The Mare Hiding

by ShowShine

First published

The last Pinkie Pie from the mirror pool needs to start a life of her own

The last Pinkie Pie from the mirror pool leave Ponyville to start a life on her own.

Cover made by BarkBitez

Too Many Pinkie Pies

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Pinkie Pie stood in front of Mirror Pool, bouncing excitedly. She stomped her hooves happily, kicking up dust.

“When I copy myself, I can spend time with Applejack and Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a squeal. She looked into the Mirror Pool and grinned.

"And into her own reflection she stared, uh, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!" Pinkie Pie chanted excitedly. Pink hooves came from the mirror pool, pulling itself out of the water. A mare that looked just like Pinkie Pie stood up, smiling happily.

“Wheee-heee!” The clone exclaimed, doing a cartwheel. Pinkie Pie let out a gasp.

“Wow, the legend is true. It really worked!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed with hop. The clone ran around the room, looking at everything in awe.

“Fun fun!” She shouted happily. She looked around, picking up rocks and mushrooms. She stared at them in awe, never seeing anything like it.

“Okay, wait. I promised not talk to myself anymore. I should say something to her. Or... would that still be talking to myself?” Pinkie Pie wondered. She shook her head and looked at the Pinke clone. “Excuse me, me? Can I have a word with you? Uh, I mean, me? Listen, I can see you're having lots of fun, but–“ Pinke started, but got cut off by her clone.

“Fun?! Did somebody say fun? Where?” The clone asked, looking around

“I did, over here!” Pinkie Pie shouted, waving her hoof. The clone ran towards her with a smile.

“I thought someone said something about fun! Where is it? Over here? Over here? I don't see it! Where is it? Where is it?” The clone asked excitedly, hopping up and down.

“Whoa, calm yourself, Pinkie, there's loads of fun to be had in Ponyville with my girls! Trot on over back to Ponyville with me and I'll tell you all about 'em.” Pinkie Pie said, leading her clone out of the room.

The clone hopped down a path, happily humming to herself.

“Watching this barn raising is going to be so. Much. FUN!” The clone exclaimed happily.

“Oh Pinkie Pie.” A soft voice said. The clone paused in confusion wondering who Pinkie Pie was.

“Oh right, thats me!” She said with a giggle. She turned around to see a yellow pegasus with a long pink mane. She remembered Pinkie Pie telling her that was Fluttershy.

“Oh, Pinkie Pie, I'm so glad you wandered by. I know I promised not to have any fun today, but, oh, I couldn't help myself. All of my critter friends wanted a picnic, and I couldn't disappoint them.” Fluttershy stayed, pointing to a picnic blanket with animals on it. They all ate finger sandwiches and drank tea.

“Come join us. We have plenty of hay juice and marmalade to go around, don't we, critters?” Fluttershy asked. Her animals nodded there heads, letting out chirps and chitters of agreement.

“Wait, but that sounds super fun! Oh, but Applejohn sounds super fun too! Uh, and, and I can't do one without missing out on the other!” The clone said, starting to hyperventilate.

“Applejohn?” Fluttershy asked in confusion. The clone continued to hyperventilate, trying to think of what to do.

“Two fun things at once? But which, which? Oh, can't decide... Trouble breathing...Walls closing in!” The clone shouted, curling up into a ball. Fluttershy tilted her head.

“Walls? But we're outside.” Fluttershy pointed out. The clone popped up and let out a high pitched scream, running away. Fluttershy frowned and turned to her bear friend.

“Is it something I said?” She asked. The beard shrugged his shoulders, letting out a grunt. The clone zipped back over to Fluttershy.

Yes!” The clone shouted, before running away. The clone ran down a path, looking around.

“I need to find Pinkie Pie. Where did she say she was going again?” The clone asked herself. At this point, she was just running aimlessly. “The swimming hole!” The clone exclaimed. The clone quickly turned around, tripping over her hooves a bit and made her way to the swimming hole.

