> A Simple Request > by DarkRyu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia sighed as the last delegate left through the double doors. Court had been particularly stressful for her that day and she was dreading the next diplomat that was sure to come any minute. Her Royal Scheduling Advisor, Dusty Scrolls had just finished transcribing her last meeting and looked up at her, smiling. “You’ll be pleased to know that was the last meeting today until after lunch.” He said happily. “Pleased?” Celestia asked coyly. “I know how stressed you are today, Princess.” He said. “I can see it in your face.” Celestia sighed, lowering her head in defeat. “And I thought I hid it so well…” She said. Dusty’s eyes widened as he waved both hooves frantically. “Oh, but I’m sure nopony else noticed!” He exclaimed. “I just know you so well that I-” “Oh I know, Dusty.” Celestia said, smiling. “I’m just joking with you. I can never fool you, can I?” Suddenly the doors opened slowly and a stallion guard poked his head inside meekly. “Uhhh…Princess?” He asked uncertainly. “What is it?” She asked. “W-well I have a commoner here that insists on speaking with you.” He stammered nervously. Celestia hadn’t seen that particular guard before and she surmised that he must be new. It was understandable for new recruits to be a bit intimidated by her – most ponies were. That was the only reason why she reluctantly agreed to see the commoner. Whatever he or she had to say had to be of the utmost importance. Her subjects didn’t make a habit of wasting her time. “Show him in.” She said simply. The guard opened the door all the way to reveal a dark grey stallion. He had a lighter grey mane and a four-leafed clover for a cutie mark. There was something…different about this stallion. Most ponies showed at least a bit of apprehension when walking through the throne room, but this stallion was remarkably calm. As he approached the bottom of the throne dais he bowed slightly. “Thank you for agreeing to see me, Princess.” He said, raising from his bowing position and standing at his full height once more. “My name is Good Fortune.” “Hello, Good Fortune.” She said, smiling warmly. “I always want to hear of whatever troubles my subjects are experiencing. What has compelled you to see me?” “Yes, well…while I would love to expound on my troubles, I would prefer to do it with a bit more…privacy.” He said. “Would you mind terribly if I asked you to excuse your guards and your assistant? I would like to speak with you alone.” Celestia was surprised by his request. Other than foreign heads of state, it had been centuries since anypony had requested that she speak alone with them. She wanted to assure him that whatever he said to her would be kept under strict confidence by everypony in the room, but her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to grant his request. “Very well.” She said. “If everypony would please leave, I would like a moment alone with my guest.” It took a few minutes, but eventually the room was cleared and the two ponies stood alone. “Now then, why have you come to me today?” She asked gently. The stallion cleared his throat. “I have a simple request – one which I doubt you’ll grant but I thought that I should ask anyway.” He said. There was a brief moment of silence between them. Usually silences were caused by Celestia herself and it was other ponies that were put on the spot. But this stallion simply stood there, awaiting her response. She could sense no apprehension or nervousness coming from him. Still, she felt compelled to answer. “Well, go on.” She said. “The worst I can say is no.” The stallion smirked at her, a slight twinkle in his eye. “Simply put, I want to fuck you.” He said. Celestia had been around a long time. She’d experienced more than anypony alive. It took quite a bit to take her by surprise. A lesser leader would have stood there, frozen in shock at his remark. Although she normally had tight control of her emotions, she found an involuntary smirk forming on her face. “Do you now?” She asked, her response revealing her mirth. “Yes.” He said simply. “It’s a good thing you had me dismiss my guards.” She said, her smirk smaller but still evident on her face. “If you had asked me that in front of them, I have no doubt they would have been rather insistent upon putting a spear in your chest.” “Which is one of two reasons I wanted to ask you this alone.” He said. “And the other reason?” She asked. “I didn’t want to embarrass you.” He said simply. “Good…Fortune was it?” She asked. “Yes, Princess.” He said. “Well, Good Fortune, it