> Transformers Prime: Megatron's Journey > by WhalenJP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 All he remembered was transforming and exiting the repairing atmosphere of Cybertron, finally free from the tight clutches of Unicron, The Chaos Bringer. The soul of the evil Titan that is currently ensnared by the Allspark's defense mechanism, trapping Unicron’s antispark for eternity, and Megatron, ex leader of the Decepticons, regained control of his body… After learning the true meaning of oppression, Megatron decided to go into self exile, to find himself and think over his ambitions that he vowed so many eons ago. After a few solar cycles of endless drifting through space; Megatron came online, slowly looking around the clearing he landed in, on a planet that seemed to look a bit different than most. His blood red optics fell to his fusion cannon that he reattached after regaining control of his body, staring at the primary weapon he used against the Autobots, as well as his sword that he had in the Pits Of Kaon during his time as a gladiator. He did think about destroying it at one point in time during his travels, but he decided against it... You may never know when a weapon of that power could come in handy, as the humans would say… He felt that he could just… Sit here in the forest and rust, where no one would be hurt by his servos ever again... Then, Megatron’s head snapped up at the sound of wood crackling from the forest around him and brushery moving, causing his chassis to tense and his optics to look around the woods with a careful and thorough precision that he has acquired throughout eons of civil war. He laid on the ground quietly as he could, shutting his optics, but not all the way so that he would be able to see. Time to see who else is here that dares trespass through MY territory! He thought as his processor kept coming back to the time he had been offlined by Optimus’s young scout, Bumblebee, with the use of the Star Saber. His waiting paid off, and even though he has seen some strange things over the past few centuries, this was weird to him… It was a femme, but not of Cybertronian design, but an organic, humanoid in appearance, but looked more like an equine. She was wearing a yellow dress with pink butterflies on the bottom left of her shirt, she was also wearing a brown skirt with yellow stockings and broken heels… Wait… Come to think of it, Megatron noted the look of terror on her face as she looked over her shoulder every few seconds, panting hard as if she just ran a kilometer nonstop. Then she got tackled by what looked like a deer, but bigger, burlier, burlier than even Megatron or the Autobot Wrecker, Bulkhead, except more of the young mare’s, yes that is the word, size.. He also seemed to have this glint in his eyes, a look of utter glee as the woman on the ground struggled… That’s when he heard the young woman’s voice, no, a youngling, reach his audio receptors… “ No p-Please, Don’t hurt m-me!” She said, the terror on her face amplified as she had been caught. The deer-man didn’t say anything, but sneered and pulled out a wicked looking knife from his belt with serrated curves and a symbol that Megatron didn’t recognize. It was what the deer, no, CREATURE, said that made his Energon boil… *POV Change (Fluttershy)* “ Whores like you don’t deserve to live after disobeying their masters!” It said with a sneer on its lips as the burly Caribou raised the knife above his head, pinning the girl down with his free arm as he got ready to end this pathetic waste of life. Fluttershy squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see what the monster would do to her, almost accepting her death… But death never came… Fluttershy’s eyes opened wide as she picked up the sound of something metallic moving, and looked behind the frozen Caribou… Then up.. And up… Her eyes widened to the size of saucers at the titanic being before her, its blood red eyes staring down at her with a glare that made her freeze, but noticed it wasn’t looking at her… But rather, at the Caribou… The burly deer whirled around and stepped off to in front of the young mare he was about to kill, ready to reprimand who dared to interrupt him. Then he saw the being behind him glaring at him, then sneered out, feeling confident that this metal construction was a statue and can’t hurt him… Oh how wrong he was… After noticing it moving a little bit, the Caribou spat out, “ What are you and what is your business?” Thinking he could command the Golem… What he didn’t expect was the titan’s eyes to glow even more blood red and spoke with a raspy, yet very malicious voice that sent shivers down Fluttershy’s spine. “ I am Megatron, and YOU…” The titanic being snarled out as his right arm shifted forward to aim at the deer below, a giant black tubular device attached to his forearm, glowing menacingly as he finished his sentence, “ Are a stain from the Pit that I will take pleasure in ERADICATING!” He finished as the device, which Fluttershy figured out was a weapon like a cannon, powered up and fired a blast where the Caribou stood. The burly deer’s face was priceless, he didn’t even have time to dodge the large blast as it slammed down on top of him, sending Fluttershy flying back in the concussive blast. All that was left of the deer was a black stain in the grass… *POV Change ( Megatron)* The mech felt a sense of elation at the sight of pure terror he saw on the small creature’s face as he fired his Fusion Cannon, ending a monster from this world full of Harmony. He may not have remembered such a time back on Cybertron, but at least he can appreciate it now… For that matter... He turned his head a little bit as he noticed movement to the side and saw the pink haired equine humanoid organic lying on the ground. She was struggling to get up, and the former Decepticon Leader walked over to where she was, the ground shaking with every stomp of his pedes. The very young mare froze from her attempts to get up, and then slowly looked up at him with terror in her large pink eyes, whimpering slightly at his intimidating pose… Megatron stared at the young mare, contemplating on whether or not to put this poor organic out of her misery from the trauma she witnessed, or to help her… Then he made a decision... He kneeled, making sure to keep a small distance in case she could be dangerous; despite their size differences. " Greetings Young One, I am Megatron. I am here to help.” Megatron said with his optics glowing ominously in the darkness of the forest... (INTRO) https://www.youtube.com/watchv=jsMCi127rik&app=desktop > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Fluttershy stared up at the titanic metal being that is named Megatron, her wide eyes taking in his intimidating body and spiked shoulders to the large cannon on his right arm that was used against the single Caribou. It, no HE, saved her life… But for what purpose? Her thoughts went thousands of miles per second as she took in this monstrous giant kneeling before her. She whimpered as Megatron walked over to where she was, standing over her like a wrathful god to judge upon her soul… Then… He kneeled down, making sure to keep a safe distance from her, as if he was cautious of her. Then, he spoke with the same menacing voice  he spoke to the Caribou he incinerated. “ Greetings Young One, I am Megatron. I am here to help.” He said, his eyes the ever so glowing blood red in the lighting inside the Everfree Forest. She shook even more as he spoke, but Fluttershy felt herself calm down as he finished his sentence. He’s here? To help US? She thought as she took in his gentle concerned look in Megatron’s eyes, and the way he was looming over her, was not that of a wrathful god, but a caring one. “ I… I’m Fluttershy.” She whispered, cowering a little bit more as she feared that the titan couldn’t hear her. But apparently he has good hearing… “ It is a… pleasure to meet you, Young Fluttershy.” He said, almost trying to make the sentence placatable, as if he didn’t know how to speak with kindness before. Fluttershy blinked at the giant’s hesitation, then lightly shrieked as they both heard more branches breaking and boots clanging on the ground indicating that they were not alone anymore. Megatron’s gentle face took on a fierce one, his eyes glowing with malicious intent as he heard the mare shriek in fright. Without asking for permission, he gently picked the butterscotch yellow Pegasus off the dirty ground, and set her on a thick tree branch… Fluttershy watched as Megatron placed his silver titanic body in front of her, keeping her from view as he aimed his cannon arm towards the direction of the sounds. *POV Change (Megatron)* Then the brushery in the clearing was broken and in flew another equine humanoid that had wings like Fluttershy, though this one is l a different color and had a horn on her head. The color of the pony was a light lavender, with a dark blue mane with a couple stripes of light red streaking in it. Megatron watched as her determined expression change to one of absolute shock as her eyes took in his towering form. “ TWILIGHT!” Shouted Fluttershy with a grin as she spotted who is he presumed to be her friend, or at least knew each other. Megatron took in the flying lavender Unicorn’s clothing, a light pink dress with gold frills on the bottom clinging to her body, but it was damaged with small holes and cuts that bled from her lavender skin, yet her eyes never changed from their determined glint. She reminded him of himself, back when he was a young mech with a thirst for spilt Energon… “ I assume you know this organic, Ms. Fluttershy?” Megatron asked politely, turning his head over to the young mare now hovering by his head with the assistance of her wings. She nodded and with a nod from him, Fluttershy shot off to her best friend, tackling her to the ground and wrapping her up in a hug. Megatron watched the scene as the two cried their hearts out in relief, tears of lubricant sliding down their cheeks as they never let go of each other. He kept an eye out around the small clearing, making sure there wasn’t any danger to the two organics... They pulled away and Twilight then stared up into the mech’s optics, and smiled. " You must be the one that saved Fluttershy!” She exclaimed, causing one of Megatron’s optic ridges to rise in confusion. How does she--? He thought, but was answered by Twilight continuing. " She told me what just happened and… and you have my gratitude.” She finished with a watery smile, her eyes watering again with unshed tears. Megatron kneeled down, his left servo on his knee as he examined the unique mare before him, and inclined his head, replying, " No gratitude is needed, Miss Twilight, just… did what needed to be done.” He finished reluctantly, not knowing in his CPU processor if he said it right. His answer was a full blown smile and a small squee seemed to come from the lavender winged Unicorn, causing Megatron, for the first time in eons, to be perplexed. Then a buzzing came from her ear and she pressed a button on a small earpiece that Megatron somehow missed, listening intently for a few moments, before sighing and said, " Call off the search, I found Fluttershy, and a… guest.” She finished the last part as she looked up at the Titanic being staring down at her with those red eyes of his. After the reply came from inside the earpiece, Twilight made a small humming noise before replying, " Copy, I am coming back to base as well as our new friend.” She said, her eyes lighting up slightly at the thought of a new Ally in this war. Megatron was lost in his thoughts of Twilight’s authoritative tone… It brought back memories of the time Orion Pax became Optimus Prime through his passion and way of courage only HE seemed to possess in front of the counselors… He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Twilight saying to him, " I’m sorry, but we need to get home since this forest has a lot of dangers, we definitely don’t want to stick around at night.” She said, a mask on her face that screamed royalty, Albeit young royalty. Megatron thought for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of doing something that might get him offlined, or worse, experimented on like Breakdown. Then he nodded to himself, ignoring the look of worry on Fluttershy’s face as she landed on his shoulder plating, careful to avoid the spikes. " I can get you to where you need to go.” Megatron said, deciding that if he can help this peaceful species against these, CARIBOU, then he’ll take the risk of getting dismantled if it means to bring the two ponies home. Twilight cocked her head to the side, a look of utter confusion on her face as she replied with reluctance, "Our base is 5 miles north of us, deep in the forest inside a safezone barrier to keep out the creatures… Why?” She finished the sentence with narrow eyes and suspicion lacing her tone. Megatron didn’t answer, but rather grabbed Twilight and Fluttershy and clutched them gently in his servoes. Ignoring the small struggling and protest of both of the ponies in his clutches, He took a small vent, then transformed… With the sound of shifting metal and gears, he went from his robot mode, to his newly acquired vehicle mode that he had gotten from Unicron’s “upgrade”. His transformation was a bit complicated, but he managed to get the two equine humanoids to the cockpit of his vehicle mode and slid small pieces of metal over their torsos so that they won’t move around in him. Megatron didn’t say anything, just activated his slipspace engines and took off high above the forest in a barrel roll maneuver. His sensors pinged as he detected the energy field that Twilight was mentioning, glowing strongly as he sent a message through Twilight’s comm. " Attention organics, This is Megatron, do you read?” He said as he flew towards the location of the pony’s base of operations. " Who is this, how did you get on this channel?!” Said a cold femme’s voice through the earpiece. Twilight was confused on how the metal Titan hijacked her communique, but after what happened to her and Fluttershy just now, she let Megatron use her earpiece to contact HQ… Besides, she could use the small break from the constant running and fighting for her life… " There’s no need for unnecessary violence. I am the guest that your friend told you about. I am using her signal wavelength to broadcast that I am enroute to your location, and I have passengers.” The mech replied, his raspy voice calm as always. " You have TWILIGHT?! What about Fluttershy, are they alright--” Said the voice, her cold tone taking on a more worried one. Megatron chuckled, thinking back to how he could’ve used such a weakness to exploit, back when he was the Decepticon Leader. But he was not that kind of mech anymore… " They are perfectly fine, ma’am. They may be a little injured from being on the run from the creatures you call Caribou, but I... Took care of their problem with extreme pleasure.” He said this with a hiss of elation in his voice. The mare on the other end must’ve heard that as well, because she was silent for a couple of moments, before responding, her voice more calm, " Are you implying that you saved them?” A sense of hesitance was in her voice. Megatron replied back, catching sight of the see-through dome surrounding the ruins of an old castle surrounded by hundreds of large tents in a circular pattern. " I am not implying that I saved them from their demise. We’ll talk face to face since I am arriving.” He said as his jet engines broke through the sound barrier at Mach 1. Megatron slowed down enough till he was hovering outside of the barrier, watching as a bunch of armored femme organics came rampaging out of the castle with weapons that are similar to Humanity’s. Primitive weapons. Such annoying pests... He thought with slight annoyance. Leading the group was a dark furred mare with a red mohawk for a mane and a scar across her right eye, wearing a leather and metal body armor that covered everything except her joints, and her head. She stopped at the other side of the barrier and looked up at the flying jet with a small sense of surprise, before pressing the button on a copy of the headset Twilight was wearing. " Unidentified aircraft, land or we will open fire!” She ordered, her stance taking on that of a mech he used to vaguely recall so long ago. She has the stance of a trained soldier. Intriguing... He thought as he decided to keep his disguise up for a little bit longer. Megatron silently complied with that order, lowering the landing pedes and let go of the two mare’s clinging to the seats for dear life. He opened a small hatch of his cockpit and the two jumped out, greeting the red maned mare, silently watching the pony organics surrounding him with caution, weapons slightly raised, but not directly aiming at him. Clever… They don’t know if I am a threat or not. Megatron mused with a small hmm of approval. " It’s ok, he’s a friend. Alright Megatron, show them who you are that saved us!” Twilight ecstatically said with a grin on her muzzle. Megatron hesitated, feeling the small lingering shards of doubt in his spark. But then decided it was best to get this over with… *POV Change (Tempest Shadow)* I was looking at my friend like she was crazy when she shouted at the strange looking ship, and opened my mouth to question her mental health from being on the run from the Caribou for the past 3 months with Fluttershy. Then it happened… The sound of shifting metal, the sound of gears and cogs whirling, and my eyes immediately turned towards the ship, which looked like it was breaking apart into tiny pieces and rearrange themselves to form something else… After the sound finished, my eyes shot wide and placed a hand on my Python Revolver as an intimidating form loomed over all of us. It was about 30 feet tall and had a body that looked to be built for brute strength with a menacing silver color mixed with dark blue and earthly orange, it also had menacing spikes on its shoulders. It- no, HIS, eyes looked to be the color of glowing blood as his scarred lips turned downwards in a very small frown as everypony took in his form. There was a small strange purple glowing symbol embedded on the center of his chest, but it didn’t stand for anything, not that I could tell… Fluttershy flew up to the Titan and landed close to his face, making the red eyes turn their attention to the butterscotch yellow mare sitting on his shoulder plating. " Like I said, he’s a friend.” Twilight said, eager to have her friends meet a new potential Ally of Equestria… “Tempest Shadow, meet Megatron. The one who saved Fluttershy and I both from certain death.