Wasteland Blues

by Yazaboy

First published

A group of three wastelander wake up in Equestria.

A group of Nightmare Moon cultists summon three strange creatures. These big scary looking monkeys are not their radiant, elegant, greatful, and powerful leader. Who was so wrongly removed from her throne. "Oh crud their waking up, oh well we can always try again next Thursday."

Thomas M. Peterson: A reclusive hunter who stalks the commonwealth with his trusty companion Dog Meat. Often spending weeks at a time hunting down the most dangerous monsters in the Waste.
Equipment: 50. Cal Suppressed Hunting Rifle, Combat Knife, and Explosives. Dressed in a worn olive trench coat, grey beanie, and tan poncho.

Dustin: A wastelander through and through. He travels with his trusty gatling laser and T-60 power armour. Often roaming the Capital wastes and forging a bloody path. Slaughtering raiders and supermutants alike.
Equipment: Heavily modified Gatling Laser, T-60 Power Armour, and Power Fist. Dressed in a full well maintained suit of T-60 power armour.

James Whitman: This charismatic courier travels the Mojave in search of caps and any adventure he can find. Acting has a traveling hero, who will for the right amount of caps fix any problem. Though he is a bit picky about who he'll help.
Equipment: The Medicine Stick, Sequoia Revolver, Lucky, Hunting Shotgun, and motorcycle. Wearing Elite Ranger Armour.

Chapter 1 A Wild Wasteland

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Chapter 1, Wild Wasteland

POV James Whitman

I woke up with a slamming headache. The moon blazing high above the tree line. Attempting to stand left my legs like rubber and tasting purple with my ears. Looking around I found my bike stood up against a massive oak tree. Wait a oak tree, in the middle of the Mojave. Removing my helmet I took a deep breath and kept looking around. FIrst thing I saw was a massive rut in the ground leading up to a man in T-60 power armour, and another man in a filthy like green coat. "Well the good news is that I'm not here alone." Bringing up my pitboy 3000 I checked my rads. I was pretty fucked up. And after three Rad Aways I felt like a new man again. I yelled "Hey shit heads you know why were here? Or what were supposed to do and why?" I picked up a rock and threw it at the tin can. "Wake the Fuck up shit heads. And tell me where the fuck we are."

The big lump of metal gets up and also takes a shit load of Radaway. "Dude shut your cunt whore of a mouth. I got a splitting headache. ~Dustin" Lifting his helmet half way up his face. He then pulled a bottle of whisky, a entire bottle from a brown canvas bag. Then he drank the entire bottle. Like no joke, and I'm pretty sure the smell woke up sleeping beauty. He started searching through his bag and pulled out a bag of Rad Away. Followed by a cigarette.

"Ahhh, man I fell great. This fresh air is doing me wonders. Haven't seen trees like this since before the bombs.~Thomas" Taking a long pull from his cigarette.

I was getting about fed up with my two substance abusive companions. "So do any of you know where we are. Because last thing I remember I was traveling the Mojave wastes and making a small fortune while doing so. And I would like to be getting back to that." "I mean the strip isn't going to run itself." Their lack of a reaction was more than a bit vexing. I mean I killed a lot of baddies to get my name recognition. I mean I the courier who won the battle for Hoover Dam. Sure the remnants and boomers helped but I was the main force.

Dustin got up, his hulking form towering over everyone else. "Look I don't know who the Fuck you guys are or why were we are. But it looks like we got stuck in this shit show together, so let's try to work things out.~Dustin" Swinging around his massive gun like a toy and resting it on his shoulder plate. " So who's, who and what's what?~Dustin" "Now my name is Dustin and I'd like to her your names please.~Dustin"

The Tom began to fidget. Standing up and digging his boot into the ground. "Well my name is Tom and uhh I guess it is good to be apart of the group.~Tom" Skillful adjusting the dials on his scope. "I guess it good to have some company.~Tom" Tom sitting down on the damp ground. Merging with the environment and becoming a shadow. Lurking and watching the other two.

