> Trixie's New Role (Rework) > by Jhoira > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Trixie Wakes Up, Fouls Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie yawned quietly as she snuggled into her bed. This new blanket was by far the best investment she'd made in a while, it felt like she had an entirely new bed. A bigger one even, though she must have rolled against the wall of her caravan as there was something big pressing against her back. Though her wall was strangely fluffy and warm. Smiling to herself she noticed that some of her props must have fallen over her bed and her. But they were warm so she didn't mind. While Trixie's half sleep-addled and alcohol clouded brain ignored most the inconsistencies, it couldn't ignore the answering yawn that came from behind her. Trixie bolted out of bed her horn flaring with magic as she whirled to face the intruder in her caravan. Unfortunately for Trixie, she wasn't in her caravan, so she didn't actually manage to leave the bed with her initial jump. And without the far wall of her wagon to stop her momentum, she did leave it a moment later. She went over the side of the large bed with a loud cry and a flailing of legs. An edge of the bed that Trixie had only had moments to wonder about before she hit the ground. Letting out a small groan she rubbed her head. Her thought processes were still murky from sleep but there was an underlying throbbing that she couldn't place. The fall had only been a few feet so that wasn't likely the cause. About to get up Trixie froze as she saw a head pop over the edge of the bed. Trixie blushed gently as Princess Celestia addressed her directly. "Oh dear, are you alright, precious?" Trixie squirmed as she was lifted with magic back up onto the large bed. Trixie couldn't help but let out a small sigh of pleasure as she sunk into its soft plushness for a moment. A deep plush she hadn't imagined was possible while it was still a solid object. Trixie let out a small meep as she felt herself being enveloped by the princess' magic again and was pulled over to her, being nestled right between her forelegs. Celestia leaned over the younger pony, nuzzling her gently while she seemed to inspect Trixie. "You don't look any the worse for wear. Why'd you jump out of bed like that? It's dangerous." Trixie was too dumbfounded to speak. She was not only interacting directly with Celestia she apparently had spent the previous night with the princess. Trixie met Celestia's eyes for a few moments before quickly looking to the side, blushing faintly. She had to pause for a moment as the room around her swam. She let out a small groan of pain as she felt the dull pulsing behind her eyes. Closing her eyes she sucked in a deep breath realizing that she was hungover. Groaning a little as she heard the princess chuckle gently before speaking again. "Oh, forgive me. It's been so long since I've had one I forgot that hangovers exist." Trixie glanced back just in time to see Celestia's horn light up and surround her in gentle light. Letting out a small sigh of relief Trixie felt the toxic residue in her blood being washed away by the princess's magic. Trixie was about to thank the princess when she remembered she was literally in bed with the princess. With the haze gone from her mind, she remembered the previous night. A normal performance in Canterlot got attention from some noble that Trixie didn't know the identity of. Then she was invited to perform for the royal court. Both of her performances had gone fantastic, especially as she got to eat with the princess' after the shows. Being nervous Trixie took a less than wise path to cope with her nerves as she hadn't been paying for the drinks. She smiled nervously up at the princess, still smiling gently and watching her. "G-Good morning princess." Watching Celestia raise an eyebrow Trixie crouched down ever so slightly, hiding from Celestia as best she could while not making it obvious she was doing so. "Hm..." Celestia raised a hoof to gently rub the smaller blue mare's foreleg. "Tell me, precious, which Trixie is the real Trixie?" Trixie blinked in confusion, looking up at Celestia and shaking her head. "Trixie... Doesn't understand princess." Celestia sighed gently as she let her hoof fall, taking a moment to think before shaking her head slightly to herself. "Is the confident mare I first met the real Trixie, or is the Trixie I met later the real Trixie?" Trixie shifted a little nervously, it was obvious that Celestia wanted a specific answer to be true but Trixie couldn't tell which one. Trixie puffed up a little, taking a deep breath and puffing out her chest. "The great and powerful Trixie is always confident princess! But... Uh..." Trixie let out a small whine. "Trixie's memories of later in the evening are... Somewhat foggy..." Celestia paused, watching Trixie before standing up, walking out and sitting in front of Trixie so she could meet her eyes without bending down. Now, towering above the magician Trixie deflated slightly, but still sitting up straight and meeting the princess' gaze. "You had a fair amount to drink and you told me about your life." Trixie blushed a bit brighter as she knew her life hadn't been so great until recently, she probably did a lot of complaining. Trixie glanced down looking a bit chagrined before looking back up at the princess. "Trixie is sorry for... Burdening you with all her issues last night princess." Celestia frowned a that, shaking