> Pieces of time > by StoryWeaver > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Could've been worse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: P13€5 0£ 71#3 Entry: 42563 Subject: Dr. William Dackecurl Offense: Interdimensional Tresspass Sentence: Exile from native universe                                              \/----------/\----------\/ Ponies, Alicorns, a system of 'magic' which breaks all laws of physics, oh what was I, Doctor William Dackecurl, only maker of the wormhole, who lives in his Mother's Basement... Research! Yes I know, it's a lifelong habit of mine, my constant thirst for knowledge; It has quite useful in the past, I have to say. It got me very far in the world of science, but I digress, back to why I am writing this. I shall recount to you how I got to be stuck in this Universe, and it's inexhaustible turmoil and overly bright furred ponies. Twas something of an experiment of mine, I had planted a seed within a device that I had labored long and hard to create, only known as black matter. elusive stuff, it took most of what i had saved over moat of my lifetime to get it, but it seemed to be the only key to unlocking wormholes. I checked and double checked the equipment I had so lovingly worked night through night.  Something didn't feel right, but it always felt wrong to me to do these things, nothing was different, but the uneasy feeling lingered a while longer than usual, until my mind urged me to ignore the dread. Finally, after more than ten years of calculations and toil with scientific theories and one complete remaking of those laws later, I pulled down the power breaker on the machine. The anti-matter dampers gave a loud pop, my excitement increased in direct proportion to the rings around the seed, increasing to almost invisibility as they began to near the speed of light. I fumbled with my coffee, Drinking it noisily, and I immediately spit it out when it scalded my tongue! Right. Onto. The. Console. "No no no no no no no no NO NO! This can't be happening! This...FU-" suddenly I was caught off guard as the antigravity amps overpowered and the wormhole opened.  My god was it beautiful, the tear through space and time was so blindingly bright, but what I could see was a round portal, I walked around it and instead of becoming a disk it revealed itself to be an orb. I would later regret walking like that. The dampers gave a loud hum, as electricity began arcing between everything metal and the rift. It was unstable, "Oh my gods, I gotta get outta here, turn off the power, something!" my sleep deprived brain came up with nothing but running. That's why I came to regret walking around it, the door was on the other side of the room, and to make the whole thing worse, the wormhole began to grow I even tried to reach the door at the end of the room, such a futile effort, as it consumed a lifetime's work, along with a few mouldy, forgotten sandwiches my mother had left me down here.  See how that turned out...thus it took me          ---------------------------------------------------------- I saw many colors, some beyond description, others were quite mundane, but all were mixed into this odd whirlpool of light I was now traveling down, the end of me tripping out was colliding with the floor of a tall pillar, painfully The substance of the pillar was very much unknown to me, but what I saw around it was very much identifiable. four very large balance scales surrounded me in my puny platform. these things were skyscraper class in height and size. Each scale had two items upon the plates. one scale had a black fire and a pencil,  another had a yin-yang symbol, and an odd statue, a warped pony head, a lion paw, a hawks claw, a long snakelike and curving body, all encased in stone. The third scale contained golden dust and a red eye. And the fourth had what looked to be the light of the wormhole, the other side held upon it's plate a deep black thing much like the light on the other plate of that same scale. Voices could be heard throughout the insanely large place, at first I didn't see the sources, but I heard them quite clearly. "Valeria, you know very well that your part is to never play directly into this land war between you and your opposite, don't do this," this voice was distinctly male, it felt like someone who was heartless, but unwavering in their resolve. "boy, thou shalt doubt me not in this, I shall play my part in this court how I see fi-" this voice was distinctly feminine, but images of death and windowless skyscraper's came to mind. "we have an uninvited guest you two, upon the defendant's stand..." this voice brought up images of a gentle mother, cooing her child to sleep. I actually felt sleepy after hearing that soothing voice, and though I wanted to resist, the lack of sleep was making itself known in no uncertain terms. Well hello unconsciousness, how I've missed you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in almost utter blackness, my eyes seemingly shutoff "great, now what...where the hell did I end up? A cave?" I said, not remembering the unbelievably huge place i had been in. my voice was scratchy and cracking slightly near the end of my sentence. After some running into walls i decided to wait. I caught hints and glints  of things on the walls.  