> The Displaced Assassin > by King Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- The Merchant's Request, And The New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1- The Merchant's Request, And The New Beginning Abraham's POV Ok, so let's get the introductions out of the way first. My name is Abraham Kenway. Last descendent of Edward, Haytham, and Connor Kenway. Well... I'm really the last of the Assassin descendants. To answer the question of why I'm the last of the Assassins. Well, it's because six years ago, the Templars were stopped. Permanently. Now I don't know the specifics of how they were stopped or who stopped them, I just know that they won't be coming back. So to celebrate the six year anniversary of the Templars defeat, I decided to go to the New York Gaming Convention. Currently I'm dressed like this. These are my Assassin's robes, but what was odd when I dug it out, was that the Hidden Blades were missing. That had worried me, but I decided not to think about it much. Now if you want more of a description about me, then let me indulge you. I am of African decent believe it or not. My eye color is golden brown, my hair is almost completely shaved off, and it's the same color as Connor's hair color, and I'm around six feet tall. Oh and there's one more thing you should know. I am a huge ass brony. Now I'm not like the stereotypical brony, but I have watched every episode of MLP, and I know the timeline fairly well, though some of the timeline could throw me off a bit. Back to the story though. I'm walking through the convention, with I think around $300 as I'm wanting to buy something, and I know that I'll likely run into the void dweller, and displacer himself, The Merchant. Now I've been walking for a good two hours, as I love to see the new games that'll be coming out and as I'm walking to the next booth, sitting there in his iconic Resident Evil 4 outfit, is The Merchant. I smile under my hood, and I walk over to him. As I get closer, I could notice something was definitely off. His usual and infamous smile, or smirk was replaced by a worried, and stressed frown. This had my attention. When I got to his booth, I heard him mumbling something about "No good Templars." In what I think he said was Universe one thousand four hundred and seventy eight. I walked up to his booth, and coughed in order to get his attention. "Hmm? Oh! Hello there. How may I help you?" He asked while trying to hide the worried aura that slowly and quietly bleed off him. "You're The Merchant. Don't try and hide it. I know you're him." I confronted while looking at him, my hood still dawned on my head. "What seems to be the problem, in one of the Universes?" I asked. He let out an annoyed sigh before saying: "It seems that one of my Universes have been over run by the Templars, and seeing as I can only send Displaced to the Universes, and not interfere with those Universes, it has been hard trying to find the right person to send to the over run Universe." He complained. "Heh, so what you're saying is that you need, an Assassin. Right?" I ask while letting out a loose chuckle. "That is correct. I don't suppose that you'd be willing to lend a blade or two?" He proposes. "Well, you're in luck my friend, because I'm an Assassin." I tell him. "And I'd be more than happy to help. However, it seems that my Hidden Blades have disappeared and I'll also need some other weapons." I explain. "I think I've got some Hidden Blades around here somewhere. One sec." He spoke. Merchant then pulls out a box from underneath his chair, and he digs around in it before saying "There we are" and pulling out two wrist bracers, and putting them onto the table in front of me. "There. Two Hidden Blades. I should warn you that these ones are like mini lightsabers, so be careful." He warns. "Now is there anything else you'd like?" He asks. I look at what else he has on display, and I notice two weapons that stick out to me. The first is a futuristic sniper rifle. The second is a futuristic pistol. I smile and I point to the two guns. "I'll take those as well." I tell him. "Is there any way I could also get infinite ammo for them, as well as the attachments for the pistol?" I ask as I take out my wallet. "Hmm, sure but as any normal displacer, I have to follow a set of rules, and one of them being, you have to pay for them. So that'll be around... $200 for all of it together." He tells me. I hand him all of the $300 and I tell him "Keep the change" as I strap on the Hidden Blades, and put the pistol, in the pistol holster I have, and in the rest of the compartments I place the pistol attachments. I then hold the sniper in my hands, as I feel my self getting dizzy. I then hear Merchant say one last thing before I fall unconscious. "Oh and by the way, you'll be sent to around 3 years before Twilight shows up, and you'll land in Ponyville. The rest is up to you. Have a nice trip, and good luck." He tells me as my vision fades into darkness. I slowly open my eyes, as I shield them from the golden light that shines at them. I let out a groan, and I start to sit up. With my vision slightly blurred I can see a humanoid figure. "Ma! Pa! They're awake!" I hear a voice that sounds like Applejack's call out. Wait if that's Applejack's voice, and she's calling for her parents then... They must still be alive! I infer in my head as my vision starts to refocus. After the blur is gone I then see three anthro ponies. Two of them are Mares, and the last one is a Stallion. The oldest mare has a pumpkin colored mane and tail, while her fur is an apple seed color, and