> Got Milky Way? > by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The streets of the City of Canterlot were as silent as the wings of an great horned owl as the moonlight shined across the bustling city. Each of its towers shined in the light of the moon as the colors of the houses and apartments made the entirety of the city gleam like a crystal in an underground gave. Stars filled the night sky, lighting its landscape of ebony as it cast its twinkling lights upon the royal civlization. A few or so ponies could be seen roaming through the city, be it nobles, lower-class, or even the occasional homeless pony and prostitute. What they were doing nopony knew, and most of them cared even less, for they were only focusing on their own things. It just seemed like any other day for the ponies in the Royal City, with nothing too exciting happening. For three ponies, however, things were going to get very exciting. The soft bed of the Canterlot City Motel made a soft creaking sound as Golden Fang collapsed on top of it, a soft groan leaving him as he did so. His huge eagle-like wings were spread out on either side of him as his jet-black dreadlocked mane sprawled across the bed. His braided tail skirt hung just off the edge of the bed as one of his forelegs rested across his chest. Golden’s soft brown eyes stared up at the ceiling with a half-lidded gaze, his mind wandering off somewhere else as he tried to let his body recover. “Oh, Artemis! We finally made it.” He sighed, after a full five minutes of silence. “I thought that we were never going to make it this fucking far. I still can’t believe that we actually walked all the way here. What a shitty to start a night this was…” “Neither can I Golden Fang. But, we made it here, and that’s all the matters.” A smooth, sensual, and motherly voice suddenly said. Golden Fang suddenly felt the bed shift, letting him know that somepony was climbing on top of it. “Besides, we do have a good reason for being here in the first place.” Opening one eye, Golden lifted his head ever so slightly and locked eyes with a sensually smiling bluish-grey pegasus half laying on the bed with him. Indigo whisker-like marks and upside-down red triangular marks were etched on her face, framing both of her cheeks like a cat or a wolf. Her long mane and tail were a bluish jet-black with solid purple and bright pink streaks at the lower parts, sides, and tips, her mane held in a thick ponytail. Bluish jet-black stockings covered her lower legs, with a set of overgrown fur going from her mid stomach and over her right shoulder down her midback. Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of sea green, with her cutie mark having a howling wolf with flames in its lower half, with a crescent moon encased around it. “Hello, Cammie,” Golden’s brows furrowed slightly as he let his head plop back down on the pillow while murmuring, “I take it that you’re liking the new hotel that we’re staying in for the night?” Cammie giggled, her small, sensual smile growing a bit wider as she leaned close towards the chocolate brown stallion, her sea-green eyes gleaming in the darkness of the motel room. “Why yes, I am my dear big brother~. It’s just up to my liking for lavishness. A nice big queen-sized bed, beautiful paintings, a spacious bathroom, and delicious snacks…certainly the type of home that I’d bring a beautiful mare to sleep in~.” “Yeah, I can see that. Thank you for mentioning just what we’re planning to do tonight,” Golden stated dryly, reaching up and giving a scratch at Cammie's dog-like ears. He then sat up, taking off the jet-black stetson that was resting on his head and setting it down on the bed. “And for the thousandth time, I’m not your brother…at least not technically anyway. You and Daydreamer are still dating, something you two have been doing for Faust knows how long. I have yet to see you two tie the knot yet.” “Awww, what’s the matter, Goldie? Not comfortable with me, The Wolf Whisperer, calling the infamous Beast Tamer of the Forbidden Jungle her brother?” Cammie cooed, reaching over and running a hoof through Golden’s mane. “That’s too bad. I would’ve figured that you would’ve been used to it by now.” “I am. I have been for a very ridiculously long time as a matter of a fact.” Golden Fang said, a smirk of his own coming to his muzzle. “What I’m not used to is you trying to seduce me into fucking that nice big jiggly ass of yours. Something that rightfully belongs to Daydreamer and Daydreamer only. Unless he says otherwise.” Cammie let out another laugh, playfully punching Golden on the shoulder. “Now that is a lie if I’ve ever heard one in all of my life. You know that Daydreamer doesn’t have any problem with sharing me with you and Silent Storm. How else would we have all of those wonderful gangbangs every now and again?” She asked, running a hoof across the curves across her body and down to her rump. “Speaking of which, were you able to find any strip clubs out here that we can take Daydreamer to?” “You bet your sweet wolf whispering doggy eared ass that I have!” Golden replied, the smirk on his face growing wider. “I cannot tell you how many strip clubs that I found dotted all across this damn city! I mean, there are just so many of them that we can go to! And you have no idea the shit ton of time I had to decide which one would be the best!” A chuckle escaped him as his dreads fell across his muzzle. “I was finally able to find one that’s in the Southern Red Lantern District. Possibly the biggest one that I found since we got here. One that I have no doubt that Daydreamer will like.” “I’d expect no less from the leader of a guild holding the sexiest females there is to be found,” Cammie said, smiling in approval as she hopped off of the bed. “Though, just to make sure we’re clear on this, you’d better have found a really nice club for us to go to. Especially today of all days. Otherwise, I am going to ride that black dick of yours so hard that you won’t be able to walk for a week.” Golden shook his head as another chuckle left him, reaching over and booping Cammie on the nose. “I’m gonna hold you to that. And I expect you to give my little brother the best time of his life. Otherwise, you’re the one who won’t be walking for a week.” His smile became more mischievous as his teeth gave a slight shine. “And trust me when I say that I’ll make it just as wild as the last times we did it.” “That makes two of us then.” Cammie crooned, flicking her tail as she shook her plump rump at Golden. “Challenge accepted big brother~.” At that moment, a light brown hoof came slamming down on Cammie’s jiggly rump, the smacking sound echoing across the hotel room. Cammie gave a squeal of surprise and delight as she turned and locked eyes with the earth pony standing next to her. A light brown coat made up his pelt, being much lighter than that of Golden Fang’s, being very soft to the touch, with a large mass of jet-black chest fluff adorning him. His matching mane and tail were both long and in a somewhat messy curly mass, with stockings of the same color on all four of his legs. A green bandana around his neck and both his cutie marks were of a ying-yang symbol of the sun and a blue blotch with a crescent moon. With a naughty, yet loving smile, Cammie leaned over and kissed the earth pony on the cheek while asking, “Why hello Daydreamer~. I take it you're all prepped up and ready to go?” Daydreamer’s muzzle was currently sporting a wide grin as his mirthful pale blue eyes stared into Cammie's gentle and loving green ones. Giggling and blushing from the mark on his cheek, he nodded excitedly and wrapped her in a hug. “I sure am Cammie! I can’t wait to get out there and find out where we’re going to go on our next sexual escapade! I’ve never been to a Canterlot Strip Club before! Or any club that’s around here! I wonder what it’s going to be like and all of the mares that we’re going to find there! I bet that they’re all going to be really fucking hot!” “With you, I just know that they’re going to be DD.” Golden Fang said, smiling lovingly at his little brother. “Just make sure that you don’t go crazy as you did in the last strip club that we were at, okay? I did not like having to bail you out when that security caught you going at it with that Colgate mare in the back of the building.” A frown made its way to Daydreamer's face as he pouted up at Golden. “Hey! It’s not my fault that she was as hot as hell! Not to mention really really reeeeally persuasive! I couldn’t help myself! I just wanted to rip that sexy dentist suit off her and fill her until she was the size of a beanbag!” “As much as I admire you wanting to give that mare the fucking of her life, I’m not the one who left a puddle of cum large enough for somepony to mistake being seafoam,” Golden murmured, crossing his forelegs. “I mean seriously, do you know how long it took for me, Silent Storm, and Cammie to clean that up?! Cammie almost missed her daily hunting lesson with her son Azure Wave because of that! And you know how much she loves that colt!” “Oh, come on! You know I can’t control the orgasms that we have Golden! And you can’t either! No matter how much we try!” Daydreamer huffed, pouting harder as he looked up at Golden with his lower lip stuck out. Cammie giggled next to him, finding the expression on his face rather adorable and amusing. “And I know that you can’t either Silent Storm!” A loud snort from behind Golden Fang made the stallion’s wings flare and take off into the air in fright squealing like a little filly finding a monster under her bed. Daydreamer and Cammie all laughed as Golden’s head hit the ceiling hard, before he fell back onto the bed, giving a few bounces. Scrambling to his hooves, Golden whirled around and glared into the multi-colored eyes of the behemoth stallion standing behind him. His coat was a thunderstorm grey, having a tinge of cyan in it, with chest fluff as white as the snow, being very fluffy and sensitive at the touch. The stallion's cyan mane and tail are both very long, yet well-groomed enough, both having stormy grey and jet-black streaks in them. His slitted eyes were of two different colors, his left eye being azure blue, with the right bronze gold, with black tribal paw prints with swirling tornados forming his cutie marks. “Artemis dammit Silent Storm! How many times have I told you not to come up behind me like that?!” He hissed, baring his golden canine teeth. “I have the mind to smack you over the head with my tail club right now!” “Why? Because you were actually scared that he’d attack you?” Daydreamer asked, giggling merrily as he leaned into Cammy. “Or were you scared that he was going to try to take you from behind?” Golden Fang’s head snapped towards his little brother. A split second later, Daydreamer found his face meeting the ground as a huge lump appeared on his head. The chocolate brown stallion’s tail skirt spun in the air as stars flew around Daydreamer’s lumped head, his blue eyes going in swirls. “Watch it DD! Don’t make me change my mind and go to some other far club not from here,” Golden warned lowly, sighing as he turned back to the other stallion. “Anyway, what is it that you need Silent?” No sound came from the heavily built pegasus stallion. Instead, he held out a map with one of his massive hooves and using one of his huge wings to point down. Following the wing, Golden Fang’s eyes set down on the red dot in the lower right hoof corner of the map, where the name “Canterlot Clit Strip Club” could be seen. “Oh, so you’re wanting to get clarification that that’s where we’re going?” Golden asked, looking back up at the stallion towering over him. When Silent slowly nodded his head, Golden smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry little bro. I’ve already made up my mind that that’s the club we’re going to. Not only is it said to be the best one here, but it’s also the closest one back to this motel out of them all. We don’t have to waste our time going through this city like a maze as if we’re mice trying to find cheese when we come back.” The grayish-blue stallion nodded, setting the map down as he looked off to the side, giving a flick of his tail as he did so. He lowered his head as the sky-blue stetson currently resting on his head covered them, shadowing them from sight. “Silent Storm?” Daydreamer asked, concern etching his voice and expression. “Is there something wrong buddy?” Silent lifted his head back up, his multi-colored eyes staring into Golden’s with nothing short of worry. Without saying a single word, he motioned down to the lower regions of his body, and down to the club on the map, before going back to his hind legs again. Given how much he’s learned from his brother’s body language over the years, it didn’t take Golden Fang long to figure out what was bothering Silent. “Oh, I see... You’re scared that the mares at this particular club are going to be scared off by your massive dick like last time?” Golden Fang asked gently, a sympathetic look coming to his face as he tilted his head. Silent gave a quiet nod, not trusting himself to speak as he rubbed his left foreleg with his right. “Hey there little bro, don’t worry. I know that you’re not what others may call a normal stallion. Hell, none of us are. In fact, I’d consider all four of us to be the definitions of freaks of fucking nature, and not for the normal reasons.” He reached out and wrapped a foreleg around Silent’s muscular neck, his smile growing more supportive. “Be that as it may, that doesn’t that it’s going to happen again this time! Not all the mare’s that have seen that big massive leaking cock of yours was scared off by it! In fact, I’m betting the only reason why they didn’t want to get fucked silly by you, is because they didn’t think they could take your massive size!” Silent Storm flashed his older brother a look that said, “you really think so?”; a look that Golden, Cammie, and Daydreamer picked up on almost immediately. Before Golden could reply, Daydreamer replied cheerfully, “Well of course Golden Fang knows so Silent Storm! Me, him, and Cammie all do! I mean, it’s not like we haven’t seen other stallions back out in taking out a stallion's big fat drooling horse cock!” “That’s right.” Cammie nodded, smiling sweetly at Silent. “If anything, in my eyes, that makes you much more desirable. Especially given how well you can perform with the mares that were willing to let you fuck them silly. They just don’t know the way to go about it.” “Exactly!” Daydreamer chirped, giving Cammie’s rump another firm slap. “Just wait for it Silent! You’ll find a mare that’ll be begging to fuck you with that cock of yours!” “True that Daydreamer.” Golden nodded, smirking at his brother, before looking back at Silent Storm. “Just you wait little bro. When we get to that club, we’ll find a mare that’ll be more than happy to-” “I mean, come on, what mare wouldn’t want cocks as big as ours?” Daydreamer continued as a wide smile came across his face. “I know Cammy certainly would since she’s taken all of ours like a real champ!” Cammie blushed, a perverted smile stretching across her face. “That I have my little DD. And it was absolutely intoxicating.” “Y-yes, it was.” Golden Fang murmured, readdressing Silent. “Anyway, like I said, just keep your hopes up and-” “Any other mare would have to be an idiot not to wanna get fucked shitless by cocks as big as ours!” Golden frowned back at his brother. “Okay, Daydreamer we get it-” “Seriously, there are so many mares out there who want to have a nice big cum-filled cock, but when they actually get one, it’s like they don’t want it anymore! What sense does that make?!” “Daydreamer, seriously bro, stop. We get it alrea-” “No sense that’s what! Couldn’t they at least give stallions like us a chance to show them the time of their lives? Talk about selfish…” “Daydreamer, I said that we get it-!” “If they just think about it, they’d be taken on a ride they’ll never forget! One that we’ll all make sure they’ll never forget for as long as they live!” “Daydreamer…” “Yeah, that’s it; a nice long wild ride that’s hot…” “Daydreamer…” “Steamy, sweaty, sexy…” “Daydreamer!” “…and absolutely deliciously covered in our cum!” “DAYDREAMER!!!” Once again, Golden Fang’s tail skirt met his youngest brother’s head, sending his face into the ground for the second time that night. A blushing Silent winced at the blow, only to smile as Cammie gently soothe the second lump forming on Daydreamer’s head. Golden glared daggers at the earth pony for a few moments longer, a tick mark pulsing on his head, before looking at Silent with a softer expression. “As sexually emphasized as Daydreamer’s point was…” He said softly. “Both of our points still stand here Silent. Sure, a few mares may have run away from you because of your massive size, but that doesn’t mean that all of them will react like that. Trust me. I know we’ll find mare who’ll want to suck that behemoth of a cock of yours, and take it in all of her holes. All we have to do is search for the right one.” “Exactly! And if we can’t… well, I’m always willing to let you have me.” Cammie nodded, winking at Silent. “As long as Daydreamer is okay with it though.” “Uh-huh…” Daydreamer nodded slowly, his own reply coming in a half moan as his head spun. “So… whaddya say Silent? You wanna give at least this club a chance to finally get that dick of yours sucked, ridden on, and to spray a mare's face with?” Silent, who was busy trying to stifle the fantasies that Daydreamer had unintentionally put in his head, let out a soft nod. A smile of approval came to Golden as he gave his middle brother a hard pat on the shoulder, the act not making him budge a single centimeter. “That’s my Silent Storm!” He said as he hopped off the bed and trotted towards the door. “Now, let’s get this show on the road! The sooner we get to that club, the sooner we can Daydreamer’s birthday celebration on the road!” “Golden Fang!” Cammie hissed softly, hoisting a still dizzy Daydreamer on her back. “Keep your voice down! Daydreamer might hear you!” “As if my voice wasn’t soft enough as it is,” Golden murmured, giving a roll of his eyes. “Don’t worry though, I don’t think our little bro heard us. Did you, DD?” “Wha...?” The aforementioned stallion asked, his mind still in a daze. The chocolate brown beast tamer chuckled amusedly, sending a smug smirk up at Cammie. “See what I mean?” Cammie rolled her eyes. "Wow, now aren't you a smartass tonight?" Silent Storm gave a soft nicker, nodding in silent agreenment. > Meeting At The Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of soft clopping could be heard as Golden Fang, Silent Storm, Daydreamer, and Cammie made their way through the streets of Canterlot City. No other sound, other than the occasional conversing of a few ponies or the animals scurrying in the alleyways could be heard other than those. One or two of them couldn’t help but glance at them as the quadrate passed by, taking in their powerful and attractive looking appearances as if they were sculptures in a museum. None of the siblings paid any attention to them, only focused on getting to their desired destination as quickly as possible before the night's end. “I cannot believe you fucking hit me like that Golden Fang,” Daydreamer growled as he rubbed the back of his head, which was still sporting its lump from earlier. “You almost knocked me out with that shitty stunt of yours! What were you trying to do, give me a damn concussion?!” “No, I was trying to stop you from embarrassing Silent Storm any further with all of the bullshit that you were saying,” Golden replied calmly, his