> The Obedient and Subservient Trixie > by LewdChapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Obedient and Subservient Trixie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Trixie!" Starlight was, understandably, furious with her friend. Trixie, while normally a good pony with an unfortunate habit of talking a bit too much, was traditionally a difficult pony to get along with. She was oftentimes crass, self-absorbed, and generally oblivious to how her actions would impact those around her. Starlight, of course, knew this and had previously been very patient with the magician. She had put up with Trixie when no one else would, because that's what friends do. Starlight’s patience was tested in a way it hadn’t been before when Trixie ruined her kite. “Starlight, honestly! It was a minor accident,” said Trixie dismissively, idly flipping her empty teacup over in her magical aura, lifting another teacup (this one actually holding a liquid). She was barely paying attention to Starlight, instead focusing on her teacup juggling. “What more do you want from me? Trixie said she was sorry!” “Uh, no! You didn’t!” snapped Starlight, her body quaking with rage. All she’d done for Trixie, stuck with her through thick and thin, invited her into her home (well, technically it was Princess Twilight’s, but that’s beside the point), shown her something that meant a lot to her, and Trixie had ruined it in typical “Great and Powerful” fashion. “Literally not even once!” “Really?” Trixie pondered the situation a bit, recalling the events of the past few hours, then shrugged noncommittally. “Huh. Guess not. Oh well.” “Not ‘oh well’! Trixie, that was my favorite kite…” groaned Starlight, slumping down onto the floor and leaning against her bed. “Sunburst made that kite for me. It meant so much to me, I kept it throughout all of my travels, even when I started up my village, and…” Starlight looked up, her eye twitching slightly when she saw that Trixie was still juggling that damn teacup. “Trixie! You’re not even listening to me!" "Hm?" Trixie had finished off her tea and added the newly empty teacup to her juggling routine. "How was Trixie supposed to know that you were still talking? Surely you don't expect me to pay attention to every little thing that comes out of your mouth, do you?" "Trixie, I—" It was at that moment that Starlight had a brilliant idea. She had to fight to cover her smirk and contain her devious laughter. "You know what, Trixie? You're right. How silly of me." "Don't beat yourself up too much, Starlight. You live and you learn, no?" "Right… Say, how about you come up to my room for a second?" offered Starlight. "There's something I want you to see. Something very, very special, for your eyes only." "Oh? Sounds intriguing!" Trixie set down her teacups, rising from her spot at the table with a glint in her eye. "To think you had something interesting to do this whole time we were sitting here drinking boring old tea! Where to, Glimglam?” “My room. Come on, before Twilight gets on us for using her good china.” Starlight stood up as well, grinning to herself as she led her friend away from the Friendship Castle’s dining hall. The two trotted down the complicated, twisting corridors until they eventually came across Starlight’s room. Starlight lit her horn and used a flare of magic to unlock her door and push it open. “After you,” said Starlight, stepping aside and letting Trixie enter first. The magician boldly strode through the threshold of the door, as comfortably as if it were her own room, while Starlight followed closely behind. She closed the door and, with another discrete burst of magic, locked it behind them. “Make yourself at home, I just need to get some things prepared.” “Not a bad space you have here, Glim. Very nice,” said Trixie, inspecting the room with a hum. “Trixie doesn’t know if she would have gone with that color of drapes… Next time, do let Trixie decorate for you, so as you don’t make such poor design decisions, will you?” “Sure thing, Trix. I’ll let you know whenever I decide to redecorate.” Starlight charged her horn with magic, grinning smugly to herself as she did. “Now, you know that thing I was talking about? That very special something that I only want you to see?” “Of course! Trixie can only imagine that you entrusted her because she’s simply the best, most loyal, dependable, most understanding of all of your friends!” declared Trixie, tossing her luxurious silver mane back. “You may have awful taste in drapes, but your taste in best friends? In that regard, Starlight, you truly are a—” As Trixie was speaking, Starlight sent a quaking wave of arcane energy forward, wrapping itself around the magician’s body in a shroud of purple light. Instantly, Trixie stopped in her tracks, her eyes going blank and her mouth hanging open. Starlight chuckled, shaking the smoke from her horn as she rounded to face Trixie. “Like my little spell? Something I tossed together a while ago,” said Starlight with a grin. “Cogeria, Persuadere, Fiducia Compelus, and a few other bits of magic to make my own little… Influencer spell, for want of a better term. You should be a bit more agreeable now. Let’s test this out…” Starlight scratched her chin thoughtfully, letting out a little hum. “Trixie, apologize for ruining my kite.” “Yes, Starlight.” Trixie’s voice was flat, almost mechanical, lacking all of her usual pageantry and over-the-top extravagance. Her eyes stared ahead, beaming forward and seeming to see nothing. “Trixie apologizes for ruining your kite, Starlight.” “Hm… I’m not sure if you’re as sorry as you should be. Again, Trixie,” ordered Starlight. “And how about you show me a bit more respect for a change? I think ‘Mistress Starlight’ has a nice ring to it.” “Yes, Mistress Starlight. Trixie apologizes for ruining