> Pinkie's Downfall > by EveryponySmile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Gummy! Whooo wants some food?" I call to my pet alligator, Gummy. He stares at me. I set down the dish so he can eat. Of course, he just ambles on over, and eats. That's what happens in his life. I wonder what he thinks. What does he do when I'm gone? At the very least, he seems to be fooled by my mask of delirious happiness. Everypony is. Just party. Crack jokes. Sing. But to be honest, what's the point?? I feel like I'm swirling into a never ending, milky black hole of sadness. Nightmares about me, torturing and killing my friends. Baking them into cupcakes. But I always have straight hair though. Always. I guess talking about it would help... I brush my pink hair off my eyes and head to the library. Bouncing over, I think. More like I hum. Better to fool everypony! Don't want everypony to be sad, just because of my silly willy little problems! When I get to the library, I knock on the door. "Twiiilight!!! It's me! Pinkie!" A frazzled Twilight Sparkle opens the door. "Oh! It's you Pinkie." She gives a short breathy laugh. "Come in!" When I do come in, I see a huge pile of books, here, there... on the ceiling? "Gee Twilight! Looks like you've got some cleaning to do!!" That's another thing I do to much, I blurt. Sometimes, I think it might hurt my best friends feelings, which gets me thinking about every mistake I've made. Which makes me swirl into the milky black hole again. Sigh. Twilight just rolled her eyes. "What'cha come for Pinkie?" She sends books flying into their place, snug and happy. "I wanted to talk to you about nightmares Twi. I've been having them every night..." "Pinkie. They're just nightmares. They're not real." Then, she accidentally cuts herself with paper. She cursed, then heals it up again with her magic. But they're's a drop of blood on the floor. I feel my pupils shrink. My heart hammers. I start to remember the dream I had last night... "Time to MURDER!!!" Pinkie laughed, wielding the knife so it shines in the dim lighting. Twilight screamed, the knife went in, and Pinkie was laughing. Laughing. Then Twilight's cutie mark fell to the ground... "Pinkie? Pinkie? Are you alright?" I shook my head, to clear my creepy dreams... "Do you need to talk?" Twilight looked worried. She was worrying about my problems! She didn't need to worry! I... I.... I ended up pouring it all out to Twilight. I was screaming by the end, I saw some pink curly hairs in my hooves. I'm vaguely aware my scalp's stinging, my eyes watering. Twilight looked grave. "I'm sorry I made you worry..." I said. Wasn't that what I didn't want anypony to do? I failed myself, my friends... I wanted to cry. I guess I already am. "Pinkie. I'm really sorry I didn't take you seriously before. Come back to my library tomorrow. " Now! I've done it!!! I nodded a little and left. I hugged Gummy a bit and cried myself to sleep on the floor. To those horrible, horrible dreams. While I was drifting off, the phrase "Time to MURDER!!!" bounced around in my head. I woke up to the sound of screeching. The sun was drifting into my window, and the screaming stopped. I felt cramped. I stretched my hooves, legs, and rolled my neck. Then I looked at the clock. 11:15. "Guess its time for some-" I stopped mid thought. I ran out the door, making a beeline to the library. "I'm LAAAAAATTTEEE!" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I got to the library, I stopped, out of breath, quickly rapping on the door to the library. "Twilight!!!! Sorry I'm late." The door creaked open. A cream colored pegasus stallion with a choppy light blue mane opened the door. He wore glasses, and had these mysteriously light grey eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off them. "Hello. I'm Blue Skies." The quiet voice snapped me into reality. I snapped back into my false 'WOO! I'm a happy party pony! Candy!' mask again. "I'm Pinkie Pie! I haven't seen you in Ponyville before, so it's time to PARTY!!!" I gave a huge smile. Blue Skies blinked. "My dear Pinkie, Twilight already told me everything. Come in." Well, that's a relief. I turned off my mask and walked in, with a tiny grin. "Sit down. Would you like a cookie?" I took one. "So. Let's get to know each other. As you know, I'm Blue Skies. I come from Canterlot, and I help ponies with their problems." "I'm Pinkie Pie. I'm from Ponyville. and I work at Sugarcube Corner. I like to party..." My voice trailed off at party. I nibbled at my cookie. It was really hard to lie to this pony. Blue Skies grinned. "Pinkie, its okay. You can tell me everything. I can keep secrets." I'll bet he can. My heart got all poundy and melty. I drew in a breath... Much later, Blue Skies and I were having a pretty good conversation going. I was laughing for real. He's really funny. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye while gently teasing the straight-haired Pinkie Pie. I was confronting the pony of my nightmares, and it felt good. "You're not worried about me, are you?" I asked. The light atmosphere in the room froze. "Pinkie, of course I am. Maybe your nightmares are a sign of mental distress, and I don't want that happening. Keep a secret?" Blue Skies replied. I froze. I didn't want him to worry. I'm such a jerk! Who am I, dumping my problems on him? It's so hard to think like I usually do around him. It's as if my troubles vanish. Well.. If he can trust me with a secret, he must not be that worried.. "Yeah, I can." I mumbled. "Don't feel bad Pinkie, to be honest, you have to be the best person I ever talked to. My cutie mark is a magnifying glass, which symbolizes I can find another pony's problems and solve them, but only if the other pony is willing to show me." Blue Skies said. "Really?" I asked. "Pinkie, why would I lie?" replied Blue Skies. I smiled. "Then I'll let you solve them." ----- The next week, I woke up at 9:30. Nightmares again, but Giggle at the Ghosties, right? Blue Skies told me to remember that song. I smiled to myself when I remembered I had to go check out Rainbow Dash's flight show. "It's SURE to get the Wonderbolt's attention if the WHOLE TOWN shows up!" She had said. I hugged Gummy, and trotted off. "LADIES AND GENTLECOLTS!" Spike's voice boomed. Oh, I guess he's announcing. Good for Spike. "Pinkie Pie!" I hear Applejack's western drawl. "C'mon over sugarcube, Ah've saved ya a spot." I bounced on over. Happy party pony, right? "Hey Applejack! How exciting! I can't wait for RD's super amazing air show! It's going to be amazing! Cupcake?" I grabbed an apple cupcake from mid-air. "Thanks Pinkie Pie." She took the cupcake. "LET RAINBOW DASH'S WONDERFUL WONDERBOLT SHOW BEGIN!!!!!" Dash's show was amazing. As she was doing her super speed strut, I noticed a familiar cream colored stallion... "Be right back!" I said to Applejack, and dashed off. "Hi Blue Skies." I smiled as I trotted over. Blue Skies grinned widely. "Pinkie Pie!" "Isn't Rainbow Dash's show amazing? She's one of my best friends." Blue Skies looked awestruck. "You know this pony? Amazing!" I smiled and looked up. Right now, anything could be thrown at me, and I wouldn't care... > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next week, I was lazily baking cookies. I never bake cupcakes anymore. Leave that to the Cakes! I was adding vanilla to the mix, and stirring, slowly, lost in thought about my Monday... Mondays are always the day I go to Twilight's library to talk to Blue Skies. I asked Twilight a bit about Blue Skies... "Hey Twilight?" Pinkie Pie asked. "What's up?" The purple unicorn came into the room, a book floating by her side, with purple magic aura. "How did you get to know Blue Skies anyways?" "Blue Skies? I remember partnering up with him sometimes in math. He told me he was in training to be a psychologist. I told him I was a student under the Princess. When I left to Ponyville, he told me his phone number in case I needed help adjusting. You see, by the time I left, he finished his training." "Okay! Thanks!" "So Pinkie, how has your nightmares been lately?" Blue Skies asked. "Oh, fine. I quit waking up screaming." I said, casually. Blue Skies nodded. "That's good after 2 weeks of help. How long have you had these anyways?" "Um... about.... after the Winter Wrap Up..." Blue Skies nodded. He's big on the nodding when we talk. I like it though. "So a long time then." "I guess so." The bell rang. I set my cookies in the oven, then went to the counter. I put on my party pony mask. "Hey there! What do ya wanna order? We've got cakes, cookies, cupcakes, candy..." I giggled. "Lots of things that start with C!" "Oh Pinkie Pie..." A shy voice mumbled. Fluttershy. "Oh, come for some food for your animal friends?" "Angel Bunny wanted your flower bouquet... if you know, its okay with you.." "Flower bouquet, Comin' up!" I took out the flowers. I could start to faintly smell chocolate from the oven. "So, how do you think Rainbow's air show was?" I asked brightly. "It was amazing." Fluttershy said."The Buccaneer Blaze was my favorite. I saw you with a stallion that day. Who was that?" I got the cookies out of the oven. "Oh, Blue Skies? Just a friend from around." I didn't mention the nightmares. On Sunday, it was Fluttershy. Those are the worst. I felt like a stale bag of cupcakes after those. "Here ya go!" I gave her the bouquet, and gave her a cookie. "Cookie's on the house." Fluttershy passed over 1 bit. "Well, you two looked nice together." She walked out. Looked nice together? What was that supposed to mean? My heart started to pound. My face flushed. It wasn't like that... was it? I nervously giggled, even though nopony was around to