Crystal? What? I gave it a good tap on it with my nail and it gave off a loud ring.  Definitely crystal, and what an unrealistic amount of it by how deep the resonance is I waited for my eyes to adjust a bit more, opting to keep my eyes closed trying toget some more sleep, but adrenaline ran through my veins, so my attempt failed utterly. I finally gave up and opened my eyes. my jaw felt dislocated by how far it dropped, "Ow that hurt," the whole place was filled with crystal, everything but the floor was crystal! Holy moo-moos, how could there be this much crystal!? Where the fern did I end up!? While I pondered this my eyes adjusted further to the minimal light... Light... Light!! I began to run about the cave searching for the source, but soon gave up once I realized that the light was just being refracted and reflected about the cave by the crystals, As well as getting myself even more lost...sigh. I gave myself up for lost, crouching down and finally sitting, my back up against one of the crystal walls. _________________________________________ Twilight checked her checklist again, making sure she knew what she was to do for the day, then checked her pre-checklist checklist, and the pre-pre checklist checklist,  She sighed happily, "nothing like a good checklist to sort out your day, right Spike?" "twilight, you gotta stop with the checklists, my hands feel like their about to fall off," he groaned "nonsense, you can't have enough checklists!" "just don't make me write any pre-pre-pre-checklist checklists, okay Twi?" Twilight's eyes lit up in a really disturbing way, "that's actually a good idea spike! I'll remember it for next time." "oh why did i say that..." The purple dragon massaged his wrist, already feeling a pang for the next set of checklists he would have to do. "I'm off to Rarity's for a while, I made plans to go to the spa with her today. You stay and clean up the library," Twilight paused, "Number One Assistant spike that is" > Chapter 2: The Court's Decision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The royal ear perked at the slight sound, it seemed familiar but was too faint to make out clearly enough to confirm that. Her royal highness, Princess Celestia, stood atop the balcony of the ivory tower, close by was what Celestia had taken to calling Twilight's library, and recent lodging for the protege.  The tall Alicorn smiled warmly at the memories of her pupil as a filly, head stuck in her books, it had been cute to see her like that... What was that? There was a sense of disturbance in the aura around her castle, like something had breeched the perimeter. She wheeled around quickly, aiming her lengthy horn at the unknown shadow that had just entered her room. "Is that how thou greetest an old friend Celestia? For shame, dear, I thought ye had more sense about ye than that," the shadows parted slightly to cough up a bipedal creature, clothed in a dark gray cloak with gold trim on the edges, a sword slung over his back and his belt set with various odds and ends, including a leather holster for a unicorn horn, a set of toy mechanical wings in a pouch, and a shiny orb wrapped with leather cords. His shirt was a bright blue, with two abstract dragons facing each other symmetrically. "y-you!" the tall mare gasped, her unobscured eye going wide. "me, yes, it's me! Little old me. me me me. I'm so full of myself it hurts"  Celestia smiled, a fiercely loyal smile, "how long has it been since I saw you last, Raymond. Guardian Master. Maker of the Storeroom, and holder of way too many titles." Raymond shot Celestia a playful glance, "15 hundred thousand, 54 years, 2 months, 4 days, 14 hours, 35 minutes, 25 seconds, and counting, you know how literal I am 'Tia, but as much as I'd like to reminisce about old times I'm here on business," Celestia's eyes narrowed slightly, "what do you wish?" she spoke lightly, the friendly tones lingering behind the regal mask she now wore. "I have a charge for you, a being of my figure has trespassed upon the court of the four scales, Naturally he has no power, no awareness of where he is, and possesses little to none of my alluring charm" The Human made Immortal smiled cockily at the mare that was about his height, not including the horn. "hah, where is he right now?"  "he is currently within a stasis loop within the crystal caves underneath your castle. I must say that for all the value of that crystal, you aren't using it very much, it's magical capabilities are staggering if put into the right hands" "just the same reason I'm keeping them out of the wrong ones" "noted, I shall be off now 'Tia, wish I could converse but the court is now in session," with that the cloaked biped took out a black onyx and looked into it, shortly afterward a plain white door appeared and opened in front of him, "I'll come see you on my next break, dear, I bidst thee goodninja for now" with that he strode through the door, which promptly closed behind him, and unmade itself in a puff of smoke. > Chapter 3: ponies? Magic!? WHAT!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- God I hate waking up, having to get up, but the crick in my neck kept me from the peaceful oblivion of sleep I so loved. I certainly needed it after all those sleepless nights working in that basement on the blasted device that got me here.  