> Growing Love > by Third Wheel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bigger and Bigger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wall of the Hive shifted, revealing a large oval opening, and Chrysalis stepped through. As it closed back behind her, magically sealed shut by her powers, she brought a hand to her hips and looked over the contents of the room, smiling to herself. The extraction room was fairly large, but mostly empty. Three of its four sides were bare, and nothing but a few rocks took up space on the floor. What was on that fourth side, however, was of great interest, to Chrysalis and to the Hive as a whole. It had been a fortunate discovery, but one that could finally give the changelings the edge they needed to overtake Equestria. A combination of factors, really, all leading up to the two mares on the side of the room opposite to her. Changelings could feed on sexual love alone. On pure arousal, without any romantic interest. This had been theorised, but never fully proven. It was difficult to test. But even if true, it still wasn't enough. Keeping a pony in constant pleasure was near impossible, bending them to fall in love was simply easier. There was a way to keep the pleasure going, of course, but it would have destroyed a normal pony. Luckily, their prisoners were all but ordinary mares. Chrysalis chuckled to herself as she stepped forward, staring at Celestia and Luna. Their naked bodies were stuck to the wall by thick, hardened green goop. Their tits were the size of beach balls, three feet from one side of one of their chests to the other, heavy with milk, and growing still thanks to the tentacles pouring inside them through their nipples after emerging from the ground. A mare's breasts were one of her most sensitive parts, if not the most sensitive. Being constantly pumped full of changeling milk, their boobs held the two alicorns in a constant state of arousal. Arousal that the last portion of the machine, a series of tubes hanging from the ceiling, quickly gathered and delivered to the rest of the Hive. They'd been at it for a week at that point. Capturing the two sisters was already a monumental success, turning them into seemingly unending sources of power and nourishment was beyond what Chrysalis's wildest hopes had been just a month before. But now already she had other plans, grander ones. All that love would make them unstoppable. Equestria would be hers. It really was a fascinating spectacle to watch. A normal pony wouldn't have lasted more than a day. The two alicorns instead kept swelling, kept being pumped full and forced to cum over and over. Chrysalis knew it was only a matter of time before they became completely addicted to their new role. Then it would no longer be a problem having to keep them there, they'd stay by themselves. "How is it going, milk tanks?" she greeted the two as she finally stood right in front of them. "Lost your minds yet? Ready to embrace your role as cows to feed the Hive?" She didn't pay much heed to the younger of the two, whose dazed expression indicated she might have been far gone already. It was the elder that she set her eyes on. Her hated enemy, finally at her mercy. She could barely care less about her sister, savouring revenge was what really mattered. Celestia grit her teeth, and almost spat in the changeling's face. "Monster!" she growled, managing to focus enough on her rage to stop any moans from slipping out. "You won't get away with this. Twilight and her friends will find out, and they will defeat you." "Oh, please." Chrysalis dismissively waved away the threat, smirking. "With all the love you two are producing, my armies will be invincible by the time those nuisances get here. We already defeated them once in combat, they don't stand a chance." She took a step forward, and stared right into Celestia's eyes. "Equestria doesn't stand a chance. I'll turn your pretty little student and her friends into milkmares like you, and then I will rule this country." There was a pause, as the changeling let her words sink in, delighting herself in the fantasy of her triumph. "Besides," she added, "it's not like the two of you will have much of a fighting spirit left by then. You're at your limit. How much do you have left? A day? An hour? We both know you won't hold on long enough." To illustrate her point, she ran one of her long, sharp black nails along the surface of the white alicorn's breast. Momentarily losing all self restraint, Celestia let out a deep moan, as her thighs quivered and a jet of arousal streamed down between her legs. A deep, shameful blush on her face, she stared away from her captor, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. Chrysalis was right. Their bodies grew more sensitive with every hour, the pleasure more and more intense. If she let herself go for a moment, Celestia could practically feel her mind slipping into her chest. And she knew it would just feel so so good to let herself go. One more day at most, then she'd lose it. But the changeling didn't know everything. She'd let herself get blinded by her lust for revenge. She hadn't realised that Luna hadn’t lost her mind yet, that Luna had within herself the key. Unbeknownst to their captor, Luna had gained back some of her magic. The Hive's own powers blocked the powers of the sun and moon, but not the dream realm. That pittance could be used inside the Hive itself. Celestia was confident it would be enough. They'd had all the time to plan their escape, courtesy of Chrysalis leaving them unguarded to stroke her own ego, and Luna had been saving up her energies for it. Stop the flow of milk with her telekinesis, knock out Chrysalis, free themselves and take flight.  "You can feel it, can't you?" Chrysalis continued, savagely smirking towards the alicorn. "Just give up. There's nothing you can do to stop me. Nothing!" Laughing to herself, she began to play with her own tits, pinching her green nipples between her fingers. "Wouldn't you like to be touched like this, cow? You know it would feel so amazing." A hand slithered down to her sex. Seeing her enemy humiliated like that was too delightful not to indulge in it. From Celestia's side, Luna stared at the two, almost in a trance. Magic slowly gathered in her horn, and the flow of milk to her tits had been halted by her powers, but she barely paid it any mind. She watched, with a kind of transfixed interest, staring at her sister's gargantuan chest. Despite herself, despite the situation they were in, she couldn't help but admire the way it wobbled with Celestia’s every breath.  Luna wasn't thinking straight. She knew she wasn't thinking straight. The changeling milk she'd been pumped with was getting to her, probably faster than it was getting to Celestia. But it wasn't just that. She'd always, always secretly had a deep, shameful, almost twisted attraction to large breasts. It had been a part of her ever since her youth. Celestia had always had the bigger pair, far bigger than anypony she'd ever met, while she was stuck with barely anything. Ponies loved Celestia. Ponies lusted after Celestia. She was beautiful. Her large, full breasts were beautiful. It was no wonder she'd given herself a pair of large ones when turning into Nightmare Moon. Most of her resentments and envy had gone away after the Elements had purged her, but that desire had remained. That attraction. And now Celestia had bigger breasts than anyone would have even thought imaginable. A movement in her field of vision. She hadn't kept track of the conversation between her sister and Chrysalis, not after the changeling had started masturbating anyway, but she recognised the cue Celestia gave her. Her horn lit up, and a rock on the ground lifted itself in the glow of her magic, then hit the back of Chrysalis's head. As the changeling fell to the floor, unconscious, the blue alicorn snapped the tubes entering her tits and the bonds holding her in place with her magic. She fell forward and stumbled on shaky legs, then fell to her knees. Her breasts touched the ground, pressed between it and her body. She felt the bubbling pressure inside them as they were squished between the naked rock and her chest. A mind-numbing sting of pleasure, as her tender flesh spilled around the sides, crushed by its own weight. They were so big, so impossibly huge. Could she ever run without falling over again? "Thank goodness it worked." Luna stood up with a dazed expression and looked at her sister. Celestia’s boobs were even bigger. Still getting pumped. Still growing bigger. "Free me. She won't stay knocked out for long. Hurry, Luna," the white alicorn said, nervousness dripping from her voice. The plan would work, right? It had to. Luna just kept staring at Celestia, as the world spun around her. She had to free her sister. Luna had to free her before those boulders permanently debilitated her. Before it made her a slave to her size, unable to move Luna couldn't allow it to happen. She couldn't, she couldn't! No matter how much her own lust clouded her mind, no matter how big and beautiful her sister's breasts would become, she couldn't let it all fall apart just to make them bigger, to see her sister become a cow for the rest of her life, her swollen, bloated breasts bigger than her own body, than a pony, than a room, as big as a house or even bigger. She had to shake those thoughts out of her head. It would be cruel, it would be utterly mad to swell Celestia. Her sister would be permanently crippled by it. Equestria would lose its Princess. The ponies would be devastated, the country would be in ruin. The sun itself might end up stuck in the sky. If Celestia lost her mind, there was no telling what would happen. And ponies would blame it on her. Going further, going too far might even kill Celestia. And why? Just for Luna’s own drug-fuelled obsession with breasts. Large and round, dripping with sweet nectar. So large, so tender, so soft and yet firm. Big, beautiful, gigantic, absurdly huge, unnaturally developed boobs, filled to bursting with milk, so round, so- "Luna!" Celestia was shouting