On the gamescon

by Akataja

First published

Button Masher and Rumble are visiting the gamescon, what could go wrong?

Finally the Gamescon has come to Ponyville and Button Mash and Rumble are two eager teens and willing to win the prize for the best costume.
Also it is finally Gamescon and two infamous gamer mares are also eager to have fun there.
What will happen when they clash?

Chapter one: Incest, Mother Son impregnation, A Trap mare tricking a straight stallion, sexy photo shoting

This story is original written for the August Incest contest.

Chapter one: Gamescon in Ponyville

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It was the first time that the Gamescon was taking place in Ponyville.
Every other year Button and Rumble had to ride all the way to Canterlot by train. But this year they don't have to use the train and were able to wear super good self-made costumes. They had worked months on these storm trooper uniforms and they looked like from the movies. All this hard work was not only for the fame and fun but also for the competition, the best Cosplay won special prizes every day.
While they waited at the east entrance, they saw a lot of other well-known costumes from different Movie- and Game-Licenses.

"Yeah man! Gamescon! Finally! WUHUUU!!" Rumble made a jump and his Stormtrooper Costume was shaking a bit.

"Beware Rumble! Don't move too much!" Buttons Voice sounded different thanks to the helmet “Your wings will break through the plates on your back.”

“Why couldn't we just cut holes for my wings? At least I could fly that way?”

“Because Stormtroopers are earth ponies, your wings would ruin our cosplay!”

“Also this is Gamescon, not Comiccon, we should dress up like video game characters! I could go as Kratos and you would be... the boy.” He laughed a little.

“Don't be stupid, this is serious business! They will finally announce the new star wars game! This will be the main objective for most of the fans.”

“Yeah and that means a lot of hot Twi'lek babes! I will pound my way from space chick to space chick!” Rumble moved his hips forward.

“Come on man, stop thinking with your penis!”

Meanwhile at the west entrance:

“Come on gale, stop thinking with your womb.” Cream Heart, also better known as Button's Mom, frowned. She was really looking forward to this event, she always wanted to visit the Gamescon. No pony was allowed to know about her true geek-self, she did not speak about it with the other moms of Ponyville and not with her family and never with her ex-husband. The only other pony who knew about it, was her best friend, another gamer-mare like her, she had met her online and was super surprised when she found out that this “moony-gamer-girl” was princess Luna! And the princess of dreams was talking about nothing else than having sex with virgin nerds.

“But it's true!” Gasped the princess while waiting with her friend in the line “This is a super chance to get a massive load of high motivated Horse cock! And the best of it: no pony can tell who we are because of the costumes!”

The two mares had decided to wear costumes from the Star Wars franchise. They had decided for one of the most romantic pairings, Darth Vader and the evil Emperor Palpatine.

“Can you explain for me, one more time, why we have to dress like guys?” asked Cream, she was wearing the black helmet under her arm and had the control panel on her chest, without these two items no pony would have recognized Darth Vader. Her Costume was very tide and include a short skirt with a slit on the side, she had to beware when she walked so no pony could see her panties. She had to admit, that this female Vader costume was super sexy and she felt good in it, but “there are some many new female characters.”

“But they are boooooring.” Luna sighed “Especially Ray... uuuh look at me, I am such an overpowered Mary Sue character.” She frowned and pulled back the hood of her Costume, luckily her magic was able to hide her true appearance, but she still looked like a thrilling hot mare. Sometimes Cream was scared that Luna was able to turn her into a lesbian... but maybe this was worth a try? Her experience with stallions was very bad anyway, her husband was a total asshole, he left her and the two foals to run away with his stupid secretary. “hey, are you listening to me?” Luna snapped her fingers to her Cream attention back. “Look at me? I am an old dude, but still a super sexy mare, this is awesome!” The robe of the emperor was tight, showing the lines of this delicious body, her big wiggly breasts were pressed against an opening and when she smacked her buttocks any pony could see the soft warm meat moving.

Cream had to admit this was fun, she still doesn't wanted to have an affair with a stranger on the convention, but it was always nice to see Luna relax. At the beginning of the friendship she was always uptight and had huge problems to slip out of her role as princess. Only in-game chat she acted like another person and slowly she showed this face of her, her true self, to Cream without being in a game.

