> Drake's Empire > by Pentel123 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > *Chapter 1: Onset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One - Onset “Be careful what you wish for” – Parents It was late July, along the banks of the Neuse River in North Carolina. The evening was warm and muggy; mosquitoes buzzed, seeking juicy targets in the twilight. Drake Rex sat on banks of the river, watching the stars come out. A twenty year old engineering major, Drake was spending his last several days before returning to the college grindstone for his junior semester camping with friends. He had elected to stay and watch the campsite while his friends went on a quick food run into the nearby town after a raccoon had raided their cooler that afternoon. Drake had volunteered to stay behind to make sure nothing else pillaged their camp. With nothing to do until his friends returned, Drake relaxed for the first time in what felt like months; the start of the year had been busy with school, and the summer had been filled with work and toil in an exciting, but demanding, internship which ended not even a week ago. Now here he was, camping with friends before they all went back to the cycle of lectures, labs and tests. 'Ahh, this is nice. No work, no meetings, no teachers or bosses, and no deadlines of any kind. I could lay here watching the sunset and listening to nature for hours. That said, it would be nice if they would hurry back.' Drake thought ideally, sitting on the ground with his legs extended and his back propped up against a tree. With nothing better to do, Drake let his thoughts wander until eventually falling asleep. As Drake sat resting against a tree, the sunset and the stars began to appear across the sky. On this night, waves of shooting stars streaked across the sky leaving fiery trails in their wake. Drake awoke with a shiver, the cold night air waking him from his nap. Drake muttered as he awoke rubbing his head and rolling his shoulders. “Where’s everyone? I know that it’s a bit of a trip into the nearest town, but they should be back by now.” Looking around, Drake saw nothing but the campsite he was supposed to be watching. Since nothing was out of order, Drake started walking the beach looking for his friends. “Gray, Stew ya’ll here! Susan, what are we doing for dinner! Mary, am I just calling out to the air!” Drake yelled as he walked along the beach, hoping to get answer from someone, anyone. Much to his disappointment, his only answers came from the insects. “Oh come on!” Drake shouted in frustration, throwing his arms into the air. “I know I said I’d watch the camp but this is ridiculous.” Sighing Drake looked up at the sky and saw the shooting stars streaking through the atmosphere. Chuckling to himself, he lifted a finger pointing at random saying, “Eenie meenie miney mo, let’s see if I’m as lucky as Pinocchio, picking a star as it flies to and fro. If I’m right and make a wish tonight, then fuck it, let’s hope I get some super powers from this light show.” Drake finished his finger landing on a random spark in the sky. Little did he know that his luck was as good as everyone’s favorite lie detecting puppet. Once his rhyme finished, the star he was pointing at responded. Instead of continuing on its course, the star he had wished upon veered away from its brethren. It streaked through the atmosphere towards Drake. Drake, once he realized what was happening, started running to avoid becoming part of the impact crater. As the star closed in, Drake tripped on a piece of driftwood and landed face first into the sand. When he didn’t feel the life ending impact he was expecting, Drake looked behind to see the shooting star hovering above him. “What the…okay I am either crazy or dreaming,” Drake muttered, slowly getting to his feet to find the star was at perfect eye level. “This is no dream,” spoke the star, its chorus like voice sounding distant and feminine. “Yep, crazy, finally lost it. Any second now they'll come to take me away.” “What do you desire, and what would you sacrifice to receive it?” The star asked. Drake, befuddled by this unexpected turn of events, replied “Huh, sacrifice for what?” “You have a wish. you found me, picked me out from amongst all those passing through the sky tonight. You found the right one, so what is your wish?” Drake thought for a moment, he wasn’t really expecting to be asked to make a wish tonight. As he though the old adage of “be careful what you wish for” came to mind. “So I can wish for anything?” Drake asked, wondering if there was a limit to what he could get. “Anything you desire, but all things have a price, after all nothing is free.” After a few minutes Drake made his decision but decided to double check the star’s offer, “What about immortality? Or power? Or… hell how about a fourteen inch cock?” “Yes.” The star replied with what sounded almost like a snicker. “Well then,” Drake began, “Let’s set me up with immortality and power. A chance to learn everything I could want, and the ability to go and do as I please. What will that cost me?” “What do you think it should cost you?” The star asked “Well that’s curious, I get to barter for my wish?”?” “Yes, why chose those things and not others, immortality is not invulnerability, power has its own pitfalls, why not choose love, wealth, peace of mind, world peace, to change something in your past, or to see your future as most others do?” The star replied. “Love and wealth, both can be gotten with time and power. Peace of mind comes from ignorance, at least as far as I have ever seen, so I’ll pass on that. World peace would only be achieved if everyone looked and thought the same, so I’ll pass on perfect harmony too. Changing my past would change who I am. If I change, then I don’t make this wish and bing, bang, boom paradoxes, or a revert to this moment. As for my future, well that is what we are discussing isn’t it?” Drake said. “That only answers part of my question.” “I want it because, as crazy as it sounds, I want to be mankind’s guiding hand. The one that subtly shapes its future and directs it towards tomorrow. Maybe it’s a god complex. Maybe it comes from playing to many strategy games. Perhaps I’m just bat shit crazy.” Drake said sighing. “I may do it right, I may be the greatest screw-up since Nero, but if this isn’t a dream or particularly vivid hallucination I’m going to take the chance and go for it.” “If that is your wish, I can grant it. Your reasons make sense, if not the most noble. There is still the matter of payment,” The star said calmly. “Well immortality comes complete with watching those around you age and die while you remain a constant, removes your ability to have love as the heart becomes hardened to loss. Throw in disconnection and apathy there is a good chance that the grand ideals I am going to start out with, will fall by the wayside, and perhaps the loss of my soul?” Drake said, muttering the last part under his breath. “The cost for power; well power comes with responsibility, corruption, expectations from others. Depending on its nature of the power, the well-being of others; their lives and livelihoods, will be my responsibility. If I make a bad decision, others might die or suffer because I was wrong. I may even become inured to it. What more would you ask from me?” “That was oddly well thought out,” the shooting star responded, an awestruck tone plain in its voice. “What can I say? I’m a strange one,” Drake said with a somewhat strained smile “Given this cost, you still desire power and immortality?” “Yes,” Drake said, starting to get slightly irritated. “Look; you came down here and offered to grant my wish, so are you or aren’t you gonna do it? What do you think it should cost me?” “Don’t get cross with me,” hissed the shooting star with malice, “I still have control over how the wish will affect you.” “Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” Drake said insincerely, motioning for the star to calm down. “So anything else I need to do to make this happen?” “Just answer one more question. Does mankind not have the right to determine its own path?” “Well; if you don’t grant my wish then yes, but given the conflict, strife, disregard for the wellbeing of our fellow man and destruction of our environment, should it be allowed to? From my point of view, I would argue that no, it shouldn’t.” “How sad it is that you see the worst the world has to offer and ignore the good mankind has done and continues to do.” The shooting star with disappointment. “Are you going to grant my wish or not?” Drake snapped. Sure there was good in the world, hell it probably outweighed the bad, but he wasn’t going to acknowledging it. Not when it wouldn’t help his case. “Fortunately for you, I have to grant your wish since you are willing to pay a fair price,” the shooting star explained, “But I can decide how it is granted.” “This sounds like it is going to end badly,” Drake muttered. “Perhaps, but you have only yourself to blame for that. Mankind deserves the right to self-determination--no power in the universe may interfere with this. Therefore I grant you your immortality, but not in this reality, and with power you must master on your own.” The shooting star proclaimed as it began to pulse, blinding Drake. Drake threw up an arm to guard against the light now coming off the star. “Always has to be a catch with wishes, doesn’t there?” he complained to himself. The shooting star started pulsing faster, the air swirling about picking up sand and leaves in a whirlwind. As the air swirled Drake felt himself being drawn towards the core of the star. “Hey, at least tell me where I'll end up?” he yelled over the wind. “In a world you can help, a world that you know well enough.” After its reply, the shooting star exploded. As the explosion washed over Drake, it muted all sounds. Once inside the explosion, pain began to overwhelm his senses. Through the pain Drake heard one last message. “Enjoy your wish, and know that I will be watching you to see how this turns out.” > *Chapter 2 - Realization > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Realization “Destiny grants us our wishes, but in its own way, in order to give us something beyond our wishes.”-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe It was early morning, the sun just beginning to rise above the horizon casting its rays on a glade in the depth of a forest, when Drake rejoined the world of the living. Drake groaned as each movement sent pain screaming across his nervous system. He’d just woken up from having his wish granted and wasn’t sure what to think. ‘Oh gawd, the fuck happened last night,’ Drake thought through the fog of pain. ‘Last I remember, I was on the beach relaxing, and then… I passed out and had that strange dream with the talking wish granting star that debated about immortality and price. Dream not important right now. Getting up and finding my friends takes precedent over understanding my messed up subconscious.’ Drake’s attempt to stand was somewhat less than successful. When he was about halfway up he quickly returned to the ground when a wave of excruciating pain raced it way through his body. “SON OF A BISCUIT WHORE!” he yelled to provide a mild outlet for his frustration, but doing nothing to reduce the pain. ‘On second thought I think I will just lay here in agony until one of my friends comes along to help me. It’s a beautiful, bright morning and they will probably come around to laugh at me for passing out last night any minute now.’ An hour later… ‘Apparently my friends aren’t coming to get me. Guess I have to go and find them. In that case it’s time for take two on standing then.’ Drake stood up slowly, pausing often to let the pain subside after each motion caused a new series of aches and stabs. Once he was fully upright Drake stretched gingerly attempting to work the pain out of his muscles. His arms up above the head, knees squatted up and down, back arched, mouth open wide, tail flexed and wings splayed. ‘Okay arms = normal, legs = normal, back = normal. Mouth usually doesn’t open wide enough to fill my vision. Tail is new. Wings are new. Does not compute.’ Faced with such unexpected new extremities Drake’s mind shut down, causing an undignified return to the ground. “Time for a full body checklist,” Drake said shakily as he regained the ability to think. He began by moving his arms, legs, hands, toes, flexing every muscle in turn to make sure they all worked. Much to his surprise Drake discovered he could control his new body parts. Standing up once again he took a moment to look himself over slowly, the pain nearly gone. “Okay final observation: I now have midnight blue scales with lighter ones along my stomach, claws with four digits including a thumb, two large leathery wings, my face as I knew it is gone as my nose and mouth have turned into a snout lined with razor sharp fangs. Additionally I have black spines down my back and a tail ending in an arrow shape, edged with serrated razor-like bone.” Speaking all of this aloud helped Drake calm down from the panic attack begun building as he slowly realized he was no longer human. After a moment’s thought and recollection of what he believed to be a dream, understanding bit Drake right on the buttocks. “I think my wish got granted, because I do believe I am a dragon- Holy shit! I am a dragon, and all that shooting star stuff was real! I wanted immortality and power; it said I would have to go to a different reality. Wham! I wake up a dragon.” At this point Drake broke down in laughter, not ‘funny haha’ laughter, more like ‘I have gone insane creepy’ laughter, which lasted for a good five minutes or more. Recovering from his episode, Drake set out to master his new body. His first steps ended with many repeat meeting with the ground. Slowly Drake learned how to control his arms and legs. By the evening he had learned how to walk on all fours without tripping over his own legs, but still had trouble walking due to balance issues with the wings and tail. Every time he stood the wings would fall open and he would either over or under correct for it, forgetting to include the tail in his reaction. The glade, once filled with grasses had had its flora crushed, underfoot and underbody by Drake, turning it from a picturesque setting to an ugly dirty hole in the forest. As Drake fell asleep that night, he determined, thanks to a growling from his gut, that the next morning he’d have to start looking around and trying to figure out what world he was in. When he awoke, Drake suffered a momentary lapse of memory. He freaked out before remembering the previous day and his new life, such as it was. Calming down, Drake walked out of the glade, towards smoke he saw rising in the distance. He figured where there’s smoke there’s fire, and where there’s fire there’s probably something smart. Around noon that day Drake, grown hungrier and hungrier as time wore on, stopped at a stream, and was drinking his fill when he saw fish swimming in the currents. ‘Never much liked fish, but fishes are better than wishes,’ Drake thought, his stomach growling again, louder than any previous time. Drake set about attempting to catch some fish to eat. At first he tried to snag them with his claws, but was too clumsy to get close. The one time he did get one with his claws, it wiggled free. Next he tried to breathe fire on them, but discovered, much to his disappointment, that he couldn’t. Drake made a note to ponder that deficiency more once his hunger was sated. When roasting them didn’t work, Drake waded into the stream which came out to his chest, and started trying to snap them up with his jaws. After several unsuccessful attempts and one unwanted kiss with a couple of rocks, Drake managed to nab a fish. Throwing it onto the shore he followed it out of the water and flopped down. Recalling what he could about preparing fish Drake clumsily gutted it using one claw then stopped when he realized a serious problem in his plan to cook his hard earn meal. ‘I don’t have any fire to cook this on.’ Drake pondered this dilemma along with his lack of fire breathing. ‘Maybe I have to find someone to teach me how to breathe fire. That makes finding someone my first priority.’ Drake looked down at the fish again before shrugging and eating it raw. Discovering that it wasn’t terrible but actually somewhat enjoyable he waded back into the stream and caught several more. It was late afternoon by the time Drake finished his fishing. Since the stream seemed to be following down from the same general direction as the smoke, Drake continued along it till he found a place to sleep for the night. The next day Drake came upon a large field. As the sun warmed his scales his wings extended naturally reminding him of their existence. Deciding that the field offered a chance to practice, he began attempting to fly. By evening, he had a collection of new bruises but also very basic control of his wing muscles. While he couldn’t get very far airborne he was able to hover for an instant or two. On his fourth day in this new world, Drake awoke to the sound of roars and the flapping of massive wings. Looking up he saw an incomprehensible procession of dragons clouding the sky, all heading for towards the smoke he had been travelling towards for several days now. Deciding that this was exactly what he had been looking for, Drake took off running after them. He tried to get airborne whenever there was enough room for him to spread his wings. The entire day, Drake raced after the dragons, even as the head of the procession flew past the horizon more came. By evening, Drake reached the base of a volcano, which was the origin for the smoke he’d been heading towards his arrival. Drake collapsed at the base of the volcano exhausted by a day spent running stopping only to drink and eat some fruits he had seen growing along the way, calories are calories after all. “I’ll go up the volcano in the morning. For now rest,” He panted as he got comfortable, letting the sweet embrace of sleep claim him. When he woke the next morning dragons were still coming in, but now in small groups of two or three rather than the unending tide he had followed the day before. Shaking the sleep from his mind Drake tried once again to fly. Much to his surprise, each attempt made that morning came closer and closer to success. On a wild hunch, Drake climbed up the volcano a short way to find a place to jump from. Counting down Drake jumped and flapped for all he was worth. The fall turned into a hover. The hover became full on flight. Drake roared in triumph, laughing at the joy of having slipped the surly bonds of earth. Drake circled around getting the feel for flight as best he could before landing on the mouth of the crater. Before him was an expansive, mostly dormant, volcano crater filled with dragons of all shapes and sizes. ‘Well damn,’ Drake thought as he scanned his surroundings, analyzing the other dragons. Drake made himself comfortable where he’d landed, taking in the sights and trying to understand everything he could about the dragons. How they interacted. What they ate. How to breathe fire. One stunning realization he had as he did observed the dragons was how well he could see everything in the crater, and how the longer he surveyed the scene the degree to which details emerged, almost as if his eyesight was slowly improving just in the short hour or two that he spent watching. Then again maybe he was tapping into skills he didn’t know dragons had. During this time, he could not shake the feeling that all these dragons looked familiar, like he had seen them before. By comparing his size to that of the other dragons and their surroundings, Drake came to the conclusion, based on how big he estimated himself to be, roughly fifteen feet from tip to tail, four feet tall from ground to shoulder while standing on all fours, and roughly twelve feet tall standing on his hind legs, he was not a very large dragon. ‘Let’s see, since it seems I’m comparatively small, I’m forced to conclude that I possess the body of a juvenile by dragon standards,’ Drake though looking for someone closer to his own size. That way if thing went wrong he would have a better chance of getting away. As the sun reached its zenith, Drake’s stomach rumbled, sending a not so gentle reminder he hadn’t eaten much since his arrival. ‘Well there is a group of dragons around my size, if a bit smaller, by that stack of gems, so I guess I will see if they can assist me.’ ‘Wait…’ he thought as a feeling of deva vu crept over him. ‘Juvenile dragons around a pile of gems… I could swear I have seen this before.’ As he was racking his brain trying to figure it out, his stomach let out another rumble, urging him to find food. Rather than waste more time overthinking on an empty stomach, Drake jumped off the edge and glided down into the crater. Unfortunately for him, a gust of air caused by the difference in temperate between the lava pools and the atmosphere sent Drake crashing down in an ungraceful flop, landing right in one of said pools. ‘Note to self: crashing hurts. Avoid doing so in the future. Also remember lava doesn’t kill dragons.’ Getting out of the pool, Drake found himself at the foot of the gem pile. The six dragons he’d seen earlier quickly surrounded him, giving him a good look at them. There was a fat brown one with blue horns (Blue), a purple one with yellow hair (Hairy), a white one (Albino), a skinny grey one (Skinny), a chubby light purple one (Chubs), and then lastly a fairly buff red and orange one (Red) that seemed to be the leader. “Hey guys check out the newcomer,” Albino said as he saw Drake drag himself out of the lava pool. “Looks a little shrimpy to me,” Hairy said to the group with a chuckle as Drake stood unsteadily trying to recover from his crash. “How come we ain’t never seen you before, huh?” Blue asked hostilely once Drake reached to group. “What’s your name newbie?” Red asked, getting right up in Drake’s face for the question. “Nice crash by the way, who taught you to fly, a chicken?” Chubs taunted while Skinny made chicken noises. Drake took stock the dragons surrounding him: their attitude, apparent intelligence, or possible lack thereof, and possible advantages their strange plethora of body type might offer them, before quickly realizing something about them. “Dammit, now I know exactly where I am. Figures these would be the first examples of intelligent life I meet. A bunch of shitty ass punks without an enough sense between them to form a fully functioning individual. “What did you just call us newbie?” Red asked as the rest fell silent and glared at Drake. “I think he insulted us.” Hairy said, lifting his hair up to get a better look at Drake “Are you sure?” Blue asked looking around for confirmation from his friends “I said that aloud, didn’t I?” Drake asked noticing the angry looks the dragons surrounding his were sporting. Wondering if they had noticed he was bigger than they were. Well taller anyway. “Yeah,” Red said, cracking his knuckles, “Any last words before we teach you some manners?” Drake, right then and there, realized these punks planned to beat him to within an inch of his life, or maybe beyond. Never one to back down, Drake he did the only thing he could, he taunted. “Indeed. Do you know the average flight velocity of a swallow” Drake smiled, slipping into a crouch. Drake question caught the whelps surrounding him off guard letting him place the gem pile at his back so they couldn’t flank him. “What’s the flight velocity of a swallow got to do with anything?” Chubs, now the closest to Drake asked scratching his head. “Given your girth, I figured you’d know everything there was to know about swallowing.” “Huh?” “I’m calling you fat. Now quite, the grown-up is talking,” Drake said flatly, turning his attention to Red who was marching up to him. “I came here to get some questions answered; not to discipline the problem children. If you aren’t able to answer my questions, I’ll be on may way.” “No, I think not.” Red replied with his claws out and ready to strike. Drake understood the situation he’d found himself in and chose to act pre-emptively. He lashed out at Red attempting to claw him in the face, but having misjudged his balance and footing fell down and instead landed the blow on Red’s crouch. Red collapsed curling into a ball and crying from the pain. While Drake was on the ground, Chubs and Skinny dived towards him. Before they could land on him, Drake rolled out of the way and started to get up. Chubs and Skinny crashed in midair and landed on top of Red. Blue, Hairy and Albino began circling around their friends who were attempting to untangle themselves. Drake turned to face them wondering how Chubs and Skinny wound up on the ground. When Blue jumped at him, Drake caught his arms and they began to grapple. As they grappled Hairy and Albino tried to get behind Drake only to be smacked in the gut by his tail as it flailed around uncontrolled. As Hairy and Albino recovered from the unintentional gut shots, Blue managed to push Drake over to the lava pit he’d climbed out of. Suddenly, Drake tripped on some lava that had pooled when he got out of the pit, losing his grip. Blue chose that exact moment to throw all his weight into pushing Drake into the pit. Instead, Blue flew over him into the lava pit. Drake stood, shaking stars from his head after hitting it on the ground. Skinny rushed Drake, but missed him when Drake stumbled to the side at the last instant. Skinny sped past and crashed into Blue as he was getting out of the pool. Drake, once his head cleared, faced back towards the gem pile and the dragons waiting on him. Red was still curled up on the ground with Chubs standing over him attempting to help him. Albino and Harry were up and ready to rumble. Albino came first, and Drake stood ready to meet him. As they clashed, Albino got his arms around Drake’s waist. Before he could take advantage of his position Drake slammed an elbow down into Albino’s neck causing him to lose his grip. When Albino’s grip slacked Drake brought his knee up into Albino’s chest. There as a sickening crush and Albino dropped to the ground wheezing and making no effort to get up. Hairy stood back after seeing Albino’s fate and instead went for a ranged attack. He inhaled deeply and prepared to release a fire blast. Over where Red as slowly standing, with the help of Chubs, red lines leaked blood from his crotch. He turned to Chubs, pain and angry clouding his vision. “Where is he?” Red hissed through the pain “Right there,” Chubs said, pointing and using his free hand to turn Red’s head. “I’m going kill him,” Red grunted launching himself off with his wings. As Red launched himself Hairy exhaled sending fire to immolate Drake. Unfortunately as he exhaled Red passed directly between him and Drake and was hit in the back by the fire. While dragon scales have many wonderful resistance properties, dragon wings generally lack these advantages. Hairy and Chubs watched in horror as Red rolled on the ground trying to extinguish the magical dragon fire that consumed the thin membranes of his wings. Drake breathed a sigh of relief he hadn’t been hit by the fire blast. Albino wheezed on the ground, unable to see anything but still hearing Red’s pained screams. Skinny and Blue watched from the edge of the lava pit cringing. “Shh, shh it’s all over now,” Drake said softly as he crouched down near the prone and writhing Red’s head. Red tried to roll over to see Drake only to be stopped by a claw grasping the base of his skull. Red froze as he felt Drake’s breath on the back of his neck. He starting crying, fear working its icy grip into his heart, as fire died slowly consuming the last of his wings. “No need to cry. The pain will be gone soon,” Drake whispered softly. Red felt jaws clamp down on his neck and sever his spine. Everything ceased to have feeling. Straining his eyes, he could see Drake’s razor sharp fangs piercing his neck. Though he couldn’t feel it he watched as the jaws moved biting deeper. Something liquid tickled past his jaw. Looking down, he saw his blood pooling before him. Then everything started to lose focus, the world became blurry and indistinct before simply ceasing to be. Drake stood up, wiping the blood from his jaws. Reds corpse lay on the ground its neck broken and jugular severed. The Hairy and Chubs tensed, as if preparing to fight, then fell to their knees limply, Albino continued to wheeze, his breath growing softer with each passing moment, and Skinny and Blue slowly pulled themselves out of the pool. Drake surveyed the beasts before him and knew that they were beat. Seeing that the threats were eliminated he started giving orders “You help those to get out of the pool, you help wheezy here. If you don’t do something soon I think he’ll die too,” Drake said to Hairy and Chubs in turn. They jumped up and did as he asked. After Albino was rolled onto his back to remove the pressure from his broken ribs, Chubs flew away seeking an elder that could help him. The others sat in a semi-circle near the lava pit, cringing when Drake approached them. “Now you are going to share some information with me, and you’re not going to hold anything back, right?” Drake said doing his best to project an air of intimidation. The dragons before him all nodded energetically. Drake smiled as he asked his first question. > *Chapter 3: Seized > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 – Seized “A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people.” - Frederick Douglass Drake stared off into the distance, his face scrunched up in concentration as he digested the information the juvenile dragons provided him. He’d interrogated them for several hours before stopping to think on what they said. Red’s corpse lay nearby where he had fallen. Albino was on his back. After the elders had refused to provide aid, the others did their best to help, but they didn’t know how to provide the aid he needed. Every now and then Drake addressed them seeking clarification which only hampered their efforts by distracting them. “Okay, so let me get this straight,” Drake said. “This place it Layover Crater. It is located in Equestria. This place only exists due to some Pony Princesses bribing dragons to use this place rather than risk them terrorizing the countryside during the migration happening right now.” The beaten beasts quickly nodded affirmatively. They turned back to helping their friend, but were interrupted again. “According to you, as a dragon, I can eat anything I can get my teeth on, but only gemstones and meat provide the nutrients I need to grow and get stronger.” The delinquents nodded again and Drake fell silent. After about half an hour Drake spoke to them again. “Just to clarify, my growth is fueled by two attributes you called Greed and Need, right?” The juveniles looked up for a moment and nodded. “Now, as I fuel or give in to my Greed I’ll lose intelligence and self-control, but gain size and strength, while my need will cause my body to change gradually but permanently to better suit the environments I spend most of my time in.” “Yes sir, Drake sir,” Hairy said, his voice quivering as he hoped perhaps this intruder would finally leave them to tend to their friend. “Although you need a hoard to gain strength through Greed--otherwise you have nothing to fuel it, the size of the hoard will act as a limit on the amount of strength Greed gives you. If there are other dragons around, their presence can also help keep you in check-- otherwise you become a raging brute your strength limited only by your hoard.” Rather than give the dragons what they wanted Drake continued talking. “Okay, now that we have reviewed basic survival and anatomy, time for politics. You said Equestria was a moderately sized nation. Ruled by ponies who are led by a goddess that is said to move the sun and moon, it is the only stable nation in the world. Furthermore it has strict laws that ensure ‘harmony’ is maintained. Meanwhile, the land outside Equestria tends to be wild and is inhabited by griffins, minotaurs, diamond dogs, dragons and a host of other creatures.” “Ye-yes, sir,” Blue answered silently pleading to whoever would listen that Drake was done talking to them. Fortunately it seemed someone was listening. “Ight, thanks for your help. Good luck saving your friend.” With that Drake turned and started walking away. While on the outside he had remained harsh and cold in order to keep control over the young drakes, being a brony and confirming he was in Equestria had caused him to smile inwardly. Learning about the rest of the world had piqued his curiosity. ‘What to do, what to do?’ He thought to himself. ‘It’s the middle of the dragon migration. Since I didn’t see Spike and his Crackle costumed stalkers, there is a chance that I could meet them sometime soon, but from what they were saying about the lands outside Equestria…hmm. The chance to see beyond what was shown, but the loss of meeting the Mane Six… Of course, since I am here with knowledge about things that haven’t happened yet, I could affect the course of events, but should I? When you add in the effects of Greed and Need, I wonder…’ As he walked towards the crater wall, Drake wondered if he could control his Greed. Cut it on and off as he needed to use it while maintaining his current levels of mental acuity. After a long internal debate Drake decided that the possibility likely existed, but the risk of losing his mind to Greed was too great to remain in Equestria. Chances were high any experiment could end in a rampage, and any rampage would likely end in his death. ‘If I am going to get control of this Greed stuff I need to one: get out of Equestria, and two: find someone to help me…but who?’ While pondering who might be able to help him, Drake reached the crater wall and discovered that it was too steep for him to climb. ‘Looks like I need to learn how to do a proper take-off rather than that jump start I did today.’ Rather than start right then Drake, noticing the sun was finishing its decent, decided to bed down for the night. Drake found an overhang along the crater wall that he could fit comfortably under and quickly fell asleep. * * * * * * * * * * * * “Huzzah! This is awesome!” Drake yelled finally taking flight after several hours of crashes and flailing about during which he earned a new collection of bruises and busted scales. Drake unsteadily winged his way out of the volcano and landed at the top of the crater’s lip, basking in the radiance of his first flight. When he looked down the side of the volcano he saw a small purple and green dragon with a checkered bindle stick running towards the lip he was resting on, eager as can be. ‘And we find someone who was in the full grasp of Greed with nothing to restrain him, and yet ultimately regained control of himself. Someone who wants to know what it is to be a dragon. Spike my friend I believe I can help you,’ Drake though grinning fiendishly as he put his newly formulated plan into action. Drake settled in near the rim of the crater, pretending to be asleep, but watching as Spike ran up the volcano. When Spike finally reached the top panting, trying to catch his breath as he took in the sights before him, Drake spoke up. “Hello, who’s this now?” Drake said, raising his head from his crossed arms and giving Spike a quizzical look. “Huh, oh hi,” Spike panted caught off guard by Drake. “Well you see I’m on a quest of discovery to learn my heritage, learn what it means to be a real dragon.” “What are you saying? ‘Learn what is means to be a real dragon, you are a dragon are you not?” Drake asked, exaggerating his movements as he looked Spike over as if seeking some sign that he wasn’t a dragon. “The thing is… You see… Um…” Spike stuttered not sure if he should tell this stranger about himself. “Are you a newt? A lizard? A Catamawhoppous?” Drake asked, trying to get Spike to say what he needed to be able to steer him away from the crater and onto the path Drake wanted for him. “A what? No, I am a dragon. It just that I was just raised in Ponyville, by ponies,” Spike replied, having decided there was no need to fear the stranger before him. “And you think that the dragons down there will help you learn what it means to be a dragon rather than what is means to be a pony?” Drake sneered. “Well yeah why wouldn’t they, heck some even look my age.” Spike said pointing to the group Drake a fought the previous day. “I can give you several very good reasons why not to go down there. Firstly, I’m guessing you’re what seven or eight years old-“ “I’m sixteen,” Spike corrected angrily serious, why did everypony always treat him like you was a baby. Twilight’d reassured him, repeatedly that he just needed to wait for a growth spurt. “Oh then reason one: your age group in there is obnoxious, unhelpful, twice your size, and busy nursing wounds to body and pride.” “What?!” Spike said at once surprised and, he wasn’t sure but possibly insulted. “And reason two: for a sixteen year old dragon you are puny, weak, and unintimidating.” “Hey!” Spike squawked angrily now sure he was being insulted. Drake ignored him and continued onward. “Three: you hail from Ponyville. Do you really think that these dragons are going to accept you, a shrimp raised by nambe-pambe ponies?” “Don’t you dare insult my friends!” Spike barked, angry the first dragon he’d ever talked to was bashing him, his friends, and his home. “Lastly: I can teach you everything they know, and things no other dragon does, without those prejudices.” Drake then rose and began walking away, hoping Spike would take the baited hook dangling before him. “Wait, you’re going to insult me then offer to teach me everything I want to know? Just what kind of game are you playing?” Spike called out, running to get in front of Drake. “Yes, yes I am.” Drake replied, stepping around Spike and continuing around the mountain. “What’s the catch? Why would you make this kind of offer after warning me that the other dragons would mistreat me?” Spike asked, suspicious of this shady character that was drawing him in with each passing moment. “Like I said, I don’t have the same prejudices the other dragons have. Like you, I was not born or raise among them. I would be happy to teach you what it means to be a dragon, a true dragon, a majestic, powerful and respected creature. Of course there is a catch, something in it for me. Nothing in the world is free after all” Drake said smiling. “So you can teach me what it means to be a dragon?” Spike asked, fiddling the hobo stick in his hands. “Indeed I shall teach you what it means to be majestic, noble, powerful, respected, and even how to control your Greed.” “My Greed can be controlled…?” a stunned Spike asked, taking a moment to consider some of the implications “You’ve done it before; don’t you remember? Day after your birthday, you went wild then came back for Rarity.” “How do you know about that?! Have you been spying on me?!” Drake smirked. “Come with me and find out, or go home and wonder forever what could have been.” After a few moments thought Spike had made his decision. “Okay, I will come with you. Give me a moment to take care of some business.” “Sure, when you get done just hop on my back and we will set off.” Spike, now confused, curious, scared and a bit excited, ran off to relieve himself. As Drake waited, he saw an eight legged, bejeweled abomination of a dragon costume coming up the mountain. When the costumed Spike stalkers reached him, Drake couldn’t resist messing with them for coming after Spike. Especially when they’d promised to let him go on his own. Seriously, what kind of friends doesn’t let someone go on a potentially fatal journey of self-discovery on their own? That’s the whole point. “Good afternoon ladies, that’s a wonderful dragon costume you have there. Why, ya’ll look just like Crackle. I hope you enjoy your stay here at Layover Crater, although in your case I suggest you stay out of the pool.” Drake looked Twilight in the eye and snapped his jaw shut just an inch from her face. Twilight wanted to scream, to run, the wet herself, but did none of these things. Rather, she was petrified by her fear and sat there her eyes locked with Drake’s. As he was staring her down, Spike returned and hopped onto his back. “Okay I am ready to go. Oh hey, who you talking to?” “No one important,” Drake replied as he began pumping his wings. “Hold on tight, this is only my third time flying.” “What!? This is only your--” Spike screamed as Drake achieved lift off and flew towards to north-west. Meanwhile, on the ground inside a dragon costume, three very scared mares were just recovering from what they believed to be a near death experience. “Are you girls okay?” Twilight Sparkle asked. Her life finished flashing before her eyes. “Yeah I’m all good, although I told you this disguise wouldn’t fool anyone,” Rainbow Dash replied, her bravado quickly returning. “I’m fine Twilight. And Rainbow, he said that we look just like Crackle, so it can’t be that bad a costume,” Rarity retorted. “Yeah? Then how did he know who we were, little miss glitter pants?” Before Rarity could reply, Twilight had a stunning realization. “Did you girls see Spike on his back when he took off?” “Now that you mention it,” Rainbow said, realizing she had indeed heard Spike’s voice. “Oh dear, Spikey-wikey is with that cruel dragon,” Rarity said, her voice trembling as if she was about to go into hysterics. She ripped the costume off the trio and said in a commanding voice, “Quickly Rainbow, after them!” “Right,” Rainbow saluted before taking off…and crashing into a dragon flying overhead. Upon seeing Rainbow’s collision, Twilight noticed a large number of dragons closing in on them. They’d evidently been drawn by the sounds of Rarity’s yelling and were more than happy to partake of a pony buffet. Twilight screamed the only logical thing that came to mind, “Run!” > *Chapter 4: Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Answers “I do like to shock and surprise people. When it's all in good fun, of course.” Ruth Warrick As Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity ran, flew, teleported, hid and otherwise attempted to flee from the dragons chasing them, Drake and Spike flew through the skies, gliding on thermals. As the enjoyed the wind rushing through their scales, Drake called back to his passenger, “So Spike, why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself.” “Well what do you want to know about me? Seems to me like you already know more than you should,” Spike said cautiously. “Why don’t you begin with the beginning; that should be enough to keep us occupied until we land.” “Are you sure? I’m not really that interesting.” “Ah, but you know nothing about me. Perhaps I shall be entertained and intrigued by the life of a dragon raised by ponies; just don’t be surprised if I ask questions for clarification.” “Okay. Hey, what did you say your name was?” “I didn’t, but its Drake, Drake Rex.” “That’s a little strange, isn’t drake the word for a male dragon? Aren’t I a drake?” “Yes I suppose that is true, but we are discussing your life story, not mine,” Drake said while thinking, ‘That damn star sure has a sense of irony doesn’t it.’ “Well okay, I started as a cute little purple and green egg…” Spike quickly fell into telling of his story and throughout the day the two dragons continued to wing their way west. As Spike spun his tale, Drake laughed at the young dragon’s antics and asked questions about things he hadn’t seen watching the show. The only interruption they suffered was when Spike burped up a letter which was lost in the winds and fell to the ground. “And finally, I met you outside the volcano,” Spike said, finishing his story as the sun began to sink beyond the horizon. “Well that is quite the interesting story. I believe I now know enough to teach you what you need to know about being a dragon; I’ve about put together a plan for controlling our Greed as well. For now keep a sharp eye out on the ground, I could use help finding a place for us to spend the night.” “Ok, anything in particular?” “A five star hotel with all you can eat buffets and mints on the pillow would be nice, but failing that a cave or someplace with water.” “Okay,” Spike replied, chuckling as he began scanning the ground. Drake had seemed a bit odd at first but after spending the day with him Spike felt he was an okay kind of pony, or dragon. Definitely okay kind of dragon. A short while later, he spotted a lake to the south of their current course. “Hey I see a lake down there, off to the left. Does that work?” “Where?” Drake asked, trying to spot the lake Spike mentioned. “Right over there, surrounded by those trees. See it?” Drake scanned where Spike was pointing, not seeing a thing until he noticed the setting sun glinting off something near the horizon. “Is that it, back there towards the horizon?” “Yeah, see it now?” “Yep, that looks perfect; hang on for a course change.” Drake banked left. Within the hour they touched down on the banks of the lake. Spike jumped down and stumbled, his legs having fallen asleep from the long flight. “Go ahead and walk that off. I’m gonna go cool off in the lake.” Drake slid into the lake, sighing contently as its water lapped at his flight muscles cooling them after a long day of work. ‘I’m surprised I was able to fly for so long. Must be a natural thing for dragons,’ He thought as he lazed about in the water Once feeling returned to his legs, Spike walked to the edge of the water and called out to Drake. “Hey, are we going to do anything for dinner? I’m getting hungry and it’s getting late.” Drake thought for a moment before he felt a fish nibble at his dangling toes. “Yeah, you get some wood for a fire and stone to make a fire circle, so we don’t burn down the forest. I doubt that would end very well. I’m going to get us some fish.” “I was thinking gems. I don’t eat meat.” “There’s a first time for anything. Plus, this can serve as your first lesson in being a dragon.” “I’m not sure. If I start eating meat-” “Time for dragon biology lesson number one,” Drake said, mentally kicking himself for not thinking about how hard this would be. “Dragons can eat pretty much anything, but not everything is equal. Plant based food doesn’t provide any nutrition, although it will fill you up. Gems and metals affect the growth of scales and inherent magical abilities, such as our flight and, supposedly, our fire, while meat fuels our growth and strength. From now on you’re getting meat in your diet,” Drake said carefully noting Spike’s reactions. Spike shifted uneasily. “So the reason I haven’t grown any in years is because I haven’t been eating meat?” “Exactly, for a sixteen year old dragon you’re small and weak. Even the growth and strength from your last birthday was purely the result of your Greed fueled by magic.” “But is I start eating meat… What I’m trying to say is… That is… Won’t I become a pony eating monster like other dragons? If that’s the case, I refuse. I agreed to come with you to become strong to protect, not harm,” Spike said angrily, turning away from Drake. “Calm down Spike,” Drake said softly. “I have no intention of making you eat anything capable of doing math.” “Really?” Spike said curiously, still uncertain about the prospect of eating meat. “But I was told that most dragons eat ponies and such. How do I know this isn’t a trick?” “Perhaps your typical dragon would, but, by now, you’ve realized I’m not a normal dragon,” Drake said with a smirk, watching the gears turn in Spike’s head. “Then what kind of dragon are you?” Spike asked suspicion creeping into this voice. “I’ll make you a deal Spike, but first get the fire started while I catch us some fish.” “Well…. alright,” Spike said still uncertain but deciding if he had trusted Drake so far a bit more wouldn’t hurt him. Both began going about their task. Drake swam through the lake, attempting to catch fish at different spots. Meanwhile, Spike found enough rocks for the fire-ring, and then wandered the surrounding forest for wood. With the sun nearly below the horizon, Drake climbed out of the lake carrying several fish in his claws and one stuck on a spine. ‘Finally caught the slippery bastards,’ he thought as he walked over to where Spike had piled the rocks and several trips worth of wood. ‘Hope he gets the fire started soon…where is he anyway?’ “Spike! Hey Spike! I got dinner, get the fire started so it will be ready by the time I am done prepping it.” “I’m coming. Hold your hooves,” Spike said ,coming out of the forest carrying a bundle of sticks in one hand and dragging log three times his size behind him. “See I am not a puny weakling, I pulled that all the way here.” “I never said you were.” “Yes you did.” “I said for a sixteen year old you were; not for your current size.” “So you are saying I am puny strongling?” “Yeah, I guess.” “Okay then,” Spike muttered, moving into the campsite and building the fire like he had seen the buffalo build theirs. The whole time he kept his eyes of Drake. A short distance away Drake used his claws to slit the fish open and clean the guts and other entrails out for them. Once he had all the entrails removed, he set the fish on a large rock by the fire. He then took the entrails and buried them, like he remembered people doing in the novels he’d read. Spike continued to add wood to the fire as he kept his eyes on Drake. When Drake returned from burying the fish guts he said nothing, averting his eyes to focus on the fire. Spike didn’t turn them back to Drake until he heard him messing with the wood, and the next he knew Drake had impaled the fish mouth first upon sticks. Too curious to keep quiet, Spike was the first to break the silence, “What are you doing with the fish, why are they on those sticks?” “Simple, I like cooked meat, and this is the most effective way to do it. Watch.” Drake began setting the sticks into the ground around the fire. “See, now the fish can cook without us having to hold it the whole time.” “Ok, so what is this deal you mentioned?” Spike asked, getting antsy as it was now dark, and aside from the fire the only light outside was the stars and a crescent moon. “We need a map, and some information about where we are heading. You happen to have the ability to send and receive mail. You’re part is to send Twilight a letter; after all, I’m sure that she’s worried about you. In the letter, you can say most anything you want, but you will need to request at the very least a map and information about the land outside of Equestria.” “And in return?” Spike expected something big, something serious. “In return I will tell my life story, during which you may ask as many questions as you desire.” “Okay. I accept,” Spike said. He was more than willing to take that deal, writing a letter would be a piece of cake. “I should warn you, there isn’t much known about the world outside of Equestria,” Spike mentioned casually, remembering all the times he had sorted books in the library. “Can’t be helped. Go and compose your letter; I’ll tend to the fish.” “And you promise eating it won’t turn me into a pony eating monster?” “Promise.” “Okay, let’s take care of that letter. I think I have a scroll and some ink in my knapsack.” * * * * * * * * * * * Elsewhere, as the setting sun painted the sky orange and red, three tired, slightly scorched, and ragged ponies approached the doors to the Ponyville library. Twilight and Rarity trudged on the ground as Rainbow Dash hovered alongside them. Twilight held her head low. Rarity fussed over the scorch marks and soot marring her coat. Rainbow’s wings were missing a few feathers, her fur more scorched than the others, and she kept glancing around, keeping closer to the ground than her norm. Once they reached the door, Twilight opened it with her telekinesis and the others followed her in. “You can wait over there; I’ll get us something to drink,” Twilight said morosely, motioning for Rarity and Rainbow to sit down amongst the bean bag chairs set aside for guests. Before Twilight could continue on into the kitchen, Rarity intercepted her. “No way Twilight! You saved us for those terrifying dragons. You go, sit down, and I’ll get us all something to drink,” Rarity said leaving no room for argument, “And while I am doing that, tell Rainbow Dash where the first aid kit is. That way we can take care of the burns and scrapes we got from that dreadful encounter.” Twilight nodded meekly and sat in one of the beanbag chairs, as she told Rainbow where to find the first-aid kit. A short time later Rainbow came down the stairs, first-aid kit between her teeth. As she was laying it down on the table, Rarity returned from the kitchen floating three glasses and a pitcher of water with her. “Here you go,” Rarity said, giving Twilight a glass, “drink this; it will help you feel better.” “Uh-huh,” Twilight replied, taking the glass into her telekinetic field without looking up. “Please cheer up Twilight. You saved our lives today. Having me use my gem finder spell then teleporting the nearby gems into a pile to distract the dragons while we made our escape was ingenious,” Rarity said, lifting Twilight’s head up to look her in the eye. “Hey, don’t forget my part,” Rainbow said, “I spent a good ten to fifteen minutes flying around distracting those dragons while you two gathered those gems.” Rainbow flew around the room with some flips and stunts, right until she crashed into a bookshelf. But even as it fell over Twilight hardly stirred, rather she lifted to bookcase off Rainbow and set it right, leaving the books where they had fallen. “Rainbow! Are you okay?” Rarity rushed over, helping Rainbow out of the books. “Yeah, yeah I am fine,” Rainbow said, standing up and shaking off the crash when Rarity brushed a burn from dragon’s fire. Despite her best effort to suppress the pain, Rainbow gasped loudly. “Rainbow what’s wrong?” Rarity asked, afraid she’d hurt Rainbow somehow. Looking at where she’d touched, Rarity remembered the encounter had not left them entirely injury free. “It’s time we took care of those burns.” As she walked Rainbow over a beanbag near Twilight, Rarity began pulling out burn ointments and bandages from the first-aid kit. “Hey Twilight, how did you know the dragons would go for the gems instead of continuing to chase us?” Rainbow asked as the bandages and ointment hovered around the trio in Rarity’s levitation field, applying themselves to the injuries. “Well honestly, it was purely a guess,” Twilight said, looking up to reply to Rainbow. “Dragons like shiny, precious things, are highly competitive, and… and…” Twilight began to tear up, “And gems were Spiiiiike’s favorite foooood!” The floodgates opened and Twilight broke down, burying her head into her seat. “Twilight, honey, don’t… don’t cry,” Rarity sniffled, trying to hold back what was coming. “I’m sure that we’ll g-get Spikey-Wikey baaaaaaaaaaack!” Rarity joined Twilight, tears pouring out of her eyes as she fell onto a fainting couch that appeared out of nowhere. Rainbow began to tear up, but refusing to drop her tough mare act, opted for a different route. “I could have caught them if that stupid costume hadn’t slowed me down,” she complained, tears beginning to leak down her face. “It is not the costume’s fault Rainbow,” Rarity said, her tears drying once her work was insulted. “None of us could have done anything. Without that costume we would have been dead before we reached the volcano.” “Yeah, the costume worked wonders; it really fooled the dragon that took Spike away.” “Well I… You see…” “Stop it girls, fighting won’t bring him back.” Rarity and Rainbow Dash turned to see Twilight had stopped crying, although her body language told them she was still depressed. “In fact, nothing will.” “Twilight, darling, you don’t mean to say you’re giving up do you?” “Yeah Twilight, quitting is for losers, and you are NOT a loser.” “Maybe I am,” she replied sullenly, “I lost Spike after all.” As the tears began to well up once again, Rarity rushed over to Twilight, embracing her. “There, there,” Rarity said, stroking Twilight’s mane. “I am sure we will find a way to save him and bring him home.” As she continued to comfort her, Rarity signaled for Rainbow Dash to join her and Twilight. When Rainbow baulked, Rarity steeled her gaze, a dark fire entering her shadowy eyes like a being of pure evil was taking roost. Rather than discover what evil would befall her if she continued to refuse, Rainbow joined in, doing her best to comfort the crying unicorn. As they girls were locked in the group hug, a wisp of smoke came into the library unnoticed... Until it started to swirl before Twilight. A moment later, it coalesced into a roll of parchment, and fell to the ground. “What th-” “Pick it up Twilight, it must be important,” Rarity said, wondering where it could’ve come from. “Okay, okay.” Twilight grasped the scroll with her magic, unrolled it at eye level, and read its message aloud for all to hear. “From Spike to Twilight Sparkle,” “It’s from Spike! Is he ok? Does he need rescuing?” Rainbow Dash was in the air, ready to go despite the day’s events. “Yes, is little Spikey-Wikey injured? If that mean thieving blue dragon has done anything to hurt Spike I’ll make him rue the day! Rue the day!” “Quiet girls, if you would let me keep reading.” “Oh course, please continue.” From Spike to Twilight Sparkle, Hey Twilight! I am having fun on my quest of self-discovery. I hope everything in Ponyville is going well. This morning, I met this really interesting dragon named Drake. It’s an odd name but he’s been real informative. He’s a bit vague about himself, but promised to tell me more after I sent this letter. He’s offered to teach me about being a dragon, and even how to master my greed. I think he needs my help to do that though I am not sure why. Anyway, Drake tells me because of the risks involved we have to leave Equestria. I was hoping you could send us a copy of the world map and any information you have on the lands beyond Equestria. Your Number One Assistant Spike “So Spike is ok,” Rainbow said, lowering herself to the ground. “And he’s leaving Equestria,” Rarity said, sniffling. “It seems that way girls, and he isn’t coming back anytime soon.” Twilight looked over the letter again, her whole manner changing from sad to determine. “He won’t be back anytime soon, but he still needs my help.” Twilight began running around the library sorting through books, making copies of this and that in a whirlwind of activity. “I think it’s best we go Rainbow, lest we get in her way,” Rarity said, nudging Rainbow towards the door. “Twilight, we’re going home but we’ll be back tomorrow to check on you.” “Uh? Oh, ok,” Twilight replied without turning from what she was doing. “See you then.” Once outside the library Rainbow turned to Rarity. “Do you think it’s safe to leave her alone tonight after everything that happened today?” “Before she got Spike’s letter I would’ve agreed that we should stay with her, but she is going to be so focused on getting things together for Spike that we would just get in the way. Go home and heal up. Tomorrow morning we’ll meet here and see how she is doing.” “Ok, see you tomorrow.” Rainbow took off towards her cloud house, and Rarity walked back to her boutique. In the library, Twilight continued to work at a feverish pace until she passed out for exhaustion brought on by the day’s events. * * * * * * * * * * * “And that is how we met,” Drake said, finished telling Spike his story, unedited and uncensored. “Now you know the whole truth about me. It’s time to rest. Go to bed, and sleep on everything I’ve told you this evening. If you still want me to, I will begin teaching you in the morning.” “But, but, wait if you’re…then how…and…” Spike stuttered, still trying to process everything Drake had said. “Go to sleep. We’ll talk more in the morning,” Drake said as he settled down to sleep. Spike soon followed, and within minutes both dragons were sound asleep, the moon and stars watching over them. > *Chapter 5: Discovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Five: Discovery “The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Marcel Proust The next day started as any other. In Canterlot, Celestia raised the sun as Luna lowered the moon. One waking from her sweet dreams and the other beginning her slumber. The elites continued sleeping, never ones to wake early. The working ponies rose, or were already up, preparing for another day at their jobs, many doing what they loved, but envying the rich and famous none the less. In Ponyville, the Apple family was already up and about its business. The Cakes and their apprentice were preparing for the morning rush by baking bagels, muffins, cinnamon buns and the like. Fluttershy woke to a rooster and began her routine of caring for her animal friends. Rarity slept, her mask and drapes fending off the sun’s light. Rainbow Dash snoozed, head hidden under Wonderbolt sheets, oblivious to the dawn. In the library Twilight fought on the edge of consciousness to return to dream land, but the sunlight would soon bring her into the realm of the waking. Near a lake in the woods, two dragons stirred. Rather, one dragon stirred and the other moaned, hoping to preserve his dreams moment longer. “Wake up Spike, today we start training,” Drake said as he sat up and stretched, spying Spike near the remains of the fire. “Five more minutes Twilight, just five more minutes,’’ Spike yawned, rolling away from Drake. Drake sighed, picked Spike up, and began walking towards the lake. “You aren’t in Ponyville any more Spike. It’s time to wake up and see the world.” Stopping on the edge of the lake, he drew his arm back and heaved the little dragon into the water. One splash later, a scream of shock rang out into the forest. “Ah, that’s cold!” Spike flailed about in the water, trying to get his bearings after the rude awakening. “What the hay!” “If you don’t wake with the sun, you get to wake with a swim. If you can swim to shore on your own you can ask me one question. If not you will go hungry this morning,” Drake said from the shore behind Spike. “But I don’t know how to swim!” Spike yelled, splashing about in the water trying to keep his head from going under. “Then learn,” Drake said as he jumped into the water and swam over to Spike. “Today is training day one. I will not be nice. I will not be your friend when I am trying to teach you something. You’re going to learn because if you don’t someone else might pay the price. This may seem cruel, but this way you won’t forget.” “But what do you know about being a dragon? You’re some kind of alien here ‘cause you messed up!” Spike yelled, remembering Drake’s story from the earlier night. “True, but I know some about this world, and I always have liked dragons, even if they were just myth. Besides, I didn’t mess up. I made a wish. It was granted, just in an unexpected fashion,” Drake said as he swam around Spike, making sure to exaggerate his motions in hopes Spike would pick up on how he was swimming. “Now pay attention. If you want breakfast you’re going to have to swim to shore.” “But I already told you, I don’t know how!” Spike fumed as he watched Drake doing laps around him with no visible effort. “Well, you have already mastered not drowning, since you’re treading water.” “Huh, what do you mean?” Spike asked, confused until he took a moment to think about what he was doing. He noticed his arms and legs moving in circles, keeping his head above water. “How I am doing this?” “It could just be natural talent, or it could be Need,” Drake said, pausing to tread water in front of Spike, losing himself in his thoughts. “Okay,” Spike said after a moment, “you have mentioned this ‘need’ several times now but how does it work?” “If you can swim to shore you can ask one question, so let use that one. I’ll tell you about Need if you make it. Now, I recommend you pay attention and do as I do,” Drake said, looking Spike straight in the eye to see his response. When Spike nodded, Drake began swimming around Spike, talking him through everything he was doing twice. He then swam to shore while calling back, “You’ve gotten your instruction, now put it into practice.” Spike watched and listened to everything Drake did. When Drake began swimming to the shore Spike tried to follow. After several unsuccessful attempts to swim, Spike was able to move forward with a slow and steady doggy paddle using his tail to steer himself through the water. Eventually Spike reached the shore and crawled up off the beach, exhausted by the swim. “That wasn’t so bad now was it?” asked Drake as he stood over Spike’s gasping form. “I suppose you want me to explain how Need works to you then?” “Yes…. Please…,” Spike said, panting from exhaustion. “Okay, sit up and pay attention.” Drake grabbed a large flat rock and a bit of charcoal from the remains of the campfire. “As I explained, there are two growth forces in dragons: Greed and Need.” Drake drew to intersecting circles, labeling them as he went. Spike scrunched his face in confusion at the script Drake was using, but said nothing. “You already know Greed causes you to grow. It is effected by the size of your hoard, and generally improves your physical attributes at the cost of intelligence.” Drake wrote this in the area inside to circle labeled ‘Greed’. “On the other hand, Need causes changes to your body that give you an improved or new abilities to complete tasks such as travelling, swimming, fighting, seeing, hearing, etc.” Drake wrote several of these things inside to circle labeled ‘Need’. ”Now both of these cause your body to change, but the permanency of the change is the greatest difference between the two. Greed is technically temporary. Its effects changing with the size of your hoard or the presence of other Dragons. Need on the other hand is permanent. Though, to be honest, I’m not sure how normal growth factors into all this.” “So what does throwing me into the lake have to do with any of this?’” “Simple: both Greed and Need require some form of catalyst to start them working.” Drake wrote several terms in the middle of the two circles. “A mental, physical, and emotional trigger for the change. For Greed, the triggers are usually related to materials such as possessions, while Need is usual triggered by environmental factors. Events or trends that require a change to survive. For example the need to travel a long distances or escape something bigger or stronger.” Drake realized it was a very good thing he had pumped those punks for information the other day. “This doesn’t explain why you threw me into the lake,” Spike said, intrigued by what he was learning, but still upset about how he was woken up. It didn’t help that he couldn’t read a thing Drake was writing. “Simple Spike, we are going into a potentially dangerous part of the world. If you want to survive you are going to have to get bigger, stronger, and be able to fly.” “So throwing me into the lake was…” “A trigger to get you to start changing. A message to your body that you need to change for the better. Get stronger, get bigger. At least, I hope it will, plus exercise is never a bad thing.” “Okay, so what else will this training entail?” Now that he understood why things happened, Spike was more receptive to Drake’s offer, but still felt hesitant. “Well, more swimming, some sparring, tests to get basic necessities that can’t be accomplished without one or more of the things we are trying to change. You are going to also be testing me.” “Why--what--that wasn’t part of the deal! How I am supposed to test you?” “Simple: I need you to teach me how to breathe fire, spar with me so that I learn to fight with this body, and ask questions,” Drake said, staring down at Spike. “Do you still want to go with me, or do you wish to return home?” Spike thought it over for a moment, considering what Drake was offering--a chance to improve himself so he could protect his friends. A chance to be more than a liability, more than a mailbox. “I’ll stay. Make me strong, help me fly, and I’ll do you anything you want.” “Alrighty then,” Drake said placing the rock down. “I am going to get some fish; go ahead and start another fire. Once we eat, we’ll do some more training until Twilight sends you that map and any other stuff.” Spike went rigid as an important realization hit him like a ton of bricks falling from a pegasus carriage. Drake noticed and asked what was wrong, concerned about why Spike froze up. “I just realized that Twilight doesn’t know how to send me stuff with magic like the princess does,” Spike answered, rubbing the back of his head, “and I don’t think that the spell is in any of the books she has either.” “Well then, I guess you’re going to write a letter from Twilight to Princess Celestia, aren’t you? “What--how--what am I even suppose say!?” Spike was nearly speechless. Lie to Princess!? And about Twilight!? “Simple: you have written plenty of letters in the past. You should have an idea of how Twilight thinks. Just start it like any other, then say, as Twilight, you are wondering if she could send the spell she uses to have you, Spike, receive her letters because ‘Spike is starting to grow up and she wants to be able to communicate to the Princess through you even when separated.’ Or something to that effect,” Drake said, waving his hand as he slipped into the lake. “I guess I can do that.” “Good, now write that letter, send it, and rebuild the fire so we can have breakfast. I’m gonna get us some food,” Drake said, submerging himself to find the fish. * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile in Canterlot, Celestia was looking over proposals, requests, reports, laws and even an occasional love letter for an adoring subject when a scroll materialized in front of her. It floated momentarily then fell among her other papers. ‘Oh, a letter for Twilight. I wonder what she’s learned about friendship this time. Besides, this will be the perfect distraction from all this tedious paperwork,’ Celestia thought giddily as she unrolled the scroll with her telekinesis and began reading. “Dear Princess Celestia, I am sorry this is not a friendship report, but I promise one is coming soon; instead, I need to ask if you can send me instruction for a spell. The instructions I need, if it is not too much trouble, are for the spell you use to send messages to Spike. Since moving to Ponyville, Spike and I are spending more and more time separated, and sometimes he isn’t there right when I have something to send you. I have also observed several cases where the ability for Spike and I to send messages between each other would have been useful. A perfect example is the time Rarity was captured by Diamond Dogs, despite Spike’s heroic efforts, and he had to run all the way back to town to find me. I believe this spell would be an invaluable tool for me and Spike. I would be very very very grateful, and I promise my report is coming soon. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle ‘That was different from her usual letter, but it is good to see she is still looking to expand her horizons and is learning to think about others. I can see how being in a place where they can make new friends could cause them to be spending some time apart. I hope she doesn’t let their relationship fall by the wayside, but I doubt she could ever do that to Spike,’ Celestia though, pulling a blank sheet of parchment from a nearby stack and dipping her quill in ink. ‘The spell she asked for is so useful. I can understand why Twilight would want to learn it, although it does suffer the drawback of requiring a dragon to act as either the receiver or the sender,’ Celestia thought as she wrote down the spell with every bit of information she could remember offhand. Before sending it, she included a short note asking about how Spike was and if the Great Dragon Migration was affecting him any. Placing her seal on the scroll, Celestia ignited it, sending the spell instructions to Spike. Happy to have helped her student, Princess Celestia returned to her royal duties which seemed a bit less tedious than a moment ago. * * * * * * * * * * * * “That was delicious, wouldn’t you agree Spike?” Drake said, propped up on his side next to the fire having finished off the last off the freshly cooked fish. “I’m still not happy about eating meat, but… I’ll admit it wasn’t bad. The lemons and those herbs you found nearby made it better than yesterday’s dinner,” Spike said as he tossed the bones from his fish onto the pile that Drake had started. “So… you mentioned more training?” “Yes I did. From now on I will not be supplying you with food, and you will either have to catch your own or reach the site where I put mine. Likewise I will not be allowed to cook my food except with a fire I start myself, although just as I will help you learn to hunt, you will be giving me lessons of fire breathing.” “Okay, and what about the fighting and Greed control?” Spike was most curious about these two because he could already see their advantages if ever something like Discord or an Ursa Minor were to pop up in Ponyville, again. “Since we are waiting on the map, we are going to spend the rest of today exercising and sparring. Most of the exercises we will make up as we go along. For the sparring, though, we will be fighting one another just like we would in a real fight.” “But I am way smaller than you! How am I supposed to beat you?” Spike whined. He couldn’t believe that Drake thought he stood a chance in a fight. “As you are now, you can’t, but this will help fuel your growth, and it will give us a chance to strategize for when we practice Greed,” Drake said holding up a hand when he saw Spike’s eyes light up. “Which we won’t be doing until we leave Equestria, because of the risk of losing control--I don’t want either of us to go rampaging and wind up killing ponies.” Spike cringed at the thought. “Yeah, plus I don’t want to have powerful people mad at me for killing their subjects.” Suddenly, Spike burped up a letter with the royal Equestrian seal. Both of them stared at it for a moment. “Speaking of powerful people, I guess you should open it so we can double check its contents before sending it to Twilight.” Spike nodded and picked up the letter, cutting it open with his claw. He read over it before handing it to Drake, who looked over it once, twice, a third time then sighed, “Shit.” “What’s wrong Drake? The letter seemed fine to me--it had the spell and even included a question asking how I was taking the migration, kinda funny huh? I didn’t think the Princess thought about me that much.” Spike looked up at Drake, who passed the letter back to him. “Remember how last night we talked about me being from another reality?” “Yeah,” Spike replied, wondering where this was going. “Well it seems that while we speak the same language we use a different writing system,” Drake said, shaking his head in disgust and anger. “So…” “It means that you get to add reading and writing to the list of things that you will be teaching me.” “Are you saying you don’t understand basic Equestrian?” Spike said. “I can’t read or write using the system that you do, so I need you to teach it to me,” Drake said before another thought jumped into his head. “Hey could you understand a single word of what I wrote this morning?” Spike was silent for a moment as his mind bounced between trying to think of how to teach Drake to read and write and answering the question. “No, not a single bit of the writing, but I understood what you were saying so I just let it drop. As far as teaching you, where would we even begin?” “Okay, first things first. If you ever don’t understand something when I am trying to teach you, say something. I might make you work to figure out the answer on your own, but I never want to leave you confused when I’m trying to teach you. Understood?” “Understood,” Spike said, feeling embarrassed. “That still leaves the problem of me teaching you?” Oh, that’s simple. Each night, you’ll teach me a bit of the language. We’ll start with the alphabet and once I understand how it’s written we’ll move onto simple words. Once we have those down, I will attempt to read anything we get. The books that Twilight will no doubt be sending, for example,” Drake said, grimacing as he talked Spike through the lesson plan; it hurt his pride to ask this of Spike, having already asked him to teach fire breathing. “I think I can handle that. What do you want me to do with this letter?” Spike held the letter up, uncertain about what to do. Drake looked upset, almost angry. “Read it to me. If it sounds good, we send it. I want to understand how this spell works if at all possible. I know I probably won’t be able to comprehend the more technical magic stuff but read it anyway.” Drake motioned for Spike to start reading. * * * * * * * * * * * * Rainbow Dash drifted through the skies above Ponyville. She’d been late for work, but luckily there had not been much to do--just clear the skies for a bright and sunny day. Ten seconds later, she was winging her way to the library to check on Twilight. As she neared the library, she noticed Rarity heading there as well and decided to drop in on her. “Hey Rarity, are you going to check on Twilight too?” “Why yes, Rainbow Dash, I’m worried she’ll have stayed up all night and still be putting things together for Spike-Wikey. I take it you are doing the same?” Rarity said unfazed by Rainbows sudden appearance. A having a friend like Pinkie tends to deadens one’s flight reflex, slowly, with a pillow and soft words. “Yep, since we forgot to set a time to meet up, I figured I would just go on my own. Glad I ran into you though. Do you think she stayed up all night?” “I wouldn’t be surprised; then again, she might have passed out at some point. Yesterday was very exhausting after all.” Rarity tapped her chin with a hoof thinking, “In fact, I doubt she’s eaten anything since we got back. Rainbow, do you think you could procure something from Sugarcube Corner and be back before I get to the library.” Rainbow threw up a mock salute, and zipped away. When Rarity reached door to the library, Rainbow returned with a box of donuts and several muffins fresh from Sugarcube Corner. “I’m back,” Rainbow said, hovering with the basket held on her foreleg. “Should we knock or just go in?” “It’s a public library, but I think we should knock before we just go barraging in. I’d rather not startle the poor mare. Especially after everything that’s happened,” Rarity said, preparing to knock when they heard a loud crash and yelp of pain from inside. Rarity and Rainbow burst through the door, looking around to find the source of the commotion. They found an exhausted and unkempt Twilight under a pile of scrolls and large books. “Twilight! Are you okay?!” they cried out in unison while going over to help her. Rarity started lifting books away, stacking them off to the side as Rainbow grabbed Twilight and brought her to a clear spot in the library, no easy task given the messy state it was in. “Twilight, what’s going on? The library is an absolute mess, and you look dreadful,” Rarity asked as she walked over with the goods from Sugarcube Corner. “Here, have something to eat, and tell us what you’ve been doing since we left last night,” Rarity said, lifting a muffin for Twilight, who took it reluctantly and started slowly nibbling. “Something absolutely terrible, horrible, and unacceptable has happened!” Twilight said after she ate a bite or two. “What is it Twilight?” Rainbow said, deeply concerned. After Twilight’s reaction to possible tardiness, she was afraid of a repeat of the cursed Smarty Pants doll. “i got everything that Spike asked for, plus some other stuff I thought he could use. It’s that pile over there,” Twilight said, motioning to the only organized pile in the library. A hefty stack books, maps, a newspaper, and a bag of gems to top it off. “After I got that together, I passed out. I woke up a few hours ago, and was going to send it to him, when I realized I have no way to send it to him. I can’t mail it because we don’t know where he is, and I can’t magic it to him because he is gone and I don’t know the spell the Princess uses,” Twilight said, on the verge of another breakdown as tears pooled in her eyes. “But surely it’s in one of your books right?” Rainbow asked, holding up a cookbook. “I mean, you have all kinds of crazy spell books in here.” “Firstly, How to Serve Ponies is a fictional cook book not a spell book. Secondly, that’s what I thought. I started looking, but I couldn’t find it in any of the usually spell books. So, I started going through everything but… but…I can’t find it,” Twilight said, descending into tears, “And I can’t send a letter to the Princess asking for it, because I don’t have Spike. Plus, if she finds out I lost him, she might make me come back to Canterlot or lock me in the dungeons, or…or…,” Twilight said sobbing, her fears and imagination getting the best of her. “Twilight, please stop crying. Nothing like that is going to happen,” Rarity said, doing her best to comfort Twilight, but was gently pushed away. “Yes it is, this is entirely my fault. If I hadn’t let him go, he wouldn’t be gone.” “Come on Twilight, you had no way of knowing what would happen, and don’t forget it was your thinking that saved us yesterday. Besides you are the smartest, most eggheaded unicorn in all of Equestria, heck the whole world! Surely you can think of something,” Rainbow said, trying her hoof at cheering Twilight up. Surprisingly it worked. “You’re right, I am smart; I’m the Princess’s prize student. I can figure this out.” With renewed energy Twilight stopped crying and got up to try to find a spell that would let her send Spike his care package. “Oh no you don’t,” Rarity said forcing Twilight to sit back down. “First you are going to eat some breakfast, you are going to get a shower, and then get organized for the day. While you are doing that, Rainbow and I will clean up the library so that you can actually get some work done on this problem.” When both Twilight and Rainbow made to protest Rarity sealed their mouths with her magic. “No arguments from either of you. Now, eat up and let us help you.” Rarity locked eyes with Twilight, imparting her sincerity. Twilight nodded in acceptance and began to eat while Rarity and Rainbow started cleaning. Once she finished her breakfast, Twilight climbed into the shower, already feeling better. ‘They’re right. I’ll find some way to send Spike what he asked for. I just needed to rest and eat something. I am already starting to feel recharged; yesterday must have wiped me out more than I thought.’ The water cascaded down her neck and back, falling to the floor before running into to drain. Once she had cleaned herself off from the grit of the previous day, Twilight shut off the water and began drying off with a towel. She was dry when a flash of light surprised her, causing her to fall down and scream out in fright. “What’s wrong Rainbow?” Rarity asked when Rainbow dropped the books she was organizing. “Twilight screamed, probably needs our help!” Rainbow said, rushing off to the upper floor. “Rainbow, wait!” Rarity said following her. When she heard Twilight start screaming, Rarity began running only to discover, as she crossed the threshold into Twilight’s bathroom, it was a scream of elation, not fear. In the room she saw Rainbow cheering behind a joyful Twilight, who was clutching a letter. “Rarity I got a letter, a letter from the Princess! It has the spell; everything I need to send Spike anything he asks for!” Twilight floated Rarity the letter, letting her read it over. Most of it was beyond her comprehension, but she understood enough to know it was the real deal. “Twilight this is wonderful, but how did the Princess know to send this?” Twilight stopped her celebration becoming very thoughtful. “Hey Twilight you don’t think that Spike asked the princess for this do you?” Rainbow asked, cocking to the side. “You mean to tell me that…” “Given what his last letter said and what I gathered from the Drake character during our short meeting, it’s possible…” “Girls, do you mean to tell me that you think Spike sent a letter to the Princess to get me this spell, and that dragon he ran off with allowed him to?” Twilight was stunned by this line of reasoning. It went against everything she thought she knew. “I guess he did, but why?” “Let’s suppose that the Drake fellow wants the information. If Spike shared his life story, as he is liable to do, then Drake knows about Spike’s relationship to the Princess as well as his ability to send and receive messages. Then it is likely that by allowing you to send things to Spike, he hopes to get that information and also delay the Princess discovering what has happened.” “What makes you say that Rarity?” Rainbow asked, “Now that Twilight has this spell, couldn’t she just send a message telling Princess Celestia everything that happened?” “Well, one: given Twilight’s breakdown a little while ago, no offense darling, I highly doubt that she will be telling the Princess,” Rarity stopped, giving Twilight a chance to respond. “She’s right Rainbow, I can’t risk telling the Princess.” “And two: do you really think that Drake won’t read everything Twilight sends beforehand to make sure we aren’t trying to follow him or inform the Princess after letting Spike get this spell?” “Fair enough,” Rainbow conceded. “And lastly, do you think this Drake fellow would want the Princess to know and risk having her after him?” “I guess not,” Rainbow landed, bummed that her argument had been shot down. “Rarity, how did you know all this?” a surprised Twilight asked, never having expected that Rarity would have such understanding of what was going on. “Simple darling, this is very much like one of my favorite mystery-adventure-suspense-romance novels.” Rarity said, flicking her mane with a hoof, quiet happy with herself. “Don’t you think you should be sending that map?” “You’re right! In all the excitement I’d almost forgotten.” Twilight said grabbing the letter, rereading it as she walked to the pile she had prepared. “Let’s see, this says that the power required to send an object is directly related to the mass of the object and the distance being sent divided by the familiarity coefficient of the parties involved which can be calculated based on time spent together, amount of shared memories, knowledge of one another’s habits…”Rainbow and Rarity watched as Twilight prepared to do the spell, excited to see it work. Two hours later Rainbow had stopped paying any attention as Twilight had continued to drone on about the spell, then rushed off to do the math, then come back to read some more. Instead, she had picked up a copy of the Daring Do she was currently reading, and was slowly turning her way through Daring Do and the Heliotrope Hippopotamus. Nearby, Rarity was doodling on some scrap paper, coming up with fanciful and ridiculous designs just to pass the time. Finally Twilight put the letter down and looked over the stack she was sending to Spike, now broken into two smaller piles. “Okay girls I think I am ready to try the spell, just watch yourself; usually when a spell doesn’t work the backlash is kinda explodey,” Twilight said with a very sheepish smile on her face. “Finally,” Rainbow groaned as she put the Daring Do book down, “I thought you would never be ready. By the way how explodey are we talking; shield your eyes explodey or hid behind the book fort explodey?” “Well given how much power this is going to take- hey what do you mean ‘book fort!?’” Twilight said bearing down on Rainbow, enraged at the thought of harm coming to her books. “Rainbow insisted on arranging the books into a fortress of ‘entertainment and eggheadery’ as she called it, but she is right, how worried do we need to be?” Rarity asked, hoping to bring Twilight back on target, not to mention if this was going to explode, Rarity didn’t want it scorching her fur for a second day in a row. “Um,” Twilight rubbed her jaw with a hoof, “get behind the book fort.” Rainbow and Rarity dived into cover then resurfaced with helmets on to watch Twilight’s attempt. “Okay girls, here goes nothing.” Then, just as Twilight began charging the spell, someone started knocking desperately on the library door. With her concentration broken the spell discharged spectacularly in an uncontrolled release of energy that left her smoky and blackened. “This is a public library! You can just come in, there is no need to knock!” Twilight yelled once she stopped coughing. The door opened, a pink blur slipped in, and the door closed quicker than the eye could see. “Twilight, are you okay!? Who’s at the door?” “Yeah, that was a pretty spectacular backlash,” Rainbow said as she and Rarity remained hunkered behind their fortifications. “I don’t know, let me check. Since they don’t seem to understand that they can just come in.” “Don’t do that,” a new voice called out. “Huh!?” Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped up in between Rarity and Rainbow, dressed in pink camouflage body armor and a helmet with balloons attached to it. “Don’t open that! I was at the door; I knocked because the sign says closed, might want to change that. Also why are we hiding in a book fort while Twilight makes explosions? Is this a new game?” “No Pinkie, I am testing a new spell that will allow me to send things to Spike like the Princess does,” Twilight explained as she went about preparing to cast the spell. “Now, please be quiet so that I can get this right.” “But why do you need to send stuff to Spike? Won’t he be back by nightfall?” “Well you see…” “Pinkie I’m gonna destroy you! Git back here right now” a country accented voice yelled angrily “What now…?” Twilight groaned, wondering how much more would happen before she could test the spell. “I’m not here, and you haven’t seen me,” Pinkie said as she ducked down behind the book fort. A moment later a very angry Applejack burst through the door in a bulbous green ball gown, her hair up in a massive bun and a ridiculous amount of eye shadow, lipstick, and pink blush on her face. “Where is she, have ya’ll seen her?” “Applejack you look absolutely stunning. Why ever are you in that adorable dress, and why didn’t you come to me for help with your hair and make-up?” Rarity asked, pouting slightly as she left the book fort to look Applejack over. “It was Pinkie Pie, she done this to me, and when I get my hooves on her…” “But darling you look absolutely stunning! Why so angry?” “Yeah AJ you look good enough to actually get a date,” Rainbow said, suppressing the urge to burst out laughing. “An’ just what in the hay is that supposed to mean!?” Applejack challenged as she advanced on Rainbow, a fiery anger in her eyes. “Nothing,” Rainbow meeped. “Hey you’re looking for Pinkie right? Here she is!” Rainbow grabbed Pinkie before she could flee and held her up to hide from Applejack’s gaze. “Now I got you, ya varmint,” Applejack smiled evilly. “Hey Twilight weren’t you going to say something about Spike?” Pinkie asked trying for misdirection. “Don’t let her hurt me,” Pinkie whispered behind her hoof. “Yes Applejack, why don’t you come over here? Since it is such torment for you, I will restore you to your ‘natural beauty.’ It seems that fashion and make-up makes you homicidal,” Rarity said, waving to a beanbag she had moved next to her along with a make-up kit and hair brushes that had appeared out of nowhere. “Well okay, since there’s no permanent harm done. But Pinkie…” “Yeah?” the scared party ponies stammered. “I’ll get ya back, just you wait.” Applejack walked over to Rarity and sat down saying, “Don’t you dare try to gussy me up any neither; just get this fancy stuffy getup off me, and get my mane outta this ridiculous style.” As Rarity began to work on Applejack and Rainbow tried to apologize to Pinkie for ratting her out, Twilight asked, “Okay Pinkie, Applejack, and anypony else who wants to join in, are you ready for story time?” “Well, I would like to get something to drink first, that is if it’s alright with you, if you don’t mind, I’ll get you something too if you want any. If that’s not a problem that is.” “Fluttershy! When did you get here?” Fluttershy looked at the ground, tracing circles with her right hoof. “Oh, I was coming by to drop off that veterinary medicine book I borrowed when I heard Applejack yelling. I just slipped in behind her and decided to wait until she had calmed down before bothering you. I hope you don’t mind, I can leave if you want.” Fluttershy dropped the book on the front counter and began to leave. “Fluttershy wait, you don’t have to leave,” Rainbow said, rushing over to stop her since Rarity was busy and the string of events had left Twilight frozen, gaping like a fish. “Let’s grab some drinks, then Twilight can tell you girls about the adventure we had yesterday.” “Oh, okay.” Fluttershy said, turning around and following Rainbow into the kitchen. “What’s this ‘bout ya’ll going on an adventure?” Applejack asked Rarity as she combed her mane. “It was truly a harrowing ordeal, but I think Twilight can tell it best. Besides, it will do her some good to talk about it. Then we can watch her try the spell the princess sent her this morning. Again.” Rarity said, continuing her combing, not missing a beat. A short time later, everypony had gathered in the main room of the library, sitting in a semicircle around Twilight sipping their drinks. Applejack was restored to her normal look. Rarity was next, with Rainbow beside her. Fluttershy sat on the other side of Rainbow while Pinkie Pie occupied the last spot along the semicircle, switching between staring daggers at Rainbow and looking towards Twilight, hoping she would begin her story. Twilight was seated in the center of the semicircle, papers with notes to help her tell the story arrayed before her. “Is everyone’s ready?” A series of nods and affirmations emanated from her friends. “Okay our story starts yesterday…” * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 6: You've got mail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Six: You’ve Got Mail “I'm certainly getting a lot more mail... that's basically it.” Sam Mendes “...And then this morning I got a letter from Princess Celestia with the spell she uses to send messages to Spike. I was going to try sending him what he asked for, along with a few extra things, but Pinkie burst through the door and interrupted me. You all know how it goes from there.” Twilight said, finishing her story with liberal help from Rarity and Rainbow Dash at different points throughout. Around her the others sat stunned. Fluttershy had spent a great deal of the time hiding behind her mane or clutching onto Rarity and Rainbow, whichever one wasn’t adding their perspective to the story. Pinkie had started the story with a box of popcorn, but by the end she was busy reenacting the story based on her own understanding of it. Applejack had just sat there throughout, listening. “That’s quite an adventure ya’ll had yesterday,” Applejack said. “So this spell you got, it’s gonna let you send thangs to Spike. You think they got this spell from the Princess for you because they don’t want her finding out that Spike willingly went with him?” “Well when you put it that way it makes us seem a bit irrational,” Rarity said cagily. “It’s jus’ that ya’ll seem a bit worried that this fellow is up to no good, but at the same time he seems a mite bit helpful.” “We don’t know that it was his idea or Spike’s. We’re just making assumptions at this point,” Twilight said, seeing where Applejack was coming from. “Okay sugarcube. I jus’ got one other question. You normally send letter to the princess via Spike. Heck, the rest of us have had his help to do the same since you went a bit loopy with the doll. He only ever sends stuff to her and her to him, right? So how in Equestria did you get that scroll?” “I- I don’t know Applejack. I guess we’ll find out if I can get this spell to work and we ask him in a letter. Otherwise we will have to wait for him to come back. Now, if everypony doesn’t mind, I would like very much to go ahead and use the spell,” said Twilight as she stood up. “If you want to stay and watch I suggest you take cover behind Rainbow’s ‘book fort’ in case something goes wrong, again.” “Sounds good to me.” “If you don’t mind.” “Yay! Dog fort, come in dog fort, this is book fort.” “Better safe than- Pinkie, what in Equestria are you doing?” “Alright let’s see some cool spell casting.” As her friends took cover, Twilight started casting the spell to send the first stack of resources to Spike. As the spell charged, the lights in the room went out, causing Twilight’s horn to cast an eerie glow on the library. Without warning, the spell activated. This time it flew towards the stack, causing it to dematerialize and disappear in a flash. In the dim library Twilight’s friends sat shocked by the display, jaws resting on the floor. Twilight opened her eyes to see the stack gone; despite feeling light-headed she stayed upright and turned to her friends asking, “Yay, it worked. That wasn’t so hard,” Twilight said confidently, before falling over. “TWILIGHT!” they all yelled, rushing to her side. “Oh dear.” “Hey are you alright?” “Twilight wake up!” “Give her some space.” “Twilight, darling, can you her me?” “Uh-huh. I’ll be okay,” Twilight said as she came to. “Just took a teensy bit more out of me than I was expecting. Either they are further away than we thought, or I don’t know Spike as well I as thought I did.” “That was so cool Twilight! Hey since you can send the stuff do you think that there might be a way to track where it goes?” Rainbow asked as she hovered above the group. “I don’t know, we can try. Although, I think I’m going to break the next stack into smaller parts.” * * * * * * * * * * * * It was an early afternoon in a once pristine clearing near the lake. Spike was breathing hard, fighting to stand up. His nose was running with blood and several of his scales were broken or had fallen out. Across from him Drake was breathing heavy as well, a thin trail of red running out from his mouth, and scorch marks from when Spike had used his fire to defend himself. ‘Who’d have thunk the little guy was so tough?’ Drake thought, waiting to see if Spike would charge him again. ‘I didn’t expect him to be a pushover, but he has more in him than I thought.’ Across from Drake, Spike snorted, smoke rising from his nose as he stood from where Drake had thrown him. ’Although insulting his loved ones might have been a bit much. Next go I’m gonna make him submit and end this spar, else one is us might end up seriously injured.’ ‘I have to get back up; show him that I can be strong, that I am not a liability to my friends. Can’t let him get away with what he said; don’t care if it was to help me fight. I’m not stopping till he gives up,’ Spike thought, pushing himself up when he felt a familiar rumbling in his gut. His cheeks bugled and he blench a stream of green flame. Drake dived to the left, thinking Spike was attacking again. Rolling to his feet Drake started running towards Spike, planning to end the sparring match. Just as he reached him, Spike threw up his hand yell, “Stop! That wasn’t an attack, it was a bunch of mail.” “Mail?” Drake asked, skidding to a stop next to Spike. “Yeah, looks like Twilight finally figured out that spell,” Spike said, laughing as he pointed to the pile of books, scrolls and other resources in next to him. “Seems she went overboard on what she thought we could use.” “Indeed,” Drake said, looking it over. “Guess we should sort through it; figure out we what we need to take with us, what we might be able to use, and if there is anything we need to send back.” “Why would we need to send anything back?” Spike asked, sorting through the pile while Drake separated the delivery into piles of books, scrolls, notebooks, essays, bags, and even a set of twelve piece luggage. “Because we can’t carry everything with us. Every extra item is another thing to loses or get damaged. We just take the essentials,” Drake said, wondering just how much they had received. After they had sorted through about half the pile putting the map, a book on exotic flora and fauna, and a first aid kit off the side, Spike felt another delivery building in his gut. “Oh come on,” he said, before burping up another bunch of resources. “Seriously Twilight, send the whole library why don’t you.” “What was that?” Drake asked, returning from a quick bathroom break. “We got another delivery.” “Damn, how much is she gonna send?” “Don’t-” Spike was cut off as a third delivery materialized out of his flame, “know.” “Let’s hope that’s all,” Drake said, once again sorting thought all the materials. Spike nodded and returned to work alongside him. * * * * * * * * * * * * That evening the pair sat around a campfire, looking over the map while trying to figure out where they were and where they should go to leave Equestria. Nearby sat two piles: a small pile which included a book on the different flora and fauna known to pony kind, a reference guide on the culture and habits of different races, a medical manual complete with recipes for different herbal medicines, a pair of blank journals, a single story book, the first aid kit, and a dictionary. The other pile was much larger and included books such as Camping for Eggheads, An Introduction of Long Distance Travel, and a myriad of other books that weren’t of lasting necessity to the duo and the twelve piece luggage set. “Based on what I can tell, this lake here should be us,” Drake said, pointing to a small blue blot in the center of the map, just a little way northeast of Canterlot. “Wow, that put us way further from Ponyville than I thought,” Spike said, surprised by just how far he had traveled in just a few days. “Well this is just a guess, but those volcanoes over here should be where we met,” Drake explained, tapping the map. “Then we flew northwest outta there, and this is the first lake along such a path.” “Well then where are we going to go from here?” “I figured we could turn west and head towards that gap in the mountains along the western border that extend southwest down to this area marked with…a buffalo head, right?” “Yeah, says here that it’s the Buffalo Territories,” Spike said before asking, “So what do you think is out there? The only thing beyond those mountain seems to be plains marked ‘Wildlands’ and a note about ‘here thar be monsters’.” “Really, it says ‘here thar be monsters’?” Drake asked, suppressing a chuckle. “Yep, there’s a fort called Bastion in the gap, then everything beyond is essentially unexplored.” “Guess that means we get to explore a whole new world,” Drake said, excitement sparkling in his eyes. ”Yeah…hey, why did you want to bring the two journals and dictionary anyway?” “Well I figured the dictionary would be useful for teaching me to read, and I could use one journal to learn to write and keep a record of everything that happens.” “And the other one?” “I thought you might want to keep a journal. It’d be a good to have a record of anything we find or learn during this adventure. Plus, don’t you think Twilight will want to know all about your journey. Maybe you could publish it and it’ll become an adventure tale everyone will want to read: A story with thrills, adventure, self-discovery and who knows what else.” “That makes some sense, the part about Twilight, not the publishing deal,” Spike said, getting up to retrieve the book. “It’s your call. I’m gonna turn in for the night. Don’t stay up too late, we have to send the stuff we can’t take with us back tomorrow morning, and then we will head out towards the Wildland.” Drake said settling into a comfortable sleeping posistion while Spike began his journal. * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 7: Entry Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Entry Two “If you wish to inflict a heartless and malignant punishment upon a young person, pledge him to keep a journal a year.” - The Innocents Abroad (Entry one would cover most everything you already read.) Adventure Log: Day Two Today is my second day of keeping this record. I hope that later entries will be more interesting than this one. We woke up early, and this time I learned to get up quick, avoiding another unexpected swimming lesson. We did a little bit of what Drake called “classroom time”, where we went over how he has been catching fish and getting other food, and I showed him how I breathe fire and how the Equestrian alphabet worked. After that, we finally sent the stuff we didn’t need back to Twilight and set off into the sky. Before we took off, he asked if I had always been able to send stuff to Twilight. I asked what he was talking about, and he said I always talked about using my messaging abilities to send reports to Princess Celestia but never anypony anyone else. I stood there slack jawed. He was right. I know instinctively that I was sending things to Twilight, same as when I first learned to send messages to Celestia. I told him that I just knew I was, and he said he would file it away for future reference. While we were flying, he started talking to me about all kinds of crazy, impossible sounding things. Handheld devices with the entire an entire races knowledge in them, medicine that could replace failed organs, machines that do the work ponies do, and other things both amazing and horrifying. Then without warning he flipped over and dropped me. As I was falling he showed up next to me and told me he would only catch me if I could stabilize my fall, and then started walking me through how to accomplish this. How he knew how to do this was beyond me; maybe he learned as he figured out flying for himself. Once he caught me, Drake said it was “to help develop my flying skills”, but I think it was just because he is a little bit loony. I keep asking myself what I have gotten into, but then I remember what he is offering me; a chance to learn about dragons, and a chance to harness my greatest fear, my greed, as my greatest strength. There is just too much here to pass up. After a few more free falls he went back to talking. I asked when he thought we might be coming back to Equestria. He laughed and said we hadn’t even left yet. When I asked again, he said we would arrive “in time for a wedding.” I asked what he meant by that but he wouldn’t say; just threatened to drop me again. We stopped when the sun first started to touch the horizon, and found a large cave to stay in for the tonight. This place has a weird feel to it. When I brought it up with Drake he dismissed it, saying, “If you can’t figure out what is causing that feeling, best just be on guard and ready of anything.” We entered the cave and found a bunch of old skeletons. They were wearing some armor and weapons. There was a minotaur, a griffin, a pony and a something that looked somewhat like a diamond dog, but a little different. We rifled through the bones, looking for anything we could use. I was against it. It felt like we were desecrating a grave. Drake insisted saying there was a chance we could learn something from it. In the end all we could use was some strange gold coins and glass vials with an odd glowing liquid in them. Drake said they were probably an adventuring party from hundreds of year ago. I think that they might be even older, preserved by whatever is giving me the heebie-jeebies. Drake surprised me when he said we were going to bury the bodies, and bury them we did before sparring for about an hour. Once we finished sparring, Drake went off saying it was time to find food, and that I was on my own for that tonight. I managed to find some berries to eat. While they were filling I was still pretty hungry, when a bunny burst out in front of my path. I am not sure what came over me but I breathed fire at it as soon as I saw it. I hope it died quickly, but I did find it surprisingly satisfying. Drake came back to the cave fairly late with a boar in his claws. I offered to cook it for him, but he said that if he couldn’t cook it himself the he “ain’t getting no bacon tonight.” It was kind of sad to watch in all honesty, but after about an hour of trying he gave up and ate it raw, probably the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. He said it was surprisingly delicious. I hope he never meets Fluttershy--that could only end poorly. Tomorrow we continue our journey. If we are on course then it should only be another two or so days before we leave Equestria to explore lands no pony has explored before. Nothing left to say for now aside from good night, and I hope tomorrow is more eventful. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 8: Testing by Hydra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: Testing by Hydra “Pessimism never won any battle.” Dwight Eisenhower Adventure Log: Day Three When I said I hoped today would be more interesting, I was in no way hoping it would be like this. It started the same as yesterday: wake up, eat, study, teach, and then off into the sky. It was about noon when we first saw a gap in the mountains where Fort Bastion stood guard. Soon thereafter we saw this cloud of dust rising up from the south. Drake decided we should go investigate… * * * * * * * * * * * * “Hey Spike, do you see that cloud of dust rising from south?” Drake asked, his voice rising with curiosity. “Yeah, what could be causing it? The only things on the map out this way is the road to Fort Bastion and some little towns along it,” Spike replied, wondering what could be big enough to stir up that much dust. Drake banked left and aligned to the rising dust, “Well then, let’s find out.” After thirty minutes on their new heading they found something that was indeed worrisome and intriguing. On the ground a five-headed hydra, even bigger than the one from Froggy Bottom Bog, was chasing two unicorns in a strange contraption that was racing along the road in a desperate attempt to escape. In the air, the two dragons thought that there was something familiar about the unicorns and their machine, but couldn’t put a finger on it. Instead of trying to solve the mystery from the sky, Drake dove towards the ground, landing in the woods lining the road. “Stay here and keep your eye on what happens, Spike,” Drake said as he landed and let Spike off onto the ground. “I am going to take that hydra out before it can eat those unicorns; you are not big or strong enough to do anything but get in the way and get hurt.” “No way! You don’t have any clue what you are doing, “Spike retorted, a little scared at what Drake was suggesting. Spike honestly didn’t think Drake could beat a hydra that big, if he couldn’t breathe fire. After all, he was just some alien turned into a dragon. Of course Spike didn’t know about his fight with Red and his goons and based his expectations on his own perception of how a dragon should fight. “Why can’t you just grab the unicorns then we make a break for--” “Because,” Drake said as he stretched, preparing to take flight, “I wouldn’t get to fight a hydra if we did that.” With Spike left speechless, Drake took off, recalling everything he could about hydras. ‘OK rule one: Don’t cut off the heads; we all know how that worked out for Hercules. Two: Multiple heads; just ‘cause I dodge one doesn’t mean I dodged them all. Three: Two legs are unstable; I might be able to tip it over. Four: Scales, and I am willing to bet they are like a dragon’s, so they are going to be a tough nut to crack.’ By this time Drake was well above the hydra. “Well Tiny, what say we have a dance and find out just how strong I am now,” he muttered before sending himself into a spiraling dive, wings tucked, legs in, arms forward and claws out with an angry roar, issuing forth a challenge that could be heard for miles around. Now, when you hear a dragon roar right above you it is customary to look and see if you are about to be toasted, eaten, kidnapped, or suffer any number of different horrors. Stop and look up the unicorns and hydra did. They saw a blue and black streak coming down from sky at incredible speed. Gravity, don’t mess with it. A short baited breath or two later Drake crashed into the hydra, striking one of its necks and slamming it into the ground, kicking up a huge cloud of dust. Spike watched the scene from the tree line, shocked by what Drake had pulled off. In front of the dust the strange machine stopped, the unicorns onboard too shocked to keep powering it. The other four heads of the hydra turned their attention to the cloud of dust, darting in to snap at the comparatively small dragon that dared attack it. No one was quite as shocked as the one who had caused this scene. ‘Well cover me in chocolate and call me a strawberry,’ Drake thought within the dust cloud, standing on top the head he’d struck. ‘That was fricken sweet. I was afraid it wouldn’t work for a second there.’ Suddenly one of the other heads appeared from out the haze, snapping its giant jaws at him. Drake jumped back while taking a swipe at the offending head, only to have to dodge out of the way as another appeared on his right. The next thing those on the outside of the struggle saw was Drake flying back out of the dust while a hydra head was withdrawing from the cloud, blood seeping from its nose, and another shooting out after the dragon. As the dust settled it became clear that the head Drake had slammed into the ground was never getting up; the blood leaking from underneath it continued to pool unabated. Drake thought this to be a good thing, at least right up until two other heads bit the limp appendage near its base and began tearing chunks of flesh away. Before anyone could fully process what was happening the hydra had removed the deceased head and was in the process of growing two new ones to replace it. Drake took off, hoping to repeat his previous stunt before the new head could grow in, or at the very least get out of the hydra’s range. Even as he took off, the two heads not occupied decapitating the dead head saw him and attacked. While neither landed a solid bite they did manage to send Drake crashing back to the ground when one of the heads slammed into him after he dodged its snapping jaws. From his vantage point, Spike saw Drake crash, and, while he was getting up, the new pair of heads finished growing. He also noticed that the twin unicorns, who he knew he had seen somewhere, were still frozen in place, seemingly overwhelmed by the battle raging around them. Instead of letting them stay there and get caught in the battle, Spike called out, “Hey! Get over here or you’re going to get crushed!” Not ones to question anything at this point, they powered up there vehicle with a green glow and moved towards the sound of the voice. Once they reached him they were surprised to see yet another dragon, although much smaller and less threatening than the other one. “Brother is that what I think it is?” “Why yes brother, but since the other one seems to be helping us out, perhaps it would be best if we joined him here on the sidelines until the fight is over.” With that the brothers fell silent and turned their attention to the fight, where Drake was having trouble. ‘I can’t keep this up,’ Drake thought as he danced away from the hydra’s snakelike strikes. ‘Sooner or later one of these heads is going to get me. Plus if I--whoa!