would take a lot more than that to embarrass me.” She said. “I’ve been embarrassed more times than I can count, but after a thousand years of embarrassing moments, I’m not sure it’s even possible for me to feel embarrassment anymore.” “What about sexual pleasure?” He asked, smirking. “Are you still capable of feeling that?” “While I admire your audacity, it simply wouldn’t be appropriate for a Princess to have sex with a commoner.” She said. “What a shame.” He said, not missing a beat. “I would have thought that after a thousand years of being appropriate you might want to try something else for a change.” Celestia decided to keep the line of conversation going to see where it would lead. “Even if I were to decide to have sex with a commoner, why would I choose you?” She asked. “I’m a Princess. If I announced that I was willing to have sex with somepony just to have sex, I would have a thousands of ponies lined up all the way out the door - all of them wanting a chance to bed me.” “To be honest, I can’t think of a single reason.” He admitted. “I’ve just been really lucky all my life so I thought I’d try my luck with this. I’ve always wanted to fuck you, Princess. Of course, that’s nothing of a revelation. I can’t think of a single stallion that doesn’t want to fuck you. But I know that I’ll never be able to because I’m a commoner. Still, that doesn’t make me want it any less. I know that my chances under normal circumstances would be zero. But if I ask maybe – just maybe – you’ll let me. I know the chances of that are very low, but they’re better than if I never ask at all. This is my only chance, so I’m taking it.” Celestia pondered his response for a moment. “A very…logical analysis.” She said slowly. “But there’s another factor you haven’t considered.” “What’s that?” He asked curiously. “What are the chances that I have you thrown into the dungeon for asking me such a thing?” She asked. “Surely you realize the chances of you getting thrown into the dungeon are higher than me granting your request. Was the chance of this really worth it?” “To fuck you?” He asked. “Yes. Even though my chances only went from zero to one in a million, I’m willing to risk getting thrown in the dungeon for the slight chance that you’ll let me.” Celestia sighed. “I’ve never understood this obsession that stallions have with having sex with me.” She said. “Wars have been fought and challenges have been made and accepted over the idea that stallions could impress me enough for me to let them bed me. And as you said, there’s not a stallion alive that doesn’t fantasize about having sex with me. Do you stallions really think my vagina is so superior to the vagina of any other mare that you’re willing to risk so much just to see what it feels like?” “I’m surprised you don’t understand this, Princess, but I’ll try to explain.” He said. It’s not just your vagina that we want. If it were then I’m sure somepony would have come up with the idea to make an exact mould of your vagina to sell as a sex toy. While I’m sure such a sex toy would sell well, it still wouldn’t stop stallions from fantasizing about you.” “You see, Princess, you represent the pinnacle of perfection in its feminine form – perfection that is inaccessible to regular stallions like us. While I’m sure that your vagina would feel wonderful, it’s the fact that you’re a princess that makes the idea of having sex with you so alluring. While on a biological level you’re a mare like any other mare, as a Princess you have access to every available amenity to make your body as perfect as possible. You’re also physically larger than any other mare and have extremely powerful magic. I have no doubt that if you wanted to, you could kill me in an instant. Power is very attractive. The idea of an extremely powerful mare like you submitting yourself to me turns me on more than anything else I can imagine.” “I see…” She said, finally beginning to understand what was going on inside these stallion’s heads. “There’s also the fact that I know that I’m undeserving of such a thing.” He said. “Ponies always want what they can’t have. Thinking about you giving yourself to me even though I don’t deserve it makes me giddy with excitement.” “Hmmm…” She said thoughtfully. “So if I were to grant this request, what would you have me do? Would you have me just lean back against my throne and spread my legs apart, giving you unfettered access to my marehood? You’re the size of a normal stallion, so mounting me would be out of the question.” “If you did that, Princess, you’d have my muzzle digging into your marehood before you even realized what was happening.” “Is that an offer?