To the Stars

by getmeouttahere

First published

Anon dreams of going to space. A flutterrape story.

Anon has always dreamed of going to space one day. Will his constant star-crossed stalker Fluttershy help pave the way? As with all things Flutterrape, the answer is: kinda?

To the Stars

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Space. The final frontier.

Reaching the stars and embarking on a grand adventure into that great, unknown sea… a shared dream of many-a-boy growing up, and even a good handful of adults who refused to let it fade even in the face of the real world and all its responsibilities.

A very, very, very select few of those dreamers would go on to become astronauts— pioneers gifted a chance to see the brilliance of the stars unfiltered by the Earth’s atmosphere. Some would become scientists or engineers, endeavoring to make their voyages possible.

Unfortunately, you had the aptitude for none of these things. But still, the dream never died. There was another possibility that seemed just over the horizon: commercial space tourism. While not as romantic a prospect as becoming an astronaut, for enough cold, hard cash, it would soon be possible for any average joe to spend some time up there. At first, only millionaires would be able to afford it, of course. But as with all cutting-edge technology, given enough time and refinement, it’d be accessible to anyone for a modest fee soon after.

It seemed so close, too. Maybe five… ten years down the road. You held out hope, diligently squirreling away every spare cent you made into a special ‘stargazing’ fund, so that when the day came, you’d be ready.

And then…

“Oh… do you like cloud watching, Anon? I do too. It’s very relaxing. See… that one looks like a bunny. And that one looks like a tree. And that one looks like a big, sexy human screwing a little pony onto his fat monkey dick like Faust intended…”

And then this happened.

You stand up from where you’d been reclining against the hillside and turn to face the little yellow horse that somehow managed to stealthily take a seat on the grass beside you. Your eyes meet, and she wiggles her eyebrows to further emphasize her disgusting proposition.

“Fluttershy, get the fuck outta here. I’m trying to do some melancholy internal narration and you’re ruining everything.”

Her ears fold back, and for an instant you see a look brief look of fear in her eyes before her expression shifts into that familiar lewd smile you’ve grown so accustomed to.

“Y-You’re so sexy when you’re forceful…”

You sigh. Not forceful enough to make her go away, it seems. You crack your knuckles and take a threatening step forward, and that appears to be enough to cause your skittish little stalker to back off. She meeps and zips away, hiding behind a tree about 30 feet in the distance, two cyan eyes cautiously peering at you from behind the trunk.

So, yeah… this is your new normal. Whisked away to some magical miniature horse dimension after taking a wrong turn on a desert highway. Starting over in a new world was rough, and the constant rape attempts from this yellow devil didn’t help...

But what really got you down in the dumps was the realization that your dream of reaching space was effectively dead now. This world’s tech level was nowhere near where it needed to be to achieve manned (horsed?) space flight. Sure, they have ‘magic’… but they use it for dumb shit like making dresses and having impromptu musical numbers. And while it might be possible for you to learn how to use it yourself, you’re not about to start prancing around with a wand like some gay Harry Potter LARPer.

You recline against the hillside again and gaze at the sky. The sun’s setting behind the hill, the clouds are moving on, and the stars’ll be out soon. You breathe deep of the fresh spring air and smile.

Maybe it’s not so bad. Even if you’ll never make it up there, there’s still a whole bunch of new constellations to discover here. And hey, there’s no guarantee that “space” even works the same in this dimension like it did back in your own. For all you know, the world could be flat or something. The whole cosmology as described to you by that purple nerdling from the library sure as hell didn’t make any sense. Speaking of which, you need to ask if you can borrow one of her telescopes at some point to—

“This is so romantic,” a voice coos in your ear. “M-Maybe next time we should bring a picnic basket. Oh… maybe it’s not too late! I could have my animal friends bring a tea set and some snacks over from the cottage, and then we could stargaze together! A-And then, when it starts to get chilly, you could wrap your arms around me, and we could hold the cold night at bay by making love on our picnic spread surrounded by fireflies… doesn’t that sound wonderful~?”

You grind your teeth. Somehow she snuck up on you again!

“Alright you little shit, I warned you,” you growl.

Sometimes it takes a little more effort to get this horse to take a hint. You heft the little butterball with both arms, dodging her attempt to kiss your cheek as you move to fling her over your shoulder.

“Oh my… is-is it time for us to rut already? You’re so naughty!”

She starts wiggling and pushes back some, and you have to move a hand to her rear to steady her. And then there’s a squelching sound, and a feeling of warmth around two of your fingers, and you stand there frozen in shock as the realization hits you both that a mistake has been made, both to your horror and her delight.

Your first instinct is to retract your fingers, but she puts a stop to that notion right away, clamping onto them so hard that it’s almost painful. You yank your arm downwards, but it only causes her to shift her weight and bounce on your trapped digits, drawing out a lust-filled moan followed by another gush of fluids. A combination of panic and frustration causes you to repeat the motion over and over again, doing whatever you can to dislodge the disgusting creature and reclaim your hand from her horsevag, which serves to only excite her further as her irises shift into the shape of hearts and her moans drive away the curious forest animals from the nearby trees.


“I am… trust me I am, sweetie~!”

You struggle in vain to get rid of her, but she deftly keeps her balance, grinding harder and harder and causing the squelching sounds to drown out the chirping of the early crickets.

And though you don’t notice it at first, another, very distinct sound begins to swell from within her. As soon as you hear it, it causes you to stop what you’re doing, much to the agony of your self-proclaimed soul mate.

“N-No! Keep going! PLEASE keep going, Anon! I need this!” she wails.

But you can’t hear her. All that matters is that sound. That great, powerful, familiar building hum that you’ve heard from the footage so many times before. You don’t understand what’s going on anymore. Is this magic? Is it a dream? It doesn’t matter. You can almost hear the words now, crackling over the radio:

‘T-Minus 5… 4… 3…’

And then, right beneath the thumb of your trapped hand, it appears. The launch button.

‘2… 1…’

You press it.

‘And we have liftoff!’

There’s a great rumbling, and the pegasus takes flight. She soars, and soars, and soars, disappearing into the azure veil, a spray of clear liquid in her wake.

You stand there, awestruck, as she vanishes. You don’t know why, you don’t know how, but there’s no question that she made it. That she broke free to dance amongst the stars.

And immediately your mind begins to race. How many ponies would it take? How many to propel a craft to escape velocity with you at the helm?

You smile brightly, watching as her sparkling liquid trail disperses in the sky for a moment more before you turn to head for home. There’s work to be done, after all.

The dream lives on!


The princess of dreams hums a cheery tune as she dances through space on one of her usual strolls. It’s always refreshing to get out of the castle, especially as her responsibilities have been gradually increasing since her return. Sometimes she’ll take a moment to rearrange the stars or other cosmic objects, for an artist’s work is never done, is it not?

However, there’s one cosmic object in her path that catches her by surprise. She glides over to find a familiar yellow pegasus floating there, eyes swirling and tongue hanging out in absolute bliss.

“Kindness? How strange… we do not usually encounter company during our strolls across the exosphere. Whatever could it be that brings you here?”

“P-Princess…” the pleasure-drunk pony moans, blinking her eyes but still not focusing on the alicorn, “Have you ever… ever been f-fingerbanged before?”

Luna blinks. “‘Finger-banged’? We… know not of what you speak.”

The little pony flashes her a goofy smile.

“Trust me, it’s out of this world.”

The End