I'm lucky I landed in a place with air, not to mention on a planet, the chances are about...say... One in Five Million that I would land within sight of a solar system, not mentioning anything about landing ON the planet. Back onto the less depressing topic. My eyes were assaulted by a blindingly bright light, my eyes weren't prepared for the sudden change of light, and they burned something fierce! "come to me child, thou hast the form of one of the chosen..." I didn't so much hear the voice as knew what beckoned me. It was one of the crystals, glowing bright and fierce with power. This recurring Nightmare? Well...let's play it out again, say my line, and get out of this demented spawn of my mind. I got up slowly, shielding my eyes against the light and slowly gathering myself together. I strode slowly, almost tumbling, that wasn't part of the script from the Nightmare... I spoke, "you call upon me?" There, single line done, now then... "yes, child, there is much for you to learn yet, you will be important to the future of this place you have stumbled upon." This isn't part of the script, "wait a moment, what exactly are you?" "I am one who guides those lost within the eternity of all, child, and you are one such lost, but now you are found, you shall awake and meet the one who will help you find your way soon." Wait... "what?" "before you awake I will leave you with a prophecy," the light within the crystal changed, now dimmer, and a strange purple," "To find what was once lost to thee is the goal of all Equinity, for once found, the lost shall prevent the demise of all reality, Hold this to thy breast for all of Eternity, thee, first and last of Humanity," What!? That certainly wasn't what I expected of this horror!  "now thou must forget child, awake now" My eyes slid open slowly, I was still sitting there, a stiff, painful, crick had developed in my neck, I stood up slowly, trying to avoid the protest of the sore muscles in my back. Oop, nevermind, pain anyways. After a moment of much popping and cracking of joints I finally got up properly, standing for one final yawn, and again m eyes were assaulted by much light! Pain! After another minute of quickly blinking over and over my eyes finally settled for squinting. Was that an opening? By Jove! It was! But before I could jump through a shadow came over the entrance, it certainly didn't look human. Great...Aliens. Now what? "come with me, Human" the voice was gentle, yet it had the steel of a mother commanding her toddler, the kind of voice you were taught to obey without questions. Once outside, and another few moments of quick blinking...I saw something that no human would ever believe, except maybe little girls with their dolls. I stood in front of an alicorn! A tall Alicorn! And a very imposing one indeed, my jaw dislocated for the third time since the incident with the wormhole. Where the hell was I!? I could barely take my eyes off the god-like horse, the hair itself made no sense, flowing without wind, what I saw around her made a little more sense, but not by much.  what looked to be a sort of mine sat in the middle of a very tiny clearing in a forest of thick trimmed trees, nearby could be seen a fairy tale castle, surrounded by a walled city of white, below that stretched a lush green plain of pastel colored forests. "what is your name, Human," said the huge white horse thing with the wavy hair. "um...uh...D-Doctor W-William Dackecurl..." I stammered, barely able to form the two words for I lacked the comprehension. "then hello William, Welcome to Equestria." __________________________________________________ Well, I was just going for a fling and it's turned into quite a bit more, I hope you all enjoy this, I tried to give the prologue chapters some depth, and foreshadowing, god I hate writing in first person, that will change soon enough and things will begin to pick up by that time. Please enjoy, GeekBeam Embarassingly new writer P.S. Next 2 chapters will wrap up the prologue and begin the story in earnest. > Chapter 4: I hate crowds! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dackecurl crumpled up another paper and threw it into the now overflowing trashcan. He just couldn't make it sound right, what had happened. he pulled out another piece of paper and muttered, "how should I start...hm...how about, no. Let's try...eh." ________________________________________________ Not much I can do here but say this. using that mother voice of her's to get me to go with her to the castle, we walked there slowly, along the way she introduced herself as Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of Equestria beside Princess Luna. I introduced myself as Doctor William Dackecurl, first of my planet to make a wormhole,  ________________________________________________ The scientist gone writer smiled to himself, finally he had something to work with. ________________________________________________ "so Princess, what exactly is Equestria?" I asked curiously. my head reeling from the implications of what I was doing, I was the first to make Alien contact as well as make a wormhole! If only those snobbish rich boys got to hear this. "Equestria is a land where my little ponies live peacefully, we currently border only one known nation, and that