> Just a Sweater... > by Dark Tail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Really should keep a spare key nearby..." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ocellus leaned back against her chair and rubbed her eyes. The sound of the wind hitting her window had managed to break her concentration on the book she was reading. She looked around. Her and Smolder's room was small and hot but at least it was just theirs. A few months ago, Headmaster Starlight did some renovations that allowed for some of the students staying abroad to have a room that didn't try to house several creatures at once. Instead allowing for two creatures to comfortably sleep and move around in. As the wind blew outside, Ocellus was able to relax in warmth. Their room was well heated. That is why Ocellus found it necessary to wear less when she and Smolder were hanging out in their room... Well that and another reason anyways. Ocellus got up and adjusted her sweatshirt. She mostly just had it on because it was more comfortable then being wrapped in a blanket and she didn't have a certain other warmth she had come to know more recently around her at the moment either. Ocellus put down the book onto her desk. It was the weekend and only two more days before Hearths Warming break officially began. This meant that she and her friends only had to worry about one school day before leaving and from what their teachers had told them, it was going to be a take it easy kind of day for that reason. So with no tests to study for, Ocellus found herself hanging out in her room with a good book and a cup of tea on the way. Ocellus glanced at the clock. Hmm, that kettle should be boiling soon. Ocellus got up and headed toward her door. A small kitchen had also been installed next to the shower rooms which was just across the hallway from her and Smolder. Yona and Silverstream were right next door while Sandbar and Galas were down the hallway towards the common area. Ocellus opened the door, quickly jumped out and shut it in order to make sure all the hot air stayed within their room. Ocellus casually walked over and took the kettle off the small stove. She didn't need too feel to scared about walking out like this. The sweater was large and mostly managed to cover her unmentionables, though she admittedly could not bend over though without giving someone a good show. It was much too thick to show off her breasts as well. Besides, most of her friends had seen her in less. She used to be on swim team after all. Not to mention, she was far from the most prude person of her group of friends. Heck, Smolder would casually wonder around the dorm with nothing on. To the point that Gallus and Sandbar aren't even surprised to bump into Smolder while she's completely naked anymore. Ocellus slowly poured the hot water into a mug, popped in a tea bag and stirred it. She then grabbed the mug and headed back. It was only once she reached the door did she realize she had a problem. The new locks Head Mare Starlight put in were magic resistant and locked from the inside every time the door closed. This was supposed to be an extra safety measure, after some villains tried to break in. They were now another stone statue in Celestia's garden but the Head Mare decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Well now Ocellus was feeling sorry because right now, she had just walked outside her room without her key. Smolder would have one but she had no idea where she was in the school. And she couldn't just walk around... Not in just this. Dorm area is one thing but outside... Ocellus set down her tea and quickly jogged over and knocked on Yona and Silverstream's door. She waited for a few seconds. After not hearing any movement, she could only assume that they were out. She tried again with her other friend's door but to no avail. She checked the showers and the kitchen again. No sign of any creature. Not even in the common room. Ocellus sighed in defeat. She pulled her sweater down as far as it would go. It only managed to just cover her ass by an inch or so. Maybe if she was careful, people would think she was wearing short shorts underneath. She was going to have to start with Fluttershy's class. Taking care of some of the animals was an extra curricular that was available. Ocellus accidentally missed the deadline to sign up, otherwise she would probably be there now. There was a feeling of nervousness as the half naked changedling walked through the double doors quietly. The hallway led to a staircase the lead downstairs to some of the class rooms. Thankfully, Fluttershy's class was one of those rooms. Ocellus fidgeted with her sweatshirt as she slowly walked down the steps, her bare hooves doing their best not to make a sound. Her breasts bobbed up and down slightly as she moved, causing Ocellus to have to hold down the sweater constantly. The thought of going to Head Mare Starlight crossed her mind but was quickly dismissed. She had to leave for some