> The Last Stone. > by Adamverse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Finding the stone. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time; on the planet earth, was a great hero. This hero was unlike any other; he had the powers of a spider, so the people nicknamed him..... Spiderman. During his time as a superhero; he has faced powerful villains such as Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Electro and Venom. However; this story is set around one specific villain, Mysterio. He thinks he's the master of magic; but he's really just a cheap special effects man, seeking real power. During the last couple of weeks; he's found what he was looking for..... Mysterio found the Reality stone from a museum in London; he thought it was a valuable crystal for him to sell on the black market, but he kept it when he saw the power it could give him. When he first held the stone in his hand; he said, "No more parlour tricks, Mysterio is now a master of real magic." The stone could turn his illusions into real life. When he saw how much power could obtain from one stone; he vowed to find all six, and become the greatest cosmic being in history. And so his hunt began...…. On March 3rd, 2018; Mysterio broke into O.S.C HQ and stole the infinity gauntlet, allowing him to control the power of all six infinity stones. On March 17th, 2018; Mysterio found the Power stone in a vault guarded by the Galactic Empire, deep under ground. On March 26th, 2018; Mysterio stole the Space stone from Autobot City on Earth, now that Autobots have no way to power the space bridge. Meaning they cannot travel from Earth to Cybertron. On April 4th, 2018; the Soul stone was stolen from an Egyptian necklace, stored at a museum in Manchester. Finally; Mysterio stole the time stone from Doctor Strange, because the villain had power of four infinity stones; the Sorcerer Supreme was no match. There is only one stone left for this evil, bubble headed villain to find; the Mind stone, he search for months but there no sign of the relic. But to find this one; he would have to travel to a different world, Equestria. Mysterio discovered that Discord had kept the Mind stone hidden since he was reformed; this stone was what allowed him to corrupt the minds of the Mane 6 when he first escaped from stone, but he hid the stone when he turned to the side of friendship. Mysterio was known for doing what every it took to get what he wanted; even if it meant e would have to....kill. ================================= On the night of June 6th, 2018; Spiderman was swinging through the city, trying to find Mysterio. But so far; no luck. Deep in the city; in a abandoned toy factory, the stone collecting super-villain was putting together a technical device. The machine resembled a portal; Mysterio said, "It's a good thing I picked up the plans for and Autobot Space Bridge whilst I was in their city, now I can finally get the final stone." With the Space Bridge complete; Mysterio used some power from the Space stone to power it up, it's space energy gave the portal a jump start. When the portal opened; it gave of a large portion of energy, this could be detected by the O.S.C satellite. Back at HQ; Olessia was told of the energy spike, she quickly contacted Adam before the signal was lost. "Adam? Adam come in." the director said over the commlink. Spiderman; still swinging through town, picked up the communication and acted upon it. "Go ahead commander." he said. Olessia wasted no time explaining what was happening, "Adam, there was a huge spike of energy in your area. We think someone is attempting to use a unauthorized space bridge." Adam leaped at the opportunity for some action; he followed the signal through his suit tracker. ================================== Upon arrival to the location; Spidey peered through the window, seeing his nemesis entering the Space Bridge portal. Before Mysterio could get away; Adam leaped through the window into the room. "Hold it bubble head." he commented. But the villain only turned to Adam and said, "Soon Spiderman. Soon you will learn what real power looks like." Mysterio entered the vortex; disappearing into the light, Spiderman had to stop him. The hero shot two web lines at the villain's cape; but he was to far in the portal, the Space Bridge began to pull Adam in with Mysterio. The pull was to strong; and Spiderman was dragged through the portal. ================================== On the other side of the portal; Mysterio found himself in another planet, Equestria. "Now to find that last stone." he muttered to himself. Little did the villain know; was that Adam was hiding in the bush after he came through the portal to. Mysterio made his way towards the town close by; he knows who has the stone, but he needed a way to get it from them. When Spiderman was alone; he left the bushes and followed Mysterio. Unfortunately; he quickly saw the villain use the Space Stone and teleport away. So Adam had to search the entire town to try