> Lost and Found > by TheBanteringBrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this man’s art and man’s scope, With what I most enjoy contented least; Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate; For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings. -William Shakespeare Another successful diamond hunt. Rarity couldn’t help but feel marvelous. Emeralds, sapphires, rubies and all other assorted gems. Yet they were all lackluster compared to, la pièce de la résistance, a golf ball sized diamond. It gleamed like a star resting in the sky. "Oh when I get you all home you are all going to be made into the most elegant of dresses." She cooed to her bulging hoofbag. She then trotted off into the night back to Ponyville. Night in Equestria was beautiful, if not slightly dangerous. It was common knowledge to nocturnal predators in Equestria that little ponies taste delicious. But still Rarity appreciated the beauty of Princess luna’s night. Fog creeped over the land as fireflies dotted the forest and mountains. Various creatures made a groans and moans that echoed throughout the night. Rarity still carried on, reminding herself that she has a warm bed and home to get to. Rarity followed her normal route back to Ponyville.One part of the path was closed off by cliffs on both sides. When Rarity began passing through she was in for a not so pleasant surprise. Her jaw hung open as she caught sight of the rock slide that walled up the path. Now Rarity began to worry. “That wasn’t there before...” Rarity looked around, no way around and climbing up the steep pile of rocks was impossible. “It’s okay Rarity, you will just have to find another way around.” She said to herself. She turned around and had to search idly into the night. Luckily she came upon a cliffside path, this path was wide enough to accommodate two ponies if need be, yet Rarity still kept away from the edge to be safe. She hadn't taken this path in years but there was some evidence of upkeep. Rarity guessed that some ponies most likely hiked along this path regularly. As she trotted her hoofs began to get more sore. Hours of running around were taking its toll. She stopped to catch her breath and give her legs a break. During the day the trek was perilous enough but now it was dark and cold. Worse of all is she went off alone. She was mentally scolding herself for going gem hunting as it was getting dark, how foolish. The exhaustion wasn't helping either. Then she caught whiff of something. She raised her head and sniffed the air. "Vegetable soup?" She questioned herself. She sniffed the air again. That confirmed it. Some pony nearby was cooking. Right then, she realized just how hungry she was; her stomach growled at her. If her stomach could talk it would probably scold her for not packing a snack in that bag. She put a reassuring hoof to her stomach, as if it would help. Rarity began to follow the enticing smell. She had to venture off the path and do a little climbing, but her stomach told her to keep moving even if it was a little perilous. After some wandering she came upon the source of the delicious aroma. It was a hovel nestled in the side of the mountain. It was a crude structure that looked like it was made from adobe. At the top she could see smoke pluming out of a simple chimney. Light flickered out of the windows which were simple rectangular holes. Primitive but more inviting than the cold night. She knocked on the large wooden door. "Hello?" She knocked harder, the door creaked open slowly. She peeked her head inside. "Anypony home?" Rarity stepped inside and shut the door. She set her bag down, it felt good to get that weight off her body. She began to look around the crude but warm house. It was one single large room that had everything a pony would need. A kitchen area, a living area and a sleeping area. However something was odd about it. Furniture was a little too big for just one pony. There was a huge bed and rightly proportioned tables and chairs. To the left was a large desk with mushrooms, various flowers and mixing instruments. An extinguished candle held in a shallow cup sat on the desk. To the side of that was the only piece furniture of normal sized, a bookshelf half full of books. Everything seemed a little worn out in the house, nothing looked new. But upon closer inspection the furniture seemed sturdily made. Whomever made the furniture must have great skill with their hooves, or used unicorn magic at least. Still, Rarity thought the place was dull, clearly the residents never heard of decoration. She liked the idea of possibly helping them with that. The entire room was lit by a fireplace set to the right. On the fireplace was the source of the divine aroma. A huge cauldron hung above the fire. A small table next to it had a wooden bowl and spoon. Rarity walked over without thinking, hunger getting the best of her. "I'm sure no pony would mind, after all, there is enough soup here to feed a village. And I a pony out on my luck." Rarity thought out loud. She picked up the bowl with her magic and dipped it into the soup. She then set