hear it. Was it? "Pinkie? We've got some news." I hear Mr. Cake's voice ring from the living room. "Coming!" I bounced over. "We decided to tell you something." Mrs. Cake said. "I'm going to have a baby!" I smiled. It was real this time. "Really? That's great! What are you going to name it?" I said, super happy. "Pumpkin Cake if she's a filly. Pound Cake if he's a colt." Mr Cake said. I smiled and hugged both of them. Tears were leaking out of my eyes. "I'm so glad for you guys. I'm so glad." The next Monday, I waltzed on over to Twilight's house. I knocked, and I saw Twi open the door. "Oh! Guess you're here to see Blue Skies, right? Guess now's a good time to get that parchment. C'mon Spike." Spike walked out the door with a wagon. "Hi Pinkie." He closed the door. Blue Skies smiled. "You seem happier than usual. What happened?" "Well... guess!" Blue Skies grinned. "You won a million bits? You inherited Ponyville's grand mansion?" I laughed. "Nothing like that. The Cakes are having a baby!" I love the Cakes as if they were family. I don't think I can live without them. Now there was more love to go around. "That's wonderful! Pass on my congratulations." "I will, thanks." I said. Blue Skies knew that I loved the Cakes like family. "Now, we're going to do some digging. Who have you tortured in your nightmares." "Well... everypony I know. Or seen, and heard a bit of their name." Blue Skies just nodded. I love when he nods! "Why do you think?" I hesitate. "Well, I do have a good memory when it comes to ponies." Blue Skies smiles. 'Ack! He's so sweet!' I think. Why do I think these things? Me and my brain. "Why don't you forget about the ponies you've never even said 'hi' to. It's not as if they know you personally." Blue Skies is right! But there's a problem... "How do I forget that?" I ask stupidly. "Easy. Just think of other things. Watch clouds. Do something that makes you forget about everything. Then, poof! It's forgotten!" said Blue Skies in his quiet voice that made me feel as it I was listening to the best story in the world. "Simple enough." I shrugged. Suddenly a question surfaced on my brain. "Blue Skies? Do you have any friends in Ponyville? I know a lot of ponies. Maybe you'd like to meet them?" Blue Skies looked at me really seriously. Uh-oh. Did I make him feel upset? "I'd love to Pinkie! I never realized how lonely I was until you said that. Let's go out to town after we do our weekly chat about your nightmares." Blue Skies said brightly. Whew. Glad I didn't make him upset! > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After our chat about my dreams, me and Blue Skies were trotting around Ponyville. I was going to go take him to Applejack, because 1, I wanted to see all of the Apple family, and 2, I thought Big Mac and Blue Skies would get along pretty well. "So then I said, 'oatmeal, are you crazy?'" Blue Skies laughed. I was telling the story about when Derpy Hooves asked me to bake her some muffins. "I prefer blueberry, but oatmeal's a good flavor too!" Blue Skies said. "Yeah, I agree. But oatmeal has to be my least favorite flavor! Euh!" Blue Skies laughed again. I smile."Looks like we're here." We stood on a hill that, if you stood on top, you see all of Sweet Apple Acres. "A farm?" Blue Skies looked at me. I nudged him with a hoof. "Have some respect! The Apples are close friends to me." Blue Skies laughed. Oh, it's just amazing when he laughs! I feel butterflies in my tummy. "C'mon!" When we got there, I knocked on Applejack's door. Apple Bloom opened the door. "Hi Pinkie Pie! Hi... stranger?" I ruffled Apple Bloom's mane. "This is my friend, Blue Skies." Apple Bloom smiles. "Oh. Sorry we got off on the wrong hoof. I'm Apple Bloom!" She extended her hoof to Blue Skies. Blue Skies shook her hoof. "I'm Blue Skies. Pleasure to meet you." "Lemme go get Applejack." Apple Bloom dashed off into the hall. A moment later, Applejack came in. "Hi Pinkie Pie! Nice seeing you here." She turns to Blue Skies. "Hi there. I'm Applejack. Apple Bloom told me that you're name is Blue Skies. Pleasure!" "It's a pleasure meeting you Applejack!" Blue Skies smiled. "Why, shoot. Where are my manners? Come on in." Applejack said. Blue Skies and I walk into the Apple Family's home. "So, this is my family. Big Mac," Applejack gestured to him, "Granny Smith," Applejack gestured to Granny Smith, "Apple Bloom," She gestures to Apple Bloom, "and me!" "I'm Blue Skies. It's a pleasure meeting you all!" He smiled warmly. "Eeyup." Big Mac's soft voice rang through the room. "So Pinkie Pie, how's it going?" "Pretty good," I say. "Same old, same old. How about you?" "Just apple bucking. The apples aren't gonna buck themselves ya know!" I laugh. I take in the scene around me. I see Blue Skies pleasantly chatting with Big Mac and Granny Smith. Apple Bloom went back to messing