would be Gryphon territory, the rest are nomadic or crude animals. Have you ever heard of a Diamond Dog?" the tall alicorn raised it's single eye. "We don't have any of those where I come from, but we do have legends about gryphons and stuff..." the scientist. "such as?" "first there are dragons, fierce fire breathing leather winged lizards, then we have Greek animals, like hydras and cockatrice, oh, and hydras, lots of hydras..." This went on for some time, I learned that many of the creatures we had called myth at my planet were very real on this one. "Cockatrice can turn you to stone with their stare," she said. Wait a..."what!?" The Princess looked a little confused, "I thought you said that cockatrices turned people to stone in your legends. "b-but that's...that's not..." Her eyes lit up as she realized what I was trying tiger at, "You mean to say you don't have magic in your world?" "w-we..." everything that I had studied, all of the parts of science I had remade...nothing...i realized I was in the fetal position, almost crying, Celestia was right beside me. I fainted. I hate when i faint, because when i wake up i always have a splitting headache, it's the worst thing that could have happened to me. I was in a comfy down bed though, that was a plus. my hands shot to my temples. I groaned, the splitting headache showing up as like every other time, god it was so painful.  "welcome back to reality, William," Said a soothing voice. who said that? then it all came back, the wormhole, Equestria, celestia, and the whole shpiel on magic.  "please call me Doctor, Your Highness," was that the correct form of address? I couldn't be sure. "very well then, Doctor it is. So, have you recovered form your bout of hysteria?" the uncovered eye was tinted with concern behind the regal bearing she always seemed to wear around her. "I think so, how does your magic work? I need to know what I'm getting into before I start experiencing it in earnest," god my head felt like bursting, it was so painful. the idea of magic was so alien that i just had to learn it. who remembers my habit? research. yep, that's what I was going to do, I was going to study this magic until I understood it much more thoroughly than these ponies did, it would definitely take some time though. back to the story now. "I'll have some books on the subject brought to you, but before you start, I must get you acquainted with the castle," she was so motherly when she wanted to be, "you may get dressed before we start the tour, we took the liberty of washing the clothes you were in before, as well as the lab coat, i hope you don't mind," "Hardly, thank you very much your highness," Celestia left the room as i began to unravel myself from the bed. finally the blankets gave up and released me from their chokehold. dressing was a simple and boring affair when compared with recalculating einstein's theory of light, his general idea was correct but the nitty gritty was completely flawed. hah, Einstein would never believe that magic actually existed...I couldn't believe it myself really. Gah! i had drifted off again into my thoughts and was just about to exit the room before i had stopped myself. just needed to wait for her, didn't want to startle anybody with how i looked... then i got bored...screw waiting, i just went out the door... no one startled? just a pair of mini pony statues guarding the doors. "the Princess has requested your presence in the throne room."  "holy...god you startled me," Definitely NOT statues, they were real guards, and they were much smaller than Celestia. "well, you seem to be a lot smaller than the princess, is this normal?"  in typical fashion the guards just glared at me. "Just come along and we shall show you to the throne room, Doctor," the left one. We began to walk around the corridors, so many of them. we passed a garden with...a statue? had i seen that before? huh... "Might I ask what that statue represents?" the right looked at me, his eyes softening slightly at my puzzlement, "it's a draconequus," he said shortly, "Discord" well...that didn't help much... "Guess I'll have to ask the Princess..." I mused, walking along in silence until we arrived at the throne room's entrance door. "well, let's get this done so i can get to studyin'!" "But before you start Doctor, we have to introduce you to Equestria," came the voice of Celestia, as the doors opened. My mouth immediately dried and I began to tremble, a whole crowd of the tiny ponies was lining the throne room. I was never good with crowds, never will be. i almost always panic at the sight of so many people at once. so it was a miracle i didn't faint right then...I squeeked instead, and began to walk through the crowd to the only comfort that I knew at this time, Princess Celestia, I walked quickly, trying not to run, and embarass myself and most of humanity at the same time.  i didn't even realize it at first when the guards near celestia raised their spears to block my way.         "do not worry my little ponies, lower your spears," she said gently to the guards, whom immediately retracted their pointy sticks and stepped aside, I stayed where I was, rooted to the ground by my irrational fear.         