” “Yeah, that's a pretty good way of putting it. Turns out, my powers activated when I grabbed her, and...well, I saw something strange...” Rainbow Dash raised a concerned eyebrow at that ominous wording. “...Is this the kinda strange that would qualify as T.M.I?” “...I think I got a glimpse of both Trixie's memories and the magic's.” “Wait,” Twilight said, with equal measures of curiosity and worry. “Are you serious? I didn't even know magic could have memories.” “Well...maybe that's not exactly the right word. It's really hard to explain, but...for a moment, it was like I could feel Equestria—like its atmosphere or something—then I felt like I was lost in nothingness, and then this city...and between all of those visions, there was this...anger and obsession...like something was determined to survive no matter what...” She paused to gather her thoughts, fully aware of the bewildered looks on her friends' faces then. “Look, I...I know it sounds crazy, but...whatever I saw back there, it definitely wasn't all Trixie... And if those intense feelings did somehow belong to that magic...then I really doubt we've seen the last of it...” It was clear that her friends didn't fully understand what Sunset was trying to say, but her words carried with them a foreboding weight that was impossible to discredit. Considering everything that the girls had seen and lived through these many years, especially when it came to their resident Equestrian, ignoring such a premonition seemed more nonsensical than anything else. Bearing all of that in mind, however, the question now was— “So...what should we do?” As Fluttershy asked, everyone regarded Sunset yet again for the answer. Sadly, her slumping shoulders and heavy sigh only underlined the resignation in her response. “..I...I don't know...” What Rarity witnessed then was astounding. Every one of her friends looked absolutely defeated. They seemed to recede into their own minds then, searching for some kind of obvious answer or overlooked detail that might solve everything. All of this lamenting, worrying, and pent-up guilt... In that instant, she felt as though she were right back in that miserable little suite in Manehattan, curled up in the darkness and obsessing over her own failings. It was such an utterly oppressive atmosphere, and she nearly allowed herself to give in to it alongside the rest of her friends; however, a certain friend's actions then quickly stopped her once again. “Twilight?” Applejack said, stepping up and trying her hardest to force a hopeful smile. “...I'm real sorry I wasn't around these past couple a' days, but...if ya want, I could take a gander at yer machine with ya... Maybe we could fix it up an'...make it better than new?” “...I appreciate the offer, Applejack...but I'm just not sure it's even worth the effort. No matter what the reason might've been, the fact is...the Telemeter failed at what it was intended for... Who's to say that it wouldn't just fail again?” “Especially with our magic flipping out...” followed a regretful Rainbow Dash. “...And stronger magic probably on the loose...” continued a doubtful Sunset, before a misty-eyed Twilight spoke again to finish it all off. “...I think, in this instance...it's probably best if we just give up on it...” To that suggestion, Applejack could only nod in acceptance of her friend's wishes. In situations like these, she knew that her words alone probably couldn't amount to much. What she didn't know, however, was that they were certainly enough to spur someone else into speaking up then. “Ahem...Well, now, this simply will not do!” Rarity stepped up to join Applejack, just as Fluttershy inquired further. “Um...what won't do, Rarity?” “This! All of it!” she chided, spreading her arms out and motioning toward each of her friends. “Why, I'm surprised at you girls! I'm not gone a month and you've allowed your spirits to sink to such lows!? Where are the friends that I've stood beside countless times against all manner of hardships!?” “Uh, it's not so easy when we might be the problem...” “Hmm... And what if we are indeed the problem, Rainbow Dash? What then!? Are you simply going to sit there moping while Twilight suffers alone? Are you going to do nothing to help her!?” “Hey,” Rainbow said, never one to let her loyalty be doubted, “I'd never leave a friend hanging like that!” “Oh!? Well then, what, pray tell, are you going to do!?” The young athlete stayed reluctantly silent, torn between wanting to prove her conviction and not knowing exactly how to. While she allowed her friend to come to grips with that, Rarity turned her attention elsewhere. “And Sunset... After everything that you have done for us—everything you've helped us to come and understand about ourselves—are you truly going to continue harboring so much guilt over a mistake that you made so long ago!? I'd say you've more than made up for it, and I know everyone here would wholeheartedly agree!” “Rarity—” “Unh!” she said, cutting off Sunset's fruitless excuses with a stern wave of the finger before addressing everyone. “Listen, girls... Believe me when I say that I truly understand. Failure at anything is awful, and feeling like you failed your friends is even worse... You grow so embittered with your mistakes and so afraid to make any more...” She glanced over at Applejack before continuing, and flashed a little smile as she spoke. “...I went through those same feelings myself not too long ago, until somebody reminded me of something very important...” The farm girl was glad for the dim lighting then, as she was all but certain that her cheeks were practically glowing red. Thankfully, the fashionista continued on with her speech before it became too evident. “She reminded me of the true importance of my efforts, and not just for myself...but for all of my friends. When you care about something—truly care—you can't just let stumbles and setbacks keep you down, not when it matters to both you and others. You have to get up, dust yourself off, reignite that passion and push forward! And that especially applies to the people who are most important to you...” With naught but the utmost assurance behind her words, Rarity stepped up to her bespectacled friend and placed her hand forward. If her career in fashion had taught her anything, it's that it was always better to show than tell, and that principle easily applied to friendship as well. “Twilight, it's clear to me that you put your heart and soul into this. As your good friend, I simply cannot stand by and allow such passion to whither away. I may not be of much assistance, but it would be my honor to assist you in any way I can to rebuild your contraption.” Twilight was speechless...actually, everyone was then. When it came to leaving an audience stunned, Rarity clearly still had what it takes, and not just with gorgeous frocks either. The only question now was, once the bedazzling boldness of her actions had worn off, would her message ultimately be received? Seconds passed as she awaited an answer from her friend. In lieu of Twilight's own response, however, another girl seized on the chance by placing a shaky hand atop Rarity's. Applejack could practically hear her heart pounding in her eardrums, and was terrified that Rarity might feel as much with the farmer's hand on top of hers then. At least it was almost loud enough to drown out the rest of her paranoid thoughts, though not quite. What if her hand was a tad clammy? What if the blush on her cheeks was embarrassingly obvious? What if she couldn't control the trembles running along her body? What if her voice started shaking as well? Why in the world did she reach out with her hand then!? And yet, despite all of that, Applejack couldn't help herself. What Rarity said then, and how she conveyed it all with such dauntless confidence... It was so admirable...so amazing...and so absolutely true! And after not being there for her friend before, the farmhand was determined to help no matter what! With that in mind, she pushed past all of her fears, focused squarely on Twilight, and tried as hard as humanly possible not to let her voice shake too much as she spoke. “Rarity's right! W-What kinda friend would I be if—if'n I didn't help others—er, a-another in need!? Don't you worry, Twilight! With my elbow grease a-an' yer brains...w-we'll get yer device up an' runnin' in—in no time flat!” At first, Twilight didn't know what to say. And for every moment that she took to apparently process what was happening, it grew infinitely harder for Applejack to maintain her confident, can-do appearance. And if someone didn't say something soon, she was gonna be forced to look over at the beautiful woman whose hand was currently under hers, and start feeling more like an awkward idiot— “Girls,” the young inventor finally said, “I just don't... I-I mean, I... The Telemeter's just so damaged... I've gone over the remains repeatedly... I-I just don't think it can be salvaged...” “If that's true...” Sunset said, before adding her hand into the mix, “...we'll just have to start from scratch!” “Sunset? But...what if it gets overloaded again, and—” “Well, that's what prototypes are for, right? To improve on them? This time, we'll make sure your Tele-Something can handle anything that's thrown at it!” “But we're—we're talking about reconstructing a highly advanced piece of equipment! I-It could take weeks, or even months if we factor in adding more—” “Then we'll work overtime!” Rainbow excitedly asserted, adding yet another hand to the huddle. “And we'll do it without abusing our powers! Might've made that mistake before...but doesn't mean we can't learn and make up for it, right?” The young athlete gave Sunset a confident nod, which earned her a playful punch on the shoulder. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie joined their hands in as well. “We'll do whatever we can to help you, Twilight!” “Totally! And we'll make this Microwave-thingy the best Microwave-thingy in the history of Microwave-thingies everywhere!” Twilight didn't know what to say. She was obviously passionate about researching magic. In her mind, however, there were hundreds of considerations, hundreds of risks and limitations and unfavorable outcomes that all but discouraged her from pursuing this field any further. And yet, as her friends all gathered around her then, brimming with confidence and warmth and a willingness to sacrifice their own time...because they believed in her...because they cared for her... “I...I-I can't...” She furiously blinked back the tears welling up and struggled for a way to absolve her friends of such an imposition. But when her eyes settled on a gently smiling Sunset, one final comment ended all debate between her heart and mind. “After everything you've given us, we'll do whatever it takes to help alleviate your burden. That's what best friends are for...right?” With that statement, and with all of the girls' support behind it, she couldn't hold back any longer. Tears started to stream down Twilight's face, curving alongside the largest smile she'd ever mustered. “Thank you...” she cried, leaning in to hug all of her best friends together. “THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!” Rarity always knew that her return to Canterlot was going to be accompanied by a period of awkward readjustment; however, by the end of her first day back, things felt more-or-less exactly as she recalled. The leisurely pace of the city...the emptier walkways and streets...the sense of community fostered by so many friends and loved ones. It was all so wonderfully familiar, and it was those many familiarities that made her feel so much more at home. It's just a shame that the one familiarity she was most looking forward to hadn't— “Hey, uh...R-Rarity?” stammered a familiar country voice. Applejack approached the fashionista just as she was preparing to depart from CHS, which was certainly a first for the day. After lunchtime, the farmer pretty much reverted back to her unusually reserved self, and Rarity just wasn't sure how to address her in this state. “Oh...hello, Applejack,” she said tentatively. “Is everything alright?” “Y-Yeah, I...I-I just...” What was Applejack doing!? She spent all day trying to avoid interacting with Rarity for exactly this reason. Surely it was better to be distant for the time being than to make things awkward between them, right? Already, the farm girl pushed her luck back in the engineering lab, and barely skirted by without making a complete fool of herself. Rarity had just been so captivating back there that she couldn't help but join in. It was incredible, and the seamstress deserved to know that. She was just being honest... “I...I just gotta tell ya...w-what you did fer Twilight was...r-really something! ...Why, I-I couldn't a' said it any better myself, an' I even tried to before...” That was perhaps the most that her best friend had spoken to her all day. In any other situation, Rarity might've been a bit more peeved at that realization, but instead, she just felt kind of happy. Applejack still wasn't acting normally, but the sincerity behind her words was as apparent as ever, as was the unwarranted self-depreciation. “Oh, nonsense, Applejack! I was merely being honest with her, and you practically taught me how one's words can be so uplifting. Actually, I doubt I would've even been inspired to speak up had it not been for you...” “W-Well...y'all were definitely more inspirin' to me back there...no doubt about it.” How is it that a humble country girl had developed such a talent for knowing exactly what to say? Even with that simple compliment, Applejack once again took her by complete surprise, and made her feel positively giddy with warmth. And she thinks she's not the more inspiring of the duo? “T-Thank you, Applejack...” Suddenly, Rarity herself felt a little scrambled for words. But she couldn't let such a golden opportunity pass her by. Now was perhaps her best chance. “...A-Actually, darling... Speaking of inspiration, I-I was wondering if I could—well, if I could ask of you something...” “O-Oh?” Uh-oh... “Yes, you see... Well, it's just, we're going to be so busy helping Twilight with repairs...a-and I've already got quite a lot of work to do, with regards to catching up and all that...” “R-Right...” This was not happening right now. “And I'm positively dying to get to work on my little surprise for all of you girls, as I'm sure you can imagine...So, I was hoping that perhaps...you could assist me?” “U-U-Uh...a-a-are—areya sure...about that? I-I thought they was s'pposed to be a secret... A-And y'all know how—how bad I can be with keepin' them.” Her mind screamed for her to say no. “Oh, I'm sure they're well aware of the kind of surprise that I'm planning for them...and I know you wouldn't dream of spoiling any of the finer details...a-and that your help would certainly be invaluable... S-So, what do you think?” Say no. Just say no. Just say no! Just say NO! JUST SAY NO! JUST— “S-Sure... A-Always happy to help...” Rarity absolutely beamed then. “Splendid, darling!” she cheered, hooking her arm around Applejack's so as to guide her along. “Oh, and just wait until you see the designs I've come up with! I mean, I dare say that it's some of my best work yet! You see, there was this little boutique I stumbled across in Manehattan that—” Rarity excitedly went on about her many ideas as they walked out of the school, while Applejack simply continued with nervous nods and rapid replies. But the fashionista didn't mind, especially since this would also help to accelerate her extra surprise for her best friend. Things weren't quite back to normal between them yet... But they would be soon enough... Soon enough... **** How... How did this happen!? How had its bond been so easily severed...yet again!? Once more, something belittled its powers! Once more, it was being rejected by its host! It was just like with that unicorn... No...no, this was worse... Much worse... At least the magician eventually came to her senses, and accepted its influence. That should've been the end of it! They should've been inseparable after that! And yet... That magic... That overwhelming magic... Stronger than anything it had ever known before. Stronger than that unicorn, stronger than those alicorns...stronger than it ever was...so much so, that it was completely ripped away from its new host, and annihilated in an instant... In truth, none of this was technically a failure... Only a portion of it had been sent to form a bond, while the remainder still lingered safety within the skies above. Furthermore, that confrontation actually allowed it to achieve something quite valuable: replenishment... With every conjuring...with every transformation...with every attack and defense waged by its host back there...its essence was multiplied... And when it became almost fully bonded with the magician, its powers were amplified...in ways even beyond what it was originally capable of... On top of all of that, spending a bit of time bound to these creatures...these humans...helped it to better understand their inner-workings...their hearts... Somehow...despite all of the setbacks and losses from what just occurred...there was more of it now than ever before...and it was all the stronger for it... But this wasn't a victory... It was a warning... Within that city, there roamed dangerous creatures... Humans who could somehow eradicate it with their own kind of magic... Those essences it felt back at that pedestal...did that immense power belong to them? Too difficult to tell...too many forces all at once... But just like all the other humans in this city, they too were blanketed by its rain...they too were marked with its presence...and they too were just as viable as hosts. Bonding with them might even be a more potent source of power...and perhaps they could even lead it to that unicorn... She was at that pedestal as well, after all... Actually, it seems like quite a few hearts are beginning to grow more vulnerable now...including some of those girls'... ...A perfect chance for it to truly expand its range...and its search for her... End of Act 2 > Act 3 — Chapter 14 - A Fitting Problem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A deep chill ran up Applejack's spine as slender fingers caressed at her bare back. “R-Rarity, I—” “Shhh,” her friend gently urged, “...don't speak, Applejack...” It was all the farm girl could do then not to let loose an errant yelp or gasp, especially against the many strokes and touches that kept startling her body. Every time she thought it was finally over, silken hands would suddenly press themselves against another part of her, and cooled palms would make her increasingly heated skin tingle all the more. Just a dream...just a dream... But Rarity's skin wasn't the only thing assaulting Applejack's senses then, either. The countless glances at her perfect figure—from head to toe and from so many angles—as she repeatedly leaned into and over the farm girl. The light whiffs of her scent—a delicate potpourri of lotions, shampoo, and good ol' natural aroma—which lingered whenever she circled around slowly. Even the occasional melodious moan or hum started to make the heart skip a beat, if only out of fear that it meant something had gone wrong somewhere. It was all just so much to take in, and there was nothing that she could do to resist... Gotta...gotta be dreamin' again... Suddenly, and as if remaining quiet hadn't been difficult enough already, Applejack felt Rarity's hand settle on her inner-thigh, right at the edge of her skirt. Never before had she been so grateful for a sturdy layer of denim—and that was saying something coming from an outdoors gal—but the fashionista didn't linger there long. Instead, her hand slowly slid upward, breaching the fabric frontier and making its way unhindered towards far more...sacred territory. Forget dreamin'; this is a dang nightmare! Sadly for the quivering cowgirl, neither option was the case then... This was all far too torturous to just be a dream... And it was far too slow for a nightmare... No...this was worse...far worse... ...This was a fitting... Had it really been a whole week already? One week since Rarity's return to Canterlot? One week since Equestrian Magic began wreaking havoc yet again? One week since everyone banded together to help with Twilight's Telemeter 2.0? It's amazing just how fast time can fly...and how much things can change. There was a time not too long ago when serving as a glorified mannequin would've been little more than an inconvenience for Applejack. Of course, and to be perfectly frank, this had always been a horrifically boring task, one way or another. All you do is stand ramrod-stiff for hours on end, usually in some sort of awkward pose that was anything other than comfortable. The whole thing was tedious, took forever, and often left the muscles feeling more than a little stiff. But while it would've been lying to say that she was never a