emergency with the vice head stallion in tow. Now it was just some of the teachers here to look after them with Professor Trixie having to be the substitute for the Head Master. And there is no way she would know where the Head Mare kept her spare keys. She was on her own. Ocellus reached the bottom of the stairs and through the double doors. Thankfully, weekends meant fewer other creatures around. But there was still the chance of some-creature seeing her. What would they say? Would they be able to tell? Ocellus found herself blushing at the idea of someone seeing her exposed like this. Why was she so nervous? Its not like she was doing anything wrong. But for some reason, this felt so freaking wrong. And even stranger, Ocellus felt... Excited? Ocellus was so lost in her thoughts that she almost bumped right into Silverstream as she was coming out of the class. Ocellus had to jump back in order to keep from running into her, all the while, holding down her sweatshirt. "Oh, sorry Ocellus, didn't see you there. What are you doing down here at this time? Are you here to see Professor Fluttershy? She just stepped out so you just missed her. OhmygoshIloveyoursweatshirt! Its-so-cute!" Ocellus had to hold up a hand to try and interject. "Listen, Silverstream, I am looking for Smolder. Have you seen her?" Silverstream seemed to hesitate, putting a claw to her peak as she thought for a moment. "I think I heard her and Gallus mention something about a swimming race or something at the pool." Ocellus let out a sigh of relief. "OK, thanks. I managed to lock myself out and I need Smolder to give me her key." Silverstream laughed. "Oh my, well at least you didn't get caught out naked or something. Now that would be terrible." There was a pause of silence between the two of them. Ocellus tried to agree but the words died in her throat. She was a terrible liar. Silverstream glanced down at Ocellus' legs. "Oh... Well mostly naked isn't too bad right?" Ocellus felt her face go red as Silverstream suddenly went in for a hug. She felt her breast squish against Silverstream's. Despite the thickness of the sweatshirt and the T-shirt Silverstream was wearing, the feeling of her breasts grinding against her friend's was enough to make her feel something that she was sure Smolder would probably be jealous of... Well, then again, Dragons were known for their open relationships. Ocellus felt something run down her leg as a lewd image flashed through her mind. "Hey, don't worry too much. Its not like there are too many creatures around today anyways. I mean, what's the worst that could happen if someone did happen to notice your going bottomless today?" "Uh, Silverstream?" Silverstream quickly let go, muttered a "Oh right, well... Good luck!" and gave a quick wave before jogging off toward the dorms. Ocellus did her best to slow her heart rate back down. For some reason, being so close to Silverstream like this was a new feeling to her. It wasn't just some hug anymore. Not like this. This felt more... Dirty somehow. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Ocellus did her best to turn around and begin working her way towards the pool room. It was just one building over but she would have to go outside for a few seconds. The changedling knew how that was going to feel and maybe it was for the best considering how warm she was feeling right now. She glanced outside the window, seeing the building housing the pool room directly across from her. The wind was really kicking up some snow and a blizzard seemed to be forming outside. She hoped that no one was outside right now. Sprinting from one door to the next was bound to expose her. See her ass shake as she ran... Her legs kicking up snow as her flower would flash between each step. There was that feeling running down her leg again. Ocellus shook her head, deciding it was now or never and ran through the double doors. The icy cold wind hit her immediately, breaking her thoughts as one thought rushed forward to the front: Need to get back inside now! Ocellus sprinted across, through open the doors and rushed on in. Once the doors shut behind her. She glanced back out through the windows on the door but saw no one. With a sigh of relief and another conflicting emotion of disappointment, Ocellus turned, took a right and went through the mare's locker room. She was surprised to see that no one was in there, figuring that the warm indoor pool would be on any creature's mind that was at the school. She wandered on through and soon found the door leading to the pool room. Ocellus took another deep breath, there was no telling who was going to be at the pool today. It could just be a lot of guys. A lot of guys who were bound to notice that she was wearing just a sweatshirt. To a pool. Who would then notice her ass just barely peaking out. Maybe they would see her breasts come into view as the hot air caused her sweatshirt to begin to tightly wrap around her. They would stare and gawk at her figure. Some