Vacation Gone Right

by Natalya Nurmatovna

First published

The royal sisters enjoy each other, and then they really enjoy each other.

Their vacation has gone sour, and to avoid further rifts Celestia proposes a simple but effective plan. Celestia enjoys Luna, Luna enjoys Celestia, and in they end they enjoy each other at the same time.

Chapter 1

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Celestia realized something was amiss when the set ended and the music stopped but Luna was nowhere to be found. She tried to spot her amid the jumping and clopping crowd, whistling, propping the DJ to groove on. Pinpointing Luna right now among the agitated crowd veiled by the venue’s smoke and gloom was like searching for a black cat in a dark room.

With smouldering cheeks and jaws tightly clenched Celestia proceeded to the exit. She did her best to keep her cool despite raging all inside while trudging through the mob and asking “May I pass, please” every other step. By the time she saw the exit and the buffed pony to its right, Celestia understood why Luna had been so frustrated with the music and the place.

Finally Celestia stepped from the gloom of the club into the gloom of Cloptroit at night. To her delight, Luna stood perched against a rail on the other side of the road. She looked lonely against the background of an empty walkway and cones of white light illuminating it every hundred hooves. Celestia’s heart twisted and she regretted being mad at her little sister. After all, she had dragged Luna against her own will and then coerced her to join the fun inside.

Celestia crossed the road, her eyes focused on her rebellious sister. Maybe it was the excitement from the club still rushing through her veins, but Luna looked extremely cute without the royal head and footwear staining her beautiful blue frame. He tail, usually flowing, was curled into a ball of different shades of blue. And her slender well curved flanks along with her groin, usually concealed, now totally revealed…

Yes. Definitely the club talking. So exciting and intense.

Celestia stopped right behind her little slender sister. Luna looked left, said hi, unperturbed, then returned her stare back to the hithering and thithering waters of the lake on which the reflection of the full moon shimmered and rippled.

Luna was pissed. Expect a storm.

Celestia walked to Luna’s right and stared at Luna’s stern face and piercing stare.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice steady. Calm.

Luna glared at her. “You’re sorry?!”

Celestia closed her eyes and nodded.

Luna stretched her face up and as close as possible to Celestia’s muzzle. “After I missed Deephoof presents Neighospace on the closing day of Cloptroit techno week – something we’ve never visited even once – you dare to apologize?!”

“It wasn’t that bad,” Celestia said.

“But it was bad! Too loud. Too fast. Childish samples. No melodies. No chords. No feeling of space. Retarded music for retarded mares.”

Celestia felt her cheeks swelter. “Like yours is so much better. Monomare? Plink ploink, drops of water on a beat. Basic Pony? So basic you can fall asleep. Trottechre? The sound of washing machines mating.”

“At least it requires skills to make,” Luna said, her voice rising.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “So much skill for such boring music. You know what the party there has that the music you like doesn’t? Fun!”

“You know what really angers me? Instead of going to see acts that Cloptroit is famous for, you dragged me a hardcore party that you could’ve enjoyed in any city of Equestria. Once again, you forgot about me and mine part of the list.”

“Oh, please,” Celestia scoffed. “And you’re a little selfless pony all innocent and nice. How many times did you complain that I was not considering your interests this week alone?”

Luna rolled her eyes up then stared fiercely at her sister. “Once. This one’s the second time.”

“But you’re fuming all the time. I see it.”

Luna sighed, stepped back, turned around. “It’s pointless for me to complain because you drag me everywhere. Let’s go skyjumping. May I stay here on the ground? No. Waterskiing? I’ll just look from the shore. No. But when it’s my turn you complain trough the whole deal or just sleep.”

Celestia, embarrassed, smiled. She walked to and fro. “I was tired after the night before.”

Luna turned back around and stared at her sister. “No surprise. First, zorbing in Broncolizod, then speedracing through Cloptroit, and then sneaking our way into a goat trance party in the evening and dancing to that monotonous bass till the early hours of the morning.”

“It was fun.”

“I’ll rather enjoy Warhoof and Marevich than engage in hazardous sports.”

“So what’s the problem?” Celestia asked. “You enjoyed the museum. I had a little nap.”

Luna sighed and dropped her head down. “Don’t you get it?”

“Excuse me.”

“Why do you take me everywhere?”

Celestia smiled. Her eyes sparkled.

“Because I like seeing you nearby,” she answered. “Watching you scream is kinda cute in a certain way.”

Luna glared back at her sister, her eyes piercing. Penetrating. “But why do you forget about me, then? Can’t I have the same treatment in return?”

Celestia, still walking, scoffed. “What do you want from me? That painting is nothing but but some lines on a canvas. How deep that is. That’s just a black square. Nothing more. If I want to see fruit I’ll go to the market and stare at some. That’s what you want to hear?”

“It’s better than you snoring away,” Luna, her voice dropping, said.

She turned away and went down the alley, the lake to her right, the lamps and benches to her left.

Her heart twisting, Celestia followed her.

“Sorry, sis, but you’re so boring,” Celestia, apologetic, said. “Everything you like is so static and mundane. From art to music - all of it feels like paint drying. What happened to you? I remember the time when I had to search for you in the Everfree Forest and found you engaging with monsters as if they were your best friends. Don’t you remember what you did to our castle? All the traps and tricks to make us steer away from the boredom of routine? You used to frighten me. Remember the Mothmare? The hoax that had Canterlot shaking in fear for a few years?”

Luna frowned, turned her head back, and pointed with her right hoof at the crescent moon in the blob of ink black that adorned her flanks.

“This happened,” she said.

“I don’t get it. Aren’t dreams exciting?”

Luna sighed, turned around to face her sister’s inquisitive stare. “The night before our vacation I had to stop a brawl in a bar where all the customers wanted the owner dead because he did something wrong but nopony knew what. For some reason the bar kept turning into a ship in the middle of a tempest, and I had to deal with that.”

“That sounds exciting!”

“Exhausting, really. After that I had to calm down some bookish boy because all the fillies in the play focused their attention on his sporty cool friend. It took a long time and when I thought the issue was resolved his father or teacher boomed like thunder and called all of them back home. He didn’t look pleasant at all.”

“Well, it’s definitely better than listening to the same old nobles making the same old argument day after day,” Celestia, annoyed, said.

“It messes with your head. It feels very confusing when the landscape keeps forever changing and ponies turns into different things. Like the two gossiping mares that walked down a stream on its opposite sides and then the stream turned into an estuary and the mares into a trees and stone and I had to unfreeze them. And their gossip. Oooooh, tell me about her. Do you know her? Well, you know her? Yes, of course, we aaall know her. Tell me all. Tell me now. And that’s not the worst of it.”

“What takes that special place in your boring routine?”

“Astral projectors. We don’t have to protect ponies from themselves but from intruders, too. That last night I had to deal with four pesky old horses that kept spying on dreams of the most intimate kind. Twice! And all of this happened within one – just one – night. So every night feels like a never-ending ride through the most most fantastic place ever devised. But you know what’s the really hard part?”

Celestia shook her head.

“The day’s over and you’re back in it again.”

Luna paused, looked at the lake.

“The first year is exciting,” she resumed. “Then it feels like a never ending roller-coaster and you long for the goahead adventures and cut and dry life of the wideawake world. After drifting through shifting landscapes where rules are suspended every other second, you want something solid. It may be boring to you but the way Equestria works – the small processes behind everyday stuff like the post office, the train station, the newspapers, stuff like that – brings peace to my soul after the kaleidoscopic reveries of dreams.”

Celestia lowered her head toward Luna and slyly smiled. “I thought you found my duties not up to your taste.”

Luna turned toward Celestia. Her stare was still scolding. “Its the tranquillity that attracts me. Everything being predictable and slow. Once you’ll get tired of being constantly excited, you’ll understand my simple joys. Now can I have a moment alone?”

Luna turned around and started walking down the alleyway again.

Celestia, however, didn’t consider her sister’s need. She walked to Luna’s right and, frowning, said, “Why didn’t you tell me all of it before?”

“What’s the point? You never listen to me anyway?”

“Because you don’t speak!” Celestia flared. “Instead of explaining your problems to me you prefer to brood and boil like a kettle till it whistles and then we have those awful arguments that end up tearing us apart. It happened with the pancakes. It happened when we were dealing with Canterlot’s security. It happened a thousand years ago and you know how that ended. Why don’t you speak?”

“Like you would have done things different” Luna said. She sped up her walk.

“Well, I would’ve tried,” Celestia said. “When we went mountain climbing you didn’t say anything but fumed beneath me and acted like dead weight. Before boarding the plane for the jump you didn’t ask to stay on the ground. The same with barrel jumping.”

“Did I have a choice when you dragged me?”

Celestia sighed. “I wanted you to get safe on shore and then got over excited and carried away, but you didn’t shout for me to stop. I can’t understand how you feel and what you want if you don’t speak.”

Luna stopped, turned around again. She looked calmer but her eyes burned fierce. “Now that we are talking, what do you propose for dealing with our predicament?”

“Something that won’t end with us going separate ways,” Celestia, sad and hopeful, said.

She looked at the night lake and the skyscrapers, glittering white, and the streets lit by yellow lights on the shore opposite to theirs. Celestia placed her right hoof on her chin and paced to and fro. Suddenly she stood still and smiled.

“How about we make an effort to enjoy each other activities?” she said. “You choose something, and I’ll do my best. When we’ll do my thing, try not to dismiss it at hoof.”

Luna looked down then back at Celestia and nodded. “Agreed.”

Celestia, smiling, closed her eyes. “Wonderful. See, some little communication can take us far without blaming and shouting at each other.”

“I guess,” Luna said.

To take Luna out of her funk Celestia lightly booped her nose. “Don’t be so gloomy. You look better when you smile.”

To seal her words Celestia lunged and placed a soft, light, peck on Luna’s nose. Celestia shuddered when she felt Luna’s warm breath, of some exotic fruit smelling, blow over her muzzle, nose, and cheeks. Caught by the tingling excitement rising up her spine from between her thighs, she rubbed her muzzle up and down Luna’s neck, enjoying the streams of warm air going down her head and nape and lightly rustling her mane.

When she disengaged from Luna Celestia looked into Luna’s eyes, softened and warm, and exhaled her own warm breath, longing, loving, on Luna’s face.

“I promise to be awake,” she said.

Luna winked. “I’ll remember this.”

Celestia giggled.

Luna looked so beautiful tonight…

Dark blue coat, deep as night sky, sparkling like diamonds under the glow of lamps. Mesmerizing eyes that shifted from light blue to light green depending on the light and reminded Celestia of the crystal clear waters of southern atolls and resorts. The flow and lustre of her mane with star dust waving and scintillating through its manifold ebbs and tides of all the shades of blue.

And the melange of her smells…

Celestia’s nose tingled from the fruity warmth of Luna’s breath, from the lavender shades of her mane, from the bitter punch of sweat mixed with barely perceptible whiffs of her most intimate and musky scent.

That was definitely the club talking.

Chapter 2

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Celestia’s mouth went dry and her stomach heavy. In less than a minute she was washed by a copious wave of sweat. One part of her wanted to run away and forget about Luna and their deal; another cursed her sister’s personality and her esoteric whims.

“What’s the matter, sister?” Luna calmly asked.

Unable to move yet shaking, Celestia pointed her right hoof at the pond. The part in front of them was crowded by koi carps, silver, orange, yellow, red. Celestia had the feeling that the fish knew they were coming to this spot; and this fact intensified her fright.

As Celestia observed the big blob composed of tiny multicoloured points that looked like some pointilist painting come alive, she held her breath and was unable to exhale it all out. Every single muscle of her body felt so tense it was ready to crack and burst. Her mouth was cotton dry while her eyes seemed to notice every movement of every little fish swimming in the transparent water of the pond.

“W-w-why did you take me here?” Celestia asked through chattering teeth.

