> Mr Smarty Pants > by xzillerationer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shield > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright, let’s see what we can do here.” Twilight, sighing as a cloud of energy enveloped her horn. A dusty old tome rose to life, and flipped through the pages as Twilight quickly skimmed the familiar text. Pushing it aside, she drew a peculiar symbol on her desk with a vial of red sand. With a slight twitch she spilled her cup of tea all over the desk, soaking the book and the sand. “Celestia damn it!” Twilight yelled to nopony at all, furiously pushing all the contents off her desk. “It wouldn’t work anyway.” After calming her tense nerves, Twilight sighed in defeat, she’d have to try again tomorrow. “I’ll just make some dinner, then go back to bed.”   Trotting into her kitchen, Twilight turned to her cabinet. Swinging it wide open Twilight stared into the empty shelves, and, unfazed, cast a spell. Within seconds, the cabinet was filled with food, but, strangely, it’s all...purple. Taking an apple, she sits down at the table. “Not very hungry today, eh Twilight?” Spike said, reading the evening paper. “Not at all, my number one assistant.” Twilight replied, taking a bite into her deliciously crisp apple. “Spike, what are the levels on the spell downstairs?” “They’re at exactly 47.5z, and 99.1z.” Spike replied, swiftly. Twilight squeed. It’s almost finished, soon it’ll be finished. When it’s finished all the loneliness will be gone. All the sadness vanished. It’ll all be right again, all of it. - “We really should do something.” Pinkie stated, her usual bright cheerfulness replaced with a solemn gloom. “Believe me, I’ve tried. Everypony in town has tried.” Rarity replied, her vision locked to the opaque, pink globe transfixing all present. They were all curious at what exactly was in there, though they all knew for certain. Nopony wanted to face the awful truth of what was really in there. All those years it had been so peaceful, so helpful. They loved it like their own, despite it being a foreigner. “But she seemed to take it so well?” - “Spike take a letter. Dear Princess Celestia, I would like to report that my findings have gone well, and the spell was a complete success. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said, pacing back and forth. Spike took the letter, and breathed on it, reducing it to ashes in his wake. Ashes that were immediately followed by a letter bouncing back. “It won’t send, Twi.” Twilight whipped around. “What do you mean it won’t send!” Regaining herself, Twilight continued. “Oh, right. Heh, I forgot. I’ll be downstairs, working on the spell some more.” Downstairs was a mess if anypony had seen one. Picking up the tea from yesterday, Twilight decided to finish the spell. Redrawing the square, Twilight began uttering the phrases. A quick glow had told Twilight the spell was successful. A quick teleporation, and she was back to work. Brushing one stand of hair away from her face, she worked to restore the pipe system from her previous meltdown. Connecting pipes using her magic left her a lot of time to think. Almost done, almost there. Almost done, almost there. She kept uttering those words in her mind, as if they held some special significance. “Almost.” Twilight said, finishing the raw pipework. Connecting the valve to the hose was easy, and turning the hose on was easier. “Done.” Skipping back to her desk, she laid out a new pattern. Using her magic, she finely tuned it to something more complex. A square wouldn’t do, no no no. She had to use a more complicated pattern, a goldfish. Just another test run. A glow followed by a fish. “Dinner.” Twilight said, grinning ear to ear. Scarfing down the fish proved seamless, the stomach ache afterwards wasn’t. Falling to the floor in an unexpected amount of pain actually felt good to Twilight, a calm relief after a busy day of spellwork. She’d have to report to Celestia about her good work, this could revolutionize friendship. And that she was allergic to fish. Oh well, she’s sure Spike could clean up the mess. Standing up, Twilight noticed just how bad of a mess her house was. This wouldn’t do for a library, not at all! “Spike!” Twilight yelled, before looking down and seeing her number one assistant. “That was quick, clean up the