> Titular Trainee Taping > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Going in Blind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The accounting department is pretty small, so I’m sure you’ll do fine. Just follow any instructions you’re given and try not to be difficult. Even though this is an internship, I really don’t want you to cause a scene,” Filthy Rich tutted, glancing at the slender young mare before him. “Fine, Dad,” Diamond Tiara petulantly grumbled, crossing her arms under her bosoms. Per his advice, she’d taken the summer gig, to get a little experience before she went off to college. Personally, she couldn’t wait to get out of town. As she’d grown, blossoming into an adult, she’d developed a taste for the finer things - things which her home couldn’t afford. “Yes, well, good luck today. I’ll see you after work,” the tall stallion noted, crossing his desk and opening the door for her. Unseating herself with a huff, Diamond sauntered out of her father’s office. Realistically, she should have been thankful for him getting her the internship, although a lifetime of being pampered and spoiled had left her ungrateful and recalcitrant. Strolling down the hallway, she stopped at the accounting office. Brushing off her skirt and blouse, she let herself in. She knew for a fact that there were only two other employees in the small department, and that they were aware of her impending arrival. Without a doubt, they’d realized who’s daughter she was, which she fully planned on exploiting to do as little as possible. Opening the door, setting her brow, she let herself in. The aforementioned personnel looked up at her, a large diamond dog and a pegasus respectively. Scanning the room, spying an empty desk, Diamond wordlessly crossed over and seated herself. She thought it hardly necessary to introduce herself, nor did she care what their names were, so she stayed quiet. The internship was only going to last for two weeks, so she saw no need to get to know them. “You’re the trainee, Diamond, right?” the canine asked, getting up from his seat. “Yeah, that’s me,” she huffed, plopping down into the vacant chair. “If it’s all the same to you, I’m just going to not do anything today, so…” Shaking his head, the dog casually walked over to her. “Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I’m Rex,” he continued, before hitching his thumb at his coworker, “and that’s Abacus. We -” “I don’t care. You know who my dad is and that means -” Diamond was cut off, as the canine held up a finger to silence her. “That I can fire you; yes, I’m well aware. So, with that in mind, if it’s all the same to you, kindly turn tail and don’t come back,” Rex sternly announced, glaring down at the askance young woman. “You...You can’t fire me!” Diamond blared, jumping to her feet. “I can’t? Well, maybe we should take this to daddy dearest - you know, since he’s the one who told me to keep you in line or cut you loose…” Rex grinned, savoring the shocked expression on the girl’s face. He was painfully aware of who she was, and he’d been waiting for this moment. Diamond was, in a word, a stuck up cunt; she traipsed around town like she owned the place, doing damn near anything she wanted because of who her parents were. Knowing she’d finally be put in her place was nice enough, but the fact that he would be able to do it personally made him positively ecstatic. “Now,” Rex began, straightening his tie, “how about we try this again. I’m Rex and that’s Abacus.” With that, he extended his arm. Contempt, rage, confusion, Diamond’s thoughts were a maelstrom of emotions, as she peered up at the proffered hand. Her father had stressed the importance of her internship, over the past few days, though he’d failed to mention his subordinate had the authority to terminate her. Theoretically, if she was fired, it would complicate matters exponentially. Even if Filthy let her stay, she’d likely get an earful for the remainder of the summer, and possibly well afterward. Finding another job would be next to impossible, what with the lack of openings at the other businesses in town. She was caught between a rock and a hard place, with no easy way out. Gritting her teeth, she gently shook Rex’s hand. “Diamond,” she murmured, doing her best to keep her tone free of scorn. “Pleasure! So, Diamond, are you ready for your initiation?” Rex inquired, looming over her. The question was so unexpected that it served to defuse a bit of Diamond’s disdain. Nobody had mentioned any sort of initiation before, so she had no idea what to expect. Still, it was her father’s business, so it was likely something harmless. She’d probably have to get them refreshments or something silly; demeaning, yes, but ultimately benign.  