The Princess gave me a look of the infinite patience of a mother with her child, "do come forward Doctor, we have much to do." She then addressed the crowd, "let me introduce you to my currently assembled subjects, the nobles of the capitol of Equestria, Canterlot." No applause, just an expectant silence, oh god they were waiting for me to say something...         "tis an honor to meet such an esteemed group of people," I spoke, not even feeling my mouth moving. The crowd visibly stirred, as if agitated, some visibly scowled while others just deepened an already deep scowl. What did I screw up now?         "well Doctor, it is a pleasure to have you as well," spoke Celestia, her voice never deviating, it seemed that she either didn't notice anything wrong, or had merely chosen to ignore it,"you are the first Human ever to be welcomed to Equestrian lands, I have the distinct honor of welcoming the Esteemed Wormhole Scientist, William Dackecurl!" Again...more Expectant silence, it was killing me inside!         "tis an honor your Highness, to be welcome among such a kind and generous nation, I can't hope to repay the kindness they have showed me." The crowd gasped as if struck.         Celestia came to my rescue once again, "you are now dismissed Doctor, if you will please escort him to his chambers," she raised a hoof and placed it gently on my shoulder, glaring at the crowd before her, as if challenging them to refute her trust in me. ... No one said a thing for several moments, not until the guards broke it by giving an expectant nod of their heads. this time six escorted me back down the winding hallways, my terror subsided slowly, oh so very slowly, I was almost paranoid to the point of believing that someone was following me, watching my every move, though I tried to let it not show. Once we were in sight of the doors to my room two of the guards split off and stood at the side of the hallway, and then another two. When the last two and I got to the door they pulled it open for me with their hooves.  I gave a curt nod and entered, hearing the door drift closed and give a distinct click as it latched. That bed never looked better than at that very moment, I flopped into it, my eyes closing, Nothing. Well everyone, I have a Surprise for ye all today! A new chapter, I've decided to make Wednesday my weekly update day! I hope you all enjoy the new chapter, and as always, point out errors in both spelling and grammer that I will likely have missed. Next chapter will finish up dackecurl's settling in and will finally begin the story in full. -GeekBeam Very merry story weaver P.S. I hope Pinkie doesn't come over demanding to see William, that would be bad. > Chapter 5: Crystals, Wings, and Fissures! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally the day with the court was over, Princess Celestia was certainly beginning to tire of the constant bickering and fighting of that mess of a court, Raymond had it so much easier with only seven others to deal with. She had to check up on the human, might as well see if he was okay... She walked briskly down the winding hallways, left, left, right, left, right, double back and trace your steps, and here she was, right in front of the room that she had specially furnished for Raymond, now being used by the powerless primate that he had charged her with. Sigh. She certainly wasn't expecting him to even be awake when she opened the door, let alone doing anything, but there he was, a pair of what looked to be a set of deconstructed metal wings sitting upon a rather large table in the middle of the room. The iron feathers were surprisingly delicate affairs, each feather made so delicately that each was a work of art. On the floor and bed were books piled high. "wh-what is going on here?" she said. ________________________________________________ Well, screw my life, My surprise was ruined! I had meant for Celestia to find something much more sophisticated, but I guess that this would have to do. "I'm researching your history, I've already read through the books you sent, so I requested more, you do know that three way enchantments are very possible correct? Problem is I haven't been able to use any of that knowledge, and it's beginning to bother me, do you know of a way that I can use magic when it comes to technology? Nevermind, you haven't even gotten to the computer ch-" "How did you get the metal for all this?" Celestia asked, genuinely curious. "I asked the guards outside for some, didn't you say to ask for anything if I needed it?" I replied nonchalantly. "no, I didn't, Doctor," The princess sighed, "Remember to tell me next time when your going to pull a stunt like this. Okay?" "Very well, Your Highness, I will come to you with my concerns next time," Dackecurl bowed floridly, almost immediately going back to work on another feather of the wings...Celestia had left the room. good, now he could use that crystal he had nabbed from the cave, there was certainly a lot of those, and if there was magic in them, then maybe it had guided that wormhole he had made. He honestly didn't know, but he decided to experiment a bit... He opened the door a bit and brought out the crystal from his leftmost pocket, "Excuse me kind sir, can you please charge this with magical energy?" The guards had become much more lax around me for some reason, my kindness and general quirkiness had made them much more receptive to my requests, so it surprised me when he said, "No,  I cannot do that Doctor, what I will do is guide you to the Princess to see if you snuck anymore of that crystal out of the caves." What? 