I stood up and walked into the dim moon light. Allowing my night vision to adjust. "So for those of you who don't know who I am already. I'm the waste walking motherfucking Courier. So don't Fuck with me, and we'll get on just fine." I pulled out my compass and picked due South for an acceptable detection to go wondering off in. "Alright my band of makeshift marry men, I'm going South. Fallow me don't fallow me I don't give a shit." The two others seemed more or less ok with my sudden bid for leadership.

We are moving at a crawl. Between my bike and Dustin's Power Amour being stuck in the mud it was starting to look rather sad. For Tom's part in things he moved through the forest like the wind. Moving through thickets has if he wasn't there. Looking ahead for an exit. "Ok but guy let me get that for you and we might just get this show on the road.~Dustin" His arms swooping in has he lifted up the bike. So gently you'd though it would have been feather. And noticeably picked up the pace. "I'm sorry but we can't be waiting on you all day and my about sinking because of how slow you are with this thing."

"You know what I don't ask for any help and If I needed it if ask. I was just trying to keep pace with you."

Both Tom and Dustin in unison "Yeah sure"

I fixed my belt and turned on some music I had on my pip boy. Muttering "Fuck you guys."



The thick tree and underbrush soon started to thin. Allowing enough light to pierce the thick canopy to be able to seen more than 20 yards. We entered a small clearing and saw a little cottage. It has a straw roof and looked about 5 million years old. A number of animals scampered around the hut. Illuminated by the moon. "I haven't seen animals like that sense before the war.~Tom" This caught both of our attentions. Did he know if we could eat it? What was it and is it better than gecko meat? I went to go catch on but Tom's hand stopped me. "Here let me catch this one, their loud and who ever owns this one won't be happy were taking it.~Tom" He moved has quite has the dead. And quickly dispatched of the bird. Retiring just has silently. "Look like we got chicken for dinner today boys, ooh yeah this is good eaten. Almost has much has potted meat." Ignoring the disturbing thought of something liking the taste of potted meat, but I doubt this was worse than what I had. So Fuck it why not, it isn't every evening that you wake up in a forest with three heavily armed men and steal some tasty food.

We retreated over a nearby hill to enjoy our ill gotten gains. Dustin took the prepared meat from Tom, had butchered the bird in seconds. He then rubbed them dow n with some sort of spices and put them on sticks. While the worked on that I set up a small fire to cook the meat. The smell alone put Tom's words to shame. I sat waiting on the coming feast,I never had this before but if it was has good has it smelled I could die happy after eating it. "Ok boy I'm gonna enjoy this if it is the last thing I do." The other two didn't seem in the mood to argue. Both also watch the food cook counting the seconds. "I'm I think it is done plenty for me. I'm digging in!" All three launched an all out assault on the food.

"Ok boy you've had chicken now how was it and be honest? ~Tom"shushing

"It was way better than sex, like so much better."

"It was good, but better than sex. I don't know about that, you probably been with cheap prostitutes. But I can't blame the ladies if the prefer chocolate to vanilla.~Dustin

"Yeah the Fuck YOU KNOW ABOUT IT. I bet the only pussy you seen was your mothers. Waste land fuck. "

Dustin was laughing his was off. Now that pissed me and Lucky off. So I put it up against his now armoured head. "Fuck me, when did you put that thing back on you big hunk of meat?"

"What you think I haven't pissed off anyone else enough for them to pull and gun on me.~Dustin"

Our friendly chat was interrupted my Tom shushing us and moving up the hill. Sliding down he kicked dirt into the fire putting it out. A faint woman's voice could be heard in the distance. "Shut the Fuck up you two and try to hide at least a little. Someone is looking for their chicken.~Tom" He hugged the slope of the hill, carefully hiding his silhouette. Taking a pair of binoculars and looking out at the cottage his sudden jerk gave away his shock. I moved up next to him to see what he was looking at and saw a yellow and pink horse. "What on God's green earth is that? And who the Fuck out matching yellow wings on it.~Tom" It Looked over at us before returning to what ever stupid shit animals do.