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Megatron kneeled down in front of the large skittish group of organics, making sure his faceplate wasn’t fierce as it was when he first met Fluttershy a few minutes ago. " I hear that you’ve been having a... Pest problem?” He said with a raised optic ridge. The mare, Tempest Shadow, stared up into his faceplate for a moment, before clearing her face of any expression; taking on a cold mask. " Indeed we are, Titan. But we seem to be handling them just fine.” She said with a voice that basically said ' Get out, if you don’t know what’s good for you!’ Megatron chuckled, causing some that was surrounding him to shudder and shift uncomfortably at the sound and sight of the menacing glint of his razor sharp denta that was shown in his evil smile. " I believe you underestimate those… CREATURES,” He sneered, “You call Caribou.” Tempest’s eyebrow rose at the snarl that was said at the mention of said Caribou, but didn’t say anything else, contemplating the situation before her… Megatron then felt his proximity sensors, that were set to enemies, ping and his optics looked up behind Tempest as a male organic, a stallion, came running at her from behind, a look of utter hatred and bloodlust on his scowling face as he pulled out a dagger similar to the Caribou that he killed in the forest. He didn’t hesitate on his next decision… Activating a resizer that he acquired recently, again, thanks to Unicron, and met the stallion head on with a full out sprint, ignoring the small gasps from the mares surrounding him as he changed to their size. Tempest was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts as a metal hand pushed her aside and made her go flying a couple feet before she flipped and landed on the ground expertly without any pain as she hit the ground with the tip of her boots, using her hand to stop the momentum. Her narrowed eyes took in the seven foot tall form of the Titan that she just saw standing before he grabbed the knife by the blade that the corrupted stallion was holding up into a stab position before the mech interfered, his eyes glowing more red as his mouth pulled into an animalistic snarl. With an angry growl, Megatron snapped the small blade in half and threw it away as the glowing-eyed stallion stared at him in shock as the tip of the broken blade embedded itself into the ground. The organic then tried to stab him with the remaining half of the blade… Which was blocked by an even more menacing looking blade, coming out of Megatron’s arm, under where the cannon was on. With a glare of distaste, the stallion backed away a little bit before the two began circling each other, blades at the ready with their bodies tense. Then, the gangly and dirty stallion charged with an ugly sneer, jumping high into the air with the broken dagger... Megatron then parried the stallion’s attack, pushing against the organic as he foolishly tried to put pressure on the mech’s blade. But he was stronger… With slight grunt and a tiny bit of effort, he threw the stallion back and activated his new weapon arsenal; his normal blade disappearing under his Fusion Cannon. His left on the other hand, glowed glowed an evil dark purple for a few moments, before a wicked looking scythe appeared over his servo. Twilight and Fluttershy, as well as several others of the female guards mares gulped at how frightening the shrunken Titan looked… The blank-faced stallion didn’t care about his mission anymore, this freak of scrap metal was going down! So, he foolishly charged at the mech with the blade, his expression turning angry and deranged… SLICE!!! The equine’s eyes shot wide open, gasping as he looked down at the puncture in his chest, blood spewing out of the wound as Megatron pulled out the scythe’s blade he had swung without thinking. The stallion was dead before he finished hitting the ground, his eyes devoid of life and breathed his last. *POV Change (Megatron 3rd person)* Megatron looked down at the defeated equine with purple glowing optics, before venting harshly as his spark pulsed with guilt. He took a life, despite trying to turn a new leaf; but apparently that won’t be happening as long as he stayed on this slowly dying planet… The area was quiet as more and more ponies gathered around to see what was going on. Megatron’s eyes turned from a deep evil purple to his signature blood red, as he deactivated his weapons and turned to the small group he had gotten to know in the past ten Earth Minutes. They were staring at him, not in fear like he expected, but a different emotion he couldn’t figure out. Was that admiration?... Megatron vented lightly, not wanting to deal with the fallout of what his gladiatorial reflexes made him do in the heat of combat. His thought process was interrupted by Tempest asking, her voice light in slight surprise. " Where in Tartarus did you learn how to fight like that? I have never seen that kind of strength except for the Storm King!” She lightly demanded, wanting to know his answer. After a little bit of hesitation, Megatron simply replied, " I was a gladiator, we earn a few tricks after a long amount of stellar-cycles.” He said, his voice low as he was sinking into his memories of The Pit. Fluttershy, who had gotten down before the confrontation, walked up to him and he felt his spark chamber tighten at the concern in her eyes. " Why were you fighting for so long?” She asked, her tone peaceful and calm. Megatron hesitated once again, but decided the truth was the best way to go… " Survival…” He said, then nothing more. Tempest came up to him, her eyes calculatingly roaming over his body with cold eyes. It was quiet for a few nano-cycles, before the dark mare smiled… " Welcome to the Equestrian Alliance, Megatron.” She said, her hand out for a handshake. After staring down at the small armored and delicate servo that he could easily crush if he wasn’t careful, Megatron put his right servo in hers and shook it down a bit. Good thing he remembered to put Earth Customs in his memory banks… ------------------ Megatron was sitting down in the most secluded section of the base, watching the stars with his optics blank, recalling memory after memory after memory of his world conquering era… How could I have been so blind?! He thought to himself as he vented lightly, making sure to not wake up the ponies down below. He was so deep in his musing of self depreciation and foolishness, that he didn’t know that someone was sitting next to his 7 ft tall body… “ The night is beautiful, is it not?” Said a voice that commanded respect, yet was gentle, almost motherly. It sort of reminded him of Optimus... Megatron snapped out of his thoughts and looked slightly down at the organic next to him, staring up at the night sky with a look of nostalgia on her face. Her fur was the color of alabaster white, with an even whiter dress that hugged her voluptuous form perfectly, she was also wearing a golden tiara that was slightly tarnished with soot, but was in perfect condition. The strangest thing about her, was her mane… It was slightly moving in an unforeseen wind, a mixture of pink, green, and blue, all swimming together in a constant current of hair... Her magenta eyes then turned from the stars and to his red optics, an unseen power resided inside those sparkling orbs, even more powerful than Unicron himself. “ I suppose that you have been travelling a long time through the constant night, have you not?” The mare said, her eyes not taking off his optics, which made him slightly uncomfortable. It is almost as if she could read his Spark with them… “ In all my time of ruling, I have never seen such a being as you before.” She said, a sparkle of curiosity in her expression as she tilted her head to the side, looking at his form with a beady eye, taking in his every detail. Megatron turned his head and up into the night filled sky again, contemplating… “ I have lived a very long time, madam, but I never encountered this planet before, until now.” He said, his optic ridges furrowing as he tried to recall ever visiting this world before, but nothing came up. The powerful being next to him chuckled, which made his spark warm up slightly for some reason, then she sighed. “ I think… That the fates of the universe brought you here for a reason.” She said, her cyan eyes turning from their motherly look to a serious one, but she never lost her gentle smile. Megatron nodded his helm, smirking slightly as he looked to the horizon once more. “ Yes… Yes I think that the fates are calling to us.” He whispered, his expression almost reverent as he recalled when Unicron took control of his body, and before that, he tried to cyberform Earth into a planet HE could rule. The powerful mare looked up at him with a confused look for a second, before saying something, “ Celestia…” She whispered, looking down at the base camp with a warm look, laced with tiredness from the results of a very long cycle of endless tasks. Megatron turned his head, slightly startled. “ Pardon, Madam?” He asked, not hearing what she said. The mare looked into his optics a tired look on her face as she said in a slightly louder voice that he can hear, but no one else can. “ Call me Celestia. It’s my name, I’ll have you know.” She finished saying the last sentence with a faux posh look before slumping into a small giggle fit. Megatron blinked a couple of times before smiling softly down at the giggling mare snuggling up into his side. “ Call me Megatron.” He replied, returning to look outside of the shimmering Safezone barrier at the perimeter to see if he could spot any intruders while everyone else was asleep. After receiving no response from Celestia, he turned his head back down and to where the mare was, then raised an optic ridge in surprise… She was asleep snuggling into his side, slightly curled up against his right arm, her face lightly pressed into his fusion cannon with her mane flowing less than a couple of klicks ago, her arms wrapped around herself as she slept on with a light smile on her sleeping face. Megatron felt himself at a loss on what to do… Before he realised that he should probably put Celestia to bed… It was the least he could do for their kind hospitality, despite not knowing what Cybertronians require as sustenance. Speaking of which… Megatron found out his Energon levels have not depleted at all ever since he had regained control of his body from Unicron, which made the ex Decepticon Leader curious as to why. But he’ll deal with that at another time... After hearing Celestia mumble into his arm, Megatron gently picked her up as he got to his pedes quietly, and carried the 6 ft tall mare in his arms. He walked down the hall and into an empty guest room, where he was assigned to stay in his shrunken form. The mech laid the Alicorn down on his berth and put a large blanket over her slumbering form, making her sigh in content. Megatron stared down at the sleeping organic pony for a few moments, before tilting his glossa up into a smile. He silently walked over to an empty wall and sat down against it, leaning back as he got himself comfortable. He stared in the darkness of the room that reminded him of the void as he was resurrected and not one with the Allspark, because of the Dark Energon he foolishly stabbed into his spark chamber, making it run through his veins. He will not make those mistakes ever again… Not while this world fights to conquer evil... Megatron’s blank stare turned towards the sleeping Celestia on his berth with a small smile on her face, then shut his optics and initiated some much needed recharge… > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Celestia shifted on her warm comfortable bed, her blankets encompassing her form in a warm embrace as she desperately tried to not fall back asleep. She had a task to do… And it involved starting the day… Her eyes opened and her surroundings came into focus slowly. Then Celestia realised she wasn’t in her room, but a guest room that was open, at least until… At the thought process she was continuing on, she felt a warmth heat up her cheeks, and her heart stuttered a bit as she continued to think about what might’ve happened last night when she saw Megatron on the abandoned astronomy tower. She placed a hand to her chest and breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth a few times, calming herself down as the blush subsided. What in the world of Equestria is wrong with me?! She thought to herself, frustrated. I can’t be… ATTRACTED to him!  She then continued that rain of thought. But why do I feel warm and protected? Celestia suddenly paused, remembering something... According to the reports I read, Megatron had a look on his face that was gentle, yet turned very fierce when somepony was in danger. For Faust’s sake he killed a stallion that tried to assassinate Commander Tempest Shadow yesterday, and he didn’t even hesitate! She thought about when the metallic Titan looks to be like a gentle-hearted warrior sometimes, other times a Gladiator that he spoke so reverently about. How could he have done it so easily?! To kill without great reluctance? The only way that could’ve been possible was if he had been in...  