
by Duck

First published

Sunset sometimes gets distracted.

Sunset sometimes gets distracted.

Written for dirty little secret's Dirty Little Contest, and also other reasons.


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The early evening sun smiled through the verdant canopy, warming flushed, amber skin. A gentle breeze caressed her shoulders, kissed her cheeks, ran like fingers through her hair, lightly gripping and tilting her head back. Wallflower’s lips trailed a line of tiny, wet kisses, trailing lower and lower down her throat, her collarbone, her chest, drifting to the side before finally kissing her breast—.

"Uh, Sunset?" Sunset blinked and was back in the garden. Turning her head, her eyes met the crotch of blue jeans—'Up, look up!'—the concerned gaze of one of her newer friends, Wallflower Blush, who had only just stepped away to retrieve... what was she getting? Wait, but she had only just left, right?

"Are you alright? You were kind of spacing out again."

"O-oh uh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just, uh..." What could she say? Not the truth, surely. She idly shook her hands free of dirt, fingers deep in damp soil as they were. "...Thinking. Yeah."

"Oooh-kay..." Wallflower knelt down beside Sunset, setting down some kind of potted flower—right, a teacher donated a plant! "It must have been something nice..."

Crap, did she say something out loud? "Oh? What makes you think that?"

"Well it's just..." Wallflower cleared her throat. "Well, you were just kind of smiling at nothing there for while..."

Oh, is that all? Thank goodness.

“...and you’re blushing. A lot.”

...Ah, crud.

“Oh, well... Yeah. It was pretty nice.”

Wallflower leaned in towards the small hole in the earth that... oh no. Sunset was supposed to check the soil, wasn’t she? Was the ground good? She couldn’t even remember. ‘Darn it, Sunset, keep it together just a little while longer.’ She’d be home in just another hour. Then she could dream as much as she wanted. Until then she just needed to focus.

Yes, ‘focus.’ That was the thing that’s been evading her for the past couple of months.

The distractions started innocently enough. The earliest one that she could remember was Monday morning mathematics, the monotonous droning making Sunset want to cry. Back in Equestria, Sunset was practicing formulae that was at least two college degrees beyond what her teacher was yawning into their ears.

She couldn’t really be blamed for daydreaming then, right?

Wallflower, who was inexplicably in her class, would meet her gaze from across the class and wave. Oh-so subtly, Sunset would wave back, adding in a slight nod to the teacher with a raised brow.

Wallflower would roll her eyes in exasperation, shaking her head and gesturing as though to break her pencil. Sunset would silently laugh and nod, casually sliding her book to the side to briefly reveal the phone that laid oh-so innocently face-up on her desk. With a secret smile, Wallflower would slide out her own. They would discreetly communicate like that until the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the class as other students scrambled to escape the classroom.

Rather than immediately leave, Wallflower would walk over to her, sliding her phone back into her pocket. “Hey Sunset—.”

“—Sunset? Hellooo?” Sunset blinked and she was back in the emptying classroom, Rainbow Dash’s hand waving in front of her face. With a laugh, Sunset slapped the hand from her space.

“Hey, Dash. What’s up?”

’What’s up?’ The bell rang and we’re still here, that’s what! You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Sunset sighed, rising from her chair and packing her supplies. “You just caught me daydreaming is all.”

Not interested in prying into her space—or perhaps respecting her privacy?—Rainbow didn’t ask any more than that, even when the pattern repeated itself every Monday math, every mid-morning break, every set-up and break-down period in their band-practice. Each one of those times, she always thought of Wallflower. Sunset and Wallflower hanging out in the garden, watching Wallflower’s eyes light up as she spoke with such passion about flowers, technique, soil types, and seasons. Teaching Wallflower how to tune a guitar, guiding her unsure and unlearned hands as she fiddled with the strings, watching the happily satisfied smile spread across her face as Wallflower gave a strum that sounded perfect. Wallflower giddily cheering after an impromptu private concert in the band room, the same way that she did when Sunset showed her the bud that she’d finally gotten to bloom at home.

Sunset thought of all the things that Wallflower was that she was so blind to before. Sunset thought of how much Wallflower let herself simply be around her. It was art in sound and motion to see Wallflower so comfortable in her own skin, more open than she ever was since Sunset came into this world. To see Wallflower as herself.

Sunset loved that. She loved seeing Wallflower let her energy and passion bloom without fear. Perhaps Sunset was still a little bit selfish, also loving that she was one of the people that Wallflower would open herself up to. Knowing that, despite their actions against each other earlier in the year and possibly before, Wallflower grew to trust Sunset enough to show her how she really wanted to let herself be.

And then Sunset tripped into Wallflower in the garden, knocking them both to the ground, with Sunset pressed very bodily atop of Wallflower. For a brief moment, Sunset felt the subtle details of Wallflower’s body with her own, only somewhat dulled by Wallflower’s favorite sweater. Sunset felt her curves, her warmth, her softness, and a single breath against her ear.

In the span of one fraction of a moment, Sunset couldn’t help but drink it all in.

And then the other gardeners started giggling.

With a furious blush, Sunset scrambled off of Wallflower’s chest, finding that Wallflower was just as embarrassed as she was, blushing all the way down to her neck. The other club members helped the two to their feet, helped clean up some soil that Sunset made Wallflower spill. As Sunset sought to correct the superficial mess and damage that her clumsiness caused, she apologized profusely to a blushing Wallflower, who insisted that there was nothing to be sorry for.

That’s where her frustrations began.

For the next month, Sunset would find herself daydreaming in the middle of classes that she hadn’t already excelled in. She would forget answers, stay still for just a bit too long in the lunch line, miss whole conversations, or completely miss a cue on one of the Rainboom’s newest songs. The girls would tease her relentlessly, especially Pinkie, constantly questioning her after noticing that Sunset would rather watch the subject of her affections shuffle across the cafeteria than engage in conversation. Sunset took it all in stride, but quietly acknowledged that she was starting to develop something of a... problem? No, “problem” is a word for bad things. It would be more accurate to call it a distracting complication.

The only time she could actually focus was when she was around Wallflower, and even then, she would find herself distracted. When Wallflower wasn’t talking to her, Sunset would just watch her. The way she moved and the way she talked. The way she would stretch after carrying something heavy or staying still for a bit too long. Her eyes would trace the hem of Wallflower’s sweater, the curve of her neck, and the shape of Wallflower’s lips. In the garden, when Wallflower had to bend over, Sunset would trace the contours of how her hips joined to her rear joined to her thighs to her calves—.

Guilt would pull Sunset’s eyes away, unwilling to do Wallflower any disrespect. Desire would persuade her to grant these details discreet glances when they made themselves known again.