The clone popped her head out of a bush, looking around. She looked at a blue mare wearing sunglasses and had a rainbow mane. She laid on a chair, snoring loudly.

“That must be Rainbow Dash.” The clone muttered to herself. She looked over to the swimming hole to see Pinkie Pie splashing around.

“Psst, Pinkie Pie.” The clone whisper yelled. Pinkie Pie turned around and started swimming towards her clone. She hopped out of lake and run over into the bush, excited to hear about the barn raising.

“Ooh, ooh, tell me all about it! Did they pull the walls of the barn up slow or fast?” Pinkie Pie asked, hopping up and down.

“I–“ The clone started, but got cut off.

“Ooh, did you get ice cream? What kinds did they have? Banana brickle?” Pinkie Pie asked, her eyes shining brightly. The clones war flattened.

“I didn't make it! I was on my way there and then Fluttershy offered something else fun for me to do! A picnic, with cute little animals!” The clone exclaimed. Pinkie Pie stopped hopping and let out a gasp.

“Aw, how could you say no to that?” Pinkie Pie asked. The clone started to tear up.

“That's what I'm saying! Then I would've missed the super fun thing with Applesauce!” The clone shouted.

“Applejack.” Pinkie Pie corrected. The clone fell onto her back and let out a loud cry.

“So I didn't do anything fun at all!” The clone shouted, sobbing. Pinkie Pie walked over to her clone and pet her mane.

“Aw, my poor poor me! There, there. Tell me what, we just need a couple more Pinkie Pies. Easy peasy.” Pinkie Pie said with a sympathetic smile. The clone sniffled and rubbed the tears her eyes.

“Really?” The clone asked. Pinke Pie nodded her head.

“Come on, would I lie to me?” Pinkie Pie asked. Her clone stood up and smiled.

“Let’s go then!” The clone shouted, hopping out of the bush.

“The mirror pool is that way!” Pinkie Pie shouted, pointing in the opposite direction. The clone quickly turned around and hopped towards the forest. Pinkie Pie chuckled and hopped after her.

"...and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!" The Pinkie Pies chanted into the mirror pool. Two Pinkie Pies crawled out of the mirror pool, looking around in awe.

“Look, a double me!” The clone marveled when she looked at her double.

“I think you mean a double-double me. Plus another double-double me, which makes two double-double mes, or a double-double-double me, if you will.” Pinkie Pie corrected. The three doubles looked at each other before quickly running around, looking at everything. Pinkie Pie walked towards the exit with a satisfied smile on her face.

“...and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!" The duplicates said into the mirror pool. Three more Pinkie Pies crawled out of the mirror pool, smiling happily.

“Okay, good enough. Pinkie Pies, move it out–“ Pinkie Pie started, trying to walk away.

"...not to be scared, at the prospect of being doubly mared!" The doubles chanted.

“What in the name of pink?! Knock it off!” Pinkie Pie ordered. Before she knew it, dozens of Pinkie Pies filled the cave.

“Fun!” All of the Pinkie Pies said in perfect unison. Pinkie Pie grinned happily.

“To Ponyville, everyone! Follow me!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, walking out of the cave. When none of the Pinkies followed, she let out a sigh.

“Yes, it’s fun there.” Pinkie Pie stated. All of the Pinkie Pies cheered and followed behind, hopping excitedly. They went up the ramp leading outside, walking through the large entrance.

“I can’t wait to see all of my new friends!” The clone exclaimed happily from the back of the group. A small yellow butterfly flew past making the clone gasp.

“Ooo pretty.” She cooed out. She strayed away from the group, hopping after the butterfly. She continued hopping after the butterfly, wanting to pet it.

“Wait for me!” The clone exclaimed to the butterfly. Soon, the butterfly flew above some trees. The clone frowned and pouted a bit.

“Bye bye butterfly.” The clone said sadly. She turned around to follow the group of Pinkie Pies, only to see that they were gone.

