> Last Hearth's Warming Eve > by Holocron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hearths Warming Eve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Another Hearth’s Warming Eve is coming.” Silver Wing hummed, dancing around the large living room as she was setting up her decorations. “And this year will be special!”  “Oh? And why is that? Dark wing asked, sneaking up behind her sister to grope her endowed chest. “And what’s this? No bra? Not planning to seduce daddy are you?” As she started to tease her sister, her voice became more mischievous. “You’re such a little slut, even when your daughters and nieces are here, you’re trying to hog him all to yourself.”  “I-I-I was going to let you have a turn…” Silver moaned, shivering at her sister’s touch. “When I was done.” But as much as she was enjoying the attention to her body, she broke from her Dark’s hold. “I mean, you wouldn’t let him go last time we got together, I want a turn.”  “Only because you wouldn’t let go of him when you were pregnant.” Dark adorably pouted, crossing her arms a little. “You were always riding him for so long, there was nothing left of him when it was my turn.”  “That was twenty years ago!” Silver objected, small wrinkles of anger forming on her forehead. “You have to let that go.”  “Girls, girls.” Night called to his daughters, clapping his hands to get their attention. Though he was already pushing his sixties, the older bat pony looked like he was still in his thirties. “Let’s not fight, please.”  The sisters looked to their father for a second, then turned to each other. But as if they were given some signal to the other, they lunged at their father. Silver was slightly faster, able to plant her lips against Night’s as she forced a deep and passionate kiss. Dark, feeling needy and jealous, pulled at her father’s arm, freeing him from her sister. She wasted no time to hug him close, pressing her chest against his as she cuddled while standing. She wanted to act more like a needy child rather than a passionate mare for the moment. Night, picking up on this, raised a hand to gently pet at his daughter’s head. But before Silver go protest, he took his other hand to tenderly rub at her cheek.  “Alright, I think that’s a little too much playing right now.” Night exclaimed, looking between his daughters. “I know you both want my attention right now, but we can’t. The other girls are going to be here soon, and let’s not have them walk in on us like this.”  “Well, they are getting at that age.” Dark said, looking up at her father. “My Shadow and Black are getting curious about men. I’ve even caught them trying to order sex toys from catalogs they think they can hide from me.”  “Well, my girls are getting mature too.” Silver added, trying to compete with her sister. “Pewter and Steel are going into good looking mares. I’ve seen a view stallions in town look at them whenever they visit me.”  “Well, if they’re growing like their mothers.” Night replied, now patting both girls on their heads. “I’m sure they’re grow to be just as beautiful.”  “Oh daddy!” Silver and Dark cooed, unable to hold themselves back as they jumped at their father. It was only when a ringing at the door, that the two pouted. “Awww, no fair!”  “It can’t be helped.” Night sighed, rubbing both his daughter’s heads. But as he moved away, he noticed the scent of his daughter’s arousal. “But let’s quickly cover that up.”  As Silver and Dark quickly and nervously sprayed around a number of air fresheners to cover up the smell of their lusty desires, Night went to the door; doing his best to straighten up his attire to hide the fact he nearly fucked both his daughters again. Opening the front door sent a small cold chill into the house as well as a little snow. But following that were the four mares, his granddaughters, who were also technically his daughters; but neither he nor Silver or Dark have explained their births to them, nor planned to just yet.  Pewter was a slender and taller dark grey colored mare with a short, darker grey mane that barely reached her shoulders. Steel was a lighter shade of grey with a near whitish grey long mane that ran down to the small of her back, though she was a head shorter than her sister and two cousins. Shadow was very petite and athletic looking mare with a very dark shade of near black with a tied back off black mane. And following behind all of them was Black. She was completely pitch black in color, as well as sporting a fluffy and curly looking lighter black mane. But what really made her stand out was she was the most curvaceous of the four granddaughters, had a bubbly spring in her step, as well as a noticeable eye patch over her left eye; the result of an accident that happened in her youth.  “Hello girls.” Night welcomed, standing aside to let them all into the house. “Let’s get you all out of the cold.” “Thanks grandpa.” The four greeted at once, filing into the house, shivering a little as they felt the warm embrace of the heated room. “Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve!”  “Now let’s get settled in, we have to get the table ready for our dinner.” Night suggested, gesturing the girls to throw their coats on a nearby couch. Though he struggled not to look at them as they took off the clothing layer. His daughters were right, they were growing into fine mares, each of them looking as beautiful as Silver and Dark was all those years ago. “Silver, Dark, they’re all here, let’s get dinner started.”  The evening meal was everything Night had hoped for. It had such joy and happiness. The way some of the girls would fight over extra servings. It made him reminiscent of when Silver and Dark were younger. But he had to keep his thoughts in control. Last thing he wanted to get a massive erection with his family right in front of him. Though that was half of his fear. The other half was the fear that Silver or Dark might try to take advantage of the moment and try to sneak under the table. But before he could think further about such a thing, Night shook his head, quickly getting back to the meal at hand. Thankfully, no one else managed to see him going through his small thoughts.  “So how have you girls been?” Night asked, taking a few bites of his meal. “I haven’t heard from you in quite a while.”  “I’ve been busy with my studies.” Pewter said, showing a degree of pride in her academics. “I’ve been getting good scores this semester and I’m hoping to get a scholarship before the Summer.”  “I’ve been getting more and more modeling job offers.” Steel added, turning her head and somewhat striking a pose; though to Night it looked a little too sexy he had to turn his eyes a bit away. “One photography fainted at the sight of my mane in the wind. Photo Finish even said I should be able to really take my career all across Equestria.” “Oh that is quite amazing to hear.” Night replied with a smile, showing how proud he was of the two. He then turned his gaze over to the other two. “And what have you two been up to?”  “I’m still trying for the Wonderbolts.” Shadow said, though she didn’t seem to have a happy tone as she poked at her food with a fork. “I’ve been accepted as a cadet, but I can’t start until Spring, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with the others.”  “You’ll be fine!” Black said, her smile showing not a single ounce of doubt. “I haven’t been doing much, but I’m sure I’ll find something to do. But I have noticed that some guys in town have been giving me some looks.”  “And what exactly are they looking at?” Night asked, his tone sounding as little more serious. “I wouldn’t want to find out some punks think they can mess with my little Black.”  “Don’t worry dad.” Dark said, trying to calm her father down as she looked between the two. “Black knows to stay away from strange guys. She’ll be fine.”  “Alright, I trust Black.” Night said, taking some gulps of his drink. When he placed his glass down, his eyes became piercing and intimidating. “I’d hate to see what would happen to anyone who touches my precious granddaughter.”  “Dad, your eyes are getting scary again.” Silver commented, not even looking at him to tell he was getting serious. “Let’s just enjoy our meal, it’s Hearth's Warming Eve after all.” “You’re right.” Night said, calming down as he starter to continue eating. “Sorry about that, let’s keep enjoying ourselves.”  After the meal, Night was regaling his four granddaughters about his time when he was younger, back when he started the shop he still runs; and of course, how Silver and Dark were like when they were younger. Though he did occasionally choke up whenever they asked what their mothers were like right before they were born. That, and who their father was also made the stallion nearly fall from his chair. He had no intention of telling them, but knew he had to eventually. But for now, he was planning to keep it a tight secret.  When he was finished telling the small stories, it was getting close to bedtime, Pewter and Shadow were relaxing by the fireplace, while Steel and Black were busy relaxing on the couch. Silver and Dark were busy helping Night with the dishes, though the two girls couldn't help but flirt with their father. Whenever he put a dish in the sink, one daughter would wash it, making sure to get her cleavage wet for him to stare; while the other wanted to make some low moaning as she slowly wiped the dishes dry with a rag. "I know what you two are planning.” Night sighed, not upset, but rather trying his best not to be too aroused by both the mares’ action. “If this was any other night, I would have you both in the bedroom. But it’s Hearth’s Warming Eve, and the girls are here.”  “I know, I know.” Dark said, pouting a little as she was putting the last of the dry dishes away. “But it’s been so long.” “Just wait until after the holidays.” Night suggested. “For now, let’s celebrate the holidays as a family.” As Night and Dark continued to talk about whether or not there would be any sexual activities while the girls were around, Silver dried herself a little and walked out of the kitchen. Making her way to a large bag she brought with her, she started pulling out one wrapped gift after another to put under the tree. One of which, a small looking manilla envelope, she took especially good care to place it gently within the tree. While the others had no clue, she knew what it was very well; the DNA test showing all of them were related and the four girls were Night’s daughters and granddaughters.  “I know daddy wanted to wait.” Silver said to herself, looking over her shoulder to make sure nopony was looking at her as she placed the envelope under the tree, but as far back as she could hide it. “But I think it’s time.” But as she finished hiding it away, leaving it ever so carefully to avoid suspicion, she failed to notice that Black saw her.  ‘Oh? What’s auntie Silver hiding?’ Black thought to herself, looking back and forth. But just as she was ready to get up and look for whatever was hidden away, she heard Night call for bedtime. ‘Damn...well...I could always wait.’ It was now only a few hours left until Hearth’s Warming Day, but while everypony else could sleep, Black was wide awake. Her curiosity was too great. She had to know, she just had to. This wasn’t the first time she had snuck down to look at her gifts early. It wasn’t something her sister and cousins liked, especially because she couldn’t hold back her enthusiasm. But tonight was going to be different, she could feel it. Silver wasn’t one to be so nervous about placing her presents around the tree. So it had to either really special or super secret, both options only fueled her eagerness to see.  Carefully, the young batmare snuck her way, making sure to make as little noise as she could as she moved down the stairs, across the floor, and over to the tree. Knowing she was just out of earshot of any of her family, she rushed to the envelop, pulling it from behind the gifts. Black was quite surprised at how it was heavier than she thought, there was no way it was any form of payment or money gift. She was getting more and more excited, wanting to see what was in this package. But the moment she tore it open, her eyes widened in shock and confusion as she read the contents. “T-T-This can’t be right…” Black stuttered to herself, her hands shaking as she read everything. “We’re...we’re all sisters?!” She couldn’t even begin to think about what to do with this knowledge. She couldn’t keep this to herself however. “I have to tell the others!”  