it on the table and let it sit for a moment. It was clearly scalding. Even when no pony was around Rarity still made great effort to eat it in the most ladylike of way. She would silently take spoonfuls of broth and vegetables. There was broccoli, carrots, potatoes, chunks of celery and onions. Whoever made this must of had a cutie mark for cooking because this soup was to die for. After about an hour and 3 bowls of soup later, Rarity’s eyelids grew increasingly heavy. She figured the pony, or ponies, that lived here would be kind enough to let her spend the night. She was a little curious why no pony had shown up yet. Obviously some pony recently made this soup and would want to eat it. The bed was inviting, but she thought it would be to much to sleep in some pony else's bed after eating their dinner. She curled up on a carpet next to the fire. Rarity just hoped that the ponies that took residence here would be understanding of a pony out on her luck. She quickly pushed the bad thoughts away and let sweet slumber take her. --- "Good morning sleeping beauty. " Rarity shot up out of sleep. She frantically looked around in every direction. Her eyes quickly found the source of that voice. Before her was a large figure. She gawked at the sheer size of the being, it towered over her. She screamed. Rarity's flight response shifted into overdrive, without thinking she jumped backwards and landed in the corner of the room. She was shaking in fear as she covered her face with her front legs. "Please don't eat me Mr. giant! I just needed some place to stay for the night and was famished!" She screamed in horror. "I swear there is very little meat on my bones anyway and I taste awful!" The figure let out a hearty chuckle. "Tell me Rarity, do you always cower in fear of friends you haven't seen in years?" He said half chuckling. She froze. "That voice…" Rarity whispered. It was familiar, but something different about it. Rarity opened her eyes and peeked through her front legs. After clearly looking at the figure she then put her hooves down as her face widened with surprise. "S-SPIKE?!" She gasped. "Hey, you do remember me!" He said happily. Spike looked completely different than how she remembered him. He stood about 2 in a half ponies high, his neck was longer and his head was much more slender. He was still bipedal and his arms and legs seemed a little long and lanky. He looked agile and strong. He also had a pair of frayed pants tightened by a belt around his slim waist. The spikes on his head were bigger now and and looked like spear heads, however along his back the spikes were smaller. His scales darkened into a deep purple and shined in the morning light. He didn't appear to have any wings. Rarity couldn't process the situation. "W-wha-?!" Her eyes scanned every single part of him, a part of her just wasn't realizing that this tall elegant dragon was the little spikey wikey she remembered. "What are you doing here?!" She questioned. "Well, I should be asking you the same thing." He had a point. Rarity took a few deep breath. Instead of cowering in the corner, she sat down on the carpet by the fireplace, and she curiously regarded him. Spike sat down on the bed facing her. This dragon really used to be Twilights cute little assistant. Rarity looked up at his face. She stared long and hard. Spike blinked a few times, he smiled awkwardly. "Why did you run away?" She blurted out, trying not to sound sad. "You just left without telling any pony." Several years ago Spike disappeared from Ponyville. One day Twilight Sparkle woke up and he wasn’t in his bed. It didn't make any sense. Everything seemed normal and he was very happy. Then like a flash he was gone. Leaving without a trace. No note. No goodbyes. Nothing. Spike was missing. She contacted the royal guard and a huge search and rescue was put out. Nothing came back. Now Spike felt like the cornered one. In his own home that he had built ironically. He began. "I don't really know, I-" Rarity cut him off. "You don't know! What do you mean 'You don't really know'!" She blew up. "You just left without a trace! Do you have any idea what Twilight and all of us went through?!" She yelled, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "We all assumed the worse! You could of been lost, abducted or even dead! We even aided the search and rescue teams that tried to find you!" She stomped a hoof to the floor."Twilight kept searching long after every pony gave up, She took you absence hard. Actually not hard, very hard. I didn’t even pretend to imagine what it would be like to raise someone from infancy and having them disappear without knowing anything!” She was yelling through her teeth. “The immeasurable amount of negative emotions! So much uncertainty and fear, and here you are out in the wilderness making vegetable soup!" Panting with anger, her eyes locked on him, her teeth bared. A single tear went down her face. Spike couldn't lower his head any more if possible. Rarity glared at him, if looks could kill Spike would be shredded to ribbons. "Well?!" Silence. The dragon seemed to be very interested