Desire would rear its beautiful-yet-ugly head that very Friday afternoon. Sunset had slept the night before as a flustered mess after a particularly wet accident in the garden made Wallflower take off her sweater. Sunset was too exhausted from practice, gardening, and homework to do anything about it. She woke up flustered as a particularly nice dream made her sleep through her alarm and forced her to rush to school. Sunset went through her day growing steadily increasingly flustered until pesky desire-turned-pure-lust made a dangerously strong demand that apparently could not be ignored that afternoon.

Forehead in her hand and elbow on her desk, Sunset was so deep into her fantasies that she hadn’t realized that she had crossed her legs, squeezing her thighs together in a slow rhythm under her desk. It was only after she had softly rocked herself against her seat and sighed that she was brought back to reality by a delicate but urgently frantic tapping on her shoulder. Her eyes snapped open wide, breath heavy and shaky with shocked mortification. With a pounding heart and burning weight in her stomach—and another burning decidedly lower—Sunset slowly turned her head.


Her friend was upright in her seat, back a little too straight, blushing furiously. She carefully kept her face forward but focused her wide eyes on Sunset’s as she pulled her shaky hand away from her shoulder. Rarity was trying so hard to be discrete but Sunset could not help but feel like every pair of eyes in the room were on her. She didn’t dare look.

“I-I’m sorry.” Sunset swallowed. The action did nothing to quell her nerves and shame. “I didn’t—.”

It’sokay,” Rarity quickly whispered. “Sunset, darli—uh,” Rarity quietly cleared her throat. “Are you alright? Do you need to, to go to the—?”

“No,” Sunset whispered, saying no more.

They sat there, frozen, faces red with embarrassment. Even fifteen minutes later as the bell rang and the students left, leaving Sunset and Rarity alone in the room, they said nothing. Minutes before their final class started, they wordlessly stood up, packed their supplies, and left. It was in that moment that Sunset decided that her lust was a problem—a condition.

She was going to treat it when she got home.

“Oh, Sunset!” Sunset was turning towards Wallflower’s voice before her troubled mind even realized it was her. “I’m glad I caught up with you. Oh, uh, hello, Rarity.”

“Good afternoon, dear,” Rarity greeted with a sculpted smile; genuine, but carefully so. “How are you?”

“I’m good, thanks. Great, actually. One of my teachers is donating one of their plants to the gardening club! They don’t really know how to care for it, but I think that together we can make sure it gets the love that it needs.” She smiled the excited grin of a girl who got her first birthday present. It was one of her many smiles that Sunset adored. “So, uh, Sunset...” Calling her was unnecessary, as Wallflower already had Sunset’s full attention from the moment she spoke. “...I was wondering if you’d like to help me transfer it to soil after school. The others won’t be there today, and I could do it myself, but—.”

“I’ll be there, Wallflower,” Sunset smiled, giving Wallflower’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Count on it.”

“That’s great! I’ll meet you there right after school.” Wallflower turned away towards her classroom, racing the clock. “Bye, Sunset! And have a nice day, Rarity!”

“See you later, Wallflower!”

“To you as well, dear!”

Sunset stood there, watching, as Wallflower turned into her classroom. Once the subject of her affections and desires was out of sight, both Sunset and Rarity resumed the trek down the halls to their next classes. Sunset chuckled ruefully to herself, realizing that it would be a bit longer before she could take care of herself. Just before the time came to split paths, Rarity spoke.

“I’ll make sure the girls know you won’t be coming to practice today.”

Sunset blinked. What did she—oh no.

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, Rarity. I-I didn’t think—.”

“Sunset, it’s fine. You seem a little, erm... Well, you have a lot on your mind, so to speak.” Rarity could not help the awkward giggle that slipped through her lips. “J-just, erm... have fun with Wallflower.” With a nod and a smile, Rarity turned towards her class across the hall.

“W-wait, Rarity.” Sunset’s friend stopped for a moment, turning to regard her with a raised brow. “About, uh... in class just now—.”

“Nothing happened.”

“I...” Sunset sighed, rubbing her arm in embarrassment. “...Thanks.”

“Of course.”

With awkward steps, Sunset turned towards and approached her seat in the classroom, carefully trying not to think about the fact that some of these people were also in her last class. Did they know? There was no way they could. But even so...

The bell rang and the teacher declared the class officially started. Sunset thought to herself then that the next two hours would be the longest of her life.

One hour later, as Wallflower got on her hands and knees, leaning forward to test the damp soil of the hole with her fingers, smiling cutely at whatever she read through her fingertips, Sunset found her prior prediction to be vastly lacking.


She was finally home.

She was home and clean. It took monumental effort to not just rub herself to a climax in her shower, but such a thing wouldn’t nearly be satisfying enough. She needed to settle in and get comfortable, laying down with nothing but herself, her mind, and maybe a pillow. She finally had an entire night to herself and she wanted to savor it.

Of course, that didn’t stop her from toying with herself with hand and pressurized water to just before her climax.

Dried off and dressed in her sleeping clothes as to not give any lucky passerby a show, she wandered the apartment, making sure all of her curtains and blinds were closed, just in case she decided to forgo clothes completely in the dead of night. She took deep breaths and poured herself a glass of cold water, easing herself down from the stimulation of a long, hot, but not-at-all relaxing shower. Setting the glass in the sink to take care of later, Sunset practically skipped her way to her room. As she settled into her bed, she wondered what the comfortable mattress would look like with Wallflower on it.

Wallflower would be on her bed, leaning against the headboard. Would she be hugging her knees? Perhaps, but not out of fear or dread. No, it would be out of anticipation.

Yes, that would be cute.

Sunset would crawl over to settle in next to her, leaning against her, basking in her warmth. Wallflower would rest her head on Sunset's shoulder, smiling, giving Sunset enough room to run her hand across Wallflower's back. Sunset would gently hook an arm around her waist, resting the other on Wallflower's tense knees. After moment, Wallflower would spare a hand to take the hand that was resting somewhere between her abdomen and her lap into her own, letting their fingers play until they settled comfortably into each other's hands.

They would stay like that for a while, holding each other. Just being together.

'Oh yeah, that's nice,' Sunset smiled as pulled herself free of her tee-shirt, relishing in the open air against her bare skin. It was much warmer than she had expected, and she'd rather not have to pull out another shirt after she was done.

Sunset would just have fun being in physical contact with her girlfriend for a while. It would surely be nothing that she hadn't felt before, but knowing what those very same hands would be doing later would make things different. It would make the way that Sunset played with Wallflower's hair, the way that her fingertips lightly caressed the back of Wallflower's hand, all the more exciting. After she had relaxed a bit, Sunset would gently guide Wallflower's knees away from her chest. Would Wallflower look up at her? If not, then Sunset would surely get her attention by planting a gentle kiss upon the enchanting field of Wallflower's hair.