begrudging participant in such a chore, Applejack was nevertheless always willing to do as much for her best friend. The same could also be said with regards to practically being naked, which was always crucial when measuring for form-fitting frocks. Few of Rarity's models were ever willing to acquiesce to such a condition, but Applejack had always been different—or, rather, indifferent. As often as the two had seen each other in swimsuits and other revealing attire, let alone just how comfortable she usually felt around Rarity, the farm girl never before saw any reason to be that bashful or insecure of herself. If anything, she used to be far more bothered by all of the actual standing rather than just standing around in her undies. And yet here she stood now, with naught but a skirt and some undergarments on to barely shield her from such an unfamiliar sense of embarrassment—let alone her best friend's hand stopping just short of sliding onto third base then... ...Least I got to keep my hat on....yee-haw... Rarity's fingers wrapped around Applejack's thigh, raising and lowering to gauge which part caused them to stretch out the most. From there, the fashionista tried her hardest to maneuver measuring tape around her friend's leg. However, between the denim curtains that both obscured her vision and hampered her movement, as well as the farmer's own inopportune squirming then, she simply couldn't get the measurements that were absolutely integral for the rest of this piece to work. “Darling,” she said, with just the slightest hint of exacerbation, “would you mind?” “Oh! Uh...'c-'course not...” In actuality, the farmhand would mind. She would mind a lot... but Rarity had already been willing to compromise with her so much on all of this. It was a miracle even being permitted to keep her skirt on at all. How could she possibly refuse something as simple as just...lifting it up...a little... With as much willpower as could be mustered, Applejack steadied her hands as she obliged to her friend's request. “Hmm... A little more, please.” …...With as much willpower as could be mustered, Applejack steadied her hands as she obliged a little more to her friend's request... “Perfect! Won't be but a minute.” Sure enough, a minute was all that it took. In that brief stretch of time, Rarity managed to measure not only Applejack's thighs, but also her knees, calves, and even the insteps. In all of her past fittings, the farm girl usually found this process to drag on mercilessly; however, at this particular juncture, she genuinely appreciated—perhaps for the first time ever, really—just how quickly her friend could get these sorts of things done. Funny how the desire to no longer be borderline flashing someone can throw things into perspective. “Annnd...finished!” Rarity sang, all the while arising from off of her knees. “See, darling? Told you we could get this done promptly! And you didn't even have to discard your skirt, just as promised!” “Heh...y-yup,” the cowgirl replied, still feeling rather jittery from the past half-hour of contact. “You were—you were right, haha...” With that, the young tailor gaily rushed over to her workstation and began rustling through the drawers for fabrics, supplies, and who knows what else. In the meantime, her model seized on this all too brief opportunity to finally recollect herself. Amazing how even standing still could take its toll under the right circumstances. Sadly, while Applejack's heart gradually settled down then, her restless mind chose instead to wander, and ultimately settled on the young lady that had already captured her eyes' resting gaze. How in the world could anyone go from looking beautiful one moment, to cute in the next, and then to pretty in another? They were all supposed to mean the same thing, for crying out loud! That was a stick-shift well and truly beyond a simple farmhand's comprehension, but Rarity somehow pulled it off effortlessly. She always could, too... Right now, as she was attentively rummaging through that mess of materials—sporting those designer frames and a veritable sash of threads along her shoulders. How her lips puckered and curled over the smallest of details. How her half-lidded eyes conveyed such zen-like tranquility, only to absolutely light up when the perfect material caught her attention. No doubt about it; 'pretty' was definitely on full display then, and— Ah, knock it off... The farmer could barely even muster enough energy to rebuke herself. What did it matter? Thoughts like that had become so commonplace now, to the point that anxiety didn't even register much anymore. Nowadays, she just felt more annoyed by them, regretful of them...and maybe...even just a little— Enough, already... ...What was Applejack even doing here? After an entire week of following Sunset Shimmer's advice to the letter, things were finally starting to feel a bit more normal around here, just as theorized. Having others around, keeping busy with tasks, making sure never to dawdle for too long. It was all in the name of steadily acclimating to her best friend's presence again, and it was working! Believe it or not, when she wasn't being vigorously frisked while standing around half-naked, Applejack could at least present herself as being far less awkward around the fashionista lately. Okay, so her eyes still idly searched for Rarity at most gatherings...and her heart still fluttered whenever Rarity finally showed up...and she somehow found herself always gravitating towards Rarity no matter what...and the way Rarity's hips were swaying so gently then, as if she was merely gliding through the— NOW CUT THAT OUT! “So,” Applejack said, having finally calmed down enough to shush her own thoughts for the time being, “reckon we all set?” “Indeed! Thank you so much again, Applejack! I realize that this was all rather last-minute, but I simply couldn't wait to get started any longer!” Before the cowgirl could even respond, Rarity was once again buzzing about her, tossing threads over one shoulder and fabrics over the other. At least she finally had something to cover her newly developed shame. “Nah, ain't nothin'. Did say I would help ya, after all. Just...sorry it took so long to actually find the time.” “Oh, pfft! It's been a busy time for us all, darling. If it isn't school or work, then our run-ins with Equestrian Magic have certainly become quite the time-sinks as of late.” “Shoot, that's sure puttin' it lightly,” she replied, still feeling the dull ache in her shoulder from those so-called time-sinks. “'Xactly how many world-endin' crises have we had to hogtie now?” “Ugh, I know... First, we're unwilling assistants to Trixie's performance. Next, we're sieging against a castle of chrysanthemums ruled over by Wallflower Blush...” “Yeah... An' those weren't half as bad as tryin' to wrangle in Zephyr Breeze all 'round the mall.” “Indeed. One can certainly appreciate his entrepreneurial gusto, but using magic to demonstrate toys and other ridiculous gadgets is a bit too aggressive. Oh, poor Fluttershy... You could really tell how concerned she was for her brother, not to mention mortified by most of his sales pitches.” “Heh, that's fer sure... But he seems to be doin' a lot better now. Same fer Trixie an' Wallflower. Least all these adventures have had a happy endin' so far.” “Still though, it is a shame just how spot-on Sunset's prediction is turning out to be. I doubt even she expected this magic to dominate so much of our free time... Honestly, can't this evil entity from another realm appreciate how some people's schedules are busy enough as is!?” For a moment, Applejack expected her friend to go off on one of her dramatic rants then—and not entirely without good reason, to be fair. Between schoolwork, actual work, and helping with Twilight's own work this week, everyone's plates had already been quite full. These incidents with Equestrian Magic were just those extra little helpings of liver to make this whole meal all the more unpleasant to stomach. No doubt it was all rather frustrating to put up with, and that must've been especially true for the girl who just got settled back in. Rather than whine and moan about it, however, the fashionista merely released a sharp sigh, not unlike a kettle letting off a bit of steam. A moment later, and in a surprising display of self-control, she returned to her excited demeanor whilst fishing around for a few more supplies. “But...the important thing is that we're here now! And in a moment, we shall be ready to seize the seams, as it were, haha!” “Heh...y'all sure yer the real Rarity? Woulda reckoned ya'd be havin' withdraws by now, what with not sewin' nothin' in so long.” “Oh, ha ha, Applejack!” the clothier replied playfully. “Let me assure you that I keep a travel kit with me at all times. So, even if it's just a little button or a stitch, I never go too long without sewing something, hmhmhm!” At that, the cowgirl couldn't help but chuckle, albeit timidly. Watching her best friend just having fun and joking around then...it was easy to get caught up in that enthusiasm, and it almost made all of her worries disappear. Realistically speaking, what was she even still worrying about? The hardest part of this fitting was over. Now it was just a matter of holding some supplies and offering some honest feedback. Applejack could easily handle that! Maybe this hadn't been such a bad idea after all. Maybe this was actually her chance to finally loosen up a little...to let her guard down and just...naturally enjoy spending some time with Rarity for a change. Maybe...she could even...talk about— ...Please...don't... “Alright!” the fashionista said, spinning around gracefully to address her model. “I believe that we are all set! Shall we begin, Applejack?” “Yes!” she hastily replied, once again quick to push her thoughts as far away as possible. “Er, um...y-yeah... So, uh, who's the—who's the first lucky gal to get some spiffy new rags!?” Rarity allowed that question to hang in the air for a few seconds, and in that short amount of time, an entire conversation played out between the two. As a predatory smile formed along the fashionista's lips, and a single mischievous brow raised to highlight how obvious the answer should've been, Applejack could only respond with widening eyes and an audible gulp. So much for the hardest part being over... “......Oh.” From there, and in a few short hours, it all went downhill. At first, Rarity was so ensconced in her own work, more so than even her model, that she cheerfully filled the air with her own deliberations and bemused musings. However, every so often, the seamstress would raise a sudden concern or query to her friend, and the increasingly extemporized responses never sounded particularly compelling... “You've lost quite a bit of weight since last we did this, darling,” she pointed out early on, whilst working on the hemline. “Have you been eating enough, lately?” “Oh, uh...a-ain't nothin' to worry 'bout. Reckon harvestin's just...been a bit of a workout lately, haha...” That wasn't technically a lie! Everyone knew that harvesting, let alone farm work in general, was an easy way to drop a few extra pounds. Of course, so was stressing out about...other things... “My goodness, darling!” she declared later on, in the middle of making sure that the sleeves weren't too snug. “Your arms are positively trembling! Do you need to sit down!? “Oh! Y-Y'all noticed that too, huh!? Nah, it's just... L-Like I said, it's a-a might chilly in here, is all! Same reason I-I didn't strip all the...all the way down...y-ya know?” That wasn't a lie, either! Rarity did often tend to keep her home a little bit cooler than Applejack would've preferred. Not enough to make her shiver with chills, exactly, but... “Applejack?” she eventually asked, halting her entire production just to place a concerned hand on her friend's shoulder. “...Are you...quite certain that you're alright?” “I...I-I...Y-Yup! Sure as sugar! I—I'm feelin' pretty—pretty good, haha!” That—okay, that definitely wasn't a lie! She said pretty good; not great or perfect! And compared to a week ago, she was doing a heck of a lot better with her...well...whatever! Each response felt flimsier than the last, and the non-lies were clearly doing little to convince the clothier of her friend's well-being. Eventually, however, all of the questions and observations just stopped, and Rarity continued on with her work largely in silence. That should've been a welcomed reprieve, but somehow it proved even more off-putting to Applejack, who could only take note of just how much her friend's jovial disposition seemed to be ebbing away. Of course, the seamstress wasn't always one for words when in the middle of her latest coup de couture, but this felt different...and it only fueled the fears that this whole fitting was a terrible mistake all along. By the third hour, just as things were apparently wrapping up, Applejack was all but convinced that she had ruined this for Rarity...and was cursing herself with every thought... What in the world was she thinking? Why did she agree to a fitting of all things!? Holding pins and critiquing clothes were one thing, but modeling for them!? She had absolutely NO business being here right now, especially not while in this state of mind! Bad enough she kept wondering how maybe— Stop... ...Why a fitting!? Why even take the risk of visiting Rarity's house!? This foolish farmhand was completely out of her element here, and not just because of all the hoity-toity get-ups! She couldn't even be honest with the young tailor anymore! Instead, she just kept dancing around this issue, all the while making things weirder between them because she was too afraid to face the idea that maybe it was alright to— STOP! ...And after an entire week of getting things back on track... Feels like that all went right out the window, alongside this whole ordeal! Applejack could only imagine how frustrated Rarity must've been with her behavior by now—if her friend's visual cues weren't already enough of a dead giveaway. The increasingly furrowed eyebrows, the pensive looks, the flashes of worry and irritation that peppered this past hour. It was all because of her...and her stupid feelings...and this STUPID thought that maybe it was alright to be in— JUST STOP IT ALREADY! WHAT AM I EVEN GOIN' ON ABOUT!? I SHOULDA JUST STAYED HOME! I SHOULDA JUST STUCK TO SUNSET'S PLAN! WHY THE HECK AM I EVEN HERE!? ...Because she wanted to be... ...She just...wanted to be with Rarity again... ...Was that so wrong? They were best friends, after all... Best friends... That's all they were...right? That's what they've always been... That's what she always believed she wanted them to be... One week ago, Applejack even confided that she just wished things could go back to normal between them. Ever since, Sunset had been trying to help with that—either by offering advice or by making sure the two were consistently occupied or accompanied by others—and bless her heart, the effort wasn't unappreciated. But no matter how many friends were around...Applejack couldn't resist ending up close to Rarity. No matter how much fun she was having, or how much work she was knee-deep in...she couldn't help but feel especially lively whenever Rarity was involved. No matter how many adventures they all shared in, or how much danger they all got into...she couldn't deny feeling so much stronger just having Rarity nearby. Indeed, no matter how close things got back to normal...they just didn't feel like it... ...But the strangest thing of all—and the scariest realization for the farmer—was that all of this was normal. This was how their relationship had been for so long now. She just...never realized it...until her best friend had disappeared from her life... This thought... It was so terrifying. So impossible. So wrong. And yet...it was growing so much harder to ignore. Every day, Applejack caught herself wondering about it more and more. She wondered if perhaps this was what normal was always meant to become. She wondered if this was even better than normal. She wondered if Rarity ever felt the same way... She wondered... ...Would it really be so bad...if I...if we...we were more...than just— “APPLEJACK!” “HUH!?” the farm girl yelped, her mind suddenly lassoed back to the here and now. Exactly how much time had passed since she started daydreaming was beyond her, but it was apparently long enough for a very concerned Rarity to be standing right in front of her. “Darling, are you alright!?” “Uh...Y-Yeah, I'm—I'm fine. Sorry, just...trailed off there fer a—fer a moment... W-What were y'all sayin' again?” For a few seconds, Rarity seemed just as uncertain of that question as Applejack was. She looked so worried and doubtful then, and was unable to utter even a single word before indecision once again pinched her lips back shut. Eventually, however, and with a single deep breath, all of that emotion simply drained from her face, and she regarded the farm girl with a calm, almost stone-cold expression. “...It...It doesn't matter...” The fashionista turned around and stepped back over to her workstation, never once looking back at her friend. She placed her hands firmly against the stand and took a couple more rhythmic breaths. Needless to say, whatever this was, Applejack was certain that it was about to get much worse. “I...I'm real sorry, Rarity. I-I didn't mean to—” “NO, APPLEJACK!” she snapped, turning to face her friend. Her eyes were suddenly alight with passionate outrage, and her voice was unwavering in its ferocity as she continued. “I absolutely refuse to stay silent any longer! I should have discussed this with you much sooner, but I was simply too afraid to! Well, no more!” “W-Wait, what!? What—Wh-What're y'all talkin' about!? Discuss what!?” “YOUR FEELINGS, OF COURSE!” And like that, Applejack's heart stopped dead in its tracks. This might not have qualified as a nightmare before, but it was turning into a waking one in front of her very eyes right then. “...M-My...My feelin's?” she repeated, barely able to control the tremble in her voice. “Y-You mean...ya know?” “Of course I know! How could I not!? What with how you've been acting all day!? The silence, the avoidance, the refusal to model like usual! I'm not an imbecile, darling! I know full-well when you're concealing something, and I also know what that something is this time!” Nothing but pride stopped the farm girl from tearing up then. It never dawned on her beforehand, but Rarity probably would've made a good lawyer. Perhaps all of those Shadow Spade novels had taught her how to deduce and capitalize on people's lies. She was certainly ripping away at Applejack's like tissue then, all the while forcing her to simply stammer out the truth. “But I...I-I just didn't... I-I-I didn't want things to—to get awkward between us...” “Awkward? AWKWARD!? Applejack, do you think these past few hours haven't been awkward enough already!?” The fashionista stepped up to her friend then, stopping just a couple feet short of their noses bumping together. Suddenly, all of her indignation seemed to evaporate as her tone grew much more somber and her gaze drifted down in disappointment. “...Frankly...I'm almost hurt...that you'd think I couldn't bear hearing such news...” “I...I'm sorry...” Applejack's mind was a deafening maelstrom of emotions. Guilt, confusion, fear—she felt it all, and so much more. She was paralyzed by a pair of wounded sapphire eyes and wished for nothing more than to somehow reassure them that this was all just a misunderstanding. Of course, she didn't expect that wish to actually come true then...let alone in the way that it ultimately did. “...But,” Rarity finally said, her hands gently clasping at Applejack's, “...I know that's nothing...compared to how I've hurt you... And for that...I'm sorry...” “No, I'm sorry! I'm sorry fer not tellin' ya how I....... Wait.........huh?” For a second there, the cowgirl swore that her mind had all but shut down, as certain things just didn't seem to be computing no matter how much she tried to process them. Did Rarity...just apologize? Why exactly was she apologizing? Also, where was she walking over to then? Why did all of the bedroom's lights just turn off!? Where was that dramatic music suddenly coming from!? ...JUST WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!? It all came down to this... After an entire week of meticulous preparation and tireless rehearsal, Rarity's golden opportunity had finally arrived. Admittedly, not everything had gone as planned with her big surprise thus far. She certainly would've preferred putting things into motion much sooner, after all, and there simply hadn't been enough time yet to get much work done on her friends' wardrobes. What was most problematic, however, were these past few hours. The circumstances couldn't have been more perfect. Just her and Applejack—together and alone at last in an environment that she was thoroughly comfortable in, and with