Black flew back to the room she was sleeping in with the other three mares, barely closing the door before shaking each one of them awake. Before any of them could shout, scream, or just throw their pillows at the mare, she showed the DNA test results to them. Pewter nearly fainted, Steel blushed, and Shadow wasn’t sure if she was more angry or simply confused if this was another one of Black’s pranks. But the serious look on her face seemed to confirm the results.  “So...we’re not cousins…” Black said, shaking her head in disbelief. “We’re sisters…” “And our grandfather…” Pewter gasped, trying to not faint again. “He’s actually our father…”  “But that also makes our mothers, our sisters.” Steel added, but she seemed more interested in how such an affair would have happened. “Oh now that is a juicy scandal.”  “So, what do we do about it?” Shadow asked, looking between the girls. “Aunt, I mean our sister, Silver wanted to show this to us. Maybe they were planning to tell us the truth anyways.”  “They had years to tell us.” Black interjected, pondering a little. “So maybe there’s a reason to do it now.”  “Maybe it’s because we’re older to accept this.” Pewter stated, feeling a little calmer. “We’re all in our 20s now, so it seems like the right time.”  “Actually, I think why they didn’t tell us yet was because of the latest trends.” Steel said, though she could tell the others were confused. “Think about it, a couple decades ago, incest was heavily frowned on, but nowadays, it’s far more common place. So Silver must’ve thought now was a good time.”  “That, or she thought we’d try to sleep with grandpa, I mean dad.” Black added, though she seemed a little too excited over the idea. While the other three were more shocked she’d even say that aloud. “What? He’s pretty hot for being in his 60s, and besides, we used to say how good looking he was when we were younger.” Looking back over the papers, a plan hatched in her mind. “Either way, we should learn the whole truth.” The other three nodded in agreement as they were set to get Night, Silver, and Dark to tell them the truth of their origins.    > Hearths Warming Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just an hour away from Hearth’s Warming Day, and the four girls had just finished forming their plan. They were set on getting the truth out of the three and knew they couldn’t just straight up ask them. Oh no, they had to be far more subtle about it. And they found the perfect opportunity. Breakfast, they knew that Night was always the one to set up the meal. But this year will be different, this year would be especially special. The four of them quickly flying into action as they set about their plan. Pewter and Steel handled setting up the batter for waffles, while Shadow and Black searched for the best possible wine. Drinking wasn’t a major part of the household, not for any moral reasons, but rather because they knew Night, Silver, and Dark couldn’t hold their liquor. “How about this?” Shadow asked, holding a rather expensive looking bottle of wine. “It’s a decade old vintage.” “No, no, that won’t do.” Black giggled, thinking about how much fun this would be. She wasn’t the biggest drinker, but she can be very playful when drunk. “Oh? What’s this?” Reaching far into the back of the liquor cabinet, the mare pulled out a strange looking bottle.The bottle was quite large, and the label looked worn away. Only a vague image of what could be Princess Luna's silhouette. Or possibly the Mare in the Moon, was still visible. While the liquid inside was a deep red, the bottle itself was a dark blue, giving the liquid a near purple hue. “I think it says ‘Boisson de la Lune’.” “Boisson de la Lune?!” Steel gasped, her eyes lighting up in excitement. “That’s a super rare and expensive vintage.” Grabbing the bottle, she marveled at it. “There’s a vineyard in Trotsylvania that sells these Prench bottles. It means Drink of the Moon. It was supposed to be something to celebrate Princess Luna when she was still banished in the moon. Even the youngest bottle is nearly a century old, and this looks even older.” “But will it get them good and drunk?” Shadow asked, not too knowledgeable on alcohol. “We need something that will act fast after all.” “If I remember correctly.” Pewter exclaimed, vaguely remembering a little about wine. “I believe the wine does get stronger, but I’m not sure.” “Oh yeah.” Steel coughed after uncorking the bottle, only sniffing at it. Her face already looking a little flushed. “This will do it.” “Perfect, let’s get to work!” Black cheered, quickly joining in the preparation of the meal. It didn’t take them too long in order to set up the meal. With the four of them, it all worked out almost too well. “Yes, yes, this is going to be great.” But as she was bouncing around in joy, the sounds of three ponies coming down the stair was making her super giddy with excitement. “Oh! So exciting!” “Good morning girls.” Night greeted the four girls, but his eyes were more amazed by the food spread out for them. “Looks like you did more than wake up ahead of us.” “We wanted to make this year especially special!” Black smiled, spreading her arms to show off the meal. “So please, please, let’s enjoy breakfast!” No sooner had Night, Silver, and Dark sat down, Pewter, Steel, and Shadow joined them, but Black brought out the wine, pouring a glass for everyone. But unbeknownst to the adults, their three glasses had a special thing placed out of sight at the bottom. Pills, nothing too strong or even traceable. Just something that would act only as a heat inducer. Not a full aphrodisiac, but something that can help put the pony more in the mood for sex. A perfectly legal, easy to obtain, and easy to overlook things. Once the three had full glasses, Black poured four more glasses, but took her time to let the medicine take effect. Lifting the glasses, the mare could only smile as she saw that there was no sign of the medicine. Toasting for the Hearth’s Warming Day meal, the