> Expanding The Hoard > by GivingSpider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soft light from the setting sun crept into the room through heavy, tinted windows that obscured the view outside. The intentions of making the room more private was rather moot in Silver Spoon's opinion; flying high enough to get a peek of whatever was happening inside left one in full view of the palace guards. The only practical purpose of the augmented glass was to create a broader illusion of privacy for a room at the very top of a tower in a palace wing that saw considerably less visitors than the rest of the sections combined. For less observant minds the windows might put one more at ease but for an aristocrat who made her fortune through subterfuge; they served no practical purpose. The isolation of the room and evident commitment to discretion of the room’s usual occupants was enough to leave her comfortable about her reputation and standing. Of course there would be a lot of folks whom would know of her fall from grace but she felt soundly safe from possibility of blackmail fueled by her actions within the tower. There was also great risk involved in the act of trying to bully a dragon who might likely find it more convenient to torch a threat instead of trying to bargain. Silver Spoon momentarily reflected on years of careful work. She had gotten good at blending in with high society over the years; skills she began sharpening in her youth. Getting into private parties or skipping past the long queue of a busy night club had become second nature. Seamlessly mingling with the elites of any circle she helped herself into had opened many lucrative doors. She admitted to herself that lending her skills to Diamond Tiara’s schemes would sooner or later result in consequences but never really thought about it terribly often. Certainly not often enough to consider stopping before getting caught. Memory Lane faded into obscurity as the private room came back into focus. Several small iron cages lined the walls, each barely large enough to contain fist sized fireballs that would keep the room lit long after the sun disappeared from the sky. An oversized bed with many pillows of different shapes and sizes occupied the middle of the room and thick carpeting covered every inch of floor. A few large and comfortable looking chairs were strewn about and a fair sized chest stood at the foot of the bed. One of the chairs was occupied by the master of the domain, and as of recently; her master by a new definition. Spike needed no introduction. Both his position and frame were recognizably distinctive from anyone else in a room he stood in. Broad in figure and presence, the draconic ruler carried a unique approach to portraying his authority both inside and outside royal courts. His stewardship over the region was fair and respected although his living arrangements were considered unorthodox by most Equestrians. Silver Spoon could very comfortably testify that rumors of a wild dragon succumbing to the worst aspects of the natural greed of his race were unfounded. Despite his willingness to suggest a preparedness to let debates or challenges turn into brawls; there was just as often a portrayal of a dragon who owned a gentle soul. He regarded her with a firm stare that wasn’t meant to subdue her, but instead convey a sense of safety. Silver Spoon nodded silently while moving her hands behind her back. Her lack of clothing hadn’t been forgotten but it certainly took a backseat in her mind. She had given herself to the Dragon willingly a few times before but tonight her voluntary submission had two additional objectives. Silver was consenting to the wills of Spikes other wives and was offering herself as an example of what Diamond Tiara’s life might be if she accepted his offer. The grey woman softly gasped from the almost reflexive motions of hands guiding leather cuffs to her wrists. The faint tug followed by the fastening of restraints was brought about by a skilled participant. She kept her eyes on Spike, silently conveying total trust in his vigilance over her. Her former partner in crime was almost absent from her mind even though she was on her knees to Spike’s left with her own hands neatly bound behind her back. Diamond stared back at her as if juggling disbelief and curiosity about what was happening. Silver's focus was taken from what was in front of her by a ball gag being carefully secured into her muzzle. A silk blindfold was neatly tied around her head in a proper place, cutting off Spike’s gaze. Things seemed to blur as her other senses began sharpening to compensate. There were a small amount of discrete encounters with other mares in her past but never before did she share herself with three others at once. She never had any bedroom encounters with more than one partner. It was evident that her fate was going to be primarily a show for her new husband and possibly the next one to enter Spike’s tiny hoard but a gently nip given to her left ear effectively told her that her experience was meant to be for her benefit as well. An unbreakable veil of darkness inspired a slightly faster heartbeat. Another nip to her ear caused her to utter a muffled squeak. The familiar voice of Apple Bloom softly planted into her ear a simple question that momentarily inspired a vivid mental image of a recent memory. “Nod your head if you still consent to what we talked about earlier.” Silver Spoon nodded her head as she recalled being fully clothed and in the company of childhood rivals. It was still an odd contrast to her former life. Being party to a clear discussion about what they could and couldn’t do with her body wasn’t something she ever considered happening in any context. Joining Spike’s harem as an alternative to surrendering every ill gotten bit was equally outlandish. Her life was now a strange caricature of her old life and yet she was going forward with the same stride she always had. Stringing a noble along with vague suggestions that cooperation might yield a possibility of getting her naked was on an entirely different plane than going from criminal charges to agent of the state and then into the dragon’s most private den. Diamond Tiara reflexively squirmed in her spot. Leather restraints kept her wrists behind her back and a matching collar with an attached short leash kept her close to the Dragon. She wasn’t uncomfortable kneeling on the floor but the gravity of her position carried weight. Watching her friend bound, gagged, and blindfolded in front of her was a clear show of power. Hearing the brief exchange suggested that Silver Spoon was where she wanted to be; and that in itself was strange. Diamond started to be less suspicious that her partner was playing a new con with the ruler of the domain. The thought of joining Spike’s harem was several shades of scandalous and while the new information that contradicted rumors made it sound less barbaric: it did not make it sound any less insane. Silver Spoon fidgeted in place while Apple Bloom checked the stability of the ball gag. Scootaloo seemed either occupied with checking the wrist restraints or was covertly checking out their captive’s rear. Sweetie Belle just stood plainly as if waiting for further instructions. Spike’s claw slowly traced through Diamond’s hair while the other claw kept hold of the end of her leash. The invitation to witness what her options were before making a choice was slowly becoming more and more into what seemed to be an introduction to watching former enemies have their way with a willing woman who was once a co-conspirator. Her own nudity was overshadowed by the very vivid sight of her equally nude friend being inspected and lusted after by three more skyclad mares. Apple Bloom took a spot opposite to Sweetie Belle while Scootaloo remained mostly behind Silver. Diamond blushed heavily and the grey girl squeaked when the Pegasus gripped Silver’s hips and playfully gave her bottom a single thrust. “I want to stress that you’re here to observe” Spike firmly said while still stroking the kneeling woman’s hair. “You can forfeit the money you’ve pilfered over the years or be permitted to keep it