this time. "Hurry up, Luna! What's wrong? She'll wake up soon. Please, hurry." There was evident worry in her voice, and traces of poorly masked arousal. Every second she stayed hooked to the machine made it a little harder for her to form thoughts, let alone words. Luna shook her own head, trying to force sense into herself. She had to focus on her sister, on saving her, not on her fat, juicy rack, her nipples unbelievably wide, the tentacles pumping them- The tentacles, yes. With a flick of magic, she blocked off the flow of changeling milk coming from the pipes. Luna was panting, sweating, almost on her knees. A headache pounded on her brain, and Celestia's words came distant, unclear. Why? Why was it so hard to focus? Those stupid drugs she'd been pumped with. But she'd done it. She'd blocked off the flow, now she needed to free her sister. Free her sister! Standing back up on straighter legs, Luna tried to concentrate on Celestia. She loved her. She needed to save her. She couldn't allow herself to fall. She just needed to look away from her round, delicious- Look away! Look at her sister's face instead. Luna took a step forward. Then white caught her eye. Movement. Instinctively she looked towards the source, setting her eyes on Celestia's nipples. Something white was flowing back into the pipes, and dripping around them. A strong, full white. Thick and creamy, closer to butter or honey than to water. It clung to her sister's skin as it dripped down, sticky and seemingly almost elastic in nature. And with every second more flowed out, almost beginning to spurt even with its unbelievable thickness. The smell of milk hit her nostrils, pierced through her brain, and Luna's mind was wiped clean, going blank. When what was left of her came back to some awareness, less than a moment later, she was drooling and leaking arousal from her sex, and her eyes focused solely on Celestia pulsating tits. They’d grown another three inches in diametre, and were bigger than a pregnant mare’s belly. Another flick of Luna’s magic, and the machine started pumping again. A piercing howl escaped Celestia's lips. A gush of arousal shot from her sex, and a deep rich blush covered her cheeks a moment later. She stared to the side, trying to avoid the embarrassment of having just cum in front of her sister, from having her breasts filled no less. "What's wrong, Luna? Why did the machine start back up?" she forced out, suppressing the shuddering yelps of pleasure that tried to crawl up her throat. It was getting a little hard to focus. "I- I'm having problems, sister. The machine isn't working as it should," Luna lied, standing there, staring at her sister's tits while drool began to leak from the corner of her mouth. They were growing still, more than before now that she'd opened up the flow a little wider. An inch per minute, roughly, as far as she could judge.  The blue alicorn stepped forward, and placed a hand on Celestia's tits, cupping one of them. She was surprised that even with her alicorn strength, she had to grunt to push them up. They were even heavier than they looked. "I'm checking the tentacle, the magic isn't responding how it should," she lied again, anticipating her sister's questions. Heavens, she'd always wanted to touch those white masses. To feel them, to play with them. She heard her sister moan. It was so good to fondle those massive breasts, to make her sister feel good. It made her leak so much. She could make them grow even more. Her mind clouded by drugs and incestuous lust, she forced the machine to pump more milk into Celestia's chest, doubling the flow and then doubling it again. "Luna, whaaaaaa-" Celestia went cross-eyed as she twitched and spasmed. Orgasms began to hit her one after the other, soon melting into one. Her cunt winked and sprayed gushes of fluid all over the floor with frenzied intensity. She kept moaning, leaking spit and drool all over her fattening udders. Tears began to fall from her eyes from the intensity of it all. Her breasts were growing faster than ever, an inch every ten seconds from what Luna could tell, and the pressure within them was drowning her mind in twisted pleasure. Her skin barely kept up, painfully overstretched, each of her breasts now the height of an adult pony. She could hardly focus on anything, but still managed to howl out between ragged pants, "Luna, what are you doing? What in Tartarus is going on? Answer me, Luna!" "The machine, it's broken, I... It's not responding, it's not working right..." The Princess' words stumbled one after the other, as she barely held off from masturbating to her sister's pressurized expansion. The bonds holding Celestia to the wall snapped, the mare fell on her chest, and Luna had to bite down on her lips not to scream in ecstasy. Like two overinflated airbags, there was a rippling to the mare’s breasts, a fullness that hadn’t been there in Luna’s. The flesh spilled over the floor, curving over its own mass, but maintained part of its shape. It giggled, hinting at the creamy milk stuffing it full. Bigger. She