> Stiff Competition > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > With a Messy Finish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door of Tekky’s shop burst open, followed by the immediate sound of bitching, causing Leech to look up from the counter. Leaning over, to get a better look at who or what had just come in, her ears perked up. Storming towards her, while animatedly complaining about something, were her two favorite changelings, Copper and Haan. “Uh...Everything alright?” she asked, knitting her brow. Neither looked particularly pleased, which was odd, considering how they were usually rather chipper. “No,” the two replied in unison, while they approached the register. Copper wore his standard fare, comprised of his signature crimson neckerchief, a button up shirt, and slacks. Haan was, like usual, disguised as a svelte zebra, adorned in a skin halter top and yoga pants. Trotting up to the counter, the pair eyed her intently. “So, what’s the issue?” Leech inquired, straightening up and crossing her arms under her rack. Seeing as how she was on the clock, she’d chosen a modest chiffon and boyshorts. The combo was just enough to pass ‘work attire’, while still allowing her to show off her figure. “Haan thinks he’s better at servicing stallions,” Copper groused, leering over at the other ‘ling. “Hmph! There’s no thinking about it, Honey,” Haan confidently huffed, flicking strands of his white, blue, and black euro-hawk out of his face. “I...what…” the black mare numbly said, looking between the two of them. Now, Haan was an outright butt slut, likely running from anything that vaguely resembled a muff, although she knew first hand that Copper didn’t mind being with females. In fact, now that she thought about it, she couldn’t recall the monocular changeling ever having an affinity for dudes. “Copper insists that he’s more skilled with stallions than I am,” Haan explained, haughtily cocking his hip to the side. “Hey, just because I don’t exclusively hook up with stallions, doesn’t mean I’m not better at it than you!” Copper asserted, scrunching his snout at the zebra. “So what the hell do you want me to do about it? Damn it, I’m a mare, not some studly pony dude,” Leech groaned, while shaking her head. “Yeah, but that’s the point. If anyone could objectively answer who’s a bigger slut, it’d be you,” the drone asserted. Raising a finger to protest, Leech paused. They did have a point, given how many creatures of various sexes she’d bedded. Bringing a hand up, she thoughtfully rubbed her chin. She considered both of them friends, and would rather they got along, so she’d have to think of something. If only there were some way she could solve this peacefully, somewhere she could bring them to evaluate their endurance and durability, that would be just the ticket.  Slowly, an idea began to formulate; one which would not only solve their dilemma, but potentially line her pockets. A devilish grin crept across her face, as she eyed them intently. Yes, if she could pull this off, Leech would address their issue, make a hefty profit, and get one hell of a show… “Alright, follow me,” she flatly stated. Snatching up her shoulder bag, she crossed to the front of the counter. “Don’t you have to tend to the shop?” Haan pressed, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah, and where’s Tekky?” Copper chirped, watching the shapely unicorn move towards the door. Leech shrugged apathetically, as she flipped the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’. “Tekky’s upstairs, being fat. Besides, I was going to close up in an hour or so, so it’s not a big deal,” she responded, looking over her shoulder at them. “You guys coming?” Haan and Copper looked to one another, before following after her. Though neither knew exactly what she had up her sleeve, they weren’t too concerned. Leech was, amongst other things, rather clever; meaning, whatever she’d devised would be interesting, if nothing else. Walking back outside, and waiting for their friend to lock the door, the two glanced over at her. “So, are we going to need anything for this? Any preparations or whatever?” Copper questioned. “Besides some lube, not really, but I got you covered,” Leech responded, patting her satchel. “Well, maybe get a little more curvaceous. Trust me, you’ll want the extra padding,” she added, glancing over to the drone. Haan would probably be fine, since he favored a rather supple aesthetic, although Copper did appear slightly more masculine. Closing his eyes, the onyx shapeshifter focused. His figure shifted slightly, contorting to take on a more feminine figure. His muscle tone faded, while his rump and thighs filled out noticeably, leaving him looking rather girlish. After peeking down at himself, he peered up at the mare. “Better?” “Amature,” Haan whispered, unimpressed