“You are right Luna.” Said Cream with a smile “This is awesome.”

“And you know what would be even more awesome?” Luna took the helmet from Cream and put it on her head, closing the shutter and using the on-off-Switch “It would be more awesome if you don't show your face, because you don't want to use makeup, I told you it would be awesome if you let me use magic to make you look like a burning victim!”

“Yes, your thoughts betray you." Spoke Cream with a nearly perfect Darth Vader mouth, thanks to the voice changer.

Luna Smiled, she even shuddered a bit "oh my, i think you just made me a little wet." She grinned and pulled the hood over her head "Good... good..." Her voice sounded exactly like the dark Emporer, thanks to her magic "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."

Chapter two: What happens on the Gamescon stays on the Gamescon

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Button was walking with Rumble. The area was huge and had enough space for thousands of ponies. He saw a lot of different cosplay, games, comics, TV, manga... it... was... awesome!
Luckily the trooper-costumes had backpacks, so Button could put all the stuff he bought somewhere. Rumble was less lucky, he had to use this empty space on his back for his wings.
Rumble was not interested in merchandise, he was flirting with every mare he saw, female Deadpool, Sailormoon, BikerMares from Mars, X-Pony Mares and more, Rumble went into hunt mode as soon as he saw a pair of nice boobs.

Button just had played the demo of the new Devil May Cry for half an hour and returned to Rumble. He found him with his helmet off, he was deeply kissing with a green mare from Orion, or maybe it was Gamora-Cosplay based on the new movies? She was green and her tongue was deep into Rumble's mouth. Button gulped and he watched them.
Rumble kneaded the green Buttocks as a baker did with fresh dough. Button could see how his fingers went under the mares skirt and swifted through her butt crack, the mare let out small aroused sounds when his strong fingers touched her butt hole. The tip of Rumble's index finger was pressing gently against that warm slightly wet hole, making little circles and pressing the tip inside. Both had to moan at this moment.

Button had to clear his throat, this sight was fascinating, but there was something more important “The presentation will start soon.” he said, his voice was still slightly changed thanks to his helmet.

“Dude!” Rumble pulled his hand back and looked at his friend “I am right in the middle of something!” he seemed some kind of angry.

“We don't have much time, I want to see it from start to beginning!”

“That's okay.” said the mare from Orion “I need to to go to the bathroom anyway, meet me at my room.” She winked at him and walked over to the bathrooms.

“You hear that dude? There is a smoking hot Mare waiting for the D! Let's move on and let's hurry!” Rumble was rubbing his hands to each other and walked very fast.

Button followed him, but then he looked back one more time he saw the mare from Orion and “D-Dude? Look!” Rumble turned around just in time to see that the mare was going into the stallions bathroom “I... I think you just tongue wrestled with a dude, dude.”

Rumble became all pale, he hurried up to put his helmet back on his head “What happens on the Gamescon, stays on the Gamescon, understand!?”

Chapter three: Hall B

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It was anything Button hoped for and even more! It had colorful locations, a lot of different aliens, blasters, lightsabers and a shitload of action! After a lot of years, Button was hoping for a good Star Wars game. He was nearly crying during that trailer.
After the end Button and Rumble went to a snack bar, a lot of ponies did that, it was crowded.

“It looked better than I thought.” said Rumble, waiting for his chili dog “I mean this could be really good... but I saw no hot alien chicks!”

“I will pre-order this game as soon as possible.” Button was already super excited about that game “I can't wait to play it!”

“And I cant wait for that chili dog! How long is that taking!?” Rumble was hitting the bar with his fist “come on man!”

And suddenly the big main gate was smashed open and a real famous pony stood there.

“I, Photo Finish” her music started in the background and it was like every other sound had been gone for a second “have arrived!” and her assistants spread out from behind her.

A famous pony like Photo Finish was not here because of the fandom, but to find extraordinary cosplay, because good cosplay was a sign of passion. Also, she was working together with some of the sponsors of the Gamescon and the best cosplays would win the exclusive right to play the upcoming star wars demo first. That was why any pony was totally excited now.