Sunset allowed herself a giggle at the thought as she pulled her knees to her chest and slid out of her shorts, casually tossing them vaguely in the direction of her shirt. Nude again at last, she laid back in her bed, immersing herself into her fantasy.

When Wallflower would finally meet her eyes, they'd both already be smiling, Sunset was sure of it. Wallflower would have that cute little shy smile of hers that Sunset had grown so fond of, but with her lips parted in anticipation. Lips that Sunset would be more than happy to introduce to her own. She'd lean in slowly, slow enough so that Wallflower would have time to turn away if she wanted. Ooh, but Wallflower would surprise her by closing in as well. Their breath would barely have time to mix before their lips were trapped against each other.

Sunset once heard kissing like that described as "a fight for dominance," but she imagined that between her and Wallflower, it would be more like, like... an expression of want. Yes, that. Sunset would pull away just long enough to brush her nose to the other side of Wallflower's, wanting to explore her lover's lips from every angle that she could. Wallflower would shift herself, wrapping her arms around Sunset's body and pulling her close, matching every kiss, every lick, with one of her own.

Without breaking contact, Sunset would swing her leg over Wallflower's, straddling her lap. They'd be leaning against the headboard again, one of Sunset's hands behind Wallflower's head to keep it from pressing uncomfortably against the headboard, and the other exploring whatever it could reach. Sunset ran fingers through Wallflowers hair, caressed her cheek, traced the sides her neck, gently pulling and rising to press their bodies flush against each other, feeling every curve with one of their own as they indulged in each other’s lips.

But with surprising confidence, Wallflower would hold her tight as she pushed herself away from the headboard, bringing them both to fall onto the bed, Wallflower upon Sunset, breast to breast, with Wallflower’s hips against Sunset’s. Sunset’s skirt rode high as Wallflower’s pelvis pressed against hers.

“Mmh.” The sheets rustled as Sunset tightly crossed her legs. Grabbing a pillow and hugging it to her chest, she squeezed her thighs together and allowed herself a firm but gentle thrust. With a soft, shuddering sigh, Sunset closed her eyes.

It was strange how pleasurable simply being pressed together like that felt. All it took was a soft thrust of Wallflower’s hips to coax a small moan from her. The way that she rubbed against her... Did Wallflower mean to do that? Was she just trying to get comfortable? Judging from the smile that Sunset felt against her lips, Wallflower was happy with the result regardless. But then why was Wallflower pulling away? Their chests parted before their lips did, but only once separated did she dare open her eyes.

Wallflower was leaning over her, propped up on her elbows, looking at her, admiring her. She was out of breath—they both were—but that didn’t stop her from giggling in that small way that she always did when she saw something cute. That brought a giggle out of Sunset, too. Sunset admired Wallflower from below. The way her hair draped around them in a viridian curtain, the way her earth-brown eyes shone, the way her face glistened...

Wallflower was sweating. She must be burning up in that sweater. Sunset was certainly burning up without one.

“You’re hot,” Sunset whispered. Wallflower smiled and looked away, unable to blush any harder than she already was.

“Th-thanks, Sunset.” Wallflower leaned down, resting her forehead against Sunset’s. “You, too.”

“Good to know,” she chuckled, pushing herself and Wallflower upright, resting her hands on Wallflower’s thighs. Gosh the denim of her jeans could do nothing to hide the heat under her palms. Closing her eyes to fully appreciate the sensation, Sunset slowly rubbed her lover’s thighs, firmly sliding her hands up to Wallflower’s hips, bringing them around just to the sides of her rear, then dragged them across the outside of her thighs to the knee. Sunset relished the small gasp and twitch she received when she ran her hands back up the top of Wallflower’s thighs, flaring her thumbs out just enough to brush against the dip where Wallflower’s legs met her pelvis. Wallflower latched onto Sunset’s shoulders.

“S-Sunset...” O-ooh, that was good.

Mmh, I like the way you say my name.” Sunset let her hands run under the edge of Wallflower’s sweater.

After stealing another kiss, she slightly leaned away, gently raising the hem of Wallflower’s sweater. With only a moment of hesitation, Wallflower took the hem in her hands and began to lift—.

“N-no, wait,” Sunset found herself saying. Wallflower stopped, frozen in confusion. “I want to undress you.”

Brown eyes widened, and a shaky exhale tickled Sunset’s chin. With an audible gulp and bashful smile, Wallflower nodded and awkwardly raised her arms. That was all of the invitation that Sunset needed. Sunset held her gaze and lifted Wallflower’s sweater over her jeans, over her plain tee shirt and over her head. As Wallflower took a deep breath, the sweater was gently tossed aside.

One layer down.

Wasting little time, Sunset took hold of the bottom edge of the oversized tee. With growing embarrassment, Wallflower raised her arms, focusing on everything except the girl in front of her. One more peck on the lips was enough bring brown eyes back to her own blue.

Gently, slowly, Sunset began lifting, savoring the reveal. She lifted the shirt, revealing the edge of bright, blue panties. She lifted further, revealing the soft skin of Wallflower’s belly. She lifted further still, revealing the gentle curve of her breasts, contained in a matching blue bra—simple in design, but made perfect by the girl wearing it. She lifted the shirt the rest of the way until Wallflower was free of its confines and, before she could try and hide herself, Sunset laced the fingers of their hands together, holding both of their arms out wide. Wallflower was carefully, hesitantly examining Sunset’s face. Sunset was drinking in Wallflower’s beauty.

There was just one more thing in the way.

Letting go of her hands, Sunset wrapped her arms around Wallflowers chest. She felt Wallflower’s hands grasp her hips with a surprising, but not unwelcome, grip. While Sunset fiddled with the latch to her final obstacle to the first half of her lover’s natural beauty, she allowed herself a cheeky whisper into Wallflower’s ear.

“Nice underwear.”

“I just!” Wallflower started, almost too loud, “I, uh, well we were gonna do it today and I had these, and they reminded me of you so I hoped... that, uh...”

“I love them, Wallflower. You’re beautiful.” Embarrassed giggles chimed in her ear, shook her chest, and filled her with such feeling.

That light slap to Sunset’s hip filled her with some feelings, too.

“Oh... Just get me out of them already—they’re embarrassing now.” Mmm, she’d never have to ask twice.

Bra undone and tossed aside, Sunset leaned away to admire her lover’s body, free of obstruction and constraints. Every gentle curve, every soft dip, every blemish came together to create the perfect image: the girl that she loved baring herself to her lover. Yes, Wallflower had the body of a goddess.

Sunset just needed to convince her.

“S-so, uh, what do you think—?” Before she could even finish, her lips were captured by Sunset’s. As Sunset’s feather-like kisses drifted across Wallflower’s cheek, then to her neck, Sunset felt Wallflower's hands slide up to her waist as she laughed. “That good?”