her head at Trixie. "No, precious... Trixie, I am happy to hear about the troubles of my subjects. And help them with them." Trixie squirmed a little as those sad eyes roamed over her. Trixie couldn't put her hoof on when exactly Celestia started to look sad instead of confident but she did. "So, you're a confident independent mare who doesn't need help?" Trixie frowned a bit, nervously nodding. She always thought of herself as a confident independent mare who didn't need help. Glancing off to the side for a moment Trixie couldn't help but feel like Celestia somehow was making that feel like a bad thing before looking back at Celestia, forcing a confident smile onto her face. "Yes, Princess Celestia! Trixie doesn't need anyone!" Trixie followed the princess with her eyes as the princess got up and walked off the bed with a sigh. Shaking her head she floated her crown onto her head. "I see Trixie. You don't have a good memory of last night, I understand. So your request to, as you said "may I stay with you princess" was merely a drunken request?" Trixie's eyes widened as the revelation of her request came to light. She swallowed nervously and squirmed, she wouldn't complain about staying with the princess. Trixie took a few moments to think of the right words to address such a subject. "Ahh, well... Princess Celestia, Trixie would be... Quite honored if she could stay with you. Trixie would be a very valuable asset! She had many skills to assist you in your duties!" Trixie smiled, she was a confident mare. While she knew many would call her overconfident she knew they were just jealous. The surprise of Celestia's sigh threw Trixie off, watching helplessly as Celestia walked to the door of her room. "I do appreciate the offer Trixie but I'm afraid that my government is fully stocked with skilled individuals and your services would not be needed to help run our country." Trixie looked down, not so much from not getting an offer of a job from a drunken suggestion last night. She was disturbed by the underlying sadness in Celestia's voice, a sadness that Trixie couldn't really figure out. "We sent your hat and cloak to the cleaners last night. Once they are brought to you here you are free to leave." Celestia turned, giving her guest a smile, though a sad one. "Be well Trixie." Trixie frowned as she watched the princess leave. She couldn't help but feel like she had forgotten something critically important from last night. She walked over to the door and stared up at it trying hard to remember what she'd forgotten. Sitting down as she tried hard to think, she'd obviously screwed something up but if she remembered she could at least apologize to the princess for obviously putting her hoof in her mouth. She heard floating through the door two voices, one the princess, and one some unknown stallion. "Princess, can you tell me what the block of time with the court you'd arranged for tomorrow afternoon is for? It will help greatly with my scheduling." "There's no need Quick Quill you can open that time back up. I had been hoping to introduce a new consort to the court but it doesn't seem like that will be happening." "Ahh, my sympathies, my lady. Now for today..." The voices faded as they walked away from the door but Trixie had stopped listening. The word consort had tossed a veritable hoof grenade into her mind. Trixie's memories came flooding back into her mind as she gasped for air from the new revelation of the previous night. She had poured out not only her unpleasant early life but also her feelings. Trixie hadn't expressed her feelings to another pony for years. She didn't trust other ponies anymore but the princess had been so very understanding, so very kind to her. She also remembered that they didn't actually do anything untoward last night, simply slept in the same bed. Trixie paced around the room trying to think of the best way to tell the princess she remembered what happened and she wanted to stay with the princess. The princess had been very kind to her. She had seen Trixie's weakness and still cared for her! Though she couldn't be sure, she was fairly certain that all her other friends, like Starlight were mostly conditioned on ehr not being damaged goods. Of course, Starlight knew that Trixie was odd and a bit overblown but nothing like what Celestia knew about her now. Trixie hadn't really had that kind of unconditional kindness given to her, at least not in her mind. The knock on the door knocked Trixie out of her reverie and she looked up at the door. Not sure what she should do as this was the princess' room, not her own until the call through the door came. "Miss Trixie, your clothes are cleaned and ready for you." Trixie whined gently and opened the doors, looking down at the perfect bundle of her cape with her hat sitting atop them. She shifted a hesitated looking down at the package before looking and meeting the eyes of the very baffled maid. Trixie hesitated then figured that she didn't really have much left to lose, the worst the princess could do was toss her out. Trixie shook her head and pushed the package back at the maid. "Uh... They're... They're still dirty!" Before the maid could react she shut the door and retreated quickly from it as the banging started. It took about five minutes for the maid to give up and, Trixie presumed, left. Trixie had just put her hoof down in the princess' bedroom. She could only hope she'd get the chance to beg the princess to listen