and find him. So the boy began to swing through town. Not far away; within a restaurant, two familiar creatures were enjoying date night. Screwball and Mothball were eating out tonight; Discord had allowed them to go out to dinner, only if they didn't do anything else. "You look beautiful tonight Screwy." Mothball complimented. The mare blushed at his comment; Mothball had only just started living with her and her family, after the event with the Changelings. They both believed nothing could go wrong tonight; if only they knew how wrong they were. Suddenly; something smashed through the wall, causing a lot of ponies to fall to the ground and drop their stuff. Mysterio walked in through the large hole in the wall; he saw the mare and the Changeling he was looking for. "Hello Screwball." the villain said. Using the Space Stone; he hovered her towards him, the power was to strong and Mothball couldn't do anything. Mysterio looked directly at his hostage, "Your father has something I want. And with you, he's going to give it to me." The villain combined the power of the Space and Reality Stone; it trapped Screwball in his own pocket dimension. Mothball tried to stop him; he ran towards Mysterio and began kicking him with his front hooves. That off course; did nothing. Mysterio blasted the poor colt away with the Power Stone; the left the restaurant, proud of his victory. From a far; Spiderman heard the explosion and swung towards the restaurant. Upon arrival; he saw Mothball helping the injured ponies, he approached the Changeling to find out what happened. "Mothball." Adam called. The colt turned to see a human approaching him; Mothball asked, "Who are you?" Adam remembered, he hasn't properly met Mothball yet. Adam answered, "I'm Spiderman, I know Fluttershy and Discord." Mothball didn't know if he could trust him; but with what was going on, he had no choice. "Who was that guy with the fish bowl on his head?" Mothball asked. Spidey replied, "He's a villain from my world, I came here to stop him." Mothball was trying to think; then it came to him, "He said that Discord had something he wanted, so he took Screwball hostage." Adam didn't like the news he heard, it was bad enough that Mysterio was on this planet; now he's taken a Screwball. ================================== Deep within the Everfree Forest; the Castle of Chaos stood tall and mighty. Within it's walls was Discord and his wife Fluttershy; he was reading the newspaper and she was brushing a rabbit's hair. "Honey, do you think Screwy and her boyfriend will back soon." the Pegasus turned to the draconequus and said, "You should give them a bit more freedom dear, Screwball can take care of herself." "Is that so?" a voice said, the married couple heard the dark tone coming from somewhere. "Who's there?" Discord asked in a demanding tone. The creature got his answer when a green light appeared in the middle of the room. When the light was gone; Mysterio appeared, "Hello Discord." the villain said. The couple came closer together; Fluttershy hid behind her husband, waiting to see what was going to happen. Discord notices the shiny crystals embedded in Mysterio's glove, "Where did you get those?!" Discord demanded to know. The villain explained his plan, "I'm going to keep it simple, give me the Mind Stone and you'll get your daughter back." Discord was confused on what he meant. Mysterio used the Reality Stone to show the draconequus what he meant; Discord could see his daughter's reflection in the villain's helmet. Discord's eyes were filled with anger; he muttered, "If you've harmed my daughter, I'll….." "You'll what?" Mysterio interrupted. "As long as I have her, you can do nothing." The Lord of Chaos calmed down; he knew that the only way to get Screwball back was to give him the stone. "I'll take you to the stone." Discord began to fly out the door; followed by Mysterio, "At last, it will be mine." he muttered. Once they had left; Spiderman and Mothball arrived at the castle, "Mrs Fluttershy? Mr Discord? Are you here?" the changeling questioned. Adam opened the front door and found the yellow Pegasus with her son in her hooves, "Mothball, your okay." The colt replied, "Yeah I'm fine, but this bubble-headed villain has taken Screwball." Fluttershy then noticed the human standing behind the changeling; Adam stepped forward and removed his mask. "Hi Fluttershy." the boy said. The mare couldn't believe it; she muttered, "I saw you swinging up to the wormhole. The portal closed and you weren't here, I thought you must of died." she then began to cry. Adam walked towards her; he placed his hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry. I wanted to come back; but after the whole event, Space Bridge travel was declared to dangerous. The project was shut down and I couldn't come back." Fluttershy took a moment to think; suddenly, she wrapped her left hoove around his neck. Adam returned the embraced and pressed his lips against the side of her head; he said, "Look at you, your