with Copper’s efforts. “Nobody asked you, you wanna be zeeb!” the now mare-like drone hissed, glaring over at the striped femboy. Unbuttoning his shirt, he tied the garment in a knot over his flat chest, to finish off his impromptu look. With her changeling companions in tow, Leech trotted down the street. The sun was already beginning to dip over the horizon; if she had to guess, it would be nightfall by the time they reached their destination. Given that it was a Thursday afternoon, she hoped there would be enough volunteers for her little experiment, although a Friday or Saturday evening would have been optimal. “Any ideas where we’re going…” Copper thought aloud. He was still relatively unfamiliar with the layout of the town, so he wasn’t sure where they were headed. “Knowing Leech, we’re headed to Applebottoms,” Haan muttered, realizing they were moving closer to the establishment in question. “Isn’t that the strip club where people hook up for stuff?” the now sonsy changeling commented, adjusting his pants. Unfortunately, due to his transformation, the slacks no longer fit properly, so he was left to periodically fiddle with them. “Something like that,” the zebra muttered.  Unlike his comrade, Haan was quite familiar with Applebottoms. Beyond being a sinful bar, where patrons could feast their eyes on stallion flesh, the business had become somewhat notorious for clandestine hookups and anonymous sex. It wasn’t uncommon to find folks going at it in the bathrooms, behind the building, or even in the club proper. It wasn’t that he minded, but he preferred knowing who, or what, was dicking him. “Oh jeez, that sounds kind of exciting,” Copper remarked, his wings fervently buzzing behind his back.  While he had been with a fair number of stallions, he’d never been brazen enough to have a random fling with a stranger. The notion, while delightfully naughty, always made him anxious, so he’d never acted upon it. Still, if the club catered to stallions who enjoyed such things, it may well be worth exploring. Spying the aforementioned bar, after rounding a corner, Leech smiled to herself. “Alright, just keep quiet and follow my lead. I can guarantee you that, if this plan works out, we’ll figure out who’s the top bottom,” she chuckled. Stepping up to the door, completely passing the three would-be patrons, Leech saluted to the bouncer. “Barge, you big lug! How’re the kids?” Looking over the rim of his shades, the guard issued a grunt, causing the sprightly mare to come to a halt. Lifting a hand, to bar her entry, she leapt upon him. Now caught in a bear hug, he groaned. Leering down at her, he wriggled free, causing the mare to hop off. “Barge, come on, you know I’m not gonna take no for an answer,” Leech playfully tutted, waving her finger at him. Reluctantly, the imposing stallion stepped to the side, allowing her and her two friends to enter. “Thanks, Chief!” she saluted, seeing herself inside. Now having cleared the doorway, the unicorn surveyed the scene. There were maybe twenty ponies scattered throughout, with a handful of staff serving drinks or entertaining on stage. Certainly not a busy night, by any means, although there were enough folks present to see her machinations to fruition. Nodding to herself, she headed towards the restrooms. Trailing in Leech’s wake, Haan and Copper took in the sights; the former, while acquainted with the place, was relatively disinterested, while the latter timidly waved to a ponies who looked in his direction. Walking along, right behind their friend, they proceeded into the stallions’ restroom. Passing a line of urinals, Leech moved to the handful of stalls. There were three, all located in the far end of the room, with the last sitting in a corner. Opening the doors, to ensure they’d have the space they needed, she inspected the partitions. Thankfully, someone had already bored glory holes into them, which meant half her job was already done. “Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do,” she said, turning to the pair of lustful ‘lings. “The two of ya are gonna get in this middle stall,” she said, patting the door of the aforementioned area. Copper immediately began blushing, while Haan rolled his eyes. “Let me guess, whoever cums first loses?” the zebra flippantly noted. “Nah, that’d be too easy. The winner will be the last one standing. Like, literally standing,” Leech laughed. Blowing one’s load wouldn’t be much of a benchmark, although maintaining composure and one’s motor skills would make for a damn decent challenge. “B...but what will the winner get?” Copper stammered, fitfully playing with his fingers. “Winner gets crowned bestest bottom for a month and a free potion from the shop,” she explained, her smile growing wider by the second. “Easy,” Haan sighed. Casually, he slipped out of his shorts, as he walked into the middle stall. Without preamble, he lifted his tail, while pressing his cushioned rear against one of the two walls. “Where are you gonna be?” the drone asked, fretfully glancing over at Leech. “I’m just gonna drum us up some participants. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back,” she snickered. Leaving the two to get ready, she stopped at the door. “Oh, here,” she said, fishing into her bag and tossing them a spout-topped bottle, “you’re gonna need that.” Catching the container, Copper gave it a closer look. “Does she always carry around lube?” he wondered aloud. Trotting into the stall, he positioned himself opposite from his competition, before he pantsed himself. Reaching back, he applied a generous amount of the slick gel to his tush, before passing the bottle over. “It’s Leech, are you that surprised?” Haan sighed, squeezing a heaping portion of the substance into the crack of his ass. Now prepared and properly lubricated, the two awaited their trial. “May I have your attention please!” Leech loudly announced, stepping out of the restroom. “Anyone who’d like some discounted action, please follow me!” she continued, waving to the clubgoers.  A number of patrons slowly stood, excited at the prospect of something more than eye candy. From the looks of it, there were an interesting mix of griffons, changelings, zebras, and ponyfolk who seemed keen on the offer, which would make things interesting. Waiting by the doorway, she waved the lead the takers inside. Scampering back to the central stall, she set her satchel on the floor. Squirming between Haan and Copper, Leech seat herself on the toilet between them. “Just throw your tips in the bag. Believe me, these boys are gonna need a drink after this!” she declared. Situated as she was, she’d have a perfect view of her friends’ faces, not to mention their soon to be drooling cocks. Despite hearing the footfalls of their inevitable partners, Copper and Haan focused on one another. This was, after all, a competition, so anything they could do to help them concentrate would work to their benefit. Squatted slightly, with their puckers resting against the glory holes, they braced themselves as much as possible. Leech grinned, as a griffon walked past, moving into the farthest stall. Moments later, Copper squeaked and gnawed at his lip. A smug grin crept across Haan’s face, but the look didn’t last long; seconds later, his cheeks reddened, while he met a similar fate. Yes, things were off to a roaringly good start. The pairs’ bodies rocked slightly, as they were rutted through the partitions. Whoever or whatever was plowing the zebra must’ve been a quick shot, because a loud grunting was soon heard. Haan breathed a sigh of relief, as his partner pulled out. “That’s one down,” he chuckled, looking over to Copper. “Doesn’t look like you’re doing too well…” “You didn’t - Mmmph - have to deal with a knot,” Copper grunted, ramming his ass back against the wall. His eyes flew open, as the bulbous base of the griffon popped into his rear. After a few final thrusts, the bird-like creature slowly tugged himself free. Cum leaked out of the drone’s abused hole, snaking down his thigh, as a handful of bits sailed over the divider. “Next!” Leech shouted, signalling the next two takers to enter.  Glancing up to Haan and Copper, when they both stifled a grunt from their second partners’ intrusion, she grumbled to herself. In hindsight, she should have brought a camera or two, if only to capture the action. Considering it would likely be a while before either of them blew their load, she squirmed between them and out of the stall. To her surprise, a rather sizeable line had formed. Eight males stood in a row, playing on their phones or chatting, as they awaited their turn. Amongst them stood two rather large and well built ponies, each nearly a head taller than the rest. Apparently, they knew one another, because they were animatedly discussing something. Strutting over to them, Leech drew their attention. “Alright, you two are gonna have to be last,” she said, noting the prominent bulge in their pants. Before either could protest, she held up a hand. “Considering you’re probably - Ahem - larger than everyone else, I’d really rather you not ruin my buddies’ booties before the others get a chance,” she commented. Fortunately, neither of the hulking stallions made a fuss, so Leech led them to the side. With six creatures in the queue, barring the pair of muscle bound studs, there was still plenty to keep Haan and Copper occupied. Flitting back to the central stall, Leech squatted down before them. Being railed out by a by a pegasus and unicorn, prospectively, she looked up to their faces. Whether they’d admit it or not, the two were slowly succumbing to the pleasure; which meant only one thing… Haan gasped, as something