Celestia stopped that train of thought as she went back to her original topic. But… Why do I feel this way around the Titan? That he’ll kill to keep me, Luna, and our ponies safe, even if he had to kill again to do so! She thought as she reattached her golden armored chestplate to her torso and placed her crown on her head. Perhaps, in time… we’ll see? She finished her thoughts and she walked out of the empty guestroom, raising her sun as her younger sister, Luna, lowered the moon from the confines of her bedroom, her nightly duties finished and ready to sleep the day away. But they were going to spend time together today, and if she had to drag Luna out of bed kicking and screaming, she would… Celestia chuckled at the idea with an evil smile as she walked... -------------------------------- Celestia was walking down the decrepit hallways that used to house so many memories of centuries long past, when she heard something faint… She tilted her head to the side, an ear flicking up to hear better… There it was again! Clang! Thump! Crash! It was like the sound of metal crashing against wood. Curious, Celestia changed her course from the mess hall, and went down the hall to come up to an open door. She noticed that a couple of guards mares were there, guarding the open doorway… After nodding in acknowledgement of her fellow ponies, The Solar Princess walked in. She didn’t expect to see Megatron at one end of the large empty room filled with training equipment, punching his mighty metallic hands against a very thick tree trunk, the force from which he punched put a dent in it with ease, as if slightly melted butter cut with a knife. Megatron kept up a combination of jabs, hooks, uppercuts, and kicks at random, almost as if he was doing his best to survive an enemy he couldn’t see… Celestia remembered about the underlined section of the name ‘Gladiator’ on her end-of-day report that Commander Tempest gave her, so it was possible he was expelling some of his pent up frustrations he had accumulated over the past 24 hours. From meeting Fluttershy and saving her from a Caribou slaver in the outskirts of the Everfree, to arriving at the base with said mare and Twilight Sparkle, as well as an immediate confrontation between the mech and a corrupted stallion that the Caribou had gotten their dirty claws into with their lies. And the look on Megatron’s face as he killed the stallion when he tried to kill him and Tempest Shadow… It was the same look she had whenever she had no choice but to do the right thing, even if it meant killing a fellow living being. The guilt still ate at her for inadvertently banishing her own sister to the moon for a thousand years when she became Nightmare Moon, and she will make sure it never happens again… Celestia’s thoughts were interrupted by Megatron’s voice, which echoed and reverbed all over the room, causing her lightly jump from her thoughts as her attention to the Cybertronian, who turned his attention from the trunk to her. “ Ah, Miss Celestia! What can I assist you with today?” He said, his raspy voice causing small gooseflesh to spring up her arms, making her shudder as she felt a chill up her spine at the way he sounded. He might look or sound evil, but underneath that exterior is somepony with a good head on his shoulders and a good heart… Celestia cleared her throat and replied, “ Good Morning, Megatron… I don’t suppose you wouldn’t be inclined to join me and my sister for brunch this morning? To… Get to know each other, learn our goals, I believe the term is?” She asked, a bit nervous of the now 7ft tall metallic titan might say no. Megatron tilted his helm for a moment, a small amount of confusion in his optics at the term “Brunch”, but after reading it up from the castle library, he dipped his head with a servo on his chest plate formed into a fist. “ It would be my honor to join you and your brethren.” He said, a tone that made Celestia think of a knight. Megatron stepped away from the tree trunk that was all dented and scratched to almost a thin branch. Then his sword activated from underneath his fusion cannon, and he whirled around… SHING! It was silent for a moment, with Celestia looking up at him in slight confusion with a furrow of her brows… Then the tree trunk split in half, the top half falling to the side with a loud crackling of wood. Celestia’s eyes widened at the clean cut Megatron made of the most thickest tree, barring the Tree of Harmony, was easily cut down to size. If he could cut down a tree with just one single slice… She thought, plans whirling around at a fast pace in her mind. Then she shook her head, dispelling those plans… She wasn’t a chess manipulator, she was a pony with ideas. Celestia then looked towards the mech that caught her eye, metaphorically... Albeit CREATIVE ones… Megatron walked to her side and they began their trek back through the seemingly endless maze of hallways, his CPU processor idly scanning his surroundings and making a layout as he walked. The two entered the mess hall that was filled to the brim with ponies, talking and whispering to each other as they ate their meals. Most of them were mares in armor except for the helmet, while others looked to be civilians, their clothes looking like they’ve been rolling around in the dirt all day without a wash. Perhaps they don’t have cleaning facilities… Megatron thought as all conversation slowly stopped at the sight of him and Celestia walking in, though most were on Celestia. The Alicorn in question smiled warmly at the sitting crowd and simply said, “ Good Morning, My Little Ponies. Don’t stop on our accounts.” As she made her way over to another Alicorn, this one with dark blue fur and was wearing a full set of armor and had a black crown on her head. Megatron simply stood there at the doorway for a couple of moments, his optics gleaming with curiosity as he began to make his way over to an empty spot at a wall… He was stopped by someone yelling out his name, which made his chassis tense in case it was a fight. He turned his helm and saw Twilight sitting at the table next to Celestia, and a midnight blue Alicorn who is presumed to be Celestia’s younger sister Luna, waving him over… Megatron walked over to the table, noticing more and more ponies looking up at his form with a sense of awe and fear. Maybe it was because of Unicron, but it made him feel… Proud? Proud that his form is still intimidating, even if he didn’t have the upgrades The Chaos Bringer forced upon him? Or was it because of what transpired yesterday on his arrival? He finally made it past the rows of tables full of ponies, sitting down against the wall next to Twilight and a pink Alicorn that he presumed to be Cadence, Celestia’s niece. He stared out at the large room filled with pointless chatter, before realising that Cadence was trying to say something to him, " I don’t think we’ve met before, I am…” She began, but Megatron finished, a small smile on his scarred glossa. " Cadence, Celestia’s youngling niece.” He said, ignoring the shocked and slightly outraged looks from the armored and civilian mares at his casual tone. Blinking for a couple of seconds, the second youngest Alicorn head tilted to the side as curiosity lit up her purple colored eyes as she gazed at him. “Curious…” She said, a gleam in her eye that suddenly reminded Megatron of Orion Pax whenever he was talking about Cybertron’s history, " Your stance and aura indicates that you respect us, yet you’re casually talking to us as if some normal commoner.” At the term ‘commoner’, Megatron’s optics glowed with a sense of intrigue… Finally! An opportunity for my opinion! He thought. " Tell me, madam, why do you think you should demand respect, when I am not even one of you?” He said, his voice taking on a neutral tone that made Twilight stiffen slightly, her eyes wide as she stared at him. Cadence took a few moments to answer tapping her fingers on her chin, before answering truthfully. " I don’t demand respect, it’s a choice of WHO you respect the most, despite these dark times.” She then frowned a bit, " But I suppose that you have your own sense of honor that you uphold.” Megatron’s optic ridge rose slightly as he listened, but didn’t say anything… " The reason why I say this is because it’s… REFRESHING… I guess you could say.” Cadence finished, looking out into the sea of eyes that were staring at her as she talked, " After a long time of ponies respecting you, bowing to you, trying not to incur your so-called wrath and not get on your bad side, it gets tiresome.” She finished as she stretched her back a little bit, getting out the kinks. The silent one, Luna, spoke up, " Indeed, dearest niece. It DOES get a bit tiring when your fellow ponies look up to you as if your a goddess.” She said as the ponies in front of the Alicorns turn their attention to her. Celestia was silent for a moment, thinking it over for a couple of seconds before dipping her head down and said, " I agree.” Megatron stared at the four ponies sitting near him, before smiling. " And THAT is why I try to make up for my misdeeds. To show the universe that change can happen at the most smallest of instances.” He admitted, his servos clenching into fists at all of his past mistakes he made over eons of civil war. Some of the ponies in the room were confused on how he could’ve done misdeeds, if he was like a knight… Oh they have no idea... He then felt a hand on his shoulder plating and looked up, his red optics making contact with purple colored eyes… Cadence was smiling, her eyes twinkling brightly as she patted the warm metal that was fused together with Unicron’s power. " And that is why I asked that specific question. To see what your answer would be.” She said, before returning to her meal, with her fellow Alicorns smiling at what he said, before following suit. The mares and small amount of stallions of all pony tribes blinked, whispering to each other, talking about what just happened… Megatron on the other hand, shut down his optics, mulling over the question that Cadence asked him, and his truthful answer. It was quiet for awhile, the silence only interrupted by the sound of cutlery and quiet chewing… Until a large crash cut through the silence like a hot knife through butter… The guards mares were instantly up out of their chairs, rifles and pistols at the ready as they aimed towards the door, where the source of the noise was. Megatron got to his pedes, his fusion cannon powering up as he aimed at the door. It was quiet again for a few moments, before the sound of a clang echoed throughout the silent hall… Then another… And another… For some reason, Megatron had a suspicion that whatever was making that noise is taller than it should be, so he returned to his normal size of 30 ft, the hall more than tall enough to accommodate one his size. He had to be careful if it was an attack though, otherwise he would squish the organics surrounding him... BANG! SMASH! The double doors blew apart with the sound of a Cybertronian weapon, a cloud of dust spreading throughout the area. Megatron’s optics narrowed at the familiar sound of the weaponry, but then he saw something… A familiar slender figure with a glass visor covering their faceplate… Megatron lowered his cannon and spoke, his tone one of surprise. " Soundwave?” He asked, not believing who was before him. He couldn’t believe it, after hearing the reports of his loyal comrade being trapped in the Shadowzone by Bulkhead and Bumblebee’s human charges, he thought he had lost the only one could truly call ‘friend’. Yet there the silent mech stood… His chassis still as always, with Laserbeak attached… The crowded room watched as Megatron’s optics gleamed with recognition and lowered his weapon, and the guards mares reluctantly did the same, wary of this new arrival that was similar to Megatron. Interesting turn of events. Megatron thought. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Megatron lowered his fusion cannon at the sight of his longest friend, who stood there taking in the form of Megatron with a calculating gaze. " Soundwave…” He said, taking a step closer to the silent mech. Then a voice could be heard clearly from the thin mech, his blue visor flashing auditory cues from over the eons. " Soundwave… Here… To Serve You... Lord Megatron…” The ponies blinked at the weird mix of all types of voices, deep and high, male and female, all collaborating into a full-on sentence. Celestia’s eyes turned suspicious at the last part of Soundwave’s sentence… LORD Megatron? She thought, trying to see if there was a past that Megatron decided not to mention, even though it wasn’t her business. The safety of her Ponies take utmost priority, after all... " Soundwave, you haven’t heard?” Megatron said, knowing how his long time friend was loyal to the cause, " The Decepticons are no more. I thought you would’ve heard in the Shadowzone since I know you would’ve picked up my spark signature.” In reply, Soundwave did another sentence, " I am.. Here… To find… My comrade…” Megatron blinked, before venting lightly, " Soundwave… Have you seen what was going on while entering the atmosphere?” He asked, a serious look in his red optics that made some shiver at. Soundwave replied by showing an orbital video of Equis as he flew through the depths of space, then a close up view of a city ruin with a white marble and gold castle that was infested with Caribou. Twilight gasped, recognising the city, which caught Megatron’s attention… " That’s Canterlot! Equestria’s capital city. It's where the Caribou invaded first." She explained to Megatron and Soundwave, who were listening closely. Soundwave’s visor returned to its normal reflective state, nodding his helm silently at Twilight. Megatron let out a low hmm, then his optics sharpened into a serious expression… “Soundwave!” His raspy voice barked into an authoritative tone, causing some guards mares to stiffen to attention, including Tempest, who was watching this with her usual cold and deadpan look. The familiar tone in Megatron’s voice caused Soundwave to straighten slightly more, showing that he was paying attention to his Lord and Master. Megatron continued, ignoring the ponies around him, especially the Princesses, who were watching his back with raised eyebrows, " Do you still swear fealty to me, as you did that day in the Pits of Kaon?” Soundwave didn’t say anything, just nodded his helm once… " Do you swear to not harm the dominant species here, to help protect and gather Intel on their enemy, no matter how forbidden it is?” Soundwave nodded again… It was dead silent in the crowded hall once more as he thought up of one more thing... Megatron stared at his former Decepticon, then smirked. " Do you swear, that no matter the circumstances, that you’ll lay down your life for the Princesses behind me, as you once swore to me that day?” He ignored the gasps coming from around him, and could feel the four pairs of wide shock-filled eyes on him as Soundwave nodded without hesitation. " I Live… To Serve you… Friend…” The silent mech sounded out on his visor. Megatron then straightened his chassis into one fit for his Warlord personality. " Then kneel, dear Soundwave.” He said, his voice booming with authority and nobility. The 28 ft tall mech did so, being mindful of the tables full of staring ponies in front of him… Megatron’s right servo glowed purple, and his ultimate creation, the one that he created from the Forge of Solus Prime, appeared in his palm and he tapped each of Soundwave’s shoulder plates gently. “Arise Soundwave, and claim your rightful place in the Equestrian Alliance as the Princesses Advisor and spy.” The mech said as he sheathed the Dark Star Saber onto his back, where it connected to the metal. Celestia blinked as she remembered Raven Inkwell, who was currently in the infirmary of the castle, assisting Nurse Redheart with the injured and sick that are coming in abundance, but then she lightly smiled at the thought of her young friend’s workload getting lightened… That mare really needed a break, for Equestria’s sake… she thought, turning her attention to the thin mech that was starting to get up from his kneeling position. Soundwave rose from his kneeling position, looked towards the 4 Alicorns staring up at him and placed a servo across his chest and bowed at the waist a bit. " Soundwave Inferior… Alicorn Princesses Superior…” He said, his real voice reverberating with a deep baritone echoing throughout the hall. Megatron felt the tips of his glossa lift at his longtime friend in amusement as he noticed the 4 Alicorns stare at Soundwave with wide eyes… ---------------------------- Megatron flew over an empty clearing of the forest even deeper than the Castle Base, transforming and landing on his pedes with unnatural grace. His optics took in the large meadow that swayed in the small breeze that’s going through the forest at the moment… He then walked through it, taking in the peaceful sounds that the forest gave. He sat down in the middle of the meadow, shutting his optics as he listened... His internal systems were going through diagnostics in case Unicron