> Crashing Walls > by How2deletedisughh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One: Beginning (Originally got deleted by someone. Back up now.) It was just another ordinary day for the ponies of Equestria. All oblivious to the eyes that watched them through a television screen, they continued on with their normal lives… However, there was one exception. As a larger-than-average pony walked into her chambers, see gazed upon her colossal star, the Sun. She has been in charge of the day cycles for over a millennium, and until recently, had control over the night cycle as well. Thanks to her powerful sister, Luna, a long magical strain had been removed from her, and she was finally allowed to rest her magical abilities. Not that she couldn’t handle it, being the most powerful Alicorn in Equestria. As the white mare moved to her mirror, she gazed upon her flowing, multicolored mane. It wasn’t a rainbow, like her student’s friend’s mane, but it certainly was beautiful. Somehow, it seemed to always flow, never stopping. She gazed upon her reflection, pondering Equestria's current situation. Her thoughts were interrupted as a hoof could be heard, knocking on her door. “Yes, come in,” the Alicorn spoke. As the white mare turned to meet her guest, she saw the colt she had been looking for; A light-brown pony with a chestnut mane, and an Hourglass marking on his flank. “Ah, Mr. Hooves, please sit down.” As the newcomer entered the room, he smiled and said, “Oh Celestia, why must you be so formal? You know you can just call me the Doctor.” Celestia smiled as well, and sat down at the table with her friend from long ago. She motioned to a cup of tea and asked, “Would you like some?” He shook his head. “No, that’s quite alright. I believe we have some very important business to attend to.” Celestia’s face adopted a look of seriousness. She nodded strongly and said, “That is correct, Doctor. As you and I know, the outside world is becoming much more active. And during this period of waiting, we’ve adopted many more fans... Much more than we thought would occur.” The Doctor nodded, and added, “Exactly. My question is, can’t you just strengthen the barrier, just like the last time?” Celestia frowned sadly, but continued on and said, “Unfortunately, no. There’s too much content in the other world. I fear that the barrier will crack even further if I attempt to tamper with it. We’ve tried everything, and there’s only one way I can see… we need to embrace some of the other world’s power, and make it work for us.” The Doctor’s face turned grim. “Now Celestia, you know just as well as I do that if we tamper with the barrier, and let the other world in, the results could be detrimental to everyone in all the dimensions! I was lucky- I fear we won’t have that same luck again.” Celestia cut him off, “Yes, I know, all three worlds could perish. But if we don’t act now, there most certainly will not be a total of three ramaining. We need someone to help… someone who knows how to interact with the other world.” The Doctor’s eyes widened. “You aren’t suggesting…” Celestia nodded. “I am. We need a human.” As Marcus exited his school bus, he ran up the stairs to his house, which was conveniently right in front of his bus stop. After reaching the front door, he pulled out his keys, unlocked the door, and rushed inside. Luckily, his parents weren’t home yet, so he would have some time to himself. As he walked through his house, something seemed off. It wouldn’t be too hard to notice something different, his house wasn’t very big. There was only one floor, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Thankfully, one of the bathrooms was located in the hallway just before the entrance to his room, and he really needed to pee. He threw his backpack across the hall, directed at the wall at the end. HE was just about to enter the restroom and close the door, when he heard a sound. It sounded like a squeal, but it didn’t sound scared… more like a sound emitted from a sharp, quick pain. Nervous, Marcus cautiously inched towards where his backpack landed, and saw that instead of landing at the base of the wall, it was nearly a foot away from it. He knew he heard it make contact with something… but with what? He looked around the house for a few seconds, then shouted out, “Show yourself! I have a bat, and I’m not afraid to use it!” Realizing he had no weapon, he bolted to his room, and grabbed his baseball bat to keep true to his promise. As he rushed back to the strange scene, he saw her. Oh dear god, this must be a dream or something. He passed out from seeing the Princess of Equestria, CELESTIA HERSELF, in his house. As he collapsed on the floor, Celestia trotted over to his body. She smiled and said to herself, “An observant one, this will do nicely.” As