> Overprotective Sister > by LewdChapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Overprotective Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie roamed through the halls of CHS, beyond irate that she was still stuck in the school. What was supposed to be a simple, hour-long band meet turned into a two-hour-long cluster fuck, and it was all that stupid Pinkie girl's fault. If she would've just left the band room when she was scheduled to, there wouldn't have been a problem. But, alas, she just insisted on sharing the space, and, as such, Trixie and her band kept finding themselves bumping into Pinkie, fighting over materials that were in short supply, and just generally making things harder on each other. Luckily, that brouhaha was behind Trixie, and, after a few choice words to the bubbly pink annoyance, Trixie was on her way home. All she needed was a quick stop at her locker to grab some books, and then she was in the clear. Good thing, too, because Trixie wasn't sure what would happen if she were to bump into her new nemesis again. All she could be certain of was that she had more than enough nasty words for another round with Pinkie. "Heh. Stupid girl," said Trixie, shaking her head as she approached her locker, fiddling with the lock. "Maybe I should go back after her, after all. Give her a piece of my mind. She deserves it for wasting the Great Trixie's valuable time!" Trixie finally pulled open her locker, grabbing the things she needed and offloading the things she didn't from her bag, laughing derisively at the thought of Pinkie Pie all the while. Such a stupid, obnoxious, irritating little girl. The way Trixie saw things, she had gone easy on her. The door to Trixie's locker suddenly slammed shut, nearly scaring the magician right out of her cape. Standing just before her was the aforementioned obnoxious girl, pouting slightly with her hands on her hips. Pinkie Pie was standing behind another girl, one Trixie wasn't very familiar with. She was tall, a bit taller than Trixie and significantly towering over the short, dumpy Pinkie Pie. The girl was dreary, drab, grey. She had this cold, bleak, emotionless gleam in her eyes that creeped Trixie out to no end. "Is this her?" asked the creepy girl. Pinkie nodded, leaning forward to point an accusatory finger in Trixie's direction. "Yeah! She called me all sorts of mean names!" said Pinkie. "I didn't even do anything to her! I just wanted to share the band room…" "Oh, come on! I don't know who the hell this creepy chick is, but if you think this weirdo will be enough to scare the Great Trixie, you're even dumber than you look," snapped Trixie, glaring at the strange girl. Curiously, the girl didn't react, her cold, dry demeanor contrasting with Trixie's fiery annoyance. "So I suggest you get out of my way." "You can go home, Pinkie," said the girl dryly. "Tell Father that I will be late to dinner." "Aww, come on, Maud!" complained Pinkie. "I wanna see you give this meanie what's coming to her!" "If you insist." "What are you, her sister or something?" scoffed Trixie, not giving the strange pair of girls a second look. "You must be related, seeing as you're both a bunch of freaks! Why don't you—" Trixie surely had more to say, if not for the sudden introduction of Maud's fist to her throat. The magician hacked in surprise, leaving herself open for another series of quick, heavy jabs. Maud grabbed two fistfuls of Trixie's hair and slammed her head against the lockers. A sickening clank echoed throughout the abandoned hallway, followed by another, and another, until Trixie could no longer stand on her own. "You should be nicer to my sister," said Maud flatly. "This will be your last opportunity to apologize." "You maniac! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Trixie scrambled forward, only to receive a sharp knee to her face for her troubles. "You bitch! You can't just lay your hands on Trixie! You won't get away with…" Trixie trailed off, understandably confused and concerned at what she saw. For some reason, Maud had begun removing her belt and rolling down the waistband of her jeans. Before the magician could voice her concerns, she felt a thick, heavy appendage catch her under the chin, knocking her silly for a moment. When she came to, she was horrified to see the thick, heavy, almost comically big cock between Maud’s legs. It had to have been approaching a foot in length, and at least as thick as Trixie’s forearm. “What the fresh, never-frozen fuck?!” Trixie tried to scramble away, not getting very far before Maud grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back into place. “H-hey, now, let’s not get crazy, here…” “You made my sister cry. These are the consequences,” droned Maud. “I did not make her cry!” “Pinkie?” “Hm? Oh, yeah.” Pinkie clearly hadn’t been paying much attention, instead having leaned against the nearby lockers and slipping her hand into her panties. “She made me sniffle a little, I guess…” “You made my sister sniffle a little. These are the consequences.” Maud pressed her thick, musky cock to Trixie’s lips, trying to no avail to slide into the magician’s mouth. After a moment of fruitless attempts, Maud hooked Trixie’s tiny nose with her fingers, yanking up and prying her mouth open. With a swift thrust of her hips, Maud slipped into Trixie's mouth, immediately finding a relentless rhythm and pounding at the girl's throat. Trixie choked, her eyes welling up with tears as Maud invaded her throat, pounding her mouth with reckless abandon. She fought and struggled from beneath Maud, clawing at her thighs in a futile attempt at escape. Her struggling didn’t seem to do much but urge Maud to rock her hips faster, harder. She could barely think, her mind clouded by the powerfully masculine taste of Maud’s shaft. Trixie was bewildered, her entire body convulsing around the nearly foot-long dick that was currently pounding her face. Tears streaked down her face, her cheeks turning a darker shade of blue from lack of oxygen. Just when it seemed Trixie would pass out, Maud whipped her cock back, stroking herself as Trixie greedily choked down lungful after saving lungful of air. “Hold her in place, Pinkie,” said Maud. Pinkie grinned, pulling her sticky fingers from her cunt long enough to cartwheel over and pull Trixie’s face up. With