Commoners did have a knack for entertaining themselves with the mundane, considering they lacked the resources to do much else, which could be amusing in its own right. Her shoulders sagged, as she realized she’d probably end up serving as their amusement for the afternoon. Still, it beat dealing with her dad’s ire. “Alright, what do I have to do?” she groaned, deflating slightly. “Oh, it’s nothing bad, I promise. Hell, I put Abacus through it and he didn’t mind; did you, Ab?” Rex laughed, turning to the stallion behind him. “I...it’s not that bad,” Abacus stammered, blushing and rubbing his neck. The stallion’s reluctant reply cemented Diamond’s suspicions about the activity being humiliating, though it couldn’t be that terrible. Steeling her resolve, promising to herself that she wouldn’t make a fuss, she glared up at Rex. “Ok, so what is it then?” “Well, first things first. Ab!” the canine called, waving his companion over. Diamond watched, as the pegasus opened a drawer in his desk, rummaged about, and produced a roll of duct tape; deftly, he tossed it to his co-worker, as he got to his feet. She gulped, as Rex pulled a strip free. Whatever they had planned, there’s no way it was going to be good. “First step is to keep you in suspense, since the new guy or gal doesn’t ever know what they’re getting into,” the canine whispered, tearing a length of tape free. Setting the roll to the side, he moved towards her. Seeing Rex’s hands drifting towards her face, Diamond realized what they intended. “B...but it’ll stick to my coat!” she blurted, rearing back, dreading the thought of having adhesive drying on her lustrous magenta fur. She always kept herself looking good, if only to distinguish herself from the peasants. “It’s water soluble, don’t worry,” Rex assured her. “Yeah, it does wash off pretty easily,” Abacus chimed in, assuaging the young woman’s concern. Flipping her mane to the side, crunching her snout, Diamond closed her eyes. “Fine. Let’s just get this over with,” she softly snarled, still unenthused about the endeavor. “There’s the spirit!” Rex exclaimed. Leaning in, he carefully placed the strip of tape over her eyes; to ensure it stayed in place, he gently ran his fingers over it, pressing it over her temples and brow. “So, can you see anything?” “What do you think?” Diamond blurted, turning in the direction of his voice. It was true, the tape acted as a remarkably effective blindfold. Seated on her chair, all she could do was fixate on her remaining senses. She could hear the employees shuffling around, attempting to be stealthy, but her finely tuned ears betrayed their movements. “So I’m just gonna sit here like a cripple and…” her gripe trailed off, as an odd aroma tickled her sinuses. Instinctively, her nostrils flared, drawing in the strange smell. Whatever it was, it wasn’t bad, although she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was. “Any guesses as to what this is?” the canine asked, his voice perilously close to her ear. “How am I supposed to know?” Diamond grumbled, trying to identify the fragrance. Earthy, slightly pungent, and with the slightest sour note, her mind attempted to decipher the odor. “Here, maybe this’ll help,” Rex chuckled. Listening to him shift about, Diamond’s nasal passages were quickly assaulted by the scent; it was even stronger than before, only frustrating her further. He must’ve moved the source closer to her face, given how intense the smell was. Her head drifted forward, as she sniffed at the air, until her nose bumped against something warm. The unexpected sensation caused her to recoiled slightly, but only just. Maybe it was because she couldn’t see, but the situation had her captivated. The bouquet was damnably interesting and the more of it she breathed in, the more she found herself actually enjoying it; it was strong, sure, but not overpowering or offensive. Bringing her face forward a second time, stopping when her snout pressed against the unknown surface before her, she inhaled deeply through her nose. “Still no idea?” Rex muttered, from somewhere above her. Ignoring him, Diamond let her muzzle begin to wander. Judging from the fur against her nose, it was likely something in or on the canine’s hand, though something felt off. A moist, hot sensation grazed her lips, as she moved her face about; whatever it was seemed to be the source of the bewitching aroma. Slowly, almost reluctantly, she opened her mouth. As her tongue crept out, it grazed flesh, but it definitely