'How curious. He doesn't seem to like me' "What!?" "I'm taking you to the princess, Doctor." "I'm sorry, I thought I heard someone else speak. Lead on then." 'Kinda stiff isn't he? Eh boss?' Who the heck was that? 'Ahem, I'm in your hand you dolt' OI! I'm no dolt! 'really? and your kind haven't even discovered magic in your world? what a sad, sad dolt you are. Now then, let's get some energy from the stiff over there so I don't have to talk to you through your mind' Can you at least wait until we get to Celestia? 'I couldn't care less, but if that's what you want, then your wish is my command boss. have a good day as I've now run out of magic energy to talk to you with.' WEIRD. That crystal had talked to me! what the heck! I'll just have to talk to Celestia about this... I was led around a confusing amount of turns, I swear we had even backtracked once or twice down the same corridor...did Euclidean physics not apply here? that would make this castle so much more interesting, it would never be able to be mapped, but it would be interesting to put it together all the same! that one game had it right by the way, portals can be made, I just so happened to do the much more difficult version that had a programmable destination... back to the point! I hate when my mind wanders. 'your welcome' ... Either way! The guard and I were now at the foot of a set of stairs that wound around. so obviously a tower that it made me laugh, which earned me a glare from the guard. "Ascend the stairs and meet with the Princess, she is expecting you," the guard then stepped aside, taking up another post beside the stairs. So he had used mind magic to inform the rest of the castle about it...curious... I ascended the steps, taking them two at a time to give myself a challenge. run regret.exe I was panting and a sweat had broken out on my forehead, by the time I had reached the steps i was practically falling over. I stopped for a moment and leaned against the wall, trying to catch my breath The two guards at the door glared at me hostilely. neither made a move, but they still had their hoofs at their spears, how the heck did they hold them!? More research for later. Moving on to Celestia. ________________________________________________ 'He has one of the crystals! from the caves! does he know what he has with him!' the white Alicorn thought. Her Emotions were quite jumbled now, anger and confusion at what he did. Doubt in whether to trust him now or not. She waited, composing herself behind a mask of kind regality that she had perfected over the several thousand years that she had decided to begin using it. There was a knock. Oh gods he was here, "Please come in, Doctor," The doors were opened by the human. In his right hand he held the crystal he had taken from the caves that Raymond had dumped him in. The thing even looked evil, the dark murky blue swirling unnoticeably to all but the most trained of eyes. Oh, mother of me, he was actually holding it? What had it done to him? "Good evening, Your Highness, how hast thou been faring in mine absence?" ________________________________________________ I had made it to stand in front of Celestia 'Just need to wait until she tried to take it' shut up you stupid rock "crystal, dolt, try to remember it, and call me kletahk or something' you are horrible at making names 'I'm new to this talking business, I just leeched the knowledge from your head and went rom there! give me a while so I can make a name and I'll get back to you on it!' good to know... so..."Good evening, Your Highness, how hast thou been faring in mine absence?" "I have been doing well Doctor. Will you please hand over the crystal so that I may examine it?" she said quietly, a little too quietly...odd 'oh, by the way I leeched from the guard anyways' "god..."  The Princess raised her visible eyebrow, but before she could say anything, I quickly put the crystal on the desk. 'wait for it...' When she tried to pick it up with her magic. Which I had really hoped to see in action. It merely faded as if subdued. she tried again, and once again failed, her brow began to furrow. then a voice much like mine began to speak, but the accent was off, more choppy, "well Celestia, you won't be moving me anytime soon! thanks for the magic! now i can stop talking in that dolt's head!" "I am not a dolt!" I replied fiercely. ________________________________________________ I-It had talked! it had absorbed her magic and used to to project a voice and talk!! "who are you??" the asked, her gaze falling upon the translucent rock that stood upon the table. "that's being worked on your deepness, I hope you don't mind while i build the rest of my personality off you two and the rest of the ponies in this castle, might as well make it as perfect as possible!" this rock was making very little sense, what it poposed was mind magic on a collosal scale! "once i have magic i can use it like a magnet to pull more in 'tia. and your ego convinced you that you were the most perfect of them all! hah!" this rock was actually beginning to glow. then dackecurl spoke, "what exactly