tail rocking from side to side. “I get that you were trying to cheer him up, but you have got to fix that rambling habit that you have.” “I don’t ramble on, you dumbass!” Daydreamer protested with an annoyed huff. “I just… tend to get carried away with the things that I say. It’s not really something that I can help, and it just really has a good hold on me. Once I set my thoughts on something I just go on and on, with no end in sight, like how I did with Silent.” “Exactly, which is why I had your face planted into the ground,” Golden said bluntly, grinning over at his little brother. “And here you were just wondering why the I went off on you like that.” Daydreamer glared at him, a tick mark forming on his forehead. “You are a real dick you know that?” Golden chuckled, lightly flicking Daydreamer’s face with his tail. “Yes, yes I am.” He said innocently. “After all, it takes a dick to know a dick.” Silent Storm jumped as Daydreamer stared at his brother. “What do you mean by that?” “Nothing~!” Golden chirped as he giggled. Next to them, Cammie was watching on in amusement at the bantering between her coltfriend and his brother. Deciding that she should take the head away before it escalated, she draped a wing around Daydreamer’s back and said, “Oh, don’t feel so upset Daydreamer. We know you didn’t mean to make our dear Silent Storm embarrassed. You were just pointing out the different pleasurable things he’d be able to do with a mare that isn’t afraid of his large, vein covered throbbing and drooling dick~.” Licking her lips, she leaned in closer and whispered. “Just like your own beautiful drooling pulsing rod. The same one that sates my hunger every, single, night.” Daydreamer blushed as Cammie ran a hoof down his fluffy chest. “Yeah, just like my own special prize.” He said softly, rubbing the back of his head as Cammie nuzzled him tenderly. “I wonder how the mares in that bar are going to react when they see it…” “Daydreamer, I can guarantee that when those mares see you in full display, they’d be wanting you to fuck every single one of them until they're bloated with your foals,” Cammie replied sensually as they rounded a corner. “And I’d want you to as well because I wanna see you make every single one of them scream. Scream just as loud as you make me scream when you dominate me and make me yours.” “Oh, trust me, Cammy. You know I’ll give you that luxury!” Daydreamer said energetically, smiling widely. “Thank Faust you and I are in an open relationship huh?” Cammie smiled as Silent chuckled. “Yes, we are. And thank Hecate that both of us are polyamorous. I can’t wait to see you run wild and claim the mares in this club as your own. It will be so hot for me to see~. So fucking hot.” “And I can’t wait for you to lay yourself into whatever mare that catches my eye.” Daydreamer retorted, resisting the urge to start bouncing. “If that’s not hot, then I don’t know what is!” “Well, I’m glad that you guys are preparing yourselves for the night of a lifetime,” Golden murmured, flaring out one of his wings. “Because you two are about to fulfill that fantasy in just a short while.” Hearing these words, Daydreamer and Cammie stopped, nearly bumping into Silent Storm and the process, and looked across either side of him. The former’s eyes bulged while the latter’s mouth fell open to release a gasp of shock. Silent Storm merely stared wide-eyed with his jaw unhinged while Golden Fang wore a shit-eating grin on his face. Towering over the quartet, lights giving off a beautiful shine, was what had to be the biggest strip club they’d ever seen. It was a building of pure black, with an even larger shiner roof that shined somewhat in the nighttime, though not quite as bright as the name of the club. Said club currently had the name Canterlot Clit, at the very top, with a mare posed in a sexual position that was made the name quite fitting. The bright pink and purple lights of the club’s name shined brightly above the entrance, so much so that it almost blinded the four ponies standing in front of it. On either side of the club, were pictures of mares from various different tribes in positions, pole poses, and lap dances. “Holy Eris…” Daydreamer whispered, his pupils dilating as he stared wide-eyed at the club. “Look at this place! It’s… it’s so damn big!” “And that surprises you why?” Golden asked, raising a jet-black brow in the air. “Just about every building in this entire city is big. What makes this one so surprising?” Um, maybe because it’s the fact that it is a strip club?” Daydreamer asked, deadpanning at his older brother. “I mean, I’ve been to plenty of them long before I even turned sixteen! But this one has to take the cake, by far!” A light nod came from Silent Storm, signifying his agreement. “It should because this is the strip club where you are going to be celebrating the one day of all days!” Golden Fang declared, grinning in anticipation. Daydreamer tilted his head, confusion written all over his face. “Um, whaddya mean by that big bro?” With his grin stretching even wider, Golden Fang nodded to Cammie, and she gently ushered him along with a wing, following close behind the other two. When they got inside, Daydreamer’s look of perplexion soon turned to one of disbelief as he looked around the interior of the Canterlot Clit Strip Club. He was so taken aback that he almost didn’t hear the next several words that escaped out of Golden’s mouth. “Happy Twenty-First Birthday Daydreamer.” He said warmly, wrapping a loving wing around his younger brother. If Daydreamer gave any indication that he had heard his brother at all, he didn’t show it in his expressions. Nor in his actions. He was too transfixed on the scene that was happening right in front of him, of the inside of the club they were now currently in. All around them were mares and stallions of all shapes, sizes, and tribes in various parts of the building, each engaged in their own activities. Many were either doing lap dances on the various different dance floors in the club, conversing and drinking at the bars, or even going as far as to go at it with one another in the crowds. The smell of drinks, sweat, and sex filled the room, filling Daydreamer’s nostrils and clouding his mind with their scent like vapor from jungle foliage. It was so strong that he almost didn’t register Cammy’s waving hoof in front of him. “Oh good. I thought that Golden Fang had broken you for a moment.” Cammie chuckled, trying to hold back her laughter. “So, do you like the birthday present that we set up for you?” Daydreamer, who was trying to shake the smell of the club out of his nose, paused and looked over at his sexy marefriend. “W-what? Birthday present?” “Well yeah, this whole club is your birthday present!” Golden Fang said, looking at Daydreamer as if he had said something that needed to be explained. “This is your final birthday present for the day! Er… well, night actually, but you know what I mean?” “Wait, this is my final birthday present?” Daydreamer asked, his wide eyes locking onto Golden Fang’s. “I thought you said that those mining goggles and that golden medal necklace of Faust were my final presents.” “Yes, they were. But they weren’t your only final presents for the day.” Golden Fang murmured, blowing his dreads from his face. “I was trying to tell you that we had a final special present laid out in store for you, but you didn’t let me tell you.” “Oh right.” Daydreamer said sheepishly, an embarrassed smile coming to his face. “That was because I was too excited about wanting to use my new mining to find gemstones for my Dragon Adrenaline and Ascension Modes while in chaos form.” Silent Storm grinned in amusement at his youngest brother, a deep chuckle leaving him. “Well, it’s not like we can really blame you for your excitement Daydreamer.” Cammie chuckled, gently patting the Earth Pony stallion on his head. “Besides, you looked so cute when you finally had the tools you need to find gemstones instead of having to resort to your powers and your bare hooves. That was probably the most adorable phase that I’ve ever seen you in since we were both babies.” Her gentle smile soon turned into a lewd smirk that showed her gleaming teeth. “I wonder though… just how adorable you’ll look when I see you suckling from a mare with nice, big, plump, round lactating teats~.” “Y-you mean like how I do y-yours?” Daydreamer asked, panting slightly as he felt his body head up from Cammie’s nuzzling. Cammie giggled devilishly, taking one of Daydreamer’s hooves and bringing it in between her hindlegs. A squeak left Daydreamer as he felt the soft skin of his marefriend’s large breasts in his hoof. “Exactly like how you always feed on me~.” “Um, Cammie, I think you may want to hold off on giving Daydreamer your momma milk for right now.” Golden Fang said, flicking the mare’s rump with his tail skirt. “Your kind of stirring up a bit of a crowd here.” Cammie looked behind her to see a few mares and stallions looking to where she and Daydreamer were. Judging by the looks of desire and jealously on their faces, it was clear they were staring at her teats and Daydreamer’s ball sack. With a faint glow in her eyes, she bared her teeth and let out a snarl that was equivalent to that of a wolf, warning them to stay away. The results were immediate, and they all turned away as if they were mid-ranking wolves submitting to their alpha, going back to what they were doing. “There~. That takes care of that~.” Cammy chirped, smiling in satisfaction as she turned back to the stallions next to her. “Now, shall we go around and see what mare catches our attention?” “Oh yeah! That’s the whole reason why I even brought us here in the first goddamn place. That, and because I wanna make the last hours of Daydreamer’s birthday the best one he’s ever had in his life.” Golden Fang said, rolling his eyes as he turned to his younger brothers. “Anyway, why don’t we go ahead and go mare… hunting…?” Golden Fang trailed off as he took in the wide-eyed look on Silent Storm’s face, and the jaw that was currently unhinged. His face was currently sporting a deep red blush, and his gigantic wings looked like they were going to flare up at any moment. “Uh-oh~,” Cammie said quietly. “It looks like my dear little Silent’s set his sights on somepony.” “You think?!” Daydreamer asked, biting his lip to keep from guffawing. “He looks like he’s going to get the mother of all wingboners right now! Look! I can even see a trickle of blood running down from his nostrils!” “That’s when you know that the mare that he’s seeing is the real package.” Golden Fang said, picking Silent’s jaw up and snapping it shut. “So Silent, ya wanna tell us which one of these mares are giving you the boner that’s currently growing under your barrel?” Not even bothering to do anything about his slowly growing erection, Silent Storm slowly pointed a hoof forward. The other three all followed to the far end of the strip club and felt their own jaws drop upon seeing what had to be one of the most attractive looking mares they ever saw. It was an earth pony mare, with a coat that looked as if it was dipped in the sweetest tastiest of lemonade. The mare’s mane and tail were a beautiful sapphire blue like the ocean had splashed them both in aquatic color. Her eyes were a gorgeous emerald shade of green, even brighter than Cammies own, seeming to draw anypony in that looked into them as she danced the night away. Lastly, she had a roseray that was connected to a chain that was attached to a collar around the mare’s neck, with the cutie mark of a white milk bottle with dove wings spread on either side. As captivating as her appearance was, that wasn’t what the trio of brothers and one mare were focused on. What caught their attention was the massive jugs in between her slender legs. The mare spun and swung around the silver dance pole her forelegs were grabbing onto, her mountain blue bikini suit shining in the club’s night. The lower part of her suit had a large gap in the center, allowing ponies to see a generous amount of her assets. Assets that she happily shook and jiggled in front of the mares and stallions below the stage. Cheers and whinnies could be heard as the crowd threw the mare numerous bits and bags of them. All of which the mare accepted cordially, before resuming her lap dance. Such was her focus on pleasing the crowd in front of her, that she did not notice the four gawking ponies standing just meters away from her. “Holy… mother… fucking…shit.” Daydreamer breathed. “Who is that hot piece of ass?!” “I have no idea baby. But I am alreadystarting to get wet by the mere sight of her.” Cammie replied, shivering as she clenched her hindlegs together. She could feel her teats starting to drip milk from her nipples, but she was too entranced by the other mare to really notice. “Those teats… I don’t know anypony that has breasts that big. Save for mine~.” “I do.” Golden Fang said softly. “Because I know that mare. She’s Milky Way Rosario. The Milkmare of Trottingham.” Three pairs of eyes snapped towards the chocolate brown stallion, one of their eyes going even wider than they already were. “Wait a minute, Milky Way?! The Milky Way?!” Daydreamer all but screamed, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets. “The hottest sexiest mare to ever walk the island of Trottingham?! That’s the mare we’re looking at?!” “There’s no doubt about it. She fits all of the descriptions that I’ve seen of her on the articles and newspapers that I found at the Saber-Tooth Guild.” Golden replied, a small, yet excited smile making its way to her face. “That mane, her coat, and those emerald eyes. Not to mention those nice big round jiggling jugs that are just begging to be suckled! That beauty of the night is definitely Trottingham’s beloved Milkmare!” “Oh, sweet Eris! Now I know that this is going to be one awesome birthday! And just when I thought that it couldn’t get any better!” Daydreamer squealed, trotting in place as he gave a few bounces. “Way to go Silent Storm! You just found the ultimate mare for me to conquer!” As always, Silent said nothing. Though he did give his little brother a nod, having finally managed to tear his eyes away from Milky Way. “Well, it looks like our dear Daydreamer has made his decision,” Cammie said, holding back a giggle upon seeing her coltfriend drooling. “Ready to claim our mare boys?” “Only if you’re ready to give her the pussy grinding of her life,” Fang replied back, flicking his tail as he licked his lips. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Cammie giggled. “And you know I’m always ready for that.” With that final agreement, the quartet officially took off towards the earth mare, who now looked like she was done with her dance. They certainly didn’t have too much trouble making their way through the crowd, thanks to Silent Storm himself. The cyanish grey pegasus’s enormous size made for a perfect force to make ponies around them move out of the way, though not just out of politeness. By the time they reached the first dance floor, Milky Way was already in the process of collecting the bits that were given to her. Her back was turned to the four, allowing them to see her round plot through the thickness of her suit as her teats hung underneath. As the Milky collected her earnings, the three stallions and one mare decided on how they should greet her. “Okay, which one of you wants to go say hi to her?” Golden Fang asked, looking over at his brothers and Cammie. “I know that all of you want a piece of her, and so do I, but I don’t want to overwhelm her by having all of us go at once.” “Golden Fang! Did you not see how she handled herself with that crowd of ponies?!” Daydreamer gasped, gesturing to the mare in question. “She was shaking those massive titties of hers and shaken that plump juicy ass like she was begging one of them to fuck her silly! If she was able to handle a crowd of ponies, then I highly doubt she’d have any trouble talking to us! Because she so looked like she was asking for it!” “Daydreamer does have a point,” Cammie said, giving a shrug. “I don’t think Milky Way would be too bothered to see just the four of us. I say just be kind to her and see how it goes from there.” “I was already planning on doing that Cammie.” Fang snorted, deadpanning. “What did you think I was gonna do? Sneak up on her and scare her half to death? It’s not like I was gonna reach out and rip her suit off so that her boobs would fly out in the open.” “You mean like how you, Silent and Daydreamer do to me every time you suckle from me?” Cammy asked, with a teasing smirk. Fang flinched, snapping his head away from Cammie. “…I’m not even going to answer that.” He murmured, ignoring the perverse giggle that came from the other pegasus. “Anyway, you ready to do this thing Daydreamer?” The chocolate brown stallion looked over to where Daydreamer was standing, only to find him no longer beside Cammie or Silent Storm. Whipping his head around, Golden Fang went wide-eyed when he saw his youngest brother already behind Milky Way. Before he could make a single move to stop him, the light brown stallion was already getting the mare's attention. “Oh, hello there. I almost didn’t notice you behind me.” Milky Way said her expression one of slight surprise before it relaxed. “How can I help you, sweetie?” “Um, before we get into that, I wanna know something first.” Daydreamer replied, rubbing one of his forelegs as he blushed bashfully. “A-are you… are you really the Milky Way?” Fang went stiff, a tick mark and sweat drop simultaneously appearing on his head. ‘Seriously?! He meets who has to be the sexiest mare we’ve ever seen, and that’s the first thing he asks?!’ “Why yes, dear~. Yes, I am~.” Milky replied, smiling at Daydreamer with a good amount of sensualness added to it. “If you don’t mind me asking, who is exactly asking yours truly?” The bashful smile on Daydreamer’s face turned more cheerful as he happily replied, “I am Daydreamer Konton! It is so so so nice to meet your acquaintance, Ms. Milky Way! Do you mind if I call you that? Or do you want me to call you something else? If it makes you more comfortable around me!” Milky giggled, her teats jiggling with her body’s movements underneath her hindlegs at Daydreamer’s antics. “You can call me whatever suits you, honey. I am a stripper after all. So I’m used to ponies calling me a lot of different names here.” She booped Daydreamer on his nose. “Though just so you know, I’m not necessarily comfortable with being called Ms. It makes me feel really old. And I’m only twenty-three years old.” “Believe me, you won’t believe the number of mares that told me that whenever I addressed them formally! Some of them even came this close to rejecting me just for that sole reason! And trust me when I say, there was a lot!” Daydreamer said, laughing along with Milky. “Though if you’re okay with me calling you Milky, then you can call me DD! It’s what my brothers and marefriend call me!” “DD… now that is a cute nickname~. I can see why you’re called something like that~.” Milky said, giggling at the adorable smiley face Daydreamer was giving her. “So, DD… what brings you here to the Canterlot Strip Club? Was it so you can just see mares like me own the stage? Or were you here for…” She reached over and slowly ran a hoof down his fluffy black and brown chest. “…something else~?” Daydreamer shivered, a pleasant smile forming on his lips as Milky leaned in, pressing her forehead against his. “W-well…you could say that Milky.” He said, staring down at the twin mammaries underneath Milky’s barrel. “T-though, I didn’t just come here alone.” “Oh?” Milky asked calmly as she wrapped her forelegs around Daydreamer’s neck, staring into his pale blue eyes. “And just who else is here with you dearie?” At that moment, Golden Fang decided to make his presence, along with Silent Storm and Cammie's known. “That would be us.” Milky’s face, which was half-lidded and carrying a good amount of lustful desire in it, went bug-eyed upon seeing the trio, mainly Silent Storm. She screamed as she back-peddled, slamming into the wall of the dance floor so hard that she almost lost her footing. “Lucine's dripping sabers!” Milky exclaimed as she stared up at Silent Storm. Once she managed to calm herself, she took a couple of steps towards the giant stallion. “You have to be the biggest stallion I have ever seen in my entire life!” Silent Storm blinked in surprise at the mare’s reaction to his appearance, having not expected that to be her response. Beside him, Golden Fang and Cammie looked just as surprised, so much so that the former couldn’t help but voice it. “Wait, you’re…you’re not scared by my brother’s appearance?” “S-scared?” Milky looked over at Golden Fang, then back at Silent Storm, and back at Golden Fang again. “No of course not! I-I admit, I was taken off guard by him, but I can’t say that I was scared. No offense to you, baby.” Silent Storm nodded with a gentle and thankful smile on his face at the fact that Milky was not scared off by his appearance. As received as he was, he didn’t want to get his hopes too high up with her. He still didn't know how this mare would be around him as the night progressed. Most of all since he didn’t know how she was going to react upon seeing his other large appendage. While he was happy she didn't run away from him, he still wanted to see how it went, just in case he got turned down... again. “I’m sorry about that, Silent’s not really much of a talker,” Cammie said, patting Silent on his shoulder. “My name is Cammie Kiba Lycona, the Wolf Whisperer. This is Silent Storm Ryūjin Konton, the infamous Storm Tamer, and that’s his older brother Golden Fang Shinrinryoshi Konton, the Beast Tamer leader of the Saber-Tooth Guild. Both of them are Daydreamer's older brothers by the way. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier.” “Wait, you three are the famous leaders of Saber-Tooth?!” Milky gasped her emerald eyes widening as a hoof came to her muzzle. She glanced over at Daydreamer, who was sporting a wide smug grin. “S-so, that means y-you’re…” “Eeyup! I am their happy go lucky, battle loving, death-defying sex-crazed little brother! The master of chaos second only to Discord himself!” Daydreamer replied proudly, putting a hoof to his chest. “Of course, I already told you my name, though I didn’t tell you where I was from. I’m sorry about that…” “Oh, my, goodness… Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness!” Milky chanted, a squeal leaving her as she began to jump up and down. “This is just amazing! I’m actually meeting the infamous Furious Four! Of all the things I expected to happen tonight, this was the last thing on my list!” ‘So, she even knows our other nickname…figures.’ Cammie thought, giggling at the busty earth pony’s cute reaction. “Well, consider yourself lucky here Milky Way, not many ponies have the pleasure of meeting ponies as powerful as we are. It looks like you’re one of the few lucky ones that got the privilege.” “Oh, I know that I’m feeling lucky tonight. No number of bits can compare to getting something like this!” Cammie giggled, brushing her mane away. “So…what can I do for you four tonight? Are you looking for a lap dance? I was supposed to get off work after I leave here. But I can do one more if you want.” “As much as we’d like that, I’m afraid we’ll have to pass on that offer Milky. ‘Cause you already gave us plenty to see, no thanks to Silent.” Golden chuckled, earning a blush from both the pegasus and earth pony. “No, we have something a bit more… active that we’d like you to do for us. Mainly Daydreamer.” Milky blinked curiously. “What is it?” “See, today is my coltfriend's twenty-first birthday…” Cammie explained, putting a foreleg around her coltfriend. "We’ve chosen this strip club as the perfect place to celebrate the final hours of it before we head back home. To put it simply, we’re here looking for a mare who’ll make these final birthday hours the best of his life.” “R…really?!” Milky gasped. “You want me to fuck him?!” Silent Storm nodded, non-verbally indicating that was what they were all implying. Somehow, someway, Milky was able to catch on, and she grew very red in the face. “That’s exactly what we’re implying,” Cammie replied, smiling cutely as she winked at Milky Way. “So whaddya say Milky Way? Are you up for giving my little DD the best fucking of his life from the bustiest mare in Equestria?” A bright smile came to Milky’s face, and she was about to accept when a thought struck her. She looked in between Daydreamer and Cammie, mainly Cammie, remembering them both mentioning that they were coltfriend and marefriend. Hesitation coated her features and mind as she looked away, poking both forehooves together. “Are… are you sure you’re okay with that Cammie?” She asked softly, her tail swishing behind her. “I-I mean, I want to but… you did mention that you were coltfriend and marefriend. I-I wouldn’t want to intrude on your relationship.” If Milky was expecting anything to happen, Golden Fang, Daydreamer, and Cammie laughing their tails off were not it. The Milkmare stared wide-eyed at the trio as they nearly doubled over in laughter, and even Silent Storm looked like he was chuckling, albeit silently. “Oh Milky! You such a riot!” Golden Fang giggled as his wings ruffled. “You really think that you’d be intruding on their relationship? As if! If anything, they’d be upset if you did the exact opposite!” “W-what?” Milky took a moment to process what the chocolate brown stallion was saying. “W-what’re you trying to say?” “What we’re saying is that you’re not trying to intrude on Cammie and I's relationship Milky.” Daydreamer replied reassuringly. “Because Cammie and I are in an open one.” Milky gasped in shock, both of her hooves flying to her mouth. “Y… you are?” “Most certainly,” Cammie replied, winking at Milky. “We’ve decided that since we were both polyamorous, that we wouldn’t hide it behind monogamy, and let ourselves go wild with whoever we please.” She planted a soft kiss on Daydreamer’s cheek, causing him to blush madly as his ears swiveled like a hummingbird’s wings. “It may seem pretty taboo, but we have a very powerful and trusting relationship. And we both desire for an open partnership. So… you don’t have to worry about me ripping your throat out for trying to take my DD.” Milky paled, taking an involuntary step back. “R-ripping my t-throat out?” “It was just a figure of speech,” Golden said quickly before the mare could change her mind. “Anyway, that’s the gist of what Cammie is saying. Since she and DD are in an open relationship, you have zero worries about you facing any unfortunate consequences from sleeping with DD. Especially since Cammie is here with him. So tonight, you get a free pass. No consequences. No hard feelings. And certainly no throat-ripping.” He shot an annoyed hiss at a grinning Cammie before turning back to Milky. “So how ‘bout it Milky? Ya up for birthday sex with my little brother?” Milky, now feeling much more relaxed at the revelation of Daydreamer and Cammie’s rather unusual relationship, took a moment to collect herself. Once she was sure she was back calm again, she softly replied, “…Well, since Cammie is okay with it and is even encouraging it, I can still go along with it. I just hope you won’t be upset with me wanting him as you do.” Chuckling, Cammie reached and gently cupped one of Milky’s cheeks, and she blushed at the warm, gentle, and motherly touch. “Oh Milky, I can never be mad at any mare who wants all of my DD~. In fact, I rather like it when they want him all to themselves. Just goes to show how much of a mare’s stallion he is. And that he’s still got it.” “Well of course I do!” Daydreamer said. “I’m only twenty-one, Cammy! And so are you! It’s gonna be a real long time before mares stop wanting me! let along all of us! Right, Silent Storm?” The aforementioned stallion nodded lightly, smiling warmly as he did so. “Well, in that case, I’m all yours tonight Daydreamer!” Milky chirped as she patted his head. “Let me just get my purse and dressed and we can go. The last thing I want is for the ponies in the city to be looking down on me for flashing my boobs out in the open. I already had enough of a hard time trying to keep myself from leaking out in public. I sure as hell don't want to be arrested for public indecency.” She cast a glance down at Cammie's dripping teats. "Unlike some mares..." “Take as much time as you need Milky. We have all night.” Golden Fang murmured, winking at Milky. “Though, we would like to make one request before you fuck our brother shitless.” “A request?” Milky asked innocently. “What is it?” Fang slowly walked up to the lemon-yellow mare, one of his hooves reaching out to stroke her chin. With his lips next to her ear, he whispered, “We want to join in on the fun.” Milky flinched, reeling back a bit from Fang in shock. “Y-you want to join in? As in you, Silent Storm, and Cammie?” “You bet your sweet lemon-colored milk carrying ass they do!” Daydreamer smirked, giggling madly. “I know that my brothers and Cammy said that they wanted you to fuck me, but they sometimes like to join in on the fun. Any mare that we all see that deserves a five-way is one that we know deserves one. And you, my dear, happen to be one of them.” The blush on Milky’s face could not have gotten any darker at that moment. “A… five-way?” “Oh yes, darling.” Cammie cooed. “A nice, hot, sexy, steamy five-way where you’re covered in my sweet nectar, my coltfriend, and his brother's cum, and bloated to the point where you look like a mother. With us being the ones to do it, while we take nice good drinks from those beautiful melons of yours.” She glanced down at Milky’s breasts, and she could’ve sworn she saw her suit dampening where the nipples were. “So Milky Way, are you down for what’s going to be the best wild sex you’ve potentially ever had in your life?” No words came from Milky’s, the blush on her face so dark that it resembled a cherry as she stared at the quartet with a half-lidded gaze. Her body then began to sake, and a whimper escaped her as her lip began to quiver. With steam exploding out of her ears, she turned tail, and all grabbed her bags of bits, before running off and all but diving behind the stage curtains. The three brothers and one mare all burst out laughing as they leaned into one another, no longer able to contain their mirth. “I think we can take that as a yes,” Fang said smoothly chuckling while pulling his hat over his eyes. "Romp with Milky Way, here we come~." > A Warm Cup Of Milk Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milky Way was feeling quite nervous. Not the usual kind of nervousness that anypony would feel, but the kind of nervousness when something big is about to happen. Something really big. That something being she was going to have a wild sexual escapade with four incredibly famous ponies. Ponies who confirmed to her that they were the rulers of the Forbidden Jungle and leaders of the guild that resigns within it. Said guild being the legendary Saber Tooth Guild of Equestria, both it and its members lead by none other than the Furious Four themselves. The very same ponies that she was currently trotting through the quiet City of Canterlot, with the Milkmare herself taking the lead. ‘Oh shit…oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit! This is happening, I can’t believe this is really happening!’ The lemon-yellow earth mare thought, biting her lower lip. ‘I’m actually going to be having a five-way with four famous ponies! Ponies that’re actually the Furious Four! I never thought that something like this would happen, but it is! What if I’m not good enough? What if I don’t perform well enough for any of them, especially their little brother?! What if I mess up so bad that they’ll never want to have anything to do with me again and label me as the world’s worst fuck buddy EVER?!’ Milky paused for the slightest of moments, squeezing her eyes shut as she slapped both hooves to her cheeks. ‘No, bad Milky! Bad, bad, bad Milky! That is not the way you should be thinking right now, especially with what you’ve been told! This is one of their birthdays tonight, and you were chosen to give him the time of his life! If you start thinking like this, not only are you not going to be able to give Daydreamer the ultimate pleasure, but you won’t be able to do the same with his marefriend and his brothers!” She glanced over at Cammie out of the corner of her eye, making sure she didn’t notice.‘Not only that, but that same marefriend is giving you permission to fuck her coltfriend silly! Just how many mares allow another mare, let alone their coltfriend, to fuck each other like rabbits without consequence?! Huh?! How many?! Not that many! THAT’S how many Milky Way! THAT’S HOW FUCKING MANY!’ Milky snapped her head forward, taking another few deep breaths as she attempted to alleviate her stress. ‘Alright Milky, just keep a calm head and do what you do best, other than being a loving doting mother to my little Flash Sentry. That being to give ponies the best sex they’ve had in their lives and make sure they never forget it! That stake is set even higher now that you know that it’s one of their birthdays on this very night! So, you’d better do everything you can to ensure that this is the best night of their lives! Or your name isn’t Milky Way Kindheart Rosario!’ “Milky Way?” Golden Fang’s soft voice cut through Milky’s train of thought, and a squeak left the mare a second later. “Are you alright? You look like you’re sweating up there…” “Huh? O-oh, no I’m okay sweetie! Totally okay!” Milky replied, smiling just a bit too wide at the stallion, and her soon to be fuck-buddy. “I’m just thinking as all… nothing really important.” “Are you sure?” Daydreamer asked skeptically. “Because it looks like there is definitely something that’s on your mind. Something that may be involving the four of us.” Milky let out a laugh that was far too cheerful. “R-really? I-I’m not worked up at all! What makes you think that?” “Well, for one, you’re sweating like you're being caught up in a massive heatwave,” Cammie replied calmly, pointing at Milky’s sweaty forehead. “Secondly, you kept taking these tiny little glances at us every ten seconds, and third…” She pointed down to the bottom of the Milkmare’s white work dress, where a white substance could be seen coming out. “You look like you’re leaking.” Milky froze, her eyes widening in horror at what the bluish-grey mare said. Looking around to make sure nopony else was around, she pulled up the skirt of her white work dress and looked down at her plump teats. Sure enough, both of them were dripping small droplets of her milk onto the dirt ground, some of it staining her skirt. “Oh, goodness! It looks like I was more worked up than I thought I was.” Milky murmured, mainly to herself as let her skirt fall back down. She adjusted the large sailor’s hat on her head before looking at the four ponies behind her. “I’m so sorry you had to see that. I tend to leak whenever I get anxious or nervous.” “Oh, that’s alright dear. It’s not the first time I’ve seen a mare as busty as you start lactating at the most random of times.” Cammie replied gently, smiling sweetly at Milky. “I know it's not the first time it's happened to me either.” This revelation made Milky pause. “Wait, you randomly lactate too?” “Well, yeah. But not as randomly as you probably do Milky.” Daydreamer replied with a little chuckle. “It only happens to Cammy if she is incredibly horny or worked up after a long day’s work, and she has no time or place to relieve herself. Since she’s not feeling horny, yet, she doesn’t have to worry about leaking her own milk.” He glanced over at his marefriend and licked his lips. “No matter how sexy public lactating would be to me~.” Cammie burst out laughing, playfully punching Daydreamer on the shoulder. “Daydreamer, not in front of Milky! Do you seriously want to tell her about the times you made me want to ride you in public because you couldn’t’ keep your hooves off of my teats?” “No, not really.” Came Daydreamer’s nonchalant response before he grinned. “Though you do look so fucking sexy when you’re leaking with milk. It makes you look like you’re carrying my foals whenever you swallow a stomach full of my cum.” Cammie shuddered as her lips began to water. “Are you trying to get me to suck you dry right now?” “Maybe~.” Daydreamer chirped cutely. ‘Whoa, those two are really all over each other, aren’t they?’ Milky asked, watching as the couple sexually converse with one another. ‘It looks like they really do love one another a lot. Kind of makes me wish I had a relationship like that. Too bad most ponies don’t want relationships with strippers…especially in a town like this.’ Milky’s ears pinned back as she turned back ahead of her, a somewhat solemn look on her face as she continued to walk ahead. This did not go unnoticed by Silent Storm, who couldn’t help but give the mare a look of sympathy, even if it wasn’t noticed. Golden Fang noticed the look on his middle brother’s face, and he couldn’t help but voice his concerns. “Hey Silent Storm,” He said softly, getting the giant’s attention. “Is there something the matter little bro?” Silent glanced down at his eldest brother, before motioning with a head tilt over to Milky. The Beast Tamer looked over at the lemon-yellow mare, immediately taking notice of her slight change in body language. A frown of his own came to his face as he looked back up at Silent, having caught on to what his younger brother saw. “Yeah, I see it too Stormy. She’s feeling pretty dejected. Probably because of the fucked-up shit that she has to deal with from the ponies around this town.” He said, his brows furrowing as a leonine growl left his mouth. He suppressed his anger and took a deep breath, willing his rage away within it. “It’s alright though she’s not going to feel that way for long; we’ll make sure of that. After all, we are the Natural Born Breeders of the Forbidden Jungle, are we not Stormy?” The cyanish grey stallion nodded, smiling in approval as he let out a deep snort. “Hey, you guys.” Daydreamer's voice broke through the two Pegasi’s small conversing. “It looks like we made it over to Milky’s home.” Golden and Silent both stopped abruptly and laid their eyes in Milky’s humble abode, which, in all honesty, fit that name quite well. It was your usual standard house with a large green rooftop, with the walls of the house’s exterior being painted a deep brown color, with the windows being the same shade of green. There was also a large white picket fence going all around the house like a corral gate, having a fence door in the center. A small lawn lay in the front of the house, having an entrance pathway that led to a large brown door, and the lawn also had a few toys lying about. Wait… toys?! Daydreamer and Cammie both gasped while Silent and Golden went wide-eyed, the sight of toys being the last thing they expected to see at Milky’s home. They were so taken aback by the unexpected sight they nearly missed what Milky had said next. “Well, here we are everypony, home sweet home,” Milky said softly, looking more optimistic as she smiled at the group of four. “I admit, it’s not the fanciest one here in this city. But then again… I’m not really one for that much fanciness anyway. I’m more of an old-fashioned mare, to be honest.” “…Y-yeah, we kind of figured that much,” Golden said as he recovered from his shock and adjusted his stetson. “You weren’t really wearing anything fancy anyway, and that suit of yours only emphasizes that point.” “I know, I did more or less give it away.” Milky giggled, flicking her tail as she ran a hoof over her sailor’s hat. “Would you like to come in?” Not waiting for their reply, Milky opened the door and led them inside, not noticing a couple of them look at the toys one last time. Upon entering, it was nearly pitch black, but Golden, Silent, Daydreamer, Cammie, and Milky were all able to see thanks to their enhanced vision. As Milky turned her lights on, they could see more of the house, along with the stairs in front of them. On one side, was a living, room, looking to have a few couches and chairs, along with a fireplace that had no wood in it. At the right side of the house, looked to be a kitchen, and on the table inside of it, were several jars of milk, all of which looked to be filled to the brim with said liquid. ‘I think I have a pretty good guess as to where that milk came from.’ Daydreamer thought, staring at the bottles for a moment longer before addressing Milky. “So…this is your home, huh Milky?” “Mhm, this is where I live,” Milky replied, letting out a little chuckle. “As I said, it’s not like the other homes but… with the jobs I have, it’s better than nothing.” “I’d like to think that it’s a lot better than just nothing,” Cammie murmured, taking notice of the milk jars in the kitchen. “By the way Milky, what’s with those bottles of milk in your kitchen?” “Oh, those things?” Milky asked, leading them up the stairs. “Those are for… another job that I have. Other than being a stripper.” “Other job?” Golden Fang asked, looking over at the milk jars and then back at Milky. As he stared at her white sailor’s dress, it suddenly clicked. “Wait, are you do you also sell milk?” “Mhm, to anypony whose kind enough to take it. Which is…not a lot to be honest.” Milky replied, shifting her hindlegs. “Only those who’re living as low budget as I am are willing to help me out. Everypony else is either too stuck up or too caught up in their own wealth to really help a pony in need, especially of that pony is a parent.” “Hm…yeah, that is a sad but true fact, and I can see how you’re able to produce as much milk as you do.” Daydreamer said, chuckling humorously. “It must beat having to go to a factory and have to sell milk that way, huh?” Milky blushed bashfully. “Y-yes honey, it really does.” She giggled, brushing her mane away as she began to walk up the stairs. She looked back at the four, and a sensual smile came to her face as she batted her eyelashes. “Come on now, I believe we have some sexy fun time that we need to attend to. Especially for a certain birthday boy~.” Not wanting to keep the mare waiting, the four ponies followed her up the stairs and down the hallway that presumably led to her room. The Furious Four couldn’t help but take a look at the photo albums of Milky Way, some of just herself, others with what looked to be friends, and others that looked to be more…family related. Those, and the toys they saw outside made the group grow surer that Milky wasn’t the only one here with them, but they kept quiet. Not wanting to make assumptions until they saw it for themselves, and not wanting to possibly bring up a sensitive topic. “You like the pictures?” Milky asked quietly, noticing the wandering eyes of the four. “I had them here for quite some time now. One of the many things that keep me on my hooves and smiling most of the time.” “Yes, they are. Quite adorable as a matter of a fact.” Cammie replied flicking her tail as she flicked her braided tail. Praying that she didn’t get chastised by Daydreamer or Golden Fang by what she was going to say next, the pegasus asked, “Um…Milky honey, are…are you, um…” “A mother? Yes sweetie, yes I am. Of a little pegasus colt named Flash Sentry Rosario.” Milky replied, her smile becoming a bit fonder. “I saw you all looking at the toys on the lawn. I thought you’d ask me about a bit sooner.” “W-well…we were going to, but we didn’t want to bring up any sensitive topics for you,” Golden replied gently, his ears flicking back. “I’m guessing you didn’t want us to see them?” “Well, a part of me didn’t, yes,” Milky replied honestly. “Most of the ponies that I had come home with me weren’t exactly up for hooking up with a mare with foals. All they really wanted was sex and some companionship and that was pretty much it. In fact, a good majority of ponies in this city can’t even stand the sight of a foal, probably because they remind them a lot about themselves when they were at their age.” “Oh, we know what that’s like. Trust us.” Daydreamer said somewhat darkly. “Another reason why I’m glad we do not live here. The Forbidden Jungle is way more fun and entertaining than this place will ever be!” “Possibly because we’re part of the reason that it’s so entertaining?” Cammy asked sweetly. “Exactly!” The Chaos Master replied cheerfully. “We’re the very definition of fun and exciting, in a lot more ways than one! Anypony who wants excitement would have to be an idiot not to go to somepony like us for it, let alone a fuck!” Silent Storm snorted, biting back a laugh as he gave a light-hearted nod. “Well, you four are in luck because a fuck is something that you’ll totally be getting from me, especially you, Daydreamer~.” Milky crooned softly, smiling lustfully as she opened her bedroom door and flicked the light on. “Just make sure that you keep quiet when we do it okay? We wouldn’t want to wake up my son and make him worried about his mommy.” Golden Fang chuckled, watching as Silent Storm slowly closed the door behind them. “We’re not going to make any promises Milky, especially with the packages we have in store.” Milky chuckled throatily, slowly crawling onto her bed as she began to undress from her white sailor’s work dress. The three stallions and one mare watched as her beautiful body was revealed under the fabric of her clothing, the process delightfully slow. Milky paused for just a moment, before she let her breasts be revealed, letting them jiggle in front of her new house guests. Golden Fang, Silent Storm, and Cammie felt their wings flare upward, while Daydreamer immediately began to drool at the sight of the giant pair of jugs. “There it is That’s the look I was hoping for. You can’t get mares or stallions to make faces like that without boobies like these.” Milky giggled, cupping her teats in her hooves and squeezing them together, causing a tiny bit of milk to squirt out of them. "Now, what do you say we get this fun on the road?” “Exactly what we were thinking.” Golden Fang chuckled as he, Silent, Daydreamer, and Cammie crawled onto the bed with her. They couldn’t help but take notice of the softness of the bed, taking them by slight surprise just like it’s size. “Wow, your bed is really soft Milky. A lot softer than I thought I’d be.” “Well of course it is! I used to have plenty of fuck buddies come to my home! And I took the initiative to get a bed that was big enough to fit at least several ponies.” Milky snorted as she flashed Golden a smirk. “And it looks like there are definitely several ponies here, which includes me. It looks like I got the size right.” She glanced over at Silent Storm, who was at the end of the bed. “And before you ask, don’t worry. The bed is more than strong enough to support a pony as big as you Silent. You don’t have to worry about breaking the bed, let alone the floorboard.” Silent, upon hearing this, let out a quiet sigh of relief, looking much more comfortable now. “Well, that’s a relief. I was just going to ask that.” Cammie murmured, having noticed the look on Silent’s face. “Still though, I have a feeling we’re going to make it do a lot of creaking.” “That we are. And I am going to love it~.” Milky chuckled, laying on her back as she spread her legs. “So are we~!” Daydreamer chirped, his curly tail wagging back and forth like a dog. “So, how do you wanna do this Milky?” Milky took a moment to think about how she wanted this session to start. She looked at Golden Fang, who was on her right, then to Daydreamer, who was on her right, and finally to Silent, who was at the very end. “Well, for this first round, I’m going to jack the two of you off at the same time ~.” She said smoothly, gesturing to Golden and Daydreamer. “For Silent Storm, I want him to take my teats, and for Cammie…” She looked over at the bluish-grey mare, who was sitting next to Daydreamer. “…I wanna get a mouthful of that beautiful pussy~." “Oooooh, so you want to have a taste of me?” Cammie cooed raising a bluish-black eyebrow at Milky. “Alright then, I can go with that. Just be prepared for how it’s going to taste, because once you taste it, you will want so much more.” “Oh, I’m sure I will.” Milky crooned back, watching as Cammie positioned herself over her face. “First though, I wanna get these boys prepped up.” Without warning, Milky started licking and folding Golden and Daydreamer’s sheaths, while her hind hooves, went to work on Silent’s own giant one. The trio of brothers jumped and moaned at the soft feeling of her hooves and the wetness of her tongue pleasured their crotch areas. This action caused their organs to slowly poke out of their sheaths before they began to grow hard. Milky continued with her actions, no stopping until all three dicks were full and solid as a rock, and it was at that moment she inspected them. “Sweet Lucine... You…you guys are… fucking HUGE!” Milky exclaimed the last word coming into a yell; only to realize that wasn't the proper word to describe the sight she was seeing. Her wide emerald eyes stared at the cocks towering over her, all of them drooling with precum like leaking faucets. Daydreamer and Fang's were literally up to forty inches long and up to ten inches thick, giant veins throbbing violently across both of them in a painful-looking way. Silent’s was more than sixty inches in length and up to ten inches wider than his two brothers, the veins in their beating as if they were multiple hearts. To conclude the sight, all three of their balls were even bigger than that bowling balls, which really shocked Milky, scared her almost. “How in the name of Faust herself do you three have cocks that’re this size and not have a whole fucking harem of mares with you?!” Cammie burst out laughing, along with Golden and Daydreamer. “That’s what we always ask all the damn time! Probably because most of the mares we meet don’t think they can handle them, despite how good it can make them feel.” Cammie replied, in between giggles “It’s especially true with Silent, he’s hardly able to get a mare to fuck him! Let alone suck him off!” Milky looked down at Silent Storm, who was blushing up a storm as he rubbed his forelegs. “No way…really?” “Sadly, yes.” Daydreamer replied, his mirthful tone turning somewhat solemn. “Believe me, Silent has tired multiple times to get himself laid, but because of his size, he…hasn’t really had much luck. The only mares that’ll let him are ones that are with all four of us and are afraid of they don’t do it fairly, we’ll get mad at them for not giving us all a try.” “And mares wonder why he’s so pent up all the time.” Golden Fang murmured dryly, rolling his eyes. “Poor little bro can’t catch a break unless he’s with us.” ‘Oh, I can totally believe that. The poor baby looks like he’s going to burst! I’ll have to fix that.’ Milky thought, frowning sympathetically at the giant stallion looming over her. “Well, we can’t have that now, can we? I’ll have to do something about that.” She looked at Silent Storm with a motherly smile as she said, “Silent, sweetheart? Do you want to use my teats for a boobjob?” Silent paused, looking at the mare below him with wide eyes, looking down at his drooling cock and Milky’s teats. He motioned with a giant hoof to both of them, sending Milky a quiet message without a single word. “Yes, baby! I want you to use Mommy Milky’s teats for your sole pleasure~.” Milky cooed sweetly, wiggling her hips and causing her jugs to jiggle. “Go on baby, Mommy Milky will make you much feel better. Use my teats however you want! Squeeze them! Milk them! Drink from them! Jam that big, fat, drooling horsecock in between them and cover your Mommy Milky in your hot sticky spunk!” Silent could feel his meat throbbing madly at the motherly, yet dirty words that Milky was telling him, and he could feel the hole his tip leaking even more. The begging look in her eyes was all the prompting he needed to pry Milky’s teats apart and settle his cock in between them. His heterochromic slitted eyes stared into her’s one last time for extra reassurance, and at her excited nod, he finally started thrusting back and forth. “Ooooh yes, that’s it baby~! That’s what Mommy wants to feel! A nice big cock between her delicious titties, good boy!” Milky moaned, shivering as her breasts got squeezed together, the cock brushing against her stomach. “Fang? Daydreamer? Are you boys ready to shower my face?” “You know it!” They both replied simultaneously, proudly presenting their dicks to her face. As Milky began to stroke them, she looked up at Cammy and said, “Cammie, sweetie... show me that glistening clit of yours~.” “As you wish, my dear Milkmare.” Cammie breathed, lowering her hips and setting herself on Milky’s face. The moment she did, Milky dove her tongue inside of the mare’s folds, wasting no time in getting a taste of all of Cammie’s insides. The bluish-grey mare threw her head back and gasped, moaning loudly as a jolt of pleasure shot through her. “Oh, Milky~! I love your tongue already! It’s so strong and rough! Just to my liking!” Milky gave no response. She just began moaning loudly as Cammie’s juices invaded her mouth. True to the Wolf Whisperer’s word, she immediately found herself loving the taste of her fluids, and found herself eagerly lapping for more. ‘Oh Lucine's crackling horn... she was right! I was going to love the taste of her! And her teats… they’re so round and plump, just like mine. Finally, a mare whose teats are as big as mine!’ With that happy thought, Milky soon began her pleasuring of all four ponies, with Silent Storm mainly doing it himself with her breasts, which felt amazing around his massive cock. Most of their moans could be heard throughout the bedroom as they had their way with the mare and vice versa. Golden Fang and Daydreamer both growled pleasantly out at the feeling of Milky’s soft hooves running across their hard erections. Cammie leaned back against the headstand of the bed, her tongue sticking out as she panted like a dog in heat from Milky eating her out. “Damn! Her hooves are so fucking soft!” Daydreamer commented a dreamy smile etched onto his face. “How the hell is she so damn good at this?!” “I don’t know little bro, but this mare definitely knows what she’s doing!” Golden Fang replied, brushing his dreads away from his face. “I can feel her experience through her jacking me off! She knows just the right places to turn us on down there!” “If you think her hooves are good, you’ve got to try her tongue boys!” Cammie said in between pants, whimpering like a puppy. “It’s wiggling around my pussy like it’s trying to suck my juices out! Oh, Hecate! I love it so fucking much!” “I love seeing that look on your face Cammie! It just makes me want to face fuck you and never stop!” Daydreamer giggled, before looking over at Silent Storm. “Yo Silent! How’re those tasty jugs doing for you?” As expected, the cyanish grey stallion didn’t utter a word. His actions spoke for him as he pumped his dick up and down in between Milky’s teats. Bits of milk squirted out from the nipples as it stained Silent’s forehooves, his precum slowly leaking onto her stomach. By the grunts and growls he was making, it was clear that he was enjoying himself. Just as Milky wanted him to. “Heh, I’ll take that as a yes,” Golden smirked, happy to see Silent was having fun. “I can’t wait to get a snag of those titties.” “Not until I get them!” Daydreamer retorted, letting out a defiant snort. “Milky may have let him use them first, but I have yet to pump her full of my cum! I am the birthday boy after all!” “We know baby~.” Cammie giggled, grinding herself against Milky’s muzzle. “We were just saying. We’ll all get a shot at her eventually.” Beneath them, Milky was in a state of absolute bliss. Bliss beyond anything she could’ve ever imagined. Her whole body was in a state of pleasure, both inside and out thanks to the four ponies with her. The sweet nectary taste of Cammie’s folds made her feel like she was tasting candy all over again for the first time. Golden and Daydreamer’s rock-hard penises twitch and pulsed at her touch, bringing them closer to the edge, while her teats were being ravaged by Silent’s own dick. She had been with plenty of mares and stallions before, but this… this was something entirely. All for of these ponies were bringing her on a whole other level of high, and she knew they were only getting started. “Oh shit! I don’t think I can hold it any longer!” Golden Fang grunted, squeezing his eyes shut. “I think I’m gonna burst!” “Me too!” Daydreamer panted as he glanced over at Silent Storm. “And it looks like Silent is about to explode too!” “So am I!” Cammie cried, sweat running down her face as she panted heavily. “We’re cumming Milky!” Hearing this, Milky moaned loudly and sped up her pleasuring process, diving her tongue deeper into Cammie. Her hooves pumped Golden and Daydreamer’s cocks faster while she pressed her hindlegs against her crotch boobs, squeezing them tighter around Silent’s. These actions proved to be the final straw for the quartet, and a few moments later, they finally let loose. Golden Fang Silent Storm and Daydreamer groaned loudly as they released their hot globs of cum onto Milky, coating her chest stomach, and chin. Silent’s cum spurted into her teats and in between them while Cammy’s pussy sprayed Milky’s face with her juices, the pegasus letting out a howl as she did so. ‘YEEEEEEEEES!’ Milky screamed in her mind as her mouth was filled with Cammie’s nectar while feeling her body being coated by the three brother’s giant loads of cum. She happily drunk up as much of Cammie’s juices as she could while she continued to try to milk the stallions and blanket herself in their seed. Half a minute later, they calmed down and pulled back so they could let Milky rest and recover from pleasing them. “Holy shit…” Golden Fang sighed. “That was fucking incredible…” “Took the words right out of my mouth bro!” Daydreamer giggled, his curly mane bouncing slightly with his laughter. “That hoofjob was out of this world!” “So was her tongue. I could feel it all around the inside of me like it was an actual dick.” Cammie sighed, pulling her sweaty mane from her face. “How were her breasts Silent? Were they what you imagined from the Milkmare of Trottingham?” Silent, who was panting from the pent-up orgasm he just had, looked up at the pegasus mare with a flushed face. A small smile came to his face as he nodded, adjusting the sky-blue stetson upon his head. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Cammie chuckled, before looking down at Milky, who was busying herself with licking the cum off of her body. “Did you enjoy that Milky Way?” “Immensely~.” Milky crooned, running her tongue across her fur like a cat cleaning its own fur as her face burned red. “You four are absolutely amazing…! I’ve never had stallions like you before since my first time. Or a mare like you come along the way Cammie." She reached out and scratched one of Cammie's dog ears, making the hybrid mare's tail wag pleasantly. "You four really are something you know that?” “Well, we are the Natural Born Breeders of the Forbidden Jungle!” Daydreamer laughed, a wide grin sporting his muzzle. “You shouldn’t expect anything less from ponies like us, especially from Cammie, and trust me, she can suck, take, and ride any cock! No matter how large it is!” “Oh, I don’t doubt it. You are the Furious Four after all.” Milky cooed as she finished licking her body dry, humming contently as she did so. A sigh left her before looking up at Silent Storm. “Silent, baby? Did you enjoy the feeling of Mommy Milky’s titties?” Just as quickly as it appeared, the smile on Silent’s face dropped, and he looked away, both of his giant forehooves poking together. His ears pinned back as he lowered his head, his multi-colored eyes shadowed by his had as his blush grew darker. “Awwww, look at him Milky~.” Cammie cooed, giggling at Silent’s reaction. “He had so much fun that he can’t even say anything. That should tell you a lot about how good you are, shouldn’t it?” “Oh, it certainly does~.” Milky giggled, reaching up and patting Silent’s head. “You were such a good boy there Silent! You gave Mommy Milky exactly what she wanted.” She leaned up and kissed him on his forehead, mushing both of his blushing cheeks. “You are certainly going to be getting a feeling of her titties again~.” “I’m pretty sure that we all will.” Golden Fang murmured, holding back a laugh as he watched Milky smother Silent with affection. “So…what’s for the next round Milky?” After giving Silent a kiss on the nose, Milky thought for a moment before replying, “Well, since none of you had entered me anywhere, and since it’s Daydreamer’s birthday, we’ll change things up a bit.” She glanced over at the light brown stallion and said, “Daydreamer, I want you to take my pussy. Silent Storm will take my mouth, Golden will take my ass, and Cammie will suckle my teats.” Cammie shivered, feeling her dry mouth beginning to water as if it was a kitchen sink overflowing. “Oh fuck yes…” “Awesome!” Daydreamer cheered, practically bouncing over and positioning himself at Milky’s entrance. “I can’t believe it, I’m gonna fuck Trottingham’s Milkmare!” “Well, if that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get.” Golden shrugged, lying down and letting Milky position herself atop his own cock. “Are you sure you can take Silent’s cock? We don’t mind if you want to resort to just giving him a hoofjob.” “I appreciate your concern sweetie, but I’ve got this. I’ve taken plenty of cocks rivaling Silent’s size. This isn't the first time and it certainly won’t be the last.” Milky replied, winking down at the Beast Tamer as she leaned back. She looked up at Silent’s member, which was still as hard as it was before. “Besides… I don’t think that boobjob was enough for him. He needs to really feel his Mommy Milky. And feel her good~.” “Yes, he does. As well as the rest of us.” Cammie replied softly, position herself on top of Milky, her face right in front of Milky’s tits. “And I know he’s going to love it~.” “Alright everypony, on three, okay?” Milky instructed, opening her mouth wide in preparation for her facefuck. “One…two…three!” All at once, the three stallions sank their shafts into all three of Milky’s holes while Cammie immediately started to guzzle down her milk. The sudden force caused Milky to let out a mixed scream of pain and pleasure that was muffled by Silent’s penis. It sent vibrations through the giant stallion’s cock as a result, and he couldn’t help but growl out in delight. “Artemis fucking dammit! Her ass is so damn tight!” Golden Fang shouted, baring his teeth. “This is probably the tightest ass I’ve ever felt!” “You’ve gotta try her pussy dude! It's clenching so tightly around my cock like it wants my cum!” Daydreamer moaned, his tongue lolling out. “It’s so warm and wet too! Like it’s trying to massage my cock as Cammy's does!” Cammie, who was sucking on Milky’s teats, pulled her head back along with them, hanging on by the nipples before letting go. “Boys, you have to try her milk! It’s the most wonderful milk I’ve ever tasted! It’s perfect for any type of cereal!” At the front, Silent was panting heavily, snorting through his nostrils every few seconds as he pumped his dick in and out of Milky’s mouth. His giant basketball-sized balls slapped against her face as her throat coiled around his member like a snake around a tree. Milky’s tongue ran across his dick, her moans making his cock continue to vibrate as she took short quick breaths through her nostrils. “Heh, looks like Stormy’s enjoying himself too!” Daydreamer smirked, driving his cock deeper into Milky’s cunt. “Oh yeah! Milky has one hell of a pussy here!” Just in front of the Chaos Master, Cammie was busying herself with filly her belly with the milk from the breasts in front of her. The sweetness of it made her moan from delight, and she sucked on them as hard as she could. Her teeth bit the nipples to add to Milky’s pleasure, and she was rewarded with muffled screams from the mare below them. Golden Fang held Milky’s rump as he thrust his powerful hips upward, the sound of slapping flesh echoing in his ears as he grunted and growled. “Shit guys! I can feel her ass getting tighter around my dick! She might pop it off if she keeps clenching like this!” Silent nodded, clenching his own teeth as he fucked Milky’s face with all his might. As his body shook under the pleasure, he noticed one of Milky’s other teats dangling next to Cammie. With a sudden need to quench his thirst, the cyanish grey stallion leaned in and started suckling roughly, his teeth grazing against Milky’s nipple. One of his wings then reached out and began to pump in and out Cammie’s soaking wet pussy. Cammie, who was busying herself with her own drinking, felt Silent’s wing enter her insides and smirked through the nipple in her mouth. She reached over and lightly pat him on his forehead, though he didn’t seem to notice or care. All he was focused on was filling his belly with as much of Milky’s milk as possible. And was there a lot. ‘Yes! Yes yes yes YES!’ Milky thought, writhing in between the four ponies as they ravaged her holes and drunk from her breasts. ‘Fuck me! Drill into my mouth pussy and ass! Fill them with your cum! Suck my teats dry and fill yourselves with my milk! Make me your personal slut and overused sex toy! MAKE ME YOURS OH MIGHTY FURIOUS FOUR!’ And so they did, filling her ass, pussy, and mouth with three throbbing cocks while her breasts were being drained of their milk. It sent Milky on a pleasure high that she never felt before, flooding her mind and body with endless pleasure. This was no doubt the best gangbang she ever had, and would probably be the only best one period. “D-dammit I can hold it any longer!” Golden Fang said as he felt his balls constricting. “I’m about to unload in this slut!” “Me too! I can feel myself reaching the edge!” Daydreamer panted; his eyes rolled back as he smiled goofily. “I’m gonna fill her with all of my spunk!” “It looks like Silent’s reaching his end too!” Cammie added, panting under the feeling of Silent’s massive wing thrusting into her clit. “Come on boys! Fill this mare to the brim!” Right as Cammie said that the three stallions, along with the Cammie herself, felt themselves finally reach their peak. With a mixture of howls and roars, they let their orgasms explode on and in Milky. Her mouth, pussy, and ass had warmth spread all throughout them thanks to the cum coming from the three brothers, so much so that it overflowed. She could also feel Cammie’s nectar spilling over her as well, despite most of it spraying Silent’s wing. For the second time that night, Milky’s orgasm was triggered, and her own juices splashed out of her snatch, coating Daydreamer’s impressively massive dick. ‘So… much… cum…’ Milky thought mindlessly, her eyes rolling back as her mouth milked as much Silent’s cock as her mouth would allow. She relished in the taste as she felt her womb and ass fill with Golden and Silent’s seed, while the warmth of Cammie's cum coated her chest. Milky moaned in utter ecstasy as her body was filled with pleasure, feeling like she was on cloud nine. “Oh, Eris... That was fucking awesome…” Daydreamer sighed dreamily, leaning into Cammie’s shoulder. “…that was one of the biggest orgasms I’ve ever had.” “Same here bro. Everything just exploded out of me.” Golden sighed, resting his head against the bed. “I felt like Milky’s ass was just begging me to fill it. Damn it was tight.” “It looks like the same thing happened with Silent too,” Cammie uttered, looking back at the giant pegasus as she stroked Daydreamer’s mane. “I can literally see a bulge from the inside of her throat. I’m amazed she still conscious right now.” Silent gave a small nod, sighing heavily through his nostrils as he attempted to calm his large beating heart. No sooner did he do so, he immediately pulled out of Milky’s throat, not wanting her to choke on his thick gooey seed. Daydreamer and Golden quickly followed, slowly pulling out as to not to hurt the earth mare. A generous amount of sperm flowed from all of Milky’s gaping holes, but despite that, it didn’t seem to change the size of her swollen belly in the least. “Oh my, she looks completely out of it,” Cammie commented, running a hoof across Milky’s bloated stomach. “She looks like she’s carrying all of your foals~.” “She sure does. Damn, it's making me want to fuck her again right now. And it doesn’t help that both me and Daydreamer share a pregnancy fetish,” Golden growled, ruffling his wings. “Of course, that’s not possible since she’s not pregnant but… You know what I mean.” Daydreamer giggled. “Yeah well, she is a super-hot MILF. And you all know how much I love MILFs.” He said, before looking down at Milky with a more concerned expression. “Do you… think we overdid it?” Right as he asked this, a moan came from Milky. Her legs began to move like rusted gears as she attempted to prop herself up, albeit with some much-needed effort. Silent immediately went to her aid, using his head and neck to sit her upward, allowing her cum-covered face to look at the other three. “N-no, you didn’t darling. You were all absolutely incredible! I’ve never felt so much cum get pumped into me in my life! It felt so warm…” “Well, look who just woke up.” Cammie giggled, watching as Milky caressed her belly. “Did you enjoy our little gangbang?” Milky smiled leaning back against Silent as she nuzzled his cheek. “Believe me I did. All of you felt and tasted so wonderful. You four certainly know how to please a mare, you really do.” She looked back at Silent Storm and ran a hoof across his cheek. “I can certainly see why you all got the nickname of the Natural Born Breeders~.” For maybe the third or fourth time that night, a deep shade of scarlet washed across Silent’s face, and he poked his forehooves together. Suddenly, his mouth went agape as he let out a loud burp, the deep sound making the others jump. He leaned back against the headstand as he held his stomach, only to feel it swollen as well. Looking down, he went wide-eyed upon seeing look more pot-bellied. “Oh my goodness Silent!” Cammie gasped, a hoof coming to her mouth. “Your stomach is so big now! Did you really drink that much from Milky?!” Golden bit his lip to hold back his laughter. “Heh, it looks like he did! I suppose that titjob he gave himself worked up quite the first for him! So, he decided to go on and take a drink of his own along with Cammie.” “Haha, yeah! I saw Silent ogling Milky’s titties like a baby!” Daydreamer guffawed. “He just couldn’t fucking help himself, went ahead and dug right in!” Milky giggled, licking the cum off from her face as she turned to face a blushing Silent. “Awww, so he did!” She cooed, tentatively running a hoof through his Milk filled belly. “Look at all this milk you drank Stormy! Now you’ll grow bigger and stronger! Even more so than you already are~!” The lime-yellow mare cupped both the stallion’s cheeks as she kissed him on the nose and the forehead. “Good boy Stormy! Mommy Milky’s so proud of you~!” Silent’s eyes squeezed shut both of his wings coming to cover his face, much to the amusement of the Milkmare. ‘So cute!’ “So Milky…” Golden murmured. “…Are you up for another round? I know you’re bloated full of us, but still, you look like you could go with us again.” “Are you kidding?! We are nowhere near done with each other yet!” Milky shouted, whirling around to the chocolate brown stallion. “I can just see from all of you that you’re not even close to be being spent, and neither am I! So yes, we’re going to keep fucking, and we’re not stopping until all our crotches and pussies are sore!” “I knew you would say that!” Daydreamer said excitedly. “Cause we all have a hell of a lot more to give you!” “Good, because I’m switching things around a bit,” Milky smirked, eyeing all four of the ponies with her. “I had Golden anal fuck me, Silent facefuck me, and Daydreamer in my pussy while Cammie drank from me~.” She laid back down on the bed, spreading her legs as she stretched out her forehooves. “Now, I’m gonna have Daydreamer fuck my ass, Golden’s cock in my mouth, Cammie will take my teats again… and Silent will take my pussy!” > A Warm Cup Of Milk Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Wait wait wait! what?” Daydreamer asked, blinking as he struggled to comprehend what Milky Way had just said. “Did…did you just say what I thought you had said?” “Mhm, I sure did DD~.” Milky nodded slowly, licking her lips. “You’ll be fucking my ass, I’m gonna give Golden Fang a blowjob, I’ll have Cammy suck my teats, and sweet little Stormy will take my pussy!” All three brothers stared at one another while Cammie rubbed one of her forelegs in a way that showed she was worried about something. They soon all gained expressions matching their body language, to which Milky caught onto immediately. Her sensual look turned to one of curiosity, if not a little bit of worry, the latter of which she couldn’t help but voice out. “Um… what’s the matter everypony? Is there something wrong with my suggestion?” She asked softly, her ears flicking back a bit. “No, dear. It's not,” Cammie replied, holding a hoof of quick reassurance. “It’s just that… we don’t think that’d be the best idea. At least not on Silent Storm’s part with him doing vaginal sex on you.” “Why is that?” Milky asked, her curiosity growing. “Are you guys worried that he may not be able to fit in me?” Golden Fang glanced back at his middle brother’s throbbing erection, staring at the veins that were pulsing around it. “Well, that’s part of the reason Milky. But we’re not really doubting that you can do it.” He said softly, biting his lower lip as if he had suddenly stubbed his hoof. “What we are worried about is if you’re going to be able to take it for however long we do this five-way.” Milky blinked, her confusion growing just as much as her interest. “Um… I’m afraid that I’m not following you there Golden Fang.” “What my brother is trying to say, is not all of the mares that we’ve fucked have been able to keep Silent’s length in them for long.” Daydreamer replied with a put. “Silent is a pony that likes rough sex and is one to give everything he has. While most of the mares we were with didn’t mind the rough treatment, some of them didn’t quite manage to last until the end.” “Not last until the end?” Milky repeated as if she didn’t properly hear what Daydreamer had said. “Are you saying that they weren’t able to take Silent’s cock themselves?” “Not for an extended period of them, but yes,” Cammie replied with a nod. “They didn’t mind of Silent wanted to be rough with them. At some point, they couldn’t take such a large member inside of them and begged him to pull out. Every time he did, it was always when he was on the brink of orgasm, which left him very…pent up.” “Wait, hold on,” Milky said, shaking her head. “You’re saying that some of the mares Silent had sex with before made him pull out, just before he was about to cum?” “Hell yeah, they did Milky.” Daydreamer replied, his pout turning into a frown as he crossed his forehooves. “They never let Silent Storm cum inside of them. Only on them. And not even in their mouths either. Silent was never bothered by it, but we certainly were, like a lot. We always felt that there was something else going on, but we couldn’t really place our hooves on it.” “We came to the conclusion that they were afraid that they’d get overflown by Silent’s cum, or that they may have gotten pregnant.” Cammie shrugged. “It does make sense to us since Silent does come a lot. Just like Golden and Daydreamer. Despite that, there was something nagging at us that those reasons really weren’t it.” She sighed as she licked at one of her forelegs, a rope of cum having somehow gotten on it. “It didn’t really matter though since Silent always had me to unload himself in, so at least I was able to relieve his stress.” “Is that so…?” Milky asked, her tone soft, yet low as her green eyes narrowed. She looked up at Silent who was rubbing one of his forelegs with a massive blush on his face, before glancing down at his drooling horsecock. Milky felt her mouth water a bit at the cum flowing out, thinking about how she should go about what she was going to do. ‘Well, Silent Storm is a very big stallion. So it shouldn’t really be a surprise that he has such a large package. Just like that red stallion and overly buff white pegasus stallion that I had been with a few weeks ago.’ She thought, putting a hoof to her chin. ‘It’s definitely a behemoth of a cock, but it’s pretty lubed by my vagina juices. Not to mention that it’s covered in Silent’s own spunk. Probably something that he wants to get off.’ A small smile came to her face as one of her brows raised slightly. ‘It should be able to fit me. And if it doesn’t, well… I can always use the extra lube I have in my drawer. Especially for what I have planned for Silent next~.’ “Yes, I can understand why you’re all worried about me possibly being hurt by me taking Silent vaginally,” Milky said after she had finished her silent contemplation. “However, I have taken cocks that rival Silent’s in size. So, I’m not too worried about Stormy here tearing me up from the inside. Trust me, I know I’ll be able to take him. And I’m not just saying that either.” “You sure about that Milky?” Daydreamer asked, still a little hesitant. “As Cammy stated earlier, Silent cums a lot, and his load may be a little painful for you to take. We don’t want you to take more than you can. And I know that Silent here doesn’t.” The grayish cyan stallion nodded, one of his giant hooves playing with the thick locks of his mane. “It’ll be fine boys really,” Milky said gently, putting her hooves on Golden and Daydreamer’s shoulders. “There’s nothing to worry about; I’ll be able to take all of Silent’s cock and his cum. I wouldn’t be saying that if I wasn’t absolutely sure.” “…Well, alright dear, if you’re sure.” Cammie relented, staring at the mare for a second longer before turning to Silent. “Silent, are you alright with that?” Silent’s heterochronic eyes stared into the gentle motherly green orbs of Milky, silently trying to look for any trace of worry or hesitation in them. Upon seeing none, he relaxed slightly and gave a soft nod to Cammie in response. Before Milky said anything though, Silent leaned towards Golden Fang and whispered something in his ear. “He said that he’s alright with it, but he wants you to let him know if it’s too much for you.” The chocolate brown stallion said, his soft voice gaining a firm edge. “He doesn’t want to run the risk of hurting you because of how big he is. So Silent Storm wants you to tell him if you’re feeling uncomfortable so he’ll slow down. Otherwise, he’s gonna go at his own place.” “That’s alright with me.” Milky nodded, accepting the terms. “I just want him to see that he doesn’t have to worry about hurting me while he’s in me at all. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that he’ll be able to finish all the way~.” “Alright, that’s good enough.” Golden nodded, satisfied with Milky’s answer. “Ready boys?” “Eeyup! Let’s get this show on the road!” Daydreamer chirped as Silent nodded. Cammie giggled and nodded, waiting as Milky laid back and let her, Golden, Silent, and Daydreamer take their positions on the bed. As she moved towards Milky’s massive teats, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. Looking towards the door, she very nearly missed a flash of color pass through the crack in the door. ‘That’s weird…I could’ve sworn I saw something out there.’ Cammie thought to herself. ‘It must’ve been my imagination.’ “Cammie?” Milky’s voice cut through the bluish-grey mare’s thoughts. “Is there something wrong baby?” “Oh, nothing, I just had a little trick of the light that’s all. Nothing to worry about,” Cammie replied, smiling back at the lemon-yellow mare. “Alright then, just let me know if something’s off.” Milky shrugged, before smiling up at Silent Storm. “Are you ready to claim Mommy Milky Stormy?” Silent, who had the head of his cock lined up at Milky’s entrance, looked up at her and blushed, nodding in response. Milky spread her legs as wide as they could go, wanting to give the giant stallion as much room as possible to enter her. With as much courage as he could muster, he lifted Milky’s legs, and, after giving Milky one last look, slowly began to enter her. Milky gasped loudly, her jaw hanging wide open as Silent’s cock began to fill her pussy. Just like with the blowjob, she could feel the heat coming from around the cock. As well as the veins that twitched on it. Pleasure rocked her body as more of it went inside of her, filling her beyond a capacity that no other stallion was able to reach. Well, other than the two stallions that she was preparing to jack off for the second time that night. “Holy shit! She’s really doing it!” Golden said, gaping in awe at what he was seeing. “She’s actually managing to take Silent in!” “Yeah! And Milky’s not even bothered by his size! She literally looks like she wants more of it! She’s literally panting like a dog right now!” Daydreamer nodded, grinning widely. “I know, I can feel the bulge forming inside of her,” Cammie added, feeling Milky’s fur press up against her own. “This mare is far more tenacious than we thought she was!” Silent remained as mute as ever, but it did nothing to hide the amazement and awe he was feeling at how much Milky was taking of him. With each push and moan of pleasure from the mare, he slowly grew more confident and comfortable with his position. By the time he reached balls deep inside of Milky, a happy smile was etched into his face, his eyes filled with relief. “Oooooooh yes…! I finally have this mammoth inside of me~.” Milky moaned, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her body shook and twitched. Once she managed to regain her composure, she looked up at Silent through Cammie’s fat rump. “Well Stormy, how does it feel? Does Mommy Milky feel warm around that delicious meaty cock of yours~?” Silent snorted and growled, his gleaming white teeth bared as he took slow breaths to keep himself composed. Opening his eyes, he stared into Milky’s and managed to give the slightest of nods towards the younger mare. “Wonderful… I’m so glad that you can finally feel how I am on the inside baby~.” Milky cooed, using her vaginal muscles to squeeze Silent’s cock tighter. A satisfied smile came to her face as she saw his eyes widen, twin trails of smoke flying from his nostrils. “Now, I want you to give me everything you have Stormy! Plow Mommy Milky as fast and as hard as you can and make sure to give her all the cum you have in those beautiful balls of yours! I don’t you to waste a single drop inside of me! Give Mommy Milky everything you have!” Silent, after taking a second to recover from Milky gripping on his cock, nodded again, looking to be very excited for what was going to transpire. “Hmhm, it looks like Stormy’s ready to go~.” Cammie crooned, looking back over at the other two stallions. “Ready boys?” “You know it, Cammy,” Golden growled. “Let’s give this little whore everything we have.” “Yeah!” Daydreamer chirped, pumping his fist in the air like a colt having won an arcade prize. With that said, Milky proceeded to jack Daydreamer and Golden Fang off again, all while using her tongue to suckle at the teats that were laying on her chest. Cammie's moans filled Silent’s ears as he proceeded to ram in and out of Milky’s pussy. He could feel her love button brushing the very top center of his cock, but that was nothing compared to the warmth and wetness of her clitoris. It felt like she was using it to massage his member, wanting him to feel each and every angle, edge, and soft pattern of her pussy. Along with letting the tip of his cock’s head kiss the entrance to her room, and beyond even that. “Oh shit! Her ass is even tighter than her fucking pussy!” Daydreamer giggled drunkenly, his tongue flapping out. “Her ass’s inner walls are massaging my cock!” “You’ve got that right! This mare is definitely an anal fan!” Golden hissed, both of his hooves gripping Milky’s mane tightly. “I can even see why Silent enjoyed her throat so much! It’s so warm and tight around my cock” “I know! She’s a natural with my teats!” Cammie squeaked out like a newborn pup as she squeezed Milky’s own breasts. “It’s like she’s been breastfed all her life! She’s just like a little hungry foal!” No words were shared with them by Silent, but his expression and actions told the other three all they needed to know. Sweat was rolling down his face and mane, making it shine and gleam in the bedroom light as pounded into Milky’s slick and sopping pussy. His giant balls slapped against her rump as he let her legs rest on his hips, his hooves gripping her on her waist. A pleasing growl left his mouth, prompting Milky to look up lock her eyes with his. “Mmmmm, yes, that’s it, Stormy~. That’s what I wanna feel~!” She smirked, stopping in her pleasuring of Golden to compliment the larger pegasus. “Mommy Milky wants to feel that cock hit every single part of her tight little pussy! Give her every single inch of that penis! Fill Mommy Milky up like the little slut you know she is!” If Silent wasn’t throbbing now, he was certainly pulsing like mad by Milky’s dirty talk, added with that bit of motherliness in the mix. With Silent having always been on the shy side, it came off as no surprise to Cammie, Golden, and Daydreamer that Milky would go that route. They proved to have the desired effect, for Silent pounded even harder into Milky, the head of his cock pushing harder against her womb. “Damn! Stormy is not holding back on her, is he?!” Daydreamer asked, watching from below as his biggest brother mercilessly rutted Milky. “He is giving her everything he’s fucking got!” “Your damn right he is. And she looks to be enjoying it.” Golden nodded, staring down at a moaning Milky as sucked at his cock furiously. “Milky really is a one of a kind mare.” “D-Definitely!” Cammie agreed, gasping as she rubbed at her own foal hole. “Not to mention she provided such delicious milk~!” Milky merely moaned out in response to all of the compliments she was receiving, feeling her body go into overdrive as she reached closer to the climax. Her eyes rolled back as Golden Fang and Daydreamer’s cocks pumped even faster into her, her pussy gripping Silent’s own even tighter around it. At that moment, she felt Cammie take both of her breasts into her mouth and suck hard, causing the Milkmare to moan loudly as her milk gushed out. ‘YES! OH LUCINE YES! THIS IS SO INCREDIBLE! THIS IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER DREAMED OF WITH THESE PONIES!’ Milky thought, tears forming in the edge of her eyes. ‘THIS IS THE HOTTEST GANGBANG I'VE EVER HAD IN MY IN ENTIRE LIFE!’ “O-oh shit…! I can feel myself reaching the edge!” Golden panted as she squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in Milky’s teats. “I’m cumming, oh sweet Faust, I’m cumming!” “S-so are I!” Daydreamer groaned, biting his lip as Golden growled loudly. “Come on guys, let’s fill this sexy ass bitch with your cum!” "Don’t you dare waste a single drop!” Cammie all but demanded, pausing in her drinking. “Or I swear to the Diamond Dog General himself that you will all be so blue balled for the next month!” Silent grunted in response, feeling his cum traveling from out of his balls and up to his cock as he too approached his end. A growl of his own escaped him as he took Milky’s hips in a firm grip, using those last few moments to pour all his strength into his next climax. Finally, he, Daydreamer, and Golden roared loudly as their hot and thick ropes of cum blasted out and coated Milky’s throat and ass, along with filling her pussy to the brim. Cammie threw her head back and howled like a wolf at the full moon as her juices sprayed Milky’s neck, chin and face just after Daydreamer and Golden’s own orgasm had ended. Milky stuck her tongue out, wanting to get as much of the semen and nectar in her mouth as Silent made her belly bloat with his own cum. “Oooooooh, so good~.” Cammie sighed, resting herself onto Milky as Silent panted from above her. “That had to be the best pussy eating that I ever got from a mare~.” “Yeah, she totally milked us with her awesome hoofjobs.” Daydreamer nodded, wiping the sweat from her forehead. “That was probably one of the hardest orgasms I ever had in my entire life.” “Same here,” Golden murmured, glancing over at Silent Storm. “It looks like Silent’s looking a lot better now too.” “Mhm, that he does~.” Milky cooed, watching and moaning as Silent slowly pulled himself out of her snatch. A gasp left her as she felt his cum leaking out of her cunt, covering the lower part of her bed. “Oh yes, that vaginal fucking was absolutely amazing Stormy. Mommy Milky is so happy, baby. Well done ~.” “You were just as amazing Milky,” Cammie said gently as Milky began licking the cum that had gotten onto her rump. “No mare has ever eaten me out as well as you have~. I thought my heart was going to stop from that orgasm.” “Well, it’s a good thing that you’re as experienced as you are. Otherwise, that definitely would’ve happened.” Milky giggled, licking the cum from her muzzle as Cammie shifted off of her. “I hope you enjoyed my milk too~. It’s one of a kind.” “You'll be glad to hear that I did. Very much~.” Cammie sighed, rolling off of Milky to take a breather. “Speaking of which, it looks like Silent here needs a drink. He looks like he’s about to pass out from that rough fucking.” “Uh-oh, that’s not good.” Milky pouted, her hooves reaching down to grab her teats. “Come here Stormy~. Mommy Milky will help you get nice and hydrated. You’ll need to be. Especially for what I have planned next~.” Not having the energy to hesitate, and desperately needing a drink, Silent slowly crawled over and laid in front of Milky’s spread legs. Like a newborn foal, he latched onto her teats and began to suckle roughly, letting the milk travel down his throat. Milky moaned softly as Silent’s teeth pinched her nipples with his tongue running along with them. One of her hooves reached out and began stroking at his thick mane as if the buff stallion before her was a baby nursing from its mother. “Oh yes~. That’s it, Stormy~. Get a nice good drink~.” Milky moaned, wrapping her hindlegs around Silent’s neck. “Fill your belly nice and good. As much as you like~.” Silent did just that, pressing his lips against the mare’s teats as he continued to suckle from the nipples, the sweetness of the milk running across his tongue. It traveled down his throat and his esophagus as it gathered up in his already round belly, growing bigger by the second. His once well-toned stomach was growing by the second, to the point where he actually looked to be carrying a few foals. “Wow, look at Stormy go!” Daydreamer quipped. “He’s really liking that milk of yours, isn’t he?” “Hmmm! He sure is, I’ve never anypony that’s milked me this thirsty before.” Milky giggled, gasping as Storm bit her nipples again. “Then again, due to how big Stormy is, I’m guessing that he eats and drinks a lot.” Golden sighed and shook his head. “Oh Milky, if only you knew…” He murmured, thinking back to all the feasts that he, his brothers, and Cammie had in the past. “You have no idea Milky.” Cammie sighed, patting Silent on his well-toned back. “I swear to you, Stormy’s stomach is like a bottomless pit. You will find no other stallion that stuffs his stomach as much as he does.” She smirked over at Golden and Daydreamer, her fangs gleaming. “Or these other two~.” Milky giggled, brushing some of her mane away from her face. “Well, it’s a good thing I have such big teats for such an even bigger sweetheart~.” She cooed sweetly, watching as Stormy took down one large gulp, before pulling away. She smiled up at the cyanish grey stallion, her face a deep red as she watched Silent lick his lip covered lips. “So Stormy, did you enjoy Mommy Milky’s luscious breastfeeding?” Silent looked like he was about to say something, only for a deeply massive burp to escape from his mouth, the force blowing Milky’s mane back. When it stopped, his hooves rested on his now absolutely bloated stomach and began to rub it, a satisfied smile on his face. Milky laughed mirthfully as she sat up, one of her hooves running across his sloshing stomach as it jiggled like jello on a plate. “I’ll take that as a yes~,” Milky said smoothly, leaning up and giving a motherly kiss to Silent, right on his nose. “Now that you’re all nice and full, I have something very special planned for you baby~.” “Oh yeah?” Golden asked, raising a jet-black brow. “What’s that? You’re gonna have him stuff him like a beanbag again?” “Well, yes and no Fang,” Milky replied, looking back at the other three ponies. “Last time, I had Daydreamer take my pussy and Golden take my ass. For this next round though, I’m going to have Silent take my asshole, while you and Daydreamer fuck my pussy…at the same time~.” Daydreamer, Silent, and Golden all paused, looks of surprise coming to their deeply flushed faces. Beside them, Cammie’s breath hitched in her throat, feeling her wings flare up as her pussy began to leak, along with her teats. “Y-you’re going to have both me and Golden fuck your cunt?” Daydreamer asked with a slight stammer, not even taking in the fact that Silent was going to take Milky’s asshole. “Um, not to be rude Milky but… doesn’t that sound a bit, um… gay?” “I’m with Daydreamer on this one.” Golden nodded, looking just the slightest bit queasy. “Out of all the mares that we’ve fucked, not one of them has made that suggestion. Hell, not even Cammie gave us that suggestion. And not for the reasons that I’m thinking right now.” “No, I really haven’t done anything like that, but now that you say it...” Cammie murmured, licking her lips as she shuddered involuntarily. “That does sound so fucking hot~.” “Oh, Faust Golden Fang, now you really set her off.” Daydreamer groaned, sweat dropping hard as he watched Cammy rub at her pussy. “Now she has a new set of fantasies rolling through her head. Way to go fucking big bro.” The Beast Tamer squeezed his eyes shut, his hoof slamming into his face with the force of a bear swipe. “…Fuck…” “Oh, don’t worry boys, you may think that it’s unusual right now, but trust me, you’ll change your minds very soon.” Milky winked. “First though, I think Stormy needed a nice good feel of Mommy Milky’s asshole.” With a gesture of her hoof, Silent crawled to the top of the bed and laid on his back, allowing Milky to hover over him reverse cowgirl style. Just as she prepared to lower herself on Silent, she paused and looked over to Cammie. “Cammy, honey, can you go over to my nightstand drawer and open the top?" She asked kindly. "I have a little something that I wanna try while doing anal with Stormy.” Raising a brow, Cammie stopped playing with herself and hopped off the bed, walking over to the drawer and opening the top. Looking inside, she reached down and pulled out a bottle with clear looking liquid, and as soon as she saw the label, her eyes went a bit wide. “M-Milky…” She said, holding the bottle out. “Is this…?” “Yes, baby. That’s the smooth liquidly lubricant~.” Milky nodded, winking as she took the bottle and took the top off. Turning around to face Silent, she poured it on the top of the stallion’s rock-hard cock, her hooves working to smear the lubricant all over it. “Whenever I have stallion’s with massive cocks fuck my ass, I always make sure they have nice and smooth ones. Don’t want to have them ripping my ass apart. Even if it does excite me~.” “Wise decision.” Cammie complimented with a giggle. “No mare that’s had Silent ass fuck them as done it without some type of wetness added to it.” She looked off to the side and mumbled under her breath, “Well, all except for me of course~.” “I can see the throbbing and pulsing reason why.” Milky giggled, setting the bottle down and getting back into position. Without any hesitation, she slowly began to slide herself down onto Silent’s cock, a loud gasp leaving her as she did so. “Oh fuuuuuuuuck! Stormy, you feel so fucking hot inside Mommy Milky’s ass!” The ever so quiet pegasus stallion gave no answer in words. Instead, he answered with a loud growl as his cock went deeper and deeper into Milky’s tail hole. To his sheer amazement, she managed to get his entire length in her, even as a bulge formed into her already bloated stomach. Once she managed to go balls deep inside, she lay back and rested her back against Silent’s stomach. “Oh yes, now that’s better…so much cock in my tight little ass!” Milky sighed, giggling as she felt her milk slosh inside Silent’s stomach. “Golden, Daydreamer, you two are next~.” The two stallions gulped as Milky spread her legs, her cum filled pussy dripping with her and Silent’s mixed juices. Sharing a quick look and silent message to one another, they crawled over to Milky, the heads of the cocks poking at her entrance. They both took one of her legs and let them rest on their shoulders, using a hoof to balance themselves on Milky. With as much courage as they could muster, they both thrust inside, nearly at the same time. “OH FUCK YES!” Milky screamed, her eyes nearly bulging as the two cocks filled her pussy at the same time. “Yeeees! You two feel so fucking good inside of me!” Golden grunted as he shoved balls deep inside of Milky, feeling his member brush up against Daydreamer’s own. “Eeyup, I was right. This feels incredibly weird right now.” “Uh-huh.” Daydreamer said, shivering as he bit his lip. “Still though, you can’t deny that she feels as tight as fuck!” “Yeah, true.” Golden chuckled, snorting his mane away from his muzzle. “Not quite as tight as her ass, but still very close…and really warm too. No offense to you there Milky.” “None taken~.” Milky cooed, rubbing her belly with a tentative hoof. “Well boys, start thrusting. Don’t want to keep a lady waiting, do you?” With a chorus of chuckles, all three stallions immediately began making their way in and out of Milky’s two holes, not even attempting to go slow. The sound of flesh wetly smacking filled the room as the stallions drove their madly throbbing dicks in the slutty mare that they had enclosed around them. Milky moaned and screamed as the cocks drilled into her, making her whole-body shiver as if she was in a freezing cold pond. Next to her, Cammie was panting hard, both of her hooves working to ravish her pussy and teats as her saliva waterfalled from her mouth. ‘Sweet Hecate Kiba Lycona! This is even hotter than I thought it would be.’ She thought as she squeezed her teats together. ‘Golden and Daydreamer stuffing a mare in the same whole while Silent is drilling her ass! Oh Faust it’s making me horny just watching it! Maybe after this is over and we head back to the Forbidden Jungle, I can have the boys do that with me. Probably even have all three of them stuff me in the same hole.’ “C-Cammie…” Milky suddenly squeaked, snapping the Wolf Whisperer out of her trance. She locked eyes with the lemon-yellow Earth Pony one of her hooves stretched out to her. “Come here sweetheart~.” Like a puppy in training with its owner, Cammie crawled over to Milky, paying no attention to the stallion’s pounding her senseless. “Y…y-yes Milky?” “I…I can see that you’re in need of another release.” She said in between gasps and moans, her forelegs wrapped around Silent’s stomach. “Come here and sit on my face again~. I’ll make sure you get all of that tasty juicy nectar of you~.” Cammie didn’t need to be told a second time. Without hesitation, she practically jumped on top of the rutting quartet, practically shoving her pussy into Milky’s face. Wasting absolutely no time, Milky immediately began to eat the mare out with as much roughness as she could muster. “Oh yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! FUCK YES!” Cammie howled, whimpering like a dog in heat as she ground against Milky’s face. “Eat me Milky! Eat me out for all that I’m worth! Claim me as your own and make me your furry little BITCH!” “Hey, easy there Cammie, don’t wanna get carried away while Milky ravishes you with that tongue of hers.” Daydreamer chuckled his face glistening with sweat. “And speaking of tongues…” The next thing Cammie know, Daydreamer's lips were crashing against hers as his tongue entered her mouth, trying to coax her own. It proved to have the desiring effect, for Cammie instantly joined her coltfriend in a battle of tongues, both wrestling for dominance. Every few seconds their lips would connect, only to pull away with aloud smacking sound as they made out with one another for all they were worth. “Heh, now that is what I call a passionately fierce make out.” Golden grinned as the two lovers held each other. Looking down, he saw Cammy’s teats bouncing under the grinding she was doing against Milky’s face, and he licked his lips. “Chow time~.” Lowering himself underneath Cammie and Daydreamer, he latched onto one of Cammie’s teats and began to suck, hard. His right hoof reached out and began groping and squeezing Cammie's other teat, causing milk to squirt out onto his face and Milky’s barrel. Cammie moaned loudly at the advance, but made no mention of it, just continuing to lock lips and wrap tongue with her earth pony coltfriend. Underneath them, Silent ground his teeth as he drilled his cock in and out of Milky’s asshole, the lube she put on it, helping with the thrusting. For some reason, it seemed to make him feel even hornier than before, and if that was Milky’s intention, that it had sure worked like a charm. He found himself jamming into her ass in a way that he didn’t have with any other mare before hoof. And he was loving every second of it. To say that Milky was loving this new statement would’ve been an insult. She felt like she had died and gone to Faust’s Kingdom of Paradise in a whole new realm of pleasure. She had been with plenty of mare’s and stallions in the past, and all of them have been impressive, but none of them could compare to these four. Milky could tell just by their movements alone they knew the right places to get her going and to send her to whole new heights. Though it was just a bit uncomfortable for her in this new position, the pleasure seed to it didn’t bother her. Especially with her orgasm fast approaching. “Uh-oh, I think Milky’s about to burst on us!” Daydreamer said breaking away from Cammie as he felt his balls constricting. “I’m about to too!” “Same here bro! I can feel mine coming! And it’s gonna be big!” Golden Fang hissed, looking up and Silent. “Silent doesn't look too far behind us either!” “I-I am too! I’m just about there boys, oh Hecate above!” Cammie whimpered, pressing her forehead against Daydreamer. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming! I'M CUMMING!” Silent gave a deep groan of response, pulling his cock back mid-way before giving it one final slam into Milky’s ass. That act was all that was needed to push him over the edge and reach his ultimate peak or climax. With a sound that was mixed between a growl and a roar, he let his seed pelt Milky’s ass, warming her insides to their maximum. Daydreamer and Golden Fang followed suit, their balls brushing up against one another as they released their pent-up semen inside of Milky’s cunt, groaning loudly as they did so. Cammie was the last one to reach her orgasm before Milky, howling into the ceiling as her marecum sprayed Milky’s face and filled her mouth. The Milkmare greedily lapped it up, even as her orgasm followed suit, gushing out of her and coating Golden and Daydreamer’s crotches. All five ponies road out their orgasms for what seemed like forever, before slumping against one another in panting and sweating heaps. “That…was the best double fucking I have ever felt in my cunt~.” Milky moaned as Cammie pulled herself off of her face. “And the way your cum flowed into me and mixed into my womb…oh, I’ve never felt anything that good before~.” “Me neither…” Golden sighed as he and Daydreamer both laid back. “You were right when you said it’d be awesome.” “It totally was.” Daydreamer giggled. “Aside from the dicks pressing up against one another thing of course.” “Well, you both enjoyed it, and that’s all that matters And I certainly enjoyed my release,” Cammie murmured as she helped Milky pull off of Silent. “Silent honey, did you like how tight Milky’s ass was around your cock?” Silent panted loud and hard, his tongue flopping from his mouth as his multi-colored eyes rolled back into his head. His four limbs were sprawled out along with his wings, and his softening cock was hanging limply in between his hind legs. Despite his exhausted state, the satisfied smile on his face seemed to answer Cammie’s question. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Milky giggled softly, reaching out and adjusting Silent’s stetson atop his head. “It looks like he’s well satisfied…doesn’t look like he’s not gonna be getting up anytime soon.” “So am I! I am so fucking done right now.” Daydreamer nodded, sighing blissfully as his cock receded back into his sheath. “This was one of the best birthday fucks I’ve ever had. Thank guys, all of you, for making this night so awesome.” “No problem DD, you deserved it, and I’m glad I could make this night so fun for you,” Golden said with a proud smile, patting his youngest brother on the head. “Thank you too, Cammie. Thank you for giving my brother the best night of his life.” “Oh, it was no trouble baby, I’m glad I could satisfy the birthday boy~.” Milky cooed, planting a kiss on Daydreamer’s nose. “Though… there is one more thing I wanna try before we turn in for the night. Something that I wanna do with Cammy.” “Oh right, you did mention that.” Cammie nodded, the memory coming back to her. “What is it that you want to do with me Milky?” “Well, for starters, I wanna give the boys a show after all of that intense fucking and filling they all did for me,” Milky said sensually, leaning in close to the mare. “How about you and I go for a scissor session?” Silent’s head suddenly snapped up, his ears perking as his eyes went wider than saucers. Beside him, Golden Fang and Daydreamer went slack-jawed the former’s wings flaring out. “A…a-a scissor session?” Cammie whimpered as she started to shake. “Y-you mean…?” “Yes, sweet cheeks~. I want you to let those juicy pussy lips of yours kiss my own, and mash them together into one final crescendo~.” Milky nodded, caressing Cammie’s cheek with a hoof. “I’ve had my fair share of your wonderful juices. I can only imagine how it feels for our pussies to fuse and become one with one another.” “A scissoring…w-with the Milkmare of Trottingham…” Cammie whispered, her lower lip quivering as her hindlegs shook. “…that…that sounds so…s-so…” “Fucking hot” Daydreamer chirped, grinning his widest grin yet. “You should totally do it! It would totally make my night and then some if you do this! Please, Cammie, please! Do it for me!” He begged, giving her his best puppy dog eyes. “There is no way you’re going to say no to that face…and neither am I.” Milky chuckled, booping Daydreamer’s nuzzle. “Well, Cammie…are you up for one final round with the sexiest mare in Canterlot and Trottingham?” For the longest time, Cammie didn’t utter a word, her mind trying to comprehend what she was going to do, and who it was going to be with. She stared into Milky’s half-lidded green eyes, her tongue running along her lips provocatively as if preparing to kiss her right then and there. The Wolf Whisperer narrowed her own eyes and bared her fangs at the earth pony in a way that was anything but hostile. “Lay down on the fucking bed~.” She growled, the sound being equivalent to that of a werewolf. Milky needed no further prompting, and laid down on her back for the final time that night, spreading her hind legs with her forelegs. Still growling softly, Cammie crawled on top of her, her left leg under Milky’s right, and her right on top of the Earth Pony’s left. They stared into each other’s eyes, their green orbs piercing and swimming into one another’s as their pussies pressed against one another, a powerful surge of heat coursing through them. “Oh, Lucine! You feel so warm Cammie!” Milky gasped as Cammie laid down on top of her. “I can feel the heat of your pussy spreading all throughout my body!” “M-me too…” Cammie panted, groaning as she felt her pussy lips lock with Milky’s, making her legs shake. “…you feel so wet and smooth like a bar of sweet-smelling soap~. “We both do baby.” Milky giggled, resting her head against the pillow. “And I know that it’s gonna make this finale all the more wonderful.” Cammie giggled back, nuzzling her nose against Milky’s as their chest fluff mushed against one another. With no other words said, the bluish-grey mare slowly began to grind against the mare below her, taking time to relish in the wonderful feeling. Milky moaned and squeaked, shivering at Cammie’s pussy sliding and grinding against hers and sent waves of heated pleasure through her body. Both of their hooves roamed across each other’s curvy and plump frames, their tails intertwining as their breaths flew in each other’s faces. The juices from their aching and throbbing clits flowed and stained their legs as it wet the covers on the bed. “Mmmmm, this is incredible Cammie~.” Milky cooed, gazing up at the pegasus mare with half-lidded eyes. “Your lips feel so good against mine.” “I could say the same to you dear, I’m feeling myself getting wetter by this~,” Cammie whispered back, her long mane falling around Milky’s face. “It actually feels kind of ticklish too~.” “Oh, is it now?” Milky asked, raising a brow. “Well then sweetie, allow me to give you a little laughter medicine~.” Raising her hips up, Milky began meeting the rhythm of Cammie's own grinding, doing so in a way that would make her laugh and giggle every few seconds. They soon began to pick up the pace, the bed moving ever so slightly as it began to creak. Beside them, Daydreamer and Golden watched in silent awe, too enwrapped by the scene to really even get hard again as the mares ground against one another. “Oh Faust, this has to be the hottest things I’ve ever seen in my fucking life.” Daydreamer crooned, his face burning red. “Seeing Cammy lay into another mare… nothing is hotter than that.” “Maybe because of the fact that it’s the Milkmare of Trottingham she’s laying into?” Golden asked teasingly. Daydreamer cast a sideways glance at his eldest brother. “What do you think?” A snort from Silent made the duo look back to where Cammie and Milky were having their scissoring and saw that the mares had picked up speed. This resulted in the head of the bed hitting against the wall, despite Silent weighing it down considerably. Both of their hooves were wrapped around each other as they rested their heads against one another’s shoulders. The stallions could see the glistening wetness of their juices flowing out as a result of their increased grinding as the mares moaned loudly from the movement. “Yes! Oh, fuck yes! This is the best night of my entire life!” Milky cried as she clung tightly to Cammie as if her life depended on it. “Don’t stop honey! Oh please don’t stop! Make me cum! Shower Mommy Milky in your juices!” “Y-you feel so wonderfully warm Cammie!” The bluish-grey pegasus mare panted, lifting her head up to look the blushing Earth Pony in her eyes. “You’re such a beautiful little slut! I’m going to make you all mine!” With a snarl, Cammie jammed her lips into Milky’s wasting no time in taking the lead in the fierce make-out session that ensued. Milky did even bother trying to fight, just letting her tongue coil and move as one with Cammie’s. Their plump luscious lips smacked loudly as their saliva-coated them, nostrils flaring to allow short heated breaths to escape. They gripped each other even tighter as their grinding grew in intensity, even as their hips began to tire from the activity. It was given no mind though and only seemed to drive them closer to their final orgasm of the night. “Shit, Cammie is really giving it to her, isn’t she?” Daydreamer giggled, loving the sight in front of him. “She’s definitely acting like a real Omega here! And I am loving it!” “Same here, and Silent looks like he is too.” Golden chuckled, visibly abused by the look of awe on the quiet stallion’s face. “It almost looks like he’s going to get hard again… almost.” “That’d definitely be something would it.” Daydreamer said, stifling a laugh. “Hey, I think they’re both about to reach their limit! Come on Cammie! Send Milky to the moon and back and give her an orgasm she’ll never forget!” Although it didn’t seem like it, the intensified movements that Cammie made showed that she heard her coltfriend. Milky did her best to match it, though it was clear that it was taking her a bit as she moaned loudly into Cammie’s mouth. After diving her tongue in the Milkmare’s mouth one final time, Cammie pulled away and released the moans that ripped from her throat, shutting her eyes as she felt herself about to explode. “Oh, Lucine! I’m about to cum! I’M ABOUT TO CUM CAMMIE!” Milky wailed, gritting her teeth as she felt herself nearing the edge. “M-me too Milky!” Cammie replied back, whined as if she were a starving puppy. “Come with me, dear! Let’s both cum together! And don’t you dare hold back a single drop!” By this point, both mares were going into overdrive, their forelegs clutching to one another in a vice-like grip that made it seem like it would strangle them. Sweat glistened off of their matted fur as their hips drove into one another, their pussies sliding across each other to send more waves of heat throughout their bodies. The force that they were producing was now causing the head of the bed to bang hard against the wall, leaving small dents with each strike. All of this mattered little to the two mares as they finally reached the peak of the ending climax. With screams that would’ve been harsh to even a dragon’s ears, their damns burst, both mares still hugging each other as they came, eyes filled with tears. “CUMMING!” They howled as their orgasms hit, sending their bodies into such a convulsing state that it overwhelmed all five of their senses. Everything went light and fluffy in their heads as they both hit cloud nine, their vision blurring to white. Sweet, hot, and thick nectar gushed out from their flowers, the amount so large that it seemed doubtful a body could hold so much fluid within its depths. It went on for what seemed like hours, which was only a minute in reality before the mares finally began to calm down. With no more strength left, Cammie fell on top of Milky, her body giving little twitches as the earth pony below her lay motionless. “Whoa… now that is what I’d like to call a finishing touch.” Golden breathed, rubbing at his ears as if he had gone deaf. “Milky was not kidding when she said that be one hell of a crescendo.” “That. Was. So. Fucking. Awesome!” Daydreamer cheered, bouncing a couple of times on the bed. “D-did you see the way they just gushed all over the bed like that?! Holy shit that was one powerful orgasm! They stained nearly all of the entire bed! That had to be the hardest orgasm I’ve ever seen from any mare! Let alone Cammie!” “That’s an understatement.” Golden snorted. “Did you hear the way they screamed? It was like they were bucking away at my eardrums from the inside! And that howl Cammy gave… she really sounded like an actual wolf for a minute there!” Silent nodded, his own ears flat against his head, probably to block out the unified scream Cammie and Milky made. With what little strength he regained since his final orgasm, he reached out with a hoof and pulled Cammie off of Milky. Setting her down next to the Milkmare, the giant stallion then hoisted himself up and plopped in between them. He then shifted his wings under them before letting them spread out their length stretching out well past the edges of the bed. Golden and Daydreamer got the hint, and made their way over to the trio, with Daydreamer settling next to Cammie, and Golden next to Milky. “Sweet Lucine… that was just…” Milky said, finally able to form words. “…I don’t know how to even describe that~.” “You don’t need to dear~.” Cammie giggled, her body slowly regaining strength. “Because that should tell you just how much of an ending that was.” “She’s got a point there.” Daydreamer winked, wrapping his forelegs around Cammie. “It should also tell you how amazingly hot it was too!” Silent nodded, a small grin of his own coming to his muzzle. “Well, it definitely left me quite satisfied for the night~.” Milky sighed, cuddling up to Golden like a kitten. “I could not have asked for a better night than this one, most of all the four of you~.” “Well, what can we say? We didn’t earn out titles as the Natural Born Breeders for nothing.” Golden chuckled, his breath brushing against Milky’s ear. “Of course, we didn’t really get you pregnant without foals or anything. But…you know what the fuck I mean.” “Yes baby, I do. Though I wouldn’t mind another colt or filly from any of you three.” Milky cooed, running a hoof through Golden’s mane. “Of course, that’ll probably be for another time…” She let out a content sigh as she rested her head on Silent’s wing feathers. “For now… let’s just hit the hay.” “Yeah, after that fuck session I am thoroughly burnt out.” Daydreamer chortled, holding Cammie close. “Maybe we can continue this in the morning. If you don’t have any plans Milky.” “No, tomorrow is my day off. I don’t have anything overly important to do.” Milky murmured, giggling softly. “Besides, I would like to spend at least a bit more time with you all before you leave~. No way I’m ready to let you all go just yet~.” “The feeling’s mutual dear.” Cammie cooed. “I do want to get at least one more taste of that sweet milk before our return to the Forbidden Jungle.” “Oh, trust me, Cammie. You will…all of you will.” Milky winked. “Just not for tonight. I’ve already milked myself a good portion. If I do anymore, I may end up getting a little sore in that area. So let’s save it for tomorrow hm?” “Sure, that sounds good.” Cammie nodded, letting her cheek rest against Silent’s other wing. “See you all in the morning~.” “You too, good night everypony.” Golden sighed, his eyes already closing. “And happy birthday DD~.” “Thanks, big bro.” The earth pony murmured as he began to drift off. “Love you guys.” “Love you too Daydreamer~.” Cammie and Golden said back as Silent patted Daydreamer’s head. With another soft sigh from Milky, all five ponies fell into their slumber, caring not for the messy stains that coated most of the bed. Had they been awake for maybe just a few seconds longer, they would’ve seen the small pair of dark blue eyes peering at them from outside the door. Along with hearing the sound of the door closing, and the little clip-clopping that quietly made its way down the hall. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning had already arrived before Golden Fang, Silent Storm, Daydreamer, and Cammie realized it. When they woke up, they wasted no time in helping Milky Way with cleaning up the mess they had made in her bed. Luckily, she had a spare set of sheets and blankets in her bedroom closet, and she just replaced the dirty sheets with clean ones. Once that was done, the milk mare offered to make them breakfast, to which the Furious Four agreed, as they had worked up a rather ravenous appetite from their night of passion. It was going smoothly enough, but right at the end, Milky ended up needing a rather… unexpected release. “Alright, Cammie. On my signal,” Milky said, taking in several deep breaths. “One… two… three!” At the final countdown, Cammie made her move, pushing her hooves in between one of Milky’s teats in a firm yet gentle squeeze. White liquid burst out from the nipples, going down in a nearly straight line into the clear glass jar sitting below. A groan of pleasured relief left Milky’s mouth as her hindlegs shook, feeling her milk flowed from out of her massive jugs. It poured into the glass jar that Milky stood above, filling it to the brim before Cammie took her hooves away, allowing Milky to rest. “Well, that’s the last of them,” Cammie said softly, looking at the four other jars seated next to her. “Will that be all Milky?” “Y-yes dear, thank you for that. Oh, goddess that was so good~,” Milky replied with a slight pant, her mane spilling over her eyes. “That should be enough milking for today; I’m sorry to put you through all of this trouble.” “Oh, it’s no trouble at all.” Cammie cooed, using her wings to lift the glass jars onto the table. “I did say that I’d love to have another taste of that milk of yours. Even if it wasn’t in the way that I expected it to be, so you fulfilled my wish either way.” “That I did.” Milky nodded as she and Cammie sat at the table. Looking to the side, she giggled as she saw the three stallions already wolfing down their meals. “My goodness boys, slow down there. You’re going to give yourselves stomach aches if you keep eating that quickly.” Daydreamer, who had just swallowed down a mouthful of eggs, bared his teeth at Milky. “No fucking way am I slowing down here Milky! I have racked up one hell of a hunger pain after we fucked you silly! And I have no intention of slowing down!” “I’d rather not try to stop him if I were you Milky,” Fang said more politely. “Once my little brother gets this hungry, not even Cammie can stop him from sating his stomach. You’ll have better luck trying to teach a Saber-Tooth Cat to hunt a Ground Sloth than to teach Daydreamer proper table manners.” Silent nodded, using one of his massive wings to pat Daydreamer’s back as he coughed out a piece of egg in his mouth. Milky blinked, tilting her head to the side. “Um, Golden, honey? You do realize that the Saber-Tooth Cats are extinct… right?” “He knows Milky,” Cammie said patiently. “It was just a figure of speech.” “Oh… right, sorry,” Milky said, blushing as she passed a jug of her own milk to Daydreamer. “Here darling. Why down you smooth out your throat with this?” With a quiet nod of thanks, Daydreamer took the jug and rammed it into his mouth, swallowing a good portion of the milk in one massive gulp. With a deep inhale, he slowly took the jug away and set it back on the counter. “Delicious as always Milky~.” He said smoothly, a small satisfied grin etched onto his face. “Still some of the best milk I’ve ever tasted in my life~.” “When it is not?” Cammie asked, running her tongue across her milk coated lip. “I mean, I just cannot get over it. The sweetness, the taste, the texture, and its thickness, and the way it runs down my throat? It’s just so wonderful. I know Silent here certainly loved it. Given how much he bloated himself on Milky’s sweet nectar last night.” Silent blushed, his two-toned eyes squeezing shut as he hit his face behind one of his massive wings. “Oh Cammy, you’re embarrassing the poor dear.” Milky pouted, lightly punching Cammie’s shoulder as she hugged Silent around his neck. “It’s okay Stormy, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, I loved it when you took so much of Mommy Milky’s growing milk~. That assured me you’re gonna grow even bigger and stronger than you are now. Isn’t that right?” Unsurprisingly, the cyanish grey stallion gave no words of response, but the ever-growing blush on his face as his large dilating eyes said it all. Milky resisted every urge she had within her to squeal, instead opting to nuzzle the stallion on one of his large warm cheeks. “Hmhm, yes that’s right Stormy, you’re gonna get big and strong from Mommy Milky’s richly sweet milky~.” She cooed, cupping the stallion’s cheeks in her hooves as she nuzzled her nose against his. “Such a good boy you were~! Taking in all of your vitamins so you can grow strong and healthy.” “Sweet Faust Milky, are you trying to make him die from his shyness?” Golden snorted, holding his sides as he watched Silent sink deeper under the table. “And just a moment ago you were telling Cammie to stop embarrassing the poor guy~.” Milky pouted, taking Silent’s head and pulling him right into her chest. “I wasn’t embarrassing him. I was just praising him for being such a good boy last night! For taking so much of my milk and leaving his Mommy Milky so satisfied!” She rested her chin atop the stallion’s head, running a hoof across his muscular neck. “It’s just that he reminds me of my little Flashy whenever he does something for me. And it’s so wonderful for me to meet stallions like him!” “For mares like you and a stallion like Silent, that is so true.” Cammie chuckled, taking another few gulps of her milk. “And speaking of things that’re flashy… I think your little pup is finally awake.” As soon as those words escaped her mouth, a tiny gasp made its way through the kitchen, immediately drawing Milky’s attention to the stairs. There, she saw what looked like a tail poking out from the bottom of the stairs. A smirk came to Milky’s face as she let go of Silent’s face, before addressing who she knew was sitting up the stairs. “Flash, honey? Is that you over there?” She asked, full well knowing the answer. “N-no! T-this isn’t Flash Sentry!” The unmistakable voice of a young colt replied with a bit of a squeak. “T-this is um… t-the little Milkmare Sentry Duty Pegasus of Canterlot…! Yeah, that’s it!” “Yes, sure it is baby. I can see your tail poking out from behind the stair wall.” Milky snorted, rolling her eyes. “Why don’t you come on out of there and introduce yourself? Or am I gonna have to unleash the tickle monster on you~?” Another squeak came from the foal in hiding, before he practically flew out from behind the stair wall and into view. Judging from his wings, he was a pegasus, with a shade of fur that reminded the Furious Four of a nice round orange. His mane and tail were a deep shade of ocean blue, with the same different shades of blue that Milky’s own mane had. Unlike Milky, his eyes were a deep shade of blue, just as dark as his mane and tail. And he was wearing a white hooded pair of pajamas that had little black spots. “No, no, anything but that Mommy! Anything but that!” Flash cried, holding himself as he stared at his mother nervously. “I don’t wanna have the tickle monster come after me again! The last time that happened my tummy hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die!” “Well, it’s a good thing you came out when you did sweetie.” Milky cooed, resting her chin atop her hooves. “Speaking of which, what are you doing down here in the first place? You don’t have any school today, so you can sleep in.” “O-oh, um… I had actually come to wake you up the way that I sometimes do,” Flash replied with a bit of a blush on his face. “Except when I came inside, I didn’t see you there, so I went to look for you, but I heard you talking downstairs. I’m sorry that I eavesdropped on you. I-I was just curious about what was going on.” “Well, your lucky I’m in a good mood honey. Otherwise, I’d really unleash the tickle monster on you and the Solar Stare afterward,” Milky said firmly, yet somewhat mischievously as her eyes gave a faint orange glow. Flash squeaked again and shrunk back a bit, making Milky laugh as she patted at her lap. “Why don’t you come over and sit with Mommy baby? You must be hungry.” With an embarrassed blush, Flash slowly made her way over to his mother, not really making eye contact with the four other ponies with her. With a giggle, she lifted the little colt on her lap and started tussling with his mane. “My goodness, it looks like you got another case of bedhead again dearie. Did you sleep with your little hoodie not covering your head again?” “Um…y-yes, I did.” Flash replied, poking his forelegs together “I’m sorry Mommy... I couldn’t help it. I, um… really had trouble, um… sleeping, last night.” Cammie, Silent, Golden, and Daydreamer all flinched as Milky frowned at her son. “Uh-oh, that’s not good. Did you have any bad dreams last night? Were there monsters in your closet?” Flash didn’t reply for a few moments, twiddling his forelegs together as he glanced over at the Furious Four. “N-no… I-I just um… really had some trouble sleeping.” “I see…” Milky murmured, frowning skeptically at her son before smiling. “Well, that shouldn’t be something that a nice bottle of milk shouldn’t be able to fix. Here, sweetie. you can have mine~.” Before Flash could protest, Milky reached over and grabbed her milk jug and gave it to her son, to which he accepted cordially. As he began drinking, Cammie decided to take that moment to speak up. “So Milky… is this the cute little colt that you were talking about?” Flash blush deeply as Milky giggled, reaching and patting her son on her head. “Yep, he sure is, this is Flash Sentry Duty Rosario; my dear little mommy protector!” She wrapped her forelegs around Flash’s barrel and nuzzled the top of his head. “He’s also my sweet little baby calf and a total sweet mommy’s boy too! Aren’t you, my little Flashy?” “Mommyyyyyy!” Flash whined cutely, a bit of a giggle leaving his mouth as he squirmed in her grasp. “I’m not a little cow, I’m a pony just like you! I’m only wearing PJ’s that make me look like a cow!” “Maybe, but you’re still a little baby cow in my eyes and an adorable one at that!” Milky cooed, planting a big wet kiss on Flash’s cheek. “That’s right, your Mommy’s adorable thirsty little baby cow!” Flash giggled. “No, you’re a little baby calf! I’m the bull cow, and you’re the baby!” “No, you are the baby!” “No, you are Mommy!” “No, you!” “No, you!” "No, you!” “No, you!” “Oh, really now?” Milky asked, grinning widely as she raised a brow. “Then why are you wearing these cow PJs, instead of me?” At that question, Flash went abruptly silent, his mouth opening and closing as his face burned with embarrassment. “I, um…w-well I, uh…” “Exactly,” Milky said victoriously, booping Flash on his nose. “Face it, honey! As long as you’re wearing those cute little PJs, you’ll always be the baby cow.” Flash snorted, crossing his arms in defeat. “Meanie…” “Sorry kiddo, but she got you there.” Daydreamer giggled. “I mean, she does have a point. You do kind of look like a calf.” “Maybe, but you definitely are an adorable little calf.” Cammie cooed, her cheeks a light pink as she stared lovingly at the colt. “Oh, I could just reach over and pinch those little cheeks of yours right now~!” “T…t-thank you…” Flash said bashfully, looking off to the side. “I’m Flash by the way. It’s really nice to meet you, um, miss…” “Cammy dearie,” Cammie replied gently. “Cammie Kiba Lycona. The Wolf Whisperer of the Forbidden Jungle.” She reached over and pat the colt on his head. “It’s very nice to meet you Flash.” “My name is Golden Fang Shinrinryu, the Forbidden Jungle’s Beast Tamer.” Golden Fang said, flashing a fanged grin at the colt. “This hulk of a stallion here is Silent Storm Ryujin, and this hyperactive ball of energy is Daydreamer Konton. Both of them are my younger brothers.” “Nice to meet you, kiddo!” Daydreamer chirped as Silent waved at him with a gentle smile. “N-nice to meet you too,” Flash replied, smiling shyly as he waved back. “So… are you my Mommy’s new friends?” “Well… more or less,” Cammie replied with a bit of a chuckle. “Long story short, it was my coltfriends birthday yesterday, and your mother had invited us over here to celebrate it. It was a rather… fun little party we had; wouldn’t you say Milky?” Milky blushed, laughing bashfully as she played with a lock of her mane. “Hmhm, y-yeah… it was.” “Really?” Flash asked with a tilt of his head. “That’s weird… I don’t really see any streams or balloons or anything like that. You didn’t have Daydreamer’s birthday party in the kitchen?” “Well, n-no dear. We didn’t.” Milky said softly, biting her lip. “It was um… a more private party… i-in Mommy’s bedroom.” “Your… bedroom-?” Flash asked, only to abruptly stop as he gasped loudly, his eyes widening as the pupils in his dark blue eyes contracted. Shortly after, a deep blush swept across his face as he clung to his PJs, a whimper escaping him. “Flash… sweetheart?” Milky asked, noticing the look on her son’s face. “What’s the matter?” “….M-mommy?” Flash began, a stammer in his tone. “I… I think I just remembered why I couldn’t sleep very well last night.” “You do?” Milky asked, not noticing the terrified looks on her four guests’ faces. “Y-yeah…” He squeaked, forcing himself to look up at her. “Do you remember all those times you used to have guests over?” “Yes baby, I do. I always say there’s nothing to worry about, and we’re all just having fun.” Milky replied, a perplexed frown on her face. “Why do you ask?” “W-well, um… whenever you do have the g-guests over, it’s always super q-quiet in your room,” Flash replied, rubbing his left foreleg. “L-last night though. I-it wasn’t.” There was a pregnant pause as Milky froze in her seat, her face of confusion turning to horrified realization. The Furious Four was not too far behind, and they were all sweating in their seats, the color drained from their faces. ‘Oh Faust... so I wasn’t just seeing things last night when I looked out of Milky’s door.’ Cammie thought in horror, feeling her stomach clench as if a wolf suddenly had it in its jaws. ‘T-that was her-!’ “I-it…” Milky gulped, staring down at her blushing son. “It wasn’t quiet in Mommy’s room?” “N-no,” Flash replied, his eyes closing hard. “I-I could hear you from all the way in my room. S-so I went to let you know that you had f-forgotten to close the door. ” He glanced over at Cammie out of the corner of his eye, before quickly looking away again. “U-until I saw you with your um… new friends.” Milky was now sweating up a storm, her heart beating hard against her chest. “H-how much did you see?” “N-not very much, b-but just enough to know t-that I s-should probably leave you be,” Flash replied, pulling his PJ hoodie over his head. “I-I decided to wait until y-you were asleep to c-close y-your d-d-door.” ‘Oh, thank Faust…’ The five ponies thought, relief washing over them as they visibly relaxed. They were all scared that the little colt had seen more than he should’ve, and they really didn’t want to give him that talk sooner than needed, Milky especially. The aforementioned Earth Pony slumped back in her seat, taking a moment to collect herself before addressing her son once more. “Well, I’m glad that you knew to give Mommy her privacy with her friends when you did, so thank you for that sweetie,” Milky replied, bringing her son into a hug. “And I’m sorry that I kept you up like that honey.” Flash shook his head, wrapping his forelegs around Milky and nuzzling in her chest. “No, I’m not mad at you Mommy. It was an honest mistake that’s all...” He said, his voice muffled by Milky’s chest fluff. “Just… try not to keep me up at night anymore okay?” “Of course love. The last thing Mommy would want is for you to not get the proper sleep. You already have enough problems dealing with monsters under your bed.” Milky cooed, planting a kiss onto the colt’s forehead. “Speaking of which, do you wanna go back to sleep? I still have a few things to do before I’m free for the day. You should probably rest up a little more.” “…Yeah, I am still feeling a bit sleepy.” Flash nodded, rubbing at his eyes. He then let out a yawn, doing so in a way that made Cammie wanna reach over and glomp him. With a cute little sneeze, he hopped off Milky’s lap and slowly trudged towards the stairs. Just before he was gone, he stopped and looked back towards the Furious Four. “It was nice to meet the four of you. Thank you for being so nice to my Mommy.” “S-sure, no problem kiddo,” Golden replied, regaining his composure. “We’re happy to help.” “Just make sure to steer clear of things you’re not supposed to see or hear yet, okay darling?” Cammie advised gently. “We don’t want to have what happened with us and your Mommy happen again, now would we?” Silent nodded sagely, using one of his wings to make cutting motions across his muscular neck. “Y-yeah, g-good idea. I’ll b-be sure to keep that in mind next time.” Flash nodded, his blush returning tenfold. “W-well, I’ll be going no s-so…b-bye!” With his final words said, Flash vanished in a swirl of dark blue lightning, washing away any trace of his presence. Moments later, the five ponies heard little hooves running across the ceiling before the sound of a door shutting ended them. An awkward silence washed over the kitchen for what seemed like forever, the ponies sitting at the table trying to get over the embarrassment that transpired. Daydreamer, feeling that he needed to get rid of the awkwardness, decided to break the ice himself. “Well…” The Chaos Master began slowly, a bit of a smile making his way to his face. “He was certainly gone in a flash, wasn’t he?” The instant those words left his mouth, Milky, Golden, Silent, and Cammie all spun their heads to him, each of their faces sporting heated death glares. Daydreamer's bubbly laughter abruptly stopped as he took in the looks and shrunk in his seat, looking like a foal being glared upon by their parents and elder siblings. “Sorry...” He laughed, the sound being far more nervous than intended. “…Too soon?” The response from all of them, Silent excluded, was as immediate as it was loud. “YES!!!”