Luna looked at her frightened sister and smiled, calm. “You can’t spend your day in Western Paradise resort without feeding the carps. It’s tradition.”

“But t-t-t-they look scary.”

“They’re just fish,” Luna said and proceeded toward the wooden fence around the artificial lake.

Celestia, tiptoeing, followed her.

Like a good sister she had tried to enjoy Luna’s activities, but the present day tested her to the max.

The Western Paradise resort looked magnificent, indeed. Hidden in a valley amid five forest covered mountains, the resort recreated ancient kirin architectural conventions with terraced and slanted roofs, tranquil lakes and ponds with willows dangling over their surface, and rock gardens scattered in the secret corners of the place. While they were strolling through the thick bamboo forest, resting in its twilight shade from the rather humid day, Celestia started to get Luna’s addiction to peace and quiet.

What Luna wanted to do, however, made Celestia question which of them was the relic and which still young.

The morning they had spent sitting still and staring at a wall. The numb legs didn’t bother Celestia that much – she was used to it after sitting most of her life on a throne – but the whole point of doing nothing and just staring drove her mad from boredom alone. It was the most pointless activity she had ever engaged in. You just sit and watch your thoughts. That’s all.

By the end of it Celestia felt cheated and robbed, worse than after the decade long negotiations with griffons that had led to absolutely nothing for both groups.

Luna, on the other hand, looked radiant and happy.

“Did you like it?” She had asked.

Celestia furrowed her brows. “It felt like watching paint dry but without the paint.”

Luna giggled. “You’ll get it with practice. Come on! Let’s go to the tea ceremony.”

The ceremony had been more pompous than a royal dinner. Celestia felt jittery and angry while walking slowly into the spacious minimal room with walls made out of yellow paper and then bowing after every little deed performed by the master of ceremony and waiting for the tea to chill. It seemed to her that everything in the resort lived at half the speed of normal existence, as if everycreature here was stuck in syrup. If it weren’t for the promise she gave she would gallop away and go hiking on Mount Transformation nearby, known for its perilous paths etched in rocks and creaking wooden planks instead of roads.

The tea, however, had been wonderful. So good, in fact, that Celestia felt guilty for all the brooding thoughts she had about this tranquil little valley.

The weird gymnastics after it, slow and stretchy, once again had thrown her back into the void of absolute boredom. How could Luna enjoy this? And even look better after it? Celestia was sure that after the session Luna’s movements seemed more fluid, graceful, than before. She herself, however, felt like a drunk acrobat balancing on a tightrope.

After the stretching session they had some respite before participating in something called “Sharing the Breaths.” Whatever it was, the name already sounded boring to Celestia.

And in this interlude she had to confront Luna’s weirdness once again: her fondness for animals rare and exotic. Celestia first alarms had went off when Luna enveloped a bag full of bread crumbles with her blue magic and made it float. She had asked the meaning of it but Luna smiled and, cryptic, said “You’ll see.”

Now she was seeing the purpose of it: to feed the critters of the pond.

Luna levitated the bad to her right side and let it drop to the ground. As the sack hit the cobbled ground with a loud plop, a few bread crumbs jumped and escaped it confines. Luna turned around, smiling, her eyes inviting, beckoning Celestia to come.

Celestia gulped, sighed, and went to Luna’s right, the bag between them.

This little corner of the resort looked spectacular: a crystal clear pond with an island in the middle that featured a chapel amidst willows, smalls bushes, and the twisted branches of other trees; the three tiered terraced and sloped roof of the chapel with golden flames decorating its rafters and the emblem of a dragon, twisting, waving, at its peak; the high green mountains in the background, their summits lost in fog; a forest of deep green to their left, right, and behind, with willows bending and bringing their branches almost to the ground and casting leaves on the cobbles and making the road look as it were covered in tiny sequins coloured green. Fantastic place if it weren’t for the horde of fish swimming languidly in the lake.

With her forelegs placed on the deep red fence Luna observed earnestly the carps. Celestia rarely had seen her sister so enthralled.

Shaking outwardly and inwardly, Celestia tiptoed to the edge. Following Luna’s manner she placed her hooves on the fence.

When Celestia looked in the still water below, with the fish and the rocky bottom, she felt her stomach drop as if she were standing on smallest piece of rock jutting into a bottomless abyss. Her head went spinning and cold perspiration washed her coat.

“They aren’t carnivorous, right?” Celestia asked, her teeth chattering, her voice trembling.

“Of course not,” Luna said.

“What if they need to taste meat to become flesh eaters.”

Brows furrowed, Luna looked at Celestia. “That’s not how it works, sister.”

“What they’ll do to me if I fall down there?”

“Scatter away, probably. They’re more afraid of you than you of them.”

“Really?” Celestia asked, her eyes wide, her fear gone. Partly.

Luna nodded. To prove her point she ignited her horn and sent a ball of deep blue into the tranquil waters. The moment the sparkling ball went beneath the surface all the fish quickly darted away from it. Only when it disappeared did the carps return.

“Will you do us an honour and start first?” Luna said.

Celestia nodded. She enveloped the bag in the yellow scintillating glow of her magic, lifted it to the level of her head, and brought from it a little clump of bread. She moved the small ball of bread crumbs further into the pond and let the magic disappear.

When the bread plunged into the water, however, Celestia dropped the bag down and stepped, whimpering, back. The fish who had been so lazy a moment ago jerked into frantic motion. In front of them the pond became swarmed with fish, golden, red, and white, bumping and pushing each other, turning the water into froth.

Like nothing out of the usual happened, Luna lowered her right hoof into the bag, lifted it, and threw the bread ahead. The clumps of bread flew fanwise; and when they hit the lake several clumps of hungry fish, jumping and emerging from the water, formed around the drops. The sight of so many fish, piles on top of piles, sent a cold tingle down Celestia’s spine.

Luna continued taking bread and throwing into the water to the avaricious throngs of fish, her face serene, as if the simple act of feeding soothed her troubles and pacified her nerves. Seeing Luna so relaxed relieved Celestia a bit. She wondered why she had never seen Luna so tranquil before and regretted not paying attention to Luna’s little joys.

For Luna, she must overcome this fear.

Despite shivering from the sight of myriads of fish sliding over each other to get some crumbs, Celestia went back to the rail and propped her forelegs on it. She took a bit of bread from the bag and levitated over the lake as far as possible from her. The moment the crumb fell and sent waves across the surface, a line of fish went after it at dizzying speed.

Celestia levitated another piece of bread to another spot. Once again some acute fish separated from the main gathering and went after the lonely bit.

Fear disappearing and curiousity rising, Celestia threw different crumbs of bread all around the pond, from the shore of the island in the middle to the bridges to their far right and left. Groups of carps split up from the main congregation and whizzed to the distant parts.

Looking at their motion, fast and fluid, Celestia started to get into a peculiar state of peace. Observing the quiet life of fish did soothe one’s soul and created the sensation of connection with the bigger outer world. Celestia understood that for someone lost in the chaotic kaleidoscope of dreams the simple act of observing natural life was a kind of tether to consensus reality, to nature where everything happened, evolved, changed without sudden shocks and haste.

When the bag became half empty Luna looked at her sister and said, “Do you want to throw the remnants or should we proceed further?”

Celestia lifted her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“I like to throw the remaining bread all across the lake when little of it remains,” Luna said. “It’s quite a spectacle: all the fish spreading around the pond at the same time.”

Celestia imagined the view – the tangled knot of fish exploding and thousands of blobs ranging from white to red spreading flower like throughout the lake – and her spine tingled with excitement.

“Yes. I’ll do it. Yes,” Celestia said.

She turned her horn on and wrapped the bag in her yellow magic, shining and transparent. Celestia lifted the bag above her head when two spots of grey flew to her left, landed on the ground, and started making eldritch guttural sounds. All of her control lost, Celestia jumped, screaming, ceasing to hold the bag aloft.

Jerked to its side by the last tug of Celestia’s magic, the bag turned down and dropped all the remaining crumbs on the princess of the sun, on her white coat and her delicate iridescent tail and mane.

Luna giggled at the sight of her big sister covered in crumbs, dry and white.

Celestia cowered and moved away from the pigeons that picked the bread around her legs with total disregard to her shaking state. She shook her body left and right to remove the bread away. Only a few fell. The majority remained on her coat and hair.

Smiling, Luna loped near Celestia.

“Let me help you, sister,” she said and put a hoof on Celestia’s lower back.

Celestia, still trembling, sat down on her flanks. Luna moved behind her and shifted her hooves through Celestia’s multicoloured mane. She removed the string that hold Celestia’s mane together and let Celestia’s hair flow down Celestia’s shoulders and neck.

“I’ve never seen anypony be afraid of pigeons,” Luna, giggling, said. “They’re the most harmless birds around. They never fight with other avians.”

“B-b-but they make these strange sounds,” Celestia said. “And their eyes. I swear they understand us.”

“Like a little bird is a dangerous threat to us. Come on, sister.”

Celestia looked left at the pigeons feeding. At first there roamed only two, the ones that had scared her so much. Then, another landed. And another. Soon the place swarmed with pigeons quickly moving and pecking quickly the scattered remains of bread.

Celestia wanted to jump and fly as far away as possible from this garden. The top of Mount Transformation overlooking the valley from the north sounded like a great place to be: lost in clouds and unknown to all save the few intrepid explorers willing to ascend the mountain paths, dangerous and narrow.

Only Luna’s touch, soft and soothing, stopped Celestia from her flight. What was the last time she had time enough to enjoy Luna’s strokes? Celestia giggled when she remembered the occasion thousand years ago.

As Luna removed the breadcrumbs from her hair, strand by strand, and brushed them from her coat, Celestia allowed herself to relax. She again looked left at the pigeons still busy with their meal. The little birds lost some of their malicious intent; and she could get absorbed in their motions, mesmerized by the way the moved, cooed, jerked their heads. There was, indeed, a special kind of tranquil pleasure in the behaviour of the animal realm.

Something ropey fell on her right shoulder. Celestia turned right and saw plaits floating gently from the breeze. She turned around and cast an inquisitive look at her sister.

“I couldn’t hold myself back,” Luna said, her cheeks aflame. “You know how excited I can get when I’m around your hair.”

Celestia sighed, smiled. “It would be lying to say that I don’t enjoy it. It brings memories back about-”

“About the time when Equestria didn’t depend on us,” Luna finished for her. “That was the best time, when we studied magic with the best and the only thing that really scared us was the monthly exam and the rest of the time was just us being stupid. Do you know why I chose this place?”

Celestia shook her head right and left, eyes closed. “Sorry, sister. I forgot.”

“No problem. It had changed a lot. Everything is like a bubble in the void.”

Celestia opened her eyes wide. A smile spread across her face. “Now I remember. This was a retreat for all the best magicians in Equestria, and you liked to visit Yakarjuna Nagarsson here and listen to his ontology of magic.”

Luna giggled. “That’s right. It looks so different now. And Yakarjuna is gone.”

“My spies said he disappeared in some grotto in the Western Lands.”

“We should find him!”

“Maybe another time?” Celestia pleaded softly.

“But I need to know the practical side of his knowledge,” Luna, whining, said. “If his theory is correct, it implies anypony can be become Magic entire. I need to see if he did achieve that, and if he did then how. I’ve read multiples times his ‘Root Treatise On the Middle’, but it’s just his ontology explained, nothing else.”

“Oh, he did achieve that,” Celestia, smirking, said. “But then he vanished. He understood like no one else the danger of giving that kind of information into everycreature’s hands.”

“Did he explain it all to you?” Luna, excited, asked.

“Maybe, but I’m not allowed to give it you. Not yet.”

Luna stopped fiddling with Celestia’s mane. “May ask you why?”

“What did he use to repeat to you when you pried too much for knowledge out of your league?”

“You do not accepts things as they are,” Luna said, croaking, mimicking the raspy voice of the old yak master. “You cling. You suffer. When you see everything void of essence, you stop clinging and become free. So master yak said. Thus have princess heard. You think I still have to work on it?”