“You’re beautiful, Wallflower.” Sunset ran a string of kisses from Wallflower’s neck to her throat, to her clavicle, then spread some more of her loving lips around the space between her breasts. “I don’t care what you or anybody else says,” Sunset asserted as she gently guided Wallflower to lay on her back. She watched as Wallflower eased down, admiring the way that her hair spread in a green halo around her head, and how gravity spread her breasts. “You are beautiful, and I’m the luckiest girl in two worlds. I love you.

Whether out of embarrassment for herself or Sunset, Wallflower laughed. “I love you, too, Sunset. Even if you’re so cheesy.”

“You love it,” she grinned back, setting herself down, straddling Wallflower’s hips. Sunset explored Wallflower’s body with her hands and eyes, watching and feeling the way that soft skin would move beneath her ministrations. She rubbed her shoulders, then down her arms. From there, she laid her hands on Wallflower’s sides towards the bottom of her ribs and, with a mischievous smirk, briefly let her fingers dance.

“A-ah!” Wallflower laughed, squirmed, and bucked beneath Sunset’s short assault. Mmph, that felt nice. “You jerk!”

“Sorry,” Sunset grinned, blatantly not, as she slowly, firmly ran her hands up Wallflower’s sides, eliciting ticklish giggles along the way. She kept her pressure constant as her thumbs and wrists pressed into and passed Wallflower’s breasts, a small taste of the fun both she and Wallflower were soon to have. She could feel her anticipation and excitement were building, building, building—!

“Mmmh—no! No, too soon...” Sunset pulled her now-damp hand away from her sex—’when did that get there?’—and uncrossed her legs, spreading them as though to let her core cool off. As the tingling pressure in her nethers and on her mind throbbed away, she set her pillow to the side before it became too damp with sweat. Unwilling to completely stop pleasuring herself, she occupied her hands with her own breasts, wondering if Wallflower’s felt like hers. She wondered if Wallflower would feel the things that she felt.

Sunset slowly ran her hands down the soft mounds, marveling at the way they fit in her hand; the way the tender skin curved around her hand; the sensation of her lover’s nipples brushing over her palm. Once she reached the bottom, she cupped her hands around the sides of Wallflower’s breasts and gently ran them back up. She repeated this slow massage, again, and again, mesmerized by the different ways her ministrations affected their shape. Entranced by the way they squeezed together, the way they bounced apart. So completely taken by the way curves of supple-yet-firm breast would rise between her spread fingers as she softly squeezed and gently kneaded. She explored all of this to the music of Wallflower’s sighs and hums of approval.

Sunset gave special attention to Wallflower’s nipples. They were a perfect size, a perfect shape. The small nubs have already grown erect beneath her ministrations, practically demanding special treatment, and Sunset was happy to oblige. She alternated from breast to breast, circling the outer edge of her areola with the lightest touch of her fingertips. She granted the hardened nub of Wallflower’s nipple some light brushes, before surprising her with a soft but firm press, eliciting a deep hum. After a brief wiggle of her fingertips, she eased up the pressure, allowing them to rise up once more to receive the attention they deserved. She relished in the gasps and squeaks that Wallflower made as she circled, pinched, twiddled, and occasionally gave a little pull to the sensitive spots. But that wouldn’t be enough to sate her curiosity.

Sunset wondered what they tasted like.

“Ah, S-Sunset!”

Sunset gave no warning as she lowered herself down and took one of Wallflower’s nipples into her eager mouth. She wet it with her tongue, thoroughly coating the nipple and areola with her saliva. With a light suck and a wet pop, she released the now damp nipple to open air and, after only moments pause, breathed on it.

Hhn...!” Oh yes, there it was: the cute sounds of Wallflower in pleasure. How sensitive were Wallflower’s nipples, anyway? Were they as sensitive as hers? More so?

Wallflower had only just barely finished a surprised moan before Sunset was once again upon her. To shape a breast with her mouth was surely a different sensation than doing so with a hand. To feel the texture, the curves, and the softness with sensitive lips and tongue—Ooh, that was an experience to dream of.

“S-Sunset, you—mh!” Sunset could feel her lover’s fingers tangle in her hair and that felt so right. "S-Sunset, this isn’t fair.”

Mmm?” Sunset lifted her head slightly, just enough to meet eyes with Wallflower under her eyelids.

“Well, I mean, I’m the only one who’s—ah.” The way she breathed when Sunset gave the nipple in her mouth a sensual suck and flick of her tongue was addicting. “Mm, Sunset... y-your shirt.”

“Hmmm?” Sunset hummed into the nub with growing smile, giving the other breast a light squeeze in her free hand.

“I—mmnnh! I want to take it off, Sunset.”

It took audible effort for Sunset to keep her thighs from pressing together, though there was simply no way she could stop her own hands from indulging in the occasional pinch of her own nipples or the barest rub on her folds. Determined to see her fantasy through to the end, Sunset rolled onto her stomach, face buried in the pillows, one hand under her breast and the other trapped by the wrist against her pelvis. Still, she did not dare close her legs lest she tip herself over the edge prematurely, though she did give her carefully still wrist an occasional grind.

Sunset sat up in Wallflower’s lap, eagerly raising her arms over her head. Her mind was racing in excitement. Would Wallflower like what she saw? Their bodies had their differences, after all. Would she be too small? Ooh, she really hoped Wallflower liked it. She even put on her sexiest underwear! Sunset could see Wallflower’s eyes slowly widen just before her vision was shrouded by her shirt rising over her head. Was this what Wallflower felt when Sunset undressed her? Mm, it must feel a lot better when somebody else does it.

After an impossibly long second, Sunset’s vision was freed of the shirt. There was no time wasted though, as Wallflower already leaned in to touch lips to her own lips, her own cheek, then the space where her neck met her shoulders. Fingers on Sunset’s bare back danced and rubbed at everything they could reach, tracing the lines of her shoulder blades and the dip of her spine. Eventually, they found their way to the clasp of her bra.

“I love you, Sunset,” Wallflower whispered into the crook of Sunset’s neck. No matter how many times she’d hear it, the phrase in that voice would always bring a smile to Sunset’s face.

“I love you, too, Wallflower.”

“I like your underwear.” Sunset leaned into Wallflower’s embrace and chuckled.

“They’re the sexiest set I have,” she whispered into green hair. “And you are the first one to see them.”

“No way,” she breathed, having undone the latch. She pulled away, waiting to peel away the lacy, black cups from Sunset’s flushed body until she was far enough away to properly watch. Once she finally did, the cups falling away to reveal Wallflower’s prize, Sunset could not help the giddy grin that stretched on her face as Wallflower simply stared, eyes wide and mouth stuck in a goofy grin. Gently taking her bra from her shell-shocked girlfriend, she delicately tossed it to the side.