doubled the flow once again, straining the pipes. An inch every five seconds. "Luna!" Celestia was crying from more than just the sensory overload. "You- You're not my sister! You're a changeling, aren't you?" Her sighs were broken by her moans, her sobs hidden by the spasms of her continuously orgasming body. It was too much, it was all too much. She couldn't understand, it was driving her insane. “Celestia, I’m...” Heavily panting herself, Luna couldn't hold back her own moans any longer. She slapped Celestia's tits, causing the other mare to deliriously howl. "I'm your sister!" she replied. "I'm your sister and I'm making your tits grow!" As she said that, she doubled the flow of milk again, and with it the rate of the alicorn's growth. The machine thrummed beneath the floor, shaking the room. Celestia's own milk was shooting out around the entrances of her nipples at that point. Each boob was well over seven feet across, and her mane was strewn about, ragged and torn by her spasmodic thrashing, her mind shattering moment by agonizingly pleasurable moment. Celestia's immobilized body was wracked with shudders and spasms of uncontrollable pleasure. Her eyes, almost rolling back into her head, darted in confusion around the room, trying to make sense of it all. She was barely aware of anything anymore, it couldn't really be happening. Betrayed by her sister once again. The pressure and pleasure would have broken any normal mare, but it lasted just long enough for her heart to break first, just before the love for her own breasts twisted it fully into uncaring depravity. Her tits kept pushing the boundaries, her skin barely able to keep up, her mind slipping, sobs and twitches shaking her as moans and cries escaped her lips in equal measure. Meanwhile, on her spot on the floor, the changeling Queen slowly got back to her senses. She stood up, while the world spun around her, and almost fell back to the ground immediately after, landing on her knees instead. What was going on? Why was the ground shaking and humming? What the fuck was happening with the two alicorns? She tried to stand up once more, rubbing her sore head where the rock had hit her. Unfortunately for the shapeshifter, Luna caught sight of her. Drunk and delirious on her own lustful high, the blue alicorn forcefully grabbed the changeling and dragged her still confused and complaining frame towards Celestia. There she forced Chrysalis's mouth over her sister's nipple, mashing her face against Celestia's tit's flesh. The Queen struggled and tried to push back, but despite her efforts she couldn't stop her need to gasp for air, and the resulting drops of milk falling in her mouth. Instantly, Chrysalis felt a lacerating pressure in her chest, as her own tits began to swell and her nipples started aching. Her mind flashed blank white, and a choked cry came from her throat. The groggy state she was left in made her an easy target for Luna's motions, and a moment later she was swallowing more of Celestia's milk. She wanted to pull back, to fight, to scream, but it was all too hard. The pleasure clouded her mind, made her movements sloppy, her body heavy. Her breasts were growing and she couldn't fight back. From atop her ever-expanding mattress of titflesh, Celestia tried to climb back to sanity like a pony fighting the waves of the ocean after a shipwreck. The pleasure, the pressure in her breasts pulled her down, trying to make her drown in the milky seas of her delirious ecstasy. "Luna, why?" Celestia cried out, afraid she wouldn't hold on long enough to finish her sentence. "Why?" she screamed again, as milk shot from her nipples and arousal gushed from her marehood like a fountain. "Because you're beautiful!" Luna replied, gone completely mad from the ecstasy of the degeneracy. "This is your destiny, sister! To be a fountain of milk, a pair of giant expanding breasts! Embrace it, sister!" As she yelled her ramblings about milk and breasts and growth, she pressed Chrysalis's face harder against Celestia's gushing nipple.  The white alicorn’s tits had become her bed at that point. Despite her impressive stature, her toes had left the ground a while before, and would never touch it again. Instead, she simply balanced atop her boobs, gritting her teeth against the pleasure assaulting her mind. She’d done many quite disgraceful things in her youth, and had been no stranger to being railed in all holes by her entire Guard, but nothing could compare to even one hundredth of the pleasure going through her at that moment. Luna pulled herself forward, climbing the mountain of flesh that was the other alicorn's chest, and locked lips with Celestia in a sloppy kiss. Her hands left imprints in her sister’s breasts, taller than a pony. Luna’s own nipples dragged over them, and sensation inflamed the younger alicorn’s mind. Nothing could compare to the sensation of her tits. Luna’s magic flared once more, turning the machine past its limit. The room was shaking, a high pitched whine filled the air, and the pipes leading to Celestia's nipples