warm and moist locked around his tool. Opening his eyes, and glancing down, he found Leech with his dick in her gob. With his concentration broken, he moaned lewdly. If there was one thing she was good at, it was the fact that she knew how to work a cock. Alerted by Haan’s blissful groan, Copper suppressed a laugh; that was, until the mare reached up and started stroking his length. Now it was his time to whimper, with his prostate getting accosted and Leech giving him a hand job. Gritting his teeth, and doing his damnedest not to pop, his resolve began to wither. Feeling the drone’s shaft throb in her grip, Leech swiftly changed targets. With the speed of a striking cobra, she turned and wrapped her lips around the head of Copper’s member, just as the first hot gout of seed escaped it. Gulping it down, while pumping Haan’s prick with her free hand, she savored the fruity flavor. “G...Gonna,” the zebra croaked, bucking back against the stallion’s cock embedded in his ass. As the pony came, dumping his load spunk into Haan’s bowels, so too did the striped femboy reach his tipping point.  With the reflexes of some well trained predator, Leech whipped her head around. The final spurts of Copper’s jizz spattered over her shoulder and chest, as she hungrily slurped on Haan’s prick. It was a good thing she hadn’t had dinner yet, because she knew she’d be drinking a lot of foal batter this particular evening. Though her eyes were closed, she heard a few coins clattering onto the tiled floor. The two latest “clients” walked out, only to be replaced by two others. Copper, Haan, and Leech were too preoccupied to see who they were, considering they were all servicing dick in some form or fashion, but it hardly mattered at this point. With the mare between the two svelte stallions, lewdly stroking and/or sucking their meaty poles, the trio quickly lost track of time. As soon as someone pumped their cream into either of the contenders' asses, another stepped forward. After their third client each, neither Haan nor Copper were fairing too terribly well. Their legs quivered, and a seemingly unending string of joyous expletives and whorish noises escaped their drool soaked lips. Having opted to magically stimulate one of her two friends, while switching between them to fellate their cum slick tools, Leech feverishly got herself off. Sure, it wasn’t quite as good as a hot dicking, but it was better than nothing. “Hey,” a voice called out, followed by a loud banging on one dividing wall, “can we get our turn yet?” Piquing an eyebrow, Leech’s motions slowed. Leaning down and peering under the partitions, only two sets of feet stood waiting. It seemed as though they’d run through all of the volunteers, save for the final large studs. “Yeah - Cough - go nuts! Just make sure you fuck ‘em as hard as possible!” she yelled, wiping an errant gobbet of spunk from her cheek.  “R...really?” Haan rasped, wearily glancing down at the mare. “H...how b...bad could it beeEEEEEEEEE!” Copper squawked, as an absolutely titanic member ground into his abused hole. “HahahaoooOOOLY SHIT!” Haan’s hubris was immediately undone, when an equally large dick rammed into his ass. Leech simply grinned up at the duo, as their tail-holes were reamed out. Copper looked like he was on the verge of blacking out, yet he remained standing. Haan, however, reclined backwards and grasped the top of the stall’s wall; clearly, it wasn’t his first time getting fucked in such a manner. Honestly, it really didn’t matter to the slutty unicorn; either way, she’d gleefully choke herself on them and/or continue her handjobs. As if by fate, the two massive stallions’ thrusts, through the divider, were nearly synchronized. They had clearly heeded Leech’s advice, ruthlessly pounding away and causing their pendulous nuts to Plap against the wall. While not the ideal setup for a rough rutting session, it was clearly having an impact on the pair of feminine competitors. With one particularly forceful plunge, Copper’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. His length, supported by Leech’s magic, throbbed as he ejaculated for the third time that evening. Leech, fingering herself with reckless abandon, was spackled by the discharge, while she fellated Haan. The zebra stallion, panting uncontrollably, could barely keep his footing, even though he was holding to the partition wall for dear life. Then, seemingly from nowhere, the stars aligned. Every so often, there are magical moments in life. What happened in the bathroom of Applebottoms, at that particular moment in time, was one such instance. Having just climaxed, and on the brink of passing out, Copper slumped forward; the stallionhood in his rear slipped free, painting his rump and back with spooge. Reaching out, desperate to keep his balance, he placed his hands on Haan’s shoulders, pushing the zebra down and fully impaling him on the anonymous stallion plundering his tush.  