Trapped my out yet unseen pursuers and the bright over head moon I started to try and think a way out. We would probably be best served just making a run for it. I mea n there was no way we were seeking out of this. "Alright boy, it looks like we are huffing it out of this one. There is no way they won't notice a motorcycle and massive suit of power armour clanking down the hill." The sun was having to rise and our shadowy allies were on the run. "On 3 1, 2 3," we took off and amazingly ran right into a entire village.

Mint Green Pony "What are those? Are they monsters and why are they making so much noise? Some ponies might be trying to sleep."

"Guy what the fuck, did that just talk?"

"Uhh.... I think so they didn't use to do that did they? ~Tom"

"Nope this is all new to me. And look at its' eyes. Their massive and that fur. "

We did what any group of self respecting wastelanders would do. Started pointing guns at the growing crowds off mutated horses. Not that they cared, they just kept creeping in on us. That was until a war shattering scream rang out.

Chapter 2 I Don't Want to Start a Fire

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I Don't Want to Start a Fire


P.O.V Fluttershy

I pace back and forth. My hooves clanging on the road, my fur standing on ends. It isn't like Wallonia to just run off. She usually let's me know whenever she leaves and in the middle of the night! Oh what could have caused her to run off, was it something I said. Oh dear, oh dear, oh deary me. "Hey Flutters look at this a bunch of monkeys are running through town. Oh man they are freaking out, there all like roar and were all like ohh! I just about busted a gut listening to it. ~Rainbow"

"Monkeys oh, I wonder if they need help. Monkeys don't live in Equestria normally, I wonder if they got out of a zoo. I'm sure there scarred stiff. Poor things."

Rainbow flew off probably to go tournament the animals. She can be a bit mean sometimes. " Oh well I suppose I'll go help them. They might know where Wallonia is.

I trotted down Main street, until I got to Redwood Drive. Where I saw one of the monkeys run by, though I thought he was silver. What a silly mistake to make, I mean monkeys aren't silver are they? Did I just discovered a new species, oh by Celestia! Picking up the pace I was greeted by a massive metal beast. Fear ran rapid through me, freezing my limbs. Suddenly I found my mind perfectly clear with only one thing on it. Running away, has far and fast has I could. "Ahhh, monsters, monsters, Run for your lives." Rainbow Cash swooped down and landed in front of me cutting of my escape. Before I could get around her she grabbed me.

Rainbow pulled my in front of her face, "calm down Flutters your safe here with me. I'm not gonna let anypony touch you. Ok you are safe.~Rainbow" She placed a weird amount of emphasis on that last word. But how could I be safe a giant metal monster was behind me. I turned to get another look at it and it was gone. Swallowed up by the small town, maybe it went back to where it belongs. "Ok Flutters there n nothing there you ok. It is ok.~Rainbow " I sat down on my mind legs and started to sniffle. Then cry, shaking, and pushing myself into Rainbow. "Shhh, Shh, just let it all out. Man what has got you all worked up?" I started to ball, soaking Rainbow soft fur.

"Oh Rainbow, those things just about scarred me to death. And Wallonia is missing to top it all off. Oh I fell just awful."

"Tell you what I'll help you find Wallonia. I'm sure she just got a bit lost.~Rainbow"

P.O.V. Thomas

"Hey Dustin over here, come on quick." Dustin thunder over, shaking the ground has he ran. Sliding into The ally way. The soft hiss of hydraulics became audible has he came to a stop. "Ok so whatever lives here doesn't seem to be dangerous, but there is a lot of them. I not sure where Jame's bike is but he is just across the street." Dustin turn sideways until his shoulders touched both walls of the ally. "See him" his helmet bobbed up and down.

