> Learning the Ropes > by LilSlipsy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > And Knots Too > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- River Lily tugged at the rope in her hooves before the knots fell apart again and the line pulled taut. With a sigh, she looked at the book beside her, reading the instructions on the page before trying once more. She knew a few of the very basic ones, and even the two, orange, mane braids she had was a knot of some sort she guessed, but these complex ones were pretty hard to get right. There were so many loops and under-overs that this guide was barely helping at all, but it was something she had to study. The sound of metal bits kept ringing out as Ever After continued to count the large mound and throw them into a sack. The pale purple coloured filly always seemed to be the more entrepreneurial than most, probably taking in more than the entire Filly Guide’s troop in Ponyville combined. She always said she was, “Good with ponies,” however it never looked like she was selling cookies or anything of that sort. Lily’s room was perfect for the two fillies to just chill out and work on a few things like this. Nice and quiet when the house was empty, and ponies usually didn’t stop by her house to distract them; unlike Eve’s house where ponies regularly stop by asking for Eve and cutting into their play time. “Ugh…” Lily groaned in frustration after another failed attempt left her two hooves stuck together. She grabbed one of the ends with her teeth and pulled at it, trying to get it undone somehow. “Having fun?” Eve asked, finally looking up with a bit of a smirk on her face as she scribbled down a few numbers on a notepad. “No, these knots are way harder than I thought! How is anypony supposed to do these at all? And now…” she pulled hard with her teeth and it only seemed to make the binds tighter. Her eyes opened to see Eve sitting there chuckling. Lily blushed in a bit of embarrassment before she held her hooves out to her friend. “Help?” Eve had a smirk, and a curious look on her face started to appear as she got up and sauntered over. The filly gently stroked Lily’s hoof, ticking the hairs of her cyan fur before grazing against the rope, looking at it like she was in deep thought; whatever she was thinking only got her grin to grow bigger and bigger. With an expert tug of a carefully picked spot, the entire thing unravelled and Lily’s hooves were finally free. “Thanks, Eve!” she said with a smile as she rubbed her own hooves where the ropes had been. “Wow, you seem to know a whole lot about this stuff.” It was amazing how the filly did it in no time flat. “Well, I do know how to tie a few knots,” she said softly and blinked one of her eyes at Lily. Lily’s head tilted before a sudden realization came over her. “Oh! Were you in the Filly Guides too?” “Heh… not very long,” she said as she picked up the rope and pulled on it, testing the quality. “I could help you study a few knots if you would like.” Lily just nodded heartily, eagerly wanting to learn. “Ok, come on and I’ll show you!” she said as she hopped up on the bed. Lily immediately followed and sat down in the middle of the bed, but Eve was already right beside her, pressing a hoof against her chest and guiding her down until she was on her back. Eve circled her and casually played with the rope before plopping down near her head and grabbing one of Lily’s hooves. “This one is the bowline knot,” she said as she started to wrap the rope around Lily’s hoof, letting her have a good look at it as she wrapped it around like a snake before gently pulling it tight. “It’s one that is quick to release, but nopony would be able to get out by just tugging on it, unless they snap the whole line.” Eve went over to the nearby bed post, pulling Lily’s hoof out as she tied the rope to it. “See, try.” “Oh, I’ve seen this one in the book.” Lily pulled on the rope, giving it a few solid tugs before shaking her head. “Nope, it didn’t move at all.” Eve smirked and worked her way over to Lily’s other free hoof, wrapping another rope around it with a different style. “This is a single column tie, and is a lot gentler on the hooves than that other one, but still the same result: pretty easy to get out of if you pull on the right spot, but you’re not going anywhere by just tugging on it.” Eve fastened the end to another post and Lily tested it. Eve was right, her forelegs barely even budged. “Huh… this one is pretty neat. Though, I looked through that whole book and I don’t think anything like this is in there. Where’d you learn it?” “You know… just picking things up here and there,” Eve said as she sat down at the edge of the bed, grabbing one of Lily’s hindlegs and starting to wrap that one up with another of her fancy knots. “A horsey hold: this one’s a little bit tougher of a knot and a lot harder to untie so nopony accidently undoes it.” The filly quickly tied another limb to the bed post before grabbing the last of Lily’s legs. This one looked like the exact same knot as she wrapped it around and secured it before she spread Lily’s legs open and tied her to the final bedpost. Eve plopped down right between Lily’s legs, gliding her hooves over the length of the rope before plucking at it like a guitar string. “Especially, if you don’t want something to move.” Lily tugged on all of them. Wow! She wasn’t going anywhere. Eve’s hoof trailed down to Lily’s thighs, casually rubbing against the fur like it was going to turn into an impromptu massage. “You certainly know a lot,” Lily said with a cheerful smile. Eve nodded and brushed one of her blonde, orange-tinged pigtail off to the side. She gave another smirk before her head dove right between the filly’s legs. Lily’s body immediately clenched, legs tightening and squirming around, but they didn’t go anywhere, bound open by the ropes. “A-ah~! T-that tickles!” Lily squeaked out as she fruitlessly wiggled around. “W-wait, y-you did this to do that licking thing again!” Eve’s sky-blue eyes glanced up, starting up at the filly as she suckled her folds, sucking one out a little bit before letting it go and smacking her lips in delight. “Maaaaybe.” Eve’s gaze went right back down and Lily’s back tried to arch as much as she could. Lily bit her lip from the sudden burst of tingles shooting down her spine. She wanted to bite her hoof, help quiet down the squeaks and moan that were building in her throat, but there was no way she could in these binds. “Eeee!” she squealed out as Eve’s tongue pressed in between her folds, sinking in and licking her inner walls. With Eve licking and her own