she's wearing this. The Stallion had the infamous Stetson hat on, while his fur is the color of the inside of an apple, and his mane and tail are the same color as Big Mac's, and he's wearing this. The youngest mare looks like a younger Applejack, as she has three freckles on each cheek, and her mane is tied up in that iconic look, as well as her tail, and her fur is orange, and she's wearing this. I then look at my hands, and I see that my Hidden Blades are still there. I then see my sniper leaning on the wall and my pistol is on a dresser. I then notice that I'm in the room that Apple Bloom slept in. I then look back to the three ponies. "Uh... Hello?" I ask cautiously. "Oh, well hello there. My name's Pear Butter. This is my husband Bright Macintosh, but every one calls him Bright Mac, and this is our daughter Applejack. What's your name mister?" Pear Butter introduces. "Well, it's nice to meet you Pear Butter. Same to you Bright Mac, and Applejack." I greeted. "My name is Abraham Kenway." I introduce with a bow of my head. "Well Mister Kenway, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Bright Mac said. "Please drop the formalities. Just call me Abe." I tell them. I then start to get up, and I then hear a commotion outside. I stand up to get a look out the window. What I see is both interesting and shocking. I see seven Stallions all with black suits on walking onto the property, and I notice all of them have the mark, of the Templar on their shoulders. I then turn around so I could ask Pear, and Bright about it, but before I could a young Stallion that has the opposite color scheme to Bright run in, with sweat dripping from his brow. "Ma, Pa! Those men are back again!" The young Stallion says. "Again? What do they want now?" Bright says with a frustrated groan. "Who are you talking about?" I ask the two of them. "The Mayor's men. She keeps sending them to get protection money every month without fail. Though we haven't been able to pay them in four months because the price they demand is too high!" Pear explains. "Though it has only gotten worse. Last time they were here they said that if we didn't pay them, they'd take our kids." Pear sobs quietly as she holds Applejack tight. "If you want I could help with this problem." I suggest. "We couldn't ask that of you, we-" Bright starts but I cut him off with a raise of my right hand. "Have all of the men so far had a red cross on their shoulder or any part of their bodies?" I ask without looking at them. "Y-yes. Why do you ask?" Pear tells me. "Just as I thought. These men are working for an organization which me and my allies aim to destroy." I tell her. "What did they do that was so bad?" Bright asks. "They're called the Templars. They have been around since the beginning of time itself, and they seek to control the freedom and will of everything and everypony. And they use whatever methods possible. Kidnapping, and taking children, is one of the more common ways, they do this." I explain while looking out the window. "My organization seeks to stop the Templars, and where I'm from, we did stop them. However this place seems to be over-run." I point out I mumble the last part under my breath. "What's your organization called?" Applejack asked. "We work in the dark to serve the light, and we abide by several codes. Nothing is true, Everything is permitted. Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent, Hide in plain sight, Never compromise the brotherhood." I tell them. "Before I continue, I need you all to nod your heads if you're willing to listen. I need to know that you will never tell anyone, or anypony of what I am telling you. This means you will take this information to the grave. Do I have your understanding?" I ask them all, as they all, including Applejack, and the young Stallion who I guess is Big Mac. "Good. As I stated before, we work in the dark to serve the light. We are... The Assassins." I finish. The reactions I gain are ones of shock, and fear, with a little of both present. However, when I noticed that Pear didn't have a reaction, I was interested. That's when I noticed that she was fidgeting with her wedding ring, on her left hand. I then came to the conclusion that she had known about the creed. I then gave her a small, barely noticeable nod, which she returned. "Don't be alarmed though. Unless you're a Templar, I'd never hurt you. Now..." I say as I walk over, and holster my pistol, and I then hook my sniper on my back. "Lets go say hi to those idiots down there." I tell them. Me, Bright, and Pear all walk out of the house, and in front of the men. I then get a better look at the anthro Templars, and I see that they all have knifes, and the biggest of them, has a pistol. This puts me immediately on guard. I then watch as the one with the pistol takes a step towards us. "Now, I imagine you two know what we are here for." The man says. "Yes we do, but we don't have your money yet! We promise we will pay it back in full next month!" Bright tells the man. "Oh you see, you've told us that for the past four months but you haven't paid up yet. Now, give us the money or we will take you children." The Templar ordered, and at this point I chime in. "Threatening to take someone's children is a coward move." I say as I take out a cigar from one of my packs on my utility belt, as I take out my lighter, and light the cig. "Now this farm, and this family is going to be under my protection. So if you want to keep that thing you call a life, you all best leave." I tell him as I take in a puff of my cigar before exhaling a puff of