mess down here, I’m going to go clean upstairs.” Spike nodded, and went to work. Tidying up was easy, a book there, a few over there, wow that was fast. Twilight praised herself on a job well done. - “You sure about this, Rarity?” Rainbow yelled, biting her lip in nervousness. Not since the Best Young Fliers competition had she been so nervous. She wasn’t performing, but still nervous. Never had something been so monumentally important as this. Hell, for this to succeed she’d gladly never be a Wonderbolt. “Yes, quite. Just do it.” Rarity, replied, almost in tears. And Rainbow dashed. - Admiring her hard work and dedication from afar, before realizing perfection made her hungry. A quick trip to the kitchen fixed that. Twilight swung open the cabinets. “Oh, no food. Guess I better go shopping.” She started to say, before realizing something else. “I have no bits.” Drooping her head, she continued back into her laboratory. “I could’ve sworn I told Spike to clean that up...” Disregarding that, she continued on. Placing a doll on her bench, she thought fondly of when that doll was returned to her. “Twi, in light o’ what happened, Ah found this doll here, and, well, Ah got ‘er fixed up fer you.” Big Mac said, handing Twilight a newly renovated Ms Smarty Pants doll. “Ahm truly sorry about what happened, too.” In tears, Twilight hastily asked Big Mac a question she would later regret. “Big Mac?” “Yeah?” “C-could yo-” Twilight snapped out of the dreamstate with a rumble of the entire building. “What in the world? Its probably nothing.” Covering the doll in the remains of the red dust, she began the chanting. This would require a lot more concentration, and a lot more will power. The cloud of energy on Twilight’s horn increased and decreased, in reverse sync with the light level in the room. A light rumble shook the room, and Twilight concentrated more and more. Finally, after a few minutes, Twilight finished the spell. The doll laid there, motionless. Devastated, Twilight began to tear up. Her final chance, failed. She sat there, holding back her tears for a few seconds before releasing the dams. Sobbing loudly to herself, Twilight had no choice but to instinctively clutch the doll, freeing it of any dust left behind. Gasping for air, Twilight fell to the ground, unable to stop her weeping. She felt alone, she felt very alone. Taking a look at the doll proved helpful to some degree. She stopped crying for a moment. “You’ll always loved me, right Ms Smarty Pants?” Sitting up, and looking at the doll, she continued. “Maybe I can change your name from Ms Smarty Pants, and you’ll be mine. I’ll have you, and you’ll have me.” Brushing aside her ragged hair, Twilight spoke even more. “You’ll never leave me, right? Never abandon you in your time of need?” Overhearing the commotion, Spike came downstairs. “Twilight, I heard you crying. Are you okay?” Twilight swiftly turned her head to Spike. “Oh, yes, I’m very okay.” Ms Smarty Pants waved. “Alright, say, who’s your new friend?” “This is Ms Smarty Pants, she’ll be living here from now on. She’ll never leave me, she’ll never move on.” Spike nodded. A few more minutes after that, and Twilight fell asleep, a smile on her tear stained cheeks. - Disregarding the odd cube, Rarity did was she could think of to stop it. She walked up to the sphere, and laid next to it, hoping that the shield would fade. Maybe she could hear her. Maybe she could help it by being there. Well, it helped her. Applejack walked up to Rarity, a guilty look on her face. Rarity, hearing somepony coming, turned and looked towards her. A quick snap away, she said aloud. “You know this is your fault.” Applejack nodded, and blinked slowly, her eyelids heavy from a lack of sleep. “Ah know.” Rarity cleared a spot next to her, and gestured for Applejack to sit down. Trotting over there, she complied with Rarity’s orders, with a slight hesitation due to her bandages. “It’s alright.” A few tears escaped Applejack. “Where’s Spike?” “He’s in Canterlot.” Rarity said, leaning against Applejack. “Y’all are tired, huh?” Applejack joked, a slight smirk forming. “No, not at all.” Rarity replied. Truthfully the recent events have taken a toll out of both of them, and left them very tired. But all the rest in the world won’t change that. - Clutching her bruises, Twilight