“How can I be sure you’re not withholding it from me just because, to feel the better sister than me?”

Celestia turned around and giggled when she saw Luna’s angry scowl. “Gotcha,” she said. “He didn’t reveal anything to me. He said that I have some defilement to remove – some very hidden self-importance – and then left Canterlot sitting on a flying cobra’s head that he conjured without a single sweat. A yak conjuring, Luna! I was, still am, in shock.”

“You’re cruel, sister.”

“Come on, Luna. It was a bad joke, I admit, but hearing that I withhold something away from you when I share everything with you hurt more.”

“Like how you shared the admiration of your subjects with me?” Luna asked. She started to plait Celestia’s mane again.

Celestia furrowed her eyebrows. “You know you just had to tell me and stay with me for some part of the day. If ponies see that we have two princesses, they’ll respect both. How can they honour you if you are so distant and reclusive? Truth to be told, your remoteness gives that feeling of you being a cold tyrant which only increases their fear and distrust. Like I said before, speak to me. Don’t boil and then explode.”

Luna sighed. “I’ll try. I’m sorry, sister. It just slipped from my tongue.”

Celestia smiled. “Don’t beat yourself over it. I still love you, sister.”

“Love you, too.”

For a while and in silence Celestia enjoyed Luna twisting her hair, making braids out of her iridescent strands. As she watched at the pond brimming with fish slowly moving and the swaying canopy of trees, Celestia slipped into peculiar but deep peace. Instead of making her bored out of her skull, the resort got more and more exciting and attractive. Celestia understood in a silent flash that one thing is sitting on a throne and dealing with administrative problems and such while resting amid nature, vibrant and pristine, is absolutely another kind of deal. She could definitely sit into oblivion on the shore of this lake with Luna to her side.

“I’m finished with your front,” Luna said, breaking the stillness. “Please, stand up.”

Slowly, languidly, Celestia lifted her flanks and stretched her legs. She felt Luna’s hooves glide down her back and reach her flanks, sending pleasant shivers through her trunk. The strongest pleasure she felt when Luna descended down the curves of her rump then ascended up and removed the ribbon that hold her tail in a round lump.

Luna’s touch, delicate and smooth, turned Celestia so strong that her legs shivered from the caresses of her own tail, soft and silky, alone. What was the last time they touched each other in that intimate way?

When Luna stroked her, Celestia understood how much she longed for that pleasant sensation of loving hooves caressing her tail and flanks. She was willing to spend all day staring at a wall or feeding birds and fish if it meant having Luna excite her most private and sensitive parts – so starved she was for some intimate and loving touch.

Each time Luna took a few strands of her tail to twine them together, her hooves delicately brushed the inner side of Celestia’s thighs. Each such caress, light as a breeze, soft as a rose, sent shivers through Celestia lower body and down her legs. A familiar epicentre of warmth and tingling, demanding satisfaction, appeared in her groin.

Without noticing it Celestia lifted her tail and stretched backward her behind. Imagining Luna’s surprised face made Celestia warmer than before.

Luna, however, proceeded with plaiting but her touches between letting one plait go and taking bundles of hair from Celestia’s tail, when she grazed Celestia smooth thighs, turned deliberate, became longer. Instead of simply brushing against Celestia’s legs Luna’s hooves stayed there, lightly caressing Celestia’s white coat, and moved upwards only to vanish mere inches away from Celestia’s flower that felt swollen, warm and wet.

Celestia didn’t need to turn around and see how Luna looked. She knew that Luna had that playful smirk on her face, just like she knew that what they were doing was something Luna wouldn’t complain about. After centuries of abstinence they didn’t need neither hints nor words to express their needs for long time refused but now coming to the fore.

Another plait hit her left leg and once again Luna’s hooves returned to her flanks.

“All done, sister,” Luna said, her voice enraptured.

“Not yet,” Celestia responded in a husky pleading tone.

Celestia opened her eyes and turned her head left. Behind her lifted tail, long and braided, she saw Luna’s smiling face. Her heart twisted in a pleasurable way as she observed the lovely spark of Luna’s eyes and Luna’s beautiful grin. Celestia couldn’t take her eyes away from Luna’s coat, dark blue and so relaxing, and from the way Luna’s mane dangled from her ponytail, still sparkling with the replicas of galaxies and stars.

Right now Celestia wanted to turn around and hug her sister and to satisfy her by placing kisses from her upper lips to the lower ones, to feel her writhe from pleasure and hear her moan. And after everything is done and Luna had dissolved, to hug Luna lovingly and stay forever entwined with Luna’s head resting against her chest as close as possible to the beat of her heart, loving and slow.

Celestia couldn’t satisfy her desire right now. Luna had already started her task.

As she felt Luna’s moist warm breath blow against her inflamed flower, Celestia turned her head forward and closed her eyes from the assault of shivering pleasure that rocked her body. Luna’s second breath made the first wave feel like a filly’s play and left Celestia trembling and shaking. If she hadn’t propped herself against the border of the pond she would have fallen bringing her head and chest down, lifting her rear up.

The third wash of breath felt so warm and moist that Celestia guessed Luna was an inch away from her tingling jewel and lips. The next moment Luna would finally place her lips on Celestia’s nethers and Celestia would then explode, her body moving serpentine, thrashed by swells of tremendous bliss.

That moment didn’t come.

When Celestia expected to feel the smoothness, the wetness, the pulsing warmth of Luna’s tongue, she felt cool air instead.

Trying not to look frustrated, Celestia turned around.

Scowling, Luna lifted her right hoof and pointed ahead.

“Tourists,” she said.

Celestia turned her head forwards and indeed saw a couple, stallion and mare, strolling on the road circling the coast of the island in the middle of the pond.

She placed her forelegs back onto the cobbled path and lowered her tail. Her groin ached from want. One part of her mind wanted to go into a secluded place and finish the deed but another reminded that in a resort like this no place was truly hidden.

One part of her, the one craving excitement, wanted to forget about the tourists and continue right here, right now, to Tartarus with the interlopers. A pleasant tingle rushed through her. It definitely seemed exciting to perform an act of loving in front of strangers but there was a catch: they were both princesses, not simple folk. If they were caught like this they would hear tales of it for the next decade that would turn really lurid after about a century or so.

“Why must they come at such a time?” Celestia asked, her brows furrowed.

“Should we go to another place?” Luna asked.

Celestia smiled. “That’s a good idea! In the bamboo forest?”

“Why not?”

When Celestia turned toward the green multitude of bamboo trunks she saw four couple coming from between them.

She sighed.

“I guess we’ll have to delay our pleasure,” Luna, disappointed, said.

Celestia wrapped her right foreleg around Luna’s neck.

“We’ll do it later. I promise. In the meanwhile, I know something that can help us to hold on for a little longer.”

Chapter 3

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Luna looked with trembling eyes at the gigantic waves rolling in the bay. Like the sails of a ship the strong wind waved Luna’s scintillating deep blue hair.

“Is this your idea of help?” Luna asked.

Celestia nodded.

“Nothing like cool water and hard exercise to wash the hormones away, my dear sister,” she said.

While Luna trembled and stared wide eyed at the cyclopean waves breaking against the shore, Celestia greeted the spectacle of nature with excitement barely contained. The wind rustling through her plaits, the sound of rolling water, the taste of salt in her mouth: all enhanced her thrill. The longer she stood on the shore of Ponzai Pipeline the more excited she got, her spine tingling and her hooves moving hither and thither in little nervous steps. How much she longed to surf through the barrel of an enormous breaking join the ponies already in the water, riding crests and catching air.

Celestia cast a look at her trembling sister and admired how cute she looked in yellow boardshorts with flowery designs. To match the clothing choices of their holiday retreat Celestia opted for red shorts that fit the floral patterns of her shirt.

“Don’t be afraid, Luna,” she said. “You know how to swim, a protection spell covers the boards, and you are an alicorn who has magic and wings to get away if things go sour. And I’ll be there for you. Don’t worry.”

“It’s looks daunting, sister,” Luna said, her voice shaky.

“I share that feeling. It’s like looking at a force against which even we, the royal sisters, are mere motes. See you there.”

Without giving a chance for Luna to respond Celestia, smiling like a filly, galloped across the sandy beach. Her shortboard, white and wrapped in a transparent golden cloud, floated behind her.

“Hey, sister, wait for me,” Luna shouted and followed her sister, her blue longboard levitating to her right.

When Celestia reached the water, quiet near the shore, she put her forelegs forwards and jumped, bird like, into the sea. Once her board positioned itself on the surface she emerged from beneath, laid on the board belly down, and started paddling with her hooves.

Upon reaching the middle of the distance between the shore and the point where the gigantic waves broke, Celestia stopped and looked back to see what Luna was doing. Her sister, however, had just breached the water, with tiny wave lapping at her knees and larger one hitting her in the face. Her longboard floated ahead of her.

Celestia was torn. The excited part of her wanted to abandon Luna to her own devices and quickly paddle towards the fun; the sister part wanted to stay and wait for Luna because Celestia had promised to be near. After all, if she wanted Luna to share a little bit of her excitement she must be with her, alert, just like Luna had been while they fed birds and carps.

Slowly Luna positioned herself on her longboard, then started paddling towards her waiting sister. Her jaws were clenched tight. Her mouth was just a thin line.

There were things to be afraid of in surfing – it was an extreme sport – but unicorn magic managed to neutralize the most. The boards were ensorcelled to move away from the surfer if her body and hooves lost contact with it. A transparent shield wrapped the seafloor and brought the surfer’s movement to stillness if she were caught by the force of the wave and propelled below. Spells aimed at specific groups of animals kept the predatory and venomous away. Sanitary incantations kept the water clean. It was one one the safest extreme sports available; and that was the reason why Celestia had settled for surfing when choosing what to share with her little sister Luna. She hoped Luna wouldn’t be scared after riding some waves.

Celestia smiled when Luna finally arrived.

“Let’s swim the rest together,” she said.

Luna smiled weakly and weakly said, “That would be best.”

Warmth spread through Celestia’s chest. It was better than the initial disapproval Luna had shown.

She nodded and started first. Luna followed, lagging a little bit behind. A wave crashed into foam several hundred meters away and then Celestia felt an enormous pull driving her ahead where other surfers splashed and waited for another wave to form.

Carried by the rip current, Celestia found herself amidst swirling water and froth. Just by being in this turbulent place, surrounded by like minded thrill seekers, Celestia felt excitement rush up her spine and hit her in the head. She sat on her board, her forelegs on the front, smiling, enjoying the up and down motions of the swell.

Luna floated to her right. She was trembling and tightly clenching her shortboard. Celestia guessed the pull of the current scared her witless.

She put a hoof on her sister’s forehead, right at the base of her horn.

“Luna, you have this. Don’t forget about it,” she said.

“Will we be carried into the ocean?” Luna asked through chattering teeth.

“No, and even if we are carried, don’t forget you have a horn.”

“Another big one coming!” a high voice rolled through the crowd.

Immediately all the surfers started paddling farther into the sea like one single organism, like fish towards bread in the pond.

“Let’s go, Luna,” Celestia, excited, said.

Reluctant, Luna began swimming after the group. Celestia followed her, closing the flock.

“You don’t have to stand on your hindlegs to surf,” Celestia explained. “You can lay down and ride the wave that way.”

“Really?” Luna asked, surprised. “I thought you must always use only two legs while surfing.”

Celestia shook her head. “That’s an advanced technique. You can do it on your belly or on all your legs. Nopony will judge you for it. But the bipedal stance and catching air is where all the fun really is. I’ll try to do that. You do the way you find best. Okay?”

“Okay,” Luna, nodding, said.

Feeling the sudden swell beneath, Celestia turned around. The green coast and the mountains on the horizon lowered as she was lifted on the wave’s crest. It was a familiar feeling because the same happened every time Celestia took flight but with the caveat that she was not in control. A force of nature took her to the sky, which was something that felt really good: to be out of control and at the mercy of other powers for once.