James came running over. Rifle in hand and looking all around, his head on a swivel. "Ok so those horses seemed to have lost interest, a handful are still where we started. By my bike.~James" He pulled out an old vault 13 canteen and pulled of his helmet. This revealed a slender and sun kissed face. Taking a long drink from the worn canteen and then replaced his helmet. "I can't read any of the writing but they seem to speak civilized. And I doubt their fixin for a fight.~James" I moved has close to the edge has I could without being seen, looking down the street. It was clear and the oddly the town was dead quite.

"I only seen one horse and it didn't stay to talk. They seem to be rather cautious folk, maybe they got a raider problem." The distant sound of clattering drew the groups attention and they looked up and down the street. Searching for the source of the faint sound. The sound slowly grew in volume. "Now I doubt that that is a good sound, so I reckon now might be a good time to make a run for it."

Dustin pick up his gattling laser and started out into the street. Yelling " Alright ladies let's get moving. Or do you need to rest you weak little legs.~Dustin"

James ran out taking off down the street passing up Dustin. "Oh don't tell my that amour is slowing you down again. Maybe you should ditch it.~James"

"Yeah you wish I've still got plenty of gas. ~Dustin" His banter all but drowned out by power amour. "And I'm gonna pass you up sooner or later.~Dustin"

The two ran down several streets chasing each other. Both keeping pace and neither gaining a clear advantage. This all stopped when horses landed in front of them. Their golden amour glistening in the sun light. Followed by more landing behind them. James bike was be looked over by eight horses. They drew swords forming a ring around them boxing them in. One in hideous purple armour stepped forward, opening his mouth to speak. A can landing in front of him and then erupting in smoke. Quickly filling the air, Thomas appearing out of thin air. "Come on this way, we haven't got long there more on their way." Thomas grabbed James and tried to pull on Dustin. We got about two streets over before we ran out of cover. Approaching the forest a purple bubble formed and popped in front of us. In its place stood six horses. "Other way," before they had made it three feet one horse had decided to stand in front of Dustin. Dustin didn't stop and kind of kicked it out the way. Before he was hit in the back, damaging his fusion core.

Chapter 3 Prelude (Flash Back)

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Chapter 3 Prelude

P.O.V Dustin

I walked out of the Citadel, leaving behind the Brotherhood. It seems hard to believe that they used to help people. That they used to give out free water. That they helped him stop the Enclave, but that was before the realized what that water was. Before they stopped just hoarding pre war tech and started to use the power my father had given them. A near unlimited supply of water. A nearly unlimited supply of caps, caps that once more lined the pockets of fewer and fewer.

They carved a bloody path through the Capital Waste. Hiring mercenaries to do the dangerous jobs, and using any desperate enough for anything else. I did more than my fair share of killing in their name and lost too many friends to count. I dug through forgotten terminals and dredged through radioactive waste. Where ever I went the Brotherhood influence followed. I left no stone unturned and no box left untouched. With ever step I took towards making the Capitol safer, they took one into isolation. Soon all the threats were gone, and they turned their weapons on undesirables.

This wasn't what I left the vault for, they aren't who I left the vault for. I helped them because I thought they wanted what Dad wanted. Now I see that we were wrong, and it's time to move on. I only hope that others will see what the Brotherhood has become and turn away. The time of tyrants have passed, the age of men has just started. Soon the winds will blow over these decaying remnants of a dead world. Giving room for civilization to grow once more, and just maybe this time we'll get it right.

P.O.V James

Boone figure disappeared into the distance. Cassidy placed her hand on my shoulder, rubbing it softly. I started to call asleep my eyes weighed down by the drink. Drink that I was far too unfamiliar with, drink that made the events of today a little easier. Today I won the second battle for Hoover Dam. Today the concrete turned crimson has the class of the Bear meat the horns of the Bull.

I took another long drink, the liquor burning my throat and numbing my senses. Now I can see what only a dead man can see. I've see the Grim reaper wonder the Dam with his dreadful bell. I try to get up but the sea of brass I'm resting on and the liquor undermine my footing. Cassidy helps me up with, and we walk away from this graveyard. Down a long and winding road, pass God knows how many corpses and broken bones. Pass the cost of this victory and the downfall of tyrants.