smoke. "And who are you?" The Templar asks with his hand ready to draw his pistol. "Most back home called me Abe. Though the people who knew what my job was, and still is called me the desert hunter." I tell him while taking another puff of my cigar. "And what is your job "Abe"" The man snidely inquires. "Oh, I'm surprised you don't recognize the symbol on my belt." I tell him as he looks to my belt and his eyes widen to dinner plates. "N-no... That... No it can't be... You're all... You all should be dead!" He screams as he pulls out his pistol and aims it at me with a shaky hand. "Oh-ho-ho! So you do know what I am! But there is one thing you should know about us buddy..." I chuckle while I throw my cigar onto the ground, and I stamp it out. "The Creed never dies." I say while activating my Hidden Blades, as they appear from my wrist bracers with a sickening 'Crack' of activation. "KILL HIM!" The Templar screams, as the others take out their knives, and they all walk slowly towards me. I smile, and I start my attack. I first run up to the pistol wielder, and with a swift move, I knock him off his hooves, by kicking his legs out from under him. I then retract my left bracer, and I punch him in the nose causing a loud and cringing 'Crunch' as his nose bone shatters. This sends him tumbling back, as one of the other men runs at me, swinging his blade. I dodge by jumping over him, and with a flip, I'm behind him. I then grab his mane and pull him into a bear hug which I promptly turn into an Assassin sized suplex, which renders him unconscious. I then run at another of the men, and with an open hand I jab his pressure point which stuns him. I then roundhouse kick him in the back of the head with my left foot, but before his face reaches the ground, I place my hand in front of him and I force him onto the ground with enough force to cause spider web cracks to form on the ground where he lands. I then hear two others run at me, and they try to double team me which fails, as I grab the wrist of the one on my right and I punch his chest causing him to stumble. I then dodge the one on my left, and I kick behind his knee causing him to kneel. I then send my foot right into his face, which throws him onto the ground. I then walk over to the other one that attacked my right, and I slam the side of his head into my knee which makes his head bounce off of it and he collapses onto the ground. I then pull out my pistol, and attach my silencer onto it. I then place it in my right hand, as I aim it at the other men. I pull the trigger twice, and the gun lets out two silent Pews as two rounds exit the chamber, and enter the shoulders of two of the men. I then run over to the wounded men, and I use the butt of the pistol, and I hit their jaws, knocking them out. I then hear a bang, and I quickly raise up my arm, which blocks a bullet from hitting me in the head. I look and see that the first Templar was shooting at me. I then walk towards him, as his gun starts to jam. I smile as I got right in front of his face. I then rear my left arm back, and I send to flying into the Templar's chest, and I feel something break as my fist slams into his chest. He drops the gun, and lets out a strained and painful cry. As he takes deep, deep breaths, I squat down, and forcefully chop his neck, which causes him to pass out. I then get up, and I take the silencer off of my pistol, and I put it back into its compartment, as I holster my gun. I then pick up the gun the Templar previously had, and I pull the slide back with a lot of force, which breaks the gun. I then drop the pistol, and I walk away from the body. I walk over to the incredibly shocked Bright Mac, and the not-so shocked Pear Butter. I let out a little chuckle, and I light another cigar. I put it into my mouth, and I take a puff of it. I could taste the nicotine. I could really take it in, but I was never addicted to it, no. This was the cigar I would always smoke after winning a battle. It wouldn't be the same exact one every time, but it was always the same kind. I then let out an exhale of smoke. I then look back to the still shocked Bright, as he still had his mouth to the ground. "Y'know if you keep it open like that, something's gonna fly in there." I tell him, which puts him out of his daze. "H-How did you do that?!" Bright shouts. "Like I said, I'm an Assassin. It comes with the job description." I deadpanned. I then walk over to a nearby tree, and I lean on it. I then watch as Pear takes the dropped knives, and she takes them into the house. I roll my eyes, as I look at the sun. I then smile as I now have a new target. I then take the cig out of my mouth and exhale once more. "Hey Bright! What's the name of the Mayor?" I ask. "Her name is Isu Eden." Bright told me, which caused me to freeze right before I put the cigar in my mouth. "Isu Eden, eh? Well then... Bright, can you tie those assholes up in the barn? I'm gonna ask them some questions." I tell Bright, as I resume putting the cigar into my mouth. After an hour of smoking my cigar, I finally reach its end, and the day is almost done. I then hear Bright call me and he told me that one of the men that I knocked out was awake. I then dropped the cigar, and stamped it out, as I walked over to the barn, but not before using one of my Hidden Blades, and making a mark in the tree that looked like an upside down "V" with a very wide "V" under it. The makeshift marking of the Assassin. I then walked over to the barn, and I stepped inside of it. I then closed the big barn door, and I walked over to the awake Templar. I saw that it was