> Detention > by Shaxbert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Detention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Forty-seven... forty-eight... forty-nine... fifty." Princess Twilight Sparkle punctuated each number with a firm smack of her hand against Sunset Shimmer's exposed rump. Sunset, in turn, punctuated each strike with a muffled moan. Sunset had kept count as best she could around the thick knot of the uniform's tie that was shoved between her teeth as a makeshift gag, but somewhere in the low twenties, the numbers had become completely unrecognizable. At times, Twilight had worried that she might be hurting her friend, but at no point had Sunset hummed the short tune that would've immediately halted the spankings and, shortly after, loosened the ropes that bound Sunset's wrists and ankles to the table. The satisfied timbre that Sunset's breathy moans took on as the sting of the spanking subsided to a warm glow reassured Twilight that her friend found her current predicament far from unenjoyable. "That should teach you to keep your fingers on your pencil in class, Miss Shimmer, and away from your privates." The princess put all the authority she'd learned as a teacher in her own dimension into her voice as she continued the scene. The words were completely off the cuff, but Twilight was quickly learning that improvisation was a valuable skill to have when it came to romantic role-playing. Building off of her inspiration, Twilight slipped her hand between Sunset’s thighs to her slickened labia, by now almost as flushed as the ruddy cheeks of her ass. "...Though I have a feeling that you'll probably need a reminder very soon."   Sunset's reaction was immediate, gasping in surprise, then groaning appreciatively as she pushed herself against Twilight's hand as much as her bonds would allow. After a few firm strokes, Twilight removed her now-glistening fingers, and Sunset's groans turned to a pitiful whine. This world might not have much in the way of the arcane as ponies reckoned it, but Twilight supposed they made up for it with the magic that fingers could do. "What you do in your own time is your business, Miss Shimmer, but when you're in my class, your attention belongs with me. Do I make myself clear? "Yuff ma'mm," Sunset huffed. Twilight gave Sunset's seat a sudden slap, and from Sunset's extended, high-pitched squeal, apparently that was all she had needed to make it over the edge. "'Yes, Professor Sparkle!' Enunciate!" "YUFF P'FFEFFR FFPAKHUL!" With Sunset Shimmer settling down to a slow simmer, Twilight decided it was time to see to her other student. "Now, as for you, Miss Dazzle..." If she were honest,Twilight still couldn't quite believe the situation. Personally, she had last seen Adagio Dazzle at the Battle of the Bands, where Twilight, Sunset and their friends had thwarted the sinister Siren and her sisters' plot to enthrall the student body of Canterlot High School and feed off their essences. They had very nearly succeeded. Twilight had never been more proud of Sunset than when her friend had cast off her self-doubt, rose to the Sirens' challenge and defeated them, and never been more surprised than when, several years later, Sunset admitted to her that she and Adagio had struck an unlikely friendship that bloomed into an even more incredible relationship. ...Though she supposed that the moment when she'd received Sunset and Adagio's written invitation to participate as the strict, sexy teacher in a special naughty-schoolgirls-in-need-of-discipline scenario probably gave it a run for its money. As different as Sunset’s new home could often seem from Equestria, some things seemed universal; when reading Sunset’s rough outline of the scenario in her proposal, she might as well have been reading a transcript of her own private fantasies from her days as Princess Celestia’s star student. Celestia had never been anything less than gentle, kind and supportive,  but Twilight had spent countless nights in feverish contemplation of the strict, humiliating disciplines her teacher could possibly visit upon her entirely submissive and willing student for even the lightest of slights. More than a couple of days, as well, during otherwise interminably boring lectures on the most esoteric aspects of magical theory. Never in those fantasies had Twilight considered herself as the disciplinarian, but from the moment her palm first met the surprisingly-pliant flesh of Sunset’s rear, from the second marked by Sunset’s shriek of pleasure, she realized that the role had a lot to recommend it.  