> What's for Breakfast? > by themoontonite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > It's Pancakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Their first kiss. Chrysalis remembered that moment like it was yesterday. It was late at night and the two of them were still grappling with the reality of their relationship. For Chrysalis, it was a fresh start that she never knew she would get. She hadn’t planned past her last confrontation with Cadance; it was supposed to be all or nothing. For Cadance it was like she was living one of her romance novels except she didn’t know exactly what to do next. What would Shining think? Twilight? Celestia? All of Equestria would balk, no doubt. Cadance had rolled over in her fitful sleep and got an eye-full of Chrysalis, her eyes glowing softly in the dark of the room. Chrysalis loathed her appearance, her body having almost completely wasted away from years of malnourishment. Cadance’s eyes seemed to soften at the sight of her. She supposed her apprehension was heavy in the air. Cadance pulled herself close, wrapping her forelegs around Chrysalis’. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath hitched in her throat as Cadance pressed their muzzles together. It was awkward, as if she had never kissed a mare before. Her skills as a lover used to be legendary! Now here she was, fumbling with the placement of every limb as if she had never even touched the subject of romance. Cadance giggled and Chrysalis’ ears flattened against her head, shying away from her new lovers touch. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed. You’re just so cute. Seeing you like this, blushing and unsure of yourself… Thank you.” Cadance placed a gentle hoof on her chest and smiled softly. The love Chrysalis was feeling was almost overwhelming. She hadn’t eaten properly in ages. Would Cadance mind…? “You can feed if you need to. I think I’ve got enough love for the both of us until you’re back on your hooves." Chrysalis leaned forward, her lips touching the soft fur of Cadance’s neck. Her horn pulsed and glowed as it swept up the ambient love in the room. Chrysalis’ screwed her eyes shut as her body strained against the pure love coursing through her. She broke contact as her magic failed, collapsing back into the softness of the bed. Cadance peppered her muzzle with kisses as she struggled to regain her breath. “Too much love?” “Too much love too quickly and in too pure a form. Do you have to care for me so aggressively?” Cadance chuckled as she nestled against her chest, closing her eyes and sweeping the covers over both of them. “Better than the alternative.” Chrysalis stared up at the ceiling for a spell before letting sleep claim her, drifting off to the soft sounds of Cadance snoring against her. It was. It really, really was. They had been together for close to a year now. They had already made their wave at the Gala but with the rest of the Princesses and the reformed Changelings at her side she felt surprisingly at home. She had opted not to change her form as drastically as the rest of them, instead choosing just to plug the holes in her carapace. No longer was she eternally incomplete. No matter what happened next she would always have the love she had been given and the love she could give herself. That was more than enough for her. Speaking of love, it was still difficult to be around Twilight and her friends. They took rather well to her except for Twilight, with whom she shared a civil relationship. Rarity was fond of dressing her up and Fluttershy just liked spending time with her. The real issue was the amount of love they gave off when they were together. It was all she could do not to black out at times! So she spent most of her time in the Crystal Empire. On days she wasn’t glued to Cadance’s side she was usually helping Sunburst with this or that. That boy always needed help. Today was one of her and Cadance’s tea dates. These held a special place in her heart because she really got to relax around her. Nopony else but the two of them in a nice, cozy, dimly-lit room. They had been chatting idly about whatever came to mind. The current topic of choice was Flurry Heart. That little filly was a force to be reckoned with! Cadance set her teacup down and fixed Chrysalis with a look she hadn’t seen before yet. Chrysalis braced herself for whatever came next. "So, do you ever think about... starting again? Your hive, that is." "The time investment would be substantial but harder still would be finding the right mare..." Chrysalis sipped her tea thoughtfully, avoiding Cadance’s inquisitive gaze. "We've never had more time than now with Twilight and her marem running things." Cadance cracked a sly smile. Twilight hated when you called her dysfunctional wife pile that but if the horseshoe fits... "Besides, I wouldn't mind having a brood to look after. Or two. Or three." It took all of