the one who was previously holding the pistol. "So, I hear that you lot work for some shit wad Mayor named "Isu Eden" correct?" I asked, but got no reply. "Well, this is very interesting, as her first name is the same name as the precursor race called the Isu. And they're the ones who created the Pieces of Eden. Very big coincidence right?" Still no reply. "Now are you just gonna sit there while I'm over here flapping my mouth allowing words to come out, or are you going to fucking answer me?" I say as I raise his head to meet my eyes. "I ain't gonna tell you shit. You damned Assassin." He retorts, as he spits at my face, but I block the liquid projectile with my arm. "Now, that wasn't very nice." I say as I wipe the spit off with a cloth. "Please, I don't like doing this, so just tell me everything I know about Isu Eden, and I will get you to a hospital." I tell him, as I lightly lay my hand on his shoulder. "If I do that, then when I get to that hospital, they're gonna find me and kill me." He says weakly. "Then they'll kill my little girl. They already killed my wife, so just kill me, but save my little girl." The man says. "To be honest, I've always admired the Assassins." "And you can keep admiring us as long as you want because I am not going to kill you." I tell him sternly. "What's your name?" "Snap Shutter." Shutter said. "And who's your little girl?" I asked. "Her name's Scootaloo." Shutter said as he started to cry. "And that bitch Isu is gonna kill her." "Hey." I get his attention. "Tell me everything about Isu, and I promise you, on the Assassin's code, that I will save your daughter." I tell him, as I take out a first aid kit. "Now please, talk." "If you promise to get Scootaloo. Then I'll tell you everything." He said. I let out a smirk, and then used my Hidden Blade to cut him free so I could tend to his wounds. He then goes on to say that up until a year ago, Isu Eden went by Novelty Quill, but she changed once she came into possession, of a sphere that could bend anypony to her will. This was the Apple of Eden. He also told me that Scootaloo was in Eden's office, and she was chained up like a dog, and caged like a wild animal. This angered me greatly. I then told him to rest. Which he then did so. I walked into the house and saw that Pear Butter was holding something. It looked like a box. It was rectangular in shape, and it had the Egyptian symbol of the Assassin's Creed. I was shocked to see that Applejack's family had this and was in even more shock, that the Hidden Ones symbol was in Equestria. "I know that you're shocked to see the Egyptian Symbol of the Creed here in Equestria. Hell in a different Universe, but I don't have the time to explain." Pear told me. "Someone named Minerva appeared the night I got this box, and she told me not to open it, until some one named "Kenway" appeared. Heh, I was so confused when she used the term "Some one" and not somepony but after seeing you in action. You are the one she was talking about." Pear said as she set the box onto the counter. "Minerva? She spoke to you?" I asked Pear, as she nodded in response. "Well, let's see what Minerva has for me." I say as I open the box. What I see is shocking. I see two Egyptian Khopesh. My eyes widen as this was my weapon of choice. But how did Minerva know that I would use these, and how did she know I would end up here? "Easy. I used logic." I heard her voice sprout from behind me. I whip my head around, and I see standing there in all her Isu glory. Minerva. The Isu ally of the Assassins. "I don't have mush time before this recording ends so I'll keep this brief. An Apple of Eden has fallen into the hands, or rather hooves, of a very corrupt individual, who is the leader of the Templars here in Ponyville. The Templar leader in Canterlot is no more thanks to the efforts of your new ally, Pear Butter. I pray that this is the last Pony Templar or this will get very bad, very fast. You need to get the Apple away from Novelty Quill before she can control the entirety of this town. I leave these Isu Khopesh with you so that you may use them to save this place. Now go! And destroy the Templar my Assassin of Equestria!" And with that Minerva disappeared. I look back to the Khopesh, and I smile. I then pick the two swords up, and I sheath them onto the same side of my hip. I then feel Pear's hand on my shoulder. "May the Assassin's light guide your way brother." She said with a smile. "And may it guide yours too, sister." I told her. And with that, my new target had arisen and I had risen just the same, to destroy that target. I look up at the moon, and I take out a cigar, and my lighter. I then put the cig in my mouth, and I light it. I let the flame of my lighter linger a little longer, and I see the golden wispy flame that danced around in the darkened night. I then put the flame out, and I walk over to the barn. I then start to climb up to the top. After I reach the top, I look at the night sky. I see the silver moon, and the white stars. I smile knowing that the ponies of this town will no longer have to live in fear, and in my thoughts, I close my eyes, and I start to recite the Assassin's code. Third POV The view passes over to the forms of a sleeping Applejack, Big Macintosh, and a sleeping Apple Bloom, as Pear Butter closes the door. Stay thy blade from the flesh of the innocence. The view pans over to see a Unicorn mare with white fur and a beautiful purple mane and tail reading to a Unicorn filly who has the same white fur, but her mane is a pinkish purple with a pink stripe going down one side, as a white cat