in the floor. "ANSWER ME!" His head shot up making eye contact with her, Spike peered into the orbs. So much was said in her eyes alone. Rage, melancholy, confusion, pity, but somewhere behind all that Spike saw some form of familiar comfort. Yet, it was still swept back by the endless torrent of other emotions. Rarity stepped back. "I just wanted to get away." Spike said. Rarity was still pouting with anger, not satiated with the answer.Spike stood up and continued. "I loved my friends and Ponyville, b-but I felt like a caged animal. I mean look, I'm a dragon. Being a librarian's assistant just wasn't cutting it for me." Rarity's expression softened. Spike broke eye contact and walked to the window. He peered outside resting his arms on the stool of the window. "I wanted something more, I craved to do so many things other than organize books and write letters. I wanted to run through the forest. Swim in the rivers. Climb the tallest trees.” He paused. “I just wanted some freedom." He turned to her, guilt distorting his facial features. "That still doesn't justify me for leaving without telling you guys." Spike admitted. Rarity's eyes widened at his honesty. This really wasn't the baby dragon she remembered. Without directly looking at Rarity, he began to pace back and forth in front of her. “At that time there were a lot of things I felt unsure about. I didn’t fit in among other dragons but clearly I’m not a pony. I really had no idea what I was.” Rarity's heart sank. She felt awful for yelling at him earlier. She couldn't let him go on much longer. Spike collapsed on his knees facing away from her. He wouldn't dare look at her. Rarity opened her mouth to talk but Spike spoke first. "I needed some time to think. About who, and what I am." he muttered. A knot began to form in Rarity's chest. A minute of thick silence passed, Rarity was at a loss of words. "Truthfully, I needed some time to think about a lot of other things too." Spike said. "Things like that silly crush I had on you." He choked out. That knot in Rarity's chest shot up to her throat. She didn't know what to say. A minute ago she was tearing at Spike for all of the uncertainty he put her friends through. Now she was the one that was torn. It became clear to Rarity that Spike had matured dramatically all on his own. “Of course when you’re young, you get hopelessly optimistic about almost anything. I was not only out of your league but a totally different species!” Spike admitted, defeated. Rarity heard enough. Rarity wrapped her front legs around him. The side of her face resting on his back. His scales felt hot against her face, he was a dragon after all. Still, she held him tight and didn't want to let go. Rarity got it. Spike having no physical and emotional outlet in Ponyville made Spikes life unbearable. “Spike...” Rarity began. She turned her face to the window. The sun was now a full circle just resting on the horizon line. Spike joined Rarity in looking at the great orb of light. It’s warmth and light bounced around the large room. It was a new day. “...let’s go home.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The caverns that the diamond dogs called home were anything but welcoming. Dark, damp, dirty and dank. It figures such creatures took residence in the endless tunnels of rock. Far below the surface was a large room where the leader of the diamond dogs dwelled. Large marble beams shot up from the floor into the ceiling. The room was lit by several torches on each wall. The king paced back and forth in his throne room, fuming. “This is an embarrassment.” He said, frustrated. His adviser, a frail looking diamond dog was there to console the leader. The adviser wore frayed robes and a silver amulet hung from his neck. “Don’t worry my lord, we are putting all of our efforts into tracking down the pony that stole our diamond.” The adviser said. The king shot him a look. “Oh, your diamond, my lord.” The kings eyes pierced the meek dog. “Allow me clarify so we are on the same level. So this pony, waltzed into the caverns, bypassed my elite guards, stole my precious diamond and escaped, easily?.” The adviser pulled on the collar of his robe, obviously nervous. “Yes, my lord.” He said with volume barely above a whisper. The king snorted and then turned back to his thoughts. He didn’t look much like royalty, but everything about him was intimidating. He was about twice the height of a normal diamond dog. His coat was thick and grey with mottled brown spots.His bulky muscles could be made out even through his fur. One of his lower canine teeth was larger than normal, even when his mouth was shut it poked out. His head resembled that of a wolf. “Stop the search.” He ordered. “My lor-” The king shot him another look. His pupils were orange, like they were engulfed in flames. The king stomped over to his adviser and lowered his frame. The small dogs tail went in between his legs as he cowered at the bulk of the monster wolf. Taking extra effort to bare his teeth the leader diamond dog growled; “I’ll take care of this thief pony, myself.” ---- Twilight Sparkle hated days