your kite, Mistress Starlight.” “Mh-hm. And what will you do to make this up to me?” “Trixie will do anything you command, Mistress Starlight," droned Trixie obediently. Starlight giggled to herself, conjuring her magic up for another series of spells, the first of which she focused on herself as she spoke. "I could leave you like this, I suppose, but that doesn't sound as fun as it could be…" said Starlight thoughtfully. "Hm… Trixie, you will obey my every command, even when I return you to normal. Understood?" "Yes, Mistress Starlight. Trixie will obey your every command, even when you return her to normal." Finally, Starlight's self-targeted spell went into effect, bathing the mare in a brilliant glowing light. After a bit, the light flashed away, leaving Starlight mostly the same, except for one crucial addition; between her rear legs hung a thick, hard, throbbing horsecock, accompanied by two fat, hefty balls. Starlight grinned at the weight of her new equipment, giggling as she imagined what she would do with it. "First of all, Trixie," ordered Starlight. "You are not allowed to cum unless I explicitly command you to." "Yes, Mistress Starlight. Trixie is not allowed to cum unless you explicitly command her to." "Good girl. Next, every time you would ordinarily cum… I want you to bark like a dog." Starlight had always viewed Trixie as somewhat like a puppy: immature, obnoxious and untrained, prone to causing trouble, but most of the time cute enough to get away with it. "You are now in heat. Your body will feel as if you're deep in your estrus at all times." "Trixie will bark like a dog. Trixie will be in heat." "Pain makes you horny now. Every time you're hit, it makes you want to cum." Starlight was beginning to get excited at the prospect of a magically obedient Trixie, so excited that her marecock soon began to drool onto the floor. "And every time you hear your name, you will feel like I spanked your pussy. Understood?" "Yes, Mistress Starlight. Pain makes Trixie horny now." Even in her blank, easily-influenced state, Trixie's body jerked slightly, as if she was struck. "Trixie will feel her pussy spanked whenever she hears her name." "Perfect! Now, let's turn you back…" Starlight swirled her magic throughout the room, concentrating her energy on Trixie and manipulating her influencer spell. The blank, vacant glaze to Trixie's eyes soon faded, her vibrant glow of life quickly returning. Trixie blinked, shaking her head in confusion. "What in the name of the Goddess?" murmured Trixie, clutching her head. She fidgeted slightly in place, her cheeks tinged pink. "It's so… hot. Except, it's not season yet, there should still be a few weeks before Trixie—EEP!" Trixie lost the end of her sentence in a pained yelp, her hips jerking away from some invisible assailant. "What in the s-seven hells was that?!" Starlight grinned at Trixie's reaction; it seemed her spell was working. Now, she just needed to test its limits. "Trixie, would you do me a favor and fetch the box from beneath my bed?" said Starlight, giggling at the way Trixie recoiled from the invisible swat to her cunt. "Um… Sure?" Trixie titled her head, confused, but did as she was instructed. She emerged from beneath Starlight's bed with a sizable cardboard box. "This one?" "That's the one! Set it on the bed and open it, please." "Alright, Mistress Starlight." Trixie made it most of the way to the bed before it all clicked in her head, and she blushed brighter than before. "I… Trixie has no clue why she said that." Another invisible slap to the cunt made Trixie jerk, this time wrenching a moan from the magician. She slapped her hooves over her mouth, looking as though she wished to melt through the ground. "You know, perhaps Trixie should—Ow! Fuck… perhaps Trixie should go…" "Stay," commanded Starlight. Trixie, who had made a few steps for the door, froze in place under the weight of Starlight's order. "Open the box, Trixie." "Oh fuck… Yes, Mistress Starlight." Trixie shakily made her way back to the bed, pulling the lid off and gawking at its contents with an arched brow. "Er… Mistress Starlight? What's all this for?" "Hm? Oh, you mean the restraints?" Starlight joined Trixie by the bed, using her magic to pull a litany of goodies from her little box. She produced a pair of nipple clamps, connected by a glittering gold chain. "Trixie, put these on." "Y-yes, Mistress Starlight," moaned Trixie, her face shifting from its usual blue tone to a heated, radiant shade of red. Her body moved of its own volition, sitting down on the floor with her legs spread in order to access her teats. With a shaky magical grasp, Trixie brought the clamps down, brushing the cold metal against her sensitive flesh with a shudder. Slowly, Trixie clipped a clamp onto one of her dark nipples, then the other, a pained moan following each action. While she worked, her mistress went to work gathering the other things she needed; Starlight approached Trixie from behind, kicking the magician's legs apart so she could lock her in place with her spreader bar, enchanted to remain locked unless Starlight herself removes them. "Head down, slut. On the floor, where you belong," ordered Starlight. Trixie felt her body lurch as it acted without her input, bending forward so her head was touching the ground. Starlight grinned before bringing forth the last piece of equipment she needed for the day, a special binding that she had custom made for just such an occasion: it was a short, sturdy piece of rope, each end connected to a small ring. Starlight hooked one ring around the dock of Trixie's tail, pulling the other ring, this one with a magical gem inset that would restrict the wearer's magic, over the magician's horn. The length of rope was just a bit shorter than Trixie's middle, which served two purposes. One