left a nasty surprise in his body. But so far, the only thing he found odd is his Energon levels… They weren’t decreasing at all! Megatron felt that was very odd, to say the least, but for now, he wasn’t gonna question it… He opened his optics as he heard something, and turned his helm towards the edge of the clearing. It was a young filly, he recalled seeing in a small book on Equestrian terms, limping her way through the dense forest. Megatron’s optic ridges furrowed as he took in her cuts and bruises, and with the way she was limping suggested at least a twisted ankle, if worse, a broken leg. He then took in her features… Her green slitted eyes were in a state of tiredness, and looking blankly out into the world, as if not really there, her black fur had a mixture of carapace as if it was armor and her clothes looked to be ok for the most part, with some holes and tears in the black tank top and black skirt. Megatron opened his glossa to say something, when her eyes caught on his optics, causing the filly to freeze… It was quiet in the clearing for a full 15 kliks, before the little organic’s eyes rolled up into the back of her head, and she dropped like a sack of scrap. Megatron changed his size to 7 ft and caught the young one with ease before she hit the ground, a look of concern on his faceplate as he scanned her for any internal injuries. Only to see that her jaw and arm and leg were broken in varying places, bland her organs were currently shutting down due to a lack of nourishment… Without any hesitation, he picked up the filly into his arms and transformed, his mind intent to get the young one into the base. ------------- Megatron kept his eyes on the unconscious filly lying on the medical berth with a sense of worry as he watched the Nurses try and help the young Changeling. It was strange… Feeling an amount of concern for someone he hasn’t met for long… His musings were interrupted by the sound of Twilight coming up beside his now 7ft tall chassis. " She is gonna be fine. She has a couple broken bones and is malnourished, a nutrient potion can take care of that easily enough.” She said, staring at the Changeling filly with soft eyes. Megatron knew she had bad encounters with Changelings before, since she told him of her adventures whenever she doesn’t have her duties, or when he isn’t training his new body… To see her concerned for a stranger that was a Changeling, made him almost believe in Optimus when he said something about change during one of their MANY battles. He turned his helm back towards the sleeping Changeling, and vented. " What do if I didn’t find her in time? Would she still be wandering the forest, or would she’ve been captured by those BEASTS?” He said, spitting out the word ‘Beast’ like it left a bad taste in his mouth. Twilight was silent for a moment, before she sighed, " I don’t know. We’re just glad you found her when you did. There’s no time for ‘what ifs’. She’s fine now, and we’re gonna get her back on her feet in no time.” She said, her tone like that of a stern sister, then softening as she went on. Megatron mulled it over his processor for a few moments, before nodding in agreement. " You’re right, Twilight Sparkle.” He said, his voice low as the Nurses walked out of the Changeling’s room, " You’re right.” ---------------------- *POV Change ( Chrysalis)* All I remembered after escaping that hellish town, was stumbling through the nearest forest I could reach. Next thing I remembered was encountering… a metal giant? I woke up to the sound of something whispering, and the feeling of cold metal being pressed against my head gently, almost like a caress. My eyelids were very heavy and I felt like I could sleep for an eternity… Then I remembered my hive being destroyed, my ability to reproduce children the normal way was severed from those filthy, horny, pieces of…! My thoughts were interrupted and my body slightly stiffened suddenly as I heard a menacing, raspy voice interrupt the peaceful silence of my thoughts. " I might not know if you can hear me, little one, but I am sorry for what those… CARIBOU did to your body.” There was a pause, " I wish I could do more, maybe if I found you earlier or just started attacking the nearest town here, I would’ve found out what they’ve been doing to younglings such as you.” There was the sound of something exhaling, then the voice continued, and I continued to listen… " I will kill those FREAKS before they cause anymore harm, even if it’s for a stranger.” He said, his voice taking on a tone of righteous rage that made me feel warm in my chest. I finally felt able to open my eyes, and I did, taking a look at who was speaking to me, possibly the one that saved me from the forest… And I was shocked that it was the same metal giant that I encountered in said forest, before I passed out from starvation… Except he was… smaller, just over the height of Princess Celestia, and was VERY menacing with his metal body armor, and the way his red eyes gleamed in the dark with a white iris in the middle. I gasped, shooting up into a sitting position, but was racked with pain, causing my muscles to knot and pull. The metal Titan looked at me and leaned forward, his claws reaching out, almost looking to snatch me… I opened my mouth to scream, but only a painful whimper came out of my throat as the pain prevented me from moving. The Titan placed a claw on my shoulder, causing my green slitted eyes to look into blood red, and saw the genuine worry he had, causing me to slowly relax; which made my muscles relax from the sudden movement I made in my surprise. " Easy, little one. Your not in danger anymore, you’re safe.” He said, his words emphasising on ‘safe’, which made me relax more. He then opened his mouth, asking, " My name is Megatron, what’s your designation?” My muscles are fully relaxed, yet there was still a twinge of pain here and there. I spoke, my voice quiet, but strong enough for the metal Titan sitting next to my bed to hear, utterly exhausted, " Chry-Chrysalis…” I whispered, fear and weariness lacing my tone. ---------------- *POV Change (Megatron 3rd pov)* Megatron watched the Changeling, Chrysalis, slowly fall asleep after she answered his question, exhausted from the day she went through that was utterly created by the Pit. He was mulling over what Twilight told him about her, back to when she and the Queen confronted in the attempted Changeling invasion of Canterlot during Cadence and Shining Armor’s, Twilight’s brother, wedding. Chrysalis wasn’t just an ordinary Changeling… She was the QUEEN of the Changelings… To think that such a burden on the shoulders of one so young… He thought as he slowly got up from the metal chair made for him. But it didn’t explain her age regression to a little filly-drone… But that was another explanation for another time... He walked out of the room, looking over his shoulder plating one more time, before shutting the door quietly behind him. He walked down the quiet corridors, his pedes the only noise in an otherwise silent castle. Megatron thought back to when he first encountered Fluttershy, and the Caribou Slaver that tried to kill her… He thought long and hard about the idea that cropped up in his CPU, and came to a decision… It is time to take the battle to them…I will not stand here on the sidelines and watch the people that took me in without fear or anger suffer anymore. I will not hold myself back… He thought, his servo clenching into a tight fist, shaking with belligerent rage. He would have to go back to the way he used to be: The Warlord Megatron, a mech with immense power and shows no mercy for his enemies. With a newfound determination that only he saw in Optimus’ optics, Megatron ran through the corridors, not caring if his stomping woke someone up. He reached the outside courtyard of the castle base, and jumped up high into the air. With the sound of shifting gears, the mech transformed into his jet mode, and took off to the skies at maximum afterburn. On Megatron’s internal scanners, he picked up a settlement called Ponyville 7 klicks north from his position, and went maximum overdrive on his sublight engines… > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Ponyville used to be a peaceful town, before the invasion, but now it was just a stronghold for the Caribou Armada… It was a beautiful night, but not a quiet night b cause the air was filled with screams of pain, of fear, of death and sex… The soldiers that are stationed in Ponyville were ordered to show these weak ponies that the Caribou were not to be trifled with, and that they were the superior race of all… It’s time to show them exactly why you shouldn’t mess with an enraged being that used to be bound by The Chaos Bringer… The screams lessened slightly as both Ponykind and Caribou alike heard a noise that they’ve never heard before… The guards that are stationed out in perimeter of the town looked up and they saw something that awed and terrified them… A spiky looking object that glowed purple and had sleek and curvy edges that looked like it was built for speed and battle mixed into one. The flying craft descended lower to the ground and came at the main perimeter outpost, causing the 30 Caribou stationed there to panic as it’s speed increased, and the distance got less and less… Then, as the Manticore sized craft got almost a few feet from impacting the small compound, it pulled up, causing some of the Caribou soldiers placed on top of the guard wall of the building to duck and yell out profanities. Then the craft broke apart into tiny pieces, a sound of shifting metal filling the deathly air, and the pieces moved and got rearranged as the flying vehicle changed into a large bipedal form… The 7 ft Titan landed in front of the crowd, making the ground shake and a small crater in the earth indicated how hard the landing was. The soldiers began to glare daggers at the being that dared trespass their ‘sacred’ territory, before their murderous expressions turned into fear at the menacing 7ft metallic figure whose glowing red eyes were glaring back at them with a fiery rage that made some almost soil themselves… The being glared at the Caribou for a few moments, before he spoke, his raspy voice causing some of them to shudder at the potent malice and disdain he had in his tone. " Tribe of the Caribou, prepare to meet your Oblivion!” Megatron declared, his face turning into an ugly sneer on his upper glossa as he glared down at the organics that stared back up at him with unadulterated terror, his optics glowing with unlimited power and hatred in the moonlight… --------------------------- In the deeper part of town, the hundreds of Pony prisoners of all ages and both genders listened as the sounds of ultimate doom filled the air, explosions echoed across the town and the sounds of various Caribou meeting their horrible demise. Some were wondering what the hell was causing their ‘Masters’ such grief and chaos… and routed for whoever was attacking... Others prayed internally that whoever was out there attacking the Caribou were giving it all they got, and that he/she can save them all from perdition… ------------ Megatron snarled as his fusion cannon took out about 6 of the Caribou soldiers, while his Saber Wave pushed back another 20 that tried to charge him. The mech then put away his Dark Star Saber and deactivated his cannon, both servos glowing with menacing violet color that was associated with Dark Energon as he activated his arsenal once again. Both servos got replaced by thick spiky cannons with their barrel ends look like menacing maws with sharp teeth. He aimed both cannons at random points in the dense crowd of soldiers that he swept back, and fired… Twin blasts of energy shot out of his blasters and impacted the ground of the scattering Caribou, causing an explosion of dirt, and bloodied body parts and insides to fly through the air, the area filled with disturbed dirt and smoke from the blasts he caused. Some of the Caribou soldiers tried to shoot at the mech that dared to attack them, but they couldn’t even see his silhouette in the dust cloud… It was quiet for a few moments, causing some of the Caribou to edge closer to the dust cloud, eager to see if they killed the unknown, so that they could boast to King Dainn of their achievements. A dark purple glow showed in the middle of the cloud and Megatron charged out of the cloud, his right blaster replaced by the scythe that he used on the corrupted stallion, and his left was a gigantic spike hammer that looked very destructive. His optics took on the violet purple glow again, this time spilling out and smoking like a certain Unicorn king, making him even MORE menacing in the night than before… A few of the soldiers gulped in fear, regretting their life choices at the moment... With a roar of rage, Megatron swung his right scythe, cutting through soldiers like butter, and then he swung his left servo over head and the hammer impacted the ground, his optics watching the large amount of blood and body parts splattering the ground and part of his chassis from the attack. With growls that made him seem like an animal, Megatron deactivated his right scythe and shoved his servo into the final Caribou’s chest, grabbed the burly deer’s heart, and ripped it out of the dying bastard’s chest cavity with ease. After the body fell, the blood covered mech crushed the still beating heart in his fist, and threw away the squished remains. Megatron turned to the barricade that blocked the world from entry to the town, and aimed his fusion cannon at it, powered it up, and fired a single shot. BANG! KABOOM! The barricade got destroyed into thousands of pieces that flew through the smoke-filled air, and Megatron walked through at a slow pace, his optics looking around the decrepit town with disgust, seeing the hanging bodies of gutted ponies, mares and stallions alike. What has got to him even worse though, was the small children hung by their necks with thick rope, long since asphyxiated and without a shred of clothing… After staring up at the pale bodies above him for a few moments, contemplating what to do.. Before an idea that made his chassis lightly shudder with disgust… But he had no choice, he can’t take on the town alone... Megatron’s chassis began glowing a deep purple, the Dark Energon getting to work as both of his servos glowed and he aimed at the bodies, a look of remorse on his faceplate for what he was about to do. " Forgive me… For if I join the Pit on this planet, when it is my time for what I’m about to do, rest in peace. Let your bodies avenge your unfortunate demise and tear the Caribou asunder…” He whispered, before firing dark purple bolts of lightning… The bolts impacted the bodies, and they begin glowing the same color as Dark Energon, their bodies shaking and spasming. Then their soulless eyes opened, glowing as violet as Megatron’s under the effect of Dark Energon. The bodies of the ponies fell to the ground, before slowly crawling to their feet, groaning and screeching in hungry tones. Megatron watched as the reanimated dead of mutilated ponies stumble deeper into the inner parts of town, craving to kill their Caribou captors, rapers, and murderers… Before he turned his attention to a small signal being pinged off his sensors, causing his optics to land on a fortress in the middle of town, covered in blood and guys of all sizes, a couple of skeletons hanging like the fresh bodies he reanimated, gutted and hung. Megatron optics narrowed and gritted his denta as he heard mares and fillies alike scream in pain… His red optics gleaming bright, made his way through the town at a fast pace and aimed his fusion cannon at the large barricaded front doors of the fortress... -------------------- The doors exploded from the blast of energy Megatron made and he stomped inside, activating his blade and slashed his way through the small 5 person crowd of Caribou that were torturing the ponies with sadistic tendencies and sexual methods that made Megatron not feel sorry for their deaths. He actually took GREAT pleasure in disposing of such filth… He grabbed the last Caribou soldier that was about to rape a young orange coated Pegasus filly with one arm and smashed him against the wall.  