> Our Friend, Michael! > by Dinomite123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Field Trip Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Sweet Apple Acres, in the room of a girl named Apple Bloom was getting ready for school. She grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs for a hurry. "Later, Granny!" Apple Bloom called. Wait a minute, Apple Bloom!" Granny Smith stopped her before she could walk out the door. "Don't forget your lunch." "Oh yeah, thanks Granny." "Oh, and remember I'm helping the family with the jam jars tonight." "Again? Aw, you're a total servant to be working for mashing jam." "Nobody's a servant to their own dream, Applebloom." Granny said. "And hopefully my hard work today will pay the way for your dream tomorrow." "I know." Applebloom replied. "And speaking of hard work, you make sure you count words in those books instead of counting those chickens when you get home from school today." "But Granny, Applejack told me to count so she doesn't overfill chickens in her room. And by the way, I'm joining with Sweetie Belle and Scootalo to a club at the skate park this weekend." "Your sister would tell you the same thing, that a decent job comes from improving your grades. Bottom line is no good grades...no club this weekend." Granny ordered. "But Granny..." "No Buts. Now get to school." But before Applebloom could walk the door... "Ahem, Mrs. Apples. Permission slip for the field trip." Granny Smith pulled the permission slip. "Oh right, that music museum. Thanks Granny." Applebloom made her way out the door, when she got to the bus stop Sweetie Belle and Scootalo met up with her. "Hey, Applebloom." Sweetie Belle called. "How's it going?" Scootalo asked. "It's alright." Applebloom replied. "So, you gonna come to the club this weekend?" "Well, Granny said I need study if I ever want to think about going." "Ouch, that's tough road." "Well, you heard her." The school bus finally arrived and the three girls got on. At Canterlot High, the CMC were in class. But Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked in the door late. "Agh, why is everyone always so early?" She scoffed. "You're late again, Diamond Tiara. You too, Silver Spoon." Mrs. Cherilee said. "We missed our bus, Mrs. Cherilee." Diamond Tiara said. "Now settle down class, I'm going to announce the groups for the music arts project." "Miss Cherilee, can I work with..." "I've already picked your groups for you, Diamond Tiara." Miss Cherilee said. "Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, you three will be working together. And Diamond Tiara, you'll be working with Silver Spoon." They both hand shaked for the assignment. The school bell rang, everyone got out of their desks. "Applebloom, May I talk to you for a minute?" Miss Cherilee asked her. "Your grades have gotten very complacent lately. What's going on?" "Well, I've been caught up in so much farm work lately." Applebloom explained. "It's been rough focusing on school work." "Well, I suggest you start focusing on your grades more." "Come on, Mrs. Cherilee, when you're living a farm it's a whole muddy mess. And your one who has to plant the seeds and feed the animals and most of all...apple bucking." "I'll tell that to your granny." Cherilee smiled. "She's busier than ever. I'm talking about the rest of the family." "I know your smarter than this, Applebloom. There are other ways to make your mark." "Well, sometimes I can do it the apple family way." Applebloom said. "Well then, tell you this, Applebloom." Mrs. Cherilee noted. "I'm recementing to Principal Celestia that you repeat a grade." "What!?" "...If you don't turn your grades around, starting with choosing the topic of your favorite music artist." "There are many country artists, what's there to pick. Besides, there are many music stars out there and they're all famous." "But they also have passions and stories. Take for example, Michael Jackson was able to follow his heart and make his own choices. And he supported many other artists, plus he wrote songs that inspired people. Just keep your eyes and ears open on the field trip. You might learn something." "Fine, I guess I could learn a few things." Applebloom sighed. Later at the music museum, the tourist named Sour Note was giving the class a tour of the hallway. "Hello, kids. I'm your tourist, Sour Note. And I will be showing around the museum of how music was invented and about how the popular musicians changed the world. As you'll find out this museum is very unique, magical even." "You mean like a haunted house or even a mysterious castle?" Scootaloo wondered. "No no, not like that. Come and see for yourself." Sour Note began showing the class around the exhibits where music was invented. At last, she showed them the exhibit of one of the greatest entertainers of all time. "All right class, I hope you all are gonna love this attraction." She said. "This is an exhibition of one of the greatest entertainers of all time." At last, it is revealed to be the exhibit of Michael Jackson. She showed all the outfits he wore at his tour concerts and the stuff he had in his life. "Wow, he must've been super rich." Diamond Tiara smirked. "Yes, he was very rich. Rich enough to build his own neverland ranch." Sour Note explained. "Why is this roped off?" Applebloom asked as her pick up on of MJ's gloves of the hand elastic. "To keep your scrubby little hand of it." She said grabbing it and putting it back. "Yeah, the things in here are probably priceless." Silver Spoon said. "It's much more than that. Priceless is not the right word. Now come follow me, I've got to show you the rest." The class followed, but Applebloom stayed behind and looked at MJ's glove. "Come on, Applebloom. The class is moving on." Sweetie Belle snapped her to reality. "Miss. Note said this museum is magical, right? Applebloom stated. "She was just joking. People say stuff like that all the time." "Well, I want to check it out first handed." "We're gonna get in trouble." Scootaloo said. "C'mon, are you guys my friends or not? Besides, who's gonna know?" "Just the four of us." The turned to see it was Sour Note. "What? No sense of direction or you just lost your way to the bathroom?" The three girls had a feeling they were in trouble. "Uh, hi Ms. Note. We're..." "Busted." Scootaloo interrupted. "You know, I don't usually do this, but I'll let you poke around here so you can feel the exhibit." She unclipped the red ropes of the stanchions and let them in the exhibit. "Now c'mon, I don't have all time to stand her until my retirement kicks in." Sour Note smiled. She a watch and turned a different time on the clock. "Have a nice day trip." She left the three on their own. "What does she mean by that?" Sweetie Belle wondered. "It doesn't matter, check it out. That guy had a gorgeous sparkling glove." Applebloom beamed. "I wonder how it fits on my hand." She picked it up and tried it on her hand. Suddenly, it started to sparkle and so it the watch Sour Note left. "What's going on?" "I think it's the glove." "Take it off, Applebloom!" She tried to take it off, but the sparkles surrounded them and they were being teleported to somewhere else, somewhere that was many years before they were even born.