> Farewell... > by CJN > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Farewell Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farewell Part 1 I let out a sigh as I stared at my reflection in the mirror held up by the green aura of magic. Staring back at me was a light blue unicorn with blue eyes, a blue mane, and glasses. I smiled. "That's enough." "What did you think?" A voice asked as the mirror was set aside. I turned around to see a grey unicorn mare with a brown mane look up at me with green eyes. "Just like I imagined Pip." The mare smiled. " Oh, good. And my name is Little Pip." I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Oh, whatever. Pip is so much easier." The two of shared a laugh. "You know, it's funny." Pip said with a grin. "You've been in this world for less than a day, you're leaving soon and I'm really gonna miss you." I patted her head. "Trust me, Pip. I wish I could stay until I die. But fate's not that kind." "Fates' never been kind to me either," she responded. "If I recall, my story ends with my consciousness in a computer." "Well, at least you had Princess Celestia as company." I grinned gestured to the nearby door. "Walk with me?" She nodded and the two of us left the room. Entering an even larger room populated with many other Original Characters. When I came to this world they were the first MLP characters I met, so I spent a couple hours with them. But there were others I had to meet. My pony version was just the last thing I wanted to see here. "Enjoy looking at your pony self?" A blue Pegasus asked as he flew by. He had turquoise eyes, and a dark blue man with a single gold streak. "Better than listening to you go into detail about how much you love Rainbow Dash, Ford," I stated. "We all know you did that throughout the whole trilogy." Ford Mustang chuckled as he landed in front of me. "Can you blame a guy for wanting to talk about the beauty his wife?" "I can tell how annoying it can to any other Original Characters connected to her. Me especially since she's my wife also." The three of us turned to see a changeling with an annoyed look on his face. I recognized the cracks and scars along his chitin. Brought on by his wife when they first met. "Hey there, Jason," I greeted with a wave. Jason, once a human, now a changeling. He waved back when he came to a stop. "Hey, Casey. Little Pip. It's almost time, isn't it?" I nodded. "Aw, and I was just thinking of us hanging out later." I shrugged. "It is what it is." Soon after, Ford and Jason started arguing over whose relationship with Dash was better. Little Pip and I groaned in annoyance. "Here we go again," she grumbled. "Would you two shut the hell up!" Another voice snapped. "You're going to wake my daughter up" I recognized that voice. It belonged to Leon, another human like me. In his arms was sleeping foal. The daughter of the Element of Magic. "Sorry," the Pegasus and changeling both said. "How's she doing Leon?" I asked. "She's growing," he remarked. "I love her to death, but it's a pain staying up all night." I shook my head and chuckled to myself as Pip and I made our way through the room. "Sup, Casey?" A humanized looking changeling with blue hair and a beard greeted. He was sitting at a table with a human who was stuffing himself full of various kinds of cheese. "Not much, Cocoon. Yourself." "Doing good all things considered. You heading out soon?" I nodded. "Well, it was nice meeting you." "You too," I replied before turning to the cheese eater. "Enjoying the cheese, Chalmers?" Nigel M. Chalmers stopped stuffing his face and turned to look at me with a bewildered expression. "Of course, I'm enjoying my cheese!" I couldn't but laugh as he returned to stuffing his face. "You're love of cheese is incomparable Chalmers." We continued on through the room, greeting other original characters. One particular table held the Grimdark versions of the Main 6. Applejack struggled with staying awake. Twilight Sparkle was sipping a mysterious fizzy drink while Rarity was looking at a mirror, admiring the scars on her face. Rainbow Dash's lab coat was covered with a mysterious rainbow-colored substance and Fluttershy looked at the table with sad, gouged-out eyes. They all looked at me when I stopped. The seven of us had a staring contest before I pointed to them. "You guys... You guys really know how to creep out and terrify people." Five of them cackled like lunatics, while Fluttershy gave me an apologetic look. "Aw, shucks! You're making me blush," Pinkie Pie smiled before placing a certain pastry on the table. "Cupcake?" My eyes narrowed. "No, thank you." She shrugged before turning to Dash. "How about you, Dashie? Hungry?" Rainbow Dash simply growled in response. We continued on, passing by a table where Vinyl Scratch grinned at me with two sharp teeth while Octavia fintly waved as she tried to remove the hooks from her body. We came across the male version of the Main 6 and Barbara who all greeted us happily. I asked if the finale was the exact same in their universe which they confirmed. Pip and I neared the end of the room, where a swirling, glowing portal awaited me. Three more Original Characters were observing it before turning to me. "Hi, Casey!" the first one greeted happily. "Good to see you, Master Niles," the second bowed. "..." The third simply gave me a big happy smile. "Nyx, Archimedes, Fluffle Puff," I returned the greetings. "It is a shame you have to leave," the robot spoke sadly. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Everything comes to an end." Nyx looked down sadly. "I does indeed." Fluffle Puff merely sniffed, but her expression brightened when I patted her head. I turned around to see that all the other Original Characters had followed and were now gathered by the portal. I knelt down in front of Pip. She wiped away a tear. "I guess this is goodbye." I nodded, feeling a few tears build up behind my eyes. The two shared a big hug. Standing up, I gave one last look at all of them. "Take care of yourselves, guys." "Bye," Grimdark Flutterhsy let out as she waved. "Take care of yourself as well," Leon responded. "It was great meeting you, Casey!" Barbara and Bubble Berry shouted. "If you ever end up back here, bring some cheese from your world! Also, bye!" Nigel said with a mouthful of cheese. "Bring some beats next time!" Vinyl commented. "And some red beverages if you can!" "I'll miss you!" Nyx yelled. "Next time we're in my world, let's share some Party Time Mint-als," Pip suggested with a sly grin and knowing look. "Let's." I waved back before turning to the portal and stepping through. I found myself in the middle of Canterlot High. The hallways were empty and dead silent. "Wait for it," I mumbled to myself. Right on cue, the bell rang and a sea of students flood the halls. I maneuvered my way through, eventually coming across a girl with red and yellow hair. "Oh, Casey, you're here," she smiled and extended a hand. "It's nice to meet you." I shook it. "Yeah, but unfortunately I can't stay too long. I have a limit and I already spent to much time with the OCs." "Care to grab a milkshake at Sugercube Corner then?" She offered. "School's out." "You just read my mind." We spent a couple hours talking with each other. I asked what Sunset's plans for the future were. She told me that she planned to go to college. The main six has already planned out their future. Twilight a scientist, Pinkie Pie a baker, Applejack owner of Sweet Apple Acres, Rainbow Dash a soccer champion, Rarity a master seamstress, and Fluttershy a pet store owner. "What about you?" I asked. "What job are you planning for?" "To be honest, I don't know," Sunset answered. "I've had a lot of time to think about it, and I believe I'll wait and see." I leaned back in my seat. "I have to say, you've grown a lot over the years, Sunset." Sunset chuckled. "Tell me about it. I went from a maniacal magical overlord to rock star, to dealing with a camp counselor who can control plants. Well else will I encounter?" "You're has yet to be finished," I commented. "I don't know how long the rest will be, or where it will take you. But I know you won't be going through it alone." Sunset smiled and I could've seen your eyes briefly water. "Thanks, Casey." I smiled back. "Anytime." She accompanied me to the portal at Canterlot High. We shook and hands and hugged one last time. "Give my regards to Spike and the Main 6." She nodded. "Promise." I took a deep breath and stepped through the portal.