to her before she was tossed out on her horn. She looked over the room's contents and cantered over to the mirror, trying to get her mane to sit in a more attractive way. However, she wasn't willing to touch the princess' products or even her brushes so she couldn't do much. Starting to pace around the room again Trixie was waffling between the two approaches of trying to sit down and have a reasoned conversation with the princess about how much last night meant to her or to try and convince the princess of her many fine qualities as a prospective mate. Her pride was saying to brag, but she knew that wasn't the best choice. > Trixie Opens Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie jumped slightly as the doors to Princess Celestia's room opened. Her ears instantly drooped when she saw Celestia flanked by royal guards, hanging her head as she knew she wouldn't be getting to try and justify herself. However, Celestia strode forward alone and the doors closed behind her, leaving the royal guards in the hall outside. Trixie looked up a little more hopefully as Celestia looked down at her, the look on her face inscrutable. Trixie was about to try to start her explanation when Celestia interrupted her with a single word. "Explain." Coming across more like Luna's 'royal voice' than Celestia's own gentle tones. Not able to meet the princess' eyes Trixie looked away. The cold demanding Celestia intimidated her more than when she had been flanked by royal guards. Pawing at the floor in front of her Trixie spoke in a quiet voice, not her usual loud way. "Princess Celestia... T-Trixie... Trixie would like to return to the subject of who Trixie is..." Managing to work up the courage to look back up at Celestia it seemed that Celestia had turned from cold to a slightly more encouraging curious but annoyed. She leaned down slightly, so she wasn't quite so much taller than Trixie. Speaking this time in a gentler, less imperious tone. "What do you mean Trixie?" Trixie hesitated before she puffed her chest up slightly again. "T-Trixie is still very... C-Confident mare...! But..." She broke eye contact with the princess again, glancing down and off to the side. "But... But Trixie might... Want to talk more about... About being... Less... Confident..." Celestia frowned for a moment before a few moments later she smiled, laying down as she looked at Trixie. Now she was more or less on the same level as the other sitting pony. "Well that fits, you don't sound so confident, precious." Trixie blinked, opening her mouth to lash out at the insult before she stopped herself just in time. She blinked a bit and bit her bottom lip. "Princess..." She wasn't confident about opening up with her emotions, that was a factual statement. She swallowed and started again as she still wouldn't meet the princess' eye. "Princess, would you... Help Trixie with her... Issues?" Celestia smiled at that request, cooing to the young pony. "Help you with what issues?" Trixie blinked, a little confused by the change. Looking back at the princess and tilting her head to the side. "Uh... What we talked about last night princess." Trixie smiled happily as Celestia nodded, but then let out a small whine when Celestia spoke again. "I know, but we should go over it again. Now that you're sober." Trixie squirmed under that unerring gave, looking away before having her eyes drawn back as Celestia clicked her tongue. "Eye contact. You can't pretend you're not talking to me." Trixie let out another small whine but licked her lips as she nervously kept eye contact with the princess. "Trixie would like to talk about..." Celestia interrupted the poor blue mare, though kindly, and gently. "You would like to talk, precious." At Trixie's confused look Celestia expanded on her demand. "You are saying these things. It's not Trixie, it's you." Trixie giggled a little, this time it was genuine amusement. "Princess, that's how show ponies talk! It's not about Trixie avoiding her issues." At Celestia's raised eyebrow Trixie whined again, recoiling a little under the gaze. "I-It's not..." Celestia shook her head, being gentle with the younger mare. "Alright Trixie, it's your personal style." Trixie smiled, sitting back more normally. "But humor me?" Trixie nodded, happy she, at least in her head, had convinced the princess. And to Trixie's credit, she did legitimately believe her statement, whether it was true or not. "Tri... I." She smiled a bit triumphantly as she remembered the princess' request. Even in the midst of her deciding if Trixie was being honest Celestia had to smile at that cute little shift. "I haven't really told anypony about my issues before..." That piece of information was something that Celestia hadn't gotten last night, and it caused a wide smile to spread across her muzzle. That was extremely touching, but it was also a little bit odd. "You now have friends don't you?" Trixie said that she hadn't had friends when she was younger, but now she did. "Why haven't you told Starlight Glimmer or Twilight?" Trixie bit her bottom lip, not wanting to point out that she wasn't really friends with the princess' favorite student. "Well... Princess if others knew about... My, my issues. They might not like me." She nervously circled one of her hooves on the ground. "And besides... They have their own issues..." Starlight was still dealing with some guilt about her old actions, though it wasn't as bad as it used to be. Trixie was surprised by