awoke. Clearing her rustled mane out of her face, she looked around. The library was a mess. Well, the lab was. Twilight looked down at her Ms Smarty Pants doll, it was all renovated and everything. Cracking her neck, Twilight stood up, and went upstairs. The floor never was a good bed, especially in her state. Going into her bathroom for her morning routine, Twilight first went to the sink. Looking in the mirror proved a relief. She still looked beautiful, despite her disheveled mane and black eye. Turning the water on with her magic, Twilight let the sink fill, before submerging her head in it. Taking more than a moment, she lifted her head out of the water. Staring into Twilight’s bloodshot eyes was a surprising pleasure, knowing the most beautiful mare in the world still had her touch. Turning on the water, Twilight stuck her hoof in it, it was a perfect temperature. Gathering her supplies while the bath was filling, grabbing her loofa, her soap, her shampoo and conditioner, Twilight considered the water. Stepping into the bath was probably the best thing she’d done all week. Sitting back, she thought about her days. She thought about the square, the fish, the doll. She thought about her food, and her bath. It was a nice think. An hour or so later, Twilight stepped out of the bath, completely reinvigorated, prepared for the day ahead. Admiring her tidiness, she went into the reading room. Setting down a book, entitled The Thermodynamics of Life and It’s Magic, she sat down to read. Life: Chapter 1 The basic concepts of life are very, very simple. To create life, something must be exchanged. Usually this is very simple, to create a child you exchange sperm. But for artificial life, life brought about by magic, something must be destroyed in order to continue. For example, bringing a doll to life would involve destroying that doll to give it true life. But, were the life ever taken away, the doll would return. Reading the entire book proved tiring, as she quickly fell asleep. She dreamt of a happy world. A world where she could live with her parents, and her brother. A world where she could see her friends everyday and everyone would always have time for each other. Of course this world would never be real, not even Celestia has enough magic. But Twilight will always have her dreams. But they wouldn’t always be dreams. Like wildfire the nightmare spread. Her friends, gone. Her family, dead. Luna had turned back into the dreadful Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was slowly killing away all she knew true, for revenge. Such a pity thing, and it caused so much agony. No longer able to control herself, Twilight started squirming at the fiendish dream, waking up momentarily, Twilight fell, unable to catch herself. Blacking out on the floor, Twilight awakes. Staring into the eyes of a white coated stallion was something of a mystery. But those eyes were the most amazing things Twilight had ever seen. The soft smile, and warm glow of his radiating persona made her know instantly. “Are you alright, Twilight?” He asked, extending a hoof to help her up. “A little sore, but yes. Who are you?” Twilight said, unable to shift her eyes away. “You don’t recognize me? I’m Mr Smarty Pants.” Twilight stared, she was sure she did it right. “C-can” Twilight paused, but continued. “Can I call you Shield?” Shield nodded. “Of course.” Holding back tears, Twilight jumped to hug him. “I’m finally not alone.” - Holding Pinkie, and keeping her from tears was the hardest thing Rarity had to do today. Pinkie was probably taking it the worst. At this point her hair of flat, and her eyes were red. Nopony was happy at this. Nopony wanted this to happen. But it did. Everypony knew it was going to happen if they kept pushing, but nopony wanted to acknowledge it. Applejack knew it was her fault, at least partially. That’s why Pinkie refused to talk to her. She had never gotten a chance to tell her her true feelings. Pinkie was probably the most brutally honest one in the group. She never was hesitant to say something to somepony, even if it would hurt them. But she couldn’t say she loved her. She wasn’t nervous, she just couldn’t do it. And when she needed her most,  Pinkie wasn’t there. Another pony was. - “So if you subtract the result of the differential equation, you receive