and be one of mine. Silver chose the second option and consented to letting you watch her being taken by my other wives. At any point you can be removed from the room and you do not need to give me any reason. You can also voice your decision at any moment. For now, this is it. This is all you agreed to: the minimum to be part of the scene without being actually in it.” Diamond said nothing in response. Spike's tone didn't make anything that was happening become normal. She was still naked and kneeling with her wrists bound with leather and leashed to a Dragon while her childhood rivals were clearly about to have an unspecified amount of lesbian sex with her friend. There was still an equally naked, and very erect Dragon holding her leash. It was still as if she was there to watch Spike’s sex slaves ‘break in’ his new sex slave: which was apparently the setting that the other women agreed to at a prior time. Silver showed no signs of wanted to escape, which made things feel more bizarre. Her companion's willingness to continue made Diamond feel more convinced that she was a lot safer than an onlooker would assume, and the security somehow added to how strange the evening had become. “While you think it over, pay attention to the…good natured hazing.” Spike continued almost casually while still carefully stroking her hair. “Ultimately the choice is yours. You can return every bit fraudulently taken or be part of my hoard and have your talents put to work in a way that benefits the kingdom.” “I can still just be an agent” Diamond managed to retort while fixated on the scene in front of her. “If I don't want to be…like them…right?” “That is an open option as well; but I'll have eyes on you in the future. I’m sure you understand why.” Diamond stewed in her position. Joining Spike’s collection had perks that transcended the status she helped herself to over the years. A truly royal lifestyle was worth joining what some citizens whispered about as if talking about some deviant gathering. Seizing the invitation to join the true elite of Equestria was attractive at any price but having such personal and intimate stipulations attached made it feel extremely taboo. Silver Spoon’s muffled squeaks and moans snapped Diamond to attention. The prospect was also a very curious notion. Scootaloo was gently kissing and nipping her captive’s neck while Apple Bloom knelt down and slowly traced her tongue along quivering inner thighs. Sweetie Belle had withdrawn herself and was now on her knees in front of a now open chest. Orange wings slowly wrapped around the bound woman, adding to the sense of confinement. The Pegasus wore an almost predatorily smile as hands traced up Silver’s sides and roamed onto her breasts. The earthbound woman gradually advanced towards her lower lips. Restrained moans became heavy breathing and mild squirming. Silver surrendered and parted her legs to allow access to her forbidden fruit. Diamond tilted her gaze and found herself staring at Spike. His relaxed posture revealed that he had been treated to this sort of show before. He maintained a degree of vigilance, accented by a light tug of her hair to correct her gaze. The rule that she would have to watch was effectively enforced just as her eyes met his standing cock. Diamond’s face flushed as she fought to contain her thoughts. Sweetie Belle looked like she was deciding on what to take out from the box; clearly full of indecent implements. Being firmly made to watch Silver squirm while having her flower caressed and breasts massaged took her mind off Spike’s organ. A suitable distraction from the fresh mental image of being ravaged by a Dragon was presented itself as the thought started to become alluring. The Unicorn had withdrawn from the box and was approaching Silver Spoon. Secured to Sweetie Belle’s pelvis by a leather harness was a pearl white dildo. Purposeful strides carried her to the other women. Apple Bloom slowly withdrew her tongue and stood up, playfully stroking the toy before going to the open chest. Scootaloo carefully used her wings and hands to guide Silver to a kneeling position. Sweetie gently guided the tip of the toy along the bound woman’s face as Scootaloo began removing the gag. Their willing captive softly murmured something inaudible to the audience right after the ball was taken away. Wings remained wrapped around the grey mare and Sweetie took hold of her hair. The two dominating figures slowly guided Silver into rotating, giving Diamond a clear side view of their actions. Diamond had brief experience with strapons. The rare encounters with elite women in Canterlot's court and that one time she experimented with Silver in a private train car after they both underestimated the potency of a Champaign bottle made her familiar with both ends of the device. Watching her partner open her muzzle and accept oral penetration reminded her of an evening with herself blowing a mare masquerading as a stallion. Diamond understood the illusions of power and submission but the act of sucking a dildo did nothing for her personally. Watching the Unicorn firmly gripping Silver’s hair and thrusting back and forth however, was doing a lot. Seeing Scootaloo continue to nibble on her prisoner’s ears, neck, and shoulders while massaging plump breasts was a titillating display of power: a dynamic that she desired behind closed doors. Her breathing grew heated as Sweetie slowly escalated her motions and began sliding the phallus further in, carefully gauging the limits of the bound woman. “Take it, Silver” Diamond whispered with a hungry growl, drinking deep the visual stimulation. “You're considering joining” Spike mused softly while turning his attention from the action in front of him. “Discretion, consent, and respect are the laws of this relationship. You and Silver will be sharing the bottom level of the hierarchy, make no mistake; but we also understand that healthy dynamics mean willing transfer of power. Scootaloo often prefers to be in the role of the pet or slave; tonight’s activity is a rare shift in her tastes. I imagine you’ll both have opportunities to see her in leathers.” “Is it always going to be a group activity” Diamond asked while taking charge of her tone, trying to walk back the accidental show of utter surrender to the Dragon’s games. “No. I have private encounters with my wives, and I am aware that they have their own closed door activities. It's not always all of us indulging our desires.” “Do I have to be available to them?” “Only if you wish them to be available to you.” The social implications of the arrangement became more and more eroded by long term plans and immediate temptations. Sweetie Belle continued to gently claim Silver Spoon’s muzzle while Scootaloo continued tenderly teasing her. Apple Bloom returned wearing a strapon similar to the one adorning the Unicorn’s groin except this one was a candy apple sort of red. The realization that each of them had a personalized fake penis caused her face to flush deeper. Scootaloo withdrew from her role and went to the box, her position taken over by the farmer. The new silicone snake must have poked Silver in the back, judging by the sudden and very vocal squeak. “I'm about to watch all three of them bang my friend” Diamond said between labored breaths while slightly squirming in place. “Are they gonna do that to me if I say yes?” “Not this time” Spike replied calmly while his claw continued soothing her hair, contradicting the leathers holding her wrists. “They don't know your tastes and limits. It would be highly irresponsible to have you just put in the middle of them to have those things tested so suddenly.” “Silver already knows what they’re about to do” Diamond concluded as she turned to face the Dragon Lord. “Yes” Spike answered while gripping her hair and aiming her eyes back towards the main attraction. “Prior to this session they had a long talk about things.” “Will I be expected to do anything tonight if I accept the invitation?” “It will not be expected of you but will be graciously accepted if offered.” “Joining will give me rights over your kingdom?” “Joining will get you privileges” Spike corrected her with a