sleeps on the filly's chest. Hide in plain sight. The scene then shows a cyan fur colored, and Rainbow maned, Mare with Pegasus wings looking at a poster that says the words "Wonder Bolts" on it. As the Pegasus looks at the poster she also sees a picture of the Mayor Novelty Quill, now known as Isu Eden on a punching bag, as the cyan Pegasus furrows her brow, and she starts to punch the punching bag. Never compromise the Brotherhood. The scene then watches as a Mare with Pegasus wings and a very long Unicorn horn uses her magic to raise the moon, as her snow white fur, and her semi-rainbowed color hair and tail flow gently in the nonexistent breeze. The Alicorn princess looks up at the moon, and watches as the Mare imprint on the moon stares back at the princess. The White Alicorn sheds some tears as she looks upon the Mare in the Moon. We work in the dark to serve the light. The scene then shifts onto a Unicorn filly with velvet fur, and a dark purple mane, and tail, with a purple streak going down it, reading a book in her bed, as a purple, and green scaled baby dragon sleeps soundly. The Unicorn then turns the page and it shows the symbol of the Templars. Seeing this causes her to frown. Who are we? The view then pans over to the book the Unicorn is reading and she starts to turn the page. We are... She turns the page, and smiles as the symbol of an order that fight for the freedom of everypony, and everyone. The scene then shifts back to Abraham, as he sits atop the barn, and he opens his eyes, to reveal glowing white eyes, as if they were that of a predator's. And they are a predator's, and this predator is out for Novelty Quill's blood. This predator is an ancient one. The scene then zooms in on his face, and as his cigar slowly burns out, his eerie and hunter like smile forms. The screen then turns black, and all that is left is the dying light of Abraham's cigar. Which then flicker's and finally with one last glow of life, it goes out. The Assassins. > Chapter 2- Helping The Reality Bender, The Shy One, The Honest One, And A God Damned Rainbow? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2- Helping The Reality Bender, The Shy One, The Honest One, And A God Damned Rainbow? Abraham's POV I feel like shit... That is to... Say the least. Ok, so as I was waking up I could feel the warm rays of the rising sun, as they struck my still hooded face. I could also feel the still cool wood that I slept on. Let me tell you that sleeping outside on top of a barn is an absolute shit show. I had to wake up in the middle of the fucking night to stop myself from falling, at least thirty times. I let out a soft, and deep yawn. I then sat up and stretched my arms as they cracked a sound with an audible and satisfying 'Pop'. I then stood up and looked as the iconic rooster let out it's morning screech and I walked over to the edge of the barn. I looked over to see Pear Butter looking up at the edge with a cheeky-ass grin, as she kicks a bail of hay in front of the barn door. "Mornin' there Abe! I see you slept well!" She shouted at me with that still shit-eating grin. "Don't fucking patronize me. Next time, I'm sleeping in the fucking house! Gah! My fuggin' back hurts." I retorted. I then stood at the edge of the barn roof, and preformed the Leap of Faith. I then dove straight into the hay. I then popped my head out of the hay, and looked straight at Pear. I then climbed out of the hay, and brushed myself off. I then walked over to her, and ruffled up her hair. It's crazy, but even though its only been one day, Pear already feels like my little sister. The two of us then walked over into the house and I saw that Applejack was sitting at the dining table with Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Bright Mac. I also saw that at the table was a old woman with white hair, that had some strands sticking out and she had wrinkled green fur and she was wearing a tan and brown apple pattern dress with brownish tan shoes. She also had bright green eyes, and those eyes told me that she had seen more than just memories. They told me that she had seen some shit. Some Assassin shit. I looked at the old woman and saw her give me a barely noticeable nod which I promptly returned. "Oh why hello there youngin'!" The old woman said. "My name's Maria Smith but everypony just calls me Granny Smith. What's your name?" "Why hello there Mrs. Smith, my name is Abraham Kenway. It is a pleasure to meet you." I told Granny while holding out my hand. Granny shook my hand and we all started to talk a little about what's going to happen today. I figured out that I was to go and help Applejack sell some apples, and that Pear Butter would look after the kids, while Bright Mac, and Big Mac were going to work out in the orchard. Granny said that she would help Shutter out with his other injuries. I then walk over to the cart where Applejack is waiting, but before I do that I set my sniper down, to which she then noticed me and let out a small grin. "Well its 'bout time you got here! What took you so long? And where's your, uh, rifle... thing?" She asked not knowing the term for the word Sniper. "Well little apple, my Sniper Rifle is still with your mother, and your grand-mother. Don't worry I likely won't be needing it, but just in case I'll be taking my Khopesh, Pistol, and my Wrist Bracers." I told her. Applejack gave me an understanding nod, and started to walk off. I then picked up the rope that was attached to the cart, and I started to walk alongside Applejack into the town of Ponyville. As we walked down the path, I could start to