whole family drank their wine. Almost immediately, Night, Silver, and Dark seemed a little tipsy from the drink, but were unable to stop themselves from taking another sip. After a few more moments of enjoying the wine, the three were more than buzzed, they were borderline drunk. And they were not staying quiet about their thoughts. The three were laughing to themselves as they looked at the other four. “You know, I was right.” Silver hummed, giggling between her words. “Remember what I said last time?” She gestured her hands across to her daughters and nieces. “They grew up to be so sexy.” After downing another gulp of the wine, she nearly breaks the glass as she slams it down. “We could have a family orgy. Wouldn’t that be so hot?” The four mares were in total shock over what Silver just said; though they were also intrigued. The mare wasn’t the most soft spoken when it came to sex or sexuality. But she was a little reserved when it came to anything too person. Mostly because whenever she would get too into her own sex life, Dark or Night would stop her. But now the mare was set loose to talk, and neither her sister or father could stop her. While Pewter was speechless, and Shadow blushing a little, Steel and Black were listening closely. “Just think about it.” Silver remarked, looking at her two daughters. “My girls are so damn sexy now. Pewter is so cute I just want to hug her between my boobs, and Steel is getting so hot I want to go down and taste how good she is.” “Now now Silver, you’re getting too drunk.” Dark protested, though her tone only betrayed how intoxicated she was. “My daughters are hotter. Shadow works out so much, she’s got a toned ass you could make out with all day and never quit. And Black’s my bubbly good girl that any man would want to shove their dick in her, but not before I try her out.” “Girls, girls.” Night said, his voice showing he was just as drunk as the others, but seemed to have some degree of control. “I don’t want any competition, all my daughters are beautiful.” ‘All my daughters?’ Black thought to herself, curious why he phrased it like that. “You know, maybe we should have that orgy.” She looked to the other three to gauge their reactions. They were blushing bright red and were almost trembling at the thought. “That would be so hot.” “Then it’s decided!” Silver cheered, finishing the last of her drink before she stood up. In one swift, and fluid, motion, the mare lifted her shirt. The entire families' eyes opened wide in shock and awe as the mare’s tits bounced free, showing she was braless and her nipples were already hard and leaking milk. Groping at her chest, the mare leaned in a little to lick her own milk. “So, who wants to go first?” But no sooner had she finished her statement, the mare’s eyes rolled back as she fell backwards. Night and Dark both tried to get up to help the fallen mare, but they too fell prey to the drink, collapsing in their chairs. For a couple seconds, the four mares looked at the three, mostly worried if they got hurt from the fall, but after hearing Silver’s small snoring, they all let out a sigh of relief. But now they had to get to the next phase of their plan, moving the three into the right positions. Though as they stood up, a sudden feeling of heat rolled through them. Possibly a mix of the wine they drank, even undrugged was still a strong drink; as well as what was just discussed had gotten them pretty hot and bothered. “This couldn’t have gone any better.” Black giggled to the others, but before reached to pick up Silver, she turned to the others. “Alright, now we have to decide who gets who.” She then held out a turned fist. “Rock, Paper, Scissors.” Some amount of time had passed, possibly an hour or two, before Night felt his eyes slowly opening and his senses returning to him. He could feel he was on his bed, it was a large cushion that he had ordered back when he and his two daughters would fuck throughout their pregnancies; it was certainly more than big enough for the three. The last thing he remembered was the wine, how it tasted better but stronger than last time. His thoughts immediately went sideways as his vision cleared up and the first thing he saw definitely got him both aroused and confused. Black was sitting besides him, her naked body already sending him a number of signals, but a tingling by his crotch caused his gaze to turn down. There he saw Steel, the busty mare had his erect cock sliding between her chest as she was kissing and licking at his cum dripping cockhead. “Well good morning...daddy!” Black said, her tone showing a mix of playfulness and seduction. His eyes went even wider as he heard what she called him. But before he could say anything, she smacked her lips against his, shoving her tongue to rub against his as she moaned passionately in his mouth. He tried to lift an arm to get her to stop, but she was too quick, grabbing it and forcing him to grope at her own sizable chest. After a few seconds of this deep making out, the mare finally released him, keeping her tongue out in a playful tease. “Oh don’t be too shocked daddy, us four already found out.” She then gestured over to something happen at each of his side. “And as you can see, we’re having our own fun to make up for lost time with you three.” Turning his head from side to side, Night saw that Silver and Dark were both having their pussies erotically eaten out by the others’ daughter. Pewter was buried in Dark’s pussy, while Shadow was flicking Silver’s clit with her tongue as she was rapidly fingering her gushing hole. Both mares were also awake, but were not stopping their nieces from their oral play. Rather the opposite. One was holding Pewter’s head in place as she slid her mouth from side to side, while the other was gripping at the bed sheets as she was moaning from Shadow’s amazing fingering. Night couldn’t believe how those two were so quick to go along with this, though he could also believe it as well; knowing how easily they could get turned on after having foals, and with how they’ve been teasing him all night. This situation was happening so fast and so sudden, he wasn’t sure how to handle this. Black just