The mech growled angrily and crushed the organic’s weak skull to a pulp, popping out the eyeballs and blood coating his clawed servo…  He saw that the ponies in the look up at him in reverence, including the small Pegasus filly he just saved, her clothes halfway torn to nothing, but somehow keeping her decency. Megatron looked around the bloodied room, and said, " Do not fear, your salvation is at hand. It is your time to escape this accursed place and flee to the forest, there will be help waiting for you deep in its clutches.” He then looked back to the filly, who was joined by three more. A white one that had a two tone colored mane that wore a tattered and dirty purple dress, a yellow one with a red mane and bow wearing ripped overalls and a red undershirt that was untucked which somewhat reminded him of one earth pony hanging around Twilight, and a midnight black one with a torn up white shirt that had a purple shield logo on the center and a purple skirt that had turquoise eyes like Chrysalis… All four fillies were staring up at him with gratefulness and confusion mixed with awe, before the black coated filly said, " What is your name, metal Titan?” She asked in a tone that made him think back to Princess Luna. Perhaps she is a relative? He thought, before replying. " I… Am Megatron. A warrior that seeks to wipe out these Caribou from existence and to save anyone I can that could help our cause! When you escape this place, there is a haven you must seek deep in the Everfree Forest; you will be safe there.” He heard more screams of Caribou dying getting closer, and then looked back to the 4, " Go… I will join up with you when this is over, and this festered town is torn asunder...” He said, his optics staring directly at the filly who looked to be royalty, despite the casual attire. It was quiet for a few moments, interrupted by the sound of his TerrorPonies below the fortress tearing and killing the Caribou that killed them in a brutal manner… Then, the black coated filly dipped her head in respect, and the group vacated the room after being ordered by her to grab blunt weapons like torn metal chair legs and daggers that got scattered from Megatron’s… Entrance. After the room was empty, Megatron aimed and fired his fusion cannon at the empty back wall of the room and transformed into the open air as he jumped out a running pace. He looked down onto the burning town as his TerrorPonies decimated the Caribou soldiers and slavers at an immense pace, their fresh corpses joining the growing army at an extremely fast pace. His work was done after half an hour of watching the Carnage, he then commanded his pony half of the undead army to sleep in peace, and their moaning and groaning corpses collapsed to the ground, dead once again. The Caribou undead turned into ash, screeching in agony... Megatron veered his jet around and broke the sound barrier at Mach 1 to the forest. He saw the large group of former prisoners journeying through the forest, and decelerated until he was above the group. He transformed in front of the group when he got close enough to the ground, causing the Ponies to jump and aim their primitive weapons at him for a moment, until they relaxed as they saw it was him. He didn’t say anything as he travelled alongside the group that mostly consisted of fillies and colts, and a few mares and stallions that weren’t corrupted. The only thought on his processor was, What was Celestia gonna say about this? And what’s next?... ------------ The sun’s rays were peeking through the dense forestry as Tempest stood outside the entrance of the base, right behind the barrier, her cold eyes narrowed as the wards alerted her and the guards mares of a large group coming towards their base… They set up positions behind the barrier as well as some cover in case it was an attack from the Caribou… The foliage moved and the sounds of loud footsteps echoed across the large open field between them and the Everfree Forest... Coming out of the forest was Megatron, much to their relief; and behind him was a crowd of pony refugees that she recognized from Ponyville, and then her attention turned to the sight of movement from Megatron, who stood still in the middle of the field to let the smaller organics get to safety, and her eyes widened on the small black coated and raggedly clothed filly sitting on the mech’s shoulder plating. It was Nyx! Princess Twilight’s adopted daughter, and she was alive! She, like everypony else, thought that the children of Ponyville were publicly executed, Nyx included, by King Dainn himself. But the people that told her and the rest of the base didn’t have physical evidence, nor a way to prove that he/she was there during said ‘Execution’ But they were wrong, SHE was wrong, at the sight of the filly smiling tiredly down at her with her dragon eyes gleaming with happiness… ----------------- The four Alicorn Princesses were in the castle War Room, huddling over a map of Equestria to think of battle plans to attack the Caribou strongholds in major towns and cities… When the door that was sealed shut exploded open, causing everypony in there to jump and look at who came in. It was Megatron and Soundwave in their 7 & 6 ft forms, and Nyx, who was peeking out from behind Megatron’s pede with curiosity, then recognition as she locked her turquoise dragon eyes with Twilight’s shocked ones. It was silent for a moment, before the Alicorn filly jumped out from behind Megatron. “ MOMMY!” She shouted out, sprinting to the lavender Alicorn as fast as possible with a large smile on her face. Twilight discreetly glanced at the Changeling disguise detector located above the doorway behind Megatron’s helm, and saw it wasn’t changing to its alert color… Relieved and very happy, Twilight opened her forehooves wide as Nyx came barreling into her, wrapping her little hooves around her barrel tightly. Megatron watched with a slight smile, his spark warmed by the sight of such a reunion between family… The other Princesses were smiling widely as they felt relief that Nyx was alive and not dead… All in all… it was a happy ending… > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 Soundwave and Megatron flew through the air in their vehicle modes as they oversaw the Equestrian Brigade’s march… Their first prime candidate for a frontal attack was Cloudsdale for Megatron and Soundwave, since it was the city of the Pegasi; and Canterlot, where King Dainn was, for the Brigade… The two Cybertronians discussed the small plan between them to try and get freed ponies to join their Brigade, and if all else failed and everyone was dead up there… Megatron would not hesitate to use Dark Energon again to get his goals… Though it might disgust the ponies for making use of the dead in a vulgar and disrespectful manner, he will do whatever it takes to end this war. Even if he had to die again to do so… He noticed Commander Tempest and Celestia standing on the hilltop, doing the same thing he and Soundwave were doing, and sent a ping on her communicator. “Celestia, I shall wish you luck in your endeavors.” He said, his raspy voice serious. Celestia looked up at him in the air and smiled, her beautiful, elegant face lighting up the entire world at its pureness… “ I will do whatever it takes to see this war end; so I shall wish you luck as well, Megatron.” She replied, her fingers on the device in her ear. Megatron felt his good mood dim at a sudden thought in his processor, and said in a tone that caught The Solar Princess’s attention… “ Celestia… If I don’t make it back… I want to tell you something that I’ve never said to anyone else except for Soundwave...” he said, his voice grave. Then with a small vent, he continued, “ Just know that I always saw you as more than a friend. I… I recently started to see you like a Spark Sister…” He could see the gears turning in her head and the shock on Celestia’s face when she figured it out, and continued. “ You sat with me on that Astronomy tower that night, gazing up at the stars with a sense of intrigue that I once showed. You have the age and wisdom behind your eyes that said you would do everything in your power to protect who was close to you, including strangers. Even the … ones that don’t want to be redeemed, so that they can learn their mistakes and take on a new life, I once used to be like that… until I noticed that the system we used at our home planet was corrupt...” Megatron’s voice hesitated at the second to last sentence, thinking of himself in that regard. " Megatron…” she said, her usually calm and motherly voice shaky. The mech felt the affection underneath the tremors of her vocal processor, and it warmed his Spark…. He said with determination as the two jets soared through the air towards their new destination,. " If I don’t make it back… I want you to do something for me, as a thank you for taking me I’m when you didn’t have to…” Megatron said. He continued after a small amount of silence, making him gather the courage so he won’t back out of this... " I want you to remember me, to never forget the small amount of time we spent together, even though it has been a crazy couple of weeks.” He said, his voice teasing at the end. He saw Celestia giggle behind her hand, and reply in her comm. " It HAS been kinda crazy ever since you arrived, I have to admit. But a… good kind of crazy.” She finished with her voice warm. " I’m glad I can make things exciting!” Megatron dryly said and chuckled afterwards, Celestia following with a small fit of giggles. There was a comfortable silence, despite the sound of his and Soundwave’s jets, and the marching of the thousand strong army. Then she broke it… " Take care of yourself… Brother…” Celestia said, her tone soft, and it reminded the transformed mech of Orion Pax again when he called Megatronus a brother. " I will… Sister.” Megatron said as he and Soundwave veered off towards Cloudsdale with only one objective in their processors… To Kill all Caribou that stands in their way and free their prisoners from their hellish prisons... ----------------------- Cloudsdale was a city made of clouds shaped into a city, hence the name… But it was surrounded by 50 blimp gunships commandeered by the Caribou that were starting their attack. Their cannons shot through the material of water vapor with ease, sometimes hitting random Pegasi that were desperately trying to fight back and save their home, with no results... Some of them tried charging the warships with guns and explosives, but they were instantly shot down by the relentless gunsmen on the decks, shooting the ponies down with accurate precision, and gleefully watched at the dying Pegasi fell to their demise on the ground, hundreds of feet below… The leading gunship was charging directly towards the city, intent on getting their troops on the metaphorical ground… How do they stay on the clouds, and not fall to their deaths like the stupid animals they are? Well, they made special armor that were enchanted with sacrificial Pony infused blood magic to make them stay on top of the clouds… The leading blimp was just now ten yards from the nearest population center, some Caribou roaring for blood and unrelenting rape and murder of the mares, stallions, and foals, that will satisfy them… But not today… There was a strange noise in the air of the midair warzone, it was slightly faint, but surely picking up fast in decibels every second. Some stopped to hear the noise, the fight forgotten and the Caribou looked in the Northwest that was in the direction of the sound. There were two strange looking crafts cutting through the air with agile ease that made some of the Caribou and ponies stare at in awe, their designs alien, yet ferocious and intimidating all the same. The leading captain of the warship BLOODRUST, yelled out to his crew, “ All stations! Prepare to fire on the two unidentified crafts!” He shouted, his voice carrying out through the air loud enough so that everyone on the ship could hear him, as well as some of the others. The crews manned their guns and cannons, aiming towards the speeding aircraft that was coming towards them at a speed that made some of the Pegasi gulp at. It was tense as the various Pegasi retreated back to their city to find cover from what may be, the battle of epic proportions… The more spiky looking craft sped ahead of the more angular looking one and broke the sound barrier, veering towards the large group of gunships that were preparing to fire at… As it got closer, the captains shouted, “ FIRE!!!” And all hell broke loose… Cannons fired simultaneously as well as various types of weaponry that did nothing but miss and ding the armored flyer. The vehicle sped up as they fired, its nose directed towards the middle one of three that was in a line directing the attack… Then the scary looking craft fired weapons that noone or pony ever heard of before… BANG! BANG! BANG! The weapons located at the sides of the pointed snout fired bright purple plasma bolts at the ships and they impacted the hull, destroying the wood of the 3 decked craft that was armored against pony magic and their primitive weaponry. But they can’t stop the arsenal that was never seen before… The jet kept firing, getting closer and closer, before one of the shots landed on a fuel tank that some idiot rookie left on the deck. The gas of magic and propane explode upon contact with the plasma, and the gunship lurched down, a few holes in its balloon suggested that it cannot stay up in the air for much longer. The jet made a whirling maneuver that sent it straight up, before it nosedived another gunship, guns blazing at the large balloon. Just three shots from its guns punctured the ball of helium and it ignited, sending the large crew of the gunship plummeting to their deaths… *POV Change (Spitfire)* The ex-captain of the Wonderbolts and appointed leader of the Pegasus Rebellion watched the spectacle that was a craft of unknown make destroy two Caribou gunships with practiced ease… She was impressed, yet slightly fearful that these two unknowns could turn against her and her fellow cadets and civilians that she brought in to the Wonderbolt Academy as a base of operations… She donned her light armor and grabbed her .50 Caliber M107 Barrett sniper rifle, and headed up to the roof of the base. She looked through the scope of her rifle and saw the second craft speeding towards her location, making her put her index finger on the trigger, ready to fire if it was a hostile… But it wasn’t necessary… The jet shot over her and flew up, before it broke apart and changed into a gigantic bipedal robot. It’s blank and glass face stared down at her as it landed with a small THUMP! On the roof of the base, it’s thin mechanical body looming over her at 6 ½ ft in height, in comparison to her 5 ‘9’ height. Spitfire stared at the silent being, right as it stared back down at her, the air quiet despite the other jet, which she thinks is another metal being in disguise, keeps firing at the Caribou attack fleet… Then the mech lifted its arm and pointed it’s black finger at her, causing Spitfire to feel confusion for a moment, before she looked down at her armor. Emblazoned on there ever since it was made, was a symbol that was dark, yet fierce looking, a logo to warn enemies of the secret wrath that the secret division of specially trained Wonderbolts might ensue if you’ve done really wrong in Equestria, or to Princess Celestia’s ponies in general… Like the Caribou for instance. There was a wavelength on the visor of the mech as its metal finger touched the symbol she had earned after years of training, saying in a raspy tone, the voice making the mare shudder at it’s malevolence. “ Decepticon…” It ‘said’, breaking the silence of the war torn air. Spitfire blinked at the word, then put two and two together as her eyes caught sight of the same insignia on the mech’s large thin shoulders. “ Does Decepticon mean something to you?” She asked, curious, but still cautious in case this unknown being that wore her insignia could turn on her at any given moment… The mech stood there silently, before its glass visor filled with an image of a tall alabaster white Alicorn mare sitting regally next to a window, looking outside with a peaceful look on her elegant and eternal face. Spitfire’s eyes widened at the sight of the mare, two words on her lips as she said, “ Princess Celestia…” She trailed off afterwards, thinking deeply as the jet veered around to fire another volley just at the edge of her home. Then she looked up at the mech again, then smiled for the first time in a long while… ---------------------------- Megatron’s jet form sped through the air as he dodged the unrelenting volley of cannonballs, arrows, and bullets that grazed and pinged off of his armor. He fired his small guns, and then when he got close enough to one of the last 5 gunships out of the 50 that he destroyed in the past few minutes… He transformed… He whirled through the air and eject his arm blade out… With graceful ease and skill of being the top gladiator, he sliced through the thick gunship in half, roaring with triumph as he witnessed the hundreds aboard perish under his servos… He transformed again into his jet form and quickly finished off the last four ships with ease, before flying back to Cloudsdale, where he knew Soundwave was talking to the rebellion leader. That’s when he felt something activate in his systems, a small device that Megatron gave to Celestia as a precaution. *Flashback Begins* Megatron kneeled down in front of the Solar Princess, the large group of mares decked in armor surrounding the two with grim expressions that reminded him of the war back on Cybertron all those eons ago. He held out his clawed servo and in the center of it, was a small pendant with the decepticon insignia, hidden behind the image of a sun. “ Celestia, if you ever get into something you can’t get out of yourself, just pressed down on my symbol, it’ll alert me to where your location is, and I’ll come to you.” He said, his glossa turned down in a frown at the thought of someone he thought of as a Spark Sister getting hurt, or worse. Celestia smiled up at him… *Flashback Ends* Megatron felt a sense of dread in his chassis as he then sent out a locator beacon to see where Celestia was and how she was doing… His Spark stopped at the results of his pulse scan... *LOCATION: Canterlot Castle…* *STATUS: Unknown* *RECENT INJURIES: Stab Wound By A Blade Of Dark Magic, WARBING: Dark Magic Poison Detected In Bloodstream! Send For Immediate Medical Assistance!