“All for you, Wallflower.”

Hesitation fled the scene as Wallflower took Sunset’s face in both hands and kissed her deeply, eagerly, proving her wants—no, her needs—with the way their tongues danced and the way she would suck on Sunset’s bottom lip. As she pulled away, she grabbed Sunset’s hips and pulled, dragging Sunset up her lap until their bodies were flush once more. Sunset could feel Wallflower’s hands wrap around her, holding her close. She could feel Wallflower’s nipples poking against her stomach. She could feel Wallflowers lips planting a line of gentle kisses down her throat and across her collarbones.

Wallflower leaned further and further forward, determined to plant her lips on every part of Sunset that she could, until gravity brought them back to a familiar position. Once more, Wallflower was pressed bodily on top of Sunset. Once more, Wallflower’s body was pressed firmly into that special place between Sunset’s legs.

Sunset’s hands didn’t know where to go. They alternated between hugging Wallflower’s head, stroking her back, running fingers through her hair, and clutching the bedsheets. Wallflower was so slow, so sensual, so gentle, but also firm and with almost uncharacteristic confidence. She delicately danced, groped, suckled, and licked Sunset’s body with leisurely abandon. Sunset bit her lip as Wallflower’s lips drew in her nipple, toying with her the very same way that Wallflower was toyed with just moments ago.

Despite Wallflower’s leisurely pace and gentle touch, Sunset felt as though she were being devoured.

“W-Wallflower...” Sunset couldn’t help but gasp. Seemingly answering her unspoken request, Wallflower slid back up Sunset’s body, capturing her lips, reintroducing their tongues, hands exploring each other’s bodies and faces. “Mm, I love you...”

And then Wallflower gave a roll of her hips and thrust.

Sunset gasped in surprise.

Did she mean to do that? She did, didn’t she? No way. They never did anything like this before, with each other or anyone else. She did that earlier, too. But the way Wallflower’s jeans rubbed firmly against the whole of her heated sex just then—even through her panties—was perfect. 'Was that just a fluke—?’

Wallflower’s hips rolled a second time. Sunset felt the smirk growing on her lover’s lips. ‘She knows—!’


“A-ah...!” Sunset yanked her trembling hand free from her crotch, sandwiched between her thighs as they were. She could stop, but she desperately didn’t want to. 'Just a little longer,’ she told herself. 'I waited all day for this; I can wait just a little while longer.’ Squirming back onto her back, she gently bit Wallflower’s lip, giving it a light tug as Sunset pulled away, before letting it free. “W-where’d you learn that?”

“O-oh, uh... well,” Wallflower swallowed, “I mean, it feels pretty good when I, uh. W-with my pillow. And then I saw your face when...” Wallflower’s smile turned bashful for the barest of instants, before morphing into a mischievous smirk that seemed so strange but so right on her face.

A confident roll of the hips, followed by a strong thrust. Sunset just could not stop the moans.

“I-I’m, uh, guessing you like that?”

Roll. Thrust.

“Mmmhm, yes! Yes, but—Ah!” Feeling another roll, Sunset’s hands flew to Wallflowers soft hips. Should she push, just to ease up pressure? Should she grab and pull, to bring her more firmly to her core and dangerously closer to the release that she desperately needed? “W-wait wait, please. Just...” Sunset took a deep, shuddering, steadying breath, which devolved into a giddy giggle part way through. “U-um, hold on please? Just... give me a little... a few.”

“Oh, what’s wrong?” Oh no, Wallflower looked worried. That can’t be right. “Did I hurt you or anything? Are you alright?”

“No, no, not at all.” Sunset gave her girlfriend’s hips a reassuring squeeze as she met her concerned gaze. “You’re great—perfect even. It’s just, uh...” Sunset idly massaged Wallflower’s hips, her sides, her soft rear that Sunset admired in her moments of weakness at school. “I’m just, uh, really close is all. I wanted to savor us. Well, you.”

“What do you mean—?” Wallflower blinked, before laughing breathlessly, giddily. “Wait you’re—already?” She blinked again. “N-not that that’s bad! I just meant—!”

“Oh, hush.” With a light push on Wallflower’s shoulder, Sunset rolled them over so that Sunset could lean over Wallflower. “This is what you do to me. It’s the effect you have on me. I can barely contain myself.”

“Oh... stop it and get down here.” She would never need to tell her twice. Heeding her request, Wallflower did her best not to overly stimulate her partner, and Sunset was thankful. For some time, they just traded kisses, felt their bodies against each other, and explored each other with their hands. Sunset made sure to keep notes of all the places that got ticklish giggles out of her girlfriend.

Inevitably, Sunset was again drawn to the soft warmth of Wallflower’s breasts, using one as a pillow, uncaring of the wetness of sweat and saliva that met her cheek.

“Sunset...” Sunset looked up from the most comfortable pillow she’d ever laid cheek on to see a furiously blushing Wallflower grinning down at her. “...you, uh, really like boobs, huh?”

“Hmmm...” she made sure to hum deeply, wanting Wallflower to feel it as much as possible. With an idle pinch to Wallflower’s unoccupied nipple, she finally responded. “...I don’t really know. All I know is that I definitely like yours.” Ah, she felt Wallflower’s already rapid heart-rate spike.

“W-well, uh...” Sunset felt Wallflower’s hand running through her hair. “...I’m glad you like them but, uh...” Sunset could feel Wallflower squirm beneath her. “L-look, if these pants stay on any longer, I’ll never get them dry again, okay?

Mmh, did she just say that? Sunset almost couldn’t believe her ears.

“S-so.” Wallflower’s voice trembled. “Can you, uh... Y-you wanted to undress me, so...”

“G-gotcha, Wallflower.” It was getting harder for Sunset to keep her cool. It showed in the way her fingers shook as she gave a breast one last squeeze, and in the way her lips trembled as she drew a line of feathered kisses down to the bottom of her breast, down to her navel, where Sunset couldn’t help but linger, dancing her lips around the soft dip in Wallflowers skin.

“Sunset,” Wallflower giggled.

Mhm.” Sunset kissed her way lower and lower, pulling herself further and further down on Wallflowers body. She felt with her hands the firmness, yet softness, of Wallflower’s hips and outer thighs. Wallflower would look good in anything of course, but wow she made jeans work. Running her fingers back up to the button over the jeans’ fly, Sunset couldn’t help be distracted by the bright, light blue of Wallflower’s panties of choice, panties the same color as Sunset’s eyes—.

Ah, that’s why they made Wallflower think of her.