The size of the cock in his ass wasn’t what ultimately did Haan in; no, that was due to the stallion dumping nearly a pint of cum into his colon. The anonymous stud rammed every inch he could through the hole, into his gut, causing his dick to erupt down Leech’s throat. With the colossal pony flared in his depths, disgorging a veritable tsunami of jizz into him, he spontaneously blew his load. It wasn’t that he’d wanted too, but the influx of spunk, paired with the intensity of the moment, forced his body to reach its limit. His arms dangled limply at his sides, and his knees felt like jelly. On the brink of getting off herself, Leech was painted from head to toe in stallion jam. Its heat, scent, and flavor bathed her, while she drank deeply from Haan’s prick. Her fingers were a blur, furiously digging into her cunt, as her thumb worked her clit. Just as she came, her nectar squirting onto the tiled floor, Copper collapsed on her. Squealing in delight, and hoping she was about to get a rough fucking, she fell under the shapeshifter’s weight. Wriggling beneath the drone, Leech awaited Copper to cram it in, yet nothing happened. Finally, after a scant few seconds, she looked up. Apparently, he’d been fucked into a coma, which meant only one thing. Though it had been a fierce competition, the monocular changeling had lost. Peering up at Haan, she paused. Something about the zebra didn’t look right. His eyes were blurry and unfocused, almost as if he was asleep standing up. As her gaze wandered lower, she noticed his gut distending with spunk, while the stallion rutting him added yet more foal batter to his bowels. With a loud pop, the mysterious stallion pulled out, and that’s when Haan toppled forward. The zebra, at some point, had lost consciousness out while being fucked. The only thing keeping him in place was the mammoth prick buried in his behind; with it gone, and his limbs essentially useless, he crumpled on top of Copper, who was already sprawled on Leech. Crashing down on his friends, he was dead to the world. Now with two cum dumpsters on her, Leech was pinned. Fortunately, she could still breath, although she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. After wriggling for a moment, hoping that the jizz covering her would act as a makeshift lubricant, her motions ceased. She’d just have to wait until one of them awoke to help her. Sadly, having been unable to see who had blacked out first, there was no way for Leech to declare a winner, but it wasn’t all bad. She’d gotten herself off to a very nice show, made a few bits, and got a damn good story out of the evening. Well, that, and now she’d have an excuse to repeat the experiment, maybe at a dickmare bar next time. Reaching out, she pulled her shoulder bag over and began counting her earnings. A handful of minutes later, Copper stirred. Unsteadily, he pushed himself up from beneath the groaning form of Haan. While both of them were weak and a bit dazed, neither were injured. Sure, they were gonna be kind of sore for a while, although that was a small price to pay to be crowned the top bottom. Speaking of which… “Who won…” Haan croaked, glancing down at Leech. Contentedly, she lie on the floor, humming and stacking coins into neat little piles. “Sweet Celestia, I’m not gonna be able to sit right for a day or two,” Copper groused, reaching around to feel his markedly used hole. Leech, after stowing her coins in her satchel, stood. “It was a tie,” she cheerfully announced, smiling between them. “You were too busy sucking dick to see who won, weren’t you…” Haan muttered, pinching the bridge of his snout. “Are you serious?” Copper blurted, irritatedly stomping a foot. “Hey! You both know that I get ADHD around cocks, don’t bully me!” Leech groused, petulantly turning her back to them. With weary eyes, Copper and Haan looked to one another. Even if they’d wanted to drag the competition out, neither of them were in any state to do so. Tired, filthy, and bloated with cum, both of them were in desperate need of a shower and a warm bed to collapse in. Slowly, the two extended a hand to the other. “Temporary truce,” Haan said, more of a statement than a question. “For now,” Copper responded, shaking the zebra’s hand. “Alright sluts, let’s get out of here before someone kicks us out,” Leech sighed.  Setting a stack of bits on the sink, she walked towards the door. Begrudgingly, the management and she had come to an understanding; she was free to “rent” the bathroom, so long as she paid for her time. With Copper and Haan trudging behind her, looking like jizz spattered veterans of some debaucherous battle, Leech led the way. Yeah, if and when round two occured, she’d definitely be bringing them to a dickmare dive…