around with her loopty-hoop. "So, you found yourself a special somepony?" Applejack asked, but the question made my face burn, heart get all poundy, tummy get all butterflyish. "No! N-n-not at all!" I stammer weakly. Curses! I'm blushing! Applejack looks at me suspiciously. "You must really like him though." I nod a tiny bit. "Well, yeah." I can't LIE to Applejack! I do my happy pony mask, sure, but that's it. "Well, he's quite the looker. I think he likes you like that too." My heart skips a beat. Applejack approves of Blue Skies! I look over and see Granny Smith's giving him a similar conversation. He's blushing a bit. Squee! I turn back to AJ. "Apple Bloom, no loopty-hoop in the house!" Applejack scolded. Apple Bloom scowls and walks out the back door. "So, what's the story behind Mr. Skies?" Applejack clearly wasn't convinced. "He came from Canterlot, he was Twilight's classmate." "Oh, so Twilight introduced you?" "Oh yeah, he's helping me cope with some problems I've been having." I tried to be vague. Luckily, Applejack never pries. "Well, he seems mighty fine." I looked at the clock. It was getting late. "I gotta go." I stood up. "Thanks for everything." "No problem sugarcube." Applejack smiled. "Hey Blue Skies!" He looked over. "What's up?" "Look at the time!" He glanced at the clock. "Oh dear. Thanks so much Granny Smith." She smiles warmly "No problem. Come on over anytime ya get a hankering to chat. Good-bye now!" Me and Blue Skies wave and leave. As we walk down Ponyville, the sun setting behind us, I walk, smiling into Ponyville. "Hey Pinkie Pie?" "Yeah?" He hesitates a little. "Will you uh... will you be my special somepony?" It was all really rushed. "Of course I would." I nuzzled him. He smiles, and I get a rush of glee. "Hey, where do you live?" He asks. "Sugarcube Corner. Drop by whenever." He grins. "Yeah, okay. Here I am." We stop at a small cottage. "Well, see ya." He smiles and walks off. "Bye." > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'A special somepony... a special somepony!' The thought rang in my head as I bounced down through Ponyville. It made me so happy. Then suddenly, a thought dashed through my head. 'Buck! What are my friends gonna say?' I made it a mission to go to each of my friend's houses to talk about it. The next day, I walked into Carousel Boutique. "Hey Rarity! I got some news for you!" "Coming!" I saw the white unicorn show up with a sparkle in her eye. "Sit, sit, I have some tea ready. What is it you wanted to tell me?" She said, magicing some tea over and batting her eyelashes. If I tell Rarity, it'll be all over Ponyville in 10 seconds flat, so to speak. "I have a special somepony." The expected reaction: "Oh my gosh! How exciting! Tell me ALL about him!" So, I told her. "Oh my, MY." Rarity said. I omitted the nightmare part. She sipped her tea. 'What are the little problems anyways?" "Confidential." I sipped tea with an air of finality. "Oh fine. But he seems a right dear, and he must be very classy if he's from Canterlot, and coming from Twilight Sparkle's school and all..." She slipped into a daydream, no doubt involving corny romance with a mystery classy stallion. "Well, good-bye Rarity." I take a final sip of my tea. "Thanks for the tea." "Oh, no problem dear. Tell me if he causes you any problems. Buh-bye!" She waved and sighed, lost in romance. I bounce out the door to Rainbow Dash's. "A special somepony huh?" She knocked back some cider. "Well, he better treat you good or he's dead meat." I nod. "Uh, wanna hear backstory?" "Nah, I gotta go do some flight practice." Rainbow smashed her mug down on the table in the restaurant we went to for lunch. "Gotta dash." She flew out. I paid the tip and waltzed off to Fluttershy's. "Oh, you say you have a special somepony? Was he the one you were next to at Rainbow's air show?" Fluttershy and I was perched under a tree in her backyard. "That's very nice." Fluttershy smiles and started to absentmindedly stroke a dog. I nodded. "He's from Canterlot, and was Twilight's acquaintance in school." "Then he must be very nice." Suddenly, I heard meows and barks, then some fur being ripped of of an animal. "Oh dear. I have to leave. It was nice seeing you Pinkie Pie." "Nice seein' you too Fluttershy!" I yelled. then I bouced to Sweet Apple Acres. "AJ! AJ!" "Pinkie Pie!" Applejack's southern drawl came from the trees. I zoom over. "So Applejack, remember Blue Skies?" Applejack grinned with a twinkle in her eyes. "He asked you out, sugarcube?" "Yup!" She laughed. "Blue was just here bout an hour ago to tell me. Congrats!" I grinned. "Well, seeee ya!" I bounced off to Twilight's. "Blue Skies and you?" I swear, she almost stifled a laugh. "Well, I hope you'll be happy with each other." "What's so funny?" I frowned. "Oh nothing." "Well, if that's what it is! See ya." I jump off.