The one nagging question I have, one that leaves me worried. The kind of question that keeps a man up at night. One that never seems to be asked. What did I just do? Did I just stop one tyrant, only for him to be replaced. Will threats ever cease or will we always need to fight. Have the men who died today achieved a lasting victory or is it temporary. If so how long, weeks, months, or years? Will we be called to fight in some other place, doomed to fight eternally threats from all sides. What is the price of this fair land and how often must we pay it?

My internal monologue was disrupted by me tripping and almost falling down. But I had.Cassidy there to pick me up. Soon we had reached where I'd hidden my bike. The open road leading far, far, away, has never been so appealing before. The engine roared into life, and Cassidy slid onto the back seat. We took off down the road, and I didn't look back.

P.O.V Thomas

The scream of the sirens echoed in my head. The airship plummeted to the ground in a spectacular fire ball. The majority of the Brotherhood of Steel had escaped on the Vertibirds. Retreating back to where they came from. I had given them the chance to escape this time, but I won't a second. There is no room in the Commonwealth for men like Maxison. The Institute and Minute Men will rebuild it.

The strength of free men who stand can never be overcome. With ever day that passes I solidify our position and root out all of the evil in the Commonwealth. The people will have peace and with the guiding principles of our founding fathers democracy has well.

For our Nation built on a common man's alliance, forged by war, the spirit of revolution, and with guiding hand of the best minds the world has to offer. Will be a shining light of hope to pierce the thick fog of the waste. For we shall shelter the weak, poor, and huddled masses from the terror of the wasteland. For has long has we change each other to stand with we can never fall.

One of my Commandos walked up to me from behind. His name was Hank Or Frank Horrigan. He handed me my rifle and walked back into the shadows. Watching me from a safe distance, he wasn't much of a talker anymore. Had a run in with some vault dweller out west. Got pretty banged up.

Nick and Preston took off from the castle to rummage through the wreckage and find any survivors. There Vertibird passing several Brotherhood ones. Though a handful of well place missile launchers took care of the Brotherhood ones.



Chapter 4 Atom Bomb Baby

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Chapter 4 Atom Bomb Baby

P.O.V Cloudy Skies

The ground shook and the air burn hot has the very gates of Taurus. I watched the light, burn and consume my fellow guardsmen. Dust swallowing the street while in seconds. I felt a tremendous pressure lift me higher into the sky. My body felt so heavy and then so light. The soft ringing in my ears overtook the world, shutting out the sounds all around. I collided with the ground, it sucked the heat from my breath. Its icy tendrils wrapped my limbs until the radiant warmth of Celestia's love. It flowed freely and numbed my pain. It hurts so bad, and I need to rest so I can fight again.

P.O.V Moon Runner

My ward shielded me from the impact of that spell. What it did not do is dampen the noise, the ringing in my ears are a testimony to that. The ward is however still intact even if it is covered in a thick brown liquid. I dissipate the ward and to try and find Captain Golden Hooves. The dust completely obscuring everything but a soft purple glow behind me. The ringing in me ears beings to quite and that is when I hear the first cry for help. Then more and more until there are too many to count. I prepare me best healing magic and go forwards to find somepony.

The Dust settles enough for me to find somepony, it is a Sky Blue Pegasus with a rainbow main. She looks pretty banged up. I think she was thrown into the wall by those monster before the spell went off. I cast a series of some of my strongest first aid spells. My horn pounding from the effort and I have to take a break inbetween the last two. Both of our fur at this point is stained by the brown mud and it clings to anything I touch.

I look around and find that all of that disgusting dust has settled to the ground. Letting me see the full effect of that spell. Twenty or so ponies are laying on the ground and coated in mud and dust. The walls on two houses have been blow in, and a large flowing river of blood runs down the street. It picks up dust and makes that mud. I look down at it and realize I'm covered in somepony's blood. I feel my lunch climbing into my throat and vomit. The acid burning my throat, my body frozen by terror. Who could do this and how is this even possible.