might even want a closer look. Maybe she would just say screw it and through the sweatshirt off, her body exposed for all to see. So much shame. So much excitement! Ocellus had to slap herself in the face quickly. "What is going on with me today!" Ocellus glanced down and noticed that there was a small puddle forming right under her. There was no doubt that it wasn't sweat either. Ocellus decided it would probably be best to just open the damn door. She did so, allowing a rush of warm air to hit her. She walked on in and was surprised to find only one creature hanging out there. Gallus was currently relaxing in an inner-tube, his eyes closed as he seemed to be humming some sort of Hearths Warming tune to himself. She glanced around but did not see another soul. She felt relief and... Disappointment? Ocellus took a deep breath. She had just stepped in and already she was feeling really hot. Ocellus walked over and stood towards the edge of the pool, as close as she could get to Gallus from where he was. "Hey, Gallus, is Smolder around her by any chance?" Gallus opened his eyes fumbled on his inner-tube. "Uh, I was just resting! Wasn't singing some cheesy Hearths Warming tune! No way!" Ocellus gave a quick eye roll but smiled. Gallus glanced over at Ocellus and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, Ocellus, its just you. Figured this is the best place to be during a really cold day as well, huh?" Ocellus cocked her head slightly. "Well I can't argue with you there. This does feel like it would be relaxing though I..." Ocellus found her words die out as she stared harder at Gallus. He was floating closer to her, allowing her for a better view of him. It was now that Ocellus was able to notice the distinct lack of something most creatures would see while at a large pool. "Uh Gallus? Where are your swim trunks?" Gallus, with his very clearly rather large bird of prey hanging for out of all to see, shrugged. "Smolder has them. I lost them as part of our bet. She beat me at a swimming race. Who knew Dragons can be so freaking fast underwater." Ocellus was sure she was going to be red changedling by the time today was over. She did her best not to stare as she glanced around to pool. "Right, so why are you just hanging out here naked then?" Gallus shrugged once again. "Figured I'd just wait till it gets dark out then sneak back. If anyone comes by, I'll make a mad dash for the locker rooms. So far though, you are the only other creature I have seen here today." Gallus raised an eyebrow as he stared hard at Ocellus for a moment. "Seems I'm not the only one going commando today." Ocellus quickly realized that the hot air was causing her sweatshirt to bunch up and sure enough, her moist flower was now just barely visible. "I got locked out OK?" Ocellus tried to cover herself with her hands but quickly realized how fruitless it was. Gallus had already seen her and he was already naked. There was really no shame to be had in this room at this point. She dropped her arms to her sides in defeat, though she knew that there was blush now covering her face that wouldn't go away. She glanced down at the water. "I was hoping to get the key from Smolder. I am guessing that she is no longer here?" Gallus glanced around him. "Actually, no but she should be nearby. I think I heard something about her hitting the sauna then the stallion's locker room for a shower. Something about the hot water being hotter in there." Ocellus let out a sigh of relief. "Oh good, thanks Gallus." Gallus nodded his head and went back to relaxing in his tube. "No problem. If you get bored, pools been a bit too quiet lately." Ocellus nodded as she turned and headed towards the sauna at the far corner of the pool room. "I'll keep that in mind!" She said with a quick wave. She was sure that Gallus was staring at her as she jogged. Surely he could see her rear. For some reason, that made her just want to show it off more. She lifted up her shoulders slightly as she ran, hoping that he would see more of her sweaty ass. The changedling felt a smile form across her face. For something that felt so dirty, it sure was making her feel more excited than she had ever been. She stopped once she reached around where the sauna would be located. There was a moment were she wanted to stop and question herself again but the thought of Smolder and finding her was now driving her thought process more than anything. There was a door leading to a small hallway and then the sauna room. Ocellus opened the door and stepped in, the air becoming slightly more muggy as she went inside. She came to the door of the sauna room and was about to open said door when movement caught her eye. She glanced into the window, expecting to see Smolder. Instead, she saw Sandbar and Yona... Currently in the middle of what appeared to be in the middle one heck of a passionate sex scene. Yona was clearly moaning hard as Sandbar slammed into her from behind, sweat glistening off their bodies. Ocellus