firm tone. “Social status and comfort come with being part of my house, but do not interpret it as a seat of power.” The last detail did slightly sour the deal in Diamond’s opinion, but it wasn’t a deal breaker. She continued to watch the scene that Spike effectively commanded her to witness. Sweetie Belle had moved to stand behind Silver Spoon with her hands in her hair. Apple Bloom was caressing their sub’s face while guiding her toy into an eager muzzle. She still didn’t quite see the point of sucking on a dildo except to establish how the power dynamic was going to be. Watching the country girl begin to thrust was overshadowed by Silver’s mostly silent acceptance. “Are you going to have them watch if I pleasure you tonight?” Diamond realized that her voice came out with a little more excitement than she wanted to reveal. “Are they going to make Silver watch like I’m watching her now?” “If you wish” Spike mused in response. “What would I have to do to you?” “What would you want to do?” Diamond reeled in her desires and went back to plotting how to secure a draught of authority. Aside from having full agency to withdraw, there weren’t many options that she predicted the Dragon would accept. Even the slightest taken position of strength would be a victory, even if just for herself. Diamond felt that she needed to have her first sexual encounter have an action that declared that she wasn’t as meek or submissive as the mare who was sucking her second dick of the night and possibly about to taste a third. Diamond watched Apple Bloom’s more assertive treatment of Silver and slightly envied her position. She wanted control possibly even more than she felt she needed it. Diamond’s eyes met Scootaloo’s potent gaze, her eyes filled with hungry thoughts and lips curled into a sultry smile. Her crotch was covered up by a harness that matched the others but the phallic tool secured in place matched the cerise hue of her mane . Diamond almost jumped when she caught the Pegasus slowly stroking the tool while she seemed to be staring her down. Scootaloo joined Spike’s other mates and watched the treatment given to Silver’s muzzle. “…I want Silver to watch…I want them all to watch” Diamond coyly said while her mind burned with a hastily formed scheme. “You want them to watch what?” “I want to show her how it’s done” Diamond replied with a fiendish grin. “I want to please our master with my mouth.” Spike uttered a firm growl and the unbound women gave him their attention. Silver turned her head in the general direction and corrected herself further as Apple Bloom removed the blindfold. The Dragon immediately caught the changes in her tone and could smell her intentions. The broad drake tilted Diamond’s head to meet his eyes. “Are you joining our den?” “Yes” Diamond quickly answered while meeting his gaze. “This isn’t how I imagined things going…but I'm not one to let an opportunity pass by. I accept. I’ll submit to the condition of fooling around with them…on occasion.” “Ladies” Spike said with another growl. We have a new member. She'll be joining my harem and has accepted the role offered. To seal our arrangement; she is going to service your master and she’s requested your full attention.” Silver Spoon didn’t resist as the other girls helped her to her feet. Diamond slowly scooted herself in front of Spike, her eyes landing squarely on his mighty organ. The Dragon gave Apple Bloom a subtle nod and the country girl skillfully removed the leather straps from Diamond’s wrists. Chairs engulfed in Sweetie’s power positioned themselves nearby, facing the Dragon’s perch. Diamond glanced around and grinned to herself as she felt all eyes on her. Her hand softly caressed the towering erection and she steeled herself to take charge under the guise of submission. Diamond Tiara’s muzzle faintly grazed the shaft while she glanced at the claw holding her leash. The Dragon made no action to seize agency over her actions, instead choosing to clutch the symbol of her accepted position. Her tongue slid from the base to the tip and then back down. She caught the change in his breathing. It grew heavier as well as hungry, and Diamond relished the small amount of control. Her lips and tongue continued gliding along the organ, her body shifting and her head moving to get the entire shaft slick with saliva. Her eyes roamed the audience as she worked, taking note of all reactions she earned. She didn’t need to look up at Spike to gauge his thoughts on the matter at hand, his breathing and low growling revealed his reclining to accept whatever she would give him. Her old rivals seemed to be enjoying the show and getting satisfaction to see her on her knees and servicing a throbbing cock like an eager slave. Silver wore an expression that reminded her of that night in the train car: a fracturing suppression of desires. Diamond began suspecting that there could have been more midnight encounters and possibly without a full bottle of liquid courage. Spike's member stood at full attention, the flesh mimicking the patterns of his scales, now glistening with improvised lubricant. The kneeling woman curtly kissed the head, treating it like the signet ring of a king; a fitting gesture when she considered who the penis was attached to. Her muzzle lightly clamped down just below the head as a hand lightly gripped his length. She gently pumped the Dragon's scepter while the trapped head was gingerly teased by her swirling tongue. Efforts were rewarded by low moaning and the sight of him gathering some of the leash in his claw, reducing how far back she could pull back without feeling the line to taunt. There was enough slack to permit her to release him, but enough claimed length to imply a fair amount of authority. Diamond Tiara’s mind clamped down on a satisfactory notion: that she had him. Her muzzle began following her hand’s motions, bobbing along with the stroking. She felt a claw trace her hair, a familiar reaction to her lip service. Experience taught her that weak willed or more assertive partners would utilize a bit of force to suggest how far down her mouth should go; her pumping hand denied such actions. The self proclaimed aristocrat didn’t often treat others to such pleasures but made a point to make the affair completely on her terms. The taste of Spike’s flesh mixed with small amounts of his essence and the unique texture of the stiff penis all made her experience unique. Carnal groaning betrayed a deep longing for more but the drake did nothing to seize more. Diamond’s muzzle continued to glide in sync with her hand up and down a slick organ, continuing to produce samples of fluid and appreciative growls. She wasn’t focused on the reactions of her audience; she was very confident that her performance left the impression she wanted them to have. Even though Spike specifically referred her arrangement as her joining a harem; she managed to be the one with the most authority in the room. With her hand and mouth claiming the Dragon’s cock she took charge over how much pleasure he would get, and how he would receive it. The trapped member twitched desperately as Diamond Tiara continued to effectively top from the bottom. Her muzzle clamped down a little tighter and she began sucking a bit harder. Spike’s growling grew in intensity. She glanced up at him while playfully swaying her bottom and caught him appreciating the view. The act of blowing someone didn’t do much for Diamond but the reaction of the man lucky enough to be treated along with the growing desire for her made for a powerful aphrodisiac. Helping herself further and mounting the Dragon was a tempting thought, but the rewards for completing the task at hand outweighed being properly satisfied. A surprised squeak escaped her as the claw in her mane became more ridged in its grip. “I'm close” Spike uttered in a carnal tone. “Where do you wish my seed to go?” Diamond Tiara basked in the question. The surrendering of the ending cemented her victory over the Dragon who would carry himself as her master. Several responses flooded her head along with many different opportunities. She slowly slid off his cock with an exaggerated pop and gently stroked