* He transformed above the middle of the cloud street and roared up into the open sky in rage at the thought of her potentially dead. His rage as well as the power of Dark Energon, spread throughout the entirety of Cloudsdale, causing the dead bodies of Caribou and ponies alike to become undead with only one thought in their Rage induced madness: To kill all Caribou on sight… In his rage, Megatron’s processor cropped up an idea that made him grin evilly, his processor turning back into his Warlord persona… He turned towards the rising corpses of the dead under his command. “ TERRORCONS!” He bellowed, gathering the attention of both living and undead alike, “ TAKE FLIGHT, AND BESIEGE THE CITY OF CANTERLOT! LEAVE NO CARIBOU ALIVE!” He roared as he raised his right servo, clenched into a fist as his red optics glowed a very bright violet, his chassis glowing with veins of Dark Energon. The Pegasi corpses took flight on their fresh wings and slowly soared through the air towards their master’s destination. The Caribou infused their wreckages of their former gunships into floating warships with menacing wooden spikes and fierce looking cannons that looked to be the maws of dragons… Megatron watched as his undead army prepped for a full frontal assault with his processor going thousands of electrons per second, thinking of what might’ve happened to Celestia... And if whoever, most likely King Dain was the one that killed her, knew what was coming for him... He should’ve said his last goodbyes, because he brought the wrath of Unicron and Megatron combined gunning for him… --------------------- Celestia laid on the hard bloodsoaked ground as the small amount of dark magic interrupted her healing process, her blood seeping into the ground and staining her damaged armor as she looked up weakly into the glowing blue eyes of King Dain sneering down at her; his dark poisonous dagger gripped tightly in his meaty hand as he raised it up to commit the final blow to the Alicorn… --------------------- After Soundwave received what was going on when he arrived at Home base from the Cloudsdale operation with the entirety of the Pegasi clan; The silent mech transformed into his predator drone jet mode and flew after him. Rookie Ditzy Doo informed him that Celestia and her Armada haven’t returned from their assault on Canterlot for 3 hours, which made his processor think one of two things that made his longest time friend that enraged… She was either gravely injured or offline… With that thought, Soundwave used his radar to locate the signal of Megatron’s Spark signature, which was going at an abnormal speed in the center of the large amount of Dark Energon signatures he detected heading towards the city of Canterlot, praying that his friend hadn’t turned to his Warlord self once again... -------------------------------------- > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 The city of Canterlot used to be a prestigious place, full of noble stallions and mares of wealth and power, of bustling shops and restaurants, despite the hardships of all the times this city has been attacked… But it was now a flaming wreck, it looked even worse than when the Changeling's tried to invade… The stores and restaurants are decrepit and empty, the life that it once had was now bleak and bloodied as the stains on the cobblestone ground, giving it the look of a ghost town. Patrols of higher ranking Caribou scouted the large city in case there were Intruders, not knowing what came for them… Up in the tower, a Caribou guard looked towards the edge of the valley, and gasped... On the horizon, brightly clashing against the slowly setting sun, was a dark purple glow that looked menacing. The Caribou jumped up from his stool and grabbed his binoculars sitting on the desk, then he looked toward the horizon. What he saw chilled him to the bone… Coming agonizingly slow towards the city was an armada of a few thousand strong, a mix of ponies and Caribou along with warships of a fierce looking appearance. Leading the charge was the spiky looking jet that reports allegedly saw turning into a large bipedal robot that can easily kill without breaking a sweat. It was speeding towards the city with the same purple glow that the ponies and Caribou, as well as the ships, had, but it looked more brighter somehow, as if this one was special. The last thing that the guard saw was that the Armada weren't alive… They were undead… ------------ Celestia hanged from the shackles in the darkest dungeons she ever been in… And she USED to have one!... She weakly raised her head, noticing that her armor had been shed and not a shred of clothing was on her body. She shivered and felt disgusted at what Dainn might've done to her while she was unconscious… She struggled as the cell door opened, revealing two corrupted stallions peeking in, grinning like the cats that caught the bird. One was brown with a strawberry blonde mane and tail, the other a former royal guard taken in by the Caribou's magic. " Well well, if it isn't out most elegant Princess Celestia…" One said, both of the ponies walked into the room and shut the door behind them. " More like our toy.~" Said the one in the guard armor, both of them naked as she was. She stared at the two, horrified as they got closer, hands reaching out… She screamed... ------------ Megatron flew through the air, his thoughts gone as he focused on one thing and one thing only: Find Celestia and Kill King Dainn… The Cybertronian transformed into his robot mode as he spotted a large patrol of Caribou aiming upwards at him with their weak weapons. He snarled as he fired his fusion cannon at the tower placed between him and his goal, destroying it with one shot. He turned towards the charging organics and summoned his Star Saber, blasting a wave of Dark Energon towards them and watched as the ten Caribou got caught in it and we're pushed back and crashed into the sides of various buildings, killing them with no mercy. He vented lightly as he could feel his legion wreaked havoc upon the Caribou population, tearing every single one limb from limb, splitting a few in half with ease, and some were biting them to join the growing horde. He continued on his trek toward the castle, killing any Caribou unfortunate enough to cross his path... Then the ground shook, getting Megatron's attention to look towards the entrance of the once beautiful looking castle… Out stepped a large burly Caribou that was 8 ft feet tall, covered in muscles like a bodybuilder, wearing nothing but a large pair of pants, his dark blue eyes glowing with immense bloodlust that he used to have all that time ago… The large Caribou chuckled, his voice rumbling as he spoke, " So, you came for the Alicorn Whore? I must say, YOU were not expected amongst the weak ponies, Megatron." He said, mockingly towards the end. The mech's optic ridges furrowed slightly at the recognition he was getting from this overgrown sack of flesh and muscle, then his optics glowed an even brighter violet as he caught the sentence before last, the Dark Energon reacted to his rage from the words 'whore.' If there was something he hated even more than Unicron at this point… THAT word and his spark sister's name in the same sentence made him infuriated… " You must be Dainn, then…" Megatron spat out the name as if it was a bad batch of high-grade Energon. The large Caribou snorted, before puffing out his chest proudly, his muscles bulging tightly at the small movement. " That's KING Dainn to you, you pile of scrap!" He said, his voice booming across the city. The undead army stopped in their tracks, looking towards the large organic with something akin go outrage, their eyes bloodthirsty… Dainn ignored the crowd of undead that surrounded him and the mech, walking till he was at least a few yards away. "Once I take over Equestria and make the mares into our breeders, NOTHING will stop me from taking this world over! THEY WILL ALL BOW TO THE CARIBOU ARMADA!" Dainn boasted, his loud voice echoing across the city, causing a few of his fellow Caribou to cheer from the rooftops, hiding from the Terrorcons. “ Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, Dainn, and you will not take it away from the ponies, not when I still function!” He declared, causing some of the mares that were still alive and uncaptured to lightly swoon at his bravado. Then Megatron paused at the irony of the sentence he used by a brother turned sworn enemy… It was something he used to scoff at during his and Optimus's battles, a sign of weakness… But now, he was using that same line, for the people he cared about… And he MEANT IT! Megatron clenched his right servo, his Star Saber in hand as he prepared to fight a formidable foe. Dainn, on the other hand, simply yawned, then cracked his neck from side to side, saying, " A pity… That the so called mighty Princesses sent a walking tin man against my unending might." The insults did not faze the former Gladiator/Warlord… What did however, was what the next thing that Dainn said. " After I beat you in battle, I will slit that Alicorn's throat when I'm done making her my personal pleasure toy..." He grinned, exposing his rotten sharp teeth to the world, " Then I'll find the rest of the Alicorns and kill them after breaking them! To show them what happens to those that dare goes against their SUPERIORS!" He said, his muscles bulging as he grabbed a weapon that appeared to be a mixture of a Warhammer and a spiked mace off of his back holster. ...That was the trigger Megatron needed… With a bellow of sheer rage, the mech charged to what may be his final battle, his arm blade out and readied, the Star Saber put away into his back holster, his optics glowing immensely. King Dainn bellowed out in kind, gripping the Warhammer and charged as well... ----------------------- Twilight Sparkle and Tempest Shadow watched the exchange between enemies, and saw how enraged Megatron looked… " *GULP* Glad I'm not on his bad side…" Tempest said, her eyes wide as she witnessed the ferocity in Megatron's attacks on Dainn. Twilight only nodded, her eyes in a similar size as she saw the red optics of the 7 ft tall mech glowing violet with malice and bloodlust, his attacks swift and merciless. The large Caribou known as King Dainn was barely managing to block off Megatron's attacks with his HammerMace... " C'mon Tempest, we have a Princess to save…" The young lavender Alicorn mare said, turning her attention away from the battle to the looming structure before her that she once called home. Now, it was violated by disgusting creatures and remains of pony corpses hanging from the bloodied walls... ---------------- The two mares stuck to the shadows as they snuck through the heavily guarded hallways of the castle. " If I were an Alicorn prisoner, where would I be?" Twilight muttered under her breath as the two passed by another patrol of Caribou. " In the dungeons." Tempest answers, making Twilight jump a little and look at her best friend in surprise and confusion. Tempest saw this and lightly shrugged, a small sheepish look on her face. " It's where I'd put her…" She continued. Twilight thought it over for a moment, before nodding in agreement. " Let's go." She said, a spark of determination in her eyes. They have to save her mentor and friend, as well as save Megatron from his rampage... ----------------- Megatron's counterattack got blocked by the Caribou King's weapon, before being shoved back, and when he got his bearings, the mech saw the large spiked mace of the weapon swinging towards his faceplate. POW! " GAH!" He shouted in pain. Megatron flew back at the force of the hit, Energon flying out of his glossa as he crashed against a stone building, making a hole in the wall as he smashed through. Dainn sneered at the fallen mech, brandishing his MaceWarhammer, before calling out, " Is this all the best that Celestia has? A scrap of tin? I fought worse monsters when I was a young calf!" He shouted, walking towards the shaking mech as he tried to get up from Dainn's throw. The Cybertronian's armor was chinked and dented from Dainn's assault, and his venting was ragged from exertion… But he will NOT give up! Megatron got to his knee and tried to get to his pedes, when suddenly the hammer slammed against his back, sending him back on the ground, growling in pain. Dainn stared down at him with a bored look, his blue eyes gleaming with amusement at the smaller being trying to get up off the ground again, a large dent on his backplates. " Pathetic. I am gonna go ahead and put you out of your misery." He said, lifting the heavy MaceHammer and lifted it over his head, ready to deal the killing blow as Megatron got to a kneeling position again, shaking and his optics were closed, his shoulders slumped in defeat. " It's such a shame that the whore you care immensely about will never see you perish." He finished, throwing down the hammer to the metal creatures helm, wanting to end this conflict… Megatron tensed as the Warhammer came down, feeling as if this scene was familiar somehow… His only regret… was that he never got to say goodbye before joining the Pit for his sins... Lightning flashed against the sky under the dark clouds that formed during the battle, the hammer only a few inches from his faceplates... CLANG! All of time slowed down as two metal servos stopped the hammer's trajectory… Dainn's eyes widened at the mech before him, the metal claws grasping the polished wooden handle under the giant hammer's head with ease. Megatron lifted his helm and opened his optics, and Dainn felt fear stirring in his chest. His optics that used to be blood red with white irises were now glowing bright violet, and his metal body showed veins that glowed the same color… > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 Twilight and Tempest ran down the dungeons, finally getting past the last guard patrol that was in the area, when they stopped as they heard someone crying. The two mares looked at each other, a feeling of dread forming in their guts as they got closer to the slightly ajared door, out of all of the open ones. Tempest grabbed Twilight’s shoulder and stopped her friend, quieting her by a look, which Twilight understood as ' Be quiet and listen closely.’