she touched her horn to his body, she cast a spell and they left his house, leaving only the backpack behind. Although his vision was dark and foggy, Marcus was able to see light, and some shapes. He could feel that he was on his back, on a cushion of some sort. His memories were blurred, and he felt as if he had been hit in the head by a rock. He saw three shadows look over him, and heard their voices… “So, this is a human?” “That’s correct. They are a strange looking bunch, are they not?” “Indeed they are, and they are very flawed. Few believe in peace, while many remain indifferent or opposed. It’s a strange world…” The vision was returning to Marcus, and he could finally see his assumed kidnappers. It was… “C-Celestia… L-Luna and… The Doctor?” Doctor Whooves held his head high and raised his hood to his chest. “The one and only! I’m pleased to see how appropriate of a representation you’ve given me.” Marcus couldn’t believe it, talking ponies. It was lights out for him again. Fortunately for the waiting ponies, Marcus was conscious and up on his feet again within minutes, and began to interrogate the ponies. “Where on Earth am I, how are you real, can I get home, and what the heck is going on?” Celestia smiled, and said to her sister, “Luna, please go and gather the energy. We’ll call you back when ready. Luna gave a swift nod, and exited the Castle’s infirmary to gather energy. After the Princess and the Doctor reassured Marcus that he was, in fact, not high on some sort of drug, Marcus began to ask a question that had been on his mind for a bit. “So…” Marcus began, “…why am I here? I mean, you didn’t bring me here for some sort of epic story, did you? There has to be a reason.” Celestia gave him a kind smile and said, “You’d get along with Pinkie Pie, and yes, there is a reason. This world that you are in now is, in fact, Equestria. However, it’s not the only Equestria in existence.” Marcus suddenly became wide-eyed at the thought. “You mean the fun is doubled?” The Doctor groaned at the joke, and said, “Yes, yes, we get it. However, the other Equestria is what we refer to as the Fanon World. It consists of characters, locations, and personalities given by the fans of our show. Everything in this world is Canon, and is what will happen in the TV show that you know and love.” Marcus began to understand, and asked, “Wait, but Doctor, aren’t you a fan-made personality? And I still have no idea what this has to do with me.” Celestia said, “Doctor Whooves, leave this one to me. Go and fetch Luna, we’ll be needing her soon.” The Doctor nodded, and walked off to where Luna was. Celestia turned her attention back to Marcus and said, “The Doctor is fan personality, yes, but he has been able to communicate between the two worlds as the only stable link. The worlds were meant to be separate for all of eternity, but that’s about to change. With all the projects and creations bronies have made, the barrier separating the two worlds is beginning to weaken. We need you to fix it.” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Marcus was nothing special, yet he was supposed to fix two collapsing dimensions? What was the Princess thinking? However, she sensed his uncertainty, and said, “I chose to bring you here to fix this because you possess certain talents that are rare amongst bronies, and even rarer amongst humans entirely. You have courage, willpower, and your senses are sharp. You may not be the strongest, but that’s about to change…” Marcus looked skeptical, and asked, “Why do I have to do this? Can’t you do something-” He saw her shake her head no, and she stated, “My powers cannot strengthen the barrier. If I tampered with it, it could explode and ruin this world, along with the Fanon world. The Doctor can do nothing either, for the Fanon world has become too cramped for his powers to be effective. Anything he would do would prove to be ineffective, but with this plan of mine, we have a chance…” As Celestia trailed off, Luna returned, her horn glowing an unsettling orange, not normal to her magic color, with the Doctor not far behind her. “Here it is, sis…” Luna said. Celestia turned back to Marcus, and told him, “Marcus, after this event, your life will forever be changed. Your power will become legendary, but your responsibilities to the balance of these three worlds will be great. Do you wish to proceed?” He sat there for a moment, contemplating what path he should take. After a minute, it was clear to him what he should do; he must protect the ponies. He couldn’t imagine his life without ponies anymore, and it’s his time to give back. “Let’s do this, Princess.” Marcus said confidently. Celestia smiled, and motioned for Luna to begin. The orange beam struck Marcus, and he began to glow. Then, for the third time today, he passed out.