Working Out the Kinks

by ChronicleClop

First published

Rainbow Dash wants Soarin to notice her. Rarity helps.

Rainbow Dash is an awesome pony. Just ask her, and she'll tell you! But sometimes, even awesome ponies need a bit of help to get a stubborn stallion to notice them. And with a little help from Rarity, Rainbow Dash gets just the help she needs!

Random garbage story inspired by derpibooru pic 2141493 by elijah.

Primped Up

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“Rarity, come on!”

“Just a moment longer, dear!”

“Ugh, this is taking forEVER!”

“Honestly, darling, if you complained half as much, we would be done already! I just need a few more snips...aaaaaand...done!”

The clicking and clacking of scissors ceased their echo in the room, as the azure glow surrounding their handle gently motioned them over to the side of the room, laying them gently on the table. Rarity stepped back with a satisfied grin, surveying her work, the fashionista assured that once again she had worked a miracle! After all, not just anypony could claim to have brought even a modicum of class and culture to Ponyville’s resident daredevil.

Before her stood Rainbow Dash, newly primped and preened, and looking like a brand new mare! Or at least, one who showered regularly. Standing proud and tall, the Wonderbolt had her chest out, standing proud as she wore her new mane and tail with pride. After what felt like hours of attention, her shortened manestyle draped over her neck, and her cropped tail hung just below her flanks. The shortened look was all the rage these days, and sure to attract attention from all the right stallions! That’s what Rarity had assured her, at least. Though she had neglected to mention the full extent of her reasoning.

The blue-furred speedster raised a hoof, adopting a signature daring pose, “Awesome! This’ll totally catch Soarin’s eye!” she said, jumping up in excitement. As she flapped up and down, she quickly noticed the draft against the back of her neck, as well as the back of her legs. With an uncertain look and a nervous laugh, Dash quickly dropped back down.

“Heh heh, I guess I gotta be a bit more careful with this manestyle.”

“Nonsense, darling!” Rarity was quick to correct her, trotting up to comfort her friend, an unquestionable note of certainty in her voice. “You remember the whole plan, don’t you?”

Shifting her weight from hoof to hoof, Dash nodded, “Uh, yeah. You make my mane and tail all fancy, then I go meet Soarin at the gym, and he thinks I look TOTALLY awesome, and falls for me!” she replied, confidence growing with each word.

Rarity raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Yes, well, I suppose being yourself was always going to be the plan of action. Though that doesn’t mean I can’t add a few last finishing touches!”

Ever the opportunist, Rarity quickly flared her magic, reaching into the drawer on the table next to her and pulling out two hair bands. Gathering up Rainbow’s mane in her hooves, she quickly pulled together the multicolored strands, working carefully to maintain separation of the colors for maximum effect. Wrapping the band around her hair in a loose bun, Rarity maneuvered herself behind her friend, gathering up her tail casually and raising it up above her dock. Folding the strands over themselves, she looped the tight hairband over the shorter tail, ensuring it bunched around the athletic pegasus’ dock, and remained poised high above her flanks!

With a slight blush, Dash flicked an ear in annoyance. With her tail tied up, there was nothing to hide her privacy between her legs. The short velvety fur coating the darker skin of her plump lower lips, as well as the tight ring of her ponut on full display to the room behind her. As she shifted once more uncomfortably on her hind legs, the soft skin of her labia twitched lightly, the tight crease separating her womanly lips separating ever so slightly at the tension and revealing the barest hint of light pink. “Uh, Rarity...if I wear my tail like this, everyone is gonna be able to see my, uh…my pussy”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Honestly, Dash, must you be so crass? Call it a ‘marehood’ at the very least! But alas, that is how it must be done. We can’t have you sweating all over your freshly done mane and tail now, can we? Besides! Stallions like soarin appreciate knowing what they’re working for! And with a bit of hard work, a bit of sweat, and just the right lighting, why I’m sure you’ll look absolutely irresistible! Though if we want to make absolutely sure...hmmm” Rarity thought out loud, frowning slightly as she stared intently at Dash’s posterior.