no other obligations on the horizon. And yet, despite having all of the chances in the world right then, Rarity kept finding herself suddenly stricken with nervousness and doubt as so many conundrums kept popping up in her mind. What if drawing attention to her friend's feelings only made them worse? What if Applejack simply wanted to move on? After how much better the two had been all week, what if this would simply reset all of their progress? These and a hundred other worries increasingly sounded off in Rarity's mind as the fitting continued, and they steadily manifested as mistakes in her usually flawless work. So much wasted time hesitating and correcting avoidable mishaps in her sewing. It was as horrid as it was infuriating for her! And what about poor Applejack!? She could only imagine how frustrated the farmer must've been with her unusual behavior by now—if all the visual cues weren't already enough of an indicator. The fibbing, the trembling, the flashes of frowny eyebrows that inundated this past hour. It was all because of her...and what she had done...and what she was doing now... It wasn't too late to bow out gracefully. Indeed, perhaps if things were just left alone, it would all eventually just go back to normal. Maybe that was for the best... By the third hour, Rarity opted just to try and finish things up as quickly as possible. She couldn't possibly go through with things now, and she couldn't bear making Applejack stand around against her will any longer. ...But then she saw her best friend... She saw one of the strongest, most dependable, most amazing people she'd ever been lucky to know...standing there and staring off into space...looking so conflicted...so lost...and so saddened. At that moment, and despite still feeling so nervous, the fashionista no longer hesitated. She couldn't afford to any longer. She HAD to do this...for Applejack. And so, after making sure that cowgirl's attention was squarely on her, and with naught but a window to serve as her makeshift spotlight, Rarity began to deliver the apology of her life. “Yes, Applejack... I understand exactly what you've been feeling as of late! After how I so cruelly abandoned you to go gallivanting off in the big city, leaving you to harvest all on your lonesome, it's only natural that you would still harbor such resentments toward me!” “...Wait,” the farmer said, as the last horse finally crossed the finish line, “THAT'S what ya think this is all—” “Darling, please, I'm on a roll” Rarity interrupted, pressing a dainty finger against her friend's lips. With that, she strutted back over to the spotlight and carried on with things. “Now, where was I?... Oh, yes! Ahem!......OH, WOULD THAT I COULD CHANGE MY ACTIONS, AND RIGHT THE MANY WRONGS THAT I HAVE WROUGHT! TO HAVE HURT MY CLOSEST FRIEND'S FEELINGS SO! IT BREAKS MY HEART JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!” Suddenly, the seamstress disappeared into the darkness, though Applejack could clearly see her behind a folding screen as she hurriedly got changed into...something else. “TRULY, I APPRECIATE HOW BRAVE YOU—oops, uh—HOW BRAVE YOU HAVE BEEN THUS FAR, DEAREST APPLEJACK! TRYING SO HARD TO MASK YOUR LINGERING RESERVATIONS TOWARDS ME, SWALLOWING THEM JUST TO PUT UP WITH ASSISTING ME! BUT I SIMPLY CANNOT—oh, come on—CANNOT ALLOW YOU TO SUFFER IN SILENCE ANY LONGER!” Rarity's silhouette stepped out from behind the screen and glided back over toward the light-switches. Her voice suddenly took on a much more subdued tone, partially for dramatic effect...and possibly because she was growing winded from all the rushing around. “And while...I have been nothing but sincere in my apologies thus far...I know that they alone cannot make up for everything that I've done. But actions speak louder than words, and THIS—” The lights flicked back on, and Rarity basked in the revelation that she was wearing...something that actually looked kinda plain—at least to Applejack. It was just a jacket, some jeans, and some boots, after all. But the fashionista seemed incredibly pleased with it, and continued on unfettered towards her grand finale. “This shall be the greatest declaration of our friendship! May I present to you...YOUR NEWEST HARVESTING ASSISTANT!” Annnnd...scene! …Applejack was... Not exactly confused... It actually wasn't hard to figure out what her friend was suggesting at all. Rarity wanted to atone for missing out on the harvest earlier and thought that the best way to do so would be to actually follow through with her original promise. Pretty simple, really... Not exactly relieved... It was great knowing that all of this tension was apparently over something completely unrelated to her feelings, especially since her friend was none the wiser to them. But that didn't change the fact that the farm girl clearly had a lot of baggage to sort through in her mind... Definitely not any less conflicted, worried, or self-conscious... And yet, the seamstress's performance then. It was quite a typical stunt for her to pull, and yet the whole thing felt remarkably unusual. To see her beaming with pride over such simple looking duds. To hear her sound so excited over the prospect of an actual hard day's work. It was all so dramatic and over-the-top, and yet not a second of it felt forced or hollow. Between every grandiose delivery were heaps of genuine emotion. Under each hyperbole was a rock-solid foundation of truth. So standard, yet so surprising... So hammy, yet so heartfelt... So Rarity... At that whole performance, Applejack was...suddenly unable to stop herself from giggling, much to her friend's surprise. “Darling?” And before she had time to explain, her giggles quickly evolved into some hearty chortles, much to her friend's growing provocation. “Applejack? What in the world is so funny!?” And like that, she was brought to her bared-knees by teary-eyed laughter, much to her friend's insulted disposition. “APPLEJACK!?” “Sss—HAHAHA—S-Sorry, I—I'm sorry! Hahaha! It's just, seein' ya prancin' around an'—pfffttt—an' usin' yer window like a spotlight, an tryin' to change real quick—haha—'specially in that getup!” “And what is wrong with my outfit!? I worked myself to death on it, and it's perfect for a day down on the farm!” “I know, I know,” she replied, finally regaining enough composure to stand up and stop herself from braying too loudly. “Heh heh—I'm sorry. There ain't nothin' wrong with it. Promise. It's just...fer all that build-up, I woulda reckoned y'all to be in something a bit more...fancy? Like a gown or something?” “And how is 'a gown' practical for harvesting!?” “It ain't, but—hmhm—you ain't always been one fer practical. Remember the Battle of the Bands? Y'all strolled up wearin' enough metal strips fer a new roof! Ya couldn't even hardly move!” “Hmph! I'll have you know, darling, that I am not simply a one-trick pony! True, I do try my hardest to look absolutely fabulous in anything I wear, but I can also dress for whatever the occasion requires. You simply don't appreciate all of the effort that goes into my outfits...” Silly as it might seem, Applejack always had fun prodding at Rarity's prickly side. There was something about her comical outrage and grandiloquent mannerisms that just made it easy to riff off of. Perhaps that was why, given how natural their flow truly was then, the cowgirl suddenly let loose exactly what was on her mind then. “Haha... Well, yer half right, I guess. Y'all always look real pretty no matter what get-up you got on, so it's a little hard to 'ppreciate......that kinda...fussin'?” As that response dragged along to its natural conclusion, the implications of what Applejack said quickly dawned on her. Did she just...call Rarity pretty? Real pretty? That was such a bold statement...such a dangerous line to cross... And it was the absolute truth. No omitted details, no superfluous excuses, no carefully crafted assurances. It might've been a little embarrassing, but that was as genuine a feeling as she had ever known, and it was the most honest thing she'd said in days... And it felt good to say that. Better than good! And all this time, the farm girl was so worried that the slightest mistake might ruin everything...but it hadn't. Rarity didn't even look mad then. Surprised and perhaps a little flustered, sure—there was that cute side on display—but it wasn't like their relationship had ended. They were still together. They were still best friends. “But...I can 'ppreciate how much work ya put into yer clothes...an' how much thought y'all clearly put into this. Thank ya, Rarity.” “I...... W-Well...That is, I-I... You're welcome,” Rarity mumbled, unable to look her friend directly in the eyes then. “...W-Well then... Does this mean...I may be permitted to join you for the harvest?” It's actually kind of amazing. So much about this fitting had been an absolute nightmare. And yet, despite all of that, Applejack no longer regretted being there for it. Maybe it was because she had just been making a mountain out of a molehill this whole time. Maybe it was because her best friend had managed to give her a genuinely good laugh. Or maybe...it was because she finally had to admit, even if only for a moment......how she really felt about Rarity......and how wonderful that made her feel. She clearly had some hard thinking to do these next couple of days...but one way or another, the idea of spending more time together...suddenly started feeling so much more right. "Heh...sure, sugarcube. I'd be real happy to have ya..." There she goes again. How did Applejack always manage to know exactly how to disarm and disorient her? Her face suddenly felt even hotter than it did seconds ago, and she was so worked up then that her fingers couldn't help but fidget needlessly. However, despite all of that...her ire had completely faded away. Of course it did. Somehow, Applejack always knew just how to make her feel better...how to make her feel as pretty as she so brazenly claimed a moment ago...how to make her feel...so... “S-So,” Rarity said, quick to dismiss such a...such a silly thought... “How does... How does Saturday sound?” Next Time: Good Talks > Chapter 15 - Good Talks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a general rule of thumb, scheduling an assembly for immediately after school was usually ill-advised—especially on a Friday of all days. After all, not many students appreciated having additional roadblocks between them and the coveted weekend, and most were already too burnt-out from the preceding school week to take much else in. Under those kinds of circumstances, almost any news then would've certainly been destined to fall on deaf ears. And yet, that didn't appear to be the case this time around. Being one of the last few to arrive at the auditorium, Sunset was struck by just how excited all of her classmates seemed then. Everywhere she went, conversations were drowning each other out—with only the occasional cheer or titter to rise above the collective white-noise—and peoples' faces almost blurred together for how much they kept shifting and shuffling about to intermingle. No two ways about it; her class was absolutely amped for this announcement, and the air was almost electric with their anticipation. Of course, she couldn't really blame any of them. If indeed this assembly was over what everyone suspected and hoped, then it had been a long time coming. And what else could it be over, anyway? What else could possibly justify this level of enthusiasm? What else was there...besides the Fall Formal? All well and good, and she shared in that enthusiasm to a degree, but that didn't make wading through the choppy waters of restless students then any easier. Thankfully, before Sunset ended up being washed up against one of the walls, someone appeared from behind to toss her a lifeline. “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boyyyy!” Pinkie Pie cheered, gleefully hugging her wayward friend. “Isn't this exciting!? I feel like we've been waiting almost a whole year for this! When do you think it'll be!? Where do you think it'll be!? OOOOH WHAT DO YOU THINK IT'LL BE!?” “Well...I think we'll be finding out soon enough,” she chuckled, before being pulled into the rest of their group. Just like with Pinkie Pie, it looked as though all of the girls were getting pretty swept up in the hype then as well. On one side, there was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy lively chatting it up with Trixie and Bulk Biceps. On the other, there was Twilight laughing and comparing notes amongst some of her robotics-club colleagues. Even Applejack seemed much more comfortable just listening to an absolutely giddy Rarity then, which was definitely an improvement over things lately. Sure enough, despite having every reason to feel more than a little fatigued after this week, Sunset's friends were still just as energetic as always. In fact, even after having already suffered a handful of Equestrian Magic attacks—with no indication that they were getting any closer to relenting—everyone was still in such high spirits... Of course, once again, Sunset couldn't blame any of them... She just wished that she were feeling as optimistic... “Hey, Sunset?” Pinkie Pie suddenly asked, her voice raised against the growing commotion going on all around. “Where'd you disappear to, anyway?” “Sorry, I was just—” “What?” “...I said, I was just putting up my stuff and...getting my journal to Princess Twilight.” “She's right over here,” her bubbly friend replied, pointing over at the Twilight currently wrapped up in a conversation with the others. “No! Princess Twilight! I...I'm thinking of writing to her!” “Ohhh. What for? Ooh, did her school open up yet!? Is she gonna have a Fall Formal too!?” “No—or at least, I don't know... She's probably too busy planning the first day to even worry about that. I'm sure she doesn't need any more silly things to think about right now, either...” Seeing Sunset cast her eyes down then, Pinkie Pie couldn't help feeling a bit concerned. She had a sort of sixth sense when it came to spotting downers at a party—or maybe that was her seventh, behind snack-reading—and couldn't stand when her friends weren't enjoying themselves as much as they should be. Thankfully, there was nobody better than her at turning a frown upside down...or changing a Sunset into a Sunrise. “Aw, what's wrong, Sunset? What's got you feeling so stressed?” “...That obvious, huh?” “Well, you did have autumn squash soup for lunch. That usually means you're worrying about something.” Sure enough, Pinkie was right on the money. That was the power of her snack sense in action, and it quickly got to the root of Sunset's feelings. Just a shame she didn't know what exactly was pushing her to drown her troubles in squash soup lately. “Ha, yeah... Guess I am feeling a bit uneasy right now... I'm sure it's probably just over the usual stuff...” “You mean like the Fall Formal?” “Yeah...maybe...” “Well, don't you worry! Your best pal, Pinkie Pie, is here to help! Now, why don't you tell me everything going on in that troubled noggin, and we'll piece it all together...um...together!” “Wait... Here!? Now!?” “Sure! It's just the two of us,” she said, without even the slightest trace of irony in her elevated voice. “Now, go on! I'm alllll ears!” Maybe it was the way that her friend playfully mimed having larger ears then—or the fact that Pinkie's cheery grin stretched all the way between them—but Sunset couldn't stifle either her giggling or the desire to get some of this off of her chest. Better than bothering a princess bogged down with far more important responsibilities, after all. Besides, with the way this crowd was beginning to carry on, it's not like anyone else was really gonna be privy to her ramblings. What did she really have to lose? “Alright... It's just that...” With that, Sunset started rattling off the many things bouncing through her head lately. To her credit, she managed to cover quite a bit of ground in a little over three minutes. At first, she thought this all was just over the sins of her past... “I mean, I know everyone says I shouldn't blame myself—and I'm trying, really—but I just want us to remember our last Fall Formal as being better than that one, you know?” But then, the issues of the present seemed much more concerning... “Seriously, we keep beating this thing, but it just keeps coming back! Like, where is it coming from, and why is it doing this!? I think that's a bit more important than where our Formal might be held! Don't you!?” And finally, it all came down to the future...or the possible lack thereof... “But...what if it's just testing the waters right now? What if it starts getting even stronger, or it corrupts more than one person at a time!? Honestly, why does anyone even care about the Fall Formal right now!? WHAT IF THIS THING CAUSES A CATASTROPHE BEFORE WE EVEN GET TO THAT!?” Meanwhile, as her friend steadily unraveled the tangled mess that was her troubled thoughts, Pinkie Pie remained absolutely silent. Nobody would've pegged the party planner as being a girl of few words...like, ever...but she didn't utter a single one then. Instead, she was content in simply allowing Sunset to vent for as long as needed. That might not have seemed terribly helpful at first, but it actually was. Somehow, her just listening intently then helped the struggling young woman to work through so much...especially since her expressions alone spoke volumes. Whenever Sunset seemed too doubtful or depreciative, a pensive frown reinforced just how much everyone believed in her now. Whenever she started overwhelming herself with outlandish worst-case scenarios, a raised eyebrow served to reel her back into reality and the present. Whenever she said anything apparently too askew, a pair of narrowed eyes—or even the occasional blank stare—forced her to rethink and reassess things more logically. Honestly, it was almost as if Pinkie Pie understood her better than even she did, and by the end of their little discussion, Sunset finally realized what was truly bothering her. This wasn't about her past, or even the Fall Formal. It was something bigger than all of that, and something that she wasn't so sure could be handled alone. “...It's just...I know we've been trying our hardest all week, especially after everything Rarity said, but I feel like we're getting nowhere...and I can't stop thinking, what else could I do? What should I do? Everyone here's acting like it'll all be okay, cause they think we'll just keep saving the day. But...what if we can't this time? What if we're not enough? Maybe...we need—” At that moment, Sunset was interrupted by Pinkie's finger pressing against her lips. She had never seen the party planner wear such an unusually serious face before, and the sharp glare that came with it was almost enough to completely disarm her. At least the smile still remained as always, but whatever emotions were behind it then were a complete mystery. Did Sunset say something wrong or offensive? Did she sound too stupid or incomprehensible? Did Pinkie Pie...agree with her? Did she also think that they needed Princess Twilight? “...Sunset,” she finally said, just as the lights started to dim. “...Even if I don't—” Before she could finish that thought, however, a sudden screech coursed through the auditorium and quickly silenced most of the students. Turns out, up on stage, Mr. Cranky Doodle had just finished setting up the microphone, and following that unpleasantly commanding bit of audio feedback, he excused himself to make room for this assembly's speakers. “OOH, IT'S STARTING!” Pinkie cheered, suddenly shaking Sunset by the shoulders and completely losing her train of thought. Guess it could wait until after the assembly was over... **** In her many years as both an instructor and administrator, Principal Celestia had grown accustomed to a myriad of routines at CHS. She was used to filling in as the occasional substitute for any class. She was adept at dishing out lunches over at the cafeteria when needed. And when it came to public speaking, she never had any issues getting up in front of a crowd and capturing their full attention with both elegance and eloquence. But this assembly in particular was a little bit different for her—not because of the crowd or the topic at hand, but because of what she also wished to say on top of everything else. Things always got just a bit harder when emotions were mixed in with the routines. Still, though, they had run through this speech multiple times already, and as both she and Vice Principal Luna stood up there to address such a special group of students, there were no doubts in either her mind or voice when she finally began to speak. “...Good afternoon, senior class of Canterlot High. I'm sure that all of you are anxious to get started enjoying your weekend, but we have some exciting news to share with you first. Now that everything has been finalized, I am pleased to announce that we have officially made