With a wide smile, Sunset slipped the tip of a finger just slight into the waistband of the blue undergarment at the hip. With deliberate slowness, she traced the stretch of skin that was just barely hidden away by the elastic fabric, drawing shivers from her lover as she dragged that finger from on hip to the other and back again.

“S-Sunset, please...”

Alright, Sunset, just keep it together. Almost there.

Sunset released the button to the jeans, and was going to unzip the fly when she had an idea. Quickly reaching behind her, she grabbed a couple of pillows from the head of the bed. Deliberately sliding over Wallflower’s body, Sunset met her confused gaze with a wink as she guided Wallflower to proper herself up on her elbows for a moment, easing the pillows beneath her head so that even at rest, she could easily look down to her legs.

“I want you to watch me.”

“W-what are you going to do?”

“Something nice, I hope.”

Wallflower was biting her lip as Sunset sunk lower and lower, never once breaking eye contact. Sunset looked down to plant a kiss at the top of Wallflower’s jeans. Then Sunset used her hands to peel the unbuttoned flaps to the side, revealing the zipper. She looked back up to Wallflower’s excited gaze and winked, leaning down to Wallflower’s pelvis.

Sunset took the zipper in her teeth and pulled.

The look on Wallflower’s face as her pants spread open beneath Sunset’s grin was priceless. Wide eyed and open mouthed in wonder, it was like she saw Sunset’s breasts for the first time all over again. Reaching the end of the zipper’s teeth, Sunset allowed her hands to do the rest of the work, circling around Wallflower’s waist to hook fingers behind the waist of the pants. This way, she could remove the obstruction, but still rub, grasp, and knead the soft skin of Wallflower’s behind, the soft curve where they meet the backs of her thighs, the stretch of under-thigh to the backs of her knees, her calves—everything. Sunset indulged herself in everything until, finally, the jeans were out of the way.

One more obstacle left.

“S-so, uh,” Sunset let slip a nervous chuckle, “what’d you think?”

“S-Sunset, you, that...!” Sunset could hear Wallflower swallow from there. “Sunset if y-you don’t stop t-teasing me right now, I won’t forgive you.”

“That good?”


“Okay, okay. I’ll just...” Sunset slipped her fingers into the waistband of the simple, blue panties. “I... I'm going to, okay?” Sunset swallowed as she met Wallflower’s loving gaze.

Wallflower smiled oh-so-sweetly back. “Sunset, I’ll slap you.”

With a laugh and shaky fingers, blue panties slid away, moisture only keeping it close to Wallflower’s sex for a moment before coming free. Wallflower lifted her legs as the dainty cloth rose higher and higher into the air, until, finally, it was tossed aside. Undergarments discarded and obstructions clear, Wallflower allowed her legs to fall on either side of Sunset, baring herself in her entirety.

There she was.

Wallflower Blush.

The most beautiful girl that Sunset had ever seen.

“I-I hope it doesn’t look—.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“I mean, we were planning this so I thought I'd—.”

“You’re perfect.”

“W-well if you say so...”

Sunset did. And she would say so many times if she had to. Such a beautiful sight. If she had known of Wallflower before, then she would have jumped across dimensions ages ago.

“So, uh, are you just gonna stare at it or...?”

“A-ah, it’s just, uh...” Sunset laughed, both embarrassed and overjoyed. “...I’ve dreamed of this. For a long time.”

And then Wallflower laughed that laugh that Sunset loved so much, the same laugh and smile as when Wallflower saw something cute.

“Well then, what are you waiting for?”

In her bed, Sunset rolled onto her stomach. Soft sighs and quiet moans of pleasure filled the room as she allowed her rebellious hand to snake its way down to her sex, exploring. She pressed against her mons, teasing, assisted by her pelvis as she ground herself into her hand. Easing up just enough to move, she firmly rubbed the heel of her palm over her clitoris, up, down, then up again, before letting a single finger firmly run up the engorged nub from base to tip in a single, exaggerated stroke. Fingers spread her folds apart, exposing the dampness to the cool air, before pinching the larger mounds shut around the topmost nub, squeezing as much of the sensitive flesh against the full, deep length of her clitoris and rolling it between her fingers. With her thighs squeezing against her hand, Sunset deftly worked her way back up to the edge. Her free hand retrieved a pillow, laying it besides her legs, ready.

Oh yes. There would be no more waiting.

Kneeling down between Wallflower’s legs, Sunset once more began teasing her relentlessly. Deft fingers caressed Wallflower’s twitching skin from her abdomen, to her hips, then down dip in her skin where Wallflower’s legs met her pelvis, closer and closer to the tender folds.

Then Sunset stopped.

Sunset rubbed and kneaded Wallflower’s thighs, running her hands down the tops to the knees, before slowly, slowly rubbing them firmly up Wallflower’s inner thighs. She slid up, she squeezed, she kneaded, she repeated. Bit by sensual bit, she massaged her way up Wallflower’s inner thighs, drinking in the sighs and squeaks that her love would make. She was so close, only one more rub until she’d be on her glistening prize...

Then Sunset stopped.

Sunset, please...” Wallflower whispered urgently.

“Hm?” Sunset firmly pressed her palm flat, fingers spread, onto Wallflower’s plump mons, just a scant twitch away from the lightest touch to her most sensitive place. Sunset curled her fingers in, allowing her nails to lightly drag on the skin, converging so close so close—

Nnnh, Sunset,Wallflower pleaded desperately, lightly bucking against her hand despite knowing that Sunset would not get any closer if she didn’t want to.

Mmh, yes, I love you, too.”

“Please, Sunset, justnnnnhAh!” Wallflower cried out sharply as, without warning, Sunset slowly ran a finger up her sex, from the soft opening at the bottom to press against the very base of the sensitive nub at the top. Sunset pressed in firmly, granting her lover the pleasure of a small wiggle. “Suh-Sunset, younnN!” she cried, as Sunset curled her finger in a strong stroke against the bundle of nerves. “Mnn... Sunset, you jerk,” Wallflower laughed.

“Sorry, Wallflower.”

She wasn’t.

Whilst lightly prodding and stroking the area around Wallflower’s folds, Sunset’s free hand took Wallflower’s from where it was clutching the sheets, once more entwining their fingers.

Oo, that gave Sunset an idea.

She didn’t need to call Wallflower’s name; her gaze never left Sunset’s face. With one gentle finger, Sunset circled the opening to Wallflower’s core.

“A-are you ready?”

“Y-yeah...” Wallflower nodded, then again with resolve. “Yeah, yes. I... yes.”

“I love you.”

Seeing the smile that spread across Wallflower’s face was all of the response she needed.

With gentle care, Sunset eased her finger into Wallflower’s wet folds.