the exact amount of energy required to cast a specific spell.” Twilight said, beaming. “Ah, I see. But what if that spell requires a modified output to provide proper amplification without warping of the effects?” Shield asked, testing Twilight’s knowledge on spell theory. “Then you add the inverse of the difference to the final calculation, then multiply it by the number of extra seconds to cast the spell.” Shield nodded. “Oh, I get it now. Let’s go get dinner, I’m starving.” Twilight agreed, and happily followed him to her kitchen. “Wait where are you going?” Twilight asked, as they wandered into the living room. “To the kitchen?” Twilight took each step carefully, each more wobbly than the last. “Oh, right, the living room...” Twilight swallowed. Seeing a small patch of blood brought back horrible memories. Twilight was sitting in her reading room, enjoying the book she was currently buried in. It wasn’t until a knock that Twilight finally got up. Opening the door responded with a harsh slap across her face, so hard it knocked her over. “A-Applejack?” Slamming the door, Applejack shouted, infuriated. “Just what in the hay do you think you’re, doing Twi?! Ah thought Ah could trust you!” Shaking and afraid, Twilight could barely speak. “W-what did I do wrong?” “What do you mean what did you do wrong!?” Twilight had never seen Applejack this upset, it scared her to no end. Applejack swung her hoof, as it connected with Twilight’s head, she continued. “Ya’ll used my brother! You took something he’ll never get back!” Trembling Twilight couldn’t look up, much less reply. Barely covering herself, Applejack continued the brash assault. “Ah don’t know ‘bout you, but where I came from ponies didn’t go around willy nilly like that!” In an unusual rage, Applejack turned around and bucked Twilight across the room, her only stopping once she hit a wall. Applejack slowly trotted over towards Twilight, before her instinct kicked in. Her horn lighting up with near endless arcane energy, Twilight opened her eyes to a white emptiness. The wind picking up, and clouds forming outside, Twilight reacted to the threat on her life. Applejack could only blink. “We’re in the kitchen now, Twilight.” Shield said, holding Twilight close. Twilight, about to go to tears opened her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.” Taking out two plates, Twilight poured the contents of a box of cereal on each. Picking at it with a fork, Shield couldn’t help but notice. “You not hungry?” “I had a big lunch.” “I understand. You going to do it today?” Shield asked, eating his cereal diligently. “Yeah.” “You sure about this?” “Yes.” Shield touched his hoof to Twilight’s. “I support you then.” Twilight smiled. Standing up, she went over to Shield. Looking up at him, Twilight hugged Shield tightly. “I love you.” Hugging back, Shield smiled. “I love you too, Little Sis.” And with that Twilight went to get some rope. - “You sure you can do it, Rainbow? It’s a dangerous flight this time of year, even for you.” Pinkie Pie said, not wanting another friend to fall victim. “Yeah, I’m sure. If she’s in danger, I have to. Even if I don’t make it there all the way, Canterlot doctors will patch me back up.” Rainbow Dash said, taking a note and putting it on her back. Rarity walked up, partially supporting Applejack. Pinkie looked away. “Celestialspeed, yah hear?” “I agree, good luck.” “Thanks, guys. I’m going to fly higher than ever before.” Rainbow Dash said, smiling at the thought of helping her. They all waved goodbye, as Rainbow Dash quickly took off towards the mountainside, multiple sonic booms in her path. Celestia will be able to help. - A few bruises on her flank proved her unsuccessful. Unable to sleep, Twilight went back to her reading room, with a much larger limp. The Thermodynamics of Life and It’s Magic was open on the table, the chapter on Cosmic Duality open for some reason. Looks like somepony was reading. Re Reading that section, Twilight didn’t find anything new out. Looks like Shield was just bored. It really is an interesting book, Twilight thought. Of course she didn’t think much these days. Her mind was fractured and fatigued. Unable to do more than skimming, she threw the book at the wall. Waltzing back into the lab, Twilight found Shield playing with her Ms Smarty Pants