the low chuckle from Celestia who smiled at her. "But a princess is a fine place to unload your problem on?" Trixie flushed gently. "T-Trixie was tipsy..." "You were tipsy." "I was tipsy. I-I didn't really... Mean to." Trixie let out a small meep as Celestia's magic surrounded her. Pulling her over to Celestia as she sat up she tucked Trixie back inbetween her forelegs and smiled down at her. "I think it was an excellent idea. It got us here did it not?" Trixie giggled a little and nodded, looking up at Celestia with a small, hesitant smile. "It did." Trixie looked off to the side for a moment but then looked back at Celestia without prompting, causing the princess to give her an encouraging smile. "I... I would like to ask again if... If I can stay with you princess?" Celestia smiled gently, cooing to the girl. "You can, but only if you admit to one last thing, precious. You can't avoid that either." Trixie let out a small whine, shaking her head gently, less so in a denial of the demand, more in the denial of the event. "B-But princess..." At Celestia's slight narrowing of the eyes, Trixie whined again. "T-Trixie... Cried last night..." Celestia smiled gently at the girl, it wasn't perfect, but it was close, certainly enough effort to let Trixie try to correct her error. "Trixie did something last night?" Trixie sighed gently, her eyes quivering as she was again close to tears from having the memories of the time she'd decided others weren't to be trusted brought up. "I... I cried last night." Celestia nodded, cooing to the girl quietly. "And why did you cry?" Swallowing Trixie continued. "B-Because... Because..." Trixie shook her head, whimpering as she thought back to when she was just a little filly. "I-It wasn't my fault!" Celestia raised a hoof and gently rubbed the younger mare's chest gently, waiting. After a few moments of silence, Trixie started up again. "Because he b-betrayed me!" Trixie couldn't keep her voice from breaking as she said that. Celestia nodded, cooing to her gently. "He did. But you didn't have to turn away from everyone." Trixie frowned at that, shaking her head. "B-But they could hurt me again!" She retracted slightly, puffing her chest out. "Th-The great and powerful Trixie doesn't need to let anyone in! She won't be hurt ag..." Trixie trailed off as Celestia's eyes softened again to sad orbs and Trixie whimpered, letting out her held breath. "I-I'd like to let you in princess..." Celestia smiled again, rubbing the younger mare's chest gently. "We'll need to work on that, but yes, I think that we can do this. You can be my consort, Trixie." She paused then snickered gently. "I take it you don't well remember what we discussed last night? About consorts." Trixie shook her head and Celestia chuckled gently. "The short version is that as a princess my actions are under constant watch by the court. I don't get to have marefriends. I get concubines/catamites, something I have never availed myself of, consorts, and spouses. All of these ponies I have limited authority over." Trixie's eyebrows hit the ceiling so to speak, so fast that Celestia hurried to clarify. "In a legal sense, precious. I have wide authority to pardon criminals and other privileges. Most of those privileges do not extend to those ponies that I am close with. The nobles demanded that such things be quantified." Trixie nodded, smiling shyly as she looked up at the princess. "But... It's pretty much just another word for marefriends then?" Celestia chuckled and nodded, pulling Trixie into a small hug. "Yes, it does." She got up and stretched a little, smiling down at Trixie. "I do have to get back to court, make yourself at home in my room." Celestia looked a little chagrined a moment later. "Oh, or would you prefer your own room? Or perhaps sleeping in your caravan? I can have it brought onto the grounds, perhaps in the gardens?" Celestia had realized right after she said it that perhaps Trixie wouldn't want to share her bedroom. Trixie, however, jumped on the proposition. "Oh! Trixie wo..." She paused and looked up at Celestia, who gave her an encouraging nod. "Trixie would love to share your..." She blushed ever so gently. "To share your bedroom princess." She grinned and tilted her head to the side. "Trixie supposes we should get her cape and hat so they don't get cleaned again." Celestia smiled and shook her head. "If you're staying here, precious, I'll order some new ones made." Trixie's eyes widened and she bounced up to her hooves, grinning widely. "Ooh! New capes? I would love that! Thank you so much, princess! I..." She frowned for a moment. "Uh... But... Trixie would still get her old ones back, right?" Celestia hadn't even considered that and shrugged. "Well, I don't see why not." Trixie nodded happily. "Trixie's had them for a long time, they're sentimental to me!" But it was obvious Trixie was extremely excited at the concept of new capes. Celestia smiled faintly as she made another realization. "You aren't used to getting gifts are you?" Celestia grinned, Trixie could have bought herself new capes long ago, but getting them as a gift seemed to make her so happy. Trixie blushed a little and shook her head. "N-Not really princess." The princess leaned down, smiling at her new consort. "I'll make sure to bring you plenty of gifts then, precious one." Celestia leaned in and left a lingering kiss on Trixie's lips before she turned and left the young mare to get used to the idea of her new role.