Raising one leg, she lightly poked her velvety hoof into the soft, supple flesh of Dash’s posterior, then into the fleshy dark blue lips of the smaller pegasus mare’s labia. Despite the brash girl’s constant exercise, she really was soft where it counted. Soarin was sure to appreciate it, at least, Rarity thought.

“Hey, Rarity? Can I go yet?” Dash asked with a slightly uncomfortable look on her face. While she was fully accustomed to walking around in the nude, as were most ponies in Ponyville, she felt she should really draw the line somewhere. And her friend staring and poking at the hole between her legs seemed like as good a place as any.

“Hmm, yes yes, in one more second.” the fashionista insisted, her horn once more erupting in a cone of azure light as she reached for a makeup kit in the ever useful table beside the two mares. Pulling out an applicator brush, she dabbed it quickly in blush, then brought it down to bear on her friend’s flank. “Just a bit of blush to draw the eye...yes, that’s perfect! And let’s not forget where we really want him to look…”

“Wait, is this just an elaborate way to get me to flashAH!” Dash cried out, jumping as the soft bristles began stroking over her vulva, tickling her sensitive flesh. The soft brush dragged up and down, applying a subtle coat of red across her slit, and working it up over her perineum, and to her fleshy rosebud. Jumping up, she quickly trotted away, deciding she didn’t feel like waiting to see where Rarity thought she should wear the lipstick. “ThanksforthehelpRaritybye!” she spat out quickly before taking off through the window, slamming the shades open loudly in the process.

“OH AT LEAST USE THE DOOR!” the unicorn shouted after her friend, before magicing over her brush, and trotting over to close the shades. “Well at least Soarin already likes her…”

Prancing Round

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As she flew quickly in the direction of the Wonderbolts compound, Dash couldn’t help but squirm slightly. With a shorter manestyle and tail, she felt the brisk chill of the wind against her slender form even more. It was strange, though certainly not enough to affect her flying. She was an elite flyer, different hairdo or no!

With a burst of speed, she quickly rose above the cloud layer, coming in sight of the aerial compound quickly. The large facility was familiar to her at this point, almost like a second home, though she still spent most of her time in Ponyville. That said, there was still nothing that could beat the workout facilities the flying team boasted, and Rainbow Dash was always keen to take full advantage of her access!

Angling her wingtips forwards slightly, she angled down towards the gym, landing with a trot right in front of the doors. She’d arrived about an hour before Soarin usually showed up. It wouldn’t be enough for a full workout for her...but definitely enough to work up a good sweat! With a smirk, she thought that was just fine. She would be looking forward to having some energy saved up when he showed anyways.

Entering into the air conditioned building, she looked around curiously. There weren’t too many other ponies there, most preferring to get their workouts done early in the morning, or in the evening. Trotting past Fire Streak and Fleetfoot, she gave them a casual wave as they continued their wingups. Fleetfoot raised an eyebrow in a silent question, while Fire Streak stared intently just behind Rainbow, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she noticed his staring. At least until his wings stiffened to the point that he could no longer lower himself. Giggling lightly, Dash trotted one more room over to where the treadmills were. Hopping on one, she got to work!


Dash panted rhythmically, her glistening coat dripping in sweat as she pounded relentlessly on the treadmill, galloping at a moderate pace. She’d been going for nearly an hour, though had plenty of energy left. Still, she was highly aware that anypony behind her would certainly be getting quite a show. She could feel the occasional beads of sweat rolling down the sensitive flesh of her pussy, sometimes seeping in between the crease where her lips met, or when they dripped down from her dock, rolling around the curve of her ponut before dripping down her inner thighs, slicking her flanks completely with her musky sweat.

Grinning to herself, she knew it would certainly get Soarin’s attention. It had certainly gotten Fire Streaks. The poor guy had “accidentally” walked by 3 times into the wrong room before Fleetfoot had pointed out his boner, causing him to blush, apologize, and leave quickly. No sooner had she chuckled once more at the memory, than the stallion of the hour finally showed up!