The defending sound from before along with some other version forces me to look up. The few that are still standing exploded, burn, or turn to ash. Blood splatters all over me from the closest pony and it turns my soft blue gray fur dark red. My white main is turned pink and crimson dripping out of my hair and onto the ground. Only four of five of us are still in fighting condition I think. It is hard to tell with all of the blood. The massive metal monster stomps toward me, my entire body shaking and amour rattling. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out, fear stealing my words. "Take me to your leader you crazy fuck. ~Dustin"

I turn to run has cast has I can from these beast my legs find it renewed strength. "Not so fast you cunt.~Dustin" I feel his fist wrap around my torso and clamp down on it like a vice. His steely grip inescapable. I try to scrape and kick at his foreleg but I only seem to hurt my self. Along with smearing blood and dust on his amour. He began shaking me violently "Stop dicking around and listen to me you bitch. I'm going to need to to stop fucking around and tell me witch of the remains crazy fuck tards are your leader. Trust me little bitch you don't want to find out what will happen if I ask again.~Dustin"

I raised a hoof at Celestia and her small group of ponies. He seemed happy with this a d threw me onto the ground half heartedly. The other two advancing pass him towards them and somehow looking more dangerous than the big one. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath. Glad not to be drawing their anger, and believing that Celestia will stop them.

P.O.V Twilight

Two of the three inpony monsters that had just killed an entire company of guard are walking towards us. I need to think my magic can't hold them from lon..... The sound of all my wards failing out once destroyed any hope I might have had. We were all going to die and not even Celestia and Luna can help us. "So who the Fuck is paying for all that ammunition? What do I look funny or something that shit is expensive and I'm not paying for it. So do I take payment from of corpse or what?~James"

The second one who had no amour on, took on step toward us. "What my friend is trying to say is that we didn't come looking for a fight. But if you compensate us for our losses we will look the other way. Ok?~Tom"

Celestia walked close to them and took a deep breath before speaking. "Genital Colts you do realize you just killed a number of my precious ponies? What makes you think we are going to pay you.......~Celestia"

She was cut off by one of the monsters putting a weird pipe thing in her mouth. His red eyes and amour making him intimidation enough to make Celestia flinch. The other over drew a short sword out of thin air with his magic. Playing with it like it was a toy, something no normal pony would do. "Are you quite sure about that. I'm not to bothered about killing you all but ammo isn't cheap. So why don't we help each other out and call this good eh?~James" Celestia reconsidering their offer found it to be acceptable. Nodding her head to make it clear. "Great news.~James"

The big one seemed to relax a bit and the one with the sword let out a soft sigh. They both had much larger weapons than most ponies and look six and seven foot tall at least respectively. They are quite possibly the most intimidating things I have ever seen. Oh why are they so interesting! I mean who and what are they? Where do the come from? How did they get here?

Chapter 5 Blue Moon

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Chapter 5, Blue Moon

[size=0.7M5em]P.O.V James

I sit in a old some old bar on what I assume to be a massive pile of gold. Like no joke those backwards tribal horses just decided to cut their losses and pay us off. And I don't hafta fell on lick of guilt because they came lookin for the fight. We just got to fixin them good and proper. My good friends are enjoying life to its fullest extent with their vice of choice. Dustin is going through drink like water and Thomas is hitting up some Med-x. Both had some bull shit excuse for how they got hooked, Dustin started after his dad died giving out free water, and Tom got started while fighting in the Army.

I however have the refined taste of a civilized society. Such as nice looking bottle of Whisky and San Francisco Sunlights to enjoy while I listen to some shit music the horses got. Not anything like what they play in the Mojave or California. Tom looks like he is about to completely fall through his chair and Dustin is half way to pickling his liver. "So boys what are we doing tomorrow, I mean we can't get fucked up every day. Plus I feel like getting back to work might be profitable." I take a long pull from my cigar and try to blow some smoke rings. "I heard from one of the horses that their some Griffin folk who do the work now. I bet we can make a small fortune doing the Lord's work and making this place a bit safer. Or less safe I'm good with either."