see Ponyville in the distance. After a few more minutes Applejack struck up a conversation. "So, uh... What did you an' my ma talk about last night? I heard a strange voice. And a few minutes later when I was in bed with Apple Bloom, an' my brother, it felt like watchful eyes were lookin' at us." Applejack asked breaking the awkward silence. "Oh well me and your mother talked about me staying at your house, because last night I slept on top of the barn, and let me tell you that felt like absolute dog shit." I said as she giggled. "That strange voice was really just me imitating someone from my home. Her name was Minerva, and you could say that she was..." I paused before letting out a small smile. "Lets just call her a friend." I told the Mare walking next to me. "Well that answers two of my questions." She told me. "What about the watchful gaze?" "Oh, that was me." I said as I continued walking. "Oh, ok..." Applejack said as she walked alongside me as well. "Wait, WHAT!?" She screams. "Well, while I was falling asleep I had to check on you to make sure everything was fine so yeah, I used my Eagle Vision, aka Wall Hacks to see it you were all ok!" I explained. "Now please don't scream in my ear." I said while trying to stop the slight ringing. "Sorry..." She says while rubbing her arm in embarrassment. "Its fine. Well shall we get going?" I asked, as she replied with a nod. While the rest of the trip was uneventful I did catch a glimpse of a Rainbow Blur streaking across the sky which made me grin. I also saw a brown and white dog following us but I decided not to think about it. After a few more minutes the entrance to Ponyville was in sight. As me, and Applejack entered Ponyville I could see that... It was in a pretty terrible state. Several homes were very run down, almost to the point that they looked as if you'd just give them a tiny tap and they'd crumble. Many other houses looked as if they had been set on fire several dozen times. The residents looked like they hadn't been feed in days, or weeks! But despite that, they all had a hopeful smile lined on their faces. Seeing this gave me a great hope that Pinkie Pie was here. Dear lord... What the hell has been going on here? Was this all caused by the Templars? These ponies need my help more than I realized. I thought as Applejack and I walked through to a good place to set up. Once we got to a good spot Applejack set up the cart I had been lugging around, and she told me that if somepony walked over, to just give them some apples. The two of us then started to hand out apples to the ponies of Ponyville, and I saw some familiar faces, such as Octavia Melody, and Vinyl Scratch. Seeing those two made me smile lightly as they walked up and offered to help pass around the apples. After a few minutes however, is when shit really hit the fan. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YA FILTHY WHORE!!" A clearly pissed voice rang out causing me to drop some apples, as the next voice I heard was one that set me over the edge. "I-I-I'm s-sorry... I-I-I..." A tiny and soft voice filled with fear and slight sorrow barely sounded, but I still heard it. And so did Applejack. "JUST SHUT UP!!" The angered voice screamed. The next sound was one that got literally everypony's attention. SNAP The air went still as a blood boiling, and blood curdling scream of pain rung out. I took in deep breaths of the dead air as I ran through the crowd, followed by Applejack, Octavia, and Vinyl. I shoved and pushed my way through the shocked and worried onlookers, as I finally emerged and stopped dead as I saw what had happened. I looked as a Rainbow maned Mare, stood protectively in front of a Pink maned, Yellow furred Mare, while a Purely Pink Mare, tended to the Yellow Mare's clearly broken leg. I then heard Applejack, and the other two come up behind me, and look at the scene. They all let out shocked gasps as Applejack let out a pissed growl. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy… Fluttershy is hurt... FLUTTERSHY... IS... HURT!!! My thoughts screamed as I saw three Templar ponies watching the scene. The first was about as tall as me, and he had a bloodied brass knuckle. The second and third however were laughing at the scene. I then looked as a Border Collie wiggled out of Fluttershy's grasp and the Collie nudged the unconscious Pegasus trying to get her to wake up. "Ha! That's what you get for bumping into me!" The first Templar laughed. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR HURTING FLUTTERS YOU DIRT BAG!!" Rainbow snarled. "How 'bout you make us Rainbow Crash!" The second one taunted, as he brought out a Dagger. "You big meanies! You're never gonna get a party from me! EVER!!" Pinkie Pie threatened. "Oh, shut up you little shit! NO PONY CARES ABOUT THE SHITTY PARTIES YOU THROW ANY WAY YA TWAT!" The third yelled at Pinkie causing her hair to deflate which fueled my rage even greater. At this point I was struggling with all my will power in order not to lose myself in my hunter instincts, but I didn't have much of a choice. I saw the third Templar pull out a gun in order to shoot Pinkie. Then my vision went darker then a void, and in one great flash... My eyes turned white. Third POV Pinkie saw as the Templar pulled out a pistol to shoot her, and in that moment she was terrified. She was scared her life was about to be taken. The others could only watch as the Templar pulled the trigger, and with a loud 'BANG' the pistol fired. Pinkie closed her eyes tightly, and waited for the inevitable, because she knew that even her reality breaking 'Pinkie Physics' couldn't save her from a fatal gun shot. As if the world had gone in slow motion, Rainbow slowly turned her head as the bullet flew past her, and her eyes went wide with tears as she tried to save her best friend. Applejack tried to run forward to save Pinkie but tripped and fell, and she could only watch as the bullet flew ever closer to the joy brining pony. Octavia tried to run towards Pinkie but was stopped by the love of her life, Vinyl, as Vinyl cried for Pinkie. As the bullet was mere centimeters from entering Pinkie's chest a great burst of wind followed by a golden trail of spirit energy shot towards the Pink Earth Pony...