Soarin was a big stallion. Dash thought that was an apt descriptor in more ways than one. She wasn’t the largest pony herself, even by pegasus standards, so to her, Soarin was a relative giant! Ripped with muscles, his darker blue coat was always groomed to perfection, and his charming smile was never far from his face. His masculine smell wasn’t too obnoxious either, as Dash had taken the time previously to note. It was this very smell that teased her nose as she thought about him, causing her to let out a grin. Between her legs, she felt a tingling start at the apex of her legs. A certain light warmth that almost made her feel giddy as a fluid that wasn’t sweat began beading ever so lightly inside her.

Dash flicked the switch on the treadmill to end the workout, and hopped off the device easily, turning to take in the newcomer. Soarin had evidently just flown over, a light coating of sweat beading on his brow just below his windswept mane. His confident smile made her heart swoon, though wasn’t enough to shake her resolve. She had a plan! All she had to do was stick to it!

“Hey Soar! What’s up!” she called out casually, attracting his attention as she specifically trotted away from him, heading to the water fountain to grab a drink after her run. She could feel his eyes on her immediately, and took the time to lengthen her stride, swaying her hips ever so slightly as the bunching of her tail caused the rainbow strands to wave high above her glistening flanks.

“Uh...hey, uh…” Soarin smartly replied.

Rarity certainly knew the way to a Stallions heart. Or at least to something, Dash thought. The knowledge that he was almost definitely staring under her tail, eyeing up her feminine assets brought a blush to her face. It was common enough for ponies to walk around in the nude, but it was always considered good manners to not go out of one’s way to try and sneak a peek. Tails made it easy enough to hide a mare’s unmentionables, though with her current arrangement, Dash had only the politeness of her fellow pony to protect her dignity. So she was currently 0 for 4.

Leaning into the effect, Dash spread her rear hooves slightly, leaning forwards to spread her flanks, stretching the flexible skin of her pussy slightly. “I’ve been working out, can you tell?” she asked coyly, looking back over her shoulder to meet his eyes. His never met hers.

Soarin had a dumb look on his face, his eyes keyed down directly below her tail, taking in every square centimeter of her darker skinned genitals. It was something she had been self-conscious about as a filly, though after a number of ex-stallionfriends she realized it wasn’t as important as those mare magazines had made it out to be. Trailing her own eyes slightly lower, Dash realized that she had certainly had the effect she was going for.

Between his legs, Soarin’s plump sheath was already swelling, the blue fur covering his sheath already rounded and growing. Time to take action! Turning back around, Dash quickly trotted over to her taller teammate, his own form dwarfing her slender build. As she stopped before him, she noticed with a titter that he somehow smelled even better than usual. “Seems like you just got here. Looking for a workout buddy?” she asked, tilting her head upwards to meet his eyes. It certainly made it easier for her to see the gears turning in the big guy’s head.

“Well, uh, thanks! Sorry, I, uh, just noticed you did something different with your mane. I was just gonna go for a gallop?”

Maybe just a little more. Channeling her inner Rarity, Dash slinked along his body, making sure to rub her toned side against his chest, and down his own side as she spoke, “I actually just got off the treadmill...though I wouldn’t mind a little more cardio.” she said as she ducked slightly.

With the difference in their height, it didn’t take much for Dash to slip her head underneath his belly, considering it was at the level of her withers. As she did, she came face to sheath with her target. The plump fold of flesh, covered in fur and a light sheen of sweat positively radiated manly musk, and Dash couldn’t resist the urge to lean in and take a sniff. He did need a bit of an extra hint after all.

Leaning closer, Dash gently pressed her soft, warm muzzle against the opening of his sheath, feeling his soft fur tickle against her nose as his surprisingly soft skin pressed against hers. She smiled lightly as she heard a muffled groan vibrating through his body, the stallion clearly enjoying her attentions. Though just in case he still didn’t get it, she lightly spread her lips, her azure lips dragging across the folds of his sheath, opening her mouth against the still-shut slit of his prize. Pressing her tongue forwards, she gently dragged her wet tongue against his opening, before pressing it between the loose folds of skin.