arrangements for the Fall Formal...and the date has been set!” Without so much as another word to go off of, the seniors burst into cheers then. Granted, most of them had probably already figured out what this whole assembly was over, but that didn't seem to dampen the hype of it all becoming a reality too much. Besides, even if they knew where this was ultimately going, there were still a few twists that might serve as a more proper surprise. “...Before we go into the details, however,” she continued, once the audience had settled down a bit, “there are some things that Vice Principal Luna and I would like to briefly discuss with you...” There was a momentary pause as the principal switched places with her sister, who proceeded to adjust the microphone before elaborating further. Funnily enough, whereas the eldest tended to project a warm and uplifting light, the younger sibling spoke more to temper their students and imbue within them a sense of composure, as was certainly the case then. “...As you all know, CHS has traditionally selected one student each year to be crowned as either Prince or Princess of the Fall Formal. Originally, this was intended as a way for the student body to formally recognize the contributions of one individual; someone who went above and beyond to embody what it truly means to be a Canterlot Wondercolt. However...after much consideration, we have decided to finally put an end to that tradition. As such, and as of this year, there will no longer be any sort of contest held at the Fall Formal.” That sudden declaration sent a wave of murmurs throughout the audience, and it wasn't hard to spot some of the confused or concerned glances being exchanged then. However, before there was any room to really question things further, the vice principal carried on. “Some of you are no doubt disappointed to hear this, especially after its absence last year. But...there are a few reasons as to why we've chosen to move forward without it...” With that, Luna unfastened the microphone from its stand before handing it back over to her sister. This was probably both the easiest and hardest part of their entire speech...but Celestia delivered it with the same conviction as anyone would've expected. “...As I'm sure we all still remember, our school was a very different place not even two years ago. Back then, the student body was fractured seemingly beyond repair, and even the faculty...myself included...couldn't recognize when we were needed the most... But then, we were visited by a remarkable young woman—someone who, despite having her own responsibilities, was willing to sacrifice so much to help us rediscover who we were as a school...and as friends...” In truth, some of Celestia's original drafts for this speech went further in discussing Princess Twilight. After all, the students absolutely loved hearing about her, and they would've stood there for minutes on end just to reminisce on everything that she had done to help make CHS a better place. Many of them probably would've even felt that she deserved to be the last Princess of the Fall Formal...that her actions alone were a fitting and unassailable finale to it all. But she couldn't allow any of them to feel that way any longer. “......But...this isn't about her... It's about all of you... Whereas Princess Twilight Sparkle may have rekindled the magic of friendship in our lives, all of you have been responsible for keeping its spirit alive these many years. You've faced countless hardships and challenges together... You've protected and helped others in need together... You've all grown into such fine young adults...and you've done it all together.” Another pause as she allowed herself a moment to watch the students grow more encouraged and confident then. “Now, I'd be lying if I said that your class hasn't occasionally been a handful to deal with,” she admitted playfully, to the sound of some light chuckling all around. “...But...I can also confidently say that there is no class I have ever been prouder of... You've all done so many great things already, and I know you'll continue to do so long after this year is over. For these reasons, we cannot in good conscience recognize a single one of you for the Fall Formal...because you all deserve recognition! This is your coronation, and you've all earned it...together!” At that declaration, the principal found it impossible to continue for a moment. Amazingly, however, it wasn't because her audience had grown too loud to speak over then. Instead, something much more heartwarming was happening. All around, the students were joining together in a little moment. Some cheerfully high-fived, while others tearfully hugged. Some shared in an affectionate kiss, while others simply exchanged prideful glances. The expressions might've varied, but one thing was constant, and it was exactly what Celestia loved most about her job. These students...these young adults... She could see that they all understood the weight of their accomplishments and that they were proud not just of themselves, but of each other. Without a doubt, at that moment, they were united not only as classmates...but as friends...and as a family... “...Speaking of great things,” Luna added, seeing as her sister was understandably growing a bit tearful, “...we have one more to reveal to you all... It took a little while to tabulate everything, but I can tell you now that, through your hard work and contributions, this year's senior class has raised more money than any other in the history of CHS!” Now there were the applauds and outcries that the principal was anticipating. In fact, the students were almost like a chorus then, with their jubilance growing all the louder as each incoming reveal steadily pumped them up further. Not much longer now. “...Because of that, and following the many suggestions that we've been inundated with this past month, we have decided to host this year's Fall Formal off-campus... Specifically, it will be held at the grand theme park of Equestria Land on November 20th—three weeks from today—and it will be featuring performances by none other than...” Much to her surprise, Celestia was suddenly handed the microphone to share alongside her sister. Originally, the vice principal was supposed to finish this all off on her own, but as Luna gave her a knowing smile then, they both decided to share in the final reveal together. It was absolutely worth it, too. “...Countess Coloratura!” It was fair to say that, in her many years as both an instructor and administrator, Principal Celestia had long ago grown accustomed to most routines at CHS. But as she proudly stood there with her sister, watching as the most amazing group of students she'd ever known absolutely erupted with cheers then, she still struggled with two of the most bittersweet routines of them all: Gradually seeing her students growing up...and getting closer to having to say goodbye. **** Being one of the last few to exit the auditorium, Sunset was surprised to find just how long her class had stayed behind after things wrapped up. For what would've ordinarily been just another roadblock any other time, this assembly had actually served to jumpstart the seniors' weekends. Suddenly, and without a doubt, this was going to be what everyone's plans revolved around for the next few weeks. Of course, Sunset really couldn't blame any of them...not when even she thought it was all pretty awesome! “AHHHHHHH!” Pinkie Pie shouted, once again hugging her unsuspecting friend. “I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT! OUR CD SELLING OUT! EQUESTRIA LAND! COUNTESS COLORATURA! THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST FALL FORMAL EVER!” “Hahaha—alright, alright! Don't get too excited yet! You'll party-poop yourself out before the Formal.” “Ha! Good one!” she replied, before taking another swig of chocolate milk to keep her energy up. The party planner might've been a bit hyperbolic—with emphasis on the “hyper” part—but she did sum things up rather nicely then. There was just so much to take in, and it seemed as though everyone had something to be excited over with these reveals. You had Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy absolutely amped for Equestria Land—the latter especially after finding out that the nation's largest aviary was apparently being featured there that week. You had Twilight marveling over the actual fundraising figures—especially since the Rainbooms's CD had ultimately contributed to almost a quarter of the class's total finances on hand. Even Applejack couldn't hide the excitement as both she and Rarity gushed over the chance to finally see Countess Coloratura live and in-person—especially since the world-renowned pop singer had been on hiatus for months now. Indeed, despite the already insurmountable level of hype going into things, this assembly had assuredly surpassed most people's expectations...including Sunset's. Leave it to two of the most charismatic leaders ever to pull off a magic trick like that...in this or any other world. Speaking of, whereas her bubbly friend was sticking around simply to see how ecstatic everyone else was, Sunset had a different reason to stay behind then. But while she waited, this was certainly as good a time as any to bring something important up. “...Hey, Pinkie Pie?” “Hmm?” her friend hummed, chugging down the last ounces of her chocolate charge-up. “Thanks a lot...for listening earlier. To be honest, at first, I thought I was writing to Twilight to work out my thoughts, but...I think I was really just...looking for an excuse to get her involved again. I've... We've never really faced anything like this before, and maybe I was a little scared that we couldn't do it on our own... But thanks to you and...well... Just, thanks...for showing me how silly I was being.” “Aw,” Pinkie replied. “I didn't think you were being silly, silly.” Without any hesitation, the party planner hugged her friend then. Admittedly, she didn't hear most of the conversation that went on between the two earlier—despite every attempt to lipread and make out what was being said to her—and she still couldn't believe someone as confident and absolutely awe-inspiring as Sunset would worry over what to wear for the Fall Formal. But none of that really mattered. “...Like I was gonna say earlier... Even if I don't understand it all, there's nothing we can't figure out if we do it together!” “Haha...you've got that right... Thanks.” Wow... Pinkie Pie really deserved more credit than people gave her...especially since she was absolutely correct then! There was still a lot of work to be done in these next few weeks, between finishing the Telemeter 2.0 and finding a way to go on the offensive against this Equestrian Magic. On top of that, they were going to have to start contending with things getting a lot more hectic around here in preparation for the Fall Formal. In the meantime, there were a few things that Sunset should get started on immediately. First and foremost, she still had to check in and make sure that Applejack was alright this weekend. Hopefully, her and Rarity harvesting was a sign that things had finally settled between them, especially since they would all have to start working much closer together come Monday. It was going to be difficult. There was going to be a lot of trial and error, as well as plenty of adjustments and failures to deal with. But at that moment, Sunset was confident...they could do this...and they would do it together! “Oh! Be right back!” she said to Pinkie Pie, suddenly noticing the last thing that needed to be taken care of before her work could begin. As she waited, the party planner took to watching a few more classmates leave the school then, all the while delighting in the shared elation circulating about. There really was nothing quite like a party to pep people up, especially in trying times like these, and seeing others getting excited for one always put a huge smile on her face. However, when she turned around to check on her friend, Pinkie Pie found herself not only smiling...but also on the verge of crying. Because there was Sunset...affectionately hugging a surprised Principal Celestia, who was all too happy to return the gesture after wiping away a subtle tear. “AWWWW,” she shouted, before rushing over to join in. Seriously...she just knew this was going to be the best Fall Formal ever! Next Time: Like a Diamond...Like an Apple > Chapter 16 - Like a Diamond...Like an Apple (Morning) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even though the morning hours were only beginning to wane, Rarity wasted little time in getting ready for her big day of harvesting. Now, she didn't actually have to arrive at Sweet Apple Acres until noon—or quarter-till, at the earliest—but the fashionista simply couldn't stop herself from getting a head-start almost as soon as when she awoke. There were suddenly just so many unexpected things that she had failed to consider—from her choice of antiperspirant to the proper techniques on apple picking—and they each demanded her undivided attention. After all, this was her chance to finally make everything up to her best friend...and as such, absolutely everything had to be perfect! ...And yet, so little of it was... To begin with, it was almost amazing just how much of Rarity's morning routine didn't proceed smoothly then. Despite starting her day off with a rousing cup of peppermint tea like always, she still felt so flustered and unfocused. “Oh, did I remember to pack an extra pair of gloves? Then again, do I really need them? Of course I do! It's—goodness, is that the time already!? I should really start—WAIT! Are the ripest apples closer to the tree...or furthest away!? Oh, come now, Rarity! She'll expect you to know all of that already!” Despite having a light breakfast to keep her blood sugar up like always, her every motion still seemed so inelegant and jittery as she got ready. “Ugh! That's the second time now that this isn't coming out even! I swear, I'm going to have some words with this manufacturer! First the mascara, then the blush...now this... Their brush quality is obviously declining! No doubt even she would agree if I went out looking like this...” And despite having already tailored her outfit so that it balanced heat and aeration perfectly, it was still getting so warm in here! “AH! I'M SWEATING ALREADY!? OH, HONESTLY NOW! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN I'M OVER AT THE FARM!? WHAT IF I START OVERHEATING!? WHAT IF I GET DEHYDRATED, OR I...just...get in the way...” These and a hundred other little hangups consumed most of her morning, to the point that very little of it actually remained by the time she had finished getting ready. Not even halfway through the day yet, and the stress was already near unbearable. At least her ever-receptive Opalescence was around to lend an ear this time, as well as to relieve some of the tension. However, even she was clearly starting to feel the stress from these many sudden conundrums. Poor thing was practically a nervous wreck towards the end of it all—silently grooming herself whilst perched atop the sage-green linens of all things! “Oh, Opal,” Rarity moaned, to a chorus of steady licking over in the corner. “I simply don't understand why I'm fretting so much all of the sudden! I've had this all planned out for days now! I know I'm rehearsed, and I look fantastic, obviously! Granted, it might've taken a bit longer than usual, but still... Oh! That's right...I almost forgot...” As her cat confidante started to busy itself with some kneading then, the young tailor marched over to her mirror and began to tie her hair back. After all, Applejack had suggested as much via text last night, which was a little surprising...but certainly nothing that she couldn't manage. “...I would've never thought her to care that much...about how I wore my hair... Hmm, should it be more like hers? Or maybe...” And like that, another wave—or rather a ripple this time—of fretting ensued, as Rarity quickly cycled through half a dozen different hairstyles. The question now was, which one should she settle on? The mysteriously dignified bun? The playful yet sturdy braid? The classic high ponytail? Each one had its aesthetic ups and downs, but it all kept coming back to the same handful of considerations. Which did Applejack intend for her? Which would Applejack like the most? Which would Applejack say...made her look... “Ah!” she gasped. “Too much blush again!? Oooh, that settles it! I need to find a new brand tout suite! This is simply unacceptable!” Eventually, and following another quick reapplication, the fashionista decided to go with the high ponytail. At least that way, if Applejack didn't like it, she could just let her hair down for the rest of the day. ...Yeah...cause that was the real issue at hand... “...Oh dear,” she sighed, once again looking as pristine as always...and instantly feeling as inadequate as possible. “What in the world am I even doing?... No matter what I wear or how I look now, I'm simply going to end up looking like an imbecile... How can I ever compare to—” At that, her Opal objected vehemently—by yawning loudly and tightly curling up for a nap. “Hmm... Yes... Yes, you're right! This isn't about keeping up with Applejack! It's about helping her! Making things easier for her! And that I can absolutely do! Why, with her enhanced strength and my own capabilities...” As if on cue then, and as though she were performing for more than just her slumbering pet, Rarity began exercising said capabilities to conjure up an array of diamond panels all around. Then, once everything was properly in place, she set her sights on the little toy apple that laid atop her highest shelf. With but a slight nudge, the plastic produce was knocked off and proceeded to travel effortlessly from one end of her room to the other—via a circuitous track of panels that ran, curved, and even split around the furnishings—before making an elegant landing into her wastebasket. Needless to say, but the fashionista had been practicing a little bit for this and was confident that the fruits of her labors would soon be piling up neatly in bin after bin. “Ha ha! With us working together, we'll gracefully relieve every tree of its produce in no time at all! We won't even have to get our hands dirty, and I'm sure that Applejack will appreciate how much time this all—” Suddenly, a loud chime pulled Rarity from out of her reverie, and a quick glance at the phone reignited the slight pang in her chest. 