a mother." he then looked down at the baby boy. "I'm so happy for you." Then Fluttershy remembered the crisis, "Screwball; my daughter, that guy still has her. Discord is leading him to something called the Mind Stone." Adam put his mask back on and rushed for the door, "I'll stop him." the hero said. ============================================== Discord and Mysterio were wandering through the Everfree Forest; the Lord of Chaos couldn't shake the feeling that this guy could kill his daughter. "So, what will you do once you have all the stones?" Discord asked. Mysterio did not answer the creature's question; his mind was set on finding the last stone before planning what came next. The draconequus and the villain came across a large temple-like pyramid; Discord pointed to the very top, "It's in there." he muttered. Mysterio pushed Discord forward, "No tricks, your going to get it." The villain followed Discord up the pyramid stairs. Not far away; Spiderman was swinging through the trees, until he found the pyramid too. Before they disappeared into the darkness; Adam saw the pair enter the pyramid, "Discord, don't give it to him!" he cried. Spiderman swung tot eh top of the pyramid; but suddenly, the top exploded. Revealing Discord and the now free Screwball laying on the ground; Adam saw his nemesis in the centre and in his right hand, the last infinity stone. "Yes, at last!" Mysterio cried. He placed the final stone into the last spot on his gauntlet; the power began to take effect, "All the power of the universe is finally mine." In all the commotion; Mysterio didn't realise that Screwball was free, "You heartless monster." she cried. The villain then saw Spiderman swinging closer. "Oh Screwball." he said while picking her up with the Space Stone. "There's someone I'm dying to introduce you to." Adam leaped of his web towards them, "Rowan, get your away from her." Mysterio then starts to sing. (Prince Ali *reprise* music: from Aladdin starts to play) 'Oh Spidey; yes it is he, but not as you know him.' Spiderman was then clutched by the stone's power. 'Read my lips and come to grips with reality.' 'Yes meet what would be a blast, who's lies would too good to last. 'Say hello to your precious Spiderman.' "Or should I say; Adam, the human." Screwball gasped at the site; Mysterio had used the Reality Stone to replace Adam's spider-suit with normal clothes. "Screwball; I was going to tell you...." Adam was interrupted as Mysterio kept singing. 'So Spidey; turns out to be, merely Adam.' Just a con; need I go on, take it from me.' 'His personality swores, give meet atticat chores.' 'To send him packing on a one way trip, so his prospects take a terminal dip.' 'His assets frozen; the venue chosen, is the end of the world. Wazzam!' Mysterio sends Adam flying across the sky; in the villain's thoughts, 'never to be seen again'. 'So long. Ex-Spiderman.' Mysterio begins to laugh uncontrollably; Screwball cuddles close to her father in fear, all seemed lost. > destroying the stones. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam land in a large snow bank; he was in the middle of snowy mountains, the cold weather made it impossible to see. The boy picked himself up; and began to make his way through the snow. "Must....make it....back. I...have to save...them." Adam muttered as he wandered blindly through the waste land. All was lost for Spiderman; until a light was glowing from the distance, he saw the light and ran straight for it. When the light was close enough; it was revealed to be..... Luna. "Spiderman, thank goodness I found you." the night princess said. Adam was to cold to respond; excerpt for, "Screwball....Discord....Mysterio. I have.....to stop him." Luna used her magic to teleport them to Canterlot. ============================================= When the princess and the boy appeared in the castle; the were greeted by Celestia, "Adam, what happened to you." Adam began to warm up and replied, "Mysterio; an old enemy of mine, he came to your planet to steal the last infinity stone. Now; he has all six, nothing can stop him." Both princesses were really concerned; they knew how powerful the stones were, and now some maniac has all six. Celestia approached the boy, "You must stop him Adam, if Mysterio uses those stones true power. He could destroy us all." Adam fell to his knees; tears filled his eyes, "I'm sorry Celestia; I can't stop him, no one can." Luna walks up to the boy and says, "What kind of talk is that, your the Spectacular Spiderman, your the Amazing Spiderman, your the Ultimate Spiderman. Your not a quitter." Adam looked up at the moon princess; he then began to cry even more, "I'm sorry Luna but I can't; I tried, I failed." Luna then gave him some advice, "You try you fail, you try you fail, but the only true failure is when you stop trying." Adam stood back up and asked her, " What do you want me to do?" Luna looked at her sister and smiled; they then both turned to Adam and replied, "Try again." The princesses