him while delivering her answer. “Silver can have it” Diamond said with a sultry tone while flashing bedroom eyes. Diamond caught a change in Spike’s expression. She couldn’t guess exactly what was happening in his mind but it didn’t appear that her ruse was about to be called out. “Well, Silver” Spike mused with a grin as he turned his gaze to meet her. “Do you accept Diamond Tiara's gift?” Silver left her chair and assumed a kneeling pose next to her more assertive counterpart. Diamond adjusted herself to permit the grey mare to position herself so she could better reach the throbbing cock. Spike kept hold of the leash but for Diamond the device had lost all its impact and significance. She gripped Silver’s hair and guided her down towards the waiting erection. Silver’s muzzle accepted the length and offered no resistance to having her motions controlled. Diamond caught a mischievous smirk on Sweetie Belle’s face; the sort of look you gave when you knew something and was expecting inevitable satisfaction due to someone's ignorance on the subject. The expression was shrugged off and all her focus was given to keeping Silver’s head moving. Spike released an almost savage growl and Silver’s eyes widened. Her cheeks swelled and muffled grunts seemed to match the heavy breathing of the Dragon. Diamond took in several new discoveries from what she witnessed. The first was that Spike was the sort of man who relished climaxing in a willing muzzle. The second was that either through personal desires, practice, or perhaps both; Silver was the sort of woman who accepted that sort of act. Silver slowly removed her lips from the satisfied beast, tightly closing her mouth, preventing even the smallest sample of essence to spill. Diamond’s face once more became flushed the moment she realized that Silver was content to kneel while keeping her mouth full of semen. A clawed hand caressed full cheeks and the woman leaned into his touch. “You may swallow” Spike said almost casually, as if intentionally trying to establish to Diamond Tiara that waiting for permission was as normal as accepting a mouth full of cum. Silver turned her head to make eye contact with a still blushing Diamond Tiara. With deliberately slow to the point of savoring the act, she relaxed and drank down. Diamond narrowly managed to prevent her own jaw from relaxing, stopping herself from staring agape at how her more soft spoken ally seemed to adapt to the debauchery. The effort to cement Silver under her was deflected seemingly without having been done so deliberately. A subtle notion snapped in Diamond’s head: keeping herself psyched up about the role was a losing battle. She had options about how to preserve a deeply buried fantasy of slowly being brought to heel but none of them felt as organic as the initial flow. Spike seemed to have picked up on her dilemma immediately and the rest of her den mates quickly joined in the realization. “In all fairness” Spike said with composure that vastly differed from the earlier tones he used. “Trying to act out a re-do of one’s first time is difficult even for those who have spent years indulging in such things.” “Maybe another time I’ll get closer” Diamond replied curtly while her fingernails danced along Silver’s back. “Of course I still want to carry on as if this was real. I am curious to see what you would have done if I behaved this way those months ago.” “As you wish” Spike growled as he gave the leash a subtle tug. Diamond slightly gasped in surprise from the shift in tone. The Dragon clearly had plans for her: plans meant for a slave who was caught trying to establish authority where there was none. Despite what she thought to be an effective and successful act of subterfuge; defeating Spike's near feral senses was beyond her ability. Looking back, it was equally obvious that Sweetie Belle wasn’t fooled either. The only thing that could permit her to avoid some sort of corrective measure was the use of her safe word: something she didn’t feel the need to use. Spike wasn't making an effort to hide that had something in mind to counter her small bout of insurrection, but he also wasn’t betraying any notion that he could be trusted. A distinct chill shot up her spine as his gaze pierced her. Without the regularly enforced fantasy that she was still new and had a window of opportunity to claim a degree of power; the raw dominance of her husband could not be pushed aside. No matter how submissive or meek Silver behaved, the bottom rung practically had Diamond Tiara’s Cutie Mark expertly printed on it. Spike gave Sweetie Belle subtle nod before snapping his free claw and pointing at Diamond. In almost less than a second, magic had begun guiding Diamond’s wrists behind her back. “Silver” Spike coyly said while playfully snapping the leash. “This one thought to put herself above you after I clearly told her that her position would be equal to you. If she can’t share, then she can have the title of Den Slave to herself. Bring me what my wives use to remind you your place.” Silver Spoon stood up after giving Diamond a chaste kiss, briefly sharing the taste of Spike’s seed. Diamond Tiara let out a defeated moan as she felt the familiar restraints bound her hands. She found herself back where she started in the session: on her knees and bound while a Dragon held a leash leading to a collar around her neck. She wasn’t sure where the evening was going, Silver wasn’t one to talk about the things done behind closed doors with the master of the tiny harem. Spike slowly raised the leash, wordless guiding Diamond to her feet. The women who were still seated were now watching with visibly higher anticipation. Diamond tried and failed to gauge what the commonly theorized fate was, and she wasn’t about to meekly ask. Instead she elected to stand silently while meeting his ipowerful stare with a smirk: a challenge to his ability to make her bend. Spike slowly reeled in the leash, guiding his captive to step closer. He kept his eyes on hers, taking note that there was resistance as he pulled. She stepped as he silently drew her closer but the tiny act of playful resistance was something he was bound to act upon. The considerable strength of his race had many practical uses and tonight’s games were no exception. With firm yet careful motions he sent his free claw to her bound wrists while drawing the leash down past his knees, opposite to where she was guided to. Diamond squeaked with delicious uncertainty as she was guided across his lap and uttered a wordless protest as the claw holding her leash slowly and steadily wrapped the leather around his wrist. Diamond squirmed without results as she found herself unable to remove herself from her position: head down, bottom up, and torso pinned down against scaled thighs. Silver Spoon returned to the scene and stopped where Diamond Tiara could see her. The restrained mare uttered a playful growl as her tail was moved to join her wrists. She was about to utter a sultry retort to take a stab at denying the Dragon his authority when her eyes landed on what Silver had brought. Eyes widened and bottom cheeks clenched when Diamond Tiara spotted a leather paddle, casually swaying as if teasingly. Her view was cut off by Sweetie Belle suddenly kneeling in front of her. The Unicorn softly caressed her face before pushing a soft, silicone ball into her muzzle. Leather straps secured the gag in place and Diamond began another round of squirming. She felt his claw let go of her tail, letting it land softly against her back. Her mind continued to burn with thoughts about what Silver was about to do while Spike held her down. Focus went back to the audience of women who still wore phallic devices. “Your punishment will go on until you submit” Spike growled almost playfully. “It will start when you accept what’s coming.” Diamond grunted into the gag. The idea of experiencing a simulated breaking started to sound possible again. The only real impacts her rump experienced during her time with the unconventional family came from discrete, playful swats and having scaled thighs firmly meeting her when being taken from behind. A proper spanking was new