like this. Not a single soul had entered the library and it is just minutes from closing. She wasn’t really bored, she had always a fresh stock of new books to keep her occupied. But she wanted something different. A change of pace if you will. She developed a mundane routine for the library she did everyday. Get up, clean, read, eat, sleep and repeat. Ideas of moving to Canterlot and working on her magic with Celestia would occasionally poke into thoughts. Living with royalty, delving into arcane spells and sorcery, saving Equestria from certain doom and chocolate rain. Princess Celestia and Luna had even offered her to stay in Canterlot. They promised her she could even have access to the ancient archives of magic. Text and spells that haven’t been seen for centuries! Oh the possibilities. Would she pursue that path over her friends in Ponyville? Not on your life. Sighing, she went and locked the front door. Turned off all the lights and began to walk up the stairs to her bedroom. Another dull day. Knock knock. Her head turned slowly to the door, annoyed. “I’m sorry but we're closed, Come back tomorrow please.” She shouted. “Oh come now Twilight, would you be a dear and let us in?” A familiar rich voice said on the other side of the door. Twilight couldn’t get to the door faster. Finally something interesting. Unlocking and opening the door she said, “Rarity! Of course you can come in, but what do you mean by...” Having fully opened the door she saw them. “...us?” She stood there, gawking and completely still. Jaw hanging. She didn’t even blink. It couldn’t be him, it couldn’t. He was short and cute. This dragon standing next to Rarity was large and scary looking. But the green eyes, the purple and green scales and all those spines running down his back. No. It couldn’t. It can’t. It- “Twilight, dear?” Rarity said, worried at Twilights stillness. The phrase interrupted Twilights racing thoughts. Twilight turned to Rarity and gave a reassuring nod. She took a deep breath and turned to the large reptile standing next to Rarity. This time, however, she was took extra effort to analyze his face. The dragons eyes couldn’t meet Twilights. Her eyes widened and she stepped backwards a step. “It really is you.” Spike scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, not your cute little assistant anymore, huh?” He let out a few nervous laughs. Both mares looked at him, was he trying to be funny? Rarity cleared her throat. “We have a lot to discuss.” Twilight gave a small but warm smile to both of them. “I-I’ll brew some tea.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A single hair. A single, purple, hair. That was all the leader of the diamond dogs had and that was all he needed. He had a scent to follow. The hair was found in a crudely made home between the forest and the mountains. He came upon the home by following hoof prints in the dirt. Barging in he found nothing. Fire long extinguished and everything packed away. He noticed the house was surprisingly accommodating, almost like another large creature took residence there. He had sniffed around and found the only clue he needed. He left as quickly as he came. Now he was on all fours running full speed through the forest kicking up dirt behind him. He was on the hunt. It had been so long since he exerted himself like this. To let his primal instincts take hold as the cool night air whipped past him. Then making his way to the edge of the forest he saw it. Ponyville. ------ The moonlight shot through the upper windows of the library. The soft moonbeams augmented the candlelight and made the atmosphere of the library more relaxing. Rarity, Twilight and Spike were on second floor of the library, discussing the prior day. They went to Twilights personal leisure area. They sat on two couches. Spike and Rarity took up one couch and Twilight took the one across from them. Between them was a coffee table with a freshly brewed pot of tea of on it. Rarity sat extra close to Spike on the couch. He still radiated warmth like a sauna. She could get used to dragon body heat literally radiating off them. Spike, obviously, welcomed this closeness eagerly. Twilight either didn’t take notice to it or just didn’t care. “- and then we hiked back to Ponyville and here we are.” Rarity finished the story of the previous day. She picked up her tea with her magic and quietly took a swig. “And you understand why I left?” Spike asked Twilight. Twilight stared into her cup. The whole story and explanation was a lot to take in. Spike being alive and well. Rarity discovering him. Their conversation to each other. She looked up, smiling. “Of course I do. I-I regret that I couldn’t have helped you.” She paused, sniffing a little. “But I’m just so glad you’re okay.” Twilight turned to Rarity. “I’m also glad you were able to shout some sense into him.” She said humorously. “Leave it to Rarity to give somepony a stern talking to.” Twilight was holding back laughter. “Celestia forbid we got Fluttershy to tell him off.” They all shared a short fit of laughter. ----- The leader of the diamond dogs weaved his way