“A-aahoooohh...” Wallflower cooed and moaned as Sunset’s finger slid its way into her heated core. Each sound that Wallflower made as Sunset entered bit by bit, exploring every bump, fold, and ridge, was the most uplifting of music to her ears. For longer than she ever afforded herself, she allowed her finger to push and push until she was half-way in, withdrawing herself. Then she inserted again, just a little less than before. When she inserted again after that, she did not stop until she was all of the way in.

In. Out. In. Out. As her girlfriend got used to the sensations, Sunset laid her head on Wallflower’s thigh, content to feel as her body shuddered, watch as her breath shook, and hear as her voice trembled wordlessly. After about enough time had passed for Wallflower to get used to the sensation of Sunset’s finger inside of her, she decided to get a little playful.

Next time she pushed into Wallflower, she curled her finger up against the top of her core and pulled.

Aaah!” Oooh, she’s squeezing her hand hard, now. She must have liked that. “Whammmmmn, Sunset...!” Sunset pulled her finger until it neared Wallflower’s entrance, then deftly curled her finger again and again. “Mmmmn Sunset, where’d—ah, where’d you learn that?”

“O-oh, you know,” Sunset chuckled against the soft thigh, “uh, ‘self-taught’.”

Mnh, really?”

Mhm.” She allowed herself a second to think. “Also, books.”

“A-ah. Remind—mmh—me to, uh, borrow some sometime...”

Sunset laughed, planting small kisses and tiny licks to the inside of Wallflower’s thigh. “You like that then?”

“O-oh yeah, this...” A shuddering moan filled the room, quiet, but long so full of lust. Mnh, that’s a really good sound. “...I love you, Sunset, I love you so much...!”

“I love you, too. I wonder how you’ll like what I’m going to do next.”

“W-what—mmhhh— do you mean?”

“Well, I had an idea a couple of minutes ago...”

Nnh, well you better do it soon, beca-a-ause I don’t think I can hold on for m-much longer.”

Sunset couldn’t explain how one could be so happy that something so good was close to ending.

“W-well, uh, do you have anything you’d like me to do then? Before we finish? I’m, uh, pretty close, too.”

Wallflower stared at her, dazed, before biting her lip with obvious want.

“C-can you kiss me while you do it?”

Sunset’s heart positively melted.

Sunset climbed over Wallflower’s form, pulling her fingers from her core, but not without a parting rub to the entirety of her folds. Once they got close enough to each other, they wasted no time in meeting each other in a passionate kiss. Sunset took this opportunity to find Wallflower’s other hand with her own, tracing her arm from her shoulder to find it tangled up in the bed sheets. Once more, both hands were joined by the fingers.

Now the fun.

Sunset pulled away with a final lick. “Sorry, I don’t think I can.”

“What? B-but why?” Sunset gently eased Wallflower back until she was resting once more against the pillows, watching her.

“Relax. And don’t look away.” Sunset ran wet kisses down Wallflower’s chin, her throat, the space between her breasts, and by the time Sunset reached her navel, Wallflower’s eyes were wide and breath was heaving in disbelief. “My mouth is going to be a little busy.”

As Sunset settled in on her stomach between Wallflower’s legs, she gave Wallflower a wink as she planted a wet and sloppy kiss onto Wallflower’s upper inner thigh, right next to her sex.

Releasing Wallflower’s fingers, Sunset met Wallflower’s gaze and held it, guiding trembling hands until they rested on either side of Sunset’s head. Wallflower’s fingers instinctively burrowed themselves into Sunset’s hair. Sunset, without breaking her gaze, twisted her mouth in her signature smirk as she lowered her face to Wallflower’s sex. She kissed her mons, then each side of the peak of her folds. Leaning lower, she gave a long lick to the inside of Wallflower’s thighs.

With her now-free hands, she spread her lover’s folds. But meeting Wallflower’s baffled, hungry gaze, Sunset had an idea. Casually toying with Wallflower’s folds with her fingers, Sunset adjusted herself so that her mouth was right in front of Wallflower’s clitoris. Once in position, her fingers took the folds hiding the engorged nub and spread them, exposing as much of the glans as possible.

Then Sunset let her mouth hang open and simply breathed. In through the nose.

Out hotly through the mouth.

Wallflower looked so lost. Her lip would likely fall off if she kept chewing it like that. Her fingers flexed and curled in Sunset’s hair. Was Sunset’s idea a flop? Maybe she just looked weird, laying there, breathing on her clit—.

Gently, but firmly, the hands on her head pulled, and Sunset’s mouth was suddenly filled with sex.

However she looked from Wallflower’s angle, it must have been sexy.

Smiling with a hum, Sunset locked her lips around as much of Wallflower that she could comfortably fit and sucked, drawing herself back and releasing the sensitive flesh with a dull pop. She explored Wallflower’s folds with her lips, her tongue, her passion. She tasted every crease and fold, spreading, sucking and licking as she desired. Sunset teased the entrance to Wallflower’s core with licks and kisses, before licking her way deeper, relishing in the scent and flavor that was so distinctly Wallflower.

“S-Sunse—ah, Sun, mmmmh!” Through the entire adventure Wallflower was moaning, gasping, quietly crying out in ecstasy. Any time Sunset pulled away for any longer than necessary, urgent hands pulled her back in, running through her hair with love, but demanding in gentle desperation.

Oh yeah, they were really close, now.

She withdrew her tongue, swallowing, then sliding it up to meet the hardened nub at the top. She took the glans in her mouth, granting the tip one or two experimental licks, earning herself a small cry in thanks. With one hand, she pinched the flesh of the mounds surrounding the nub, massaging them.

With the other, she gently slid two fingers into Wallflower’s core.

“A-ah, Sunset! I’m—getting real close...!”

Sunset pulled her face away, softly resisting hands too careful to keep her in place. Sunset kept pumping her fingers in a steady pace, but the other hand still hovered over Wallflower’s mons.

“H-how close?”

“I—mmmmn I’m not going to last much longer...” Wallflower looked so beautiful, covered in sweat, hair in disarray, and looking at Sunset with such love and trust. Sunset slowed her finger’s ministrations. “I’m really really close. I-I wan’tI need—!”

“I’m really close, too. I’m—I’ve been riding the edge for a while now. I can’t—,” Sunset shook her head, trying to free herself of the distracting sensation of—of something grinding against her—. “Look at me when you do, Wallflower. I want you to watch... I want to see you when,” Sunset swallowed thickly, “w-when you c-cum, okay?”

“Okay, but I, I’m really—.”

“It’s okay Wallflower. I’ve got you.” Sunset resumed her previous pace, sliding in deeply and out shallowly of Wallflower’s core. “I love you, Wallflower. I love you so much.