--incapacitate one then the others will just rip it off.’ Drake continued jumping back while taking every chance he got to slash any one of the hydra’s now seven faces, occasionally trying to fly up until he was forced back to the ground. ‘Then again, that may be in my favor…yeah let’s try that.’ Armed with a plan, Drake charged the hydra, getting up close to where the necks attached to the body. He jumped onto its back and used his serrated tail to try and slit a pair of the necks by jerking it hard side to side. Fortunately for him, he jumped in between the two new necks, whose scales were still soft, having just formed. As the two necks began to bleed out, the rest of the hydra’s heads attempted to remove the injured appendages and regrow new ones to stop the bleeding, odd as it may sound. With the hydra’s remaining heads’ attention focused on that task, it paid no attention to the dragon on its back. Rather than wait for the hydra to finish its business, Drake began to tear into the hydra’s flesh, digging into its back using his claws, jaws, and at one point attempting to spear it with his tail, trying get through the outer layers of scales and muscle. The hydra quickly noticed Drake’s actions, and changed its focus to the pest causing it pain. Fortunately for Drake, he had broken through to the body cavity, and rather than let the Hydra consume him, he dived in just as the hydra snapped down on where he stood. For those on the sidelines it was seemed it was all over, the hydra having gotten the better of him. “He saved our lives brother,” said the unicorn with the mustache. “That he did. Come, we need to leave, lest his sacrifice be in vain…hmm, what about the other one?” The mustachioed brother shrugged. “Ask him if he wants to come with us, but we must be going.” “Wait!” Spike called out, his eyes still locked on the hydra, praying Drake would somehow survive. “Look at the hydra.” The brothers turned and peaked through the tree line to see the hydra was not looking for them as expected, but was rather stumbling about, two necks with chunks missing dragging on the ground, and blood leaking from them and a hole on its back. Without warning the surviving heads let out a wail of pain, shaking the spectators to their very core. It began stumbling about on the road before falling over on its side. As they continued watching, they noticed something moving underneath the hydra’s skin, along its belly. Suddenly, a bloody blue claw burst out, followed by another. Together they tore open a hole, through which Drake’s head emerged. ‘Air air air, oh sweet mother of mercy so sweet is the taste of air,’ Drake thought as he took a deep breath. Turning to the tree line he called out, “Come on out ya’ll, it’s safe.” Opening up the belly so he could step out Drake patted the hydra. “Don’t worry about this guy, he’s done and out.” Spike came out first, running up to see for himself, still in a state of mild disbelief over what he had just seen. Next came the machine with the unicorns on it, slowly edging its way out of the trees, its riders reluctant to meet Drake, but not willing to risk his wrath. “My name is Drake, and this little guy is Spike,” Drake said, introducing himself and Spike to the ponies he had saved, before asking, “Who are you and what are you doing in this remote corner of Equestria?” “Excellent question my fine fellow,” said the clean shaven one. “One that we feel best answered in song,” The brother inhaled and began to sing “He’s Flim.” “He’s Flam” “We’re the world famous Flim Flam Brothers--” Before the song to could go on any longer, Drake interrupted for the sake of his sanity. “Stop. Stop. No singing necessary, just tell me your names.” Shaking, the brothers looked at one another before speaking in turn. “I’m Flam,” said the unicorn with the mustache. “And I’m Flim,” said the one who was cleanly shaven. “And the reason we are out here is rather long and something we would rather not get into here and now; perhaps at a later time.” “Wait! I know who you are,” Spike said, their identities finally dawning on him. “You’re those smooth-talking ponies who tried to take over the Apple farm this past cider season.” Spike glared accusatorily at Flim and Flam. At first the brothers were shocked that he had identified them, for that incident of all reasons, but then they became curious. “How do you know about that, if you don’t mind my asking?” questioned Flam. “I was there,” Spike replied, puffing out his chest as he continued, “I’m Twilight Sparkle’s number one assistant, currently on a journey of self-discovery, but I was there for the whole competition you participated in. Drake, these guys are bad news.” “That they may be,” Drake said, looking down at Spike, still covered in blood. “None the less, I have some questions for these questionable cider producers that I will have answered…won’t I?” Drake asked, eyeing the brothers hard, as if daring them to defy him. “Y-yes,” Flim and Flam said shakily, their focus returning to Drake: a rather large, bloody dragon standing upright, resting on the corpse of a hydra with entrails spilling out of a hole big enough for the twelve foot dragon to step out of. “Yes, of course! Any questions you have for us we have answers for you.” “Good. There is a lake near here, off to the northwest that should be visible from the road.” Drake said, motioning for Spike to pull out the map. “This one?” Spike asked, pointing to a small blue dot on the map. “Yep, that should be it. Ya’ll see which lake he’s pointing to?” “Yes, my good sir we do, we see exactly where it is you want us to be,” Flim and Flam said, their voices cracking slightly. “Good, then I want you to meet me there in about two hours; that should be enough time for you to get there, right?” “Yes but of course! With the Super Speedy Cider Squeeze 6000 that will be no problem.” “Good, go ahead and get going. I need to talk to Spike without others around.” * * * * * * * * * * * * After Flim and Flam set off, Drake turned to me and told me that I had to get there under my own power, because if I couldn’t, he would meet me at the border in three days. I didn’t know if he was bluffing or not, and I wasn’t eager to find out. As he took off, I started running. Do you know how long it took to get there? Four hours. Four hours of non-stop running. Sure, it wasn’t a sprint the whole way but still, that has to be longest I have ever gone without stopping. The funny thing is sure, I got tired after the first thirty to forty minutes or so, but then it just disappeared, and I was able to maintain my pace the whole way--even picking it up from time to time. I wonder if it was because of that ‘Need’ aspect of being a dragon or the workout high I have heard Applejack and Rainbow talk about. Anyway, it took me four hours, but Flim and Flam got there in just one, and Drake was there long before them. When I got here, his exact words were “What took you? I’ve had time to bathe, hunt, and take a nap while waiting on you.” And he had. When he got here he’d jumped in the lake and scrubbed all the blood off himself using sand and some rough stones. Then when Flim and Flam arrived, he told them to park their contraption and find food. The brothers found some strawberries, onions, and sweet grass. Drake, however, killed a deer, not a big one, but still bigger than the boar he ate yesterday. While Flim and Flam had looks of horror on their faces, he told them to relax before taking a nap. Once I got here he tore a leg off the deer and gave it to me, saying that since I made it I didn’t have to hunt tonight. It felt wrong to eat it on front of Flim and Flam, but I was so hungry that I scarfed it down anyway. As we were all eating our dinners, Drake began asking Flim and Flam all kinds of question. What did their Cutie Marks stand for, how did they get them, what were they doing out here, and what happened after they got run out of Ponyville. The brothers told an interesting tale, breaking in to song at points; sometimes Drake allowed it, while others he shut it down. Regardless, their story condensed down to Flam, the mustachioed one with the apple missing a slice for a Cutie Mark, as the big picture pony, and always had been, while Flim, with the single apple slice, always being better at the fine details. Growing up they were always pulling different scams and rackets, even inventing things from time to time. They got their cutie marks during a school science fair, where they won first prize for a homemade unicorn powered oven that cooked individual apple pies. After that they kept inventing different, apple themed, products until they heard about how Ponyville would always run out of cider. Enter the Super Speedy Cider Squeeze 6000, which they hoped to use to become rich and famous for their inventions. Unfortunately for them, they sacrificed their quality control, and despite winning the competition, got run out of town. Oddly enough, they returned that evening and spoke to the Apple family. They cut a deal: Flim and Flam would manufacture cider for Sweet Apple Acres, but they could only sell it outside of Ponyville, with a quarter of the profit going back to the Apple family. Additionally, they could only buy apples to produce the cider from the Apple family itself. With the deal in hoof they took the cider they had made, tossed out to bad stuff, and kept the barrels that had been made while the quality control was active. They had been traveling to sell the cider, and decided they should try the ‘untapped market’ that was the Northwestern Frontier, and finish with Fort Bastion. After the life story of the Flim-Flam brothers, Drake surprised everyone when he invited them to stay with us. Seriously, I didn’t see that one coming. He said they could give their answer in the morning, but that we were going to be exploring a vast untouched world with who knows what for the taking, and were in great need of creative ponies with a flair for the diplomatic. When he said that, I swear I saw Flim’s and Flam’s eyes turn into bit symbols, so I guess they are going to be tagging along with us. I asked Drake later, when Flim and Flam couldn’t hear, why he was bringing them along. His answer, “They are bright, inventive and smooth talking; just the kind of people I want with me when going into an unexplored place. As an added bonus, they can carry all our luggage.” I guess he was serious with what he told them. When I asked how they were supposed to keep up with us and find us each night with us in the air and them on the ground, he told me that he would sleep on it and have an answer in the morning. That’s pretty much everything that happened today: action packed and full of the unexpected. Our group has grown, and based on when I looked at the map last, we should be exiting Equestria sometime the day after tomorrow, unless something else happens to get us off track. Hopefully we can get through tomorrow without having to see Drake climb out of the inside of some monster. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 9: Travel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Travel I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Christopher Reeve Entry Four: Today was much less eventful than yesterday. I woke up at the crack of dawn, and found Drake busy working on something with Flim and Flam. When I asked what it was, he said he’d figured out a solution to the communication issue I brought up last night. On the SSCS 6000, as I am henceforth writing it, Flam and Flam stood with one of Drakes scales. He explained he’d worked with the brothers and found a way to enchant the scale, so they could always find him. Not only that, but it was possible for them to send Drake a signal with their location as well. With that issue worked out, Drake and I spent about an hour exercising, not sparring. Drake said that it was important to vary our workout, but I think it was because he got hurt worse than he lets on, in his fight against the hydra. While we were exercising, Flim and Flam had their breakfast. After we finished, Drake asked the brothers if they were going to stick with us, more a as formality at this point than anything. As expected, they emphatically said yes. With that taken care of, we pulled out the map to pick the spot we met at tonight. A cliff face, just south of the gap, set away from any towns. It was away from the road, but Flim and Flam assured us they’d make it. They set off before of Drake and me. After they left, we had our classroom time. Drake is picking up on reading and writing real fast, but still can’t produce even a wisp of smoke when trying to breathe fire. For me, we went over the fight and discussed what went well, what went poorly and different strategies to fight other creatures. We set off, making good time, but we stopped a number of times, Drake said that is was so we didn’t get there to soon ahead of the brothers, but I think it was because he was hurting from his fight with the hydra. This evening, we met Flim and Flam, had dinner, and talked about how we’re going to handle crossing through the gap tomorrow. All in all it was a good easy day. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * Entry Five: Today we crossed the border. The difference between Equestria and the Wildlands is stark and startling. The grass had a brown shift to it all, like wheat ready for the harvest left to grow uncared for. I pointed this out to Drake, and he said it was probably because the mountains restricted moisture from passing through them, or because there are no ponies maintaining the environment out here. He flew throughout the whole day with much fewer stops until he found a shallow canyon with trees growing on either side. Once he was sure that Flim and Flam were coming, I assume this is thanks to that scale he gave them, he sat down and we had a long classroom session. Flim and Flam arrived late, after the sun went down. Drake asked how they were doing. They replied that they were fine; just shocked by the differences between Wildlands and Equestria. Drake directed them over to the fire I’d made for myself and went hunting. After Flim and Flam settled in I went in search of food as well. There wasn’t much in the way of plant foods. What little I did come across I decide to give to Flim and Flam, unless I couldn’t find anything else for myself. By pure chance, I stumbled upon a den of some sorts. I decided to try a trick Drake had discussed which involved sending a bunch of smoke into it. Shortly thereafter my dinner came fleeing out and was promptly consumed. After dinner I went back to our camp with some of the berries and tubers I had found in hand. I gave them to Flim, since Flam had already fallen asleep, and spent some time talking to him. While I still don’t like or trust these guys, I have to admit they aren’t all bad. Drake came back about an hour later with what looked like half a boar and said that he would take first watch. Flam would have second, and me and Flim would share third. Flim asked why Flam had it alone and Drake said it was because he was asleep now and if anything happened it was the watches job to wake everyone rather than get in a fight. Flim still seemed unsure, but Drake reassured him it would be alright. So now I am going to bed. While Drake promised I could sleep as we flew, I want to be as well rested as possible for my turn on watch. I also want to be awake tomorrow so I don’t miss something new and exciting in this unexplored land. After all, who knows what we’ll find. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * Entry Six: Today was our first full day outside Equestria. When I saw the sunrise it was so normal, yet so alien. Shortly after it rose, Drake got up, although he moved with a limp and seemed sore, and stretched before walking off for a bit.. After we’d all gotten up, taken care of business, and had some breakfast, made up of last night’s leftovers, we headed out. Things were going pretty uneventfully until we exited the far side of the gap and were attacked by strange beasts. They had arms with wings growing out of them, talons for feet and looked as if they would walk upright; their faces were flat and they lacked any feathers on their heads or front torso, which was instead covered by what seemed to be animal skins. Most of them also had twin bulges covered by the skins. As he tried to fight them off, I fell off Drake. He tried to catch me, but the beasts blocked him and started to attack his wings forcing him on the defensive. I thought I was dead, a goner, going to hit the ground and become a stain. I had stabilized my fall but, without wings, what could I do beside become uncomfortably intimate with the ground. Much to my surprise that is not what happened. Instead of meeting my end I suddenly stopped falling and starting going sideways. At first, I was afraid one of the beasts attacking us had caught me; instead it was a griffin. This might not seem like much improvement, but I saw a bunch of griffins wearing armor and armed with lances, bows, and even a few swords forcing the beasts off Drake. The one who caught me introduced himself as Hyde McFarweather, and flew me back to Drake. By the time we got to him, the beasts had been driven off and he was talking to their leader. Drake was asking questions about the beasts and the griffins. The griffin leader, in turn, was asking why two dragons were on their own instead of with the migration, and didn’t already know the answer to Drake’s questions. As things seemed to be going nowhere fast, Drake, bleeding from puncture wounds to his wings, said “Look hovering here arguing is just going to make us targets if those-- you called them harpies right,” receiving a nod from the leader he continued. “Those harpies come back so why don’t we go somewhere safe, surely you have someplace like that around here and we can sit down and talk while we wait for my ground bound friends to join us.” Their leader, Swiftwing McFarweather, as she introduced herself, agreed and sent a pair of griffins, Hyde and his brother Jekyll to escort Flim and Flam to the camp after Drake told her roughly where he thought they were. They guided us to a camp, on the ground, at the edge of the mountains, filled with griffins. From my vantage point I could see fifty or so out in the open. Flim and Flam showed up soon after we had landed. Drake filled them in, and told us to explore and learn what we could about the camp and the griffins, while he meet with their leaders While Drake met with the Ealge-eye, who was the leader of the camp and Swiftwing’s mate, the rest of us spent the day with the first civilized life we’d met out here. Hyde and Jekyll decided it was their job to show us around the camp, I can’t believe those two are brothers, different as they are, but we had a fun time. They showed us all sorts of sights. My favorite was their blacksmith, it was so simple but so efficient, the Griffin in charge was huge, but, much to our surprise, kind and friendly. Jekyll and Hyde also showed us how they put up the tents and explained how they breakdown, move, and setup the camp. The last thing they showed us was their trading post, a fairly large tent that anygriffin can use to sell their wares or find something they might need. It might not seem necessary, but he said when they trade with other groups out here it get really busy. The salesponies that they are, Flim and Flam fell in love with this place and are still busy selling what they have and buying things they think they’ll need out here. Night is falling now and I’m going to call this entry done. If the Wildlands are going to be like this every day, I definitely have to get stronger. There is one other thing I want to mention that didn’t really fit in with the rest, as we were walking around today I noticed that I am not that much smaller than Flim and Flam now, maybe a head and a half. Also my shoulders have been itching since this afternoon. I think there is something under the skin. My claws also seem sharper and I’m not sure but I think my sight and hearing are improving too. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * Night fell on the Wildlands and Drake was in the center of the griffin camp for the McFarweather Family. Interesting lot, griffins. Their society is seemingly feudal and based around blood lines. The most basic unit is a pride, the extended family of an individual griffin. The next layer is the Family which is all the extended families from a given ancestor. The various Families make up Clans, which in turn make up the Houses, each of which is vying to be the Great House, the leader of the griffin people, seated in their only permanent settlement, High Wind Eerie a mountain top fortress located on a lone mountain that is allegedly the birthplace of the griffin race. These days most griffins are nomadic, but they have legends that tell of a time when they were settled and a major force in a now dead empire. This was what intrigued Drake the most, what was the empire, had it existed or was it a myth. When he asked about it, he was told that it had indeed existed, a great empire based on order, led by minotaurs, encompassing all races of the time, and its ruins still dotted the landscape to this very day. When Drake asked Eagle-eye how it fell, he could tell him nothing. When Drake asked the family’s record keeper, Muninn, who had been there in the meeting tent, she could only tell him that is was a time of cataclysm which cast down the mighty and gave rise to new enemies such as the harpies that had attacked him earlier that day, and were continually on the hunt for any griffin they could find. For his part, Drake had told his story as best he could without giving away his origins, but divulged the training he had planned for himself and Spike. While all this had been occurring, some of the McFarweather’s doctors had been bandaging Drakes wings were the harpies had drawn blood. As Drake was pondering fallen empire in the twilight of the day, Spike and Flam joined him in the center of the camp, Flim absent because he was still trying to trade with the griffins. “Well gentlemen, what do you think,” Drake asked, after sharing with them his findings and hearing their tale in return. “Well, the ruins could tell us what happened, and why things are how they are,” Spike replied the opportunity to discover something new tugging at him. Drake looked the young dragon over and noticed that he had started to grow, already much bigger and likely strong than when they had first met. “If we do go into these ruins I am willing to bet they will hold many treasures. These griffins seem to believe them cursed, and perhaps with good reason” Flam said, feeling comfortable in the camp, but worried what would happen once they left and what other monsters might be out there. “What we need is a place we can base ourselves out of; a spot that will allow us to train. As we get stronger we can go into these different ruins and learn both the secrets they hold and what our weaknesses still are. I can tell you right now the fight with the hydra left me hurting even if it didn’t draw much blood, and I was having no effect on the harpies while they were having a field day with me. Plus, Spike, with you unable to fly at the moment, carrying you is too big a risk to continue doing. That said, I think we can probably find a ruin and secure a part of it then train in the plains outside it.” “Do you really think we can take one as we are now,” Flam asked. “You already pointed out that the last two encounters with monsters were less than a walk in the park.” “Yeah, given what the harpies did to your wings maybe we should just stay with these griffins for a while,” Spike said, pointing to Drake’s bandages. “They can teach us how to survive out here.” “Maybe, there are still some questions I have for them. A few days with them couldn’t hurt.” As the trio continued discussing what they should do shouts began to sounds throughout the camp, shouts calling for bodies and weapons to repel an attack. The source was not named but everyone in the camp was rushing to the plains side of the camp. Not one to be left out of things, Drake joined the flow with Spike and Flam in tow, picking up Flim along the way. At the edge of the camp every griffin that could carry arms was arranged for battle in what Drake thought looked an awful lot like the Greek hoplite formation. Yet, it was what was across from them that took Drake by surprise and left Spike stunned as well. “Are those Diamond Dogs,” Drake asked Spike as he looked at what must have been over one hundred of the twisted hounds, many in makeshift armor with crude weapons or nets. “Yeah, but why are they attacking these griffins, it’s not like they have any gems.” “Do you suppose they want to enslave them?” Before Spike could reply a scarred Diamond Dog bigger and seemingly brighter than the rest spoke out, “You griffins are ours now. Put down your arms and serve us. Resist and you will die and be our food.” Swiftwing answered for the griffins, “No griffin will ever serve any of the twisted Fallen.” With that reply a wave of arrow flew from the griffin lines and fell amongst the Diamond Dog. A number of pained yelps came out, but not enough to realistically impact the course of the fight. The Diamond Dog alpha let out a ferocious howl and charged at the griffins, his soldiers following on his heels. From his point behind the Griffin lines Drake could see only one outcome. ‘They are going to be beaten. If they take to the air the Diamond Dogs get into the camp and capture or butcher everyone there, but on the ground they are outnumbered at least three to one in this fight. Got to help them, Swiftwing called them fallen, if for no other reason, they have to live so I can find out what that means, maybe it relates to how the empire fell.’ “Guys,” Drake began, turning to his companions, “We have to help. Flim, Flam you two do whatever you can even if that is just plugging holes with the SSCS 6000, or moving hurt griffins back away from the front lines. Spike I want you to add your strength to any point in the griffin lines that is breaking. You fought these guys before, but this time you have to make sure they don’t get up. I’m going to try getting into the D-Dog horde and reduce the pressure they can put on the griffins. All right team, break.” Drake clapped and took off leaving the unicorns and Spike stunned. Flim and Flam quickly recovered and began doing as Drake asked by levitating injured Griffins out of the fray and moving materials around to build a wall the Griffins could fall back along and use to funnel the Diamond dogs. Spike stayed still a mental war being raged in his head equally as fierce as the one going on around him. ‘I can’t kill them. I mean sure I have killed, but only for food, things that can’t talk, but Diamond Dogs can talk, they have a society. Ok it may be a somewhat evil society, and it sounded like they are here to enslave the Griffins, but kill them. I can fight them, I have done that before, hurt them maybe, but take their life, that’s just too much to ask.’ As Spike argued with himself, Drake landed in the middle of the Diamond Dogs and began to fight. Initial things went well for him with several of the mongrels dying at his claws, but they soon reacted, surrounding him with speardogs. Any time Drake would try to attack they would back up where he was attacking and come forward from behind him forcing him to react and dodge. Oh, and the number going after him is increasing. ‘Oh Shit! I didn’t think this through very well did I,’ Drake thought as he quickly found himself surrounded and unable to do anything. ‘Time to change location.’ Drake jumped up and tried to fly to somewhere else on the battle field, but his wings, damaged from the fight with the harpies and carrying unnoticed damage from the fight with the hydra, decided “ah nope” and sent a wave of pain through Drakes body causing him to crash into the ground where he was quickly surrounded again. He was forced into fighting just to stay alive. Along the griffin line things were going less than swimmingly, despite their use of a shield wall they had already lost close to a third of their force. While the dead bodies of Diamond dogs covering the ground lost were encouraging, they still outnumbered the quickly tiring griffins. Flim and Flam had parked the SSCS 6000 on the griffin left flank and were busy throwing Diamond Dogs back from it. They fought to keep that part of the line secure despite the sense of fatigue they were beginning to feel. Near Spike the griffins still were moving back and he was standing still. Spike twisted towards and away from the battle, conflicted about what to do. Suddenly, in the midst of his mental battle, a griffin bumped into him, tripped, and fell down creating a hole in the line. Spike turned towards the disturbance and came face to face with a charging Diamond Dog who jumped through the hole and tackled him before the griffins could react. Spike tried to force the mutt off him, but it was going for the kill. The mongrel having lost his weapon elected to punch Spike with his armored paws. Spike blocked as best he could but each blow drew blood from somewhere. “Help! Drake, someone, anyone help.” Spike called between blows, but no help came. As he looked into the eyes of the dog on top him, eyes filled with greed and desire, something snapped. The battle in his mind ended, overridden by his survival instincts. As the fist drew back yet again, Spike inhaled. As it came down, Spike exhaled and a stream of flames shot out his mouth very different from his normal green fire. Instead flames of blue and white covered the Diamond Dogs face, slipping into its drooling mouth, igniting fur and spreading across the body and down its throat. The dog rolled off Spike trying anything to extinguish the fire, but in a few moments its agony ended. Spike stood slowly, blood dripping from his face, his mind reeled with what he had just done. Had anyone seen him they would have noticed a strange look in his eyes. Nearby he heard Drake roar, not in victory or anger, but in pain. ‘Help Drake, protect the griffins,’ a part of Spike said. ‘I have the power, I’ve killed once now, what is another, or another after that. I can protect them, the Diamond Dogs can’t block my flames. I can burn them.’ Something in him hesitated though, ‘I just took the life of a thinking creature, I am a monster, what would Rarity think, what would Twilight think. I have to leave, go somewhere that I can’t hurt anyone.’ ‘Help Drake!’ ‘Monster!’ ‘Protect the griffins!’ ‘Flee!’ Spike did the one thing that made sense. He threw himself into the fight, help or flee, protector or monster; the only way out of this was through the Diamond Dogs, so through them he would go. His mind shutting down, Spike ran on instinct alone. He leapt over the griffins in front of him and began attacking the Diamond Dogs, his claws slashed, his jaws snapped, and anytime they tried to surround him Spike’s flames burned a path. Pain that was all Drake felt. Cuts marred his wings and snout, a stab wound in his breast burned. Still he fought, feeding on the pain lest he falter now. ‘I was supposed to be powerful, immortal, capable of changing the world, and here I am being beaten by a bunch of strays.’ Drake swept his tail, forcing the dogs back and preventing them from climbing onto his back, by sheer luck he hit one slicing it in half. ‘If only I could breathe fire or something, then I could hit with that even though I can’t reach them.’ Suddenly, he saw a flash of flames in his vision. ‘Looks like Spike finally joined the fray, but what is he doing away from the griffin lines.’ The dogs chose the next moment to rush forward from all sides Drake swept out with his good arm, swung his tail, and darted his head in behind his arm forcing the Diamond Dogs to fall back. Using this next reprieve from the fighting, Drake noticed that the Diamond Dog numbers had shrunk. A thinned force occupied the griffin lines, a group focused on him, and another focused on Spike. The griffins may have finally taken the upper hand in their battle thanks to Spike, and Swiftwing slaying the alpha, if Drake’s eye did not deceive him. Across from Drake, Spike was now absorbed in his own fight. The dogs weren’t going to lose to him, they had the bigger dragon surrounded and grounded. All they had to do was herd this one there, and they could get them both. They slowly herded Spike towards Drake, doing their best to avoid losing any more of their comrades with only mild success. Drake looked up from his personal battle sometime later and noticed what was going on. He saw the Griffins were in the final phase of their fight. They were almost guaranteed to win, but would be too tired to help him and Spike. Then he saw, for the first time, just how wild Spike looked and how he was fighting. ‘Something is wrong,’ Drake thought. ‘Something is wrong and he needs help, this has to end now.’ Drake looked at the Dogs around him; they’d stopped attacking and seemed to be waiting for something. ‘Alright it is now or never, I need to breath fire, break out of the circle and get over to Spike, then I need to get us into the camp, hopeful the dogs will give up. If they follow us,’ Drake shrugged. ‘Well here’s hoping they won’t.’ Drake began to inhale concentrating on everything Spike had taught him. He focused on the power inside himself, trying to find it. Once his lungs filled, Drake picked his target, a Diamond Dog with the heaviest armor of those around him. Just then, Drake felt it the power Spike had described, more than once, in fact those descriptions had become quite frustrated the last time they tried this. He exhaled, sending his power out with his breath. Drake watched expecting a stream of flames to roast the dog alive. Instead a streak of lightning came out slamming into the first dog then arcing from it to those closest to it killing, burning flesh, and stopping hearts. Drake blinked. The dogs surrounding him blinked. Flam and Flim blinked. All the Griffins not so engaged that they could only see the enemy in front of them blinked. Drake laughed, a deep, happy, crazy, on the verge of menacing, laugh. “Not what I was expect, but certainly has potential.” Looking to the Dogs still around him he asked, “Whose next?” Rather than reply to his question they fled, running away then diving into the ground presumably into the tunnels that had brought them to the Griffin camp in the first place. Drake began walking to Spike, a short distance away, but his injuries slowed him. The Dogs noticed he was coming and shifted some of their number to face him, having missed his light show. Drake inhaled and reached into himself. It was easier this time than the last. He sent another bolt out, knocking a pair of dogs down. The rest noticed they were the only ones still on the field, the others having either fled after Drakes first lighting blasted or died at the talons of the Griffins. They too fled leaving an angry, confused young dragon on the field. Spike spun around, the Diamond Dogs have mysteriously run away. Turning, he saw Drake standing in front of him, bloodied and injured. Spike slowly calmed down and took stock of his surrounding as his mind began to work once again, he noticed the bodies and tasted blood. Slowly he looked at his claws and found them covered in it. As he looked at the bodies and his own form, realization hit him, dropping Spike to his knees. Spike began crying. “What have I done?! I killed so many of them. I took the life of intelligent beings. What kind of monster am I?! What have I done? Over and over Spike repeated those same questions as tears mingle with the blood on his face. Spike knelt there crying as Drake limped up to him. When Drake got next to him, Spike turned and asked, “Am I a monster? Are you one? Is that what you are helping make me?” “No Spike,” Drake said softly. “A monster is something that will enslave others. Cause them harm and pain for its own benefit. What I see in front of me is a hero, a protector, if only a young one still learning.’ “How,” Spike choked through his tear. “How can I be a hero after killing so many?” “Look at the griffins over there Spike. Think of the families that will remain together. Think of the children that will be free come morning, free of chains and slavery. The parents whose lives you likely saved by fighting as you did.” Spike tried to choke back his tear, tried to respond, but couldn’t as the tear kept flowing. He grasp onto Drakes leg. Drake held Spike close, there in the midst of the battlefield, until he had cried himself to sleep. Then Drake lifted him up and began limping towards the camp. Flim, Flam, and a number of griffins came forth when he began walking, and escorted the pair into the camp. Once Spike had been taken to be treated with the injured griffins, Drake flopped to the ground just inside the camp, giving in the fatigue and blood loss of the battle. * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 10: Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Dawn “I never worry about action, but only about inaction” Winston Churchill Entry Seven: After I wrote my entry last night the camp was attacked by Diamond Dogs. The Griffins got ready to fight and Drake decided we were going to help them. He gave me, Flim, and Flam orders then jumped into the fray. This morning, I woke up in the medical tent. I had bandages wrapped around me, and my shoulders felt really funny, I was going to take them off but the Griffin doctor, Advallan, told me to leave them on. Apparently, I got hurt really bad last night. I don’t remember much. I know I was attacked by a Diamond Dog and I think I broke down crying in front of Drake. Aside from that I can’t remember anything. As I was leaving the tent, I ran into Jekyll. He was hurt bad and missing a wing. He said he fell down during the fight, but just as the dogs were going to kill him Hyde got in the way. He killed one, but another ran him through. When I heard this I couldn’t believe it, there was no way Hyde was dead, not after I just met him. I stumbled out of the tent and into Flim and Flam. Flam had a leg in a sling, and Flim had the right side of his face bandaged up. They brought me with them for lunch. I asked how they were coping with the battle. The answers I got were really vague. I was about to ask if they knew what happened to Hyde when a fledging, probably the same age as the CMC, showed up saying Drake was awake and wanted to see us. When we arrived, he was talking to Swiftwing and Eagle-eye. They seemed to be talking quite animatedly, well the Griffins were, and Drake was laying there more bandages on him than scales showing. In the end they seemed to calm down some As they were leaving, they told us that services were being held for the dead when the sun touched the horizon, and asked us to attend. Afterwards, they left to do whatever needed doing. We went and talked to Drake. He told us that we were going to be staying with the griffins. Because of the attack, we were going to be moving into a ruin the griffins said didn’t have any of the Fallen in it. We all asked what the Fallen were, but Drake said now wasn’t the time for that. Instead, he asked to speak to Flim and Flam privately. I guess he wanted to ask if they still wanted to stay with us, or maybe their thoughts on the battle. After he finished talking to them, Flim and Flam left to take care of the SSCS 6000, which had suffered some damage in the battle. They told me Drake wanted to see me. I walked up, and he asked if I was okay. I told him I was, but he didn’t seem to buy it. Rather than press the issue, he asked me to take down a letter for him. I had to find some parchment and ink, but Drake didn’t seem to mind the wait. It was a letter for Luna asking about wishing stars. He also included a cryptic warning as a P.S. I’m not sure what it was about, or even why he wanted to send it. Afterwards, he told me to do whatever I wanted. I looked for Hyde for a while; I just can’t accept that he is gone, before sitting down to write this. The sun is almost to the horizon now so I am going to go to the service. Hopefully I will see Hyde there and get this straightened out. -Spike I went to the services and found Hyde; he was among the dead along with ten others. All of them sat on a pyre of wood and grasses with their most prized possessions resting around them. I couldn’t believe it, he had saved my life just yesterday and we became friends so quickly. What kind of world is it where a friend can disappear as quickly as he comes? Someone can come into your life; then disappear as soon as you turn around. I asked around about the battle, and learned what had happened. From what I pieced together, I stood where Drake left me going around in circles, not fighting. Then a Diamond Dog got through and jumped me. After that, I went crazy and burned a path through them. The one thing that stands out to me is not that I went crazy against the dogs, I can believe that, after all I went mad in Ponyville once. It is that my hesitation may be the reason why Hyde is gone, I didn’t do anything, I didn’t attempt to protect anyone. If this had happened back home what would have become of my friends? Would it be their funeral instead? I’ll never hesitate ever again. I would rather regret an action than inaction. At least that way, I’ll never wonder if someone is gone because I didn’t act. I think I need to write a letter of my own. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * That morning, Drake’s body rested wrapped in bandages at the entrance to griffin camp. His mind however was elsewhere, floating in an empty space. It was lit, yet dark; drab, yet vibrant. ‘The hell I am,’ thought Drake, attempting to look around. Seeing nothing, he turned his eyes on himself. What he saw surprised him. “I’m human again! how did that happen?” Drake said stunned. “You are that way because this is how you still think of yourself,” A feminine voice called out. “Who are you? Where are you?” Drake yelled spinning around in the empty space. “Show yourself!” There was a flash of light, and the world resolved itself around Drake. He found himself, dressed in a black business suit with a blue shirt, standing next to a window in a skyscraper, overlooking a city devoid of life. “Welcome, would you like a drink,” the voice said from behind him. Drake turned to find a young woman standing at a conference table with a pitcher of water and two glasses in her hands, one stretched out towards him. “Thank you, that sounds wonderful,” Drake responded, walking towards the woman, and taking the glass. “If you don’t mind my asking, who are you, and where are we?” “It hurts that you don’t remember me, but to answer your second question first; we are in limbo. On a plane that exists purely for the two of us, and just while we are here,” The woman said, pausing to take a drink. “To answer your first, I am the one who sent you to Equestria. The one who made you a dragon. The one who granted your wish.” Drake shook his head, as he swallowed his own sip. “That is impossible, the one that sent me here was a star, not a pretty lady such as yourself, and spoke with a voice very different from your’s.” “At that time, I spoke with the voice of the Convention, and I appear in this form because it is one that you can converse with easily,” the woman replied. “So, why are we here miss- What was your name?” “My name is beyond your understanding or comprehension, but you way call me Kallyn. The reason we are here is because you are in a dangerous position. You nearly died last night, and that seems like a terrible way to waste your wish. You haven’t even been there for two months.” “Yeah well, I didn’t exactly plan to find myself in the middle of a battle so early on,” Drake said sitting on the table. “So what are you gonna do about this dangerous position I’m in, the better question is why do you care?” “I can’t tell you why I care, but know this: I didn’t choose this plane without purpose. Change is in the wind, change started by four of my own and you are going to handle it.” “Wait what was that, change started by four wishing stars. Change you want me to handle,” Drake was on the verge of spewing his water. “I’m just some pawn in a game?” “No! No, you are far from a pawn. Your choices are your own, and I’m betting you will do the right thing. Therefore I’m going to tell you something. I’ll give you the name of a place where you can go to be safe, train, and get stronger. This place will not be given to you freely, but if you can reach its heart, you will be relatively safe.” Kallyn looked at Drake, seriousness darkener her features. Yet a hint of pleading lay in them as well. “I don’t know what all worries you so. Understand, I don’t intend to be a pawn, but you are offering me a place to go and train. I take it I can bring others with me?” “Of course, there wouldn’t be any point if you were to go alone,” Kallyn replied her features returning to what one might consider normal. “Now, when you awake, ask the leaders of the griffins you are with if there are any ruins without Ogres. You’ll learn more of them in times to come. It is there, in a place known as Forum, you will find answers.” “So a ruin without Ogres, wait there’s Ogres in this world?” “Now is not the time to be answering your questions. Maybe some other day. For now you have to wake up.” Kallyn placed a finger on Drake’s forehead and pushed him backwards. An instant later, Drake woke up back in Equestria. Upon waking he was met by three griffins. Two rushed away, and one who asked if he needed anything. Drake asked to see Swiftwing and Eagle-eye; only to learn that someone had already gone to get them. He also asked to see his friends. The griffin with him took off rounding up several fledglings and sending them to find Spike, Flim and Flam. Not long afterwards the husband and wife leaders of the Griffin arrived to speak with him. “Thank you Drake for what you did last night without your help we would be gone,” Eagle-eye said. “Are you feeling alright, you were badly injured and our doctor did their best to dress your wounds but….” “I am fine, thank you. I have something to ask you both do you know of a ruin without Ogres, a place called Forum?” “There is a place without Fallen walking its crumbling form, but what inhabits it is no less dangerous. I don’t know its name, but it may be this Forum you seek,” Swiftwing responded. “But I wonder, for one who knows so little about this place, how do you know about Ogres or the names of ruins?” “Would you believe it came to me in a dream?” Drake asked, waving a claw in circles before halting it suddenly. “Wait, that is the third time I’ve heard you use to term Fallen, but you never told me anything about any Fallen yesterday afternoon.” “The Fallen are a curse, set upon each race that served the Empire, twisted perversion of the ones they once were. They appeared during its fall,” Eagle-eye answered. “The shame of the Griffins is the Harpies, of the Minotaurs the Ogres. Diamond Dogs come from a race which is forgotten, and the shape shifters are what became of ponies. These are the Fallen. Long ago, they tormented us and the others relentlessly. Over time they became less aggressive. However, in the past several months that has changed. Something has happened and they are becoming as legends say they once were.” Drake took a moment to digest this information, and filed it away for further consideration before returning his attention to Eagle-eye and Swiftwing. “Can you take me to the ruin I asked about? Surely, it would be safer for all us to travel together.” “We could show you, but we’ll not go with you, not to that place,” Eagle-eye replied, waving his arms across one another. “Ogres infest all ruins but that one. There is something more powerful than Ogres there; something that attacks everything which has ever entered it.” Swiftwing began to hover as she said this. “I have been there once long ago, two scout went in, one came out, missing a wing, and leg spouting nonsense about stone and metal attacking him.” She landed back on the ground. “Death awaits those who go there, I don’t care what visions a pain induced dream may have given you.” Drake looked at the two and took a moment to form his reply. “I’m going to that ruin and I’m gonna tame it. I’ll be taking my friends with me, and I’m offering ya’ll a chance to join in. Consider, the world is changing. You said it yourself. Last night’s attack may just be the first of many; come with me to the outskirts of the ruin. From there if I can’t find a way to make it safe, for you to stay, ya’ll go on without me. “No! absolutely not,” Swiftwing said emphatically. “How many died last night, how many more will if something has changed the way the winds blow. If you’ll pardon the analogy,” Drake asked. Why he was so incessant on this? He wasn’t sure, but he felt that it was in everyone’s interest to do as he had been advised. “Swiftwing, maybe we should. What would be the harm,” Eagle-eye said concern for peoples survival being greater than his fear. “Tell you what, go and think about it. In the morning, if I’m good enough to move, you can give me your answer, but please consider it.” When Drake finished speaking the pair left sending Spike, Flam and Flim over to him as they did so. * * * * * * * * * * * * Elsewhere, at a meeting of the Convention of Entities Beyond the Comprehension of Corporeal Beings. A heated meeting was occurring. “What have you done,” a voice boomed from amongst the gathered. “Our laws forbid interaction except when they see us falling in the sky and make a wish. This restriction was set upon us at the founding of time and you have ignored it.” “I did what needed doing,” a familiar female voice replied. “Is it so different from the four who freed her not so long ago.” “That was in response to a wish, four wishes for the same thing, made at the same time.” “And yet our involvement is instantaneous, why wait one thousand year to fulfill them.” “The forces at work were as great as our own if not greater. They were meant to seal an evil force more powerful than any other immortal at the time. Their power was greater than we imagined.” “And now as this world stands to suffer as it did so long. I will not let that happen while I have a means to prevent it, not given the destruction that happened before.” “That is not for you to decide. We must obey the rules of the Convention, the rules given to us at creation; no one world is worth their violation. For your actions you must be punished.” Disappointment emanated throughout those gathered. Never before had punishment been issued; never had it been need. “Fine, do to me what must be done. If he does what I know he will, it will be worth it.” “You will be silenced,” the booming voice stated. “Until such a time as your actions are of no consequence you shall be without interaction. Trapped to forever watch and never speak.” A moment later the Convention dispersed each to continue their mission as set forth at creation, all but Kallyn. Kallyn stood trapped in the skyscraper a screen on the wall displaying an injured blue dragon resting in an evening sun. * * * * * * * * * * * * It was early afternoon in Canterlot when Luna awoken, after going to bed that morning. As she went about donning her royal regalia, a cloud of smoke startled her before resolving into a rolled up bit of parchment. Luna poked it with her hoof once, then twice before grasping it in her telekinetic grip and unrolling it. What she found both pleasantly surprise and worried her. She was pleasantly surprised she had received a letter but worried by its contents. Dear Luna, What do you know of the wishing stars. I have recently had several encounters with one and they have been quite odd. We will be meeting someday before too long and I hope to talk to you then. -Drake P.S. Be watchful, danger can come from anywhere, and in any form. Luna took the letter and ran from her room. She went to find her sister, intent on discussing events from long ago which might yet have meaning. * * * * * * * * * * * * That evening in Ponyville Twilight was busy cleaning up the library after Rainbow had her meeting to inform the town’s pegasi they’d been selected to provide water to Cloudsdale. It’d been an interesting experience for Twilight, who operated the film projector. While it was simplistic in its presentation, weather production was something she wasn’t well versed in. Any information was new and interesting to her. Regardless, after the pegasi had left, Twilight was cleaning when she too was met by a waft of smoke which resolved into a letter. Twilight froze, she hadn’t received anything from Spike in over a week, she’d begun to give up hope he would stay in contact. After the shock wore off, she snapped in open and began reading over. Her excitement quickly waned, she read it again, and tears began to form as she brought her hoof to her lips. “Oh Spike, what are you going through out there? Please be okay.” * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 11: Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: Flight “Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth/And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;” From “High Flight” by John Gillespie Magee, Jr. Entry Eight: Wings! I have wings. Flight is within my grasp. I have wings! They’re why my shoulders were itching and hurting over the past couple of days. They woke me up this morning; my whole back was burning with pain, like someone was breathing dragon’s fire on me. The pain was excruciating. It had me in tears at one point. Ever so slowly, it passed, and was replaced by a duller pain, as if something was being pressed against my spine. I tried to tear off the bandage, but it was tougher than it looked. Instead, I ran to the medical tent to have Dr. Advallan remove it. He cut it away. Then got really still, before clearing his throat, and telling me I had wings. I didn’t believe him at first. How could I have wings? He set up some mirrors to show them to me. I jumped for joy and went running right out. I may have woken up the whole camp; I was cheering so loudly. Sure, I’d always wanted to fly, but only in the past week or so has it become a burning wish. Horseapples, I need to fly. Need, funny that word should pop up as I am writing this. Drake is still recovering, a.k.a sleeping, so I haven’t talked to him about my wings, yet. Then again, he might not be able to tell me anything one way or the other. Now that I’m thinking about it, Need is probably why I have these wings. I can’t really control them, maybe they aren’t fully developed, but soon I’ll need some flying lessons. Drake or one of the griffins should be able to teach me. It is still early in the day and the camp is busy with activity so I am going to see if there is anything I can do to help. -Spike Entry: Nine Today has been a fury of activity, but to understand why that is I need to tell you a bit more about what happened after yesterday’s entry. Drake woke up sometime around noon and must have been feeling much better because he found me and together we went looking for the Cider Twins, as we have taken to calling them. As we looked, I showed Drake my new wings. He seemed pretty happy, even a little bit excited about them. I still can’t use them any, although I am beginning to have some feeling in them today. Drake mentioned that this might be something to write home about, or maybe I should challenge Rainbow to a race for when I get back, with the condition that she can’t use her wings. After that suggestion he came awfully close to maniacal laughter; to say Drake has a slightly twisted sense of humor would be a bit of an understatement. Regardless, his suggestion does have some merit; it would be pretty funny to see her reaction. Anyway we found Flim and Flam working on the SSCS 6000, which was looking worse for wear. Drake lay down near them and I sat down opposite him. He began telling us about this weird dream he had the other day and how he was trying to get the griffins to lead us to this ruin and join us. About the time he finished regaling us, Eagle-eye and Swiftwing landed in the middle of our circle facing Drake. Drake asked if they’d come with his answer. Eagle-eye and Swiftwing glanced at one another. I’m pretty sure that I saw her give him slight nod before Eagle-eye looked back at Drake and said, “Despite some reservations we’ve decided that the McFarweathers will accompany you to the ruin you asked about. However, if we are going to guide you there, we need you to promise that you’ll do everything in your power to keep our Family safe.” Drake said nothing for a moment. Then he spoke in a tone I’d never heard him use before. It sounded somewhere along the lines of respectfully and sincere; with other things mixed in I am not sure about. Using this tone, Drake said, “You have my word on all that I am. I will do my utmost to ensure that every single griffin now alive in this camp survives, and prove to you that this alliance between us will be to everyone’s benefit.” Eagle-eye looked a little shocked by what Drake had said. I don’t know why. I mean, he’d thrown him, the Cider Twins, and me into a battle and nearly died to save these guys already. He nodded then took off, saying he had much to do and little time to do it in. Swiftwing looked Drake over, as if reevaluating her opinion of him, before leaving as well. After that, Drake told us to do whatever we needed to be ready to move. Flim and Flam went back to working on the SSCS 6000. I stayed and helped them for a little bit before going off to see if any of the Griffins needed help. So, that is what happened yesterday. Today the whole camp was broken down and every griffin began to form up near what had been the entrance. All the griffins had a bundle with them, some had several, and a few even had carts resting next to them. Swiftwing and her warriors combed the skies with bows out and ready in case something got in its mind to attack the McFarweathers. Off on the horizon, I’m pretty sure I saw a couple of griffin scouts keeping an eye on our intended route out of here. Drake and Eagle-eye stood side by side at the front of the assemblage. Once everyone had arrived they spoke to the gathering. “Friends, Family,” Eagle-eye began, “We are moving to investigate a ruin.” At those words shock ran through the crowd and several cried out it was foolish, or forbidden. Drake silenced them with a roar allowing Eagle-eye to continue. “I am aware of the reputation of the ruins, but this one is not infested by Fallen. Our friend Drake, who fought alongside us, risking death when he could have left us, believes that it may be made safe. Safe from the Harpies. Safe from the Diamond Dogs. I too am skeptical of this, but change is in the air. Harpies are becoming more aggressive and the Dogs are assembling into larger hosts than we have ever seen. Today we take a step to protect ourselves. If it proves untamable, we’ll know it is not an option. If we are successful, we may gain a valuable prize.” Over the course of his speech, the mood of the crowd shifted from nervous and angry to anxious and maybe even a little bit hopeful. “On my signal all who can fly will take off and travel as the vanguard to tonight’s campsite, the rest of us will follow on the ground. Be watchful for anything that may be of use to us this next week.” With a wave of his arm the whole host moved roughly two hundred and fifty griffins lurched into motion. Those that could took to the skies, joining a squad of warriors, before heading off to the west. The rest of us moved south out of the camp to get away from the mountains before we were to turn west and follow the fliers. Drake stayed on the ground and led the way forward. And that is when near disaster struck. As soon as we had left sight of the camp Drake disappeared in a cloud of dust. For several moments, we heard nothing but sounds of lightning and thunder, Barks and yelps, claw and steel, and then nothing. The dust cleared, and we saw Drake at the bottom of a sink pit. The corpses of Diamond Dogs littered its floor and the entryway to several tunnels. “Damn Dogs! They must’ve been building these since that battle,” said Drake as he began trying to climb out of the pit. The battle had added some new bruises and cuts to him. With the old injuries they, made it near impossible from him to scale the walls. Fortunately Flam and Flim lent their magic and helped pull him out. After that, everyone was really careful about the path we took. Guards were stationed along the perimeter and within the column. We didn’t hit anymore sink pit, but there were a couple cases of dogs popping up from underground. They were shot the moment they surfaced. The sun was halfway past the horizon when we made it to the camp the vanguard had set up. The mood of the McFarweathers is subdued. At the same time, I think they are hopeful as well. It is going to take a week to reach the ruin that Drake calls Forum. While there is still time for something to go wrong, if we all work together it will be fine. Drake said we’ve been slacking on training, and that it is finally time to start working on Greed. We will see what happens, but I think things are finally look up after the past couple of days. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * Twilight had a busy day out at the exercise track. She’d enjoyed it though. Not only did she get to help her friend; she had a chance to learn more about pegusi in general. The only down side had been Fluttershy’s reaction. Of course, bringing Scootaloo along to help her in Spike’s place might not have helped things either. Looking back she realized that it had been a very bad decision. Fluttershy’s stage fright combined with Scootaloo’s reactions to each wing power number was a recipe for disaster. Nonetheless, it was done. Now, she and Rainbow Dash were out at a cozy little café. Two friends grabbing dinner and discussing the day’s results. “Thanks for helping out Twi,” Rainbow said between bites of her lasagna filled with mushrooms, pepper, tomato sauce, eggplant and cheeses. “I knew you’d be the perfect person to help me with getting Ponyville’s pegusi into shape. “Glad to do it,” Twilight replied. Her grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup sat mostly untouched as she was spending most of her time talking. “I’m just happy you trust me enough to help. I figured that you would go looking for somepony more athletically inclined.” “I know all the athletic stuff. What I needed was somepony with the book smarts to make sure my training plan wasn’t too much for the rest of these ponies.” Rainbow paused to take of sip of her drink. “After all, not everypony can keep up with my awesomeness.” It was at that point in the meal a letter appeared between the two friends. Twilight was surprised to get another so quickly, and Rainbow, who Twilight had shown the last one, was worried something even worse had happened. Even more surprising for them both was when Twilight unrolled to letter and another, addressed to Rainbow Dash, fell out. Passing it to her, they both read their respective letters. Dear Twilight, “Hey Twilight. Guess what! I have wings now. Wings! I can fly! Well not yet. But soon, I’ll be in the sky, and get to see what Rainbow finds so great about it. On that note, don’t tell her I have wings. I’m sure she’ll show you her letter, but you can’t let her know I have wings. Tell anypony you want except her, but anypony you tell has to Pinkie Promise not to tell her. On another note I still miss Hyde, but I talked to some people about it. While I didn’t understand what they said at first I do now. I’m going to be fine it’ll just take some time. Take care and stay safe. Love, Spike. Twilight smiled, at first, but became more and more curious about what Spike meant, right up until Rainbow shoved her letter in Twilights face. “Read this Twilight. Spike must be doing ok. Tartarus, he even has the guts to challenge me to a race when he comes home.” Dear Rainbow, ‘Hey Rainbow. I’m growing a lot out here, and was talking to Drake when he mentioned I should test myself when I get home. This sounds like a great idea, so I challenge you to a race. You, me, and any course you want. Loser owes the winner one task of their choosing. There’s one condition though. Just to be fair, you can’t use your wings. Same as your race against Applejack during the running of the leaves. If you accept, send a reply through Twilight. Bring it, Spike “He’s going down. I don’t care what kind of changes he is going through. If he’s getting cocky, I’m going to knock him down a peg.” Rainbow continued to rant as realization grasped Twilight. Spike as setting Rainbow up. She wasn’t sure why he was doing this, it seemed kinda mean, but then again maybe it was just to get a laugh. Of course, if that was what he found funny maybe these changes wouldn’t be for the best. Before Twilight to go any farther down the rabbit hole, Rainbow brought her back. “Hey! Equestria to Twilight, Equestria to Twilight. Did you hear me? Tell Spike he’s going down next time you send him something.” Twilight assured Rainbow she would. As they resumed their meal, worry and elation both vyed for Twilight’s attention. * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 12: Forum: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: Forum “If they do break through, run as if something very nasty were after you, because something very nasty will be after you” ~The Doctor Entry Ten: We’ve been traveling for two days now, the mountains of the border are beginning to recede beyond the horizon behind us and before us are with rolling hills covered with a tan grass. The occasional tree stands out against the grass marking the few wet spots on a plain were little water flows. There haven’t been any attacks on the caravan since yesterday, and everyone seems a bit happier. The fledglings were playing around today, instead of staying near their parents quiet and withdrawn. For our camp tonight, we are on the top of a hill with a freshwater spring; nearby are some freshly scorched patches of earth from the training Drake and I were doing earlier. This evening was our second attempt at tapping into the power of Greed. For now we are just attempting to induce mild growth then snap out of it. We both agreed to start with me since we knew I had done it before and he doubted we could stop him while there was a chance he could stop me before I grew too strong. Last night we got nowhere with it. Nothing happened. Drake things it might be a hoard thing, since neither of us have one. We decided to focus on other stuff after an hour of trying. This evening however we had some success. I was just barely able to tap into my Greed by thinking of my home as my hoard. I experienced growth as intended. Unfortunately, when he tried to get me to think of Ponyville and Rarity, I went on a bit of a rampage looking for it and her. I wound up starting a fire which forced Drake to tackle me, and use me to start a back burn before he scolded me harshly enough that I snapped out of it. Most to these details are from what he told me happened. My memories of the event are pretty fuzzy. Though, they are better than my memories of the day after my birthday, when I was first and totally consumed by Greed. One detail that does stand out to me was that I was a bit bigger than Drake. Normally I’m only about three-quarters, maybe a bit more, the size of the Cider Twins. After that, we focused of other things. A couple of Griffin saw what was going on and brought some of their own books over. To my surprise they use the same alphabet, and for the most part similar spellings as the ponies. Drake seemed intrigued by it and said something about it lending strength to the empire story he had been told. I guess that means if we find a library in these ruins we will be able to read whatever they have there. Now it is time to grab some food and rest up. Walking all day before training is exhausting. -Spike Entry Fourteen: We have arrived and are now sitting on the outskirts of the ruin. It is an impressive sight to be sure. It is massive, sloping gently up a large hill and completely covering it in stone. A wall rings the ruin at the base of the hill. Although it is crumbling, it is still an impressive fortification. At the center, above all else, stands a large stone building with marble columns leading to an entryway that seems largely intact from here. It is creepy too. Nothing is moving in the ruins. The Griffins are really nervous about being this close to it. From what I’ve heard, most of these ruins have some Ogres in them. Truly twisted creatures, or so they claim, but exceeding lazy. That isn’t important right now though because there aren’t any here. That’s why we are here. Drake is certain we can make this city a base of operations for whatever he has planned. Speaking of Drake I think we have cracked the Greed control issue for him. It is not perfect but he gave me a list of twelve things to say: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. I don’t know why he picked these, he doesn’t exactly fit many of them, but we gave it a try this evening and it worked. Triggering his greed was kinda funny. We used books. That’s right, books. Apparently, Drake has a love of knowledge, kinda like a certain unicorn I know. It shouldn’t be that surprising, now that he can read, even if it is at a foals level, he reads everything he can anytime he can. My Greed control is coming along as well. One thing we had to do was come up with a way for others to snap us out of our greed. I won’t write down here how it works for me, but sufficient to say Drake is way too creative for his own good. Flim and Flam got a laugh out of it too since Drake insisted they know how to snap us out in case we ever both fell into the control of our Greed. Tomorrow we are going into the ruin and making straight from the center structure. We are walking the whole way as well, just Drake and I against whatever might be in there, because I can’t fly yet. I can feel my wings, I can flap them, but I am not coordinated or strong enough to fly yet. So we are going to walk right up the main road and to top it off Drake want me in Greed mode, far enough that I am as big as him until we get to the center. Tomorrow will be interesting. -Spike * * * * * * * * * * * * Morning came, and with it storms blocking much of the sun’s light. As Drake and Spike prepared to enter the ruin, rain poured down, lightning flashed, and thunder crashed. The Griffins, already nervous, became fearful; nature itself seemed to be condemning their decision. Regardless of the weather, Drake was determined to go forth. He’d already waited nearly a week to reach this ruin, and he had grown increasingly curious about what was held within. “Are you ready for this Spike,” Drake asked as he and Spike stood alone a short distance from what seemed to be the main gate to the city, getting drenched by the storm. “Ready as I’ll ever be, but are you sure about this? What if I lose control, or you can’t snap me out of it,” Spike replied, still concerned about using Greed for this endeavor. “Yes. If you can’t use it for this when there may well be something that can kill us inside, at least according to Swiftwing, then how will you be able to use it later?” “I hope to be much better trained on it by then, but here goes nothing.” Spike began to focus on his desires, what did he want, what was his hoard and such as that. Not but a short moment later Spike stood shoulder to shoulder with Drake equal in size and nearly equal in strength. “Spike, do you remember our plan and our goal,” Drake asked. You see, the more a dragon gives in to Greed the duller they become. Often forget anything aside from their base desires. “Go center. Stay together. No get hurt,” Spike answered, proving he retained enough sense to be an asset and not a liability. “Then off we go.” They began their trek into the city, passing through the gatehouse and into the ruin. They found nothing but crumbling buildings and rusted metal, any wood, or other less durable materials, having long since vanished with the passage of time. Here and there plant life struggled to survive amongst the stone, but it was very sparse. Even in the desolation, there were sounds. Rain hitting stone, thunder, and, Drake was certain, footsteps belonging to something else. He couldn’t see it, the rain and dim sky reducing visibility, but he though he saw something move from time to time within the ruins. ‘Might just be nerves, might be trouble,’ Drake thought as he continued moving up the main avenue keeping all his senses peeled. Beside Drake, Spike plodded along, the rain bugging him. Nowhere did he see gems, or other things his Greed fueled mind desired at that moment. Yet, his rational side held strong, keeping him on task and preventing him from falling further. They had gotten far enough into the ruin that, on a clear day, they would have been visible on the side of the hill to people outside the ruin, even as far away as the Griffin camp. On a clear day, there was a chance that someone from the Griffin camp would see what was moving in the side streets and alleyways. Perhaps they would warn the pair with the scale Flim and Flam still carried. Alas, the rain obscured any such views, leaving the dragons unaware of the threats gathering around them. The city was theirs. Theirs to protect. Theirs to guard. At one time, they had protected it for someone or from someone but they no longer remembered who. The enchantments that gave them life were old, and had been passed down onto new bodies as the old ones degraded beyond usefulness. Now intruders came into their city, and intruders must die. These were dragons, and dragons required everyone. They waited and followed as the dragons continued into the city towards the center. If they reached the library it would be too late. Fortunately the host had almost gathered; just a moment longer and all would be set right. About two thirds of the way to the center of the ruin, Drake became certain he heard something other than rain, thunder, and the footsteps of dragon. There were sounds of metal on metal, stone on stone, and heavily weighted footsteps whispering all around them. “Spike, get ready to run for the center of the city. If we can get in there, we should be able to defend ourselves better than out here,” Drake said to his companion, hoping it got through to him. “Why run? What wrong?” Spike asked. He hadn’t noticed anything aside from the annoying rain which continued to fall, and the lack for gems or other things he desired. “Something is trying to surround us. When they attack we run. Fight only to keep your path open.” “Okays,” Spike replied. From the shadows and through the rain they came. Lighting stuck, illuminating them. Easily nine feet tall, if not more, they were bipedal constructs of stone and rusted metal. They lacked a defined head. Instead, they had a rounded rectangle body, if any shape accurately describes it, wider at the top then the bottom. Two arms attached at the top; two legs at the bottom. The arms ended not in hands but in weapons, clubs and maces and hammers. Even swords and axes on those whose bodies were made of rusted metal. The legs ended like trees trunks without the roots; simply large circles that supported the whole weight of the constructs. Spike and Drake did not have long to marvel at these details, and consider the skill it must have took to create them. They were busy running away. Drake shot lighting. Spike belched flame, Both swept with their tails and claws. They ran through the city, clearing the path before them in an attempt to prevent the constructs from closing in to closely. Drake roared in pain as one jumped from an alleyway into his side. It knocked him down and slammed its hammer-like arm into his gut. Drake swept at it with his claws, but it had moved up beyond their reach. It was preparing to slam its hammer down on his spine when Spike’s tail slammed into it, sending the construct flying into a building. Drake got up and continue on. It was in this fashion that the two of them made for the center of the ruin. Hours had pasted since Drake and Spike entered the ruin, and those in the camp had no way of knowing what had become of them. As the rain poured down, Flam and Flim had taken refuge from the deluge with the Griffins in the McFarweather’s main meeting tent. They had Drake’s scale, keeping it nearby as a way to remain informed as to if he lived or not. While waiting, they listened. The Griffins shared tales among themselves as a way to stave off fear. They told tales of great feats and lost homes. As Flim and Flam listened to the tales, enjoying the peace they created, there was a roar from the ruin. Everyone stopped and listened intently. Another different roar rang out a moment later; then the first voice again not long afterwards. “And so they are beset by the monsters that claim this place and keep it theirs,” Swiftwing said. “Let us see if they can fare better than all others who have tried to investigate or claim it before them.” The McFarweathers listened while Flim and Flam stayed in contact with the scale, still feeling it direct them to Drake, reassuring them he lived. His side throbbed, his tail was cut, and blood leaked from his claws where repeated blows to the constructs had hurt him as badly as it hurt them. Beside him, Spike fared no better, suffering many similar injuries. Drake’s lightning had proved more effective against the constructs, seeming to interrupt whatever magic powered them, but Spikes flames still did the job. At last, the central structure was in sight; just a short distance away. Yelling at Spike to push it out, Drake burst into a sprint, digging deep to get out of the open. Spike followed a step behind, hoping the threshold to the structure would deliver him from the pain he felt. As they crossed into what seemed to be a courtyard or perhaps a plaza before the building, the constructs backed off. When they reached the entryway, Drake noticed the constructs had stopped pursing them. Instead they took up posts surrounding the plaza. They had the dragons trapped, but refused to enter the plaza to bring them down. Turning to Spike, Drake decided it was time to have him return to normal. Whatever was in the building, Drake preferred a fully sensible, if smaller, Spike with him rather than the brute he had beside him now. “Ok Spike, time to snap out of it,” Drake said. He looked to see if Spike could break free of Greed on his own, or if he would have assist him. Spike heard Drake’s words, and entered a mental battle with himself. His Greed side insisted that he didn’t need to give it up. The power it offered would allow him to gather riches; more than he could comprehend. If he gave in further, he could overpower Drake and have anything he wanted. His rational side argued that the Greed had served its purpose. It was time to return to normal. He needed to trust Drake so he could keep training. Training he need to return to Ponyville and his friends. Plus, he didn’t want Drake to put those images in his head. Just as Drake was preparing to snap Spike out of it, the dragon in question shrunk down to his new normal size, and shook his head to chase away the dizziness the process invoked. “Okay, all good let’s see what’s in this place.” “Very well. Shall we,” Drake said, motioning towards the entryway before stepping off and crossing the threshold into the unknown yet again. Spike followed a moment later and was stunned. This building, this center of the city was a massive library. Rows upon rows of books and scrolls turned into floors of books and scrolls as Spikes eye adjusted to the dark interior, letting him look around better. Noticing that Drake had continued onwards into the library, Spike jogged to catch up. He saw they were following the main aisle towards something he couldn’t quite make out. Drake saw what he was heading for, and it brought up more questions than it answered. At first, he’d merely been walking down the main aisle. He was astounded this building was a library. Even more astoundingly, its contents seemed to be intact. As he got further in, he noticed a round desk, or perhaps information center, at the center of the library. What threw him for a loop was in a chair facing the main door. Sitting in the chair was the body of a gray Minotaur with a massive beard flowing down its front. When Drake reached the desk, Spike asked the question that was on both their minds. “Is it alive?” “Only one way to find out,” Drake said, pointing to a small bell and hammer sitting on the desk. Spike took the hint and rang the bell. What happened next shocked them both to their very core. “Welcome to the Grand Library of the Empire of Order, I am the Custodian. How can I help you today,” said the body as it stood up and dusted itself off. As Drake and Spike stood stunned, Spike burped up a letter, adding to the growing silence in the library. * * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 13: Wait. What? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: Wait. What? “It’s funny. All you have to do is say something nobody understands and they’ll do practically anything you want them to.” J.D. Salinger Drake and Spike stood there stunned, the letter ignored, as the Minotaur continued speaking. “Each of the four wings is dedicated to publications relating to one of Forum’s four colleges. The college entrances can be found across the plaza from their wing. The main hall you entered through is the Arcane Wing, opposite it is the Mundane Wing, to your left in the Individual Wing, and to your right is the Social Wing. If you desire access to the restricted texts, please present signed approval from one of the four deans….” Tuning out the Minotaur, but being careful to not be heard, Drake leaned down to Spike and asked, “Does something about this guy seem a little off to you?” “Let’s see. The fact he was sleeping in here with all those death machines made of living stone and metal, he is still alive despite it looking like there is nothing to eat or drink, he acts as if the city was booming and filled with people and this was just another day, or the fact that he looks old enough to be Celestia’s grandfather. Which one seems a little off to you,” Spike deadpanned in reply. “Seriously Spike, look at his eyes. They’re dead to the world. It’s like his body is going through the motions, but his mind is locked away or gone.” Spike took a closer look and saw what Drake was saying to be true. The Custodian’s eyes where dead; no gleam of life or emotion in them. He looked down at the bell hammer in his hand. “Hey Drake, what if he’s still asleep or something?” Spike asked, a plan beginning to form. “What like sleepwalking? Maybe-” That was good enough for Spike, he started slamming the hammer into the bell as quickly as he could. The Custodian stopped speaking and fell back into his chair, where he began to shake violently. Spike dropped the hammer, shocked by the Custodian’s reaction. Drake moved behind the desk, doing his best to keep the Custodian from hurting himself. “Hey! Wake up! Snap outta it!” Drake continued trying to wake the Custodian but, as everything he tried did nothing, he rapidly approached his wits end. Spike finally snapped out of his stupor and ran towards the exit. When Spike passed to the outside, he saw that the constructs were still where they had been when he and Drake entered the building but where acting different as well. No longer were they teeming at the edge of the plaza as if stopped by a barrier, but rather they were just standing with some moving away to other parts of the city. Rather than ponder on them Spike focused on why he came outside, the rain. Looking around Spike saw a slight flaw in his plan. ‘Bucket, pail, cup, jug, anything,’ Spike thought as he looked around. When he failed to find anything to carry the water in, he cupped his hands, catching as much water as they could hold. He then rushed back to Drake, being careful to spill as little as possible. When he reached them, he threw the water onto the Custodian. The Custodian stopped all movement. Drake looked back at Spike, eyes wide. Spike looked at Drake, “Did I kill him?” Before Drake could answer, the Custodian awoke, much different than before. “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” The Minotaur snapped as he shakily stood up. “Is the war finally over? did we finally beat that foul demon? Wait.” The Minotaur smelled the air, breathing it in deeply. “I can smell his taint in you. Has he sent you here to torment me more? Was binding me to this building not enough, now he sends dragons to burn it down around me?" "So be it. I challenge you to try! I am Epistaties, Lord High Enchanter of Forum and Caretaker of the Imperial Library! Discord may have sealed me here, but none shall destroy this knowledge!” Epistaties thundered, drawing himself up to his full height and taking a battle stance. With legs bent, and arms raised as the air around him began to crackle. Epistaties waited for Drake and Spike’s next move, fully expecting the worst. Drake and Spike took one second to process Epistaties’ statement before throwing their hands up and trying to talk him down. “Whoa man, I don’t even know what war you’re talking about,” Drake said as he backed away, hoping to seem less threatening. “We don’t serve Discord. That jerk is sealed in stone at Canterlot Castle; just like he has been for the past several thousand years.” Spike said, careful to omit that he’d recently gotten free before being resealed. “There is no such place. Do not attempt to lie to me!” Epistaties yelled at Spike. “And don’t you dare say you don’t know of the war--the war destroying the empire and all it stands for. The war which is twisting everyone into foul reflections of themselves,” Epistaties said, turning his anger to Drake. “But Canterlot is a real place. It is where Princess Celestia lives, you have to know about her, right? She raises the sun and, until the recent return of Princess Luna, moon every day and night. She’s ruled Equestria ever since she and Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to seal Discord away,” Spike said, finding it hard to believe there was someone who had never heard of them. “LIES! Lies by chaos to trick me that you may avoid my wrath!” Epistaties cried, fear being to creep into his mind that what they said was true. Fear that someone had defeated Discord, but his beloved empire had been destroyed before it happened. “Calm down, do you even know how long you have been asleep? Do you know you greeted us as the Custodian and began telling us all about this place?” Drake asked, recovering from the shock of Epistaties threats and preparing himself should things go sour. “Do not tell me to calm down! I did no such thing!” Epistaties yelled back, but even as he did so his shoulders drooped down almost imperceptibly. “You did. If you would calm down and tell us your story, we’ll tell you ours. We can go from there. Okay,” Drake said, hoping he might have an opening to defuse the situation. “Yeah, we really aren’t here to cause trouble. For Celestia’s sake, I grew up in a library. I’ve had a deep respect for knowledge pounded into me hard enough to know better to burn one down,” Spike said, sensing Epistaties was coming around. Epistaties was silent for a moment, carefully weighing what had been said against what he remembered. How Discord appeared in the sky above the city, his magic twisting things at random. How he had pulled on the power beneath the city, the very confluence it had been built to study, to undo the chaos. How the golems had fought Discord’s army preventing it from breaching the city. He remembered Discord landing in the city, sweeping soldiers and golems away as he had advanced towards Epistaties. How he had thrown up a barrier to prevent Discord from harming the library. He remember how Discord had hammered at it for days, the confluence being used to fuel it long after Epistaties should have failed. How Discord had cursed him even through the barrier. Then the blackness that had followed until he awoke to these two dragons. Perhaps he might listen to what they had to say. “Perhaps, you are telling the truth,” Epistaties said, relaxing from his battle stance but keeping his guard up. “Tell me your own stories, and if I believe you to be telling the truth, I will share my own.” “Excellent, Epistaties was it, then allow me to introduce myself. I am Drake, and with me is Spike. I will tell my story since it is the shorter of the two believe it or not, and then Spike will share his. Provided of course that suits you well enough.” “That will be fine, begin when you are ready,” “Very well, my life in this world started…” Drake shared his story being careful to leave out any details about his life before becoming a dragon. He fielded and deflected a fair number of question thrown his way, treading a careful line to keep Epistaties believing in his story without coming to think he was completely crazy. When he finished, the story-telling duties shifted to Spike, who fielded far more questions as he told of his time in Canterlot and with the Elements of Harmony. When Spike finished his story the library fell silent aside from the breathing of its three occupants. Had any listened hard enough they could have heard the soft patter of the rain outside. Drake and Spike waited to see if Epistaties would believe their stories, or if he still thought they were agents of Discord. Epistaties slowly sat down in the chair they’d found him in. He looked both of them in the eyes for a long moment before speaking. “While I do not trust either of you, I believe your stories. As promised I will share with you my own, but first I believe you have some friends waiting outside the city.” “Yeah, the McFarweathers along with the Cider Twins,” Spike said, releasing a sigh of relief. “Then I think we should include them in the telling of my story. It will have much to do with their own pasts, which seem forgotten.” “Okay sure; just one issue,” Drake said, motioning down the hallway he’d come in. “There’s an army of marauding stone and metal constructs out there that the two of us barely survived--I doubt we can get the entire McFarweather Family and the Cider Twins here before they killed them. “Yes, the golems do present a problem. Their programs seem to have degraded,” Epistaties said as he scratched his chin. “I may be able to solve that problem if I can have about a pint of dragon’s blood.” “Whoa now, just how are these golems, as you called them, programed, and why do you need dragon’s blood?” Drake asked defensively. Giving his blood to a Minotaur that was ready to kill him but a moment ago seemed like a really bad idea. “No way am I giving you my blood. What the hay do you even mean about those things having ‘programs,’” Spike chimed, very much on the same page as Drake about this. “When the empire was at its height, every city was enchanted with runes all tied to the blood of the current ruler. These enchantments provided for all sorts of needs and services. In time, we made allies that allowed us to bind a living soul statues and suits of armor. With our enchantments and their soul forging the golems were born. I do not know who soul forging works, it was a jealously guarded secret, but I can tell you of enchanting. Enchanting is based on the use of runes. To enchant something one needs but the write words in the proper order using dragon’s blood for ink. There are more permanent methods, but they can be discussed at another time. Dragon’s blood has incredible arcane properties, giving the runes the power they need to work,” Epistaties explained, seeing that this knowledge had been lost to the world. “If one of you would be kind enough to donate some blood, I can attempt to restore the golem’s programs by writing a control patch on a sheet of parchment and attach it to one of them. That should restore them to proper working order at least for a little while.” Drake thought it over for a moment while Spike waited to see what he would say. ‘If what Epistaties is saying is true, this empire was far more advanced than I would have guessed. Even if he isn’t, it would be nice to get everyone in here and together to hear his story. I have a feeling it will be much more informative to us than ours were to him.’ “Alright here’s the deal: you can have a pint of my blood, but you have to explain each step you take in great detail, understood?” “An acceptable and agreeable bargain, let us begin.” * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 14: Back in My Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Back in My Day When an old man dies a library burns to the ground. An African Proverb Drake hadn’t understood a word of what Epistaties said while he prepared the ‘patch’ for the golems. Spike, however, seemed to follow along fairly well, nodding and letting out an “uh huh” from time to time, which was good enough for Drake to let Epistaties continue working. Once the ‘patch’ was prepared, they went outside to find the rain slackening and debated how they would apply the patch. Epistaties had insisted he be the one to apply the patch, but found himself stopped at the edge of the plaza, unable to move any farther from the library. Epistaties howled in frustration and pushed against the invisible barrier until Drake carried him away from it, despite Epistaties’ protests. Instead, Drake and Spike went just beyond the edge of the plaza. When the first golem attacked, Drake held it down while Spike affixed the ‘patch’ to it. The effects were immediately apparent, as the golems rushing towards them slowed to a stop before going back to their normal patrol routes. Drake told Spike to wait with Epistaties as he ran to get the McFarweathers and the Cider Twins. Drake’s return took the McFarweathers by surprise. As he quickly explained what had happened and what he’d found that surprise turned to excitement. Before they knew it, everyone found themselves packing up and following him into the ruin, some flying, while others carried gear or pulled carts along the ground. By the time everyone was moved onto the plaza, the rain had stopped completely and the sky was beginning to clear. The final griffins were entering the plaza when the golems again went wild and began attacking. Drake rushed out to distract them while Spike and others grabbed the Griffins under attack and brought them onto the plaza. “Well I guess the patch was only temporary,” Drake said to Epistaties after he too returned to the plaza. “es. A most troubling thing that it was, but for now everyone is safe. We need to get them inside. The sun is setting and I’m sure they would rather sleep somewhere warm and dry. But first, I would like to speak to their leaders and know who I’m housing,” Epistaties said, looking over the group as griffins flew about, organizing everything on the plaza. “I suppose you deserve that much. Is there enough room to fit everyone in the Library without putting the knowledge you’re so fanatical to defend at risk?” Drake asked, recalling Epistaties’ outburst from earlier. “Oh yes. The Library is much bigger than you think. Beneath the ground floor are several large auditoriums capable of holding over five-hundred occupants. We should be able to put the Griffins up in one while you, Spike, and your unicorn friends can have another one,” Epistaties replied, having had plenty of time to consider such issues as he waited for Drake to return. That time had also seen him come to terms with his city’s destruction, and allowed him to ask Spike many more questions. Unfortunately for him, Spike had been unable to answer many of them, but perhaps the leader of the Griffins could sate his curiosity. “Ight, I’ll go get them.” As Drake turned to go find Eagle-Eye and Swiftwing, they found him. “Drake, you told us there was someone here that may know of our history. Now that everyone is here, we would very much like to see him,” Eagle-Eye said politely but firmly, leaving no doubts he would not be turned away. “Excellent, I was just about to come get you two,” Drake said as he stepped out of the way, allowing them an unobstructed view of Epistaties. “Here is the minotaur I wanted ya’ll to meet.” “Greetings, I am Eagle-Eye and this is my mate Swiftwing. We are the heads of the McFarweather Family of the Driving Wind Clan, part of House Pioneer, subjects of the Red Talon of the Great House Vanguard, the King of the High Wind Erie. We thank you for your hospitality. Drake told us you may know our history, which has become lost to time and chaos.” Eagle-Eye said he finishing his formal introduction and leaving Drake stunned. He hadn’t been expecting anything so formal from the griffins that seemed so rugged and harsh. “But first we would ask your name, and perhaps instruction on where our family might make their camp within the walls of this ruin,” Swiftwing said, following her mate’s introduction. “Our journey here has been long and not without its trials.” Epistaties was silent for a moment. After clearing his throat he said, “McFarweather. That is a name I know well. Some of the greatest explorers of the Empire came from your family. At one time, I called your leader my friend. That his descendants should live and be the first I meet after awakening to a new world is very interesting indeed. Come, I will show you where your people may stay. Once we have you settled in, I’ll tell you all I can of our shared history. Perhaps you can help end the ignorance I suffer of the time between my battle with Discord and your arrival.” Epistaties walked back into the Library with Eagle-eye and Swiftwing in tow. Once Drake recovered from the twin shocks of the griffin leader’s introductions and Epistaties connection to the McFarweathers, he fell in behind the trio, interested to see what new developments would follow. * * * * * * * * * * * Several hours passed and everyone settled into the auditorium. The group’s attention centered on Epistaties, who was sitting on the edge of the stage before them, preparing to tell his tale. “Where to begin?” Epistaties asked, drawing a deep breath and collecting his thoughts. “With my birth? The Empire’s? Perhaps I should start in the very beginning.” Epistaties looked over the assembly one last time, looking everyone in the eye before beginning his story. “When the world was born, its creators made many races. To the Firstborn of each race was given immortality and power to guide their brothers and sisters. The Firstborn were given time to grow and know the world. During this time, something went wrong. What happened was never known to us, for the Firstborn never spoke of it. We do know that many of them died, and Tartarus was created to hold the horrors of the conflict. “The survivors were Tauros, Firstborn of the minotaurs, guide to us, the buffalo, and all other bovines. Then there was Hades, who was Firstborn of the dragons, and guide to them, sea serpents, and all scaled predators. Cerberus, Firstborn of her own kind, the Canyon Wolves, and all other canines. Last of those we knew was Zephyr, Firstborn of the griffins, guide to them and all other feathered creatures in the skies.” Epistaties paused, letting the assembly processes what he had said. Flim, Flam, and Spike were about to speak out when Epistaties beat them to the punch. “I do not know where your Princesses came from, unicorns, nor did anyone know who your or the zebra’s Firstborn was; both races came to the Empire long after it had been founded. “Now then, following the arrival of the second wave, as our mortal forbearers are called, the cerberi and the Canyon Wolves took it upon themselves to guard the entrance to Tartarus, which sits in a massive rift far to the west of here, alongside their guide Cerberus. They also watched for any attempt by its denizens to escape. “Cerberus visited Ponyville recently. Does that mean she still lives? How can that be when it was a he and you said Cerberus was a she?” Spike asked, recalling the unexpected visit Ponyville had recently received.” “It was likely one of the cerberi who share her name. From time to time they, along with the Canyon Wolves, would move to seal where the Tarturians tried to escape. Afterwards they would leave detachments behind to ensure the new entrances remained sealed,” Epistaties answered before continuing his recounting of forgotten history. “Hades taught a single generation of dragons, sea serpents and the others how to live before he went to sleep. By that time, he was so large that people would find his resting place and mistake him for rolling hills. So long he slept that trees began to grow out of him. He would not awaken until Discord began his attacks. “Zephyr and her flock set about exploring as much of the world as they could, and came to learn about the winds and weather. Even after joining the Empire, griffins remained among the greatest explorers, constantly learning more of the world as new technologies and spells allowed them to travel to places that were previously out of reach.” Epistaties paused and smiled. “It may interest you to know that during my tenure as the Curator of this library, the Empire’s exploration efforts were led by one Comet McFarweather. The chances that you are related to him is one of the reasons I was willing to invite you here, but his is another tale. “Then there was Tauros. He worked to found the first cities in which all the bovines lived. Early on, however, the buffalo felt a call of wanderlust and began wandering the world, never staying in one place too long. Over time, the cities became city-states, and not long after they began to feud. War came to the world for the first time, but not the last.” Epistaties paused again, perhaps lamenting that conflict seemed an inevitable aspect of life or just trying to recall the next part of the story. “As the minotaurs feuded, the griffins built settlements upon the mountain peaks, and the Canyon Wolves, who far outnumbered the cerberi, constructed cities carved into the walls of the great rift in which they lived and made a great fortress near Tartarus’s gates to house their warriors. The dragons nested in the desert to the south, but many also roamed the world. Some would fly with griffins, some would fight alongside the minotaurs and wolves, and still others spent their time gathering rare and unique things, learning all they could. “It was during this time period that the minotaur Pyoiopxoc discovered rune magic when working with the dragon Firescale. How they discovered this is unknown, but it was widely believed they received the help of one of the Firstborn, or perhaps a creator. Regardless, following Pyoiopxoc’s discovery his home, Labyrinthine, used rune magic to improve their city and gain an edge in their conflicts. They would come to subjugate all the other minotaur city states. It was thus that the Empire was created. Epistaties stopped and looked up at the crowd which was enraptured by his tale. Everyone was coming to terms with what they’d heard; the most uplifting and terrifying of these was the existence of the Firstborn. They once had a guide, but where was she now? Drake considered the implication of this as well; had the Firstborn died? What of the Canyon Wolves? Did they still live or had they perished under Discord? Flim and Flam wrestled privately with the knowledge the Celestia was not as timeless as they had thought, but perhaps she just wasn’t known to the others because she had been elsewhere in the world. For Spike, however, this was at once something amazing and terrifying. He was learning so much that he knew Twilight would love to know; so much that would horrify her at the same time. Most of all, he was struck by just how much had been lost, and would have been forever lost had Epistaties not been cursed. Seeing that everyone needed some time to rest and come to terms with what he’d said, Epistaties decided to end his tale for the night. “I think that is enough excitement for one day. Make yourselves at home, but please don’t take anything off the library shelves. If you feel the need to leave the building do not leave the plaza around the library. The golems, as you saw, are acting of their own accord. While they might not look like it, they are more than capable of knocking you out of the sky.” Drake, Spike and the Cider Twins walked out first, going to their own auditorium. Epistaties followed them out, going to his chambers elsewhere in the library to reunite with his bed after millennia of separation. The griffins, however, remained awake long after the others left, discussing what they had learned and speculating on what would come next. The next morning, Drake awoke, went onto the plaza to take in the new day, and to find a place to empty his bladder. When he exited the library he saw Epistaties standing in the plaza, unmoving, with his staff resting on the ground. Before Drake could ask if there was anything resembling a restroom anywhere nearby, Epistaties launched into a series of motions that looked not unlike martial arts. His arms and legs moved with a surprising amount to speed and control, the kind Drake had not thought the old minotaur capable of. Drake waited, forgetting about his bladder as he watched, gaining respect for the old geezer as he flowed through his movements. When Epistaties finished, he took a deep breath before picking up his staff and heading back to the door. “Well hello dragon. Do you commonly spy on people in the morning?” “What? No, I was looking for someplace to empty my bladder. Thought you’d prefer I didn’t use the books,” Drake replied, remembering why he had been outside in the first place. “Why don’t you just use the restroom inside the library?” Epistaties asked as if it should have been obvious to Drake. “Wait, the Empire had indoor plumbing that could handle dragons?” Drake asked, astonished. He never would’ve thought it possible. Epistaties sighed, being faced once again with the reality that much of what once was is no more. “Yes. Come with me and I will show you.” Epistaties paused and scratched at his freshly trimmed beard. “I suppose that I should put a sign up since everyone else will have a similar need once they wake.” Several hours and one procession to the bathroom later, the visitors were again assembled in the auditorium housing the griffins. Everyone was busy eating food they’d brought in with them while waiting for Epistaties to come in and continue telling his tale. The griffins primary chewed on a variety of jerky made from their various preys. Flim and Flam ate what fruit they had left. The dragons ate raw meat from kills made during the trek to Forum. Even while eating, many of those there were multitasking as they waited. Spike and Drake were off to one side attempting to further Drake’s literacy. Flim and Flam talked animatedly, food spraying out their mouths, about possible new inventions they should try to build. Swiftwing, having already finished her food, talked with her warriors as they ate about establishing lookouts and patrols around the building, expecting to be remaining in the library for some time. Eagle-Eye was whispering to Muninn between bites, discussing what they had learned the previous day. Ensuring it was all added to the record so it could be shared with the rest of the griffins when the opportunity arose. Epistaties entered the room, a hush following him as he walk down to the stage where a chair sat waiting for him. His staff tapped the ground as he walked, but today he had an energy about him. An aura of strength he lacked before. As he mounted the stage, all eyes followed him. His audience moved to fill in the rows closest to him, the dragons taking up the aisle. Epistaties took a deep breath before finally beginning. “Yesterday I told you of the Firstborn and how the Empire was founded. Today I will tell you how it became unified, and how the fall began. I will tell you everything I know.” “After the minotaur were unified under the rule of the Makrýkératos of Labyrinthine. Tauros took up residence in the city, offering guidance and advice to any who proved worthy. During this time, much work was done to develop runes for use to improve daily life. Minotaur cities began to have flowing water, sewage systems, stoves that did not require wood, and lights that burned without fire. Contact was made between the griffins and the fledgling Empire. Early on the two entities traded resources and knowledge peacefully. “But this peace was not to last. Kókkino̱n-matió̱n Makrýkérato, the third Emperor, decided that rather than trade with the griffins and interact with their queens and kings as an equal, they should all bow before him. Kókkino̱n-matió̱n’s war for conquest lasted one hundred years. It ended with a victory by his forces at the lonely mountain which would later become the sight of High Wind Eerie. A great fortress and gateway to the Empire’s north.” Epistiaties held up his hand to calm down the riled griffins. The thought that they had been beaten by minotaurs, who from their experience were never much of an opponent, hurt their pride. “Now, this war was not short and Kókkino̱n-matió̱n convinced several of the smaller griffin kingdoms to join him willingly which, when combined with the rune magic they possessed but the other races did not, allowed for their eventual victory. “If it is any consolation Kókkino̱n-matió̱n died just a year after his victory. Rather than break free, the griffins used his death as an opportunity to gain power within the Empire, and established themselves in some of the most important positions with the crowning of Sídero-oplí̱ Makrýkérato. Shortly after the end of the war, but before Kókkino̱n-matió̱n’s death, a griffin party formed by Zephyr, who had remained impartial during the war, stumbled upon the rift in which the Canyon Wolves dwelt. With his ascension, Sídero-oplí̱ personally lead an expedition at the behest of Tauros to meet with the Canyon Wolves. It was at this meeting that the existence of Tartarus was made known to all in the Empire. Sídero-oplí̱, fearing what dwelt within, offered the Canyon Wolves a place in the Empire. The wolves would receive troops and food; in return the Empire would receive stone, gems, and metals from the mines of the wolves. It was thus 5000 years after the first minotaur cities were founded, the nucleus of the Empire was formed. Minotaur and bovines, griffins and bird, and Canyon Wolves and canines formed the Empire, with the dragons coming and going as they pleased, some helping, some having to be killed, and others being completely disinterested. For the next 1000 years the Empire, which adopted the name The Grand Empire of Order, expanded and explored the world. Twice during this time period the Empire found and sealed Tartarus incursions. Oddly enough, these were also the only times the dragons came together as a unified force. They fought with the soldiers of the Empire. It was at the end of this time period the zebras first appeared. Where they came from we do not know. The first zebra came from the far south, beyond the desert that the dragons kept as their own. At first, they were not trusted, especially when they displayed that they had their own form of magic. In time, they forged a friendship with the roaming buffalo and would eventually become just as large a part of the Empire as the other races.” As he told his story, the light around Epistaties started to bend and weave until it displayed the images of his story. Epistaties now paused, taking a break and drinking some water that had been placed on the stage for him. “I propose we take a short intermission before the next part. I recommend everyone stretch out and come back ready to continue the story.” At his suggestion everyone left the auditorium and began exploring, some to the restrooms, the warriors and Swiftwing to check potential lookout spots, and Drake, like many others, followed Epistaties, intent on asking some questions, only to find himself a part of a guided tour. Spike went back to the auditorium he was sharing with Drake and the Cider Twins to write all he could into his journal He knew he wouldn’t remember it all by the time he once again saw his pony friends. A short while later, everyone was once again in the griffin’s auditorium, feeling much better and ready for the story to continue. Their excitement was palpable in the air. Epistaties was on the stage, looking over the whole crowd, and doing his best to make eye contact with everyone before beginning. “Five-hundred years after the arrival of the zebra, two very important events happened. The first was the discovery of a Tartarus incursion that dwarfed all others in what would become the Equestrian Province. The second was the arrival of the three pony tribes. The incursion saw the whole of the Empire mobilized for war, and even then it was not enough. The dragons joined in as always, but the tide was seemingly endless. After two-hundred years without victory, Tauros and Zephyr joined the fray with all the cerberi, aside from the Cerberus herself. Even Hades stirred, though he did not wake. The Empire fought them to a standstill, and was becoming desperate for a way to break in when it discovered the ponies. “They had come from someplace far away; each by a different means. Upon arriving, they had begun to fight one another until what they fled found them again. After their leaders found themselves incapacitated, their second in commands took over and defeated their enemy. In doing so, they worked a powerful magic that was not fully understood, but was felt by all. After that event, teams were sent out to find them and bring them into the Empire. At first, the pony tribes baulked. Once we showed them what we faced and offered to help them build their cities, they committed themselves to us. “With their help, we turned the tide and sealed the breach between our world and Tartarus once again. For a time the Empire prospered as never before. It was in this time of prosperity, I was born in this city of Forum, the greatest center of research and learning in all the Empire. It was founded when the dragon Sterling Tongue told the Empire’s scientists and mages about a place where magic leaked into the air. At first, there was fear that it was a sight of an impending Tartarus incursion, but that was quickly laid to rest. Instead Forum was built on this site to study that confluence of magic energies. This library served as the center of the city, and is built many stories both above and below the ground. Around this library were four universities. The University of the Arcane, the University of the Mundane, the University of the Society, and the University of the Individual, I hope the names of the university are enough to tell you what they studied. Regardless, that is not important right now. “I grew up, and through great dedication and study became the Lord High Enchanter of the Imperial Library, in which I am now telling you this story. “While the Empire prospered, a threat was growing. The Empire was dedicated to order, this you must understand. In this dedication we had developed a method and way for all things. It reached the point nothing was unexpected, and life was completely ordered across the Empire. At some point in this time, Discord came into being. If he was the child of someone practicing dark magic or the world seeking balance, no one knows. What is known is there were signs of his rise to power that were ignored: the disturbance of magic in the Everlasting Wood, the sightings of strange monsters, and many others, but we were blind. They did not sound as though spawned by Tartarus so we ignored the threat. Then there was the swarm. Strange creatures that could reproduce asexually and had an insatiable appetite. It was then that every leader of the Empire was called to Labyrinthine to seek advice from Tauros. I was on my way, late due to a broken axle, when Discord struck. He sunk the entire city and all its people into the ground. The ground itself was transmuted to melted chocolate. Everyone in the city died, including Tauros. I was there as the first of the fallen emerged from the city, lead by their own Firstborn. Grendel the Pale Orge, Hera the Raging Harpy, Sirius the Grasping Diamond Dog, and the Black Queen, Stealer of Hearts. These five would lead the armies of chaos and served as Discord’s lieutenants. “I fled the scene and began to rally those I could to me. Fortunately, I was not alone. In response to the death of Tauros, Zephyr was waiting for me here when I returned, the griffins answering her call. Cerberus had sent her own and the wolves to this place as well. Most surprising of all, Hades was in the field outside the city, along with all the dragons of the world. Ponies and zebra streamed in steadily and it was with this force, led by a righteous and vengeful Hades, that we struck back. “Every time Discord corrupted a city we struck back. But slowly the races were being poisoned. Minotuars who became lethargic turned into ogres. Griffins that became angry morphed to harpies. Any Canyon Wolf that sought to keep goods for him or herself became a Diamond Dog. Any pony or zebra that lusted found themselves a changeling. The dragons alone seemed unaffected. They fought alongside Hades at every turn, reveling in his actions. To combat this slow attrition, I worked with many others to develop and distribute a cure or vaccine to Discord’s corrupting influence. The day we succeeded he struck us here. For a week he battered the city, for a week I maintained a shield powered by the confluence that gave rise to Forum. In the space outside the city, his armies clashed with the Empire’s as both sides took horrendous losses. On the seventh day we managed to smuggle the vaccine out, and Hades tore off one of Discords wings. “That moment of triumph was short lived. Discord retaliated by taking one of Hades’ wings for his own. In that moment, he cursed me through the barrier, and quit the field. My memories end with the lowering of the shield that night and the retreat of our forces. I can only assume, by your presence here, the vaccine worked and through some means Discord was eventually defeated.” Epistaties finished his story and the room was silent; no one moved or said a word. Spike knew firsthand what Discord was like, and Drake knew from having watched it. The rest were faced with the knowledge that for all they had learned, many questions still remained. Eagle-Eye went up and thanked Epistaties before going off to talk with him. The rest of the assemblage went about the rest of their day, all the while coming to terms with what they had heard. Drake went for some fresh air. Spike followed. * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 15: Invites and Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Invites and Plans Plans are nothing; planning is everything. Dwight D. Eisenhower When Spike exited the library, he saw clear skies with the sun just passing its zenith. Forum was fully visible. For the first time, Spike took a good hard look at it. Even as a ruin he could see its former splendor amongst the ruins, and felt a sense of sorrow at its current state. Spike found Drake standing on the edge of the plaza stretching. “Hey what are you doing?” Spike called out walking towards him. “Getting ready and you should be too” Drake replied as he continued stretching “Ready for what?” “This is going to be our home base for the foreseeable future. That means that training is about to be stepped up. The way I see it, we can start right now by fighting with these golems. If we start to get overwhelmed or there are too many, we’ll move back onto the plaza.” Drake answered as he finished stretching. Spike joined in Drake’s stretching. Thus began their training that would last until they received a certain invitation. They learned and practiced everything Drake had hoped and more. The library provided a myriad of opportunities, not only for Drake, but also the Cider Twins and the griffins. While Drake and Spike trained the Cider Twins read. They read books on magic, books on mechanics, books on diplomacy, and many more. They sampled everything and fell in love. The knowledge in this library opened their mines to wild new creations they had never before considered. They knew now following Drake had been the best decision of their lives. The griffins learned as well. After discussing it amongst themselves and Epistaties, they decided to make Forum their home, at least until the next gathering of the Great Houses. They trained, they learned, and twice a week they left the city to find food. It was a dangerous assignment as no two patches controlled the golems for the same amount of time. All the time they trained, the world continued turning. Events happened beyond their little corner on it. * * * * * * * * * * * As Drake and Spike began their training, a pair of pony princesses met to discuss a cryptic message they received some time ago and another that had just come. “What do you make of this new message Tia? It seems different from the other one,” Princess Luna asked, referencing the messages lying on the desk between them. “It suggests the threat is real, and this one seems different from the first.” Princess Celestia replied picking it up. “Regardless, we should increase the security here in Canterlot. The upcoming wedding is the most likely time to attack. We must be prepared,” Celestia said as she put the letter down and picked up the other one. “And what of this Drake, have you discovered anything about him?” “No sister, nowhere in the dreamscape can I find him. Though, after receiving his letter, there were reports of animals going missing north of here. A hydra that was found dead with a hole in its stomach,” Princess Luna replied, grimacing slightly as she recalled the scene she’d visited personally. “Do you think this Drake has anything to do with these happenings?” Princess Celestia asked, concerned about what could kill a hydra but leave its corps behind. “It is possible, or it may have been whatever or whoever now threatens us. I am concerned as to why he asked about the stars. We both know the power they hold.” Princess Luna replied. “Indeed those stars can grant any wish, but there is a limit to their powers. For now we will have to wait for someone to show themselves before we can act.” Princess Celestia said with a sigh. “But these preparation can wait until after the National Dessert Completion we are judging today.” She continued while heading for the door. Seeing that Princess Luna wasn’t following her and was instead looking at the letters Princess Celestia turned back. “Is something wrong sister?” “Go. Enjoy your desserts without me. I will go ahead and meet with the Captain of the Guard to discuss heightening our defenses.” Princess Luna replied, holding up a hoof to stave off Princess Celestia’s objections. “It is fine; I would not feel comfortable judging the competition when there is work to be done ensuring the safety of the kingdom. Go and enjoy yourself. I understand that one of the entries is from Ponyville. Perhaps your student will be there.” Celestia sighed in resignation. “Luna you really do need to get out more.” Holding up a hoof to stop her protests, “And no going to Ponyville on Nightmare Night is not enough public interaction for one year.” “I promise I will get out more, but this needs to be taken care of now.” Luna said as she grabbed the letters. “Alright, but I expect you to attend Cadence’s wedding.” “Very well Tia, I will attend the wedding if I can.” With that the sisters left the room. One to attend a dessert contest and the other the meet with Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard. Outside the meeting room there were two guards. Both guards looked and acted like normal royal guards, but only one of them was. “Everything is going according to plan,” thought Queen Chrysalis, disguised as the other guard. “They‘ll be so focused expecting an attack; I’ll be able to replace Cadence and incapacitate their captain of the guard without anypony realizing it. In just over a month Equestria will be mine!” Then she recalled the other message they had mentioned, “Though I wonder who this Drake might be, and what role he intends to play in these coming events.” * * * * * * * * * * * It was a week until the wedding and Princess Cadence was in her castle apartment when there came a knocking at her door. Wondering who it could be, she dropped what she was doing and went to open it. Upon doing so she was met by a lone guard bowing down before. “Rise and state your business,” Cadence commanded wondering what the guard could be there for given the late hour. “Your highness are you alone? I bring an urgent message from Princess Luna that is for your ears only.” The guard said his eyes roaming everywhere searching for signs they were being watched. “I am. Come in and shut the door, but be quick this is most unusual. Given the state of things, I assume it’s not something to be delayed.” Cadence replied with concern, something was very wrong about this. She knew thing in Canterlot were tense. Her fiancé Shining Armor was busy maintaining his shield while her aunts watched for danger. “At once your Highness.” The guard stood and followed Cadence into her apartment sealing the door with magic behind himself. “Now what is this urgent message?” “You are in the way, and shall be imprisoned until it is time to watch Equestria fall.” The guard said as he was enveloped by green fire to reveal Queen Chrysalis. “But don’t worry, I promise to take good care of Shining Armor while you’re gone.” Before Cadence could react, she was silenced by Chrysalis’s magic and consumed in a ring of fire, transporting her to the Crystal Mines beneath the castle. Chrysalis smiled as she watched Cadence disappear. ’My plan is almost complete, soon all of Equestria will be mine,’ She though as she assumed Cadence’s form. ’Now I just have to gain control of Shining Armor; shouldn’t be too hard. After all, what groom can resist his bride.’ Chysalis laughed to herself as she began exploring Cadence’s apartment, memorizing where everything was. * * * * * * * * * * * That morning, Shining Armor had met with the Diarchal Sisters about the security of Canterlot and found himself discussing his wedding plans. During this discussion, a topic came up which would throw a wrench in all Chrysalis’ plans. When Princess Celestia asked how Twilight had taken the news, the entire room fell silent. Shining Armor’s face went from horrified to embarrassment. “You did tell your sister you’re getting married didn’t you?” Celestia asked, fearing she already knew the answer. “Ah….hehe. It must have slipped my mind.” Shining Armor responded. “I don’t suppose I could get you to send her an invite. We already sent them out.” The room was silent as Celestia rubbed her temples and Luna just shook her head. Then an idea came to her. “Why don’t we invite all the bearers of the elements to come to the wedding?” “What? Why?” Shining Armor asked. “We are currently in a siege mentality, and the past two major threats to peace and harmoy, myself as Nightmare Moon and Discord, have been beaten by those six. Let’s invite them to the wedding. That way, they are here, near the elements, should our mysterious enemy decided to show themselves. “That’s a ter-” “Wonderful idea sister,” Celestia said, cutting off Shining Armor. “In fact I think we should have them take over all the jobs for the wedding. Catering, dress making, entertainment and music. That way, they will have reasons to be here, and take some of the worry off your plate.” “I don’t know…” “It’s that or I tell Twilight you forgot to invite her to your wedding.” Celestia said with an air of finality. “Ok, I don’t like it but I suppose it can’t hurt anything. I’ll leave this to you then.” “Very well. If we don’t have anything else to discuss, this should be taken care of quickly.” Luna said to close the meeting. Celestia and Shining nodded in agreement and together they left the meeting room and went about their business. As he walked away Shining thoughts were consumed by one worry. “How in Tartarus am I going to explain this to Cadence? “ * * * * * * * * * * * A month is a short time, a mere thirty or so day, but a month can also be a long time when each and every day is spent improving yourself. For Drake and Spike, it had been a very long month indeed, and both showed the signs of their training. Their training had not been just physical sharpening their reflexes and strengthening their bodies, but also mental, to improve their self-control and intelligence. Sparring, exercising, taking trips beyond Forum to practice their greed control, flight and fire breathing, classes from Epistaties, and free time spent reading in the library had changed Spike from the pudgy little hatchling he once was to a graceful, strong, drake coming into his own with a vast intellect and razor sharp wit. He now stood shoulder to shoulder with the Cider Twins and had an impressive set of wings fit for his new physique. Drake too had improved becoming stronger and smarter than before, more knowledgeable of his new body and world than he ever thought possible in such a short time. In his studies he had found spells and technologies he believed would allow him to rebuild much of the Empire. Perhaps even above its height in due time. During this month, more happened in Forum than just the training of a pair of dragons. The griffin decided to make Forum their permanent home and working with Epistaties began to clean and restore the Library. Flim and Flam spent most of their time studying in the Arcane and Mundane wings of the Library and began work on several new projects to either help in the reconstruction or as new products to sell in Equestria when next they returned. Epistaties had spent the month working with the people he shared the Library with. He taught those that couldn’t how to read, write, and do math among other things, such as working with Drake and the griffin leaders to find a way to neutralize the golems once and for all. After this long month of training, Spike was resting on the plaza when he felt a familiar feeling tickling in his gut. A moment later, he belched and a letter appeared before him. ‘What are these for,’ Spike though as he opened them noticing one carried Princess Celestia’s seal. “Let’s see here. Princess Celestia Cordial invites you…” Spike bolted upright as he finished reading the letter. “Shining Armor is getting married,” he cried out causing the griffins outside to look at him curiously. “Sorry ‘bout that.” Spike called out as he went to find Drake, knowing he would want to see the letter. As Spike searched he could help wondering if this hadn’t been what Drake had spoken so long ago. * * * * * * * * * * * Drake was reading about the history of the Empire of Order. He was trying to learn all he could about the society that’d been destroyed. Most importantly how it’d been destroyed. Suddenly, Spike rounded the corner crashed into him. “There you are,” Spike said recovering from the crash, “I got a wedding invite from the Princess Celestia. Thought you might like to see it.” “No, need. Let me know when you get the second message. Then we’ll get ready to leave.” Drake replied a smile forming. Before Spike could ask what Drake meant, he belched up royal mail for the second time that day. “I guess this is the second message.” “That it is. Read them so you know what is up, and send ‘em to Twilight. Once that is done, meet me at Flim and Flam’s workshop.” Drake replied putting away the book he was reading. ’So it is time for a wedding,’ Drake thought, walking towards the workshop. ’Let’s hope all this training and studying pays off.’ As he walked, Drake saw Epistaties and called him over. “Hey, I remember you saying every city in the Empire was bound to the Emperor or something to that effect?” “Yes, the Emperor’s blood was mixed with dragon blood and a very complex enchantment was used to give him control of the defenses of all the cities and many other functions as well. Others could be added to this enchantment but once they died it was not passed on to their descendants.” Epistaties replied. “So if we had the Emperor here would could change the enchantments on Forum such that I was recognized as the Emperor?” “I suppose but the Emperor died when Labyrinthine was destroyed and the lineage has been lost.” Epistaties replied morosely. “Why are you bringing this up now?” “You mentioned once that a heir to the throne may have survived, and a group of minotaurs, enough to maintain a small but healthy population, had fled for the Equestrian Province, what is today Equestria.” “Yes.” “I think it may be possible an heir is alive in Equestria. If we can find him or her, we can reactivate the Imperial enchantment network and transfer ownership of this city to the people living here. So the only piece of the puzzle is finding out who it is that is currently the rightly Emperor.” Epistaties thought it over for a moment. “That might work. If you could reactivate the old enchantments with a corination ceremony it should reset everything in Forum. Maybe even the whole empire. There is a problem though. We are once again left with the issue of discovering this heir.” “What if we, using the existing enchantment in Forum, have the Cider Twins use their magic to scry the heir?” Epistaties pondered Drake’s question for a moment before coming to the conclusion that it couldn’t hurt to try. “I suppose we can give it a try. I can’t say if it will work or not.” “Good enough; Come with me. I’m meeting with them now to plan for a trip back to Equestria. We’ll be embarking in the next day or two.” Drake said as he began walking off making Epistaties work for a moment to catch up. “What?! Why didn’t you mention this sooner?” Epistaties asked with annoyance once he was abreast Drake. “I only learned the date of the wedding today.” Drake replied offhandedly. “Do I even want to know the story behind this?” Epistaties asked, a hand rubbing his temples. “I doubt it; Spike can give you some detail if you really want them. I’ll tell you the whole story once we get back.” Drake answered then noticed Epistaties looking skeptical. “Seriously, scouts honor.” Drake defended, holding up a claw in the best scout salute he could manage when missing a finger. A short time later Drake, Spike, Flim, Flam, and Epistaties were gathered in the workshop. Spike explained whose wedding it was. Drake provided no reason for the trip other than he felt it was time for Spike to return home. They set about planning the trip to Canterlot, discussed the feasibility of the scrying spell, and made provision for what would happen at the library once they left. “I suppose we need to get Eagle-eye and Swiftwing in here before we set anything in stone,” Drake said, realizing he had forgotten about them in the excitement of the wedding news. “Yes, seeing as they are going to be the ones in charge once you leave.”” Epistaties replied, making in clear he had no interest in being in charge when there were others that could do the job. “Alright,” Drake replied, ducking out the workshop and catching a griffin just as she entered the hallway. “Hey Preen, can you do me a favor?” Preen jumped when she first heard Drake calling her name, having been daydreaming as she wandered the Library, but recovered quickly and replied, “Of course, what do you need, sir?” “Please find Eagle-eye and Swiftwing, and ask them to come here. I need to talk to them ‘bout something that’s come up.” “Certainly, sir. Any reason I should give them.” Preen asked as she took off to find her clan’s leaders. “Tell them I’m making some vacation plans,” Drake replied, slipping back into the workshop. Preen scratched her head for a moment then flew off. Back in the workshop, Drake decided to steer the conversion to finding the rightful heir of the Empire’s throne. “While we are waiting on those two, Flim, Flam do you think ya’ll two could cast a spell to scry the rightful heir to the throne of the Empire, provided one lives?” The brothers put their heads together and whispered between one another for a moment before looking up, nodding, and saying, “We might if we have something that belongs to the heir, but scrying spells require more power the further away the item you are scrying is to resolve an image.” Flam pulled out a chalkboard and Flim began writing. “If our estimate is accurate we can find the heir if he is at Bastion and even then we will only be able to sense him for an instant.” “Is there a way we could boost your power?” Drake asked hoping there would be some way to pull this off. “So far as we know-” “Yes.” Epistaties interrupted. “Yes there might be a way. I believe I had mentioned that the Empire’s cities gather solar, wind, ambient magical and any other energy they had access to. “ Drake, Spike and the brother nodded on confirmation. “Well we also had a means to store any energy that wasn’t used.” “And this city has been storing energy since the Empire’s fall!” Spike exclaimed beginning to grasp the magnitude of energy that might be stored. “This city has been storing energy from the confluence of magical energy it was built to study alongside all those sources.” Drake whistled and the Cider Twins gaped like fish. “So where is all that energy stored?” Flim asked. “And how can we tap into it?” Flam followed up. “As far as where it is stored, I would like to keep that a secret a little bit longer.” Epistaties answered leaving no room for argument. “Tapping into it, on the other hand, shouldn’t be too difficult. There was, and should still be, a chamber beneath the Arcane wing that was used to research high level magic. Inside is a terminal that allows whoever is using the room to tap into a portion of the stored energy. The amount is regulated by an interface outside the room. I can work the interface for you.” “Ok, so we have a way to find the heir. Now to talk about the vacation.” Drake said as Eagle-eye and Swiftwing came into the workshop. “Preen mentioned something about a vacation when she found us; just what is going on?” Eagle-eye asked. “Good you’re here. Me and Spike are going to a wedding,” Drake replied getting some enjoyment out of everyone reactions. “What!” Everyone but Spike yelled in surprise. “Spike, you want to explain this?” Drake said trying to stifle a laugh. “Well, um you see, I was raised by the sister of the groom, and the groom is like a brother to me. I’ve planned to return to Equestria all along. Now that Drake and I have developed our mastery of our Greed, and I have grown up from looking like a baby to what I do now, I figure now is a good time for me to go home, right Drake?” “Basically. In short, I brought Spike with me for a mutually exchange of information and promised him that he would be going home for a wedding; the upcoming wedding he just got the invite for.” Drake explain glad Spike was able to give a decent and true explanation of why they were going back. As everyone calmed down, they began to discuss what would happen until Drake returned. It was decided that the dragons would leave the next morning heading for Canterlot at full speed. While that was happening, the Cider Twins would scry the location of the heir and head out to find him or her. A team of griffins would escort them to the gap near Fort Bastion. Then, while the twins continued on to find the heir, the griffins would go to find other Families and invite them to come to Forum to help in its rebuilding. Once the twins found the heir, they would contact Drake. Together the three of them would return with the heir. Once everyone was in agreement, the meeting had ended and they went about preparing to carry out the plan. Later that evening, a party was held for farwell and good luck. It lasted into the night, but in due time everyone was sleeping soundly. When the sun rose in the morning Drake and Spike left heading east. One preparing to enjoy a homecoming, the other for battle. * * * * * * * * * * * As the meeting in Forum was happening, a group of friends in Ponyville held a picnic. It was in the middle of this, a wisp of smoke swirled before one of them. It materializing into a pair of scrolls with broken seals. Everything stopped as the recipient sat there and stared at the scrolls while her friends stared at her. Finally one of the spoke out. “Twilight, darling, are those from who I think they are?” “I think so Rarity.” She replied without taking her eyes of them. “Then don’t you think you should, I don’t know, read them.” Rainbow said “Oh right,” Twilight replied, now moving to read them. A moment later she yelled out in anger and disbelief before passing them off. “WHAT!” * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 16: Wedding Crashers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Wedding Crashers John Beckwith: That brings us to the question of frequent flyer miles. Wedding Crashers the Movie It was the night before the wedding and Drake and Spike were resting. They were tired their exhausting high-speed flight, and made camp a safe distance away from Canterlot, careful to avoid attracting unwanted attention or scaring anypony. Spike spent much of the flight bubbling with excitement and going over plans for the bachelor party he was expecting to host for Shining Armor. Drake had been fairly quiet, only speaking occasionally, mostly to provide a vague explanation of what he knew about bachelor parties back on Earth. The trip itself was fairly uneventful. The only excitement was being chased through the gap by a flock of harpies, which turned away after they passed over Fort Bastion. The cause of Drake’s silence was his concern over how to deal with the changelings’ attack, and how to explain it to Spike. Once they had set up camp, Drake believed he knew. “Spike, before we get there I need to talk to you about something important. Tomorrow is not going to be the homecoming you’ve been imagining. There’s very likely going to be some serious trouble when we get there.” “What? If you’re worried about Twilight or the Princess I’m sure it will be fine. I’ll tell them the truth: I went willingly, so there shouldn’t be any problems,” Spike said, the same smile he’d worn since leaving Forum still plastered to his snout. “No, there is something else. What do you know about changelings?” Drake asked, hoping to ease Spike off his high rather than dropping him like a sack of flour. “Like we learned from Epistaties, they are embodiments of lust, created by Discord from ponies when he was destroying the Empire. They can change their appearance and feed on love. Why are you asking? What could changelings have to do with Shining Armor’s wedding?” Spike asked defensively, his smile slowly draining from his face. “Everything,” Drake answered, pausing for a moment. “Canterlot is currently protected by a shield. A shield erected by Shining Armor in response to a threat received from an unknown source. The leader of the changelings has imprisoned the bride and taken her place. Her army will attack tomorrow. They will shatter the shield because the changeling queen has been feasting on Shining Armor’s love for his bride. Without the shield to stop them, they will take over Equestria, draining its citizens of their love.” “NO! That can’t be true!” Spike yelled, fear creeping into his voice. “Even if it is, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be there to stop it.” “Celestia will be beaten, and Luna will be absent,” Drake answered. “I told you I knew certain things about this world and events that would happen. What I have described is happening now!” “Then you know how it will end, tell me!” “The changelings are beaten, and Canterlot saved. What I do not know is how many are hurt or replaced between the start of the attack and its end. You and I are going to settle that issue by being the changelings’ focus.” “What do you mean?” Spike asked, a measure of calm returning to his voice. “We are going to get the entire changeling horde focused on us and keep them distracted in order to protect the city while your friends work to resolve the crisis,” Drake responded. Most of what he’d said was total bullshit. His real reason for fighting the changelings was because it offered a chance to be seen as a savior rather than a marauding dragon, or so he hoped. Additionally, after Epistaties’ history lessons, he was very keen on meeting Chrysalis. Perhaps if he was lucky after the battle he could find her and make her an offer. One can never have too many allies, after all. “That’s crazy; the two of us taking on an army? We’ll be killed!” Spike responded animatedly. “Do you have a better plan?” Drake asked snarling. “Assuming what you say is true, I think we should disrupt the army’s attack. Then, I go and help Twilight, Rarity, and the others while you attack their leader. That way, I can help them get the Elements of Harmony, which I assume they would go for if attacked, and the army should be focused on fighting you to defend their leader,” Spike explained, laying out his strategy. “You’re right about the Elements of Harmony, but you expect me to fight someone that can beat Celestia? Are you insane?!” Drake yelled, smacking Spike on the back of his head. “I know we got stronger back in Forum but that is a whole ‘nother level.” “Ouch!” Spike yelped, rubbing his sore head. “Well it’s better than your plan.” “How do you figure that?” “I get to help Rarity, and she will see me as a hero,” Spike answered, a goofy grin sneaking onto his snout as his mind went off into fantasies of being her knight in shining armor. “Okay, since that was how I got you to come with me in the first place, I’ll accept it. I don’t like this, but we might be able to make this work.” For the next several hours Drake and Spike went over their plan. They prepared several different ways of handling things, depending on how the situation developed. After their preparations were complete, they slept fitfully, uncertain of what tomorrow held for them. * * * * * * * * * * * As Drake and Spike slept, as Luna stood watch over Canterlot, as Twilight was trapped, and as the changeling army moved into place, Kallyn, trapped as she was, felt she had finally made a breakthrough. ‘Now let’s see if I can bring him here,’ she thought. A moment later, Drake began to appear in his human form, at first nothing more than a faint outline, slowly resolving into a solid form. “What the-wait, I’ve been here before, that means,” Drake looked around for a moment before spotting Kallyn. “Ah, we meet again, erm…” Drake paused and racked his mind before giving in. “I seem to have forgotten your name.” “I told you to call me Kallyn, now be quiet--we don’t’ have much time,” she scolded, fearing the Convention would soon discover what she’d done and send Drake back. “I’ve been watching you since last we spoke; in fact that’s all I have been able to do.” Drake started to ask what she meant but was quickly cut off. “I said be quiet. Anyway, I know what you’re planning to do, and I want to know what the hell you are thinking!” Kallyn yelled, slamming her hand onto the table. “I told you about Forum so you could train and learn. One month is not enough time! What do you hope to accomplish by fighting in a battle you already know the outcome of?! Chrysalis will tear you to shreds! You’ll have gained NOTHING, and will undo everything I have planned for you!” Drake was silent for a moment, before a small, smug grin spread across his face. “So you do have a plan for me. Here I thought I wasn’t a pawn to you.” “You aren’t!” Kallyn yelled, throwing her hands into the air before slamming them onto the table again. “Just because you aren’t a pawn doesn’t mean I don’t have plans for you! Don’t fight the changelings,” Kallyn pleaded tears forming in her eye. “I’ll never get another chance like this,” Drake said, finally taking a seat at the table. “A chance to what, get yourself killed? You will have plenty of those I am sure,” Kallyn replied, taking the seat opposite of Drake. “No,” Drake said, his grin changing into a menacing smirk, dragon like fangs replacing his human teeth, as he leaned forward on the table. “I want a chance to talk to Chrysalis and recruit her; convince her to ally with me when she goes from the most powerful of beings, to being trounced by two ponies and the power of their ‘love.’ When she is at her weakest, witnessing her master plan fall apart around her.” “Are you about to start laughing manically?” Kallyn asked, wondering if Drake was serious or just trying to mess with her. “No,” Drake answered, leaning back, “but I am going to try to get Chrysalis to ally with me. After all, you never know when a race of spies will come in handy.” “Despite the fact that she and her whole race are tied to the fall of the Empire and live by causing suffering. She may not be the Black Queen, but she has her spirit--the only true spirit of any changeling. You can’t trust her, no matter what happens.” “I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll be careful. I have no plans to die, so keep watching me soar.’ “Fine, return to your dreams and gather your strength, you’re going to need it. Don’t let me down.” With those parting words Drake left limbo and was returned to his sleep. Kallyn hoped Drake had made the right decision, and prepared herself for what was bound to be an interesting day when the sun rose. * * * * * * * * * * * “Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now my minions are chipping away at it,” Chrysalis declared, drawing everyone’s eyes to the pink barrier, where an army of changelings was beating against it. As everyone turned their attention back to Chrysalis, two faint roars sounded in the distance. Chrysalis looked around confused, as did many of the wedding guests. Chrysalis dismissed it and continued her monologue. “He may not be my husband, but he’s under my total control now,” She laughed, eliciting a gasp from Cadence, “and, I am sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as Captain of the Royal Guard!” “Not my Shining Armor!” Cadence cried out, fear gripping her heart. “Soon my changeling army will break through. First we take Canterlot, then all of Equestria!” Chrysalis declared, reveling in her triumph. “No, you won’t,” a regal voice spoke up. Celestia stepped forward, her normally serene face marred by an angry frown. At that moment, the crowd gasped as the shield became bathed in fire and lightning, the light almost blindingly bright. Everyone stood in awe as two massive dragons, one purple and green and the other blue and black, came into view. They continued blasting the shield until it was scoured of the changelings closest to it. Ash of those caught by the blasts coated the shield, filtering the light that passed into Canterlot. Ponies that had, until then, been going about their business saw what was happening and started to panic. The royal guard began mobilizing, but was crippled as changelings within their ranks misdirected orders and removed officers wherever possible. Sleeper agents planted in the ranks captured, killed, or revealed themselves to be the officers. Those units that received orders found themselves running around separated from others and became easy targets for the infiltrators hunting hunting them. Outside the shield, those changelings not hit by the blasts had scattered. The regrouped to fight the great beasts, intent on destroying any that would dare interrupt their queen’s plans. Several changelings launched bolts of magic, aiming for the dragons’ wings to force the dragons down. Deciding to spare the soft membrane of their wings from being peppered with burning holes, Spike and Drake snapped their wings closed and dropped onto the shield with a reverberating thud. The two dragons roared defiantly at the changeling swarms, still ready to do battle with the parasites from atop the barrier--only for a deafening CRACK split the air. Spike looked down, and noticed that cracks in the shield were spreading from beneath his large feet, the air filling with the sound of crackling not-unlike a glacier coming apart. Spike looked at Drake, who was staring back at him blankly, a single conscious thought breaking through their greed-fueled rage: ’uh oh.’ With the sound akin to shattering glass, the dragons plummeted towards the city below, each letting loose an ear-splitting roar. Now, the panic began in earnest; changelings rushed into the city and the dragons’ mouths spewed lightning and fire as they fell. The citizens screamed and ran, while those with less scruple began looting, taking what they could, and running. The guard fought when and where they could, but their ranks were in chaos from the changeling sabotage. The citizens who attempted to flee found the gatehouses and train station already under changeling control. All the while, two dragons were smashing, crushing, and incinerating changelings as they came. But they also stoked the flames of panic in the hearts of the skittish ponies even more. The sounds of fighting, panic, and terror reached up into the wedding hall, adding to the fear and confusion those within already felt. Chrysalis was the first to pick her jaw up off the floor, disturbed by the turn of events, but already making plans to somehow spin it in her favor. She noticed Celestia was still distracted, her eyes glued to the chaos outside. Deciding to take this opportunity, the changeling queen ignited her crooked horn and fired a beam of bright green magic at the princess of the sun. Celestia’s head whipped around at the last moment and, with a flare of golden light, matched the changeling’s surge of magic. The audience gasped as the two leaders strained against their opponent’s might; the connecting point of their magic inched back and forth. Gasps and moans escaped from the audience with every shift as they prayed Celestia would be victorious, but feared even she would fall before the invaders. It seemed as though Celestia had finally gained the upper hoof. In a wicked twist of fate, the light from Chrysalis’s horn doubled in intensity, and her magic rushed forward, seemingly unaffected by Celestia’s own magic. The beam raced to Celestia’s horn, striking her down with a blinding flash of green light before the eyes of all Canterlot’s nobles. Her screams of agony caused their hair to stand on edge. The wedding goers, who’d been watching wide-eyed, finally began to panic properly. They tried to flee the grand hall, screaming in terror and despair. “Shining Armor’s love has made me stronger than before. Consuming it has made me more powerful than Celestia!” As Chrysalis reveled in victory, her laugher drowning out the sounds of the battle outside, Twilight and the others rushed to Princess Celestia’s side. “The Elements of Harmony,” she gasped, her fur smoldering in several places as she gritted her teeth against the pain she was in. “You must get them, and use their power to defeat the queen.” * * * * * * * * * * * As the bearers ran to retrieve the Elements, the dragons stood in the center of Canterlot, fortunate their wings slowed their unexpected fall. The changeling army, now pouring into the city, found itself more focused on fighting the unexpected arrivals rather than neutralizing what remained of the royal guard. Drake and Spike had given almost entirely into their greed when they let loose the first roars. Now they thrashed about, swatting at the changelings, but carefully avoiding the tight-packed buildings around them. The changelings darted around the dragons, dodging claws, tails, and breath blasts. All the while the shot spells, crashed into them from above, and bucked the dragons whenever possible. Despite their speed, some were still too slow. They were struck down, their chitinous exoskeletons shattering on impact with whatever they were unlucky enough to crash into. Spike took flight momentarily, letting loose a jet of flame. It scattered a group of changelings that got too close as he landed in front of the castle. From there, he saw the bearers running out the wedding hall to recover the elements. What remained of his conscious mind wrested control from his instincts. ’My job is to protect them now, I don’t need ninety-percent of my power, thirty should be enough.’ Spike fought for control of his body, slowly shrinking down from his massive, terrifying form to one about a third that size. With his more manageable size, he took off after his friends, burning or striking down any changelings he caught going after them. * * * * * * * * * * * As they ran from the castle, Twilight couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Spike and the dragon fighting the changelings. The others noticed it as well, but said nothing, choosing instead to run for it before they were noticed. As they ran, changelings began crashing into the ground around them. While most got up and began to chase after them, the girls noticed that some lay where they had landed, green liquids leaking from them. Fluttershy would likely have rushed to their aid, despite them being the enemy, but she was currently being carried by Applejack, having passed out when the dragons came into view. As more changeling came after them, a shadow fell over the group. “What the buck!?” Rainbow Dash yelled, looking up after recovering from a sudden downdraft and updraft, which sent her spiraling wildly. “Hey girls, look up! One of the dragons is covering us! Does it seem smaller than before?” The rest glanced up and saw it fighting above them with flame and claw, forcing the changelings to run after the group on hoof rather than dive-bombing them from the sky. “Y’all don’t suppose that’s Spike?” Applejack panted, ducking as the changelings began firing spells from behind them. “Oh! I know how we can find out!” Pinkie called out. “Twilight, cover me.” “Wait, Pinkie, what!?” Twilight asked as the eccentric mare suddenly stopped dead and pulled out a megaphone. Seeing the changelings ever closer now, Twilight threw a shield in their path as Pinkie yelled into the megaphone. “HEY SPIKE, IS THAT YOU UP THERE!?” To everyone’s surprise, the dragon looked down and replied, “Yes. Run. Spike protect friends,” he said, finishing his sentence with a savage roar. Spike landed amongst the changelings just as they broke through Twilight’s shield, crushing two of the creatures beneath his clawed feet. The ponies resumed their run, more confused than before. Behind them, they could her Spike’s clash with the changelings. The roar of fire, the discharge of spells, the contact between scale and chitin, and finally a loud crash. Sparing one last glance back as they reached the building holding the Elements of Harmony, which was surprisingly unmolested, all they could see was the changeling swarm now bearing down on them. Spike had disappeared. Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow held the doors closed as Rarity attempted to wake Fluttershy. Twilight ran down the halls towards to vault, her whole world reeling from the day’s events. Her brother was under Chrysalis’ control and her teacher was beaten by the same black-hearted monster whose army was now flooding into Canterlot. To top it off, Spike had returned. He protected them long enough to reach the elements. Was he still in their friend, or had he become a monster? Images of him breathing fire and injured changelings jumped to the forefront of her mind. ’No. That’s not important now. The Princess said to retrieve the Elements and that is what I will do,’ Twilight thought as she reached the vault doors. ’All I need to do is unlock the vault and get the Elements back to my friends. Then we can use them to save the city and my brother.’ Twilight searched the doors, trying to find a way to unlock them. She spied the hole Celestia had stuck her horn into when Discord escaped; above her reach. ’Ok Twilight think, she wouldn’t send you all the way here without giving you some way to unlock it.’ Many failed attempts later, Twilight lay exhausted on the floor. Nothing she thought of allowed her to reach the lock or open the door. When she tried to levitate herself and cast the key spell at the same time, the spells interfered with each other, making her crash to the floor. She couldn’t jump high enough to reach the hole, and there weren’t any boxes nearby for her to stand on. Beating on the door, asking it pretty please, charging it, yelling “open sesame!”, and scolding it had all ended with the door still stubbornly closed with her more often than not having acquire a new bruise. As Twilight lay exhausted in front of the vault, she heard a crash and several cries come from back down the hall. She stood and began running back towards the sounds of a battle growing the closer every moment. Suddenly Fluttershy came flying down the hall, crashing into Twilight. “Oh, sorry, are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Fluttershy asked, helping Twilight up. “Fluttershy you’re awake! What’s going on?” “Um, well, the changelings have broken in and the rest of the girls are fighting them so you can get back with the Elements. I was sent to see if you needed any help. So, um, do you have the Elements?” Fluttershy asked, glancing over her shoulder towards the entrance and shifting uneasily as the sound of the fighting echoed in the hall. “I don’t have them--I could’t reach the horn slot to unlock it,” Twilight answered before grabbing Fluttershy in her magic and running back towards the vault. “But now that you are here you can hold me up to it and we can still get the Elements!” Twilight set Fluttershy down as she reached to door and turned towards it. “Okay, now pick me up and hover level with that hole.” Suddenly, a blast of green energy crashed into her, slamming her against the vault door with a loud thump. Her limp body crumpled to the floor, her eyes fluttering shut as unconsciousness took her. At the entrance of the room, Twilight’s friends were surrounded, losing to copies of themselves, except for one. Fluttershy was in the center of her friends, still passed out just as she had been when the changelings broke through. * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 17: Pain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17: Pain “Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.” ― Welsey, The Princess Bride Meanwhile, elsewhere in Canterlot, Drake was busy fighting the changelings, but had found out early into the battle that big claws had trouble hitting small, fast, and agile targets. Choosing to ignore the drones buzzing around him, Drake’s greed-addled mind turned towards its primary target, calling out her name. “Chrysalis! Chrysalis! Where are you?!” Drake roared out, moving towards the castle. As he lumbered forward, he peered into every building along the way through open doors and windows, searching for his prey. Hearing her name, Chrysalis went out onto the chapel balcony to deal with Drake personally for interfering with her triumph. Before she could act, she was grabbed by Drake’s claws and carried off into the garden. Chrysalis struggled to free herself but encountered a…small problem. “Oh what a cute little pony princess--just what I always wanted. I will name her Henry,” Drake said as he carried her into the gardens, squeezing her tightly. “HENRY!?” Chrysalis yelled as Drake continued to talk while patting her head and occasionally spanking her, further preventing her from focusing her magic. “I will hug her, and pet her, and squeeze her, and pat her, and pet her, and rub her, and caress her.” Drake continued, doing just what he said to Chrysalis, preventing her from striking back at him. “PUT ME DOWN!” Chrysalis yelled out, growing frustrated as her army seemed incapable of stopping this rogue dragon, despite their best effort to free her. “Okay,” Drake replied, much to her surprise. He suddenly shrank down to his normal size, holding onto Chrysalis with both hands, looking down at her. “Now I apologize for the harsh treatment but I had to let my baser side have its fun to get back in control.” “FOAL!” Chrysalis yelled, taking the opportunity to charge a spell she was sure the now much smaller dragon would stand no chance against. “I shall destroy you for what you have done to me!” As her spell charged, changelings formed up around the duo, waiting for orders. “Perhaps, but do you think you can take a face full of lighting at point blank?” Drake answered. As Chrysalis’s spell charged, Drake built up his lighting breath. He was careful to prevent it from releasing prematurely, while praying his gamble would pay off. “No,” Chrysalis conceded reluctantly as she canceled her spell. “So what now? Why have you taken me? Why risk your life with this standoff?” “You listen to what I have to say, then we both walk out of here.” Drake said, discharged his lightning into the sky, unintentionally striking some of the changelings that watched them. “Speak quickly then. I have a conquest and husband to get back to.” “We both know you don`t love the groom, but I suppose that isn’t important right now. The reason I grabbed you is because I am rebuilding something destroyed long ago, and find myself in need of allies. After you‘re defeated here today, I am sure you yourself will be in need of aid. I happen to be the only life form on this planet willing to help a creature like you--I just need you to tell me where to meet you after all this is over.” Drake smirked smugly at the end of his offer. Chrysalis found it absolutely hilarious. Chrysalis started laughing, her volume building until it began to hurt Drake’s ears. It drove her soldiers away from the duo and make Drake’s ears bleed. “You think you can attack me, molest me, while spewing that drivel, turn around, ask for an alliance, claim I’ll be defeated, have the audacity to offer aid, and expect to simply walk away?! You are a funny little dragon. I was going to kill you. Instead I’m going to torture you until you beg for death,” Chrysalis said, breaking free of Drake’s grip and taking to the air, launching a green bolt at him. Drake tried to dive away from it, but his body was too big and the bolt too quick. Drake landed hard on the ground as pain burned through his body. Pain like nothing he had ever felt before. It was as if every nerve was on fire and freezing at the same time. A dull throb and a sharp stab ripped through him simultaneously. As he tried to stand, Chrysalis landed on his back, forcing him to the ground once again before restraining Drake with her magic, planning to torture him until he broke. Having neutralized Drake, Chrysalis sent her nearby minions to stop Spike and the bearers while she took her time educating Drake of her power. Again and again Chrysalis blasted him, increasing the pain, changing it with each blast, pushing Drake closer and closer to blacking out. With each blast Drake screamed. Finally, once his throat was so dry and raw from his screams what came out was no more than a rasping whisper did she stop, letting him pass into the sweet void of unconsciousness. Chrysalis leaned down next to his bleeding ear and whispered, “Fool, this day is my triumph. To think you could defeat me is a sad joke--I could tear you limb from limb, but I won’t. You and your companion have managed to intrigue me. I think instead you two shall serve me as my slaves, but first I have to finish taking control of Canterlot.” Chrysalis fired one final spell before taking off, leaving Drake lying in the garden curled up in the fetal position, crying and whimpering as he passed out. Chrysalis laughed as she flew back the castle. Once the battle was over, she would take some time to properly enslave him. For now, she had six pesky meddlers and the other dragon to deal with. * * * * * * * * * * * In the castle, Twilight woke slowly and painfully. Around her, her friends were still unconscious and Spike was trapped by the changeling’s green goo. In front her Celestia hung upside down suspended in a strange green pod, Cadence was stuck near Shining Armor, who was himself still trapped within his own mind. Before she could wake her friends, Queen Chrysalis came in through the window laughing. “Perfect,” Chrysalis said, her laughter dying down as she walked up to Twilight. “It’s sad really. You suspected me all along, but everyone around you was blinded by the wedding and their own desires.” Chrysalis said, lifting Twilight’s chin with a hoof forcing the defeated unicorn to look her in the eyes. “Now that you, the other elements, and even these rogue dragons are mine, nothing will stand in my way.” Chrysalis dropped Twilight’s chin and walked towards the windows. Seeing her army running free through the city she began to sing. “This day has been just perfect. The kind of day I have dream of since I was small. Every pony I’ll soon control, every stallion, mare, and foal. Who says a girl can’t really have it all!” As Chrysalis watched her troops pacify Canterlot, Twilight made her move. Tiphoofing, she crept the Cadence’s side and removed her bindings. “Quick, go to him while you still have a chance,” Twilight whispered, motioning towards her brother. Cadence went to her groom, but he remained unresponsive to anything she tried. Despairing Princess Cadence closed her eyes and hugged the stallion she loved. Whether through conscious effort or by a miracle her horn crackled with energy and a single heart manifest itself above the duo. It floated lazily through the air before landing between Shining Armor’s eyes. In a flash of pink, Shining Armor was liberated from his enthrallment. “Where, wuh, huh. Is the wedding over?” Shining asked shaking the cobwebs leftover from Chrysalis’ spell out of his mind as Cadence and Twilight smiled joyfully. Before anyone could answer him Chrysalis came down ruining the moment. “It’s all over,” She gloated glaring down at the wedding couple. “Your spell, perform you spell.” Twilight called from behind the queen, praying that her brother had the power within him to expel the changelings and save the city. “What good would that do you? My changelings already roam free.” Chrysalis asked laughing as she watched Shining’s defiance crumble. “No!” Shining breathed as he struggled to focus is power, but his long enthrallment had left his drained and weak. “My power is useless now. I don’t have the strength to repel them.” “My love will give you strength.” Cadence said, hugging Shining Armor. “Ha ha ha, what a lovely, but absolutely ridiculous sentiment.” Chrysalis said hovering in the air. Undeterred, Shining Armor prepared to cast his spell once more while Cadence lent him her power. Shining weaved the spell with Cadence providing the power. Where their horns meet, their magic aura combining bringing forth a bright light. As the spell took shape the duo began to lift off the ground. To Chrysalis’s surprise, the spell worked and she was flung away along with her army. As the blast dissipated, the other beings in the room began to wake. * * * * * * * * * * * Spike woke to the sound of someone screaming and found himself in the castle. His body had returned to its normal size, but was covered in a strange green substance, keeping him immobilized. Looking around, he saw Shining Armor and a vaguely familiar pink alicorn hugging each other. Nearby, Twilight was removing Princess Celestia from a green pod, and next to him the rest of their friends came to on their own. “What happened?” he asked, drawing everyone’s attention. Shining Armor was the first to act, quickly throwing a shield over Spike, cutting him off from everyone else. Though the shield prevented any sounds from entering, Spike saw Twilight run over to her brother and begin talking animatedly as Celestia stood looking between her student and Spike. * * * * * * * * * * * “Shining don’t hurt him! It’s Spike!” Twilight said as she ran over, trying to place herself between her brother and Spike. “There’s no way that’s Spike, Twilie. Spike is a baby dragon. That thing is not a baby dragon!” Shining replied, sternly waving a hoof at Spike. “No, it IS Spike. I‘m just as surprised as you by how he looks, but you have to believe me. He tried to protect us from the changelings when we went to get the elements. He isn’t going to hurt anyone here. Please, drop the shield,” Twilight pleaded. “What do you mean he ‘protected you’?” Shining asked, taking a more relaxed stance but still maintaining the shield. “He fought the changelings that tried to stop us from reaching the vault. He knocked them out of the sky as they tried to chase us, and fought them on the ground when they got close. It didn’t matter since I couldn’t open the vault, but he did help us. Without him, we probably wouldn’t have made it to the vault.” “Twilight, is that really Spike? What happened to him?” Princess Celestia asked, concerned about the change in Spike’s appearance. She wondering what else about him may have changed. “Um, you see, he kinda went off with another dragon he met during the dragon migration. From what he said in his letters, he and the other dragon left Equestria and did some kind of training together. If Shining drops the shield, maybe we could ask him,” Twilight answered sheepishly. ”You mean not only has Spike, for whom you are responsible for, been away from your supervision and care, but furthermore, you did not see fit to inform me of this development, instead conspiring to hide it from me.” Celestia said, her displeasure clear as she walked towards Twilight. “Well… um… you see…yes your Highness,” Twilight mumbled, her eyes facing down to avoid meeting her mentor’s gaze. “Captain Armor, drop your shield.” “Are you sure your majesty?” Shining asked, still uncertain that the dragon under the shield was really Spike. “Yes, he is trapped in the changeling cement anyway, so we should be safe should he try anything. Besides we have no way to discover where he has been and what he has been doing unless we ask him,” Celestia answered confidently. Shining nodded in understanding and dropped his shield as Celestia freed the rest of the element bearers from their bonds. Everyone gathered around Spike who, sensing the tension in the room, decided to take the initiative and speak first. “Hey everyone, long time no see, huh?” Everyone’s reaction told their surprise and, in many cases, relief. While his body had changed and his voice was a bit deeper, everyone could tell it was indeed their Spike. Shining looked surprised and disbelieving, Celestia maintained a neutral mask, glad he seemed unchanged but still uncertain about him after seeing him roast the changelings, Twilight burst into tears, hugging him tight; her friends quickly joined her. Cadence just leaned against Shining Armor, glad everything seemed to have worked out and she was reunited with her love. “I’m glad to see you guys too. I’m sure you have tons of questions, and I will be happy to answer them. Can I get free of this gunk first--I’m starting to cramp up and would like to stretch out a bit.” As Spike stretched after being released from the changeling cement, he asked a question that had gnawed at him while he was trapped under Shining’s shield. “By the way, has anyone seen Drake, the other dragon I came here with? He was supposed to distract Chrysalis so you guys could use the elements without having to worry about her attacking you directly.” As Spike said Drake’s name, both Princess Celestia and Shining Armor tensed up, remembering the letter they received, but said nothing. Twilight and the others just shrugged and said no. Cadence, however, offer an answer. “I think I saw him. He came by and grabbed Chrysalis and walked away into the garden with her, muttering something about a pretty pony princess and someone named Henry. A couple minutes later, I heard Chrysalis laughing. After that, I heard screams for a long time until they grew too weak for me to hear. Once the screams stopped and the rest of you had been caught, Chrysalis returned.” Cadence finished recounting the events from her perspective as realization dawned on her. “You don’t think those screams-“ Before she could finish her sentence, Spike ran to the balcony and took off towards the gardens. Rainbow and Fluttershy flew after him as Twilight, Celestia, and Cadence teleported the rest to the entrance of the garden to follow on foot, with Cadence, remaining behind, exhausted from her imprisonment and helping Shining Armor power his shield. Where is he? Where is he? Spike thought as he flew over the gardens, doing his best to follow the path of destruction left by Drake. If those screams were his… No don’t think about that. He’s too tough, too smart to die like that. At last, he spotted a Drake. Spike landed hard. He found Drake curled up, his wings shielding him from the outside world. As Spike waved Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy down, he heard sniffles and realized Drake was crying. A closer examination showed dark scorch marks covering his body. “What happened?” Spike breathed, lifting up on of Drake’s wings. As Drake’s face was revealed, Fluttershy gasped and rushed over. Spike saw why. There was blood leaking from Drakes ears, nose, and mouth. While some of it had dried, the bleeding did not seem to be stopping. “Oh dear, we have to help him!” Fluttershy said, whatever fear she had replaced by concern when she saw the blood. “Yes, it wouldn’t do to allow him to suffer needlessly,” Princess Celestia interjected, seeing Drake’s condition as she and the others arrived. “Though I wonder what Chrysalis did to him?” “He was tortured,” Shining Armor answered, drawing everyone’s gaze. “It has happened to guardsponies in the past, usually at the hands of harpies,” he explained in response to the questioning, eyes on him as he walked closer to Drake. “Princess I don’t think the guard hospital can house a dragon of his size, but we should be able to treat him here.” The Princess took a moment to consider her captain’s words. Looking over the destruction caused by Drake’s walk through the gardens and remembering the attack by him and Spike on the changelings. Spike listened to the exchange, standing by Drake. He stole the occasional glance as Drake whimpered. Fluttershy flitted about him, looking for any other injures he may have endured. The rest of the elements gathered away from Drake, talking in soft tones, their faces peeking out at the dragons before quickly glancing away. When he looked at Celestia, he saw worry and concern in her face. It dawned on Spike it wasn’t for Drake, but for what he might do when he recovered. “Very well. Captain, go get some medics and bring them here. Rainbow Dash, please come here,” Celestia said, finally having made her decision. Shining Armor ran off to fulfill his orders and organize the guard to help with the aftermath of the invasion. Perhaps once that was done he could spend some time with his fiancé. “Yes your highness,” Rainbow Dash said, ready for whatever the princess needed of her. “I need you to fly back to the castle and find Diligent Scribe. Tell him to begin preparing a damage report. I need to know what has been destroyed and how many of my subjects have been hurt.” “Understood Princess,” Rainbow offered a quick salute that would have made Shining cringe and then took off, heading back to the castle. “What about the rest of us Princess, how can we help?” Twilight asked, stepping up to do whatever she could now to make up for failing to retrieve the elements. “For now Twilight, wait.” “But Princess, correct me if’n Ah’m wrong here, but there are ponies that need help and work that needs doing. Do you really want us to just sit on our hooves an’ wait?” Applejack asked, confused. “Yes, going out now might seem like to right thing, but if we wait and then coordinate the repair and recovery efforts, we will be able to help more ponies more quickly Applejack,” Celestia responded kindly, understanding her confusion. “Oh I know! While we’re waiting for the reports we can setup a snack station at the entrance to the castle! That way, when ponies come by looking for help we can give them coco and cupcakes! Then they can go out and tell others to come to the castle! Then everypony can tell us if they need anything and get free hot coco and a snack!” Pinkie suggested, beginning to bounce around. She disappeared once she finished speaking to make her plan a reality before anyone could say anything. Everyone else, except Fluttershy, who was still watching Drake closely, stood stunned for a moment before Rarity spoke up. “As unorthodox as her suggestion may seem, it is a good one. Why don’t we,” Rarity motioned to herself, Applejack, Twilight and Spike, “go and help her? That way Fluttershy here to watch can Drake until the medics arrive and you can take care of whatever you need to.” “An excellent suggestion Rarity,” Celestia responded after taking a second to consider it. “Of course there is likely already an aid station at the front of the castle. Everypony except Fluttershy should head there. If one of you could find Pinkie and get her there I am sure many ponies in the castle kitchen will thank you.” As Rarity, Twilight and Applejack began to head out, a voice stopped them. “No.” Turning around they saw Spike standing upright and defiantly besides Drake. “The rest of you go. Princess you have your own duties to attend to, but I am going to wait right here until Drake wakes up.” “Spike, the Princess gave us an order, what do you mean telling her no?” Twilight asked running up to him, only to find herself looking up. “This was my plan Twilight, Drake didn’t want to fight Chrysalis. He only went along with it because he felt it would uphold his end of the bargain we struck when I first went off with him. He is like this because of me. I’m not going to leave him until he tells me he’s ok,” Spike responded angrily even as the tears welling up in his eyes betrayed his true emotions. He felt guilty that Drake had been tortured and believed watching over him was his burden to bear. Celestia read Spike easily; for all his physical changes, he was still the dragon she had watched grow up alongside Twilight. “Very well Spike. You are to stay here and keep watch over Drake. When he wakes up, explain to him what happened and tell him I wish to speak with him.” “Princess?” Twilight asked, shifting her gaze to her mentor. “It’s okay Twilight, you and your friends go on,” Celestia answered calmly. Twilight and the others left to find Pinkie and provide what help they could. Spike thanked Celestia as she took to the air. Celestia returned to the castle to receive her reports and begin coordinating the recovery efforts. Fluttershy settled into the grass near Drake’s head, stroking his neck and speaking soothing words until the medics arrived. Spike stood guard over Drake long into the night, until finally he succumbed to his own fatigue and fell asleep atop one of the toppled hedges. Rainbow delivered Princess Celestia’s message to Diligent Scribe before being roped into flying over Canterlot with a camera to record the damage, not that she minded as Captain Spitfire was leading the effort. Shining Armor spent many hours setting the guard in order and dealing with the losses caused by the changeling infiltrators before finally passing out at his desk. Cadence checked in for a medical evaluation after recovering from helping Princess Celestia and Twilight with the teleport. She was given a clean bill of health before being fed and escorted to her room. All over Canterlot, ponies worked throughout the night to recover from the invasion, but in the garden Drake remained unresponsive. His consciousness had fled to the deepest parts of his mind and repeated the same thought over and over. ’No more. Please, no more. No more. Please no more. No more, please no more,’ before a voice called out to him, shattering the wall he was building around himself. ’COME TO ME.’ * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 18: The Blushing Bride and her Lucky Groom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: The Blushing Bride and her Lucky Groom ’COME TO ME DRAGON! ANSWER ME!’ Again and again the voice boomed out through Drake’s shattered mind, calling him. ’That voice! That voice brings the pain. No more.’ Drake whimpered softly trapped in his own mind. The fear, which held him prisoner, fueled every time the voice called out to him. ’No more. NO more. NO More! NO MORE!’ He whispered to himself, his thoughts growing stronger each time he said it. Then, from the depth of his psyche, a roar rang out across Drake mind, cutting through his fears. ’I answer to no one.’ Drake yelled out defiantly, his mind pulling itself together. ’You are mine, dragon. Come to my aid!’ The voice commanded angrily, but weariness sapped its strength. For a moment, the connection faltered. ’Voice, I know you. I name you Chrysalis, loser, a failure, whom snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, losing to the very thing that gave her strength. You hold no sway over me bitch!’ Drake responded his mind his own once again, feeling from his body slowly returning. ’Come to me Dragon! I bound you to me! Resistance is futile!’ Chrysalis commanded once again, rage clear in Drake’s mind. ’No. Resistance is voltage over current,’ Drake said softly, holding back a laugh as Chrysalis confusion bled into their connection. ’I am my own Dragon. If I come, it will be of my own free will; not because you demand it, scion of lust. Lick your wounds. Leave me be.’ ’This isn’t over! I’ll make you regret-‘ Chrysalis yelled. Whatever else she might have said was lost as Drake began to wake-up, causing the connection to fail. * * * * * * * * * * * A pale sun rose to usher in the morning. Throughout the city, rubble and lingering smoke showed where the fighting had been the fiercest the day before. Celestia viewed the scene from her chamber’s balcony with a mix of relief and sorrow. On one hoof, her ponies were safe. On the other, she’d been beaten; only the luckiest of happenstance prevented a changeling victory. Fluttershy met the sunrise with a very different scenery. She’d decided to stay with Spike and watch over Drake during the night. The two of them eventually fell asleep in the garden. Fluttershy, at some point during the night, snuggled close to Spike taking advantage of the warmth he naturally gave off, seeking to drive away the chill of night. As she woke in the garden, she could hear her the birds singing and chirping, welcoming the new day as they would any other. Fluttershy slowly, so as not to disturb Spike, slipped away and began to stretch. She jumped when a growl emanated from Drake, muffled by the bandages that covered his face. Cowering behind Spike, she carefully glanced over him at Drake. Suddenly, he stood up tearing at the bandages, thrashing about, and beginning to hyperventilate. As he began to flap is wings haphazardly, Fluttershy’s mane started whipping about. She ducked down behind Spike. “Spike! Spike wake up,” Fluttershy begged, softly pushing his shoulder gently. Drake continued to thrash, now flailing on his back. The bandages were torn enough his growls sounded more like to mumbling and grunts of pain. “Spike something is wrong with Drake. You need to help him,” Fluttershy said a bit louder, pushing more forcefully. Finally, Drake ripped the last of the bandages from his face. He unleashed a primal, and took off into the sky. “Where is she? Where is that bitch!” Drake shouted, waking Spike and much of Canterlot. Spike shot up, spotting Drake circling above the garden calling out for Chrysalis. He caught Fluttershy off guard and accidently knocked her over. “Calm down Drake! It’s over! The battle is over!” Spike called out as he climbed towards Drake. Fluttershy righted herself and watched from the ground as the dragons met in the sky. For a moment, it looked like Drake wouldn’t listen to Spike. After a few tense minutes, they returned the ground. Drake kept looking around as they descended. It looked like he was expecting something or someone to attack him. After they landed next to each other, Drake seemed agitated, as if the tiniest thing would set him on a rampage. * * * * * * * * * * * Waking up had not been a pleasant experience for Drake. He remembered little of his dream aside from Chrysalis’s presence, but he remembered her torture. He woke believing she had blindfolded and gagged him. Even once Spike explained what had happened after the battle, he still felt uneasy. ’Dammit! I was beaten. Not even to a draw or close fight, the bug straight up stomped me. I’m going to have to figure out a way to resist her magic before I fight her again,’ Drake thought. He noticed something pink in his peripheral vision. Turning to get a better look, he saw Fluttershy shaking in terror, unable to flee towards the castle because Drake and Spike where in the way. “Um... Hello,” Fluttershy squeaked in panic when she realized Drake was looking at her. “Hello, you wouldn’t be Fluttershy by any chance would you?” Drake asked; glad to be meeting one ponies he already knew so much about. “Ye-yes, h-ho-how do you know my name?” Fluttershy whimpered, backing away as she curled into a ball. “Oh, lucky guess really. Spike has told me about all his friends, in great detail. Haven’t you Spike?” Drake said as nicely as possible while nudging Spike who wasn’t paying attention to him and Fluttershy. “Huh, oh yeah. By the way, you might want to brace yourself. It seems you woke everypony up.” Spike replied, pointing towards the castle he’d watching since he’d landed. “It seems the weight of Equestria is about to descend upon us. Might I speak with you later Fluttershy, when you have a moment of free time?” Drake asked, knowing he needed to talk to her about Spike’s diet, if he was going to return to Ponyville, and to satisfy his own curiosity. “That’s fine,” Fluttershy whimpered before zooming through the air to joining her friends in the crowd coming from the castle. Drake faced the oncoming tide and saw guards leading the pack. Shining Armor was at the front, some paperwork stuck to his face. The Elements of Harmony and Princess Celestia close behind the guards. Bringing up the rear, amass of nobles, functionaries, and other powerful ponies fell in behind the Princess. They’d slipped into her wake as she ran through the halls towards the garden. Drake watched doing his best to keep a straight face as the guards began to set up around him. He stifled a laugh as one pointed out the papers stuck to Shining Armors face, and resisted to urge to facepalm when he saw a that somepony had insisted on literally rolling out a red carpet in front of Princess Celestia, holding her up while it was brought out. This allowed the crowd to spread out around her and the Drakes. Beside Drake, Spike was fidgeting. Never before had he seen so many of Equestria’s nobility and wealth in one place. He remembered growing up around many of these ponies, where one wrong move or one wrong word could destroy a pony, not just socially, but also politically. When last he’d walked the castle’s halls, he’d been humorous and entertaining. Now, the looks of fear and anger he saw suggested that had changed. The cold calculating looks in their eyes and the hushed whispers, directed not just at the Drake but at him, told him he was being judged by the same standards as the others players in their games. The only encouraging thing he saw was Twilight and his friends next to the Princess. By the time the red carpet had been rolled out, the crowd had organized itself by rank, official and unofficial. Princess Celestia stood before Drake as a herald introduced her. “Here stands Princess Celestia the Harmonious, Day Bringer, Diarch of Equestria, the Generous, Headmare of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, Champion of the Oppressed, Commander of the Pegasi, Princess of the Unicorns, Chancellor for Life of the Earth Ponies, Champion of the Canterlot Bowling Tournament, First Place in the Manehatten Pie Eating Contest, Head Judge of the Canterlot Dessert Completion, and Captain of the Baltimare Broncs. All bow before her majesty.” Drake facepalmed the ridiculous nature of what was happening becoming too much for him. The crowd gasped as their jaws dropped. “Spike is he done yet?” Drake asked peeking out through his claws. When Spike nodded dumbly, Drake place his claw on the ground. He glared at the herald. “Firstly, was all that really necessary? Secondly, I’ll bow before none that’s not earned it from me,” Drake said, raising his voice and shifting his gaze to the Princess. What happened next is best described as a total shit storm. The herald, named Hear Me, passed out when Drake started speaking. When Drake raised his voice for his second point the guards readied their spears. As what Drake had said sunk in, the crowd began yelling “Banish him!” or “Imprison Him!” A few yelled “Kick his flanks!” A couple yelled “He’s a monster! Slay Him!” One strange pony even called out “Marry Me” before being silenced. Shining split his attention between keeping his guards calm and directing them to calm the crowd. Spike tried to walk over to Celestia but was met with spears. Celestia, for her part, just glared at Drake while Twilight told the Princess she would be happy to explain Drake the proper court etiquette. The rest of the bearers had looks of confusion, Pinkie Pie, disappointment, Rarity and Fluttershy, and even borderline hatred, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Taking advantage of the clamor, Drake mouthed to Princess Celestia a single question. “Where’s Luna?” As the crowd showed no signs of calming down any time soon, Drake took the opportunity to speak with Spike. “Spike, I know you are probably upset about what just happened-” Drake began. “You think.” Spike interrupted angrily. “Yes, yes I do. Look, the way I see it, they’re yours.” Drake said trying to get his thoughts straight. “Huh?” “Princess Celestia, Twilight, the others. They’re your friends, and you’ve been gone for what several months now. Take this time to talk with them and reconnect.” Drake said, poking Spike. “That makes absolutely no sense.” Spike said shaking his head. “Does to me. Beside, Luna is best Princess, and I am too tired for storytelling.” Drake said, yawning. “But you just woke up!” Spike remarked frustrated, getting no answer as Drake laid down and closed his eyes. As they spoke, Shining Armor’s guards removed most of the crowd. After thirty or so minutes, the storm passed, Shining Armor having forced most of the ponies that had no business being there in the first place out of the garden. After posting guards to keep them out, he returned to check on Princess Celestia and the dragon that made the day start so poorly. He found Drake laying down with his eyes closed while Spike was talking to the few ponies left behind. Drake rested while Spike told his story in full detail to his friends, only growling whenever Spike began to talk about something he wanted to remain a secret, or reveal himself when the time was right. When he heard hoofsteps and the soft clanking of metal he opened one eye. He saw Shining Armor returning and motioned him over with a single claw. Shining approach cautiously, everything Drake had done had been destructive or caused him problems. When Shining was close enough Drake could talk to him without disturbing Spike’s conversation, he asked if Cadence had been in the crowd. When Shining said no, Drake said, “Then why don’t you go, find, and comfort her. Take care of her and let her take care of you. Lord knows ya’ll have been through enough.” “And leave you with the Princess and bearers of the Elements of Harmony, one of whom just happens to be my sister?” Shining asked, irked and suspicious. “Dude, the Princess is insanely powerful. She’s beaten people far stronger than me. Your Sister is probably one of the top five most powerful beings in Equestria. Beside I’d never hurt them for reasons I’ll keep to myself. You, on the other hand, have a, what I assume to be beautiful, fiancé that was held captive while you were being brainwashed by our mutual chitinous acquaintance. I bet she would love to spend some time with you. Why don’t you spend the day with her rather than wasting your time here.” Drake answered. Shining sighed realizing the dragon was probably right. “I don’t like you. I trust you. But, you are right about most of what you said. I’m going to leave you here. But mark my words, you do anything to the ponies over there and I’ll make you wish Chrysalis had killed you.” Shining said pointing at the bearers, the Princess and the few others that had been allowed to remain. Drake nodded once and Shining left. Of those to remain, there were three ponies worth noting. First was Prince Blueblood. He secured a place for himself by using his court influence to assist the guard in getting the others to leave. Second was Fancypants whom, thanks to his own connections and a word from Rarity, was allowed to remain. Lastly was Business Calendar - personal advisor of Princess Luna. * * * * * * * * * * * Spike’s tale was long in telling. At one point, food was brought out for everypony present. Gems were brought for Spike and Drake, though only Spike ate any. Drake, having not tried them before, felt making funny and disgusted faces, depending on what the different gems tasted like, would be a bad idea. By the time Spike finished, the sun was well into its descent. Princess Celestia left first. She thanked Spike for sharing what had happened with her, and said she looked forward to talking to him about certain parts of his story at another time. She then left for the castle, others following in her wake. Twilight told Spike there was a room in the castle for him. Spike told her that would be nice and followed her to track it down. As the other bearers fell in alongside them, Drake called Fluttershy over. When Fluttershy flew back towards Drake, Rainbow Dash stopped where she was to keep an eye on the two of them. The conversation Drake had with Fluttershy was short. He started by thanking her for bandaging him. He then broached the subject of Spike’s meat consumption. While Fluttershy wasn’t happy about it, she explained that she understood, and promised to do her best to help Spike once they got back to Ponyville. After thanking her again, Drake asked her to send Pinkie and Rarity to meet him in the morning. Though it was an odd request, Fluttershy reluctantly promised to pass his request along. That evening, Spike was with Twilight, retelling his story once again as she wrote every bit of it down, until Spike stopped her. He said he’d just give her his journal after he retrieved it the next day. They instead spoke of what had happened in Ponyville while Spike was away. Elsewhere in the castle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack discussed their impression of Drake, and what they thought of Spike’s story. In the throne room, Princess Celestia found herself dealing with nobles, who felt snubbed, after being kicked out of the garden earlier that day. Shining Armor, much refreshed after spending the day with his finance, was receiving reports from his subordinates relating to the cleaning-up and repairing of Canterlot, which he would then have to pass to the Princesses the next day. Cadence, likewise restored, was busy planning the rescheduled wedding now ten days out. * * * * * * * * * * * It may seem odd Drake wanted to talk to Pinkie and Rarity together. It did to Rarity, and Pinkie… well she was Pinkie Pie, but Drake had a plan. At least the beginnings of a plan to repay and thank Spike for trusting him and giving his all in everything they had done. When Rarity and Pinkie came out the next morning, Drake had the basics of the plan together. “Hello ladies, how are you doing this fine morning?” Drake said with a grandiose wave at the sunrise when they reached him. “I'm doing great! How are you doing? Are you feeling rampagey this morning? Or hoardy? Do you plan to ponynap…” Pinkie began to rant, only to be stopped by a hoof to the mouth. “What she means to say is we are fine, but curious as to why you want to speak with us.” Rarity said, leveling a piercing stare at Drake. “Oh that’s simple, he wants to teach us a song.” Pinkie blurted, removing Rarity’s hoof from her mouth, a large grin replacing it. “Well come on. What’s the song? Is it a fun song? A sad song? A square dancing song?” Pinkie asked pulling a fiddle out of nowhere. “Pinkie what in the world makes you think he want to teach us a song?” Rarity asked dumbfounded. “She isn’t wrong.” Drake said, chuckling as Pinkie cried out for joy and Rarity’s jaw dropped. “But it’s not a song like you’re thinking either Pinkie. Before we talk ‘bout that let me ask you something. Do you know why Spike left Ponyville and ya’ll behind during the Dragon Migration?” “He was going on a journey of self-discovery and met you. After that, the two of you went on an amazing adventure he told us about yesterday.” Pinkie answered, smiling and reenacting bits of what Spike had told them. “Sure that is what happened, but not why.” Drake replied enigmatically crossing his hands and looking Rarity dead in the eyes. “Alright then mister-know-it-all grand dragon why?” Rarity snapped feeling slightly uncomfortable with the way Drake was looking at her. “Simple, two reasons. One, you looked down on him, treated him as if he couldn’t be fearsome, majestic or proud. Two, he’d never really met a dragon before and this was his first chance to do so.” Drake said, sitting back and relaxing. “We never…” Rarity began but trailed off, not sure how to react. “Spike is our friend we would never do that!” Pinkie yelled, effectively cutting Rarity off, as she jumped into the air and remained level with Drake’s face giving him the stink eye. “Ask him about it then.” Drake answered slightly unnerved by Pinkie’s stare and blatant defiance of gravity. “Regardless his mindset when he set out was a mix of hurt, anger, and curiosity. Then, as you saw Rarity, he met me and I took him on a completely different course.” “What do you mean as I saw?” Rarity stuttered eyes shifting left and right. “This is the first time we have ever met.” “No need to lie, I know you, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash where in the Crackle costume. It was such a fine costume after all. How’d Spike have reacted if he knew ya’ll followed him.” Drake asked a smug grin on his face, until Pinkie started to give him the stink eye again, this time from the ground. Since no sound came out as Rarity’s jaw hung open, Drake figured he could continue. “Now you know why he left. Would you like to know why he stayed with me when he could have left at any time?” Rarity’s look of confusion and curiosity coupled with Pinkie pulling out a recliner and popcorn, told Drake to keep talking. “He stayed with me because I offered him a chance to become strong. Strong enough to protect ya’ll from himself, and others.” “Why from himself? He’s not a monster; at least he wasn’t before he went away with you.” Rarity asked angrily. “Glad to know he was so well behaved his last birthday.” Drake shot back sarcastically. Rarity blushed and looked away, recalling Spike’s rampage as Drake continue. “I should thank you though. If you hadn’t snapped him out of his Greed then I would never have known it was possible to control it.” Rarity stood shocked as Pinkie continued to chow down on the popcorn. “You were, and are, the biggest reason he came with me. That’s why I wanna teach you this song. But before I do, I have one question. Can you sing while dancing?” Drake asked lowering his head bit by bit until he was inches from Rarity who, shocked by the nature of the question, stumbled backwards. “Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!” She practically yelled. “Simple, he wants to know if you can sing this song while dancing with Spike.” Pinkie explained, returning the recliner and popcorn to wherever it had come from. “Seriously?” Rarity asked, stunned eyes switching between Drake and Pinkie “Indeed. He did risk his life so you could get the elements. You are the main thing that allows him to control himself when he gives into his baser instinct. He has a massive crush on you, in case you hadn’t noticed. Oh and he isn’t the chubby little thing he was before either.” Drake listed off counting on his fingers pausing only to catching Pinkie and point out that he never made a promise not to tell Rarity how Spike felt. “Oh. Well, I suppose I can sing while dancing with him.” Rarity said, nervously running a hoof through her main. “Excellent. I’ll teach you the words and Pinkie’ll need to learn the tune so she can play the piano. By the way, is there any chance you know a spell that will pull a tune out of some ones memories?” Drake asked, only to be greeted with groans. “What have we gotten ourselves into?” Rarity muttered to Pinkie before Drake began teach them the song. Agreeing that evening would be better since Drake wanted to keep it a secret, Pinkie and Rarity promised to come by and practice every evening from then until the rescheduled wedding with the condition Drake answer one question of theirs each night. * * * * * * * * * * * The next three nights and days went by relatively peacefully. Canterlot was rebuilt and cleaned, Spike reintegrated into life with his friends, and Celestia wasn’t able to get more than a grunt out of Drake, who in turn seemed to take joy stirring up shenanigans every chance he got. Drake flew over Canterlot causing a minor short-lived panic, met with the press, shadowed Shining Armor for part of a day, left with Spike to retrieve their things from their camp, and returned only to be met with paparazzi. Each night he slept in the garden under the stars, and every morning he woke up with a yell, scream, or some other form of loud noise. On the fourth night Drake was settling down on hedge he had been using as a mattress, the same hedge he had knocked down during the battle, when a shadow passed over him, but as he looked up to see what it was the skies were clear. Shrugging it off as a stray cloud Drake went back to trying to sleep, flipping from his back to stomach or either of his sides. At the same time, in the highest tower, looking down on the restless dragon, stood an indigo mare being briefed by her personal assistant. “So this is really the being that killed the hydra?” Luna asked, turning to face Business Calendar. “And the one that sent the first warning if Spike, Twilight Sparkle’s dragon assistant, is to be believed.” Business said, shuffling through papers he was holding in his magic. “He also fought with the changeling queen, but was defeated and left unconscious. Since he recovered from the battle, he has caused a near riot when meeting Princess Celestia, spoken with the press, taunted paparazzi and has been asking about Equestrian society and economy whenever he isn’t creating a ruckus.” “Is he dangerous?” Luna asked glancing towards garden again before taking the different reports and notes into her own magical grasp “Extremely, but I believe he wants to speak with you.” Business replied relinquishing control. “You see when your sister went to meet with him, while everypony was in yelling I think I saw him he was ask her where you were. On that note, where were you, your majesty? You disappeared that morning to answer the message from Fort Bastion, but this is the first time you have returned since.” “It should have been a simple matter, but I met with complications. I’ll brief you on them later, after we decide what to do with the dragon. You mentioned he wishes to speak with me?” Luna said, waiting for Business to nod before continuing. “Then I shall go and speak with him.” Without waiting for Business’s reply, Luna jumped from the tower and glided down, landing softly a short distance away from Drake. Walking up to him slowly, so as not to surprise him, Luna mentally prepared what she would say only to have her thought interrupted by a snore. Shaking herself from her thoughts Princess Luna noticed Drake’s eye were closed and his breathing slow and rhythmic. “Thou hast fallen asleep. Of all the-- You were awake just a moment ago.” Luna muttered, catching herself before she went off in a train of insults and profanity that would make Discord blush. ’Well I guess I can wait for him to wake up, or take a risk and wake the beast myself,’ Luna though moving closer to Drake who remained oblivious to the Alicorn creeping up on him. ’I am a Princess. I move the moon and stars. I wielded the Elements of harmony. I have nothing to fear from this seemingly civilized monster. He can’t be that sound asleep anyway. To Tartarus with it, I’m getting some answers now.’ Luna rationalized as she charged her horn and shot a small stream on magic at Drake, a little tickle of power, an arcane poke, to wake him up. Drake’s response was to snap up and roar at Luna’s direction. Luna responded by yelling back with the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Quiet, beast. Thou shalt show us respect.” At this point, everypony in the castle was waking up. The windows were lighting up and silhouetting Luna. “Princess Luna?” Drake asked nervously crouched down, tensed, as if expecting an attack. “Yes dragon, and you should know that it is appropriate to bow when meeting royalty.” “Two things: One, I ain’t bowing to anyone that hasn’t earned it from me. Two, let’s go somewhere else if you want to talk. I’m assuming you’re the one who woke me, and I doubt you wanna be the one to explain why everyone else is waking up now.” Drake said, pointing towards the building levels of activity in the castle. Luna was about to rebuttal when she heard guards shouting and hoofsteps pounding on the ground, running towards them. Deciding that she would rather not deal with the guard, angry nobles, and possibly her sister at that moment, Luna took off. “Thou may be right. Quickly, follow us, and don’t crash into anything.” Luna told Drake, as she got airborne. Drake took off a second behind her. Together the two of them flew away from Canterlot Castle and around the mountain, before landing on a plateau on the far side hiding them from view of the castle. Landing a moment after Princess Luna, Drake took a few deep breaths before facing her and asking, “So, what was so important you needed to wake up half of Canterlot to speak with me.” “Dragon if thou does not start showing some respect I shall make you,” Luna replied with a scowl, refusing to rise to Drake’s bait. “Now now Luna. I’m speaking to you. That’s more than your sister got. I don’t mean to seem rude but, you did wake me up just as I was getting to sleep, so how ‘bout we start over. I’ll go first.” Drake said, realizing that perhaps he was getting off on the wrong foot with the wrong pony to mess around with. “Good evening to you madam, I am Drake, current lord of Forum and, with any luck, the one that will lead the rebirth of a dead nation. Who might you be?” Drake introduced himself with a flourish, leaving his hand out as he waited for Luna’s reply Luna stood stunned for a moment, trying to decide if she should play along or force the answers she wanted out of Drake. Figuring that playing along wouldn’t hurt, she introduced herself. “Good evening to you sir, I am Princess Luna of Equestria, Herald of the Night, Guardian of Dreams, and friend to those that walk the night.” Luna said mechanically hoping it was enough keep Drake talking. “There, that wasn’t so hard was it? Now I’m sure you’ve got questions for me, but before you start the interrogation answer me one thing. Where’ve you been the past couple of days?” Drake asked, lowering the claw he used to prevent Luna from interrupting him and getting comfortable. “If I answer your question you’ll answer any of mine?” Luna asked suspiciously. “Not everything, but I’ll tell you what I can.” Drake replied, motioning for Luna to get comfortable as well. “An acceptable arrangement I suppose, but thou shall not interrupt me.” Luna said waiting for Drake to promise before beginning her tale. * * * * * * * * * * * One story later and Luna was standing up in shock as the second rudest being she had ever encountered bowed before her. “Well now, I must admit, that is an act worthy of respect.” “You consider fighting, battle and war acts worthy of respect?” Luna asked disappointedly. “No, I consider saving my friends and followers worthy of respect.” Drake replied sitting back down. “You know those two crazy unicorns?” Luna asked in disbelief. “Yes, they’re a bit ahead of schedule. They’re coming back into Equestria to find someone for me, so thank you for saving ‘em from the harpies. Though I’m disturbed to learn the harpies attacked at the same time as the changelings. Even more unsettling, they had the numbers sustain the operation for three days with those kinds of casualties.” “Yes. Still, they were no match for the fortress or the soldiers there.” Luna reminded Drake. “True, but what if ya hadn’t been there?” Drake asked. Luna thought for a moment but held her silence, prompting Drake to continue. “See what I mean. Now ask your question, but understand, I have some secrets I want to keep, for now at least.” Luna thought for a moment, considering all she had been told and what little she had been able to glean. “Why do you wake in a panic every morning you’ve been here?” Luna asked hoping to find some advantage she could use to get Drake to open up. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Drake replied, avoiding eye contact. “Don’t lie to me. Every morning you wake screaming, yelling, or causing some other kind of disturbance. I want to know why. What haunts you? Tell me!” Luna commanded raising her voice just shy of Royal Canterlot. “Alright, I’ll tell, I’ll tell. Are you aware I fought with the changeling queen and lost during the battle?” Drake said with a resigned sigh, pausing to wait for confirmation from Luna before continuing. “I don’t remember much of the fight, but I do know that she tortured me. She left me lying passed out on the ground. I think she was planning to enthrall me because ever since she has been able to call out to me in my sleep. Even though I tell her to leave me alone, she comes back every night and tries to convince me to go find and serve her.” Drake explained frowning, looking more tired than he had all night. “And when you wake up?” Luna asked softly, realizing that for all his bluster and appearance, that Drake was scared and hurt, even if he wouldn’t admit it. “When I wake up, all I can think about is the pain she subjected me to during the fight. I remember that much, but you know the best part? I intend to seek her out. Just not for what she wants.” Drake said, a twisted forced grin worming its way onto his face. “What do you mean by that dragon?” Luna asked slightly unnerved by the grin she was seeing, wondering if perhaps instead of scared, he was insane. “I’m going to kill the Chrysalis.” Drake said almost playfully. Luna visibly losing some color in her features. “Oh, I know she kicked my ass last time, pardon the language, but right now she should be weak. Once the wedding is over, I think I’ll go to her like she wants and put an end to her.” Drake said, his teeth flashing in the moonlight as he chuckled. Now Luna knew Drake insane, a monster and a danger, but then she remembered what Chrysalis had done and tried to do. She remember the days spend fighting against Discord. She remembered how changelings had ruined well-laid plans, costing the lives of friends and allies. Instead of scolding Drake or threatening him, she asked one simple question. “How can I help?” * * * * * * * * * * * From that night until the wedding, every day was much the same. Drake would be found sleeping late into the day. Once he woke in the afternoon, he would find various ways to entertain himself, most of the time meeting with the movers and shakers talking, and if rumors were to be believed he was looking for investors, store operators, stonemasons, and every other type of pony needed to build a city. When these rumors reached Diligent Scribe, he brought them before Princess Celestia. The princess decided if they wanted to spend their money on whatever he was doing then fine, but did ask that an eye be kept on whom he talked to, along with how they received him. Spike spent his time helping his friends prepare for the wedding, catching up old friends and connections in Canterlot looking to hear his story first-hoof, or the ponies who suddenly wanted to know him. He also spent time going through his journal with Twilight, since he had information in there that he promised to keep a secret. Likewise, he made Twilight promise not to read it without him being there. The one time she tried, Spike later found her tied up in party streamers hanging from the ceiling in the hallway outside his room. * * * * * * * * * * * On the day of the wedding, all of Canterlot was abuzz. Everywhere ponies celebrated, merrily toasting to the bride and groom hours before they married. In the castle, things were even more jubilant and hectic, but the wedding went off without a hitch. As the newlyweds were presented before Equestria and thanked the people for their love and kindness, no one noticed the blue shape leaving the garden flying away towards the horizon. That evening at the reception after Twilight sang the first song and the party was fully underway, the lights suddenly went off. A moment later they came back a spotlight on the bride and groom, another on a black grand piano that had appeared from nowhere with Pinkie at the keys, and Rarity with a microphone in a red dress that shimmered in the light. Pinkie began to play slowly in C minor as Rarity began her part of the production. “This next song is dedicated to Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, the guard, and all the heroes of Equestria.” Rarity said giving Pinkie a brief nod and stepping away from the piano as she began singing. “Where have all the good stallions gone and where are all the gods?” As Rarity started the song Drake had taught her, Shining and Cadence began to dance slowly moving across the floor unsure of what was going on. “Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds.” The reception guests watched as off-duty guards found partners and began moving towards the floor. “Isn’t there a white knight with a fiery soul, late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need!” Rarity used her magic to turn on all the lights as a band suddenly started playing picking up the tempo as a chorus adding their voices. “Oh, OH, OHHH!” Rarity paused for only a moment to double take, wondering were Pinkie found so many ponies to join in this. “I need a hero! I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the end of the night. He’s got to be strong, and he’s got to be fast, and he’s got to be fresh from the fight.” Reaching out with her magic Rarity pulled an open mouthed Spike to her. “I need a hero. I’m holding on for a hero till the morning light. He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon and he’s got to be larger than life!” As the chorus echoed her last line, Spike began dancing with her, moving awkwardly at first but quickly falling into the beat as the song continued. “Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy. Some just beyond my reach there’s somepony reaching back to me. Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat. It’s gonna take an alicorn to sweep me off my feet.” Spike chose that moment to spin Rarity, as all across the dance floor as more and more ponies joined in. Shining and Cadence danced with abandon, both joining in as Rarity started the chorus for the second time. “I need a hero. I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the end of the night. He’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be fast, and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight.” As Rarity danced, she began to notice that Spike was surprisingly good at what he was doing, and while she still couldn’t believe what she was doing, she had to admit she was having an incredible time. “I need a hero. I’m holding on for a hero ‘til the morning light. He’s gotta be sure and he’s gotta be soon and he’s gotta be larger than life.” Rarity sang alone once more as Spike began to take more of a lead, throwing in twists, turns and any other move that came to mind, while on the other side of the floor Shining and Cadence did the same. “I need a hero. I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night. Up where the mountains reach the skies above. Out where the lightning splits the sea, I could swear there is somepony somewhere watching me.” Spike was having the time of his life. Confused beyond all get out but still having the time of his life. His eyes were locked on the mare in front of him, the rest of the world fading away. Her eyes drew him in, her words gave him confidence, and the feel of her against him as they danced drove him on to try thing he could never have done elsewise. “Through the wind and the chill and the rain. And the storm and the flood. I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood. I need a hero. I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night. He’s gotta be strong and he’s got to be fast and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight. I need a hero. I’m holding out for a hero till the morning light. He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon and he’s gotta be larger than life. I need a hero. I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the end of the night.” As the last note faded away, Shining Armor held Cadence in his arms both breathless and smiling. As Shining Armor stole a kiss, a cheer rose up. Elsewhere on the dance floor, Spike held Rarity in his arms his mouth inches from hers. His eyes locked on hers, hers on his, both lost themselves in the others gaze. Time froze and for a moment, it seemed as though he would go for it. Then as the cheer rose up for the bride and groom, Spike snapped out of the trance and released Rarity. “Thank you for the dance.” Spike muttered, before hurrying away from the dance floor and getting lost in the crowd. Rarity watched him go with conflicted emotions. On one hoof, she only sang the song because she was guilted into it. Not to say she wasn’t glad everypony enjoyed it; just she hadn’t sung it because she wanted. On the other, she was disappointed Spike hadn’t kissed her. She knew he had a crush on her. She was a beautiful mare after all. He’d never get a better chance, so why had he hesitated? Why, if she didn’t care, did it bother her so much? * * * * * * * * * * * Spike was confused, embarrassed, and angry. He walked to the hedge maze and began to wander around, trying to sort his emotions out. Dancing with Rarity had been euphoric. The song she was singing seemed to be speaking directly to him. As he held her in his arms, he almost kissed her. Then the cheers had torn him from his euphoria and he had become scared. His fears she wouldn’t return his affections surfaced and pulled him back; he became embarrassed by what he had almost done. Confused, afraid, and embarrassed he’d run from the source of the turmoil he was experiencing. Now fear was gone, replaced by the anger and regret. “You idiot! She was there in your arms. Why didn’t you kiss her?” He lamented to himself face in his hands. Sitting down where he was, Spike slowly began to cry. “What’s wrong?” A voice asked softly, causing Spike to jump, having not heard anyone approach. Turning to face the voice, he was greeted by a concerned Princess Celestia. “P-p-princess? W-what are you doing here? You should be at the reception. Ponies will start to look for you if you are gone too long.” Spike asked wondering why she had come after him and why she would care. “I could ask you the same thing.” Celestia replied in a motherly tone, a smiling serenely. “I just needed to some time to think.” Spike replied, looking down. “About Rarity?” Celestia asked knowingly. Spike nodded slowly choosing not to speak, lest his words betray him. “Do you know where she learned that song, or why she sang it?” “No, but I doubt it has anything to do with me.” Spike replied glumly, keeping his eyes planted on the ground. “Oh but it does. She learned it from your friend Drake.” Celestia said, suppressing a giggle at Spike’s stunned reaction. “WHAT!? What makes you say that?” Spike asked, now making eye contact with the Princess. “I had someone watching him at all time Spike, I did not, and still do not, trust him. Regardless almost every evening he met with Rarity and Pinkie Pie. When I first heard it, I was concerned. Then I learned that he was teaching them a song. I was confused.” Celestia paused in case Spike had any questions. “It may also interest you to know he was meeting with Luna every night as well. While they met, it was just the two of them alone at Luna’s request. She hasn’t seen fit to tell me what they did every night, but since she was in direct contact with him, I had her pry into why he was teaching two of the Element Bearers a song. What he told her was that it was as a gift to you. That it was the best way he could pay you back for what you did by trusting him.” Celestia said, watching the gears turn and the pieces connect in Spike’s eyes. “So that song was for at me? B-but-but… Why would Rarity agree to help him with something like this?” Spike stammered more confused now that he had been at any point that night. “I don’t know all the details. Those you will have to discover on your own, but sitting here and crying won’t help.” Celestia said gesturing for him to follow her back. As Spike fell in besides her, he realized he hadn’t seen Drake since before the wedding. “Princess, speaking of Drake, have you seen him recently?” “No Spike, but according to Luna he was leaving today for important business elsewhere.” “Where? With who?” Spike inquired. “She won’t say.” Celestia said before quickly switching topics as the two continued to the party. * * * * * * * * * * * After the party ended, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia met in Luna’s room, far away from any prying eyes and ears that may still be up. “Are you sure this is a good idea Luna, letting Drake, who we know almost nothing about, go after Chrysalis? She beat him last time they fought,” Celestia asked quietly wanting to keep their conversation secret from the guards at the doors and any flies on the wall. “Indeed, it is a gamble, but I have guards following him. Should he fall, I will go and finish her off, but I have faith he will win.” Luna said softly. “What makes you so certain, what were the two of you doing together?” Celestia asked in hushed tone. “Firstly, she will be weak after losing the battle and Shining Armor’s love. Secondly, we worked together to give him a fighting chance. Though, the long term consequences may be worse for him than the advantage it will give in this fight.” Luna said noticing the disapproving look Celestia wore. “Sister, the changelings and the harpies were working together. Have you forgotten our fight against Discord? What if in his brief freedom, he gave commands to his creatures. Already reports of increased Diamond Dog activity are coming in, the changelings have struck us at our heart, and harpies mass on the border. Parasprite swarms are becoming more common and larger. How long until the Ogres wake or Envy returns.” “Luna.” Celestia said, in almost motherly tone “Don’t Luna me sister. We finally killed Pride and look at what that cost us, 1000 years apart. We can let Drake kill the current Black Queen and fight the chaos beasts for now. With luck, he will do all the fighting for us.” Luna snapped. “Luna calm down. I agree there are disturbing things in the works, but I do not believe we should trust him. He is looking to kill her but we both know it isn’t so simple, she will simply be reborn into another changeling and the cycle will start again.” Celestia said exhaustedly. “That is another reason why my guards were sent along. If he succeeds in that, they will find the new changeling queen and bring her here. If we are lucky she will be an ally, if not then I hope we have a dungeon deep enough.” Luna said coldly, ending the discussion * * * * * * * * * * * Two evenings later, Drake landed at the entrance of a cave leading into a strange rock formation with several spires coming out it. After folding his wings in and taking a moment to stretch, Drake walked into the cave calling out to its inhabitants. “Hello-oh. Chrissy, you in there? I’ve come with an offer for you, and offer you won’t believe.” Without warning a squad of changeling dropped down from the ceiling surrounding Drake. “Perfect.” Drake muttered preparing for a fight as the cave entrance slowly closed and darkness swallowed them all. * * * * * * * * * * * > *Chapter 19: Underground Lightning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: Underground Lightning “And when I breathed, my breath was lightning” –Black Elk The darkness slowly receded, replaced by a soft eerie green glow coming from the changeling horns to reveal Drake in a combat stance. “Come with us.” The changeling standing directly in front of Drake said, before turning and, leading the way deeper into the cave towards a wide, tall tunnel. Drake relaxed and slowly fell in step behind them. The steady drip of water provided only sound in the dark passage aside from the clopping hoof steps of his guides. Drake remained silent, studying his surrounding as they walked. The tunnel turned, hiding the entrance from view, and began to slope downwards, taking them into the bowels of the mountain. The walls became lined with lanterns, giving off the same eerie green light as the changelings. The path continued its descent into the earth for some time, leading Drake to wonder just how deep it could possibly go, before opening into a vast cavern with a small settlement sitting in the middle, illuminated by a glowing white crystal formation on the ceiling. The buildings of the settlement where covered with green changeling goop, but underneath they seemed to be solid stone constructions. “Whoa.” Drake gasped as he took it all in. “Did ya’ll build this?” “No, our queen led us here before the attack. The buildings where here long before. Now keep moving, Her Majesty is not to be kept waiting.” One of the guards replied as they descended into the chamber. As Drake followed them, he took every opportunity to look around, noting that while changelings were moving and flying about the settlement, there were very few compared to the army that attacked Canterlot. “Where’s everyone?” Drake asked hoping to glean some information from his guards. “None of your business Dragon. Keep quiet and get moving.” The leader of the detail barked, ending Drake’s feeble attempt at intrigue. As they moved through the town, Drake was impressed by its scale and the ease with which he was able to walk through it without feeling cramped or about to crush something. Rather than stopping at what looked like the town hall in the center of the settlement, they continued on, coming to a stop in front of a large building at the far edge. “Go in Dragon.” The leader ordered as the changelings moved to put themselves between Drake and any route of escape. “But this looks like some kind of warehouse.” Drake said turning to face them and tensing up. “And this is the only building big enough to fit you. Now get in here, you’ve kept me waiting long enough, do not test my patience further.” A new voice called from inside the warehouse. Drake recognized it as Chrysalis, but was struck by how weary it sounded; like an exhausted mother that had spent the entire day dealing with misbehaving kindergarteners. Easing out his stance Drake pulled the large warehouse door to the side and glanced inside. Inside Chrysalis sat upon a large elegant seat, though not quite a throne, at the head of a stone table that was laid out with various different foods and gems. Chrysalis herself looked haggard. Her mane was a disordered mess and bags hung under her eyes. The building was lit by the same lamps that had illuminated the tunnel leading to the cavern. Drake entered the building slowly, feeling a bit cramped despite its size. “Come sit by me and partake of the feast, one that you alone can enjoy.” Chrysalis said tiredly motioning for Drake to sit upon the cushions set out for him to her right. Drake sat down carefully avoiding the columns at the edge of the light and the table itself. Drake eyed the food cautiously wondering what Chrysalis meant. “What’d you mean?” Drake asked, reaching out, spearing what looked to be a chicken with one of his claws, and looking at it carefully. “Surely you know that changelings feed off emotion, even you can’t be that ignorant.” Chrysalis responded, irked the person that had come looking for her by name and helped ruined her day of triumph was so ignorant. “Sure, but is that all ya’ll need to sustain yourselves? The emotions of another? I figured you’d still need to eat something, feelings don’t seem very calorie dense.” Drake said sniffing the chicken, still unsure if it was safe to eat. “Dragon, do not test my patience. I have upheld my end of the agreement. I have left you alone while you slept. Now you will submit to me.” Chrysalis ordered angrily, some of the weariness leaving her voice, only to slump down in her chair. “What’s wrong Chrissy? You seem a little tired. Maybe you should rest some before you finish your part of the bargain.” Drake purred, holding back a chuckle at how weak Chrysalis had become in her defeat. Chrysalis glared at Drake, her hatred for the rude, stubborn beast growing. As she inhaled to yell at him, Drake stopped her with a shush. “Now, now, you have only upheld part of the deal. As I recall the agreement we reached is a bit more complex than that.” * * * * * * * * * * * Drake was exhausted as he flopped down into the garden after his first meeting with Luna, her willingness to help him was a surprise but he wasn’t going to complain; except that he wished her help didn’t hurt so much. He’d been up all night and though the sun was starting to peek above the horizon he didn’t care, sleep was singing a sweet siren song to him, one he had no intention of resisting. Drake drifted quickly into a peaceful sleep, until an unwanted presence broke the serenity of the dreamscape. “Dragon. I have come for you again. Cease your resistance and I will reward you greatly.” Chrysalis offered Drake through the connection she had implanted. “Dammit! Cain’t get one night’s rest without having to deal with you, can I?” Drake grumbled having forgotten she would be waiting for him. “It is morning you foal, not that it makes a difference.” Chrysalis laughed, pacing around Drake, their forms meeting on a field in the dreamscape created by Chrysalis’ magic. “So you’ve been waiting for me all night long? Seriously?” Drake asked surprised she would wait so long to try and ensnare him in her plots. “No… well perhaps… maybe… yes.” Chrysalis finally admitted in defeat, hanging her head tiredly. Her whole body slumped and the entire dreamscape faded slightly. “You’re dying aren’t ya? Not just you but all the changelings. That’s why you’re so persistent in getting me to submit to your power isn’t it?” Drake guessed, realization dawning on him. Chrysalis locked eyes with Drake for a moment, before finally breaking contact. “Yes.” Chrysalis answered in a whisper, looking at the ground. Drake said nothing as he tried to process this new information. “We have been dying for some time. There is no love… No strong emotions left in this world outside of Equestria, at least not, which can sustain us. We numbered 10,000 when I made the decision to attack, 10,000 left of a race that once numbered into the millions. Discord promised Equestria would fall; else, I would not have come. Now, with the disaster caused by your meddling and that damnable pink alicorn, there are only 2000 of us left.” Chrysalis said angrily, pain and heartbreak causing her voice to break and tears to fall from her eyes. “Now I’m not even able to control a dragon, a creature that should be driven by its mindless base desires, desires I can fulfill,” Chrysalis continued, changing into what Drake guess was a female dragon for a moment before the form failed and she returned to her normal form. Drake was intrigued by what she was revealing, Discord’s plots, Changeling history and extinction. Perhaps, in this time of despair, he could forge an alliance rather than pursue extermination. Then again, he may still have to effect a regime change to bring the changelings under his wing and to his side. “It seems you’re way behind and in a bind, so I’ll offer you a deal. Give me a few days to set things in order here then I will come as you’ve been asking. Once I get there, you’ll share with me all you know about the history, biology, and magic of the changelings. If you agree, we might be able to work together. This is based on you telling me where to find you and leaving me alone until I come looking. Can you accept that?” Drake asked hoping desperation would leave Chrysalis no other option. Chrysalis took a moment to consider Drake’s offer. While she felt that she shouldn’t have to be making deals with someone she had beaten and placed an enchantment on, an enchantment that should have made him her thrall in the first place, she didn’t see any loss in sharing what she knew with him. If anything, it would give her an opportunity to strengthen her hold on him. “Very well Dragon, I accept your deal. Meet me at this mountain, you’ll reach it by following these directions.” Chrysalis said raising the mountain with her magic, writing the directions into the air and imprinting them upon Drake’s memory with her magic as best as she could, noting to herself that it took more effort than it should, not much but still more, not unlike everything else that night. “See you in a few days. Now can I please get some sleep?” Drake said, settling into a sleeping position not bothering to wonder if he would begin dreaming inside his dreams. “Do not betray me.” Chrysalis said as her parting statement, severing the link and waking up in her throne room. * * * * * * * * * * * “You can’t be serious Dragon. We’re dying and you want a history lesson!” Chrysalis roared, drawing herself up. She used a bit of her magic to amplify her voice and cast a dark shadow over the room, making it seems as if she was the only source of light. Drake remained unmoved by the display as Chrysalis attempted to stare him down. The illusion soon broke and Chrysalis slumped down into her chair panting with her head hung low, unwilling to make eye contract. “A deal is a deal Chrysalis, either start talking or do me a favor and go out with a whimper.” Drake said callously as he threw a handful of food into his mouth. Chrysalis sighed dejectedly, less than a month ago she’d been the most powerful being in the world, now she was being bossed around by a beast she had beaten, one she should have enthralled. “Where should I start?” Chrysalis asked, still looking down. “How about with the history of your title, you aren’t the first Spirit of Lust and Queen of the Changelings are you?” Drake asked, if there was some kind of reincarnation system for Discord’s lieutenants he wanted to know about it. “No I am the fifth. I alone among the avatars of vice am capable of being reborn upon death, an advantage of being tied to sex I suppose. Upon death everything I know, everything I am, my spirit if you will, gets passed to the nearest changeling egg, just as it passed to me and my predecessors before me. Chrysalis answered preparing herself to recount her past lives. “Interesting, please continue.” Drake said, hoping Chrysalis would provide information without him having to coerce it out of her. “The first was the Black Queen, most powerful of the changeling queens and Discord’s lover on occasion. She repeatedly impersonated the enemy’s officers and exposed their plans allowing Discord to wreak even greater havoc against them. She fell in battle against the Hades, caught in a blast of fire.” Chrysalis recounted shivering as she recalled the experience of being burned alive. “Do you remember this as if it happened to you directly or is it like watching someone else’s life?” Drake asked when Chrysalis was silent instead of continuing on. If he was going to kill her, he wanted the next queen to be more open to him. “It is like watching a play. I have no emotions towards what happened other than what you have towards a character, but I remember it as they saw it. There is something terrifying about immolation.” Chrysalis said softly, before shaking herself out of it and continuing her recounting. “The second, known as Tainted Love, died to friendly forces in the first invasion of what is today Equestria. She was in the fortress to open the gates. She failed to open them and was killed by a harpy that grabbed her head, piercing the brain while she was still in disguise.” Chrysalis said more focused on her memories that Drake. Drake for his part was wondering if the fort she was speaking of was Fort Bastion. “The third, Empress of Shadows, was killed shortly before Discord’s defeat by the general of the resistance force, a unicorn known as Sombra. He caught her when she was trying to leave to warn Discord that the alicorn sisters had found the Elements of Harmony.” “The fourth, Fleeting Heart, was born after Discord was defeated by Celestia and Luna.” Chrysalis said with disgust, though whether for her predecessor or the princesses Drake wasn’t sure. “Once Discord was sealed his armies began to fight amongst one another. This allowed the Resistance, with the help of the Crystal Empire to force them from Equestria. They had to stop only once when the Empire fell under the control of Razor Claw who was controlling Sombra. Fleeting Heart was beaten at every turn and a failure in every way. She died to a hydra, of all things, as she was trying to enslave it. Though I suppose that isn’t all bad, it did lead to me.” She said with a hint of pride in her voice. “So there you have it Dragon, the history of the changeling throne.” Chrysalis finished looking up a Drake, who was too busy trying to process the newest revelations to give a reply right away. “Back up a moment, who was Razor Claw and what was the Crystal Empire?” Drake asked once his gears started turning once again, earning himself an amused look from Chrysalis. “I could tell you, but our deal related to changelings only, I am afraid you will have to give me something in return if you want that information.” Chrysalis said with a smirk. “What?” Drake asked, having a good idea of what she would want. “Just a wittle bit of wove.” Chrysalis answered as she transformed herself into a snowy unicorn filly with a rosy red mane and tail and giving Drake biggest puppy-dog eyes she could manage. Drake gave her the most contemptuous look he could manage, but on the inside he was waging a losing battle. He knew that any love he fed her risked making her stronger, but damn if she wasn’t adorable. “Fine, but ya better start talking.” Drake relented allowing himself to feel for the little filly Chrysalis had assumed the form of. “Very well, I suppose I should start with Razor Claw and his sister since they were dragons themselves.” Chrysalis said, using her normal voice but remaining as a filly, relishing in the emotion she felt coming from Drake “They betrayed their own kind you see; they came to Discord because they were jealous. Razor Claw was said to have the sharpest claws of any dragon, there was nothing he couldn’t cut, while his sister Shimmer Scale had the brightest, most magnificent scales of any dragon. Before Discord attacked, they were the most powerful and influential dragons in the world; that changed when Hades awoke.” Chrysalis recounted doing her best to pull up the memories from her past lives. “Hades drew everyone to him and around him. He was the only one that would fight Discord and hope to achieve victory. Razor Claw and Shimmer Scale came to resent this as their own influence and power waned. As Razor’s envy grew and Shimmer’s pride remained injured, they came to hate Hades. In their hate, they turned to Discord.” Chrysalis paused to enjoy the look of amazement on Drake’s face. “That’s how he was able to curse the dragons wasn’t it?” Drake asked surprising Chrysalis. “Yes, it was. He turned the traitors into incorporeal being of pure pride and envy with incredible power, but he betrayed them. They only had access to those powers then they possessed another, and could only do so with permission from their target. When Razor Claw and Shimmer Scale where transformed Discord was able to put his curse on the race of dragons. A curse you seem oddly able to resist.” Chrysalis said realizing, not for the first time, Drake didn’t show many of the characteristics she had come to associate with dragons. “Interesting, so I guess that rounds out the vices, you and your lot as lust, the diamond dogs as greed, ogres as sloth, harpies as rage, parasprites as gluttony, Razor Claw as envy, and Shimmer Scale as Pride.” Drake said hoping there really was just the seven. “How do you know that?!”!!?” Chrysalis blurted in surprise. Up to this point she thought Drake was a strange anomalous idiot, but perhaps she was underestimating him. “That’s for me to know and you to find out. Now tell me ‘bout the- What’d ya call it? Mineral Kingdom?” Drake said grinning deviously; glad to be back in a position of control. “Crystal Empire, and not until you tell me where you learned so much, and how you can resist Discord’s curse.” Chrysalis said, standing angrily and giving Drake the fiercest look possible given her current form. The effect was far less than she hoped for as Drake began chuckling. Then Chrysalis felt the small stream of energy coming from his end. The loss of his love hit her hard. The hunger struck her quicker then she expect, causing her to collapse. She couldn’t believe it. Was she really so weak that she couldn’t go a moment without something’s love before having to fight back the pain of starvation? “Dragon, what are you doing.” Chrysalis growled as she adjusted to the pain. “Simple, you keep talking or I stop my lovin’. Orange?” Drake said holding one out for the filly size tyrant. “Fine, just start loving me again.” Chrysalis said through clenched teeth. Drake nodded then sighed in relief as he was able to stop holding back. It was damn near impossible not to love Chrysalis when she looked like a defenseless filly. “Okay, the Crystal Empire was an area in Northern Equestria that was comprised of naturally growing crystals. Aside from having a temperate climate, where it should have been snow and ice, all the plant and animal life was crystal. In time the ponies that settled there also began to take on a crystal appearance. It was able to resist Discord because of two factors. Firstly Discord’s Magic was somehow counteracted by the crystals making him vulnerable any time he was near it, and the second was the ruling families’ proficiencies with shield spells.” Chrysalis said enjoying the steady flow of love coming off Drake as it pushed back her hunger. “There were more than one ruling family?” Drake asked curious about Chrysalis wording. “Yes there were five ruling families that formed a council. They rotated out who was in charge and maintained a shield over the entirety of what the other races started calling the Crystal Empire. That was until Sombra, once he was possessed by Razor Claw, overthrew and slaughtered the families. Of course, Sombra and Razor were sealed in ice by Celestia and Luna, so it was a short lived victory.” Chrysalis said, hoping that would be enough to satisfy Drake. Drake took a moment to try and process all the information he was given, while still trying to maintain an air of confidence and control. Weaving what Chrysalis had told him together with what he already knew, a tapestry of history came together and he felt that he finally had a grasp on Discords rein and why, if he had been so powerful, he had fallen. Deciding it was too much, and that Chrysalis wasn’t the most reliable source, Drake sighed. “I suppose that is enough history for now, why don’t you tell me a bit ‘bout changeling physiology and biology?” Drake said deciding to move the conversation along. “Well the changeling erogenous zones are…” “Stop, that ain’t what I meant. How do you feed? What is your skeletal structure like, what happens when you shape change? You said changelings come from eggs. Who lays those, you or some kind of brood mothers?” Drake said, waving vigorously to stop Chrysalis. Chrysalis grinned enjoying Drake’s discomfort. “Come now your being no fun.” Chrysalis pouted as she changed from a filly to a full grown mare. “Surely you’re least a little interested, it is what changelings do best after all.” Chrysalis said in a sultry a voice, only to be met with a deadpan stare from Drake. “Fine, I’ll tell you what makes us tick.” She huffed taking a moment to gather her thoughts as Drake continued to glare at her. “I suppose I’ll answer in the order you asked then. Changelings are able to feed on emotions or rather a creatures natural magic through their emotions. The stronger and more positive the emotion towards the changeling attempting to feed, the more magic we can extract from our target. Love is the most effective emotion for us because it is the strongest emotion anything can feel.” Chrysalis said relieved that Drake’s glare was softening into, what she had come to know as, his default expression. “Interesting. Please, continue.” Drake said absentmindedly, chewing his most recent choice of morsel. “Our skeletal system is a two-fold system. We have an outer layer of chitin and a skeleton of bone similar to that of a pony. Additionally we have very few internal organs, where most other species have a digestive system changelings instead have magic storage and wax producing organs.” Chrysalis continued, becoming irritated as Drake continued to clean the table, saying nothing, but waving for her to continue anyways. “Enjoying my hospitality?” “Umm... Very much so, I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I started eating.” Drake said, swallowing his latest mouthful before looking up and meeting Chrysalis’ angry gaze. “Then perhaps you could find it in you to alleviate my hunger rather than just taunting me with a taste.” “Answer the last question and I will offer all the emotional support ya’ll need.” Drake said shifting so that he had all four limbs under himself tensing slightly. “You want to know where changelings come from, fine. I can lay the eggs, or a pregnant mare can become a hive mother, able to lay enough eggs to supply an entire army. There are none now, and what few eggs remain will die if you don’t stop being so stingy!” Chrysalis explained, yelling in the end. Drake stood up slowly, looking down at Chrysalis as she dropped her disguise in her anger. He growled in warning as Chrysalis tried to stand and sneer back at him. “I gave you what you wanted Dragon; now give me what I need!” Chrysalis hissed. Even now she could feel her people fading ever closer to extinction. A feeling made worse by the grin on Drake’s snout, a smug self-assured smile one might call it shit-eating grin. Then Drake started laughing, a deep hearty laugh, straying toward evil as it wound down. “What’s so funny?” Chrysalis asked snarling. If he dared to mock her even now, she would make sure his life was torture. Even if it would cost her life. “You’re so weak, and you think I’ll submit to you? I came here for two reasons. First, I wanted information, something you have provided in spades. The second is an offer for you. One I suggest you take.” Drake said, the humor leaving his voice, turning it to ice on the last statement. “You made a deal with me DRAGON! Is your word worthless?! I bring you here, feed you, and you repay me with betrayal!? ” Chrysalis screamed, alerting her guards. Drake ignored her rage and continued. “Here is my offer, Pledge your allegiance to me and my cause. Serve me as my spies and, when necessary, assassins. In return, you’ll have my gratitude, protection, and that of any who follow me. Refuse at your own peril; I will not make this offer again.” Drake said projecting his voice so that the entire warehouse shook as Chrysalis’ guards rushed in ready for battle. “Dragon, you have tried my patience for the last. You come here, make demands of me, torture information from me, and now you attempt to make yourself lord of me and my people. I have but one master. Until he is free of his stone prison I will serve no one. If you will not submit willingly, I will force you to serve me!” Chrysalis yelled angrily, charging a spell alongside her guards. Seeing that Chrysalis wasn’t going to listen to reason, and he didn’t have room to maneuver in the warehouse, Drake plowed through the columns to his right and out the wall as the spells started flying. Shaking off the pain after going through a stonewall, Drake took to the air. Chrysalis and the other changelings stumbled out after him. “Bring him down.” Chrysalis called out, magically projecting her voice to carry across the entire cavern. What changelings could took to the air angling towards Drake, firing a mix of spells and their wax. Drake dodged, firing back with his lightning, which jumped among groups of twos and threes sending their corpses back to the ground, but still they came. As the changelings got closer, their aim improved and they started scoring hits. While Drake didn’t feel the spells beyond a slight tickle, the wax was proving to be a problem. It stuck to his wings, reducing his maneuverability and making it harder to stay aloft. Twisting and twirling in the air, he continued to rain lightning down upon the changelings. He kept climbing higher, trying to move out of their range, only to find himself hemmed in by stalactites. The changelings that avoided his blasts used the stalactites as cover, weaving between them to close in on Drake. Drake was beginning to tire as the wax on his wings built up. He landed on one of the stalactites to rest. While hanging from the stone, he continued to blast at the changelings trying to close on him, sending rock raining down when he hit the stalactites instead of changelings. From the ground, Chrysalis continued to direct her forces, feeling the loss as each changeling struck by Drake’s lightning fell to the ground, many splattering and those few that survived suffered terrible pain. Worse yet, those too tired to take flight died of hunger and exhaustion without even leaving the ground. Still, she sent them after him, her hope raising as those that survived drew closer. For all her hope, Chrysalis also saw that her forces, weak as they were, may fail. As a precautionary measure she sent a small team to prepare the few eggs that remained, should the worst happen. ’I should’ve seen this coming,’ Drake thought as changeling drones swarmed around him. His wings were stuck in the folded position and his back left leg was stuck to the stalactite thanks to the wax they continue to spit at him. Nonetheless, he did his best to swat them out of the sky with his free claws or tail, but, most of the time, the changelings managed to dodge. ’I need to end this, and the longer it goes on the harder that’s going to be. I need to kill Chrysalis, but first I need to find the eggs.’ Drake thought as a round of wax landed on his right eye. As he tried to shake it off when he saw five changelings run into what he’d assumed was the town hall when he’d been escorted through the village. ’Of course, where else would they will be.’ With a target now in sight, Drake turned to his stuck leg. Rather than try to remove the changeling wax, he elected to take the easy route and blasted the rock he was stuck to. As the rock cracked Drake pushed off, the changelings, seeing he was trying to move, started spitting even more wax at him. With a resounding crack, the stalactite divorced itself from the ceiling, sending Drake rushing towards the ground. When he realized his wing weren’t opening he got worried. Seeing the ground rushing towards him, he had time for one thought. ’ This is going to hurt, a lot.’ Chrysalis watched in horror as the stalactite fell towards the village, and visibly cringed when it crashed into the ground, sending a cloud of dust and debris into the air. “Find him! I want him immobilized now!” She yelled stumbling towards the impact site. Obeying her orders, the survivors flew and ran towards the dust cloud expecting that Drake would be in no shape to fight back. Drake grunted in pain as he rolled onto his feet, only to go down again when he put weight on his right front claw. “Damn, need to get moving.” He mumbled stumbling on in spite of the pain. He limped down the street towards the town hall, when he heard the sound of hooves on the road and the buzz of wings in the air closing in on him from all sides. A second later Chrysalis came out of an alleyway to block his path. The rest of the changelings taking positions around him, blocking all hope of escape. “It’s over Dragon, give up and in 100 years or so I might let you see the sun again. Continue this foalish resistance however, and all you’ll ever be is a meal, a large one, but nothing more than a food supply for my people. We both know you have more potential than that.” Chrysalis threatened, staring at Drake’s one open eye feeling assured of her victory. “Chryssy, I’m going to kill you. Mark my words, but first I need to choose your successor.” Drake replied launching himself at her and swiping down with his good foreclaw. Chrysalis reacted instantly and fired a purely kinetic beam of magic at Drake, to push him back. When he continued through it, she began to panic. Pouring all her remaining magic into the spell, she took energy from the nearest changeling to feed the spell. This managed to slow him, but as his back legs landed on the ground the rest of him pivoted towards her, the claw growing closed as Drake pushed through the force of her magic. Growing increasingly desperate, Chrysalis pulled more and more magic to herself. The changelings that encircled Drake began to drop from the sky or fall over and faint before dying as what little energy they had left was taken. Still the claw came down even as the beam sheared scales from Drakes claw, arm and face. When the last of the magic was exhausted, her spell died and Drake’s claw made contact. Fortunately for Chrysalis the spell redirected far enough it wouldn’t kill her. Unfortunately, it did hit her twisted horn, snapping it from her skull with a sickening crunch. Chrysalis cried out in pain as her whole world went black. Drake landed on the ground and fell over clutching his claw close to himself whimpering beside her. * * * * * * * * * * * Time is a funny thing, when there is no sun passing through the sky, no swaying of a pendulum, no bonging of bells to mark the hours, no tick from a wristwatch or steady change of a digital readout who can say how much time has passed. When you are in pain time moves very slowly. Drake stopped whimpering sometime after defeating Chrysalis and stood slowly. The pain in his front claws forcing him to stand upright unsteadily without his wings to balance himself. After stumbling for a moment, Drake took a look around. The ground was littered with the bodies of dead changelings and before him lay Chrysalis, at first Drake thought she too was dead then he saw the steady rise and fall of breathing. “Good, she is still alive, that will make this easier.” Drake sighed flexing his left claw and holding his right arm, which Drake guessed was broken, close to his body. Deciding to wake Chrysalis, Drake reached down, picked up one of the changeling bodies, bit its head off, and poured its blood onto the wounded queen. Chrysalis woke with a start, spitting the blood from her mouth and looking up to see Drake toss the body away. “What do you want Dragon? Go ahead do your worst. My race is dead and it’s all your fault!” Chrysalis spat angrily, finding she had no strength left to move. Drake reached down and plucked her off the ground, walking slowly towards where he suspected the eggs resided. “That is your own fault, you rejected my offer. Make no mistake, you’re dead, but your race may yet live.” Drake said as he limped the changeling wax on his leg slowing him down. Chrysalis looked at him, trying to organize her thoughts through the pain as she realizing where he was heading. “What are you doing?” Chrysalis forced out. “Choosing your successor, I’ll even let you name her. I am going to raise her. Your people will serve me as spies and even assassins when the situation calls for it. In return, they will be accepted and welcome in the nation I am creating; they will know no hunger or persecution.“ Drake said. The pair sank into silence for the rest of the walk, Chrysalis still trying to understand what he said, and Drake fighting the growing sensations of pain, the dull throbs and sharp stabs that told him the fall hurt him more that he had thought. “Is this were the eggs are stored?” Drake asked as he stopped in front of the town hall, holding Chrysalis out in front of him as he asked. She tried her best to look defiant but bowed her head in defeat. Taking that as a yes, Drake put her down and tore the roof away to reveal the five changeling Chrysalis had sent to evacuate the eggs trying to stand and defend them. “Stand down. Fight me and you’ll share your fellow’s fate. Wait a moment and perhaps you can avoid that.” Drake said as he reached in and picked up the largest egg he could see. The Changelings glared at him, charging their spells, but did nothing. Outside the building Drake set down the egg beside Chrysalis. “What will the name be? Do you have any last words?” Drake asked Chrysalis, crouching down to hear her. Chrysalis inhaled, a peace coming over her as she stared death in the face. “Emerald. May she lead better than I and see the Changeling race reborn.” Chrysalis proclaimed as loudly as she could, though coming out as little more than a whisper. “Well said.” Drake acknowledged, picking Chrysalis and the egg up carefully in separate hands. He brought her to his jaws, biting her in half and dropped the body to the ground. As life left Chrysalis’ body, the egg in Drakes left claw began to glow a bright pink. Drake returned turned his attention to the changelings in the building. “Your queen is dead, I hold the new queen. Follow me and you’ll live, or you can remain here and die.” He said watching their faces go from angry, to confused, and finally to scared. “Explain; you have killed our queen and the rest of our race. Why spare us?” The bravest of them asked standing before the others. “You’re creatures of lust, created by Discord to wage a war. Your queen’s spirit cannot be destroyed, so I will raise her as my own, to work with and serve me. Join me and you’ll never be hungry again.” Drake explained, allowing himself to feel pity and compassion for the changelings cowering on the ground. Slowly they began to feel new energy tickle into them. The changeling glanced at each other unsure of what was happening. Again the one that spoke before took charge. “I’m Brutus, we are yours to command.” “Good. Gather what eggs you can and wait near Fort Bastion. Stay safe and stay out of the way. Once you are there, send someone to Ponyville to find me.” Drake said turning to leave, before stopping suddenly and glancing back at them. “Umm. Before I go, is there a chance you could get this crap of me?” Drake asked, while pointing his claw towards the changeling wax still stuck on his wings, eye and leg. Without a word, the changelings flew over to Drake and used their magic to slowly melt the wax, allowing it to flow off Drake. Once the wax was melted from his wings, Drake took the opportunity to finally open them fully and stretch them out. He was pleasantly surprised to find that they had survived the battle undamaged. With the changelings help, he fashioned a pouch and strap to carry the egg. As the changelings helped him, Drake fed them as best he could, hoping it would help him gain their trust, and give them enough energy to survive. Due to the fog of pain he was in, Drake wasn’t entirely sure how well it worked. With the egg secure, he took off flying up the tunnel that he had been brought in through, having to be careful to avoid the walls and ceiling. He flew out the entrance and took to the sky in the direction of Ponyville, at least where he thought it was. Once Drake was a safe distance away from the cave, he landed hard and promptly passed out. The pain from his injuries and fatigue from the battle finally catching up to him. As he fell into unconsciousness, Drake hoped that he had made the right choices. His last thought was directed toward his ‘friends’… ’I wonder what Flim and Flam has been doing?’ * * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 20: Bro Road Trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: Bro Road Trip “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” ― Ernest Hemingway The day Drake and Spike left Forum, Epistasies took Flim and Flam to the experiment chamber he had mentioned. Located on the second level basement, its door was a large stone wheel held in place by a system of metal rods capable of withstanding incredible amounts of pressure. On the wall next to the door was a stone console with various crystals embedded and runes carved into it. “Here we are gentlemen. Inside you should find interface runes carved into the floor. This chamber is capable of supporting five casters so make sure to stand in the right spots, it should be obvious where to stand. Once you are in place, channel some of your magic into the interface. Once you are connected to the system you’ll be able to communicate with me. Just say ‘Testing 1, 2, 3’ when you’re ready. We’ll continue from there.” Epistaties explained as he touched a crystal which caused the rods to slide into the wall and the door to roll back. “A-are you sure this will still work?” Flam asked nervously. “Yeah, it’s been a long time since it was last used.” Flim said skeptically, sharing a glance with his brother. “Of course, but we are going to take this slow and make sure everything is working properly before we try the scrying.” Epistaties said patiently, confident in his library and its enchantments. The brothers nodded and then stepped into the chamber. The chamber itself was a large sphere, dipping down some from the entrance. Inside, Flim and Flam saw five small platforms arranged around the center. Figuring they were what Epistaties had talked about, they headed towards them as the door closed behind them. From the walls and ceiling, some pale light, generated from small crystals, lit the chamber. Once they reached the platforms, they saw the intricate runes carved into the floor. Taking positions on different platforms Flim and Flam prepared to work their magic. “Ready brother?” Flim asked “As I’ll ever be.” Flam answered. Together they began to channel their magic towards the rune, using to same technique they used to power their vehicle. At first nothing happened, then they both felt a surge of power. For a moment, they struggled to cope with the surge. The energy flowing from the chamber into their spell was far greater than they expected, as power flowed unabated they began screaming. Outside the chamber Epistaties heard their screams and flew into action. Twisting crystals, flipping switches and doing everything he could to reduce to energy the twins were receiving. “Come on, come on, come on.” He muttered to himself. After a few frantic moments, the screaming finally stopped. “Flim, Flam, can you hear me? Are you alright?” Epistaties asked, hoping the screams stopped because he had succeeded instead of the other options. “Yeah, we are still here. What happened?” Flam grunted out. “There was something wrong with the settings, my apologies, I forgot to make sure it was properly calibrated on my end.” Epistaties said embarrassed. Inside the chamber Flam pushed himself off his knees and looked over to Flim. “Oh, that’s comforting, is it going to happen again?” “No, everything should be good now, is Flim alright?” Epistaties voice came through the concern and regret clear in it. “I’m still here.” Flim said standing slowly with a cough, a wisp of smoke coming out of his mouth. “Let’s not do that again.” “Agreed.” Flam said, shaking his head to clear it. “Now, let’s find us an emperor.” Flim grunted his agreement. Combining their magic was standard practice for them, and it took only a moment. Flam took over weaving the body of the spell and guiding it, while Flim managed its shape, details, and power flow. Together they pour their full power into the spell, along with the power that was currently flowing from the chamber into them. Even once they poured everything available to them into the spell, they were still unable to detect the heir. “Go ahead and start giving us more power Epistaties.” Flim called out. Preparing himself for the coming flux of energy. “Understood, I will increase the flow slowly.” Epistaties replied as the energy flow increased. Flam noticed none of this. Before his eyes, the whole of the world was spreading out every plain and mountain, every nook and cranny. Across it all he searched, looking for the one he was scrying. The spell was made more complicated by the fact he was trying to use old enchantments to find someone generations removed from the person the enchantments were connected to. As more power flowed in, his vision expanded even further, now reaching to the nearest edges of Equestria. Still he couldn’t sense the heir. “More.” He said is voice echoing in the chamber amplified by the magic coursing through him. “More, Epistaties.” Flim repeated through clenched teeth, the power pushing his limits of control. “I can’t give you more, the console is showing some dangerous fluctuation in there. If I give you much more the results could be catastrophic.” Epistaties replied. “We. Can. Take. It! Drake needs us to find this heir, and we are going to find him!” Flim replied. “So close, just a little more.” Flams voice echoed again he could feel something, just on the edge, a little bit further away. “Very well.” Epistaties sighed reluctantly allowing more power into the chamber. Flam’s vision grew, reaching to Canterlot, easily covering half of Equestria and much of the lands outside. In the West he saw a great rift filled with life, to the North mountains, and plains, Griffins and Minotaur eking out a living beset by beast and misfortune, To the South dry grass lands and desert, bison and zebra, all before his eyes, yet nowhere to be found, the heir. With one more burst of magic, a face, a face he knew appeared before his eye, but before he could get a fix on the location the spell shattered. Flim collapsed, the magical energies beyond his ability to control. As he faded from consciousness the magic arced and jumped through the chamber. Flam was hit dead center by a bolt, crying out as the energy laced through his body, before the discharge exploded from his horn filling the chamber with smoke. Outside Epistaties reacted quickly but calmly, using the emergency shutdown procedures he cut the flow of magic, and as soon as the discharge ended, opened the door. Entering the chamber and dispelling the smoke as best he could Epistaties found the twins unconscious on the ground, black scorch marks marring their fur, Flams horn was cracked, but still whole. Swearing under his breath, Epistaties dragged the brothers out of the chamber and up to the main floor passing them off to the first griffins he found. “Dammit, I shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve shut it off sooner.” Epistaties muttered once the brothers were in the care of the griffins, “I hope this was worth it.” * * * * * * * * * * * The next evening Flim and Flam awoke in the makeshift clinic the griffins had put together in one of the larger study rooms. Flim woke first. Looking around with his one good eye; he saw a curtain on his left and wall on his right. In front of him was Epistaties sitting across from him, asleep. Rolling out of the bed and rising to his feet Flim walked over to Epistaties. Slowly he brought a hoof up to the snoring minotaur and gave him a soft poke saying, “Hey Epistaties, wake up.” Epistaties woke with a start. Shaking off the sleep, he turned to see what had woken him. “Oh Flim, you’re awake. Thank the First Born. How are you feeling?” Epistaties said with a relieved sigh. “I’m a little sore, but otherwise okay. What happened? where’s Flam?” Flim asked worried about his brother. “Flim, you lost control of the spell. There was backlash, it was bad. You both passed out. I carried you to the main floor to here, and the griffins took it from there.” Epistaties said calmly laying a hand on Flim’s shoulders. “Flams horn is cracked, but whole. It should heal fine.” He added quickly when he saw Flim’s horrified look. “He is in the bed next to yours, right there.” Epistaties said pointing to bed on the other side of the curtain. Flim whirled around and galloped over to his brother. Flam was still asleep his horn wrapped tightly in bandages, his face contorted in pain. “How long have I been out?” “About a day, it evening now. Swiftwing wanted to meet with you when you woke, but I believe we should wait to see if your brother succeeded before doing so.” Epistaties said, standing and walking towards the door. “I will bring you some food, don’t overexert yourself.” Flim nodded and sat near his brother’s bed, a short time later Epistaties returned and set down a tray with hay and some vegetables on the end table. With mumbled thanks, Flim slowly ate the food. Epistaties left after dropping off the food, claiming he had other work to do. Several hours later, after Flim had fallen asleep, Flam finally awoke. “Son of a Nag, that hurts!” Flam groaned when he rejoined the ranks of the waking. He raised a hoof to his horn, the source of his worst pain, and felt the bandages wrapped around it. Surprised he jerked up and quickly regretted it, as a surge of pain forced him to settle back into the bed. His sudden movement caused Flim to jerk awake. “Brother, you’re okay!” He exclaimed as he stood up. “I’m not sure about that, Celestia do I hurt.” Flam said wincing “Be careful, Epistaties said the spell collapsed on us then backlashed. Your… well your horn is cracked…” Flim said softly doing his best not to scare his brother. “My… My horn…” Flam whimpered starting to tear up. If his horn was cracked then… then… he didn’t even want to think about it. “It’s going to be okay. It’ll heal.” Flim said reassuringly hugging Flam as he cried. They stayed there like that, until the sound of someone clearing their throat brought them out of it. “I am glad to see you awake Flam.” Epistaties said standing at the foot of the bed. “Are you feeling well enough to walk?” “I think so.” Flam said sniffling. Flim stood ready to catch his brother as Flam got onto his feet. “Yeah, I’m good. What do you need Epistaties?” “Come with me both of you, Swiftwing and Eagle-eye want to speak with you.” Epistaties said motioning for them to follow as he began walking out the room and down the hallway. As they got closer to the same meeting room they had met with Drake in before he left, Epistaties stopped them. “Flam before we go in there, did you find the heir? Everything that comes next depends on if you did or didn’t before the spell failed.” “I didn’t find him, but I know who it is.” Flam answered slowly thinking back to what he had seen. “I can tell you right now it isn’t going to be easy.” “Who? Is it someone I know?” Flim asked curious as to who Flam had seen. “Remember that minotaur we ran into in Baltimare?” “You don’t mean…” “Yep, he was the one I saw.” Flam said. “Epistaties, if we do get this guy here, I am not sure he is going to be willing to pass off control, but I suppose that we will cross that bridge when we come to it.” With a sigh Flam walked on, heading into the room. With a shake of his head, Flim followed, leaving a very confused Epistaties in the hallway. In the room Swiftwing and Eagle-eye waiting on one side of the table glancing at a map then scribbling notes on some parchment they had with them. They looked up and smiled when Flam entered. Once everyone was around the table they got down to brass tax. “Alright, Flam, Flim,” Eagle-eye started with a nod. “Let me start by saying we are glad to see you both up and moving. Now, do you have a target? Do you where you are going once we get you to Equestria?” “I know who I am looking for, but not where he will be. That said, I believe I know how to find him.” Flam said, giving Flim a knowing look. “Excellent, then the next question; how are you planning to get to Equestria? And how long do you expect it to take?” Swiftwing asked. “That depends, how many griffins are you planning to send with us?” Flim asked. “Six, so how do you plan to travel?” “Brother…” Flam said softly, turning to face Flim. “I can do it, at least that far.” He answered in a whispered, before speaking to everyone. “We will take our vehicle. It’s been upgraded so we will be able to travel at full speed the whole way. Half the griffins will fly over watch, while the others will rest onboard. We will go non-stop to Equestria.” “Are you sure? If I understand how your vehicle works, then with Flams injury that means you will have to provide the power the entire time.” Epistaties said drawing all eyes to him. “I can do it.” Flim said confidently. “I’m not sure.” Swiftwing said. “What happens if you can’t? Then you will be stranded, and so will our griffins, in hostile lands with no support.” Eagle Eye said angrily. “I can do it.” Flim said, conviction steeling his voice. “I said I can do it and I will. Trust me.” Flim looked each in the eyes as he spoke. He felt guilty for what had happened to his brother, if the spell failed, then it was because he wasn’t able to control it; he had failed. His brother was hurt because of his failure. Their best chance was to travel fast, and the new Super Speedy Tank 7000 would serve them well once they reached Equestria, without it they wouldn’t be able to transport Drake’s scale or any of the materials they hoped to gather. “If you are sure-” Swiftwing started before being interrupted. “I’m sure. What else do we need to talk about?” Flim said, hoping to move the conversation along. “The patch is ready, I can apply it whenever everyone is ready to leave. Just let me know what time.” Epistaties said ending his one part in the discussion. “Who will be coming with us?” Flam asked, his mind still foggy from the pain. Right now he really wanted to lay back down and rest. “Jekyll will be leading one team under him will be Preen and Striker. Kestrel will be leading team two with Aeris and Ace under him.” Swiftwing said, reading the names of the list she had sitting in front of her. “Supplies? Anything you want us to try and sell for you or buy for you while we are in Equestria?” Flim asked “Supplies for the journey will be gathered tonight and will be ready to load in the morning. Anything we want sold will be marked as such, I will get a list of things we need to you buy in the morning.” Eagle-eye said after a quick discussion with Swiftwing. Everyone in the room nodded in agreement, the meeting was done. “I need to go lie down, I’ll see everyone in the morning.” Flam said, leaving as the first. “I’m going to check on Super Speedy Tank 7000, I’ll probably sleep there tonight if anyone needs me.” Flim said leaving. “Caretaker, we have to go ensure our people are prepared and put together the goods and the list. See you in the morning.” Eagle Eye said as he and Swiftwing left. Epistaties stood alone in the room leaning on his staff and thinking. Well, it seems that things might just be quieting down for a little while. I hadn’t thought about it, but I suppose that I should check the treasury; if there is anything left, it might be of use to my new friends. Looks like having the Library double as the administrative center for Forum might be useful for once, and to think I argued endlessly to move all those functions away. * * * * * * * * * * * Flam woke the next morning feeling better, not great, but no longer in a fog of pain, rather just a cloudy day of pain, nothing he couldn’t handle. After stretching, he walked out of his bedroom, heading for the plaza in front of the library. As Flam got closer he began seeing griffins rushing to and fro through the air and on the ground. As he passed through the entryway and into the light, he found a large group clustered around the SST 7000, a newly built upgrade on the cider squeeze. They had removed all the cider making equipment, added bigger tires, armored the underside, enclosed the passenger space with windows in it so they could see where they were going, and, following Drake suggestions, headlights that could run as either white or red lights. Flim saw him through the crowd and waved him over. “How are you feeling brother?” “Better, is everything ready to go?” Flam asked while looking at the bundles loaded into, and strapped on, the SST 7000. “Just waiting for the griffins to finish saying goodbyes.” Flim said, pointing to the groups of griffins around them. Flam looked at each group in turn. In one group he saw Preen talking with a griffin he recognized as the doctor, next to her was a bag with bandages and a stethoscope sticking out of it. The griffin he recognized as Jekyll was talking with an older pair that seemed reluctant to see him leave, tears forming in their eyes. He overhead another pair, with a fledgling between them, talking. “We’ll be back soon Caelum, we promise. Don’t give your aunt and uncle too much trouble while we are gone.” Then the conversation became too quiet for him to hear. Another two were talking with a map between them one looked the same age as the parents, but the other looked much older, he had a wizened warrior look to him. As Flam continued to look around, Eagle-eye came up to him. “Flam, it’s good to see you up, everything is loaded and Flim has a list of what we can use around here if you get a chance.” He said patting Flam on the back, before leaning in close to him and whispering. “Are you sure about this? I know Flim is dead set, but you don’t have to do it until your horn is better. We can wait, and I’m sure Drake will understand.” Flam thought for a moment, then shook his head. “No. Flim wants to, I think he even needs to do this, based on what he was saying yesterday. I trust him, he’s always dealt with the details anyway.” “If you say so.” Eagle Eye said with a shrug, before finally walking off. Flam and Flim took a few minutes to look over the SST 7000, checking the suspension, drive systems, and their stores of essentials. The griffins finished their goodbyes and stood ready. At last Epistaties showed up. “Good, everybody’s ready. But before you leave, I have a gift.” Epistaties said, signaling to someone behind him. A pair of griffins came out carrying four bulging bags that they set down before the SST 7000. Flam was the first to move, opened the bag nearest him, and promptly dropped his jaw to the floor. Stunned by his reaction everyone else took a look and reacted much the same. Inside were gems and gold coins with the likeness of a minotaur on them “Epistaties, w-whe-where did all this come from?” Flim asked awestruck, falling onto his hindquarters when he looked over Flams shoulder. “As you know, the Library is the center of Forum, and served many purposes. This comes from the treasury, the location of which will remain secret for now. Regardless I believe this should be most helpful in your endeavor.” Epistaties said before he began rifling through a sack at his side. Flim and Flam recovered quickly, storing the sacks of gold and gems away. Once the last bag was stored Epistaties pulled a scroll out of his sack. “Here it is.” He said unrolling and looking it over for a quick moment. “Good, good,” Epistaties muttered before speaking to everyone, “If you are all prepared, the patch is ready to be set.” The twins and the griffins traveling with them shared one last look with those they were leaving behind, before all eyes turn to Flam, much to his surprise. Flam recovered and climbed onto the SST 7000 standing in the entryway. He looked at Epistaties and said, “We are ready, see you when we return.” Turning his look to the rest, he shouted. “Let’s hit the road!” With that command Flam slipped into his spot as Flim climbed in and started the SST 7000, rolling towards the main gate. The two griffin teams took off, circling them as Epistaties worked his magic. When Epistaties finished, he signaled the griffins; one of whom knocked on the SST 7000’s armor. When Flim heard the knock he smiled and poured all his magic into the SST 7000 accelerating it down the cobblestone roads towards the wastes, and eventually towards Equestria as the griffins flew alongside. * * * * * * * * * * * Five days later Flim and Flam were stopped before a massive black dome that covered the entirety of gap in the mountains that separated Equestria and the Wildlands. They had first seen the dome the day before, surrounded by specks that flew around it and occasionally dived into it. Kestrel had been the first to identify them, harpies, thousands of them. That night the griffins had separated to find other griffin families from their clan and invite them to Forum. Flim had maintained the SST 7000’s speeds across the plains but was nearing his limit. “What should we do Flam? We can’t wait here, the harpies will notice us soon, but we have no clue what is creating this dome.” Flim said as he tried to stifle a yawn. The five days without sleep were starting to wear on him, the only reason he was still awake was because of a plant the griffins had given him to chew on after the second day, when he almost passed out. Now he was almost out of the plant, they had to reach Equestrian soil soon, or they would be stranded until he had recovered. Flam exited the SST 7000, walked up to the dome and touched it with his hoof. His hoof pass through the outside without any resistance. He instantly removed it to find frost forming on the edges. Strange, it’s as if no light, or warmth can pass through. Almost like a moonless winter night. Flam thought, trotting back to the SST 7000. “Well? Can we go through it?” Flim asked tiredly as Flam took his seat and used his hoof to close the hatch. “Should be, we put decent insulation in when we redesigned, but if we get stuck in there too long there’s a chance we will freeze to death.” Flam answered, getting comfortable back in his seat. “Then let’s not be in there too long, we’ll go straight through, in one side and out the other. The built in lights will have to be enough to keep us from hitting anything or getting stuck.” Flim said as they began rolling forward once more, into the darkness of the dome. Inside the darkness their lights did very little, to the brothers, it seemed as if the darkness was sucking it away, preventing the light from going more than a few meters. Within an hour, they were both shivering as the cold seeped into the SST 7000. Flim was beginning to nod off, the cold sapping what little energy he had left. “Flim? Brother, don’t you dare fall asleep-,“ Flam was saying, as he nudged his brother, when they ran over something large enough to jostle them and create a thudding sound. “What was that?” “Flam look, you need to see this.” Flim said shakily, suddenly much more awake. The frost covered ground was littered with frozen bodies. Upon closer inspection the brothers realized they were harpies. “Brother, I am ready to get out of here now.” “Agreed, full power to the wheels.” The SST 7000 raced off, Flam called out directions to avoid the bodies, but the deeper they went the more littered the ground. Then after close to an hour, they started hearing thuds on the roof, followed by scratching sounds and screeches. “Sisters, I’ve found something.” A shrill voice called out. “What is it?” A second asked before the sound of talons gripping into wood came again. “It’s warm, and I smell ponies and griffins about it.” A third called landing on top as well. “Maybe there’s a warm body in there that wouldn’t mind our company.” The first said. Flim and Flam shared a look a pure terror, without any urging Flim poured even more power into the SST 7000. Flam, deciding that anything would be better than letting the harpies catch them, tried to add what little energy he could fighting through the pain it caused. Off in the distance a pinprick of light, hugging the ground, stood out in the darkness. “Flim, veer left!” Flam shouted giving up on using his broken horn. “Are you sure?” Flim asked back panting struggling to continue moving the vehicle. “YES!” Flam shouted eyes glued to the light hoping it might offer safety from the harpies and the cold. Flim nodded and changed course. The SST 7000 raced towards the light which grew larger and more distinct. The harpies clawing at the top squawked, attempting to maintain their hold, as the SST 7000 bounced over the uneven ground and frozen bodies. The light had grown into a brilliant white beacon in the landscape yet was still dulled by the darkness. Unfortunately for the brothers, a short distance from the light, the SST 7000 pitched forward into a depression and crashed into the ground. Its wheels unable to find traction at the angle it was stuck, the brothers were stuck and sightless, as their viewport laid buried by dirt and snow. Outside the vehicle, they heard more and more harpies converging on them, clawing at the walls of their vehicle. Flim, having hit his head in the crash, was out cold, no amount of yelling or prodding from Flam could wake him. Flam stood, as best as he could, in the tilted driver’s compartment turning with each new clang on the hull. “Brother, no matters what happens, I promise you will not be taken by these foul beast.” Flam muttered covering Flim with a blanket and whatever else he could find. Here and there he saw holes beginning to open and widen across the SST 7000. One of the harpies managed to tear a hole large enough to look through and glanced into the vehicle. “Oh, a big strong stallion to keep me warm.” She said, the combined efforts of her shrill voice and the cold causing Flam to shiver. “You’ll not have me monster.” Flam said finding his voice. “I would rather face death than warm your feathers.” Flam bucked at the opening each time a harpy tried to reach through. Despite his best efforts the hole widened, and the cold continued to seep in. One harpy reached in and when Flam bucked he heard a shattering sounds. Glancing he was the claw he bucked had frozen solid and his own hooves were starting to become frostbitten. For close to half an hour, Flam fought on, but he was losing. He fell to his knees, the cold having sapped the last of his strength. A claw gripped his tail and began pulling him towards the hole, which was now just barely big enough from him to fit through. A second and third claw joined the first, as he flailed ineffectually at the harpies that held him. Then, as he was being pulled through the hole, the pressure on his tail disappeared. He head sounds of battle, squawks and crying from the harpies, as well as grunts and war cries from ponies. The telltale feeling of magical discharge also filled the air. As Flam lost consciousness he heard a commanding voice call down from somewhere above him. “Guardsponies! Check that vehicle, bring its occupants back to the fortress. I would like have some words with them.” With that, Flam passed from consciousness, a feeling of relief washing over him. * * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 21: Bastion's Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21: Bastion’s Night “The longest way must have its close - the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.” ― Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin Flam awoke in a windowless room lit by the soft glow of a single magic lamp that hung on the wall. He sat up with a groan, feeling sore all over, particularly his hindquarters and rear hooves. Slowly taking stock of himself and his surroundings, Flam found that his horn had a fresh dressing, and red stained wrapping covered his back legs. Flam saw only one door, a strong looking metal construction with no knobs or handles. Forcing himself to his hooves, Flam limped over to the door confirming he had no way to open it. The cold claws of fear began to creep up on Flam, until he remembered the ponies that had come to his rescue. They probably just wanted to make sure he couldn’t run away before they talked to him. “Hello, is there anyone there?” Flam called out knocking on the door. After he knocked Flam pressed his ear to the door, hoping to hear some kind of response. “ Tell the Princess and the General that one of the unicorns is awake..” A commanding male voice said just barely audible through the door. Without warning a small slit in the door opened allowing the guard to speak to Flam. “Unicorn, back away from the door and wait on the bed. Some ponies that wish to speak with you will be here soon.” The guard said before slamming the slit shut. Deciding he didn’t have much choice in the matter, Flam limped back to the bed and waited for those ponies to come for him. He pondered as to who it would be that came for him. The guard had mentioned a general and princess, but based on what Drake had told him the princess was in Canterlot. So that just left the general. What would she be like? The sound of a key in the lock and metal scraping lightly across stone brought Flam out of his thoughts. Composing himself, Flam stood so the bed was between him and the door. The pony standing in the door was the last one he expected to see. “Greeting stallion, wouldst thou tell us thy name and purpose? Lest I be forced to extract it from thee forcefully.” Princess Luna said in a tone as cold as the dark side of the moon. Her magic casting a dark halo about her, adding to her already powerful presences. “Prin- Princess Luna.” Flam stammered as he took a step back. He had completely forgotten that she existed, something he was sure she wouldn’t appreciate. He continued to stammer and mumble, the poor hamster in his mind had suffered a heart attack and died. “That is my name. Now reveal thy own identity!” Luna commanded, preparing to rip into his mind if he did not speak. Being besieged by avian rapists will put anyone on edge, especially when something unexpected adds another variable into the mix. “I- I’m- I’m Flam.” He stuttered, backing himself into the corner as Luna rounded the bed and starting lowering her horn towards his head. The swirling vortex of energy causing him to cower even more. “And thou purpose in the Wildlands? Or thy reason for returning now when we are under siege?” Luna asked as the aura she was projecting softened slightly, and her magic dissipated harmlessly. “Me and my brother were traveling with a dragon, we are going back to pick up some new supplies.” Flam answered becoming completely calm, his fear having gone and acceptance washing over him. Luna took a step back giving Flam space as he spoke. She was genuinely surprised. Ponies traveling into the Wildlands was rare. Ponies traveling with dragons was rarer. Ponies traveling with dragons in the Wildlands was completely unheard of. It caught her off guard. “Why wouldst a pair of unicorns travel the Wildlands with a dragon, when the dragons have migrated out of this part of the Wildlands?” Luna asked giving Flam more room. As Luna stepped back Flam notices a unicorn mare with a cross spears cutie mark wearing Night Guard armor in the doorway. “Yes, I find it very interesting that anypony would leave Equestria for the Wildland on their own, much less following a dragon.” The mare said. Flam glanced at the mare for a moment, long enough to see the fatigue etched on her features, before turning his focus back to Princess Luna. “For reasons that are our own. Sufficient to say, he saved our lives and has done more for us than most ponies. Now, can I see my brother?” Flam answered doing his best to keep his voice calm, the fear returning now that he wasn’t about to be probed. “No. He is still in the medical ward. He has not awoken since we brought you in.” The mare answered. “Figures,” Flam muttered. “He was awake for five days straight powering our vehicle since I couldn’t.” Flam said tapping his bandaged horn. “Five days without sleep, constantly burning magic, and with no training. Well, color me impressed.” The mare said earning a sharp glance from Luna. “While such a feat is impressive General Hoplite, I hardly think tis proper to admire rogues.” Princess Luna said. “Whoa! We aren’t rogues.” Flam protested they were inventors, entrepreneurs! Certainly not rogues. “Really, and how wouldst thou define a shaggy scarred pair of stallions that travel the Wildlands in a strange contraption, keep company with dragons, and avoid saying what activities they are engaged in?” Luna asked raising an eyebrow and staring at Flam. “Er- Um- Ah-“ Flam stammered. “That’s what I thought. General, unless there was anything specific thou wanted to ask our guest, I suggest having someone take him to the mess hall.” “Just one. How was your horn injured? And would you like us to heal it?” General Hoplite asked pointing at the extremity in question. “It was injured attempting to scry something I am looking for, and why would you offer to heal it?” Flam said answering the question with a question. “Not much of an answer, but as to why; well if you hadn’t noticed, we are under siege and need every pony we can get to help fight the harpies that are attacking. Princess Luna can maintain the Night Shield indefinitely, but keeping the fortress light and warm is wearing out my casters. Casters I would rather use to fight the harpies directly when next they attempt to assault us. If you have half the stamina you claim you brother has then we can throw you in the rotation.” General Hoplite explained. “Very well. Who am I to turn down such an offer? My life is on the line as much as the next pony’s.” Flam said earning a nod from General Hoplite. “Then thou shall eat whilst the medics prepare the reagents needs for a horn healing spell. Know, that should thou seek to betray us, a horrible fate shall await thee.” Princess Luna said turning and walking out of the room with General Hoplite following closely. “Sergeant Buckler, take this unicorn to the mess, then over to the operation room.” General Hoplite said to the guard at the door as she disappeared from view. “Come on then, let’s get you something to eat.” Sergeant Buckler said as he glanced into the room and motioned for Flam to follow him. Flam left the room, noting that Sergeant Buckler was a pegasus, and followed him down the hallway. As they were turned down another hallway, Flam noticed some familiar characters etched into the wall. “Hold on a second.” Flam said taking a closer look at the characters. “Sergeant, who built this fortress?” “No clue, you would have to ask the General or Princess. I have heard that it’s been here for a very long time. No one knows what the characters are and honestly no one really cares. Now, let’s get you to the mess hall already.” Sergeant Buckler said, rolling his eyes. “That’s just it, I do understand these characters.” Flam said. “What? How?” “Where I have been staying while in the Wildlands, it had these, I learned how to read them. They are typically used in enchantments. I wonder…” Flam replied before whirling around to face Sergeant Buckler. “I need to check my vehicle, there may be something in there that I need.” “No. You eat, you get your magic back, then, if you can talk somepony else into it, you can go to your vehicle. Until then, you will do what I say.” Sergeant Buckler said angrily, flaring his wings to block the hallway. “Fine. Lead the way” Flam conceded, the growl from his stomach reminding him that it had been a while since he last ate. “Good, now come on.” Sergeant Buckler said, directing Flam down the hallway towards the mess hall. Flam and Sergeant Buckler reached the mess hall and each grabbed a plate of hay, oats, and half an apple. Although some of the guards looked up at them, none said anything. Flam noted that overall they seemed tired and worn down, evenly mixed between Night and Day Guards. They ate quickly, Flam because he wanted to get out of the mess hall, and Buckler because he wanted to be done guarding Flam. Placing their dirty plates in a bin to be cleaned, they headed for the fortress’ medical ward where they met Captain Hacksaw. Once there Captain Hacksaw was busy looking over a unicorn guard. Flam waited silently as Sergeant Buckler tapped Captain Hacksaw on the shoulder, getting his attention. “Excellent, you must be Flam.” Captain Hacksaw said, as he turned away from the exhausted unicorn on the bed in front of him. “Sergeant, General Hoplite asked that you remain here and bring Flam to her once the procedure is over” “Yes sir.” Sergeant Buckler said, suppressing a groan and taking a seat near the door. Never stand when you can sit as the old adage goes. Captain Hacksaw lead Flam deeper into the medical ward, asking questions about his medical history, typical magic usage and power, and innumerable other questions relating to the surgery. Once Flam had answered all the questions, they entered a large circular room with an operating table in the center. “Umm Doc, just how complex is this procedure going to be?” Flam asked when he saw the layout of the operation room. Next to the bed were several metal stands filled with bubbling fluids and strange tools. “Fairly simple, but because of the general’s the desire to have you able to cast ASAP we are doing it in the operating room. For some unexplained reason it seems to amplify healing magic, and even non-magical procedures seem to go better when performed in this room” Captain Hacksaw explained as he checked over the equipment and passed a clipboard with Flam’s information to the nurse. “It amplifies magic?” Flam asked, taking a closer look at the room. “Only healing magic but yes. Now if you would please get on the table we will begin.” Captain Hacksaw said before directing the nurses to prepare for the procedure. Flam walked to the table noting that the camber was eerily similar to the one he broke his horn in, with many rune carved into the wall or ceiling that matched or were similar to those found in the Library. Once Flam as laying on the table, a nurse cast a sleep spell allowing him to sleep through the otherwise painful, if simple, procedure. * * * * * * * * * * * An hour later Flam awoke to find Sergeant Buckler standing at the foot of his bed. “Once... Just once, I would like to wake up in my own bed, after falling asleep on my own terms.” Flam said getting out of the bed. “Quit your bellyachin’.” Sergeant Buckler said angrily. “What crawled up your-“ “The harpies launched another attack, despite the losses they take every time they try. Only this time we are almost out of unicorns strong enough to maintain the spells needed to keep this fortress warm and lit. That means we have far fewer that can fight them leaving us shorthooved on the defenses.” Sergeant Buckler said cutting Flam off. Flam as about to respond to the irate sergeant when the sound some a pony waking caught them both off guard. “Sweet Sunspots! I am hungry” Flim groaned rising from his slumber in the bed next to Flam’s. “Oh hey Flam, what’s up?” “Oh not much, met a princess, met the general, we got saved by the guards at Fort Bastion, from what I’ve seen it’s was built by the you know what, and now the guard general wants to put me to work maintaining some spells while harpies attack.” Flam said matter-of-factly. Flim looked at Flam for a moment then facehooved when he noticed the shit eating grin Flam was wearing. “Well in that case, see you when this is all over. Have fun with your new friend.” Flim said walking off. The advantage of knowing somepony as well as the two brothers knew one another as that you can understand what they are thinking even when they don’t say it out loud. Flam had told him a lot, some of it more important than the rest. If everything worked right they would make an important discovery and maybe more. “He can’t walk around unescorted.” Sergeant Buckler said moving to stop Flim. “Well then I guess you won’t be escorting me to the command center or wherever General Hoplite is.” Flam said going in the other direction. Sergeant Buckler looked between the twins for a moment before groaning and heading after Flam. “Fine, but if he cause trouble or gets in the way his fate will be his own.” Sergeant Buckler said leading Flam to where the General was waiting. Flim chuckled as he heard Buckler’s frustrations. Following his nose, and driven by his rumbling stomach, Flim soon found the mess hall. The hall was deserted the guardsponies having left to defend against the most recent attack. Scrounging around he put together a decent meal and chowed down. Once he was full he headed to the SST 9000. Back in Forum, while Flam was asleep and he was checking over the SST 9000, Epistaties had come by and given him a small case. The old minotaur suspected they might encounter ruins during their travel. If they did that kit would let them reactivate the ruin awakening the enchantments placed onto the stonework of the Empire’s cities and outposts. Epistaties hoped that something in the ruins might be able to provide information about what happened after his own encounter with Discord and also restore some of the Empire. Flim had scoffed at the restoration hopes but did see the advantage of any knowledge and potential new resources that might come from reactivating a ruin. In this case, if the fortress truly was a ruin as his brother suspected then it might have a way to help fight the harpies. There was just one problem staring him in the face at the moment. The SST 9000 was sitting a courtyard and all in the sky swooping about were harpies. Hmm. Flim thought staring out into the yard. All around him, Flim could see guards on the walls, in towers and elsewhere about the fortress wielding spears and singling spells. In the air pegasi clashed with the harpies as they swooped. Now how am I going to get from here to there? Rather than try to puzzle a probable solution Flim shrugged and ran for the SST 9000. He made it unimpeded to the SST 9000 and closed the hatch behind himself as he slid in. After a few moments searching, through the various piles of previously arranged cargo that was now stattered all about, Flim found the small case he had been looking for. He opened it breathing a sigh of relief when he confirmed its contents were unbroken. The vial of dragon’s blood, pen, and instructions seemed the same as when he received it. Flim pocketed the case in a pair of saddle backs he had grabbed buckling them shut. Now just to get back. Flim thought watching the battle through the windshield. On the battlements a unicorn was grabbed by a pair of harpies. As it was being carried away pair of pegasi attacked the harpy saving the unicorn. The harpy, unhappy about losing its prize, slashed at the pegasi landing its claws on one tearing out flesh and feathers. The wounded pegasus fell to the ground near the SST 9000. Flim watched as she tried to stand, but the harpies had slashed the wing to the bone breaking it in several places. Addled by pain and shock, the pegasus stumbled to her feet for a moment before collapsing. Flim rushed out to save the mare driven by instincts more powerful than his common sense. He lifted her quickly, yet gently, onto his back and started running to the safety of a doorway. Suddenly, he was tumbling across the ground, the mare flying from his back when something slammed into him from his blind side. Turning to face his attacked, Flim came face to face with a vicious grinning harpy about to bring its claws down on him. Flim reacted on instinct and cast the same spell he had cast endless for the last five days on end. The harpy clutched its chest as its heart began beating at impossible speed. As Flim continued casting the monsters heart began tearing itself apart. As the harpy’s corpse collapsed to the ground Flim threw the unconscious mare back over his back and made for the safety of the fortress’ buildings. Leaving the mare against the doorway Flim walked down the hallways. Here and there he saw the minotaur runes marking the walls some he ignored, but others he followed deeper and deeper into the fortress. Here and there another pony rushed past ignoring him. At last he began the hear voices. “Tower 3 was overwhelmed, the guards were abducted or knocked out of the tower.” “Send medics for the injured and get new guards in that tower already.” “The pegasi are suffering heavy losses, none dead yet, but almost the entire wing has been injured.” “Dammit, I hate to give up the air but we might need them later. Pull them in!” “Ma’am Captain Pole-arm says his ponies can’t stay on the walls any longer and is pulling back inside.” “What!” “He says he won’t let another of his troops become rape toys for those voracious harlots and that if you don’t like that you need to come and lead from the front.” “I’ll court martial him.” “Now is not the time general” “Princess if we give the walls then the harpies will be able to start tearing this fortress apart without worry. “ “For the moment it seems we are outmatched. Now is the time to regroup and rethink. Besides there is somepony standing at the door.” Flim gulped as all eyes turned to him. Inside the room he had been heading towards was Princess Luna, a unicorn stallion with a strange device on his head, and an armored mare with a clear air of command about her. “What are you doing here, I thought I just put you on light duty.” The mare barked slamming a hoof down. “That was probably my brother.” Flim said entering the room. Since they had seen him he decided to set about his self-appointed task. He set the kit down on the table in the center of the room doing his best to appear nonchalant. “By the way there is a mare with a broken wing sitting near a doorway.” General Hoplite was about to blow a gasket when she felt Luna’s hoof on her shoulder. When Hoplite looked up Luna said, “General have your troops seal off all entrances and turtle down until we are ready to strike back. I will deal with our friend here.” Flim winced when he here Luna say friend, her voice cold as the air outside the fortress. Rather than look up he read through the instruction and opened the vial of blood. The runes had lead him to this room, and while standing outside he had seen why. While the guard had moved in some furniture and equipment of their own a number of consoles like those Epistaties had used were set into the walls. Likewise there was a raised stone table in the middle of the room that looked reminiscent of the desk Epistaties had been found out. “Tell me what exactly are you doing here my little pony.” Luna commanded looming over Flim. “A favor for a friend that might help us all your majesty.” Flim replied the pen in his magic shaking as he tried to dip in in the vial of blood. “Is this friend the dragon thee and thy brother are working with?” “Yes and no. It is someone we, us and the dragon, met, and not my place to say. What I will say is, as I am sure you are aware, this fort wasn’t built by ponies. We met someone that is connected to those that did build the fort. In some ways their enchanting was very advanced and their magical energy storage was the stuff of fiction.” Flim said as he began to write on the stone floor the blood working its way into the stone. “And just what does blood and strange… wait those are the same runes that cover this fortress.” Luna said resisting the urge to gasp. “Indeed.” Flim said as he finished the last letter. Suddenly the blood began to glow followed by the runes. Rippling out from where Flim had writing the words, as Epistaties’ instructions outlined, every rune in the fortress began to glow. Suddenly, the consoles sprang to life, and in the center of the circle of stone tables a new console rose from the ground runes glowing in the air before it. They read, “Fortress Bastion online. Enemies Detected. Would the commander of the garrison please provide a blood sample to activate avatar.” “What the buck?” General Hoplite asked panting as she ran back into the room. “Yes, what hast happened and what dost the runes say?” Princess Luna asked her tone caught between angry and curious. “I suppose I can say this, but if you do meet Drake act like it’s all new information if he does tell you about it. If he doesn’t then please don’t bring it up. Anyway, this fortress was part of an empire that rules most of the continent, Equestria included. During a war with Discord it collapsed, this fortress was disconnected from the web of enchantments that helped hold the empire together. I just reconnected it.” Flim said walking toward the console. On it he saw a pair of indentations that looked large enough for the front limbs of any creature shy of a dragon to fit in them. With a shrug and before anypony could stop him Flim placed his hoofs in them, and screamed as a pair of needle came up and pieced his hooves. A moment later they returned to the stone and the rune color changed from sickly red to a bright white. “Welcome commander. Empire Race confirmed. Recalling avatar.” The console slid back into the ground as a rounded crystal rolled out from the ceiling. It began to glow before the light resolved itself into the form of the scarred form of zebra stallion. “I am Bastion, former commander of the Desert Lightning and now the avatar of this fortress. How may I serve you?” The floating head asked. All the ponies in the room stood shocked. Luna was the first to recover, her time spent fighting Discord helping her handle the unexpected better than most. “This fortress is under attack by harpies, is there anything you can do drive them off, or at this least protect my soldiers.” “I asked the pony in command, the one stands before me,” Bastion said with a nod to Flim, “who are you to presume to speak over him?” “She is a Princess of Equestria, the Maiden of the Moon, Princess Luna.” General Hoplite said venomously glaring at the head and at Flim. “Then why was your blood not used to awaken me?” “Look, Bastion an incredibly long time has passed since you were last awake. Easily over 1000 years. I would be happy to explain everything to you but for now is there a way to repel the harpies?” Flim said noticing rage building on General Hoplite’s face. “Hmm…” Bastion said filtering through the various enchantments carved into the fortress. After a moment he smiled. “Yes. Yes there is.” * * * * * * * * * * * Flam was not a happy pony. As soon as Sergeant Buckler had brought him to the command center he had been taught the spell and shoved into the enclosed tower at the center of the fortress. From his vantage point Flam was able to see everything that happened as the harpies attacked included Flim’s short fight. Regardless of what he saw Flam stayed in the tower and kept the spell alive. It had been made crystal clear to him what would happen if he were to stop casting. While Flam continued casting and being an unhappy pony, his magical energy draining slowly, the fortress flashed brightly blinding him. Once his sight cleared, he noticed that the dirt, grass, and shrubs growing in the unused parts of the fortress were starting to fall away revealing parts of the fortress lost to time. As Flam watched the changes in awe, a large crystals rose out of the towers dotting the fortress wall. Once the crystals were fully deployed, lances of magic shot out of them targeting the harpies. The struck harpies fell to the ground unmoving. Flam’s awe slowly turned to horror as lance after lance of magic streaked through the sky swatting harpies from the sky. Rather than withdraw the harpies continued to attack throwing wave after wave at the towers and entryways the guardponies had sealed. Bile rose in his throat as the dead started to pile up around the towers. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it ceased. The skies cleared, nothing remaining but the oppressive darkness surrounding the fortress. On the ground lay the unmoving corpses of hundreds of harpies. Flam jumped when the door in the floor banged open. “Flam, return to the command center. The general says you can stop casting the light spell.” A unicorn stallion said poking his head up into the tower. “I- I’ll be right down,” Flam said tearing his eyes away from the carnage. He climbed down the tower shakily and went to the command room where he saw Princess Luna, General Hoplite, and Flim talking with a floating zebra head. “Anyone care to explain what I just saw out there!” Flam demanded drawing everypony’s attention. “The harpies were repelled and I have taken over the defensive measures you were casting.” Bastion said warmly a smile on his face. “It is unlikely the fortress will be able to perform such operations again anytime soon though. The energy storage is now nearly drained. Without sunlight or an exceptionally strong breeze the fortress’ batteries will be completely drained in two days.” “You are to blame for the piles of dead harpies littering the yard, for the lances of energy that swatted them from the sky?” Flam asked angrily the horror of what he witnessed affecting his emotions. “Piles!?” Everypony yelled in shocked horror. “I defended the fortresses against the fallen in accordance with my orders as is my duty as the avatar of this fortress. Even more so since I have retained my identity.” Bastion said without remorse under the angry eyes of those in the room. Flim spoke choosing his words with care realizing that whatever was asked next would either calm things down or throw fuel on the angry and fear building in the room. “Bastion, since the harpies have been driven off why don’t you tell us how you came to be here in your current state?” “Yes, perhaps that would be for the best. Get comfortable this is going to take some time. I was born… * * * * * * * * * * * Eight days later in the city of Manehatten. Novelty Calendar was… Well to say she was is fairly accurate. She wasn’t’ happy. She wasn’t sad. She wasn’t content, but there were no great ambitions driving her. She was single but dated often. Her life was about as standard as could be. Her job was perhaps the strangest bit about her and even that was fairly ordinary. She was a secretary, it was her employer that made it strange. The pale yellow earth pony mare with the calendar cutie mark, worked for the top motivational speakers in Equestria. He was loud, commanding, strong willed, and constantly changing his schedule with seemingly no rhyme or reason based on which was his fancy flew. Today however the strangeness was to come from a matched set that wasn’t matched which was going to throw her world into Discords batting cage. Novelty did not travel with her employer. Rather she remained in his Manehattan headquarters coordinating the travel plans and setting up meetings for those interested in having him come to their town, investing in the production, or who simply wanted to meet with him. That morning was slow for Novelty. She sat at her desk reading about the battle of Canterlot and the dragons that helped saved. Though she had read the stories many times she found herself fascinated by them, in particular the strange untamed lands the dragons spoke of. As she read Novelty heard a pair of voice drifting down to hallway towards her. “Are you sure this is the right place brother?” One voice asked tiredly “I sure Flam, the building directory had this floor marked as his. The elevator operator confirmed that this was his office when he wasn’t out on the road. Still hard to believe he is the heir we are looking for.” The unnamed brother answered. Don’t start that again Flim, look we both know he’s full of hot air, but he’s the heir so we have to find him.” Flam rebuked. As the brother came through the doorway Novelty got her first look at them. Their manes drew her attention first a mix of red and white that looked wild and unkempt. Next she noticed they were unicorns, but their horns dirty and one healing from a recent injury. When she reached their faces she nearly fell out of her chair. Flim who had opened the door had three long scars running down the right side of his face with one going across his eye which had lost its color and looked to be blinded. Flam on the other hoof had a large mustache connected to the start of a goatie as wild as his mane. She continued to take them in taking note of their worn and tattered travel cloaks, and her nose picked up a strong scent of sweat coming off them. “Good day to you madam.” Flam said breaking Novelty from her trance. “We have traveled a long way to meet with Mr. Iron Will to discuss some very important business. Do you know where we might find him?” Novelty gaped for a moment before shaking herself back to reality. “Um... What kind of business do you have with him?” She asked as Flim began to look around the office. “I am afraid that it is a personal matter that he is possibly not aware of himself,” Flam responded smoothly placing his leg on the desk trying to appear disarming. Instead Novelty noticed scars in the shape of a jaw where fur should have been. Scared as to just what this strange wild ponies wanted with her boss she decided to try and stall for time. “Well you see he is on tour right now and-” “Hey Flam look at this,” Flim interrupted having finished looking at the wall and moved to the desk. “It’s about Drake and Spike. Looks like the press got some interviews out of them.” Novelty shivered involuntarily. If these two knew those dragons then they weren’t normal ponies. Normal ponies didn’t interact with dragons that could take on whole armies of invading monsters. Sure the dragons had helped ponies instead of attacking them, and yes one of the dragons had apparently been raise under the guidance of the Princess and her student but that still didn’t make them safe. “You two know those dragons?” Novelty asked warily. “Yeah. Drake, the blue one, saved us from a hydra. Then he asked us to follow him out into the Wildlands. You can read most the rest of the story here it seems like.” Flam said tapping the column with the interview. Novelty squinted at the unicorns in front of her, not sure she believed them. Sure the interview mentioned he had met some Equestrians and brought them with him, but anyone could have read that interview. “So can you tell us where Iron Will is?” Flim asked “Maybe, what proof do you have of what you say?” Novelty asked. Her life may not have been exceedingly interesting but she wasn’t about to lose her job because a pair of rugged roguish- wait where were those thoughts coming from. They looked like a pair of vagabonds not like the heroes in that one romances she read before bed. Not at all like the daring swashbuckling Swimbad. Their scars didn’t add an air of mystery to them in any way whatsoever, and that smell, that musty smell of stallion- Wait were they saying something? “Madam?” Flam asked waving his foot in front of her face. “Huh, wa-“ “Flim said that whether or not you believe us doesn’t changes the facts. We have been tasked to find Iron Will and take him to Drake. We came here hoping he would be at his office. Since you have told us he is on tour we will have to find him on the road. While you telling us where he is now will make so doing far easier if you won’t then we will have to find him on our own.” Flam explained giving Flim a signal to head for the door. When Novelty said nothing Flam bid her a good day and went towards the door himself. Novelty sat there for a moment then glanced at the paper again. Before they had come in she had read in wondering what could be out there. What is would be like to live an interesting life. Then when somepony that had lived it came through the door she froze and met them with fear, suspicion and was that drool. Her life was in a rut, had been for years, now, she reluctantly admitted to herself. Here and now the universe had dropped a pair of handsome chances offering a way out into her lap. Without another thought Novelty grabbed her planner book out of the desk which held everything about Iron Will’s schedule and travel plans. She ran after the brothers with a smile on her face. She wasn’t sure what would come of this. Usually she thought big decisions out and carefully weighed the pros and cons, but she’d rather be bucked to the moon than let this chance pass through her hooves. Who knows, it could even be fun. > Chapter 22: Unexpected House Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22: Unexpected House Guest House guest should be regarded as perishables: Leave them out to long and they go bad. –Erma Bombeck The sun was slowly setting beyond the horizon, as the moon and stars took their place. Spike was sitting in the Golden Oaks Library, retelling his tale for the fifth time, in the many days since he and the girls had returned from the wedding. Candles cast a soft yellow glow over the bookshelves, as Twilight poured over her chicken scratch notes, asking questions and generally interrogating Spike, still unsatisfied with the answers he gave her. “Twilight, we’ve been over this four times already! I’ve told you everything I can. Let’s stop and do something, anything, else?” Spike pleaded, his sanity wearing thin from the constant barrage of questions. Twilight looked up from her notes, and the myriad of history books she had stacked up around her. “Not yet Spike.” Twilight said before turning her attention to the books surrounding her. “No… No… No…” She muttered as she looked through them. “Spike, tell me more about the ruins. What did it look, who built it, was there anything left standing? Was there any writings left behind?” Spike sighed. Drake had been very clear that he didn’t want Twilight to know about Epistaties or the library, and he had already told her everything he could about the Empire without revealing anything about those forbidden items. “Twilight I have already said everything I can. If you want to know more talk to Drake.” “But Drake left and no one knows where he went. Even worse there is nothing about this in any of my books; no mention of a massive civilization anywhere.” Twilight whined, she briefly granted books and notes the power of flight, only to have the law of gravity reassert itself. “My guess would be, that Discord’s rule destroyed any record of it. Even the griffins we met didn’t know about it.” Spike said picking up Twilights mess, like usual. Twilight sighed in defeat and helped Spike put everything away, agreeing that tomorrow he could do anything he wanted and she would leave him alone about his adventure. With the library cleaned, the two of them climbed stairs heading for their bedrooms; Twilight to her old comfortable bed and Spike to his new and still difficult to sleep in bed they had bought his first day in Ponyville. They were near the top when something heavy crashed into the library. Twilight almost fell from the stairs, knocked off balance from the impact. Spike caught and steadied her, while using his claws to hold himself in place. “What was that?!” Twilight yelled. “I don’t know, but I am going to find out.” Spike said with a hint of anger in his voice. If someone was going to put his family at risk they were in for a world of hurt. Spike jumped down, using his wings to slow his drop and ran to the door. He threw it open and started stalking around the tree as Twilight followed behind him. “Spike wait, whatever hit us was big. Let me handle this.” “No. I can handle this Twilight.” Spike said as the perpetrator came into view. Once he saw what had hit them, Spike’s anger was swapped with surprise and worry. Drake was laying up against the tree, a furrow carved in the ground where he had skid before colliding with the tree. His right arm looked swollen and bent at a wrong angle. His face and left arm were bleeding where he was missing scales. The pattern of the missing scales made it look as if someone had torn them out using a cheese grater. His chest rose and fell unsteadily as if each breath was a struggle. As Spike got closer Drake began coughing. Once the fit had subsided Spike saw some blood on the ground before him. “Twilight help! It’s Drake and he’s hurt bad.” Spike called, trying to decide if he should move Drake or let him stay where he was. “Sweet Celestia what happened to him?” Twilight gasped when she saw Drake, bringing a hoof to her mouth and taking a step back. “Help now, ask question later.” Spike said gentle lifting Drake away from the tree and laying him on to the ground, with a grunt. Despite the training Spike had done, Drake was over twice his size. Twilight moved forward shakily, doing her best to ignore the blood pooling on the ground. When she tried to cast a scanning spell on Drake to learn the true extent of his injuries, she was met by a nasty surprise. “My magic’s not working! Why isn’t my magic working!?” Twilight shrieked when her spell failed to work on Drake. She tried again and again, but to no avail. “Twilight?” “Spike something’s wrong! My magic won’t work on him!” Twilight said starting to hyperventilate. “There’s somepony dying on my doorstep and my magic isn’t working!!” “Calm down.” Drake wheezed, catching both of them off guard. “It’s.. n-not your magic.” “Drake what happened to you? Can you move?” Spike asked leaning in close to hear him better. “W-what h-h-happened... n..ot i-important... right now. Need... med-dical hel-p.” Drake whispered. The injuries he had sustained having grown worse during his flight before the crash finally incapacitated him. “Okay, okay I’ll go get someone.” Spike said when Twilight tapped him on the shoulder. “Spike, I don’t think he will fit in the hospital.” She said, a worried look etched on her face. “I wasn’t thinking the hospital. Remember how bad a pony doctor was when I had troubles after my birthday.” Spike said turning towards the Everfree. “I am going to get Zecora. While I am looking for her, can you get Fluttershy?” “Why do you want me to get Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “She should have enough bandages and know how to stop the bleeding, and start checking him over until I get back.” Spike said, taking off for the Everfree. “Spike wait!” Twilight said. “Fluttershy is afraid of dragons.” Her words fell on deaf ears as Spike sped towards the forest. * * * * * * * * * * * Fluttershy was rudely awakened by a frantic knocking at her door. When she first heard it; she pulled her covers over herself and hid under the sheets whimpering. The pounding on the door continued unceasing in its fervor frightening the poor pegasus all the more. Then the knocker started shouting. Fluttershy was unable to hear most of what was said over her whimpering, but three words stood out to her. “…help…hurt…bleeding…” With speed that would make light look twice, Fluttershy was opening her door, saddle bags filled with medical supplies and a first-aid kit in her mouth. “Where?!” she asked, barely noticing who it was standing before her. “The library." Twilight said, pulling her hoof back at the last second. Without another word or glance Fluttershy was gone. Twilight blinked as the timid pegasus disappeared. Looking down the trail back the way she had come Twilight saw no sign of Fluttershy. Wondering if perhaps Rainbow Dash was impersonating Fluttershy that night, Twilight teleported back to the library hoping to catch Fluttershy before she got there, and help deal with any trouble Drakes draconic nature may have caused for the kindhearted mare. When Twilight arrived, she saw that Drake was already fully bandaged and Fluttershy was checking him over; doing whatever it was she still needed to do. Twilight’s jaw dropped as her mind attempted to process how Fluttershy beat her back to the library, and also had already bandaged Drakes rather large body. “Wha- Ho- When- I don’t understand?” Twilight cried, the night starting to wear on her. “I find it best not to question how Fluttershy does anything.” Said a new voice next to Twilight, causing her lose control of her legs and jump into the air, then fall onto her belly. Looking at the latest assault on her sanity, Twilight was greeted by Pinkie Pie drinking from a massive cup through the silliest of silly straws. “You find it hard to understand how Fluttershy works... You?!” Twilight ranted, having finally found her breaking point. “Wait, what are you even doing here?” “Well I was in bed asleep, dreaming about quantum mechanics, when my Pinkie sense went crazy. At first I thought it was just something falling from the sky, then it turned into a real doozy.” Pinkie said taking a sip from her drink, causing the caramel colored beverage to follow a roller coaster ride before coming into the stomach station. “You dream about quantum mechanics?” Twilight deadpanned, before remembering who she was talking to and the night she was having. “On second thought, what kind of a doozy?” “Don’t know, but whatever it is it will be big.” Pinkie said, slurping the last bits of her drink down and throwing the container away. The effects of drinking several gallons of soda hitting her as soon as she finished, Pinkie started dancing on the tips of her hooves. “Um Twi...” “YES! Go!” Twilight yelled, realizing what Pinkie was going to ask. “Will you keep it down! Drake is very badly hurt and needs all the rest he can get.” Fluttershy yelled softly at Twilight, as she finished looking over her patient. Twilight flinched, turning to face the perturbed pegasus. “Sorry Fluttershy,” Twilight said softly. “Still, I am amazed by how quickly you patched him up, especially since he is a dragon.” “He’s hardly patched up; he’s holding something in his right hand that he won’t let go of, so I can’t set his arm properly. His ribs are cracked, and even with all the medical supplies I have hidden around town for emergencies, I can’t bind them properly. All I really did was stop the bleeding and give him enough painkillers to sleep soundly.” Fluttershy said, blushing at Twilight’s praise. Twilight smiled at Fluttershy’s humility, her soothing tone and serene demeanor helping Twilight calm down. “Thank you, I don’t know what happened to him or why he came here, but thank you. Do you want to come in and wait to see if Zecora will need any help once Spike finds her, or do you want to head home?” Twilight asked glancing up wondering where he was. “Oh, yes please. You wouldn’t happen to have any tea would you? That is if you don’t mind. Its not important.” Fluttershy said meekly as Twilight began escorting her in. “Of course.” Twilight said with a smile, closing the door behind them. * * * * * * * * * * * As Twilight rushed to Fluttershy’s cottage, Spike flew through the air over the Everfree, making a beeline for Zecora’s hut. Much to his frustration, despite the late hour, Zecora wasn’t there. Muttering swears he had picked up from the griffins, Spike took off searching everywhere in the forest for Zecora. After far too long Spike found her gathering pollen from some strange flowers in a tiny clearing deep in the forest. “Zecora,” Spike called out, relieved to have finally found her, “I need you to come with me, now!” “How do you know my name beast? Of me you will not make a feast.” Zecora called back, grabbing her staff and crouching down. “Zecora its Spike, Twilights assistant, don’t you recognize me?” Spike asked as he smacking into the ground near her. “The one of who you speak, is much more meek.” Zecora said, taking a step back but not breaking eye contact. “I may be bigger now, and I would be happy to tell you about how that happened. Right now someone I know is hurt, very badly hurt and I need you to help him.” Spike said taking a step forward and reaching out only to have his claw smack by Zecora’s staff. “Let the town doctors provide help before I make you yelp.” “They can’t help him. He’s a dragon. Look you helped me and Twilight with the greed thing. You know more about dragons than anyone in Ponyville. Please I’m begging you.” Spike pleaded fighting back the tears beginning to for in his eyes. “Zecora I am not here to harm you. If you want I can leave now, if you promise to go the library in Ponyville right now.” Zecora took a long hard look at the dragon before her. Though the dark of the night had stopped her from making out more than his shape before, at that moment a strong gust moved some cloud allowing the pale light of the waning moon to fall on him. With the light to give his features definition Zecora could tell that the dragon before her was indeed who he said he was. Zecora relaxed but stayed back from Spike. “The light tells the truth, you are that dragon youth. I shall help your friend, but first this task I must end.” Zecora said grabbing a jar and putting a bit more pollen in one before sealing the jar and returning it to the back. She threw the back on her back and took off towards her hut. As she ran through the trees Spike flew overhead fighting the urge to pick her up in order the speed up the process. They arrived at Zecora’s hut quickly. “Just let me grab my kit and we will make your friend fit.” She said as she went inside. A moment later Zecora came back out bulging saddlebags on her sides. With a word of warning Zecora let Spike pick her up and fly them to the library. Spike flew a quickly as he could holding Zecora underneath himself tightly so as not to drop her. Zecora kept her eyes closed and muttered calming chants under her breath. Were not the urgency so great she would never have agreed to let Spike carry her but if a life was truly on the line could she let her fear prevent her from saving it? Once they reached the library Spike set Zecora down gently before landing besides her. Zecora walked up to the bandaged Drake and shook her head. “Is this the one you said was going to soon be dead?” “Yes…” Spike said slowly noticing a twitch in Zecora’s eye. “This creature bandaged tight is the reason you made me endure the horrors of flight.” Zecora said now walking towards Spike. “Zecora I can explain.” Spike said starting to back up. “When he showed up he was bleeding very badly and it looked like he had several broken bones. I came to find you so we could make sure he was properly treated while Twilight went to get Fluttershy to administer first-aid until I brought you back.” Zecora stopped inches away from Spike’s snout looking down at him harshly. Just as she was about to say something Fluttershy and Twilight came out of the library. “Oh thank goodness you’re here.” Twilight said levitating a lantern out illuminating the yard. “Fluttershy bound the worst of it we really need your help.” As the light fell across Drake Zecora saw the bandages were already becoming soaked with his blood and would need to be changed soon. Perhaps it was a bad a Spike had claimed. Zecora went over to Drake again and with Fluttershy’s help started going over and taking care of Drake’s injuries. Twilight set the lantern on a pole that she brought out with her magic and went back inside muttering something about writing to the princesses to make sure Discord was still sealed in his prison. Spike remained outside watching the mare work before passing out in the yard. * * * * * * * * * * Twilight stirred groggily the next morning calling on Spike to shut the blinds so she could steal a few more moments of slumber. When the sun continued its relentless assault on her eyelids she Twilight sat up so see why her desires had been ignored. As she cracked her eye, still refusing to accept that day had come and she must greet it, Twilight saw the Spike’s new bed was empty with the sheets untouched. As the events of the previous night rushed back to her Twilight jumped out of bed only to crash land when she heard the toilet flush. As Twilight picked herself up off the ground, Pinkie Pie came out a look of pure bliss on her face. “Ah, so much better. Thanks for letting me use your bathroom Twilight.” Pinkie said when she saw her friend lying on the floor. “Pinkie has you been in there since last night?” Twilight asked flabbergasted. “Yep, having that third Super Slurpee Slipper Soda was a bad idea.” Pinkie said heading for the stairs. “But didn’t you wake up just before coming over last night?” Twilight asked still attempting to make sense of the morning. “Yep, I needed something as a pick-me-up.” Pinkie said bouncing down the stairs. Twilight just shook her head, filed it away in the Pinkie being Pinkie folder and went about her morning routine. Just as she was lifting the brush to her mane Pinkie came running back up the stairs switching between an oh-isn’t-that-adorable face and Twilight-I-think-we-might-have-a-problem face. Twilight sighed, and turned away from the mirror to the mare with her back against the door. “Pinkie, what is it?” Twilight said as calm as possible “Well I went outside and it looks like Zecora and Fluttershy were both here late last night and decided to sleep under Spike’s wings. The three of them look absolutely adorable.” Pinkie said wistfully. “Okay so why did you come running up here?” “It occurs to me that having a dragon in your lawn might attract a large amount of