territory. The sensation of the cool leather caressing her presented backside vividly contrasted every prediction about how sore she might be later. Apple Bloom knelt down in front of her and checked the strap that kept the gag in place. Diamond reflexively wriggled as her ear was softly nipped. “If you need us to stop” the earthborn woman said gently while soothing Diamond’s hair. “Just let your tail come down from your back. Diamond Tiara gave a muffled reply. The silicone obstruction prevented her from saying anything that would be understood. She watched Apple Bloom take her seat and squirmed without making any new progress. The leather paddle continued to trace her vulnerable cheeks and Spike kept her bound wrists pinned to her back. “How many should I give her, master?” Silver Spoon practically purred while tracing the smooth implement, savoring the incredibly faint and reflexive whine from her normally commanding counterpart. “How tender do you want her before she gets ridden?” Diamond didn’t need to act to try to convey a whimper into the gag. She made a lot of effort to make every sexual act that involved her body to be something she had most if not all the power in. The thought of being spanked and then screwed was on a very different level. “What do you think is fair” Spike mused almost casually. “She overstepped herself and had you finish a task in her place. What was supposed to be you watching her surrender to her new master turned into her telling you to service me. You performed the task well and remembered to seek permission before swallowing. I am granting you permission to handle her correction; within reason of course. I expect her body available to me when you are finished and I’m sure my wives aren’t through with you. If I recall correctly: they had just finished getting ready when the new girl decided to try to play me for a fool. Just keep in mind that your superiors are usually submissive to me. The more dominant you behave: the more they’ll think you can take. They’ll also know that they will have to take steps to enforce that you are beneath them. Scootaloo asked beforehand if I would allow her to have your ass tonight; and I gave her my permission.” “And considering what we do with that cute orange butt when Master Spike is away” Sweetie Belle chimed in with a very eager tone. “She doesn't pass on a lot of chances to be on the giving side of backdoor love.” Diamond let out a more vocal whine as the exchange concluded. Judging by the fact that Silver Spoon never stopped teasing her rump; the notion of rough butt sex wasn’t much of a deterrent. Her eyes widened and her face flushed once more. None of her discrete encounters with nobles she intended to twist around her finger or previous sessions with her den mates involved that sort of penetration. Sweetie Belle smiled at her, capturing her attention. “Yes” the Unicorn said curtly. “Silver Spoon takes it in the butt.” First Diamond Tiara had the mental image of Silver Spoon on all fours, being anally taken by the Unicorn. Then her mind added desperate moans and amused growls. To hear her more wallflower like companion indulging such acts shattered the illusion that Silver had worn in public. Another round of squirming was inspired by the simple question of how long before any of them propositioned her for her rear. Diamond flinched when her bottom received a sudden pat. Spike's hold on the now short leash permitted her to survey the spectating girls and take in their expressions. Scootaloo was unapologetically excited, Apple Bloom was more focused on what was happening behind Diamond, and Sweetie Belle was practically breathing the sight in front of her. Another tap landed and the bound woman shifted slightly. Silver Spoon didn't make an effort to hide how much she was enjoying her position. Seeing Diamond bent over the Dragon’s lap and presented for a paddling wasn’t something she would have expected to experience. The normally headstrong mare went from squirming to meekly whining. Hearing muffled protests was also a delectable part of the evening. Another gentle tap landed and caused a faint wobble. Silver briefly looked away and acknowledged the other women. Tanning Diamond Tiara’s hide was a very arousing notion but she was really looking forward to being in the middle of them was a bigger prize. She looked back down at her target and took note that the squirming hadn’t started up again. Diamond soundly grunted into the gag as she felt the audible smack of leather against flesh. Her left bun had a lingering warmth after the impact. Her right side was given an equally firm clap and she let out another muffled protest. Two down and an unknown amount left: the only true certainty was that she could excuse herself from Spike’s lap at any moment. Another pair of spanks landed on her and she gave up on fighting vocal responses. The leather paddle came down with steady rhythm, rippling her bottom while slowly building a distinct sting. The sounds of her muffled ripostes mixed with the slaps. Diamond stopped struggling and kept her eyes planted towards the floor. She could feel the Dragon’s organ start to swell with new life against her body. This was not what she would consider a reenactment or revisit of her first time being under Spike’s dominion; but this was a pleasing substitute. There was no begging to be dominated, no coy manipulation to achieve her desired position; there was only a Dragon giving orders which were obeyed. Her backside started to get a fair bit warmer and her heart was pounding in her chest. Silver kept landing strikes that focused on the thickest part of her rump but gave some attention to the entire bounty of her posterior. The tempo of claps ceased and Diamond narrowly prevented herself from trying to illicit more. The spanking itself wasn’t a high point of her evening but everything that came with it was something she would consider doing again. She also intended on giving Silver a fair amount of payback regardless of what happened to her own grey cheeks. The claw removed itself from her wrists and slowly soothed her lower back. The mild sting and heat in her rump proved to be a more lingering distraction than the taste of her husband’s manhood. She felt his claw slowly trace up her back and along her neck. She was almost startled but not surprised to see the gag suddenly drop to the floor. Diamond Tiara started to question exactly how many years were spent indulging such scandalous activities. “It cannot be stressed enough that as long as you are part of my hoard” Spike suddenly growled with new intensity, earning a mild tremble from the woman over his lap. “You are mine.” Diamond could nearly taste the dominating presence. Her interest in prolonged games, teasing, and covertly fighting to see who would be on top was shattered. She offered a very vocal and defeated moan and slightly raised her rear. She was almost disappointed that Silver refrained from giving her a final smack with the leather paddle. “Sweetie” the drake firmly said with the same presence as earlier. “Take Silver Spoon to the bed. You all can share her soon.” Diamond squirmed as she watched the Unicorn rise and move out of her field of vision. She returned shortly after with a hand firmly in Silver Spoon’s mane, marching her to the bed. Something was whispered but the aristocrat was too distracted by the rapidly evolving tone of the room to pick up on what it was. Sweetie Belle secured a blindfold over Silver’s eyes and neatly buckled leather restraints around her wrists but didn't strap them together. Diamond puzzled over the missed step as Spike guided her to her feet. She watched the Unicorn secure the same style of leather cuffs around Silver’s ankles and like with her wrists, left them unattached to their counterpart. Diamond Tiara's focus was taken away from the bed when the other two women advanced on her. Scootaloo approached from her left and Apple Bloom came from the right. She briefly wondered if they intended to make her sample their phallic devices. Spike dropped the leash and put both his claws on her hips, gripping tightly enough to lift her. Hands carefully gripped her ankles as the Dragon