11:30 AM. It was time... The young tailor took a couple more deep breaths, fighting hard not to look around for anything else to suddenly worry over. She was feeling anxious enough as it was, already... But why should she be!? All of this stress, and over what!? Some leaves and dirt? A bit of manual labor? Possibly looking foolish? Please! As the fashion-forward friend that everyone admired, a poor impression simply wasn't in the rotation! Why, the filth and sweat were far more credible threats than that, and if Applejack could still manage to look great even under those conditions, then surely she... …Well...that's not the point! “Opal,” she said, eager to waste no more time. “I am off! Hopefully, we shan't be too long, so that I may return and begin focusing on more pressing affairs...such as the Fall Formal, hmhmhm!” This was it. This was the day that everything returned to normal, and absolutely nothing would stop her from seeing to that. Indeed, she was confident! She was composed! And as she strutted out the front door in all of her glamorous glory, Rarity was prepared for absolutely everything that could happen today! Everything...except for what actually happened... **** Well, almost everything was ready to go. All that remained now was just to take one last inventory...and for Applejack's assistant to finally arrive. “Phew,' she sighed, “least most a' the heavy liftin's outta the way. Just hope that's enough bins fer all this...” Now, ordinarily, tackling the eastern orchards was one of the most time-consuming tasks of the harvest. Not only was that the largest stretch of land to comb through on the entire farm, but it also featured some of the roughest and bumpiest of grounds, limiting just how far vehicles could travel inward. Indeed, on any other year, this would require the combined efforts of the entire Apple family, and it would still inevitably take at least a few days to finish. This time around, however, the dynamics were going to be a bit different, and Applejack was certainly curious to see how things would turn out...in more ways than one. “Hmm,” she moaned, looking down at her phone. “Wonder if she's goin' fer fashionably late this time...” At five till noon, the farm girl found herself feeling surprisingly calm, all things considered. Maybe it was the fact that she had already spent a good chunk of nervous energy getting her other chores done early. Or maybe it's because this was an environment that she would be entirely comfortable in for a change. After all, working outdoors in the fresh country air was a far sight better than standing around in a perfume laden prison most of the day. Honestly, though, maybe it was just because...actually, that really was the word, wasn't it? It was all about being honest. And honestly, she was actually kind of...excited...just like the first time they had planned to do this. It was almost strange how similar this all felt. It even made Applejack wonder...would things have turned out this way had Rarity not went off to— Suddenly, the cowgirl's phone went off with a little ping, and for a moment her surprisingly calm demeanor gave way to a much more familiar sense of anxiety, as questions and concerns began flaring up in her mind. Was this about to become a repeat of Manehattan all over again? Or was Rarity texting to announce her imminent arrival? How could such polar possibilities elicit the same level of nervousness, especially when......especially when neither was actually the case then? Turns out, this whole tizzy was over nothing but a harmless little text from Sunset. Sure you don't need any of us helping out today? At that, and following a nerve-calming couple of breaths, Applejack couldn't help but break into a light chuckle. “Land sakes... Can't believe how worked up I'm gettin' anymore. Bet even she'd say I'm fussin' too much.” It was especially funny, she realized, considering how that was actually the third time now that Sunset had messaged her this morning. One might think by now that she would've been a bit more used to the chirps of her phone, but apparently that wasn't the case. Still, though, at least this wasn't quite the conundrum that she was dreading moments ago. In fact, it only took Applejack a moment to respond to her friend's kind offer. Thanks, but I think we should be fine. Only after her fingers rapidly sent that reply did her mind have time to object, but by then it was too late. She could rationalize how she had just been given perhaps her last perfect out from all of this; how her friends would probably appreciate a break from working on Twilight's new and improved gizmo this weekend; or how you could never have too many helping hands when it came to harvesting. She could argue all of that as much as she wanted...but that wasn't what this was about. Right now, it was just about her and— “OH, APPLEJAAAAACK!” a voice sang out, startling the cowgirl from out of her musing. Over by the entryway, she quickly spotted her lavender haired assistant waving at her excitedly. This was it... “...H-HEY! COME ON OVER!” And like that, Rarity started over toward her, and already the cowgirl could feel it all as every step brought her best friend closer into view. The heart pounding. The waves of slight trembling. The heightened awareness of practically everything she was doing. All the regrets, doubts, fears, and anxiety. It was all there, just like every other day lately. But...that was okay... It was a lengthy journey to reach this realization, but ever since that fitting, Applejack had been thinking long and hard on some things. She had thought about her best friend, and about everything that they had been through together, and about the relationship that they had forged throughout all of these years. She thought about how it had been so different this past week, regardless of both her and Sunset's efforts, and how the closest that it ever came to feeling normal again was a couple of days back...when it was just her and Rarity alone...and when she simply spoke her mind. Nothing bad had come of that moment...and maybe nothing bad would happen today. However, one way or another, she realized that...she needed to see what would happen. Maybe this was all just in her head. Or maybe she really was in...well, maybe she really did like Rarity...at least a little... But she would never know for certain what these feelings or their bond really was until she simply allowed it all to happen. This was perhaps her last best chance to do just that, and she couldn't let it slip on by. No more hiding behind the company of others; no more staying silent just to avoid looking silly. That's never been her way before, and it wasn't gonna be that way any longer. No... No matter how hard or embarrassing things might get, Applejack was determined to just be herself this time—feelings and all—and to see where exactly that might take them both. She owed that to her best friend...and to herself. C'mon... Just be yerself... Just...be...yerself! “H-Howdy there, Rarity!” she greeted, just as her friend walked up. She wasn't quite sure what being herself even meant anymore, but it was too late to question any of that now. Well...hope for the best! “Heh, I was just wonderin' if y'all were gonna go fer fashionably late, but yer right on time!” “Haha, yes,” Rarity replied, slightly out of breath and silently cursing herself. She would've actually been here fashionably early were it not for that extra pair of gloves. Considering the rush back to her house just to pick up those accursed things, it was amazing that she made it on time at all. Still, though, no need for her friend to hear about that particular struggle. “Well, I-I did consider arriving earlier...but I thought I'd give you some time to make sure everything was ready! And I—” It was only then that the fashionista noticed what her friend was actually wearing, and it made her absolutely beam for a moment. “OHH, APPLEJACK, DARLING! You're wearing your new outfit!” “Huh? Oh, right!” she said, turning briefly to show off her gift from the fitting. Usually, it could be hard for Applejack to pick up on the quality behind some of her best friend's works, but this—a short-sleeved peasant-top, crimson red with a green leaf pattern lining both the hem and sleeves—was exactly the kind of outfit that she could appreciate. It was simple yet practical, featured her favorite colors, and felt marvelous to wear! Also...it had the added benefit of making her friend light up just by seeing it. “Heh heh, figured ya'd get a kick outta that! An' ya did say this was perfect fer this kinda workin' outdoors, right?” “Absolutely! And, oh, you look fantastic! I must admit, I was slightly afraid that choice of carnelian might overshadow the chartreuse—especially in the sunlight—but it turned out perfect!” “Uhh...yeah! That's 'xactly what I was thinkin'!” “Aaannnd, speaking of perfect...” With that, Rarity took a step back and displayed her own outfit, finishing with a flick of the hair. “Well, what do you think?” “Haha, y'all look ready to tackle some apples!” she answered blithely with a thumbs up. “C'mon! Let me show ya our setup.” The farmer made her way over to the truck then, turning around just in time to miss Rarity looking a little deflated over that answer. Perhaps the high ponytail had been a poor choice, after all... Sadly, before the fashionista could so much as adjust her hairstyle, Applejack started going over some of the basics of harvesting. As far as this day was supposed to go, things weren't too difficult to follow, thankfully. It was just as Rarity had read up on prior—plucking apples, inspecting them, hauling them back over to the barn, et cetera—and she was feeling all the more confident as her expectations seemed all the more probable. Why, this would practically be child's play for two best friends, especially ones with powerful magic at their disposal. Of course, even of the mightiest of superpowers can't account for every possible twist... “Since Granny's got the day off,” Applejack continued, following a quick overview of their inventory, “we're gonna tackle the orchard in two groups. You and me will work on the one end, while Apple Bloom an' Big Mac will start on the other. It'll prolly still take us a couple a' days, but even havin' yer help fer one should cut down on our time a lot!” “Splendid! Although...” she playfully teased, “I'm surprised you think we can't get this done much sooner.” “Whaddya mean?” “Well...” The young tailor couldn't have asked for a better setup then, and with it, she took the opportunity to once again show off her powers. Of course, Applejack had seen her friend's magic several times over already, but even she was a bit amazed then by what it was apparently capable of. The way so many panels could be summoned at once, and how they contorted to form these elaborate chutes along a bevy of different objects and obstacles. Sure enough, Rarity was proving to be quite the performer then, and her elegant weaving of this crystalline web left Applejack feeling pretty mesmerized for a moment. Unfortunately, it wasn't just the diamond displays then that surprised the farmer, as a certain realization suddenly clicked within her mind. “Well?” Rarity asked, confident and self-assured even as the panels faded and her breathing remained just a bit labored from so many different efforts at once. “What do you think? Impressive, is it not?” “Uh... Y-Yeah! It's, uh, real nifty an' all...but—” “Now, the only question is, how can we best make use of your super strength? Initially, I thought you could shake the trees with enough force to knock loose the apples...but perhaps that would be a bit imprecise—not to mention rather brutish, don't you think?” “Right, but the thing is—” “Ooh! Ideaaaa!” Rarity sang, suddenly lost within her own glee as she paced around. “Perhaps, instead of dividing and conquering, your siblings could join us! They could pick the apples, which will of course be deposited into bins via my makeshift conveyors, and then you can use your powers to carry those heavy things over to the truck! Ooh, that way we'll—” “Rarity!” Applejack interrupted. She hated bursting her friend's bubble, but this was only going to be worse if it got any bigger. “Listen, hon...it's really great that yer all excited—an' that's definitely some good thinkin' ya got there—but...we can't be usin' our powers fer this...” A joke, obviously. Usually, Rarity didn't care for humor derived from overtly preposterous statements, but that one actually managed to tickle her. “Hahaha! Oh, very amusing, Applejack! I suppose we're just going to ignore the fact that we have magic practically tailor-made to make this easier.” “Well...kinda, yeah...” “And instead” she continued merrily, “we're just going to spend the whole day lugging around heavy equipment, rummaging through trees, and painstakingly picking every individual apple.” “That's pretty much the long an' short a' it...” A joke...surely. Applejack was smiling then, after all—though more so in that humble, muted way...the kind of way that tended to belie an awkward truth behind it all... “...But... B-But darling, you can't possibly be serious. Why, you've already used your magic just getting this all set up, yes?” “Hm? All a' what?” “This!” Rarity urged, gesturing towards the truck loaded with ladders, tools, and literal towers of apple-bins. “And what about when these things are filled to the brim!? They must weigh a ton!” “Well, I dunno 'bout a ton. They do get plenty heavy...but...” Before reasoning any further, the farm girl walked over to a set of barrels in the corner. They were already completely filled with apples just waiting to be delivered to the local vendors, which she demonstrated before sealing a couple of them shut. Then, without reaching for her Geode even once, she gripped at the sides and lifted both up in one smooth motion. “See?” she said, with only the slightest hint of strain in her voice as she carried them around for a few moments. “Haha, we get enough exercise 'round here that doin' this sorta thing ain't that big a deal.” This time it was Rarity's turn to be partially amazed. Of course, she always knew her friend to be quite strong, but it'd been a while since she witnessed that up close and in action. Those barrels must've weighed at least 70 pounds a pop, and that wasn't even factoring in awkwardly getting one's arms around them enough to maintain a firm grip! Sure enough, Applejack was proving to be quite the powerhouse, and the sheer strength that she was exercising then left Rarity feeling just a little bit...flustered... Unfortunately, it wasn't just the surprising displays of masculinity that slightly scrambled the fashionista's brain, as a certain joke suddenly started sounding a lot more plausible. “So,” she said blankly, just as the farmer set the barrels back where they belonged, “...you don't use your powers at all around here?” “Well...” Applejack muttered. From anyone else, this might've seemed like humble bragging, but she sounded as genuine as possible while trying to think of an exception. “...I did couple a' months back when the tractor got caught in a mudhole. I ain't sayin' we never rely on 'em 'round here, but my family an' I agree that ain't no substitute fer good, honest work. 'Sides which, wouldn't usin' 'em here go against what we promised the others?” “That's... Oh dear... I suppose that is true, isn't it?” For a moment, Rarity was actually taken aback, especially as she caught herself grasping at her Geode then like it was some sort of security blanket. It's not like she hadn't been making a more concerted effort to curb her use of magic lately, but still... Perhaps Rainbow Dash deserved a bit more benefit of the doubt when it came to just how easy it was to take these powers for granted. “Wait!” she started in fright. “So...w-we really can't use our powers...at all today!?” “Well, maybe here or there if'n we really need to...but a full day a' usin' magic like that could have all our Geodes goin' completely haywire, don't ya think?” “I... Well, yes, but...b-but I...” As the realization steadily sunk in, and as her trump card had all but disappeared in the blink of an eye, Rarity could barely suppress the panic building up within then. But what in the world could she possibly say now? That she was afraid of the leaves and the dirt, or the manual labor? Please... They both knew that much was obvious already. But she couldn't possibly do this now. It would be just as she feared. And yet, there was no way out of it. No matter what she did, she was just going to end up looking foolish...or being a hindrance...or letting her best friend down...once again... “Aw c'mon, Rarity,” Applejack urged, trying to perk up the mood. “It won't be all that bad. I been doin' this fer years now, an' it ain't ever been a problem! Least it's not too cloudy 'a day today, right!?” “...Yes...” “...Plus...we got Apple Bloom an' Big Mac nearby if we need any more hands. An' they know 'bout all this just as well as I do. So, nothin' to be frettin' about...right?...” “.............” And like that, Rarity became too lost in her own thoughts to reason with—not that Applejack really knew what to say now. In hindsight, maybe it would've been a good idea to have some of the others around for this. If nothing else, at least Sunset could've provided a decent inspirational speech to pump everyone up then. In all seriousness, Applejack was actually feeling pretty bad herself then. Of course, it was one thing for her friend to whine and moan, but this was different. The poor gal actually looked somewhat frightened then. Hard to believe this was all over working in the great outdoors... Still, though, the farmer was somewhat to blame for all this. She should've discussed how her family did things around here sooner with Rarity but was so distracted by...other things to even pay it much mind. And this was such a new experience for Rarity that she couldn't be blamed for relying on a trustworthy tool just to make things a bit easier. To suddenly take all of that away with no prior warning simply wasn't fair to her...nor was making her go through with something like that... It's actually kind of a shame. Applejack had just started looking forward to this too. But as disappointing as it may have been, she couldn't rightly stand for her friend—regardless of who it was—to be saddled with this. She promised to be herself, and that just wasn't who she was... “...Hey,” she finally said, gently placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. “Listen, sugarcube...I really appreciate ya offerin' to help. But...if yer feelin' uncomfortable...maybe it'd be best if—” “NO!” Rarity suddenly interrupted, grabbing Applejack's hand firmly. Admittedly, that was a rather abrupt tone for such a dignified lady to take; however, the fashionista couldn't help herself then. Because for a split second, despite being terrified and despite being offered perhaps the only guilt-free way out of this whole situation, she saw something truly dreadful...something that haunted her for so long in Manehattan...and something that she vowed never again to be responsible for. She saw Applejack...looking saddened... It might not have been as overt as the last time, but that look was absolutely unacceptable now, and Rarity couldn't bear to let it stand for another moment! Even if it meant completely humiliating herself, it didn't matter! She would simply find a way to make this work without her powers, and she didn't care how foolish she looked in doing so! That said...she was starting to feel increasingly embarrassed...just holding onto Applejack's hand then... “Wh...W-What I mean is...” she stammered, releasing her friend before grasping to regain as much composure as possible. “T-That is to say, um... No... N-No need for—for anything like that, darling! I was simply r-reconsidering our strategy! It might just take a smidgen longer, but I'd wager that we can still get this done with time to spare, haha!” “...Are...Are ya sure?” Applejack replied, partially surprised by her friend's refusal to quit...and partially by her hand being held like that. "I-I don't wanna force ya..." “Nonsense! I promised we would do this today, and that's exactly what we are going to do—powers or not! Although, if we are hoping to get this done, perhaps for now we should dispense with the gabbing and get to the grabbing, as it were, haha! Now, what else do we need!?” With that, Rarity confidently and gracefully marched past her friend and into the barn...all the while searching for any possible clue of what to do now as she was confidently and gracefully having a minor PANIC ATTACK! For a moment, Applejack couldn't believe what just happened. She would've bet ten eggs and a chicken coop that this was going to be another day of roughing it out alone, and had resigned herself to as much. And yet, once again, Rarity managed to surprise her...just like at that fitting. And just like afterward, the cowgirl found herself suddenly feeling...so excited! This was it! This was exactly what she had been needing! This was her chance to be with Rarity as herself—feelings and all! This was the day where she finally understood what their relationship really was! And this— “AHH!” Rarity shouted, prompting Applejack to bolt into the barn as fast as she could, only to spot the fashionista cowering...as a nearby worm menacingly crawled away in the other direction. “Oh boy,” she sighed, watching as her poor friend quivered like a frightened rabbit. “...This oughta be something...” > Chapter 16 - Like a Diamond...Like an Apple (Afternoon) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, look... Was it fair to say that Rarity might've been a little too prone to partaking in pipe dreams? That she could be an all-too-frequent flier onboard first-class flights of fancy? Perhaps so...but even conceding that particular fault, the fashionista had never been one to turn a blind eye for too long toward either the harshest or the messiest of all likelihoods. That was especially true today, which was why she fully recognized—speaking of messy—that a day down on the farm probably wouldn't end with her smelling like a bushel of freshly picked apples. She was going to get messy. She was going to get sweaty. She was going to get dirty. That was all just as inevitable as either the tides or the seasons, and she had been more than prepared to accept and bear all of that. But this!? This went beyond even her wildest of preparations! And she thought this morning was bad!? Ha! In the first hour alone of her harvesting, literally almost everything possible went poorly for the young tailor... Where even to begin? Well, first of all, there was nothing “great” about the great outdoors once you actually started immersing yourself in them! Good lord, if only the leaves and the dirt had been the worst of it. They're certainly much more preferable to the twigs that got tangled up in her hair or the insidious mud puddles that kept threatening to swallow up her boots whole! And leaving aside all of the aforementioned filth—which was indeed a huge issue—it was frankly ridiculous just how much mother nature itself was apparently out to get her! And everything seemed so innocuous at first... Carry this bin back over to the truck? No problem...until she trips over an upturned root and lands knees-first into a dirt mound! “OH NO! Er...um, well...these pants were just for