A Bit Of Revision

by Jhoira

First published

Sunset finds out that Rarity has feelings for her, and is very happy to return them.

After their poker night and finding out about Rarity's crush on her Sunset takes advantage of the time ambushes her soon to be new girlfriend with a kiss. Sunset is very gratified to find her intentions returned, though Rarity is a bit hesitant to admit it openly.

I do like me some meaningless fluff... I promise I'll get back to my on going actual stories soon my faithful readers!... The like... Five of you. ^.^

First Date?

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Rarity let out a small gasp as Sunset finally broke off their kiss, smiling down at her as she held Rarity up. Rarity stared up at Sunset with a deep blush, breaking eye contact a few moments later and biting her bottom lip. "Y-You can let me up now darling."

Sunset grinned as she pulled Rarity up to her feet and raised a hand, running it through the beautiful girl's hair. "Well now look who's being so shy."

Rarity glanced back at Sunset and smiled sheepishly. "W-Well darling I mean... I've had a crush on you for like a month but I thought you were into guys so..."

Sunset smiled as she nodded. "Well, I am, but I'm into girls too silly. How could I not be into the most beautiful girl around? What about me finally won you over then?”

Rarity flushed a bit brighter and bit her bottom lip. Taking Sunset’s hand and leading her over to sit on the couch. “Oh, just when... Uh... I saw you heading over to the Mirror Room.”

Subset frowned as she brought up memory then grinned widely. Gently reaching out and pushing Rarity onto her back, climbing over the poor squirming girl. “You mean when I lost that bet to Trixie and was dressed in that slutty bunny girl outfit?” Sunset grinned as she knew the position she was in over Rarity caused her short to fall open. If Rarity looked down she’d have a great view of Sunset’s generous breasts.

Rarity, however, by planning or luck glanced off to the side. Sunset guessed by the others burning cheeks it was because she was embarrassed. “I-I wasn’t... I didn’t mean... It wasn’t the outfit!” Rarity glanced down, flushing as she caught an eyeful down Sunset's shirt and quickly looked back up at Sunset, causing the other girl to grin.

Sunset brought her hand up and smiled, rubbing her hand over the other girl's belly. Rarity let out a small gasp as she felt Sunset Shimmer touching her, squirming slightly under the other girl's attention. Sunset cooed to the girl as she leaned in and gently kissed the Rarity, running her hand just a little higher, though not enough to touch anything important. "I think it was, by how you stared down my shirt there."

Rarity blushed a little brighter and reached up, pushing down gently on Sunset's hand, who, while letting out a small disappointed sigh allowed her hand to be pushed out of the other's shirt. "Now slow down there Sunset... I... I'm very fond of you but I am also a lady."

Sunset nodded. "Of course Rarity, sorry I was excited." She sat up, pulling Rarity up with her to sit next to her on the couch. Sunset would have liked to have this talk after a night of passion but if Rarity wanted to take it a little slower she'd be up for that. She grinned and leaned in, giving the other girl a kiss on the cheek and getting an appreciative giggle from Rarity. "So are you free tomorrow?"

Rarity nodded, smiling appreciatively at her friend, though it was a little slower than Sunset would have expected. "Oh I have all tomorrow free what did you have in mind darling?"

Sunset chuckled and shook her head. "Really Rarity? I have in mind taking you out on a date."

Rarity blushed a little, groaning. "Well now don't I look silly? That should have been obvious!"

Sunset chuckled and shook her head. "Well that's ok, I mean really you're still getting used to it."

Rarity giggled and nodded, standing up and walking over to pick up her purse from the floor, where she'd dropped it when the kiss began. "Well, it is getting late darling, and it would not be proper for me to stay so late at my... My girlfriend's house. Call me tomorrow and we can talk about the date?"

Sunset grinned at the thought of said date, nodding as she got up and walked over to Rarity. "You can bet on that." She smiled as she leaned in, gently grabbing Rarity's wrist to pull her in, but she paused at the sharp gasp from Rarity, hesitating. "Uh... Rarity? You good?"