was Trixie's discomfort, the short length of the rope combined with the way she kept her head to the floor causing a bit of strain on her neck as well as yanking painfully on her tail. The other, related, purpose was to keep that pesky tail out of sight, so that Starlight had a straight, unhindered path to Trixie's hot, dripping, winking pussy. "Mistress Starlight… What did you do to Trixie?" Trixie let out another yelp as she was spanked by some invisible force, a yelp that warped into a growling moan. "Arf! Arf!" "Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The Great and Powerful Trixie, reduced to a desperate little dog," called Starlight, approaching Trixie and rubbing her thick cock against Trixie's needy cunt. "A little bitch in heat. Maybe this will teach you some humility, you loudmouthed little cunt!" A moan escaped Trixie, pained and pleasured in equal measure, as Starlight thrust her too-big cock into her all at once. Immediately, Starlight brought her hips forward with no restraint, pounding Trixie's cunt savagely. She had made very sure to make her cock just barely too big for Trixie to be able to take comfortably, and she was currently relishing in that decision. Each thrust into Trixie's snug passage felt absolutely divine, made all the better by the way the magician tensed up with each eternally-approaching orgasm that she was so cruelly denied. Soon, the harsh slap of flesh on flesh was drowned out by the constant barking of Mistress Starlight's new pet. "What's the matter, Trixie? Feeling pent up?" Starlight complimented the magical spank to Trixie's sore, sensitive pussy with a physical hoof to her ass, earning another bark from the magician. "I bet you'd just love to cum, wouldn't you?" "P-please… Arf! Woof! Please, Mistress Starlight!" begged Trixie. She felt as though her entire body had been lit aflame, her legs trembling from the abuse she was receiving from her best friend, of all ponies. She was going mad, her body screaming for a release that seemed as though it may never come. "Whatever you did to me… Please… Ruff! Ruff! Please! Let me cum, please…" "You want to know something, Trixie?" whispered Starlight, slamming her hips forward until she could feel herself pistoning against Trixie's cervix. "And this is an order… I forbid you from cumming ever again. You will never feel release, Trixie, no matter what!" Trixie let out a shuddering sound that was some sort of mix of a choking sob and a quivering moan as Starlight's order registered in Trixie's mind. That was it. No reprieve, no release, no satisfaction. This artificial heat, it would never end, and there was precious little she could do about it. "Y-yes, Mistress… Arf! Starlight…" sobbed Trixie. "Never again…" Starlight groaned as she bottomed out in Trixie, her marecock pulsing and shooting thick loads of cum into the magician's womb. Each hot wave that filled Trixie just served as a harsh reminder that she would never be afforded ever again. Starlight just laughed as Trixie continued to bark, her hindquarters quivering while her pussy drooled cum down her thighs. Starlight pulled her still-hard cock from her pet, giving Trixie's abused pussy a few taunting spanks with her hoof. "Now that I've gotten you broken in," chuckled Starlight. "Let's make some more permanent changes…" "Trixie, come here." "Yes, Mistress Starlight." Trixie stood up from her little doggy bed in the corner, chewing her lip gently as she recovered from her spank. She smiled as she crossed the room, but not because she was happy. She smiled simply because she had been ordered to. She stopped before her mistress' bed, opening her mouth and letting her tongue hang out just as she had been instructed for her mistress' "kiss". Just like every time Starlight demanded Trixie's presence, she made the pet wait for a moment before sitting up and setting her book down. Starlight inspected her slut for a moment before giving her the special "kiss" Trixie had become accustomed to; Starlight made a frankly foul hissing sound in her throat before spitting harshly onto Trixie's face and in her mouth. "What were you doing before I called you over, Trixie?" asked Starlight, casually stroking her ever-present marecock. "The Obedient and Subservient Trixie was merely reviewing her routine," reported Trixie. "Of course, The Lowly and Slutty Trixie's silly stage magic is of little importance compared to the desires of my mistress." "Good slut. Tell me, do you want me to turn you back to how you were before?" Starlight grinned sinisterly. "Or would you like to be my desperate little pet forever?" Trixie wanted to go back to her old life. She wanted this power Starlight had over her to fade away. She wanted to go home, to speak her own mind instead of repeating what she had been ordered to. Trixie wanted to be able to cum again. "What Trixie wants is irrelevant, Mistress Starlight," said Trixie, the words being pulled out of her mouth regardless of what she truly wanted to say. "All that matters is your pleasure, Mistress. But… The Desperate and Pathetic Trixie wants to be Mistress Starlight's horny slave bitch forever." "That's what I thought," said Starlight with a grin. "Now get on your knees where you belong and choke yourself on my cock." "Yes, Mistress Starlight." Trixie dropped down and took Starlight's shaft into her mouth like a good slave, forcing it into her throat just like her mistress had instructed. Starlight leaned back and laughed, smirking at the delightful feeling if Trixie's tight throat twitching and convulsing around her cock. This was definitely worth losing that kite. Starlight liked her friend a lot better this way, and she was sure that Trixie preferred this state as well. Of course, Starlight didn't care in the slightest about what the Desperate and Pathetic Trixie wanted.