wasn’t the sort found on one’s hands. The tissue felt far too delicate and vascular to be regular skin, only deepening her confusion. Parting her lips, administering a curious lick, she allowed the flavor to wash over her taste buds. Salty, savory, and cloying, it only served to magnify the mystery. Diamond’s heart raced, as an absurd notion crossed her mind. There was no way Rex could have the stones to whip his junk out and present it to the blinded daughter of his boss - could he? If he was that stupid, she’d get him fired for sure, but she still had no way of affirming her suspicions - no, she’d need confirmation. Dragging her tongue up the proffered organ, feeling it swell and harden, her hunch was given more founding. A part of her was beyond upset at the audacity of the mongrel, yet another, much deeper part urged her to continue. Giving it a kiss, feeling its velvety texture against her lips, she reached a hand forward. Diamond’s pulse quickened, when her palm caressed what could only be a leg. Moving her fingers upward, tracing his thigh, they ultimately rested on the canine’s hip. There was no doubt about it, the bastard had his dick against her face. She paused, weighing her options, as her loins grew moist. There was nothing stopping her from getting up, storming to her father’s office, and reporting him yet… “We can stop…” Rex whispered, causing her ears to twitch. Truth be told, some part of Diamond didn’t want to stop. Even if they got caught, which was highly unlikely, she could always play the victim. Opening her mouth, while her tongue glided up the canine’s shaft, she reached its spear-like head and slipped it into her maw. Wrapping her pouting lips around its hot length, she smiled around the tool. Even though she was blindfolded, she was the one in control. A contented hum reached her ears, spurring her to continue. Skillfully bobbing her head, ensuring to work the underside of Rex’s cock with her tongue, she fidgeted in place. The unexpected and scandalously arousing turn of events goaded her body to react, caused her neglected snatch to angrily clench upon itself. Slowly, her free hand drifted to her groin. “Oh shit! She’s actually getting into this!” Rex’s surprised laugh rung out. Diamond’s motions slowed, but only just. With her fingers at the hem of her skirt, gracing her inner thigh, a curious notion took hold. If she stopped, it would show the pair hesitation and, therefore, weakness - which was out of the question. Instead of halting, she did the exact opposite, brazenly splaying her legs, as her hand crept to her now freely displayed cameltoe. The sight must’ve been pleasing to the canine, because she felt his digits snake through her hair to grasp the back of her skull. Gradually, as he clutched her head, he began humping into her muzzle. With her nostrils filled with his musk, she pulled her panties aside to tease her glistening lower lips beneath. Just as her fingers ran up her gash, dancing over her clit, something grabbed her wrist. A muffled protest was all she could muster, as her hands were bound together. The sound of the tape peeling from its roll, the sensation of it adhering to her fur, and the knowledge that she could no longer play with herself was infuriating, yet tinged with the madding arousal of being denied. Now lashed together, her forearms rested on her lap, hovering just above her crotch. Considering the canine’s hands were still rested on her head, it meant only one thing. The pesky pegasus must have intervened, whether of his own volition or having been given some clandestine sign to do so… “I...I’m gonna go keep an eye out now,” Abacus mumbled. “Good. Last thing we need is her old man busting in here and making a scene,” Rex responded, continuing to buck his hips. “As for you,” he continued, his voice drawing nearer to the mare’s ear, “don’t worry, you’ll be getting some attention down there soon enough…” Now with her hands bound, Diamond found herself in a rather precarious situation. With a dick lodged in her mouth, and her wrists effectively tied together, there was little she could do. Though she wasn’t exactly pleased with the turn of events, mostly due to her inability to pleasure herself, she wasn’t overly angry; if anything, she was even more turned on than before. In spite of losing the use of two limbs she continued to fellate Rex - that was, until the head of his member bumped against the back of her throat. Gagging around his prick, she squirmed slightly and drew a breath through her nose. Rearing back, hoping to free it from her gob, the man rammed his hips