> The Noble Top Enforcer > by James Pwyll > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Noble Top Enforcer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The storm-clouds had gathered long before, and now they covered the skies from horizon to horizon. Still, Twilight and her friends stood their ground, never flinching in the face of the imposing sight before them. Here, on the edge of Equestria's furthest territory, the nation's six greatest heroes stood together, ready to face the oncoming threat. Vast legions of armored ponies, faces covered in featureless helms, marched closer and closer, their many steps causing echoes across the land. This army had been arriving for some time, and only a small bridge, crossing a deep chasm, separated this force from Equestria. And of course, Twilight stood at the other end of that bridge, wings outstretched, silently letting all know that she intended to stand her ground and never falter. Not here, not today, and not with her home on the line. Her friends stood beside her, ready to join her in the fight to come, and as the army finally ceased its march, Twilight narrowed her eyes to the image of those innumerable foes. "So...it begins." Fluttershy turned to her with obvious concern. "Do you think we have a chance?" Rainbow chuckled. "Come on, Fluttershy! This is us we're talking about! We always come out on top!" Pinkie giggled. "Yeah! I mean, it's not the first time we've faced a super-scary army!" "True...but this one's a might...bigger," Applejack pointed out. "Quite. And more than that...we know who's leading them," Rarity added. Twilight sighed at her final friend's words, and as she looked out at the front lines of the enemy army, she could already spot him. A single stallion, without helm, and whose armor stood out from among the crowd, who now stepped forward. There was silence from the other soldiers as this one lone warrior made his way to the bridge. Twilight was nervous, but nevertheless cast her friends a glance. They too were worried, but such was the bond between them all that she didn't even need to say anything. They already knew, and so gave her silent nods. Twilight smiled to them, then resumed her more serious look as she began to similarly walk to the bridge. All ponies, from both sides, looked to these two, now walking towards one another. Eventually, they met at the middle, standing several meters apart. They said nothing for a time, simply sizing the other up. Twilight, determined to not fail and let her nation down. The stallion, stalwart and stoic, looking like he'd seen more than his fair share of fights. After a time, it was the latter who broke the silence, his tired and rather gruff tone contrasting greatly with the sweeter voices of Twilight's friends. "...Princess." Twilight gave a single nod. "...Captain Steel." The Captain looked behind her, to her friends, then back to her. "You know why I'm here." Twilight's eyes narrowed again. "I know. And you know that I cannot allow that to happen." Steel looked behind himself, to his legions. "My Emperor has tasked me with taking Equestria. Before long, our flag shall fly over your lands. Your people shall be our people, and they shall call the Emperor their ruler." Despite his calm tone, Twilight's wings outstretched once more. "Not while my friends and I draw breath!" Steel, just for a moment, softened in his expression. His voice was without rage, without condescension, and without any hint that he might be her enemy. "I know you will. And though we stand on opposing sides...I have always respected that about you, Princess." Twilight too softened, but only a little. This was still her enemy after all. "Respect is something you deserve also, Captain. You are...not like your master." At the mention of his leader, Steel's resolve returned, and his focus sharpened. "My master may be evil in your eyes, but to me...he is a friend. Without him I would have perished long ago. I owe him all that I am. And if it is his will that Equestria fall to him...then I shall obey." Twilight, in spite of everything, looked sad. "The Emperor doesn't deserve the loyalty you're giving him. His wishes, his goals, his orders are evil. Can't you see that?" Steel turned away, looking down to the great gaping hole beneath their bridge, which seemed to stretch on forever. "Evil? He is...he is my master. My leader. I swore an oath, Princess. An oath to obey. To carry out his will and that of the Empire." His gaze met hers once more. "I will not break faith with him. Not today." Twilight frowned. "And when you freed Applejack and Rarity's sisters? Was that obeying his will?" Steel paused here, looking up to the two mares standing far behind Twilight. "Those children should not have been in our lands. It was foolish of them to go there." Twilight actually cracked a smile here. "Going to places they shouldn't be is something of a talent of theirs." Then her smile vanished again. "But still...you let them go. You didn't keep them as prisoners. You didn't interrogate them. You just...released them." She took a single step forward. "I've known many enemies in my time, Steel, and none of them would have been willing to do that." Steel again looked thoughtful. "There would have been no reason to hold them. And besides...I do not fight for the cause of harming children." Twilight stretched out her hoof, pointing straight to him. "I know. Deep down, you're not our enemy. Not really. You've been misled, Steel. If your Emperor succeeds, then all the lands will know nothing but domination and darkness. Whatever he is to you, whatever good he might have done in the past...surely you can see that his rule can mean nothing good for my people?" Steel took a deep breath, exhaling soon afterwards. "You speak with love for your nation, Princess. As expected of a leader of ponies. But my course was set long ago." His visage became grim. "Before our prior battles, before we two even knew one another...this day was inevitable. You and I, our nations at our backs...fighting for what we believe to be right." Twilight, as before, looked sad. "So...what is it to be? Will you send your great horde?" Steel shook his head. "No. No others need be harmed here today. Not my troops...and not your friends." Twilight cocked an eyebrow. "What then? A duel?" Steel nodded. "Yes. I for my Empire and you for your Kingdom. Here, in this place, we shall bear the burden ourselves, and endanger no others." Twilight slowly looked behind her, to her friends. Those five mares who mattered so much to her, and for whom she would do anything. They looked back to her, worried for her as always, but they said not a word as she turned her attention yet again to steel. "So...a fight for the soul of Equestria." Steel sighed again. "We owe it to our people to make this change of fate as bloodless as we can." Twilight, knowing the foe she faced, knowing what was at stake, drooped her ears slightly. "I wish...you and I had not come to this." And in this moment, where only he and she could hear his words, Steel whispered. "So do I, Princess...so do I."