today...I suppose...” Inspect the incoming apples for bruises and cuts? Easy enough...until a stealthy little worm nearly crawled right onto her finger! “EWWW! GET IT AWAY! Get that horrid little thing away from me!” Simply set up this ladder—away from all of the bumpy paths and slimy vermin? Yes, please...until a particularly vindictive little crow decided to try and fashion her hair into a makeshift nest! “I SWEAR I'LL TURN YOU INTO A CHEW TOY FOR MY CAT, YOU—YOU...YOU MANGY OLD FEATHER-DUSTER!” Honestly, it was just one arrant disaster after another around here, and every one of them pushed her to a new limit of patience! But all of that might've been at least a bit more tolerable if Rarity could feel like she was actually helping out around here. Instead, however...it was the complete opposite. Already, she was constantly having to be looked after, which was bad enough, but even in the scant moments where nothing was going wrong, she could barely do anything right! She couldn't navigate these paths like a seasoned farmhand, or lug around anywhere near as much cargo, or even inspect apples half as quickly! This was supposed to be her big chance to make everything up to her best friend, but in the end, it was exactly as she had feared from the very start. Without a stitch to sew or a fabric to knit, she was just a petty little seamstress in a world that she clearly didn't belong in. And without her powers on hand, she was practically useless around here...no, it was more than just that. She was dirtied and disheveled... She was embarrassed and frustrated... She was nothing but a burden on Applejack... This was one of the most miserable experiences of her life...AND SHE ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT WAIT TO BE DONE WITH IT ALL! Or at least...that was how she felt, at first... But, strangely enough, as the hours passed by and the harvest progressed, Rarity started to find herself...almost warming up to some of it... Of course, it's not like she was getting any less filthy doing this—quite the opposite, in fact—but at least all of that sweat and grime started to...well, it still bothered her, but...it mattered less? Compared to everything that they were accomplishing, being perfectly immaculate just didn't seem quite as important then, insane as that may have sounded. The funny thing was that, in some ways, this kind of work wasn't all that different from Rarity's own. After all, crafting the latest in fashion fantastique wasn't without its own share of messes to be made, especially when glitter or sequins were involved. But whenever it came to issues like that, there would always be time for tidying up later. The important thing was getting the job done first because a job well done was always well worth its trials and tribulations! It was no different down here on the farm—or at least, that's what Applejack helped her to realize... Speaking of, there was something about getting this particular kind of job done that Rarity actually found rather gratifying. Perhaps it was watching as the apple-bins steadily filled up, or indeed as the orchards themselves grew barer with each passing hour. They were such tangible senses of progress, after all—not unlike seeing a mannequin model more and more of her latest projects. But beyond all of that, perhaps the biggest part of her satisfaction then simply stemmed from observing her own progress. Granted, it took a bit of time and coaching, as well as more than a few dozen or so attempts, but the fashionista definitely noticed how she was getting better at all of this. Turns out, even without her powers on hand, she could still prove to be quite the capable assistant around here! Why just look at everything she could accomplish by the end of her second hour! Now, with Applejack's advice and but a few elegant twists at the stem, even she could seamlessly pluck a few apples in no time at all. Now, through her own willpower and strength, as well as Applejack's own lending hand on occasion, even she could lug these weighty bins all the way back to the truck. Now, with her impeccable eye for detail, even she—no, obviously she—could discern even the most minute imperfection on any and every apple, just so long as Applejack was there of course to...to protect her against any pests and...and... ...Actually, it really was all thanks to Applejack, wasn't it? Of course, Rarity obviously recognized her best friend as one of the cornerstones to Sweet Apple Acres—arguably the most important one, in fact—so it only made sense that the farm girl could handle this harvest like it was nothing. She also knew that, beyond all of their silly disagreements and occasional bickering, there was nobody in the world that she could count on more for guidance and support than Applejack. That simple fact hadn't changed in all of these years of knowing one another, and yet...it seemed so different as of late...so much more meaningful. Now, when they were together, it was as though Rarity could find the strength and confidence to do practically anything; even manual labor on a farm of all things and places! Of course, even that couldn't have been at all easy for the poor farmhand to put up with. Exactly how much time today did she have to waste teaching her friend the basics of all this? And even after that was all firmly settled, how often did she still have to watch over the fashionista just to make sure everything was alright? Quite a bit, as it so happened. Rarity could still vividly recall earlier, when she had lost her balance and nearly tumbled down the ladder, only to feel her friend's hand suddenly press against her back and steadily push her up safely. She could still remember nearly spilling an entire bin of apples with a single misstep, only for her friend to swoop in and grab the other end at the very last second. And how could she forget nearly fainting at the sight of yet another blasted worm, only for her friend to take the horrid little thing onto her finger and gently set it down somewhere far away? It was almost enough to make the young tailor feel even more guilty, and those were just some of the lower hanging fruits that she could readily pluck from this experience. And yet, whenever anything like that did happen, it always ended up the same way. Regardless of where she was in the middle of whatever mishap, Rarity would always look around to inevitably find Applejack standing nearby...and regarding her with a calm, confident, and tender little smile... Maybe it was just that her friend simply had the patience of a saint, but seeing that always felt like so much more. After all, throughout this entire ordeal, Applejack had kept on laughing, making quips, sharing her thoughts...sharing in all of it, really. She just seemed so naturally in her element around here. So much like she was actually having fun. So genuinely happy. And for some reason...that kept making Rarity feel even happier. It kept making this whole day all the more worthwhile. Perhaps things might've gotten off to a bit of a bumpy start around here, but by the third hour...actually, in hindsight, even that first hour or so wasn't really all that bad. Of course, the fashionista could perhaps be a little overly dramatic at times, but at least her fumbling about and freaking out early on made for a few good laughs. At least she could prove to be a fast learner when it counted, and she certainly had a fabulous teacher to show her the ins and outs of this work. Still, though, Rarity definitely preferred how things were going now. Now, she could delight in finding little ways to actually help Applejack streamline their routines. Now, she could have fun trading in some good-natured ribbing with Applejack, before competing to see who could pluck the most apples faster. Now, she could just walk side by side with Applejack, lugging bins and bumping hips together, joking around and laughing together...and she could relish every moment of being together. Thinking back on all of that, she was suddenly so glad to have helped out with the harvest today—to the point that, by quarter after three, her only lingering regret was that they had never done this sort of thing sooner... Well, that...and the fact that she still needed to take such frequent breaks. Using a log as a bench wasn't exactly befitting of a young lady, but at this point, Rarity was too worn out to debate a more proper choice of furnishings. She was also a bit too parched at the moment to gingerly partake in just a few sips of her drink then, as well. “GAH!” she gasped sharply, following the last few voracious chugs of her latest water bottle. How many did that make now? At least four? Meanwhile, Applejack sat there brandishing the same bottle that she'd been working on for the last hour or so. “Never thought I'd see y'all of all folk guzzlin' down a drink like that. An' ain't ya the one always frettin' 'bout the dangers a' water weight?” “Hah! I should think that I've perspired more than enough today for it to all balance out. But rest assured, darling, if I somehow stand to gain even one pound from this whole endeavor, then Sweet Apple Acres shall be receiving the bill for my aerobics classes.” “Haha, fair enough. I'm sure we could at least cover a couple a' them classes, what with all the help ya gave us today.” Her threats then might've been as empty as her bottle's calorie count, but Rarity still couldn't help taking pleasure in that little bit of praise. She also couldn't help but wonder... “...Well then, how much progress would you say we've made thus far?” “Hmm... Reckon we're a lil' past bein' a quarter a' the way through. Prolly coulda gotten closer to a third if Big Mac didn't have to run off an' fetch us more supplies...an' if the truck didn't lose two tires in a row...” “Indeed. Honestly, Applejack, your family should really look into replacing that shoddy old thing. It's certainly no more pleasant to ride in than it is to maintain.” “Aw, she ain't that bad off. Just needs a lil' extra elbow grease is all.” “Yes,” Rarity said, suddenly spotting the opportunity for a playful little jab. “...A little extra elbow grease in the form of your super strength, right? And aren't you the one who was worried about overusing our Geodes?” The farm girl could barely stifle an embarrassed cough at that one. “Uh, w-well...it was takin' a while fer them to find the spares...an' we woulda been waitin' 'round even longer if I didn't tow her back myself, ya know?” “And does 'waiting around' constitute much of an emergency?” “Mmmm... Guess not... Shucks, sure can be tough sometimes not usin' these fancy powers, huh?” “Believe me, I know. I was just thinking earlier how we probably shouldn't give Rainbow Dash such a hard time about that.” “Yeah, yer right...but, uh, let's maybe not tell her that. Don't want her gettin' too ahead of herself again, right?” “Agreed, hmhmhm!” The two giggled and toasted to that little secret before Rarity once again began downing as much water as she could. She might've even been able to finish off bottle number five then, were it not for her friend suddenly surprising her...in more ways than one. “...Hey, by the way...I really gotta thank ya, Rarity...” “Hmm? Me? What ever for?” “What for? Fer comin' down to the farm an' helpin' out today, a' course.” “Oh. Well...I mean, you're certainly welcome, Applejack... I'm just not sure how much of a help I really was. You probably would've been better off with Rainbow or Sunset...don't you think?” “Hmm...well, they prolly wouldn'ta been so scared by harmless lil' worms, I reckon.” Rarity almost objected to that little barb—true though it might've been—but Applejack stopped chuckling just in time to continue her thought. “...But, actually...that's kinda what I'm talkin' 'bout. I know this sort a' outdoorsy stuff ain't really yer thing. An' it must've even been pretty scary, 'specially after I surprised ya with not usin' our powers an' all. But...ya really did great today! Just look at ya now, already pluckin' an' peelin' like a pro, an' how ya eye so many apples so dang fast, an' how ya came up with that spiffy way to—” The cowgirl looked as though she could've kept gushing on, but stopped for a moment to collect her thoughts. She seemed more than a little embarrassed then, but eventually pressed on regardless. “...Point is...I know all that weren't easy...but...I'm mighty grateful to ya fer toughin' it out today with me, an'...I'm real proud of ya, Rarity!” And there it was again...that smile... Already, Rarity was so touched by the cowgirl's kind words then, but when Applejack regarded her with that same smile—all the while saying how proud she was of her—the fashionista suddenly found herself feeling...so overwhelmed! “Ahahaha!” she laughed abruptly, all the while unable to even look her friend properly in the eyes. “W-Well, I...er, that, um...t-that is to say, it...it-it-it certainly hasn't been any...or, rather, it has been an interesting day, of course, but—goodness, is it getting warm—but it was also nothing that, um, a-a pair of seasoned heroines like yours and—like ourselves couldn't handle, haha!” ...That was perhaps the most embarrassed Rarity had felt all day. Honestly, what kind of response was any of that!? She couldn't seem to wipe away this dopey grin on her face, and it was absolutely on fire then! Meanwhile, her flustered mind struggled to cobble together any kind of suitable response. What could one possibly say to such wholehearted sentiments!? Thankfully, Applejack didn't seem put off by that ungraceful showing. If anything, she herself was looking a little overheated as well. “Haha, yer darn tootin'! Though, uh, I do gotta admit...this kinda work sure can make ya hot under the collar...” The farm girl took that opportunity to cool her own self off, removing her hat and using it as an impromptu fan in the process. It was only then, when absolutely certain that she wasn't being noticed, that Rarity could manage to look back at her best friend...and after that, she couldn't seem to look away... It was strange. The last time she'd seen that smile was during their fateful phone call in Manehattan. Back then, the young tailor had been so overcome with emotion that she couldn't actually pinpoint the thought as it was happening. However, sitting here now and watching as her friend looked so serene and content, with eyes gently closed and cheeks faintly flushed, Rarity finally had a moment to just take in and appreciate...how beautiful Applejack really was. And actually, she was breathtaking. The healthy glow of that sun-kissed skin; those adorable freckles that punctuated her every expression; that same warm smile that seemed strong enough to raise even the heaviest of hearts. Even the little imperfections then seemed perfect. The poor dear had stems and leaf bits caught within her slightly frizzed ponytail, but it was almost as though they were merely adrift—floating along this untamed river of spun gold that shined brilliantly and ran wildly down such a...such a deceptively...firm neck... At that instant, Applejack turned back toward Rarity, finally making eye contact again as she spoke. “...Say...care fer a bight?” “...I... H-Huh!?” For a second, the seamstress had been so spaced out there, to the point that her friend's offer caught her completely off guard—let alone shocked her for just how bold and...surprisingly risque it suddenly was. Meanwhile, Applejack only looked confused by the whole thing. “...Hmm? Ain't ya hungry? After a hard day's work, I know my tummy's usually growlin', an' Granny Smith said she'd fix us up a lil' lunch fer today.” “I...O-Oh,” she replied, not entirely sure what was making her feel so embarrassed then...although her own growling stomach might've had something to do with it. “Um...y-yes! I suppose I am feeling a bit peckish, haha.” “Alright!” Applejack said as she stood up. “I'll go fetch us some grub! Be right back!” “Oh! Shall I accompany you? I'd hate to make you get everything yourself.” “Nah. Y'all just relax. Promise I'll be back in no time flat!” Rarity would've objected further to being waited on then, but instead could only watch as Applejack made her way back over to the barn, her gaze firmly bound to the farm girl until she finally disappeared down the hillside... It was just as well, considering how the young tailor was still feeling a bit winded—not to mention flustered. Perhaps a few minutes of solitude would help to clear her head and steady her chest. Honestly, no matter how much her friend assured her otherwise, she was clearly not cut out for this level of manual labor. Well, with little else to do until Applejack's return, Rarity settled on simply allowing her mind to wander with nature for a bit. Along the hills and horizons, she could see the occasional breeze gently comb its way throughout every cluster of orchards, creating these little chromatic ripples that seemed to spread all across the countryside. It was quite a splendid sight to behold. She may have preferred the view more from indoors, specifically in a suite outfitted with air conditioning and fluffed cushions, but there was no denying just how breathtaking the great outdoors could be... ...Breathtaking... Actually, with the benefit of a few moments' peace, she realized now that it wasn't really all that warm out. Granted, and especially for a fall day, things weren't quite as cool as one would've expected, but...honestly, it was just a bit too muggy to be truly comfortable. Between that moist aroma in the air and those persistently murky skies, there was always that pervading sense that rain might be just around the corner. How long had it been since Canterlot enjoyed some genuinely clear skies, anyway? Sadly, the weather reports didn't seem all that encouraging lately; cloudy skies for the foreseeable future, including right into the Fall Formal. Good lord, how depressing would it be if that was nothing but a literal washout? It would certainly put more than a few wrinkles into some of Rarity's big plans for that big day. ...It was almost hard to believe just how quickly the Formal was approaching now. Rarity always loved that particular night. A school-wide gala underneath the starry skies, with music and lights and dresses and dancing. It was all just so enchanting...and so potentially romantic! Granted, the last few Formals were woefully bereft of such opportunities, for one reason or another, but how fittingly perfect would it be to finally find her prince charming on this one last occasion? Of course, her best friend would always tease her about having such silly aspirations, but maybe this year it— …Come to think of it...why didn't Applejack ever talk about this kind of stuff on her end? She hadn't even spoken of the Fall Formal that much, outside of being excited about Countess Coloratura's performance. She and Rarity both had always wanted to see in her concert, after all. But was it really too girly to at least occasionally get excited over things like dances...or even dresses or boyfrie—er, well... Well...still though! It's not like she was completely uninterested in them...and surely that feeling was mutual, right? She should've at least had a few male suitors at CHS hopelessly pining for her attention. How could any eligible bachelor not recognize how special she truly was? ... Without even realizing it, Rarity's eyes had settled on the shifting skies up above, and all it took was spotting a few darker clouds to make her conjure up a large diamond canopy. For almost two years now, she had avoided getting so much as a drop of rain on her thanks to these abilities, and she was firmly intent on maintaining that streak. Of course, this probably didn't count as an emergency, but if the threat of waiting around had been enough to necessitate some super strength, then surely she could be afforded the liberty of a convenient little umbrella when needed, right? Hopefully, it wouldn't start pouring while her friend was procuring lunch... ...Just as well...she was too good for most of them, anyway. Honestly, Applejack had proven time and again to be more of a gentleman than any of the boys over at their school. Today was certainly no exception to that effect. The way she guided Rarity throughout this whole thing, never once succumbing to either impatience or indifference at her friend's own obvious inexperience. How she consistently reassured the fashionista of her many doubts, as well as redressed all of the mistakes and reinforced each and every success. The gallantry as she helped her up ladders and along those bumpy paths; the bravery as she fended off hideous worms and malicious birds just for her; the tenderness as she held her in those powerful arms and— “Oooh!” Rarity moaned, shaking her head to desperately reel in her unfocused mind. “What in the world is wrong with you today, Rarity? She's not behaving any differently than normal...so why do you keep fixating on that stuff?” The seamstress took a deep breath and stood up to stretch for a moment. She