cracked along their length, spraying milk on the ground, straining under the pressure. The mare's breasts were growing an inch per second, lifting her higher towards the ceiling. Her nipples sprayed milk like geysers, her own thick, white and buttery production mixing with the magical changeling fluid she was still being pumped with. Incoherent screams escaped her mouth, as her eyes rolled back into her head, and tears of pleasure kept flowing down her cheeks. Her mind was in pieces. It was futile to fight against the tsunami of sensations, and Luna's words danced around her, evoking those Chrysalis had used in the days before. A cow. A milk tank. A pair of fat growing tits and nothing else. Embrace her destiny. It felt good to slip. It felt good to let go. It felt good to grow, let the pressure crush her mind. Grow bigger, fat milky tits. More and more. She was tits, she was her tits, her giant leaking tits.  Letting go of the kiss, Luna slid back down to the ground. On shaking legs, her eyes spinning and her mouth constantly drooling, she brought her mouth to one of Celestia's boobs and swallowed a spurt of her milk. Her own tits shot up five inches in diametre as soon as she swallowed it, her mind flashed blank and she came on the spot. Stumbling forwards, she fell on Chrysalis's body, pressing her back against Celestia's other nipple just as she'd managed to regain a bit of herself and try to pull back. Taken by surprise, the changeling yelped in shock, and more milk fell into her mouth. She didn't want to swallow it, she didn't want to grow. She was the Queen, they were her fucking cows! That stupid fucking alicorn and her stupid fucking giant boobs pressing against her back, so fucking stupidly heavy, she couldn't fucking push back. Milk shot all over her face, in her eyes, in her nose, the stupid fucking cow kept pumping and pumping. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't move, there was just milk, filling her mouth, her lungs, her mind. "I am your Queen!" she groggily slurred out, uselessly trying to claw at Celestia's breasts to find purchase. But her hands just slipped on the milk-coated titflesh, and she remained trapped there between the two alicorn sisters. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't escape the fountain of milk pressed against her. Pathetically gasping for air, she was forced to drink up Celestia's creamy breast juice, desperately drinking more of it in an attempt to regain some stability and push herself away. Her own breasts began to shoot up in size, unbalancing her even further. Pleasure filled her mind, alongside an impossible feeling of pressure bursting in her chest. It was breaking her, making her into another one of those dumb cows. She couldn't stand it, it wasn't supposed to happen, but it just felt so good. She should have been ruling over those dumb bitches! She was going to take over Equestria! But milk tasted so good, so sweet, her breasts felt so full. Growing, bigger and bigger, the pleasurized pressure crushing her mind.  Tears in her eyes, howling her rage, Chrysalis still tried to claw away from her spot, until her cries turned to whimpers and then to moans, and her eyes rolled back as the pleasure overtook every other thought in her mind. Giggling in empty-minded delight, she curved forward and bit down around Celestia's nipple, trying to draw more of her fluids forth from it, and pushed the tentacle inside it away. Her boobs, as big as a cart already, kept growing at a far faster rate than Celestia's own and in moments were up to five and a half feet across. "I'm gonna explode!" she screamed. "Fuck yes! Bigger! Bigger!" Luna stared with wide, marveled eyes at the changeling's growth. She could only think about breasts, growth and milk, but she could still think clearly about those at least. Evidently, her sister's milk now outclassed the changelings' own. Celestia had become a milk factory. She'd been reborn, remade into a goddess of massive tits, breast expansion and lactation. The idea alone made her marehood gush with arousal, and her head spun at the thought of tasting more of the other alicorn's milk for herself. "Yes!" cried Celestia at the top of her lungs, now completely broken and far gone. Her back pressed against the ceiling, and over a quarter of the room was filled by her boobs. "Yes! Yes! Fuck yes, stars, yes, yes, yes yes yes!" Her screams rang high, sharp and hoarse from her throat. Not the pleasured yells of a sane mare, but the twisted noises of an obsessed creature who'd lost her mind to her own tits. "Bigger!" she screamed anew, somehow even louder. "Ahhhh-Aaaaaahhhhh!" Her tits kept pushing her further upwards, far bigger than anything else in the room. "Luna!" she suddenly called. "Luna!" The other alicorn looked up at her, more than a little dizzy, and Celestia continued, "Grow me! Grow me, please!" Her tone suddenly shifted, taking on the full weight, depth and ear-shattering loudness of the Royal Canterlot Voice. "GROW ME!" she screamed. "GROW MY TITS! MAKE ME EXPLODE! I WANNA BE