Chrysalis' mindfulness not to choke on her tea. Cadance was certainly upfront regarding her desires, wasn't she? “It’s just… I don’t. I’ve never used—I don’t know if I could or if you’d really want to a-and—” “Chrysi. Sweetie. Deep breaths. Remember what Fluttershy taught you.” Cadance reached out and placed a hoof on the table and Chrysalis took it, steadying herself. Breathe in, 1 2 3 4. Breathe out, 1 2 3 4. She repeated this exercise a few more times until she was ready to proceed. “It’s not that I wouldn’t want to start again or don’t think you’d do a great job. I-if anything you’re perfect for it! Wide hips, strong body, lots of love…” Chrysalis blushed as images of Cadance, swollen with her eggs made their way into her mind. No! Shoo! “There’s a lot of baggage there for me. Back in the old days, ponies didn’t—they didn’t usually ask like you did. They didn’t ask at all, really.” Chrysalis couldn’t look Cadance in the eyes while she was talking. Not about this. The things she had done to keep her hive alive were truly evil. “I didn’t usually use a. A live womb for my purposes. B-but when one did happen to come along, to stumble too far into Changeling territory… I tended to use her for everything she was worth.” Chrysalis was going to be sick. It was already taking all her mental effort to keep her mood from collapsing entirely. She wanted to be strong for Cadance, to show how much she had changed. Dragging up the past like this hurt. It hurt bad. “Oh.” Chrysalis expected hate or anger or revulsion to spike off of Cadance. Instead there was a quiet understanding, as if she was just now coming to terms with everything Chrysalis had done in her thousands of years of life. “I’ve… talked to Celestia a lot about us. About you, about what it means to live for a thousand years. She’s really opened my eyes about the type of choices she had to make. The sacrifices, the lives lost to divert catastrophe later down the line. I know you did what you had to, or felt you had to. I know at the time you felt like there was no other way.” “There was! There was always another way, Cadance. I was just too stupid and arrogant and power-drunk to admit it! It took me losing my home, my swarm, my everything just to finally admit that fact.” The room was quiet except for Chrysalis’ choked sobs. She heard Cadance rise from her chair and didn’t struggle as she was wrapped up in magic and pulled down into a waiting pile of pillows. Cadance kept them there for the after-tea cuddle session but they doubled as an emotional impact zone. As she felt her lover wrap her legs and wings around her she felt her emotional dam crumble. She cried and cried and cried, wails of sorrow cutting through the air. Eventually she reeled herself back in, the steady flow of tears slowing to a trickle before drying up completely. Cadance was there, an ever-loving, ever-patient rock in her life. "Chrysi… We've been through so much together. All of that is in the past now. I know the feelings, the revulsion and fear are still there but. I'm here too. I'm in it for the long haul. Never forget that." Chrysalis pulled herself tight against Cadance's warm, soft body. "I won't. I promise." Just last night she brought the subject up again. Shining had fallen asleep and Chrysalis was still clutching her book, devouring the words eagerly. She was on the last few pages and she had to see how this ended. The author was really cutting things close! "Come to bed, lovebug. I want to kiss you." Cadance sounded exhausted. She could relate, given how much work it was preparing for the Summer Sun Celebration. She didn't envy the Canterlot princess contingent in the slightest. "In a moment, mi amore. I'm almost finished." She reached out with a hoof and idly stroked Cadance's mane. She felt her shift in bed, no doubt directing that withering gaze at her. She paid it no mind. "Well I'm almost finished with you." "What? No! Don't say that." Chrysalis set the book on the nightstand and dimmed her horn. She slipped under the covers and set herself eye-to-eye with Cadance. "How can I make it up to you, my sweet?" Cadance pondered that question for a moment before a wicked smile crept onto her face. "Tomorrow? When Shining and Sunburst leave for Canterlot? I want your eggs inside me." Shining Armor chuckled in his sleep. Cadance truly knew how to get her way. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Chrysalis didn’t need to look Cadance in the eyes to know the face she was making. It was the same one she made when she suggested introducing her to Shining or when she took her to the Gala or… so on. “Chrysi, sweetie, we’ve been over this. I’m certain! If you don’t want to then please tell me but I’m committed. You said this was the only way to rebuild your hive, right?” “Well… Yes. Something like this is where I would make my… officers, I suppose? Who would then help me expand the rest of the hive through less invasive means.” “Mmmm. I understand your apprehension but why can’t you trust me on this?” Chrysalis rubbed the empty space on the bed between them, eyes fixed firmly on the floor. The look on Cadance’s face was imploring her to speak. She knew she could be open and honest here, but… “It’s not that I don’t trust you it’s just. I don’t want to hurt you. Not again. Not if I can help it. I remember the things I did in the old days and I. I really don’t want to do something like that to you.” She was on the brink of crying at this point as the memories pressed against the edges of her mind. The sort of crimes against ponykind she had committed were steep. “Chrysi… I understand. You’ve told me about the things you’ve done and while I certainly don’t condone them I know you’re different. I know you’ve changed so much even since we’ve been together! It’s been what, two years now?” Cadance placed a hoof on Chrysalis’ leg and she forced herself to make eye contact. “Besides, you’re not going to hurt me. Us princesses are very resilient, I’ll have you know.” Cadance’s charm sealed the deal. To tell the truth, it was definitely a fantasy Chrysalis had harbored for quite some time. Having seen pictures of Cadance during her pregnancy really did something for Chrysalis. “Okay. I’m willing to try for you. Just promise me you’ll tell me if I’m hurting you too much, okay?” “Of course dear. If you hear ‘daffodil’ then you’ll know. Now then…” Cadance hoisted herself onto the bed fully, folding her forelegs underneath her. She looked expectantly at Chrysalis, tail flagged and rump raised in anticipation. “Why don’t we get straight to it?” Chrysalis climbed onto the bed in return, positioning herself just behind Cadance. They had made love countless times before but never using… She shook her head. She was determined! The way she would’ve done it in the old days would be with the help of a mind control spell, to incapacitate her target and to better prepare them for what was about to happen. She figured she owed Cadance a little more foreplay than that. She reached down with a chitinous hoof and pressed against Cadance’s exposed marehood, feeling her swollen lips part with her touch. She was slick with fluids already and Chrysalis took full advantage of that, rubbing against her slowly. Cadance hummed happily at her touch. Chrysalis could feel the love and trust radiating off of Cadance and she soaked it all in, letting it heal her wounded psyche. This… She wanted this. They both wanted this! Chrysalis leaned forward, leaving a trail of soft kisses from the center of her shoulder blades up to the nape of her neck. She pressed her stomach against Cadance and felt her wings flutter under her. She kept up the pressure with her hoof while she nibbled idly at the tender flesh of her throat. She considered sinking her fangs in, letting Cadance know who exactly was in charge here. So she did! The surprised yelp followed by the moan of a mare who enjoyed biting quite a bit sent a chill down her spine. Some part of her did still want to dominate, after all. For the first time in hundreds of years her ovipositor slid out of her, slick with green fluid. She pulled back and slapped it against Cadance’s underbelly. She liked to measure it against a pony, show them exactly what they were in for. The little moan she heard from Cadance was enough to confirm that she enjoyed the concept as well. “Is all of that going inside me?” “That’s right, Princess.” Chrysalis let a little bit of that old venom slip into her words. “Has to be long enough to settle against your womb. We Changelings take our breeding very seriously.” Cadance shifted under her, settling down further into the softness of the bed beneath them. “Tell me more, my Queen. What do you do with a little pony like me?” “Mmm, I’m glad you asked. Typically I’d have already taken control of your mind and body completely but when I meet a mare as willing as you it’s fun to mix in a little foreplay.” She dragged the broad top of her shaft against Cadance’s dripping marehood and felt her wink against her ovipositor. “After that, I penetrate you. Like so.” She pulled her hips back and carefully positioned the rounded tip against Cadance’s lips, pushing in slowly but surely. Cadance trembled as the small, even bumps of her member slipped into her. Chrysalis pushed deeper and deeper insider her prey until she could push no longer. “Tell your Queen how it feels to have her ovipositor so deep inside your worthless little pussy.” Cadance choked out her reply. Chrysalis could tell her mind was swimming from being so completely full. Lust was rolling off of her like heat off black chitin. “Nnnggh… It’s unlike anything else I’ve ever felt. I-is there more, my Queen?” “Of course! I like to toy with my prey before I make them truly submit to the will of the Hive.” Chrysalis began to rock her hips slowly but steadily, pulling back before sinking