…….. AND HE GRABBED THE BULLET. "... You would dare to harm an innocent pony in my presence? You would dare to try and KILL, a pony in my presence?! You have made the worst, and last mistake of your miserable life, you dirty Templar." A darkened voice, that overlapped the voice of Abraham Kenway, growled with seething rage. Pinkie opened her eyes slowly to see a metallic hand that was burning with golden energy, brighter than the sun, held the melted remains of the bullet that once threatened her life. Applejack was in pure shock, because only mere seconds ago the stallion Abraham stood next to her but now... He was standing in front of Pinkie Pie, and he had saved her life, but... Something was different about him. He was irradiating a golden aura that was bleeding off a blistering heat that made the sun's look like a candle. Rainbow looked on in shock that this mysterious stallion had saved Pinkie by melting the bullet. Then Abraham looked directly at the Templars, and revealed his anti-void white eyes, that peered through the soul of the Templars. The Templars all took a fearful step back and the first Templar tried to run, but Abraham saw this. "You will not escape." He bellowed. "Lion's Pride." He called. Then from Abraham burst 6 golden lions that looked as if they were in flames. They pounced onto the fleeing Templar, and the fire that engulfed them spread to the Templar causing him to scream in agony as the spreading flames, and the burning teeth of the King of the Desert tore into his flesh, and after a few seconds of screaming, the flames subsided, and all that was left was a burnt pile of torn flesh, as the lions disappeared, and the golden energy flowed back into Abraham. Then the second Templar tried to attack Abraham with his dagger, but Abraham grabbed the hilt of one of the Isu Khopesh, and in one swift motion with the curved part of the blade facing inward towards Abraham, he sliced the arm of the dagger wielding Templar off, leaving only a bloody stump. As the now armless Templar screamed in horror and watched his crimson blood pour out his life essence. Abraham used the curved part of his Khopesh, and in one swift cut, the Templar stopped screaming, as his body looked unaffected. Only for his neck to gain a red line in the middle, causing to promptly fall it the ground, as the headless body fell to the ground. "S-Stay back!" The third Templar yelled, as Abraham just drew even nearer. The now lone Templar shot four bullets at Abraham before running out of ammo, but Abraham only used his arm and blocked the bullets. Sheathing his Khopesh, Abraham then turned his body into a golden spirit Cheetah, and ran to the Templar. Abraham then returned to his original form, and the Templar tried to punch the Assassin. Only for The Desert Hunter to catch the fist with his right hand, and with his left arm, he swung up towards the Templar's elbow, and a small golden Rhinoceros appeared for only two seconds before weaving itself into Abraham's arm, and using the extra strength Abraham broke the elbow of the Templar, and ripped his arm off, the tearing sound of flesh causing everypony to recoil in disgust of the brutal action. As the Templar's eyes flowed with pained tears, Abraham pulled out his pistol, and shot both of the Templar's knee caps. This caused the Templar to fall to the ground. As Abraham put his gun away. Abraham walked over to the Templar, and brought out both Hidden Blades, and he drove them into the neck of the Templar, killing him. Abraham/The Desert Hunter's POV I pulled my blades out of the neck of the Templar that tried to kill Pinkie, and I flicked my wrists causing them to go back into to their hidden mode. I then turned to the crowd that had watched and I called out with all my voice. "HEAR ME TEMPLAR SCUM!! THIS TOWN OF PONYVILLE IS UNDER MY WATCH, AND MY PROTECTION! THOSE WHO DARE TO HARM IT'S INHABITANTS WILL FEEL MY FURY!! NO LONGER, SHALL YOU FELL HARM, NOR SHAL YOU WATCH AS YOUR LIVELY HOODS ARE DESTOYED PONIES OF THIS TOWN!! FOR I, THE DESERT HUNTER, AM HERE TO WATCH AND GAURD OVER YOU!!" I screamed, as my eyes reverted to their original color. The crowd then started to cheer and clap, as I made my way to Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack. I kneeled down next to Fluttershy, and Pinkie looked up to meet my eyes. "T-Thank you for saving me! I'm gonna throw you the biggest 'Thanks for saving my life party'! EVER!" Pinkie yelled as she threw her arms around me, and hugged me. "It is alright. But we should get your friend to a hospital, is there one nearby?" I asked. Pinkie, and Rainbow nodded, as I picked up the still wounded and unconscious Flutters in my arms, being as carful as I could in order to not agitate the broken leg. After walking to the hospital, a doctor and nurse ran up to me with a gurney. I placed Fluttershy down, and they wheeled her off to the E.R. I waited with the others for a few minutes in silence, as Rainbow