> Besom > by Seluxity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All right, Celestia was willing to accept that she'd made a mistake – a blunder, admittedly, though it was hard to tell. This mistake revolved around her and showed every side of her in the best possible perspective, smiling defiantly and paying no attention to anything but Celestia herself. Luna, seeing her sister from afar beside the new black-winged member of the alicorns, stopped abruptly, raised her arms, turned on her heel, and walked back, muttering to herself: "No, no, no, sister, I don't subscribe to your adventures anymore…" Celestia looks after her helplessly, feeling her arm being slowly grasped and the slender body of the young girl, covered with the thick silk of her revealing dress, rubbing against it. She would have been glad to give this girl hours of lectures on proper behavior, if not for two but»: 1. It was her pupil who had become so strange only through the fault of her own tutor. 2. How can you give a lecture when you are almost forcibly dragged into the bedroom? "Agree, Princess…" In thousands of years of existence, Celestia had never seen anything like it. Obviously, the mistake was in the spell, that's just what exactly turned out to be wrong remains to be seen. In the meantime, have to put up with the obscenely short skirt obscenely young (in comparison with Celestia) girls. *** At first Twilight hangs around her constantly, openly flirting and saying that the door of her bedroom is always open to only one Celestia, who, in response, tries to exert some influence on his student (former, former student) and hammer into her head to do more prudently. At least behave. Twilight does not listen to her: instead, she disappears for a week and shows up in one hot spot of Canterlot, then in another, leaves behind a trail of sweet perfume, teases and shows up in the Palace only occasionally, each time-next to the beloved Princess. Is gaining admirers so much, that in one day gifts it turns out overwhelmed the entire its room. One outfit succeeds another, all of them – on the verge of frankness and eroticism, all as one surprisingly fit Twilight and turn your head. Girlfriends in of shock throw up their hands, not understanding, where girl such a nabralas; Twilight same, winking at them, spinning around its axis and sends air kissing. And since she and Luna still can not find a solution, Celestia decides to find at least an approach to Twilight – and goes straight to the bar, where she is going to conquer the stage that night. The star of the evening notices her instantly. Visitors do not pay much attention to the Princess – she was dressed too unusual, not Royal, and everyone is just afraid to be mistaken – which only helps to relax. Twilight defiantly pulls up a dark purple stocking right on stage and stares at the woman from afar. The wings behind her back is quite small, but perfectly complement the image of all, however, decide that it's just an illusion. And how can you suspect this devil noble alicorn. Twilight has a beautiful voice-not in comparison with the best singers in the country, of course, but quite worthy – which Celestia blames on the same mistake in the transformation, because the singing abilities of her former student never noticed. The voice on this stage, however, is not the most important – the only addition to her charisma and ability to captivate the audience. Her performance ends at the third cocktail. The glass lands on the bar with a thud as Celestia feels herself suffocating; Twilight lands on the bar stool opposite, still surrounded by stares. "I want you to love me," she says, moving closer. "Why are you acting like this?" smiles back at Celestia, not looking at Twilight that the girl is slightly annoying. The fourth cocktail is in the woman's hands. "Maybe a shot?" Pink eyes, finally looking at her slightly dull eyes; and not just look – study, briefly running in the legs causing the tight shoes and stockings, at obscenely short skirt, the soft curve of waist and shoulder, but the woman immediately turned away, tearing a brightly painted lips, frustrated sigh. Celestia makes one casual gesture to the bartender, who immediately runs over to them; Twilight taps her fingers on the smooth wooden surface with undisguised pleasure, choosing what they will drink. The stares that burn through them both fade into thin air as another girl steps onto the stage, to whom Celestia immediately turns her attention. Twilight snorts, biting her lip, and stares at the stage. Soft jazz pleasantly caresses the ear, but in the singer she finds little interesting. "The bruderschaft?" the girl purrs as they are served shots. Celestia just smiles softly and clinks her glasses in silence, making it clear without a word that for now they will limit themselves to this. He looks back at the stage. Twilight is literally shaking with anger. Celestia still does not understand what exactly happened to her student and how it is possible to change the character in such a short period of time: at one moment this girl was the most ordinary gray mouse, who hides in the library and does not want to Shine much in public, and at another she is ready to win the hearts of a very dubious public. And for what? Oh… She seems to be beginning to understand. Alcohol palpably beats in head: she long so many not saws, on secular receptions so much to drink in principle prohibited from. Celestia is even interested to know where Twilight got so many revealing outfits, because this dress is clearly not the first. "Have another drink with me." says a soft voice close by. The woman blinks drunkenly, squints sideways: Twilight sits close and reaches for her hand, stroking the back of her hand, trying to intertwine her fingers. Certainly, this is the most outspoken tackle in the life of the immortal ruler. No one had ever done that before Twilight. Celestia carefully avoids her hand; instead, she glides over her bare collarbone, barely touching the skin, paying particular attention to her exposed neck – Twilight's hair is pulled up very well. "Drink it alone," she grins, not taking her eyes off the girl. "I'll see." Twilight literally shines with happiness, throws the bartender a couple of words and a minute later drains his shot, exhaling heavily from the amount of alcohol. "Will that do?" "Quite…" She leans against the bar, nearly falling off her chair. Celestia instantly grabs her by the shoulder, helping to keep the balance. "Do you like red?" she talks to the bartender, then talks to the waitress, pays the bill, and leads Twilight after her. "You fool," she says, closing the dressing room door behind her in frustration. - What are you..." and stops when the girl presses her against the door with her body. "I thought the combination of purple and red you will like it, but... passionately whispering in the Twilight, approaching a stranger lip-unacceptably close. I'll wear your favorite color, if you like." In moment, when Twilight only received magic alicornov, this magic proved too unstable and has rushed fulfill most cherished desire to its a new Pani – and broke a, in end, the, that broke a. Celestia couldn't imagine what her former apprentice would want. Something she'd been hiding from her mentor all her life. "I want you to love me…" "You're drunk, for god's sake…" "You too…" "You can't just go and…" "You took me to the dressing room…" "It's not..." "And you door closed." This night is getting more treacherous by the second. Twilight is only a few millimeters from her face, arching like a cat and looking hopeful. The fourth cocktail was superfluous. "You're not going anywhere else," Celestia breathes, wrapping her arms around the girl's waist and pulling her into a lingering kiss. "I won't..." has time to purr the hellcat in response. *** Celestia very poorly remembers, as applied mantra teleportation, as not made a mistake under this and as aptly conveyed their squarely in Palace. How they got to Twilight's room she remembers even worse. The only thing that pleased her in the morning was the absence of the girl's black wings. It wasn't that they were gone forever, or that Twilight was herself again, not the imp she'd been for the past ten days, but there was progress. The first, whom sees Celestia in the corridor early on the morning, it turns out Luna. - Good morning, Luna. Still, she had the feeling that she had forgotten something. Although, it would seem, Twilight in his bed, the Palace in its place… Luna looks at her sister with dumb shock in her eyes and hurries to turn away. Her ears are literally on fire. - For God's sake, cover yourself… Celestia raises an eyebrow. Luna slaps her forehead. "I don't even want to know – and the fact that I had to raise the sun for you." she clears her throat. "but you've got red lipstick all over your neck and…" Well, she just forgot to raise the sun and look in the mirror. "...and hickeys." God, she was ashamed of her sister for the first time. "Then I'll hurry back to my room…" "You'd better take the day off. And spend it, for example," Luna sprinkles with laughter. "at Twilight in the bedroom." "It's not what you think!" instantly reacts she to the banter Celestia. "I don't even want to know…" "We're only!..." "I don't even want to know about your adventures, sis."