led Adam into the royal armoury; Shining Armour was there, with Cadence. "Adam, it's good to see you again." Cadence said. Adam responded with a smile; Celestia placed her hoove on a large metal door, Luna and Cadence did the same. The large door began to unlock and open; Celestia explained, "When you first saved our planet from that Decepticon invasion, we thought we could do something to say thank you." When the door was opened fully; Adam saw what was mounted on the (human-shaped) armour stand. "We had Rarity make it; and me, Luna, Cadence and Twilight enchanted it with Alicorn magic." Celestia explained. What Adam saw was a new suit; one with enough power to take down and army of Rhinos. Adam wasted no time putting on the work of art; he had never felt such power in a suit before, "Thank you your highnesses. I promise; I'll find Mysterio, save Screwball and Ponyville & destroy the infinity stones once and for all." Spiderman leaped out of the open window and began muttering to himself, "I wise man once told me; with great power, comes great responsibilities. I made a promise to protect this land, I will keep that promise. Who am I..... ….I'm Spiderman" ============================================= Ponyville was in carnage; ponies were enslaved by their new ruler, he had claimed the Castle of Chaos as his fortress. Inside; Mysterio had Discord on puppet strings, making him dance around. "Dance you fool, dance!" the overlord cried. Fluttershy was serving him wine; whilst begging him to leave Discord alone. "Please, let him go." she cried. Mysterio wasn't completely without a soul; so he did as the mare said and released the creature, placing him in a cage with Zany. The villain then turns to his waitress; in a sinister voice he said, "You know, every king needs a queen." He used the Reality Stone to create a tiara and a ring. "You could marry me." The Pegasus was shocked when she heard that statement, "I'm already married you creep." That was a mistake she regretted; Mysterio stood up from his thrown, "How about this, be my queen or you'll never get your back." the villain snapped his fingers and a curtain opened behind Fluttershy; she gasped when she saw what was behind the cloth. It was Screwball and Mothball, petrified in stone. "My baby." she cried when she ran to her child. But it was no use; she was completely turned to stone, just like Discord was all those years ago. "Your choice." Mysterio said. Fluttershy loved Discord; but if she didn't go through with this, he daughter would never see the sun again. "Okay, I'll marry you." Mysterio was pleased with her choice; he used his new powers to turn the thrown room into an alter. All the ponies of the town were brought into the castle; Mysterio turned his villain costume into a black tuxedo, all except his helmet which still stood on his shoulders. He gave Fluttershy a long white wedding dress; and sent her to the alter stand. He made Mayor Mare perform the ceremony; she appeared at the alter as well. When everypony was here; Mysterio began the wedding. Luckily; Spiderman swung towards the front door, he crawled up the wall and peered through the window. "What the hay?" he muttered. The mayor began her lines, "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Fluttershy Draconequus and our lord and master, Mysterio." Adam had to stop them; so he waited for the right moment to strike. "If anypony has any objects why these two should not be united in marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." "Yeah, I object!" Adam cried as he leaped into the room. Mysterio turned to his nemesis and cried, "How many times do I have to kill you?!" the villain blasted Spidey with a strong Power Stone blast. Mysterio began shooting blasts all over the room, "You know Mysterio, why should you just get to sing?" Adam asked. (One jump ahead; from Aladdin starts playing.) 'Gotta keep; one jump ahead of the bad guy, on swing a head of the sword. Come on fish bowl, your making me kind of bored.' 'One jump; ahead disaster. He's quick but i'm much faster. Better throw my hand in, wish me happy landing.' 'All I gotta do is jump.' Adam quickly deliver a hard kick to Mysterio's chest. He was sent flying towards the wall; Adam made sure Fluttershy was okay, but the villain quickly blasted Spidey away from her. The boy landed at the end of the room, "Now little spider, you will die." Suddenly; Mysterio began to grow, his black tuxedo ripped apart and his suit was still underneath. All the ponies in the audience left the castle screaming as the giant villain caused the roof to crack open. Adam ran to the alter and pulled Fluttershy out of the way; he also broke Discord and Zany out of the cage, Discord and Adam then lifted the Mothball & Screwball statue out the door. Once everypony was outside; the roof finally exploded and Mysterio continued to grow, "What do you think of me now Spiderman!" Adam was out of ideas; their was no way to stop this maniac now, "It's over, we've lost." the boy muttered. Spidey walked to the statue of his friend; he gently placed his hand on Screwball's cheek, "Forgive Screwy." Adam then removed his mask and began to cry. Little did he know; something magical was happening, his hand on the mare's face began to glow. The magical energy began to spread itself all over Screwball and Mothball's body. When the glow disappeared....Screwy and Mothy were free, the stone was gone. "Adam?" the girl muttered. Adam looked at her and said, "I'm here Screwball, I'm here." She fell to the ground; luckily, Adam caught her in his arms. The halfling looks up at the human, "So.