stared, frozen in shock as the yak and pony's moans could barely be heard behind the thick wooden door. Yona was calling Sandbar's name over and over. "Oh, Sandbar good... Right there. Deeper... Right there! Sandbar! Ocellus felt her body grow warmer than the air around her. Her hand suddenly hovering over her dripping wet entrance. The lewd act in front of her turning her on while the thought of opening the door and them seeing her like this, her hand just inches away. The thought of those two staring at her. Everything just assaulted her mind all at once. Her finger made a faux pass over her slit. A drop of her own love juices landed on her finger. What would they think? There own friend half naked and getting off to them? That thought alone was driving her nuts. All they would have to do is turn towards the door and see her staring at them. But maybe it would be better if she came across them. Showing just how wet she was. Showing them her flower for all to see. Showing them just what their love making was doing to her... Ocellus suddenly ducked and slid her back against the door. "OK. Now I know something is wrong with me." She ran a finger lightly over her sex before shaking her head. "I can't believe myself today. I am not this freaking lewd usually! But I can't deny it. I am so freaking horny! I... Don't know if I even care about the key anymore. I just need Smolder... Now!" Ocellus got up and went back to the pool room. She quickly walked past Gallus and entered the last place that Smolder was supposed to be. She opened the door and sure enough, steam was hovering in the air. Ocellus closed the door behind her and made her way over to the showers. She stopped when she saw Smolder. She was standing under the running water, running her hands all over her body as she worked to cover herself in soap. The way her naked toned body glistened was enough to almost break Ocellus right there. Her lovely breasts and toned ass were being felt all around by her. Smolder turned suddenly and grinned. "So, you just gonna stand there and watch or say something. Because frankly, I'm fine with both." Ocellus, finally managing to jump start her brain again, managed to blurt out. "I've been looking everywhere for you! I got locked out." Smolder chuckled. "Don't tell me you've been wondering around look for me in nothing but a sweeter." Ocellus nodded. She fidgeted with her sweater. "I have and I don't know why but, its been driving me crazy ever since I left the dorm!" Smolder took a few steps towards Ocellus. The changedling eyes tracked her movement as she neared. Her hips and tail sweeping back and forth as her sexy body got closer and closer. She was now standing directly in front of Ocellus. She glanced down, used her tailed to grab the front edges of Ocellus' sweater and lifted it up slightly. Smolder whistled. "Wow, I don't think I have ever seen you this wet down there before. Looks like someone has an exhibitionism fetish..." Ocellus felt a bead of sweat run down her cheek, a blush that refused to go away spread across her cheeks. She suddenly felt the tip of Smolder's tail rub itself between her legs. She let out a soft coo as Smolder moved her tail back and forth for a moment. "Got to admit, its sexy as all heck that would happen to have that fetish. I don't know how you feel about it, but I certainly approve." Ocellus let out a small moan while Smolder stopped her ministrations with her tail. She moved it back towards herself and brought it up to her mouth to gave it a lick. Her eyes lit up as her tongue began to sensually lick her own tail. "Oh, extra sweet as well? You are full of surprises today." Ocellus watched Smolder lick her own tail, water dripping from the naked form. It was just too much. This was all she could take. She took a step forward. "Listen Smolder, you know I am far from the most forward creature out there. But for the love of... I have never been so hot and bothered right now. I need you... Please. I need to rip this sweater off and buck me like their is no tomorrow!" Smolder felt her smile grow. She stopped licking her tail off and reached behind herself, her tail working its way into her bucket of toiletries, and pulled out a double ended dildo. "Sounds like a job for old double edged dragon sword." She then gestured for Ocellus to stand against the wall underneath the shower. Ocellus quickly moved, her sweater soon began to grow wet around her breasts area, the water cascading over her. Her back was just inches from the wall. Smolder used her tail to hold the dildo while she reached for Ocellus' sweater. "You sure about this?" Ocellus nodded. "I don't care if I have to walk back naked at this point. Tear this thing and make me moan your name!" Smolder shook her head. "Damn, now you are making me feel extra wet." Smolder grabbed the sides of the collar with each hand, and with one swift motion, pushed her hands and arms outward. RRRRIIIP! The noise echoed throughout the shower room. Smolder