Equestria Ninja Girls of Tomorrow

by AmethystMajesty25

First published

The Rainbooms and Ninja Turtles team up with a band of time travelers to take on an army of metahumans.

The Rainbooms and their Ninja friends from New York are back again for another adventure. After helping Batman and other heroes, they find themselves back into their dimension, only to be taken over by an army of metahumans. Because of that, they are now recruited to a team of time travelers who can help them restore not just their world, but all other worlds as well. It’s now up to them to figure out who orchestrated the plan and what can they do to prevent it.

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25

New Recruits

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After helping Batman and his team in their dimension, Sunset, Leo, and their friends were finally back to the Turtles’ Hideout in their dimension after being transported by a portal.

“Woo! Home sweet home!” Mikey cheered.

Rainbow stretched, “Yep. Now we can all relax and don’t have to worry about anymore threats.”

Then, they heard a loud booming sound coming from the surface.

“Woah!” Everyone said.

Applejack said, “You were saying.”

“What’s going on up there?” Twilight questioned.

“I don’t know, but let’s move out!” Leo ordered.

The rest of gang followed Leo and moved forward to find the disturbance.

“And to think, our day couldn’t get any worse.” Raph said.


Once the heroes reached to the rooftops, they all gasped and saw the destruction of New York. Buildings were burning, streets were damaged, people were screaming in fear, and the atmosphere was filled with chaos.

“Oh dear...” Fluttershy said, as her eyes were filled with tears.

Sunset walked towards Leo and asked “Who could’ve done this?”

“I don’t know, but we’re about to find out,” Leo said, “Ninjas, search and rescue any civilians out there and let’s put a stop to this mayhem.”


The heroes took to the streets and started rescuing civilians from any danger that stood in their path.

From then on, Leo looked across the street to see a bad guy with strange powers coming towards the scared family.

The evil-doer laughed, getting ready to kill them.

Leo rushed towards him, “Hey! Leave them alone!”

The bad guy turned around and saw Leo rushing towards him.

Leo jumped up and knocked him down by kicking him in the face. He then sees the innocent family, “Are you all okay?”

However, they ran away from him. Leo frowned, “Yep. They still think we’re freaks.” After that, he ran off to help and rescue any civilians in the streets.

As for the Rainbooms, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy get the civilians to safety while Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, and Sunset Shimmer fight off some more bad guys with super powers.

“Why are you doing this?! Just stop and we’ll help!” Sunset yelled.

One of the bad guys said, “It’s too late for that, because we are metahumans. And we will crush the weak before humanity destroys itself.”

“Is that what you all believe in?! That’s nothing but a bunch of excuses.” Rainbow said as she uses her super speed to punch more metahumans.

Applejack kept fighting them off, “There’s too many of them. We can’t keep this up!”

Meanwhile, the Turtles were dealing with the same problem as the Rainbooms.

“Right now be a good time to call backup!” Mikey yelled.

“I’m trying! Something’s blocking our communications.” Donnie replied.

“There’s too many of them! What should we do?!” April asked.

“We go to higher ground.” Raph answered.

“No way! We’re not leaving anyone in the streets behind!” Casey said, as he kept fighting off more metahumans.

Then, Mikey looked up to see Renet, flying above them while being chased by a metahuman who can fly.

Mikey jumped up and waved, “Renet! Renet! Over here!”

Renet looked down to see Mikey. “Mikey!” She swooped down and landed on the ground.

Mikey threw a smoke pellet at the flying metahuman, throwing him off balance and sending him crashing through a wall.

Mikey and Renet hugged each other.

“It’s so good to see you again, Renet.” Mikey said.

“It’s nice to see you too, Mikey. I’m afraid we have to cut this reunion short, but we have to leave.”

“Right now?!” Mikey asked.

“Yes, but there isn’t much time left. I need you and your friends to come with me.” Renet said.

Mikey asked, “Why?”

“I’ll explain everything later. Trust me.” Renet said before she offers him her hand.

Mikey thought about it and looked around the streets one more time. Then, he made his decision. “Okay.” He lend Renet his hand.

“Guys, let’s go!” Mikey yelled.

“Are you sure about this?” Casey asked.

“Trust me.”Mikey said.

“You better explain what’s going on here, Renet!”

Renet used her time staff and teleported Mikey, Casey, April, Raph, and Donnie out to city, leaving their trace unknown.

After that, Renet picked up Leo and The Rainbooms and teleported them outta there.


Renet, Casey, April, the Turtles, and Rainbooms arrived and looked around to see where they are.

“Okay, where exactly are we now?”

Then, a group of people arrived to see the newcomers.

The woman asked, “You’re in the Waverider. Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Sara Lance. And this is my team. Mick Rory, Amaya Jiwe, Nate Heywood, Martin Stein, Jefferson 'Jax' Jackson, and Ray Palmer. And we are, the Legends.”

“Legends? Seriously, that’s what you’re calling yourselves these days?” Raph said.

“Excuse my brother for saying that, but why are we here?” Leo asked.

Sara answered, “Because we need your help.”

“Okay. And what does that have to do with us?” Sunset asked.

Sara replied, “Because you and your team were so focusing on helping Batman and his “family”, someone from another world opened up portals in your earth and our earth. Therefore, you failed.”

“Hey! At least we saved Gotham City! So who are you to judge us?!” Raph yelled, pointing his fingers at Sara.

“I don’t care about criticizing you guys. I’m just stating the facts. Anyway, we’ve been watching you and your friends doing some amazing work you did in your earth and our earth. You’re all heroes. Someday, you’re going to be legends.”

“I can get behind that.” Rainbow agreed, thinking about what it’s like to be a legend.

“Great. Now that we are all here, what do we suppose to do now?” Twilight asked.

“We’re going to travel back in time. Everyone, fasten your seat belts!” Sara ordered.

Twilight asked, “Travel. Back. In time?!”, she felt excited, but she couldn’t contain it like a fan girl, “This. Is. Awesome!”

Rainbow said, pointing to herself, “Hey! That’s my line.”

Sara showed the new recruits their seats, “Here are your seats.”

Pinkie Pie shouted, “I call shotgun!” Then, she sat in the pilot seat very quick.

“Excuse me, miss, that’s my seat.” Sara informed Pinkie.

Pinkie replied. “Oh, okay.” She got up and moved to a different seat.

Everyone sat on their passenger seats and buckled their seat belts.

Sara sat in the pilot’s seat, buckled her seat belt, and said, “Hold on tight newbies, this is going to be a bumpy ride.”

She took control of the Waverider and started moving through the Temporal Zone.

“Gideon, take us to Gotham City.”

“Roger that, Ms. Lance.” The A.I., Gideon, said.

Twilight asked, “Um, one question, aren’t you suppose to give us the side...”

Sara cut her off by activating the boost jump.

“EFFECTS!!!” Twilight yelled.

The Waverider zoomed out of the Temporal Zone.