admitted she knew the truth. But how did she find out? There was no way anypony would’ve told her, or any of the four mares. It was the wine, it had it be. It was the same drink that caused the threesome that brought about the four being born. But strangely, Night wasn’t as worried as he thought he would be. It was over twenty years ago, and in that time, cultural aspects have changed. Many families were being more and more open about their incestuous relations. Though not as many have admitted it has caused foal birth, it was assumed or expected after so long. “So what do you think?” Black asked, leaning in to kiss at Night’s cheek as she started to whisper in his ear. “You knocked up your first two daughters, now you can do that to all six.” The thought did spark in his mind before, and hearing it from one of them seemed to get him more and more aroused. “Whatever you just said Black, keep saying it.” Steel cooed, giving Night’s dick a few more kisses as she spoke, looking at her father with an alluring gaze. “His beautiful cock is leaking so much delicious precum. I can’t stop tasting it. You should try it.” “Oh I plan to.” Black replied with a giggle, turning back to whisper in Night’s ear again. “How about it daddy? Want to fuck some more foal in your daughters?” While he didn’t give a response with words or sound, his cock started to swell as it was nearing a quick orgasm. Steel could feel as her father’s dick was getting hotter and was letting out more and more precum. She only smiled as she kept her titfuck going, being more forceful in her oral, suckling along the cockhead and not lowering herself too much. Black saw this and was more than eager to join in. The mare was quick to lay across Night’s chest, letting her wet pussy press against his mouth as she started to lick along his cock between Steel’s tits. “Since you already fucked Silver and Dark, well obviously, since that’s why we’re here.” Black explained, her words being somewhat scattered and muffled as she licked and kissed along the exposed parts of his shaft. “I think it should be fine if you fuck us too. Well, it’s pretty obvious you want to. Your hot dick is getting ready to cum all over Steel’s huge rack.” Reaching a little, she pinched at the mare’s nipples, making her squeal out a muffled moan. “See? She loves it, coat your daughter’s tits with your hot cum daddy!” Night wasn’t sure if it was Black’s words, the situation he was in, Steel’s titfuck, or a mix of all of them, but that was the breaking point for the stallion. His cock stood rigid as his balls tightened against him. His cum bubbled up and coursed through the shaft, releasing itself into the mare’s mouth. But the volume being fired off at once was too much for her and she ended up pulling her lips off the cockhead. This happened just in time for not only her chest to be covered in hot cum, but Black’s face was also splattered with spunk as it fell on her. Though she did get a decent amount in her mouth as she extended her tongue. “I think that’s a good sign that you’re into the idea.” Black smiled, giggling a little as she looked over to the others. “I think we can really get this party started!” With that being what seemed to be some signal, the other three got more in depth with their actions. Pewter and Shadow pulled away from their aunts for a moment, only to somewhat quickly flip around and place themselves on top of the older mares. Before Silver or Dark could do or say anything, the mares were back to eating out their older sisters. Unable to hold back the pleasure it was giving, both started to eat out their nieces’ too, letting their more skilled tongues slide and fuck in and out of their tasty pussies. Pewter and Shadow let out low moans, both only letting it escape their throats in a muffled sound as they did not want their tongues leaving their mares’ sweet, wet holes. Steel and Black picked up with own paces, the former now bobbing her head up and down her father’s cock at a faster and more maintained pace, while the latter turned around again to face him. He wasn’t even able to open his mouth long enough to let out a sound before his daughter started making out with him again. This time, she had her soft chest rubbing against his own body, and her hands were feeling their way from his shoulder to his sides. Wanting to do more for these two, Night knew he couldn’t reach Steel, but he was able to get to Black. Not only grab at, he reached his hands up to smack and grope her soft and jiggly ass. “Oh daddy!” Black moaned, letting go of Night’s mouth as she shivered in the pleasure his assertiveness brought. “Are you finally getting into it?” “He must be.” Steel confirmed, pulling herself off Night’s dick, showing it was a bit different than the last time. “Daddy’s gotten even bigger, and his cum has such a strong flavor. I could lick it all day and night!” “Oh? Then show me what you got daddy!” Black said, almost demanding it from Night as she wiggled her flank at his touch. “I want to see what you go-ahh?!” The mare’s words were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of Night’s strong and flexible fingers being quickly shoved into her pussy. WIthin the first push, he managed to squeeze in nearly three fingers with how wet she was already. Black seemed to only continue her wiggling, nearly starting to bounce herself on her father’s fingers with her movements. As well as this, she was beginning to pant, as if she was getting closer and closer to her own climax. This came as no surprise, she had been building herself up all this time, and Night was just that talented at making a mare cum; especially one of his daughters. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” Black moaned, gritting her teeth as she felt her eyes rolling back as she was reaching the point of no return. “Fucking make me cum! I wanna cum dadd-eeeee!” Black’s mouth stopped any legible words, replacing any sound for the next several seconds with a near high pitched eeping noise. She shivered as the orgasm was coursing through her body. The mare wasn’t sure what to make of it. This wasn’t the first time she ever came, she’s had numerous experiences with a number of toys at home. But Night was able to beat anything she could ever buy in a store, with just his fingers. Her inner wall squeezed down on the digits, nearly preventing them from being pulled out. Her pussy was trying to claim her father’s hand for herself and keep as a toy. But Night was just a little strong, though the force of yanking himself free only caused Black to let out another high pitched moaning sound. “Oh fuck daddy...that felt so good.” Black cooed, almost losing all her strength from the climax. “I need you inside me daddy. Right...fucking...now!” Black didn’t even bother to check if Steel was still suckling on their father before she nearly plopped herself over his cockhead. Thankfully her cousin was out of the way, but it was by a close margin. Though the mare did give her an annoyed glare for having her delectable cock taken from her, the bubbly mare didn’t care. Even in her haste, and her sensitive, soaked pussy, Night’s dick was still too thick to take all in one go. She was only able to take in about half of his length in the first drop of her ass. “F-F-Fuck Daddy!” Black moaned, leaning her head back as her tongue was hanging from the side of her mouth. “Fill me up! I want all my daddy’s fat cock in my tiny pussy!” “Well, if you’re going to be such a cock stealer, I’ll just have to have my own fun with daddy.” Steel cooed, slowly crawling around her cousin to approach her father. Her eyes seemed to only make him more and more aroused. Once she reached him, she lifted herself over, making sure her chest was pressing against his face. “You can have a taste too daddy.” Night knew what this meant, opening his mouth and using his tongue to guide one of Steel’s breasts closer. Within a blur of seconds, he was suckling on one of her nipples, making her tremble with delight. Reaching around with one hand, Steel pulled Night’s head closer to her, letting him do to her what her own future foal would do. The only thing she wanted to make this even more perfect, was to be able to nurse him with her breast milk. But she was getting ahead of herself. She knew she wasn’t going to walk away from this without being impregnated. So she would be patient. Though it didn’t help that Black was being very vocal about everything. “Oh fuck me daddy! Fuck your slutty daughter’s pussy full with that fat dick!” Black moaned, feeling as Night’s cock was causing a belly bulge to form as it was sliding in and out of her body. Her wet hole was gushing out her sweet nectar, making her motions more and more slick, allowing her to bounce harder and deeper over the stallion’s cock. “Oh fuck me pregnant daddy! Give me your foals!” Black’s words were becoming more and more erotic with each bouncing of her flank, which only made Night’s cock get harder, and that only made the mare want to bounce on it faster. It was a perpertual motion of father daughter fucking. The stallion’s dick was getting closer and closer to his next climax, swelling in size and his balls tightening against him. Black’s pussy seemed to have noticed as her inner walls were coiling around tightly, letting her warm and slick silky feeling hug at her father’s shaft as she was grinding faster and faster. “Fuck, keep going daddy!” Black moaned, leaning forward, placing her hands on Night’s midsection to keep herself balanced as she was getting closer and closer to orgasm. “Are you gonna cum? Inside, all of it, give me all your cum. Fuck my cum full of your foals daddy!” Whether it was Steel’s soft chest against his lips, Black’s tight pussy sliding over his cock, or even her sultry moaning and pleading, Night’s body was seconds away from another orgasm. Loads of more thick cum were churning in his tight balls, bubbling up as it was reaching its boiling point. Lifting herself up for one more time, Black dropped herself over her father’s dick, bottoming out deep inside her. The warm embrace of her pussy pushed him over the edge, his cock releasing its next heavy and thick load directly into her womb. “Oh daddy!” Black cooed, leaning forward a little more, rubbing at her belly bump with one hand. “I can feel your cum looking for my eggs. I’m cumming from you knocking me up.” “Well, it you’re done then.” Shadow said, lifting her head up from Silver’s pussy to look at the mare. “We all want a chance for him too.” “Oh no you don’t.” Steel protested, hugging Night’s head against her breasts. “I’ve been waiting long enough. I’ll be having daddy’s cum in my pussy next!” What happened for the rest of the day was a series of one position after another. Time blurred as it passed by. But Night knew he had to keep going for all his daughters. Especially since he knew if the four were anything like their mothers, they would be insatiable. For untold hours, he fucked each daughter, switching between them after filling them each with load after load of his impregnating cum. But while he was fucking each daughter full, the mares wanted to show off their own talents to him in an attempt to get him to pay more attention to them. It was a harmless competition, but it was exhausting Night; who more than once had to drink an energy potion he bought from a traveling zebra apothecary. Silver was one of the most tame of the six mares, but she made up for it with her willingness to bring out as much pleasure as possible. She preferred to take Night’s dick from behind, bouncing herself against his size over and over as her face was pressed against the bed. Her moans were mostly muffled but they were no less arousing. Dark was more driven to make Night groan, having him fuck her as she rode his dick, leaning over him to hug him as she made her ass grind up and down his full length. This angle allowed him to rub his dick against the most sensitive spots along her vaginal wall, making her tremble in orgasm several times. Pewter and Steel worked together when having Night fuck them. Both mares making out over his body, then switching to eating each other out, while their father shoved his dick in and out of their pussies. Even as he released his loads into them, the two continued to lick and taste not only their nectar, but the mix of their father’s masculine cum. It was a