back in. She could feel all of Cadance twitch and spasm beneath her, held in place by the thick rod that ran through most of her. She could tell Cadance was ready for the next step. Focusing her will on her ovipositor she felt it expand steadily, pressing against and slowly stretching Cadance’s walls. This step was crucial in making sure the breeding went smoothly. Eggs were not small by any means and things could go wrong very easily if her prey wasn’t properly stretched. This mounting pressure immobilized Cadance entirely. She scarcely managed to gasp out a few noises of pleasure as Chrysalis filled all the available space between her and her womb. Satisfied with her work Chrysalis began to rock her hips again with the same glacial pace as before. She felt Cadance come for the first time of many tonight, her body desperately clenching against the invading thickness inside her. Chrysalis cooed soft noises of encouragement, stroking the mane of the mare whose neck was now soaked in sweat. She felt her egg sac lower itself from where she kept it nestled inside her, filling with fresh Changeling eggs looking for a warm home. They would find one in Cadance as her ovipositor filled with a thick lubricant. The first egg slid into the tube-like member before pressing against Cadance’s loosened pussy. It pushed past her, sinking inside and slowly making its way to her womb. It was joined by another egg, then another, a trail of them slipping inside her broodmare. Cadance was incoherent as the eggs made their way through her. Chrysalis tended to have that effect on mares. Cadance let out a sharp cry as the first egg pressed against her cervix, forcing its way past and spilling into her. Cadance writhed against her, the air filling with cries of pleasure. Chrysalis was thankful for the wall of silence they had put up around the room because without it she was certain all of the Empire could hear her. Her store of eggs expended, she stroked the bulging belly of the mare beneath her lovingly. Cadance was trying her hardest to catch her breath as her body adjusted to its new fullness. “I-Is that all?” Chrysalis couldn’t help but scrunch her muzzle.“What?” “I can fit—I need more of you inside me, my Queen. Please.” The desperation in her voice, the pleading look on her face—it was almost too much for her to take. Chrysalis let out a low chuckle. She had never heard a broodmare ask for that before. What good would a Queen be if she denied her subjects what the desire? “Of course, my sweet. When I’m finished with you, you’ll wish you had never asked.” She adjusted her hips a little, her ovipositor shifting in her prey. She took a couple deep breaths as she willed more eggs into existence. It had been even longer still since she had laid more than a single clutch in somepony at once so she was a little out of practice. The muscle memory was there and she let her body fall back into that same old routine. She smiled at the sight of the mare beneath her steadily filling with her eggs. It was a rough time, learning to live off the love in herself that she had spent the better part of a millennium repressing. Cadance broke all of that open and it hurt. It really hurt at first, being forced to be open and vulnerable in ways she had sworn off of. Yet here she was, doing something she had promised to herself she would never do again to the love of her life. She wanted this! She wanted to be her broodmare, to feel the swell of eggs in her womb, to be the progenitor of a new Changeling hive. Even if Cadance hadn’t told her in no uncertain words of her wishes it was impossible for her to miss the raw love cascading off of her. It was the sweetest love she had ever tasted and it was all for her. That realization helped steel her resolve as the second clutch of eggs trailed off. “What do you think, do you deserve more? Do you want more?” Cadance’s response came with a desperate gasping, struggling to recover from the assault on her senses. “Yes! Please! More… I need more.” Chrysalis smiled wickedly as a thought crossed her mind. She owed her broodmare a treat before the finale, didn’t she? Cadance let out a confused whine as the ovipositor retracted, sliding back into the Changeling queen. “More will have to wait for just a moment, pet. I think you deserve a reward for being so good. Don’t you?” Cadance turned to face her, eyelids heavy with pleasure. “What reward could be greater than carrying your eggs, my queen?” Chrysalis crawled forward, stopping to sit in front of Cadance. She tilted her head up and smiled, the sickly sweet smile of a mare in total control. “Oh, you’ll see. I think you’ll end up agreeing with me too.” Cadance didn’t need to wait very long for her surprise to be revealed as thick maredick brushed against her muzzle. She opened her mouth lazily, trying to catch her prize on her tongue. A firm magical grip set her straight. Chrysalis almost wanted to