lifted her as predicted. The assisting women moved her ankles, guiding her knees into bending and legs into spreading. A legitimately shocked gasp slipped out as their intent dawned on her. As her upper half fell back against Spike’s body, he shifted his pelvis forward and Diamond felt the tip of his revived cock brush against her lower lips. Her head raced and her loins burned. She asked him to break her. She told him she wanted to act out being claimed as if it was her first time. Diamond started to wonder if this chain of events was carefully mapped out and the fragile grip on the earlier façade was anticipated from the start. She squirmed fruitlessly against her captors, lacking the strength to remove herself from the elevated pose she was being held in. “Give her to me” Spike growled with hungry intent. Spike's claws weren’t used to exert any degree of force. All he did was keep her pelvis steady and lined up with his royal scepter. The two active participants carefully glided their hands to Diamond’s thighs and after securing grips they started lowering her. His solid erection didn’t need any additional guidance, Spike keeping her steady and the other women guiding her body was all that was required for Diamond to be penetrated. She firmly suspected that they had done this sort of thing before: lowering a bound woman upon his throbbing organ as if they were offering a maiden to a beast that expected such gifts. Diamond growled and moaned as the penis slowly claimed more of her, her decent gradual and purposeful. The others let go of her thighs only when her mildly tender rear met the Dragon’s lap. Suddenly the beast met her growl with somehow a deeper tone than before. “Challenge me again” Spike said as his claws moved to where female hands once propped up her thighs. “Resist me, struggle, or otherwise disobey me again…and I will take your ass instead.” Diamond Tiara found herself stunned by the sudden proposition. She was prepared to silently admit to being curious about the notion. She was also very comfortable with the knowledge that it was an invitation and not a true threat; despite the tone used. She remained planted in Spike’s lap and playfully clenched around his member. A feral growl was the answer given. Testing the restraints resulted in nothing happening. Dragon claws remained on her body, ready to lift her up and bring her back down: not the sort of Dragon Ride one would traditionally daydream about. Diamond then noticed the lack of lifting or thrusting. Spike kept her planted in his lap with his erection fully inside her. Her back remained leaning against his broad chest and her bound wrists were effectively pinned. She felt one of his claws carefully move from her thigh and trace over her breasts before resting over her neck. There was no grip or any amount of pressure; just another show of power that invited her to indulge in secret fantasies of being under the dominance of someone. “You are going to watch” the beast growled into her ear. “Pay attention to what my wives are going to do. You might find yourself in that position soon enough: after I’ve properly broken you.” Diamond clenched around the trapped member again. Her eyes stared forward at the scene unfolding on the bed. Silver Spoon was positioned in a way that gave Diamond Tiara a generous side view of the activity. Her wrist cuffs had been secured to matching ankle cuffs, trapping her in a pose that kept her rear raised and presented while her head rested on satin sheets. She was still blindfolded and she seemed to be wriggling ever so slightly as if testing the restraints. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gently took hold of her shoulders, lifting her chest from the surface. Apple Bloom slid herself under the bound mare and teased her flower with the tip of the toy secured to her pelvis. A few shifts and adjustments to how she lay on her back was all it took to guide herself into penetration. Diamond took note of the fact that she might have extensive practice with such a maneuver. Silver Spoon soundly moaned and squirmed fruitlessly again, earning a playful swat on the bottom from the woman under her. The Pegasus looked at Diamond and smirked. Her own dildo softly prodded a different target and Diamond Tiara’s focus became somehow more fixed on the scene. Scootaloo slowly pushed forward and guided the tip inside. One hand gripped the base of Silver Spoon’s tail while the other kept the strapon steady. Sweetie Belle’s magic undid the leather restraints that limited Silver Spoon’s movement and casually tossed them to the floor. Diamond Tiara sharply squeaked as the Dragon moved his claw from her neck and back to her thigh. In an impressive show of strength the beast lifted her up until only the head remained inside her. Spike brought her back down with equal composure. A steady pace of thrusts was established as she watched Silver Spoon’s captors also move. Scootaloo carefully pushed back and forth with shallow thrusts. Apple Bloom seemed to be waiting before taking any more actions. Sweetie Belle took Silver’s hair and guided her up. The woman offered no resistance and used her arms to keep herself propped up. The Unicorn traced her own phallic tool along Silver’s lips but didn’t actually claim her muzzle. Scootaloo was gradually getting further and further into the forbidden hole and Silver Spoon’s reactions were getting more vocal. Spike continued to lift and drop Diamond’s body while growling carnally into her hair. “Look at her” the Dragon suddenly whispered into Diamond's ear. Diamond Tiara did not need to be told to watch. She had been watching diligently for most of the evening. It did strike a chord in her when she realized that the scene was built specifically for her. Silver Spoon wasn’t shy about the pleasure she was getting lost in, but the abrupt revelation added new perspective to the scene. Scootaloo let out an exaggerated faux moan as her hips reached Silver’s cheeks. Diamond openly gasped in surprise as Silver groaned hungrily after taking the entire length in her rear. Just who in Tartarus was this mare with the tarnished silver coat with a silicone cock all the way up her ass? Was this the same Silver Spoon she’d always known or did something change when they joined Spike’s hoard? More importantly: why didn't she meet this Silver Spoon that night in the private train cabin? Sweetie Belle purred seductively while guiding her own personalized penetrator into Silver’s muzzle. The Unicorn kept one hand on the base of her cock while one kept a grip on the communal servant’s hair. Apple Bloom started rocking her hips and Scootaloo began gently moving back and forth again, now officially screwing Silver in the butt. The country girl tilted her head and faintly nipped at Silver’s swaying breasts before displaying her muscular potential and joining the rutting. Spike’s motions got a bit faster and Diamond caught herself getting more vocal with her own moans. There was no remaining doubt that Spike ruled the roost and had a tight hold on the women in his den. Diamond kept her eyes on Silver Spoon as the other girls established steady paces with their thrusting. “This might be you someday” Scootaloo said almost casually when she caught Diamond Tiara’s eyes. “Power is nice” Apple Bloom continued while giving Silver Spoon’s rear a playful swat. “But so is total surrender: we taught your friend all about that.” “Not that you need us to tell you” Sweetie Belle said with a coy smirk. “You’re getting off on watching Silver take it in all three holes at once.” Diamond Tiara had nothing to say in response. Being taken by a Dragon while being made to watch Silver Spoon surrender to the whims of three other women outweighed what she was hearing. Her small amount of power she took from how she handled sucking Spike’s cock and electing Silver to take his seed in her stead had been rapidly taken away. Her bottom still had a degree of tenderness and the ever constant pace of Spike’s motions left her with no opportunities to try to wrestle agency from him again. The only presented option that she could find that would secure a position of authority would be her signaling