Jittery from excitement, Celestia stood on her hindlegs, forelegs stretched right and left, and smiled. Strong wind from behind, a powerful wave beneath, the clear blue sky above, sea drizzle on her face: the thrills of being alive.

She saw the wave start to break on her right and some surfers dive into the forming tube. To her left somepony turned sideways instead of going straight and was propelled into air. She tried to do a full spin but failed and disappeared beneath the folding wave: a white horse swallowed by a white horse.

When the wave that had submerged her disappeared, turned to mere foam, Celestia swam to the surface and checked Luna amidst the whitewash. Luna was hugging her board tight but her eyes seemed wide from something other than fear. Was that a smile on her face?

“Did you like it?” Celestia asked.

“Can’t say for sure,” Luna said. “But I liked how the wave felt beneath me. It was scary at first and I felt terrified of losing control, but then I saw the others and saw that the point is to ride this terrific wave as an act of mastery over it. I want to try more.”

Celestia beamed. Her heart exploded from joy.

Luna smiled in return, winked, then turned around and paddled back into the sea where among the large swells the surfer’s crew had already gathered. Celestia followed her.

While riding the next wave Celestia tried to shift sideways with her back towards the wind to get some air. Boosted by the wind, she disengaged from the wave but failed to do the spin and fell. Beneath the surface she was carried ahead and towards the seabed. After descending a hundred meters her movement calmed down, then finally stopped. Celestia opened her eyes and discovered a transparent dome, shimmering white, above her. The clear water around her had a peculiar green and gold sparkle that gave the reef with its corals, algae, and fish a truly magical feel: unicorn magic at its useful and best.

Celestia swam back to the surface and found herself amidst the ebb and flow of white foam. Luna passed in front of her, her face serene, content. She didn’t lay against the board; she was riding on her four hooves instead. Celestia’s little sister did a U-turn then put the left foreleg and hindleg into the water and started paddling back into the ocean.

“Come on, sister,” Luna said as she passed Celestia. “Waves are coming thick.”

Celestia looked to the right and saw her board gliding towards her. She gripped it, rolled herself on top of it, and paddled after Luna. One part of her liked that Luna got the hang of it; the other not so pleasant part envied that Luna still hadn’t lost her grip. They love each other very much – that was true – but sibling rivalry goes deep. The sun was good at sports liked these, not the moon.

The third wave Celestia once again tried to do some trick in the air and failed. Luna meanwhile rode the waves swinging right and left but never losing her hold. In this same zigzagging pattern she did descend the breaking wave to greet Celestia, floating once again, with a grin.

“That’s not fair,” Celestia said. “I try to do complicated stuff while all you do is just ride like a novice on all fours.”

“Is that a challenge, sister?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes.”

Celestia had been flabbergasted when the next series of waves Luna rode on her two hindlegs without the slightest tinge of fear. She still had the upper hoof, though, because she managed to performs spins while in air and land on her board. Luna still had to achieve that.

“You were right, sister,” Luna, excited, said while chilling in the eddies of froth after another break. “The bipedal stance is more fun. I’ll be going down the wave next time. See you.”

What Luna had said she did perform. When another big wave formed as it neared the shore, Luna positioned itself on the breaking point and slid down the enormous wall of water that sloped, curled, downwards over her. With the tube forming right behind her Luna whizzed along the wave, smiling, from victory shouting. On the final point of the wave she allowed herself to be swallowed by the closing mouth of the tube.

She returned quickly to the surface and quickly boarded her longboard.

“That was actually impressive, Luna,” Celestia, amazed, said.

“It’s fun, sister,” Luna said. “Really fun. Come join me the next wave.”

Smiling, Celestia nodded.

When the next white horse started to break, it’s foamy maw beginning to curve downwards, Celestia and Luna slid from the crest and across the moving, rolling, wall of water which twisted right behind them. Celestia had begun the descent first but Luna like a rocked passed by and took the leading place instead. This time at the end of the wave she didn’t allow herself to fall into the water. She shot out of the whitewash and did a fluid U-turn to greet Celestia, flabbergasted, falling down her board.

Luna paddled next to Celestia and helped her sit behind her.

“What are you doing, Luna?” Celestia, curious, asked.

“I propose the ultimate sisterly ordeal,” Luna said. “We shall ride a board down the wave together.”

“And how’s that a challenge?”

“We’ll see which of us has the better balance.”

Celestia lowered her eyebrows. “I’m in.”

Celestia wrapped her forelegs around Luna’s waist and placed her muzzle on Luna’s right shoulder. Feeling Luna’s warmth so close did interesting things to her. She again felt the tug in her stomach and the warmth in her nethers. If other ponies weren’t around Celestia would slip her hooves downwards till they reached Luna’s warmest place. How much she wanted it... Instead of calming her fires down the excitement of this adventure, adrenaline fuelled and fun, made Celestia feel her arousal stronger than before.

When Luna laid down and started paddling back towards the main group, the fluffy soft ball of her tail placed against Celestia’s crotch and tickling Celestia’s tingly and excited bloom, Celestia had to immobilize all of her will to avoid rubbing up and down Luna’s rump. The tingles spreading through her groin, the fluffiness against her clit, the foreign warmth against her lips: all felt good but too intense.

To satisfy her desire a little Celestia hugged Luna tightly and tightly pressed her crotch against her little sister’s butt, enjoying the myriad of electric tingles that spread through up her trunk and down her legs as Luna’s fluffy puffy tail squeezed tight against her clit. Thank goodness they were in the water and Celestia’s shivering on cold water could be blamed.

Upon reaching the ocean and feeling another wave swelling beneath them, Luna lifted herself up. Celestia understood the signal and, reluctant, unwrapped Luna from her arms. When her bloom, fiery and moist, lost all contact with Luna’s tail, chill wind caressed her inflamed lips and clit and caused unpleasant tingles in her groin. Her stomach churned and demanded to intimate closeness return and her heart ached from the loss of Luna’s coat, warm, soft, and so well known.

“You first,” Luna said, sitting on the board. Celestia noticed that Luna sounded husky, low, and her stomach twisted once more.

Celestia stood on her hindlegs, her forelegs stretched out to both sides. Luna stood up in front of her. Celestia’s chin grazed again her little sister’s head and she smelled Luna’s damp and salty hair. With fires of desire burning through her loins she found the overpowering smell of sea felt pleasant and attractive. No. Luna made it pleasant. That was it.

Sharing a board with her sister diminished Celestia’s thirst. With the board already wobbling and wavering beneath them, she needed full attention on her legs. They were about to perform a difficult manoeuvre that required all of their skills. If one of them did a single balancing mistake they would fall into the sea. Because they were sharing one single board, determining the culprit wouldn’t be hard.

Despite the zigzagging board beneath their feet the royal sisters managed to stay on top of the swell, wind hitting from behind, wind hitting from the front. Riding a huge a wave, all her focus on her feet, Celestia’s fiery desire abated. That was good. Being turned on near Luna would spell disaster for them. To stay on the board Celestia needed to be attuned to Luna’s every swing because one single moment out of rhythm on her part and they would fall. Although the challenge they were performing was perilous, Celestia actually enjoyed it. Being so close to Luna, moving in one single motion with Luna, made Celestia feel intimately close to her – a sensation she hadn’t experienced for a millennium and more.

The difficult part began, however, when the wave started to break, its crest turned downwards, and Luna swerved the board left.

As Luna shifted the board down, Celestia lost her balance and flayed her forelegs in the air. The board beneath their feet banked dangerously to the right side. Lightning quick and before the board could overturn Celestia placed her forelegs on Luna’s waist and craned. The balance was restored and Luna sped sideways across the wave.

The sliding across the crashing wave required all of Celestia’s focus and skills. Being the taller one she must be weary not to tip too much weight to her side, an already difficult thing because the wave threatened to overturn the board to the right. But if she placed too much weight on Luna the board would tilt left then slip and turn beneath their feet. Delicate balance was required.

Celestia and Luna managed three quarters of the waves before the board rebelled under their feet and they submerged into the abyss. They resurfaced amid the whitewash of the wave, foaming, frothing.

As Celestia checked her sister, her heart twisted. Luna looked exactly like her past very young and ancient self: eyes shining, smiling wide, baring her beautiful white teeth that looked even whiter against the backdrop of her deep blue face. It was the same Luna who had giggled when Celestia got caught in one of her traps or scared by her devices; the same Luna who could gallop into the Everfree in search of adventure without a single worry about the dangers within; the same Luna who wasn’t shy and always smiled when meeting foreigners and strange beings.

Celestia was expecting a scold, but Luna giggled instead.

“That was fun, sister,” she said.

“Want to try again?” Celestia asked.

Luna swam near her, close enough that Celestia could feel her warm breath stream across her cheeks.

“Tomorrow, maybe?” Luna said. “I feel physically exhausted.”

“You say like it’s something new?”

“It is, sister. It is. The dreamscape is mentally taxing and drains all your mental strength away. Remember when you studied all day and then had that weird floaty feeling in your head and couldn’t even understand basic things in the evening? That’s how I feel every single morning. I don’t remember the last time I felt bodily tired with all the muscles aching. And you know what, sister? I like it.”

Without warning Luna jumped on Celestia and hugged her, driving her beneath the surface. A moment later the sisters resurfaced, Luna’s forelegs on Celestia’s shoulders.

“So you admit that my choices aren’t so bad?” Celestia asked.

“I admit,” Luna said. “And this sport also gave some ideas about how to improve my dream run. Riding the wave, being balanced and cool… Maybe I won’t feel so drained if I apply this insight to my job instead of getting tangled with the messy and finnicky night world. Thank you, sister?”

Luna hugged Celestia once again.

From being so close to Luna’s warmth and feeling Luna’s breath wash over her lips, chin, and cheeks, Celestia felt tingly and heavy in the groin. She wanted to wrap Luna’s flanks with her hindlegs and pull Luna as close as possible to her and kiss her little sister, but the surfing crowd hindered her. If she were to kiss Luna right now they wouldn’t hear the end of it for a few generations.

“I also was wrong about you, Luna,” Celestia, calm, said. “I thought that your stuff is just a boring as the court’s legal claptrap and rigmarole but I was wrong. I never felt so good from doing the simplest and most boring things. Who knew that sitting still and feeding fish with your sister could feel so good? It felt like returning to our old castle before we received our marks, when we were just some young fillies who could waste a whole day reading and sitting in the garden and feel like something exciting was going on.”

“I felt the same, too,” Luna said. “But I guess that you, my dear sister, made it that special.”

Celestia looked into Luna’s wide eyes and read tremendous longing in them. She strengthened her grip on Luna’s shoulders for fear of Luna acting rashly and too quick.

“Not here, not now,” Celestia, whispering, said. She pointed to surfing crowd with a nod of her head.

“Let them see,” Luna said. “What would happen, anyway?”

“Remember your photo shoot for the school trip?”

Luna furrowed her brows and brought her eyes down. “How can I forget that? I’m sure some ponies still think of me as a heartless sister. Damn that photographer.”

“Do you want to be in the same spotlight once again?”

Luna, eyes closed, shook her head right and left. “No. Absolutely not.”

“Then let’s wait till we get safe and private,” Celestia calmly said.

Luna nodded, her eyes hungry, longing, for her sister’s gentle touch.

“Maybe we should get to the shore?” she proposed.

Celestia looked around and noticed it was about an hour till sundown. The golden sheen dancing on the surface had that deep yellow glow of late afternoons and the blue of the sky above was softer, less vibrant, than at midday or before. The surfing crowd, paddling, splashing, would be here until the blue hour, maybe more, but Celestia had no intention to play here that long.

Looking softly and softly smiling at her sister Celestia, nodding, agreed.

“Let’s do that,” she said.