chide her for her overzealousness but decided it was a trait she was happy to work with. Using that same magical grip, she angled Cadance’s mouth to align with the path of her hips. She set the tip of her dick on Cadance’s tongue and slowly pushed her hips forward. She trusted that Cadance would do the rest of the work. That trust was well-founded as Cadance leaned forward in turn, sinking the rest of her mouth around Chrysalis’ thickness. If Chrysalis didn’t know better, she’d have accused Cadance of being a Changeling in disguise if only for the way she used her tongue. She had been with many, many lovers over the ages. Some driven by fear, some by greed, others by lust. The creatures she courted came from not only the borders of Equestria but from far outside of them. None could ever compare to Cadance. That mare could work her tongue in ways that would leave her dizzy, unable to stand for an hour after her ministrations. So it was that Cadance had gained the upper hoof. Chrysalis was pressed against the headboard as her unruly broodmare worked up and down the entire length of her shaft. When Cadance let her lust guide her she was almost unstoppable. Chrysalis screwed her eyes shut as a careful tongue traced the circumference of her ridged head. There wasn’t a single inch of Chrysalis’ cock that Cadance hadn’t lavished with attention by now. She was currently busying herself with kissing up and down her shaft, using her magic to stroke her slowly. There was a familiar pressure building in her loins, one that Cadance had since picked up on. Chrysalis tangled a hoof in Cadance’s mane as she was brought to climax. With the sheer volume of love in the air it was hard for Chrysalis to maintain consciousness as her orgasm tore through her, her heart pounding against her chest. Cadance seemed to have no such difficulties as she swallowed pump after pump of marecum eagerly. Satisfied, she pulled back and let the rest of her Queens seed spill across her open muzzle. Cadance was panting, cheeks flushed and eyelids heavy with pleasure as Chrysalis finally came down. Cadance strained upwards, planting a salty kiss on Chrysalis’ lips before collapsing back onto the bed. This time she opted to lay on her back, hind legs spread open in a sign of complete surrender. The sight of Cadance lying there completely at her mercy with a womb full of eggs made her heart flutter. She craned down and pressed a gentle kiss against her bulging stomach before sliding her ovipositor out once more. She lined their hips up and slowly sank into her broodmare. It was nice, being able to watch Cadance contort against the constant pleasure she was feeling. For this, her final clutch, she decided to mix things up a little. At her command what was once a steady line of eggs passing through Cadance’s battered hole was now a slow deliberate trickle. “Why… why are you slowing down? Are you tired?” Even like this Cadance still had a biting wit. She loved her so. “No, my pet. It’s so I don’t fry your little head when I do this.” Chrysalis reached out with her magic, slipping inside Cadance’s frazzled mind for just a moment. She just needed to change one thing aaaand... Cadance reacted well to the change. Well in this instance was howls of pleasure as she found her ability to feel arousal heightened well beyond what a pony was used to. Chrysalis busied herself by lavishing her neck with kisses, mixing the occasional bite in there for good measure. She swept Cadance’s mane away from her face and enjoyed the sight of the Princess of Love, mouth agape and eyes vacant as orgasm after orgasm wracked her body. Finally she was empty. Well and truly empty. She took a moment to collect herself, reaching out again with her magic to revert that prior change. She would have to experiment with that spell in the future. Rarity had a little vibrator she liked to use for what she called ‘discrete punishments’ that she would have to get her hooves on. It would take her months to recover that many eggs so she could be forgiven for trying to find ways to fill the time between now and then. To tell the truth, she doubted she would need to do something like this again. Surely Cadance was satisfied now, right? She rubbed lazy circles against her marefriends stomach, marvelling at just how full she was. Who knew pony wombs could fit so many eggs! Maybe it really was a princess thing. “So, how does it feel? To be so completely full of my children that you can’t even move? To be nothing but a broodmare, an incubator for a fresh new Changeling hive? I’m sure it feels marvelous… Isn’t that right, pet?” Cadance’s reply was slow as she was still struggling to recover from everything that had happened. Chrysalis couldn’t blame her. She found it difficult to speak as well and all she had to do was will the eggs through. “It feels… fantastic, my Queen. I can’t wait to be of service to the hive again. And again. And again.”