needed to get her head out of the clouds and focus on something more productive. What time was it, anyway? Almost quarter till four? Good heavens! Time had really flown today. That's right. She was supposed to start work on dresses for the Formal this afternoon. That's what she had anticipated most of her day to consist of. Funny just how much those grand notions unraveled...not that she minded in the slightest. There was always tomorrow, after all...and— Actually, just...one more thing... It's just...Applejack was so stunning back there! How had Rarity never noticed that before? Of course, all of her friends radiated beauty in their own unique ways, but her best friend's was different. And we're not just talking about aesthetic qualities, either. Her attitude, her dedication, her down-to-earth sensibilities. It was all so genuine...so effortless...so simply who she was... And she was...well... She was like a diamond; a strong and sturdy gem whose vibrant glow belied years of growth underneath the harshest and most demanding of conditions. As a result, she was as rough cut as they came, and yet every facet of her was all the more sensational for it. She could be so immensely powerful, and yet so surprisingly delicate in such subtle ways. She could be as stable as a skyscraper when needed, and yet as warm and inviting as a rustic little cottage... Oh sure, there were certainly more than a few rough edges to this particular gem, and the occasional layers of dirt weren't exactly ideal...or hygienic. However, while much of that could eventually be polished away—into a pristine masterpiece, no doubt—would that not ruin everything that made this diamond what it was...everything that made Applejack so...so perfect now... Moreover, it seemed like— “OH, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!” Rarity shouted, finally sitting back down on her little log bench in a huff. “I swear... I must be so tired that I can't even think straight!” And then, just to cap off her string of undignified behavior on display today, her stomach suddenly let out a rather audible growl. “...Not to mention hungry...” Perhaps she should've just accompanied Applejack after all. Clearly, waiting around wasn't going so swimmingly, not when her mind was so jumbled and her belly so empty... Care for a bite? Honestly, how could she even think something so uncouth? ... How in the world could she even say something so embarrassing? ... Blathering on like that about how great of a job her friend was doing...and how proud she was of her... “Heh... Guess I'm pretty bad at this,” Applejack moaned...all the while unable to wipe the large grin from off her face. There was nothing quite like a home-cooked meal to reward a hard day's work, and leave it to the Apple family to always make good on that kind of offer. On the menu for today's lunch, we had some cracked-pepper turkey sliders, a broccoli and roasted almond salad, and some fresh-made apple chips for dessert. “Well, sure hope she's good an' hungry!” Thankfully, and despite such a sizable spread, almost everything was already set up back at the house. She just had to fetch the food and some silverware, fold up a blanket, and get it all packed into the basket. Easy as apple pie. However, as Applejack wandered about the kitchen, grabbing and packing things at a more leisurely pace then, her mind started to settle down and really take stock of everything—and not just with regards to the utensils and food, either. It was as though this day's events were finally catching up with her, and she needed a minute to process how it was all going. At first, the cowgirl had been pretty nervous about spending the day with Rarity. It was one thing to say that she was going to be herself and simply let the apples fall where they may, but there was always that niggling worry that...perhaps she herself would ruin everything like that. And indeed, despite trying her best to maintain a brave face, there were times today when that very fear sharply pricked at the back of her mind; times when she said or did something that in hindsight seemed a bit bold even for her. Let's see...where to begin? Well, there was her inability to stop giggling at her friend's little outbursts early on, despite the risk of only adding fuel to the fire in those heated moments. Then there was how hands-on she was willing to be while showing her friend how to do everything, regardless of how potentially awkward such up-close contact could get. And of course, who could forget those many moments where she simply spoke freely in front of her friend...including that aforementioned bit of praise right before coming back here? Any one of those instances, among dozens of others, probably could've spoiled this entire day in a heartbeat. And yet— “Dag-burn flibbertigibbet!” Well, that was certainly one way to derail a thought, especially since Applejack was too curious not to investigate the sudden outburst coming from their living room. Of course, calling it a “living room” then might've been slightly off; a cross between a crime scene and the remains of a tornado barreling through seemed far more accurate. All over the floors and furniture were photos, portraits, and other little knickknacks scattered about in utter disarray. Meanwhile, Granny Smith was on her knees crawling around in search of...surely something. “Uh...heya, Granny. How's the album comin' along'?” “Ooh...that's the last time I ask yer cousin Goldie fer anything! Told her I was workin' on gettin' all a' our photos in order, an' she's a-sendin' me hundreds more! Now I can't find heads or tails a' what I was lookin' for.” So much for taking the day off from harvesting to relax a bit. Ever since she patched things up with their Grand Pear, Granny Smith had gotten a lot more interested in chronicling everything to do with the Apple family's extended lineage. And what a lineage it was proving to be! Part Apple; part Orange; part Pear!? Turns out, Applejack and her siblings were quite the little fruit-salad of different bloodlines—perhaps even a fruit-pie, if that genealogy website was to be believed... Anyway, the latest in her grandmother's projects was to compile a series of photo albums for each household, starting with her immediate one and spreading out to the others over time. Sadly, looking at all that she had to work with just spread across the living room right now, it was probably going to be a while before she could even begin to move past the bulky trunk of this family tree. “Now...where'd I put that one of yer sister's first day at school?” At least Applejack didn't have to go too far to help then, considering she spotted a photo of Apple Bloom waving at her from literally out the side of her grandma's pocket. “This the one ya lookin' fer?” she asked, promptly plucking the picture and handing it back to her grandma, who inspected it closely for a good moment. “Ooh! There she is! Always was good at hidin' where ya'd least suspect her. Say, don't suppose ya seen another 'round here, have ya? One of y'all an' yer folks together? Been searchin' high an' low fer that one, an'—” “Sorry, Granny,” she interrupted, already mindful of how long she had kept her friend waiting. “I'd love to help ya, but I gotta take them lunches ya made fer me an' Rarity.” “What? O-Oh, right—the harvest. How's it goin' today?” That should've been a simple enough question for Applejack to answer, but it was even more loaded than one of her family's apple barrels, and she couldn't help considering it for a moment. She thought about all those scary ways that stuff could've gone wrong with her friend early on. She thought about the way that things got easier as she embraced just being herself with her friend. She thought about how much fun her friend seemed to be having now...and how much she was loving just being together... “...Honestly...I think it's goin' real great!” “Oh, good!” her granny said, wiping away a pile of photos so she could take a seat on the couch. “I figured ya been mighty worried about that lately.” “Yeah...but I guess I... Wait... You did?” “Well, sure! Harvestin' can get pretty dang stressful, an' you youngins tend to fret over stuff way more than ya oughta.” “Oh...right. Harvestin'... Well, don't you worry none, Granny! I think I finally got things all under control!” “Well, alright, Applejack. Y'all enjoy the food, an' give my thanks to Rarity!” “Sure will!” she said, all the while making her way back to the kitchen. It was only after the cowgirl had almost finished packing that she wondered...did she ever actually mention that Rarity was helping out today? She recalled telling her grandmother that some friends might be joining in, but... Well...perhaps Granny just figured that her best friend would be here, like back when they used to have sleepovers almost every weekend in middle school. It certainly felt like those good old days between two best friends today... Actually, no... This was so much better than that. Admittedly, part of it was just because Applejack felt so much more...what's the right word? Liberated? Comfortable? Well, whatever the case, it all boiled down to actually being happy with herself for a change. Regardless of how outlandish or harmless they might be, there was nothing quite like facing one's fears to serve as a little pick-me-up. It was just like that time she finally worked up the nerve to go back on a boat after getting seasick last spring break—not to mention when the cruise-liner completely capsized back then... But really...it was mostly thanks to Rarity, wasn't it? It was almost ironic. Here she was, serving as the heart of all this nervousness lately, and yet it was the many ways that the fashionista continued to surprise and delight Applejack that really helped to put her mind at ease and make her feel so happy. It was how, whenever the farmer was afraid that she'd spoken out of line, Rarity would rise up to the ribbing and counter with her own. It was how, whenever something seemed too difficult or too messy, Rarity would push past all of that anxiety, take everything she'd been taught, and manage just fine on her own. It was how Rarity could get so easily frazzled, and yet recover so gracefully in an instant. It was how Rarity could look so delicate and fragile, only to erupt with passion and fire moments later. It was how Rarity was just...everything that she was! And she was...well... She was like an apple... Original, yes...but there was more to it than that! Because Rarity wasn't just like any ol' apple! So many of the competing brands and local chains—they talk a big game about how their produce is the prettiest and the shiniest and whatnot, but that's always just skin deep! You take a bite out of any one of those husks and all you can taste are the pesticides and the hormones needed to make them look so good. But Rarity wasn't like those other apples; she was a burst of unique flavors in every bite! Of course, not that Applejack actually wanted to bite her or anything! It's just... “...Man...I'm real bad at this...” The point is...Rarity was real. Yes, of course, she looked great on the outside, like so many others—better than great, even—but there was so much more beyond all of that. She wasn't shallow or devoid of substance. She was generous, funny, confident, hard-working, and clever—she was a million different things! And yeah, not every one of them might've been to everyone's liking, but...they were all wholesome...they were all her...and they were all that made her so...so perfect now... When Applejack thought about it like that, was it really any wonder why she was having so much fun? How could anyone not be when they were in l—in-in such a...such deep admiration...of her friend... “...Land sakes, I'm beyond bad at this!” Thankfully, before the farmhand could hogtie her thoughts any further, the timer on the microwave finally went off. Now, with sandwiches warmed and a basket fully packed, she was more than ready to share a nice lunch with Rarity. Actually...she couldn't wait to now... Before she even got halfway back up the hill they were on, Applejack was surprised to see Rarity making her own way down. Perhaps the cowgirl had taken longer than she realized to get things together. However, when the fashionista finally reached her, looking both slightly out of breath and rather grave, it quickly became apparent that food was the least of their concerns. “Darling...did you see!?” “See what?” Without a moment's pause, Rarity handed Applejack her phone. On display was a string of messages from the others. TS: We've got another EM emergency!! RD: Alright! Where at!? TS: Crystal Prep. It's Indigo Zap. SS: Perfect! Pinkie and I will be right there! Twilight, can you show us their science lab first? I'll explain later... Applejack was so shocked that she nearly dropped the basket then. “Wait... How long ago was that!?” “Just a few minutes. Did your phone not go off again?” “I...aw, shoot!” she said, patting her pockets down for a phone that was nowhere to be felt. “Musta left it back in the truck!” “Excellent! That's where we're heading anyway! Shall we!?” “Right!” The cowgirl spun around and began making for the barn, only to be stopped by one last question. “Just a moment,” Rarity said, gesturing toward the basket. “Is that our food in there?” “Huh? Oh...yeah. So much fer that... Tell ya what: y'all go ahead an' eat while I get us there. You don't mind scarfin' down some grub in the truck, right?” “I don't, but you're having some as well.” “What!? I can't eat an' drive at the same time!” “Well...then I'll feed you!” “I...huh?” “You heard me!” Rarity said, the warmth on her cheeks suddenly outshone by the fire in her eyes. “We're no good to anyone if we're too hungry to think straight! So, if I have to slip some food into your mouth while you navigate, then so be it! Now, come along!” At that, the fashionista marched right past Applejack, who could only stare in amazement at what she just heard. Talk about being stubborn and full of surprises. Of course...not that she minded at all. “Heh...wow,” she said, watching as her friend continued confidently forward. “...What a gal...” > Chapter 16 - Like a Diamond...Like an Apple (Evening) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well...that was an adventure and a half... By the time that Applejack finally got Rarity back to her own house, it was already nearing midnight. Needless to say, but the ordeal over at Crystal Prep had clearly run a bit long. All throughout the school, Indigo Zap was sprinting around and competing in whatever contests she could magically arrange on the fly. From hundred-meter relays to extreme rock-paper-scissors; it was definitely one of the most eclectic decathlons ever conceived. It was also one of the most inclusive, considering how every other after-school club became unwitting and unwilling participants in the ensuing smack-down—at least until the Rainbooms joined in. Thankfully, like many good sporting events, it all came down to effective teamwork in the end. Whereas Indigo only had herself and some performance-enhancing magic to rely upon, her competition supported each other in going for the gold and consistently one-upping her. Eventually, after one too many unexpected losses, she finally let her guard down, challenged her adversaries to one final showdown, and promptly suffered a crushing defeat against the magic of friendship. And, in the end, everything worked out for the best—in more ways than one, it seemed. Indigo Zap certainly looked to be more relieved afterward. She even made amends with the rest of her old crew from the Friendship Games. Meanwhile, Twilight and Sunset were pretty ecstatic over...well, whatever they had apparently managed to snag from Crystal Prep's science lab. The two of them bolted almost immediately following the battle, all the while riffing off one another with technical jargon and Equestrian Magic details and whatnot. Of course, most of that went completely over the heads of everyone else, but surely they'd fill the rest of their team in once the time was right. Hopefully, this would be as good as they were making it out to seem... And as for Applejack and Rarity...well, there really wasn't much to say. Granted, eating along the way proved to be a little awkward, especially since the fashionista made good on her vow of force-feeding her friend as she drove. However, the following hours passed by like nothing at all. Turns out, when you're busy chasing down a magical maniac through a dozen or so impromptu contests, there wasn't really much downtime to dwell on or overanalyze anything. Oh, there were little moments here and there. When Applejack and Pinkie Pie creamed Indigo at making cream puffs, for example, Rarity couldn't resist ecstatically hugging her best friend for a little too long. And when it came down to one last round between Sunset and Indigo in a game of Them's Fightin' Herds, both the fashionista and the farmer caught themselves gripping each other's hand in anticipation of it all. However, beyond those occasional bouts of slight bashfulness, they tackled being super-heroes together just as they did harvesting—just as they did with almost any situation, really. That had always been one of the best parts of their friendship, after all. Even against the added pressure of things like saving the world, they still found a way to just enjoy being in each other's company. That was proving especially true today. Perhaps that was why, despite how late it was obviously getting out, Rarity still suggested a quick stopover at Sugarcube Corner afterward for some takeout...and why Applejack merely moseyed along the freeway as they ate together...and why their conversation ultimately veered into the realms that it did... Now, usually Applejack could pull off a parallel parking blindfolded and backward, but there were complications this time around. For one, doing so in the pitch blackness of night wasn't quite as easy, especially when thick curtains of murky cloud continued dulling even the brightest moonlight. Combine that with how she was almost doubling over from laughter then, and the whole thing was left looking a little bit crooked. Still, it's not like Rarity could've offered much comment. She was far too busy wiping away her own tears between fits of giggling. “Oh! And can you believe that dance-off!? What was Rainbow Dash even doing with that head-spin!?” “Haha—I know, right!? She was like a dang top! Almost knocked me an' Twilight right over! An' how 'bout when Pinkie Pie—” “When she tossed Fluttershy into the air for that finish!? And the poor dear's face was frozen in shock like—pfffttt, hahaha!” With how much they were carrying on then, the two actually managed to make the truck sway back and forth a little. Laughter was always just so cathartic after these kinds of adventures. It was like a pressure release for the soul—a means to make peace with all the built-up stress—and getting to share in that only made it easier to look back and laugh even harder. Eventually, however, after a few more raucous romps down memory lane, things settled down enough for Rarity to finally finish the last of her meal—or, rather, the last of Applejack's. “Y'know,” the cowgirl said, smirking as her friend partook in yet another single fry, “I still ain't sure why ya don't just grab a whole handful. How can ya even taste a lil' tot like that?” “Firstly, and as I've explained before, smaller portions allow one to savor each bite for far longer, darling. And, secondly, I only wanted a few of your fries, anyway.” “Uh-huh... That why ya ate most a' this box yerself?” “Wha—that's... That is absolutely not true! And, even if it were, it's only because you always order the large and then leave half of it to go woefully uneaten!” “But that's the best value! A medium's only ninety cents less...” “It isn't a value if part of it inevitably goes to waste!” “Well...so long as yer 'round, it don't!” “Hmph! Perhaps next time I'll simply leave you to waste your money! Especially after that absolutely gargantuan lunch from earlier... I swear you're just intent on making me gain weight now...” “Hey, I ain't the one who scarfed down all them apple chips like a lil' piggy.” At that, the young tailor turned away in a huff, giving her snickering friend time to grab a few fries for herself. Of course, Applejack left some remaining in the box; and, of course, Rarity resumed her selective snacking without even batting an eye. Funny how some routines are born out of the most mundane of situations. “Hmm,” she eventually mumbled, “...these are good, but...I do have to admit, those chips were positively divine. It never ceases to amaze me just how talented your grandmother is.” “Well, thank ya kindly!” the farmer beamed. There was never such thing as being too proud of her kin, and that was especially true when it came to matters of food. “But, ya know...y'all should really join us for dinner some time 'round there. That's when ya get a taste a' some real