Apparently, this was a night for new discoveries. Twilight had experienced a lot in her time, but looking down at Adagio Dazzle, bent over and bound to the table in a copy of Sunset's pose, wearing a similar Crystal Prep uniform that had been borrowed from Twilight's counterpart in this world... it was a lot to get her mind around. In another time, under other circumstances, their positions could easily have been reversed- and in a far less playful fashion. Well. This was the here-and-now. If Twilight were unsure of Adagio's character, she was absolutely certain of Sunset's opinion of it, and she trusted Sunset's judgment completely. Besides, she was far from the only villain to have been reformed in Twilight's experience; few were the sworn enemies who hadn't become close associates of the Princess. Adagio had been waiting, and quite anxiously; from what Sunset had told Twilight, Adagio was far more accustomed to giving the spankings than receiving them. Twilight retrieved a spiral-bound notebook from the table next to Adagio's wriggling waist and began to read. "'Poor Princess Sunset. Your kingdom, your people and your castle are mine, and now you, too, belong to me. I suppose if you can sufficiently demonstrate your abilities as a boot-cleaner, I might find some reason to keep you around. Now, start licking.' Not the most original premise, but it's imaginatively written, I'll give you that." Adagio eyed Twilight nervously as the princess set the notebook down and lifted the Siren's borrowed, too-short skirt, exposing her flank for what was to come. "Still, I wish you would save your writing for Independent Study, and not do it in the middle of my applied trigonometry lecture." She worked her thumbs under the waistband of Adagio's silky black underwear and slipped them down to rest on Adagio's thighs, exposing the golden globes of the Siren's ass.  Twilight took a moment to contemplate another one of those universal constants: despite the obvious differences in pony and human bodies, a nice flank looked good on anybody- or anypony. She caressed one of those cheeks, prompting appreciative moans from Adagio- moans that turned apprehensive as she spied Twilight's free hand moving across the table towards a slim wooden ruler.  "Let's start fifty strokes, shall we?" Adagio squawked in protest, and the Princess laughed. "You're quite right- that's way too lenient. Since you insist, we'll go for a nice round hundred. Help me keep count, won't you? One!"  Twilight popped the ruler against Adagio's exposed cheek, the wood bouncing off the musculature of the siren’s buttock more firmly than Sunset’s against Twilight’s hand. The siren yelped in an inarticulate burst. "I know speaking is difficult for you at the moment, but that didn't even sound CLOSE to 'one,'" Twilight chided. "Let's try it again. One!" The ruler met Adagio's butt once more. "WAHN!" Adagio yelled into her gag. "Much better. Two!" And so it went. Just as it had with Sunset, Adagio's count had gradually transformed into gasps that then transformed into shrieks of ecstasy, but as hard as she pulled against her bonds and as loudly as she yelled into her gag, humming the safety song remained the furthest thing from Adagio's mind. ----- Some time later, after Adagio and Sunset had been untied and allowed to work out their pent-up frustrations under their visiting professor's careful observation, the three friends clustered on Sunset's couch and conferred over comforting cups of coffee.  "Thanks again for indulging us, Twilight," said Sunset. "I know it was kind of a big ask." "Are you kidding? After reading the stories you've sent me, I've been dying to try it out myself! I just hope it was as much fun for you two as it was for me..." Adagio arched an eyebrow as she considered her coffee cup. "You weren't the WORST domme I've worked with," she conceded. "For your first time, I'd go as far as to say you were thoroughly adequate." "Be nice, Dagi," Sunset said. "I heard those sounds you were making in the middle 70s, and that wasn't what 'adequate' sounds like!" "I'm just saying that maybe Twilight could use some more practice. Or maybe some guidance. Think you could take both of us at once, Sunset?" "I'd love to find out! That is, if it fits your schedule, Twi- I know you have to be crazy busy, what with being the ruler of all Equestria..." “Oh, I think I can find the time! The great thing about being Princess of Equestria is that there are no shortage of ponies to delegate the little things to. Besides, after Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow were defeated, we haven't actually had any major world-ending threats that require me and the others to handle, thank goodness!" Adagio smiled wickedly. "Well, if things get too boring, just drop me a line- I'll round up Aria and Sonata and stop by for a quick rampage!" Twilight laughed. "It'd almost be worth it just to see the look on Starswirl's face! Speaking of which, I'm supposed to meet him at the School of Magic tomorrow morning to get him set up for a guest lecture, so I should probably be going..." Sunset shuffled across the couch to her friend and caught her in a tight hug. "Thanks again, Twi- it's always great to see you!" Adagio leaned in, wrapping her arms around the other two. "...Even when you’re being a literal pain in the rear!”