Rumble just wanted to eat his hot dog, but Button put his helmet back on his heat “Come on man, this is our chance!”

“You!” Photo Finished pointed at Button and Rumble “The poise. The masculine grace when you slammed the helm on your friends head! I must photograph you!” she looked around “It seems like I, Photo Finish, have found the ideal storm troopers ... in ten minutes a photoshoot in the Hall B... I go!” She was gone so fast that you had missed it if you blinked at that moment.

“What just happened?” Rumble was totally confused

“We have a chance to play the game!” Button grabbed him by his arms “Now come on! We go to Hall B!”

Chapter four: surrender to the dark side (we have cookies)

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Button Mash was impressed, Photo Finish had some real good sceneries for a Star Wars Shot. It seemed like Photo Finish and her Assistants had gathered cosplayers from all over Equestria, there were a lot of space creatures, soldiers, rebels and so on. Photo Finish had a lot of different sceneries: Hoth, Tatooine, Rebel base and finally the Death Star.
This was Button's Chance, the best photo would win and he wanted to win and play that demo game! Photo Finish was a skilled artist and being on one of her photos was like he had already won! A classic death star picture needed Storm Troopers, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, so it all came down to the two other ponies.
Button saw a lot of Vaders and Palpatine's, he was exhausted to see which pair was chosen by Photo Finish.

"I, Photo Finish, have found the most perfect models for the role of Darth Vader and the Emporer!" the voice of Photo Finish echoed through the hall and her assistants were shoving every other pony outside. "This will be art and I will do da magics!"

Button was surprised when he saw two mares, Photo Finish had taken a female Darth Vader and a female Emperor? "E-excuse me, Ma'am, Misses Finish... ehm... but... the original Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine are not female."

"Well, I think this is an improvement." Rumble looked at the two "I would go to the dark side for these two ladies... what is your name?"

The Emperor walked over to rumble and her firm black finger went over his chest "In time, you will call me master."

"Enough!" Photo Finish stamped on the ground "I, Photo Finish, had a vision for this shooting and it will be pure magics!"


"Enough! We start" Photo threw her suitcase on the ground and complete photo equipment jumped out of it, including the camera, the holder, lights in different sizes and some other stuff Button didn't know "now!"
Anything happened really fast, it was like Photo Finish Assistants were very were, setting the four other ponies in position and every time Button tried to move just a bit different he was moved back, all while this heavy rain of flashlights was going down on him and the voice of Photo Finished sounded from everywhere "Yes! YES! YESSS! No! NO! YES!" Photo had to think a little "Wait! We need to fresh this a little... I want more action! More passion! Yes! We need more...sex!"

"Wait, what!?" gasped Vader, but one of the assistants was already at her side and took the control plate from her chest and opened the fabric under it, so her huge breasts, that were only held by a black bra, were on display.

"A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one." Said the emperor and opened her robe. The Princess of the moon loved to show her body, she discovered the thrill of being nude in public at a young age and hold it up until today. She had the right body for this hobby, even when she was masked with a spell, her curvy body with these huge breasts and big hard nips was impressive. She was wearing nothing under that robe except a black small tong. Her fake cutie mark was on total display for the next shot, it was like her butt was all nude.

“D-damn” this sight hit rumble like a thundering crash, this perfect moon butt came so sudden that he nearly stumbled and a huge bulge was forming in his pants. He had to moan when his uprising hard horse cock pushed against the plastic of the stormtrooper costume.

“No!” shouted Photo finish “too much sex!”

“What!?” Luna was angry, never before did some pony said something against her nude body! This was the perfect body only an Alicorn princess could provide.

But Luna had no time to act up, Photo Finish Assistants were to fast, she could feel two pairs of hands gliding over her body and bringing her back in position. One put some small pieces of tape on her fur and the other shifted the robe. Her delicious big nips were now covered, but still a bit visible through the fabric, it seemed like only her hard blooms were holding the robe in place.