down-home Apple cookin'!” “Oh, I can only imagine! And what might be on the menu for such an occasion?” “Well, you've already tried some a' Granny's cookin', but Big Macintosh ain't no slouch, either! He can serve up a pretty mean brisket when he means business! An' Apple Bloom'll always jump at a chance to make her Anything-Goes Dumplin's! Heck, I'll even whip up my own specialty just for ya!” “Ooh, apple pie!?” “Carrot cake.” …... Rarely in life does anything inspire one to do a genuine double-take, but that was about all that Rarity could manage in response to that particular answer. Afterward, she once again succumbed to a slight case of the giggles, which Applejack was more than happy to share in. Truth be told, she never could understand why her signature dessert always ended up surprising people, but at least it usually made for some pretty entertaining responses. Of course, she wasn't the only one capable of some surprising responses. “Hmhm...I'd rather like that, I think,” the fashionista replied, once the giggling had subsided. “Perhaps I'll simply have to help out again with your work quite soon.” That time, it was the cowgirl's turn to be a bit stunned. She never would've expected her prissy friend to willingly return to a day down on the farm, least of which after something as messy and intense as harvesting. Perhaps her family's cooking was even more tantalizing than she had realized? “Aw, shucks, Rare. Ya ain't gotta go through all that again for some grub. Like I said, I 'ppreciate ya just stickin' it out with me this afternoon.” “Well... Dare I say, I didn't find things all that objectionable today. In fact, I...really wouldn't mind joining you again...so long as I'm not imposing, of course.” “Heh, you kiddin'? I'd love yer company any day, sugarcube...” For a moment, both friends simply sat there smiling at each other, lost in the thoughts of what another day and even a dinner together might be like. Soon, however, that nebulous reverie began to dissipate, leaving them to realize that they'd just been staring into each other's eyes...and for way too long! “Y-Yeah,” Applejack stuttered, swiftly looking back to spot any details she could on the dashboard. “...That, uh...that'd sure be a hoot...” “...Yes...quite,” Rarity responded, before returning to quietly chewing on her last fry. Strange... That was the first time since this afternoon that things had gotten so awkward, but...it also felt...just kind of nice. Actually, something about the atmosphere in general right now. It was all so comfortable...so inviting...so warm. Of course, things had certainly cooled down a lot more outside. You could even spot some ice starting to form along the edges of the truck's windows. Thankfully, the one thing this old clunker still excelled at was insulation, and even having the defroster on low and humming then kept the interior pleasantly toasty. Meanwhile, despite the radio being turned down, Billy Ray Cypress was still filling in some of the silence with a bit of quiet country crooning in the background. In a sense, it was almost funny how unremarkable this all may have seemed, especially compared to the hustle and bustle that dominated pretty much everything else today. But maybe that was the point. Maybe it was these duller moments that allowed some thoughts and sentiments a chance to finally breathe...a chance to finally be let out. If nothing else, they at least gave Applejack a chance to question something she'd been noticing almost all day. “Say...what you keep gazin' at over there, anyway?” she teased, just as her friend once again sneaked in a lengthy glance her way. That had actually been the fourth or fifth time now since this afternoon, and curiosity finally got the better of the farmhand. “Ah!” Rarity gasped. “I was not gazing! I was merely...contemplating something!” The fashionista tried her hardest to put up an indignant front against such a sudden and obviously outrageous accusation, but that only made her friend all the more curious. “Okay... Well, what you contemplatin' at over there?” In that moment, Rarity simply...actually, she managed to contemplate a lot for that being just a moment. She considered lying, creating a diversion, and even turning the question around, among other things. In the end, however, when faced against Applejack's imposingly nonchalant smile then, she found herself unable to confess to anything other than the truth...however embarrassing it might've been... “Well...I was... I-I was just... It's just..........your hair...” “My hair? Ohhh...still got some leaves back there, huh?” “No, it—well, yes, maybe......but...I was just wondering...” There was a pause as Rarity's admission got caught in her throat...but she was absolutely dying to know something right now. It had been bothering her since this afternoon! Surely it wasn't a crime to at least ask, right? “...Have you ever...considered wearing it...all the way down?” “...Wait...huh!?” Once again, Applejack was genuinely surprised then. Not insulted or anything; just...surprised. And here she thought all this gazing or contemplating or whatever was on account of a big lump of dirt somewhere on her. Somehow, that thought made her feel a lot less self-conscious than her own hair did right then... “I, uh... Can't really say that I have... W-Why do ya ask?” “No reason, really! I just...well... Y-Your—Your ensemble! I just wondered if maybe it would be better complemented that way! Hairstyle is an important accessory to clothing, you know...ha ha...” “Oh, um... Well, if yer that curious...reckon I could...” With that, Applejack reached back and pulled off her hair tie. It was a simple enough motion—always had been—though it certainly felt a lot more weighty in that instant. She didn't even think to remove her hat or shake her hair loose afterward. Just a simple little pluck of the tie. “So......w-whaddya think?” Admittedly, Rarity had been rather nervous then. And yet, watching as her friend just sat there expectantly...with her hair just sort of hanging as though literally nothing had changed...she couldn't help but giggle at the adorable bumpkin. “Hmhmhm... You look like you're not used to this at all,” she joked, plucking off her friend's stetson and setting it atop the dear's lap. Then, following a little light fluffing. “There...much, much better...” “Heh...t-thank ya kindly... Though, uh...I'll prolly just stick with my ponytail, if'n it's all the same. Better for farm work an' all that, ya know?” “Hmm? What do you mean?” “Well...part a' why I tie my hair up is to keep it all together an' outta the way. Ya definitely never want some loose ends gettin' caught up in them tools or something. I remember Apple Bloom almost went with a bald spot once cuz a' that.” “Oh, I see. I suppose that would make—wait! Is... Is that why you suggested that I wear my hair like this?” “Well, sure. I reckoned dealin' with the dirt n' all woulda been hard enough. Didn't want ya frettin' over losin' some a' yer hair as well.” “I... Oh...... Of course...” Suddenly, as that realization fully sank in, Rarity found herself feeling a bit dejected, though that quickly took a backseat to being utterly mortified as her friend inquired further. “Wait... Why'd ya think I mentioned that?” “Er...well... Oh, pfft, it was nothing, really! I-I just thought that I... Well, I thought perhaps that you...believed I would look better...sporting something a bit different... But that was rather ridiculous on my part, wasn't it!? Haha...” The young tailor tried her hardest to pass the whole thing off as a joke...and, in hindsight, it really was! Getting carried away over something like that, especially considering how little her best friend paid attention to those sorts of details. Really, it was absolutely...absolutely comical... Why, Applejack herself even gave a little chuckle then, though not quite for the same reason, as it turned out. “Yeah, guess that is a lil' silly, ain't it?” “Yes! Silly, indeed! That's—” “'Specially when I already said yer beautiful no matter what.” “Exactly! And since I......” Whatever Rarity was about to say then—with whatever dazzling assurance or disarming wittiness she might've been able to muster—it completely vanished in that instant. Instead, all she could do now was just stare at her friend, who returned her stunned gaze with naught but that same humble smile. And, soon enough, between that and such touching words, it all once again became too much to take in. “...I... Thank you,” she replied, turning away just as her face grew almost unbearably hot. Honestly, how was Applejack not absolutely roasting right now!? “...Although...I believe that you said 'pretty' back then...” “Heh... Yeah, well...they're kinda the same, right?” Truth be told, the farmer could feel her own cheeks burning then. She could also hear her heart pounding past every quavering breath. She could even sense that her body was ready to shift and fidget at the slightest provocation. It's not like that was meant to sound so forward then. She'd literally made that same claim about her friend not a week ago, after all, and nothing awful had become of that little slip-up. Now, it wasn't so much telling the truth as it was just stating the obvious. And yet, the very second that Applejack let those words casually slip from out of her mouth, she knew something had changed. She'd crossed a line that she never had any intention of even approaching today... But... Without even realizing it, she motioned to tie her hair back up again. Anything to let some of this building energy out. Wouldn't it figure, however, that that was the moment when Rarity could finally manage a glance back over at her? “Oh! H-Here...allow me to—” “Oh, uh—Nah, t-that's fine. I'm sure ya don't wanna touch—” “No, I insist. It's the least I can do after asking.” Before she could object any further, Applejack had already turned away for Rarity, who slowly but surely gathered her locks back. Then, once it was but a single golden stream flowing down her hands, the fashionista proceeded to gently run her fingers through her friend's hair. Call it a nervous habit, a humanitarian act of beautification, or what have you, but she simply couldn't resist the chance to brush out some of those tangles then—as well as the aforementioned bits of leaf and twig that might possibly be stowing away. Of course, Applejack didn't mind in the slightest. She actually almost expected this kind of gussying—what with her friend's particular compulsions—and, for once, she welcomed it entirely. At least it was a chance to try and wrangle in her thoughts... But...did she really... “...Applejack?” Rarity said, her soft tone barely rising above a whisper as it broke the silence. “...I truly cannot thank you enough for today.” “Me? Uh...ain't I the one who should be sayin' that to y'all? Ya really went outta yer way to help me an' all today, right?” “Yes, dear...but all of that wouldn't have been even remotely possible without you. Honestly...I was hoping that today would make up for how terrible of a friend I've been, but...I'm afraid I may never be able to reciprocate everything you've done for me...” At that moment, Applejack could hear Rarity's own voice quivering a bit. And, when those slender fingers occasionally brushed against her skin, she could swear that the clothier's own heartbeat was reverberating along her neck. It was such a charged atmosphere at the moment—almost intoxicating—and the farm girl had no clue how to break free of it. But...did she really want to? For the last minute or so, her heart and mind had been racing, but it almost didn't seem to matter. It was like a part of her was just on autopilot then, completely indifferent to whatever the rest was trying to frighten her with. And why should she be scared? After all...what was wrong with just trusting her feelings? “...You ain't ever gotta worry 'bout that,” she replied gently, her gaze shifting down at the silver twine running along her hat. “...An' ya ain't a bad friend. Y'all do plenty fer me almost every day...an' ya have since we met.” “...Do you truly believe that?...” The fashionista was just about finished tying up her hair. Whatever happened next—whatever was about to be said—Applejack had no earthly clue how things might go from here on out. But she also didn't care. Right now, all that mattered was assuring her best friend of something...and she intended to do so then and there. “...Course I do... Honey, yer an amazin' friend... Yer an amazin' person! An', like I told ya when we was just tykes, I'll always be there to support ya anyway I can. That's a promise to ya that I aim to keep...cuz...I—” And, right then...just as Applejack was about to turn around...and as Rarity loosened her grip... A huge bolt of lightning went off in the distance, and the vicious roar of thunder quickly tore throughout the sky. It was actually loud enough to make the truck vibrate a little...and it completely shattered whatever was happening with the passengers inside then. Not a second into that colossal boom, Rarity let out a frightened yelp, all the while reflexively tugging at her friend's hair like it was bell pull. “YEOUCH!” Applejack shouted, almost falling backward from the sudden force. At least, this time around, something other than being startled nearly knocked her off balance. Then again, none of those other instances hurt quite as much as this... “Oh!” the fashionista gasped, releasing what was assuredly a nicely tightened ponytail by now. “I am so sorry! Are you alright!?” “Oof... Yeah...no big deal. Y'all okay?” The bellowing of even more thunder interrupted the two and drew their attention upward. Even within those Stygian skies, large surges of light were beginning to course vividly throughout. Each flash briefly betrayed the deformed silhouettes of yet even more clouds, and soon it grew apparent just how ugly and discordant things were starting to look overhead. Furthermore, it wasn't going to stay overhead for much longer—not if the drop of rain that just slapped against the windshield then was any indication. Talk about one heck of a warning shot... “Splendid... Another rainy night... And I'm sure tomorrow will be more of the same...” “Yeah...I like a good downpour much as the next gal, but this is getting' a lil' old. Sure the livestock's plenty spooked by now...” Following a brief glance between the pair, both Applejack and Rarity broke into some light laughter. Ironically, for how terrifying that thunder was, it sure managed to cut the tension that had been building up. “Haha—Y'all sure got some muscle hidin' under that skinny frame! An' here I am thinkin' tools is the worst my hair's gotta worry about!” “I'm sorry!” the clothier pleaded between chuckles. “It was rather startling, though—don't you think!?” Thankfully, the skies stayed pretty calm while they got those giggles out of their systems, though the constant rumblings urged them to wrap things up shortly afterward. It was a little disappointing having to say good night like this—being rushed along by a stupid storm and whatnot—but what else could you do? “Hmhm... Well...I suppose I'd better hurry inside, then.” “Right. Don't want ya breakin' that dry streak after all this time, huh?” “Indeed. Do be careful on your way back home, darling. I know that it's not too far, but...” “Sure thing... See ya later...” With not another word spoken, Applejack watched as Rarity set foot outside, all the while conjuring up her usual diamond umbrella to stave off any stray droplets. She looked so different compared to this morning— adorned in those dirt-stained duds and all—and yet still so enchanting. Though she also seemed a tad...saddened? Maybe disappointed? Or was that simply the cowgirl's own projections? After how much fun today turned out to be...saying goodbye like this just felt kinda... She could've just pulled away then. Probably should've...before the rain and...before......oh, heck with it! “Hey,” she said, rolling the window down just in time to catch the fashionista's attention. “Did, uh... Did y'all have any plans...tomorrow?” “Me? Well, no, I don't believe so.” “Then...ya want some company!? Prolly gonna be too nasty to do much out, but...I'd be happy to help with yer outfits.” “...Are... Are you sure?” “Shoot, sure as sugar! That is...if ya want.” “Why...I'd be absolutely delighted, darling! I have been falling rather behind on the girls' wardrobes, and it'd certainly be better than sewing alone in this drab weather! Ooh, I'll even prepare some tea and cakes for the occasion!” Amazing. Even in the middle of the night, Rarity still found a way to beam as nobody else could. And, seeing her smiling friend's sapphire eyes light up with excitement then, Applejack suddenly found herself without a single regret or worry. “Heh heh, sounds like a plan! So...I'll call ya tomorrow?” “Yes! Er, um—yes, that, um...that would be fine...... Well...until then!” And, like that, the young tailor made her way back inside, waving one final time before disappearing behind those double doors. Abrupt farewells aside, she certainly seemed happier then. Perhaps even excited? Or was that simply Applejack's own projections yet again? Actually, watching as it steadily began to downpour, the cowgirl suddenly felt so much beginning to wash over her. Triumphs and missteps; exhaustion and elation. Who even knew a single gal could shoulder so many thoughts at once? Who knew a single gal could be the cause of so many, as well? And yet, she didn't regret a single bit of it. Not any longer. And why would she? She finally got exactly what she had needed. She finally got to be with Rarity and be herself—feelings and all. She finally understood what their relationship really was...and what it could actually be. Before taking off and heading home, Applejack leaned back, closed her eyes, and took one last deep breath. The faint scent of Rarity's lotion still lingered in the air, and she could even envision those soft fingertips brushing against her neck. She could hear Rarity's breathing...see Rarity's smile... Her heart was calmly racing. Her chest was so tight and so warm. In that instant, and only for an instant, she was right back in that same state of mind minutes ago...ready to admit something not only to Rarity...but also to herself... "...Cuz... Cuz I love you..." And, boy oh boy......did that feel great to finally admit! Even though midnight was quickly creeping up on Canterlot then, Rarity found little reason to rush turning in from her big day of harvesting. Usually, she would've been in bed by around ten o'clock—quarter-till, at the latest—but the fashionista simply couldn't stop herself from dawdling a little before retiring for the night. There were just so many pleasant little moments that kept popping up in her mind—from greeting her best friend all the way to wishing her a good night—and they each only added to her growing reverie. Funnily enough, for what was supposed to be her big chance to finally make up for everything, almost nothing had gone perfectly today. ...And yet, so much of it was better than perfect... Actually, in keeping with that, it was almost funny how many of Rarity's nightly rituals seemed to be contradicting themselves even then. Despite partaking in a soothing cup of chamomile to settle her mind like always...she still felt so brimming and giddy afterward. Just look at ya now, already pluckin' an' peelin' like a pro... Despite her feet and muscles aching from all of that labor...her every step and motion to tidy up felt as though she were as light as a feather. 'Specially when I already said yer beautiful no matter what... And, despite the autumn chill biting sharply as she stepped from out of the shower...there was still such a deep warmth radiating from within her. Honey, yer an amazin' friend. Yer an amazin' person! An', like I told ya when we was just tykes, I'll always be there to support ya anyway I can. That's a promise to ya that I aim to keep... These and a hundred other little moments made her bedtime preparations take so much longer, to the point that, by the time she finally slid underneath those covers, her weary body was already giving way to a gentle and welcoming slumber. Thankfully, it seemed as though her darling Opalescence had found a way to relax as well. The sweet thing was comfortably curled up atop the gamboge linens then, and seeing that only made the seamstress all the more content. In the morning, she would have to tell her feline friend all about her big day down on the farm...but for now, as her heavy eyes slowly shut tight...she was just fine with letting it all swirl about in her mind...a dreamlike haze of delights and surprises that she never could've anticipated. Indeed...as it turned out, Rarity had been prepared for absolutely everything that could've happened today... Everything...except what actually happened... ...She had a wonderful time...with Applejack... …...Such a...wonderful...time...... Next Time: Counters, Downloads, Tag-Teams and Pressure