bombarded me with question, which I just told her to be patient. Then the doctor walked over to us. "It would seem that miss Breeze has a broken leg. It will take at least a few weeks to heal, and she must not put any weight on it less it break again." The doctor told us. I talked to the doctor a little more, and he said that she'll have to stay overnight. I told the others that I would stay with her and keep her safe. Applejack had to leave so she could tell her family what had happened, and Octavia and Vinyl had to leave to get home. I was then approached by Pinkie, and Rainbow. "So... Thanks, for what you did back there." Rainbow sheepishly said. "By the way, I'm Rainbow Dash. Once again thanks for protecting Pinkie, and Fluttershy." "It was nothing. My name's Abraham Kenway." I greeted. "I wish it was under better circumstances that we met, but the Templar threat here is much higher than I originally thought." "Yeah those meanies have been wreaking havoc in Ponyville and they're all coming from the biggest meanie of them all! Novelty Quill." Pinkie said with her mane now inflated. "Yes, and now that this has happened, Novelty Quill will meet my blade." I vowed. "She will die." "Yeah but was killing those guys really necessary?" Rainbow asked. "If I didn't kill them, then they would've just came back, and likely would've told Novelty. Which would cause her to hurt Scootaloo." I told them, while mumbling the last bit. "I understand. Damn that Novelty Quill! She took Scootaloo, and that just pisses me off!" Rainbow growled while gritting her teeth. "I know. That's why I'll kill Novelty or Isu Eden, as she's called now, and I will get Scootaloo back." I told them. "Well I've got to go, so see ya Abraham!" Rainbow said while leaving the Hospital. "Yeah I've got to go too. See ya Abey!" Pinkie waved bye, before walking out with Rainbow. I looked back at the sleeping Fluttershy, and I grabbed her hand. I watched over her sleeping figure, and I saw that she was sleeping soundly. I looked out the window and spoke. "May the watchful eyes of the Isu protect you Fluttershy. Minerva, please keep this town safe. Connor, please use your watchful eyes, and look after this place. Haytham, please keep the Templars at bay. Edward, please protect us all." I spoke. As I watched the moon rise, I felt drowsy from using my spirit beasts. I then felt my eye lids get heavier, before they shut completely, and my body soon fell victim to the restful sleep it so desperately needed. Third POV At town hall, a loud crash was heard, as Novelty Quill, or Isu Eden threw a chair into the wall. "What do you mean the men I sent to Sweet Apple Acres haven't returned!?" Eden screamed. "I'm sorry ma'am but I mean just that! And we have reports that earlier today, three of our men were brutally murdered by somepony wearing the Assassins emblem." A Templar reported. "Damn it!" Isu cried out in anger. "Why is this all falling apart!?" "It's because you suck!" The caged Scootaloo retorted as she blew a raspberry at the angered Isu Eden. "Oh shut up you!" Isu roared as she kicked the caged filly. Scootaloo cried in pain as tears rolled down her cheeks. Isu had then left to go to her home. The Templar solider was the only pony left in the room. He walked over to the crying Scootaloo, and unlocked the cage door. He walked in and then hugged her tight, as the filly hugged back. "I'm sorry young Scootaloo. I will get you out of here, but I cannot blow my cover. Maybe this new Assassin will help me get you out of here." The Templar? reassured the crying filly. "It's Ok Ade, I believe you. Just please hurry, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold on." Scootaloo told Ade. Ade nodded before heading out of the town hall. He then ran into an alley, and changed, he let his dreadlocks, which he had grown over the several years he had been here since he arrived, hang out, as the night sky shone on his dark skin. He got out of the Templar disguise, and pulled out a uniform, a Mayan Machete, and a Blunderbuss. He then put the outfit on and he looked like this. He then sheathed his Machete, and put away his gun, before pulling out a single wrist bracer, that had the symbol of the Assassin on it. He equipped the Hidden Blade, and dawned his hood over his face. As the moonlight hit his skin, it shined on the several scars that were left on his body, and face as these were the marks of his past. He then jumped up onto the house that stood next to him, and he activated his Eagle Vision. He peered through the homes of the ponies, and landed on the window of the Hospital room that held the sleeping Fluttershy, and the sleeping Abraham. Well, Kenway... Lets see if you're anything like Edward, eh? Ade thought as he watched the descendant of the pirate he once called Captain slept. Ade smiled as the dimly light figure of Minerva appeared behind him. "Watching over him I see?" Minerva spoke. "I kind of have to. I don't know what will happen, but even though I cannot repay you for saving me from my death by the hands of Shay Cormack, I would still like to say. Thank you." Ade told Minerva without looking at her. "Do not thank me. Just protect Abraham. Until next time..." Minerva said as her figure started to vanish, as a smile grew on her face. "... Adewale, Incarnation of the Assassin's Creed." She said as she vanished. Adewale let out a sigh before looking at the stars and remembering the days he sailed the Caribbean with Edward Kenway as his Quarter Master, before speaking once more. "You know I don't like that title." He spoke as the screen faded into black.