let go of the two chunks of fabric, letting them fall to the floor. Ocellus now stood, just inches from Smolder. Water bounced off her breasts as she stared longingly at Smolder. Smolder grabbed the dildo from her tail. She then sunk one end of it into her slit, shaking slightly at the feeling, before lining up her shot and pushing forward. Ocellus let out a small squeal. Smolder moved forward, her breasts now squishing against Ocellus'. The changedling wrapped her legs around Smolders back. The dragon casually slid her hands under Ocellus' ass. Both stared for a second, before Smolder began to pushed against Ocellus. Ocellus let out a hard moan as the dragon began to work her hips. Pushing and pulling. Water rained down on the two of them. Ocellus moaned and gasped as Smolder filled her with each thrust. The dildo working its way in and out but never leaving completely. Ocellus clung to Smolder as thrust after hard thrust worked against her. "Smol...Smolder... Hard... Harder... Deeper!" Smolder was all to happy to let out her wild side. She began to pound against Ocellus, growling with delight as the dildo worked it way into her as well. She thrust and gasped as she could feel Ocellus' juices drip down onto her feet. That could have just been the shower but she had a feeling that was Ocellus' love juices she was feeling. Not to mention she was practically moaning her name over and over again. "Smolder... Ah... Yes... Oh... Smolder... Buck YES!" Ocellus' breasts grinded against Smolder's rock hard nipples. Water pouring over the two them. Both panting as their faces were just inches from each other. Their eyes glazed over as pleasure was thrust back and forth between the two. The orange dragon let out a loud growl as pleasure exploded from within her. Ocellus didn't seem to care as she continued to pant and groan as Smolder slammed her hips harder and harder against the horny changedling. Smolder had to admit, she had just came but was not about to let up till her lover was finished. She could usually go longer but after that race with Gallus, she was already feeling a bit tired. But she also really wanted to take advantage of just how horny Ocellus was. Sure she had been passionate before but this was a whole new side to her. She wasn't trying to bite back her moans or cooing softly. She was shouting her name. Giving out loud and hard moans. And it was turning her on like never before. Ocellus was growing horse now. Her gasps and moans becoming low and shallow but her body continued to squeeze against her. "Ah... Don't Stop... Yes... Keep going!" Smolder grinned. "Got to... Ah... Admit. You're lasting... Ah... Longer than usual." Ocellus suddenly leaned forward, planting a kiss on Smolder. The orange dragon, shocked could only do her best to return the kiss. They dominated each other, their tongues working against one another. Smolder was loving this more and more. Ocellus suddenly drew back though. "Smolder... I'm close. Please. Could you do that thing with your tail?" Smolder grinned and nodded. She brought her tail up, lined it up with Ocellus' rear, and gave it a quick charge. Ocellus felt the world slow as pleasure erupted through her entire body like a volcano. Ocellus screamed as pleasure hit her peak. "OH GODDESS YES! SMOLDERRRR!" Smolder felt Ocellus shudder hard before suddenly going limp. Fluids, not just from the shower, rained down onto her feet. She removed her tail and carefully set Ocellus down. She turned off the water and removed the dildo with a pop. More fluids fell from the two of them. Smolder stood there for a second panting, looking Ocellus over. Ocellus was out cold now. She was breathing slowly and her head was down. Smolder had never seen her pass out after having sex before but then again, she did seem to throw her heart and soul into this one. The slightly exhausted dragon walked over and grabbed a few towels. She laid them out across the bench near the lockers. She then carefully picked up Ocellus, holding her bridal style. Smolder stared at her for a moment. She looked so damn cute. But Smolder would never admit something like that out loud. She carefully walked her over and set her down on the bench. She then threw one last towel over Ocellus' body. "Few... That was almost a workout. Can't imagine how you must feel." Ocellus was clearly going to be out for awhile. Smolder shook her head. "Looks like I will be helping both you and Gallus out of here tonight. I was going to give him back his swim trunks after a little while but I lost them." Smolder shrugged. Well lost wasn't really the best word. More like chucked them into the towel deposit. Smolder shrugged her shoulders. "Probably doesn't help that I came here in nothing but a robe either... That I also can't find." That may have also just so happened to have found their way to the towel deposit. Smolder smiled, staring softly at her lover. "Get some good rest Ocellus... Cause it looks like we are going to be doing some streaking tonight!"