through Ponyville. He made extra effort to cling to the shadows to avoid being seen. No ponies were on the streets and only a few houses still had their lights on. The scent was hard to follow being masked by a hundred other ponies. But he was not going to let a pony get the best of him. Retribution will come to this thief. ------- “Bonsoir my friends. I do need to get some beauty sleep tonight.” Rarity led herself to the door of the library. Twilight and Spike followed behind. “Good night Rarity,” Twilight pulled her in for a hug. “and thanks again for finding Spike.” “Oh darling it was nothing.” She responded back. Rarity then hugged Spike. “Good night my dear.” Spike had great big grin spread across his face. “Good night.” He said. Twilight and Spike waved as the white mare trotted into the night. This long day needed to come to a close. Twilight closed and locked the door behind her and turned to Spike. “Now what?” Spike said. “Well,” Twilight yawned. “It’s awfully late.” Her eyes felt heavy. Twilight and Spike made their way back upstairs. Before tucking herself in, Twilight noticed Spike walk over to something. He stood looking down in front of him. Spike stood in front of his basket he used to sleep in as a child. It looked exactly like the day he left it. The same blanket and everything. “Y-you didn’t get rid of it?” “I couldn’t, I-AH!” Spike had picked her up and embraced her in a tight bear hug. Twilight’s shock of being picked up quickly subsided and she returned the giant hug as well. Spike loosened his hug put still held her. Twilight felt odd, she wasn’t used to being picked up. Most ponies need all four hoofs on the ground to feel safe. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Twilight. For everything.” He said. Twilight comforted him like a mother would. “Shhhh, it’s alright. I told you I understand why you left and I meant it.” “T-thank you.” Is all spike could say. “That’s what I’m here for, Spike, you know that no matter what I will love you unconditionally.“ Twilight motioned for Spike to let her down on the floor and went to the window. She peered at the moon and the stars. Twilight always found comfort in the shining objects of the night sky. “I want you to know that your happiness means the world to me. That’s the job of every mother. This isn’t about me and what I want.” She walked over to Spike. Placing of hoof on his chest. “This is about what you want Spike.” She looked up, beaming at him. “Although, do me a favor,” Twilight began. Spike cocked his head. “Stop growing will you? I’m afraid you’ll make a hole in the roof like that time in Canterlot.” They chuckled together. “It’s good to have you home.” Twilight said. “It’s good to be home.” --- Rarity kept a fast pace trying to get back home. She held on to the thought of taking a nice relaxing salt bath and sleeping in her lush queen sized bed. What a day, a perilous gem hunt, uncovering a gorgeous diamond, finding a grown up Spike and returning him home. All in one day! She couldn’t help but let her ego inflate a little. She even began to hum happily. KKKKKRRRRSH! Rarity jumped at the sudden noise. She instinctually looked towards the source of the shrill sound. A trash can had fallen over, spilling some of its contents over the ground. Upon closer inspection a cat had made it’s way out of the can. It looked at Rarity for a few seconds, lost interest and began licking its front paw. Rarity sighed in relief, and then went on her way. As Rarity walked she then turned her thoughts to Spike. She always knew about his crush on her but now everything is so, different. He has changed in so many aspects but still kept appealing traits from his youth. He was still sweet and silly Spike. But he was so mature and honest. That time out in the wilderness really made him change for the better. In fact- Footsteps. Rarity instantly turned a hundred and eighty degrees. Dreading what might be behind her. Nothing. A few leaves were pushed by the wind. There was complete silence except for the light whistle of the cool night breeze. She could have sworn she heard footsteps. “Oh Rarity your hearing things.” She said out loud trying to convince herself her mind was playing tricks on her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched. Something was unnerving about the stillness and darkness in Ponyville. Usually some ponies would be awake but it seemed the entire town went into hibernation. She didn’t need to worry any longer though. She finally made her way to Carousel Boutique. Using her magic she took the key out of her bag and opened the door. She didn’t need to worry about opening the door loudly, her parents and Sweetie Belle had moved out recently. Rarity loved having the shop and the house to herself. Locking the door behind her, she turned around, paying no attention to the darkness of the house. She took a step forward. “Home sweet-” She bumped into something in the darkness. It felt like someone had placed a brick wall in front of her. She looked up, horror stabbing at every nerve in her body. A collection of sharp ivory teeth and evil orange eyes. Then black.