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. “Absolutely.” He said quickly. Celestia thought about the situation she was in. She hadn’t had a partner in centuries and although she enjoyed masturbation, she did miss the feeling of a stallion from time to time. She knew that as a Princess she should not grant this request, but she admired his audacity and wanted to reward it. She was sick and tired of spineless ponies that were afraid of her. This stallion wasn’t intimidated by her in the slightest. He knew she was powerful but he treated her like a regular pony. “Well?” He asked, jarring her out of her thoughts. “Are you going to let me fuck you, Princess, or are you going to throw me in the dungeon and meet with another boring diplomat?” Celestia paused for a moment as she thought about the pros and cons of accepting his offer before sighing in defeat. “Alright.” She said. “I’ll let you have me under two conditions. First off, you’ll never tell a soul about this, understand?” “Got it.” He said. “Not that anypony would believe me if I told them.” “Second, I want you to be gentle.” She said. “It’s been a long time for me, and I don’t want to be a conquest of yours. I don’t want you to fuck me just so you can say that you’ve fucked me. That’s not why I’m doing this for you.” “Trust me, Princess, the only reason I want to fuck you is to fuck you.” He said. “I have no desire to brag. And I’ll take it slow. I want to enjoy your body for as long as possible.” Celestia’s horn glowed brightly. The doors to the room and her lower abdomen glowed along with her horn for several seconds before the glow disappeared. “Good.” She said. “I’ve sealed the doors and cast an anti-pregnancy spell on myself. I assume you have no objections to doing this in the throne room? Or does your fantasy include being in my bed as well?” “Honestly I don’t care where we are so long as we’re having sex.” He said, laughing. She smirked as she leaned back against her throne, spreading her legs slightly. “Now I believe you said that this position was agreeable to you?” She asked. He eagerly stepped up onto the dais, his hooves shaking in anticipation as she spread her legs further, giving him an unfettered view of her marehood. He found himself nearly tripping over his hooves in his eagerness to see it up close. He stopped as his face got within a foot of her marehood, nearly drooling at the sight of it. It looked perfect – absolutely perfect – even better than he could have imagined. Her pink outer folds quivered slightly as she adjusted herself, causing his erection to jump in anticipation. Without any further hesitation he reached forward, licking her flower experimentally. Not getting a negative reaction from her or tasting anything unpleasant, he opened his mouth and dug into her pussy eagerly. Celestia leaned her head back and moaned softly, the familiar feeling of being eaten out overtaking her. It had been centuries since anypony had gone down on her and she was unaccustomed to the intensity of the experience. The stallion eagerly pressed forward into her, causing her to draw in a sharp breath at the wave of pleasure that started to hit her. He was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t take much to stimulate her. He licked along her outer folds before sucking on her clit, kissing her entrance between breaths. Celestia’s breath began to quicken. She hadn’t expected it to feel this good. It had been far too long since she’d had sex with a stallion and she found herself holding back a groan as the pleasure increased. She grit her teeth in pleasure as he flicked her cilt with his tongue, almost going over the edge right there. When he slipped his tongue deep inside of her, it was too much for her to take and she started shaking as she experienced her orgasm. “Oooooooooooooooh!” She moaned, looking up at the ceiling as her orgasm overtook her. He kept eating her out as she rode it out, altering his tactics quickly to extend her orgasm. When her orgasm finally died down she put a hoof on his head, indicating he should stop. He pulled back from between her legs reluctantly. “How was that?” He asked. “Very good…” She said, smiling down at him. He stood up tall once more. “So, can I fuck you?” He asked. “Hmmmmmmm…” She said, getting off her throne and lying on her back on her dais. “I suppose you have earned it. Go ahead.” Good Fortune stepped over her, sliding his body over her stomach and chest. Her fur was unbelievably soft and she smelled very feminine. He laid down on her, his chest making