> Shipwrecked On Journey Island > by Tiki_the_Cat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long, long time ago, a ship sailed across the Pacific Ocean. It was headed across the Pacific Ocean from Equestria, delivering supplies to faraway countries. The captain of this ship was a young, handsome colt known as Storm Flare. “Hoist the sail!” he called to his workers on board. The crew was cheerful, singing songs and laughing while they did their work. What else was there to do? One of these workers, called Rockie, sang a jaunty tune. “Oh ho, these smooth waters,” he sang. “Surely full of cute animals like otters!” Another member joined in. “Although they don’t live here,” he continued. “You can think about them while you work!” “That doesn’t even rhyme!” “The sails must be hoisted!” half of the crew called. “But what about the fish?” the other half sang. Storm Flare joined in. “The life of a captain is good enough for me! The adventure is such a pleasure that it gives me cold chills!” “You do realize we’re not rhyming, right?” a member of the group deadpanned. That stopped them. “Huh, I guess you”re right,” said Storm Flare. “Oh well! Back to work, everyone!” The crew cheerfully returned to their duties. The ship was sailing over beautiful waters, and the temperature outside was simply wonderful. Soon, the ship would reach a certain point, and then the ship would be on their way. One of the crew members, Aspen, walked up to Storm Flare. “Well, this trip is going smoothly,” she said. Storm Flare nodded. “Much better than my last trip. That time, I fell overboard and was pulled back up covered in seaweed!” Aspen snickered. “Yeah, you looked ridiculous! But have I ever told you about the time that I fell overboard? I looked like a train wreck! There were fish hanging all over me, I was covered in seaweed, and worst of all, I had been pinched by a crab on my nose, so I looked like I had been dunked in the ocean with a cold!” Storm Flare laughed. “Y-you must have looked r-ridiculous!” Aspen snorted. “I did! My father was on that ship with me and he took a picture!” The two of them fell on the floor, screaming with laughter. Storm Flare breathed hard, trying to catch his breath. “Boy, I love hanging out with you, Aspen.” Aspen giggled. “You too, handsome.” They both blushed. “I better get back to work,” both of them said at the same time. They laughed again. “See ya, silly,” Aspen teased. “You too, bragger,” Storm Flare said. They both trotted off. Aspen sneaked a glance at Storm. Was it just her, or was his head raised a little higher? The ship continued sailing. An hour had passed, making it late in the afternoon. The sun was shining, the sky was clear and it was a beautiful day. Soon, Storm Flare saw something. There was a line, halfway across the ocean, that told they were entering foreign waters. The ship steered towards it, and no sooner had it crossed this vague line that the captain noticed gray clouds on the horizon. He cursed under his breath. There was no way to avoid it. The storm hit in seconds. The fierce winds and battering rain threw themselves against the ship’s hull as it slowly started to crack. The wind swept the ship into the air, sending it rolling. “ASPEN!” Storm cried. The captain tried feebly to turn the ship, but the mast came crashing down on him, and he was brought into a world of black. When he woke up, he was lying on a beach. He scrambled to his hooves, and went galloping at full speed towards the edge of the island. He was almost at the water when he hit something. Whatever it was, it was invisible, and preventing Storm Flare from getting off the island. Storm went searching for his crew frantically. Soon, he had found the wreck of the ship. “Oh no, oh no, oh no...” He pulled a plank away from the ship. Underneath it was something that he hoped he would never see. “ASPEN!” he howled. There she was, limp and lifeless. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!” he bellowed at the sky, his eyes filled with tears. He sobbed over Aspen. “No... no!” Storm was furious. That storm had made him lose his only friend. ‘And maybe more,’ he thought bitterly, still touched by an ocean of grief. He raised his head. His eyes were bloodshot and a fire raged in them. That storm would pay. He roared at the sky. Gray clouds began to gather. Storm’s horn lit up and he shot spell after spell at the gray clouds. His body began to melt away as his soul transferred to the clouds above. “What is happening to me?!” he cried in disbelief. He was swept up from the beach. He saw Aspen’s body fading away below him. “No! Don’t! You! Touch her!” He struggled with the storm as the clouds encased him. His rage began to fade. Why was he even struggling? “No!” he howled. He fought the tomb that now encased him, but it was a lost cause. The clouds felt like steel. Storm sobbed in his cloud prison. He was going to ask Aspen to be his special somepony right when they delivered the supplies. With a sniff, Storm bowed his head. ‘This can’t be it,’ he thought sadly. ‘It was for Aspen, but... there has to be somepony that’s alive.’ He tried to reach out with his mind, so see if anypony was still alive. No one. Not a soul. Finally, Storm decided that enough was enough. He succumbed to the cloud prison, and let it take him. Legend tells that Storm Flare became the very same storm that shipwrecked him there. And he was still there, nearly a thousand years later, when a group of eight got trapped on the island by this storm. But unlike him, they escaped. They escaped from Journey Island. > Chapter 1: Here We Go! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a thud, a pile of papers as tall as the Leaning Tower of Pony dropped in front of Twilight Sparkle. With her muzzle buried in a book, she gave it only a glance before returning to her book. Princess Celestia emerged from behind it, her face kind and benevolent as always. She looked slightly amused. “Twilight, these forms are for you and your friends,” Celestia began, trying to catch Twilight’s attention. Her former student gave a start and started speaking. “Don’t worry, Princess, I’ll go fill them out!” interrupted Twilight earnestly. Her muzzle still stuck in the book, she levitated the stack of papers, only to squeak as Celestia’s canary yellow magic intercepted her own. Celestia looked amused. She gently set the papers back down on the table, and motioned for Twilight to set down her book. “Twilight, these papers are for you and your friends,” she said. “They’re permission forms.” Twilight tilted her head. “Permission forms? For what, Princess?” Celestia chuckled. “It’s high time that you and your friends got a vacation.” She looked over at the stack of papers and carefully levitated a stack from the enormous pile. “These are for your friend Rainbow Dash. Here are her Wonderbolt release forms, flying out of country license, and arena license. I’ve heard that Hawaii has wonderful arenas at this time of year,” Celestia added with a smile. Twilight was thrilled. “Hawaii? I’ve always wanted to study the plants there! Oh, and the animals too!” she squealed. Celestia chuckled. “Of course, there’s you and Fluttershy’s animal study license and you and Starlight Glimmer’s plant study license. Oh! And Starlight Glimmer and Spike’s kite flying license...” Celestia listed off several licenses tailored to her friends’ interests. Twilight was quite grateful. “Oh, thank you, Princess! We’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii,” Twilight gasped. “But how will we get there?” Celestia grinned. “You’ll take a ship, of course! There’s a fabulous 17th century style ship waiting at the dock. Everything’s ready for you!” Twilight’s grin widened. “I’ve got to go tell my friends!” She galloped off, and Celestia smiled at her retreating flank. ‘I hope she enjoys it.’ -Later...- “So, Twilight, what did ya gather us all for?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously. “It sounded exciting, whatever your letter said.” Twilight looked at her, slightly annoyed. “You didn’t even read it?” she deadpanned. “I may have skipped over some parts...” Rainbow grinned embarrassedly. “Okay, fine, I got to the part where you said ‘meet me in the throne room at 3:00’ and kind of left it there?” Everypony was silent. “Well, Rainbow Dash, if you had bothered to read Twilight’s fabulously descriptive letter, then you would have known that there was a trip scheduled for Hawaii,” Rarity said, slightly annoyed. Rainbow’s eyes popped open. “Hawaii? Awesome! Hey, aren’t the arenas super cool right now?!” “You betcha, RD!” Applejack agreed emphatically. Fluttershy squealed. “Oh, I can’t wait to see all the adorable animals! I really must document all the sicknesses that affect animals there so that I can prepare for them,” she said, reaching into her saddlebag to retrieve a small notebook. “And fly kites in that wind,” Starlight Glimmer chimed in. “If you take the right angle, you can get a simple 2D dragon kite to look like a real one!” She and Spike bumped hoof and claw. “Whoo whee, Ah’m just lookin’ forward to the rodeo! They have mighty nice arenas thar,” Applejack exclaimed. “Oh, and the fashion is simply to die for!” Rarity gasped, evidently picturing all the clothing articles. “Coco Pommel told me about all the wonderful designs. They have a special type of fabric that is supposed to behave like water, but it doesn’t get you wet! Isn’t that stunning?” Twilight smiled. “It seems like we’re all excited for the trip! Pinkie Pie, what about you?” “PARTIES!” Pinkie yelled excitedly. “They have such wonderful parties over there! Heehee!” The ponies in the room nodded knowingly. ‘That’s our Pinkie,’ their faces seemed to say. “So, we’re going?” Twilight asked carefully, trying and failing to contain her excitement. “You betcha!” Applejack exclaimed. “Ooooh, I can’t wait!” chirped Starlight. “This is going to be so cool!” Spike exclaimed. The ponies cheered. -Six hours later...