> Ponies in heaven > by The Cowardly Christian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ponies in heaven...Why not? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponies in heaven I OWN AND REGRET NOTHING! ...III... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo5BAGWoD7g ...III... ...Y'know...I like Faust's ponies...I do...Pinkie...Twilight...Applejack...Rainbow Dash...Rarity... Fluttershy and the rest... Feel the sun in my eyes Swat that clumsy fly Woke me up from a dream about Heaven And I can't help but wonder... Smellin' coffee downstairs Yawn a quick little prayer And get up at a quarter to seven Could their be ponies in heaven? Mirror catches my stare Got some nice pillow hair And I smile all the way to the bathroom My Grandma says that Heaven will be so great that we won't even remember ANYTHING from earth. Scratch my whiskery chin Now my cranium swims With questions I can't wait to ask Him Now On the one hand; that sounds like a sweet deal. And yet... Like: Why did You bother with so many stars? Do You ever play tricks on the angels? And what happened to all of those dinosaurs? Where's the Garden of Eden? And what causes de ja vu? -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- -de ja vu- CRACK! The concept of forgetting Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy and the rest of the gang... Would you stargaze with luna? What kinda mischief would you get in with Rainbow Dash? Would you watch the dinosaurs and draconequus play hockey? Would Adam, Eve Fausticorn and (insert random OC first Alicorn guy) have a double date? Would you give Pinkie de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu- -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu? -de ja vu- CRACK! I can't help but feel a bit sad for that... I guess in Heaven I'll learn I'll be waiting my turn To ask about quasars and feathers So to all Bronie Christians, or at the very least Christians who are interested in 'joining the herd', or to any christian willing to listen to a crazy fool like me who loves ponies... Do you love their songs as much as we do? What do you feel about the love between a Man and Pony? Can ponies be saved? Would you ever make a pony come back from the Grave? Did you ever mistake the pinkie Clones as De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -De ja vu? -de ja vu- -de ja vu- CRACK! I hope the line isn't long I hope Your patience is strong It's a good thing forever's forever I ask that when you 'go to the next great adventure'; you ask god to bring ponies to heaven. To make our beloved ponies REAL. Do our jokes make You laugh? What's Your favorite cartoon? Can You tell me what's out past the edges? And what about UFOs, taste buds, and tornados? Why do we dream? Oh, and what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? -what causes de ja vu? CRASH! He created the universe after all, so why not? Dose Cheese Sandwiche's rubber Chicken Boneless make you laugh? Could you make a Cartoon OC so great even you couldn't comprehend it? Can you tell me if A pony world with Alicorn controlled celestial bodies have edges? Would you let Luna into your dreams? And what would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- -would give Pinkie de ja- CRASH! What's the worst that could happen? What do you get when you cross a sphinx and a cockatrice? Would it make us laugh? Would it make us cry? Or would we just want some more MMMM pie? And would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- -would you give Pinkie de ja- CRASH! Come on, what do you have to lose at that point? Would you give Shining more screen time? Can Pinkie and Applejack just be cousins? Will Applejack see her parents again? Will they be happy? Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- Do you dream of Pinkie De ja- CRASH! (Pinkie, having just smacked the jukebox to keep the records from sticking once again, smiles, waves and then jumps out of the story) Time to call it a day Time to turn off my brain It's already half past eleven Reach to turn out the light And close my sleepy eyes The worst thing that happens is that he says no... And save up the questions for Heaven I'll save all the questions for Heaven I'm savin' up questions for Heaven And at that point were still in heaven...so kinda win-win for us really... Just some fruit for thought... ... To everyone 'in the Herd' keeping the Fandom alive. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ...IIIā€¦... TO BE CONTINUED?