doll. It was half singed. “Hey.” “Hey Twi. What’s up?” “Couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d get a little bit of experimenting in. Did you see where I put my copy of Death: The Final Barrier??” “Was it over there?” Shield pointed, and Twilight trotted over and open it up to chapter 7: The Final Confrontation. After a pony dies, they may play Death in a game of their choosing. During the game, they may be revived and brought back to life. If the pony wins the game, then they have another chance at life. If the pony loses, then he’s sentenced to...well nopony really knows. Just remember that while you may choose the game, Death sets the rules. Twilight closed the book, too sad to continue. She’ll have to read it later. “Shield, what do you think happens if a pony loses the game?” “I don’t know, but I want to believe that they go to a heaven or something.” Twilight looked over, and walked over to Shield. Laying her head down, on my side, she let out a smile. “Twilight.” “Yes, Shield?” “You know you can’t run away forever.” Twilight’s smiled faded, and her eyes tears. Shield moved in for a hug. “It’s not going to be easy, but you have to face it.” “Twilight, are you okay?” Princess Celestia asked, leaning in to Twilight. Twilight nodded. “No.” Celestia looked around, and saw nothing but darkness. “Twilight, I-” “Twilight, I think you should stop all this.” Shield said. “I can’t. I have to go through with this. Shining Armor never liked a job unfinished.” Twilight said, walking downstairs. Shield looked at Twilight, then swallowed. “If you insist, there’s nothing I can do. But, Twilight, I’m always here. I’ll always love you, no matter what.” “Twilight, we came as soon as we heard what happened.” Applejack shouted, her friends in tow. “I’m so sorry Twilight, I wish there was something any of us could do.” Twilight, holding back the tears responded. “There wasn’t. Thanks anyways.” Pinkie Pie solemnly walked up to Twilight, and wrapped her in a big hug. Twilight just sat there. “I’m sorry Twilight, I brought you some cupcakes to try and help cheer you up?” Pinkie Pie smiled an enthusiastic smile. “Thanks, but I don’t need cupcakes right now.” Twilight responded. “Ah’m having Big Mac fix up somethin’ right now, he’ll bring it over next chance he gets. I bet it’ll cheer you right up.” Twilight looked at Applejack and smiled. Twilight’s bed was the most comfortable thing she’d been in all week. Though she said that about a couple other things, she meant it. “Shield?” “We gather here to mourn the loss of our beloved departed. Though they are missed, they shall never be forgotten.” Twilight sat motionless, her mind unable to comprehend what was happening. “...Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Shining Armor will all be missed dearly.” Princess Celestia drew in Twilight with a close hug, Twilight responded by leaning her head in towards the alicorn. Unable to cry anymore, Twilight sat there, motionless while the caskets were lowered into the ground. “Yes, Twilight?” “Don’t ever leave me.” She replied, snuggling in closer in the night. - A bright and noisy flash awoke the four ponies standing outside the bubble enclosing Twilight’s home. Celestia had teleported, along with Rainbow Dash and Spike, all the way from Canterlot. “I came as soon as I heard. I had to stop a meeting in progress, but this was more important.” Pinkie Pie smiled for the first time in days. “Oh thank you Princess.” Celestia smiled. “Of course, Pinkie. Rarity,” Rarity snapped to. “Do you know what happened?” “I was just in my shop, designing some dresses when Pinkie Pie here came running into the store. She burst through the door, and barged through several customers. I was about ready to chew her out when I noticed how distraught she looked. She was crying, and, yes, she cries from time to time, never like this. She told me about how Twilight locked herself in a bubble. I went here immediately to see what happened first hand, and we found her like this.” Rarity said, unwanting to continue. “I tried dispelling it myself, but Twilight is much more powerful than I. So I went to the town, got all the unicorns to try. None of them could even scratch it. I even asked Applejack to try and break it, but then she told me her story.” Applejack looked away, in both nervousness