Chapter 4

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When Luna closed the door and turned the key Celestia felt excitement, ticking and tingling, rush up to her head. With a heavy twisting in her stomach she turned around to glance at Luna, messy, smelling of the sea.

“Finally, some peace,” Luna, sighing, said.

Celestia’s hungry eyes devoured Luna’s body and the evening blue of her mane and tail, drowned in her ever shifting eyes always changing between green and blue. Her hooves tingled with the desire to roam across Luna’s coat and explore all her valleys and hills, so familiar, so foreign.

“What should we do now?” Celestia asked, her voice alluring. Low.

“I don’t know about you, sister, but all I want right now is a warm shower,” Luna said, going to Celestia and standing in front of her. “Would you like to join me?”

Luna exhaled her breath, warm and moist, smelling of exotic fruits, on Celestia’s face.

Celestia trembled as pleasant tingles ran across her coat. Pleasant and heavy warmth reappeared in her groin.

Lightly shivering, she exhaled on Luna’s face. She paid attention how her breath waved a few wayward strands of hair on Luna’s forehead, then smiled.

Awash in the twilight gloom of the bungalow, unlit, the dark hue of her coat underlined by the evening hour’s otherworldly blue, her eyes relaxed, sparkling and half-closed, Luna looked as simple and cute as before receiving her mark, when the worry of the day had been how to shortcut studying for the exams and spend the free time laying on the grass wrapped in a hug than ruling Equestria with all its bureaucrats and chores. Without thinking, by longing and desire fuelled, Celestia lunged forwards and kissed Luna gently on her lips, soft and smooth, still carrying tinges of dinner made of fruit.

Celestia felt Luna’s push and moved her head backward in response. Luna’s upper lip pressed against Celestia’s lower one and lightly rubbed it; and Celestia trembled from bliss, her knees feeling watery and weak. In response Celestia lifted her head, parted Luna’s lips and slipped her tongue between. She moved it across Luna’s upper and lower lips, savouring their smoothness and their taste. Once she finished her inspection Celestia broke the kiss and stared warmly at her sister.

A light blush, tomato red, played on Luna’s cheeks. Luna’s eyes, shining and relaxed, drew Celestia in. Celestia remembered the many times she had been greeted by that stare when Luna had invaded the library and by careful caresses and strokes taken her away from studying into love which they consummated right on the carpeted floor, books strewn all around, their pages open but unread. In her mind’s eye Celestia saw Luna peeking with that same face from between her hindlegs, lips glistening, eyes shining, and felt her knees tremble and her sex tingle with pleasant heaviness and warmth.

“Let’s go, sister,” Celestia with a shaking voice said.

Luna nodded and turned left.

As Luna passed across the living room towards a brown door covered with straw, Celestia absorbed Luna’s crotch. Celestia would never get used to that succulent shade of red of Luna’s aroused lips and to the cute tomato blush of her swollen puffy lips amid the deep blue of her legs. The juice, oily and shiny, covering that ripe forbidden fruit made Celestia’s tongue tingle. By desire driven, all control abandoned, Celestia trotted behind Luna, her nose picking that unmistakable fishy musk of an aroused horse.

Although they still had the room booked at the Five Peaks Resort, the two of them had decided at the spur of the moment to rent a house by the beach where they had so lovely surfed earlier today. Standing in the small but cosy space of the shower stall with Luna’s back pressed against her belly, Celestia didn’t regret this decision.

Due to the minimal aesthetic the room at the resort had felt spacious and wide. This made feel Celestia feel disconnected from her sister, always at a distance from her: a feeling that reminded her too much of the loneliness produced by the majestic but impersonal spaces of Canterlot.

This little bungalow, so little and crummy you could bump into a table, chair, or bed with every single step, suggested privacy and warmth: a perfect place for bonding with your sister and friend after so many centuries and decades spent alone. It reminded Celestia of Ponyville and its homes, of Twilight’s library into the past gone; and she couldn’t hold back her excitement and desire any more. If somepony were to give her an opportunity to abandon the cold comfort of Canterlot for this little house on the beach, she would accept the offer in a blink. The privacy, the intimacy, were worth every little nugget of gold that was encrusted into the columns and walls of Canterlot.

Especially with Luna on her side.

The bathroom and the little shower stall made these feelings more intense. Grinding against Luna’s butt, her forelegs wrapped around Luna’s trunk and caressing Luna’s belly and chest, her muzzle resting against Luna’s neck and enjoying its warmth and beat – it felt the same way as a millennium ago when both of them had been unmarked and young, isolated by their regal status and thus driven into each other’s hold.

Tenderly and slow like a young mare with all the time in the world Celestia fondled her sister who stood straight with her forelegs stretched and propped against the shower stall, foggy, covered in steam, and with her flanks pushed back and hindlegs apart. Her careful touches explored the ridges of Luna’s chest, glided down Luna’s rising and falling belly, straightened tangled clumps of hair in Luna’s sparkling mane. The up and down motions of her pelvis against Luna’s well toned flanks, turning her knees weak, sending shivers through her coat, reminded Celestia of the time when lust first blossomed and burned through her adolescent body, when she and Luna pressed and moved against each other every morning and night. Extreme sports helped Celestia feel alive but they didn’t even come close in terms of excitement to the fiery blaze of love awakened and fed by being near her sister, lover. Her only friend.

The passage of time lost all meaning to her. Celestia didn’t care if ten minutes or several hours had passed since she had entered the stall and positioned herself behind Luna, undone Luna’s ponytail and straightened Luna’s hair. It didn’t matter to her if it would take hours until her hooves would reach Luna’s secret place, the source of that arousing thick smell that blended perfectly with the steam inside the stall. Celestia hadn’t explored Luna for more than a thousand years; she wanted to make up for the lost opportunities and times.

Luna felt so good.

Celestia felt her fire in the loins flash stronger every time she rubbed Luna’s butter smooth belly, making circles around Luna’s bellybutton but never dropping into the heat below. With every little stroke against Luna’s flanks, soft and round, the throbbing tingle in her groin reached a new degree of fervency and resonated through all her skin and obliterated every single thought within her mind. Every time her hoof went over the hard ridges of Luna’s chest and felt the steady pulse within, Celestia’s own own heart twisted from tenderness and love. How fragile that rhythm sounded even in the chest of an alicorn, immortal, above everycreature else. How much she wanted to hold her little sister Luna within her arms and never let her go into the world outside that could be so treacherous and cold. At this moment, with their bodies pressed together and her hooves wrapped around Luna, Celestia didn’t even want to rush towards the pleasure of release. She was content with staying like this, excited and turned on, warm and blushing from Luna’s heat.

Luna was the first to break the tranquil thuds of falling water.

“Remember how I got mad at you when you wanted to bathe me and scrub me clean?” she asked, sweet.

Celestia giggled. “Of course I remember. You always looked grumpy as an old mule when we went into a bath together and I started lathering you.”

“Funny how things change. Now it’s the thing that feels best from everything we tried on our vacation.”

Celestia pressed against Luna’s back and rested her hooves on Luna’s belly, slowly rising and falling slowly.

“It wasn’t all that bad,” she whispered into Luna’s right ear. “Remember that time at the pond? I’m pretty sure you scared all the birds around with your moans.”

Luna, whimpering, nodded as Celestia’s hooves passed up and down her sides and then went down over her marks.

“Your touch just was so relaxing,” Luna dreamily said. “We played manifesting the thirty seven elements of reality. I remember I got carried away and invoked the five main elements and a bunch of other stuff to prove how much better I was than you and you had to use the supreme spell to revert it all back because I created quite a mess. The forbidden one.”

“We couldn’t leave that mess in the Evefree,” Celestia said, her hooves trailing slowly up Luna sides them moving forward on her belly to intertwine. “Floating rocks, springs coming from trees, holes into interstellar space, insects that changed size from gigantic to microscopic and went from larva to adult because you undid the limitations of size and time, squirrels that knew all the languages of Equestria and fiery worms that could see the past and future. If I didn’t revert it Starswirl would have taken all our books away and put guards to stay with us all night and day. I didn’t want to lose our time alone.”

Luna giggled. “But now there’s a bald spot in the Everfree where nothing grows old and if you step into it you can exit as a filly or colt.”

Celestia placed her hooves on Luna’s navel while she caressed Luna’s right ear with her warm excited breath and absorbed the scent of Luna’s mane, lavender and sweet.

“A spot of little weirdness in the Everfree is nothing serious,” she said. “Remember what happened next?”

“Of course,” Luna said. “I was all covered in dirt, leaves, traces of sulphur, and fearing what Starswirl would suspect you took me to a pond to wash me clean. At first I resisted. Then I relaxed. And you made feel really good.”

“Remember what I did?” Celestia asked as she moved her hooves lower, beneath Luna’s navel.

“Of course, sister,” Luna whispered, eyes closed, head lifted. “You placed your hoof on my private parts and moved it but without touching my most sensitive spot. I kept expecting that you’ll finally touch it every time your hoof moved upwards but you always returned back. You did it so agonizingly slow, pushing me just to the edge then returning back on my belly and waiting till I would cool off. It felt like heaven when I came.”

The moment her hoof reached the bump of Luna’s hood, hot and sticky, Celestia stopped moving it and enjoyed the softness of Luna’s mound.

“Like this?” Celestia asked, then rotated her hoof over Luna’s mound without haste.

Luna pressed herself against the glass and moaned softly.

“ this,” she whispered and went mobile, her body waving, moving like the swells in open sea.

With her hoof teasing Luna Celestia moved her head downwards, away from Luna’s ear and onto Luna’s neck. Lightly pecking and kissing smoothly Celestia enjoyed with her lips the pulsing beat, full of vigour, fast and strong, beneath the delicate blue coat. Sometimes she sucked the shower water rivuleting down the grooves and ridges of her sister’s neck. Sometimes her nose, turned on by her excited state, picked the faint trails of Luna’s body scent.

For how long she subjected Luna to this pleasurable ordeal Celestia did not know. Luna’s slithering, growing in strength, confirmed that Luna enjoyed her teasing very much: the way Celestia’s hoof moved around her hood, descending left and right past the gem onto Luna’s oily lips then returning back to the mound but without touching that swollen nub that was Luna’s clit, and the way Celestia’s hoof circled on her mound, going right to the red ridge of Luna’s hood, pushing down a little as if ready to move onto Luna’s red jewel but shifting up instead. She concluded that making a few daring strokes below wouldn’t bring Luna’s enjoyment to the end.

As she placed a kiss at the back of Luna’s neck amidst Luna’s sparkling mane Celestia pressed her body against Luna’s and moved her hoof down into the warm throbbing, pulsing, swamp that was Luna’s crotch. Luna sighed and pressed herself against the transparent stall while moving her pelvis forwards in the hope of trapping Celestia’s agile hoof, but Celestia brought her hoof on Luna’s mound before Luna could finish her humming, throaty sigh.

The sudden excursion along with the fleeting feeling of Luna’s little lump of rubbery hardness made Celestia tingle all over and desire to plunge between Luna’s thighs and stay there, enveloped by warm slender legs and sliding against Luna’s petals and their sticky sap. The satisfaction of that desire, however, would end the fun too quick. Luna, panting, waving, looked on the verge of release. Celestia didn’t want her yet to to cross.

Acting like nothing had happened, Celestia continued her circling motions on Luna’s mound. Her left hoof, resting around Luna’s waist, went to Luna’s left thigh. Sometimes it went behind onto Luna’s butt and caressed her mark. Feeling adventurous, Celestia moved her hoof between Luna’s legs and moved it up and down the warm soft skin of Luna’s inner thighs, eliciting arousing sighs from her. When Luna squirmed too much Celestia stopped her stroking, right hoof resting on Luna’s belly, the left one on Luna’s flank.

“You sure are a tease,” Luna, panting, said.

Celestia propped her muzzle on Luna’s right shoulder and said, “You think I am a tease? Have you seen yourself? Walking around with your flanks exposed. Teasing me with your legs. I could barely contain myself the whole day. And who started touching me in the park?”