.  Their sharp ears picked up the sound of something choking, and the sound of flesh against flesh, made the two think bad thoughts. And if there was only one cell door that is slightly closed, and nopony else was here… Twilight and Tempest surged forward and banged open the door, stopping at the sight of two stallions crowding around a prisoner. They recognised who it is and felt revulsion… Celestia, the Immortal Princess Of The Sun, was chained up against the back wall of the large cell, her wrists shackled and hanging above her head, a ring inhibitor place around her horn to keep her from using magic. The two naked stallions were groping her bruised and battered body, small cuts on her arms, legs and breasts. Twilight stood there, frozen with horror at what her fellow ponies were doing to her mentor/friend… Tempest on the other hand, gritted her teeth and her broken horn flared… The stump from a childhood of mistakes sparked malevolently as an aura of blue surrounded the two stallions, ripping them off her Princess and throwing them away and against the wall. Then her magical aura fueled by rage wrapped around the snarling and growling ponies’ throats, putting pressure on them, her eyes blazing. Twilight on the other hand, sped towards the limp panting form of Celestia, naked and covered in her own blood, her cyan eyes dim with tears. She lit her horn, trying to heal the cuts and soothe the bruises that were marring her friend’s beautiful skin with her magic. The mare watched as some of the smaller cuts began fading away, leaving fresh scabs on the skin as they healed. The dark blue and black on Celestia’s skin faded to a faint yellow, healing, but not fully… The older Alicorn’s breathing became smoother, her coat turning clean of any… substances that were staining her. Twilight panted in exertion from her advanced healing charm, and heard two thuds hit the ground. She looked towards Tempest, who stared down at the two dead bodies of the stallions who...who… Twilight couldn’t continue that thought… Twilight shrugged off her dark outer coat that she brought with her and wrapped around the shaking Celestia. The alabaster mare opened her eyes, pain in her eyes that the lavender mare never saw before, " Twi...light?...” She murmured, her voice hoarse from screaming so much. The young Alicorn felt tears slide down her cheeks as she caressed her former mentor’s cheek. " Shh, I’m here… can you walk?” She said soothingly, then asked at the end. The older Alicorn looked down at her slightly exposed body from under Twilight’s coat, still shuddering from what she experienced. " Yes…” She whispered, slowly getting to her feet and grabbed Twilight’s shoulder to steady herself. Tempest still stared at the two ponies she killed, guilt welling up inside at the life she took with ease. Before remembering the scene she and her best friend walked in on, and felt enraged, not at the stallions, but at the one who caused this… Dainn… The three mares heard a noise coming from a cell outside and slowly made their way over to investigate. When the three made it to the open door, Tempest peeked in, and her eyes widened… " Oh dear…” She whispered, shock filling her voice. ----------------- Dainn and Megatron were at a standstill, the mech’s servos tightly gripping the wooden shaft of the Caribou King’s MaceWarhammer. With an angry shout, Megatron lifted himself off the ground, getting to his pedes. His violet optics glaring harshly at the monster before him. Dainn stared down at the mech, caught off guard that this small metal golem was still going, despite the beating he took… And it doesn’t help the fact that the once living corpses of his brethren were staring rather hungrily at him… Megatron snarled, pushing the heavy weight that was the MaceWarhammer away from him, before snapping the shaft in half. CRACK! Dainn stared at his once mighty weapon that felled enemies without pause, snapping in half right in front of him.. The next thing the Caribou King saw was his own creation being swung at his torso… WHAM! The large burly deer was sent flying back and crashed into the cobblestone ground of Canterlot’s streets. Megatron began walking towards the fallen foe, arming his fusion cannon and aiming at the downed Caribou. All of his thought processes were gone except one… KILL THIS FLESHBAG! A voice shouted in the back of his processor that vaguely sounded like a mixture of his old self and Unicron. Dainn struggled to his feet, then was sent flying back again by a metal fist slamming into his cheek, causing him to ram against a wall of another building, leaving cracks from the impact. Megatron, having enough of this foolishness, aimed his right arm and fired his cannon at the groaning organic. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Every single shot from his cannon impacted Dainn’s broad chest, causing him to go deeper into the small crater of the building, spiderweb cracks shooting around the entire wall of the once beautiful building. Megatron watched with smoking optics at the falling limp form of the Caribou King, his chest charred and burnt from his Energon blasts. The mech stomped up to where he was laying faceup and ejected his blade, a snarl on his face as he raised it up over his head. Time to finish this miserable conflict once and for all! He shouted mentally, the sounds of thunder and lightning striking the air, the area charged with an energy that made it seem familiar to him. Just as he was about to slice down… A voice called out to him weakly, " Stop…” It said. Everything slowed down as Megatron froze in place… The enraged mech turned his helm over his shoulder to see who spoke… And his optics widened, the violet glow dimming to blood red... > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Standing there with her arms hung around both Twilight and Tempest, was Celestia, wearing nothing but a buttoned-up coat to keep her decency. She unslung her arms from the two mares holding her up and slowly walked towards the 7ft mech… Her legs were shaking and was gritting her teeth in effort…  She made it halfway before falling to her knees, panting from exhaustion… The dark magic in her blood would take days, if not weeks to full siphon through her bloodstream and magic reserves… Megatron stepped off of Dainn’s shuddering body and walked over to the kneeling Alicorn, his optics holding an emotion he had never felt before in his lifecycle. He held out a servo for her to take, and Celestia lifted her head as she spotted it. She smiled, before weakly taking it and lifting herself up with his assistance, stumbling a couple of times before readjusting herself so that she was straight. Megatron felt a small smile lift his glossa for a moment, before his optics detected movement… A large broken stick of wood that he recalled was once the sturdy shaft of Dainn’s MaceWarhammer, hurtling toward them with a deadly precision an experienced archer has. He turned his helm, shock filling him at the large broken shaft being thrown through the air towards them. Then he caught sight of Dainn’s bloodied and mashed face grinning at them as he slowly struggled to his bare feet, seeing that his makeshift spear was aimed at Celestia. Gritting his denta, he grabbed Celestia and pulled her towards his chassis, moving her out of the spear’s deadly end, moving himself in place. SLICE! It was still, the air filled with a shocked silence at the frozen form of Megatron. The large spear was lodged in his lower chassis, causing his damaged systems to spark and crackle as it buried in… Celestia’s, Twilight’s and Tempest’s eyes were wide as Megatron fell to his knees, his servos clutching the spear embedded in his side, an expression of pain on his faceplate. Megatron grunted in pain, trying to get the spear out of his chassis, to no avail. He fell to his back, his optics growing dim as he watched the world around him turn dark. The last thing he saw was Celestia and Twilight staring down at him with concern and fear... The last thing he heard was someone screaming his name… “ MEGATROOOONNNN!!!” --------------------------- He felt… cold, as if his internal heating systems malfunctioned and was stuck in Earth’s Antarctic climate. But he didn’t feel that the cold was draining him, slowly killing him, it was almost as if… As if he was being embraced by an old friend… Megatron’s auditory sensors heard whispering coming from the endless black abyss, then a voice spoke in his ears. “ Your time is not yet up, my child... “ Said a booming voice that filled the void with its presence, almost similar to Unicron, but… different. Megatron listened as his optics stayed offline, his Spark pounding… “ You have just begun on your journey of self reflection and healing, making amendments that will take courage, honor, and selfless acts that you have already done.” “ You shall go through trying times, facing challenges that may seem impossible, but I know that you can overcome them in time.” The voice said, echoing throughout the black expanse. Then Megatron felt a growing pressure on his chestplate, right where his Spark Chamber was located, but he didn’t feel like he was in danger, despite the thought process that he was dead… “ You have my Blessings of Redemption.” Megatron then felt as if he couldn’t hold in his silence any longer… “ But why me? Why do I get this chance, if I am unworthy for it?!” He demanded to the open black expanse surrounding him, all but demanding to know who it was that’s speaking to him. But apparently the voice ignored his question, continuing as if the mech never even spoke... “ Megatron, go forth and claim your right as protector of Equis, protect the one you consider a Spark Sister, and slay the ones you call an enemy!” The voice boomed, causing Megatron to clutch his helm in pain at the power it exudes. Then the expanse began glowing bright, nearly blinding his optics as he felt a new energy surge through his systems, giving him a strength that brought him back into his Kaon Gladiator days. Then he onlined again... -------------------- Dainn loomed over Celestia’s weak body as he raised a large piece of broken rebar, panting as he prepared to kill the Solar Diarch and rid the ponies of a leader. What he didn’t notice was the rising form of the Cybertronian Mech behind him, his optics glowing a blazing red with a determined grimace on his faceplate… Dainn raised the rebar higher above his head, ready to end this waste of life… “ I once considered you to be my personal trophy, Celestia.” Dainn said, sneering down at the glaring Alicorn, “ But considering the fact that you decided to rebel against your true lord and master, I am now going to take pleasure in killing you an agonising death!” He didn’t see the 7ft metal form standing menacingly behind him, his optics glaring at the back of the taller Caribou in unadulterated hatred… Just as when Dainn raised the rebar more above his head, ready to plunge it into the weak Alicorn’s heart… When the sound of metal sliding behind him, causing the Caribou King to whirl around… SHING! Dainn’s eyes widened as he froze, a small gurgling groan escaping his throat as he looked down. A large silver blade was embedded into his chest, blood leaking around the blade and down his torso, coating the ground in a small puddle of red… Megatron glared up into the Caribou’s eyes, a sneer on his glossa as he hissed, “ You shouldn’t have turned your back on me.” he said, his optics blazing as he swiftly pulled his blade out of the King’s chest. Dainn clutched the wound that bled profusely, choking on his own blood as he fell onto his back, away from the coughing form of Celestia. Megatron glared down at the Caribou’s corpse, noticing the various Caribou raising their hands in a form of surrender, a look of defeat on their faces as they witnessed the fall of their King.  He placed his right pede on the still chest of Dainn, took a vent and bellowed a shout of triumph to the open skies, his blade still out as he raised his right arm above his head, blood still dripping down the gleaming blade that was Dainn’s lifeblood; A hole in the dark storm clouds shining sunlight down on top of him as he relished in his victory… After venting in relief, Megatron stepped off the dead corpse and walked over to the fallen form of Celestia, staring up at him with a sense of awe and delirium on her face. He didn’t say anything, just bent down and carefully picked his Spark Sister up from the ground and walked through the slowly filling streets of the city. Soundwave looked on from the tallest spire of Canterlot Castle, recording the whole event as he watched his friend walk out of the Castle’s front courtyard and placed the exhausted Alicorn onto a tarnished white and gold chariot that a few remaining guards mares were hooked up to, making sure that she was secure before the two Pegasi back towards the base in the middle of the Everfree Forest… Megatron transformed into his jet mode and flew up after the chariot The silent mech arrived at the city when Megatron battled King Dainn, and he felt that he should be an observer, not wanting to get into a fight with the once honorable mech turned Warlord. He saw what happened in the castle he is standing on and felt it necessary to send Lazerbeak in and make the noise in the cell outside of Celestia’s to get the attention of Twilight Sparkle and Tempest Shadow. Because according to his extensive scans, Soundwave picked up five other life signatures besides Celestia’s, Twilight’s, and Tempest’s. What was inside the cell that Lazerbeak discovered, was a group of four mares, a little bit bruised and ragged, but otherwise alright and still wearing their everyday clothes that were dirty… Twilight and Tempest recognised them immediately as their best friends Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike the dragon, also known as Twilight’s adoptive little brother/ assistant, and Applejack… The rest of the Elements of Harmony that got captured at the beginning of the Caribou’s Invasion. The mares were encased in a spell bubble that drained all of their magic to the barest minimum, the two Unicorns harboring magical inhibitor rings as a precaution, and the pegasus’s and earth pony’s wings and legs were bound respectively. Soundwave felt himself relax his chassis slightly, and transformed into his jet mode, flying through the air on the same route that his former Lord and Master turned friend was going… The ponies inside Canterlot cheered in victory as the defeated Caribou were killed with no mercy, years of revenge being paid in full… The sun was shining with a bright gleam of power as Equestria celebrated… > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue The sun shone down on the harmonious world of Equestria, the once decimated cities and towns that were invaded were now rebuilt and flourishing with life. Ponyville was bright and full of mares and stallions mingling happily with each other, almost forgetting the long five year war against the Caribou… It was a couple years later since King Dainn’s demise… And the one that ended him was coming to visit later today… Twilight Sparkle, sitting amongst her group of friends, lightly reading a book, looking up at the other five mares chatting happily about their days and what was going on. “ I can’t believe Lord Megatron is coming to visit the town after SO long!” Exclaimed Pinkie Pie, the pink bubbly earth pony bouncing the spot, “ I SO wanted to thank him for freeing us!” Rarity, the white aristocratic unicorn, sipped her tea daintily, listening to her friend’s fast paced conversation. “ I believe that thanks should be passed to Soundwave, the Princesses chief intel advisor. He was the one that found us in that dreadful cell.” She said, shuddering in disgust at the thought of the dark and dirty cell. Fluttershy, who was brushing Angel Bunny’s fur with her blue hairbrush, smiled softly. “ Indeed… If Megatron hadn’t helped us win the war…” She trailed off, her lips turning down at the memories of first meeting the imposing mech that saved her life. Applejack didn’t say anything, not wanting to make her friend upset at her blunt honesty of the outcome if Megatron hadn’t arrived on Equis, only patting her friend on the shoulder, smiling reassuringly. “ I heard that Lord Megatron is