- Twilight yawned. “It seems like my body is trying to tell me something. Hard to believe we’ve been in here for six hours!” “Our plans took a lot of time to make, especially with all of your nitpicking, Twilight!” Rarity said. “But I suppose we should get some rest. We have a lot of packing to do tomorrow.” Everypony trotted to the doors and said ‘goodnight.’ Next thing she knew, Twilight was in bed. Her eyes started to close. She sighed. She just couldn’t wait. Her eyes slid closed, but she forced them open. ‘No! Must... stay... awake… Her eyes closed, and she started snoring. She fell asleep before she could finish her sentence. -The Next Day...- Twilight rushed around the room, gathering all that she could. She contemplated bringing her poncho, and decided that to be prepared she had better bring everything. She rushed around the room, picking up books and bits of clothing. The door opened and Spike came in, carrying a big suitcase. “Are you ready to go, Twilight?” he asked, fluttering around the room. He peeked into her chest of drawers and said, “You’ve forgotten ‘101 Things You Need to Know About Ships.’” “Have I?!” she screeched, flying over to the drawers and picking up the book with her magic. “Calm down, Twilight,” Spike said calmly. “It’s only a book…” Twilight’s thoughts whirled. “Well, we should go if we want to make it to the dock!” She raced out of the room and down the crystal stairway, whizzing down to the dock with Spike panting behind her. Her friends, including Starlight Glimmer who lived in the same place as her, were already there. “I’m here, I’m here!” she panted. “Alright! Now we can get this show on the road,” Applejack said. She pointed to the ship that Princess Celestia had designated for them. It was tied to the dock with a rope ladder that could enable earth ponies to get on without assistance. Eventually, they all managed to get on the ship with their luggage in hoof. Twilight untied the rope ladder from the dock and opened the sail with her magic. She gave the boat a little “assistance” which enabled it to go faster. “Darlings, we simply must have snacks,” said Rarity. She opened a parcel with her magic and unwrapped it, unveiling the snacks inside. Twilight rolled her eyes before smiling and enveloping a cookie with her lavender magic. As she ate it, she looked up at the sky. Clear. She looked around at her friends and tilted her head at the sleeping compartments. “Hey, you guys mind if I go down to my compartment and read for a little while? I need to finish ‘101 Things You Need to Know About Ships,’” asked Twilight, grabbing the book anyway. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, you take your time, Twi… we’ll still be here in an hour or two. Provided you don’t start another book,” she added, narrowing her eyes. Twilight spluttered. “Why would you think-” “Relax, Twilight. We were just jokin’,” Applejack said good-naturedly. Twilight laughed nervously. “Hehe… right. My character flaw.” She headed down below deck. There were eight bedrooms for the friends, which had been marked accordingly to their cutie marks- of course, in Spike’s case, the door was marked with a small purple wing. Twilight headed into her marked bedroom to finish her book. Within forty-five minutes, she was done. A small yawn was stifled, and she leaped up from the bed to walk back up on deck. Once there, she noticed that the once clear skies were looking slightly ominous, with light gray clouds now in the edge of the horizon. She thought nothing of it. Twilight trotted over to Starlight Glimmer, who seemed to be immersed in flying kites with Spike in the breeze. The two were laughing and, Twilight noticed with a smirk, were flirting with each other. ‘Well,’ she thought, ‘it was only a matter of time before everyone got some kind of romantic interest…’ Leaving the two in privacy, she walked over to the others. “I finished my book,” she announced. Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up next to her. “Ooooooh! How was it? How was it? Tell me more!” Twilight considerately pushed the excited pink mare away from her a bit. Applejack regarded the scene with amusement. “Anything we should know ‘bout ships before we cut to any conclusions and whatnot?” Twilight nodded enthusiastically. “The very first ship was built in 2500 B.C. by the Ancient Egyptians! And there’s more-“ Rainbow Dash interrupted her. “Blah blah, more egghead-y stuff.” Twilight glared at her. “The ‘egghead-y stuff’ is interesting, Rainbow Dash!” “Suuuuure...” Rainbow drawled. Just then, a crack of thunder made everypony jump. “How did I not notice those before?!” Twilight gasped at the approaching black storm clouds. A storm was on its way. And it couldn’t be stopped. > Chapter 2: Storm’s Here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle stared in horror at the approaching storm. Fluttershy looked petrified, Rarity had already summoned her fainting couch (where from?), Rainbow Dash looked terrified and confused, Applejack held her hat to her heart, Spike and Starlight Glimmer held each other with nervous looks, and Pinkie Pie… Pinkie Pie was eating popcorn. All else aside, those storm clouds were not a good sign. Back when Twilight herself had taken that ship class (she always forgot the name!), she had learned that clouds of that color could only mean one thing: Uh oh, storm’s gonna blow. “Rainbow!” Twilight shouted over the increasingly louder wind. “Do those storm clouds look like ones we have on land to you?!” Rainbow shook her head frantically while the wind howled around her. “Not all all!” “Oh dear!” Fluttershy whimpered. She desperately tried to dig a hole in the ship’s floor, but all to no avail. “S-stand your ground…” Twilight struggled her fearful sentence out. The whimpers issuing from Fluttershy’s mouth were enough to strengthen Twilight’s resolve. “We need to try to steer the ship away from the storm!” Twilight yelled desperately. Her friends, strengthened by utter fear, dashed to try to move away from the storm. “I’ll turn the sail!” Starlight dashed to the mast, pulling it with a grunt. Spike assisted, turning the sail. Twilight manned the steering wheel, turning it to the side with all her might. Applejack went down below to turn the steering even more. Rainbow pushed the ship, gritting her teeth together. Pinkie and Rarity desperately turned the other sails. But was it enough? The wind buffeted Twilight’s mane ever harder, the black clouds looming threateningly on the horizon. Princess Celestia’s sun was completely blocked out now. Not that it mattered. They were still on the verge of sinking. Twilight looked at the clouds. She thought she saw a pair of eyes glowing threateningly through the dark clouds. She shivered instinctively, knowing this wasn’t a normal storm. Then a bolt of lightning struck right in front of her. Thoughts would have to wait. She and her friends had to survive at this moment. Then a wave rolled over the ship, and the mast crashed down. Twilight gasped as she saw it coming right towards her. She squeezed her eyes shut, and thought she heard a vague “Twilight!” Everything was still. -A Few Hours Later…- The royal guard burst into the throne room, racing towards Princess Celestia at full speed with three other guards at his back. “Princess!” he shouted, conveying something extremely urgent. Celestia rose at once. “Night Shade? Is something wrong?” Celestia asked, worried. Night Shadow dipped his head. “The Main Six, Starlight Glimmer, and Spike were supposed to arrive at Honolulu two hours ago.” “Yes? And?!” “They never arrived.” -Twelve Hours Later…- Twilight groaned as water lapped up her flank again and again, insistent. She was too exhausted to move, so the salt-concentrated water continued soaking her flank. She listened for any noise that would indicate where she had ended up. And, more importantly, if she was alone. However, it seemed that she was not alone. Similar groans and heavy breathing was heard, and if she counted it, there were seven sets. Her friends were there. Thank Celestia. Twilight slowly opened her eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight. She was on a beach, lying in golden sand. ‘Hawaii?’ But, instinctively, she knew that this was not Hawaii. But… where was it? Twilight slowly started to raise herself up onto her hooves. She was able to lie down, but a quick glance at her hind legs revealed a swollen, red mess. Great. ‘At least it’s intact. That’s thinking positively, right?’ Twilight shook her head in annoyance. One of her wings seemed to be injured as well. It could be worse, right?! Twilight pondered this for a second. They seemed to be stranded on a lone island, without any intelligent life, in the middle of nowhere, and things could be worse?! They could be dead! That’s not worse. Then you wouldn’t be suffering like you are now. Why was she arguing with herself? That was getting them nowhere. And doing nothing is getting you somewhere? ‘Shut up!’ Twilight said to herself. The heat was making her temper worse. Fine, but I’m right! Twilight sighed. Her friends were also in varying degrees of injury, ranging from a mauled wing on Rainbow Dash’s part to a swollen claw for Spike. But… injuries aside, Twilight had noticed something strange about the storm that had stranded them here. She could swear she had heard a male voice saying, “Bring back my Aspen, Princess.” But that must have been a dream. Right? She wasn’t so sure. As Twilight lay there, in pain but otherwise emotionally sound, her friends began to wake up. Starlight, sporting a nasty gash across the leg, coughed and raised her head. “Huh? What hap-“ She cut herself off as she looked around. “Where are we?” “Stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere,” said Twilight matter-of-factly. Starlight blinked. “This kind of thing seems to happen all the time, doesn’t it?” “Oh, yeah.” Starlight face-hoofed. “Great.” But Starlight moved her hoof to her mouth when she looked at the bloody leg and wing that Twilight sported. A full-blown gasp issued from her throat as she noticed the gash across her leg. “Oh my Celestia!” Starlight whispered. Starlight had just noticed Applejack. Both of her hind legs were just a bloody mass, indistinguishable from a pile of cut meat. Underneath all of that, though, Twilight could tell that her legs would be fine. In time. Meanwhile, all of their friends were waking up. Twilight told them all what she had told Starlight. “So, let me get this straight,” Rainbow said slowly. “We’re stranded on an island?! In the middle of nowhere?!” “It could be worse!” Twilight said defensively, shifting a little on her legs. “We could be dead.” Rainbow pondered this. “True.” Applejack was still trying to get over the fact that her hind legs had become a bloody mass in this abnormal storm. “Am Ah gonna be a-“ Applejack started hyperventilating. “Breathe, Applejack, breathe. You’ll be okay in time,” Twilight comforted gently. “Um… where did the ship go?” Fluttershy asked timidly. Twilight blinked. “I’m not sure. But… another good question is… where did we go?” > Chapter 3: Where are we? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle would have been pacing had she not had a mangled hind leg. She would have eventually created a groove in even a steel floor and probably would have gone on for over a week. Right now, she couldn’t do that. So she was mentally pacing. “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear,” Fluttershy whimpered, curled into a ball and rocking back and forth. “Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…” “Well, this is just peachy,” growled Rainbow Dash, looking miserably at her limp wing. “We’re shipwrecked on an island in the middle of nowhere and my wing is broken!” Twilight sighed. “That really is bad, Rainbow, because right now… you’re the only one who can scout around and look to see if there’s anywhere we can shelter.” Rainbow groaned. “Yeah, and I would do it if it weren’t for my stupid injured wing.” She punctuated her sentence with punches to the sand, eventually flopping her head down into it. Rarity put a hoof to her head dramatically, saying, “It’s crazy how I didn’t get hurt!” “You and me both,” Fluttershy whispered. Twilight smiled. “Rainbow, I think I can heal your wing. Just hold still.” She began to cast a spell on her friend. A bright white flash was emitted from her horn, and Rainbow gasped. “You fixed it! I can fly again!” She did a few loop-de-loops while laughing, thrilled that she could fly again. “Can you look around and see if you spot any places to shelter? I don’t feel comfortable being out in the open,” Twilight shuddered, shifting a little. Rainbow nodded. She looked sympathetically at her injured friends. “I’ll find a place.” She dashed off, leaving a rainbow streak behind her. Twilight sighed. Unfortunately, she had only ever learned to heal broken bones. If she had learned how to heal other wounds, then that would have been great. Should have stayed in school longer. ‘Oh, get out of my head, will you?!’ You know I’m right! Twilight looked at all of her friends, seeing what injuries they had and how serious they were. Applejack seemed to have been hit the worst, with her legs mangled and torn up. Thankfully, if there was anything good about it, her bones hadn’t been broken. The flesh was ripped, but apart from that there was nothing. Both Rarity and Fluttershy were, thank Celestia, okay, with no injuries except for (possibly) trauma. Fluttershy was definitely traumatized, but it would go away. In time. Starlight had a long gash down her forelimb, deep enough for it to be extremely painful, but no bone was showing. Spike’s clawed hand was swollen, and it looked like his wrist was sprained, but thankfully, he was fine elsewhere. Pinkie was… completely fine. Just the same as when they had boarded the ship. Either the pink pony was extremely tough or she hadn’t noticed the storm. At all. Rainbow’s only injury had been her broken wing, which Twilight had mended. And Twilight herself? Her back leg was sprained and swollen, her wing was the same way, and there was a large goose egg on her head that she hadn’t noticed before. ‘Probably from when the mast hit me,’ Twilight thought. In any case, her friends would be okay. She was very thankful for that. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Rainbow Dash flying at full speed back towards the group. “Guys!” she shouted. “I found a place we can stay!” Twilight grinned. “Yes! But now, the question is, how are we going to get there…?” She thought for a moment. “Rainbow, can you help carry us? We can’t fly or walk. At least some of us,” she added. Rainbow nodded. “Of course. I’m not gonna leave my friends hanging!” And so, very, very gently, Rainbow picked up Applejack and held her carefully. “I got ya,” she said. Applejack thanked her. “Darn, RD! Now Ah have to do somethin’ for ya!” Rainbow grinned wickedly. “You’re very correct. How about carrying me if I get injured?” “It’s a deal.” She flew off. A few minutes later, she came back again, having dropped Applejack off. “Alright, who’s next?” she asked. Starlight got up, wincing. “I can walk, at least. It’s my forelimb, so it’s not too hard to limp.” Spike hopped up. “I can walk, too!” Starlight laughed. “Nonsense, Spike, you’re coming with me!” They laughed. Twilight smirked. “Fluttershy? Are you okay to fly behind me?” Rainbow asked. Fluttershy nodded. She was still nervous, but she knew that she had to get to the shelter. Rainbow started flying. Starlight trotted behind her and Fluttershy brought up the rear. Rarity looked at Twilight. “Darling, I’m not sure if my magic is strong enough to take you there. Shall I wait with you until Rainbow gets back?” “Thanks, Rarity,” Twilight said gratefully. She didn’t want to be alone where there could be wild animals that could easily prey on an injured pony such as herself. Rarity nodded. “Of course.” A few minutes later, Rainbow came back, having dropped the others off at the shelter. “Twilight? You ready?” Twilight winced. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Rainbow picked Twilight up gently. “Twilight, I’ll trot behind you guys,” said Rarity, getting up and starting to walk. Rainbow took off. Twilight had an excellent view of the surrounding landscape, and she could see that the island they were trapped on was medium-largish. That meant there would probably be a large variety of plants and animals to study! Not that it really mattered… Twilight decided to study what was directly in front of her, scanning her eyes over the landscape as they passed. There were springs, a couple freshwater lakes, creeks, some caves dotted here and there, an absolutely beautiful landscape that would have been nice to visit and not be shipwrecked on, and lots of trees. Not a bad place to shipwreck. At least they would have fresh water and food. Twilight noticed Rainbow coming in for a landing, and shut her eyes in preparation for the jolt of landing, but that jolt never came. Starlight picked her up in her magic and carried her a short distance before laying her on the grass. Twilight looked around. The place that Rainbow had chosen was high, high enough to get a good view of the surrounding island. There was nice, openish cave that let plenty of light in and was spacious, and many jungle trees around the whole place. All in all, it was a good shelter. “This is perfect!” Twilight exclaimed. “You outdid yourself, Rainbow.” “I know it,” Rainbow said proudly, flaring her wings. She chuckled. “Now, we can get to healing ourselves.” Applejack looked up. “How’re we gonna do that, sugar cube?” Twilight sighed. “I’m not sure. But there’s good chance that I can fix our injuries, at least partially. I brought a book.” Rainbow groaned. “You always bring books, Twi! And besides, the ship is lost, remember?” “I can cast a tracking spell on it!” “Of course you can.” Twilight concentrated and let out a burst of magenta light from her horn. That light flared up, and flew off in a certain direction. Soon, it was gone from view. “Now what?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “Now… we listen,” Twilight whispered. All eight of them perked their ears up and listened. A faint beeping sound that sounded much like radar emanated from a distant point. Twilight grinned. “Follow that noise and you’ll find the book.”