Luna giggled. “You looked so beautiful. More beautiful than me. I couldn’t hold myself.”

Celestia scoffed on Luna’s perked ear, blowing wet strands onto Luna’s forehead. “You really believe that? Don’t you remember all the times I spent between your legs?”

“Yours look so pink and soft. Just like your mane,” Luna said. “Mine looks like a wound.”

“That’s not true, sister,” Celestia said and placed her hoof lightly, gently, on Luna’s bloom. “Yours looks as beautiful as rose, and to see that deep redness on your’s spectacular.”

Celestia closed her eyes and returned to the time when they were young mares, past fillyhood but still to be marked, and had plenty of opportunities to explore each other and make each other feel good. At the memory of Luna’s aroused flower, red and ripe and oily against the backdrop of her coat, a succulent rose oozing sweet dew hidden between Luna’s slender thighs, Celestia pressed herself against Luna’s butt and shifted her pelvis up and down Luna’s curves. Her right hoof started circling and stretching Luna’s folds that were covered in something warmer and stickier than the rivulets of water flowing down her hoof. Celestia still avoided touching Luna’s rubbery nub, but Luna’s swinging motions and pressing against the glass in the hope of finally receiving that longed touch made her task harder. Her mind, by lusty memories into oblivion driven, didn’t help Celestia to keep control.

The warm and steamy comfort of the stall reminded Celestia of all the times when she, young and horny, had invaded Luna’s bed and caressed and stroked her sister till the fires of lust flared too much and she dipped beneath the sheets and between Luna’s flanks, so soft and smooth and hot against her cheeks, to get immersed into Luna’s thick and heady scent that drove her to put her lips on Luna’s swollen bloom, mesmerizing and attractive with its deep red amidst the blue. The hot air reminded Celestia of that almost physical scent that wafted from Luna’s aroused sex while the streams of water running down her lips brought memories of Luna’s sap, transparent and sticky, tasting sweet and salty at the same time, on her palate. Her eyes closed, Celestia was back underneath the sheets with her tongue shifting slowly across the pulsating smoothness of Luna’s sticky lips and delicately lapping Luna’s rubbery and hard clit.

She couldn’t hold it any more. Celestia needed to have the taste of her sister on her tongue. Her right hoof resting on Luna’s pulsing lips, her left on Luna’s left mark, Celestia shifted slowly down. Her muzzle moved southwards across Luna’s spine, inhaling on the way Luna’s bodily heat mixed with steam and her sister’s secret piscine scent. When Celestia found herself sitting on her butt with her face above the root of Luna’s tail, she shifted her right hoof away from Luna’s throbbing joy and put it on Luna’s right flank.

Noticing the lack of space, Celestia shifted backwards towards the white and tiled wall. Understanding Celestia’s desire, Luna shifted her pelvis back and moved her legs apart. Celestia smiled, moved her hooves slowly on Luna’s behind, parted the veil of Luna’s tail left and right.

From the smell and sight alone Celestia felt that pleasant preorgasmic charge suffuse her loins. Pressed tight against the floor, her nethers felt hotter than the warm white tiles beneath her flanks. So hot they felt that Celestia feared that the pavement would start sizzling and steaming every minute now.

She wanted to calm her passion down, but the dense heady smell invading her nose with every single breath didn’t allow her that relief. And the sight in front of her eyes...

Luna’s petals, full and crimson, stood out amid the general blue of her coat. The tinges of dark coming from her marks only intensified their redness and their swell. Further between Luna’s legs Celestia saw the thick and prominent hood, as red and swollen as the rest of Luna’ flower, as succulent as a hibiscus rose. How could Luna even think she looked bad? Every single stallion and mare would lose their mind at the sight of that mesmerizing vibrant redness standing so vividly against the backdrop of black and blue: a flame of red passion in the dark of the night; ripe red lips waiting to be kissed and licked and touched, ready to share their liquid light.

Even though her whole body demanded immediate want to plant her mouth against the juicy swollen redness, Celestia tempered her fire. Instead of jutting her head out into Luna’s nethers and licking like a madmare up and down between the hypnotizing set of crimson lips, Celestia approached Luna slowly, inhaled deeply, and languidly blew air across Luna’s fiery slit.

The effect was immediate. Luna by pleasure gripped and by desire possessed moved forwards, away from Celestia’s blow of air, then backwards, right onto her muzzle. Celestia’s followed Luna’s motions, going forwards and backwards with her sister, her hooves holding lightly Luna’s slender legs. She continued to cover Luna’s bulging flower with streams of her warm breath and bring moans and whimpers out of her. Only when Luna went silent and started trembling under her hooves did Celestia stop and move her face away from Luna’s groove, thick with juice, thick with scent.

She allowed Luna to come down and imagined that tremendous swell of pleasure – pleading, wanting, demanding release – rocking in Luna’s belly, the swell that if left unchecked would have spread through Luna’s body and sent her into the deepest depths of bliss, the swell Luna tried to abate by standing still and breathing slow. Celestia could feel that irresistible concentration of tingling gathering between her own legs at the simple thought of Luna waving, rocking, and orgasming. The fishy smell and the sight of Luna’s blooming rose only drove her further to that point of absolute tension before the bubble burst and spread its joys throughout her limbs and head.

When Luna swished her tail to the side and let it rest on her right haunch, Celestia understood it was time to continue.

Without any sort of teasing Celestia jutted her tongue out of her mouth and placed it on the deep red petals of Luna’s bloom. Celestia felt the pleasant pre-orgastic tightness swell beneath her navel from their swelter and their pulse, from their paradoxical taste: salty, bland, and sweet. Celestia closed her eyes and focused her attention on the heat enveloping her cheeks; on the piscine scent, thick as incense and mind numbing; on the warm and pulsing and velvety wetness throbbing against her muzzle and her lips; on the multitude of flavours exploding on her tongue, changing from salty to fishy to sweet as her tongue circled the inner surface of Luna’s soft smooth petals and plummeted into the deep warmth of her cave.

It wasn’t as intimate as when she had laid lapping beneath the bedsheets back in their late adolescence days, but the steamy warmth of the shower, the pleasant tightness of the space, the hot water pleasantly dripping on her coat, tail, and mane didn’t seem that far off from the enveloping darkness of the sheets. They had the whole night and day anyway to make up for the lost opportunities and times. She should focus on the now, which wasn’t bad. Wasn’t bad, at all.

Intoxicated by Luna’s taste and smell, Celestia started rubbing her flower back and forth across the warm tiled floor. Her right hoof, still resting on Luna’s right flank, slipped down to Luna’s knee and threatened to disengage from Luna’s soft smooth coat but Celestia always brought it back at the last moment despite the throbbing tingling swelter, hotter than a geyser, more humid than the Ponyglades, pleading for satisfaction from between her legs.

Celestia was ready to descend on Luna’s little nub after circling and licking her sultry red lips when Luna lifted her right leg up. Celestia’s hoof tried to grip the rising knee, then fell to the floor with a dull clop.

To see what was going on Celestia removed her muzzle from between Luna’s legs. She opened her eyes and licked her lips. The sight, however, send her nethers pulsing and throbbing.

Luna was still standing facing the glass, her spine curved, her forelegs stretched and planted above her head, but with one hindleg only on the ground. Her right leg, bent, rested in mid-air. The shower dripped against its blue pelt and the blob of black on the haunch and went down in little streams down its slender curves or moved into Luna’s groove and created a waterfall at the front end of her bloom.

With her leg and tail lifted and allowing a total view of her bloom, red and swollen, shiny, wet, Luna looked even more appetizing than before. Celestia licked her lips then lunged forwards, into the upward pointing triangle that was Luna’s groin. Once again she circled her long equine tongue around Luna’s outer and inner lips, dipping into the space between the folds and into the main well, enjoying the warm viscid smoothness inside Luna’s bloom and the fuzzy smoothness in the angles where her outer lips and thighs met, savouring the sticky salty-sweetness sloshing in the well and the bitterness in the ridges outside the redness and near Luna’s legs.

When every single inch of Luna’s bloom had been cleaned and satisfied to the full, Celestia moved her tongue forwards, towards the beautiful red gem that was the beauty of Luna’s land of love. As her tongue lightly bumped and slowly ascended the rubbery hardness that was Luna’s clit, Luna’s let out a sigh full of bliss. Her body intensified its undulating motions which heralded the quick approach of release.

The sound of Luna’s raspy moan, high pitched, full of bliss, and the waving motions of her body that made Celestia’s tongue move all across the hardness of her clit heated Celestia to an unbearable degree. Celestia was sure that if Luna’s won’t stop moaning and Luna’s left haunch, on which her left hoof rested, won’t stop trembling she would cross the point of no return right there without the touch of Luna’s hoof or tongue. Maybe she should stop then restart, keep teasing Luna again and again?

No. Celestia decided to send Luna into the stratosphere this time.

And so Celestia savoured Luna’s little gem, red and swollen, rubbery and hard. She flicked the tip of her tongue left and right, up and down, over Luna’s clit. She circled the tip of her tongue around Luna’s gem by going up the red ridge the protected Luna’s bulb of pleasure then down and into the deep valley beneath the rubbery gem, full of juice, throbbing warmly against her tongue, and then back up on the ridge. Once she got tired of this supreme teasing Celestia stretched her tongue and pressed it against the hot rubbery hardness of Luna’s clit. The last action always brought satisfied sighs brimming with delight.

When Luna went quiet Celestia understood the point rested a few licks ahead. Instead of further attacking Luna’s nub of pleasure Celestia decided to give long slow licks to all of Luna’s flower. She placed her tongue on the tip of Luna’s gem and moved it languidly to the back of Luna’s rose, enjoying how the hardness of Luna’s gem gave way to the velvety smoothness of her lips. Upon reaching the dimple where Luna’s inner and outer lips joined, Celestia started moving back towards Luna’s clit. When she reached again that little nub of joy she pressed her hot throbbing tongue against it and once again heard Luna sighing in a low and throaty tone, emitting an ahhhhhh that turned into raspiness then disappeared into the void.

Just like Celestia had predicted, a few careful strokes and Luna crossed the point of no return. Her body trembled, and in less than second Luna put her right leg on the floor and fell to her knees and started waving from pleasure, jumping up and down like a spring.

As she watched the storm of pleasure rock Luna’s body, one wave going after another and making Luna’s slither upwards toward the heavens and the fixed stars, Celestia couldn’t hold back her smile full of tenderness and love. Even if it didn’t approach the same level of intimacy as that of the old days – when she had drawn herself from beneath the sheets the moment Luna got quiet then wrapped Luna in her forelegs and finished her play by lightly rubbing her thigh against Luna’s humid pulsing swelter while gently kissing Luna on her lips – the sight of her sister enjoying the throb, the expansion and contraction, of release twisted her heart and filled it with bliss.

Nothing brought such intense joy to Celestia as making her sister happy. Especially making her happy in such an intimate way reserved for the few.

Gradually Luna’s blissful waving subsided. What had been a furious storm the first moment after the crossing turned into gentle swell and then into quiet stillness disappeared. When Luna stopped moving, sitting on her her knees, legs folded under her haunches, forelegs still stretched above her and propping the stall, she turned her head to the side. Another wave of warmth spread through Celestia’s chest as she looked at her sister, smiling satisfied. Content.

Before Celestia could move an inch closer to her sister Luna turned around and jumped on her, toppling her against the wall, wrapping her forelegs around Celestia’s neck. Celestia closed her eyes from the onslaught of pleasure when Luna’s warm belly grazed against her throbbing and swollen nethers. She wanted, needed, her release so much.

Celestia placed her hooves on Luna’s shoulders and tried to push Luna away lightly but Luna overcame her and kissed her, gently. Luna’s tongue, soft and smooth and slightly pulsing, feverishly circled Celestia’s lips. Overcome by the shivers running through her face and going down her chest towards the pleasant tension in her groin, Celestia wrapped her forelegs around Luna’s neck and her hindlegs around Luna’s waist, bringing Luna as close as possible to her pulsing, throbbing humid heat.