Rarity blushed and squirmed, looking to the side and nodding. "Oh... Uh... Yes, Darling..."

Sunset slowly let go of the other girl's wrist, licking her lips. "Rarity, is kissing you goodnight okay?"

Rarity let out a somewhat exasperated sigh but nodded. "Yes, darling..." Rarity's voice was a little clipped but then she shook her head. "Oh, I'm sorry darling I was just distracted by my own thoughts." Rarity smiled at Sunset, her voice returning to normal. "I would love a goodnight kiss." This time Rarity's voice matched her wide smile.

Sunset grinned a bit, reaching out and gently grabbing Rarity by the wrist again, pulling her in and wrapping her arms around the slight girl, pressing her own generous bosom and athletic build against the girl's lithe form. Enjoying that feeling all by itself she leaned in and gently pressed her lips against Rarity's. A very normal, if a long kiss. Sunset wasn't planning on pushing Rarity with a deeper more passionate kiss, but from she knew from earlier Rarity didn't seem to object to long gentle kisses.

What neither girl expected was that as Sunset's thought wandered to Rarity, her body, and what she'd like to do to Rarity once she had permission, Rarity's mind wandering the same direction caused a bridge between the two, allowing Sunset to eavesdrop on thoughts that Rarity had thought to be private. 'This is how a proper lady should act on her first night with her girlfriend... Though I wish she'd just push me up against a wall and take what she wanted... Really brain! You are a lady! You can't mean that! Oh, be quiet Rarity! How many times have you woken up damp after dreaming ab... BRAIN! SHUT UP!' Sunset broke off the kiss, staring at Rarity for a few moments before grinning widely.

Rarity giggled, blissfully, for the moment, unaware of the nuggets of information that Sunset had just gleaned. "Hehe, someone seemed to enjoy that kiss."

Sunset grinned as she began to slide her hand down Rarity's back. "You have no idea."

Third Date

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Rarity woke up, held close to her new girlfriend and lover. Rarity was conflicted, feeling Sunset pressed against her back, held close in those strong arms, this felt great! The thing that was bothering her was last night... She had let Sunset Shimmer set the terms and do whatever she wanted... Rarity didn’t regret it, the memory made her flush with pleasure and anticipation for other nights... But the issue was they hadn’t even been out on a single date before she’d put out! She sighed gently, maybe she wasn’t such a lady, but she was content with that if it meant she got Sunset. Rarity hesitated for a moment before nodding, turning over and nuzzling gently into Sunset. She certainly could deal with it... Mostly.

Sunset herself let out a small yawn as she felt the girl in her arms moving around a bit more, smiling as she opened her eyes to see the beautiful and wonderfully naked alabaster girl in front of her. "Well hello there Rarity." She leaned in and gently gave the other girl a kiss, happy to feel Rarity kissing in return. She smiled and ran her fingers down Rarity's back, cooing to her as she felt the girl squirm under her touch. "You are the most adorable girl ever Rarity." Rarity smiled shyly at the compliment, burying her face into Sunset's neck. Sunset frowned a little, last night Rarity had been squirmy, blushy, and overall shy yes, but she'd never hidden from Sunset. "Hey Rarity, you are ok with last night right?"

Rarity nodded but still was hiding in her girlfriend's shoulder. "Yes, darling... You didn't do anything I didn't want... And you did make sure to remind me I could say stop."

Sunset held the other girl close to her. "What aren't you telling me then?" Rarity let out a small sigh and shook her head, still pressing up against Sunset. Normally not a situation that Sunset would ever be complaining about but this wasn't normal for Rarity to be so timid. She was proper and a bit shy but never timid. Bringing her hand up she gently stroked Rarity’s hair. ”Rarity...” Sunset didn't think it was likely, but it could be something she’d done had hurt Rarity. ”Is it me? Did I do something wrong?”

Rarity shook her head, pulling back a little to give Sunset a small but genuine smile. ”No darling you didn't do anything wrong. You are wonderful.”