BIGGER! BIGGER! BIGGER!" After that, her words became incoherent, slurred sounds of pleasure. Her eyes fully rolled back into her head, and her moans kept filling the air, drowning out the sounds of the changeling guards banging against the door outside. With a pleasure-drunk sway to her motions and a completely insane expression on her face, Luna lit her horn one last time. The second nipple levitated upwards towards the milkmare's mouth. The gush of buttery cream shooting from it covered the walls and ceiling, until finally the impossibly large and full hunk of flesh came to rest over the ponycow's lips. As the white Princess was locked in a feedback loop that had her growing even faster than before thanks to her own milk, Luna moved to Chrysalis's side, and forced both her mouth and the changeling's onto Celestia's other nipple, greedily drinking as much milk as she could. Luna's tits began to grow. Chrysalis's breasts kept expanding. Celestia massive, titanic rack continued to bloat, filling up the chamber over nine tenths of the way through and leaving only a few small corners of it devoid of her flesh. The screams of pleasure of the other mares filled Luna's ears, and white flesh took up her entire field of vision, as her body was pushed back by the ever-enlarging mass of her sister's zeppelins. Milk burned down her throat, spilling from her chin and flowing in her nose. She didn't care. She wanted more, needed more. It was all she could care about. Her chest felt like it was exploding, and every moment felt better than the last. At the blue alicorn's side, Chrysalis kept swallowing milk, her mind completely shattered. Fat tits and sweet milk were the only thing she could conceive of as she was. She didn't know her name, or where she was, or why. She just knew pleasure. Growth was her purpose, the reason she existed. Drink milk, grow fat tits, and feel good. More and more, with no end in sight. Her thighs quivered and her cunt sprayed her non-stop orgasms to the floor, while her boobs grew heavier, big enough to hold the rest of her body up. Celestia's fragmented consciousness floated in an ocean of milk-white pleasure, drowning away everything else, crushing every thought beneath the size of her breasts. Every worry, every memory, every desire over the last thousand years. There was just milk and breasts. She was just milk and breasts. Breasts growing, milk flowing from her nipples, milk flowing into her mouth. It coursed through her throat with the intensity of the strongest orgasms she'd ever experienced, and made her tits grow bigger. The pressure in them became more intense. She felt better, as more of her mind was destroyed by the sensation. Growing bigger. Tits. Milk. Laying atop her own overinflated boobs, Luna's mind gave out the last spurts of conscious thought. Her body was being crushed against the wall, smothered by thick titflesh. Milk kept pouring over and into her, the pressure kept building higher and higher. She was being eclipsed by her own sister, she realised with what little shreds of sanity she still possessed. And it felt good. So fucking good. She needed more, more, more- "MORE!" the three milk factories howled in unison, bodies wracked by never ending orgasms as milk overflowed all around in the room and Celestia's tits filled it completely. The walls cracked, the Hive shook, Celestia’s skin stopped growing, but all the three of them could think of was the pleasure of their own growth. Far outside of the Hive, Twilight and her friends suddenly looked up, confused and worried by the rumbling of the earth around them. A moment later, up on the walls of the distant monolith, a crack appeared. Then a blast, ear-deafening, as the side of the castle-like building exploded, shattering the walls and shooting chucks of rock high into the air. And then something else began to fall towards the ground. White and sticky, thick drops of liquid rained down from the sky, covering the six mares. "What the-" Twilight began to say, before Pinkie interrupted her. "Milk!" the pink pony shouted, squeezing down her mane to let more of it drip into her mouth. "Hmm. Delicious. It's not chocolate milk, though." Applejack scratched her head, frowning. She took up a drop from her cheek and tasted it. "Well, she's right about that." "Is everything alright, dear?" asked Rarity, fixing her dress and tasting a bit of milk for herself. "I felt Celestia for a moment," the alicorn replied, distractedly licking away milk from her face. "It was like something was going through her head. Something I can't describe or understand, and she couldn't either. And then nothing. Empty silence." Rainbow licked her arm clean of milk, while Fluttershy timidly extended her tongue to catch some drops still falling down from the sky. "Well. Whatever it is we'll find out, right?" the first asked. Applejack gave a cough. "Uh, gals?" Everypony turned to her. The farmpony looked at herself, as the fabric of her shirt seemed to strain and the buttons threatened to pop off.  "Anyone else feel a little tight on the chest?"