Dustin turning and opening his mouth tried to say something but it only came out has a slurred mumbles. Waking towards me he was looking like a leaf could knock him over, he didn't stop when he reached me. Instead he fell into a nearby table. Tom didn't do much he was way to high to give a single fuck. "Well I'll see you bitches later I've got cash and it is burning a whole in my pocket." I got up, then strolling out into the street. A slight wobble and soft blush revealed my buzz. I sang some gibberish made up song and laughed my head off. The horses looked more than a bit terrified to see me.

Pushing the door of some shop open I took a good look. Finding the sales person at the counter and walking up to them, Preparing to put my legend bartering skills to use. "So what the fuck do you horse folk well here, and try to be quick about it I'm a busy man." Leaning has close to them just to add to the slight intimidation factor. They horse who was yellow and wearing some paper bar looked intimated as fuck.

"Well, uhhhhh... Mister we sell desserts and and, baked goods at Sugar Cube Corner. So if you wawawant I can sell you something. If that is Ok?~Carrot Cake" Pointing a fancy looking tray of cupcakes I deliberately was under paying. He handed me the lot and put them in some dinky pink paper bag. "Have a good day mister, and please come back again.~Carrot Cake"

Gent oh grabbing the bag I brought it up to eye level for inspection. I can see the blue bartering next to the pink ones, was this clown trying to be funny. "Why the Fuck is this bag pink give me a blue one you dick." I put the bag on the counter and started to star him down. "Oh and while your at it why don't you give me something on the house for wasting my time." He was more than happy to hop right to it and make some weird was face while doing so.

Someone else who had seen watching us wasn't so happy to put up with my attitude. Has I was turning to leave I fought a glimpse of a horse on its front legs about to kick me. And boy did it kick me sending me into a nd then through the counter. My head slamming into the back door to the display case. "Now you better learn to be nice to ponies or I got plenty more bucks where that came from.~AJ" I drew Luck from her holster and prepared to gun down that crazy cunt. She just ruined my cup cakes. But that yellow horse from before had already come around to the other side nd was standing in front of me.

"Are you ok, let me replace those for you. Honey call Miss Redheart. Apple Jack just put a customer through out counter. Oh Celestia what could have gotten. Into her. For ~Carrot Cake" He bit me sleeve and pulling my onto my feet.ing

"Thanks Horse dude. What an asswhole am I right?"

"My name is Carrot Cake and I'm a pony, but yeah. Apple Jack is so nice too, what could have gotten into her."

"Maybe she was friends with one of those dickheads who attacked us. I mean I might understand that, but who picks a fight with me by themselves, I have killed way too many people to be disrespected like that. I deserve at least three maybe even four."

A Blue pony came out of the kitchen and gasped at the mess. Carrot meanwhile had given me a new bag of CupCakes and a link pony was sweeping up the mess, with her hair. "No it not the guards, one of our friends got hurt in the fight. And she is pretty upset. Anyways here are your guys invitation for your parties." I had to pause for a moment to accept the fact that she had just pulled those out of her hair. I must have hit my head harder than I thought because I'm seeing things. I snach them up and put them in my duster. She hop off and I notice the counter is completely fixed.

"How did she just do that? Is me magic?" Carrot Cake just shakes his head and sorta shrugs. "This is why I don't do drugs must of got some fumes of something second hand. I mean how is any of that even possible?"

Chapter 6 A Night To Remember

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Chapter A Night to Remember


P.O.V James

Dustin and Tom had started the party on their own time and had drunken themselves in to a stopped before the first guest arrived. Both passing out half way through the party, though quite a few ponies kept their distance and thankfully only Pinky had tried talking too us. Not that we paid her any mind, but Fuck did she have one hell of a mouth. Seeing both Dustin and Tom to from looking nice to shiftfaced was one plus. I mean Dustin cleaned up nice and Tom didn't look like a psychopath.