forward. Diamond’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, as the canine’s manhood plunged into her throat. She was at his mercy, there was no mistaking it. Trussed up, blind, and substantially weaker than Rex, there was nothing she could do, except draw breath when she could. As she writhed in the seat, having her face fucked, she cursed herself - not for being overpowered, but because of the growing ache in her cunt. She could feel the ropes of saliva and pre-cum dribbling down her chin, as her lips wiped the stuff from Rex’s cock. Her ears were filled by the sounds of his guttural grunting, growing louder by the second, as well as her own choked gagging. The dog’s pace steadily quickened, his prick throbbed in her throat, and the grip on her head tightened. If she had to guess… A throaty growl filled the air, as he drove every inch of his length into Diamond’s maw; the only reason she could be so certain was because her nose ground against his abdomen. With her chin resting on his pendulous, furry nuts, a scalding warmth poured down her esophagus. Cut off from air, she gulped down what she could, but to no avail. Ropes of jizz escaped her, spewing out her nose as well as from the seal around his shaft and her lips. No matter how much she struggled, she couldn’t free herself. Her arms twisted and writhed against one another, while shifted in place. Throughout it all, she was keenly aware of a growing moist spot on the inside of her skirt, just beneath her dripping and painfully engorged sex. With her thighs grinding together, she desperately sought to bring herself some modicum of relief. Even though she couldn’t breath, her nethers pined for attention. Growing lightheaded, cut off from oxygen, she heard the mongrel sigh. Hauling his length from her gullet, freeing it from her mouth, she weakly coughed seed onto her blouse and thighs. She knit her brow, angrily glancing in the direction she assumed he’d stepped. Though she tried to look upset, which she was, it likely wasn’t for the reason Rex would think. She had to look like a mess, what with the errant strands of saliva and cum on her face, her dampened panties, and virtually bound to the spot. It wasn’t that she was mad about the rough treatment, or even the tape clinging to her fur, but he’d broken his promise on plowing her. Her pussy practically ached for attention, having been left neglected for what felt like an eternity. “Still got some fight in you, eh?” Rex wheezed, patting her cheek. “You - Cough - said you were going to fuck me,” Diamond croaked, regaining some composure. “No, I didn’t say I’d be the one doing it,” he rebuked crossing behind her - with that, he slipped his meaty paws under her arms and pulled her to her feet. As Diamond stood, she got turned around and guided backward. Her tush grazed the edge of what she presumed was a table. Seating herself upon it, she scooched her butt back and got relatively comfortable. Reaching up, wiping the accumulated slob and spunk from her mouth, she heard the door open and swiveled her head in its direction. “You ready?” Rex asked. The only sound to reply was that of a lock turning. With the mongrel finished, it had to be Abacus’s turn. Though Diamond was no slut, she’d gotten her fair share of attention, so she knew exactly what to do. Reclining backward, easing her back to the desk’s surface, her thighs parted slightly. A hand grasped her right ankle, then another her left, as her legs were pulled skyward. “Fuck me, Stud,” she purred, hearing a zipper coming undone. “Let me just…” Rex whispered, while her panties were pulled to the side. The blunt, fat tip of something which could only be Abacus’ cock pressed against her sopping wet gash. Despite the inability to see it, it felt massive. Apparently the shy pegasus was rocking some prodigious equipment. She shouldn’t have been terribly surprised, considering she’d met a few nerds who were absurdly well hung, yet it was still a bit intimidating. As the pressure on her entrance mounted, Diamond did her best to relax. He pressed forward with increasing force, bearing down upon her entrance more and more with every passing moment. Balling her skirt in her hands, she grit her teeth, silently begging her body to allow him entry. Just as she’d begun to give up hope, she was penetrated. She gasped, as her canal was absolutely stuffed with the first few inches of stallionhood. Squirming beneath him, feeling every vein and ridge on his turgid shaft grind into her, Diamond’s body did its best to cope; it wasn’t a matter of lubrication, given how worked up she was, Abacus was just massive. Still, the cocktail of discomfort and