“Where did everypony go?” The clone asked. She frowned and looked around to see that she was alone in the forest.

“I don’t want to miss out on all of the fun.” The clone said with a pout. She hopped in the direction she came from, looking for the other Pinkie Pies.

The clone walked into Ponyville, looking around. She had gotten lost in the forest for thirty minutes before finding her way out. She looked around to see that tables turned upside down, windows that were broken, and food carts broken into bits.

“This place is a mess.” The clone commented. The town seemed pretty empty at this moment. The clone walked around, looking for the other Pinkie Pies. A rainbow blur passed her, making her look up.

“Rainbow Dash?” The clone asked. She hopped after her, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash flew into a large building, slamming the door shut. The clone walked up the the building and tugged on the doors, only for them to barely budge.

“The doors must be locked.” The clone said to herself. She hopped over to one of the windows and peaked inside to see all of the Pinkie Pie clones sitting on the ground. The clone waved her hoof happily, making three Pinkies turn around. They smiled and waved back, one of them letting out a gasp. Before they could blink, they got zapped by purple magic. They disappeared into thin air, turning into a purple aura.

“What happened to them?” The clone asked in shock. She looked around the room to see a purple unicorn zapping any Pinkie Pie that moved. The clone let out a gasp.

“If they see me they’ll zap me too!” The clone exclaimed in fear. She quickly rushed away from the window, making sure no one saw her.

“Where should I hide?” The clone asked herself. She knew she had some of Pinkie Pies memories so she could think of something good. An idea popped into her head and she swiftly walked away from Town Hall. She walked over to a tree and reached her hoof inside, pulling out a blue pouch.

“The real Pinkie Pie always has emergency bits somewhere.” The clone said to herself. She rubbed her hoof on her chin.

“Now where should I go? I can’t stay here or I’ll get all zapped.” The clone said to herself. She put the pouch in her hair, hopping towards the train station. There were so many people she could go. Saddle Arabia, Canterlot, Appleoosa. It was too hard to decide.

“Hello?” A stallions voice asked. The clone turned around to see that she was already at the train station. She must have spaced out on her way there.

“Hi!” The clone greeted. The stallion in the ticket booth gave her an odd look.

“Aren’t you going to buy a ticket?” He asked. The clone nodded her head. She looked at the list of towns behind him and pointed at one.

“I’ll get a ticket to there.” The clone said. The stallion turned around and looked at what she was pointing at. He reached down under him and pulled out a ticket, placing it on the counter.

“One ticket to Manehattan. Are you going to plan a there party Pinkie?” The stallion asked. The clone shook her head rubbing her neck.

“No no I’m not Pinkie Pie, I’m...” the clone started, trying to think of a name. Finally, a name popped into her head.

“Diane Pinks.”

A New Life

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Diane sat on the train to Manehattan, staring out the window. She watched the trees and mountains blur past.

“Is that Pinkie Pie?” A mares voice whispered from somewhere on the train.

“Should we ask for her autograph?” A stallion whispered. Diane covered her face with her hoof, pressing her face against the window.

“First thing when I get to Manehatten, I need to change how I look.” Diane muttered to herself. The train came to a halt and the doors opened.

“Manehatten!” The conductor shouted loudly. Diane quickly stood up and rushed off of the train, avoiding all of the ponies stares. She slowed down and started to look around the train station, which was a very large. The ceilings towered over her.

“This place is so big.” Diane marveled. She looked around to see stores placed around everywhere.

“Maybe they have some disguises in there.” Diane muttered to herself, looking at a store. She ducked down low to the ground, making sure no one else saw her. She entered the store and looked around. It wasn’t that big and had aisles of stuff.

“How can I hide myself?” Diane mumbled to herself. She looked around the store and spotted a rack of capes. Diane walked over to the rack and grabbed a greyish blue cape.

“This color looks bleh.” Diane stated, sticking her tongue out. She quickly shook her head.