a clear target, Maud let out a tiny, almost inaudible grunt before she came, firing off thick, creamy spurts of hot, bitter cum, more than enough to cover Trixie’s face. Her face, top, and much of her middle was painted in jizz, with thick blobs dripping and glomping down into her eyes. “Nice aim, sis,” giggled Pinkie. “You even got some up her nose! That’s impressive…” “Remove the skirt, please.” Pinkie giggled, grabbing at her skirt until she caught sight of Maud’s gaze. “Her skirt, Pinkie.” “Fine, spoilsport…” Pinkie pouted a bit, but still carried out her sister’s instructions eagerly; she tore Trixie’s skirt from her body, easily overpowering her weak kicks and making sure her striped blue panties followed suite. Again, Trixie attempted to escape, this time making it to her feet and even getting a few steps in before Maud grabbed her, pinning her front to the locker with a strong, sturdy hand. With her other, Maud gripped her still-hard cock and guided it to Trixie’s ass. The magician panicked, her breaths quickening and her weak flailing returning with a vengeance. “P-please, no,” gasped Trixie, feeling the heat of Maud’s length approach her tightest hole. “D-don’t…” As if she couldn’t even hear Trixie’s pitiful begging, Maud slowly pressed her cock against Trixie’s tight ring, painfully spreading and splitting the magician with her girth. Trixie wailed in pain as her flesh tore and stretched to accommodate Maud’s freakish size. Much like before, Maud didn’t give Trixie much time at all to get herself ready; She rocketed her hips forward, slamming her hips against Trixie’s ass with each deep stroke. “Geezy, Maud, you’re really giving it to her!” Pinkie leaned in close to get a better look, giggling at the slight, but visible, distention in Trixie’s belly. “Ooh, I can see your bulge through her tummy! You’re rearranging her guts in there!” “Stop! Please!” screeched Trixie, the pain almost more than she could handle. Tears streaked down her face, her entire body shuddering as she sobbed and cried. “Please!” “No,” said Maud simply, a slight, pleasured tremble in her voice betraying her otherwise emotionless expression. She pressed Trixie against the locker harder, giving her no room to wiggle or recoil. She was completely motionless, trapped, unable to do anything but cry and beg. “Told you that my sister wouldn’t be happy,” giggled Pinkie, poking at the bulge of Maud’s cock and feeling her sister’s monstrous organ through the bully’s skin. “Now her big ol’ dick is gonna bust right through you like papier-mâché!” “No, it’s not.” “Oh. Well, still, I bet it probably hurts a lot. Right, Maud?” “I wouldn’t know. I am personally experiencing a great deal of pleasure,” droned Maud. She paused for a moment, letting out a dry, flat hum before she doubled her efforts and fucking Trixie even deeper than before. “Although, you’re likely correct, Pinkie. It is almost certain that this hurts a lot.” “It does! Please, stop!” sobbed Trixie. “Your prediction was correct, Pinkie.” Maud hilted herself inside of Trixie, letting her cock twitch and pulse inside of the magician’s stretched, ruined hole. “Is this punishment sufficient, Pinkie? I have homework.” “Well… Trixie looks like she’s learned her lesson,” mused Pinkie. “Right, Trix?” “Y-yes… I’m sorry!” Trixie could barely get the words out over her quaking sobs. “I’ll never be rude to you again!” “Hm… Okay, then. I guess you can let her off the hook.” Pinkie grinned, watching the relief wash over Trixie before continuing. “After you knock her up. Then we can go home!” “If you insist,” said Maud, although it was difficult to tell whether or not she was happy with Pinkie’s ruling. She pulled herself free of Trixie’s ass, not giving the girl even a moment to enjoy a break before spinning her around and pressing her back against the wall. Maud grabbed Trixie’s leg and pulled it up to her shoulder before sliding her thick, bloody, cum-coated cock into Trixie’s tight pussy. Maud fired away, slamming her rod deep into Trixie’s snatch, pounding away until she could feel her tip pressing against the magician’s cervix. Trixie wasn’t sure how her situation could possibly be worse, and Maud was more than willing to demonstrate by punching through into her womb. Her tears renewed, her body trembling around a dick that was simply too big for her. Blood dripped from her snatch from her torn labia, adding to the red that was already coating Maud’s length. “Please… No more…” begged Trixie. She could feel herself being stretched, her womb pounded almost inside out from Maud’s relentless, unforgiving thrusts. She could hardly see through her tears, but she could just barely make out the cold, deadpan, lightless gaze of her attacker. “I p-promise… I promise I’ll be n-nice…” Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Maud bottomed out inside of Trixie, her cock pulsing and filling her womb directly with her seed. Trixie sobbed in time with every hot wave of cum that flooded into her, feeling her body fill to max capacity. Maud eventually pulled out, letting cum and blood drip from Trixie’s gaped cunt and down her thighs for a second before shoving her down to the ground and raining down the last of her cum onto the magician’s trembling, quaking body. “Gee, Maud, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually liked Trixie!” Pinkie sprung up, jumping onto her sister’s back like some sort of pink koala bear, letting her legs dangle beneath her until Maud hooked her arms around Pinkie’s calves to keep her in place. “Save some of that energy for me when we get home!” “I am by no means out of energy,” said Maud plainly. “I will try not to be as rough with you as I was with Trixie.” Maud looked down at Trixie, who was slowly curling up into the fetal position. “Be nice to my sister. If she tells me you were mean to her again, I will come back. And I will not go easy on you next time.” And, with that, Maud turned to leave, strolling away with her sister on her back and her bloody, sticky cum swinging between her legs as she did. Pinkie turned to lock eyes with Trixie, sticking out her tongue and pulling down on her eyelid. If Trixie saw her, she didn’t show it, instead quivering as she curled up, staring blankly ahead and crying, muttering to herself in between trembling sobs. “I’ll be n-nice… I p-promise…”