gonna travel the rest of Equis soon… Maybe he can tell us of his travels once he returns?” Rainbow Dash commented from her cloud, lying on her stomach as she stared down at her friends, her rainbow-colored hair wild as ever. Twilight giggled lightly, gaining the attention of her friends, “ I can’t wait to see him again, after all he’s done for us… Almost… dying for someone that should be beneath him with ease… It shows how much Megatron changed than from the ancient texts that prescribed him.” She said, smiling brightly. “ Words like that make me wonder if you’re Orion Pax reincarnated in pony form, Miss Sparkle.” Said a raspy voice behind the group, causing Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy to jump and whirl around. The mech in question towered over them in his 30 ft tall form, his armor gleaming and menacing as always, disarmed by the smile lifting the tips of his scarred glossa… “ MEGGSY!” Shouted Pinkie Pie, glomping his now shrunken form of 7 ft without hesitation, with a large happy grin on her face. Megatron chuckled, returning the hug from the pink mare gently, his red optics glowing with warmth. “ It is good to see you all after the last time we met, I see that you all have been well?” The mech asked, a look of curiosity gleaming in his optics as he sat down on the same tree where Twilight resided, the lavender mare scooching over for more room. Rarity replied as she sipped her tea again, “ We are doing tremendously with communications affairs with the does and calves of the Caribou nation. The treaty is holding up well enough with trades among other nations just as well, from what I heard in the news.” The mech nodded his helm, and looked back towards the rebuilding town of Ponyville, buildings covered in scaffolding and sheets of plastic as the constructions’ ponies built homes and businesses. It was silent for the moment, the entire group enjoying the peace that filled the air… Until Fluttershy broke it, by asking, " Megatron…” She said, getting his attention, " What are you gonna do, now that Equestria is peaceful again?” The mech blinked his optics, slight surprise on his face as his processor mulled over that question. Then, his glossa lifted into a smile, his scarred faceplate softening as he answered, " I might travel this world, see what’s to offer… Who knows, there might be others who need assistance?” The group of mares looked at him with smiles, some showing gratitude, some joy… But there was one that was sad… Megatron noticed this and leaned his chassis forward, bringing a servo under Fluttershy’s chin, causing her to lock eyes with him. The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before he said, " I will not be gone forever, I will come back, like a promise…” His voice was low, gentle, the raspiness faint. It was quiet for a moment, before... " Swear on it…” The butterscotch yellow mare said, her eyes turning stern and her lips down in a frown, " Swear that you’ll come back in one piece and unharmed.” Even though the rest of her friends stared at her in surprise at Fluttershy’s shockingly courageous demand, Megatron simply nodded, his faceplate serious and his optics showing sincerity. " I promise, young Fluttershy that I will return home, to all of you,” He then looked towards the rest of the group he was sitting with, then out towards the horizon. He smiled again, looking at his friends. " I think I should do, what an old friend of mine once did…” ------------- *At Canterlot* Megatron walked to the extra large balcony that was built for him, looking out over the city that shined in Celestia’s sunlight, watching the stallions and mares go about their day, once remembering the times when both genders were at each other’s throats. But now, none of it was shown here, he noted with approval, satisfied that despite all the hardships the Caribou had given them before he came into the picture… They persevered… The mech’s audio receptors picked up a couple pairs of footsteps behind him and he turned his helm. Walking out from behind him, was Celestia and Luna, their armor replaced with flowing dresses that complimented their coat colors, white and blue, day and night, light and dark. The two were cleaned up from dirt and grime and blood as soon as they had the chance to, and they felt relaxed after the years of war they faced… They smiled at him, light shining brilliantly in their eyes at the sight of him. " I suppose that you art leaving?” Luna said, her smile fading as a sadness weighed down on her shoulders, like the armor she was wearing for protection and decorated like Megatron’s old shoulder plates. The mech solemnly nodded, a small frown on his glossa as he then looked back out to the city, enjoying the way the sun shone and the air filled with light music coming from a couple of the open businesses. " I am, Luna. I am… Not meant for settling down for too long, I wasn’t created like that.” He said, looking to his right where Luna stood next to him, " However, It doesn’t mean I’m leaving forever..” This time, Celestia was the one that asked the question, " What do you plan to do then?” She said, her eyes lit in curiosity. He smiled once again, his optics shining... ----------- The mech walked up to a large open area of marble, sculpted from the remains of decimated buildings, made into a sort of runway for Megatron. " I will not rest until I find out how I can live on in this peaceful world without harming any organics.” He stopped walking staring out into the open air that led to the Badlands, his optics gleaming with determination. " For my first objective, I am gonna take Chrysalis with me to see if there isn’t a place she calls home, and maybe along the way… get some answers.” The mech looked around himself, looking at the large crowd of mares and small groups of stallions staring out at him with sad smiles and unwept tears. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence were watching him from the balcony, their stances straight and shoulders back in regal poses, the four faces were sad, but smiling nonetheless… " I will return, no matter how long it takes; I will come straight back to these ponies I care about and hold dear to my Spark.” Megatron turned around on the spot and lightly smiled back at them, then clearing his faceplate, standing rigidly for a moment, before bending his upper chassis a little bit at the waist in a bow, his right servo clenched into a fist on his chest… " If you need my assistance in anything, anything at all no matter how small…” He straightened up from his bow and turned around again to the runway… He then activated his T-Cog, transforming into his jet mode, opening the cockpit ramp for the small Changeling drone to run up, shutting it afterwards when she was fully in and secured… " I’ll answer the call…” Megatron activated his sublight engines, a loud whine echoing throughout the air as he lifted into the air from the ground, his landing pedes retreating into himself as he ascended into the air… " If anyone receives this message, know this…” He shot forward into the air, accelerating at breakneck speeds, enjoying the small shrieks of delight from Chrysalis, beginning his journey… " My name is Megatron… and this planet, Equis, is my Home…” His jet mode shrunk into the horizon, until he disappeared… -------------------- *Elsewhere On Equis* The city of Griffinstone Capital was burning, the once perfectly crafted and smoothed over stones of large buildings crumbled into ruins and rubble, small fires created from large explosions of cannonfire and bomb drops. A female griffin ran through the decrepit streets, panting as her golden eyes looked around her surroundings as she ran, her clothes were a white shirt and brown vest, black slacks that had holes all over them, and blown out crocks that were slightly fraying. In her claws was a double barreled shotgun, it’s metal scratched and slightly rusted with use and age, the metal grip was wrapped around with a white cloth that was dirty and worn. The griffin looked over her shoulder, looking back on herself, then cursed as she saw the large horde of trained Timberwolves rounding the corner and chasing full sprint after her. She ran as fast as she could,, going left, right, left, left, every street just as decrepit and ruined as the last, passing by a couple of corpses along the way… She spotted as mall alleyway and hoped that it was one that could make her lose the wolves… The female griffin ran in, not looking back at the growing hordes of the Timberwolves behind her. But stopped at the sight of a brick wall standing in her way, causing her to yell, “ SHIT!” She snarled, before whirling around, holding her shotgun to bear, gritting her beak. A few Timberwolves stalked through the entrance of the alleyway, snarling and growling, their glowing green eyes dark with hunger and bloodlust. The one in the middle began walking towards her, baring its teeth as its legs tensed for a charge… The griffin aimed at the one in the middle, and pulled the trigger… BANG! The hundred metal pellets shot out of the barrel, directly hitting the wolf that charged towards her, causing it to fly back with large chunks of wood splitting off its body from the shot. The griffin aimed at the wolf closest to her and fired at it while it was distracted with the demise of its comrade… BANG! The buckshot directly impacted the head of the wolf, causing it to explode in wood and sap, covering the broken stone ground and walls. She unlatched the front half of her shotgun, ejecting the two shells and shoved her claws into her pocket, trying to fish out the last shell she had. She was distracted by the sound of wood hitting stone, and looked up, her eyes widening in fear at the Timberwolf pouncing at her… The large wolf landed on her, causing the griffin to slam onto her back, her shotgun pressed against the wolf’s neck as its jaws tried to get at her neck, sap and blood dripping off the teeth. “ GAH!, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” The griffin yelled out, her arms aching and straining from the large wolf’s weight and pressure it was putting on her. The Timberwolf’s jaws got closer and closer to her trachea, intent on killing and feasting on the anthropomorphic bird… Then a high pitched whine pierced through the air, causing the wolf to look up, enraged at the interruption of its next meal… Only to see a blast of light purple coming at its face… POW! The wolf, now headless, flew back away from the fallen griffin, impacting the other dead members of the wolf army… The air of the city was quiet except for the fires, the howling of the hundred Timberwolves decimating the city at their Caribou masters’ orders interrupted the silence… The female griffin panted, slowly getting up into a sitting position to see what happened… Her eyes looked deeper into the alleyway, only to see a large metal being standing in front of her, its right arm raised with a fist curled and a large cannon looking device with a glowing end that looked like the blast that hit the Timberwolf’s head. Its red eyes stared at the entrance of the alleyway, the white irises gleaming with determination and fierceness that made her heart flutter… Then the being’s red eyes fell onto her, lowering its right arm and begin walking towards her, the footsteps it made caused the griffin’s spine to shudder a little bit. The metal 7 ft biped was now looming over her sitting body, staring down at her with a fierce glare that made her gulp a little bit in fright and awe. It raised its right arm again and the female griffin flinched at the sight of the large cannon like device aiming at her face, the end glowing brighter with the same whine she heard before. It was tense for a few moments, her shuddering breath interrupting it every few seconds… Then the cannon tilted away, and a metal clawed hand lowered down at her. The griffin blinked at the clawed appendage for a few moments, before reluctantly taking her left claw into the metal being’s and had help getting up. After a few moments of looking at each other, taking in their appearances, before the metal being spoke. “ I assume that these wolves of wood are not a common thing around here?” It-he, said, the voice raspy and menacing. The griffin frowned, ignoring the way her feathers ruffled up a bit as she took in the titan’s form, “ I… No, no they aren’t.” She replied, looking back at the entrance of the alley, then looking back at the double barrel shotgun lying on the ground a few feet away from her. The metal being simply went ‘ hmmm’, contemplating something as it stared down at her 6 ft form. “ I don’t suppose you can give me your designation?” He said, a metal plate above the left eye raised slightly in curiosity. The griffin snapped out of her daze from the day’s events and turned back to the intimidating metal titan. “ Gilda… My name is Gilda. Yours?” She asked, crossing her arms her chest, wondering who the new being before her was called, to remember her saviour. The Metal titan’s scarred lips turned up into a small smile, his posture changing into a small bow with his left arm across his chest and his right metal hand on the chest. “ I am Megatron… And I am here to help you from your perdition!” He said, his eyes glowing bright in the dark alley. Gilda blinked, her face in one of shock, her beak open. “ Megatron… THE Megatron?!” She said, her tone of surprise and awe catching the mech’s attention. Megatron leaned towards her, his optics narrowed in suspicion. “ That is my designation. Why? Perhaps you’ve heard of me?” He inquired, his browplates furrowed in curiosity. Gilda shut her beak, her stance immediately changing into one of a soldier at attention, her claw clenching into a fist and placed where her heart is, her other arm behind her wings. “ Lt. Gilda Stormfeather of the Decepticon Griffin Brigade, reporting for duty sir!” She saluted, catching the mech off guard. “ Decepticon Griffin Brigade?” Megatron asked, his glossa turned in a confused frown, his body stiff with surprise at the name of his old legion from his ‘Warlord-Cycles’. Gilda relaxed, her body untensed slightly, but her eyes still drifting back to the entrance of the alley, her earholes sharp for any more signs of more Timberwolves. “ We don’t know where the name or cause came from, but we knew one name that was prominent over the centuries of Griffinstone’s history of the military brigade, and that is Megatron, prominent leader of the Decepticons.” She explained, a look of exhaustion on her face. She opened her mouth to say more, before the sound of wood cracking and snapping apart brought her and Megatron’s attention to the three fallen Timberwolves. The two watched with a mixture of shock, and awe as the remains of the wooden wolves gathered together, creating a wolf that was bigger than the others. Gilda practically flew towards her shotgun and slammed the shell she still had into the left barrel, snapping it closed and aimed at the larger Timberwolf, claw on the trigger… Before a metal servo gently pushed down her barrel, causing Gilda to look towards Megatron, who was staring at the Alpha Timberwolf, his red optics filled with a sense of glee. " Let me handle this.” He said, his tone said ‘no questions’, which Gilda reluctantly nodded her head and lowered her weapon. Megatron stepped forward and stared at the snarling beast’s eyes, which glowed an even brighter green with bloodlust than before when the three smaller wolves were chasing Gilda… “ Gilda,” He said, catching her attention, " On this day, begins the journey of a lifetime.” He declared, activating his blade. The menacing blade shot out from under his fusion cannon, causing Gilda to lightly gasp. By the Goddess of the Sun and Moon… She thought, as the griffin stood in shock and watched the posture of the 7ft mech change into a fighting position with his legs spread apart slightly and knee joints bent, the left pede slightly more forward than the right one, the sharp gleaming blade next to his faceplate, pointed in the direction of the Alpha Timberwolf. The wolf saw this as a challenge and bared its teeth even more at the mech, wooden legs tensed and prepared for running. This is gonna be the day my life changed. Gilda finished her thought as the two titanic beings charged at each other with war cries and snarls, intent on killing the other.