pleasure was damn near overwhelming. “H...harder,” she mewled, arching her back slightly. The stallion complied, plunging into her with a particularly forceful thrust. As the tip of his tool surged into her, slamming against her womb, she shuddered. She couldn’t tell if he was hilted or not, but it didn’t matter; she was extraordinarily full, positively stuffed with pony meat. Mercifully, he gave her a moment to adjust, before he began to move. After dragging a bit of his length out of her, the pegasus hammered himself back into her. While he was slow at first, he was much like a locomotive; immeasurably powerful, yet gradually increasing in speed and force. Straining her arms, reaching for her clit, her wrists were seized and pulled up over her head. “Can’t let you do that,” Rex’s husky voice tutted. “How about you clean this off instead, since you made a mess of it earlier.” The wet, cum slick and semi-flaccid dick of her captor slapped across Diamond’s face, prompting her to act. Eagerly, she lapped and licked the trace amounts of jizz from its length. With her head to the side, lavishing the canine, she openly mewled and groaned. A part of her wondered if Abacus would give her the same treatment, forcing her to clean his stallionhood after he was finished plumbing her depths.  In reality, the thought of sucking their collective juices from his glorious length caused her to bear down, clamping on his prick. If she was going to service them, she may as well commit to doing the job properly, seeing it through to the very end. She didn’t care any more, let them see her as a harlot, so long as the stallion rutting her didn’t stop. Faster and faster the pony went, until her entire body was rocking with his movements. His thick medial ring accosted her delicate g-spot, while his crown impacted her womb. In all her years, she’d never been treated in such a way, and she was loving every second of it. A nova of rapture was welling within her, threatening to overtake her, yet she pined for it. Diamond’s thighs trembled, arcs of raw, unfettered pleasure coursed through her, and her mind felt as if it was going to go blank. She didn’t even notice the pegasus release one of her legs, until a thumb started to massage her clit. That was all it took; she came with the catastrophic force of a tectonic shift. Her sex seized around her partner, as she was devastated by her climax. Nectar lewdly squelched from her snatch, spattering Abacus and table below, as she screamed to the heavens. Thrashing violently, her free leg knocked objects from the table, as her other limbs were held tightly. All the while, the pony fucked her like a beast possessed. She was so preoccupied that she didn’t sense him flaring within her. The unexpected influx of sticky heat caused Diamond’s orgasm to redouble, as her interior was flooded with seed. Were she unrestrained, she would have likely fallen from the desk, but her captors ensured she stayed put. The warmth of the pegasus’ escaping spunk crept down the cheeks of her ass, seeping into her skirt, while he pumped her full of an indescribably large load of foal batter. As the stallions movements slowed to a halt, she heaved air into her chest. Her limbs felt heavy and she was having a hard time thinking clearly, yet her satisfaction and post-sex euphoria overshadowed it all. One by one, her arms and legs were released, leaving them to flop weakly to the table.  Unceremoniously, Abacus dragged his himself free of Diamond’s abused snatch, causing it to gape and grasp at nothing, while a deluge of his essence gushed out of her. Try as she might, she couldn’t contain it all, though her partners had apparently prepared for that. Lying there, insensate, yet another strip of adhesive was slapped over her crotch, effectively sealing the majority of the jizz within her. “Alright, we’ll get you cleaned up, in just a minute. Just wait right here,” Rex murmured, affectionately patting her head. Stuffing his junk back into his pants, he walked over and opened the office door. As the stallion followed him out, he looked over to Abacus, who was standing in the hallway, before glancing over his shoulder at Filthy. He couldn’t help but grin, as the older earth pony straightened his tie. “Make sure you make her presentable. I will not have my daughter looking like some strumpet,” Filthy noted, glaring at the canine. He didn’t wait for a reply, as he trudged back to his office. Their plan had gone flawlessly, allowing him to rail his daughter without her knowing. Maybe, if he was lucky, he’d be able to get a few more rounds in, before she went off to college...