“And you!” Photo looked at Button, the thing earth pony had to gulp “You are the unworthy stormtrooper who failed his master! You shall look suffering!” Button knew what this meant! Darth Vader would use the force to choke him to death, so he put his hand around his neck and tried to act like he was shocked “No! No! No!” gasped Photo “Where is the magics!?” she clapped her hands and her assistants went to work. Button was moved on his back and then they moved Darth Vader. Cream Heart was surprised about how fast these Ponies were, she was standing over that poor stormtrooper and her feed was on his chest. “Now raise your weapon and slay him! Slay HIM!” ordered Photo Finish in a tone that would make the real emperor envy.

Cream Heart pulled the lightsaber from her hip and activated it, it looked very real thanks to lunas magic “Ah! Perfect! Raise it higher!” Cream raised the sword over her head and hold it with both hands. But she let out a surprised pony noise when Photos assistants came back to her, putting her in place and pushing her breasts a bit more up so the red light from the sword put the perfect shadows around her huge boobs.

Button did not care for all of this, he only had eyes for the panties under Darth Vaders short skirt, classic black and it seemed like a very fine pair of wet pussy lips were hidden under it. “Something is missing.. some little detail...” Photo had to think, but she soon found it, the line Vaders Panties was visible to the camera and destroyed the whole picture. It only took one clap with her hands and one of her assistants took the panties from her so fast, that cream heart only could feel a fresh breeze before the flash of the camera hit her several times.

Button was paralyzed, he saw a lot of pictures and heart a lot of stories, but he never saw a real mares pussy all nude and up close. The lovely lips, the well-trimmed hair, and the pink flesh were perfect, he could see some of the red light was reflected by tiny drops of sweat and mare juice.
The young stallion could hold it, his dick became so hard that he had to open his pants or it would break through the costume!

“We are finished!” shouted Photo Finish, she had taken the last pic just a split second before Buttom revealed his boner “A message from me you will get in the post... I go!” Photo stormed away with her assistants and her equipment, leaving the four ponies.

Cream Heart made a jump back when she noticed the stallions dick. It had been a while since the last time she saw a nice huge horse penis. This one was especially nice, all pink with some dark spots and pre was already leaking from the flat tip. It was larger than her ex-husbands and the last another penis she had seen was the one from her son when Button was so young that she had to bath him. But this here was an adult huge cock and it made her mouth watery, she was drooling under her helmet.

Button jumped up again, he had totally blushed, never had a mare seen his cock, maybe except his mother. “I-I am sorry Ma’am, this was no sign of disrespect.”

“Impressive, most impressive.” Said Cream Heart, thanks to her helmet with the voice of Darth Vader. Cream had to admit it, seeing this hard young cock, all hard for her, made her wet, she realized that she was indeed a lonely housewife. Maybe Luna was right? Maybe having some fun with some random virgin fanboy at the games con was not bad? She looked around to see what Luna's reaction to all this was.

Luna had grabbed the other stormtrooper, he was already on his knees, his helm next to him while his head was under the emperor's robe. Luna had closed her eyes and was leaned against a wall, one of her feeds was on the stormtroopers shoulder. Cream Heart could see her friend was enjoying this “mmmm” she moaned silently “Commander, the time has come, perform Order 69... as soon as you whipped out this pussy with your tongue.”

Damn! Cream had the right to have some fun too! She turned around to her stormtrooper, who tried to hide his erection back in his pants “I find your lack in faith disturbing.” She took off one of her gloves and grabbed that nice thick piece of meat.
It had been some years but it still felt so good in her hand, the warm throbbing from inside and the sticky pre on the outside. She started to rub him up and down very slowly. She felt like a slut right now, but it was a good feeling and Button will never find out, right? He shouldn’t think of his mommy as a shameless slut.

“What a shameless slut!” thought Button when this totally strange mare grabbed his cock and started to jerk it “I think I'm in love...” but he also really hoped that this would be a secret, no pony, especially his mom, should think of him as a stallion who is into sluts.

He really enjoyed this handjob from this stranger mare and he loved to stare at her massive breasts. He reached for them and grabbed them. It was the first time he had the chance to touch real boobs! And these boobs seemed perfect, all warm and soft. He ripped the black bra from her to free her breasts and they jumped right out of it. “Damn! You have super tits!” he said out loud.