He spread surprisingly easily, and the tiny mare was instantly rewarded with an explosion of flavor. Earthy and overpowering, yet spicy in a way that she couldn’t even describe! Letting out a quiet moan, she tilted her head and pressed her tongue forwards, eager for more of his manly taste. She quickly pressed up against a slick piece of flesh, her small tongue pressing against what felt like a tight ring of flesh. It had the same musky flavor as initially, but a bit fresher, and a bit more flavorful. All it took was a few licks before her tongue, sliding past the rounded head of his cocktip and sliding between his cock and his sheath was pushed back.

Finally arriving at the party, Soarin’s cock wasted no more time nearly exploding out of his sheath, the full length of it spilling out in slow motion as it hung down towards the floor. And he WAS big. Awestruck as she was at having been pushed back away from his sheath by such a massive snake of a cock, Dash was wholly unprepared for Soarin to twitch, flexing his cock and slapping it against her muzzle.

“Ack!” she cried out, the slap being surprisingly forceful as his spongey head impacted her muzzle with an aggressive boop. With an afterthought, she could still smell his cock against her fur, the musk of his member apparently having imprinted on her fur.

“O-oh geez, Rainbow Dash! I’m so sorry! It just, uh, does that!” Soarin quickly tried to cover, a massive blush covering his face.

Dash breathed heavily, needing a few extra moments to process through the haze of his manly aroma. Beneath her tail, her own breeding organs had not been sitting idly. Though she was still covered in a shining layer of sweat, her pussy had swollen slightly, bulging out just enough that the pressure pushed her lips apart, showing off a glistening strip of bright pink flesh. An instinctive visual signal to any stallions in the area. One Soarin didn’t miss, apparently, as his cock once more twitched, slapping his belly with an audible smack.

Turning to look at him, a blush still reddening her light blue fur, Dash gave a predatory smile. Though she was half his size, the mare still managed to look hungry. “If you wanna get some cardio in, I’ll be in the locker room washing up.” she said, before twitching her tail, and walking seductively towards the mare’s locker room door.

She made it halfway there before a snort and a puff of air against the back of her neck stopped her.

Pounded Down

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Rainbow yelped out, the smaller mare jumping in the air as the hot air blew across the back of her neck. Her back impacted Soarin’s muzzle, the contact earning a shiver down her spine. Her multicolored tail flicked up as her breath caught in her muzzle.

Hastening her steps, lest they get caught by one of their overeager teammates, Fire Streak probably, Dash quickly trotted the rest of the way into the filly’s changing room, the clops of her hooves echoing on the tile below her.

No sooner had she slipped between the rows of lockers did she hear the heavier clopping of Soarin’s own hooves, the large stallion knickering audibly behind her, nipping at her flank.

Though she had initiated it, Dash couldn’t help but pin her ears back against her head, her own instincts making themselves heard loudly through the calamity of hormones coursing through her body. Letting out a whinny of her own as she felt his teeth pinch just behind her cutie mark, Dash contented herself to stop between the lockers, right in front of her own.

As she planted her hooves, she instantly felt the warm pressure of a stallion’s muzzle pressing against her flank, her sweaty fur easily imprinting her own musky sweat into his muzzle fur, just as he had done to her. The sound of a hissing breath gave away his inhale, and Dash couldn’t help but take a shuddering gasp of her own.

She had finally gotten through to him...and sweet Celestia was it turning her on! She could feel her tail twitch upwards as he pushed his nose under her dock. Biting her lip, she could feel his warmth so far down her body. Right between her legs. “Haaa-aaaah…” she moaned out unintentionally.

The heat of his body, his forceful probing, it was exactly what she was hoping he would do. True, it took a bit more coaxing, but he certainly didn’t disappoint.

“E-enjoying yourself back there, buddy?”

No response. Instead, Dash felt her dripping sex abandoned, as the large warm mass of stallion behind her snorted against her sex, and moved further up her body. She leaned to the side, leaning against him as he pushed forwards easily, seemingly not feeling her laying on him at all.

He was so hot! In a purely physical sense, Dash just couldn’t get over how warm the stallion was standing behind her, rubbing against her sweaty body. Feeling his slightly coarse fur mesh with hers, the mare let out a shuddering breath.