contact with hers as his erection was sandwiched between them. He couldn’t help but take a deep whiff of her scent as he buried his face in her chest. “Mmmmmmmmm…I’m going to enjoy this…” He said, dry humping against her stomach experimentally. He slid down her form and lined up his erection with her entrance before pushing his hips forward. His member bent as he tried to slide it into her. It took a persistent amount of pressure before her marehood yielded to his member due to the fact that he hadn’t gotten his aim quite perfect when he had started to push into her. But once everything was lined up properly he slid in easily. He moaned softly, his mouth slightly open in pleasure as his member was enveloped in her tight, warm pussy. He pushed his pelvis against hers, trying to get as deep inside of her as possible before sliding out slowly and pushing back in. He repeated the motion several more times, beginning to fuck her slowly. Celestia looked down at him, smiling as he enjoyed her body. She watched him for a few minutes before she leaned her head back, looking up at the tall ceiling as he fucked her. It felt good, but she knew it couldn’t compare to how good it felt to him. After all, he was getting the good end of this deal – getting to fuck a Princess – while she was just having sex with a random commoner. Good Fortune was in pure heaven – warm, wet, tight heaven. He couldn’t believe that he was actually fucking the Princess – and her pussy felt incredible! He couldn’t control his vocalizations of pleasure as he slowly ravished her body. A mixture of grunts, groans, and moans were torn from his lips as he fucked the alicorn beneath him. He knew that he must have sounded like a horny teenager having sex for the first time, but he couldn’t help himself. It just felt so good. He was approaching his peak rapidly but as much as he wanted to prolong the experience, the urge to finally finish inside of her was uncontrollable. He sped up without hesitation, his hips moving on autopilot as his instincts screamed at him to claim the mare beneath him. Fuck. He was going to cum inside of Princess Celestia. Oh fuck… He barely had time to finish that thought before his member started erupting inside of her. He managed to push his pelvis against hers and hold himself there before his body seized up. He let out a load moan as he emptied himself inside of her, making sure to keep his member buried as deep inside of her as he could. He squeezed his eyes shut as he claimed her, his body doing everything it instinctually knew how to do in order to impregnate her. He knew she had cast an anti-pregnancy spell but he couldn’t help but think about actually impregnating her. What if the spell failed? He quickly pushed those thoughts aside, realizing how unlikely that scenario would be. Instead he focused on emptying the last of his seed into her, intending to give her everything he had. collapsing on top of her as he emptied himself inside of her. He was breathing quite heavily by then. Celestia looked down at him and rubbed the top of his head gently. “Was it as good as you imagined it would be?” She asked. He looked up at her and smiled. “Oh, Princess…” He breathed. “It was so wonderful…” He nuzzled against her furry chest and closed his eyes, basking in the afterglow. She allowed him a few moments to recover before moving beneath him. “Are you uncomfortable, Princess?” He asked in concern. “I am lying on the floor.” She responded wryly. “I-I’m sorry!” He said awkwardly. He pushed himself up, using his front hooves to raise the front half of his body. He looked down between them at his member, which was still buried inside of her and pulled out slowly. His seed oozed out of her freshly fucked cunt, which was still slightly agape from the fucking she’d just received. “Damn…” He whispered as he saw this, still in disbelief that he’d actually fucked the Princess. Celestia stood up as he got off of her, quickly righting herself. She cast another spell, taking care of the mess he had made of her backside. “Well, that was pleasant, but I have a full schedule today.” She said. “Did you have any actual business with me, or did you really just come to fuck me?” “Uhhh…no.” He said awkwardly. “No actual business…” “Well then, I hope you got what you came for.” She said, smirking. “Oh, I did.” He said, smirking back. “Thanks, Princess.” “Anytime.” She said. “You mean we can do this again?” He asked in surprise. “Maybe.” She said. “But next time, let’s have dinner first. How about next Tuesday at 5:00? I’ll have my Royal Scheduling Advisor put it on my schedule.”