“I have you now.” Said Cream and dropped on her knees. She wrapped her warm tits around his flesh pole and started to rub it up and down. Her Ex-Husbands dick was vanishing between her huge tits, but this young cock here was big enough so the tip was still exposed and while she moved her tits around she could see how warm pre flowed from him and made her tits all wet and sticky. She could feel his dick throbbing and jumping and it was a good feeling, she loved cock nearly as much as she loved to be a mother... and it had been so long since the last time she gave birth... Button would leave the house soon... so maybe it was time to...? She let go of his dick and saw how his thick precum was pulling some line between her tits before she stood up again. She turned around and leaned with her hands on one of the fake consoles. She reached back and pulled her skirt up to show her dripping wet vagina to him. “There is no escape.”

Button was confused first, why did the nice mare stop to treat his dick? But then she revealed her waiting for hungry cunt and he knew what to do. He kneeled behind her and grabbed this thick nice curvy hips. He slapped her buttocks once and saw at the flesh moving like pudding, she had the perfect milfy butt, like the mares in his pregnant- and milf-magazines. Her heart-shaped clitoris was wildly winking at him. Button had read enough porn to know what was polite. He brought his snout on her hot lips and started to lick it, lick it like a thirsty dog. He was worried that the taste would be too strong, that the scent of piss and sweat would unpleasant, but he loved it! His tongue went up and down these lips, he made little circles around her pee hole to get a better taste.
Cream Heart was all red under her helmet, her husband did so rarely oral on her and only when he knew that she had showered, but this young stranger was eating her dirty cunt like it was pure mana from heaven. She leaned into him, pressing her swollen wet lips against his mouth, slutty moans were escaping her, she was even louder than Luna.
Luna was already riding that other stormtrooper, but Cream was not able to concentrate on that detail, she could only think about the bliss that this stallion brought her.
Button had no experience with this, but after like ten minutes of eating this pussy he was very sure that this mare was in heat and she earned some help.

“Your thoughts are betraying you... I know you want to put that dick inside me.” That was all she had to say and Button moved up.

He rubbed his flared tip to her butt and her hot pussy, but he was able to control himself. Button was a clever and brave colt, he had a condom in one of the pockets of his belt. His hands were all shaky and wet so it was difficult to get the rubber out. He managed to get it out and rolled it over his meat. He could not believe how lucky he was, losing his virginity to a smoking hot star wars fan mare! He put his tip back to her entrance and wanted to shove inside her, but she pulled away?

“Fool!” she said and grabbed his dick to pull the condom from his dick.

“H-hey, we can’t-“

“I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it any further.” So she really wanted him to go in raw? This was bad, right? She was in heat, so the risk of getting her pregnant was high... but on the other side both were masked and knew no names and she was properly from far away and they would never see again, right.

“Argh... f-fuck it! Sorry!” Button grabbed her by her hips again and shoved his hard dick inside this melting hot hole! And damn was this good! Better than he had ever imagined! Even better than that expensive ona-hole with integrated heater! This pussy grabbed him hard like a fist and pulled him close. He moved in inch after inch and this mare took all of it. He had to shudder when he medial ring passed her entrance as well.

“Apology excepted.”

“Damn! You are tight!” He grunted and slapped her buttocks again, this time so hard that he nearly had revealed her cutie mark!

But it was too later, he was already balls deep in his own mother without realizing it. Anything he could think about was that feeling around his dick and the jolts of pleasure that went up and down his spine with every thrust he made.
It had been more than a decade since Creams last properly cock and when this hard cock entered her waiting pussy she could feel a small orgasm rolling over her. Her pussy was clenching around his intruder and she nearly lost her senses when she felt how he stuffed he medial ring into her. He pounded her so hard that he hit her cervix with every thrust. She was not sure if it already hurt or felt good or maybe both, she just knew she wanted more. She loved that bare penis inside of her dripping wet cunt. She didn't care that she did not know who was fucking her bare, she just wanted to be rut hard and give birth to a healthy new foal!
She didn’t even care to look in front of her, she would have seen her sons best friend plowing Princess Luna. Rumble had taken off the top of his costume and the helmet and fucked this mare hard and fast in her tight ass.
The room was filled with the munching noises of sex, dripping wet horse cunt filled with iron-hard big horse dick.