Sunset couldn't stop the grin that broke out at that. She was still upset that Rarity seemed unhappy but at least it didn't seem to be her fault. Sunset wanted to tease Rarity with everything that was running through her head but she needed to make sure Rarity would be ok with that first. But Rarity seemed reluctant to talk about it. Sunset smiled gently sd she rubbed Rarity’s back.

While Rarity snuggles up close to her Sunset let her mind wander back to the previous evening. Thinking of the games didn’t lend her any clues as to why Rarity might be upset. Afterward when Rarity had been saying she should go her mind betrayed that she certainly hadn’t wanted to... ‘AHA!’ Sunset grinned as she triumphantly celebrated her mental abilities. She pulled Rarity a little closer to her, grinning as she felt the slender form pressing against her. “This was an enjoyable end to our third date don’t you agree. Rarity?”

Rarity blinked, frowning in confusion as she looked up at Sunset. “Darling...?”

Sunset grinned down at Rarity. “Well last week we went to the movies, that’s one.” Rarity looked up at her incredulously.

“But Sunset that was just...”

Sunset smiled as she quickly spoke over Rarity. “The most wonderful night I agree.” What Rarity had no doubt planned to point out was that that had been a four-person activity but Fluttershy had had an animal emergency and Rainbow Dash hadn’t shown up. “Then we went to dinner Wednesday.”

Rarity frowned again but didn’t protest this time. They regularly went out to dinner Wednesday, just to keep up with their friendship in their hectic life. But Sunset continued, gently running a hand through her girlfriend’s hair. “And then last night, our third date. Game night with our long-time friends.” Sunset leaned in and whispered into Rarity’s ear. “Is a third date acceptable for a lady?”

Rarity’s eyes widened and she blushed brightly but smiled genuinely at her bed companion. “Yes, darling. A third date is quite acceptable.” She nuzzled closely into Sunset, letting out a gentle contented sigh. “Thank you Sunset.”

Sunset grinned as she ran her hands down the other girls back. “I guess that’s two secrets we’ll be sharing.”

Rarity was content staying nuzzled up closely her girlfriend. “Two darling? I think you mean one. And I know what secret you’re talking about but perhaps you should clarify? I’d hate to accidentally be keeping a secret from my girlfriend.”

Sunset chuckled. “Oh one, of course, Rarity.” Rarity grinned evilly at her girlfriend. “About how such a prim and proper princess likes to be held against walls as...”

“Ok darling!” Rarity flushed brightly as she interrupted the other girl. “Th-That’s the exact secret I was thinking of so we don’t need to worry about finishing the thought!”

Sunset grinned as she rolled away eliciting a small whine from Rarity who pouted as her warm and sexy snuggle buddy was taken from her. “Well, I think we should start the day.”

Rarity whined but sat up, pulling the blankets around her covering her naked form, a self-conscious act that Sunset didn’t seem to have any interest in sharing. “But darling it’s our days off, can’t we just relax?”

Sunset grinned at her companion. “I was planning on relaxing in the shower personally. Nice warm water... maybe some company...” Rarity blushes a little brighter but very obviously started edging towards the edge of the bed sunset had escaped from. “And I have a nice big water heater so we don’t need to worry about running out of warm water...”

Rarity hesitated for a moment before with another faint blush abandoning the blankets to walk naked over to Sunset, smiling shyly as she took the other girls hand. Rarity knew it was foolish to feel embarrassed being naked in front of the girl she’d had sex with the previous night. Slightly kinky if she was to be completely honest with herself. But she still was getting used to the idea. “That sounds wonderful Sunset.” She smiled and her embarrassment didn’t stop her from wrapping her arm around Sunset’s.

Sunset grinned as she started to lead Rarity towards her master bathroom. “And you wanna know another great thing about the shower?”

Rarity smiled. “Well, you obviously want to tell me now don’t you?”

Sunset leaned in and whispered into Rarity’s ear. “It has walls.” Rarity blushed crimson and opened her mouth to reply indignantly only to have it interrupted by asqueel as Sunset pinched her on her naked bottom and ran ahead. Rarity blinked then grinned and chased after her new girlfriend.