attention. While I am all for that I have a feeling that Drake would be very much opposed to such a situation right now.” Pinkie replied pulling out a series of charts to illustrate her point. Twilight didn’t even question or try to interpret the charts instead she just nodded along. “Then what should we do with him?” Twilight asked doing her best to be unfazed. “Build a giant wooden horse and use it to smuggle him out of town. Or, Or we could paint him the same color as marble and claim he is a new statue. Then again why don’t we just ask Zecora and Fluttershy since they are the ones that patched him up?” Pinkie said pulling out cards illustrating her suggestions. “Pinkie are you okay? That last one actually made sense.” Twilight asked as she passed her to go down the stairs and see just what was to be done. “Yep. I really thought you would be more surprised by the charts and the cards. I made them just for you. It took a long time. By the way isn’t this a great place for the scene to end” Pinkie said bouncing along after Twilight. * * * * * * * * * * * Drake woke to darkness and numbness. That is to say he couldn’t see or feel a thing. The latter a welcome relief from the pain he had endured since his battle with Chrysalis, but the former sent him into a panic causing him to start thrashing about as best he could. As he thrashed he thought he heard someone speaking to him, but whatever blinded him also muffled his hearing. Once his sense of feel started to return he felt something constricting his chest, and the arm he had broken. Rather than calm down thinking perhaps someone had aided him, he panicked more. He tried to roar to yell to call out, but his mouth was bound as well. After what felt like an eternity, something removed the bandages blinding him. As Drake’s eyes adjusted to the sudden presences of light he saw a figure silhouetted before him, Wings on its back outstretched, long flowing hair moving in the breeze. “Are you an angel? Am I dead?” Drake asked himself, his mind addled by the painkiller he had been given and the pain that was returning. “Shhhhh it will be okay, just calm down, no one is going to hurt you.” The figure said in a calming voice. “You are hurt very badly, but me and my friend managed to treat your injuries.” It then landed next to him. By this point Drake’s eyes adjusted to the lights and he saw Fluttershy on the ground before him gentle stroking his snout through its bandages. Drake stopped and took a moment to figure out why Fluttershy was before him. Unfortunately the days spent in a haze had clouded his memory. The last clear memory he had was taking the egg from the changelings. THE EGG!? Where is it?! Fluttershy watched as Drakes expression went from confused to concerned hysterical. Then she heard him trying to speak straining to break the bandages that wrapped around his mouth. Already she could see fresh blood beginning to leak through along his cheek. “Please stop. You are starting to bleed again.” Fluttershy said hopping up and hovering in front of his eyes. Drake just attempted to stand and began beating at his face with the cast on his right hand and bandages on his left attempting to rip the bandages off. The realization that he probably could have started with this when he awoke flying right over him. “Stop, you need to rest. Before you hurt yourself.” Fluttershy said Drake’s hysterics scaring her, but the sight of blood on the wrappings and knowledge that he needed help kept her from fleeing despite really wanting to. Just as she thought she might have to restore to drastic measures to stop him Drake stopped and returned to the ground slowly laying down gingerly. His bandages were in disarray but still held tightly and kept him muted. He then looked her in the eyes giving the most distressed look he could manage while pointing at his mouth with the white wad that was his left hand. Fluttershy understood what he wanted, her years with animals making her an expert at reading nonverbal communications. “You want me to cut the bandages off?” She asked getting a nod from Drake. “Okay, but only if you promise to stay calm. You are very badly hurt it is going to take time for you to heal.” Fluttershy fluttered to her cabin to get a set of scissors to remove the bandages. When she came back out Drake as standing at the back of her cabin waiting. With a sigh Fluttershy began cutting running down each side of Drake’s snout until his jaw was free. Once the bandages feel away Drake started stretched his jaw only to stop once he remembered the pony he was dealing with. “Thank you Fluttershy. I have several questions, but the most pressing one is this: Where is the pink egg I was carrying?” Drake said looking down at her before laying back down with a wince. Having his front legs bound up made it really tough to stand, but at least it took the pressure off his chest. “I don’t know. We never saw an egg.” Fluttershy replied standing a fair distance back now that he was awake and speaking she started to remember the kind of pony he was. Unpredictable. “No, no no. You see I had that egg with me the whole time I was flying here, well to Ponyville anyway, so I know that I had it when I landed ever so gracefully before I passed out. Now Fluttershy, let me stop worrying and tell me were that egg is.” Drake said as calmly as he could but the distress of the missing egg was causing him so worry, that and the large rock that made it into his cast. “We never saw-“ “We who?” Drake said. “Zecora and I, we are the ones that took care of you after you crashed into Twilight’s Library last night. We never saw an egg.” Fluttershy said looking at the ground. She then looked up and saw Drake beginning to stand a look of anger on his face. Then she saw his right hand still in the fist it had held since he crashed. “Wait, we didn’t find an egg, but you had something in your right hand you wouldn’t let go of. We had to leave it there when we put the case on around it and whatever it was holding.” Fluttershy said the argument over were to try and pry the hand open or just set it with the hand closed and hope for the best coming back to her. Drake looked his right hand, or more accurately the cast around it. Then he felt the rock in his cast again. Rock in his cast. ROCK in his cast!! “Fluttershy, sweetie, honey,” Drake said with as much syrup as he could muster. “Would you do me a huge favor and take this cast off?” For an added touch Drake put on his best puppy dog face. “I don’t think…” Fluttershy started only to stop when Drake put his other hand in front of her as if trying to use one finger to shh her. “Let me rephrase that. Take this cast off right now.” Drake said keeping his tone polite as a dark look came over his face. Fluttershy eeped and fled into her house. Drake initially assumed she went to get a tool to take the cast off with, but when she didn’t come back out that theory started to lose credibility. He knocked on her door and called out to her. “Fluttershy, are you getting something to remove the cast with, so scissors or maybe a saw since your scissors are already out here. “There’s no Flut- Fluttershy here.” A voice said almost so softly Drake didn’t hear it. Drake thought about pressing the issue but realized trying to drag her out would only make her more scared, and less likely to aid him. Hmm, how should I deal with this? I don’t want to scare her… more than I already have, but I have to get this cast of if what I feel on my hand is that egg. Drake though as she plopped down near the door only to wince and roll over once his chest hit the ground. As Drake lay thinking, Zecora walked up having come to check on him. Drake didn’t hear her until he saw her standing in front of him. “Can I help you?” Drake asked as she looked at him. Zecora took off her bags and stepped closer. “Where is Fluttershy, have you done something to make her hide.” Zecora said as she began poking him and checking his bandages. “I told her she needs to take my cast off. She disagreed, but since you are here could you do me a favor and remove it.” Drake said hopefully then waited for Zecora’s reply. “Why, though without it you won’t die, to set the bone it must remain at home.” Zecora said once she finished her checks. Noting the flash of frustration in Drake’s eyes. “I really really really need you to take this cast off. There is something in my hand that I need to get out. You can put it back on afterwards.” Drake said raising the bound fist. “If I say no, will you let it go?” Zecora asked only to be disappointed when Drake shook his head. “Fine, but this is close to the line.” Zecora said as she began to remove the cast. “Thank you, this is really important.” Drake said still upside down. “So where do you come from anyway?” “Silence fool, don’t make me cut you.” Zecora said waving the scissors. “Touchy subject then?” Drake asked only to get a glare. “Fine, Fine. So how long do you think until Fluttershy comes out?” “Do you always speak, babbling like a creek?” Zecora said pressing down on each side of the line she had cut forcing the cast open with a crack. “No, not usually, did ya’ll give me some kinda painkiller the other night?” Drake asked pulling his arm away from Zecora and opening it gently unto his upturned chest. When he lifted his hand away a pink glowing egg streak with his blood rested on his chest. Drake breathed out a sigh of relief as he began to look from a bag to put it in. When he saw nothing to use he frowned. Zecora was also frowning. “Where did you get this, what monster did you kiss?” Zecora said. “I kissed no monster. I killed one though.” Drake said carefully rolling over and standing on his three good limbs. “It stinks of chaos, like somepony that has never used floss.” “It sucks having to rhyme doesn’t it? Why do you do it?” Drake said attempting to change the subject as he started walking around the cottage only from Zecora to hit his hind leg dropping him to the ground. “Hey!” Drake yelled as he held the egg away from his body. “My vocabulary is not your concern, and your arms freedom is yet to be earned.” Zecora said pulling out fresh cast materials as she knocked on Fluttershy’s door. “Fine, leave me my fingers free and have her bring a bag out. * * * * * * * * * * * Two days later Drake was walking, well maybe limping is a better word for it, into Ponyville beside Fluttershy. The egg was in a pair of saddlebags that had been modified to sit at the base of Drake’s shoulders where they meet with his serpentine neck. Fluttershy had tried to insist that Drake remain at her place, but he was adamant that he accompany her into town. Fluttershy just hoped it wouldn’t cause a panic, Drake didn’t care. “Let them panic, the ones worth talking to will be the ones that come after me rather than run away.” Drake said nonchalantly. “Does that mean I’m not worth talking to?” Fluttershy asked the ease with which Drake was willing to dismiss ponies grating her nerves, though she would never admit it. “As I recall you were one of the first ponies to help me when I came here, and did not run when you met me in Canterlot.” Drake said looking over at Fluttershy who hovered next to him. She had started out walking, but felt more comfortable being at eye level rather than having him look down at her. Before Fluttershy could reply they heard some angry voice just beyond the hill before them. “Celestia bucking Tartarus, course this happens today!” The voice yelled out with a southern twang. Silence reigned for a few moments before being followed up with more anger. “Oh don’t ya ‘Eeyup’ me Big Mac. If we don’t get this to market then ponies are going to go lookin’ elsewhere. They might even buy pears. PEARS!” The voice, now easily identifiable as Applejack, raged. Fluttershy rushed ahead of Drake who limped along as quickly as he could. Once he crested the hill, Drake saw that the rear axle of the Apple Families apple cart had broken leaving it immobilized on the road into Ponyville. Applejack was kicking up dirt and ranting about what this mishap was going to cost them while Mac was looking at the axle trying to decide if it could be salvaged. Fluttershy had gone down and was trying to calm Applejack down, but Applejack wasn’t listening and continued to rant against anything and everything, Drake limped up to the scene unnoticed until Big Mac looked up and froze. Drake decided to play along and looked past Mac to Applejack. Putting on the toothiest grin he could manage, Drake put a finger to his lips and winked at Big Mac. Big Mac focused on the fact that Drake was a dragon and completely missing his bound state started trying to warn Applejack whispering out the side of his mouth and doing his best to keep still. “Sis, quite down. Sis, there is a dragon here. Applejack look behind you!” Big Mac frantically whispered as Drake snaked his head down beside her. “Not now dragon. Can’t you see I am dealing with something serious?.” Applejack said not missing a beat. Drake frowned but brought his head up mouthing to Fluttershy “How did she know?” to which Fluttershy just shrugged. When Applejack paused to catch her breathe Drake spoke up, mostly because he was tired of hearing about where pear should be shoved and how. “Sooooo, do ya’ll need some help or do you want to continue your conniption.” Drake asked as Fluttershy explained to Mac why a big blue dragon was on the road into Ponyville. “Well what do you reckon?” Applejack asked sarcastically waving a hoof at the busted cart which still sat where it chose to break. “Look, do you want help with your doohickey or not?” “The Apple Family Apple Cart is not a doohickey, it is an heirloom that has helped keep the farm afloat all these long years.” Applejack said angrily “So help, yay or neigh?” “Eeyup.” Big Mac said cutting Applejack off before she could continue antagonizing Drake, or Drake her. > Chapter 23: Circles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23: Circles I don't believe that life is linear. I think of it as circles - concentric circles that connect. Michelle Williams Rarity was in the lobby of the Ponyville Day Spa ready to start her weekly treatment with Fluttershy, but Fluttershy was late. Thus, bereft of her friend, Rarity found herself sitting in the lobby, flipping through month old magazines, wondering what foul deed had placed her in this unending purgatory. Finally, after an eternity, Rarity headed for the door unable to bear the weight of inaction any longer. Waiting was not penance it seemed. No, she must seek out redemption. She must find her friend and save her from whatever horrifying happenstance had prevented her timely arrive. Throwing the door open, Rarity ran into a startled bundle of fur and feathers. “Fluttershy, there you are. I was getting worried, you are running ever so late,” Rarity said, lifting Fluttershy into a crushing hug. Fluttershy, having overreacted to the surprise door opening, now found herself bound by Rarity’s magic, with no choice but to float along as Rarity led the way back into the Spa. “Come along now, we’re already running late and I do hate to keep Lotus and Aloe waiting.” Throughout this entire exchange, what Rarity failed to notice; was the blue and white form standing behind Fluttershy which sighed and laid himself down as he was ignored. After a deep tissue massage, Rarity sank blissfully into the mud; Fluttershy did likewise, glad to finally have a moment to relax around someone that wasn’t equipped with a sharp set of fangs. Rarity launched into her traditional monologue of gossip, using Fluttershy as a confidant, she could talk about any- and everything while never having to worry about it being passed around. The therapeutic value of a friend who listens can never be overestimated. Once Rarity had listened to her own voice enough, she opened the floor for Fluttershy. After all; one mustn’t monopolize the conversation. “So Fluttershy how are you? you seemed so tense when you got here, and it really isn’t like you to be late. What happened?” Rarity said as they exited the mud. “Oh, well I ran into Applejack and Big Mac on my way into town. The Apple cart was broken, stuck outside of town. Applejack was very, very upset.” Fluttershy said, happy to have her turn. Oh, not that she minded listening, and she knew Rarity’s need to talk, oh yes, but sometimes she had needs too. Was she not deserving as the next pony to speak her mind? Yes, she understood Rarity needed her time, but this time she had some things of her own. “How horrible! Were they able to get it fixed?” “Well, no. The axle was broken, but I wasn’t alone when I ran into them.” “Oh, who was with you? Do you have a new coltfriend?” Rarity said eagerly. “Um, no it, it was Drake,” Fluttershy half said, half whispered “Now now I know I heard that wrong,” Rarity said, jerking up. “Drake disappeared and no one knows where he is. With any luck, he has disappeared forever; never to cause us trouble and confusion again.” “Um, didn’t somepony tell you? I would have thought somepony told you. Oh dear.” “Fluttershy?” “Um, well, you see… Drake showed up one evening badly injured. He was bleeding and had a number of broken bones. He got away from whatever horrible thing was able to hurt him so badly, but ended up crashing into Golden Oak. After Zecora and I treated him, Spike flew him out to my cabin so he wouldn’t scare anypony,” Fluttershy said as they moved into the sauna. “So he was with you when you encountered the Apple siblings?” “Yes, he even helped them get their cart into Ponyville. I think he said something about wanting to talk to you… Oh dear!” Fluttershy said remembering Drake had followed her to the spa. About that time Aloe came in to talk to Lotus. “Lotus, do ve have a dragon vith an appointment today?” Aloe said, poking her head into the sauna. “No, vhy? Is there one in the lobby?” Lotus said with a snicker. “No, he doesn’t fit in the lobby, instead he’s just outside the entrance,” Aloe said. Fluttershy’s face dropped, trying to figure out how to explain, when Rarity stepped in. “Ladies, that particular dragon has been staying with Fluttershy recently due to some injuries he suffered. She truly is the best at caring for the injured and needy. It also happens that that is Drake, the other dragon that fought in Canterlot alongside Ponyville’s own, Spike. If there is anything you can do for him, please put it on my tab for this session. That is provided he will fit in your wonderful spa, ” Rarity said, she didn’t know what Drake could want with her, a few things came to mind but she quickly pushed them away. She doubted it would have anything to do with that. No she would have to wait and see what he wanted, but he would answer her questions too, oh yes he would. “If you say so, Rarity,” Aloe said as she left working on the logistics of fitting Drake in the spa. We will just bring him into the main room through the load dock, ja that should be big enough. When Rarity and Fluttershy came into the central chamber after Fluttershy told Rarity more about Drake’s stay with her, Drake was on his stomach as Aloe worked to clean and shine his scales. Drake sighed peacefully; teetering on the edge of consciousness. “Well he seems to be enjoying himself,” Rarity said to Fluttershy, who nodded in agreement as Lotus started their hooficures. * * * * * * * * * * * “Thank you,” Drake said as the three of them stood outside the spa, sparkling slightly. “Now then Rarity, do you have a moment to talk? I have need of your expertise.” “Oh, and just what makes you think I will help you? According to Fluttershy, you have been something less than respectable since you got here, and I remember what happened last time you talked me into something,” Rarity said, the happenings of the wedding reception still fresh in her mind. “The promise of a steady commission, being the official provider of my little organization, or getting to ask me any question you want and receive a completely honest answer,” Drake said. “....Fine, let’s go somewhere that we can discuss this like civilized ponies. Fluttershy, will you be coming with us?” “Um… no. I need to get back to my animals, having you around has been really rough on them. No offence of course,” Fluttershy said, directing the last part towards Drake “None taken,” Drake replied, a small smile on his draconic features “I am a dragon after all. A majestic embodiment of power and terror, it only makes sense that your animals don’t like having me around.” Drake and Rarity separated from Fluttershy and went to Carousel Boutique. Rarity directed him to the back of the Boutique, mostly to ensure their discussion would be private, but also since he couldn’t fit inside. Drake settled down gently at the back door. Rarity brought out a table, spreading blank pages over it and sat on a stool across from him. “Now then, what is it you want me to make you?” Rarity said in a strictly business like fashion. Once she got this out of the way, she was going to use that question to the fullest of its power. Oh yes, after what he had done to her; the long evenings of practice and Pinkie’s inane but still completely on target chatter. “I need several different uniforms. Some for pones, some for griffins, and a few for minotaurs. I also need a badge for myself and Spike that fits on our normal forms, but can grow with us when we grow. I would prefer red and black colors, but I am willing to listen to suggestions,” Drake said. “That is quite the variety.” She said, mulling over her options. “Well, I work with a very diverse crowd.” Drake responded, his tail swishing around. “I suppose. Spike did mention them when he told us what you had been up to.” “Oh did he? And how are things with Spike? Did he enjoy the song?” Drake asked, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Yes, he seemed to enjoy the song. Until the end at least. I fail to understand what you mean when you ask how things are going. We are close friends as we have always been,” Rarity said uncomfortably. “I still haven’t forgiven you for guilting me into doing that number.” she continued with narrowed eyes “So, when can I see some preliminary designs?” Drake said, ignoring her glare. Rarity held her gaze a bit, before sighing and returning to her mullings “Three days at best, five at the latest. Anything in particular you want from them?” “Uh… Let’s go with a military uniform that can fit over armor, a dress uniform for fancy events and a scholarly uniform that is very minimalist so it won’t get in the way of research and experiments.” Drake said after a moment’s thought. “Five days for the preliminary designs then. This is quite the order, a true challenge, but I assure you I am up to it. Now time for me to cash in on that question,” Rarity said jotting down Drakes request. She hadn’t expected such a complex order; but now that she had it, she reveled in the opportunity to display her talents. “Very well, wasn’t expecting you to take that offer, but go ahead.” “What did you do to Spike?” “Whatever do you mean ‘What did you do to Spike’? Surely he has told you about it all already. I imagine Twilight has done everything short of pulling the information straight from his mind. Though I wonder if she could,” Drake said trailing off at the end. “What was that?” Rarity asked. “Nevermind, so you want to know what has changed about Spike? Or the kinds of things we taught each other?” “What has changed?” Rarity said. The Spike that returned was not the Spike that left, and she wanted to know why. An hour later Drake finished telling as best as he could what will have changed about Spike or at least the changes he had noticed. There was no denying his increased maturity, or the sense of pride Spike felt at his abilities. Drake also recognized that Spike had many responsibilities and was allowed to give his input in many meetings and talks. This input was often valuable and as such Spike was used to receiving respect. To treat him as they had before may well breed resentment. “Oh and he will probably go into the Everfree from time to time. Not really my place to say why,” Drake said finishing up. “Now I must be going, you have work to do and I need to talk to Spike before this day is done.” “Very well, I understand. Please do me a favor and let Spike know I would like to see him, if Twilight ever lets him out of her sight again,” Rarity said, understanding perhaps a bit better what had become of the adorable little hatchling. Of how Spike had turned into his more mature, or exciting, more handsome- Rarity shook her head wondering where that line of thought had come from as Drake replied. “That bad?” “Much worse.” Rarity said as Drake left. * * * * * * * * * * * It was mid-afternoon by the time Drake left Carousel Boutique. The sun was bright and the sky was cloudless; all around a picturesque day. Drake limped through Ponyville, unimpeded by the locals. It seems a bound and beaten dragon don’t bother them, or perhaps they just recognize me from the interviews after the wedding. Drake thought, recalling the paparazzi and reporters he had enjoyed playing with. There was something wrong though, Drake couldn’t quite put a claw on it; but somehow he felt something was stalking him. Was is a royal guard after the egg? Nah, no way they could know he had it. Then what… “Hey there Drakey-Wakey,” A voice called out from above him, as a weight settled into place on top his skull. “Pinkie?” “In the fur,” she said, jumping down and blocking his path. “Now I need you to do me a favor.” With that Pinkie stepped aside to reveal a long table filled with treats. When Drake looked closer he saw that each treat had a different kind of gem on them. “And just what do ya need me to do for you? and why would I owe you a favor?” Drake said, sniffing an emerald jello. “Rarity needs a Hero, and I make it a point to know everyone’s favorite treats. For example, nothing gets to Twilight so much as a donut with chocolate glaze frosting and sprinkles. Since I don’t know yours, we are going to fix that here and know.” “So long as it ain’t for a party,” Drake said pulling the jello into his mouth. “Umm… okay note to self: emerald taste like kiwi.” “Well what else would they taste like?” “You interrogated Spike into telling you what all the different gems taste like didn’t you?” “Yep.” “Okay, next up… are those obsidian cookies?” Drake said moving to the next item on the table, and so it continued through the table; some Drake found quite delicious, a few had him spitting into the bushes. The entire time Pinkie carefully took notes, writing down his reaction to each treat. When Drake finished the last one, the tables disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. “Thanks, that was the last thing I needed for the party,” Pinkie said, tucking her notes into her mane. “Those sapphire brownies were deli- Wait, need for your list of everyone’s favorite treats right?” Drake said, licking his lips. “Huh, oh yeah my list,” Pinkie said quickly. “Seriously, I neither want nor need any kind of party in my honor, hell I won’t even fit in most building is this town anyway.” “Then it is a good thing I’m just doing for that list,” Pinkie said quickly as she left. Drake eyed Pinkie suspiciously as she walked but decided not to press her. Instead, he made for the library where he hoped to find Spike and Twilight. As he got closer, he saw the furrow his crash landing had carved into the ground. Drake frowned when he saw it, realizing just how badly Chrysalis had beaten him. If she had been even a little bit stronger I would be her thrall right now, or dead. Guess I will need to step up the training when I get back, or get smarter about how I fight. With those thoughts nagging him, Drake knocked on the door. * * * * * * * * * * * Drake’s return a few days ago had caused Spike a lot of headaches. He didn’t blame Drake, although he didn’t fully understand why he came to Ponyville. He just wished that Twilight would calm down and be patient. “Spike we should just go talk to him. I don’t know why you keep insisting that we have to wait for him to come to us,” Twilight said continuing the unending argument. Ever since they had explained why there was now a furrow leading to their home to the townsponies, she had been trying to go talk to him. “Because, like Fluttershy said, and I quote, ‘Drake needs his rest to heal, his wounds are quite serious and he can’t be disturbed, or really shouldn’t, if you don’t mind.’ So just be patient.” Twilight was about to retort, argue that it couldn’t wait when there came a knocking at the door catching them both by surprise. When the knocking came again, they looked at one another then the door. On the third set of knocks they finally shook off their surprise and opened the door. Drake was there, his hand going for a fourth knock before the door opened. “You!” Twilight said, her eyes going wide. “HIM!” Drake said pointing at Spike. “Me?” Spike said before catching on. “Her!” “What, me?” Twilight said lost in the circle of accusations and pointing. “Yes, you,” both dragons said solemnly, answering one of the mysteries of the universe. “Oh by the way, Spike, Rarity asked that you come over next time you get a chance. If I didn’t know better I would say she is a bit upset you haven’t been over to see her since you got back.” Drake said as Twilight looked between them, trying to figure out what was going on. “Really?” Spike said, thinking about the dance and what Celestia said in the garden before grounding himself back in the present. “Well I suppose that will have to wait for another time now that you are here,” he said weakly. “Spike,” Drake deadpanned, “go and get over to the dress store, before I grab you by the ear and drag you there.” Spike was about to retort, but something in Drake’s eye told him that would be a bad idea. “Okay, good luck,” Spike said, slipping out past Twilight and booking it away from the library. With Spike gone Drake turned to Twilight, who had kept quiet during the exchange. “Now that he is gone, I think it is time you and I had a heart to heart discussion. Close the door, and follow me,” Drake said limping away so as to leave no room for discussion. “Well come-on.” He said when he noticed Twilight wasn’t moving to follow. Twilight grabbed a notebook and took off after Drake, ready to get some answers. * * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 24: Within Circles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24: Within Circles “The Spice Must Flow” - Dune Frank Herbert Drake wandered through Ponyville with Twilight by his side. Though she was bursting to asking him questions, she stayed silent after he’d told her to wait until they stopped. Every time he stopped to check where he was, she started to speak thinking they’d finally reached their destination, only for him to start moving again. This resulted in her cutting of whatever she was about to say, emitting a squeak. Drake had planned to stop several times earlier but after Twilight’s first squeak he kept going. It was at once adorable and hilarious taking his every effort to avoid laughing. Glancing down, he saw just how hard she was trying to do as he asked and finally relented. Settling down in the field behind the library. He was rewarded with an exasperated screech. “All that! All that, just to end up back where we started?” Twilight said, throwing her notebook high into the sky with a blast of undirected magic. “Is that a serious a question, or was it meant to be rhetorical?” Drake asked, chuckling as the notebook was brought down on Twilight horn by gravity. “Don’t you dare start! After all you have put my through don’t you dare start with me. You are going to answer my questions, I have waited long enough! Spike won’t tell me anything beyond the most basic detail and avoids certain topic entirely because of you! I will not wallow in ignorance like a rockodile wallows in the swamp! So let’s get started.” Magic flashed as Twilight exchanged the notebook for a fresh one along with a couch and table to work on. “First question: What is your name?” “Really you are going to burn a question on that. You do know this isn’t a one way exchange right?” “Yes it will help to validate the integrity of this- wait what do you mean burn a question and exchange?” “Simple for each question you ask I will ask one. We will go until one of us runs out of questions. I am assuming that will be me, since you’ll never stop.” “NO! No. no, nono. That isn’t part of the rules for an interview. In an interview, the interviewer asks the questions and the interviewee answers them.” “Who said this was an interview?” Drake asked, exhaling forcefully and ruffling Twilight’s mane. “Do you want to turn this into an interrogation?” Twilight asked pressing as close to Drake’s unbandaged eye as possible. “I want this to be a conversation between two people with a mutual friend that know very little about each other and both have the friend’s interests and happiness at heart. Surely, you can appreciate and value that, ‘little miss friendship reports’,” Drake said backing off slightly and pretending to dust his shoulder as he waited for her reply. Twilight huffed defensively as she thought over what he had said. She realized he had backed her into a corner. She didn’t know what was making her so confrontational. It felt like something about him was giving of a strange aura, familiar but not. Like when Pinkie had tried to make Joe’s donuts. Sure she used the same recipe, but they weren’t the same. With a defeated sigh, she spoke. “Very well, let’s ‘talk’ then. Introductions would be a good place to start. I am Twilight Sparkle, Student of Princes Celestia, Element of Magic, and Librarian of Ponyville’s Golden Oaks Library. What is your name?” Twilight said forcing a smile onto her face. “That much better now isn’t it Ms. Sparkle. I am Drake Rex, I don’t have any fancy title though I suppose Regent of Forum and Leader of the Phoenix Initiative would be appropriate, if they would ever agree to it,” Drake said, muttering the last bit under his breath. “Now that is something I have been wondering about Mr. Rex. Just what is Forum? Spike described it is a massive ruin, but you don’t act as regent for a ruin. Surely there is something more there than decrepit buildings.” Twilight said using every bit of tact and manners Celestia had forced her to learn. What good was tact when you could be learning about flow fields and the average flight velocity of a swallow? Shaking those thoughts away, she waited for Drake’s reply, her pen poised to take down every word and bit of body language Drake displayed. “Please Ms. Sparkle I insist you call me Drake. That’s what all my friends call me, well that and one other thing. Forum is indeed a ruin, a remnant of a fallen empire founded by Minotaurs before ponies wandered to these shores. It was a major center of learning. As it happens, a small but very important part of it was less ruined than the rest. Also, I do ever so apologize for stealing your number one assistant away from you. I know he is vitally important to you. However, if not for his unique talents, I would not be here now talking with you,” Drake said laying in as much sweet sticky syrup as he could manage. “I wonder, do you have anything to drink? I find myself positively parched.” Twilight grit her teeth trying to decide which part of Drake’s answer to ask about first worrying what new questions that answer would raise. The sickening politeness of his tone only made it worse as she realized he was mocking her. “Of course, right away. Shall water be acceptable? Perhaps if I had known you were coming I might have been able to prepare something more suitable,” Twilight said through gritted teeth doing her best to maintain her composure and decorum as she teleported some cups and filled pitcher out to the two of them. “Water will serve excellently Ms. Sparkle. Well now it seems it is my turn again. So, how did you manage without our mutual friend,” Drake asked kicking off what turned into a rather long discussion. Drake and Twilight traded questions and verbally sparred, each trying to outdo the other’s politeness. Drake because it amused him to watch Twilight grow more and more flustered, and Twilight because she wasn’t willing to give Drake the satisfaction of being better than her. The longer they talked the more the strange aura Twilight felt began to affect her. After a couple hours of talking she finally realized where it was coming from. “…so then I explain-“ “Drake I do hate to interrupt, but that bag on your backs seems to be giving off a strange magical aura, would you mind letting me examine it? Something about it seems familiar,” Twilight said. She knew she had encountered something like it before, but could not place it. It was something wrong. That much she knew. Something dangerous. Something she had to examine. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you are talking about,” Drake said, his tail twitching in discomfort. The last thing her wanted was Twilight to discover he had a changeling egg. “No, we’ve played our game long enough. There is something in that bag. Something that’s messing with my mind. Tell me what it is,” Twilight said, taking the bag into her magic, and starting to pull on it fully prepared to break the simple straps. “Wait Twilight, I’ll tell you,” Drake said, rising into a crouch and thinking fast. Twilight couldn’t get the egg. If she took it, she would realize what it was. If she figured out what it was, she would call Princess Celestia. Drake couldn’t let her have it. If she destroyed it then he would lose his grip on the changelings and they would get a new queen; if she took it and tried to raise it as her own then he would lose them to her. Neither of those options fit in the plan he was putting together. “You will?” Twilight asked skeptically, not releasing her hold on the bag. “Yes, but first let me ask you a quick question since you did take me turn.” Drake said hoping Twilight would fall for it. “Alright, fine what is your question?” “It has to do with the egg, but first you have to lean in close.” Drake said licking his lips nervously. If this didn’t work he was in serious trouble. Twilight leaned in close tighten her grip on the bag less Drake try something. “Okay what?” It was now or never, Drake hoped he was right about the kind of reaction he was going to get. If he was wrong… best not to think about that. With a quick strike forward Drake planted his lips on Twilights drawing her into a deep kiss. “Twilight will you marry me?” Drake asked, breaking the kiss, and breathing a sigh of relief as the magic grip on the bag disappeared. “What… huh... you… you..” Twilight sputtered her mind shutting down for a full system restart. “I know this is sudden, but surely you can see we are perfect for each other. You with your flaws, and me with my perfection. Come fly away with me,” Drake said taking to the air and fleeing the scene, doing his best to scrub his tongue and lips clean. “I hope you appreciate what I just did for you...” Drake muttered to the egg as he put more and more distance between himself and the stunned Twilight, praying she wouldn’t be too outraged once she figured out what had just happened. * * * * * * * * * * * * Spike sauntered through the town to Rarity’s. He wanted to break into a run but worried that it would risk scaring some of Ponyville’s more skittish residents. He remembered that they laughed or muttered understanding when he was smaller, but now he had noticed a change in how they looked at him. Skittish, uncertain, concerned, he was no longer the filly sized child they could laugh at. Now that he was tall as most of them, his body stretching the length of two ponies easy, four or five if you included his neck and tail, and their primal fear of dragons bubbled just below the surface. ‘I hope they get used to me being back in town. I may have changed physically, but… Well I suppose I have matured a bit mentally too, haven’t I?’ Spike thought, his tail twitching slightly in irritation. Spike arrived at Carousel Boutique in good time to find a sign on the door declaring it closed for the day. Spike hesitated a moment before testing the door and finding it unlocked. ‘Well if she really didn’t want someone to come in she would have locked it,’ Spike rationalized as he entered. “Just a moment,” Rarity called out in sing-song when she heard the bell ring. “Though you know, if there is a sign saying someplace is closed the polite thing to do is knock first.” Spike smiled sheepishly as Rarity came out of a back room her red spectacles resting on her nose and measuring tape draped over her shoulders. “I take it Drake gave you my message?” “Um yeah, sorry I haven’t been by since I got back. Twilight has had me sequestered away for an intense interrogation, and yesterday I had to clean up a crash site,” Spike said, blushing and rubbing the back of his head while Rarity appraised him like she would a diamond, her critical eye scanning over him. “Yes, well that is most unfortunate but, knowing Twilight, also unavoidable. Would you care for something to drink, and maybe a snack? It seems that my gem reserves have built up without someone around eating all the best ones.” Rarity said with smirk back at Spike as she moved toward her kitchen, adding a little sway to her steps. Spike, being completely star struck, followed without thinking. * * * * * * * * * * * * Rainbow Dash glided through the air over Ponyville, her way of relaxing after finishing her workout for the day. The sun was just starting its descent, the bottom just kissing the horizon when she spied Twilight sitting unmoving behind the library. Since it was strange to see Equestria’s biggest egghead outdoors, when not busy with a task, Rainbow decided to drop in on her. She landed on the table knocking over the pitcher and spilling it over Twilight’s notes. Quickly scooping them out of the water, Rainbow realized she wasn’t hearing the expected admonishments, about spilling the water, from Twilight. Setting the notes down on a dry spot, Rainbow took a closer look at Twilight. Her unicorn friend was looking past her completely unfocused, and she was mumbling. While much of it was unintelligible grrrs, she did get a dragon, brain, flaws, and tongue, or at least parts of those words. Unsure of what to do, Rainbow tried pouring one of the glasses of water over her. When that didn’t work she went into the library to see if Spike could figure out what was wrong with her. After searching through the library as thoroughly as only she could, Rainbow frowned. ‘Well if Spike isn’t here then Rarity is probably the next best bet to help her.’ Rainbow thought, figuring it might be some kind of weird unicorn thing that had happened to Twilight. Leaving the library and Twilight, Rainbow dashed over the Carousel Boutique. Completely ignoring the sign on the door, Rainbow heard sounds coming from the back of the building towards where the kitchen was located. As she got closer she heard Rarity cry out. “YES! Oh Yes!” Rarity called out from the kitchen. Followed by somepony saying something with his mouthful that Rainbow couldn’t make out. Blushing furiously, Rainbow stopped in her tracks just outside the kitchen. “Now it’s my turn,” Spike said with a chuckle, “Just you wait and see what I have in store. You should realize living with Twilight has made me very good at this.” Rainbow coughed in surprise, trying to decide what to do. With a deep breathe to prepare herself, Rainbow knocked on the wall just outside the entryway of the kitchen. “Hey Rarity, its Rainbow I let myself in. Is Spike here with you?” Rainbow asked through the wall. “Rainbow come on in here, I don’t know why you would bother knocking now, and yes I’m in here,” Spike said. Rainbow steeled herself for what she would see. As she turned the corner, she stopped in surprise and stood slack jawed. In the kitchen were Rarity and Spike seated on either side of the table with a game of Scrabble between them. Spike had a large bowl of gems of various sizes and cut before him. He had a few gems in one claw, while the other placed tiles on the board. Across from him, Rarity had a sketch pad she was working in, a smile on her face, while Spike took his turn. “You’re playing Scrabble?!” “Hmm, well yes. Now pick your jaw up off the floor, I know Spike has grown up quite handsomely but that is no reason to catch flies,” Rarity said with a smirk. “What did you think we were doing?” “I, um, well, not important! Rather the reason I came here is because Twilight is sitting outside staring off into the distance, mumbling, and completely unaware of her surroundings.” Rainbow said blushing furiously, averting her eyes from Rarity’s. Spike’s head shot up from the board, the gems in his claw clattering to the ground. “Where?” “Behind the Libr-,“ before Rainbow could finish Spike was gone a cloud of dust in his wake. “-ary. Dang,” Rainbow said before noticing Rarity looking at her. “What?” “Now tell me, just what you thought we were doing before you decided to announce yourself,” Rarity said her horn glowing and the door Spike had exited via closing and locking with a sound of finality. * * * * * * * * * * * * Spike found Twilight right where Rainbow had left her. There was a slight chill in the air as the sun continued its descent. Twilight hadn’t moved and Spike was uncertain what to do. He had already tried everything he already knew: threatening a test, saying Princess Celestia was coming for a visit, and claiming she was late for an assignment, but Twilight continued to stare off into the distances, her lips moving but no sound coming out. Spike was sitting still, looking at the wet unicorn contemplating what to do, when Rarity and Rainbow joined him. “So what’s wrong with her? Is it some funky unicorn thing?” Rainbow asked, uncomfortable seeing Twilight in her current state. “No, at least not that I have ever heard of. I mean what kind of magic feedback loop could do this? This is something else.” “What do you think it is darling?” Rarity asked frowning when she noticed Twilight was soaked. “How in Equestria did she get so wet?” “We may never know,” Rainbow said, starting to whistle. Spike started to say something but a curt nod from Rarity stopped him. “Do you think Drake could have something to do with this?” Rarity asked. Since Drake was the one that sent Spike over it seemed like he was probably the last one that had seen Twilight. Rarity’s words seemed to have an effect on Twilight causing her to twitch. Everyone noticed the twitch and Spike was the first to guess the cause. “Drake,” he said, frowning when Twilight twitched again. “Well whatever happened he does seem to be involved. I know he‘s unique to deal with and Twilight isn’t the best at dealing with people, but I never thought he would break her. Remind me to ask him how he did it.” Spike said in a jesting manner, a hint of wonder and sincerity laced within the sentence. “WHAT!?” Rarity and Rainbow asked. “If either of you knew what it has been like since I got back, you would want to be able to make Twilight stop for a few hours too,” Spike said which earned him upset glances from the other two. “Hey, you two don’t live with her, and haven’t been getting interrogated without being allowed outside for days on end. Rainbow how would you feel it you weren’t able to fly for several days, or Rarity if you weren’t allowed to work on your designs. That what it has been like. The ability to get away would’ve been worth fighting Discord again.” “Okay we get your point. So how do we help her?” Rainbow said, wanting to get on with her day, perhaps to find a certain dragon, but not wanting to leave a friend in trouble. “I think I know,” Rarity said, getting close to Twilight and whispering in her ear. “Twilight, Drake is-“ Before Rarity could finish, Twilight snapped out of her stupor instantly going to her rage state. “DRAKE, GET BACK HERE! You are going to pay! Pay! PAY!” * * * * * * * * * * * * Drake had lain low in the Everfree for a bit in case Twilight came after him. Once he felt safe, he made his way to Apple Acres. There was some business he had to take care on behalf of his two favorite inventors and it seemed best to do it when Applejack would have her family around rather than just one on one. After all, the others had had a stake in it too and would be affected by whatever agreement they reached, it definitely wasn’t because he was concerned she would try to hog tie him when he brought up Flim and Flam. Plus he had been invited over for dinner and there was no way he was going to pass up a chance for some home cooking. Drake landed with a thud in front of the farmhouse, quickly bringing the Apples, who had just sat down to eat, out. “Now, what in tarnation are you doing here? We were just about to sit down for dinner and now you come barging into our property. Well, explain yourself.” Applejack said in no better a mood than she had been early in the day. Before Drake could reply an angry voice cut through the twilight, “DRAKE GET BACK HERE!” Everyone looked back towards Ponyville, then everypony looked at Drake. “Well focusing on your question and not on the tricks of the wind, I came to talk to you about a business deal involving a pair of positively productive ponies that may or may not have produced cider just as good as yours until outside intervention led to a decrease of quality control,” Drake said looking down at to the whole Apple family rather than just Applejack. “That said I am quite famished and if you are sitting down to dinner I would be happy to join you as Big Macintosh offered earlier today.” All eyes now turned to the stallion who shied away from the accusation in Applejack’s eye. “You invited him to dinner? Why, because he helped us out this morning? Because it was the right hospitable thing to do?” “Eeyup.” “What’s your problem against him anyway Sis? I’m sure dragon are… you know, but he doesn’t seem that bad,” Applebloom asked eying Drake cautiously. She remembered hearing about him at the wedding, but she hadn’t seen him, despite her and the other crusader’s best effort. She didn’t like to remember those attempts, the night guard had been less than pleased with the inadvertent destruction of priceless artifacts, but come on who put priceless vases on display on wobbly pedestals. Oh wait Applejack was speaking. “He is rude, a liar, and apparently associated with those darn Flim Flam Brothers. That is my problem,” Applejack said. “Now see here, I have just met him and so far, despite his association with those two misguided con artists, it seems he has been of help to this family, and for that he deserves the benefit of the doubt,” Granny Smith said admonishing Applejack’s behavior before focusing on Drake. “That said don’t think I won’t have her throw your tail out of here and to whoever wants your hide if you do prove to be a worthless varmint.” “Excellent,” Drake said after a moment. “Thank you for your hospitality.” It took a few minutes but the Apples and Drake gathered around a table set up behind the farmhouse. A wide array of food was laid out, slightly disappointing Drake until he realized that eating apples for every meal would result in some serious dietary issues, especially for ponies as active as the Apples. Instead the table was filled with starches like paste, rolls, and corn, with vegetables like broccoli and spinach, and even proteins like kidney beans and black eyed peas. Drake had before him a plate with a bit of all, though small for him it offered a wonderful sampling of local fare, as he told them. “Now then,” Applejack said once everything was served and everyone had begun eating, “Just what do you want to talk about regarding the Flim Flam brothers.” “Straight to business then. No, that’s good, no point beating around the bush with platitude and political correctness. It serves both our purposes to be direct as possible does it not, Big Macintosh?” Drake said, part of his neck resting on a bench so his head was level with the gathered ponies as his body, with his tail drawn close in, wrapped around one side. “Simply put, I want you to release them from their deal, or rather I want you to alter the deal you have with them,” Drake said, trying his best to taste each item on the plate rather than just pouring it into his maw. “An’ why would we do that. They are sleazy and untrustworthy, heck they were supposed to have returned after selling the cider but they haven’t been back since they left. For that matter, how do you even know about our deal with them?” “Before we get to that I would like to make sure what they told me was true. I trust them, but I am no fool. I want to hear from ya’ll what the deal was. As for how I know about it, those two are currently in my employ as agents taking care of tasks I cannot handle myself.” Drake said shifting about a bit to get more comfortable. “An’ just what did they tell you hmm?” Granny Smith asked looking down at Drake in the way only elders can. Drake explained the deal as Flim and Flam had described it getting some funny looks and snickering from Applebloom by the time he finished. “I take it the deal was a bit different then?” “Eeyup.” “They didn’t get to throw the bad stuff out. They had to sell it all along with the other cider they had produced. Also not only could they not sell in Ponyville, but several other towns nearby, anywhere close enough to already know about our cider,” Applejack said chuckling herself. “So they are working for you now, good for them, but they still owe us what they owe us.” “What about a different payment? I have a business proposition for you, but I need you to end your current arrangement with the Flim Flam brothers before I’ll put it forth,” Drake said finishing the food on his plate once he noticed everyone else was done. “That was quite delicious.” “No! Tell us the offer, then we will discuss it, and you can return tomorrow to know our answer,” Granny Smith said putting her hoof down. “We won’t make any business decisions without first knowing what we will be getting into.” The table was silent for a long moment as each side waited for the other to blink first. This could have gone on far longer, but Drake remembered just who he was dealing with. “Very well. I a rebuilding a city in Wildlands. I have need of supply lines for food, building materials and other whatnots. If ya’ll agree to release Flim and Flam from their deal then I will offer you the opportunity to be my point of contact in Equestria. I will tell you what I want, you tell me what it costs and how long it will take to reach me. I then pay you a commission we can negotiate if ya’ll agree to this offer,” Drake said praying they wouldn’t ask the one question he didn’t have an answer for. “An’ just how will you be paying us? I image a ruined city in the Wildlands doesn’t have much in the way of bits,” Applejack asked. Drake sighed, there it was. “At this time I don’t know. True I don’t have any money, accept for a bit I made off interviews, but that should be changing once a current operation I have the Flim Flam brothers on comes to an end,” Drake said standing up from the table. “That is my offer. If you refuse then the brothers will of course pay you back and I will find someone else to serve as my contact and they will reap the rewards I have to offer.” With a final goodbye from each of the Apples Drake took off heading back to Fluttershy’s cottage for the night. As Drake settled down to sleep he took the egg off his back and looked at it. For some reason it seemed brighter than it had in the past and a dark outline on the inside showed where the new changeling queen was developing. Tucking it somewhere safe Drake fell asleep a smile on his mouth. * * * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 25: All the Creatures are Stirring > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25: All the Creatures are Stirring "The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants." Johnny Depp Princess Luna had come to enjoy her night court, or rather the lack thereof. At first, it had offended her, but eventually Tia’s endless complaints about petitions and the discovery that she could do whatever she pleased with the room, since no one came to petition her, had changed that. Now, spread before her on a large table, were maps and reports from different guard commanders and agents she used to keep an eye on potential threats. As she was skimming the most recent report on Everfree wildlife, the commander of the team she sent to follow Drake to the changeling hive returned. “Commander Whispering Breeze reports as ordered your Majesty!” she said, coming to attention across the table from the princess and snapping a salute. Princess Luna returned the salute, eager to hear how the mission had gone. “Report Commander, did you secure the broken spear?” Princess Luna asked, referring to the codename given for either Chrysalis or her inheritor. “Yes and no your majesty. We secured what is left of Queen Chrysalis, but aside from corpses there was nothing there left of the hive,” Commander Whispering Breeze said as she lowered the salute. “Nothing but corpses? Commander, I think it best if you elaborate on what you found.” Princess Luna said, her initial expression giving way to a hard stare made harsher in the dim candlelight of the audience chamber. The darkness seemingly drawing in around Luna unbidden as her mood changed. “We followed Drake as you commanded, staying far enough behind he wouldn’t notice us. He entered a cave around about here,” Commander Breeze said, pointing to a spot on the map. Luna stiffened for a moment remembering what had once been hidden under those mountains, back when she and her sister were young and waging a war against the mad tyrant. “We lost sight of him after he entered the cave. The entrance was shut by somepony on the inside, most likely changelings. A few hours later, we managed to remove the seal and Drake flew out badly injured, we don’t know where he was heading. As Drake was flew out, we continued deeper into the tunnels. I figured the changelings held a higher priority than an injured dragon.” “We traveled deep into the bowels of the earth. There we found a ruin covered in the same green goop the changeling used on Canterlot. The ground was littered with dead changelings. I want to stress this your Majesty, they were dead, not dying. Every last one. Eventually we found Chrysalis, her body in two parts near what we think was a nursery, but at no time did we find any eggs or living changelings. We weren’t able to find any other ways out of the cave either so how survivors could have escaped is beyond my knowledge,” Commander Breeze said, standing at ease and waiting for Princess Luna’s response. “There are many ways out of that chamber commander, though few live that know them,” Princess Luna said with a sigh. “It seems our foe has escaped for now. Still, send some guards here, here, and here,” Luna said, marking three points on the map. “There is a chance you will find the survivors’ trail at one of those sites.” Commander Breeze nodded, marking those points on her own map to brief the guards chosen later. “Princess, do you know something about that ruin?” “Oh well she does,” A crackling voice called out from the rafters. “Or she did before she was forced from it long ago.” With a rush of air, a large harpy dropped from her hiding place on the ceiling, her talons clicking against the floor as she approached Princess Luna and Commander Whispering Breeze. “Who are you, and how do you know of Mole Hill?!” Princess Luna demanded, anger building in her voice as Commander Breeze leveled her spear and stretched her wings. “I am Cynthia, handmaiden of Angelica; may her reign last till the sky falls and chocolate rains. I know of Mole Hill because Rage remembers Princess. How else could we hold a grudge? If we were as forgetfully as the other races the fires of anger would leave us and we would nevermore rise to battle,” The harpy said, her beak clacking as she clipped her words, spittle flying forward. “How did you get in here monster, and why shouldn’t I annihilate you where you stand?” Luna asked, using her magic to form an arcane scythe. “I just followed your guard, not very good at watching their back are they, but you noticed that during the long night over Bastion didn’t you. Shame I couldn’t be there, but a handmaiden’s work is never done. Now stay your weapons I come with a message, not one but two! Two messages I have for you,” Cynthia said, hopping from claw to claw. “One: I was sent with for Chrysalis to give her guest before he killed her, poor foolish girl. The other is for you, yes, you who fell to envy, or was it pride. I can never remember which Shimmer was supposed to be. Tell me, did Celestia cry when she blasted you with those precious Elements of Harmony?” Cynthia crackled, her focus constantly shifting and her talons tapping against the floor as she flirted about around the princess and her guard. Princess Luna fought to keep her anger in check as Cynthia taunted her. “Speak your piece monster, or I’ll skewer you and use you feather for pens,” Commander Breeze said failing where Luna had succeeded. “Oh fine then. Too bad you’re a mare, the last guard I met was such a virile stallion, for a while anyway,” Cynthia said drawing her wings in a hug around herself. “Anyway my message: tell the dragon that meddles we’ve found one of his teams, one dead, one fled, one we hold, and the hen is with the diggers. Oh to see his expression when he learns. Let him know that if he continues down his path we shall strike again, and again, and again until all he has is as dead as his city and its stuffy old librarian,” Cynthia said laughing, her harsh crackling laugh, mirthful in the way only the mad and deranged can be. Luna and Whispering Breeze glanced at each other uneasily. Breeze remembering the devastation the ruins had suffered, the fallen stalactites and the recently wrecked building, Luna recalling how Drake responded to her news about the unicorns Flim and Flam. Cynthia cawed, drawing their attention back to her. “Oh it will be funny for sure, that is the cost, the cost for what he did saving those griffins, poking about the ruins, and, I guess, for killing Chrysalis like that too.” “Now my message for you two be simple: if you want the changelings just find the dragon. See, aren’t I helpful? You get to deliver the message and learn what happened to the changelings and where they went all in one go. Oh but if only you could have seen the battle. Chrysalis killing her own people to make herself stronger and the dragon pushing through it to strike her. “I wonder how he got so strong. Not a year ago my sisters struck him as he passed their mountain. They had caught the most spectacular bison, why was he there we wondered. No mattered, his fate was the same as the rest, oh yes. But that is beside the point. When they struck the foolish dragon he was powerless to stop them, unable to breathe fire and to slow to strike them. What changed? What changed? Do you know? Will you tell me?” Cynthia asked her gaze switching to and fro between the Luna and Commander Breeze. Luna, having grown sick of the harpy and the conversation, spared a single glance at her commander. Commander Breeze nodded her understanding. An instant later the chamber was silent. * * * * * * * * * * * * Novelty felt alive, more than she had never felt before; gone was the boredom of her routine. Traveling on this adventure made her feel truly alive. She still didn’t know why the brothers were after her boss but at this point it didn’t matter. For now, simply traveling and talking with them was enough for her. Novelty had found Flim’s and Flam’s method of travel to be unique and bewildering. Why travel in a heavily armored vehicle? Once she managed to get some stories out of the pair, not all that hard really, though she could have done without the song, the bewildering aspect had dropped away. The dragon scale sitting in the back of the cabin though, when she learned whose it was and what it did, astounded and intrigued her. She had asked to see how it worked, but they had refused saying it was for emergencies only. Today was their fifth day on the road since Manehatten. As the sun set, they pulled up next to a grove of trees near a quaint little tavern, stopping for a meal and some rest before they continued on. The tavern was filled with ponies and a smattering of other races. Novelty saw a few donkeys, a griffin, and even a Saddle Arabian who was one of the dark corners. Amid the patrons there was a pale blue unicorn performing stage tricks, though no one seemed to care. Novelty thought she saw Flim and Flam grimace and sigh sympathetically after one of the trick but wasn’t sure. The tavern keeper took their order getting the two brothers the daily special which was advertised as a hearty broccoli and cheese soup. Novelty opted for the fruit salad and watched the stage performer. While her tricks were fairly impressive, the scowl on her face detracted from any enjoyment the audience might have gained. They ate quickly before turning in for the night to a shared room with two beds. As had been their habit, the brothers took turns in the bed they shared, one watching over the SST 9000 while one slept. Novelty had offered to stand a watch when she first joined them but the brothers had politely refused. She had first thought they were just being kind, but Novelty later realized that they didn’t trust her enough to leave her alone with their machine. At some point during the night, the screaming started. When Novelty woke, Flam was already at the door. As she got out of bed, a clawed paw reached through the door. Without a moment’s pause, Flam jumped back, grabbed the paw in his magic, and twisted it until a sickening meaty pop sounded followed by a pained howl. When Flam released the arm it flopped to the ground limply, its owner clutching at his shoulder. “What’s going on?” Novelty asked fighting down the terror she felt as screams sounds from elsewhere in the building. Flam kicked the dog where it lay in agony then telekinetically tossed it down the hallway. “Diamond Dogs are attacking! Safest place will be in the tank, do not let them catch you, their bite is indeed worse than their bark,” Flam said taking the lead and directing Novelty to follow him. As they moved through the corridor, Novelty saw dogs grabbing the various guests and dragging them away towards holes in the floor. She was going to say something but Flam shook his head knowing what she was going to ask and shooting it down. “Once we are safe, maybe, but until then we don’t put ourselves at risk.” Novelty realized in that moment that adventure and travel was never as glorious as the stories made it out to be. Novelty gasped when they made it outside and turned to see the building burning with pyrotechnics blasting out of it from time to time. Moving on quickly from the burning tavern, they reached the SST 9000 without additional incident to find Flim atop the vehicle fending off three separate attackers. Flam joined the fray, knocking one over into a second, buying Flim the time he needed to drive a spear, taken from Bastion, into the arm of the third attacker. “Nice of you to join the festivities brother, what are we looking at?” “From what it looked like inside a Diamond Dog slave raid, similar to what we saw that first night with the Griffins.” “Odd, I haven’t ever heard of the mutts raiding in Equestria before.” “Well it could be connected to the other attacks. Harpies at Bastion, changelings in Canterlot and now Diamond Dogs in the countryside,” Flam said as Novelty climbed into the vehicle. She didn’t fully understand what they were talking about, those were all different races, how did they all connect? She was brought out of her thoughts by somepony calling to her. “Novelty, could you please pass up that dragon’s scale in there towards the back?” One of the brothers had asked. Novelty grabbed the scale and, being careful not to cut herself, passed it through the door. “Thank you,” they said in stereo taking the scale. “Now seal the door and keep yourself safe.” The last thing Novelty heard as she sealed the door was Flam saying, “Hey Flim do you remember them whatcahtamacallums, call-signs Drake said we were to use if we had to contact him?” * * * * * * * * * * * * Drake slept soundly when a presence intruded upon his mind ripping him from his dreams into the astral Plain. At first Drake reacted defensively, trying to protect his mind, but stopped when he recognized the source. “Puff this is Sherman, come in? Puff this is Sherman come in,” A familiar voice called across the ether of time and space to speak with Drake on the astral plane. “This is the Magic Dragon,” Drake replied enjoying the bit of humor he had placed in the call signs. Not that they really needed them but any good paramilitary organization should have them, or so Drake thought. “What’s wrong Sherman?” “We are under attack from Diamond Dogs and would appreciate some draconic intervention,” Flim said his form waving in and out of the astral plane. All humor disappeared from Drake in that moment, his eyes hardening and his smile becoming malicious. “Where?” “At a tavern, sending the location now,” Flim said doing his best to show both the physical location as he had seen it and its location on the map they were navigating by in the astral plane. “Location received. I am on my way, shouldn’t be more than an hour as the dragon flies, can you hold out that long?” Drake asked waking up, enduring the odd feel of being both in the real world and the astral plane at once. There was a long moment without reply. Drake feared it was already too late as he carefully took to the sky, it wouldn’t do to hurt himself taking off. Then Flim spoke again. “Drake there is another unicorn here that is fighting back, with her we should be able to hold, but be quick, you need to get here before they wisen up enough to try and sinkhole us.” As the connection broke Drake set himself on the vector towards the brothers, the directions having been clear enough he knew where to go. With a roar, he headed out. His rage building as he raced through the air, greed clawing at his thoughts, tempting him with speed and power. Drake roared again, louder and deeper as he gave in. He wasn’t losing anyone this night, not this early in his endeavor. * * * * * * * * * * * * Drakes first roar woke Ponyville, driving some to the streets in curiosity. His second roar sent them into a panic as more poured from their homes to catch the dragons growing silhouette as it went off into the distance. Pinkie Pie watched and worried, hearing the anger but also the fear all others missed. Rainbow gave chase, if something had set that overgrown lizard off she wanted to see what it was; then give him a piece of her mind for waking her up. Fluttershy hid under her covers and was joined by many of her animals. The primal power of a dragon’s roar making them fear for their lives. Nonetheless Fluttershy hoped Drake wouldn’t hurt himself or anypony else. Rarity comforted her frightened sister making plans to explain, in detail, just how rude it was to go about waking an entire town in the middle of the night. Applejack and her family watched as Drake passed over their farm, bits of torn bandages falling from him as he grew. Wondering what could make him act like a crazed animal, he may have been sleazy, working an angle, and rude, but at the end of the day he had helped them and proven a reasonable sort. Twilight and Spike were among the first outside. Spike, not fully understand what was happening, knew it must be something serious and had moved to take off after him but was stopped by Twilight. Before he could explain himself, Drake roared the second time. The next thing he knew ponies were gathering around him almost as if they were expecting him to defend them. Twilight was concerned, dragons were trouble, even Spike, for all the good he did and as much as she loved him, was trouble. Whatever Drake was up to it couldn’t be good, nopony up to good goes about waking a town in the middle of the night. After stopping Spike from chasing after him, she prepared a letter for Celestia, then stopped and addressed it to Luna instead. After having Spike send the letter, despite his protests, she noticed the ponies cowering around Spike, looking to him for protection as he stood over them proud, and at the same time confused. * * * * * * * * * * * * “Alright miss... Trizie was it? Help is on the way, now we just have to fight off a Diamond Dog pack for an hour. Think you are up to it?” Flam asked the unicorn in a tattered cape and hat before them, as Flim broke the connection. They had bought themselves a moment of peace by turning the broken glass and wood from the tavern into a whirlwind around themselves. Unfortunately, Diamond Dogs tended to dig tunnels and could work around it easily enough. “The name is Trixie, the Great and Powerful, and yes Trixie is more than up to it, the question is if you two can keep up with her,” Trixie said a cruel gleam in her eye as she jumped onto the SST 9000 and turned to face the dogs, fireworks in her saddlebags and fire in her eyes. These mutt would pay for waking her and ruining her one steady job, shitty though it was, it sure beats working somewhere like a rock farm. As the first dogs surfaced from the ground around the tank Trixie launched one of the fireworks down it, revenge would be hers. > Chapter 26: Air Strike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 26: Air Strike “If I didn’t have air supremacy, I wouldn’t be here.” -General Dwight D. Eisenhower, June 1944 Rainbow had to admit, Drake moved pretty fast through the air. Not as fast as her, but still respectable for anypony that wasn’t Wonderbolt material. She’d been trailing him since he started his mad flight. At first she’d trailed him directly, but the turbulence caused by his wingbeats forced her to climb higher and slightly to one side. At first it had been no problem to follow him, but after about fifteen minutes Rainbow began to pant. Between her workouts earlier that day and the late hour, Rainbow was feeling tired and sore. Something told her the coming morning was going to be a total drag. Still she pushed on, as it was quickly becoming a matter of pride. After forty-five minutes, Drake paused for a moment looking around. Rainbow took a breather as he looked, glancing about herself. Off in the distance rose a trail of smoke from a dim light source. As Rainbow wondered if she should grab a raincloud, Drake took off towards the smoke. She scrambled to catch up, noting that he was going faster than before. He also looked a bit bigger than when this chase had started. Ten minutes later, Rainbow realized she should have brought the rain cloud. Fire licked at the forest around remains of a building. She saw Drake unleash lightning on the ground. Taking a closer look, she saw Diamond Dogs surrounding a large vehicle with a trio of familiar looking unicorns. The vehicle itself seemed to be sinking into the ground. Rainbow watched in a mixture of fascination and horror, debating what she should do as the ponies fought the Diamond Dogs, sending magic down the different holes dotting the ground. Drake roared after his first strafing run on the mutts, landing on his hind legs in the midst of the battlefield; his roar challenged any and all to test their metal against him. A moment later, the ground under him collapsed. The tunnels, having been dug with a reckless abandon, had left the ground incapable of supporting the weight of a raging dragon. The collapse left Drake buried up to his chest. The dogs quickly swarmed out and over Drake. Rainbow watched as he fought with lightning, claw, tooth and tail. Her birds eye view lending a surreal feel to the entire battle, like something out of a book. The vehicle sank deeper and deeper; its defenders calling out to Drake. One of them jumped down and ran to his aid. Before the brave pony could make it halfway, a Diamond Dog appeared underneath him snatching him. Despite his best struggles, he was pulled underground kicking and screaming. * * * * * * * * * * * * Drake fought against the dogs. His bare arm taking the brunt of the damage, blood raining down where their spears bit at the unscaled flesh. He heard Flim and Flam calling out to him. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw Flam start running towards him. Without warning, a dog jumped up behind him. Before Drake’s eyes, Flam was dragged down. With a renewed sense of anger and despair Drake loosed himself on the dogs. Unending lightning flew from his maw, striking dog after dog. Once they began to retreat, he fired blast after blast down the tunnels hey could reach. Anything to strike one more mutt, anything to make they pay. After an unknown time his lightning gave out and the dogs were gone. Drake’s greed receded and he slowly shrank down to this normal size. In place of his greed a deep despair assailed him. Pulling himself out of the pit, he limped over to the SST 9000, the pain of his wounds new and old adding to his torment. “Flim, are you okay?” Drake asked as he approached. “Flam, where is Flam? Did you get him back?” Flim said with a sob standing at the edge of the vehicle not trusting the ground. Drake looked at him a frown on his face. He nodding from side to side slowly. “Dammit dragon! WHERE IS MY BROTHER!” Flim said, fierce anger lending a fire to his eyes. “He’s gone Flim, the dogs got him.” Drake said. Flim grabbed at the debris laying around telekinetically flinging it at Drake. “He’s not gone! We have to go after him!” Flim said, tears streaming down his face. Each throw grew weaker. “We have to,” he whispered collapsing into a heap on the top of the SST 9000. The night was silent except for the slow crackle of the fire and Flim’s sobs. The silence was broken when rain began to pour down on the fire extinguishing it and a blue Pegasus landed next to Drake. “Woah! um… well, I want to say that was amazing but something tell me that would be a really uncool thing to say right now,” Rainbow said as she saw the scene she had stumbled into. Before Drake of Flim could speak up a third voice answered. “You, what are you doing here! Trixie wants to know right now.” “Trixie!” Drake and Rainbow said together. Before anyone else could speak up Novelty opened the hatch and came out to a series of very surprised looks. “Um… Hello?” * * * * * * * * * * * * Thirty minutes and several introductions later Trixie, Rainbow, Novelty, and Drake had managed to sort everything out. With that hassle of the out of the way, Drake turned his attention to Flim. “Flim, listen. We are going to get Flam back. If I have to hunt down every Diamond Dog to save him I will, but right now I need you to finish your mission,” Drake said sympathetically. “You promise?” Flim asked speaking for the first time since he started crying. “I promise. Hell I’ll Pinkie Promise,” Drake said, eliciting a questioning look from Rainbow Dash. “Do it,” Flim said a bit of life returning to his eyes. “I promise we will get Flam back, cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye,” Drake said. At that time, in an apartment above Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie felt the strangest premonition come on: someone had made a very important promise. “How do you know that? Have you been spying on us?” Rainbow asked hovering in front of Drake. “Yes, I have been spying on you. Watching every major event in Ponyville since Twilight moved there. It has nothing to do with spending several months with Spike. I mean, that would be crazy!” Drake said, smiling at Rainbows cowed expression. “Point taken,” she said falling silent. “Flim, can you still complete the mission?” “Yeah, it will be tough, especial with only one unicorn to power the SST 9000,” Flim said. “Well then, Ms Trixie would you like a job?” “What kind of job are you offering Trixie?” she asked, she may have had her pride, but when an injured dragon comes in and saves your hide, the one of the same dragons that crashed the changeling invasion, well even she knew to show some respect. “Help Flim on his mission. You will be compensated in a manner of your choosing once it is complete, and the package he is retrieving is deliver,” Drake said. “Okay, but you should know Trixie doesn’t come cheap. Still, it’s better than a rock farm, way things are going that is where Trixie was heading next anyway,” she said, glaring at Rainbow when she snickered. “Excellent. Novelty it has been a pleasure meeting you, do take care of these two, and if ever you desire to visit Forum you are more than welcome,” Drake said finding the star struck mare quite humorous. “Now I have to get back to Ponyville. To take care of some final business, let me know when you have the package. We will meet at Bastion and head home from there.” As the last of the fire died, Rainbow having done an outstanding job of setting up the rainclouds before she landed, Drake and Rainbow took to the air as the SST 9000 set off down the road. “So tell me Rainbow Dash, what did you think of what you just witnessed,” Drake asked as they soared back to Ponyville. “Well the battle was kinda awesome all the lightning and the way you didn’t let any of the dogs get close to you. I actually like the Flim Flam brothers, because of them I managed to get cider this past season, so I mean it when I say I’m sorry you lost Flam. Rarity may have lucked out when she got kidnapped, but there are tales of others that go missing then turn up years later with horror stories of their time with the Diamond Dogs,” Rainbow said with a shiver. “I will say this though, I don’t like you, something about you seems off, but I can respect you. What you did tonight, injured like you are, to save your friends. I can respect that.” “Well thank you. Though I am assuming you stayed high above the battle rather than getting a good look,” Drake said. “Yeah, why? “Because war is hell, and no one prays for peace more than a soldier,” Drake muttered before speaking up when Rainbow looked at him oddly. “I said because it was not very awesome from where I was standing. I have one question for you though.” “Shoot.” “Could you have saved him? I know you’re fast. The Fastest Pegasus Alive. Are you fas enough you could have saved Flam? Did you even think to try?” On that note, their conversation ended. Rainbow guided them back to Ponyville without another word, each lost in their own thoughts. * * * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 27: Barter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 27: Barter Fluttershy had finally gotten her animals calmed down from Drake’s surprise roaring when Zecora came by. After making them both some tea, and using some market bought cookies as a snack, the two sat across from each other, slowly drinking tea waiting for one of them to break the silence. This, of course, only served to silence the shy pony until she finally managed to gather a small amount of courage. “Um, Zecora... Not that I mind, b-but… Uhm.. why-what are you doing here? It can’t be for something as simple a-as midnight tea, can it? I-it’s okay if it is though, I don’t mind really, It’s…. Nice… It’s just that midnight tea isn’t something that I am used to... And walking through the E-everfree at night is so dangerous... And risky... And terrifying,” Fluttershy said, growing more nervous with each adjective. Zecora smiled reassuringly and set her tea cup down as Angel hopped up next to Fluttershy, comforting her. “The dragons roar made all their hearts shake, for me there was no need to quake. Still, it woke me from peaceful slumber, the cause of this I intend to uncover. When he returns from this night’s quest, he’ll answer my questions if he knows what’s best,” She said taking the teacup back up. “You think he is coming back?” Fluttershy asked. Without a word Zecora stood and walked outside directing Fluttershy to a place in her roof where the straw had been moved. “Something precious of his lies here. To it his heart will steer.” “Oh. Should we move it somewhere safer?” “Unless you wish to smash the creature hidden in the straw, there is no need to make a withdrawl,” Zecora said. After a moment of silence the two returned inside. * * * * * * * * * * * * Unlike Fluttershy’s cottage, Ponyville remained in a state of panic after Drake’s departure. Instead of calming down, they started demanding answers from Spike, Twilight, and Mayor Mare, who continued directing questions back at the other two. Spike did his best to deal with the growing hostility. Trying hard to reassure everypony that Drake wasn’t going to hurt them. Twilight found herself trying to justify his presence in the town despite her own anger at him earlier that day. It was in the midst of this that Princess Luna teleported in along with eighty of the royal guard. Taking a moment to compose herself after the teleport, Princess Luna sought out Twilight as her troops likewise oriented themselves and fanned out in squads of five to establish a perimeter and keep their princess safe. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief once the flash of the teleport cleared, the crowd thankfully silent at the arrival of a force geared for combat. “Princess Luna, thank you for coming so quickly,” Twilight said, bowing down before the mare of night. “Rise Twilight Sparkle, you mentioned that Drake was in here this night. Please take us to him,” Princess Luna said, scanning the area noting the town’s ponies looking at her and the guard with respect and relief. Before Twilight could reply, Mayor Mare cut in. “Princess Luna, your presence is most welcome. Earlier this evening a large dragon took to the sky over by the Everfree forest. Its roars of rage waking the whole town. Is there something you can do for us? Even now, after its passing, we fear to sleep, the thought he might return and turn on us keeps even the most fatigued from seeking the restorative embrace of their beds,” Mayor Mare said, sweeping her foreleg over the gathered ponies and making special note of the bags under their eyes and the scared eyes glancing towards the sky. “Citizens of Ponyville, return to thy beds. We swear unto thou that no harm shall befall anypony this night! ” Princess Luna said addressing the crowd. “Major Shield, please have the guard escort everypony home and report to me once they are all accounted for.” She said addressing the deep grey unicorn guard, with a chess knight and shield cutie mark, mane and tail, both cut short and amber is color and a wicked sword shaped like a waning moon sheathed on his side, who stood near her. “At once Princess,” Major Shield said turning and barking out orders the four ponies near him who relayed it to the rest of the guard. Sixteen teams of five fanned out, ensuring their Princess’ orders were carried out. As the guard went to work, Princess Luna focused on the pony whose message brought her to Ponyville. “Twilight Sparkle, what happened? You mentioned Drake causing a commotion, but he is not here now. Where is he?” “We don’t know Princess. Like Mayor Mare said, he woke the whole town with his roars, then flew off. I sent the message because I hoped you would be able to find him and whatever had set him off,” Twilight said. “That is most unfortunate,” Princess Luna said with a sigh. “Twilight Sparkle, do you know where he will return to, if he is to return to Ponyville? It is important that we speak with him. There have been a revelation and warning this night and they both involve him.” “What kind of revelations and warnings?” Spike asked. “Spike the Dragon, you have traveled with the one that brings all this night’s troubles, correct? Perhaps you can shed some light on what we were told,” Princess Luna said, recalling a briefing about how Twilight Sparkle’s assistant had traveled with Drake for quite some time. “I was with Drake for the past several months Princess. What do you need help with?” Spike said uneasily. “Allow me to show you,” Princess Luna said using her magic to replay the early encounter with the harpy. Spike and Twilight watched as Cynthia relayed her messages. Luna noted a slow burning anger that built in Spike’s eye when the foul creature relayed her first message. She also noted the look of confusion, disgust, and curiosity that Twilight wore, her expressions changing from one to the next like a moving picture. “What did she mean librarian, team, diggers, and why would Drake be able to tell you what happened to the changelings,” Twilight asked very little having made sense to her. “Don’t worry about it right now Twilight.” Spike said fighting against himself to keep his voice calm digging into the ground with his claws. Clenching and unclenching his fist. “Princess, I can tell you everything you want to know about that first message, but it isn’t my place. I made promises to Drake that I have kept thus far. He should be the one to tell you. With regards to the changelings, Drakes arrival a few days ago, crashing into the library here, badly injured. He’s been staying out at Fluttershy’s cabin since. Though he wasn’t there when we went to find him earlier this evening, I imagine that is where we will find him, unless you know the location of a pair of innovation inclined unicorns...” Spike said, looking Princess Luna directly in the eye. “We know much already. We know he seeks to rebuild something in the Wildlands, we have met and spoken with the two thou speaks of. We helped him prepare to kill the changeling queen, and sent ponies to ensure the deed was done. We know of the fallen empire, and the magic of word, blood and souls it used. Now tell us what you know!” Princess Luna said not willing to play around after what had already happened that night. “What do you mean you helped him prepare to face Chrysalis? Is that why my magic couldn’t affect him?” Twilight asked, breaking tense mood with her curiosity. “Actually, now that I think about it, there were rumors that you two were going off together each night while Drake was in Canterlot. Was that part of the preparation?” Despite her questions Princess Luna and Spike stayed looked in a staring contest until Major Shields interrupted it. “LUNA, the locals are in their homes. You going to cast a sleep spell or do you think that strange pink mare that had a glasses of warm milk waiting outside everyone’s house has it covered,” he said, a smirk on his face. “Major Shield that is not that proper way to address-“ “I tried calling you by your title three times Ma’am, seemed like you needed something jarring to distract you from your date there,” Major Shield said, unflinching before Luna’s gaze. “Major we will have a talk after this is done, and no that is not the dragon we have come to meet. These two will be our guides to where we might meet our target, but alas you are correct. Twilight Sparkle I suggest you shield yourself and your assistant from what is to come.” Princess Luna said, taking to the air and flying over Ponyville, singing a soft melody that carried to all parts of the town, and casting a complex but gentle spell upon all its inhabitants. * * * * * * * * * * * * Each wingbeat sent new waves of agony through Drake’s arms. His right was still broken, any healing having been undone when he used it to swat the Diamond Dogs. His left was bleeding from stab wounds created by spears and grappling hooks the mutts had used to dig into his exposed skin. Off to his right side Rainbow Dash glided alongside not complaining about the slow place as she considered Drake’s question. As the pair approached Ponyville, ten armor clad ponies with spears took up positions around the pair. Without a word they guided them down for a landing. Since they seemed to be leading to Fluttershy’s cabin, Drake went along with them. Drake watched as Rainbow talked animatedly with one of the lead guard before shooting away towards Fluttershy’s. After several more painful minute, the cabin came into view. As they came in for a landing Drake saw the guards were arranged in a standoff against a duo of ponies, with Spike between the two groups. Once they landed, Drake hovering for a moment so as to avoid touching down on his broken arm, Drake saw that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were staring down Princess Luna, Twilight, and a large group of guards. Spike and Rainbow were in the middle trying to talk both groups down, while Zecora sat on the sidelines. “Fluttershy just give Princess Luna the bag, I promise nothing is going to happen to it, right Princess,” Spike said as Drake touched down. “If that bag contains what Zecora said it contains you must understand the threat it poses,” Princess Luna said. “I could just take it,” a gray unicorn said stepping forward. “What is going on here,” Drake asked, seeing Fluttershy cowering behind Pinkie Pie with the bag that held the changeling egg in her arms. As all eyes turned to him, Pinkie jumped at him wrapping her arms around his neck and whispering in his ear. “It will be okay, you will get him back. Don’t take you anger out on the ponies here just because it hurts now.” Drake frowned confused by how she already knew about what happened, then face palmed when he remembered who was speaking. He then cringed in pain and fell over having used his broken arm. “Thank you Pinkie. I wont, but that doesn’t explain why Fluttershy looks like she is about to get lynched,” Drake said. “Drake, it is good to see you well. Now please have Fluttershy give us that bag. You more than anyone should understand the threat posed by a changeling queen,” Princess Luna said pulling Pinkie away from him. A loud thunk caused Drake to look out and see the crowd arranged before him. The unicorn had drawn a wicked looking sword, but also seemed to be keeping Twilight behind a green barrier. Twilight was rubbing her head, the likely source of the thunk. Rainbow was talking to Fluttershy and the rest of the guard had formed a semicircle around the yard. “Princess Luna, not that it isn’t wonderful to see you again, but what are you doing here,” Drake asked. “She is here because you woke the whole town earlier this evening. Is that changeling that was messing with my head? Why do you have a changeling egg? Explain yourself!” Twilight said yelling from where she was being kept. “Major Shield, why are you protecting him? Let me at him.” “I see she still hasn’t calmed down,” Drake grumbled before turning his attention back to the Princess. “Alright. Fluttershy, please give me the bag.” Fluttershy just shivered glancing at Rainbow for reassurance, the confidence she had when Pinkie had handed her the egg, right before the guard arrived, wilting with each passing moment. “Go ahead, if Drake really has been taking care of it you don’t think he’s going to let anything happen to it do you,” Rainbow said, smiling at her terrified friend. “Okay,” Fluttershy said in a whisper, walking to over Drake slowly and giving him the bag. When she saw how badly he was hurt she gasped and dashed away to get her first aid kit, again. “Thank you,” Drake said, taking the bag into his scaleless hand. “Now Princess Luna, as you can see I am in no condition to fight. That said I will die before I turn this over to anyone. Now please answer my question. Why are you here?” “Dragon if you have a death wish I can arrange to have it fulfilled.” Major Shield said only to be waved down by Princess Luna. “Hold on a moment Major, we still hope this can be resolved peacefully,” Princess Luna said, summoning her scythe. “If not, then have no worries, we will let you have your fun.” Major Shields grunted and went back the watching Twilight as he motioned for the rest of the guard to stand at ease. Drake blanched as Luna gave her scythe a few test swings. “We are here for two reason. Firstly because a harpy came into the throne room this evening telling me interesting things, like how if we wanted to know what happened to the changelings we would come seeking you. Behold the monster spoke true, you have in your possession a changeling egg giving off a very strong magical aura. Would we be remiss in assuming that it will hatch into the new changeling queen?” Princess Luna said as Fluttershy returned and Zecora approached beginning to bandage him. Drake said nothing but nodded. Recalling how Luna had helped him prepare to face Chrysalis, Drake realized he was a little be afraid of her right then. Okay he admitted to himself, he was a lot afraid. “The second reason is to pass on a message for you from said harpy. Seeing as our guards do not know what happened when you battled Chrysalis, but you now holds her successor and you do not know what the harpy told us we propose a trade. Tell us of what happened there and we will tell you the message,” Princess Luna said as Drake flinched from the rubbing alcohol that was applied to his wounds. “And my egg?” Drake asked, looking Luna in the eye. “We will decide once you have told us what happened, and all that you have done in the Wildlands. Once we deliver the message, we believe that you will have no problem agreeing to this,” Princess Luna said, smirking. “Fine, but can it wait till morning. I have suffered deeply this night, and, as you can see, I am badly injured. The egg however stays with me,” Drake said, waiting for Luna’s reply. “Princess you can’t seriously be considering leaving the egg with him,” Twilight said caught between angry and intrigued. “I have to agree with the crazy mare Princess, but since you don’t want to fight him, and he won’t give up the egg I propose we post a guard with him, on a rotation so that we can keep them at high alert for the whole watch,” Major Shield said, offering a fair compromise. “An excellent suggestion Major. Drake know that if you take any action against your word we shall hunt you down and make you pay,” Princess Luna said, walking back toward Ponyville. “Twilight Sparkle, we shall be staying in your home. Once the sun rises, our sister will be joining us. Please ensure that there is breakfast ready for her. She tends to like bananas.” Princess Luna and Twilight left, the latter racing back to her home to prepare it for the coming morning. Pinkie stayed, having been quiet throughout the exchange. She sat down next to Drake resting a hoof on his neck. The guard took a moment to organize itself into rotations before most of them left to find lodging in Ponyville, Pinkie taking a moment to offer up Sugarcube Corner to them. “Drake, what happened? Where did you go? Why were you using Greed? Are those new injuries, and why do you have a changeling egg?” Spike asked once most everyone else had cleared out. “In reverse order, you will find out tomorrow, yes, because Flim and Flam were in trouble, to help them, and they were attacked by Diamond Dogs,” Drake said. “Attacked by Diamond Dogs! Where?” Spike asked angrily. “In Equestria, a few hours south east of here. That is why I used greed, to be able to reach them in time. Not that it mattered. Spike, Flam was captured. The Diamond Dogs got Flam.” Drake said, his voice breaking and tears forming in his eyes. Pinkie glared a Spike for a moment then continued comforting Drake as best she could. “Drake, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help, Twilight wouldn’t let me go after you.” Spike said hanging his head. “I don’t blame you Spike, or her, believe it or not.” Drake said. “Drake before I go, the message from the harpy-“ “Not another word. He can find out tomorrow from the Princess,” Major Shields said as he walked up. “Well dragon, I am the leader of your first watch. Don’t do anything stupid and we’ll get along fine.” “I’ll be going. See you tomorrow,” Spike said flying back into Ponyville. Zecora and Fluttershy finished dressing Drake’s wounds they returned to their beds but not before admonished Drake for destroying his bandages, and warning him that if he did it again there would be serious consequences. Pinkie eventually left as well, saying that even she needed some sleep before the morning came and offering the major free food for the soldiers on watch if they came by in the morning. This left Drake with the guards assigned to him. Though tired Drake wasn’t ready to sleep, fear of nightmares and the egg being stolen kept him awake. “Major Shields, since we are stuck with each other why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Drake said hoping to establish a cordial relationship with the ponies watching him. “Why not, we have time till the next rotation. My name is Divine Shield, I come from a military family. Both my grandparents and my father served in the guard,” Divine Shield said. The two of the talked for several hours. Drake learned much about how the Equestrian guard as structured and told Major Shields everything he felt comfortable about his own battles and goal. Eventually fatigue overcame fear and sleep embraced Drake. * * * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 28: Eclipse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 28: Eclipse "It's best not to stare at the sun during an eclipse." -Jeff Goldblum When the dawn came, Fluttershy woke up, feeling well rested despite how late she got to bed, the heart stopping terror she survived, and having to once again take care of Drake. It upset her that he seemed determined to injure himself with whatever he did. When she mentioned it, Zecora suggested Drake might be a masochist. Fluttershy just blushed and said she doubted it, pointing out that even for all the bravado he had displayed he was shaking as they bandaged him. Fluttershy pondered the perpetual fate of her admittedly terrifying guest as she fed the few animals that remained, those too scared to leave or brave enough to stay with a dragon camped on her doorstep. She noted that Angel wasn’t waiting on his breakfast. She found him standing sentry by the window, a bowl overturned on his head with a butter knife held at port arms. As she approached, he turned, saluted, gave a thumbs up, and returned to his watch. Fluttershy wanted to chuckle at her first animal friends antics, but looking past him she shivered instead. Drake was still out there in all his dragonness, and for all that she had done to help him the past couple of days he still made her uncomfortable. Oh sure he was civil enough, had done nothing to harm her or her friends, at least intentionally, but he was still a large dragon. Perhaps not as big as most, but still larger than anything else in Ponyville. She was glad for the guards that were standing around him. Something about them made her feel comfortable. Their confident stances, fit muscular physique, graceful deliberate movements, their- Fluttershy blushed as she realized what she was thinking. As she continued to watch, partly to reassure herself of her own safety and the safety of her animal friend, and partly for the simple amusement it gave her, she saw somepony land near Drake. Though she couldn’t hear what they said she saw their lips move and felt the rumble of Drake’s voice as he replied. The guard then headed towards her cottage. Fluttershy lost sight as of him as he neared her front door. Even though she was expecting it, the knock on her door surprised her. “Good morning Ma’am. Our majesties have asked that you attend the meeting this morning. They want all the Element Bearers there as you have each interacted with the dragon Drake and may be asked to give your opinions,” the guard droned in a well practiced official tone when Fluttershy opened the door after a few moments to prepare herself. “But between you and me, I think it is to prevent Twilight Sparkle from having an untimely aneurism. Princess Luna prevented her from cleaning last night with a sleep spell,” The guard said more candidly, adding a small smile when he saw Fluttershy shaking with fear. “You probably want to head over there quickly,” he said when Fluttershy just stood there staring at him. “Oh. Oh, I- I need to get going then. That is if that’s all you needed to say,” Fluttershy said, looking at the ground and tracing circles with her hoof. “Yeah that’s all,” the guard said surprised by just how accurate the briefing had been on her. 'Well, two down four more to go,' he thought as he took off to finish delivering messages. * * * * * * * * * * Twilight was a wreck, a terrible one at that, which was what greeted Spike as he returned home. She’d already tried enchanting the broom and mop to clean the library, with disastrous consequences. Though he wondered where the giant mouse in a stage magician’s hat had came from, which he just filed away as another one of those things that would never be brought up again. Thankfully Princess Luna knocked her out and placed Twilight in her bed before anything else could happen. Spike cleaned the mess caused by the crazed and cursed cleaning implements, before going to bed himself. The very next morning, he woke before the sun, as was typical for him. Even out in Forum, he had often been the first one up. He took those dark hours before the sunrise to talk to the griffins on the deadpony watch, or as they called it the snatching watch. The name coming from the high likelihood of being attacked by Diamond Dogs or kidnapped by Harpies in the darkest part of the night. Making his way to the kitchen from the basement, where they set up a mattress for him, Spike brewed a pot of coffee for himself and Twilight. He’d then prepared some tea, remembering that Princess Celestia was supposed join them. Princess Luna came in, drawn by the scent of fresh coffee, taking a cup to fortify herself for the morning. As if on cue, as soon as the first rays of the sun peeked into the library, Princess Celestia appeared in the main room with a flash of teleportation. Finding herself suspiciously alone, she was quickly drawn to the kitchen by the smell of fresh tea. Without a word she joined Spike and her sister at the kitchen table, enjoying the moment in the accompanying blissful silence. A short time later Twilight wandered down, oblivious to the world around her. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she muttered her appreciation as she sat down across from Spike. “Oh, this is just what I needed after last night,” She said taking her first sip. “So, Spike what’s for breakfast?” “Breakfast would be very nice, do you still make those wonderful banana pancakes?” Princess Celestia asked, having missed breakfast at the castle to teleport to Ponyville. For all her skills, teleporting on a full stomach still upset her. “Um, some fresh pancakes would make for a wonderful dinner. Though chocolate chip would be preferable to bananas,” Princess Luna said sticking her tongue out at her sister. “I’ll see what I can do,” Spike said turning around to get started when a stream of coffee slammed into the back of his head. A glance back showed him the source, a very distraught Twilight how was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Thankfully Princess Celestia calmed her down and Spike was able to prepare a breakfast fit for royalty. As they ate, one of the bat ponies came by with an update for Princess Luna. “Your majesty, the messages have been delivered. All the element bearers are on their way here. There is one slight problem however,” the guard said, shifting uncomfortably. “Oh, and what might that be Lt. Enigma?” Princess Celestia asked light-heartedly, confident that with both herself, her sister, and the Element Bearers on hand there really wasn’t anything to be worried about. “Drake has said that he will not be coming for the meeting and instead requests that you come to him,” Enigma said looking away from the princesses. “Lieutenant, I somehow believe that isn’t what he told you. Please look me in the eyes and tell us what he really said.” Princess Luna ordered. Enigma cleared his throat looking between the Princesses, Spike, and Twilight trying to find a way out, none presented itself. “Very well you majesty. I however must stress that what I am about to say comes straight from the wyrm’s mouth,” he said waiting for a nod to confirm they understood. “Very well, his exact words were: I am beat to hell, stripped of my scales, and dealing with the loss of one of my followers and friends because the overpowered princess ponies couldn’t keep their own borders secure. So have Luna drag the oversized, cake fueled Sunbutt out to me if they want to discuss this, but understand this! I am NOT moving from this spot just so we can talk about how I’m not giving them this egg.” The library kitchen was silent for a moment before Princess Luna burst out laughing. Twilight watched with horror, Enigma with concern for his life, as Luna continued laughing and Princess Celestia sat dumbstruck her jaw hanging open. For his part Spike just buried his head in his claws, muttering to himself. “T-tis true sister, you have grown since 1000 years ago, and not in a good way,” Princess Luna said as her laughing abated. “But if he is as badly hurt as he says he is perhaps it is best we meet where he is rather than here.” Princess Celestia for her part just sat there a polite smile on her face sipping her tea before speaking, “Well you know the stress of ruling a country, can you really blame me for enjoying something as delicious as the occasional piece of cake.” “You’re okay with what he said, and you're just going to shrug it off like that?” Twilight asked exacerbated. “Twilight, think about this from his perspective for a moment. He was just defeated, suffered greatly for his victory over Chrysalis, and was awoken to be told about a meeting where I seek to deprive him of the one trophy he has gained as of late.” Princess Celestia said, trying to help her student see the larger picture. “For now let us finish our meal, then once your friends arrive we shall go out and deal with him. If needed we can use his poorly planned words against him. But to show anger, to rise to the bait he has dangled before us would be foolish and play into his hands.” * * * * * * * * * * * Her hooves hurt, she had been walking along the road for days, before that she’d flown through forests and fields until her wings failed her, but now her destination was in sight. Hunger pains strained her movements and fatigue blurred her vision, but there had been no food on the road, not ones she could safely take. Now though, in this little town where she had been compelled to go, by the order and by a deeper calling, she would be able to find something to sate her hunger. She inhaled deeply, taking in the smells most others would miss. The pheromones, hormones, the little bits of emotion in sweat. To a pony they were almost imperceptible. To her they were a delicious buffet, alerting her to possible feeding grounds. Her disguise in place, Scissor made her way into Ponyville, looking for someone to feed from. As she came into Ponyville she began to see the auras of the different emotions, a light show unlike any other. Colors danced as she passed ponies and place emotions from the now and those from before that faded with time depending on their strength. She headed to the strongest source she could sense, and found herself before a strange building that seemed to be made of gingerbread. Looking at the sign above she realized it was a restaurant of some kind and the construction likely a marketing gimmick. Opening the door, she took one look inside and jumped into the bushes. The building was filled with royal guards. They were eating, drinking, talking, and laughing as the primary sources she had identified served them a wide array of food. Scissor shook her head as she extradited herself from the bushes. Somewhere else would be better. Somewhere like that next source she sensed. It seemed much more her preferred flavor anyway. Working her way through town, she came upon a small, but very nice home. Slipping up close she saw a grey Pegasus mare humming to herself as she prepared breakfast. Dropping her disguise and becoming her normal, and much smaller self, Scissor flitted up to the roof and wormed her ways through the thatching above where she sensed another pony still resting. 'What luck', she thought as she spied the resting filly. 'This is too good to be true.' Not one to look a rebounding stallion in the mouth, Scissor leaned in close and with a quick spell placed the filly in stasis and sifted through her memories. Most were quickly assimilated, useful to get the mannerisms right, but when Scissor reached the most recent memories she paused. 'Well that certainly explains the guards. Though I can still feel the queen nearby. Did he leave her here, or has he already returned. I’ll need to be extra careful if there is a princess here though.' The memory scan complete Scissor stole the fillies form and, closing the door behind her, trotted off for some breakfast. After all who would begrudge her a meal before getting to work? Walking into the kitchen Scissor grabbed ‘her’ normal spot at the table. “Good morning Mommy. Breakfast smells awesome! What are you making?” “Good Morning Muffin, did you sleep well after that scare we had last night?” Derpy asked turning around from the counter with two plates balanced on her wings. Setting them on the table she took a moment to ruffle her daughter’s mane playfully. Scissor looked at the plates. Omelets stuffed with vegetables, banana nut muffins, and a small bowl of applesauce on each plate. A meal made with love for sure, and a meal that would get her more if she played her words right. “Of course mommy, thanks for the delicious looking breakfast,” Scissor said drinking in the motherly love pouring off of Derpy. In her opinion it was the best meal imaginable, a parent’s love for their child. As she ate the meal, smiling happily and talking with Derpy the hunger that had been a constant companion slipped away and Scissor felt fuller and stronger than she had in years. Though she wished she could stay, she knew the stasis effect would wear off soon and that she had to leave before that happened. Finishing the plate before her Scissor decided it was time to implement her exit plan and find the dragon she was looking for. “Okay mommy, I’m done with breakfast can I go play with my friends?” “Clean your plate then you are free to go,” Derpy said exactly like Scissor expected. With all the quickness and efficiency a filly can show and not arouse suspicion. Scissor went to work. Then she was out the door, maintaining her disguise, but putting as much distance between herself and the meal as she could. * * * * * * * * * * Drake woke to pain shooting through his limbs. He smacked his lips groggily as he tried to piece together everything that had happened since the battle with the diamond dogs. As his mind and body awakened he began to recall what had happened. “Oh fuck,” He muttered when he remembered that he had spoken to Princess Luna and that she knew about the changeling egg. He repeatedly cursed when he remembered that this wasn’t the first time he had woke that morning and the reply he gave the guard. A third time the curse passed his lips as the saw the Princesses, the Elements and Spike walking towards him, though thankfully still some ways off. The guards were stifling a laugh at Drake’s discomfort, both physical and psychological, until he expelled some lightning in their direction. “Sorry, must of lost control of myself there for a second. Pain does funny things to the mind after all,” Drake forced out, smiling as the guards moved back. Drake breathed deeply as he tried to think through the pain. ‘Okay I need to stay calm. The egg, changeling existence, independence, trade, keeping Forum’s knowledge for myself. That is how I will have to order my priorities for this. Of course, Spike did make that message they have for me seem bad.’ The approaching party arranged themselves around the scheming serpent. Drake remained silent letting the initiative rest with the Princesses, or rather he was doing his best to keep from grunting or hissing in pain. “Good Morning Drake, I offer my sincerest condolences about what happened last night. I hope you can trust me when I say those responsible will be dealt with and your friend recovered,” Princess Celestia said a faint smile on her face, but still managing to project a sense of martial strength behind it. Drake remained quiet. Princess Luna took this as her invitation to start. “Last night, I made you promise to share your doing since your meeting with Spike, in full, in return for a message. Do you still agree, or do you wish to test our metal and magic against your scales this morning?” “Take a look at me Princess, I can barely move. I would like to start by apologizing for the message I sent this morning, I was not fully aware of myself and my mind was clouded by pain and grief. I’ll spin a yarn about my doings, but first the message. I’ve a feeling it’s not good news,” Drake said, shifting into a sitting position to take pressure off his arms. “Very well. This was the message delivered to me last night by a harpy claiming to serve their foul leader,” Princess Luna said to prepare Drake for what was to come. * * * * * * * * * * Twilight watched as Drake listened to Princess Luna’s message. She was holding her tongue for now. What Princess Celestia said was enough for her to try seeing things from his perspective. She would still make him pay for what he did to her yesterday, but that could wait. When she saw him that morning, his face falling, all the tells of sorrow and sadness in dragons she had learned from growing up with Spike, she felt something for him. Not pity or sympathy, he wasn’t deserving of those, but perhaps he did deserve a chance to justify himself. When he learned what had befell more of those that supposedly followed him, though she didn’t understand why anypony would, he began to weep. No roar, nor rage, nor demanding answers, or accusations of lies, but to weeping. Then he spoke, his voice breaking. “Tell me, did you allow the messenger to return to her mistress?” Drake asked, tears still in his eye as Luna told him Cynthia’s fate. “Good, in time the dogs and harpies will pay. I’ll snuff out every last one until there is naught left of them but bones and stories. The fate of the changelings is forever denied to them this day,” Drake said with as much gravitas as he could muster through his tears. “And what is the fate of the changelings,” Princess Celestia asked, pushing on the door Drake had unlocked in their conversation. “Ya’ll upheld your end of the agreement, so I’ll do likewise. However, I’d be remiss if I did not ensure that all present here truly wished to hear this tale, it is not a happy one for the most part,” Drake said trying to buy time for him to compose himself. “I believe it is fair that they learn of it as well. They defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord. They wield the most powerful artifacts known to Equestria. If Discord’s commanders are on the move they will likely have a role to play in stopping them,” Princess Luna said but she still looked at those assembled to be sure. “Yes, what won’t you let Spike tell me about. Why do you have a changeling egg? What are you hiding? WHY DID YOU KISS ME?!” Twilight said no longer willing or able to keep quiet. The time for answers had come, in order of importance of course. “You really want to know Twilight Sparkle. In all the macabre details it’ll involve? All the ugly truth and conjectures of possibility. To learn you are but a small piece in a larger universe? To discover how long it will take Goku to power up. To learn the answer to life, the universe, and everything?” “YES!” Twilight said tired of his stalling and games. The rest of the Mane Six winced at the tone and volume of her voice. “While not necessarily as eager for the detail as Twilight, we would like to learn just what is going on,” Rarity said tilting the parasol she had brought with her back so she could look Drake in the eye. “Go ahead and give us the details. I bet they’re just made up to scare us anyway. I’ll tell you right now, nothing you can come up with will scare me,” Rainbow said after pulling down a cloud to rest on. “If’n my family is going to make that deal you desire then I want the truth,” Applejack said, figuratively throwing her hat in. “What deal?” Twilight asked only to be reassured it would be revealed in due time. “I’ll grab seats and popcorn,” Pinkie said vanishing for an instant only to reappear with a pair of picnic tables and a popcorn cart. “Fluttershy?” Princess Celestia asked when she noticed the final member of the sextet not speaking up. “Can we skip the macabre details?” she asked softly, hiding behind her mane. “No,” Drake said. “Fluttershy,” Spike interjected, speaking shakily, for the first time. “This, if he tells in full, both what he has asked me not to share and what I have kept to myself, will be involve conflict and devastation more than peace and harmony.” “True,” Drake said. Fluttershy quietly thought it over. “I’ll stay,” She said at last, joining Rainbow on the cloud. “Good, if everyone is ready I’m only going to tell this once, so if you’ve got questions, ask them. I have a feeling some rather long discussions are going to occur at the end of this so let’s get started.” Twilight grinned. Finally she was going to learn what was going on. What had really happened to Spike, where they had really gone, why he’d done that thing with his tongue, and why she was starting to feel sympathy for the secretive serpent before her. * * * * * * * * * * Scissor had finally found him, and could sense the growing queen hidden somewhere nearby. For some reason he was on the very outskirts of town, next to the Everfree forest. When she saw the Princesses, she was glad she had chosen to stay in disguise. 'At least that explains all the guards,' she thought as she hid in a nearby bush listening to Drake talk. It was hard to hear him at points but she caught most of it. She had made it just after he had started and listen closely, eager to learn more about the creature that had struck her queen low and taken the new one, and what remained of the changelings under his control. It struck her as odd just how accepting the dragon holding her race hostage was. He saved a pair of ponies, made friends with griffins, and was willing to give her race a chance, and at the same time how hateful he was towards Rage and Greed. The maliciousness was clear in his voice, in his apparent joy at having carved through the dogs, and reluctant admittance at having to rely on others to beat those of Rage. She also noted the emotions wafting off the ponies. The princesses seemed to share a sense of empathy combined with grudging approval. Though, it was much stronger from Princess Luna than Princess Celestia. The emotions coming of the lesser ponies were far more interesting. From the guards there was awe flavored with distrust. From the pegasi on the clouds came two different extremes. They fluctuated through the story, always at odds with each other. Terror, and thrill, boredom and intrigue, compassion and unease. From the unicorns there was a desire, lust, not for carnal pleasures but for knowledge, an eagerness, with a sprinkling of revulsion, and apprehension, oddly at least in the case of the white unicorn these emotions seemed more focused on the other dragon, the purple dragon who was covered in her scent, than on Drake. From the earth ponies, well that was an odd set. From the orange mare there was a skepticism, but from the pink one came a wave, a river, a trickle, a drop of everything and anything. The primary one was happiness, but it seemed a thin veil, colorful distracting icing on a large, complex cake. Underneath that icing a different fear was present from her than from anyone else. While there was a steady bit of primal fear of a predator from all except the princesses, from the pink mare it was a fear of rejection, loneliness, and something else. There was love, strong and broad for all there and many more it seemed, but also a sad loneliness simmering alongside. She became so distracted sampling the ambient emotions, smelling their unique bouquets, reveling in the unique tapestry of colors they created. Most were of no nourishment, but after so long on the road, to be able to taste such vibrant array was divine. Perhaps this was why she stumbled out of the bushes unannounced and was spotted by Drake without realizing what happened. “Um, does anyone know what that filly is doing here?” Drake asked, pointing at her. Scissor jumped in surprise before remembering she was in disguise. “How did she get here? Corporal check the bushes,” one of the guards called. The guards moved quickly one grabbing her, and another poking through the bushes. “Our apologies majesty, we’ll take her back to town right away,” the guard holding her said. “Let’s not be so hasty. After all, this little filly came all the way out here for something,” Princess Celestia said curiosity pouring off of her. “Bring her over here.” “Yes Your Majesty.” Scissor trembled as she was brought towards the Princess. “Hey Dinky what are you-“ Pinkie started, before stopping abruptly and studying her closely. “Pinkie what are you doing?” Twilight asked as Pinkie broke out a stethoscope and placed it on Scissors muzzle. Scissor fidgeted under Pinkie’s gaze, stuck in the guard’s hooves. “Do you know who this is?” Princess Luna asked directed primarily at Pinkie, but open to anyone. “That’s Dinky Hooves, her mother is a mailmare, and a substitute weatherpony, or was, until the incident,” Rainbow said looking down from the cloud. “Don’t know what’s up with Pinkie though.” Everypony looked at Rainbow for a moment in a bit of surprise. “What, they go almost everywhere together. Has no one else seen them together?” “Fair ‘nough,” Applejack said, tying up that thread of the conversation. “I have an important announcement,” Pinkie finally said, stashing the stethoscope nopony had noticed before it was gone. “That’s not Dinky!” Scissor struggled as everyone pony gasped in surprise, the reveal aided by an unexpected clap of thunder coming out of Ponyville. Drake took a closer look. “Are you sure,” He asked before anyone could get a word in edgewise. “Absolutely!” Pinkie replied pulling a report out and donning a pharmacist's coat and reading glasses. “You see-“ “No need,” Drake said interrupting her and reaching out with his better arm while Pinkie gave him the stink eye. “Hand the imposter over to me please.” The guard hesitated, an imposter most likely meant one thing and he wasn’t comfortable about holding that likelihood, but at the same time didn’t want to give it up. A slight nod from Princess Luna and he handed Scissor off. “Alright, who are you really?” Drake ask lifting Scissor up to his face. “You don’t recognize me? That really hurts. After all there are so few of us left,” Scissor said dropping her disguise a bit of life sustaining emotion already being directed her way by Drake. “How about now?” Scissor shied as the full force of the pony emotions hit her, particular those of a positively pissed purple unicorn. The anger was expected. The raw hatred was surprising. “What is that thing doing here?” Twilight growled “I’ll get to that in due time. By everyone else’s leave. I need just a moment with- What was your name?” Drake asked her. “Scissor, my name is Scissor, Regent, or is there another title you would prefer?” Scissor said watching Drake’s face drop for a moment. “Okay, a moment with Scissor,” Drake said in a deadpan before shifting away from the ponies with a grunt and speaking more softly to her. “While your reveal was a bit early, can I assume you’re here ‘cause the others are in place?” “Yes Regent. We are hidden in the pass, near the fort, in a place only we know. When you leave this place I will guide you there,” Scissor said taking pleasure in the approval Drake was feeling towards here. This encouraged her to take a risk she would have avoided under Queen Chrysalis. “If I might ask a question?” “What’s on your mind?” “What is going to happen to us? There are few, yet you have spared us, you hold our queen, but my connection to her tells me that she is growing in a rich environment.” “That is what this meeting is going to decide,” Drake told her softly. “Given the opportunity, the ponies will take you from me and use you for their own purposes. I don’t plan to let that happen. So if there comes an opportunity for you to help me, take it. Scissor thought it over for a moment then purred with satisfaction. She hopped onto Drake’s head, landing softly with the help of her wings, and settled in near his ear. “I will let you know how they are feeling, whenever it seems appropriate, but I expect to be allowed to eat after this.” “We’ll discuss food later,” Drake whispered to Scissor before turning back to the ponies that had waited patiently. Well, more they were still debating the ethics of using an eavesdropping spell. * * * * * * * * * * Spike waited for Drake to finish speaking with Scissor. He did so by trying to calm Twilight. She had been furious when the changeling appeared, even more so when it proved to be working for Drake, though she had come at the opportune moment for him. Drake was recounting the assault on the griffin camp, the first time he had willing killed another thinking creature. He had never shared this with the others, and now he feared its revelation. Particularly their response to it, Rarity’s most of all. If Rainbow had arrived earlier she would likely have found a far more interesting conversation to interrupt, but when Rarity learned what he had done, the mistakes that took place in their training, how he had been the one to make to battle plan for the Battle of Canterlot. Would she still feel the same about him? * * * * * * * * * * The story had been long in telling, and many time after Scissors arrival Drake was made to stop and explain. The reveal of Forum had been as surprising and shocking as Drake expected. It had then been much more tedious than anyone had expected. He had elected to skip over the origin story from Epistaties, earning an understanding look from Spike, though he did have to cover in brief the history of the Empire. That was almost a mess until the Princesses had stepped in and offered it credence. All told, Rarity was glad to learn the truth of the matter, it made Drake request much more understandable. The death of Chrysalis and his kidnapping, if it could be called that, of the new changeling queen definitely made things for more interesting. The details about the changes Spike had gone through had been disturbing at times. A monster just under the skin. A killer hidden behind those loving green eyes. Yet, he was still the Spike she had known, a stronger, more mature model perhaps, but the core was still the same. Then she thought about the Battle of Canterlot, the shield had been bathed in fire and lightning. That fire had come from Spike, he had confirmed it. In fact everything the pair of dragons had done that day had been planned by Spike. The same Spike that had flown in to protect them, thrown himself into an army to buy them time. The same Spike she had learned that ridiculous song because of, the same Spike she was disappointed hadn’t kissed her. ‘Perhaps these would be thoughts best figured out at a later time,’ Rarity thought with a flush as the conversation grew more and more heated regarding the fate of the changelings. * * * * * * * * * * Drake held back a growl, doing so would only hurt his case at this point and reiterated his stance. “Understand this now Princesses, the changelings stay with me, the only means by which you will get them is if you kill me. Try that and I will destroy the current one so you will have to hunt them down on your own. I have plans, plans that might let them flourish without the need for genocide against them.” “We do not wish to exterminate them, as I have said before, but we cannot allow them to run free. Likewise we cannot allow you to take them as you have proven to be of unreliable character. Now accept that you must hand them over so we can discuss what it is you plan to do in the Wildlands,” Princess Celestia said with a nod from Luna. The rest of the ponies there had taken to watching from the sidelines as the discussion continued. Scissor whispered in his ear. “She is not as unmovable as she seem, but they do intend to make you pay for something. They do not trust you, and feel uneasy about you. “The real matter at hand is that you don’t trust me to keep them under control or not to use them against you at some point in the future?” Drake said hoping he had guessed right. “Aye, we do not trust you, or rather my sister is uneasy about what you may do. Then again she hasn’t spent as much time around you and yours as I have,” Princess Luna said causing Princess Celestia to frown and look at her. “Come now sister, he is a dragon, you know how stubborn they can be. He isn’t going to give up his new toys. I trained him to fight Chrysalis and if not for Flim and Flam, who follow him, Bastion may well have fallen.” “She’s right, I am quite the stubborn serpent” Drake said unwisely, earning him a harsh glare from Princess Celestia. “No, so long as you intend to remain an independent force out there- Don’t deny it- then I can’t allow you to have the changelings,” said Princess Celestia with a tone of finality. “What if he didn’t remain completely independent,” Twilight said, interjecting herself into the conversation. All eyes turned on her, causing Twilight to blush. “What if there was an Equestrian advisor or liaison that could provide guidance and report back to you what was going on out in Forum. It would need to be somepony learned. After all they will be out there with a massive, unread, historic library,” Twilight said, beginning to stare off into space. “I would be willing to accept such an arrangement,” Drake said thinking it over for a moment. “But I would want to have some input on who it is. They will need to work with a diverse crowd and be diplomatic about it. By the way Twilight, you’re drooling.” Everyone stifled a laugh as Twilight wiped away the drool. Princess Luna was the first to speak. “I am amiable to such an arrangement, provided you bear the burden of proving the individual we select is unfit before you can disqualify them. Sister?” “I suppose it is acceptable, though I will expect weekly reports from whoever is sent. Now I have heard that you are in need of food and construction materials for your city, a steady stream of trade through the Wildlands, yes?” Princess Celestia said willing to move forward now that she was guaranteed to have eyes on the situation. In fact she had just the pony to send that would force Drake back to the negotiating table. “Indeed,” Drake said channeling his inner Teal’c, “Forum is a grand ruin, but even with the small group we have there it is difficult to feed us all, though it should get easier once we reset the enchantments.” “As it stand now, travel through the Wildlands would be dangerous for any trader, even more so now given that the children of chaos seem to be targeting you,” Princess Luna said. “Convoy system should be able to deal with that. All trade moves together, you escort them to Bastion and I will take them from there,” Drake said, working over the logistics in his head “And what will that cost us. Guard aren’t free, and if they are attacked it will only get more costly in terms of lives and bits. If we are to allow and sanction trade then we need something from you,” Princess Celestia said calmly. “What, I don’t intend to share the knowledge of the library for free, I am going to let those following me make use of it to produce their own goods for sale. It is the only thing we have and I can’t give it away even if I wanted to. Epistaties would probably kill me if I let you take any book out of it,” Drake said getting ready for the hammer to fall. “Fair enough, but right now Bastion only recognized one of those followers of yours as its rightful commander. Transfer control of the fortress to us, and allow students in that library, take them on as a rebirth of the universities it once serviced, and we will support convoys up to Bastion. You may also not charge the traders for your protection,” Princess Celestia said ignoring a whine from Twilight. Drake thought it over for a moment, doing his best to seem like he was weighing it heavily when in fact it was better than he had expected. “I can accept that. Should we send for some bureaucrats to get this all formalized?” “Yes, Island Limbo will probably be the best choice for author. He is a great bureaucrat despite having a cutie mark for limbo dancing,” Princess Celestia said, ending the negotiations. A pair of guards were dispatched to Canterlot to fetch the bureaucrats to draft a treaty. Everyone else broke up to handle other matters. The Princesses took Twilight back to the Ponyville Library to look over the histories and Twilights notes intending to discuss what Drake had told them and compare it with what they knew. Rarity and Applejack stayed for a bit to discuss the matters Drake had previously spoke to them about. Rainbow left to go practice, something about the story having gotten a fire into her. Fluttershy looked over Drake’s injuries then went into her cottage. Spike dallied for a bit showing interest in and offering inputs on the business deals before leaving with Rarity. After all but the guards had left Scissor came back out. “So you keep us for a while longer Regent, unbounded and unflinching. Feeling proud and content. Really not my cup of tea. Can I go into town to eat now?” “What is your cup of tea and where will you go for it?” Drake asked. “Motherly love, directed at a daughter given the chance, a sister works well too. Something about it is such a sweet flavor, so pure and untainted by any emotion other than love. Sisters have some envy but that is why I eat from the elder ones never the younger, they always care more than fearing a shadow cast over them,” Scissor said drifting into the air and hugging herself. “I thought you worked in the nursery, how is it you can infiltrate and have a flavor of preference?” Drake asked doing his best to settle back down to rest. There was nothing else for him to do now, nothing else he could do. “That was a rotary job, everyling does a shift at everything. It builds skills to use in the outworld, and prevents anyling from going rogue without it being noticed quickly. Now can I go? All I had today was breakfast and the pittance I got from you, Regent.” Scissor said having become much more forward since her arrival. “Go, just don’t get caught. I would recommend you avoid anyone that was here today by the way, most of them were in Canterlot when you attacked,” Drake said seeing no point in holding her back. She would probably go anyway if he told her no. With a bow, Scissor headed into town adopting a disguise along the way. A guard started to go after her before Drake growled stopping him. “Let her go, she will be leaving with me soon enough, and if she has any sense she’ll check in everyday.” Drake said, nearly yelling the last bit to make sure Scissor could hear him. * * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 29: Turning Wheels > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 29: Turning Wheels “Roll on highway, roll on along/Roll on daddy till you get back home/Roll on family, roll on crew/Roll on momma like I asked you to do/And roll on eighteen-wheeler roll on (Roll on)” -Roll On by Alabama The wind tugged at Trixie’s hair, pulling it backwards and upwards, as she stood atop the strange machine that made its way down the road at a frightening speed. Well, frightening to a lesser ponies, but not for the Great and Powerful Trixie, not even when it hit potholes and threatened to throw Trixie from her position. It had been three days since that fateful night at the tavern. Three days of the unicorn Flim driving that machine at that crazy speed, burning out his magic till he passed out. Three days of living without stopping. Flim had been clear on that point. Not to stop, not even for a second. That made certain things uncomfortable for Trixie and that other pony, Novelty, who, lacking magic, took the responsibility to rationing the supplies and ensuring Flim slept in his bed rather than the driver’s seat. Trixie felt the machine begin to slow and climbed down from the roof, asserting control over the vehicle with the spell Flim had shown her in one of his rare moments of lucidity. “Trixie has control and will follow the road until the next town which should be our destination of…” Trixie said as she entered the cabin, drawing a blank. “Nieghvannah, and Iron Will should be there when we arrive,” Novelty said as she tucked Flim’s whimpering form into his bed. “He burned himself out again?” “Yeah, eye scanning the horizon the whole time.” Novelty said taking the shotgun seat. “What happened? Trixie doubts he was always this unstable,” she said a hint of pity working its way into her voice. “Do you really want to know?” Novelty asked surprised to see Trixie show interest in someone other than herself. The whole journey had been spent listening to her talk about herself. At least it helped her get to sleep at night. “Trixie wouldn’t mind learning about her traveling companions. Not that she particularly cares, but that is a stallion that has seen and experienced the rough places of this world,” Trixie said glancing back at the scars over Flim’s right eye. “Alright, I’ll tell you what I know.” Novelty said. It didn’t take long for Novelty to share what little she knew about them, augmenting what they had told her with what she had learned Drake from various sources. Finishing the tale with a yawn Novelty bid Trixie goodnight and crawled into the bed. Trixie continued to power the machine all through the night pondering what Novelty had told her. When the sun finally rose the next morning, Neighvannah stood out on the horizon. * * * * * * * * * * Prince Blueblood knew something was up. As one of the most influential socialites in Canterlot, both from his pedigree and position, it was his duty to know when something was happening. First it was the deployment of guards to Ponyville. A short time later a group of bureaucrats came by the Office of Cartography, his office. Soon thereafter bits started moving and Princess Celestia’s businessponies started making inquiries and requesting maps for the North-Western region. Then guard commanders came by asking for detail road maps and anything he had on The Wildlands. He suspected the dragon was up to something, not Spike who was at once a skillful maneuverer of the masses and completely clueless, the other one. This was why he was not surprised when he was called to meet with Princess Celestia in her breakfast nook. Knocking respectfully, he waited for the door to open before entering and taking an empty seat at the table. “Good morning Auntie, you look radiant as always this morning.” Blueblood said, donning his three time award winning smile. “How has your week been?” Celestia grimaced for a moment, looking down at the lone grapefruit on her plate. “Well enough my dear nephew, though it has had more trials and challenges than I expected.” “Ah, these trials wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain serpent that hails from lands beyond Equestria by any chance, would it?” Blueblood asked, pouring himself some tea and spooning sugar into the oatmeal that was placed in front of him by one of the kitchen staff assigned to the nook that morning. “Perhaps, though one might ask what makes you think that?” “It could be the number of ponies coming by the Office of Cartography, and since there aren’t any succession crises among the nobility I know of, or large business deals on the verge of happening, it seems likely to be an aberration in the normal operation of the kingdom causing the rush. Then again, perhaps it is the rumors in the merchant quarters of a new trade route that is about to get a royal sanction to go where no merchant has gone before, under escort no less. Mayhaps it is that every pony that has my ears seeks for me to whisper their name into yours for a new court position that is about to be created,” Blueblood said, taking a small measure of satisfaction in seeing Princess Celestia smile as he told her that whatever she had set in motion was snowballing on its own. “It is good to hear you’re paying attention, it saves time on explanations. Yes, a new position is being created that reports to me, but it will not be in my court. Instead they are going to serve in Forum, an old ruin were Drake has established himself, some followers, and will be raising the next changeling queen. Or rather you are going to serve in Forum,” Princess Celestia said smiled as she waited for Blueblood to process what she had told him. Blueblood considered what she had said trying to think who best to suggest to her when her final line hit him. He gasped for a moment as his world crashed down around him. She was going to send him away from Canterlot, away from everything he had built for himself. “Surely there are far more suited ponies than myself you could send Auntie,” he said once he regained control of himself. “But none that I can trust like you,” Celestia said, smiling like a cat that’s caught a canary. “You flatter me Auntie, but what about the Office of Cartography. If I leave who shall run it.” “Gerry Mander is more than qualified and there are no major issues at the moment.” “But, Auntie! I am not a pony made for ruins and exploration, I am an urbanite, a socialite, I beg you to find some other pony for this assignment!” Prince Blueblood said slowly realizing that he was doomed to the wilderness. “I have made my decision Blueblood, you are my first choice for this position. I trust you to perform it with the same excellence you put into your other duties. Besides think of this as an opportunity to get away from all those mares that just want you for ‘your looks and wealth’ as you put it,” Princess Celestia said ending the conversation. Breakfast was finished quickly after that and Blueblood returned to his apartment in a funk. He ordered his servants to prepare his things for travel and began writing letters to his contacts informing them that he would be leaving for an unknown amount of time and would contact them when possible. Once the letters were prepared, being able to write several at once with his magic helping greatly in the task, Blueblood went to talk to some guard commanders that owed him favors. It would be foolish to go into uncivilized lands unprepared after all. * * * * * * * * * * As Blueblood prepared for his exile, the Super Speedy Tank 7000 arrived in Neighvanna. Flim awoke as Trixie came to a stop in the center of the town, the sound of seagulls coming from the harbor and the scent of sea water wafting into the tank. “Why are we stopping?” Flim demanded, jumping out of bed. “Because we have reached Neighvanna,” Trixie said with a yawn, opening the side hatch. “Now Trixie is going to go stretch her legs and if you give her some money will procure provisions the next leg of our journey.” “No, we can’t stop. We need to keep moving until we find Iron Will,’ Flim said throwing the SST 7000 in motion as he jumped towards the driver’s seat. Trixie struggled to keep from falling out at the tank lurched forward, and was saved at the last moment by Novelty, who pulled her back in. “Flim, calm down! We can stop for a moment while I go find Iron Will and bring him to you,” Novelty said as Trixie leaned against the bulkhead and caught her breath. “Look, there is a fountain right there, you can keep the SST 7000 moving around it while I got get my boss and Trixie gets supplies so we doesn’t have to keep trying to forage from the roadside while we are moving.” Flim looked at the fountain. It was three tiered, water pouring from a pair of spigots at the top. It looked safe enough, there was plenty of room around it, there were ponies, but not too many. “Okay. I’ll slow down so you can get out. Do you know how long it will take?” Flim said after a moment’s thought. It didn’t feel right but he needed their help. “It will take longer to convince Iron Will to come with me than to find him,” Novelty said then turned to Trixie. “It depends on if you have any bits Trixie can use to procure the supplies or if Trixie have to get them with Trixie’s own wealth,” Trixie said holding up a sad depleted bag. Flim said nothing, merely brought a bag of gold over to her. “This will do. Trixie will be back in a couple hours.” With that Trixie jumped from the crawling SST 7000 and trotted into Neighvanna putting together a mental list of what to procure. “Flim, I know you are having trouble without Flam around but you have to pull yourself together.” Novelty said standing at the hatch. “What do you know?” Flim snapped back instantly regretting it. “Just go get Iron Will, I’ll be fine until you get back.” Novelty wanted to say something, but the Flim’s defeated posture convinced her that it would be useless. Instead she too left, off to find her employer. * * * * * * * * * * The SST 7000 crept around the fountain drawing stares and questions from young fillies and colts who were told to ignore it. Inside Flim sat seeing danger in every shadow. 'Can’t rest, no dreams, no nightmares. Sleep lets the monsters in. Sleep is why I wasn’t ready. If I don’t sleep I’ll never stop. If I’ll never stop they can never get me. If they can’t get me then there is still hope for Flam.' These thoughts and others like them ran through Flim’s mind as he circled the fountain. He and Flam had been inseparable. Flam took care of the master plan and he ironed out the details. Flam looked out for him, and he looked out from Flam. Now thought, now Flam was lost to the dogs, and Flim was lost to his fears. For several hours Flim waited. Trixie was the first to return, laden with supplies for the next part of the journey. Flim said nothing other than telling Trixie to grab an iron pan and Trixie ignore him. Though she did grab the pan. Storing the supplies she then climb onto the top and fell asleep in the warm sunlight. Far later than expect Novelty returned with Iron Will following atop a pair of goats, scowling with his arms crossed. “Trixe! Trixie can you tell Flim I’m back and that he needs to talk to Iron Will,” Novelty said when the SST 7000 came into view. Trixie huffed, annoyed at having been woken, but did as asked. Iron Will took his first look at the SST 7000. It was a dusty, dented metal contraption that did little to impress him. After a short wait it came to a stop and a ragged looking ponies, one with a blind eye, climbed out of the vehicle. The pony looked familiar but Iron Will couldn’t place him. “Hello Iron Will,” Flim said standing at the hatch his back legs twitching nervously in stark contrast to the façade he was wearing. “If you have your stuff hop on we need to be going.” “NOW HOLD ON little pony,” Iron Will said, hopping off his goats and Marching up to Flim. “Just who do you think you are to be trying to order Iron Will around?” “Willie, I don’t have time to be dealing with your adequacy issues. Either hop on or I will knock you out and throw you on. Your choice,” Flim said, looking Iron Will in the eye. Iron Will returned the stare just as intensely. “Wait a second only two ponies would ever dare to call me that,” Iron Will said taking a closer look. “Flam is that you?” Flim took a deep breath, fighting down the urge to yell, to scream, to cry. “No, I’m Flim. Flam was- he was- he was taken by Diamond Dogs a few day ago, and every minute we spend debating how you join us is another minute wasted in getting him back,” Flim said, his voice breaking as he spoke of his brother. Iron Will eased back. “Alright Flim, I’ll come with you at least to meet Drake. It’s the least I can do after what you two did for me. Just give me a minute to take care of a few things with Ten and Kue.” he said, and after a nod from Flim, went to speak to the goats that had carried him to the fountain. “Thank you Trixie you can put that away now,” Flim said as he ducked back into the SST 7000 feeling accomplished. He had expected Iron Will to be more difficult to convince. Hence why Trixie was standing ready with a cast iron pan atop the vehicle the whole time. “Good, Trixie is glad we can finally be going. The sooner this job is done, the sooner I can get paid.” Trixie said hopping down when Novelty stuck her head inside. “You already knew Iron Will?!” She asked, just shy of a scream. “Not now Novelty, not my place, and definitely not the time,” Flim said as he double checked how Trixie had stored the gear and looking over the remaining equipment from Forum. “Fine, but I expect the full story next time we stop.” Novelty said as Iron Will returned. “Alright, I’m ready. Lets go!” Iron Will said mounting the SST 7000. “Where are we headed to meet with your Drake?” “I’ll tell you once I find out, but most likely… In Ponyville.” Flim called up as he started the machine rolling out of town, off to the north. * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 30: Changing of the Guard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 30: Changing of the Guard "He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command." -Niccolo Machiavelli Blueblood looked out the windows of his carriage watching the evergreens pass by, slowly giving way to an empty plain between the barrier mountains as he traveled the road leading to Bastion. Behind him, several trade wagons followed, carrying the heads of different merchant guilds from across Equestria chosen by Princess Celestia to be the first ones to establish trade routes with Forum. Behind them a single carriage carrying students approved by Forum’s ruling serpent to act as the first class to learn in the Library. The more Blueblood learned of where he was visiting the more his excitement and apprehension grew. The apprehension had started from the moment he learned of his new position. When the commander had briefed him on the dangers of the wildlands it had only grown. Then he had met Drake and learned that Princess Celestia’s decision might be voided. The interview had gone terribly for that hope. At first Drake had refused him, but the harder Princess Celestia pressed the harder it became for Drake to justify his refusal. In that moment, Blueblood determined to prove himself to spite the wyrm, and to show the Princess that her faith in him was justified. He had been asked to remain, as the student were likewise interviewed. It was then he truly learned about the place that was to be his new home. The possibilities had fed an infant sense of excitement born from his determination. It was early in the evening when the column finally reached Bastion. The fortress seemed to glisten in the fading sunlight. Fresh cut stone on its walls and piles of vines and other greenery near its base. There were also piles of bones yet to be buried. A somber reminder of the harpy attack in the weeks prior. Overhead Drake circled his blue body visible against the orange sky. Pulling inside the gate Blueblood saw a beat up machine parked near the entrance to the commander center. Near it rested a minotaur, an earth pony and a pair of unicorns with their eyes in the sky. As the last carriage pulled into the fort, the doors were shut behind it and Drake landed by him. “Welcome to Bastion Blueblood. Now that you are here, we can fulfill the first requirement of the treaty,” Drake said, turning towards the command center. “Since Bastion currently recognizes him as commander anyway, Flim will be going with you to oversee the transfer of command to General Hoplite.’’ “I understand,” Blueblood said climbing out of his carriage and pausing to let the stallions pulling it know they were done for the day. “Though I must say the fort is far different from everything I’d read.” “That would be Bastion’s doing. Apparently the zebra is a bit vain. Let’s get this over with you highness. We have been waiting long enough.” Flim said in a monotone not looking up from the ground as he walked towards the door.” “Wait, isn’t Bastion the name of this fortress? What do zebras have to do with anything?” Blueblood asked Drake as he started to follow Flim. “You’ll see soon enough. Unfortunately, I have somewhere else to be tonight. I will meet you tomorrow at the rendezvous point that Flim will be leading ya’ll to tomorrow morning.” Drake said flexing his wings and taking off. Deprived of the opportunity to ask further questions, Blueblood let out a sigh and followed Flim. Every meeting with Drake had been frustrating in some way, why should this one be any different? Blueblood followed Flim through the corridors until they came to the central command room. There he saw the Equestrian guard as he expected, but pulled up short when he saw a scarred zebra head floating in the center of the room with an image of the fort and surrounding area projected below it. “Welcome back Commander Flim, is it time for the change of command?” Bastion asked when he saw Flim enter the room. “Yes it is. General, with me is Prince Blueblood who is to act as the official liaison of Equestria to the Phoenix Initiative to verify that the transfer has taken place in accordance with the Second Treaty of Ponyville.” Flim recited from the script he had memorized. “I, General Athena Hoplite, will be taking command of Fortress Bastion from Commander Flim of the Phoenix Initiative.” the general said as the troops working in the center formed two columns along the wall. “I, Prince Blueblood of Equestria, royal liaison to the Phoenix Initiative, shall provide official witness of the change of command. You may proceed.” Prince Blueblood said when they looked at him, picking up on the protocols that were being enforced. “Just get on with it already. The Fallen still roam, and I am nowhere near up to full capacity yet. The sooner we get this done the sooner we can get back to work restoring this citadel to its full glory,” Bastion said glaring at the assembled ponies. “Very well. Go ahead and bring forth the commander's control console.” Flim said before turning the General Hoplite. “General, I pass command of Bastion on to you.” Flim said moving next to the console and motioning for her to come forward. “Please place your hooves on the console.” General Hoplite moved forward and placed her hooves on the console in the same circles Flim had place his own when Bastion was awoken. The guards came to attention at an unheard command, giving the event a more serious feel. “As you are aware, the Empire has practiced blood magic in its enchantments. This allowed for powerful spells, enchantments and constructs to be tied to one control and eased inheritance issues. To assume command I shall take a sample of your blood. This will hurt,” Bastion said, staring down at her. “I already know that, just do it already.” General Hoplite hissed between gritted teeth as she braced herself. Bastion nodded then deploy needles, piercing her hooves. Hoplite grit her teeth, refusing to cry out as everyone watched. As quickly as they deployed, they retracted. “I recognize General Athena Hoplite as my new commander.” Bastion said. “I command Fortress Bastion.” General Hoplite said wincing as she placed weight on her hooves. “The fortress is under command of the Equestrian guard. The treaty obligation has been fulfilled.” Prince Blueblood said intrigued by the ceremony, but not enough to particularly care after the long day he’d had. “General, I am sure you have many things to take care of right now. I and those traveling with me have had a very long day. We would appreciate it if we could be shown to our lodging for the night.” As General Hoplite arranged for Blueblood and the others to be put up for the night Flim returned to his vehicle. As the sun set those in Bastion bedded down. Elsewhere a meeting happened in the dark shadows of a nearby mountain. * * * * * * * * * Drake hovered as his back legs touched down softly on the stony earth beneath the jagged peak. Though he was on the mend it still hurt land on his right arm, despite the cast protecting it. Not to mention the new scales on his left side itched like crazy as they grew through is purplish pink flesh. Taking a careful breath, glad his ribs had mostly healed before leaving Ponyville he stopped flapping and let gravity pull his body forward. Having successfully landed he called out the people he was meeting with. “Scissor, Brutus, are ya’ll here?” There was the sound of hooves on stone as the changelings came into view, each looking healthier than they had three weeks ago when he had met them. Their eyes glowed softly in the shadows on the evening as they gathered around him. “We are here Regent. What do you wish of us?” Brutus said leading the changelings in a shallow bow. “First off, Scissor come get these saddle bags off me and check the egg,” Drake said referring to a gift from Rarity that straddled his neck where it met his shoulders. Useful if impossible to don and doft himself. “Secondly, we are moving out in the morning. Are you five well enough to fly, or will I need to carry you?” “Between what Scissor gathered while in the pony town and what we receive from your concern for us, we will be well enough to make the journey,” Brutus said proudly, the other three changelings around him puffing up their chest slightly. “Good to hear. You can serve as my personal escorts then. Our job will be to keep an eye out for threats to the convoy. Don’t bother with disguises either, I want you in the open where everyone can see you. Understood?” Drake said, scratching his neck as the saddle bag finally came off. Brutus and the others winched slightly at that but held their tongues. Walking among the parent races openly was something changelings simply did not do, unless they had no choice. Drake’s orders flew in the face of this. They had been back and forth when he had first arrived with Scissor the previous day, but gotten nowhere against Drake’s desire of them going uncloaked. “As you say Regent. Though I remain opposed to the prospect.” Brutus said as Scissor came back with the bags which glowed faintly pink. “I am hoping for a better future for you race Brutus. You have potential for great things. More than skulking in the shadows, though that may be part of it. But to achieve this I need others to be comfortable around you, and for you to be comfortable in your own skin. We will talk more later. Scissor, how is she coming along?” Drake said turning his attention to the changeling mare that had taken on the role of caring for the developing queen. “She is coming along well Regent. The pony town was rich in emotions that she was able to siphon off. Then there is your own feelings towards her. I would not be surprised if she hatched very soon,” Scissor said pressing an ear against the egg before bringing it up to Drake’s ear. “Listen closely, you can hear her moving,” She said, hovering with the egg gripped in both her magic and hooves. Drake listened closely when he heard a soft scratching on the shell. “Indeed I can,” Drake said. Scissor took the egg away and began stowing it back carefully, checking the cushion she had created for it. “Alright. In this last bit of daylight I want ya’ll to share with me your stories. Anything you know, have done or can do. I will be spending the night here instead of at the fortress since I got in trouble with Bastion for not playing well with others,” Drake said with a smirk as he stretched out on the ground. “One changeling is to stand watch once the time comes for sleep, otherwise ya’ll can do whatever you need to tonight.” Slowly the changelings began to speak, beginning with Brutus but picking up as time went on. Each allowing their pride and come through as they spoke. Throughout it Drake paid attention, getting to know his followers, learning about them so he could care about them more. When the sun rose the next morning, Drake awoke with the changeling’s camped beneath one of his wings, Scissor on th guard duty. They readied for the journey, quickly placing the eggs they had saved and cared for on Drake’s back. Once the eggs were secured and secure on Drake, they took to the air. As they climbed away from the mountain, the changelings took position around him. The sun rose behind them and Drake let out a wild roar, glad to finally be on the road, and ready for the next chapter of his story. > Chapter 31: Offical Reports > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 31: Official Reports “Good afternoon students. Welcome to the new semester. This is History 347, so if you signed up for a different class at this time, you’re in the wrong place.” Graying orange unicorn with a new pair of saddlebags said, as he walked into the lecture hall and up to the podium. There was a short scramble as a few students left quickly to get to the right class. “Excellent! It seems we have a good diversity of students this semester. Griffins and ponies in the majority as expected, but a fair number of wolves, minotaurs, a few buffalo, yaks, zebras... And even a couple of Saddle Arabians and dragons! This should give us plenty of good discussions throughout this semester. As I said, this is History 347, the founding of the Phoenix Republic. In particular, but not exclusively, focusing on the letters, reports, and journals of Prince Blueblood, the first Equestrian ambassador to the Republic. Before that, the Equestrian liaison sent to ensure that the obligations of the Second Treaty of Ponyville were met,” the professor said as he pulled a stack of syllabi from his saddle bags and passed them to a griffon in the first row. “Syllabi are now being passed around that outline my plan for the semester. As those are being passed around let’s introduce ourselves. I’ll start,” he said coming around in front of the podium. “I am Recognized Bias. I have been a professor here at Forum University’s History department for the past 10 years. Prior to that I was a brigadier general in the PR Army Magic Corps. That followed working my way up the ranks after commissioning from the officer training program at this university and a short stint in the Dragon Guard,” Bias said drawing impressed gazes from various students, and unimpressed looks from others, mostly the foreign students. The class continued normally the students introducing themselves, their hometowns, and fields of study. Once the syllabi were fully passed out, they were discussed. Bias made clear of his expectations and fielded a number of questions. Once they had completed such mundane necessities as the start of a class demands, Bias was able to touch on the main topic of the class. “Before we finish today, I would like to read one of my favorite passages from Blueblood’s Journal. It was the entry of his first night after leaving Fortress Bastion.” * * * * * * * * * Prince Blueblood’s Journal Day 1 in the Wildlands, We are camped under the open stars for the first time in this journey, but likely not the last. Drake’s followers, traveling in what Flim calls the Super Speedy Tank 7000, have served as a vanguard ranging out in front, by several miles. The traders traveling with me are handling the open plain well, but the cosmopolitan students are, much like myself, unused to such open areas and find it disconcerting. Drake is resting nearby. He flew overhead with six changelings around him acting as lookouts against any harpies, and spotters against diamond dog raiders. When I saw him land I noticed twin lines of changeling goo running along his back. Upon further inspection I saw a number of oval shapes in imbedded within. The manner with which the changeling treated them suggest to me that they are eggs of the race. A last hope of a dying species. Speaking of the changelings, he had me meet with them after we stopped today. It was a difficult experience. I remember the Wedding Invasion well, the terror of the attack, the horror of what was planned for us. Yet before me, in their own skin I saw how much like us they are, and how different at the same time. The one who I spoke with this evening is called Brutus, the leader of the remaining changelings, and that is what they are. The Remaining Changelings. The last of their kind. It is terrifying to consider the possiblity of their extinction. The end of a race, even one as disturbing at the changelings is something I cannot rightly wish for. Brutus is himself an interesting sort. He told me they had been forbidden from donning disguises while serving Drake. This, Drake explained, was to help them come into the open and become a part of the world rather than hiding from it and eking out a living in the shadows. Our conversation, though informative, was short, the need to prepare the camp overriding such luxuries as a long talk. Though it was uncomfortable, I look forward to speaking more with Brutus and with others whom I shall be living and working with in the coming months. Looking out my tent at the dry amber grasses which wave in the evening winds, I find myself hopeful and expectant for the days to come. I am sure were any in Canterlot to hear this they would laugh, but there is a majestic beauty to the natural world I find myself experiencing that all the gold and grandeur of pony construction cannot match. Until Tomorrow, Blueblood * * * * * * * * * “That will be all for today,class ” Bias said closing the well-worn book he’d read out of. “Make sure to read the next entry, Ambush at an Oasis, by next class so we can discuss it then.” With those parting words the class was dismissed and went about the rest of their day. From their dismissal to the next class most of them ignored the assignment, then shortly before class many skimmed through it quickly, or asked the few that had read it to fill them in. They spoke quickly sharing what they had read and what they had gotten out of it as Professor Bias entered the room. * * * * * * * * * Prince Blueblood’s Journal Day 2 in the Wildlands Today I saw the fragile mortality of life, and it was very nearly my own. Perhaps should anyone ever read this following my passing I should explain what happened, that you might too know the dangers of this wild landscape that has lost its beauty. Now it is filled with lurking dangers that will strike without a moment’s notice. We resumed our travels in the morning. Drake and his changeling guard once against taking to the air whilst the unicorn powered contraption ranged out ahead. The stallions pulling my carriage clad themselves in armor as they had yesterday, but many of the merchant’s pullers eschewed such protection, believing that there would be sufficient warning to don the armor if it should become necessary. Myself, I was not quite yet prepared to trust Drake and his followers and so wore some basic mail and kept my helm and short sword handy. I am glad I did. As Celestia’s sun was just beginning its descent, we stopped at a small oasis. Really it was little more than a broad mud puddle, the dry landscape sucking up the water before it could travel far, but the heart of it was a clear spring bubbling up from beneath the ground. While we had water left from Bastion, Drake landed and suggested that we refill here, stating that it was the last water source for some time that he recalled on his last passage through this area. This was confirmed by Flim. As we began filling our containers a griffin fell from the sky into the student carriage that had remained on the perimeter, the students thankfully out of it at the time. This cause a burst of movement from Drake who leapt over us straight to the griffin before calling Flim over. I went to join them and overheard them speaking. The griffin was another associate of theirs named Kestrel or something like that. He spoke of being ambushed, somepony, or rather somegriffin being taken or dead. He was quite incoherent, but Drake seemed to understand him. I know this because today I saw a dragon rage, a slow burning fire that was steadily fed fuel. When he saw me his eyes glowed with a power and he seemed to grow with each passing second. “Get everyone moving now, and run.” he told me before lifting into the air. Flim ran past me the griffin on his back, muttering to himself about not again and revenge at the same time. I ran back and told everypony of move, to follow Flim who was already closing the doors of his machine and beginning to move west. Confused they followed my orders as I stood atop my carriage, watching as Drake circled above. Once we were out of the mud and on the move he let loose. Lighting rained down from his maw crashing into the oasis. At first I was confused, but it became clear what he was doing as a pack of diamond dogs popped to the surface throwing spears at him, only to miss as he soared above them. I watched as they fought. The dogs began fleeing the mud, the water in it conducting enough of the lighting that Drake could harm them. Then they hit dry dirt and burrowed down. Drake roared, a frustrated howl, as he dived down where they had burrowed, crashing into the ground, but unable to reach them. The changelings around him buzzed along the ground and he took off after them. A horrifying visage of rage racing along the ground guided by black blurs. I would later learn that the changelings were tracking the diamond dogs, as they rushed towards us. Then the ponies pulling the student carriage disappeared beneath the earth, the carriage tilting upwards and beginning to go down. It was about to disappear beneath the earth when a much larger Drake reached out with his good hand and pulled it up. The screams of the students audible to me from where I stood. The pullers were gone as he pulled it up and he loosed his fury into the hole, driving the dogs above ground all around us. The guards pulling my carriage unhooked themselves circling around with the traders and their wagons. We took defensive positions onboard the vehicles, fearing an underground attack. Flim’s contraption zoomed by us, the unicorn in question standing on top, beside the minotaur I had seen at Bastion. Both brandished weapons, a large maul for the minotaur, and a spear in Flim’s magic. They crashed into the dogs, Flim yelling something about a brother. This was my first true view of the fragility of life, watching the dogs smashed to a pulp and smeared across the front of the vehicle. I will not lie, not here in this journal. I retched. The battle raged outside of the circle we had created. Drake, the changelings and his other followers battling with the dogs over the students, who were still trapped within their carriage. One of my guards started to move to help them, but was stopped by the other who merely shook his head. Fortunately he listened for a moment later, one of the merchantpony’s guards fell backwards a spear protruding from his chest. A pair of dogs jumped up to where he had been standing, ugly clubs in their paws. The battle had come to us. The dogs flowed like water behind their vanguard or came up on the inside, dragging the fallen mercenary away beneath the ground. I am not a fighter, but I’d heard the stories, the tales of what happens to those captured by these unwashed monsters. Though I’d never before seen battle, my guards and I did not stand idly by. I was afraid, like nothing I have ever been, but did I not promise myself to do Auntie Celestia proud, to be worthy of the faith she bestowed upon me with this position. It is late and I am beginning to ramble. Sufficient to say, I joined the fray, using my magic to stab at the dogs while my guards used their pikes to menace them and keep them back. We withstood them for I don’t know how long, but sweat ran down my back, blood flowed from the carriages, both pony and diamond dog, and the dogs continued coming, the mercenaries and the guards were injured, one guard had been knocked out. We fought over his body; the dogs trying to taking him, us trying to save him, and prevent them from flanking us. Something hit me in the side, knocking me down to the ground outside the ring. The impact knocked me breathless and I struggled to roll from my back as one of the dogs towered over me, a rusted trident in his paws. For all the evil I wish to attribute to him, what struck me most was the dumb look on his face, as if he felt nothing but simple did his job. There was no warrior ethos, no grand purpose to his life, just doing what had to be done. My life flashed before my eyes as the trident descended towards me. The things I had done, the ponies I loved, and my regrets at failing when a blue blur shot through my vision and a pink mist was all the remained of the one that nearly ended me. The battle ended quickly from there. Drake and his allies had saved the students. The dogs tried to focus on the remaining ponies in the circle, hence the attack that had knocked me down before he could come to our aid. Despite his fresh injuries Drake had not let up and came straight to our aid. As I looked around, I saw corpses littering the ground, almost all of them the dogs, but one of the changelings had fallen, two more were injured. All three lay on top the student carriage, one whom I recall having a fair bit of medical schooling looking after them. A full accounting, later this evening after we set up camp, would show that we had lost the two pullers and three mercenaries to the dogs, another four mercenaries dead, a pair of the traders mortally wounded and expected not to survive the night. One changeling is gone, two are wounded, and nearly half the eggs were smashed. The queen’s egg is unharmed though. I am alive, but I now know that life out here is not a gentle existence. For those that live in this waste, they have my respect and sympathy. * * * * * * * * * “A stark reminder of what the Green Sea was once like indeed,” Bias said as they finished an overview to start the class, “but what does this really mean for us, and the founding of the Republic?” One of the wolves stood to answer, as tradition dictated. “Sir, it shows why Drake would be so zealous in his persecution of the diamond dogs.” “A good answer, any others?” “Sir,” a griffin hen said standing as the wolf sat down, “that griffin was Kestrel the Survivor of one of the teams sent out by Drake when he had first went to Equestria right?” “Indeed, The leader of the second team, and the only one to escape capture or death when they were ambushed by both harpies and diamond dogs.” “Well his survival means that Drake would get the story direct rather than from a second hand source.” “Okay, and what will that do for him? Someone else answer.” “It lets him know the nature of the threat against him and how coordinated it is,” A dragoness said raising her neck up rather than standing at her full height. “All good analysis of these event but no one has hit on the main point,” Bias said. “Think of the recent film, Death of a Parasprite.” “Sir, is it that Blueblood’s experiences would give him insight into the struggle of survival and loss at the hands of the Fallen races that would drive Drake to act so extremely in the Massacre at Appaloosa, and thereby help him calm tensions in the aftermath between the infant Phoenix Republic and the Diarchy of Equestria?” one of the ponies said. “Exactly. No other event during his tenure was quite such a close call as this battle was. It also showed him the lengths Drake would go to defend those around him. Rather than abandon anyone, Drake had fought to save everyone, and did not chastise the ponies for circling up and trying to fight back,” The class breathed a sigh of relief and Bias went on with his lecture talking about the differences between the life most ponies of the time knew and life in the Wildlands. The class listened and took notes as he spoke. “Since we have Friday off, we will have a quiz on Monday on the next topic. Blueblood first official report. Otherwise enjoy your weekend and have some fun,” Bias said dismissing the class. * * * * * * * * * Official Report to Princess Celestia Prince Blueblood Official Liaison 15, Flower’s Bloom 2 ARL Subject: Emerald, the new Changeling Queen. 1) The purpose of this report is to detail the birth of the new Changeling Queen Emerald. 2) This morning, as we broke camp and prepared for our second to last day of travel, the unicorn Trixie the Great and Powerful, whom is current working for the dragon Drake Rex, informed me that my presence was required by said dragon. I made my way to where he had bedded down that night, and found him with his followers and the changelings arranged around the glowing pink egg of the changeling queen. It was very bright and rocking gently back and forth. Drake had a smirk on his face though the changelings seemed uneasy. I stood out of the way near the other ponies present. After a few moment the egg began to break, black cracks standing out against the light it threw off. At last the shell fell away revealing the new queen. She rolled out of the remains of the shell, giving me my first good look at her. Furless, her skin was a dark charcoal grey, her shell yet unformed. She had teal tuffs of something hair-like for a mane and tail, her horn was small and fairly straight, but what stood out were her wings. Whereas all changelings have insect wings she had small leather wings which she flapped experimentally. At this point I took a closer look and saw that her front legs ended in claws instead of hooves, and her face was decidedly more reptilian than pony. She looked like a hybrid between a dragon and a changeling, I was not alone in finding this odd. The changelings bristled angrily at her appearance. Brutus spoke up questioning her form and demanding an answer. Drake, who until now had been quiet, offered a possibility which is quoted here. “I am not sure, but the egg was bathed in my blood at one point. As you are likely aware dragon blood has potent magical properties. Add your race’s magical shapeshifting abilities and it’s possible that some of it was absorbed into the egg thereby altered her development into what we see here.” Brutus, Scissor, Peggy, Judas, and Mission, the changelings, did not seem satisfied with this explanation and promised an extensive discussion on this in the future, remaining on guard until I had left. Drake then leaned in and greeted the confused foal that had been playfully flailing around during the exchange, ignorant of all that was happening. “Hello Emerald,” he said drawing her attention for the first time. With her eyes on him, he carefully scooped her up in his hand. She fit comfortably in his palm, but only just. “That’s right your name is Emerald, and I am your father. Welcome to the world.” At those worlds Emerald just giggled, sounding every bit like a newborn foal in that moment. She held out her forelegs to him and when he leaned in she hugged his snout. At that point I had seen enough and excused myself to compose this report. 3) It is my opinion that, at this time, the neither changelings or their new queen pose an immediate threat to Equestria. Additional to see the dragon, whom I have only seen playing the game of politics, fighting, or expecting an attack smiling and showing genuine care towards the foal makes me believe that he is not so dangerous as another in his place might be. If he can truly feel love and care of somepony then a productive relationship may well be possible and profitable both for Equestria and whatever he is creating out here. That said it is too early to be sure. I will report anything more I learn as is appropriate and will continue to remain skeptical but open minded if only to ensure that I fulfill my duties in good faith. Prince Vlad Blueblood Prince Vladimir Blueblood Royal Equestrian Liaison * * * * * * * * * “Welcome back everyone I hope you fun weekend. The quiz question is on the board, write down you answer then turn it in up here,” Bias said as the class settled in. “The next two days we will be discussing the implications of this first report from Prince Blueblood, and the potential implications it might have had on early Equestrian-Republic relations.” Thus began two classes of in depth discussion on the nature of early relations and how the republic was almost completely dependent on Equestria for food and skilled laborers to rebuild Forum and feed its growing population. Included was discussion of how this affected the current relationship between the two nations and political policy in the Republic. At the end of the last class he assigned two separate readings then promised a good surprise for Friday, but refused to say what it was. The students left, convinced a test was inbound while Bias chuckled to himself certain no one would figure it out. * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 32: It's Good to be the King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 32: It’s Good to be the King "I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself." -Pietro Aretino “That’s it for our Wednesday class. Friday we’ll be meeting in the Grand Auditorium. Please make sure to plan accordingly. I will be present near the stage. When you arrive check in then find a seat. We will be having a very special guest lecturer. Before Friday, and I cannot stress how important this is, everyone needs to read both the next report and Blueblood’s next journal. In that order,” Bias said, ending the lecture on the benefits of restarting the universities as part of the 2nd Treaty of Ponyville, following a reading from one of those first students to cross the Wildlands with Prince Blueblood. The students filed out of the room. Bias went up to his office to write a letter informing his guest that all was prepared as requested and to add a small request of his own. * * * * * * * * * Official Report to Princess Celestia Prince Blueblood, Official Liaison 16, Flower’s Bloom 2 ARL Subject: Changeling Friction 1) The purpose of this report is to pass on information regarding friction in the relationship between the surviving changelings and Drake. 2) This evening, we made for camp what should be the last time, sentries taking an extra careful watch. I went to speak with Drake, wanting to check on what to expect when we arrived at Forum. When I found him he was having a heated discussion with the changelings. I ducked behind a tent and listened closely. I have transcribed what I heard for your evaluation. “I understand your concerns Brutus I really do, but she is the queen, regardless of her appearance, right? Doing all the things a newborn queen can or should be doing,” Drake said. “Yes, the hive-link is centering on her and we can feel emotions from her being passed along it. So yes, she is our queen, at least until the end of this discussion,” Brutus said. I believe the survivors are suggesting they are willing to kill the new queen because of her appearance and replace her with a different one. “What do you want? I don’t know what happened or how,” Drake said, his lips drawing back to reveal his fangs. “We want to know what you did to change our queen. You killed one, and now you twist the other!” I believe it was Mission that said this. “I’ve told ya’ll my best guess. Until she develops more and starts speaking I don’t know what to tell you. She may, as the memories of previous queens come to her, be able to answer the question. Be patient. I know the loss of the eggs and Sybian has been rough, but just be patient a little longer.” Drake said softly. The changelings were silent for a moment either whispering among themselves or thinking it over, I do not know which. Eventually, Scissor broke the silence. “Okay, here’s how I see it. Having spent the most time around the conniving dragon before us, I say we trust him. You all know how he looked after he beat Chrysalis. You know how are he fought to get us. You should also know he fought just as hard to keep us out of Equestrian control.” Scissor said. “Thank you Scissor.” Drake said. “I truly do want to make ya’ll a proud race capable of standing side by side with the others. The Diamond Dogs, maybe. The Harpies, never. Ya’ll for certain, if you work with me.” At that point the Changelings seemed to accept the current state of their queen, but it was a slow acceptance, perhaps even a grudging one. 3) It is my belief that it will serve the Equestrian crown well to make friends with the Changelings. Therefore, we should seek to befriend them at any opportunity and offer them our aid and kindness. It may be possible to, through diplomacy, bring them willingly to our control. I know it shall be a difficult task so long as they remain with Drake, but I am here and shall begin. Please advise any future diplomats to be aware of this should you chose to pursue this policy. Prince Vladimir Blueblood Prince Vladimir Blueblood Royal Equestrian Liaison * * * * * * * * * Blueblood’s Journal Day 9 in the Wildlands We are camped at the walls of the ruin of Forum. One last night Drake says so that preparations can be made to safety enter. Apparently, there are ancient constructs roaming the ruin that will attack us on sight if these steps are not taken. Flim confirmed this when I asked, after Drake seemed to just be sitting around mumbling. As it was explained to me, Drake’s in contact with those in the city using a system Flim and his brother developed. It is based on placing a spell upon one of the dragon’s scales. They hadn’t been in contact until today because communication has to be started from the scale holder’s side. It lets them communicate with Drake and track his azimuth and a general sense of range from the scale. The issue for those in the city is powering the spell. Since there were no unicorns in the city they were currently forced to use dragon blood as the power source. He mentioned something about trying to interface it with Forums magic grid. Unfortunately, I had no clue what he was talking about at that point. The two mares were there as I talked with Flim. Novelty Calendar, who I was surprised to learn is related to Luna’s aide Business Calendar, seemed quite fascinated by what he was saying. The other, Trixie, was acting uninterested. Years of experience in crowds of nobles taught me how to pick up all the signs that it was but an act, and not even a good one. She was hooked on what Flim was saying as tightly as Novelty, if for the same reason. Iron Will is still standing beside Drake, his eye not having left the ruin once since we arrived. I will admit the ruins are grand, but they are still just ruins. The only standing structures are the ones at the very top of the gentle slope. I suppose I would respond similarly if I were to see ruins of Canterlot or Manehatten after having never seen them in their glory. Emerald has yet to speak, but she always stays close to Drake. She is growing slowly according to Brutus. He says, given the amount of emotion in the link, she should have grown twice as much as she has and started talking already. She is such a strange looking creature. A hybrid of draconic and pony features with a hard chitinous shell. The griffin awoke this evening. His name is Kestrel, and he seems…. I can’t put my hoof on it, but something is off about him. He is constantly looking over his shoulder and at the sky. He is always moving around, careful to never sit anywhere too long. I wonder if he was always like this or if it is because of his recent experience. I know that some of the ponies with me have started showing similar attitudes, always alert, always ready to move. The students, though not little fillies and colts, definitely young stallions and mares, just starting their adult lives, are the worst. Perhaps it is because they have never considered danger as anything other than some fun and at worst a broken bone. The traders have had to deal with bandits and monsters in the past. The guard exist to go into deadly danger. Both groups are taking it better, but are not unscathed. What of myself though? If I am honest, I am jumpy, skittish, and more careful now than ever before. It is not easy to admit. This is not the life for a liaison, I hope once we are within the city we might learn to relax once again and enjoy whatever amenities it has to offer. * * * * * * * * * Bias stood at the front of the auditorium as the students filed in. Bias spoke to them for a short time once they’d settled, taking advantage of the different seating zones for different races. To call it an auditorium is perhaps not accurate. Stadium would be more appropriate given the size. A massive bowl dug in the ground outside the city, large enough for full grown dragons to move about it or roost around the top. Built by Drakes’ order, and partially dug out with his own claws, it was meant to serve any possible meeting needs of the republic for the far future. Bias’s class was barely even noticeable within the seats. Many wondered why they were there instead of the normal class or one of the Library’s large auditoriums. Then people began to file in. The students wondered what was happening, seeing the crowds fill the seats. Most were older citizens of the city. Some were even independent golems. Proud and honored souls that willfully became constructs. Then came ponies, griffins, and others, clad in government uniforms, all highly ranked within the different branches and bureaucracies. They were then followed by even more citizens of all walks of life. Bias looked at the crowds flowing in with confusion etched on his face. When he saw another retired member of the Dragon Guard in the crowd he went to speak with him. “Felix Faustum , it’s been a long time. Care to fill me in on what the hell is happening?” “Bias, you old stick in the mud! How is the teaching life treating you? Drake made an announcement about fifteen or twenty minutes ago. Said anyone who wanted to hear about the beginnings of the Republic from the maw of the dragon was welcome to come to the Grand Auditorium in thirty. The city pretty much shut down and started coming this way.” Felix said, waving his claw in a circle as he spoke before stiffening quickly. “Wait, why are you asking? Are you trying to tell me you didn’t hear the announcement but are here anyway?” The griffin said incredulously. “Yes, every year I hold a class here at about this time in the semester and Drake comes by to talk to the students. At least he tries to. I’ve had Queen Emerald come a few times when he couldn’t, and even once with Chancellor Epistaties. I find it helpful for the students to talk to those that were there for the events that helped to define the world today.” Bias said matter-of-factly. “You’re serious. Damn Bias. I know he told us to feel free to ask for favors when we retired from the guard but I didn’t think it was a repeat deal.” Felix said. “I only expected it to work out once. I had an excellent class that asked for it. Turns out Drake is a big supporter of education and as you already knew, he loves to talk. He asked that I invite him anytime a class seems worthwhile. Guess he decided to change it up without telling me this year.” Bias said “Well he always did love to create trouble. Remember that time at High Wind Eerie?” Felix said a facsimile of a smile working its way onto his beak. “Are you talking about the time the High King was trying to set his daughter up with-” “Hey, we agreed to never speak of that again, but yeah.” “Alright, I see your point Felix. Looks like things are starting to reach that point. My class is mostly near the front, and I need to get back to them. Take care of yourself, Felix.” “I was never the one that wound up in trouble. That was all you, Bias.” Felix said, taking off for his seat with his family while Bias walked back to his class. A hush fell over the stadium as a shadow passed overhead. There was a loud thump as something landed outside, followed by two voices, a male and female, bickering. “Dammit dad, there’s no need to make a crater every time you land.” “Emerald, surely you understand the importance of making a grand entrance!” The bickering continued as a dragon guard filled into the auditorium, lining the main walkway. All eyes in turned to the door as the Drake walked in. He lumbered down the main avenue. Standing 25 feet tall at the shoulder, scars showed across his body, where scales grew in weird patterns. The tip of his tail was ragged where a foe had taken a piece of him. The trailing edge of his wings was ragged, the lost velvety flesh having never grown back. He wilted under the criticism from his daughter. Beside him walked Emerald, Queen of the Changelings. Her strange blend of dragon and pony features marked her as alluring and dangerous. She walked with confidence, all the while badgering her father. Behind the pair followed the latest Equestrian Ambassador and the Queen's latest lover, a mint green unicorn stallion with a knack for the harp. Harpo Heartstrings had filled the role for many years now. He’d become a respected member of the community, and a much appreciated member of the orchestra. Together, the three of them approached the stage, with the guard falling in step behind them as they passed. Emerald and Harpo took seats in the front row, a pair of guards for each sitting around them. Drake hopped onto the stage, earning a disappointed head shake from Emerald. His guard filled the area around the stage and all the entrances and exits. A pair of actual dragons in the guard roamed overhead, keeping an eye out for aerial threats with their pegasi partners who rode on their backs. “Good afternoon everyone!” Drake said, looking out over the audience. “I’m sure ya’ll are wondering why I called this little get together.” The crowd chuckled politely and gave a soft whisper of confirmation. Many simply sat in awe. Few had ever seen Drake this close before, fewer still heard him talk. “First off, I want to thank Recognized Bias. Every year I come and speak to his class, provided I am available, and every year I am amazed by the sophonts I meet. At the same time, I have noticed myself placed higher and higher upon a pedestal. That may be fine for a prim pony princess, but last I checked I don’t have hooves...” Drake said glancing down at this claws. The crowd shifted uneasily, unsure if they should take his words as praise, admonishment, or something else. A few chuckled politely at his joke, mostly the older members of the crowd that had met him before. “See!? This right here is why I opened it up to everyone. I hope you don’t mind Bias.” Drake said, pointing to the old professor. Bias stood up, so others could see him. “A little warning might have been nice. You don’t mind if I give everyone a test at the end of this, do you?” he said, quickly understanding what has happening. Drake had mentioned his frustrations in the past few years when it came to getting honest feedback from his people. “That’s fine. Everyone heard that? Bias is giving you a test at the end of this so be sure to pay attention.” Drake said with a chuckle before settling down on the stage. “I know I have been busy as of late, traveling about and seeing the world. Honestly, it has been a nice vacation the past decade or so. I wanted to give ya’ll a chance to grow without someone hovering over you. “I’m proud of most of what you’ve accomplished since I went hands off, but that doesn’t mean I’m uninterested. Since I came back, half of ya’ll have been scared as rabbits around a wolf, and the other half has noses so brown you can’t tell their original color.” That got to the crowd, those in it quickly knowing which camp they fell in. Once everyone was looking properly ashamed, Drake started speaking again. “Because of this I am going to share with you a story, to remind everyone that I did not rebuilt Forum on my own. To give credit where it is due, and help ya’ll understand I don’t think of myself as some overlord to be appeased or feared. Now, who’s ready for a story?” The crowd muttered, unsure of what to make of Drake’s words. The voice of a small child, a griffin chick, called out over the them. “I am, Mr. Drake, sir.” “Excellent. Anyone else?” Drake asked only to be greeted by silence. “Very well then. Child come up here, I’ll tell you the story,” Drake said, waiting for the child to start her way to him, before addressing the crowd again. “I’ll ask one more time who want to hear a story. You can leave if you want to. It won’t hurt my feelings any. There is nothing requiring you to be here. “It does me no good to speak to people that are only here because they think they have to be. I want to tell this story to those that’ll listen and get something out of it. Not those who will fall asleep in the beginning and leave unchanged.” Drake said softly, a gentle smile on his face. “So, who want to hear a story?” Slowly a roar built up in the crowd. A steady chant of “I do” then “We do” rose up from the crowd as it sunk into their skull what Drake was looking for. Not a monologue, but a dialogue. “Excellent. Then let us start with the day I returned to Forum after interrupting the Wedding Invasion with my friend Spike, taking the changelings under my wing, and finding the last heir to the old empire.” * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 33: Coronation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 33: Coronation "Kindness and Faithfulness keep a king safe, through kindness his throne is made secure." -King Solomon The road back to Forum had been fraught with danger. From the Diamond Dog attacks to dissention from the Changelings, Drake was feeling exhausted. Flim’s depression didn’t help things either. While Novelty and, he couldn’t believe it, Trixie had proved invaluable to getting Iron Will to Forum, Drake wanted his friend back. Another surprise was Prince Blueblood. Drake expected him to be nothing but a liability. Yet, the princeling had shown himself to be a fairly capable pony, acquitting himself quite honorably during the skirmish. The other ponies, drawn mostly from the ranks of those he’d spoken with before leaving Canterlot to confront Chrysalis, had survived the journey, for the most part, but were looking worse for wear. The brightest spot of the whole enterprise was Emerald. She lay curled up at his feet against the cold wind of the Wildlands’ night. Every day she grew stronger and surer of herself, and every day Drake found himself more and more tied to her. Perhaps this is what it was like to be a father, or to adopt a freshly weaned puppy. Either way, he knew he loved her, and t. That love was saving the Changeling race. Despite its decimation at his claw, and the more recent losses on the plain, the survivors were growing stronger by the day. Scissor, the one who trusted him most, also told him that several of the other eggs would be ready to hatch soon. His sympathy for their race and love of Emerald provided the energy they needed to develop and hatch. The darkest was Kestrel. He woke early last evening. He’d been terrified at first, looking around to figure out where he was. After he saw Flim’s familiar face, the ruins of Forum, and Drake’s bulk outside the SST 7000, he broken down and cried for a long time. Once he finally composed himself, Drake tried to ask him questions, but Kestrel brushed them off. Instead, he sat on the SST 7000 and kept a fitful watch over everything. Drake left him alone once Kestrel promised to share everything with him, Eagle-eye, Swiftwing, and Epistaties the next day. Epistaties had contacted him once the camp was made. He explained a lookout in Forum spotted them and a MacFarweathers confirmed it was him. He went on to explain two new Families from the Driving Wind Clan had joined them. He wanted to say more, but the increase in Griffins living in Forum had necessitated more excursions for food. As such, the blood used to power the scale’s communication spell and write patches was nearly gone. He promised an escort would be sent down to bring them in and bade Drake a good night. Just one thing about their conversation bothered him. Epistaties hadn’t called him Drake, but Lord Drake. While he was glad for the title, he wondered where it had come from. It’d been somewhere around two and a half months since he had left. Plenty of time for something to happen. Drake drifted into a fitful sleep, a dark cloud hanging over his thoughts. * * * * * * * * * Drake watched the sunrise over the horizon from where he’d slept. If everything went as planned, Epistaties would be finishing up the patch right now. At his feet, Emerald stirred. Yawning, she stretched out and nuzzled his claw. Drake smiled at her before looking at the rest of the camp. Guards had been changed when the sun first peaked over the eastern horizon. Those who’d pulled the deadpony watch sat around the cooking fires preparing warm drinks and a simple breakfast of grains. Iron Will came up, stood beside Drake, and looked at the ruins. “I stared at them for a long time yesterday. The most preserved ruins of my people in the world, and do you know what I think?” “What do you think Iron?” “I think you should tear it down and leave the past in the past. I wasn’t always a motivational speaker. I’m painfully aware of history many others have forgotten. My tribe remembers its history and has told tales of long forgotten greatness for generations. When I was younger, I traveled south, beyond Equestria, into the lands of the Buffalo. There I found a small ruin,” Iron Will said, his eyes locked on the city. “What was in the ruin?” “Ogres. They’d turned the ruin into a cesspool. They urinated and defecated anywhere they wished. That is how I found the ruin. I followed my nose. Seeing what had become of those ruins, I became depressed. When I spoke with my buffalo guide, Painted Wind, she told me that all ruins were in such a state. I left home to find the legacy of my ancestors, to recover something, anything. When I found that impossible, I ceased to care and became a walking corpse.” “Painted Wind saved me. She got my head back on straight and, in a way, showed me the value of helping others, even in a world this dark. When I returned to Equestria, I saw ponies that drifted through life, unwilling or unable to stand-up for themselves. I took a class or two in Manehatten, while working at the docks, and started my self-help seminars.” “Come again?” Drake said, slowly processing what he’d been told. “You have seen ruins before, fell into a depression, got help from a Buffalo, and decided to start a touring seminar on assertiveness?” “Not just assertiveness, though that is the most popular one. I have one on financial management, one on physical fitness, and another on crisis management.” “And here I thought you just like to yell at ponies.” “That’s just a part of the show.” “Go figure. Well, think ‘bout what brought you on your first journey. After you meet Epistaties, let me know what you think. I know you’ll be returning to Equestria after this. You’ve made it abundantly clear several times over the course of this journey. If’n there’s anything you want to take back just let me know. I’ll either let you have it or get a copy made for you.” “Very well Drake.” Iron Will said. He looked at the ruin for a moment longer, then went back into the camp. “Let’s go talk to Flim.” Drake said to Emerald who burbled happily and fell in step with him. Drake found Flim standing on top the SST 7000, looking solemnly at the sunrise. “Flim.” “Good morning Drake.” Flim said emotionlessly. Drake wasn’t surprised. He was simply glad Flim had gotten through the worst of his grief, the hope that Flam might be saved easing his loss. Still, the only time Drake had seen emotion out of him since leaving Bastion was during the fight by the oasis. There, Flim’s eyes had been lit with a fire, a fire of revenge and hatred, and Drake worried. If Flim continued like this, would he still be an asset, or would he slide into a dangerous liability? “I think it is. Epistaties said that he had everything ready, but wanted to wait till morning so he could double check it. We’ll be back in Forum soon.” “Then we crown you as an Emperor, and start working on getting Flam back right?” Flim said, turning to face Drake. “Emperor in name only. I will probably set myself us as supreme commander, then leaving governing to someone I trust and can make my desires reality. As for getting Flam back, we are already working on it. “Doesn’t feel like we are.” “We will get him back Flim. I promise.” Drake said laying a hand gently on Flim’s shoulder. Emerald surprised them both when she crawled up the vehicle and hugged Flim’s front left leg. “Drake, what is the Changeling queen doing hugging my leg?” Flim asked in a whisper. His whole body was shaking nervously but he made no move to remove her. “Maybe she feels your love for your brother, or your sadness. Honestly I have no clue.” “Fat lot of help you are.” “You’re welcome.” The camp lazed about, waiting for Drake to give an order. Trixie took advantage of the down time and put on an impromptu show for the ponies. Emerald eventually relinquished Flim’s leg and spent time with Scissor, under Drake’s supervision. It was in this state a group of Griffins came winging down the city. Spotted first by one of the students, who pointed out a blur rushing down the hill face. The camp was quickly broken down, and the wagons loaded up. Drake led them through the nearest gateway. He enter the city ahead of the column, eager to meet the escort. He was about a block in when the Griffins reached him. “Lord Drake, welcome back. The city should be safe for those who entered with you. I am to escort you for two reasons. Firstly, for that when you reach the reclaimed area you can enter it without causing any problems.” “Reclaimed area? What is that? Also when did I become Lord Drake?” “Something Eagle-eye and Epistaties came up with as new Families began arriving. Which bring me to the second reason. Aside from the McFarweathers, we now have the Mistrals[l1] and the Siroccos[l2] with us. They are the other members of the Driving Wind clan with the Siroccos being the current leaders. With them we now have seven hundred Griffins in Forum. I will be briefing you on them so you make a good impression.” “Their arrival is what caused us to set up the reclaimed area. There has been mixed success. As for your title Epistaties, Eagle-eye, and Swiftwing decided on that when the Mistrals arrived a month ago.” “Fair enough. Has the team led by Jekyll returned yet?” “No, but when Siroccos arrived two week ago, they said their path seemed clear.” the escort said. The rest of the Griffins took up positions around Drake and the SST 7000. Kestrel had chosen to stay within it, not wanting to face the questions that his presence would bring. Iron Will and the mares were on the top of it, looking at the ruins. Drake followed the escort leader who introduced herself as Paloma[l3] , and the column followed Drake. As they approached the Library, golems lined the road but made no moves towards them. The Changelings were at the back of the column, in order to let Drake introduce them before they were seen by the Griffins or Epistaties. Paloma spoke at length about the Driving Wind Clan in general and the new families in particular. She spent time discussing how the families worked together and the current power structure. She also pointed out this was the first time the clan had gathered outside of a House Election for the next leader of House Pioneer. A few blocks out from the plaza Paloma called a halt. Looking around, Drake noted that much of the rubble and dust covering the rest of the city was disturbed or removed. The golems that lined the main avenue had also disappeared. Looking closer Drake saw white bricks even spaced on the road. “Is this the border of the reclaimed area?” Drake asked as the column bunched up. “Yes my Lord. Eagle-eye said to let him tell you about it. He is quite proud of it. Though rumor on the town is that someone in this troupe is going to fix the stone brutes permanently,” Paloma said, her eye turned towards the safe zone. Inside a wave of Griffins came down from the plaza or out of the buildings. Walking or flying, they all gathered on the sides to welcome Drake, Flim, and the strangers with them. Or rather, the MacFarweathers gathered to welcome them. The Mistrals and the Siroccos, on the other hand, had heard stories of the dragon and wanted to see him for themselves. Then, they all saw the ponies and wondered what was going on. Ponies were rare in the Wildlands, some Griffins had never even saw one. Soon a great roar rose up as they welcomed the column or shouted questions at it. Paloma directed Drake to step across the bricks on the avenue, but to be extra careful not to disturb them. As the column began slowly moving past the boundary, Eagle-eye, Swiftwing, and a Griffin wearing a red sash over segmented armor approached down the main avenue. Drake recognized the sashed Griffin as Tempest, the Principle of the Driving Wind Clan, based on Paloma’s description of him. “Eagle-eye! Swiftwing! It’s great to see ya’ll again. Looks like some amazing things have happened since I left.” Drake said loud enough to silence to crowd. “Yes, we have much to share with you. First, let me introduce the leader of our clan. Principle Tempest, the Far-sighted.” Eagle-eye said gesturing to the armored Griffin. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Lord Drake. I must thank you for defending the MacFarweathers when you could have fled, and for inviting us here to partake in this endeavor. I look forward to speaking at length with you later.” “Principle Tempest, you honor me. I thank you for coming here. There is much to talk about, but the road has been long and some among my company have suffered at the hands of Diamond Dogs. Let me see to it they are taken care of and found lodging. Once they are settled, I believe it best that all the leaders here meet. We can talk as long as we need then.” “On that note, Prince Blueblood! A moment of your time. Scissor, ya’ll get up here.” Drake called out. From his carriage Blueblood jumped out, drawing the eye of many Griffins as he walked back to Drake. From the back of the column Brutus lead the Changelings up, carefully sticking to the shadows until Drake revealed their presence. “As some know, I left some time ago for Equestria with the dragon Spike. Together we interrupted a Changeling invasion on the pony capital. They were soundly defeated. After the battle Spike returned home to his family in Equestria, and I sought out Queen Chrysalis, the leader of the Changelings.” Drake said, addressing the crowd in a booming baritone. “In the ruins of an underground refuge I found her. I learned of Changeling history, and what happened between the fall of Forum and the defeat of Discord. When she tried to bewitch me, I struck her down in a battle. I was heavily injured but walked away the victor. As the victor, I claimed my spoils!” Brutus heard the cue and stepped forward, the others following along with Emerald in the center. The Griffins drew back in shock. They knew of Changelings. The shapeshifters that would steal away their loved ones. Some reached for their weapons but a roar from Drake stopped them, making many cover their ears and the young hide behind their parents. “They are my followers now and have pledged themselves to me. I’ll see the Changeling race redeemed. Yanked into the light and given a place in the world as equal members. I’ll give them a role in rebuilding what was destroyed. I can think of no greater insult to their creator, the one that brought about the fall of the empire that built these ruins, than that. Furthermore, know that any attack on the Changelings will be seen as an attack on me,” Drake proclaimed, his eye’s slowly sweeping the gathered crowd. Emerald winced in the center of her protectors who were likewise struggling with the emotions coming from the crowd. Anger, fear, hatred, and even curiosity crashed against their senses. At the same time, they heard Drake’s words and knew them to be spoken from the heart. Blueblood stared at Drake, mouth agape. He had thought, as Celestia had briefed him to, that Drake merely meant to use them as a tool and would control them through their queen. This was something else entirely. The trio of Griffin leaders looked at Drake, two wildly confused, one with a calculating eye. As the crowd began to murmur, Swiftwing spoke up: “We shall be discussing this in length Lord Drake.” she said, stopping the crowds building momentum. “I have no doubt.” “But tell us, why the ponies?” “An excellent question. First and foremost, let me introduce Prince Blueblood, treaty bound royal liaison from Equestria to the Phoenix Initiative. Again, we will talk in length. In short though, he is here because the leaders of Equestria found me when I went to seek medical aid while waiting for Flim and Flam to get the key component we spoke of before.” Drake said. “They sought to take the Changelings for themselves. I refused. In the end we reached an agreement. In return for letting them send a liaison and students to study in the Library, Equestria will open trade routes with this city allowing food and raw materials to flow in as we rebuild and ready ourselves.” “An interesting taste of what has happened while you were away no doubt. Epistaties is eager to speak with you as well, and I think we’ve held you up long enough.” Eagle-eye said as the last of the wagons passed the border. “Thank you. I look forward to working with you, Principle Tempest, and extend my welcome to Forum to you and all griffin here. We shall speak at length soon for much more has happened than I can speak of here.” Drake said, the tone of his voice jovial, but his eyes carrying a sadness in them that Tempest noted silently. Drake dropped back onto all fours from the bipedal stance he had taken while talking and caught up to the back of the column. He whispered quickly into Swiftwing’s ear as he passed her, and she called a MacFarweather over. The Griffin took off in a shot. The crowd dispersed, and the rumor mill went to work. Drake was a new arrival to many in the city; he brought with him change to a place that they were already having to fight to survive in. Fears and concerns ran rampant. Other voices offered hope, speaking about how the place had been a godsend. Reminding others of how Harpies and Diamond Dogs were becoming more aggressive than any time in recent memory. They spoke of change with hope. Hope for a better tomorrow where the Wildlands might be safe and the Griffin people no longer nomads. * * * * * * * * * Drake paused and looked over the crowd in the Grand Auditorium. The crowd was silent. A few had fallen asleep. Drake was unsurprised, but disappointed. He then looked down at the chick at his feet. She looked at him confused. “What is it, little one?” “I heard you were the one that led the rebuilding of Forum. How come you didn’t know about that reclaimed area?” “Excellent question. The truth is that I was gone far longer than I had planned. I got my tail handed to me quite a few times in the old days. Of course it got taken from me that one time too.” Drake said waving the jagged end of his tail in front of the crowd. “The truth is, I hadn’t expected it to be possible to reclaim anything without finding the heir, Iron Will. It was Eagle-eye who figured it out, or rather a young child much like yourself playing near the edge while waiting for his parents to return, that stumbled upon it. Eagle-eye figured out how to utilize it. He was incredibly proud of that innovation.” Drake said reminiscing happily for a moment. “In fact, let’s continue the story and see what happens when a disillusioned idealist meets a relic of the past, a leader takes a leap of faith, and a dragon has to face the consequences of his decisions.” Drake said, falling back into storytelling mode. * * * * * * * * * Drake walked across the plaza outside the Library noting the outer rows of bricks had many holes in them. There were also many tents spread out over the plaza. Looking back, Drake saw more signs of settlement in the ruins of the universities around the plaza. The ponies milled about taking in the sights. Drake saw Epistaties standing at the entrance of the Library. He started that way, but stopped when he saw Iron Will stumbling towards Epistaties. Drake considered listening in on that conversation but instead made note of where the Griffins had set up their largest tents, since those were likely to be their trading tents. He went over to Blueblood and the pony traders. “Hey ya’ll.” Drake said, walking up to them. “Is everyone here?” “We’re all in the plaza, yes.” The lead trader, a pony Drake had spoken with in Canterlot before he went to fight Chrysalis, named Early Adopter, said. “Ight, good to hear. See that tent over there? If you want to trade with the Griffins, that’s your best bet. Talk to them ‘bout getting someone to look over the wounded too.” “We’ll take a look into it. How long until you are ready to sit down and have a long talk about supply routes and such?” Early asked. He was a keen student of politics; he had to be to always run on the leading edge of anything that happened. He knew somepony out of there element when he saw it. Somepony he could take advantage of. “A few days at least. There are things needing doing first.” Drake said, looking off into the distance to think for a moment. “I really can’t give you a set time. Send someone to check in with me every day.” “Very well. I guess we’ll use the time to trade with the Griffins and take in the sights, such as they may be. By the way, where will we be staying? I didn’t exactly see a hotel or inn on our way in.” Early said after conferring with the other merchants for a moment. “I’ll speak with Epistaties about putting you up in the Library for the time being. Feel free to explore, but remember that anything you find in the ruins is property of the Phoenix Initiative. We will be happy to negotiate a value for the item after it has been identified and catalogued,” Drake said. He left the merchants to their devices and turned his attention to his unwanted observer. “Prince Blueblood, come with me.” Drake said, nodding his head towards the entrance. The prince turned liaison fell in step with Drake. Emerald was set on Drake’s back, Brutus riding with her to keep her from falling. The rest of the Changelings followed in Drake’s shadow. He’d warned them Epistaties would react strongly to their presence. As they approached, Flim and the mares exited the SST 7000, having parked the vehicle next to the Library. Flim went over the SST 7000, making sure it was in good condition. A team of Griffins appeared and carried Kestrel away on a stretcher. One flew up to Drake and let him know Kestrel would be taken care of and be ready by the meeting. Flim and the mares fell in behind Drake. The mares looked around taking in the sights. Trixie saw opportunity in this place, if only for a short stay. Novelty couldn’t keep her eyes on anything for more than a moment. Despite the terror she experienced while traveling, she was ecstatic to be in Forum. It was everything she’d thought it might be. ‘I’m in an ancient ruin, with a bunch of warriors, exotic traveling partners, a prince, and a pretty good looking stallion to top it off. I hope he can work through his grief. Maybe I can help him out a bit.’ Novelty thought happily to herself with a hungry glance at Flim. Drake stopped, the others fanning out around him. Iron Will and Epistaties were staring at one another. Iron Will’s jaw moved up and down, but no sound came out. Epistaties had tears leaking out his eyes, the old curator smiling the largest smile Drake had ever seen. Epistaties stepped deliberately towards Iron Will. “The bloodline is not dead.” Epistaties whispered as he wrapped his arms around Iron Will, drawing the stunned Minotaur into a hug. “My daughter survived.” Iron Will’s eyes went wide and he broke the hug. Drake looked at Epistaties in surprise too. “Um, Epistaties just to be clear. You weren’t the emperor right? So what makes you think you are related to him?” “It takes two to make an heir. Things were getting desperate near the end. The Emperor had died and many potential heirs were dead. A single one remained, so far as we knew. He’d been in Forum for his education. Fear of the end of his line led to a plan to plant his seed in a worthy cow. My daughter volunteered. She’d known him for a while, an advantage of my place in the government, I suppose. He died in the battle to ensure the vaccine made it out. My daughter had been in the first of those to escape. I wasn’t sure at first, but seeing him here now, I am sure. He must be descended from her child.” Iron Will finally found his voice when Epistaties finished speaking. “Old Bull, are you telling me that you are my millennia old grandsire!? What kind of wool are you trying to pull over my eyes?” “I would not lie. Not after learning how long I have been away from the world. When I take your blood for the coronation ceremony I will prove it to you.” Epistaties said, tears in his eyes. “Only after you tell what I want to know.” Iron Will said his face steeled against emotions as he struggled with inner turmoil. Before a silence could fall and begin to fester into the realm of awkward, Drake spoke up. “Epistaties, it’s wonderful to see you again.” Drake said. Epistaties looked at Drake. He noticed the signs of lost scales growing back, the way Drake was careful where he put his right claw, and the Changelings on his back. “What are those things doing in Forum!” He yelled, readying himself for battle lest they’d taken over Drake’s mind. “Oh, come one. They’re only ponies.” Drake said stepping aside to let Epistaties see Blueblood who nervously bowed and introduced himself. “Greetings, I am Prince Blueblood, the Royal Equestrian Liaison to the Phoenix initiative. I am here as part of the Second Treaty of Ponyville, to oversee th-“ “Not you! The Changelings!” Epistaties bellowed. The Changeling falling into the fetal position in response to the raw unfiltered hate pouring off of Epistaties. “Shit, I was afraid this would happen.” Drake muttered preparing to walk into a verbal minefield. “Epistaties, please hear me out before you make any decisions.” Drake said slowly building up to what he had to say. Epistaties turned his eyes on Drake, a terrible rage glowing in them. “I get it. The Changelings are a creation of Discord. They helped bring your home, your nation to ruin. You hate them, and perhaps rightly so.” Epistaties huffed in irritation and to provide an affirmative. “But now, these are quite literally the last of their race. The last Changelings in existence. Even their queen is but a babe. A babe that may or may have wound up incorporating my blood into herself.” Drake said, hooking a thumb over his shoulder to point at Emerald. “If these are the last of them, then let us kill them and be done with at least one of the Fallen.” Epistaties said. He saw not Emerald’s strange form nor the downtrodden look of the Changelings. He saw not how they cringed at his hate. Only a hated race created by chaos which destroyed his world. “Epistaties I plan to do something far worse in the grand scheme of things. Something that flies in the face of what they were created to do. I am going to see them turned into a proper race. One that can walk the world freely and openly. One that creates instead of destroying. One that uses its talents for the betterment of all instead of the detriment. In so doing I will spit in Discord’s eye.” Drake laid out impassionedly. Silence reigned. Epistaties had listened. Barely, but he did, as a kindness to the one that woke him, the one that found his descendant. He listened and he loathed. The thought of having allowed the Changelings into the city, even unknowingly turned his stomach. At the same time he saw how Drake spoke. He heard the passion in the voice. The thought of spitting in Discord’s eye held a certain appeal. He knew what leaders became like when they fell in love with an idea. He had made up his mind. If Drake wouldn’t be persuaded from this, he would not stop him, for now. He would double-check the security of the vaults and make sure to keep an eye on them. The first mistake they made would be their last. He had full control of the Library. Let them stay there for now. There was so much Drake and the Griffins didn’t know about; he had no fears he could maintain control. He had done it against Discord and his armies, what have a dragon and a ragtag bunch of nomads when compared to that. “Lord Drake,” he began venomously. “Will you not be persuaded from this course?” “Epistaties, give them a chance. That’s all I’m asking. Lock them in my room until I can tell you what happened.” Drake said. The Changelings listened closely to the conversation, fighting through the pain. The ponies watched. Blueblood made many mental notes to put in his next report. “Very well. They remain in your room until we have had a chance to talk. You, me, and the Griffin leaders.” Epistaties said after a long minute. “And Flim, Blueblood and Emerald.” Drake added “Flim yes, but who are Emerald and Blueblood?” “Emerald is the new Changeling queen, Blueblood is the pony that tried to introduce himself.” “Yes, I was sent by the diarchs of Equestria to keep an eye on the Changeling queen and help facilitate trade and the exchange of knowledge.” Blueblood said, seeing a way to reinsert himself in the conversation. “We have much to talk about.” Drake tacked on. “Seems that it will be quite the tale. If they must, then bring them.” Epistaties said, wanting to be done with the conversation. “One last thing before I go get the Changelings settled in so you can lock them away, the ponies that came with us need a place to stay. Is there room in the Library or will they just have to squat in one of the ruins until we see if this was all worth it?” “The ruins are fine for them for a day or two.” Epistaties said after a moment’s thought. He had proof his bloodline was alive and bound to the Emperor’s. Now he had other things to worry about, like Fallen in his home, treaties he knew nothing of, and a ceremony to prepare. “Fair ‘nough,” Drake said. He took a moment to inform Early Adopter before entering the Library and heading to the auditorium that served as his room. Flim and the mares entered the building with Iron Will. Iron Will followed Epistaties, slightly more impressed by the old bull he’d assumed to be a fragile relic. Flim gave the mares a half-hearted tour, but they hardly noticed. As they passed through the history section, Novelty and Trixie sank back on their haunches in awe. When they entered the magic section, Trixie disappeared into the stacks, the opportunity to tap into the forgotten knowledge singing a siren song she could not shake. Flim did nothing to retrieve her. Epistaties would admonish her or she would take care of herself. Novelty stuck close to Flim, she was amazed by the Library and daunted by it as well. The soaring stack, the ancient architecture, the artwork depicting long forgotten triumphs and achievements awed her as they walked. Eventually they reached the room he shared with Drake. They entered to find the Changelings carefully settling into the far corner from his and Flam’s possessions that’d been left behind. “You can stay here with us, or find a different room to stay in.” Drake told her as Flim collapsed in his bed. “Here is fine for tonight. Where else is there to stay, if you can excuse my asking?” Novelty said tactfully. “Honestly, I have only been in a small part of the Library. There are places I simply do not fit and Epistaties has kept much of the lower levels sealed. The Griffins had converted many of the study rooms surrounding the stacks into sleeping rooms, or were in the process of it at least, when we left. You may be able to stay in one of those. That reminds me, Trixie will likely need a room as well.” Drake said, pausing to look around. “Where is she by the way?” “Somewhere in the stacks. She saw a section dedicated to magic and disappeared into it.” “I see. When you find her, see if she is willing to bunk with you. While the Library is massive, it is not meant to be lived in.” Drake said. * * * * * * * * * A few hours later, long enough for everyone to be settled in and few remaining Changeling eggs to be stored, there came a knocking at the door. “Lord Drake, Epistaties says he is ready to begin the meeting at your convenience. May I enter?” A voice said through the door. “Excellent, and of course come in. Did he give you a location for the meeting?” Drake said, heading for the door. “Yes sir, I am to take you there myself.” A familiar looking Griffin said as she opened the door. Preen stepped through the door carrying an amulet. “This is for the Changeling.” she said holding it out for Drake, who carefully took it from her. “Thank you, Preen right?” Drake said waving for Emerald to be brought over to him. “Is there really that much hate for them? The Harpies or Dogs I could understand, but why Changelings?” “The Harpies take ours toms and kill our hens; dogs will take you or kill you, whichever they feel like that day. Ogres will leave you alone so long as you stay away from them. Changelings though, they replace someone you love. Sometimes, they just knock that Griffin out and stash them somewhere for a few days. Most of the time, they replace them completely, and you don’t find out until they bleed their green ichor.” Preen said, staring down at Emerald. “You sound like you speak from experience.” Drake said, passing Mission the amulet to place on Emerald. “What will the Amulet do?” “Yes, but I’m not going to talk about it around them.” Preen said, happily changing the subject. “Epistaties said the amulet will let her traverse the passive defenses he has activated. He was tinkering with a complex set of controls etched in those runes he uses, that new bull watching him, when he called for runners to bring you and the others for the meeting. You ready?” Mission nodded at Drake. Emerald looked at the amulet thoughtfully for a moment, then, at Missions prodding, walked to stand just in front of Drake’s claw ready to roll. “Flim, time to go!” “Coming.” Flim said, following along without saying anything else as Preen led them away. Together, they walked the dragon down the ramps, deeper into the Library than Drake could remember being. From time to time she consulted a scrawl of paper in her paw. At one point, they backtracked after she took a wrong turn. Eventually, they came to a pair of double doors guarding the entrance to a large circular room in the center of an otherwise empty floor. “Finally,” Preen muttered before addressing Drake. “This is it. Do you want me to wait here to lead you back lord, or am I dismissed?” “Go, I’ll find my way back. This is likely to be a long meeting,” Drake said, catching the sarcasm in her question. Preen bowed then took off, gliding low over the high roof for the level they found themselves on. Drake opened the door and found Epistaties with a wide variety of implements, glassware, and parchment laid out on a large round table with a map of the Empire carved in the center, the edges unadorned so those seated around the table had space to place their things. Epistaties looked up and tensed when Emerald walked in around her father’s claws. “Welcome to the war room Drake. You and Flim are the first to arrive. I have things we need to discuss,” he said grabbing a knife and a beaker and two vials. “I imagine so. What first?” Drake asked guiding Emerald over to a place near the old bull. Flim shuffled in and sat down on a bench which lined the wall of the room. “Why? Why the Changelings? Do you really think such twisted creatures can be healed?” “I do. They are near extinction. There will be no time like this to try and reforge them. If this works, we will gain a useful ally and turn something meant to destroy into a constructive force in this world.” Drake said. “Do you really think it is that easy? Taking a vile race and make them model citizens? What kind of naïve fool are you?” “Hell, it won’t be easy. I may well have to kill every one of them besides Emerald, but I would prefer not to. It will be challenging, but wasn’t extinction what Discord was attempting? The extinction of order and those that supported it? Would extinction of a race not serve his goals? Add in, so far as we know these are the last Changelings in existence, but there may be eggs lying hidden in the world, a failsafe against the lineage of queen being destroyed. Would you kill Emerald here and now and risk allowing the Changelings to survive without any knowing, or keep them nearby and under your eye? There is a saying that goes, ‘keep your friends close and enemies closer,’ after all.” Drake said “You are dead set on this, aren’t you? If I cannot sway you from this course I will do my best to make sure it doesn’t lead to the destruction of what little I have left. Now where do you want me to bleed you from?” Epistaties asked as a realization slowly dawned on him. “Where is Flam? I didn’t see him when you arrived, and I haven’t heard or seen him since.” “Take it from my forearm like last time. What will this be for, the coronation?” “That and another test.” Epistaties said sliding the knife under the scales. Drake flinched as it made its mark and Epistaties slide a large needle under the scales. Blood flowed into the breaker then one of the vials. Epistaties set those down and grabbed a larger container, gathering a fairly large volume before removing the needle and using a rag to apply pressure. “Flam was captured by Diamond Dogs while we were still in Equestria. We’ll fill you in more once the others get here.” Drake said as he held the rag. “I see. You have a plan to get him back?” “Something of one. Again more on it later.” “I look forward to hearing it. Now, I need a sample from your pet Changeling,” Epistaties said pulling fresh knife and the other vial out of his belt. Emerald retreated under Drake as Epistaties began to approach her only to be stopped as Drake’s claw fell protectively between the two. “Why?” Drake growled, his greed screaming against his mind. “You said she had your blood in her. Looking at her I will admit that she is very different from any other Changelings. If you want to know, let me take some of her blood.” Epistaties said, backing up slightly. “Fine.” Drake said. He coaxed Emerald out and got her to offer up a hoof. “Gently, Epistaties.” He warned. Epistaties approached carefully. Emerald pulled against Drake’s grip but he held her fast. He made a nick on her hoof and collected a few drops. Her horn started to glow, her eyes glazing over. Epistaties quickly withdrew taking a ready stance. Drake pulled her away from him and the magic died down. “What was that?!” Epistaties asked angrily. “A kid that didn’t want to go to the doctor.” Drake said without turning around as he checked Emerald over. Epistaties harrumphed and went to work on the sample. He prepared a special strip of paper and was inserting it into the vial with Drake’s blood when Eagle-eye, Swiftwing, Kestrel and Tempest entered with three Griffins Drake didn’t know. The new additions eyed Drake, then the Changeling, warily. Kestrel stood at the back of the group, unsteady on his feet but seeming better. “Introductions are in order!” Tempest said, looking to break the ice as Epistaties remained focused on his work and Drake stared down the new arrivals. “First off, allow me to introduce my mate Polvere. The real day-to-day leader of our Family, and therefore the entire Driving Wind Clan. I tend to deal with the broad strokes as they come. These two are the leaders of the Mistrals Family, Venturi and Biscay. Everyone, this is Lord Drake, the dragon that led the MacFarweathers here and has taken upon himself the mantle of leadership.” “A pleasure to meet you,” Drake said. “I look forward to seeing what we’ll create together.” “The pleasure is ours.” Biscay said, her pink tipped wings ruffling as she shifted them against the discomfort she felt being in same room as a Changeling. “We had hoped to meet you when you arrived, but alas, the needs of the Family come before the desires of its heads.” “But to find you keeping the oddest company has raised many questions.” Venturi said, stepping away from the group to get a better look at the Changeling queen. “Is that so?” Drake said, nudging Emerald behind one of his legs. “Yes, but not just the Changelings. The ponies are a surprise. A treaty with the flighty creatures is quite unexpected.” Venturi said, casting a glance at Flim. “That’s enough, bird.” Epistaties said cutting into the conversation. “I think enough of us are here to begin discussing what has happened. The other pony will be along soon, though his escort has been asked to take the scenic route and the door will be sealed once we start to prevent unwanted interruptions.” “Very well.” Drake said moving to stand at the table on the far side of the room from the Griffins. Tempest took the spot directly opposite him, Polvere at his side. Venturi and Biscay stood on his left side closer to Epistaties. Eagle-eye and Swiftwing took a place across from Epistaties adding a second axis around the table. “To start off with, what happened to you and Flim? How is it Flam was captured? How did you gain control over the Changeling queen?” Epistaties asked. “Flim, you want to take this or should I?” Drake asked looking behind the Griffins to his friend. “I shall tell them what horrors have befallen me in my journey.” Flim said without moving. The Griffins were forced to turn to face him. Flim started slowly. In a low voice he recounted all that had happened since he had left Forum to retrieve Iron Will. As he spoke of the Harpies and Bastion’s long night the Griffin’s eyes grew wide and Epistaties gasped. They tried to ask questions but were ignored. Flim kept rolling on. He spoke lightheartedly about being back in Equestria, of Manehatten and meeting Novelty. The traveling with his brother had been a happy time and tears welled up in his eyes as he neared the climax, the fateful night at the tavern. Flim’s voice faltered as he spoke of the ambush. He stopped several times as he talked about the desperate call to Drake and the intense fight, with the help of Trixie, to hold out until his arrival. He spoke of their eventual victory, and the final injury done to them. He then told them his hope and hatred. He swore the Dogs would pay. He declared his brother was alive. The Griffin looked at him with surprise. They’d thought ponies weak, soft, and cowardly. Now before them stood someone that had suffered as badly as any of them. Someone with wounds far greater than his physical scars. “Thank you Flim. I know that was not easy for you to talk about.” Drake said after a respectful silence. “Kestrel, are you ready to share what happened to you?” Just then there came a knocking at the door. “That will be you pony liaison.” Eagle-eye said. “Most likely. Do you wish to let him in or make him wait for a moment?” Epistaties asked his hand at a series of controls at his part of the table. “Let him wait. Also have those always been there?” Drake asked pointing to the controls. “Of course, most important rooms have a control panel like this somewhere, I can also use it with the map but it is not particularly useful right now.” Epistaties said, pressing a few points and running his finger of a rune here and a rune there. The hilly city of Forum lit up, along with High Wind Eerie and Bastion. “Not really much to show.” “Huh, already seeing tons of uses for that, but we are getting sidetracked. Kestrel?” “I am prepared.” Kestrel said, moving to stand between Eagle-eye and Swiftwing, their familiar presence a comfort to him. “As most here already know I was the leader of one of two teams sent out from here to invite other Griffins to join us in this city. With the growing frequency and ferocity of the Harpy and Diamond Dog attacks, it was hoped many would join us. My team consisted of myself, Aeris, and Acer, a husband and wife pair with two chicks. We traveled with Flim and Flam to the edge of the Wildlands then broke off. The other team visited the Siroccos and continued on from there.” “Yes, Striker and his group visited us.” Tempest said growing anxious after having been ignored during Flim’s talk. There was much he wanted to say, but was not able to. “Indeed. My team visited the Mistrals and they agreed to seek out Forum.” “Yes and I must say I’m glad we did. We had just experienced our third or fourth raid of the month before you arrived.” Biscay said. “And you took Providence with you to lead you to Roanoke Family of the Colonus Clan. They’re another clan under House Pioneer.” She added for Drake’s benefit. “Yes. Providence was leading us. We stopped to rest in the lee of a hill, using every technique of stealth we knew. It proved useless. We were beset by a mixed group of Harpies and Dogs working together-“ “Impossible, they haven’t worked together for nearly two thousand years. Without Discord, the Fallen fight among each other!” Polvere shouted. The implications of a renewed cooperation between the demons of her people’s nightmare too terrifying to contemplate. “You are aware that for a short time, very recently, Discord was freed from his prison?” Drake asked drawing all eyes to him. “NO! You lie!” Venturi said only to feel a wave of magic slam his beak shut. Looking around, he saw all the other Griffins likewise restrained. “It is true. You can ask Prince Blueblood when he comes in if you want. Now let Kestrel tell his tale. Can’t you see how hard it is for him to talk?” Flim said directing everyone’s attention to the shaking Griffin between his leaders. “Kestrel, please continue.” Drake said. “Okay, I’m okay.” Kestrel said as he took control of himself from his memories. “As I was saying, we were attacked by a mix of Harpies and Diamond Dogs. Providence was on watch and I had stepped away to relieve myself when they struck. I flung myself down on the ground when I heard Providence cry out. I crept back, drawing my knife as I approached.” “When I reached the camp I saw three Harpies and five Diamond Dogs around Aeris and Acer who were trussed up, captured in their sleep. Providence was laying on the ground, blood pooling underneath him from a hole in his chest.” “They said something about a fine catch and the largest Harpy shook with a dog in rusted armor. I contemplated attacking and trying to free Aeris and Acer. As I prepared to pounce, Acer saw me and shook his head.” “The Harpies looked my way at that moment and shrieked. Two launched towards me, the dogs bounding after them. I fled. I admit I’m a coward and I fled. They chased me. The Harpies nearly caught me, slashing at my heels. I spun around and nicked them, driving them back long enough for me to gain altitude and escape into a cloud bank that had moved in during the night.” “I spent weeks running. Each day and night a new group of Harpies or Dogs tracking me until I collapsed. Fortunately, I collapsed above an oasis Drake was at.” “Acer and Aeris were captured. Providence was killed. I ran like a coward. Dogs and Harpies are working together. Those are the lessons of my shame.” Kestrel said, before collapsing against Eagle-eye. Biscay and Venturi seethed with anger that one of their family was dead and Tempest prepared to interrogate Kestrel, but they were all stopped when Drake spoke up. “That jives with a message I received from the Angelic, the Harpy queen. I believe it is time I share what I know. I will tell you my vision, what I seek to create here in the Wildlands and beyond. I will explain the campaign I find myself forced into and how I seek to execute it. Then I will go outside and let you make your decision as to whether or not you wish to stay in Forum or leave. Then I would ask you to fill me in on what has happened here while I was away. I have been told your achievements in carving a place in this hostile ruin are quite impressive.” Drake said, taking a long moment to look each Griffin in the eye and privately praying they wouldn’t realize that he had no way to evict them. It was a long moment before Tempest answered for his clan. “Very well. Speak Lord Drake and tell us your vision. After we will take your offer to talk and decide if your fantasy is worth trying to make into cold reality.” Drake suppressed a sigh of relief but let a smile creep onto his face. He weaved his tale as best he could, having already had practice with some parts of it. He told of the Battle of Canterlot, of meeting with the princesses and seeking out potential sources of food and goods. He spoke at length about his battle with Chrysalis. How she gained the ability to influence his mind; how he resisted and overcame it. He shared all she’d told him, Epistaties quietly recording the history with great interest, though distrusting its accuracy. He spoke of the final battle and how he’d overcome her last and greatest attack before taking the Changeling queen for himself. The Griffins and Epistaties asked questions throughout and Drake was more than happy to answer them. He sought to reassure them all that he was capable and should be trusted. For those that already knew him, he wanted to them to see what he could overcome great foes and grow stronger all the while. He then told of his time recovering in Ponyville as he waiting on Flim and Flam. He glossed over the fight at the tavern, but was stopped dead when he spoke of the message that had been passed to him by Luna from Angelica. “You have set in motion a war!” Biscay screeched. “And lured us to our doom by inviting us here!” “Silence Biscay!” Tempest barked glaring at her. “The threat of Harpies has always existed. Even before he met the MacFarweathers and brought them here, something was in the works. The Fallen started becoming more aggressive months before this dragon found Forum.” Biscay seethed but remained silent. Indignation and anger in her eyes as she stared down both Drake and Tempest. “So a new tweety bird thinks she can threaten this city, does she?” Epsistaties laughed. “I remember the first queen of the Harpies. Hera was the most terrible of opponents to fight. A complete berserker. Of course that got her caught straight in the line of dragon’s fire. Guess she died from it if they have some bird calling herself Angelica in charge now.” “Does our people’s suffering amuse you?” Polvere asked, turning on Epistaties. He looked her dead in the eye, a dark shadow falling over his face. “Do not speak of suffering to me. I watched the Empire fall. I saw Griffins turn into Harpies, Minotaurs lose themselves to the Ogres, and great Canyon Wolves become whimpering Diamond Dogs. I fought the scourge of order, Discord, himself. Holding him out of this city so that no more would fall to his curses. I do not mock your suffering, but if you think that the current generation of degenerates scares me in the least, then you are sorely mistaken.” Epistaties said, standing tall at his end of the table radiating a sense of power and sorrow. The Griffins flinched under his gaze averting their eyes from the angry relic of the past. Drake said nothing, but a smirk came onto his face. Epistaties calmed down, returning to his seat. “I believe you were about to continue your story?” “Yes, but at this point we should let the pony in. He has been waiting for quite some time and he’s a part of this next bit, seeing how it’s the reason he’s here in the first place.” Drake said, remembering Blueblood had been waiting outside for some time now. The listeners agreed and Epistaties unlocked the door. It swung open and Blueblood toppled in, landing on the side of his face. He blushed and quickly straightened himself out, doing everything in his power to avoid looking like he had been listening with his ear pressed against the door. “Good afternoon everypony. Thank you for letting me in.” Prince Blueblood said. He noticed Drake pointing to a spot next to him. He was about to go elsewhere, but saw the predatory looks on the Griffins and scrambled over there. “Stay quiet for now.” Drake said and continued where he had left off. The room remained silent and let him finish as he detailed the Treaty of Ponyville, directing Blueblood to pull out the copy he kept on himself and pass it to Epistaties. He shared the transfer of Bastion to Equestrian command, which Epistaties frowned at but remained silent. He then finished with the return across the Wildlands and the hatching of Emerald. The room was silent for a moment, then Blueblood cleared his throat. “I have seen the hardships that the world outside Equestria can offer first hand. I will not make the disingenuous claim of being able to understand your struggle, but I can emphasize with it. I am also sure you are strong and honorable to have survived against the forces arranged against you.” “I am here, as the treaty outlines, to ensure the Changelings are not used in an immoral capacity and to prevent them from disappearing or returning to their old ways. Furthermore, I am to help facilitate trade relations between Dra- Lord Drake’s Phoenix Initiative and assist in reopening the ancient universities that Lord Drake claims made this city a center of knowledge and learning.” Blueblood said, doing well to flatter everyone without seeming like a supplicant before them. “Any questions?” Drake asked “Not right now. You have shared your experiences but not your plan. You said you find yourself forced into a campaign. It would seem you intend to wage a war against the Dogs and the Harpies. How do you intend to do so and what would you expect of us if you agreed to help you?” Tempest said standing on his hind legs with his front claws on the table. “True. To begin with I do not intend to fight them on any fields of battle. I will not throw the one resource I cannot afford to lose, the lives of my followers, away against a near infinite tide. Instead I will begin with a slowly escalating guerilla war to put pressure on them while we gain the allies we need to mount a major offensive.” Drake said his fangs flashing in the light. “What do you mean guerilla?” Epistaties asked for the Griffins who shied away from the dragon. “Asymmetric, striking their scouting parties and smaller settlements with quick hits aimed at causing as many casualties as possible, then running away in good order. We free those we can and add them to our forces. We become demons in the night, creating in our enemies the same terror they have instilled for generations.” Drake said spreading his wings and drawing himself up. “I want them to look over their shoulders fearing another strike. Then, once we are strong and they have spent themselves protecting each and every little target we go for the big ones. The impregnable fortresses they have held for millennia. Their seats of power long thought safe, but now depleted of forces and lax in their defense.” The room was silent as Drake finished laying out the broadest strokes of a strategy that was constantly evolving in his mind. Blueblood paled as he considered the war Drake spoke of. Epistaties contemplated it and found it repulsive, but given the state of things a logical move. The Griffins thought hard. Some saw it as a wonderful retribution for the harm they had suffered while others worried it would only make things that much worse for them in their struggle to survive. “We need some time to talk and think about what we will do next.” Tempest said, after getting a subtle head nod from each of the other Griffins. “Fair ‘nough. Flim, Epistaties, Emerald let’s give them some time to talk,” “I know a place we can wait in. When you are ready, just set this control crystal on that rune here.” Epistaties said gathering the vials, parchment and pens as he showed Venturi how to let him know when they had finished their discussion. “Prince Blueblood, you had best come with us too,” Drake said, walking towards the door. They closed the door behind them, leaving the Griffins to their discussion. “What do you think Epsistaties?” “I think you are a fool, but smarter than you let on. Will your strategy work?” “Yes, if nothing else it will give us breathing room. It is hard to mount an offensive if your army can’t leave its home for fear of its children being butchered and stacked in a pile when they return.” Drake said, ignoring Blueblood’s green face and stumble. “Sounds like a nasty, dishonorable way to wage a war.” “But one that will hurt them and reduce our own losses. Losses we can ill afford.” “I’ll follow you; you know this. I just hope you are making the right choices. The Changeling is your daughter by the way. Her blood and your blood are as closely related as any parent and child I have ever seen.” “Does this mean you are going to give them a chance?” “Yes, now be quiet I have to remember how to open this vault.” Epistaties said running his hand over the door. Emerald just watched the two. Her movements were surer and her glances more focused than before entering the room. Blueblood perked up when he heard Epistaties mention a vault, the talk of conflict and destruction having make him uncomfortable. The thought of gold and riches seemed much better. “That’s it.” Epistaties said as the doors opened revealing a repository of artifacts. “Priceless tools, weapons, and ceremonial accoutrements the Empire’s special agents gathered as it fell.” He led them into the vault, the others silent as they followed, except Flim. Flim having said his part bid them farewell and left. He was done with politics and stories for the day. He just wanted to be alone with his grief. He sought out an empty space and settled in to begin the recovery process. * * * * * * * * * Tempest thought for a long moment. He had not earned the name Far-sighted for his physical vision, but for being able to see opportunity and risk then plan accordingly. He was the leader of the Driving Wind Clan. His decision would be the one that mattered, he knew that. On one claw, they could leave and return to the harsh life of the Wildlands. He knew, while he could defeat the dragon, Epistaties was in a whole different league, even if he was trapped within the Library. Unfortunately, the Library was the only safe place to be in the city. On the other, they could remain and bind their fates to the dragons. It would drag them into a war, but were they not already in conflict with the Harpies and the Diamond Dogs? Could his people be a part of the war the dragon sought to wage? The idea of striking back after so long struggling to survive appealed to him. The very concept of one day reclaiming the long lost eyries of his people unimaginable. “My friends and clan mates, we stand at a crossroad. We can stay and support Lord Drake in what he seeks to do, or we can leave and brave the Wildlands once again.” Tempest said. “There is a third choice.” Biscay said. “We replace him and take the city for ourselves.” “No. Sure you might defeat Drake. I would think the same if I had not seen what him and Spike could do at their most powerful. Do not fool yourselves just because he is more sensible than other dragons you have encountered. He has found a way to wield the dragon curse, turning it into an asset instead of a torment.” “And we all know the second choice is folly.” Eagle-eye said. “You experienced it yourself on the way here. The Fallen are growing bolder and more aggressive. Did you learn nothing from what was just shared? The Changelings attacked the heart of the pony nation, disabling their ruler. The Harpies struck the border fort losing thousands over the course of days without letting up. The dogs raided the interior of the nation. Here in the Wildlands they attack as never before, hunting us down. Even before we arrived here we were harried by them, the attacks growing more frequent and fierce. Do you really think things would be any different if we hadn’t found Forum? Hadn’t come here in a bid to save ourselves?” Biscay glared back at Eagle-eye, her anger drowning out rational thought. “I say we do not need a wyrm that makes deals with Fallen to lead us. We should kill the bugs now and be rid of them. Then we can usurp this city from the old bull and take it for ourselves.” “You are a fool Biscay.” Tempest said. “That old bull controls this city and has forgotten more about than we could ever hope to know. We might bring down the dragon, but how many of us will fall to achieve that. Do not fool yourself. He controls this city.” “Then we should leave. Dragons are not to be trusted and this one proves that in spades.” Venturi said backing up his mate. “Then go. We shall stay.” Swiftwing said. “Truly, MacFarweathers? Regardless of what else the clan decides you will stay?” Polvere asked. “Yes. It is not an easy life here in this city, but have any of you taken any time to read from the tomes stored here yet. There is knowledge that has been lost. Our history and our future.” Eagle-eye said. “Someone told us recently that knowledge is power. The longer we remain here the more obvious it becomes. You have already proven that point here today Tempest. Epistaties controls the city because he knows it in ways we cannot fathom. Lord Drake hold power here because he know what it is he wants and how to achieve it. Epistaties has knowledge of magic and mechanics. Lord Drake has knowledge of himself. The question is, are we smart enough to have knowledge of our society? Of the world we live in?” Swiftwing said passionately. “Parasprite food the lot of it.” Biscay said ready to launch into a tirade, but stopped when she saw Tempest thinking it over. “Let us be quite clear on what is offered to us. One, he attempts to drive us from the city. He and Epistaties work together. The ponies either siding with him or remaining neutral. The MacFarweathers remain neutral most like, or skies forbid side against us.” “We have to strike before he can be coronated because at that point there lies a chance he gains control over the ancient enchantments of those that build this city leading to who knows what kinds of powers. “We succeed, then what. We lose the means to leave the small part of the city we are in and die, trapped and starving. Is that your plan Biscay?” Tempest said laying out a scenario that had already pranced through his mind. “Well no, I just thought-“ “Don’t. Two, we side with Lord Drake. We get in on the ground floor of what he is building. We develop the trade ties with the Equestrians. We form the core of the military. We rebuild this city alongside him and make it so he can’t act without our support. “Now tell me, which sounds better to you.” Tempest said staring down at Biscay who had stepped back during his tirade. “We gain more working with him than working against him, right now anyway.” Tempest said after moment to compose himself. “The choice is yours Biscay, as leadership of the individual families always has been, but the Driving Wind Clan shall remain here and take part in this Phoenix Initiative. Summon them back please.” Tempest said ready to face the consequence of his choice. * * * * * * * * * Drake wandered the vault in awe. Suits of armor, chalices, weapons, crystal encrusted jewelry, wealth of all kinds. Epistaties and Blueblood followed him. Emerald stayed near the door. In the center of the vault, on a golden stand was a silver war hammer with gems inlaid in the hilt and the striking faces of the hammer. There was a series of small spikes where a hand would be most likely to grasp it, a dark red tint to them. Epistaties walked up, hefting the hammer, careful to avoid the spikes. “This is Seeleformer, the Emperor’s ceremonial hammer. All Emperors since the founding of the Empire of Order have used this upon their coronation and for any changes to empire wide enchantments. It was forged by the Canyon Wolves as a gift.” “That is quite the hammer. How does it factor into the coronation?” Drake asked. “The enchantments of the Empire lasted through generations. This was one part the rune magic of the Minotaurs, one part the magical nature of dragon blood, and one part soul forging. Simply put dragon, a part of your soul will be broken off when you use this hammer to seal your place as emperor. It may be a bit late to mention, but while all who wield this hammer die emperors, some do not sit long on the throne.” Epistaties said as if a forgotten memory was suddenly rushing to the fore. “Epistaties!?” “I had forgotten to mention this because it had not happened for quite some time, but there have been unworthy heirs who died upon striking the hammer and attempting to bind their soul to the empire.” “Well, this should be fun…” Drake said with a nervous laugh. Before they could say anything more a bright light popped up at the doors then dimmed to a soft glow. “It seems they are ready for us to return,” Epistaties said taking the hammer with him. Let us go see what they have decided. The trio returned to the entrance, picking up Emerald along the way. They reentered the war room. Biscay and Venturi averted their eyes, but Tempest locked his with Drake as soon as he entered the room. He held his tongue until everyone were back at their places. “Lord Drake, we will remain here with you and pledge ourselves to your Phoenix Initiative. There will be much to talk about in establishing ourselves following your coronation.” Tempest said, bowing shallowly before his new ally. “I formally welcome you to the Initiative and look forward to working more closely with you, Principle Tempest and those with you. If you can, I would appreciate hearing about what happened while I was away, particularly how you carved out the “reclaimed area.” “I would be happy to fill you in.” Eagle-eye said, lighting up like a child at his birthday party. “Go right ahead.” Drake said. Eagle-eye launched into what had happened while Drake was away, others adding their own bits where needed. Much of it was simply getting comfortable or working out the logistics. Then he reached the origins how they had reclaimed part of the city. “It was Caelum who actually started the reclamation project. Not intentionally he was feeling- Oh shit. Caelum’s parents.” Eagle-eye said turning to face his mate. Kestrel bolted up from where he had been resting in the back of the room. “What’s up? What about parents?” Drake asked as the Griffins stared at each other. “Drake, Caelum’s parents are Acer and Aeris. He’s always been good for his parents, but a bit of a hellion otherwise. Now- Tartarus who is going to tell him about his parents.” Swiftwing said as the reality of it dawned on her. “Are you telling me one of the MacFarweathers has become an orphan?” “Two. He has a younger sister he’s been looking out for. Probably the only reason he hasn’t gotten into more trouble.” Eagle-eye said. The Mistrals kept their mouths shut, but felt vindicated seeing the hurt that had happened. Tempest held his peace and Epistaties did likewise. Both saw an opportunity to test Drake and neither wished to pass it up. Epistaties because he had to see how if Drake would take responsibility and Tempest to see how he would handle the true cost of war. “This is my fault.” Drake whispered staring down at his claws. “This is my fault.” Drake said louder to Eagle-eye and Swiftwing who broke from their growingly frantic conversation to meet his eyes. “If I hadn’t wanted to send the teams, his parents would still be here.” “Drake, it wasn’t your decision who to send. That was our mistake. Acer and Aeris were-“ “No. At the end of the line it remains that it was my idea to send them out. We knew there was risk. You aren’t guilt free but the blame will rest with me,” Drake said. “Prince Blueblood this meeting is adjourned. Please make your way back to the traders and let them know that I will speak with them after the coronation. Epistaties, how soon can we take care of the ceremony?” “Tomorrow around midday at the earliest. I will have to set up the anvil and write the runes. I will keep it simple, and we can always change things in the future,” Epistaties said, satisfied with Drake’s reaction but seeing room for him to grow. “Good. Tomorrow it is then. Tempest, Polvere, Venturi, Biscay, I ask your forgiveness for this abrupt end to the meeting. We shall talk at length in the future, but now I have other matters that need to be attended to.” Drake said as he and the MacFarweathers left the room. Those left behind saw no reason to remain and quickly made their way out. Epistaties lead them out of the depths to the main floor separating from them to do his own work. Drake followed the MacFarweathers through the Library and onto the Plaza. They told him that Caelum was likely in the practice field, a space set aside for warriors to train. The field came into view and they pointed out an adolescent Griffin in the ranks of those learning to wield a spear from a grizzled veteran who shouted commands down at them from his perch. They approached the field slowly and watched until the practice finished. Drake didn’t want to call the kid over in front of everyone. It would only make what he had to say that much harder on him. As the trainees went to cool down, Swiftwing flew over to the trainer and asked that he send Caelum over discretely. The trainer assured her he would and went about fulfilling the request. Drake and Eagle-eye watched as the trainer landed in the crowd, walked up to Caelum and whispered in his ear. Caelum looked over at the pair, shrugged and continued what he was doing. The trainer belted him on the back of the head and spoke to him again. This time Caelum set his training spear aside and went where he was told. Caelum stopped a short distance away and looked up at the adults. “What do you want with me? Wasn’t throwing me in this training punishment enough for the brick incident, which by the way started your whole reclaiming project,” Caelum asked, rolling his eyes from Eagle-eye to Drake as Swiftwing landed. “Or did our great lord decided that some other punishment would be more befitting?” ‘ Oh my god he is going to make this easy for me isn’t he.’ Drake thought as Caelum spoke before asking, “What was the brick incident exactly?” “Caelum was playing at and with the edge of the plaza a few days after the Mistrals arrived. He dislodged a brick and threw it at the building next to the plaza. He then threw several more. He then decided to go and collect them so no one would know he was playing with them. What he didn’t see was the golems that had been hanging out in the buildings nearby. He collected all but one unmolested. An adult had noticed and went to pull him back. “The Griffin rushing to save him told me he noticed the golems stayed back until after Caelum grabbed the last on and turned around. Effectively until he placed himself outside the protection of the plaza. The adult grabbed him and yanked him onto the plaza. The golems fist passing through where he had stood a moment before. “This is how we got the idea to start testing to see if it was the physical components of the plaza that repelled them or the geographic location. Caelum was put in training to keep him out of trouble,” Swiftwing explained, a softness in her eyes Caelum was not expecting. “I see. No Caelum, I am not here to reprimand you or offer you a reward. Rather, a far heavier duty weighs upon me today.” Drake said, trying to find the best way to broach the topic he was there to discuss. “Caelum, I regret to inform you that your parents are missing in action. They were captured while on their mission to bring others here. Your mother is presumed to be held by the Diamond Dogs and your father by Harpies.” Drake said, the magnitude of the situation hitting him as a brown blur launched his way and the claw raked harmlessly against his snout. “WHAT did you say?!” Caelum yelled at him. Others looked over at them at Caelum’s outburst wondering what was going on. “Caelum, do not be stupid-“ “Don’t tell me what to do. Do you seriously expect me to believe my parents were captured? There no way they would let themselves fall into the disgusting grasp of those monsters.” Caelum howled, striking at Drake with tears streaming down his face. Drake was about to say something when a green barrier popped up in front to Caelum. The Griffin pulled his punch and looked down to see a small Changeling standing next to Drake, a green glow emanating from her. He dived at her only to smack face first into another and fall to the ground. “Enough cub, would you strike at the one being that might bring them back as if he was the one that stole them from you? Are you truly that foalish? Rage fills your heart, fine. You need not worry about being a Harpy so let it fill your soul and set yourself on the path of revenge. Forget your sister, who needs you now more than ever. Forget your Family which mourns with you. Forget their love for you and their desire for you to be happy. Fall into your hatred and rage and be no better than those you so desperately hate.” Emerald said, her words completely out of place. Wisdom of ages coming from the mouth of a babe. The Griffins nearby recoiled in surprise and even Drake reacted with shock his neck extending and head snapping down to look at Emerald from a distant angle. Caelum struggled against Emerald’s magic now holding him against the ground where he had fallen. “Do you know that as soon as he learned that the two Griffins he lost were parents, parents of the same offspring his first response of an intense feeling of guilt and remorse? Do you know that he cancelled a meeting with others far more important than you to share the news himself instead of letting another do it in his place?” Emerald questioned as Caelum ceased struggling. “Caelum, you are not the first to lose someone close to you. I make you the same promise I made Flim. If they are alive we will save them. Until then you and your sister will want for nothing if it is within my power to provide it. I’ll take you under my wing as it were.” Drake said before turning his focus to Emerald. “Care to explain?” “Hey daddy...” She said as innocently as possible, waving the hoof Epistaties had cut before him. “Bit of a self-defense method. My magic flared and cleared away the past lives I was slowly processing and learning from. They are still there, just damaged and will take time to come back. This means I’ll be able to process them and talk to you at the same time. Isn’t it great!” Emerald hugged herself against Drake’s leg, doing her best to seem as saccharine sweet as possible. “We will talk more about this later tonight, let him go.” Drake said, looking down at Caelum. Once he was released, Caelum punched the ground before struggling to his feet and keeping his eyes averted. “You mean what you said about getting them back?” Caelum said, his voice quivering as he fought to hold back tears. “If it is within my powers.” Drake said resting his head on the ground in front to Caelum and looking him in the eye. “When the time comes, I want to be there. I want to help get them back.” Caelum said, a bit more steel in his words. “If you prove yourself able, you will be.” Drake said after a long pause. “Eagle-eye. Swiftwing. I leave this to you. I have a daughter to interrogate. If you need me, I’ll be in my chambers.” Drake said to the duo as he scooped Emerald up and returning to his chamber. The Griffins gathered around Eagle-eye and Swiftwing. Many were not MacFarweathers and had questions about what was going on. Most they ignored or told it wasn’t their business. Those that asked about the Changeling were reassured as best as possible and it would be explained in a day or two. Once the crowd dispersed they spoke with Caelum privately, taking him to his family’s room in the Library. “Do you think Drake realizes what he have done?” Swiftwing asked her mate as they walked. “No, but since he did it in such a public setting there is no other option. He said he would be responsible for them so they must move in with him.” Eagle-eye said speaking to Caelum when he groaned. “You don’t have a choice Caelum. Welcome to the game of politics. It sucks and you are now but a pawn. At the same time, do not squander the gift given to you. Most orphans have a hard life. With scarce resources Families rarely live up to their names. The cubs and chicks who need it most being the ones that receive food and care last unless they make themselves useful. They wind up in dangerous and difficult jobs and die young for that is the way it must be,” He said flanking Caelum’s right said as Swiftwing came up on his left. “Now you and your sister are being adopted by someone that our clan has pledged itself to. Didn’t know that, did you?” She added when Caelum stopped dead in his tracks. “But you said yourself he doesn’t realize what he did.” Caelum argued, falling in step once again. “But he soon will. Don’t worry, I doubt much will change except where you sleep, but don’t take that as fact,l.” Eagle-eye said as they entered the room to find Caelum’s sister Maneo sound asleep. “Let’s pack up before we wake her.” * * * * * * * * * Drake set Emerald down as he entered his room, the Changelings there bolting over to their queen. Emerald stood as regally as her little frame would allow as they bowed before her. She was bombarded through the link by questions, attempts to share memories, and desperate desires for the restoration the hive mind that had been missing while they waited for her to grow. Emerald shut them out and closed the link down to the bare minimum to ensure they could pass emotional energy but nothing more. Drake settled down near the entrance as Emerald stood there staring at her subjects. Silence reigned as Emerald sought to center herself within her own mind. Eventually she spoke to her people. “Rise my subjects,” She said directing them up with her claw. “Your queen is returned to you. I thank you for your dedication and do not fault you your concern at my appearance. Know that I am fully Changeling but not. Care to tell them Father?” Emerald said recalling the way her subjects had reacted to her appearance. “Epistaties did a test on our blood. The process of gathering said blood being why she is able to talk now. Back to the point, the test shows that we are genetically as closely related as any parent and child.” Drake said. “I was awakened when Epistaties said this and confirmed that it is true. Now, you had some questions?” Emerald. “Yeah. Firstly do you remember how I killed your predecessor or have any problems with that?” “No, quite simply Chryssy cut herself off from the link at that point. The other queens I have bits and pieces, but from her there is a desire to hate you, to blame you. Of course she doesn’t know what I know. I might have been a burbling foal for most of your grand speeches about my race, but I heard them and felt your emotions. You needn’t to worry.” Emerald said. “What about magic? You caught everyone off guard out there when you starting slinging spells.” “I have all I need to survive until I can finish recovering the memories or learn from them.” Emerald said, waving to her subjects that stood behind her a respectful distance. “So you are telling me you have access to a full array of spells?” “Not exactly, at the moment I just have access to defensive spells and a few high level illusions spells that would let a wittle filly like me blend into the population, if the need arises.” “How high level are we talking?” “Complete sensory hypnosis. Though I can only maintain it for a short time without a constant input of fresh love.” Emerald said. “I see. Brutus, you happy now?” “Yes. My queen, I apologize from doubting you. I will accept whatever punishment you wish to place on me.” Brutus said laying his face against the ground. Emerald walked up to him and thought for a moment. “I sentence you to one month of pink polka dots. Don your punishment now.” “My queen I don’t understand.” “You heard me go find something with pink polka dots and transform so that your chitin is covered in them,” Emerald said a sadistic grin on her face. “Else I’ll get daddy to make one up for you.” “Latrine duty in case you are wondering.” Drake tossed out. Brutus blanched and started to rush out of the room only to be caught in Emerald’s magic. “Something in this room unless you were trying to die on me.” She said as she dropped she once his forward motion was arrested. “Now, your queen is quite tired and wishes to lay in a soft bed. Take me away.” She said turning to the remaining Changelings. They bumbled into each other to fulfill her request some trying to lift her up while others rushed to make sure the sleeping place they had prepared was comfortable for her. “This is going to be great.” Drake muttered when he felt a claw tap in on the shoulder. “It gets better,” Eagle-eye said when Drake whipped around to see who was touching him. With Eagle-eye were Swifting, Caelum and a small Griffin rubbing sleep out of its eyes. Drake said nothing just staring at the scene before him when he noticed Caelum carrying a large sack on his back. “You didn’t know what you were doing, and I would have stopped you if I could have, but you said you would take Caelum under your wing and care for him and his sister. They are now your responsibility since their parents are gone.” Eagle-eye said, praying Drake wouldn’t fight this. “And because I did it where everyone could see it’s either take him in or make my word seem worthless, is that it?” Drake said, exhaustion from the journey, meetings and politics sapping his ability to care. “Exactly. It won’t be a problem will it?” “No. Caelum will keep going to training and I will arrange for someone to watch the little one. Fair warning that it might be a Changeling.” “Her name is Maneo.” Eagle-eye said as Drake forced himself to his feet and snaked his head down to his two new charges. “Hello there, little one.”Drake said to Maneo. Maneo hid her face in her brother’s feathers. “Caelum, take your sister and find a place to sleep. I already have ponies and Changelings sharing this room with me so two more won’t be a problem. If you two need anything, let me know and I’ll make sure we get it. Any questions?” “None.” Caelum said, wrapping his wing protectively over his sister. “I told her about our parents so she knows what happened.” He guided his sister into the room and found a place for them in the dark corners of the stage. Eagle-eye and Swiftwing helped them settle in before bidding Drake a good night and leaving. Drake settled down on the center of the stage and dozed lightly. Emerald and the Changelings remained quiet in their corner, Brutus sticking out like an eyesore. They worked on helping Emerald piece together her memories and opening up the link. Flim eventually wandered in, wet lines on his face. He collapsed into his bed without a word. Novelty came in late that evening, with Trixie reluctantly in tow. They elected to share the one other bed in the room and drifted into dreamland with the rest. All across Forum the feelings of hope and fear battled in the conversations and dreams of its inhabitants. They all knew the next day was going to bring changes, the coronation having been announced after Drake went to interrogate Emerald. The question on everyone’s mind was whether or not the changes would be to their benefit or detriment. * * * * * * * * * “As you can see the day before the coronation ceremony was quite hectic. In the end it all worked out for the best, but it was sketchy there for a bit.” Drake said, taking a break from his story to address the crowd. “Is that Caelum the same one who-“ “Yes, if you are asking what I think yes, but that is a tale for a later date.” Drake said, cutting off the question. “Why was Emerald able to talk like an adult if she was just a filly?” a brave voice called out. “Because I had centuries of experiences running around in my head and had been processing them since I woke up you dolt.” Emerald called out scanning the crowd for whoever asked the question. “Don’t worry about her darling, you were still adorkable despite the creepy nature of a foal talking like she is in her middle age.” “ADORKABLE!?” “Have you forgotten how many times you fell asleep in the stacks? Inside a-“ “Okay fine the queen of the Changelings was adorkable, how about you finish with my favorite part of the story?” Emerald said as the crowd laughed. The mirth amusing and embarrassing her. “As you wish, thought it wounds me that is your favorite part of this chapter of my life.” “I bet they don’t even know what really happened.” “Let’s see. Hey folks, what happened at my coronation?” Drake asked the crowd. A quiet murmur rang through the crowd until one of the older members answered. “You gained control of the enchantments that had laid dormant for millennia and were able to take control of the golems which allows those in the city to travel about it freely.” a Griffin answered. “It reactivated ancient systems in Großrissstadt letting Cerberus know someone had been crowned as an Emperor and driving off a Diamond Dog attack.” A younger Canyon Wolf answered. “While not wrong, I don’t think that is what Emerald was referring to. Let me tell you what happened that day. It isn’t exactly the most graceful thing I have ever done...” Drake said sliding back into the story. “Let’s start with when I was walking up to the anvil Epistaties had prepared.” * * * * * * * * * On the dawn of the day Drake was to be coronated the Griffins living in Forum stopped in their efforts to reclaim the city and prepared for the ceremony. Those with ancient heirlooms pulled them out, weapons, armor, and jewelry that dated back beyond memory. Some was well used. Some had been kept wrapped in protective layers of animal skins and cloth, pulled out only rarely for special events. The ponies watched the events and found themselves drawn up into preparations. Prince Blueblood was the first. He understood the enormity of the event, even more so after having spent the end of the previous day reading a basic historical overview of the Empire. He donned his finery and suggested others do the same. By noon everything was prepared. The Changelings remained deep in the Library, Epistaties not willing to let them out, and the Changelings content to focus on building their nest and relaxing after the long journey. Flim, Trixie, and Novelty had joined Iron Will in the inner circle, along with the Griffin leadership around the anvil Epistaties had prepared. Iron Will held Seeleformer at Epistaties request that he participate in some way. Epistaties stood next to the large stone block with red runes traced over it, merging with those on the ground. He had spent the morning lining the plaza with runes until he was satisfied all the required links, contracts, and oath had been inscribed. In Labyrinthine there as a massive square set aside of the coronation of each new emperor, runes carved deep into the bedrock over which a mix of dragon blood, with a few drops from each consistent race of the empire added, would be poured. The anvil was a pure iron construction made by the Canyon Wolves, studded with the most perfect gems that had ever been mined and cut. At its center was a recess into which the new emperor’s blood would be poured. A gem at the bottom was the recess too, a match for the one in Seeleformer. But that was long gone now. The recovery of Seeleformer had been a miracle in and of itself. In place of the once grand square was a rough block of stone taken from the ruins. The recess carefully worn into it while Drake was away by Epistaties who had spent much of the time looking up everything he could of the coronation ceremony of old. Every image and description carefully reviewed. When not ensuring the defenses of Forum still worked to protect the city in the absence of an army he had prepared. The gem set in the recess taken from the vaults under the Library. The runes practiced many times over and double checked religiously. He only hoped that using Drake’s blood to write the ruins and in the recess would work. Iron Will’s blood was added to the blood in the recess to ensure that the defenses against usurpation remained. Epistaties would not even try to crown Drake if not for the reign of Láthos Vasiliá. He had proven someone of a differing bloodline could take the crown by force, provided they had blood of the emperor available. Drake waited at the end of two long columns of Griffins many rows deep that led to the anvil. When Epistaties was finally satisfied the sun was high in the sky. The tension of the crowd was nearly palpable as Drake began marching forward. Silence fell as he passed the first Griffin. The ponies watched from the back, straining to get a good look when the crowd before them bowed down. No one knew how it had started but as Drake reached the halfway point the Griffins began bowing down. When he reached Epistaties they rose again and closed off the way he had approached by. The ponies felt uncomfortable and a few bowed along with the Griffins while the royal guard and Blueblood refused to do so. “Today we mark the rebirth of a forgotten force. Lord Drake has given us the name Phoenix Initiative. Let us hope that like a phoenix we can build something from the ashes of the past.” Epistaties said addressing the crowd. He turned and faced Iron Will. Iron Will passed Epistaties Seeleformer and stepped back into the circle. Drake lifted the hammer and stood upright so that he could grasp in with both hands. There was little room left on the handle, but felt more comfortable with it this way than trying to strike off balance with one arm. He swept his gaze over the crowd. “Let today be the dawning of a new age. An age of strength and victory. Let our enemies tremble and our allies rejoice.” Drake declare before raising the hammer up. “I name thee Emperor Drake, first of his name.” Epistaties declared as Drake brought the hammer down on the anvil, and missed the mark. Drake blushed and everyone facepalmed, clawed, or hoofed depending on their anatomy. Drake raised the hammer again. “Try again. This is a terrible way to start your reign by the way.” Epistaties said. Drake raised the hammer and brought it down once again. The strike rank out over the crowd and the runes flared, those in the first row were forced to cover their eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter. When the light died down they found Drake in place over the anvil, Seeleformer lodged in it, unmoving. At first they waited, but as time wore on they felt something was wrong. Epistaties was the first to break ranks and go to check on him. After a careful examination he realized Drake was in a coma, the runes working to try and accept him as Emperor. “Is he well?” Tempest asked, coming up to Epistaties side as he looked over the runes. “Yes, he is stuck in the ceremony. I do not know if it is because the Empire’s enchantments have gone so long without maintenance that they have degraded and are having trouble accepting him or if it is because he is a dragon and not of the imperial bloodline.” Epistaties told him. “So what do we do?” “We wait.” “How long?” “Until he comes out of it or he dies.” Epistaties answered turning to address the crowd. “The ceremony is complete. Drake is now taking control of the ancient enchantments that bound the empire together. Go about your business. A watch will be posted to tell us the moment he has finished.” The crowd grumbled, the tension only growing instead of getting the release it desperately needed. At the end of the day Drake was still unmoving over the anvil and fears began to grow. By the end of day two the only thing that kept Epistaties and Tempest from a full panic was Flim assuring them that Drake was still well. When they questioned him, Flim told them that the Changelings still felt love coming from him, though the flow had significantly lessened during the ceremony. On the dawn of the third day, a Griffin who just couldn’t take the uncertainty had rushed past the border of the reclaimed area expecting to be destroyed. Instead the golems did nothing. Seeing this more and more Griffins began to explore the unsafe parts of the city. Everywhere they found the same thing. Golem unmoving but still glowing with power. Word filtered back the Epistaties who took it as a good sign. They would just have to wait. * * * * * * * * * Emerald laughed from the front row. “Sure tell it that way, or you know, be honest. You missed three times on top of being in a magical coma for five days. The Griffins about went mad and Blueblood was in a tizzy trying to figure out what would happen to the treaty without you.” “Five days leaving Tempest and Epistaties to go about the city like it was a ticking time bomb while you were passed out from swinging a hammer.” She said. “Is it true?” The little Griffin at his claws asked. “I suppose it is. I spent five days in the magic coma. By the time I came out I was very weak and don’t remember much of the next week at all. I only missed once though. Don’t listen to someone that wasn’t there.” Drake said, sticking his tongue out at Emerald. “I suppose this is the end of what I wanted to say. I wound up talking much longer than I planned, so I hope you don’t hold that against me. The main things I want you to take away are these: I am not what the stories make me out to be and there were many others that helped form the Republic into what we know it as today, without whom my efforts would have been as effective as running through a rainstorm to stay dry.” Drake said after taking a moment to think of the metaphor that was most appropriate for the crowd. The first few had been a bit to mature for the young ears in the audience. Dismissed, the crowds filed out. Drake made sure the chick returned to her family and spoke at length with Bias about next year and whether or not he hit everything the professor had hoped he would. Bias assured him all was well and it had been far more detailed and in depth than he had expected. Eventually the auditorium was empty except for Drake, Emerald and the Dragon Guard. “Did you have fun Father?” “Yes, sorry for poking fun at you but it was kinda boring there for a little bit.” “It’s okay, you let me have my fun in there too. Exactly as planned.” Emerald said, running a claw through her teal mane and tucking it behind her ears. “Now what?” “Back to work of course. Cerberus said she would handle it for a bit, but can’t leave the front for too long.” Drake said, stretching his wings. “You should tell them. Epistaties and the rest deserve to know. It could be ended much quicker if you would just mobilize the army.” “True, but Luna would try and kill me if I did that. She told me it’s has been too long since Celestia had a chance to cut loose like this for me to ruin it. Between Cerberus, Celestia, Luna, myself and our personal guards we should be able to contain it. Advantage to catching the breach right as it happened.” “If things go wrong-“ “There are already plans in place. Do not worry daughter. I will be back once this is taken care off,” Drake said taking to the sky. “Sure you will,” Emerald said before returning to the city and her home within. > Chapter 34: In the Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 34: In the Darkness "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness" -Desmond Tutu Flam woke in a haze. His back was sore from leaning against hard metal. He tried to move, but found his hooves hogtied. The steady clacking of metal on metal caused the slowly dawning realization... he was in a mine cart, rolling along a set of tracks! He opened his eyes, hoping to peak over the edge of the cart, but the same blackness of sleep greeted him. Wherever he was, darkness ruled. Flam attempted to light the darkness with his magic, but found it beyond him. He felt his magic, but it was just beyond his reach. Each attempt drove it further away. From other carts he heard moans, grunts, crying, and in the case of one stallion screaming. Despite his best efforts to remain awake the clacking of the tracks and darkness pulled him back into the realm of sleep. Flam woke some time later. The pain in his back remained a dull throb. His throat burned with thirst. The area around him was filled with the same inky blackness as before. Slowly the events that had transpired came back to him. The tavern, the fight, Drake, and his capture followed swiftly by a club to the head. ‘I was captured. I hope Flim is okay,’ Flam thought. The cart continued rattling on the tracks. Sounds others had made giving way to silence. Eventually, as he was about to drift into dreamless sleep again, a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. He was able to make out two shaggy forms at the front of the cart train he was a part of. Several carts separated him from them, hooves and muzzles showing where captured Ponies lay. The light grew until Flam passed through the portal into a large depot. Torches blazed on the walls, and braziers sat haphazardly spilling light wherever the Diamond Dogs working the depot needed it. Tracks ran outwards wildly into tunnels that came and went without any apparent rhyme or reason. Cages and chains waited on platforms next to the tracks. Looking forward, Flam saw the forms pulling his cart were a pair of Buffalo with chains running from the lead cart to their humps where they were bolted into their flesh. They came to an abrupt halt at the Buffalo pulled up short before a stone trough after a Diamond Dog whipped them down one of the spurs in the depot. The Buffalo panted heavily and drank greedily from the stale water in the trough. The carts were quickly swarmed by Diamond Dogs who stuffed the disoriented Ponies into waiting cages. Flam caught a glimpse of the pullers faces and immediately wished that he hadn’t. Pink foam pooled at the corners of their mouths. Broken teeth poked out of the foam like jagged peaks. Their eyes were the worst part. Where they should have been, there was merely a pair of black abysses staring back at any who gazed into them. Flam turned away and fought to keep his stomach from emptying itself. The sounds of others failing in that endeavor brought him over the edge. Now, coated in vomit, sore and enduring the sharp pain of blood returning to his previously bound hooves, Flam leaned against the bars of his cage and gave into sleep once again. * * * * * * * * * Flam woke to the rattle of chains and cries of pain. Looking around, he saw a team of Diamond Dogs working its way down the cages, yanking them open and chaining up the ponies within. The Pegasi had their wings strapped down by leather belts. Flam shuddered to think where the material for those had come from. The Unicorns had the complex inhibitors strapped over their horns double checked. The metal mesh cones enough to block their use of magic. The Earth Ponies were merely led on leashes, but the guards stood nearest them, spears at the ready. Regardless of their tribe, all ponies had four way shackles restricting their hooves with a chain met underneath them, then ran ran through their front legs to a cold iron collar and into the hands of their captors. At the front of the Diamond Dog possession was a bulldog looking beast. His jowls dripped with saliva and crooked teeth poked out from his lower jaw. On his head sat a tiny black bowler hat. His right eye was adorned with an opaque monocle, and he held a black cane in his left paw. He tapped the against the ground as he trudged up to each cage and checked a form stuck to the top that Flam hadn’t notice before. Having pursued the form, he would turn to a poodle at his side and speak quickly. “This one off fur the ‘arpies. This pretty for the mines. Toss that tosser in the forges. That trollup has a dainty backdoor, send her to the front for the jocks what be fighting those bloody wolves.” He said as he walked down the line looking over each pony like a mare out shopping for the best deals imaginable. The poodle would reply quickly, her charcoal pen making harsh tapping sounds as she ticked the fresh slaves off on her clipboard. “Quite right guvna. Bett’r than they deserve. She is quite the trumped up trumpet isn’t she.” Flam couldn’t help but shiver in his cage as they approached the bulldog’s eyes going wide as he read over the form on his cage. “’Ell looking here. One o’ them ponies what been causing havoc out on the plain here in our cage. Quite wonder what we gonna do wit him now.” “Guvna Chamberlain, says ‘ere he’s to be handed over to the big boss.” The poodle said. “Hold your horses,” a harsh screeching voice cried out from the back of the pack. “Angelica wants that one for herself.” Flam shuddered as he saw a small Harpy work its way to the front of the group and speak to Governor Chamberlain. “Wat’s this now. If the papers say ‘e goes to the big boss, ‘e goes to the big boss.” “And I am telling you that this is one Angelica wants for her personal collection.” “An ‘ow you know ‘e’s the one she wants?” Governor Chamberlain said taking his monocle off and wiping it with a disgusting rag. “The orange and white striped tail and mane with a soft yellow fur. Mustached and scars on the leg,” The harpy said grabbing Flam left foreleg and twisting it to show the scars from his first encounter with Diamond Dogs. “He’s one of that fool dragon’s followers and Angelica- Well she’ll be wanting to make an example of him.” “’At’s all the more reason ‘e’ll be going to the big boss. We’ve already divvied out your share. Be ‘appy with what you got. Big boss ‘ill want at least one o’ them at’s been causing havoc fur us.” Governor Chamberlain huffed. “You already got that griffin hen from the other day. This one goes to Angelica,” the harpy screeched bearing her talons at the bulldog. There was a burst of movement as the Diamond Dogs guarding the slaves leveled their weapons at the Harpy. Flam remained silent in his cage as the Diamond Dog and Harpy argued over what would happen to him. Privately he prayed they wouldn’t send him to the harpies. He knew what waited that way from the griffins’ stories. The Diamond Dogs though, they just used you has hard labor right? Right? “Listen ‘ere little birdy and listen closely. We are keeping ‘at pony and ‘e is going to the boss. Any questions?” Governor Chamberlain asked pointing his cane at the Harpy and tapping its feathery chest. “None,” the Harpy spat back as it lowered its talon. “I’ll be taking my cut and leaving then.” “Please do,” the poodle said waving for a pawful of guards to escort her and her new slaves away. The Ponies given over to the Harpy were led away, struggling vainly against their bonds. Flam didn’t have to look to know they were all stallions, nor did he envy them their fate. “Just sit tight ‘ere in your cage, no point letting you loose to try fleeing hither and dither on us now is there?” Governor Chamberlain said as he moved on to the next cage. Flam sat there, terror and despair slowly making themselves at home in his heart as he listened to them go down the line, evaluating and assigning the ponies that had been captured the same time as him like wood at the lumber yard. Eventually, a fitful sleep overtook Flam, as the lack of food or water since his captured sapped what little strength he had. * * * * * * * * * When Flam woke he found a bowl of mushrooms and a rock mug filled with water inside his cage. He drank deeply of the water first, soothing his dry throat. He nibbled on the mushrooms as he contemplated his situation. They tasted stale but were better than nothing. Another train of carts had come in while he slept. It was filled with Griffins and Minotaurs. All but two were pulled off and thrown into waiting cages. After the carts were given a once over, several Diamond Dogs came over to Flam, pulled him from his cage, made sure he was bound, and tossed him in the middle of the carts, empties separating him from the other captives. “Off these prizes go to the big boss,” One of the workers yelled out. The Buffalo chained to the carts were directed backwards, then sent running on another track that plunged the train back into darkness. Flam struggled for a bit then fell still; his binding only tightened further as he fought them. The unending darkness called for him to sleep, but he fought it. He needed to find a way to escape before they reached the big boss, whoever it was. His solo efforts in vain he attempted to strike up conversation. “Hey, can either of you fine fellows hear me?” Flam called out the other unwilling passengers. Silence reigned in the darkness. “Surely you both would agree that a little conversation in this darkness serves better than the stew with naught but our thoughts,” Flam called out again. “Be quite Pony. Your struggles are in vain, and I have no interest in your words. If you can speak consider biting you tongue. My tongue cannot move between my beak and my claws are bound such that I cannot slit my own throat or I would have long ago,” a speaker Flam quickly identified as the griffin called out from behind him. “The Minotaur will not answer. She is gagged as well as bound, else she would already have free her soul from this dark pit of Tartarus.” “Surely there is something we can do, some means by which we might escape,” Flam pleaded, growing desperate in the face of the Griffin’s words. they washed over him in the dark and set his mind tossing about like a ship in a tempest. “What might we try that the Dogs haven’t seen in the millennia they have plied their trade? Where might we go but to where they wish? These tunnel are long and straight crisscrossing the whole of the world. At each end waits our captors. In between, is not but darkness and maimed Buffalo pulling carts.” From the darkness came guttural yowl and the carts started slowing. Then came a twisted moan and the carts sped back up. Flam started crying as he realized there truly was no hope here in the darkness. Every day that passed brought him further from his brother, further from Equestria and further from freedom. As the cart clacked relentlessly forward Flam cried himself dry of tears and passed into a fitful sleep devoid of dreams. * * * * * * * * * Flam woke as the cart began to slow down. Light built at the end of the tunnel until they burst into a gargantuan bowl shaped cavern. They followed the tracks into a depot at the top of the cavern, and were quickly offload by slaves under the watchful eye of heavily armored dogs. Flam, the Griffin, and the Minotaur were paraded down the slopes. At the bottom a large city stretched towards the ceiling. Pale lights pouring forth from the windows and doors. Diamond Dogs lined the streets, the powerful and wealth resting on palanquins supported on the backs of slaves, cheering as they were brought towards a palace carved into four great pillars that reached from ceiling to floor, seeming to support the roof of the cavern. The Dogs, wearing, at the least, gem studded collars, at the most, extravagant suits bedazzled haphazardly in the precious stone, jeered and insulted them as they were marched along. Pups threw stones and dirt clods at them. They cheered loudly when one sharp rock struck the Minotaur’s belly, drawing a line of blood and muffled howls of pain. The Griffin bore the abuse unflinchingly, his eyes lock forward and stance defiant. One of their escorts apparently did not like this. He used his spear to trip the Griffin; then ground his face into the cobblestones before letting him up. Once the dog let him up the Griffin resumed his march. Dirt clung to his beak, feathers were missing on the side of his face, blood dropping where loose stone had bit into his skin, yet his pride remained intact. Flam ducked the stones and kept his eyes downturned. He had to survive till he saw Flim again, though something told him rescue was going ever more distant. The stones of the buildings surrounding them grew finer and more expertly cut as they closed in on the palace. Taking a moment to glance at the palace, Flam saw it looked more like a fortress than a living space of a ruler. The passed through the gatehouse and behind them heavy wooden doors closed as a wrought iron portcullis slammed into the ground. Behind the walls a second keep waited. They were brought in and lead through a series of twisting halls, some wide, others narrow. Gems and lanterns filled the halls, slaves of all kinds scurried about polishing and cleaning. Flam caught sight of a mare being tossed into a room by a dog who followed behind and slammed the door shut his paws reaching for something near his hips. At long last, they stopped in front of a beautiful door. It was studded with gems and depicted a scene of monsters being driven behind a gate, a three-headed beast guarding the gate, and a city growing up around the gate. The denizens of the city looked canine, and Flam began to wonder if it had been the Diamond dogs or someone else that built the fortress he found himself in. A pair of guards stood outside the doors, clad in heavy armor, wielding well cared for halberds. Flam felt his hope slip away a little more. The guards spoke quickly with the mutts that had brought them in from the station then dismissed them. They opened the doors and led the trio inside. Within, a floor of polished gold reflected light from the enchanted gems that hung from the most impressive chandelier Flam had ever seen. At the back of the room rose a series of silver steps that blended into an awe inspiring golden throne. The throne was faceted with the finest gems the Diamond Dogs had ever found. At the top of the throne a large dragon skull looked down on all in the room, the bone scarred by whatever had killed it. On the throne was the creature that’d killed it. A huge dog, with a bulky, muscular body. Its eyes deep set ovals above a stout snout. Close cropped ears that hid in its coat on half its body, a stump of a tail flicking erratically behind the chair. On the other half of its body sickly pink skin, scarred by burns and deep slashes stood out in stark contrast to its thick coat. The paw on its side with the coat was lacking its second finger. The nails on his naked paw rapped against the armrest of the throne as the figure tapped them in quick succession over and over as the trio was presented before him. Other Diamond Dogs filled the balconies and space between the columns leading up to the throne. With them personal slaves, some Minotaurs, some Griffins, many Ponies, and even the occasional Zebra. Beside the throne stood a Minotaur cupbearer, blinded in one eye, with only one arm that held the rulers drink. Her horns had been shorn off, along with other parts of her anatomy. The only reason Flam knew it was a female was because of the way her shoulders and hips matched his traveling companion. The guards forced them to their knees before the ruler. The hall feel quite when he spoke. “Welcome to my home, Virfortis Rac of the Hussar Clan, Genethlios of the Forebearer Tribe, and Flam, a follower of the mad dragon,” The giant of a diamond dog said, his deep gravelly voice booming so loudly it shook the jowls on the fatter dogs in the crowd. The skin on the bare side of his face stretch taunt as he spoke, the burn scars shifting grotesquely over the bone beneath. “Rejoice for you are now property of the Wolves Bane, Wing Plucker, Dragon Slayer, The Undying Lord of the Underground, the first and greatest Alpha Diamond Dog, Sirius,” he said introducing himself. “And what worthy property you are, for the most part,” He chuckled the last bit, his raspy laugh making Flam’s hair stand on end. “Virfortis, a great hunter of Diamond Dogs. Defender of the High Wind Eerie, and promised to the High King’s third daughter. How did it feel to be the hunted? How does it feel to know that even your great mountaintop fortress can be breached? Did you enjoy watching the life pass from your betrothed?” Sirius taunted. Virfortis shook with rage, but held his tongue. “What’s the matter? Harpy got your tongue? ANSWER ME!” Dust fell from the ceiling when Sirius yelled. Flam flattened his ears against his skull and squeezed further down into himself. Virfortis lifted his head to meet Sirius’ gaze, the fires of impotent rage burning in his eyes. “Someday, you will die, you wretched twisted monster. Someday, you will be struck down. Your head will be placed on a lance and parade across the world so that all you torment may rejoice that the coward who sits on his golden throne, hiding away in the shadows of the world, is dead!” Virfortis proclaimed, making a leap forward... Only to be knocked to the ground by the guards. As he laid there, tears streaming from his eyes, Sirius began to laugh. Soon the entire hall joined in. “Ah, what fire, what passion. I was afraid it’d died when we took your love bird from you. Excellent to see you still have what I want. Varus, take him to the pits. He will make an excellent gladiador for my team. Of course, a prize Griffin like this you don’t just waste. Non-lethal matches only, but on his first loss have him handed over to Angelica. I am sure she would enjoy playing with a tom of his pedigree.” Virfortis was led away, hanging limply in the grasp of the Dogs tasks with him. Flam’s hope had become a thin flickering flame, like a candle near its end. Sirius motioned for drink and the mutilated cupbearer beside his throne filled his gaudy chalice. Sirius drank greedily from it, letting the purple drink spill down his snout and onto his coat. He set his drained cup down, and belched loudly. As the cupbearer refilled it once more, for while the cup need not be full, it must never be empty, Sirius turned his attention on Genethlios. He looked her over critically, inspecting her for any flaw. Genethlios stared back defiantly. The gag still in her mouth. “What an excellent wine you cows used to make. I have so few casks left from your crumbled and forgotten Empire. A pity the art has been lost. I suppose that is my brother’s fault. The art of making excellent wine seemed to be the purview of the lazy and slothful,” Sirius said, taking a more measured draw from his cup. “What to do with you Genethlios. Famine! You Forebearers use the most ostentatious names. It will not bring your cities back to you. Your lost magic’s or glories. Ah, but I am forgetting, aren’t I. You are the Matriarch’s oldest friend and share her misguided dream of finding a way to unify the disparate tribes, or at least bring peace amongst the bickering old Bulls.” “A better future for your calves. That’s what all the captured Forebearers scream about as they are captured, throwing themselves at the enemy to allow the rest to escape. How funny then that you yourself are sterile and will never have a calf of your own. Especially not now,” Sirius taunted. The Betas who styled themselves as nobles howled cruelly at their Alpha jests. Flam tried to curl into the fetal position but was stopped by the armored guards who beat him with the hafts of their spears. Beside him Genethlios struggled to force the gag out. To fit her tongue between her teeth and deprive the sick deformities of nature before her their prize. “Perhaps you aren’t sterile,” Sirius said resting his check on his furred paw. “Yeah, that’s it. Your problem is your Bulls are just lacking in the horn department. Well I am sure we can help you out with that. Looks like we need to find a better gag for you anyway,” Sirius said, licking his lips as Genethlios eyes went wide in horror. “One of you mutts check her; make sure she still has the requisite plumbing.” A bichon from the crowd strutted out to many happy hollers and jeers. The guards held Genethlios’s chains tight as she ran her hands over Genethlios, slipping them inside her meager clothing. Flam couldn’t see much but the crowd grew louder and louder in their suggestions till any semblance of language was replaced by raw noise. At a wave of Sirius paw, the hall fell silent for the results “She’ll serve Alpha of Alphas,” The bichon said with a bow. She hurriedly returned to the crowd when dismissed by a flick of his wrist. “Have her taken to the pleasure houses, but do take care she doesn’t enjoy too much,” Sirius said laying back in his throne. Genethlios cried as she was led away. She struggled vainly against her chains. Tried to lash out and hit those dragging her off, but the chains were too tight, and the dogs too quick to be caught by her unwieldy struggles. Flam shivered on the floor as all eyes turned to him. From the throne boomed a throaty chuckle. “Good to see you already know your place. That’s the best part about Ponies. As soon as you show them who is in charge they follow without question or comment. Why else would one follow a dragon?” “Tell me pony, what does that dragon mean to you. I want to have something to tell him when I rip his heart out and feed it to him,” Sirius said. Flam kept his eyes downturned shaking like paint in a mixer. “Pony, you aren’t important enough for me to want to keep you alive. The only reason you are here is because you pissed of Angelica. That was good. She’s more useful to me that way, so I have to keep her from getting you like she wants. If she got you, she would be satisfied. In more way that one. No, I need her unsatisfied and pissy. So don’t hold your tongue when I ask a question. What does that dragon mean to you?” Flam brought himself under control, fighting an ever present urge to piss himself. He slowly brought his eyes up to look at the scarred creature on the throne. “That dragon saved my life. Has shown my brother and I unmatched kindness, and encouraged us to create and invent, even if it was just for a short time. When he comes, and he will come, to rescue me, remember your boasts as he cooks you alive and leaves you dying on the floor as he did with Chrysalis,” Flam said his voice growing stronger as it outran his thoughts. Realizing too late what he’d said, Flam saw the rage writ large on Sirius’ disfigured features. A shaggy paw slammed down, cracking one of the armrests off the throne. Sirius launched himself at Flam. Flam felt the wind knocked out of him as Sirius wrapped his bad paw around him and lifted him off the floor. His legs pressed into his ribcage as Sirius squeeze, the creak of bones on the verge of snapping the only sound in the hall aside from Sirius’ growl. “I could kill you know with just a bit more pressure,” Sirius said flexing his arm as he brought Flam eye to eye with him. “But I think you would find that a victory. You, a nobody, killed by the greatest of Discords Lieutenants. No, I think I will show you just how worthless you truly are. How unimportant to me you and your words are.” He dropped Flam on the ground and climbed back into his throne. “Take him to the mines. He is to receive no special treatment, no extra punishments or be given any easier of a time. If he ceases being able to work send him to the nearest Harpy nest and let them have at him.” “You are nothing Pony. I am done with you.” > Chapter 35: In the Depths > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 35: In the Depths "Friendship, of itself a holy tie, is made more sacred by adversity." -Charles Caleb Colton The sounds of metal on rock, the steady tink tink of constant work, filled the tunnels. Grunts and heavy breathing joined in, producing a strange harmony in the dim depths of the earth. Yet, no singing accompanied it. There was neither the time nor the energy for it; the guards and overseers didn’t take kindly to it either. The miners moved in time, not from choice but necessity. They were all chained together. Minotaur at the front of each chain forged the course of the tunnel under careful observation. Behind them Unicorns and Griffins worked the walls widening the tunnels and tracking veins of metal and gem so long as they lasted. Earth Ponies and Bison pulled carts filled with either the waste stone, ore, or gems along tracks laid by Pegasi. A lucky few Pegasi or Griffins were placed at the entry to the mines. Their wings unbound, they were used to circulate air up and down the shafts. It wouldn’t do to let the slaves die needlessly after all. If a slave should collapse on the job, the overseers would come and whip it until it either died or returned to work. A slave that can’t work a full shift is useless, don’t you know? If the slave didn’t stand, their corpse was unchained and carried away. The body was never seen again, but Flam noticed the griffins got more meat in their ration those days. He tried not to think about it too much. There were bigger concerns for him anyway. He barely remembered being taken out of Sirius’ palace. The trip to where he was now passed in a blur of darkness. He spent the entire time shaking from fear of what awaited him at the end. When he finally reached the slave camp, he felt something like relief, and was ashamed by it. The camp started at the depot, at least Flam thought so. The depot led to the pens, the guard barracks, the mines, and the local warren growing around the mines. The entryway to the barracks was the same quality of stone working as transportation tunnels and depots Flam was now familiar with. The others seemed like afterthoughts carved into the stone as needed. The slave pens were laid out as tiers of large cells descending down from the entryway behind a short switchback filled tunnel. Each cell was filled with the miners on the same chain. A small area was cleared out at the lowest level and filled with poorly crafted stone tables and benches that had been worn smooth over time. Against one wall was a serving line and several large pots in which the daily rations were cooked. A doorway behind the line led to the kitchen where the food was stored and prepared by the guard rather than the slaves. Flam was brought with several other slaves down into the pens. Guards ensured peace as the new slaves were added to the existing groups. The group Flam was added to was one of the groups that drove new tunnels. A dangerous job as the poor, or perhaps lucky, pony he was replacing found out during a cave in that killed the front of the twenty person line. Flam was the new number two, directly behind a Minotaur female with graying coat and whip scars crisscrossing her back. “Call me Ma,” She said resting a hand on Flam shoulder as the guard left. “That’s what everyone called me on my old gang.” “Sure thing,” Flam said looking around cautiously. The new number three chained in just after him was a charcoal gray Pegasus mare with a silver mane and no cutie mark. “My name is Silver Lining, and would you please stop staring,” she said timidly, curling her tail over her flanks. Flam shook his head and diverted his eye elsewhere realizing that close to half the Ponies in the pen were lacking cutie marks. “Sorry, it’s just…” Flam trailed off, not sure how to justify himself. Silver Lining sighed, letting her tail fall away. “I was born down here. My parents were slaves, as were my father’s. It is bad luck to get a cutie mark for those like me. It would mean your special talent was something in this dark sun forgotten world,” she said, self-consciously staring at her blank flank. That was Flam’s first day, at least as he could define them in the mines. The next day he was fed then sent to work. His inhibitor was removed to allow him to move the rubble Ma created into the carts at the end of the tracks. At first he was overjoyed only to quickly discover his magic was far weaker than before. Asking around to other slaves that evening he learned the gruel they were fed was laced with a weak drug that weakened their magic. Abstaining from food might allow it to wear off, but it would take more than three days, and no pony could go that long without eating down here. As Flam struggled to move the rubble with his reduced magic, Silver worked behind him adding fresh tracks to the line so carts could stay close to the front of the tunnel. The rough iron beams were passed to her from further down the line were others worked to widen the tunnel and dig out the worthwhile materials. A constant shower of rock rained down on them as Ma dug. So Flam worked, with the steady tink of the picks, the rustle of chains, and the grunts of straining slaves the only sounds. He did his best to think of a way to break free, but nothing presented itself. He thought of ways to resist, but realized that would only punish those around him after a griffin on their chain had refused to work. Instead of whipping the griffin they stuffed it with food while the rest of them were beaten. That evening the griffin had been beaten by the slaves still able to stand until he vomited everything he had eaten. The next day the griffin wasn’t given a ration, nor the next. On the third day he received a quarter ration, then slightly more until he was back at full seven days after his act of resistance, far weaker than before. Flam realized by the end of his second week that he would need to bide his time and wait for the opportune moment. Flam did the only thing he could do in the dark. He began to train. He struggled and worked to lift larger loads with his magic, the carry them as individual bits instead of a large blob. Any way he could stress himself he would. At first his body suffered, but his work did not go unnoticed. As he waited for his ration at the end of the third week, one of the overseers spoke to the cook. “Double rations for the ‘airy pony. 'e work ‘ard, better than rest,” The dog said. Flam really was much better than the rest. If this kept up, they might have a slight increase in production for once. Very important given the situation just a few leagues away. The increase in food was welcome by Flam, and noticed by other slaves as well. That night Ma confronted him, cornering him in the pen, her powerful arms closing off any means of escape. “What are you doing! Are you a collaborator?” Ma asked her filed stumps of horns leveled at him instinctually. “What?! You think I’m trying to appease them?” Flam asked after a moment spent processing her accusations. “Then why are you working so hard?” “Why are you getting extra rations?” “And why should we believe anything you say?” A series of different slaves called out taking positions around Ma. “I am not going to die here; not at the paw of those mutts. But I’m not a great warrior, a master strategist, or an unmatched mage. I am a con artist and an inventor,” Flam said wilting under the angry glares. “Keep talking,” Ma said through clenched teeth, but let her arms fall from the wall. Flam spared a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure no Diamond Dogs were near their cell. “I am trying to get stronger. Strong enough I can use my magic freely despite the drugs they give unicorns to hamper us. I want them to think me beaten so they will not look to closely at what I do. I will be free. My brother and our friends will find a way to free us,” Flam said with conviction, meeting the eyes of his accusers. “There is no freedom from here. No rescue will be mounted to save you. No heroes that will break our chains. Give up that dream and do a what you can to hamper the dogs while helping the rest of us,” Ma said, a tired sigh leaving her lips. “You can give up on hope, but I havn't. Not yet,” Flam said. The others shook their heads and gave him up as a fool. No one escapes. That fact was as hard as the iron that held them. The next day they went to work again and Flam discovered that the double rations wasn’t entirely a kindness. His magic was nearly as weak as it had been when he started. Not only was he getting more food, he was getting more of the drug. “What matter pony. Think double rations means less work? You need punishment instead of great gift?” The overseer said when he saw Flam struggling that day. Flam pushed himself hard that day, straining at his limits. Somehow, he avoided drawing any more attention to himself. Come dinner, he received double rations again. As he sat down, the other end of the chain took their seat at the worn table across from him. Flam saw their angry glares and thought quickly. He spared a quick glance around the room. The guard were focused elsewhere, either on the serving line or their own navels. Quickly and discreetly as he could, Flam shared part of his food around to those closest to him. Silver Lining received the biggest share, but everyone closest to him got a bit. “I’ll explain in the cell. Act like it didn’t happen,” Flam whispered as their glares softened with confusion. Thankful for extra food, but uncertain why he was sharing so freely, the slaves ate cautiously then with gusto as their hunger spurred them on. In the cell later than evening, the slaves once again horseshoed up around Flam. This time they were curious and confused rather than angry. A few kept watch, their eyes outside the slave pen, but their ears trained inward. “Start talking Flam. Explain yourself and why you gave away your extra ration,” Ma said, the others muttering their agreement. “Double rations means double the drug I spoke of yesterday. I won’t survive that, so I gave it away, mostly to those that don’t rely as heavily on magic. I will be free, but getting in trouble will only make that harder.” “Freedom is impossible. The dogs control the ground, the Harpies control the skies and even the ruins refuse entry to those that would seek shelter in them. What makes you so sure you’ll break your chains,” Ma asked disdainfully, far too many friends having wasted their lives resisting their fate. “No,” Flam said, staring back at her. “I can’t forsake the sun I’ve spent my life under. I can’t forsake my friends on the surface. Most of all, I can’t forsake my brother who I know is search for a way to save me even now.” An argument broke out between the slaves. Many sided with Ma, the hopes of freedom having long passed from their minds. Others, newer or more idealistic sided with Flam. All the slaves, including those that were supposed to keep watch were dragged in. They grew louder until the guards arrived, throwing the doors to the cell open and leveling their spears. “All right who’s causing trouble?” The beta in charge of the guards asked. The slaves quickly offered Flam up. “Oh, it’s this pony fool is it. Well we ‘ave ways of dealing with pony fools,” the beta said, his tail wagging happily. A bit of saliva dripped from his snout as he grinned sadistically. The guards removed Flam from the line and dragged him away. As the cell slammed shut, the beta sent one ahead. “Tell Mittens to have them get Butch ready for this one.” The Diamond Dog panted happily then scampered ahead. It was always a good show when Butch got to have his fun. Flam was half dragged half carried to a deep amphitheater in the Diamond Dog warren near the mines. He had only a moment to shake his head before a claw grasped his tail and began to pull him backwards. Flam felt a weight lean on his back and hot, wet breath on his neck. In the stands Dogs howled a cheered. They chant a phrase over and over, but Flam couldn’t make it out. A moment later he heard a wet smack next to his ear. “Butch play with pony,” A dull voice said in his ear before a new pain shot through Flam. In that single moment his naiveté died. He tried to collapse onto the ground, to curl up into a ball, but the dim beast in the pit held him tight and took control. Tear streamed down his cheeks as the Diamond Dogs gleefully watched their show. * * * * * * * * * Hours later, the guards dumped Flam back in the pen. They took only a moment to chain him in since there were no chances of him trying to run anytime soon. The older slaves just shook their heads and went back to bed, the newer ones looked closely at him. Flams’ fur was a mess, sticky patches here and there. The next morning, they took note as Flam walked unsteadily, his legs collapsing under him and his gait strange. They saw that he kept his tail pull down under himself. At breakfast, those near him in line watched him receive the same ration as everyone else. Flam movements were slow and mechanical, like a body on autopilot. In the mines, he worked at the bare minimum, even after overseers came and beat him again and again. Wherever the source of his previous energy and drive was, it was long gone now. Ma took these happenings for proof that freedom was impossible, as did many of the other slaves. Even those that had believed in liberation found their hope dying. Silver Lining felt sick watching Flam disappear before her eyes. The body working next to her was nothing like the pony that had spoken so strongly the evening before. When they were led back to the cell Flam backed himself into a corner. His blank eyes tracking all. He poked anyone that got too close with his horn, but still said nothing. Finally, despite fighting to stay awake, he collapsed from exhaustion and slept silently the whole night. For several day this trend repeated. Flam woke, ate, worked, was beaten for not working hard enough, ate, backing himself into a corner, kept others away, and passed out to sleep silently. Even those that had been opposed to what he said worried about him. Those who had served in that place the longest knew what had happened, some having suffered it themselves. They had seen other die from getting Butched. Some could handle it, others couldn’t. It mattered not to them. If he was getting beaten, then the overseers and guards weren’t looking at them. Still it did no good for someone to die on them. Silver Lining watched helplessly. The vibrant pony that had been placed on the line next to her became a lifeless shell. He had given her hope. For the first time in her life she hadn’t feared the next day. Then it had all been dashed moments later. Since she was still next to him in line, she had been stretching as far away from him and his horn as possible. Unwilling to let things lie, one day she instead sat facing Flam. He lowered his horn and made as if to stab at her, but Silver sat just out of his reach. She sat there unmoving, a gentle smile on her face. Flam quickly gave up trying to scare her off. After waiting a bit, Silver scooted closer. Flam stiffened, but did not try to drive her off. She started speaking softly to him. Kind words and empty promises. Anything to reach out to him. Time wore on as Silver steadily moved closer. It took several days, but on the same day as Drake’s coronation, Silver leaned up against Flam, her wing gently draped over him as they both drifted off to sleep in the darkness of the depths of the earth once again. > Chapter 36: In the Arms of a Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 36: In the Arms of a Star "When it gets dark enough, you can see the stars." - Ralph Waldo Emerson In Forum, hours had passed since Drake struck true on the anvil with Seeleformer. The guards posted became bored and drifted together from their assigned posts. They laughed and joked, trying to fight off an ill feeling that was slowly growing in the ruined city as Drake remained in his coma. Elsewhere, muted business was being conducted. Still, Drake did not stir where they could see. Drake was far from idle though. While magic drained from his body, his mind ran free. As soon as he struck the anvil, he found himself adrift in a void. Darkness broken only by a few bright stars and a scattered, tattered spider web of white threads running between the stars and outlined holes where other stars once shone. He felt compelled to trace the lines with his finger. After his finger went over them, the lines would glow more brightly. Some only for a moment, others more permanently. Drake started to notice whispers. No matter where he turned, he could not find the source. The whispers grew louder and louder until Drake needed to cover his ears with his hands. Still, the whispers continued unabated. Drake cried out in defiance of the unintelligible whispers. They ceased with a loud pop. Drake found himself in a familiar office board room. A tired looking woman across from him. She swept a lock of red hair out of her face, and flashed him a grin. She jumped out of her seat at Drake, who caught her. He felt her arms wrap around him in a hug as she began to cry into his shirt. “You stupid, stupid, wonderful, brilliant, foolish, brave man.” She said as she sobbed. Drake noticed, for the first time since entering the void, he wasn’t a dragon but human once again, or mostly human. He added the amendment for the pointed teeth he felt, and the now familiar weight of wings on his back. “Hey there Kallyn.” Drake said, pausing to see if he had remembered her name this time. A faint upturning of her lips let him know he had. “This is a bit different from last time. You okay?” “After our last discussion the Convention placed new barriers around my prison. I’ve been trying for so long to speak to you again. To warn you against what you just did, but it doesn’t matter now. You did the stupidest possible thing, just like I knew you would.” Kallyn said, prying herself off Drake. “This about the changelings or something else? Cause the changeling thing is working out pretty well so far. Wait, what is the Convention?” Drake said, pulling a seat out for Kallyn, and another for himself. “No, it’s not about the changelings, though I’m still not happy about that. Do you realize how close you came to dying against her? How very close you came to having your mind enthralled by her magic before that?” Kallyn asked, her typical demeanor making a comeback. “If it wasn’t for Princess Luna beating the living daylights out of you each night you would never have stood a chance.” “It was all part of the plan.” Drake said, relaxing back into his chair hands clasped behind his head. “Now about the Convention you mentioned?” “I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain it to you. Much more interesting would be this.” Kallyn said, grabbing a remote and clicking the power button. On the wall opposite them a television screen flickered on. Drake’s unmoving body stood in the same place he’d left it, hunched over an anvil. “Well that isn’t creepy at all.” Drake said. “It’s the only channel I get, until about six hours ago anyway.” “Wait! It’s already been six hours!” “Yeah, here is the other channel that just came up. I even started recording it so I could show you what was happening.” Kallyn said, hitting a series of buttons to change the channel then rewind the single program it was running. Drake watched as his human self looked around a void. He watched as his hand moved and parts of the space began to light up. As the program continued he saw flickers in the space behind him. A brief change in the darkness heralding the presence of something in the shadows. When the light had grown to a dim dawn in the void Kallyn paused it. “See them?” She asked, facing Drake with a neutral expression. “See what?” Drake said, looking closely at the screen. He rose out of his seat slightly to get a better look. “On the very edges, right behind you.” Kallyn said, letting it play for a moment or two at a time. Drake watched closely as ghosts flickered on the edges of the screens. “Are those ghosts behind me?” “I think so. I believe they might be the soul fragments of the past Emperors.” Kallyn said, already maxing out the volume in preparation for Drake’s next question. “What makes you think they are past emperors?” Kallyn said nothing just pointed at the TV. From the speakers came the eerie whispers he had heard before, but much more clearly. “Imposter!” “Invader!” “Kill! Kill!” “Why is that here?” The ghosts spoke in a rasping whisper; their hands reaching ever closer to Drake. Then, just as their fingers closed the last inch, the scene changed and Drake was standing in room with Kallyn. “Ah, so if you hadn’t pulled me out…” Drake trailed off, turning to face Kallyn. “They would have tried to destroy your soul. More than likely.” “That would be bad.” “Yes, very bad.” Kallyn said as Drake fell back into his chair. As it rocked forward he let it carry him until his elbows were resting on the table with his chin resting on the backs of his hands. After a long silence he sighed and looked her in the eye. “What now? You can’t just throw me back. I don’t know if I can fight them, much less what will happen if I do. At the same time, I can’t just let them kill me. It also seems likely that I will be trapped in the dreamscape, mindscape, wherever-the-hell-we-are-scape, until we find a way to release me. Unfortunately, I’m willing to bet it is somehow tied to their approval.” Drake said, his volume climbing as he got out of his seat and started pacing. “I won’t disagree with you on any of that.” Kallyn said, calmly remaining where she was and tracking Drake’s pacing with the slightest turns of her head. “Dammit, you’re supposed to be the brilliant, all-knowing supernatural being that helps me in my quest when things aren’t working out right. Surely you have some clue what to do!” Drake said, wheeling around on Kallyn, his breath ragged after his outburst and wings spreading ever so slightly. Kallyn walked over and rested a hand on Drake’s cheek, looking him in the eyes. A soft smile on her face, and laughter in her own eyes. “There is no need to be afraid. I’m hardly going to throw you to the wolves, or undead spirits of past Minotaur Emperors.” Kallyn said, lifting her hand from his cheek. “Now get a hold of yourself.” She said, bringing the hand back quickly and slapping Drake. Drake jerked to the left, away from her hand and muttered as he attempted to soothe the pain. “Thanks for that.” He said after a moment. “Sorry for losing my temper.” “Eh, I’ll be happy to deal out all the abuse you need to keep your head on. Since it seems to be the only thing you respond well to. Now, figure out your strategy to deal with this, O’ Great Guiding Hand of the Future.” Kallyn said, referring to Drake’s original wish as she leaned back to rest on the table. The room fell silent as Drake considered how to resolve the problem at hand. He took the remote, reversed the recording, maxed out the volume and let it play again. “Hey Kallyn, can you pull one of those spirits here with us.” Drake asked, pausing the screen. “Maybe, why?” “This one here doesn’t seem to be calling for my head. It’s like he’s more curious than killious,” Drake said, pointing at one spirit near the edge that wasn’t reaching at him. He replayed a short clip several times for her so she could her what he was hearing. Kallyn listened closely. Then she heard the what Drake was hearing. “Why is that here?” One of the ghosts was saying. “So what, you want to talk to him?” “If you can bring him here. If we can convince him, then maybe he can get the others to let me pass. Do you have a better idea?” Drake said, handing Kallyn the remote. Kallyn took it without looking and tossed it on the table. Then she walked over to a clear space and took a deep breath. “I might be able too. You do understand that where we are now is, I guess you would call it, a spiritual plane.” “Uh huh.” “And also that I am trapped here in this room for the foreseeable future.” “You mentioned something to that effect then refused to elaborate.” “So