and guilt. “Well, uh.” Applejack sighed and told them all what happened between her and Twilight. “And that’s how Ah got these bandages, Ah haven’t slept a wink since it happened, Ah felt too bad.” Princess Celestia glared at Applejack, but continued. “From what it sounds, I’m going to have to do a failsafe spell.” Rainbow Dash contorted in confusion. “A what?” “A failsafe spell, Rainbow. It cancels out all spells.” Rarity responded to Rainbow’s inquiry “Though I am hesitant to cast it, as it will cancel all spells in the area. But I suppose I have no choice.” Leaning down, Celestia prepared her magic. The ground shaking, and the sky contorting, her spell came to life. After filling the sky with dark, thunderous clouds, Celestia’s strong magic peaked up into the heavens, before a beam of light stole down onto the top of the sphere. Growing in intensity, the ground started to shake. - “What’s that?” Twilight asked, frightened as the library shook. Shield looked at her, concerned. - Raising her front hooves into the air, Celestia finalized her spell. An expanding blast grew out, dispelling all in the radius, and rapidly accelerating. The bubble slowly grew down, as though melting layer by layer. A final check left the tree intact. Celestia stepped inside the house. Seeing books scattered everywhere concerned her. A couple patches of blood confirmed Applejack’s story. Walking into the kitchen revealed two plates of cereal on the table, and broken, empty cabinets. Pinkie stuck her head into the house, and gagged at the sight of it. “Twilight!?” Princess Celestia yelled, one of the rare uses of the Traditional Canterlot Voice. No response. Venturing into the hallway, Celestia couldn’t help but stand at awe to the glorious mess. Deciding to duck into the lab proved equally gruesome. Lab supplies everywhere, broken glass in more places. Celestia nearly fainted when she stepped in a puddle of vomit, and saw a full Ms Smarty Pants doll. “Oh my...” Not wanting to spend anymore time in there, she decided to finally try the bedroom. Seeing Twilight curled up in the bed with nary a pillow to cuddle broke Celestia’s heart. “Twilight?” Twilight stood up, and made Celestia gag seeing her emaciated form. A completely disheveled mane took the place of where her beautiful hair used to be. Her eye black from Applejack’s fury. Twilight’s neck had obvious rope burns on it, as well as cuts along her hooves. Bruises and cuts lined the rest of her desaturated coat, having lost it’s color from a lack of care. Her trembling lips and deep breathing forced Celestia to jump to her and hold her. “Shield is gone.” Twilight said. Being in Celestia’s soft grip triggered something deep inside Twilight. It triggered an emotional response none of the ponies in the room were expecting. She cried. She cried her tears out. She bawled and sobbed and wept. Celestia didn’t care as her coat was stained from the blood and tears, all she cared about was that Twilight was safe now, she was in her arms. “Oh Twilight, why’d you do this? Why didn’t you seek help?” Two hours passed and Pinkie Pie decided to investigate. Seeing Twilight being rocked back and forth by Twilight instantly cheered her up, evident by her mane popping back to it’s usual self. “She passed out an hour ago, but I still don’t have the heart in me to move her.” Celestia replied. Pinkie dropped her smile, when she saw how badly beaten up Twilight was. Carefully walking over, she put a hoof on Twilight’s face, brushing a couple bangs out of her face. “Celestia, may I have a moment alone with Twilight?” Celestia nodded, and laid Twilight on her bed. Pinkie Pie teared up, and swallowed something hard. “This is all my fault.” She said, each word crying more and more. “If I hadn’t insisted that they be out of the house for it, they’d still be alive. I’m so stupid for this. I meant to tell you, I really did. I just...couldn’t. I don’t know why, but I know that I’m doing to tell you this now. I may not get another chance, but, I love you, Twilight Sparkle. Not in a friendly way like Rarity loves you, but like how I love a cupcake. Well, you’re not a cupcake, you’re so much more. I’ve loved you since I first laid eyes on you, I just didn’t know it back then. So, please, Twilight, don’t lose the game, please beat her, please just come back.”