Both had by now dropped any pretenses and were drinking like fishes. I got to figger that Dustin should have died about 8 bottles ago. Though the bottles kept coming, the servers always had one ready for them. They even had this amazing tequila, I had I'd say two or three glasses of the stuff. It was strong stuff too, and from the smell so was theirs. "Hey bar keep could I get a cup of coffee? These guys are gonna need it." The bar keep just stood their, lookin at me like I had three heads. "For Fuck sakes don't ya know what coffee is? Fine get me three pitchers of ice water and make it snappy."

the part died down a bit and some of the guest left, most seemed all to glad to be going. I guess we made a bit of an impression, though we only actually killed a handful of them. One of the ponies in the back was throwing back a few and giving me one hell of a stare. She was same one that I ran into in the bakery, and she seemed to be looking for a fight.

Staggering across the room the cowboy pony came up to me lifting a forearm and poking me in the ribs with it. She tried to say something but her speech was too slurred and I couldn't understand her. Something about an Apple and the other day? Tried to push me with her shoulder but I must of had 100 pounds plus my gear. All she eventually gave up and went to sleep on the floor of the bar. I turned to find my companions also asleep and surrounded by an unhealthy number of bottles.

Most of the ponies had left now and I thought the party was over. I sat down in the back and pulled out some playing cards, practicing for when I get back to the glittering lights of New Vegas. The oasis of the strip, where men go to fulfill their desires. A place where being lucky and alive were interconnected. I was for now both, but I knew better than most how that could change. Tom slipped off the table and onto the floor with a thud, a old picture fell out onto the floor with him. It looked to be pre war, but Thomas was in it and he had a family. A wife and kid, must have found some fancy settlement. Never guessed it by how he normally looked, he was more waste than most. I tucked it up into my jacket pocket and took a nap to sleep off the drink.

P.O.V Night Dancer

The glorious restoration of our Mistress was almost complete and I would see the night rain eternal. We had recaptured the savages from the other world, it was too easy though. They must be planning something, why else would they drink so many potions? I mean the large dark one and the thin pale one had enough to kill a normal pony. The third one "James" had three and that was barley enough to knock him out.

These savages had been properly accounted for though, whatever they were planning would fail. Each had robust physical and magical restraints. Not even the vile pretender could escape them, and with one of the elements captured our Mistress was safe. To think such a simple plan would be so effective, Lord Golden Watch had done well. "Mistrunner! Aurora! Bring me the tome and dragon's blood. NOW, we must not delay!" The two scurried around fetching what I asked for and placing them in proper positions. The dragon's blood being poured onto the magical runes carved in the floor. The tome was placed at my hooves and opened. My magic flowed and the rune glowed a deep crimson. The rune last he up the entire room and magic filled the air.

Some of the lesser cult members found their minds falling to the dark power. Their minds and bodies warping into mangled beasts. Their skin ripping and oozing black puss. A few were able to withstand the onslaught and joined in, increasing the power of the spell. The dragon's blood boiled and lifted into the air. Forming a vessel for our dark Lord to inhabit so that she may walk amongst us.

Her dark children of shadow came forth, taking over the weak willed cultist. Morphing their bodies into massive wolf like creatures of pure shadow. "NOW bring fourth our Lord, so that she may have form once more! In darkness we rise, and light we wither!" My commands were headed and the four honor guards stepped forward. Carrying chess of ebony and blackened steel they stepped into the magical circle. Their bodies and the chess becoming part of the spell. Several more cultist fell pray to the wondrous gifts of our Lord, their bodies being strengthened beyond any mortal pony.

A massive ball of magic and spiritual force formed in the middle of the spell. Huge tendrils of shadow flooded into it. We stopped infusing it with our magic, all to awe struck to do anything. The sky darken and we all bowed down each know ing well their place. "I have returned to take vengeance on all those who have wronged me. I see that the lesser races still know who is in charge."

May the night be eternal once more!