Button tried his best to least as long as possible, but the feeling of climax became stronger and stronger “D-damn, I am cumming.” He tried to pull out, but Cream slammed back on it, turning around to grab him by his helmet.

“You have failed me for the last time!” She pushed him backwards against the wall. She slammed him so hard against the wall that his fat dick finally pierced through her Cervix. This climax of pain and pleasure brought her finally over the edge.

Button had to moan when he felt how tight this pussy became, for a second he was scared that his dick might rip off, but then he felt the first rope of cum spurting from his dick deep inside that fertile womb. He painted his old foal room in a fresh new white.
He had enough now. While this mare moaned like a pro slut in her helm he decided to rib of his helmet and hers and push his lips on hers.
Cream Heart never came so hard in all of her life, she could feel how his cum squirted her womb like lava would flow into a volcanic cave. It was like in these books she was reading, she could see and feel fireworks, right in front of her eyes, it was like she could actually feel how the billions of semen cells were raiding her defenseless egg cell. She had no idea she was just impregnated by her own son!
At least until he ribbed his helm off and pushed her helm from her head to kiss her. She had a shock second when she saw his face and felt his kiss, a deeply French kiss! She wanted to pull away, but he had grabbed her by the hip again and hold her. She could feel her own sons hard dick deep inside her and how he shoot robe after robe of fresh fertile incest foals making cum inside her.
She was able to free her mouth.

“No Button Masher! I am your mother!”

But Button couldn’t stop, he was holding his mom tight and pumped her full with sperm “No, this is impossible!” He realized that he had finally lost his virginity, to his own mother.

Luna looked over to them, being impregnated by her own son on Gamescom? That was really kinky “When I left you, you was but the learner. Now you are the master.”

Chapter five: Bonus Stage

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Around six months later:

„I can‘t believe it!“ Button still stared at the game over screen „I can’t believe how awesome this game is and it is just the demo!” He put the controller aside “And I can’t believe its already half a year since the last Gamescon.”

“Oh I can believe it!” Said cream heart after she release her sons horse dong from her mouth, it stood straight up and was dripping wet from saliva. Cream stood up so Button was able to marvel at her big pregnant belly. “But I can’t believe that they just sent one copy of the demo and we have to take turns... by the way, it is my turn yet.”

“But moooom”

“Stop that behavior, you will be a big brother/father soon. So stop to act like a foal and give me that!” She grabbed the controller from him and took place next to her son on the sofa.

“Could you at least finish me?” he grabbed his hard cock and scooted over to her, gently rubbing it to her bare pregnant belly “pleeease?”

Cream sighed “Fine...”She leaned down on her son penis and shoved it back into her mouth without taking her eyes off the screen. She bopped her head up and down lightly while playing the game, after a few second she let his dock plop from her warm mouth hole again “But I warn you” she said while saliva dropped from her lips “If I lose a life because of you, I will end you.”

Button moaned when his mothers mouth took his flesh stick again. Since the last Gamescon they had sex every day and it felt good to both of them. Button was doing his best to support his mother, that’s why he had moved back in her place. He knew there was a filly in his mothers belly, his new baby sister and daughter and he was proud about it.
Button Masher leaned back and sighed in relieve, he put one hand on his mother round belly, sometimes he could feel moving inside and he had to smile. He was happy, not just because of the awesome sex and clean home, but because of all the possibilities for a family cosplay.

Of course Rumble had to leave the flat too, he was not able to afford the rent alone. He had moved to Canterlot, because it was closer to his new working place. He trained hard to become official members of princess Lunas flying guard, but it was tough to compare to these over the top bat ponies. Rumble told Button that he had not much time to have some intimate time Luna again, but that was totally fine because there were a lot of hot mares in Canterlot and the dark armor of Lunas Guard was like “Pussy magnet”. It seemed like both colts were happy about they life... and already excited about the next Gamescon.