are you, you very odd crystal?" the curiosity was clearly evident in his facial expression. the crystal replied, using a deeply southern accent, "wail, ye moight thaink me to be one dem normal crysters, wail, I'm not, I got magic and all that jazz, and it's been in me for a vairy lung toime now,'the accent suddenly changed into a female american accent. "I've been bored out of my mind ever since 'Tia 'ere went into that cave the first time then tried sealing it, I've been leeching magic from the seal ever since." ________________________________________________ This crystal was making absolutely no sense right now, and the accents certainly weren't helping to understand it. "just another moment and...done, absorbed all I'll need for at least a year," this crystal was beginning to get on my nerves, what the heck was it doing?  "Well then boss, let's get going, and 'Tia, don't try to take me away from him, by this point I am much more powe-...what's this? I feel a disturbance in the force!"  Oh god I recognized that reference, had he pulled it from my mind? You know what, I honestly don't care to know,  "Incoming! Duck, or whatever it is you things do!" Suddenly there was a great shaking as both me and Celestia fell to the ground. A loud cracking rang out in the distance. 'Grab me you idiot!' the crystal thought to me over the unbearable noise, I just barely got to it before things began falling, "To the balcony! You need to see this Willy!" "Do not ever call me that again or I will drop you off a cliff or put you under a thousand ton press! You overbearing pebble!" I was able to crawl to the balcony though, and what I saw filled me with a dread beyond any sense of the word. A massive fissure had rent itself open in the middle of a dark forest, at least it was much darker than the surrounding areas. The fissure glowed a sooty red. "Only that? well, just need to wait for a bit for the shaking to settle, hope you guys enjoy it, I'll keep the castle together and the rest of the town from falling apart too badly." that stupid cryst-... Holy mother of god even I felt the power that thing put out! a white light was pulsating throughout the city that stretched below us, and slowly the shaking subsided. "that was most interesting I do say!" the Crystal had sqitched accents again! "why do you have to go with british?" > Chapter 6: Off to Ponyville! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I think I'll settle for James, or maybe Ferrus. Jeckyl? Argh! Picking a name is hard for a crystal..." the crystal's voice had changed from that british accent to the accent I heard from these snobbish nobles. "I don't think you'll ever be satisfied with just a name," I was sitting down in a room near the bedroom I had been reassigned to. It had been remade into a sort of study that doubled as a lab. most of the tools that I would ever need for anything were within several paces of the deconstructed set of wings, of which they were almost complete. I just had to begin welding the feathers onto the wings and I would be finished with the sculpture. You thought that the wings were for something useful? No no no, my hands just got itchy, and if I don't have something to do then I go a bit crazy. A scientist can't be an artist? Come on! I've lived for thirty-two years! I devoted almost all of that time to learning everything I could! Metallurgy included with drawing and quite a few musical instruments. Ever heard of an array mbira? Didn't think so... "Krystis! That's my name!" That  crystal had changed to an irish accent now, where did it learn all of this!? "I learned it from ye, Doc. Ye got quite a memory don't ye know!" Krystis replied. ' "Can you please not do that? It's really disturbing, and very impolite."  "I can't help it, it's hard not to listen when you shout out your thoughts," God this crystal is annoying! It just didn't shut up! "I have have several millenia to make up for, I have some leeway!"  "If your going to reply to my thoughts do it in my head, alright? It might be a bit odd to certain people to find a piece of talking circus glass." I retorted. "first thing, it's ponies, not people, that's what got you in trouble during the introduction ceremony, and you better get used to being here on Equus. So far as I've gathered, Black matter doesn't exist here," ... A soft knock came at the door, and the princess entered, her hair still waving in a non-existent wind, I wonder how she sleeps like that...hm... I tore my roving eyes off her flank when she spoke "You're going to Ponyville, Doctor, and the crystal goes with you, you are both to learn about magic and how to control it," "who will be teaching us your highness?" "my star student, Twilight Sparkle," she said, her visible eye never wavering, or anything really, no smile this time or chuckle...I hope this Dusk Shine per-Pony is nice. Ever since the crystal first talked Celestia's been much more serious and a bit more strict, now she doesn't give everything I want for my art projects... "wennull we bay leavin'?" Krystis asked, the voice changing to a drunken slur. "you will be packed by tomorrow, Doctor, with two suitcases. You will take only what is absolutely needed with you." Was it just me or did I detect some hostility from her? I really need to tiptoe around her or end up like