Eyes closed, Dash leaned into the stallion, feeling his radiative head and potent musk wash over her. Neither of them were particularly clean, and she would be silly to think that she didn’t smell just as much, if not more, as he did. However, her own muzzle only had eyes for him, as it were.

Inhaling deeply, she turned to the side, resting her cheek against his chest, nuzzling into his fur. A sharp pain to the back of her neck jolted her from her musings, though, and another sharp puff of breath against the back of her neck, followed by the insistent pawing of a stallion teased too long informed her that the two of them were about to take things further.

The heavy hooves of the able-bodied stallion stepped over her back, pressing down against her back and forcing Dash to brace her hooves against the smooth tile floor beneath her. The warm, firm press of his hoof quickly slid across her back, sliding his chest easily onto the space between her wings.

The soft velvety fur of her sensitive skin, just between where feathers began to cover her wingspan tickled against his chestfloof, and his tall frame just barely cleared the ground. Pressure unintentionally applied still pushed her down, Dash feeling his chest relaxing on top of her.

She felt a thrilling rush run through her body. She was where she belonged. A mare, about to be claimed by a stallion. As independent and strong as she was, she was not immune to the call of biology. The incessant demanding need that defined her very species, demanding certain acts by those of her sex. She needed to breed.

Rarity could have her fancy flowery language. Dash never really understood it anyways. All the pinned mare was feeling now was the pressure of a stallion on her back, the smell of his mark surrounding her head, and the ever-growing burn in the area she could never quite scratch between her legs.

“M-moooOOOAR! Oh, Soarin!” she whined out, her rear leg lifting, and her tail flicking, instinctively trying to flick her scent into the air to encourage a stallion to mate with her. Not that Soarin needed any more encouragement.

As her lower lips began to rhythmically part with the pulsing thrusts of her equine love bead, the slick lubrication of her insides that cried out with need drooled down her legs. Crystalline rivulets of love poured down her inner thighs, slowly meshing into her coat, and mixing with her sweat.

The scent of needy mare filled the entire locker room. Dash, beyond the point of feeling shame, couldn’t have cared less.

Soarin nickered as he felt the small mare shivering under him. Her small body positioned nicely between his front legs. She was short enough that he didn’t have to completely rest his body on her back, and also slender enough that he didn’t need to space his front legs much at all to fit her between him.

Her soft wings, powerful and wide as they were, were able to fold neatly at her side, pinned by his forelegs as he began to grip her. Nickering against the back of her neck, Soarin once more pressed his nose to her fur, inhaling deeply of her scent.

She smelled like clouds. Thunderheads, compact and soft, but dangerous and exciting! The smell of ozone seemed to hang around her, and the sweat which clung to her body. Something musky soaked through as well. Flowery, but also slightly sweet? Whatever it was, it smelled absolutely amazing…

Soarin’s hips began to thrust of their own accord. As he stepped over Dash’s flanks, the toned muscle covered in a soft layer of fat easily molding to his crotch, her tail tickled against his cock. His meat slapped once more against his belly, a sound which earned another groan from the pony beneath him. It was all too much.

Sliding back slightly, Soarin slid his musky cock over Dash’s lower back, positioning his large cockhead behind the smaller mare. Though he hung low, her own body was just short enough that the positioning gave him a fighting chance. Squeezing her with his forelegs and grabbing for the scruff of her neck with his teeth, he pushed forwards.

Dash let out a yelp, once more feeling the painful teeth around the scruff of her neck pull her back, just as an intense pressure blossomed between her legs. The hot, wet heat of Soarin’s cock slid easily up her inflamed lower lips, the seeping wetness of her body aiding the battle against lubrication as his cock centered itself against her perineum.

Just as quickly as he found his position, however, she felt him push further. The mare let out a decidedly unladylike squeal as she felt an intense stretching between her legs. Her breath was forced out of her, and were it not for Soarin’s teeth holding her head up, she surely would have fallen to the ground with the shock of being penetrated. Soarin was huge!