… Is it true? Are you a human?" Adam answers her with a simply, "Yes." Without warning; she raps her hooves around him, "I don't care. Your my friend." she whispers in his ear. When she releases him; Adam stood up tall and mighty, Mothball handed him his mask that was on the floor. Adam reapplied his mask; the stared directly at the over-powered stage magician, "Mysterio, let these ponies go." The villain looked down on his small enemy, "Fool! I will use the stones and drain all the magic in Equestria!" Mysterio did exactly that, the stones began to glow and all the magic in the land was being absorbed. Spiderman had one chance; what happens when you over charge a battery, 'It explodes.' Adam thought. The boy turned to all the ponies still gathered around, "Everypony, you have to listen to me...." "I know you don't really trust humans; but if you want to save your home, you have to trust me. I need every magical creature to blast their magic at Mysterio's gauntlet. If we can over-power the stones, it should destroy them for good." When Adam finished; all the ponies were hesitant about his plan, until Fluttershy stepped forward. "We have to listen to Adam." No pony was going to argue with the Element of Kindness, so they did as Spidey said. All the unicorns blasted their magic at the stones, the Pegasus's flap their wings hard; creating a strong & powerful wind, the earth ponies began throwing rocks and sticks at Mysterio. Even Discord, Screwball and Mothball were blasting their magic in his direction; however it wasn't enough. "We need a strong power, one that can create a large portion of power to fully overload the infinity stones." Screwball heard Adam; then looked at Mothball, "I got just the thing." She pulled her coltfriend close and locked her lips with his. The same as last time; the kiss created a large magical energy, causing them to float of the ground. Adam's jaw dropped when he saw what she just did; Discord muttered, "I know right?" The added power from Screwy and Mothy was just enough; Adam noticed the stones, one started to crack. "No, stop! What are you doing?!" Mysterio cried as his power was fading. Adam decided to finish the job; using his webs, he made his way up to the gauntlet. "This is for Equestria." he said whilst slightly punching the gauntlet. The boy then jump high and used his web-lines to pull himself down hard, "And this is for trying to marry Fluttershy!" With that final slam; the infinity stones each shattered one at a time. Power, Space, Reality, Soul, Time and finally Mind. With no power left; Mysterio then shrank back to his normal size whilst crying, "NOOOOO!!!" ================================================= When all the madness was over; Adam approached the now defeated villain, "You ready to go back to the Raft Rowan?" However; the villain got back up, "You haven't beaten me, I can still conquer this pathetic planet." Those words made Adam really mad, "These ponies are precious to me, don't... call them.... pathetic!" the delivered a strong punch to Mysterio's face. It shattered his helmet and knocked him out cold; the weak criminal fell to the floor unconscious. After all the ponies from town returned home; the princesses arrived to see the victory. "Thank you Spiderman. Because of you, my subjects can once again live in peace." Celestia stated. Adam stepped forward and explained, "Thank you princess; but it wasn't just me, I would like to thank Screwball and here family for the help they gave me in this battle." Luna looked down at the knocked out loser, "Tell me Adam, what should we do with him?" The boy picked up Rowan a threw over his shoulder, "I need to take him back to Earth, the Raft will take care of him." Before the Space Bridge opened, that was going to take Adam and Mysterio home; he put the villain down for a sec. Screwball ran to her friend and hugged him really tight, "I'll miss you." Adam then had an idea; he pulled a small device out of his pocket. "Here you go; a O.S.C communicator. If ever you want to talk, just call me on that." They both hugged one more time. Before Adam left; he turned to the family and said, "Mothball; you take care of her, I'll know if you don't." the boy picked up the villain and wandered through the portal. Life as Adam knew carried on from there; he still battle his enemies and saved lives, and the best part is..... ….Celestia let him keep the suit. The End.