my powers are limited compared to when you got your wish granted.” “Are you going somewhere with this?” Drake asked as Kallyn tucked an errant bit of hair behind her right ear. “This might not work, and if it does it might pull the wrong one here, so be ready for a fight if I get the wrong one.” “Be on the opposite side of the room, got it.” Drake said. He grabbed a chair and rolled it so he could sit on a corner opposite Kallyn. Kallyn stood gathering her strength and trying to reach out to where she had pulled Drake from and grab the right soul shard to speak with him. * * * * * * * * * ’It’s surprising just how much you miss a belly button once it is gone,’ Drake thought as he contemplated his own navel, sitting in the corner and still waiting for something to happen. The lack of a clock prevented Drake from knowing how long he’d been gone from reality, but he was willing to bet it was close to 10 hours at this point. ‘Maybe I should put the body channel on,’ Drake thought, getting out of his chair and reaching for the remote. As he stood, Kallyn’s hair started to whip around her, and a whirlwind vortex appeared in front of her. A moment later a shadow began to flicker into existence. With a blast of silence, it resolved itself in a stocky Minotaur. He was a good head shorter than either Epistaties or Iron Will, and his fur was a deep burgundy. He looked around for a moment, disoriented by his arrival. When his eye settled on Drake, he charged forward in a bull rush. Drake dodged left and shoved the back of the Minotaur’s head as he passed. The bull smashed in the corner, helped along by Drake’s shove, and his horns stuck in the wall. Drake turned to tell Kallyn to send it back, but saw her sprawled out on the floor, unmoving. Before he could reach her side, the Minotaur freed his horns and charged again. Drake prepared to jump out of the way, but realized that he wasn’t heading for him, but for Kallyn. As the Minotaur passed, Drake threw out his hands. One missed, but the other made contact with one of his horns. With all the strength he could muster, Drake yanked back hard, pulling against the Minotaur’s momentum. It veered to the left, letting itself fall into a roll. Drake was pulled along and the two of them rolled away from Kallyn. They both stopped face down staring the other in the eye. The Minotaur blinked. Drake pushed off the ground with both hands, pulling his feet up. The Minotaur followed a moment later, scrambling to get his hooves grounded. Drake got up first and grabbed the Minotaur’s horns. He pushed down while trying to walk around behind the Minotaur so he could pin him. The Minotaur swung widely with his right arm trying to keep Drake from getting any closer. He flexed his neck and back to push against Drake and get his head up. With a grunt, he got one hoof on the ground and his other leg to its knee. At that same time Drake pinned the Minotaur’s right hand to the ground with his own foot. The pair remained locked in battle, neither budging more than an inch either way for an untold time. Then the Minotaur started laughing. “Ho ho ho he he he he. I yield strange beast, I yield. You have peaked my interests and I highly doubt I would be here unless you or your unconscious friend had something to do with it.” He said, doing his best to meet Drake’s eyes. “Like that’s going to work.” Drake huffed, enjoying the break he was getting as the Minotaur stopped trying to get him to budge. “I am a bull of my word. I won’t try to harm you or the other one. Let us cease this fight. We have no physical bodies here. I’ve been a part of the enchantments long enough to know that we are just on another astral plane. Though one unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” The Minotaur said, his eyes searching the room. “Why don’t you start by introducing yourself.” Drake said, shifting slightly to stretch, then wondering why. He noticed that while slightly tired, he wasn’t feeling the exhaustion and stiffness he had expected after such a long struggle. “I am Idrytikó Vasiliá, first of his line, and only of his name. Sixth Emperor of the known world, Tenth King of Labyrinthine and the first to wield Seeleformer, given as gift from the Canyon Wolves in the one-hundredth year of our alliance. Bane of the Tartarus spawned and winner of the Kettlepot kettlepot cook-off five consecutive years under the name, Mastoú Paráfron in the years prior to my ascension to the throne.” He said, doing his best to adopt a regal pose despite Drake’s continued grip on him. Drake took his foot off Idrytikó’s hand. “Why don’t I believe that. Oh, yeah. Perhaps because nothing you have said sounds anything like an Emperor.” Drake said. “What, you want me to make grand statements and talk in the royal we? Kneeleth knave before thy lord and emperor. Or knoweth thou not the proper curtsies due us and our station?” Idrytikó said his voice, shifting slightly. “Yeah, neither of us want that.” “I’ve spent too long as a fragment in the enchantments to care about that anymore. So many different Emperors come and gone. The first one not of my blood was a big shock, but hey, that’s civil wars for you.” Drake let his hands drop and stepped back, giving Idrytikó space to stand up. Idrytikó took a moment to stretch out, not because he needed it, but because it felt natural. “So what now.” Drake asked. “Now you introduce and explain yourself. If I believe what you say, I will help you. If not, the other Emperors and I will destroy you, or at least keep you trapped in this space till your body dies in the real world.” Idrytikó said, peeking behind Drake at Kallyn. “Should we do something with… her?” “Yeah, she would probably appreciate that.” Drake said. He went over to her, keeping his eyes on Idrytikó. He lifted her up gently and placed her in a spare chair next to the table. Once she was situated, Drake turned back to him. “Alright, you want to know about me?” “Are you some kind of special or just trying to make me angry? Yes, explain who you are and why you now walk the hallowed realm of Emperors. Explain how it is that you are awakening that which has lain dormant since the last Emperor fell to the madness and began corrupting all those that touched his soul.” “I am Drake Rex. A human that came to the world you know because of this lady here.” Drake said, waving at Kallyn. “She is a wishing star, if that means anything to you, who I wished upon and learned the value of the old idiom to be careful for what you wish for.” He paused to grab the remote and switch the TV to the body channel. “Now I am a dragon trying to restore the city of Forum and bring a measure of security and safety to those that roam your former Empire, now a wasteland called the Wildlands by the only coherent nation that I have encountered.” Drake said. Idrytikó looked at him for a moment, then at the screen, then at Kallyn and Drake again. “Start from the very beginning, and give me a chair, I think this is going to take a while.” Idrytikó said with a sigh, his shoulders sagging. * * * * * * * * * The sun rose and set on the screen as Drake spoke. Kallyn woke up about halfway through and added her own bits and thoughts when she saw openings. Idrytikó listened attentively. He asked many questions early on, but mostly listened silently. “And then she pulled you onto this plane.” Drake said, finishing the story. Idrytikó was silent for a short moment, then his mind was made up. He stood and walked over to the screen. “Forum, an interesting place to make the new capitol. What does it say of your values? What will it say to the world? What kind of hoard will it be for that dragon standing there?” Idrytikó said, not looking at them but the ruin in the background. Drake started to speak, but Kallyn put a hand on his arm and shook her head, silencing whatever Drake wanted to say. “I believe you and find your aspirations to be just and worthy of an Emperor. I will aid you in convincing or subduing the others. Steel your spirit, and be ready.” Idrytikó said, turning around to fix his gaze on Kallyn. “Say no more, you will be going first since I am having to constantly fight to keep you here. Drake will be along in just a moment,” She said. Idrytikó nodded as he began to fade out. With a sigh and a muffled pop, he disappeared completely, leaving Drake and her alone once more. Kallyn’s shoulders slumped and she collapsed into a nearby chair, breathing deeply. “It feels good to have him gone. Whatever you want to call that plane he is from, it had a strong desire to get him back.” “Is that what you meant about it being a constant fight to keep him here?” Drake asked. “Yeah, that is why I passed out there for a bit. All my strength was used up in getting him here, and it was being drained away just as quickly as it was coming back.” Kallyn said. She waved Drake over. Drake walked over and held out a hand. Kallyn grasped it and let Drake pull her up, falling into him for a moment. “Sorry.” She muttered, righting herself on her feet. “Drake, there is something you need to know.” “What?” “These planes, they reflect your mind. That is why your body has changed. Your perception of yourself is changing. Be careful that you don’t lose yourself. Dragons are powerful, but unpredictable creatures. Humans even more so. Do not lose yourself to the powers of Chaos, no matter the advantage they give you.” Kallyn said. “I-“ “Don’t give me false platitudes. Look at yourself.” “Okay. I promise, I will be careful with my greed powers.” Drake said, drawing her into a hug. He felt a bit foolish, but, at the same time, it felt right. “One more thing, since they reflect your mind, if you concentrate hard enough you can change them. Keep that in mind when you go back to the Emperors.” Kallyn said, breaking the hug. “Are you ready?” She asked taking a deep breath. Drake looked into her green eyes. A fear lurked in them, though of loneliness or for his fate he could not tell. “Yes. Let’s get your favorite program back on air.” Drake said with a nod towards the TV. Kallyn giggled. “Keep hold of your humor. It will serve you well. This will be the last time you see me for some time. Don’t forget your promise.” Kallyn leaned in and kissed Drake lightly on the cheek. “Good luck.” Before Drake could respond he felt the world fading around him. An instant later, he was back in the void. Darkness was still its predominant feature, but the starlight shone like a coming dawn. He took a deep breath and concentrated. Trying to put what Kallyn had told him into practice.And then, a moment later, the world began shifting. * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 37: My World Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 37: My World Now "And I've got friends on the other side." -Dr Facilier from Disney's Princess and the Frog Idrytikó stumbled as the void swirled and shifted. When it stopped, he was standing in a gray stone brick hallway. The bricks were hard against his hooves, an odd sensation after so long in the unfeeling void. ”Looks like that Drake creature is more up to the challenge than I thought.” Idrytikó looked up and down the hallway, before jogging on in the direction he was facing. ” I hope I find him before the others do. For a supposedly grand rulers, my successors have always been a little short sighted.” As Idrytikó loped along the hallways, he passed windows which showed the downward sloping layout of Forum flowing away from wherever he was, but the city was no ruin. Strange buildings of glass, metal and a uniform grey stone filled the area outside the windows. Their windows glowed with a soft white light that washed out stars in the sky. Taking another look at the sky, Idrytikó realized that the constellations were the same as those that filled the void. ”I wonder if that was intentional?” He thought, rounding a corner and losing sight of the outside world. The stone hallways echoed with his footsteps as he continued deeper inward, searching for Drake. * * * * * * * * * Elsewhere, Drake sat on a throne rising from the center of a room that had formed around him as he exerted his will over the void. Initially, he’d collapsed into the chair, not realizing how much energy putting Kallyn’s advice into practice would take. The room was roughly the same size as Forum’s main library floor, but instead of bookshelves, an open expanse laid out before him. The walls were lined with images of his past. Some bright and clear, others darker, and some fading into obscurity. Behind his throne, banks of screens with a running status of the various magical systems of the Empire provided information to whoever could read them. A bar running across the floor from either side of the throne separated them from the rest of the room. “And here I thought.” Drake muttered taken a deep breath. “I wasn’t supposed to get tired while on these astral planes.” Composing himself, Drake pushed out of the throne. Catching a view of the screens, he mosied over to the nearest one. Red highlighted text drew his eye. Drake started to read, but quickly cried out in frustration. “FUCK!” Drake shouted when he saw the language on the screens. “I shouldn’t be surprised. I really shouldn’t.” Everything was all written in Minotaur runes which Drake had barely begun to learn. Modern Equestrian had taken most of the time Spike was with him. Learning the common script used by most texted in the library hadn’t been that hard. Despite Discords potential millennia of rule, the alphabets were mostly the same. The only real obstacle to overcome was differences in spelling and sentence structure. Runes on the other hand were a whole different beast. Each rune was a word, sometimes even sentence unto themselves. For additional complexity, runes took on different meaning depending on the other runes around them. Drake was learning how to read it, but still had a long way to go. Just as Drake resigned himself to trying to work through the runic text there came a loud knocking from the front of the chamber. Indecipherable shouting followed by more knocking made the door infinitely more interesting than the rune filled screens. As he walked, Drake realized whatever was on the other side probably didn’t want to have a civil conversation. If they did a single series of knocks would have been enough. Perhaps a second after a reasonable waiting period. As he mentally prepared himself for battle, grey steel plates began to form around his body. In his hands Seeleformer took shape. By the time he stood outside the door Drake was ready for whoever desired his attention. The door itself shook as what lay on the other side pounding rhythmically. Already the wood cracked and splintered under the force. The hinges groaned in protest. The bar across the door bent and creaked further each time. Drake shifted uneasily. As he debated throwing the door open before it could be knocked down, the pounding stopped. In its absence the sounds of shouting grew. Curious as to what could distract such a motivated force, Drake placed his ear against the door. Whatever was said was badly muffled by the door. All he could tell was that two voices were arguing, and one sounded familiar. Drake stepped back and looked at the door, the only thing between him and whatever stood on the other side. It also prevented him from knowing what was going on. Deciding ignorance was worse than whatever lay beyond, Drake carefully opened the door. He hoped the ongoing argument outside would be enough to distract them from noticing him. Drake cracked the door and peeked out. A crowd of Minotaurs stood near the door, their backs turned. They had formed a horseshoe around two of their number. On the side closest the door a truly archetypal Minotaur stood pontificating. His flesh stretched taunt over bulging muscles. His blue fur shone in the light, drawing all eyes to him. Across from him stood Idrytikó with a tired and bored look on his face, like a father listening to the seventh hours of his toddler’s story telling. The speaker finally ceased and Idrytikó started speaking. “Trelós Tha, I knew you were crazy, but I didn’t know you were stupid. You want to smash down those doors and kill the one hope we have to bring any sense of stability or restoration to the crumbling ruin that the Empire became because your obsession with perfect order eventually gave birth to a spirit of chaos.” Idrytikó lead off. “There is no proof-“ “Now when for the first time in millennia, and it has been millennia since anyone tried to take the crown and responsibility that you usurped after a civil war, you want to refuse them the crown. A crown we let you take because we saw the declining state of the Empire without an Emperor to lead it.” Idrytikó said. A number of heads in the crowd nodding along with him. “The Empire is mine and my descendants. I won it through strength of arms and they kept it.” Trelós said, a few voices rising in agreement. “And the Tha lead to its destruction. It is over Trelós, let the new era begin.” “What right does this pretender have to the Empire. It belongs to the Tha.” Trelós said angrily lowering his horns and menacing Idrytikó with them. Drake had been listening to the debate. He now saw an opening and called out. “As much right as you cow!” The mass turned and faced him, the angry eyes of Trelós’ supporters and the concerned eyes of Idrytikó’s scanned him over. Trelós stomped up to him, towering over Drake. “What are you?” Trelós asked before seeing the hammer in his hands. “Are you a joke? You are the one to have falsely claimed the Empire? You aren’t even a Minotaur!” “No, I am something far different, but that’s not important right now.” Drake said, refusing to back down. “And like I said I have as much claim to it as you. I have taken it by force of arms, with an army at my back and the willful surrender of your only living descendant.” “I refuse to believe something as scrawny as you could possibly defeat my descendant or his forces.” Trelós said. “Your inability to think is not my problem,” Drake said, causing the crowd to close in. “You think you are better than me,” Trelós said drawing back a fist. “You are nothing. Trelós threw his fist forward. Drake acted quickly, having seen it coming and deflected it with his hammer. Trelós fist hit the ground, leaving a crater where it hit. His supporters prepared to jump in, but Idrytikó’s voice stopped everything. “Cease this foolishness Trelós. I have spoken with him at length. He is the new Emperor. I pledge for him. Who will have the courage to do the same and see the Empire restored. Who will see it made more than a bunch of degrading ruins, occupied only by a bunch of trapped souls incapable of doing anything. Shall we instead continue to wallow in our memories and misery?” Idrytiko asked the crowd. A number of voices rose up to join him, but those closest to Trelós remained silent. His jaw tensed, and veins stood out on his forehead as hair stood up right now his neck. Finally, he snapped. Turning on the others. “You fools, this is not some group agreement matter. I am the Emperor. I make the decisions!” Trelós roared. My descendants are but extensions of my will that answer to me, and the thought that any other will rule is-“ Drake laid into the back of Trelós head with Seeleformer. He had heard enough to know he was going to be impossible to reason with, so he wasn’t going to bother. Before Trelós could react Drake hit him again, again, and again. “I said I have as much claim as you. You who say your claim is based on strength of arms.” Drake said smashing Seeleformer into Trelós’ skull, splatter brains across the floor. “How is this for strength of arms.” Drake stopped and lifted the hammer only for Trelós to start moving as his skull reformed. Drake smashed his skull again leaving the hammer in place this time. The other Emperors and Empresses backed away from the scene. Idrytikó moved forward and spoke. “If there are no other objections?” None of those gathered spoke up. “Then let us consider this done.” Idrytikó said. “Galakto, and Panikós please find something to deal with Trelós. Drake, let us move on to the next step of your coronation.” “Alright, let’s go into that room,” Drake said pointing back over his shoulder with his thumb. “Very well. There is much yet to do.” Idrytikó said falling in behind Drake who lead the crowd into the room. As they walked Drake cast a glance over his shoulder at Trelós and wondered if he was heading down a similar road. As quickly as the thought came he shook it away. He would worry about that later. The Empress Galakto turned to Emperor Panikós. “What do we do with him?” “Drag him to the cell block I started in. I think I remember where it was.” “Works for me.” * * * * * * * * * “There are three steps to becoming Emperor Drake. You have completed the first two. Acceptance by the living and acceptance of your predecessors. Now you must accept the responsibility of your rank. It is good we came in here. Before you changed the astral plane an Emperor candidate would trace the map of the Emperor across the sky. Now...” Idrytikó trailed off with a shrug “I can figure out details of the first two steps, but you do you mean by ‘accept the responsibility’ of my rank.” Drake asked. “What was the reason you bothered to hunt down the last Tha, now called Will I think you said, when you could have left these enchantments to the distance past?” “Because Epistaties said the Emperor controls enchantments and it should let me bring the golems under, oh.” Drake said as he realized what was to come. “Exactly. By accepting responsibility, you will be taking control of the Empire’s enchantments. Though I have no clue how you are supposed to do that.” Idrytikó said. “Well someone is going to have to help out, because I am at the ‘See Spot Run’ level on reading your runes, and that is being generous to myself.” “What do you mean everything is in runes?” Idrytikó asked. “Take a look for yourself. I am pretty sure the enchantments are all over these screens.” Drake said, inviting Idrytikó to look more closely at the banks of screens behind the throne. Idrytikó looked closely for a moment before turning to the crowd. “Nános Tha are you here?” Panikós called out looking over the crowd. “Nános if you can hear me please come here.” There was some jostling in the crowd and eventually a very diminutive Minotaur worked his way to the front, a Minitaur as it were. “What do you want Idrytikó.” He said doing his best to stand tall next to the oldest spirit in the room. “Can you read these?” Nános looked at the screens for a moment then answered. “Of course I can. What can our illustrious new hope not comprehend his own creation?” Nános asked turning a critical eye on Drake. “Look for someone from a completely different reality, in a different body than the one of his birth, learning a bunch of other shit already I think I am doing pretty well to even know a few of the words on those screens.” Drake said “Pah, do not give me lies and excuses.” “Actually Nános he is telling the truth.” Idrytikó said, nodding calmly when Nános looked at him like he was crazy. “Alright then. We will talk more about this later. You take great liberties thrusting an Emperor not of this world on us and withholding that key tidbit of information.” Nános said, holding up hands to stop retorts. “I’m not going to try and withdraw support or prevent it, not now anyway.” Nános began reading then turned to Drake. “It want to know if you accept responsibility for control and maintenance of the Empire’s Information Enchantment. It was a system that let the emperor know the status of all the other enchantments within the Empire.” “Okay, how?” Drake asked “Place your hand on the interface panel.” Nános said not taking his eye off the screen. “The rest is warning with keywords highlighted and examples of the information it will provide and how.” “Coolieo, now what and where is the interface panel?” Drake asked looking around until he spotted an indented square on the stone platform the screen rose out of. “Think I found it.” When Drake placed his hand on the indent it lit up with a bright green light before fading way. The screen changed and filled with red highlighted lines. “Let me guess, it is routing the information to this screen and it is all bad.” “Yes. Shall we continue on?” “This is going to take a while ain’t it?” Drake said looking at row upon row of screens. “Yes.” Nános said. With that the two of them began churning their way through the myriad of controls Drake had to accept to become Emperor. As Nános read, the others would speak with Drake trying to impart wisdom and recommendation. Drake listened, but most recommendations were discarded once he realized that, trapped on the astral plane as they were, the Emperors and Empresses had no clue what they were doing. Instead, his thoughts drifted to what kind of Emperor he was going to be. Since the moment he arrived in Equestria, he’d been driving headlong to achieve his desires. He had fought, killed, manipulated, connived and guided others into his wake or the grave. What kind of ruler would he been in a year, ten, one-hundred? How was an Emperor a guiding hand? How did being a despot allow one to be subtle? Was he going to be another Trelós who was consumed by his own ego or was he better than that? These thoughts occupied his mind as they continued through the enchantments. At long last, they finished. Drake turned to Nános and Idrytikó. “What now? How do I get out of here?” “All you need to do know is wake-up. I don’t envy you the head rush that comes next.” Idrytikó said, the assemble chuckling when he did. With that he thrust a hand out catching Drake off guard and knocking him over. As he fell, the world went black. * * * * * * * * * Drake opened his eyes and moved a hand to shield his eye from the sunlight shining in his face. A feeling of fatigue slammed into him. Sore feet, stiff knees, and tired arms let their anger at his long idleness be know. A cry rose up from guards posted around him. One flew off quickly while the other approached him. “Emperor Drake, welcome back. How are you feeling majesty?” “Tired, how long was I standing there?” Drake asked. He took a step and stumbled, Seeleformer falling from his hands. “Close to a week, your majesty.” The griffin said looking over Drake. “Epistaties is on his way. He has expressed a desire to speak with you.” “You aren’t a -” Drake started to ask the griffin. He was interrupted when information began pouring into his skull. It felt like his brain was on fire as thousands of years of stored messages poured in. He fell to all fours and laid his head against the ground as the pain darkened his world. An unknown time later he opened his eyes again and found the griffin standing over him. “Are you sure you are well majesty.” “Yeah, yeah.” Drake said shaking his head and working through the dull pain. He could feel the information and control in the back of his mind, but ignored it for now. At least you know what Idrytikó had meant by head rush now. “It was just the enchantments making a connection. As I was saying, you aren’t a MacFarweather are you?” “No your majesty, I’m a Mistral.” The griffin said standing at the ready to serve, and likely report back to the heads of her Family. “That explains it then. Do me a favor and go get me some food and water. I don’t think I am going anywhere anytime soon.” Drake said, dropping to all fours and stretching gingerly as a gnawing hunger grew in his belly and the dull pain in his mind join the rest spreading to the rest of his body. “Right away your majesty.” The Mistral griffin said. She bowed then rushed away. A few moments later Epistaties arrived at the head of long train of griffins, ponies, and changelings looking to make of for a week’s worth of his absence. “Welcome back to the world of the living Emperor Drake. You will be happy to know the Golems starting working properly two day ago. They aren’t attacking anyone anymore anyway, so if nothing else this has been a success. If you don’t mind my asking what happened to you these past five days?” Epistaties said. Drake chuckled. Then began laughing. “Five days, really. I didn’t realize it was that long, and yet it feels much longer. I will tell you everything later. For now it is sufficient to say I am in control, but we are going to have a talk about my title and the government later. I got to see something- I can't describe it well here. We’ve got to talk though, okay?” “Understood your majesty. Now-“ “DADDY!” A voice called out before bounding over the crowd and landing next to Drake’s face. “Finally back in the world of the living. Good, there are a pair of griffins you have been ignoring and it has been making our room foul.” Emerald whispered into his ear as she hugged him. “Yes I am back Emerald. I think I have to take care of some governance then I will be right there.” Drake whispered back. Emerald broke the hug and settled down in the crook of Drake’s arms as he turned to see the six Family heads waiting to speak with him. “Are you ready to get down to business?” Tempest said the others nodding with him. “Yes.” Drake said, feeling content to finally have achieved a level of the power he desired, but concerned by the vision of a possible future Trelós had offered. Trelós is crazy Galakto is short for Galaktokomeío which means dairy Panikos is Greek for Stampede Nanos Tha is Midget Will > Chapter 38: An Unexpected Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 38: An Unexpected Test “You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.” ― Shaun Hick A monster stalked the streets of Ponyville. His predatory form striding smoothly down the streets. Yet, ponies smiled and waved as he passed. They exchanged greetings. No parents moved to hide their foals. No windows were quickly shuttered. And why would they? Who could fear Spike, the dependable assistant of Twilight Sparkle. Yes, they know he is a dragon; no, they don’t care. Since Drake’s departure, life slowly settled into a comfortable routine. This past week had been much like the last two. Monday and Tuesday he helped Twilight. Either running errands, chugging through chores, or helping with some experiment or another she was running. Wednesday, he spent the morning working at Sweet Apple Acres. He helped the Apple Family until lunch, which they insisted he eat with them. Then, in the afternoon, he hung out with Rainbow Dash. Well, it was more hours of grueling exercise, but Spike enjoyed it nonetheless. Thursday, he spent the whole day with Rarity and all he remembered was utter bliss! Ever since Shining Armor and Cadences’ wedding, things with her were going better and better. Still not quite a relationship, but a dragon can hope, right? Tonight, Friday night, Pinkie was throwing a party. Spike didn’t remember what for, but he’d promised he and Twilight would be there. Even if he had to drag her out of the library to make it happen. Sometime near the end of the party he planned to disappear, like every Friday night. He’d slip away as guests began leaving. With the dark of the night as his cloak, he would vanish for the weekend. When he popped back up somewhere around Sunday afternoon, he would act like he never left. Any questions would be deflected and avoided. Everypony had learned not to ask, it really wasn’t that important anyway. Though some were noting that the Everfree seemed calmer, less threatening than it used to. Throughout the weeks, Spike found time to catch up with others and rebuilt the withered friendships he had had before he left. This had led to his current predicament, involving a particularly pugnacious trio. “Come on Spike.” Scootaloo pleaded, blocking his path with the other crusaders. “Why not?” “I am not taking you to Forum. Not only would your families hunt me down and mount me over their fireplaces, but it’s not a cakewalk getting out there.” Spike said, regretting his word choice as Sweetie Belle looked away squeamishly when he mentioned taxidermy. “Besides, your talents aren’t going to be found in some far away land. Try looking closer to home.” “We’ve already tried lookin’ round here and we ain’t found nothin.” Applebloom said, kicking up dust with her hoof. Then she turned her eyes on Spike, during her best to look innocent and sweet. “But out there we could find all kinds of new stuff that we’ll never find ‘round here.” “Yeah, besides you’re a dragon. Nopony messes with dragons.” Sweetie Belle said, matter-of-factly. Spike started laughing a deep hearty laugh he had developed with his larger size. “Suuure, no one, except your sisters and Rainbow, Owlowiscious, The Wonderbolts, Diamond Dogs, no seriously, Diamond Dogs, changelings, other dragons, hydras, and... do really I need to continue?” The crusaders looked away. Then put their heads to start preparing a new avenue of attack. Spike tried to sidestep them, but they shuffled over to block his path no matter how he tried to move. Getting frustrated, Spike prepared to launch himself into the air when he felt a familiar rumbling in his gut. A belch of green smoke later and Spike was in possession of a small scroll bearing the seal of Princess Celestia. He did his best to hide his elation. “Crusaders, I really have to go. We can continue this conversation later if you really want to, but I have to get this to Twilight right away.” Without waiting for their reply Spike hurried away, the scroll tucked tightly under his wing. What happened next was a whirlwind, of packing, test preparation, and some mild, by Twilight standards, test anxiety. Their friends had gathered in moments, thanks to Pinkie, to see Twilight off. They offered their support and assured Twilight she would breeze through the test. Rather than wait for the train, Twilight readied her balloon. She tied a lead to Spike so he could pull it behind him. Soon as she was ready they were off, rushing above the idyllic landscape for the city on a mountain side. * * * * * * * * * Spike waited outside as Twilight went inside for Princess Celestia’s mysterious test. Despite his ignorance of the subject, he was certain that Twilight would breeze through it. He settled into a comfortable position next to the hall and waited. The guards patrolled giving him nods as they continued their rounds. Something about being back in Canterlot relaxed Spike. Seeing the white marble bricks of the city restored to their proper brilliance gave a bit of a stable peace to the world. When Twilight came out, Spike asked her how it went and found himself pulled into her song, music coming from nowhere as she led him through the city. He provided back-up as he had a time or two before for her, whenever the lyrical magics did take hold. He was pretty good at it to if he did say so himself. As all songs do, it eventually reached its end without Twilight having revealed the task given to her by Princess Celestia. On their way from the top of the city to the train station, Spike spoke up. “Twilight, just what aren’t you prepared for? What happened?” “It wasn’t the kind of test I was expecting at all Spike. Princess Celestia said that I have to save the Crystal Empire from an evil unicorn named King Sombra. If I fail it could spell doom from all of Equestria.” Twilight said in a hushed tone. “Oh wow. What are we supposed to do?” Spike asked, matching her volume. “I don’t know. Shining Armor and Cadence are already there. All I know is that the Princess said that while you and the girls can help me, in the end it must be me and me alone that saves the Empire.” Twilight said, swallowing nervously. “Why?” Spike asked, pulling Twilight into a turn towards the station they almost missed in their conversation. “I don’t know. Princess Celestia is confident but, Princess Luna was there. She didn’t say anything, but, she was frowning the entire time.” “She is probably just worried. She doesn’t know you as well as Princess Celestia does.” “I hope you are right Spike.” Twilight said as they lapsed back into silence. Spike saw her to the train station where their friends were waiting. Their celebrations cut short as Twilight filled them in on what was happening. Once he was sure they were good to go, he turned to leave. “Spike, darling, aren’t you joining us. I can’t imagine Twilight doing this without her number one assistant.” Rarity said as he began walking away. “I just realized I need to grab a few things I left at the castle. I’ll catch up to you shortly. It will be no problem with these.” Spike said flexing his wings. “Ha, after all our training you could probably fly there faster than the train.” Rainbow said. “What did you forget?” Twilight asked, rifling through her saddle backs. “Just something I had with me. You won’t even realize I was gone.” With that Spike left for the castle. Something was gnawing at him, and he needed answers. Answers that could come from only the highest levels. Something Drake had shared with him in confidence seemed connected to this. Things he had carefully omitted in his tales because they weren’t pertinent and mattered only to that Spike could better understand how his greed power, all dragon’s greed power came into existence. He also had to understand why Twilight alone had to be the one to save the empire. He passed unmolested onto the palace grounds once again and quickly found the Princess exactly where he expected her to be, if not how he expected. He found her slumped in her throne. She looked tired, like the weight of time was finally bearing down on her. She looked up when he entered, surprise crossing her face. “Spike, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with Twilight?” She said, quickly putting on her court face. “Yes Princess, but- Please understand I need to ask you something first. It’s about something Drake mentioned when he was in Ponyville, just to two of us,” Spike said, taking care in how he brought it up. He had kept this conversation secret. In part because he didn’t fully believe the story Chrysalis had told, but also because it hadn’t been important at the time. “What is it?” She asked coming down from her throne and laying a wing across his shoulder. “What exactly happened to cause Sombra’s fall. Drake told me that he was an ally of yours when you fought Discord. Something happened that caused him to turn against you in the end, dooming the Crystal Empire which had resisted chaos for so long on the eve of its defeat. At least as he tells it.” Spike said, unable to meet Celestia’s questioning eyes. “And just how did our mutual friend in the Wildlands came by this information?” She asked folding her wing and rotating to face Spike directly. “Chrysalis. She told him in an attempt to stave off the Changeling’s starvation and buy ‘love’ from Drake. She told him about the races Discord created as well as two,” Spike paused as he searched for the right word. Spirits I guess you could call them.” Celestia raised an eyebrow inviting him to continue. “That was it really. He found her in an old underground city that some kind of resistance used. Drake told me about Sombra being possessed by a one of those spirits and becoming trapped along with the Crystal Empire in ice. At least that is what Chrysalis told him. So what I want to know is... what happened?” Celestia was silent for a moment, looking out past Spike at nothing as she collected her thoughts. She fired off a quick spell, sighed, and invited Spike to follow her. She was silent as he followed. Spike waited for her to speak. He felt he had said enough. Celestia stopped in front of an unassuming door and ushered Spike in. “We don’t have much time, but this needs to be told away from open spaces.” Spike entered the room and waited. Once Celestia sat down one of the sofas within he did likewise taking a moment to look around. The room was windowless, lit only by the soft light of several candles. On the walls paintings of long forgotten mages fighting monsters hung in the darkness. “Luna will be here shortly. This is as much her story as mine. While we wait why don’t you tell me how you are doing since you returned from your journey of self-discovery?” Princess Celestia said. “Okay,” Spike said nervously scratching at the back of his neck as he tried to decide where to start. He was in the middle of his story when Princess Luna arrived. She did a double take when she saw him. “We suppose you are here about my sisters mission for Twilight Sparkle.” “He is, sister. Rather, he is here to hear from us about Sombra’s fall.” “Very well, tell the story, and I will interject where needed.” “Very well. To start, the truth is... Neither myself or my sister know what happened to Sombra. You tell me that he became possessed near the end of the war by a spirit created by Discord.” Luna stiffed where she sat for the briefest moment. “I do not know if this is truth or no, your source isn’t quite what I would call the most reliable. His source even less to.” “The thing you have to understand is that he was like a mentor to us for a time. Then a comrade who fought beside us in the battle against Discord. He was a powerful mage, of long line of mages from the Crystal Empire. He had rebelled against the tradition of Crystal nobles to sit safe in their city, where Discord’s forces dare not approach for its defenses were most formidable, and the crystals themselves resisted his magic and weakened him. Sombra left the Empire and joined the first resistance group he could find. There were many in that time. Separated and isolated, they were toys for Discord and his followers.” “My sister and I, we were raised by one such group for a time. Sombra set out to do the unthinkable, and bring them together as one force. He succeeded, and was heralded as a great hero, but this came at a cost.” Celestia said, pausing as anger crept into her voice. Luna stepped in and took up the story. “Unity was a threat to Discord. It brought a measure of order to the chaos. His forces attacked us much more fiercely than ever before. Changelings infiltrated our ranks. Sombra rooted them out, but more would find their way in. We think it took a toll on him we never noticed as we fought.” Princess Luna paused and held Spike in a level gaze. Her blue eyes drilling into him. “Imagine our world in that age. The cycle of Sun and Moon slaves to Discords whims. The weather whatever gave him the most amusement. Harpies roved the skies uncontested. Diamond Dogs burrowed through the earth, an unseen but ever present threat. Ogres, and parasprite swarms consumed all in their path. We lived as nomads, moving every few weeks, perhaps even days. Few places were kept as serious long term bases. The caves where Drake fought Chrysalis was one such. It was our last base. There rumors reached us of the Elements of Harmony. Celestia and I were sent because we were the strongest. In the battles with Discord we stood toe to toe time and again, and survived.” “Sombra taught us much, but we took it even further. For long it was thought we were just Unicorns with wings, or perhaps Pegasi with horns. We learned we were something much greater in those fights. We had a stamina and reserves of strength no pony, not even Sombra could match. Yet, together we were barely a match for Discord. We survived encounters with him repeatedly. Few others could boast such. Great warriors and dear friends fell while we lived.” Princess Luna said, her voice choking up as out wounds were reopened. Princess Celestia once more took up the story. “Sombra was one of the few that had seen a battle with Discord and survived. He was our leader. The Resistance’s leader. Despite his accomplishments, the members of the Resistance increasingly looked to us for leadership. Thinking back, he was opposed to us going alone to find the Elements, he wanted to come with us, or at least send some of his personal guard, veterans of many battles. We refused on the grounds the two of us would need to move quickly and avoid the attention a larger group would attract. Many other agreed, arguing that with us gone, the Resistance would be vulnerable as never before. If only we had known how true that was.” Spike listened in rapt attention. Somehow, he expected that few had ever heard this story. He stayed silent, worried a wrong word might end it here and now. Celestia continued, lost in the telling and the comfort that sharing the tale was bringing her. “We succeeded, and faced down Discord. He laughed at us, and I do not blame him. We challenged him at the seat of his power, next to the twisted wood which he had spawned from. Strange then, that the key to our salvation was there as well. He stopped laughing once we defeated him. Across the world, the effects of his magic dissipated, though the damage down to the environment would remain.” “We returned to Sombra, to let the Resistance know of our great victory only to find survivors huddled outside, harassed by all manner of foes. We drove them off and learned that the city below the mountain had fallen. Changelings infiltrators had stuck shortly after we left. Unsurprisingly, theirs had been the loudest voices that we be allowed to go alone. Sombra was missing from the battlefield and we feared him dead till somepony told us he left shortly before the attack with his personal guard. Somepony said they had heard him muttering somethings about the Crystal Empire and his birthright.” “We rushed to the Empire hoping we could find Sombra, aid, and help rebuilding. We arrived too late.” Celestia stopped and sighed. “I do not know what caused Sombra to turn against us. Whatever happened, he became a monster, wholly unlike the pony we knew. He had butchered the ruling families, only a few that had followed in his footsteps and left the Empire before his return survived. Their descendants are there now to lead the city, carefully prepared for its eventual return.” She said, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Strange how things seem to always become connected across the bigger scheme.” Luna stepped in, her emotions masked once again. “After his brutal coup, Sombra named himself Emperor and set the crystal ponies to work. What he sought to accomplish, we will never know.” “When we first arrived, we were turned away. We pushed on, forcing our way into his throne room. We tried to reason with him, to talk him down but he refused. Rather than reply with words he attacked. He was silent as the grave and fought us with every ounce of his skill. We should have lost. We almost did. Somehow in the last moment, when we should have been struck down Sombra halted. In that brief moment of respite, we struck. Sombra was turned to shadow and sealed in the ice of the frozen North. We had our victory, but it would prove hollow. As Sombra was sealed the palace began to shake, moments later the Empire started to disappear from reality. We teleported out at the last second. There, laying in the snow and nursing our wounds, we saw it disappear.” “We did not know if it would ever return, but we did prepare. Now it is back and it needs our help. That is why Twilight is going. This is a test of her abilities, yes, but only because that will encourage her to try all that much harder. There is not an option for failure on this Spike. Failure may doom us all. Do you understand?” “No princess. I understand what happened. I have context for your worries, your fears and your concerns, but I do not know why you believe Twilight must be one to save it in the end.” “Spike, do you trust me?” Princess Celestia asked, getting off the sofa and standing in front of time. “Yes, Princess.” “Then trust me now. Twilight will need you, and her friends, but this is her burden to bear.” Spike sighed. “Okay Princess. Thank you for sharing everything with me, both of you. I guess I need to hurry if I am going to catch up to the train and Twilight. “Indeed you do, and Spike. Thank you for listening. It has been ages since anyone heard that story. Princess Celestia said, opening the door for him. Princess Luna stood in the back, nodding for him to leave. Since the train wasn’t going to slow down just so he could catch it, Spike hurried down the halls of Canterlot Castle. Rather than go all the way back to the front door, Spike found the first open balcony and jumped from it. His wings snapped open and he soared out, away from Canterlot. The world stretched out below him and he found the train tracks. He followed them North. North towards Twilight. North towards the Empire. North towards whatever the future held. > Chapter 39: The Far Frozen North > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 39: The Far Frozen North "The heart can get really cold if all you've know is winter." -Benjamin Alire Saenz The train was chugging steadily northward when Spike found it. The switchbacks, which carried it down the mountain, kept it close to Canterlot while he spoke to the diarchs. It was just halfway to the horizon when he saw its smoke, billowing above the plains. As he approached from behind, Spike realized he’d never landed on a moving platform. Since there’s no time like the present, he leaned into a dive. He flew down alongside the train until he found the girls. He waved for a moment before Pinkie saw him and pulled down the window. “Hiya Spike, how’s it hanging?” She asked, leaning dangerously far out the window before Twilight yanked her back in. The rest gathered near the window, each listening carefully to hear Spike against the roar of the wind. “Oh you know, just flying alongside trains. Realizing I don’t quite know how to land on it.” Spike said, popping up for a moment as a gust of wind flowed down the train. “What’s so hard about the landing? Ah’ve seen ya do it plenty of times since ya got yer wings.” Applejack called out to him. “Jus’ pop down on the roof and clamber down.” “It’s not that easy Applejack. Way more goes into safely landing something that is moving compared to just landing on steady ground. If he isn’t careful, Spike might misjudge and fall off. With a moving cloud it’d be no biggie, but this close to the ground, and this fast it could end very badly. That’s why you don’t see it happen more often.” Rainbow said. As if to punctuate her statement, Spike wobbled outside the train wildly. Every pony watched as he pulled up and away from the train to maintain control. Once Spike felt stable, he returned to his spot beside the train, but a bit higher this time. “Can you help him? Show him how to land on the train?” Rarity asked. Rainbow blushed and looked away. “Actually, I’m not that good with moving platforms.” “You’re not that good with nonmoving ones either.” Pinkie said, pulling out a scrapbook of Rainbow’s various crashes around Ponyville. Chalking the scrap book up to Pinkie being Pinkie, Spike said, “Then who is going to help me land? I don’t think I can fly the whole way.” “I can’t, but there is somepony here who can.” Rainbow said, grabbing Fluttershy. “Fluttershy is the best pony I know at this kind of landing.” “Can you help him?” Twilight asked. “I don’t know. The train is going awfully fast. I might not be able to keep up. Then I’d fall behind and somepony would have to help me catch up, but then they would need to land too. Besides, Rainbow is exaggerating. I’m really not that good, and I’ve never landed on something moving this fast.” “Please Fluttershy. Can you at least talk me through it? If I try without your help I might get hurt.” Spike said. “Please.” Everypony else echo. “Come on Shy. I know you can do this. You do too, even if you won’t admit it.” Rainbow said, smiling encouragingly. “Are you sure?” Fluttershy asked, blushing at the praise. “Yes.” Rainbow said with conviction “Please.” Spiked begged as a change in wind direction blew smoke from the engine right into his face. “Okay. We need to go to the caboose.” Fluttershy said, Rainbow’s praise giving her confidence in herself. * * * * * * * * * Spike lined himself up with the caboose for a third time. He was following Fluttershy’s instructions closely, but she waved him off at the last moment the past two times. Fighting against the wind, Spike closed on the caboose and lined up to land. Just like the previous attempts, smoke from the engine made his eyes water. He continued down, listening careful for someone to call him off, but instead he heard the call for him to land. “Fluttershy says you’re good. Come straight down. As your feet touch down furl your wings and hold on tight.” Twilight called, magically boosting her voice to relay Fluttershy’s instruction. Spike didn’t reply. Instead, he focused on the landing. He had been skeptical at first, but everything had worked so far. His claws scraped the roof of the caboose and he pulled his wings in tight. He gripped the roof as the wind clawed at him. Trying to pull his wings back out. Carefully he worked backwards until he stood on the edge of the roof. “I’m coming down, watch out.” Spike called. He waited a moment and swung his lower body down stretching to feel the floor. He was grateful for his tail. It’s longer reach found the worn wooden floor quicker than his feet, helping guide them down. Once he felt the wood under his feet, he dropped down, flexing hard to bring his body forward instead of falling over the rail and off the train. Turning to his friends inside the caboose, Spike pulled Fluttershy into a hug. “Thank you so much. I couldn’t have done it without your help!” Releasing her, he collapsed onto the floor. The exhaustion starting the catch up with him. “You welcome. I’m just glad you didn’t get hurt trying to land.” Fluttershy said. “But you will probably want to stretch if you don’t want cramps.” “Did you get what you went back to find? You were gone for a long time Spikey.” Rarity said. “Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. I got what I needed. It just took longer than I expected to find it.” Spike said, wincing as Rainbow pulled on his wing. “What was that for?” “Shy told you to stretch, and I’m going to help. You girls go on back. We’ll join you once this is taken care of.” Rainbow said, an evil glint in her eyes. “I’m sure it’s really not necessary.” Spike tried to protest. Rainbow’s views of proper stretching aligned with his views on torture. Any chance he got he’d find a way to avoid them. “Oh but it really is. A cramp could very painful, and you don’t want to be sore once we get to the Crystal Empire do you?” Fluttershy said. “Shucks Spike, reckon you’d better listen to her.” Applejack said, heading back to their original car. “Hey Pinkie do you have any hot coco?” “Yepperoni. I’ll pour us all some. Make sure you stretch out good. Flexibility is important.” Pinkie said, cartwheeling out behind Applejack, followed closely by Twilight “She’s right you know. Strength is nice, but it will flexibility is also very beneficial,” Rarity whispered in his ear as she left. “Do take good care of him Rainbow.” “No worries. He’ll be limber as they come when I’m done.” Rainbow said, closing the door behind Rarity. “You’re all mine now.” Rainbow said placing a hoof at the base of Spike’s right wing. “Please be gentle.” Spike pleaded as Rainbow started. The only reply of a deep throated chuckle. * * * * * * * * * The train was nearly empty when it pulled into the final station. After quickly disembarking, the Elements and Spike, it backed out of the station post haste. As they gathered their luggage, Spike carrying Rarity’s many bags, a figure came out of the snowy mist. “Twilight.” The figure, a white pony with a black scarf around his neck and face, called out as it approached through the mist. “Shining Armor.” Twilight called out, hoping it was her brother who’d come to meet them. “Twily, you made it!” Shining Armor said, pulling the scarf down. He trotted forward and pulled Twilight into a hug. “We’d better get moving. There are things out here we really don’t want to run into after dark.” He said as the hug finished. “What kind of things?” Fluttershy asked as the girls exchanged nervous glances. “Let’s just say the Empire isn’t the only thing that’s returned.” Shining said, leading the way away from the station into the snowy landscape beyond. Spike fell in at the rear, his senses tuned for any danger. This paranoia would soon prove its worth. * * * * * * * * * Spike skimmed over the snow swept plains, black fog of gathering behind him. His friends ran for the barrier, the small gap offering safety from whatever was chasing them. Shining Armor turned to fight the fog; instead he saw a growing purple claw reaching out for him. He grunted as it collided with him, lifting him off the ground. He felt the arm draw back. Realizing what was about to happen, he begged Spike to stop. “No, no, no. NO! SPIIIIIKE-,” he screamed as Spike swung forward, launching him towards the gap in the shield the girls raced through. “Twilight, catch!” Spike called out as Shining flew screaming through the air. Twilight turned around, and let out an oomph as her brother collided into her. The hole snapped shut as Shining flew through, leaving Spike on the outside. After tossing Shining Armor, Spike pulled a one-eighty. His rear claws dug into the snow, throwing up a white cloud, as he crashed down. He released a stream of blue fire at the fog. The black fog pulled back from the flames and the massive Spike. The dragon fire burned between them. Snow melted then refroze as ice a short distance from the arcane flames. The wind whipped falling snow in wild eddies, but the fog did not move with it. Instead it remained on the far side of the fire, its green glowing red eyes staring at him. Spike breathed deeply, fighting to remain in control of himself. He waited for the fog to make a move. It began to coalesce into a pony, starting with Sombra’s head. Eventually, he stood there fully formed. With a flick of his head he brushed aside Spike’s fire. Spike prepared to blast him, but stopped when Sombra started to speak. “Crystalss! Crystalss? CRYSTALSS!” He grunted, angry writ large on his face. Spike said nothing. After a moment Sombra shook his head and spoke again. “Crystals you are not.” He rasped. He worked his jaw, like he was trying to loosen some stuck in his mouth, and began coughing. “Dragon! How?” He eventually said looking Spike over. “Back!” Spike growled. “How resist?!” “Back!” Spike replied, releasing a gout of fire. Sombra shunted the fire off to the left, a blast of steam rising up. “How can you resist it?” Sombra asked, coming to a stop just outside of Spike’s reach. “How are you able to fight his corruption. He swore no dragon would be spared. Answer me!” He roared, his magic flaring and dark crystals budding on the ground around him. Spike struggled to think clearly. The loud pony before him was arrogant and would not burn. The greed fueled part of him wanted to launch at the smoky pony and tear it to shreds with fang and claw. The controlled side wanted to talk. This was Sombra, best case scenario he could stall him and learn something. Worst case… Well he was a powerful unicorn that had stood up to Discord and survived. Spike didn’t like his chances in a drawn out fight. “Resist what?” Spike muttered, trying to force controlled words out against his greed. “Resist Discord’s curse. The all consuming greed he laid upon every dragon in return for the powers he gave my mate and I.” Sombra said, pacing back and forth while taking a good look down both sides of Spike. “No answer Traitors. No answer you.” “Whelp, I was once and still am your elder and greater. You will answer me!” Sombra shouted. A platform of crystal grew under his feet, raising him up slightly higher than Spike. “Burn!” Spike said as flames flew from his maw. Sombra brought up a shield of crystal allowing the flames to wash over it and around him. When the flames ceased Sombra dropped his shield, melted crystal slagging off the front. He sat back on his haunches and sighed. “Perhaps I was wrong. It seemed you were resisting his curse, yet now you show yourself to be a dumb brute. Tell me does the name Razor Claw mean anything to you?” Spike said nothing. He already knew everything he needed to know. Drake had shared the name and the treachery that wicked wyrm committed. He wasn’t sure he believed it then. Now, based on what the Princesses told him and the creature before him now, it seemed he’d spoken true. Rather than reply, he growled as menacingly as he could manage. Sombra was unimpressed. “I will show you how a dragon should sound.” He said clearing his throat and standing. After a long inhale, he roared. Spike felt it in his bones as they rattled. He wanted to run and hide. Still the roar went on. Inside the shield it reverberated off crystal and caused the denizens to cower. Shining and the Mane Six, who had been making haste to the castle, winced and looked toward the shield, unable to see beyond it. At the castle, Princess Cadence shivered as the sound continued. She hoped help would arrive soon, fearing what she knew lurked in the wastes beyond her shield. Outside the shield Sombra sat down. “That is how a true dragon sounds.” He said as his crystals continued to grow around him, their inky blackness drinking in what little light shone through the clouds. “I do not understand you whelp. That is the one thing keeping you alive. I do not know how long I was in that ice. Trapped by those damnable flying unicorns which miraculously defeated Discord. The fools. I wonder how they would react if they knew the Resistance’s adoration for them was what let me in.” Sombra said, studying Spike. “Now start answering my question. Else, I will end this charade and take my empire back sooner rather than later.” Spike shifted uneasily. He fought to hold onto his greed in the face of Sombra’s roar and threats but felt himself shrink slightly despite himself. His rational mind raced on how to answer Sombra’s question. “I don’t resist. I control.” Spike said. Every second he could buy would be worth it for Twilight. “I will tell all.” “Good. Get started. We don’t have all day.” Sombra said. As he relaxed into his dark crystal chair, he drove fresh spikes of crystal from the ground at the shield. Spike moved to swipe at them but Sombra stopped him. “Start talking or they turn on you. Have you so little faith in your ponies that you think some light pressure will defeat them?” Spike growled impotently and held still. “Fine. It all started when I was just an egg.” * * * * * * * * * > Chapter 40: The Crystal Empire? More like the Crystal City State > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 40: The Crystal Empire? More like The Crystal City State “When you love you wish to do things for. You wish to sacrifice for. You wish to serve.” ― Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms As the roar died down, The Elements and Shining Armor glanced back at the shield. When the tremors of fear racing through their bodies stopped, Shining urged them onwards to the castle. “Let’s go! The sooner we get to the castle the better.” He said, taking the lead. Most of the girls made to follow, but two held back. “That wasn’t Spike. He needs our help.” Twilight said, turning away from the city. “She’s right. We can’t leave him out there against whatever is in that ghastly fog alone.” Rarity said, falling in beside Twilight. “Stop! We can’t go back. Every second we spend here is another second closer to Sombra getting in.” Shining said, throwing down a wall of magic to block them. “What do you mean Sombra getting in?” Twilight said, pressing against Shining’s barrier with her own magic. “The fog is Sombra. Sombra is the fog. He’s been attacking since we arrived. Cadence and I were lucky to get the shield up before he was able to get into the city. Luring him off to come meet you wasn’t easy either.” Shining said letting his field drop as the girls listened closely. “If you want to stop him you’ll come with me to the castle and meet Cadence. I’ll share what I know there so you can get to work finding a way to stop him, while I help her keep us safe.” Shining said as he pointed at the castle rising in the distance. “Or you can go that way, try to find a way through the shield and fight Sombra head on, something that taxed even the Princesses in the end.” He said, pointing at the shield. “Spike made sure we got through safely. Don’t disrespect him by throwing away the chance he bought us.”   “Shiny! That’s Spike out there! You can’t seriously be saying we should abandon him?” Twilight yelled. “You aren’t abandoning him Twilight, you’re trusting him. He isn’t a baby anymore. He’s always been looking out for you as best he can. Trust that he is doing the same now. Every second we dither is a second closer to Sombra succeeding. If Sombra succeeds, then what Spike is doing now, what Cadence and I have done for the past several days, the guards that we lost when he first stuck, means nothing. We have to go now.” Shining said, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “He’s right Twi, Spike is strong. He’ll be fine once we win.” Rainbow said. “But if we don’t win…” “Okay, let’s go.” Twilight said, letting Shining lead her once more towards the city. As the group began to move once more Rarity hung back, still where she stood, torn between going back and moving forward. With a heavy sigh, she gave in. “Stay safe Spike, you’d better be there when this is over.” Then she galloped to join the others as they raced into the city. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * “We need to get together one of these days when the fate of Equestria isn’t in the balance.” Princess Cadence said after greeting the girls. She didn’t look well. Dark circles rested under her eyes and she head hung low. The shield had flickered for a moment, causing her to flinch as she had finished her chant with Twilight. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked concerned for her sister-in-law. “Cadence has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. Sombra can’t enter its influence. Somehow it is creating a barrier against him. She hasn’t slept. Barely eats. I want to help her, but Sombra has been able to counter my protection spell each time I try.” Shining Armor said, standing side by side with his wife. “It’s alright Shining Armor, I’m fine.” She said, refusing admit weakness in front of Twilight and her friends. “She’s not fine. She can’t go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... Well you saw what’s out there waiting for that to happen.” Shining said, ignoring Cadence’s attempt at reassurance. “That’s why we’re here.” Twilight said. “Why we’re all here.” Applejack said, backing her up with a chorus of agreement from the rest of the girls. “With Cadence putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, I’ve been busy securing the castle and finding ways to distract Sombra so I could get you, so we haven’t been able to gather much information from the Crystal ponies.” Shining said as Cadence drifted closer and closer to the sweet embrace of sleep beside him. “Crystal ponies!” Rarity cried out happily, fantasies dancing in her mind. “There are Crystal Ponies?” She asked tugging at her mane before seeing the surprised and disapproving looks on her friends faces. She recomposed herself, asking for Shining to continue what he was saying. “But we have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the empire without having to use Cadence’s magic.” Shining said. Twilight thought for a moment on how to approach the problem. “A research paper.” She offered only to be met with confusion from her brother. “It must be part of my test. To gather information from the crystal ponies and deliever it to you.” She concluded, for a moment forgetting about the concept of personal space. “Hehe. This is going to be great. I love research papers.” Shining and Cadence could only look on in complete confusion, unsure of what Twilight was talking about as she turned to leave. “Yeah, who doesn’t.” Rainbow said, elbowing Pinkie. “Ohohoh, let me guess. Is it Appplejack? Nono, Fluttershy! Rarity?” Pinkie replied adding to Shining’s confusion. Cadence had given up caring, too tired to deal with the antics of Twilight’s friends. “Don’t worry big brother. I am really good at this sort of thing.” Twilight told him with a wink. “Let’s go girls, time to canvas the city.” She said, running back into the city. “I don’t think I brought enough canvas, or paint.” Pinkie said ruffling through her saddle bags. “Why would you cover the city in canvas anyway?” “Pinkie, I don’t think- “ “That would be terrible. How could you seriously intend to cover this wonderful city?” Rarity said, cutting Applejack off. “Oh, are going to disguise the city as the cold bleak tundra so Sombra will never find us?” Fluttershy asked. “Or so we a can ambush him when he least expects it.” Rainbow said. “Um I don’t think that is what Twilight meant.” Shining said as he helped Cadence back to the throne. “But you should probably hurry up if you are going to help her.” The girls jumped and blushed, realizing that Twilight had gone on without them. They rushed out after her. Cadence and Shining shared a look before bursting out in laughter. “Haha. Shining, I’m glad they’re here. If anyone can help its them. By the way, where is Spike, I thought he would be here for sure.” Cadence said leaning against Shining. “I can’t imagine him passing up a chance to help Twilight.” Shining held his wife tightly. “He is here, just outside the shield. We were jumped by Sombra just before making it back to the shield.” “What happened! How did you escape? Where’s Spike now?” “Sombra appeared from nowhere as a cloud of black fog. We started running. He was moving too fast for everyone to make it in the shield in time.” Shining said. “And Spike, well did you know he always had this fantasy of being some kind of shining knight. A hero. He could probably tell you more tales about famous guards and adventurers than anyone else in Canterlot.”   “Shining you’re stalling. What happened?”   “Spike grew, became very large. Big enough to throw me anyway. He tossed me in the shield and turned to fight Sombra. He is out there now.”   “He’s out fighting Sombra. No. No. I can feel Sombra pushing on the shield. Shining we have to help him.” “The best we can do is keep the shield up till Twilight succeeds. Spike has gotten strong. All we can do now is trust him.” Shining said holding his wife close and hoping Spike really had gotten strong enough. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * “After that I was banned from the castle kitchens for two whole months.” Spike said. On his hard crystal throne Razor Claw wearing Sombra’s body scowled. He knew what the whelp was doing. It was painfully obvious it was just trying to buy time, but he could wait. His various traps hadn’t been triggered yet. If that changed, he could just be done with this and throw his full weight on the shields. For now, it served him to save his strength. “Fascinating.” He said sarcastically. “I fail to see how that is relevant to what I asked.” “I’m getting there, I promise.” Spike said, shifting his shoulders nervously. “I just want to make sure you understand enough about what makes me me. Otherwise my control of the curse will seem odd to you.”   “You were raised by the ponies instead of with other dragons. The ponies are controlled by that insipid white wonder Celestia. Her ideals mean you don’t know how to be a dragon, you’re just a pony with scales. Get to the point.” Razor Claw said. Moving the crystals closer to Spike’s throat. “So the Great Dragon Migration was happening…” *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * The only thing Twilight and her friends found in their search of the city was a library one of the crystal ponies told Applejack about. The librarian had been of little help, beset like all the rest of the citizens by magical amnesia. Well into the search of the library it began to seem hopeful. “Anyone else thing this is a lost cause?” Applejack asked after sifting through another stack of books. Elsewhere in the library, a pile continued to grow next to Twilight as she used her magic to parade books past her. “No. No. No. No. YES!” she called out, pulling last book into an embrace. “History of the Crystal Empire.” She read as her friends gathered round. “I just hope it has the answers we need. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * “Two affects from the curse. The greed curse Discord intended, as much as the mad spirit intends anything, and this ‘need’ as you call.” Sombra said as Spike finally let onto his curious control of himself and his shape. “Yes.” Spike said. He had continual shrunk as his was forced to share with Sombra, unable to hold onto his greed in the face of mortal terror. Fortunately, he now had a bit of wiggle room around the crystals Sombra had aimed at him. Suddenly, Sombra’s focus shifted to the shield and he chuckled. “So they’ve found the library. Time to increase the pressure.” His horn glowed a sickly green and black and the jagged crystal around the shield surged forward, grinding themselves against it. The crystals cracked and shattered, but more rose to take their places. With Sombra distracted, Spike breathed deeply. The shadow formed pony sneered as the shield held; he poured more power into his assault. Spike saw an opening and took it. He launched himself to the side, away from the crystals pointed at his throat. He slipped through a gap, ran, and quickly took flight, getting away from the ground and any new crystals. Sombra was caught off guard, it took him a moment to react. Those precious seconds kept Spike alive as crystal spikes began erupting from the ground beneath him. They continued reaching for him as Spike gained altitude. Spike climbed higher and higher. Once he’d built some separation from the spikes, he sent a blast of fire at Sombra. As he closed his mouth, Spiked turned away from the shield, hoping to draw Sombra after him. Sombra deflected the fire effortlessly, and launched crystal javelins at the retreating dragon. They missed. Sombra snarled as he watched Spike fly away. He was torn between continuing his assault and chasing Spike down. After a final unsuccessful push against the shield, he transformed back into mist and flowed across the ground after Spike. The shield could wait. What did it matter if they found the library? The heart was still sealed away, behind traps of his own creation. It could wait. The dragon however, could not be let run free. Not because he was a threat, but because it might go for those damnable do gooders Celestia and Luna. ’Though I wonder why they aren’t here now.’ He pondered as he gave chase. Spike had Sombra’s attention. Whether or not that was a good thing would depend on how much longer it took Twilight to figure out how to beat him. He hoped it wouldn’t be too much longer. Sombra chased after him, a dark fog across the ground. There was nowhere to land so Spike kept flying. Now and then he sent a gout of fire at the fog. It accomplished nothing, as the fog just flowed around it, but it made Spike feel better. The glow of the shield kept him going. So long as that was up there was a chance. Then it started to fade. Like a bubble popping the shield fell. Sombra noticed as well. Without a second thought the fog rushed towards the empire.   “Crystals.” It hissed. Ever since reverting to fog, Spike noticed Sombra’s vocabulary had become very limited. Spike turned towards the city. Spraying fire at the fog, trying to make it jink away from the undefended city. The fog ignored him, charging forward single-mindedly. Spike watched in horror as it closed on the city, black clouds rolling in from all directions, as he could do nothing. Then as Sombra was inches away the shield rose once again, at the last second it snapped across Sombra’s path, slicing his horn. The city was safe. Spike breathed a sigh of relief. Then he heard Sombra chuckling, and a sick feeling settled in his gut. Sombra shouldn’t be chuckling his he just lost his horn. The wind howled and Spike prepared for whatever came next. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Twilight ran through the castle. She had to find the crystal heart. Cadence couldn’t keep the shield up much longer; she was barely doing it now. She trusted her friends, but even they had limits to how long they could keep the crystal ponies distracted. Especial since Pinkie insisted on coming with her. Twilight had tried to stop her. She’d been very clear that Celestia’s test required her to do it on her own. To which Pinkie said, “I won’t lift a hoof, but my Pinkie Sense says I need to go with you and we both know not the question the Sense!” In the face of Pinkie’s insistence Twilight had relented, on the grounds she didn’t lift a hoof. Pinkie had danced on her hooves, but agreed. The two of them raced through the castle. They were passing the throne room when Pinkie bounced off Twilight’s hindquarters. “Whoa. What is it Twilight?” Pinkie asked. “Did you find it?” “No, because this isn’t King Sombra’s castle.” Twilight said, walking towards the throne. “Of course it is. Or is there another castle in the Crystal Empire? Are we hunting for castles as well as hearts now?” Pinkie asked. “No this is the right castle, but it didn’t look like this.” Twilight said concentrating on copying the dark magic she had seen Princess Celestia perform. She hit the throne with a beam of dark energy and its crystals twisted into something wicked from the past. A shadow swept the floor revealing a deep pit accessible only by a questionable stone staircase. “Wow, Twilight where did you learn that!” “That was a little trick Celestia taught me. Wait here.” Twilight said as she started descending the stairs.” “Yeah not happening. Let my friend go alone into a deep dark hole created by a madpony to secure the one thing that could stop him. Sounds like a brilliant plan.” Pinkie said, following her down the stairs. “Pinkie you need to wait here. Celestia gave me this test. Me! I have to be the one to do it.” Twilight said, lifting Pinkie back into the throne room. “What about Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? Aren’t they helping by keeping the fair going? What about Cadence and Shining Armor? Is the shield keeping use separated from the crazy fogpony not helping? What about Spike, who is out there fighting Sombra as we speak? Is he not helping?” Pinkie asked pushing against Twilights magic to get back onto the stairs. Twilight recoiled for a second, as if slapped. Her magic slacked, and before she could say anything Pinkie went over the edge into the abyss. “TWILIGHT! CATCH ME!” Pinkie yelled as the stairs rushed by. Twilight started teleporting from landing to landing, trying to keep Pinkie in sight. “TWILIGHT!” “I’m trying!” Twilight yelled. “I can’t catch you if I can’t see you.” “How hard is it? I’m a bright pink pony. Also how deep is this pit?” “Pinkie priorities!” “Oh, right. TWILIGHT SAVE ME!”   The bottom came into view with Pinkie hurtling towards it. Twilight realized she wasn’t going to catch her friend, but might be able to save her some other way. She yanked some of the stair above herself out, teleported them to the bottom and transformed them into pillows. A second later Pinkie slammed into them, sending feathers everywhere. Twilight held her breath at the feather storm died down. “Let’s not do that again today, okay.” Pinkie said, popping up from the mass of pillows. She collapsed back into them and huffed as she tried to slow her beating heart. “Okay, Pinkie. And you were right. Everypony is helping, but I still think I need to be the one to find the crystal heart in the end.” Twilight said as she joined her friend. As she reached Pinkie, the pillows turned back into stone, or in many cases rubble. “Though all there is down here is a door.”   “Well go ahead and open it.” Pinkie said. Twilight went to grab the door handle with her magic, but every time she tried to open it the door moved. “I’m trying, if it would stop moving!” Twilight said as the door started going up the walls forcing her to let it go. “Let’s try something else.” Twilight focused and cast dark magic at the diamond at the top of the door. After a second it swung open revealing a blinding light. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * The shield was waving. Now and again small holes were appearing in it. Soon, Spike knew, it would go down again. To make matters worse Sombra was somehow growing crystals inside the shield. Slowly, but surely black jagged crystals were taking root and spreading. Sombra remained at the edge of the shield, just a head floating in a cloud of smoke. He wasn’t even bothering with Spike anymore. What could he do? Going to the ground was suicide, his fire was dodged or deflected effortlessly, but he could just watch and do nothing. Could he?” “Please Twilight, pass this test.” Spike muttered to the wind. His only answer was the biting cold and snow on the wind. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * “No, my friends love me. No! No!” Pinkie yelled before Twilight broke the spell the door had over her like Pinkie had for Twilight. “Pinkie, it’s okay.” Twilight said as her friend grabbed her in a bone crushing hug. The pink mare just mumbled into Twilight’s chest and hugged tighter. “The door is just a trap, designed to catch anypony that made it this far, alone. Whatever it showed you isn’t real.” Twilight said, doing her best to speak in a soothing tone despite her lungs screaming for air. “Really?” Pinkie asked. “It was just nasty lies like when Discord messed with our heads. You don’t think I a crazy or useless?” “Really.” Twilight wheezed. Pinkie’s grip slacked and Twilight sucked down a much welcomed breath. “So how do we get through it?” “I think I have an idea.” Twilight said. She prepared another spell, something light to counter the darkness of the door. A bright stream of magic aimed at the diamond keystone caused the door change. The wall behind it disappearing to reveal a white chamber. “There!”   “Charge!” Pinkie cried shooting through the door. Twilight ran after her, feeling her own spirit rise only to have it descend once she saw the stair studded pillar waiting within. “More stairs, and time is ticking. Let’s go Pinkie.” Twilight said as she started up the stairs. Pinkie followed moments later her own enthusiasm dimmed by the endless nature of the stairs. Outside the castle, Sombra’s corrupted crystals spread. Crystal ponies moved closer and closer to the fake heart Applejack guarded. Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash worked frantically to keep the rising sense of dread down. Alas it seemed for naught. No matter what they did the dark crystal continued to spread. From the castle balcony Princess Cadence and Shining Armor watched as slowly the empire they’d come to protect was consumed by evil. Cadence collapsed against her husband. Every second was agony as she strained to keep the shield up, pushing herself to buy a little more time. As the corruption spread, the magic needed to maintain the shield increased. Soon the shield was going to fall. Soon it would over. One way or another. Meanwhile, on the stairs the clopping for hooves echoed. Step after step after step as Twilight and Pinkie raced up spiraling staircase. “Twilight can’t we go any quicker? At this rate Sombra will win, reclaim the empire, get married, raise a child, learn the meaning of love, die, and seven generations will pass before we get to the top.” Pinkie complained as Twilight slowed in front of her. Twilight panted, resting on the current stairs and looked around. “I’m going as fast, but, while I am pretty sure you’re exaggerating, you’re right. We need a quicker way to the top.” “Too bad we aren’t going down again. Then we could just jump or slide down instead of having to climb.” Pinkie said, moving up to the same stairs as Twilight. Twilight was quiet for a moment, looking around. What Pinkie said made lots of sense, and the underside of the stair above them looked pretty smooth. If only gravity wasn’t in the way. “THAT’S IT! Pinkie hold on,” Twilight said charging her magic. “I have a plan.” Pinkie hugged Twilight tight, her eyes closed tight as the light from her horn grew. She felt the oppressive weight of gravity leave her, then return from below. An instant later, she felt stone sliding away beneath her, and wind whipping past her ears. Opening her eyes, she saw they were whipping around the staircase riding on the bottom as stairs passed above them. They rounded the corner one last time as a hole of light appeared, blue sky flicker against orange grey darkness. In one last flash, Twilight let the spell die, causing them to drop to the ground. “I studied gravity spells, thinking they might be on the test. Guess I was prepared for this.” Twilight said, shaking herself off. “TWILIGHT LOOK!” Pinkie shouted, grabbing Twilight’s head and pointing her at the source of her excitement. There floating at the top of the keep was the crystal heart. They had found it. “Quick we have to get this to Applejack and the crystal ponies!” *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Sombra was reacting to something. His regenerated horn, because of course it regenerated why wouldn’t it, had flared for a moment. That moment was the opening Spike had been waiting for, preparing for. He unleashed all his fire, a torrent of green dragon’s fire licked the landscape, burning away snow, ice, permafrost and charring bedrock. Sombra was caught in the blast. The fire stripped away the fog and burned Sombra’s floating head. Sombra pushed through the pain until he could activate his trap. Once that was completed he dissipated in a pop. Spike’s stream of fire ended, leaving a scar on the tundra. Spike breathed deeply taking a moment to savor his success. On the ground the fog remained, slowly spreading back into the space it had been driven from. A sharp pain struck Spike from the side. Looking down, he saw a jagged spike of crystal lodged in his side, blood oozing slowing from between shattered scales. More crystal came flying from the thick fog on the ground, slicing his wings as he maneuvered drunkenly. Every breath burned now. Spike called upon his greed, seeking strength and the numbness it would bring. Something to drive off the pain so he could fight. “MINE!” He roared as he crashed to the ground, catching the newest wave of crystal darts in his growing arm. In front of him Sombra was charging across the ground, the fog condensing once again into the form of a black pony. His face was charred, bone showing, though it was quickly healing. A scowl of pure hatred locked in place as they collided and rolled across the ground. Separating, they squared off once more as the shield faded away, revealing the empire. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Twlight was trapped. As soon as she went to take the heart a cage of dark crystal had appeared trapping her. Fortunately, the heart of outside the cage, as was Pinkie. Unfortunately, the shield was falling, she could see the dark crystals spreading throughout the empire, and in the distance she could see Spike and Sombra fighting, inching ever closer to the castle. Twilight tried to use her magic escape, but each attempt was met with failure. Even teleporting only resulted in her being thrown back behind the crystal. “Twilight, I’ll get you out don’t worry.” Pinkie said. She beat on the crystal with her hooves, bucked it, told it the worst jokes imaginable, and all that happened was the spread of the dark crystals forcing her away from Twilight. Spike roared in pain in the distance and fell backwards. His front was marred by slashes and a spear of crystal remained lodged just under his collarbone. Sombra charged into the city, riding upon a rising crystal. A manic grin on his face as he closed in on his goal. “How could I have been so foolish. I was just so eager to get it.” Twilight said, hope deserting her. “Twilight you have to get out. You have to bring the heart to Princess Cadence don’t you. DON’T GIVE UP ON ME!” Pinkie said. “Sombra is already attacking and Spike is hurt. Sombra might reach the ponies at any moment. Reach Princess Cadence, my brother, our friends. There might not be enough time for me to get free.” Twilight said as the sky flashed outside her cell. Turning she looked to Pinkie, who was dancing nervously as the crystal continued to spread. “Pinkie, you have to take the heart. Take the heart to the Crystal Ponies and save the empire!” “But Twilight-“ “GO!” Twilight yelled, tears pooling in her eyes. Pinkie nodded, grabbed the heart and jumped off the roof. “GERANIMOOOOO!” She yelled as she went over the edge. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Lower down the castle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity were in a bit of a pickle. The ruse regarding the heart had been revealed when the crystal ponies knocked Applejack into the stand and sent it toppling over. Now, as Sombra’s crystals spread ever closer, panic set in. “Don’t you crystal ponies worry your pretty little heads none. The Crystal Heart will be here any second.” Applejack said waving to the Crystal Ponies as if nothing was wrong. “I don’t think I believe you.” whispered Rarity from beside her. “I don’t know if I believe me.” Applejack whispered back through a forced smile. Nearby Shining Armor and Cadence sat together as Cadence tried to maintain the shield with what little magic she had left, but it was to no avail. With a last whimper her magic failed and the shield came down. The Crystal Ponies screamed. Then from beyond where the shield stood they watched in horror as a dragon rose from the ground and did battle with a charging, wild Sombra. Many ran towards the keep, seeking to take refuge. Others ran for the other side of empire, seeking to distance themselves from their feared tyrant and this new unknown threat. Still others frozen and stood stunned. They watched as the dragon unleased torrid flames against Sombra, and Sombra turned them away with magic and crystals. They stared as Sombra stabbed at the dragon, who knocked the crystal weapons away, shattering them. “You will not keep my crystal slaves from me!” Sombra yelled at the dragon, unleashing another wave of attacks. This time spikes of crystal erupted from the ground, slashing the dragon as he tried to dodge them. “MINE!” The dragon yelled in reply as he fought back. He fought madly, but was losing ground with each passing moment. Sombra pressed his attacks relentlessly. He was so close, so so close to his goal. At last he saw an opening. Sombra drove a spear into the dragon’s chest, lifting him from the ground and throwing him back. The spear broke, leaving the dragon on his back, crystal rising from his body. The dragon did not rise again. Sombra charged forward riding his crystals into the Empire. “Hello my crystal slaves, bow before you master. Across the empire, everypony cowered in fear when a new voice rang out from the heavens. “GERANIMOOOOO!” All eyes turned upwards and saw a pink pony falling from the top of the castle. In her arms was the crystal heart held tightly against her body. “PINKIE!” her friends cried frozen in the moment. “That is mine.” Sombra said, moving to intercept by merging into his crystals and reappearing much closer to the keep on a rising Spire. Cadence looked at Shining armor and nodded, sure he knew what to do. He didn’t hesitate a moment as he lifted his wife and took aim. With all his strength behind his throw, Shining launched Cadence at Pinkie. As he dropped back down on his hooves, he sent a blast of magic towards Sombra, trying to distract him. The eyes of the Crystal Ponies tracked the pink streak as it passed overhead. Cadence caught Pinkie and the heart, using her magic to keep them with her as she soared past Sombra. “Behold the Crystal Princess!” One of them called out about the rest as the crystal ponies murmured among themselves in surprise and elation. Princess Cadence landed at the base of the castle. Pinkie slid off her back and stepped away as Princess Cadence held up the heart. “The Crystal Heart is returned. Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not.” She said, returning the heart to its rightful place. Support appeared holding it in place. The Crystal smiled in joy, and began the ritual they had forgotten. The ritual stolen and hidden from them for so long. “What? No!” Sombra said as he watched more and more ponies join in. The heart charged quickly and released a blast of blue energy. The energy swept over the ponies, embracing them and turning any still of flesh to brilliant crystal. It stripped away his trap at top of the keep, freeing Twilight Sparkle. As it reached out to him, Sombra panicked. He sought any escape as blue cracks appeared in his flesh. With a scream his body was destroyed. Across the Crystal Empire and all of Equestria the power of the Crystal Heart spread. In the empire citizens danced in the streets their feared tyrant dead and a new princess there to take his place. Love and harmony had won over fear and tyranny. At the edge of the Empire, thrown there when the heart had activated Spike groaned. A fresh wave of pain had struck where he had been impaled by Sombra as the hearts magic washed over him. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *   > Chapter 41: It's Okay to Fail > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 41: It’s okay to fail. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill Spike’s body lay outside the Empire, still powered by greed. He was covered in oozing gashes and piercings. Inside one piercing, a bit of the crystal survived the heart’s magic. The area around the wound was flush as the body worked to expel the foreign material, but it resisted. Spike’s rational mind was far away, locked behind the barriers of his greed. It had served its purpose, but now he was having trouble coming back from the brink. ‘It over. Friends safe. Time go back. He thought, and yet… ’Strong now, why change back. Hurt bad, might not be okay.’ He thought, the desires of strength and comfort powerful ones, easy for him to give into. ’Why give up strength. Why serve ponies.’ A stray thought passed through his mind. ’Yeah why serve... Wait! Spike though, was that stray thought really his. He didn’t serve ponies, they were friends. HIS friends. ’But what friends would abandon me to be beaten by Razor Claw.’ ’Yeah, why they leave me…? Wait! Not right.’ ’Because they aren’t friends. They are using me.’ ’No!’ ’Yes, it’s true. Think of how they act together. How I was forgotten and left behind. Think of how they ignore me. I should stay strong. I should take the crystals for myself. The Empire could be mine if I want.’ ’No. They friends. Friends don’t do everything together. Friends give space. Do not want crystal. Don’t want empire. Want friends. Want Rarity.’ And so the argument in Spike’s mind continued as he fought against the dark thoughts that grew more and more insistent. Still he resisted them, but could not push back against them. He knew his greed was a powerful thing, filled with desire, but this felt wrong, though he couldn’t tell why. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Across the Crystal Empire ponies celebrated their victory. With their crystalline coats, they danced and cheered in the streets. Fatigue and fear were washed away. The Fair was expanded as ponies brought food, instruments, and toys out from storage to party till dawn. As the party was beginning, one pony realized someone was missing. Rarity looked around, after she finished admiring her crystalline form. She was filled with joy, but something gnawed at her. Something was missing. Someone was missing. Where was Spike? She looked around, from the balcony she could see the whole city. She saw ponies running, hugging, crying, kissing, and- she looked away quickly, but nowhere did she see Spike. ’If Spike isn’t here, where is he?’ Rarity wondered, looking further afield. Beyond the plaza, beyond the crystal neighborhoods, into the surrounding countryside, she looked for any sign of Spike. Rainbow saw Rarity wasn’t following the rest of them to join the growing party, but was pacing at the edge of the balcony. “Rarity, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to join in?” Rainbow asked from the doorway. Rarity didn’t turn, but squinted as she thought she saw a dark shape at the edges of the Empire. “I am trying to find Spike. I don’t see him down there, and he was hurt during the fighting. I want to make sure he is okay before we enjoy the festivities.” She said. “Wait, I thought he was right there? Huh?” Rainbow said pointing to where Spike had fallen before noticing he was gone. “If he’s not there, then shouldn’t he be on his way here now that everything is over? Come on, we will find him down there. Let’s go.” “Um, do you see that?” Fluttershy said pointing as disturbed ground near where Spike fell. The other two followed her hoof. “It looks like he was pushed away by something, but what?” “He was rather large when he was fighting Sombra, so he must have been using that greed ability.” Rarity said, thinking hard about what Spike had told her about it. “An ability that comes from a curse Discord put on dragons. You don’t think that the heart pushed him away rather than filling him with magic because of that, do you?” “I don’t know. Applejack went to get Twilight in case she needs any help getting down, we could ask her once they get back.” “But if Spike is hurt do we really want to wait that long? He could need our help!” The three mares fell silent and thought about it for a moment. If Spike needed their help could they really afford to wait? “Okay let’s go.” Rainbow said at last. “Where do we start?” “I thought I saw something at the edge of the area that was protected by the shield, but I’m not sure...” Rarity said. “Why not start where he was? Then we can follow the marks in the ground. They should lead us to him.” Fluttershy suggested. “Makes sense. Okay, you grab that side and I’ll grab this side.” Rainbow said, grabbing Rarity around her left shoulder. “Huh?” Fluttershy and Rarity said simultaneously. “Grab Rarity from the other side so we can fly her there. It will be quicker than if we walk.” “Oh, that makes sense I guess. Rarity, try not to move too much.” Fluttershy said taking position on her right side. “Girls, maybe we should just waaAAAAALK!?!” Rarity screamed as the pegasi took off. They zipped over the city, quickly making for the last place Spike had been seen. A few minutes later they touched down in the grass outside the city. There were great furrows carved into it, with rich black soil spilled around where Sombra’s crystals had grown. “Wow, I know Spike’s greed made him larger, but look at these claw marks!” Rainbow said as she hovered over the field. “He must’ve been huge!” Rarity and Fluttershy said nothing, merely nodding as they took it in. They quickly set to work, looking across the ground for signs of where Spike had gone. Fluttershy found them first, and the group quickly set out, following her lead. They moved away from the city quickly, in the direction Rarity thought she saw something from the balcony. As they got closer, the shape began to take form and their speed increased. When they reached Spike, they found him sprawled on the ground, blood dripping from his wounds as they started to scab over, the worst were where he had been pierced by crystals, especially the one with crystal still in it. The area around it was inflamed, with power glowed dimly in the crystal. “That can’t be good can it?” Rainbow asked, doing a pass over Spike to check for any other injuries invisible from the ground. “I doubt it. We should get that horrid thing out of him.” Rarity said. As she prepared to pull the crystal from Spike Fluttershy spoke up. “Wait. If we pull them out without any bandages handy we might start him bleeding and be unable to stop it.” She said. “So we should just leave him here?” Rainbow asked. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * “So we should just leave him here?” ’See? They just want to abandon me. Some friends they are.[i/]’ “No, we need to get him into the city, or bring supplies from the city out here.” Fluttershy said. ’Wrong. They want help.’ Spike thought back as this dark side that was manifesting itself in his thoughts. “Well there is no way we are moving him. He is way too big right now.” Rarity said. “It would be better not to wake him. We don’t know what state his mind is in.” Fluttershy said. ’They fear me. My strength.’ “The last thing we want is for him to start thrashing around and hurt himself worse.” ’Fear for me. Want make better.’ Spike counter back. He was tried, but his friends were there. He forced an eye open. The ponies jumped back as his green iris revealed itself. He pushed for control. Control over himself for those that cared for him and he cared for in turn. Something was resisting. Something was fighting to keep him filled with greed, and it wasn’t like his normal greed. This was something else. “Help Spike.” He grunted before pain, fatigue and the battle in his mind overtook him and he fell unconscious. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * “SPIKE!” The mare called out as he passed out. “That settles it! Rainbow, go back to the city. Find Twilight, Applejack, and get any first aid supplies you can find.” Rarity said. Rainbow nodded and zipped away. “Fluttershy, is there anything we can do right now to help him?” “For now all we can do is find all his wounds and determine which ones need to be taken care of first.” “Alright, lead on.” Together the two of them worked from nose to tail, finding all Spike wounds. Rarity was at once impressed and horrified by what she saw. Horrified by the deep gashed and numerous stab wounds, but impressed that Spike had suffered so much and still fought until that final blow. It also scared her that he would suffer so much for their sake. How far would he go to keep them safe? So often they now found themselves in danger, the fate of Equestria on the line. They were battling foes that Princess Celestia had fought great battles against. Which one would be their last? Rarity was broken from her thoughts by the telltale pop of a teleport and a gasp. “Spike.” Twilight said, rushing to his side. Applejack and Rainbow shook their heads, the unexpected teleport disorienting for them. “What happened to you?” She asked collapsing as she saw the extent of his injuries. “He will be okay Twilight. We just need to get the crystal out then bind all his wounds.” Fluttershy said, laying a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. Applejack dropped a heavy set of saddlebags next to them and started passing out long rolls of clean cloth. “Okay Fluttershy, what do you need us to do to help Spike?” She asked. Fluttershy thought for a moment, then set them to work. Soon after they began, more ponies started trickling in. “Pinkie sent us.” They all said when asked and quickly started helping. With all the help, they soon had Spike patched up, his blood coloring the bandages a deep red.  Once Cadence and Shining arrived, they directed everypony in moving Spike from the edges of the Empire to the castle, where he could rest safely among friends. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Spike woke late in the morning. He grumbled awake, and would’ve tried to stay asleep had he not heard surprised gasps. He twisted towards them and his eyes went wide at the sight of the Crystal Empire. They went wider a moment later as the pain hit him. He dropped to the ground. After a moment to recover, he slowly raised up, and looked himself over. He was covered in bandages, and still supersized from greed. He took a moment, composed himself, and fought the greed down, it was much easier this morning than it had been the day before. The bandages fell from his as he shrunk, revealing scabs across his body. He stared out them wide eyed until the voice of a foal pulled him out of his reverie, reminding him of what woke him in the first place. “Mister dragon, are you gonna okay?” The crystal foal asked, coming as close as his parents dared to let him to the incredible shrinking dragon. “Um, yeah I think so. Why?” Spike said as a crowd started to build. “Cuz you were really hurt yesterday after… well you know.” The foal said, letting the end of his sentence die. “After you fought Sombra!” Somepony in the crowd called out. “You stalled him so they could find the heart!” “A true hero!” The crowd started calling out, recounting their own story of the day all at once. Spike was quickly overwhelmed as the ponies started crowding him, any fear they felt broken by the joy of their victory. Just as Spike though he was going to drown in a crowd, a voice cut through it all. “SPIKE! You're awake!” Twilight called out from castle door. She teleported to him and pulled him into a crushing hug. “OW! OW! OW!” Spike groaned as the hug pulled at his wounds. “Oops! Sorry, I’m sorry!” Twilight said as she broke the hug. “I’m just… I’m so happy to see you up. Do you have any idea how much you put me through?! Don’t ever do that again!” “Do what? Make sure everyone gets through the shield and keep the villain busy so you can find the one way to defeat them once and for all?” Spike asked, a dopey grin settling on his face. “One, not everyone made it through the shield, you were still on the outside.” Twilight said sternly. Then as tears welled in her eyes, she pulled him into another, gentler hug. “You could have died Spike. Really died. Do you have any idea what that was like, knowing you were out there all on your own? Did you even think about what would happen if I didn’t have my number one assistant?” Spike returned the hug, ignoring the sniffles and ‘awws’ coming from the crowd around them. “I will always be right where you need me most Twilight, even if you don’t know it.” He whispered in her ear. The rest of the day passed quickly. Fluttershy doted over him. Rainbow and Pinkie pestered him for the story of what happened outside the shield. The others never said anything but they listened closely to every word he chose to share. Rarity was always in the same room as Spike throughout the day, while Applejack took over the kitchens surfacing to distribute her goods and take small breaks as her cooking allowed. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Shortly before they left to catch the train home, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor made a speech thanking the girls and Spike for their aid and pledging a brighter tomorrow for the Crystal Ponies. The trip home began uneventfully enough, everyone relaxing, dosing, some idle chatting as the train speed into the evening light. Eventually everyone made their way to the sleeping cars, Spike in one and the girls in another for a good night’s rest before they reached Canterlot. Under the moon’s pale light, the door the Spike’s car opened and closed quickly. A shadowy figure moving through the edges of the light spilling through the cracks of the shade. Spike was snoring lightly as the figure approached, pushing him lightly with a hoof. Spike stirred quietly, moving over carefully to create room next to him in the bed. “Thank you.” The figure whispered sliding in next to him and resting her head on his shoulder as he looked back at her. He had changed so much since he left them during the migration. Gone was the chubby, clumsy, but ever so helpful foal size dragon. In his place had returned a massive drake that drove monsters from before it to defend her and his other friends. That had only been a temporary skin though, and after that horrifying day… After that he had proven to be the same helpful, loyal, honest, gentlecolt, er, gentledrake that he had always been, but packaged in a much matured body. In place of body fat,  powerful muscle rippled under his scales. His soft features had sharpened to a fine point. He was very much a predator, scary in a way, but a good way. He was exciting to be around in a way he lacked before. She wasn’t sure how to feel about it at first. When she had sung that ridiculous song at Drake’s bequest she had expected it to be nothing, but a thank you. A way to humor Drake before leaving the whole thing behind. Yet the end had stung her. She found she was expecting a kiss from Spike, but he had run away. Several days later Spike had came and explained himself, laying himself out before her. Telling her everything she already knew, and some new things that quite surprised her to hear. If Rainbow had been a little earlier who knows what she would have heard. Instead she arrived after they had talked it over and settled on which course seemed best at the time. While nothing official between them yet, just a guarantee of a date on Thursdays, provided neither of them was too busy, and she made sure her Thursdays were always clear, a relationships was blooming. A real relationship. “How are you feeling?” She whispered softly, producing a gentle light with her blue magic and shining it over his wounds. “Hurts, but not badly. I’ll heal pretty quickly. This isn’t close to as bad as when a golem dislocated my shoulder.” Spike said stretching a wing over her when she pulled on it lightly with her magic. She wiggled closer to him, enjoying the heat rising from his body. “Not that I am complaining, but why… what… I mean…” “Just spit it out Spike.” “Rarity, why are you here tonight? I love that you are, don’t get me wrong, but we agreed to take it slow, see if something would develop between us now that I’ve matured, in a lot of ways. Yet, here you are in my bed, snuggled against me.” Spike said softly, looking her in the eye. “Is there something wrong about snuggling against you. I can leave if it makes you uncomfortable.” Rarity teased, giggling to herself at the look on Spike’s face. “I’m only teasing.” Rarity looked off in the distance for a minute, collecting her thoughts. “Spike, when you were trapped outside the shield, Twilight wanted to go back for you. Everyone else argued that we had to press forward, to find a way to defeat Sombra. I wanted to follow her. Watching you fight from the castle I was terrified. Not by you, but by what was happening to you.” “When you fell I was terrified. When you didn’t immediately come flying into the city after the battle that feeling grew worse. You have become the most important dragon in my life.” Rarity said fixing her eyes on Spike. “Well I hope so. I wasn’t aware there were many others dragons in your life.” Spike said. “Seriously though, we have been dating for over a month now. A year ago I would have thought it impossible, but now. Now the last thing I want is to lose you. I think I might be falling in love with you.” She said wiggling closer to him. She circled his arm with her forelegs and hugged tightly. Spike sat stunned for a moment, trying to think of a reply. His jaw moved by no sound came out. He realized that the moment wasn’t right for words, leaned over, and pulled her into a kiss. A real kiss. A kiss like he had always dreamed. That night, dreams came true. *         *         *         *         *         *         *         *         * Twilight sighed one last time and she prepared to enter the Hall of the Elements. The past few days had been terrifying, hectic, and busy, but despite all that one thing stood out. She had failed. For the first time in her life, Twilight Sparkle, unicorn, princess protégé, and Element of Magic, failed a test. She really wasn’t looking forward to what was coming next. Her friends were gathered outside, there to provide support, but also aware that this was her burden to bear. She steeled herself and push forward. The door swung open easily, completely ignoring the weight of the moment. She walked through the foyer and down the hall to where Princess Celestia was waiting.  One more set of doors and there she was. The stained glass windows showed the her and her friends triumphs. Princess Celestia was standing in front of one and called her over. “Twilight, come here and tell me what you see?” Princess Celestia said without turning. Twilight trudged over with her head hung low. She peeked up at the glass and saw a window she hadn’t seen before. In the foreground Pinkie Pie stood out, the heart in the grasp as a small Cadence and Sombra both flew towards her. Behind them on one side was the castle shining brightly against the darkness that dominated Sombra’s smaller side of the image. At the very back was Spike, huge, with wings spread, facing towards Sombra with an angry snarl. At the base of the image the Crystal ponies were caught between the two sides, watching raptly to see the end. “What do you think?” Princess Celestia asked. “It is very different from the others.” Twilight replied. Princess Celestia said nothing, letting the silence drag. Twilight decided to keep speaking. “Princess, I have no excuse. I failed your test. I wasn’t able to save the Empire myself. From the moment we got there I had others helping me. In the end I was trapped and someone else had to reclaim the Crystal Heart while all I did was watch helplessly.” Twilight looked up, ready by fearing the Princess’s response. Instead of a disappointed frown or disapproving scowl she was greeted with a warm smile. “Indeed you failed. What did you learn from that failure?” Princess Celestia asked. Twilight thought silently. She started to speak a few times, rising a hoof, only to stop and go back to thinking. Finally, she formed and answer. “I learned there are some things I can’t do on my own, and that even when I fail others might succeed?” Twilight ventured, uncertainly. “That is quite right. While you may have failed, you also succeeded. The Empire is freed from Sombra’s grasp and the magic of the heart now spreads across Equestria and beyond. I am proud of you Twilight.” Princess Celestia said drawing her student into a hug. “Now I am afraid the duties of my position demand my attention. Go and enjoy the day with your friends. Somepony will meet you at the gates with your tickets for the evening train to Ponyville.” Twilight returned the hug in a happy release of her worries and fear. A feeling of safety and certainty filled her in Princess Celestia embrace. “Thank you Princess.” She said ending the hug. Moments later she was out the door and off to join her friends. Princess Celestia was certain she heard singing starting as Twilight left.