The tingling sensation that had been growing all afternoon felt like it was raked with a griffon’s claw! It was painful...yet DEEPLY satisfying. Her body squeezed him unintentionally, slowly loosening up and trying to adapt to allow his thick girth room to move inside her.

“NgYAAAH! AH! Ahhhh...Hnnnnngh…” she whined out unintelligably. Dash wore a look of intense concentration, her mouth hanging open slightly while one eyelid lay slightly shut. The focus of dealing with the pressure distracting her sufficiently from anything else going on.

The pressure against her back grew as Soarin pushed forwards while thrusting back, forcing her withers down, and encouraging the mare to lower her chest. Obediently, Dash’s forelegs obeyed. Her wings flexed and tried to spread, merely coaxing the stallion above her to grip tighter, not allowing them any leeway at all.

The thick cock inside her felt smooth against her inner walls. Her muscles clenched against him, trying to grip it with the highly textured surfaces of her own inner walls to no avail. The slickness that continually leaked out of her ensured that regardless of how her body would try to control the pace of mating, Soarin would have the ultimate say.

Soarin, for one, was enjoying himself thoroughly. Though he certainly hadn’t come in with such an expectation, his own instincts were pounding in his ears like the beating of his heart. The rush of a submissive mare under him, the tight rippling of her inner folds wrapped warmly around his cock, even the yelping pleas he forced out of her with every thrust forced him closer and closer to a rapidly approaching peak.

Grunting out, he clenched his teeth harder, digging into the scruff of Dash’s neck and earning another yelping whine from the girl. His hips pumped back and forth, his lower back curling towards and away from her flanks, each thrust sounding off with a wet smack.

The clap of his crotch against hers was paired with the smacking of his heavy testes against her clit. Her body squelched with shameful pleasure as she was used for her own natural purpose. The pleasuring of a stallion. The more he thought about it, the closer Soarin came, until his thrusts turned the tight tingling running through his cock to a needy flame of desire.

Rapid thrusts turned bestial, as the thick horsecock slipped in and out of Dash’s body. Her own small frame was dragged slightly back and forth on the tile floor, as her azure fur slipped over the tile, dragged by the very cocktip that pushed embarrassingly close to the entrance of her cervix.

Moaning like a mare in heat, Dash felt Soarin’s speed increase, his clenching legs wrapping more firmly around her body, hugging her to him as she remained chest down with her hips raised to the air in a shameful mating pose. The pressure inside her body and sensations against her lower lips never ceased, pushing her towards her own climax.

It burned with an intensity that radiated like poison through her body. Slowly, the arching tendrils of pleasure numbed her legs, her flank, her chest and soon her whole body! Wrapping her up in a cocoon of sensation. Her eyes rolled slightly upwards, head tilting up as her drooling tongue flopped from her mouth.

Almost there, Dash, cried out, heedless of anyone else who might hear, as she felt the telltale sensation of stallion cock flaring deep inside her. With a few final pumps that smacked her rear, Dash was thrust forwards along the floor, knocking her head slightly into the base of a bench nearby as Soaring curled overtop of her.

His back over her own, melding flesh to flesh as he spread inside her felt like the turning of a key in a lock. Though she was still on the precipice of cumming, it felt right. His cock throbbed, and she felt the pulsing of his vas deferens precede the first blanket of warmth that pressed against her insides.

Pulse after pulse of thick heat wetted her insides, and she felt it spread past his cocktip quickly, around his member, and coat the entirety of her insides. Dash panted heavily and twitched. Her hind legs tapped and trembled behind her, his crotch still plastered tightly against it.

She moaned out, the small mare feeling bloated already with his wide cocktip spreading her insides, filling her with unimaginably thick cum. She barely even noticed as the thick white fluid dripped out of her body, sliding down her inner thighs and coating her fur in his claim.

The cum inside her soothed her like a balm. Her body, though it had not cum, felt at peace. She felt calmer than she had all month, and quickly she settled down below him, content to let him ride out his experience.

Quiet whines and moans filled the room from underneath him as he shuddered through the last of his spurts. She had been bred. She had obeyed her instinctive objective, and allowed a virile stallion to pleasure himself with her pussy. And it had been perfect.