Tightly enclosed with her sister Celestia could sense the smell that was Luna’s own, the smell she always encountered when putting her head on Luna’s neck. She could feel Luna’s heart beating against the right side of her chest, its rhythm strong and healthy, full of lust. What drove her to the peak the most was the feeling of Luna’s coat, velvety and warm, gliding and tickling her own. In every place Luna’s coat rubbed against hers – on her belly and chest, on her mound and thighs – shivers exploded and slithered throughout her skin and turned her whole body into a mass of bliss.

After what seemed like an eternity Luna disengaged from Celestia and sat in front of her sister, Luna’s head and chest stretched over Celestia’s trunk, her forelegs resting next to Celestia’s hips. Every time Luna exhaled Celestia felt Luna’s warmth breath stream along her ears and caress her cheeks.

Drunk and smiling, eyes half closed, Celestia put her hooves on Luna’s shoulders and moved them up and down Luna’s forelegs.

“What took you so long?” Luna, smiling, asked. “Why do you like teasing me so much?”

“I couldn’t get enough of you,” Celestia plainly said. “The way you look, the way you smell, the way you feel – it’s too much for me. Now do you believe me when I say you shouldn’t feel ashamed of your private parts? Or should I go down on you again to prove it?”

Luna pressed her hooves against Celestia’s haunches.

“Don’t be greedy, sister. Let me enjoy you first,” she said.

Luna’s eyes darted between Celestia eyes and Celestia legs, outspread and revealing Celestia’s gentle bloom.

Luna cast another glance on Celestia face and, smiling, lit her horn.

Celestia lifted her right hoof up and removed some wet strands of Luna’s mane, shimmering and sparkling, from Luna’s forehead.

“How about we save magic for another time?” Celestia said. “I want to feel you – just you – right now.”

The transparent and waving cloud of blue enveloping Luna’s horn vanished into the steamy air.

“We’ll do it later, right?” Luna asked.

Celestia nodded. “Of course. I remember all too well the kind of things you can do with your magic, but right now I want to feel your hooves and tongue over me. Magic is great but it doesn’t come close to the feeling of your sister touching and kissing you.”

“I agree. Your tongue felt like heaven against my parts,” Luna said.

Celestia wanted to say that Luna’s private parts felt like heaven for her but she was stopped the moment she opened her mouth to speak.

Luna lunged forward and kissed lightly her older sister. The gentle pulling and sucking motion that Luna performed on Celestia’s lower then upper lips sent shivers through Celestia’s face. Celestia felt every hair on her head and neck stand and bristle and felt her groin ache and pull from the arousal gathered below her navel, between her legs.

When Luna removed her lips she grazed her muzzle against Celestia’s left cheek, then shifted it down to Celestia’s jaw, then neck. Celestia closed her eyes as she felt a circle of warmth, smooth and throbbing, caress the left side of her neck. The soft warmth that made her tingle all over shifted from one inch of her coat to another in quick jumps. It shifted from the left to the right then from the right back to the left, trailing downwards towards her chest.

As Luna kissed her chest Celestia enjoyed not only the circle of warmth going down to her navel and fiery lands beneath but also Luna’s mane tickling against her lips and chin and the hardness of Luna’s horn, still warm from the charge of magic, caressing her cheeks. Her forelegs slipped from Luna’s shoulders, so Celestia placed them next to Luna’s hooves planted against her rump, obscuring her marks.

She wanted Luna to speed her odyssey up and finally reach home. The tingles that went through her groin and belly every time Luna’s fuzzy body shifted over the velvety veils of her bloom didn’t help her to keep control. With the increase of pleasure from the soft caress of Luna’s coat Celestia’s body started waving without her volition. Celestia didn’t try to stop the waving motion, lifting her pelvis then chest and head, because the spontaneous movement made her feel beyond good, utterly divine.

Her breath, however, hitched when the little circle of smoothness and warmth went beneath the navel and found itself on her mound. She exhaled, heavily and loud, when the warmth disappeared from her soft mound and a wave of humid heat washed over her lips and clit. Her whole groin turned into a field of tense but pleasurable tingling. A wave of electric shivers migrated upwards out of her belly into her head. After the wave broke across her face another one swelled through her, the result of Luna’s further breathing, so hot, so humid. Slow.

While pleasure rocked through her body Celestia could feel the tension gathering in her groin, growing, pulsing, preparing for release. If Luna wouldn’t continue Celestia would explode from Luna’s breath that caressed her lips and thighs and clit like the softest summer breeze. For a moment Celestia giggled at the fact that such simple and innocent things as these still could turn her on as if she still were a teenager who felt her nethers swell and moisten from the lithest currents of the wind alone.

Celestia stopped breathing once again when she felt that meandering spot of warmness cover her throbbing, aching gem. In short bursts she exhaled as pleasant tense tingling concentrated in her loins. Once the last sliver of breath left her mouth Celestia gasped from the wet and throbbing warmth that enveloped her clit. The warmth – no, the heat, the humid, sweltering, infernal heat – of Luna’s tongue was utterly sublime. Celestia’s groin was electrified like a cloud full of thunder and slithering snakes of pleasure went up her spine and exploded either in her stomach, head, or chest.

Instead of controlling her breath Celestia left her commanding self go and concentrated on the warmth and pleasure alone. With her full attention she enjoyed the way Luna rubbed her tongue, languidly and softly, against her clit. The more she enjoyed, the more she let herself go.

Filled with bliss, her hips started rocking on their own – up and down, forward and backward. The rest of the body followed suit, stretching when her pelvis went down, contracting when it went up. The simple undulating motion – as simple as the sinusoid of a wave or the movement of a snake – made her excitement deeper and dissolved her further. As Luna tongue circled her little knot of pleasure Celestia became so submerged in bliss that everything outside and inside her became nothing but joyful electricity throbbing, pulsing, with delight, ceaseless, timeless, and humming.

Celestia’s pleasure subsided a little when Luna moved her tongue away from her ruby and into her groove. Celestia smiled as the tide of bliss moved away from her brain. Despite the millenary gap the rapport between them was good and Luna still knew how to be an absolute tease, playing her like an instrument, alert to every single through and crest of her arousal, pushing her right to the edge then masterfully bringing her down but not fully: down enough to keep her excited. Tense.

For a little while Luna rested the spongy and coal-hot tip of her tongue within the veils of Celestia’s bloom. When Celestia stopped moving from pleasure Luna resumed her tasting and probing. Luna’s tongue circled Celestia lips, swollen and deep pink, in a slow languid move and then rested at the bottom of Celestia’s vestibule.

Pleasure rocked through Celestia’s body but the most intense rush happened when Celestia felt warm air blow on her clit and Luna’s warm humid tongue right beneath. Her whole body tensed from the expectation of joy to come yet Luna, ever devious and tricky, never caressed it. She moved her tongue backward instead, to the source of the viscous fluid that made Celestia so warm and wet.

For several circles Luna teased Celestia in this pleasant way, reaching the tip of her groove but never touching, only blowing a bit of warm air on Celestia’s hood before retreating. The slow rolling of Luna’s tongue, always teasing, never giving, intensified Celestia’s tension to the highest degree and sent her body waving and twisting. How much she wanted to place her hooves on Luna’s head and gently push her upwards so that Luna’s tongue would finally land on her ruby, throbbing so strong with bliss that its pulse reverberated through all of her skin.

Luna kept going in her rhythm, languid, slow, tasting Celestia’s viscid flower like a royal sommelier tastes the oldest and rarest vines. He tongue explored every crevice, every nook and cranny, within the puffy folds of Celestia’s bud. Celestia felt that meaty bulging warmth not only shuffling against her well but also wiggling in the deepest grooves between her outer and inner lips. Despite this careful excursion across Celestia’s nethers Luna still avoided her main joy, swollen, tingling, pulsing, throbbing.

After an eternity of licking and lapping Luna again rested her tongue at the bottom of Celestia’s groove and blew humid air on Celestia’s hood. This time, however, Luna didn’t give Celestia much rest.

The moment Celestia’s waving body reached stillness Luna moved her tongue quickly upwards and flicked Celestia’s clit. Then she flicked it again. And again. And again.

The new wave of pleasure hit Celestia harder than the two before. By the sudden increase of the tingling tension in her groin Celestia knew this would be it: the wave that would end her want. She let her mind go and dissolve in the rhythm of pleasure and let her body wave and rock as it pleased. The more she went into that spontaneous movement of lifting her pelvis then bringing it down, of throwing her head backwards then letting it fall on her chest, the stronger did the pleasure become. Although Celestia had been silent all the previous times Luna had made her pulse with joy, this time she let a feeble but throaty whimper on every exhalation, unable to withstand the onslaught of goodness any more.

With Luna so masterfully working on her clit Celestia didn’t last long.

The force, the pull, of pleasure grew in her pelvis along with the rhythm of her pulsing moves. In a flash the tension that had accumulated beneath her navel burst and moved upwards and Celestia lost all of her control. The concentrated wave of bliss, electric and intense, covered her whole skin and obliterated the perpetual turnings of her mind. All what remained of Celestia being was her body, waving, rocking, twisting like a snake, and pure awareness, empty, full of bliss.

Celestia let out a series of long whimpers which turned into deeper moans when the pleasure, instead of abating, turned stronger, especially between her thighs where pleasant coal like swelter caressed her clit. Luna once again changed her tactic, and instead of letting Celestia free she kept licking her big sister’s slit, twitching, contracting, releasing thick and viscous juice with every single wink.

The new wave was approaching Celestia’s tolerance of bliss. Every single follicle of her coat throbbed with pleasure, charged, drilling. Celestia shut her eyelids so tight that sparkles of white light flashed in the darkness of her field. Her body was still contracting and expanding like the heart after a very good run, its involuntary and reflexive motion making only the pleasure stronger and more drilling then before.

In her most secret, hidden, place Celestia felt another burst of bliss explode. Her whole body became a cloud of electric tingling bliss so strong that Celestia felt like an overcharged wire in a transformer box. For a few moment Celestia lost awareness of her body and perceived herself, her existence, as a mere swell in a great ocean of perpetual delight. Overcome by bliss Celestia moaned loud and full, hoping that her cries would defuse the explosion that blotted her soul.

When Celestia descended from the heavenly sphere back to world of solid forms, pleasure going strong, she expected another lick, another explosion and surge of bliss, but nothing happened. Even that wonderful warm presence that was Luna’s tongue was absent from her groin. Still riding the waves of bliss Celestia felt torn apart between relief and thirst for more.

Gradually and slow Celestia descended back to Earth, the pulsing of her body losing amplitude and frequency, pleasure disappearing amidst her coat. When Celestia finally reached stillness she felt a knot of bliss warming the middle of her chest and smiled, serene, peaceful. Relieved. Without opening her eyes she enjoyed the perfect peace within, her being void of all worries and frights. Even the sensations from outside – the thudding of water against the tiled floor and her coat, the warm steamy vapours enveloping her in the softest hug, the fishy private musk hanging in the air – felt imbued and surrounded by the deepest softest harmony of peace, not a single plop, thud, or smell out of rhythm, out of beat.

Upon feeling Luna’s warm breath caress her lips and cheeks, Celestia opened her eyes. Celestia’s heart warmly twisted from Luna’s lovely face, from the wet strands of Luna’s deep blue mane, scintillating, hiding her forehead, from Luna’s satisfied but kind smile, from the content glee shining in her eyes. She looked exactly like back in their teenage days when they used to fall asleep within each other arms after having satisfied their youthful fires. Celestia remembered how tranquil Luna had looked after she had brought her to release, the peaceful smile on her face as she fell deep asleep.

On Luna's wet forehead Celestia placed a gentle kiss.