“S-Sunset, I—Ah!” Sunset took the heel of her hand that wasn’t buried in Wallflower’s folds and firmly, firmly, pressed it into the as much of Wallflower’s sex that she could cover while also covering her glans. Sunset ground her palm into her sex, rubbing strongly up, then down, then up again. Wallflower just kept calling her name over and over and over again, and every utterance of Sunset’s name in that voice brought her closer and closer until she too could bear it no longer.

Sunset curled her fingers and pulled as her other hand pressed and ground and squeezed and ground and her existence was absolute pleasure as she finally crashed over the edge. Wave upon wave, pulse upon pulse, shake upon shake of pleasure washed over her being, but even then she did not dare stop groping or grinding. She rolled her hips against the soft fabric again and again, each thrust as strong as the last, as she rode out the waves of one of the most intense orgasms of her life. She ground herself against the pillow again and again, shuddering and twitching sighing and moaning as all of her stress and frustrations of the day flowed out of her in short, electric pulses.

As the tides of ecstasy settled down into a pool of satisfaction, Sunset pulled the pillow from between her legs, letting it drop over the side of the bed. In the warm spring air, she rolled onto her back and simply basked in the afterglow, with the occasional ripple as her devilish hand could not stop playing with her sex. This was just what she needed. She was happy she finally found a moment to herself.

But wait.

Why would she be basking in it alone?

Sunset would crawl up to press her own body to Wallflower’s side, wrapping one of Wallflower’s legs in her own. Wallflower would roll to face her, more than happy to share the pillow space, giving Sunset another nice view of the prettiest girl in two worlds.

“Th-that was... wow. I... wow.” Wallflower would gasp as Sunset tightened her legs, firmly pressing Wallflower’s thigh against her cooling desire. Before she could say anything else, Sunset would kiss her on the cheek. Before Sunset could pull away, Wallflower would turn her head to more appropriately capture her lips. “Mm, I love you, too, Sunset.” For some time it would be silent, the only sound being their breathing as their heartbeats came back down to normal rates. Just two lovers basking in each other’s presence. Eventually, Wallflower would giggle in that cute way of hers. “Uh, what’s up Sunset? You’re staring.”

“I just wanted to see your face.”

“Gosh Sunset, let a girl’s heart rest, will you?” A beat of silence would pass, and Sunset would feel Wallflower’s leg twitch between hers. “Hey, uh...”


“Well, it’s just,” for just a moment Wallflower would hesitate. But considering what they just did, she wouldn’t be nervous for long. No, Wallflower Blush could be surprisingly daring in the right circumstances. She would smile shyly, but her gaze would not waver. “I mean, your skirt is still on. And I can still feel your panties, even if they’re kind of, uh...” Wallflower would gulp. “...wet.” Neither of them were too accustomed to talking like that yet. That would be cute for a long time.

“You’re just that good.”

“W-well thanks, but...” Wallflower would let a hand run down to the clasp of her skirt, already working to remove it. “...I want to help you, too.”

With an easy chuckle, Sunset just closed her eyes.

“Let’s save that dream for another day.”

A happy sigh and giddy giggle whispered in the room as Sunset opened her eyes, savoring the feeling of her head upon the softness of Wallflower’s breast. Wallflower’s arm pressed against the small of Sunset's back, pulling her naked form flush to her lover’s side. Sunset felt Wallflower’s fingers lightly drag against her back before rising up to run through Sunset’s hair. Sunset imagined that her hair would be an absolute mess after the passionate adventure that they just had the night before. Despite that, Wallflower’s fingers combed through her fiery locks with nothing but adoration—she could feel it in every stroke of her hair and rub on her scalp. Beneath the covers that protected them from late-winter’s chill, Sunset embraced Wallflower’s legs in her own.

“Good morning, Sunset,” Wallflower quietly hummed with that smile she always loved to see.

The sheets rustled as Sunset joined her lips to Wallflower’s in a good-morning kiss.

“Good morning, lover,” Sunset purred. She really hoped that sounded as sexy as she thought it did. Judging by the way Wallflower giggled and squirmed, it was.

“I-I, uh...” Wallflower swallowed, before she tried again. “L-last night was, uh... wow.” Sunset’s exhausted smile now a happily tired grin, Sunset moved back down to lay her one of her two new-favorite pillows.

“Mm, I’m glad you liked it,” Sunset smiled, allowing an adventurous hand to toy with Wallflower’s unoccupied breast. “I’ve, uh...” Sunset gave Wallflower’s nipple a light pinch. “...thought about this for a while now.”

“Y-yeah, I can tell,” Wallflower laughed breathlessly, still riding the high of what they had done. The high of knowing what they were surely going to do again. “I’ve... Well, I’ve kind of been thinking of this, too.”

“I can tell,” Sunset grinned. Sunset lifted her head just enough to give Wallflower’s nipple a feather-light kiss, before softly wrapping her lips around the still-erect nub.

Oooh... Sunset, j-just give me a few minutes, alright? My heart still needs to rest!” Wallflower’s mirthful giggles were contagious, sending Sunset into a small fit of her own as she rolled to lay herself down on top of Wallflower. She felt the warmth of Wallflower’s belly under her breasts. She felt the pounding of Wallflower’s heart beneath her cheek. Sunset rose her gaze catch Wallflower’s eyes with her own.

“Don’t worry, Wallflower,” Sunset laughed, giddy with growing excitement as she took in the realization that she was back in the waking world and Wallflower was still there. "Take as long as you need.” Climbing back up and drawing the warm covers over their shoulders, Sunset pulled Wallflower close, closed her eyes, and sighed in contentment. “We have all of the time in the world.”

Rolling into the embrace, Wallflower pressed her body flush against Sunset’s, determined to feel as much as her lover’s body with her own as she could. For a time, they simply laid there, noses touching, legs tangled, feet rubbing and dancing, and basking in the comfort of a lover in their arms.


“Hmm?” Sunset peeked open an eye to find Wallflower doing the same, nervously biting her lip.

“I, uh...” Wallflower took a breath. “L-last night was great for me. I’ve never felt anything—anything—like, u-um... that.” Wallflower’s eye wandered for a brief moment, before meeting Sunset’s gaze once more. “What, um...” Wallflower took another deep breath, chest pressing against Sunset’s wonderfully. “H-how was it for you?”

With a tender hand on Wallflower’s cheek, Sunset met Wallflower’s quivering lips to her own. There she lingered, only moving to occasionally explore her lips in a different way. After leisurely minutes of simply loving one another, Sunset pulled away, both eyes open, happily focusing on the face of her girlfriend—’her girlfriend!and the most beautiful girl of two worlds. The face that occupied her thoughts both day and night. The sight, the smell, and the feeling of Wallflower’s soft breath upon her lips and their bodies together.

Sunset took it all in and smiled.

“It felt like a year of daydreams came true in a single night.”