them to stop the scene entirely. Use of her safeword the total surrender were the only two options she found. Spike kept helping himself to her body and she continued to watch her childhood rivals screw her oldest friend with equal gusto. Pretending that she didn’t have secret fantasies of being this sort of pet felt moot at best. The illusions and agreed roles had taken a backseat in her mind. Diamond vocally let out a high pitched squeak mixed with a moan as the her body gave in to the impending orgasm. She clenched tightly around the organ she was being bounced on. Spike held her down in his lap and growled in a satisfied manner as her form trembled and swayed in his grip. She leaned somehow further back against his sturdy chest and openly panted. “Was this what you wanted” Spike mused coyly while moving his claws from Diamond’s thighs. “Yes” “Was this what you needed?” “Yes.” Diamond shuddered as Silver uttered a muffled moan of utmost compliance. Her dominant partners slowly sunk their phallic devices in unison and rested at full depth in their claimed holes. Diamond briefly had her thoughts seized by the mental image of being part of a team effort to subdue Silver Spoon in such a way. The idea shattered and was replaced by thoughts of being in the middle of such a coordinated activity. She found herself once again wondering how much diligence and practice it took the grey coated girl to be able to accept full depth penetration in her throat and rear. Strapons slowly withdrew from Silver and she slowly laid herself fully on top of Apple Bloom. Scootaloo started removing her device. Sweetie Belle made eye contact with Diamond Tiara and grinned while slowly stroking her saliva coated silicone cock. “How long before they insist on getting turns with me” Diamond asked, still heavily panting from Spike’s service. “They won't until you consent to it” Spike answered as claws slowly freed her wrists. The Unicorn and Earthborn woman disarmed themselves with the same casual manner that their Pegasus mate had displayed with her own toy. It was comparable to whiplash to see a foursome turn into tender aftercare: Silver going from being taken by three partners at once to now being snuggled by the same women who just got done screwing her. Diamond’s hands came out from behind her back and the Dragon carefully wrapped his arms around her. “How long before I start getting asked for butt stuff?” “We won’t until you consent to it.” “So what was the plan if I ‘resisted’ earlier if I wouldn’t actually let you have anal?” “I would have swatted you or stopped entirely if that was your wish.” Diamond lightly bit her lip as the beast monopolized her focus. She slowly rose from his lap, freeing his still very erect cock. The abrupt enforcement of her authority disguised as a lack of agency over her body shot a jolt up her spine. “Are you close to cumming again” Diamond asked with a coy grin. “Yes.” “You want to climax from taking away my anal virginity?” “Yes” Spike growled hungrily. “Are you offering or are you simply being curious?” “Offering conditionally” Diamond slowly swayed her bottom and lifted her tail to further taunt the beast. The subtle game of covertly fighting for what one might call ‘topping rights’ was a powerful aphrodisiac to her. She didn’t imagine that she would be rewarded with another orgasm but new curiosities needed to be explored on her terms. “I'm listening” Spike replied while taking in the view of tinted cheeks. “I'm not going to pretend that I’m not in a vulnerable position.” “I didn't think so” Diamond purred while slowly walking towards the bed. “A hot bath afterwards; with a handsome Dragon treating me like a proper queen.” “Bathed and worshipped” Spike said with a grin of his own while his gaze remained fixed on Diamond’s generously presented booty. “In exchange for the privilege of your backdoor?” “Terms that I feel are fair enough” Diamond purred again while slowly using her knees to climb onto the bed. She assumed a pose on her hands and knees, separating her legs enough to reveal herself, posterior made available while her toes remained narrowly off the edge. “Unless of course you would prefer to finish yourself off while enjoying the view?” Spike growled in amusement as Diamond got into position. He rose from his seat and advanced towards the offering. His claw reached into the chest and found lubricant. He caught Sweetie watching as he applied a generous amount to his throbbing member. “Accepted” the Dragon said with carnal intentions. One claw gripped the base of Diamond Tiara’s tail and the other held his organ steady. Bestial urges burned in his mind with an intensity easily surpassing what he felt earlier when he was bouncing her in his lap. The invitation to her previously forbidden orifice came with conditions but such details did not diminish any anticipation he had for the act itself. There was also the fact that in such an act; his partner was a virgin. The possibility of being granted further privilege hung on his ability to suppress raw lusts and treat her body with the utmost respect. He softly growled as the tip met her entrance and he drank deep from her abrupt squeak. The reflexive resistance of an inexperienced partner offered unique experiences and opportunities. The Dragon waited motionless, taking in the sound of Diamond’s breathing. Slowly the instinctive denial became suppressed and he could feel the relaxing of her body. Spike waited longer to see if she would voice having second thoughts. Diamond Tiara took a moment to compile the situation she had gotten into. An extended pampering was still being weighed as a worthy trade for indulging in such acts. Gradually it shifted from the title of a trade to more of a kind of reward for taking Spike’s very literal Dragon Cock up her butt. Sweetie Belle made no secret about observing but also lacked any signs that she would refuse if told to back away and find something else to occupy herself with. The grip on her tail was mild, an exertion of just enough effort to keep her tail raised and out of the way; yet it was extraordinarily reminiscent of the gentle tugs of her leash. The alien sensation of the edge of Spike’s penis pressing into her compounded with the soft yet dominating grip. The once vivid mental image of being bathed was overtaken by rapidly changing ideas of what her first go at anal sex would be like. Her husband's consistent grasp of an aura that could only be described as being the undisputed master of her everything was intoxicating. It almost didn’t matter what the impending penetration would feel like. As long as the show of power was upheld; she felt that she was up for anything. The head of the solid organ pushed against her rear a bit firmer; with just enough strength to sink into her. Diamond bit down on the sheets and grunted from the sudden yet expected intrusion. Her eyes widened slightly and a very distinct pinch-like sensation was felt in her rump. It was absurd and admittedly cliché in her head to imagine that his cock was somehow larger but when pushed into a tighter place it was also fitting: pun not intended by her imagination. Spike pushed again, sinking the head of his organ into her. Diamond grunted again from the deeper intrusion. The carnal growl seemed to radiate through the room. The Unicorn softly took Diamond’s hand into her own; the gesture resulted in eye contact between the two. “Relax” Sweetie Belle said almost tenderly. “He knows to be gentle until you ask for more. He knows to stop when told. He wants you to like it in the ass: but it’s not his decision whether or not you like it.” Sweetie leaned closer, close enough to whisper into Diamond’s ear. “Do you want me to use my magic to help?” Diamond’s eyes widened further as the offer sunk in with gravity equal to the head of a Dragon’s penis penetrating her backdoor. “It won’t make you suddenly like it in the ass” the Unicorn softly continued while stroking Diamond’s mane with her free hand. “It will just…make you less likely to not hate it.” “Yes” Diamond uttered sharply under her breath as she realized that there was an actual pulse to be felt in her rear. “Do it.” Sweetie Belle softly