When they were young, kissing Luna’s forehead had been the last thing Celestia did before she herself fell asleep and met her sweetest dreams. Right now the place was different – not a bed in their private home but a bungalow rented for a night – but that feel of connection was still the same: wordless, simple, and deep. Despite the years, the long boring years, they were still two little sisters who desired nothing else from life but fun and love. The duties, thrust upon them by forces unknown and cruel, were a boring chore. Nothing more.

Celestia removed her lips from Luna’s forehead, smiled gently, then wrapped Luna in a tight embrace. Luna responded by a tight hug across Celestia’s back. For Celestia this was the best moment of this most eventful day: hugging, feeling, Luna after having kissed her and satisfied her to the highest degree. Yes, the excitement of surfing had felt great and aroused her lusts but the simple peace of utter satisfaction, of all tensions free, was utterly divine.

At this moment, wrapping Luna close and tight, Celestia felt unburdened from the royal duties and obligations and understood what being on holiday really meant. It was a return to fillyhood in a certain way, a restoration of that simplicity that had been lost the moment the marks had flashed on her flanks. Embracing Luna Celestia longed for the life of simple ponies who could experience this youthful innocence with their beloved every single day no matter their biological age.

Luna unwrapped first and placed her forelegs on Celestia’s chest.

“That was spectacular,” Luna, cheerful, said. “You still have the magic, sister.”

Celestia smiled. “And you’re still masterful as ever. I thought for a second I would die if you won’t stop.”

“You know, I could’ve made made you feel even better if you allowed me to use my magic.”

“Later, okay?” Celestia said. “We still have a week left.”

The memory of Luna’s magic touch, however, made her groin tingle and flush. Precise stimulation of all her happy spots at the same time along with the really secret but really pleasant one within her cave… the tingly touch of magical tendrils caressing her clit, her lips, and the spaces between her lips… the way magic could fill her just the perfect amount without causing neither discomfort nor pain… She would definitely allow Luna to use magic on her.

“The week will end in a blink of an eye,” Luna said, moving her lips closer to Celestia’s face. “Let’s not waste time.”

She gently kissed Celestia, lips against lips, never jutting her tongue out.

Feeling traces of her own essence, bland but with sweetness tinged, Celestia’s groin turned hot and heavy once again. She had the best orgasm in more than a thousand years and still she wanted more: outcome of abstinence and thirst. Although she wished to let her tongue wander into Luna’s mouth, Celestia decided to follow Luna’s cues and kept her kisses soft, her lips rubbing gently against Luna’s, never pressing, never parting.

Again Luna broke the kiss first, then placed her head on Celestia’s chest. Celestia smiled. Warmth expanded out of her heart. Luna had always liked to lie down on Celestia’s chest back in the days of old and Celestia had always caressed Luna’s mane with her right hoof till Luna would fall asleep and have a quick nap half laying on her older sister. Holding Luna like that always made Celestia feel like a big sister, by her lithe and loving touch protecting her sibling from worries, anxieties, and fears.

“What should we do now?” Luna asked in a calm and sleepy voice.

“Maybe we should go to bed?” Celestia proposed.

“That sound nice,” Luna said. “What kind of stuff can we try tomorrow? Maybe the shower again? I enjoyed our little session very much. It’s better to do it in the shower with your sister than doing it all alone.”

“Like in the old days?”

Luna nodded. “Like in the old days. But we didn’t have showers back then. I remember how we dallied in the royal baths with all the steam and heat around us and the marble and the hot water.”

“I remember that,” Celestia said. “It was heaven. But have you tried putting the shower handle against your private parts?”

Luna’s eyes widened. “You can do that?!”

Celestia’s horn glowed and the stream of water ceased drumming against their manes and coats. The shower handle, its nozzle turned down, it water hitting hard the floor, floated to Luna’s left.

Celestia smiled as she read excitement and wonder in Luna’s eyes, wide opened, sharp. Her lips and clit started to swell and tingle once again as images of Luna standing upright, forelegs propped against the wall and the shower handle between her legs clasped tight, flashed before her mind. She hoped to have this fantasy turn to reality in the future nearby.

“Does it feel as good as I suspect?” Luna, excited, asked.

Celestia nodded. “It’s one of the best pleasures a mare can experience in her life. I do it almost daily.”

“And you never told me?!”

“We didn’t have the chance to be this close before. The amount of free time we have in Canterlot is almost nil, so of course we don’t interact the same way we did back when we were fillies. I guess you have some special method to make yourself feel good, too.”

Luna looked down at the floor between them. Her eyes darted left and right. Celestia placed the shower handle in its socket, and water once again covered their manes and coats.

“I’m not sure of that,” she said. “I use my hooves and magic the most, and when I feel very excited I rub myself against my pillows.”

“What about dreams?”

Luna shook her head. “It’s not the same as pleasuring yourself in flesh. You can keep going and going but you never reach release and feel that freedom and relaxation. You always want more and more because something is missing and as a result it feels incomplete”

Celestia moved her head closer to Luna’s, her eyes half closed, and whispered in Luna’s ear, “Stallions, maybe?”

She had regretted doing that when Luna dropped her eyes down again and frowned.

“No one wants me.”

Celestia’s eyes widened.

“Why? There must be some stallion who dreams about you.”

“Yes, there are stallions like that, but the moment their dreams about me cease, a new one starts with a different mare. It feels like I’m food to them – something they can chew, taste, swallow, and then excrete. I don’t want that. It feels awful.”

Celestia stood on her fours, then wrapped her right foreleg around Luna’s haunched form.

“I’ve never had a stallion, too,” she calmly said.

Luna’s eyes, incredulous and wide, stared at Celestia. “Really? Thousand years without a stallion? But why?”

Celestia looked at the tiled floor behind Luna with a distant stare, heavy, sad. “Because they didn’t care about me. The real me.”

Luna stood up. She stared intensely, questioning, at her bigger sister. “I don’t get it. Please explain it in full.”

Her face a frown, eyes looking down, Celestia went past Luna, slid the glass door, and walked out of the shower stall. Drops of water dripped on the bathroom floor, white tiled and clean.

“Have you felt that ponies don’t look at you as a pony but as a princess?” She asked as she levitated the towel on her back and wiped it right and left.

“I still don’t get it, sister,” Luna said, walking out of the shower booth.

Celestia sighed, turned around, stared at Luna.

“Do you want to be understood? To have somepony who can sincerely share you laughs, your fears, your joys? Somepony who’ll make your blood sizzle because he isn’t afraid to anger you? Who won’t stand smiling and trembling before you because he sees past the necklace and the crown?”

Luna lowered her eyes. “Now I get it. I remember how awful it felt seeing ponies being scared by me rather than their nightmares because of my past. It made both angry and so sad.”

Celestia floated the towel up and away from her body and moved it towards Luna. She landed it slowly, lightly, on Luna’s neck.

“I felt the same the first ten times,” she said, sad. “Then I stopped caring and gave whatever the stallion wanted right away.”

“You fell for it ten times?” Luna asked, mouth open from surprise.

“I was young. I was alone. I wanted somepony near. Somepony like you,” Celestia said, and a smile appeared on her face. She moved the towel up and down Luna’s nape.

Luna made a step closer to her. “How far did they go?”

“The first one almost got into my bedroom. Only his total disinterest and forced smiles when I shared my fantasies with him brought his real motive to the fore,” Celestia said. “His eyes sparkled only once, and that was when I told him about the opulent life of a royal consort.”

“That sounds awful,” Luna, her voice weak, said. “At least you were smart enough to see it before you allowed him to cover you. And what about the others?”

“After some dinners and a few romantic dates. Their aloofness betrayed their aims.”

“No one managed to keep the act for long?”

Celestia smirked. “I have watched so many plays performed by the best actors in all of Equestria that I know when somepony’s faking it or not. Theatre kept me away from brooding over my tremendous mistakes. As you see, it wasn’t a total loss of time.”

Luna smiled. “You didn’t tell me that you like theatre. Can you perform?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Wellll...Let’s leave that question for later, okay?”

“So you’re bad at it?”

Celestia frowned. Luna knew her all too well.

“Let me see how you act, sister,” Luna, grinning, said. “I may help you with your troubles.”


“By being completely honest. I bet Twilight didn’t tell you exactly what you did wrong?”

“How did you know that Twilight commented on my acting?” Celestia, surprised, asked.

Luna cocked her head. “She’s the only one – apart from me, that is – who tries to be honest with you.”

Celestia smiled. “Nopony can top you.”

“Of course not. I’m your sister, after all,” Luna said, then lunged forward and lightly kissed Celestia’s right cheek.

Kiss broken, Luna walked past Celestia towards the bathroom door with the towel lying still on her back.

With a happy grin Celestia observed how Luna opened the door and proceeded, slow, to the bed. Celestia’s nethers once again became heavy and warm as she enjoyed the way Luna’s thighs went up and down and the way her wet tail shifted from one flank to another with her every single step. Feeling excited once again, Celestia followed her. Celestia’s eyes, still hungry, unsatisfied, consumed in the twilight darkness Luna’s perfect curves, elegant and lithe, and desired to see Luna’s deep and vibrant redness now hidden behind her tail, sparkling and dark blue.

Luna stopped near the bed and looked at Celestia.

“You first,” she said.

“Why?” Celestia, curious, asked.

“You’ll see,” Luna, smiling warmly, said.

Celestia enveloped the light blue sheet in her golden magic and pushed it to the footboard. She let the sheet go, then jumped on the bed. As the bed squeaked like a dying golem under the impact of her weight Celestia tensed and felt the heavy ball of anxiety in her stomach wring and twist. When the old bed didn’t collapse under her, she relaxed, sighed from relief.

“You need to lose some weight, sister,” Luna, joking, said.

“Well, you need to get some meat on you,” Celestia responded, teasing. “You’re so thin I can see your bones.”

“That’s a lie. I saw how you looked at me,” Luna said, threw the towel on a straw chair, then jumped on Celestia.

“Like what?”

“As if you want to swallow me whole,” Luna said and kissed Celestia on her lips.

While Celestia kissed Luna and enjoyed Luna’s soft and silky lips she enveloped the bed sheet in a golden glow and wrapped Luna and herself in it.

The bed was a far cry from the velvety fabrics and comfy padding of Canterlot. Bed springs, tense and hard, poked Celestia uncomfortably in the back while the sheets, thick and crass, made her skin tickle. Despite the rustic simplicity and lack of sophistication Celestia felt deep happiness and peace. Compared to the royal beds this one was incredibly small, fitted rather for mice than ponies, but it felt cosy. Warm. The tightness of the space within the sheets made Celestia feel closer to Luna like never before.

And Luna.

The touch of her naked hooves, soft and smooth, along with her warm and fruity breath and the softness of her coat… Luna’s pulsing heart, so tender and fragile, drumming against Celestia’s own beat… Luna’s eyes: the most mesmerizing blue and green that Celestia had ever seen, so perfect for the princess of the night and all things lunar and magnetic… The velvety warm wetness that now rubbed against Celestia’s right thigh…

All felt exactly as thousand years ago when they had been only burgeoning mares who did nothing but hug and study night and day. As a result of the return to innocence of youth Celestia felt bubbly, light, relaxed and excited at the same time, warm from the love streaming through her chest and tingling across her limbs. Lying with Luna, little Luna, lovely Loony, cradled within her forelegs beat every form of adrenaline pumping, hair rising, fun.

Luna shifted down, her body slickly flowing against Celestia’s belly, her private velvet warmth sliding down Celestia’s thigh, till her head rested on Celestia’s chest.

Celestia smiled warmly. Luna had always liked to lay on her chest when they were young and shared the bedroom instead of sleeping in different wings, alone.

“Love you, Celery,” Luna, whispering, said.

Celestia tightened her grip around Luna’s back and wings.

“Love you, too, Loony. Love you very much.”

Tightly hugging Luna Celestia joined Loony along the riverrun of dreams.