“No, I can’t act like Pinkie Pie, I have to act different!” She exclaimed, throwing the cape on her back. She looked up to see a shelf with sunglasses lined up in a perfect row. Diane picked up a pair of black sunglasses and put them on her back.

“If I learned anything from Rarity, I know that eyes are the window to the soul.” Diane stares. “Wait I didn’t learn anything from Rarity, the real Pinkie did. But I remember everything from before the Mirror Pool incident. Bleh, all of this clone stuff is making my brain hurt.” Diane said, rubbing her head. She made her way to the front counter when something caught her eye.

“Hair change.” Diane muttered to herself, looking at shelves filled with hair supplies. She walked over to the shelves, scanning for something to change how she looked. She picked up a hair straightener, a blue towel, and a box of red hair dye.

“Now I’ll look just like a new pony!” Diane exclaimed happily to herself. She froze when she noticed ponies were looking at her. She rushed to the counter, placing all of her items on it.

“Did you find everything well?” The mare behind the counter asked, scanning all of the items.

“Yup it was super duper easy.” Diane said with a friendly smile. The cashier chuckled and handed Diane a plastic bag.

“That’ll be ten bits.” The cashier said with a friendly smile. Diane reaches into her puffy hair and pulled out her pouch. She poured fifteen bits into the cashiers hoof, not caring about overpaying her. Diane hopped out of the store, humming happily to herself. She stopped hopping when she noticed ponies looking at her.

“I need to stop doing that.” Diane muttered to herself, keeping herself low to the ground. She made her way to the restroom area, which was in a dark part of the train station. Diane made her way into a single pony bathroom and locked the door behind her. She let out a sigh and looked in the mirror.

“Goodbye Pinkie Pie.” Diane said to herself, waving to her reflection. She reached into the bag and pulled out the hair dye. She quickly skimmed through the instructions on the back of the box.

“This looks easy as pie!” Diane exclaimed to herself before ripping the box open with her teeth. This was going to be so easy.

The bathroom was an absolute mess. Red hair dye was all over the sink, toilet, floor, and walls. It looked like someone had been murdered in that room.

“I feel bad for whoever needs to clean this up.” Diane said to herself. She looked in the mirror and smiled at what she saw. Her hair was a dark red and completely straight. She wore the blacked out sunglasses and the greyish blue cloak.

“I’m no longer Pinkie Pie, I’m Diane Pinks!” Diane exclaimed happily to herself. She picked up her pouch of bits and placed it in her pocket. She unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, keeping her head low. She walked away from the restrooms area, hoping that her disguise worked. Her eyes darted around behind the sunglasses, making sure no one was staring at her. No one even acknowledged her presence.

“It worked!” Diane exclaimed to herself. She started to hop towards the exit excitedly, humming to herself. She bumped into a pony, making them fall over. She stopped hopping to help the mare she had knocked over. The mare had a blue mane and a cream coat.

“I’m sorry, are you okay?” Diane asked, putting her hoof out. The mare grabbed Diane's hoof stood up, brushing herself off.

“I’m fine, I just wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” She said in a soft voice. They both looked down to see rolls of fabric, feathers, and thread all over the floor. Ponies stepped on them, completely ignoring them.

“Oh no!” She exclaimed, scrambling to pick her stuff up. Diane bent over to help her out. She looked at all of the supplies and handed them to the mare.

“What do you need all of this for?” Diane asked. The mare placed all of the supplies in a large bag.

“I’m making costumes for a play. It’s been so much work lately, I could really use some help.” She said sadly. An idea popped in Diane’s head.

“I can help her, it’ll be so much fun!
Rarity taught me how to sew so I can help her out.” Diane thought to herself.

“I can help you.” Diane said with a kind smile. The mares face lit up.

“You’d really do that for me?!” She asked excitedly. Diane nodded her head, making the mare smile wider.

“‘My name is Coco Pommel. Come with me and I’ll take you to my workplace.” She greeted. Diane smiled and happily followed her new friend.

“My name is Diane Pinks.”