kissed her cheek and out of the corner of Diamond’s eye she could spot the glow radiating off her pearl white horn. Her rear tingled for a moment as the cock resting in her rear suddenly felt less intrusive. Her body relaxed further under the influence of magic and the almost vivid discomfort faded. The unique manner she was feeling stretched was the same but it was almost as if it had been done before. The beast in her butt growled again as if reacting to the change. She bit her lip slightly and gave Sweetie’s hand a squeeze. Diamond squirmed in spot and felt a gentle tug of her tail. The invading organ slowly slid further into her, bringing with it the sensation of being filled. Pitched squeaks came out as the foreign feeling encroached further into her. Spike's lubricated member slowly pushed onward and then pulled back until only the head remained. Spike began a slow rhythm of guided thrusts in and out of Diamond’s bottom and his motions were matched by her breathing. She gave the Unicorn's hand another squeeze while she tried to wrap her brain around how easy it had become. Clearly the use of magic was the only reason her body permitted such a degree of pace and depth. Judging by what she felt from just the tip; there was no way that she would let him do this much without the help. The slick shaft kept pushing and retracting and the beast kept growling in pleasure; all while Diamond remained with her supple rump presented. “If you want him to really give it to you” Sweetie suddenly cooed after playfully nipping Diamond’s ear. “Bring your wrists behind your back.” Diamond Tiara nearly yelped as the Unicorn lightly bit down on her earlobe. Between the cock in her rear and the apparent head of the pecking order in the harem taking an interest in helping the act reach a satisfying conclusion for her; the taste of the power dynamic had gotten bolder on her palette. Not too long ago she was too clenched to let him poke the tip inside and now she was told how to signal Spike into fully claiming her plot. She groaned into the sheets as it occurred to her that Sweetie Belle was thoroughly enjoying being part of the experience. Another playful nip landed on her ear as her hand was softly squeezed. Diamond started to wonder if the Unicorn was present when Silver Spoon gave up her anal virginity. She wondered if Sweetie Belle was currently fantasizing about having a turn with Diamond surrendering her rear. Diamond Tiara drew a labored breath as her thoughts managed to succumb deeper into lust fueled curiosity. Knowing that Spike was apparently prepared to go a step further upon subtle request made for several tempting thoughts. Knowing that Sweetie Belle had access to magic that allowed one to explore such things with much greater ease than anticipated encouraged such thoughts. She started to wonder what the extent that Spike would go to if she performed the simple gesture that asked for more. Her face resumed a crimson shade as it dawned on her that ultimately she would be asking if not playfully begging the Dragon to fuck her harder or deeper in the backdoor if not both. Part of her became equally curious about how far she would be permitted to take things when it was her turn to take the reigns. She also wondered if her fascination with established and enforced positions of power was a common kink among the polygamous herd. Sweetie Belle coyly reached under Diamond Tiara’s chest and caressed her breasts. Spike continued to slowly guide his member back and forth, half his length claiming Diamond's tightest hole. With a defeated moan, Diamond slowly moved her wrists behind her back, just above the base of her tail. A hungry, bestial growl pierced the room and Spike’s claw moved from cock and gripped his surrendering mate’s offered wrists. The claw that kept hold of her tail let go of the collection of hair and grasped a fair amount of her mane. Diamond gasped soundly at the change in the overall tone of the scene. The broad claws holding her wrists and hair carried a very different unspoken message from the comparatively tame act of keeping her tail from obstructing the view of his cock penetrating her. Pitched squeaks filled the room as the Dragon slowly pushed deeper and deeper into Diamond’s posterior. The gradual, composed decent into her rekindled the mental illusion that his cock had gotten a lot larger. The feeling of his scales press against her supple bottom. To say that she felt full failed to do her feeling justice. Diamond caught herself moaning from Spike’s bestial growling as he rested at full depth inside her. The odd sensation of being taken anally was certainly less pleasurable than when she was riding on him earlier. She wasn’t sure if she would say she enjoyed such penetration but she wasn’t opposed to it either. On the other hand though, Silver Spoon appeared to enjoy having Scootaloo give her a round of backdoor love. Diamond Tiara buried her face into the sheets upon realizing that she was rationalizing the idea of getting used to it. Spike slowly pulled his throbbing erection back and firmly slid back in, again reaching the maximum depth that her still slightly tender rump permitted. She playfully tested the grip on her wrists and the Dragon gave her a slightly harder thrust. Diamond Tiara uttered what sounded like a muffled bark into the mattress as Spike clapped his pelvis against her bottom. The new level of force used to bury his cock inside her as if punishing her for squirming sent strong jolts up her spine and through her loins. She was still feeling ripples from the orgasm from earlier and she could still taste his penis and seed. Diamond voluntarily let out another bark like response when Spike gave her another hard thrust. The Dragon began to take her with the same gusto he had before and resumed declaring his pleasure and dominance with carnal growls. Sweetie Belle continued to watch, again making no effort to hide her amusement. Spike’s claw in his submissive lover’s hair tightened its grip and guided her into tilting her head, making her muzzle unobstructed by the covers. Diamond stopped acknowledging that there were others in the room. There was just her, the Dragon, and the carnal activity. Spike let out a powerful roar and his organ seemed to begin vibrating in Diamond’s rump. The invading shaft twitched with a very familiar pace. She vividly felt the strong shaft manage to wriggle deeper as he climaxed inside her. Diamond let out a wordless cry that resembled her husband’s name. She remained in her pose as Spike removed himself from her. His claws left her body and after a moment she let herself lay prone on the bed. She glanced at the adept mage who just smiled at her. “To answer the obvious question” Sweetie Belle said almost casually while softly stroking Diamond Tiara's mane. “I went ahead and interfered again. It’s your first time taking the master in the ass. Having a hot shot of cum up there unexpectedly can be a mood killer if you're not used to it.” Diamond said nothing. Catching her breath seemed to be more important than contributing. Spike carefully lifted her into his arms, cradling her against his broad chest. She realized that the other women had sat upright, all of them apparently had watched her virgin bottom taken by their husband. Silver Spoon winked before leaning forward and kissing Diamond on the lips, sharing stronger notes of Spike’s essence. “Thanks for being part of tonight” her grey coated lover softly whispered into her ear. “This wasn’t too much, was it?” “To be perfectly honest” Diamond said with a grin while subtly reaching at a higher position in the pecking order. “I forgot that tonight was about you. I got so carried away with the fantasy of being a new harem girl that I let this feel like it was about me.” “I will remember you said that” Silver Spoon replied with a smile. “I’ll also remember that you apparently liked it when I spanked you.” Diamond's face became flushed as her sister wife stepped up to her challenge. “I'll also remember that you easily give up your butt when put in your place.” “Like someone else I know” Scootaloo chimed in before playfully giving the grey mare’s tail a sudden tug.