Groaning out, Dash lowered her eyelids as she felt his warmth continually pulse inside her, his softening cock still occupying the opening in her body. After the workout she had, combined with the solid and severe rutting, she was feeling absolutely spent. Her muscles burned from the exertion. A rumble sounded out from behind and above her.

“Uh, heh, I don’t suppose you’d be interested in a round two, Dash?”


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Dash tensed up as the sound of more hooves filled the room behind him. From above her, as well as inside her lower body, she whimpered as she felt Soarin do the same. Turning her head, she let out a slight yelp as soarin released her neck from his mouth.

“Fleetfoot? FIRE STREAK??”

A very bright red Fleetfoot pinned her ears back, wincing visibly at Rainbows voice cracking in the confined space. Next to, and slightly behind her was a much less visibly embarrassed Fire Streak, who was staring once more wide eyed right behind Rainbow Dash.

The wet sound of something splatting against the ground was a pretty good clue as to where.

“Oh, uhhhhh, hey Dash! We were just..uh…” Fleetfoot started, before bringing a hoof to her face. “Ok, look, you know why we’re here. We’re just gonna go to the locker room and leave you two alone.”

Starting to walk away, she noticed a tug against her wing as Fire Streak made no move to leave, the stallion evidently transfixed by the sight in front of him. Glaring slightly, she added a firm, “Now!” and gave him another yank. Sheepishly, he snapped out of his daze, and trotted off quickly after her in the direction of the showers.

Dash’s ears caught one last comment. “Just remember to clean up after yourselves, Crash! Cleaning staff already came today!”

From above her, a throaty chuckle buzzed through her body, the warm belly of Soarin vibrating against Dash’s sweaty back. “I guess they’re not the only ones. Boy, I really did get caught up there! I really gotta get to work or I’m gonna be late to the meeting later!”

“H-hey! But I didn’t-Gah!”

The small pegasus felt her protests catch in her throat as she felt the still thick meat of Soarin’s impressive cock sliding out of her tight lower entrance. Her lower body struggled to close back around the lack of stallion breeding meat, and as his soft cocktip slipped out of the grip of her cum-glazed lower lips, she felt the gooey wetness of his cum sliding out of her.

Even if it was designed to stick inside her body, Soarin had just dumped far too much for her body to hold, and the sound of white cum drooling out of her gaping pussy and splattering against the ground between her spread legs filled the locker room around them.

Dash quivered and shuddered, feeling the splashing liquid pour out quickly, sticking to the fur of her lower belly and inner thighs as the cum sought any way to escape her body. Quickly, however, the load became a much more manageable drooling that slowly tapered to a strand connecting her lower body to the locker room floor.

“Hey, uh, looks like you’ll probably need a shower anyways, so, uh...just gonna…” Soarin muttered out before stepping over her still prone head, and grabbing a loose hoofful of her rainbow locks.

Quickly and efficiently, he wrapped the soft mane around his wilting shaft, soaking her newly styled look in his and her combined fluids. A few quick strokes were all it took to clean his cock sufficiently before it finished retreating back into his sheath, satisfied with a job well done.

Soarin, for his part, let the wet locks of hair fall back down, where they smacked quietly against her cheek with a wet *pat*. Hoofsteps quickly moving back to the entrance, and a “See ya later Dash” were the last goodbye the pony was left with, leaving the locker room quiet.

Well, other than the muted slapping and moaning coming from the next room over.

Dash’s hind legs finally took the time to lower her hips, not even bothering to move out of the way of the puddle of cum below her hips. Soarin was right. She’d definitely need a shower anyways. She could murder him after that.

Her chest rose and fell with a deep breath as she calmed down her breathing. She could already feel his sticky cum starting to dry, and seeping deeper into her fur. It could be a real pain if she didn’t get cleaned up soon. Shakily, she stood back up, many more strands now connecting her hips and thighs to the ground.

She could clean that up later. First, she had a date with some pent up energy, a wonderbolts locker room shower nozzle, and two ponies who almost certainly wouldn’t mind someone else watching!