that Nightmare Moon...did they have an atmosphere on the moon? Or was there a bubble dome there? "start now, your projects will be here, I want you out on the balcony at the soonest, your escort will be several pegasus guard taking you via chariot," Now Krystis spoke up again, "oo, dis gon b gud!" I swear that rock was changing it's accent every time it spoke. "can we get something to put Krystis in? Maybe set it in a sword or staff or something?" I asked the princess, my hands automatically beginning to go back to working on the wing sculpture,  Krystis spoke again, "I'd personally like to be a part of those wings, then maybe I'd be able to help the boss get around and stuff," a normal accent! Yay! "You will keep-" She paused for a moment, "Krystis, out of sight for the duration of your stay in Ponyville. I am not requesting this William; this is a Royal command, and you will treat it as such. Am I understood?" I'm certainly not a fool enough to question her "Yes, your Highness, to the letter your Highness." although keeping it quiet would be impossible- ' I'll be talking to you here, bro ' Hush. ' you really have an absolutely huge mind, so much in here, yet most of it is- ' Shut. Up. Celestia was making to leave the room, but just before the door closed, she looked back with a stone cold stare to break that royal visage, "I trust I need not tell you what will happen if things get out of hand" I felt the emotion behind that, like physically felt it, like a wave of heat washing, if that's how you could put it, over me. "No, your Highness, you need not tell me," I replied, trying to hide the sudden fear. No. Apprehension. That had caught in my throat. Then she was gone, leaving me to begin agonizing over what to put in the suitcases...I could at least carry a book in my hands, ought to make it a good one... ' try starswirl's fifth book of magic: Teleportation magyks ' Does it have stuff about bending space into a non-euclidean format? ' I do believe ' Brought ' you need to fill this place with less- ' I said. Shut. Up. ' ... ' ... ' what? ' Good, now then! I was definitely going to put an extra lab coat into the suitcase, along with an extra set of dress pants and dress shirt, with my various other bits and pieces of clothing that these ponies didn't wear. First suitcase full... Already? This is gonna be harder than I thought...well, let's get to it!  _________________________________________ By the end of the day, after working furiously and finally finishing the wings, I welcomed sleep and almmost immediately fell. Intermission/ch6 ch6 of beginnings and ends I slept in fits for most of the night, odd dreams coming to me, all until one specific dream. I was floating in absolute emptiness, black nothingness, I was nothing but a presence. only one thing was visible in this...this void! twas a woman sitting there with her legs and arms crossed, don't ask me to describe her because I don't remember. "you have much to learn, Doctor," her voice was that of a frost siren, chilling, yet beckoning you to come closer, "you will come to me eventually Dackecurl, but for now you must meet mine associates, so all in good time," did I hear some warmth in that sentence or was it just me? suddenly everything was shattered, the whole dream came to a screeching halt and broke like so many pieces of glass. behind this was revealed a man, sitting on a pedestal looking bored, when he saw me he brightened considerably. "sup boss, just wanted you to get to know me a bit better," he said in a dutch accent, with a very specific twang that I knew very well. "Krystis, I was right in the middle of something, wha-" "OO, I wonder what, maybe it's Celestia? You've been ogling her flank a bit much lately." At this he let out a raucous laugh filled with mischief. "get out of my head Krystis, I'm gonna need to give you the talk in the morning, now get out!" I yelled, the scene shattered once again.  this time revealing a place filled with much clanking, an insanely high ceiling and shelves to outmatch price club's 5 times over, and filled to the brim with boxes! In the distance was a clocktower, an unfamiliar moving clock face adorning it.  a man about my height had appeared from out of a white door I hadn't noticed  there a moment ago. he sported a gray robe with a cowl, with which he had up to obscure his face in shadows. "Doctor William Dackecurl, a pleasure to finally be able to speak with you, I am Raymond, Guardian Master, but you may call me Ray."  "Well then, Ray it is, You can call me Doc, or Doctor, it's what everyone else called me," I replied nonchalantly with a shrug. "very well doctor, I believe we shall be meeting in person soon, though you won't recognize me," he paused, as if listening to something, "I am loathe to say it good sir, but the duration of your stay is about to  abruptly end, I shall gift thee one wish," he thrust a ring into my hand, "when you want to use the wish, have this ring on and merely state your desire." "like in Alladin?" I asked, my eyes going wide. "yes, just like Alladin, same rules apply, and you cannot undo a wish, so pick wisely. I bidst thee goodninja Doctor Dackecurl, have a good night's sleep now. You have a busy day ahead of you." (AN): Life, why do you rear your ugly flank face at the most inopportune of moments?