beautiful and arousing display, but it was the least active, with more mares seemingly being more into making out with each others’ pussies. But this didn’t fully last as both wanted to have more personal time with Night. But Silver couldn’t help but have fun with her daughters. Steel laid on her back as her father pounded himself in and out, causing her large breasts to bounce with each thrust. But her mother was unable to hold back as she started to make out with the mare as Night continued to fuck in and out of her pussy. This kept up for several long minutes before he was able to release a heavy load directly into her womb with a hard thrust against her cervix. Pewter was more into taking it from behind as well, enjoying the idea of being a bad girl as Night grabbed at her mane, tugging it back to make her feel the slight twinges of pain that were immediately drowned out by the immense pleasure. But like her other daughter, Silver couldn’t resist herself. Laying on her back, the older mare slid under Pewter as she was being fucked, reaching up around her back and pulling her closer so that she could suckle at the mare’s more petite chest. Her tongue teased at her nipple but it also caused her pussy to get so tight that Night could almost barely move his dick in and out. Raising a hand to smack the mare’s ass, he was able to keep fucking her until he released himself into her fuck hole. Shadow and Black were the opposite, barely working together as they seemed to fight over who gets fucked full of cum first. Switching on and off the thick shaft, the two mares continued this until they were both sporting swollen bellies of his hot spunk. But this was more a part of their plan. But Night did his best to keep it as even as possible. Black being the most eager was also being the most greedy with his cum, not getting off until he came in her more than once. But he did manage to somehow get the loads he released in Shadow to be heavier. So while the number of orgasms were not equal, the volume of cum being pumped into them was as close as possible. After they both had heavy bellies, Shadow being the last one to feel her father’s hot cum pouring into her body, they adjusted at Night’s side, pressing their bellies against the side of his dick. The two were on their knees as they wrapped an arm around both their father’s back and their own as they rub themselves against his cum and pussy soaked cock. Noticing their plan, the stallion played along, placing a hand on each mare’s shoulder, thrusting up and down between the soft bellies. Keeping up a steady pace, Night splattered heavy ropes of cum between the two, almost making a mare sandwich, with his cum as the filling. The family continued their displays of passion until far into the day, and deep into the night. They only stopped when they were struck by fatigue. The younger four were the first to drop from exhaustion, and even Silver and Dark would eventually drop to Night’s side too, but it was after their made out with each other while giving their father a double blowjob. When all his daughters were finally too tired to do anything, Night laid back, his mind racing back and forth. His body was sore from the hours of sex, even under the effect of the potion he drank from time to time, pleasuring six mares as equally as possible was still heavily taxing. ‘How did this happen?’ Night thought to himself, though he already realized the answer. ‘I can’t say I wasn’t hoping for this. But I think this was a little too soon.’ But as he thought, he turned his gaze from one mare to another. The sight of all six of them, bellies swollen, fresh impregnated wombs filled with cum, and pussies dripping out any excess. He couldn’t help but let out a small sigh, smiling warmly. ‘I suppose it wasn’t that bad.’ For a few more minutes, he just laid there, the afterglow of his countless orgasms washing over him. Seeing each swollen belly also brought out a new thought. ‘If Silver and Dark’s pregnancies were hard to endure, will I even survive all six?’ > Bonus: Eight Months Later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eight months have passed since that night, Night had watched as his family has grown. Though they have not given birth yet, all six of his daughters were now fully pregnant. Silver and Dark were still able to work at the pawn shop throughout most of their pregnancy, until Night forced them to remain at home. Though they did use this opportunity to spend more time with their father at every chance they could. Pewter was able to continue most of her studies, even taking online and at home classes when she was getting too full to leave the house. Steel’s pregnancy was a major boost to her modeling career. Her agent telling her how it increased their profits as many of their demographic seemed to love her sexy she looked with her round belly. Especially when she would occasionally drip milk from her nipples. This caused her to want her father to drink from her on a regular basis; which was slowly becoming a fetish for her. Shadow had to put a pause on her athletic ambitions, though she was able to explain the situation to Captain Rainbow Dash. What really helped her, was that the Wonderbolt Captain was not only understanding, but gave a more than subtle hint that she has done a few things with her own father. She was even promised a spot after her maternity leave. Black took her pregnancy the happiest. She all but shared the news with all her friends, much to the dismay of many of her stallion friends, but they were still happy for her. But pregnancy did cause her to be far more open about her desires. On more than one occasion, she had asked Night in public to bend her over something and fuck her until she couldn’t walk. And then to fuck her as he carried her. This caused a few awkward moments, but she hadn’t done anything too serious as of yet.  Lying on the bed, the stallion looked over the six mares, four of them laying at his sides, while the last two, Silver and Dark specifically, were busy making out with their father’s erect and cum dripping dick. It was soaked in their saliva and the wet remains of the numerous sessions the family had shared with each other. But despite the eagerness of the younger daughters, it was his older daughters that were far more capable of going again and again. As well as that, that since the secret was out, Silver and Dark were free to fuck Night as much as they want.  “You know girls.” Night comments, looking down at the two as they kep slurping at his cock with no concern over how slutty it made them look. “We just finished, shouldn’t we take, you know, a break?”  “But you only came to us a few times already.” Silver cooed, running her tongue from balls to tip as she made her sultry sounds. “My pussy still wants your hot cum.”  “No, I should go next.” Dark protested, showing her more jealous and competitive nature, trying to keep up with her sister as they made out with themselves with Night’s cockhead being in between their lips and tongue. “You already got enough cum in your pussy, mine needs more hot cock milk for the foal.”  Night’s cock twitched as he heard his daughters’ banters and pleads. It did add to his sense of masculinity when he was so sought after by younger mares like that. Looking at all his children, a warm feeling of pride swelled up, seeing each of their pregnant round bellies only made him want to fuck them more. But this laying back and feeling their warmth against him was a pleasure in its own right. Though this was becoming harder and harder as both Silver and Dark were very insistent on trying to get him as aroused as possible.  “Please fuck me daddy.” Silver moaned, begging Night to get hard for her. She was even taking so far as to slowly and carefully slide herself upwards to place her large, milk dripping chest against his dick. “I want more of my daddy cock and cum to feed the baby.”  “No, daddy wants to fuck me next.” Dark replied, rising to the challenge to wedge his cock between her own tits, but made sure to press her nipples against Silver’s. “She’s just being selfish, I haven’t even gotten a full turn with you yet.”  “Yeah, but you two aren’t my only daughters that wanted my attention.” Night commented, shifting his head from side to side to look at his other daughters. “The other girls have been straddling me for months and months to help with their cravings.”  “But they’re still young, they can wait their turn.” Silver pouted, showing the same adorable look on her face that could make her father’s willpower melt away. “I want to have some fun before I have to share you with others.”  “Then I’ll go first.” Dark protested, quickly taking the moment to gently push Silver to the side, making her roll a little on her back. This gave her enough time to mount on top of her father, aligning his hard cock to her drenched pussy lips. “I want my share of daddy before the others wake up and hog him all to themselves again!”  Before Silver could roll back, or Night could do anything, Dark plopped herself down, feeling her father’s hard cock slide with ease into her pussy, hilting deep inside her. She arched her body back as she shivered in the thrill of feeling so full again. Her belly kicked a little as she could feel herself getting close to orgasm already. Her insides felt so sensitive as her inner folds coiled around the dick as she was barely able to lift herself before landing back down. No sooner had she settled down over her father, the mare lifted herself a little, just to drop back down. Before long, she was riding Night’s cock like a wild mare.  “Oh fuck daddy! Fuck me daddy!” Dark moaned, raising her arms to show off her erotic body. “Fuck me full of your hot cum!”  “Damn it, Dark!” Night groaned, gritting his teeth as he was struggling to hold back. Both daughters’ double oral had already left him very sensitive. But now that Dark was bouncing her sexy ass on his dick was driving him closer and closer. “Fuck, I’m cumming!”  Night let out a low groan and a gasp as he felt his heavy balls tighten against his body, his cock swelled inside his daughter as the hot and thick load was being pumped out into her pussy, soaking her inner walls and gushing out the sides in thin trickles. Dark’s eyes rolled back as she was feeling the afterglow of her oragasm. While she would normally have lasted much longer, her pregnancy made her so much more sensitive and all it took was a few minutes of riding to get her gushing all over him.  “Okay, you have your turn.” Silver exclaimed, still having a cute pout on her face as she started nudging Dark off Night’s dick, half erect shaft slipping out of the cum dripping pussy. Quickly, she got to work trying to get her father hard again. The stallion could only twitch madly as he was feeling his spent cockhead being teased and toyed with by his daughter’s tongue. “Please get hard again, I want my fill too.”  “But honey, please.” Night groaned, trying to get her to stop, but his arms were too weak to slip out from under his other daughters to do anything. “I just came and I’m really tired.”  “Hmm fine…” Silver pouted, but positioned herself to place herself atop him as to lay carefully, pressing her round belly against his chest. “Then when you can I go first.”  Night couldn’t stop Silver at that point, he was just thankful that he was able to at the very least get her to settle down. But he knew that she would do anything to go again. It wasn’t just the pregnancy that made her more aroused and almost constantly in the mood for sex. But the fact that it was more accepted in the household. This fact had caused the last eight months of his life to be neverending sex and orgies. Laying his head back, he couldn’t even remember the last time he went a day without cumming in or on his pregnant daughter. ‘Just got to deal with another month or so.’ Night thought to himself, laying his head. Turning from side to side, he could see the still resting eyes; though he was surprised how they could’ve slept through Silver and Dark’s competing. But this also meant when they would wake up, and they would also want a turn. While enduring it last time was a hassle, and that was only with two mares. Now it was six mares, and every one of them wanted him to fuck them full of cum multiple times a day. ‘Another month or so...if I can survive it again.’