warmth starting to build in her loins, she was starting to feel absolutely damp down there. That strange, slippery feeling; Eve seemed to love it with the delightful moans and deep breath washing over Lily’s mound. The filly even had a hoof reaching underneath, scratching between her own legs. With a few more noisy slurps and a big huff, Eve finally looked up, muzzle covered in a glaze of juice. She licked her lips and stepped a little closer before turning around, waiving her blonde tail right out of the way. Lily’s eyes were drawn to that crevice between Eve’s legs, especially since it was coming closer to her face. The fur around the filly’s lips were soaked enough that a string was drooling out, threatening to land on Lily’s chest. The wet line cut and dripped along Lily’s chin as Eve laid down on her and pressed her flank right up again her muzzle. She could catch an inviting hint lavender, mixed in with something that she could only describe as absolutely needy and hungry in the strangest of ways. A bright pink line was nestled in between those puffy, purple lips. “Don’t be shy,” Eve said playfully and stretched her flank out as a small, pink dot flashed between her already parted folds, as if to say hello. Lily’s face heated up as her tongue met with a wet kiss. A delighted shiver rippled down Eve’s flank and her tail lifted even higher into the air, like a balloon was trying to carry it away. Her friend was so wet, so juicy back here, the flavours dancing on her tongue tasted almost like a sweet, tangy candy that lit up her taste buds. “Mmm~!” Lily squeaked out as Eve’s own tongue returned, flicking her in all the right spots; the ones that made those tingles in her belly grow and had her squirming. Though, something new was happening down below as she felt something poke right between her folds. That was definitely not Eve’s tongue. The tip felt huge and spread her folds open wide as Eve slowly pressed it inside. She could feel it pressing into her tunnel, its bulbous head and some small bumps decorating along the length. It was probably one of those toys hidden in her room; Eve had placed several around for emergencies of some kind. They were all hidden away in the most peculiar of places when she stumbled upon them, but always seemed to be within reach when Eve wanted; like she was practically summoning them out of thin air. “MMMPH~!” Lily moaned heavily into Eve’s slit, vibrating her folds as she tried desperately to gulp down the juices pouring out. She felt the warmth of Eve’s hoof press against her lower lips as the toy sunk in deep. Her walls gripped on tight as they were spread so far apart and her legs squirmed against the binds. She wasn’t going anywhere, or able to calm the rapidly building tingles. The only thing she could do was endure Eve’s treatment of her filly parts. For the first few strokes, Eve started out slow, but it felt like her hoof sped up to a blur as that length slid into her again and again. Lily’s squeals were muffled as Eve ground herself right against the filly’s muzzle. The bottom of her tummy was fire and the tingles flowing through her body were rapidly building up into something more. Eve was going to have her making a mess of the bed again; the second time this week that she’d have to clean the sheets. The sliding sounds were constant and the wet plapping of Eve’s hoof against Lily’s drenched bits set the rapid tempo. She couldn’t hold on much longer and Eve certainly wasn’t expecting her to. Lily’s tongue haphazardly flicked as much as she could, until she hit that pulsing bump popping out from Eve’s folds. She could feel the filly practically melt on her, sinking into her chest like it was the most comfy place in all of Equestria. Lily could feel it in her belly; it was getting to be too much. She desperately tried sucking in air as she felt a big finish rapidly approaching. Eve kept going with blinding speed, like she had a mechanical hoof that would never stop for this kind of motion. The build-up hit its peak and every part in Lily’s body tightened up, limbs pulling in for the minuscule amount she could move. “Nnngh-MPAHHHHH,” she wailed out hard into Eve’s slit, buzzing that button with sound. Eve let out a long moan as well, her legs clamping against Lily’s head as she smushed that vibrating muzzle in as tight to her as it would go. Lily could feel a wetness shooting out from both ends; her fillyhood splashing out, covering everything down to her hooves and spraying out who knows how far. Eve had strong gushes of liquid come rushing out, the hot spray covering Lily’s face and soaking her ears in an instant. That lavender scent just flooded in, it was the only thing that she could smell and it was pretty nice. Both fillies collapsed in a huff as it all came to a close. Lily’s eyes were still floating around in the back of her head and tongue lolling out as Eve slowly got off. Her entire body shivered again as Eve wiggled that toy back and forth as she leisurely pulled it out. The bright orange toy came sliding from her with a wet pop and Eve held it up like a trophy. The filly took a long lick of it with an absolutely euphoric look on her face as she glanced back to Lily. With a satisfied smirk, she put the toy down and moved up to the head of the bed. Eve quickly undid the two ropes on her forelegs, showing just how quickly they released. She took her time with the other two binding her hindlegs, casually undoing the tougher knots like there was no rush in the world at all. Lily felt her hindlegs get so much slack as the ropes finally fell apart. Eve had her hoof between Lily’s legs and was already on the move, gently kissing between the filly’s lower lips and sending another shiver down her spine. Eve continued the small kisses along her belly and chest until finally she gave the longest one right on her cheek. Lily could catch the faint scent of a river in the middle of a forest emanating off Eve’s lips. “You did good,” Eve said with a whisper into her ear before smirking again and ruffling Lily’s mane. Lily chuckled at the praise. It wasn’t like she really did anything, but she was happy to hear it regardless. Bits were starting to clack together again the moment Eve jumped down and resumed counting her pile. Lily carefully slid off the bed, getting onto shaky hooves and wobbling over to where the rest of her ropes were. Her breath was still ragged and her tummy fluttering, brain barely understanding the concept of a knot right now. But Lily took a deep breath to try and steady herself; she still needed to learn the ropes, and maybe even become as great as Eve was.