> The Last Kindness > by Treforce > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The last act. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Act I: *Thump Thump Thump Thump* “Huh? Wha?” Fluttershy were abruptly woken up by her hungry pet bunny Angel, thumping on top of her former sleeping head in order to wake her up. Fluttershy took hold of Angel and held him in front of herself. “Im sorry Angel, did I oversleep again?” she asked, to which the bunny nodded before gesturing with a paw into his open mouth. “Alright, I’ll go make something for you” She placed angel down on the floor, and did a few stretches before leaving her bed. “Anything in particular you would want today?” After having feed both Angel, herself along with the other animals in her cottage, Fluttershy looked at her callender. “Do I have anything scheduled for today?” The page for the date were upside down, with a mirrored text reading ‘Tea with discord at 19:37’ “Oh look angel, Discord is coming over today!” Angel took this as his que to get out of the building before it started spinning again. He still remembered that one time discord had stolen his tail and used it to do some makeup… the pink had taken forever to get out. But fluttershy were happy with his visits. How could she not be? He was funny, and somehow always managed to surprise her with his antics… and most of the time, he managed to still restrain himself to not make it to chaotic for her. Fluttershy smiled at the memories of their semi-weekly teatimes. If Discord had been allowed, he would have chosen to have both of them teleported together at a random time during any time of the week. A topic they had loosely gone over several times, but nothing ever came from it. So they had come up with a compromise. She would chose the day of the week, and he with the time of the day. Fluttershy were also the one to decide what tea they would be having, as long as it wasn’t the same one twice in a row. She had only tried to do that once, but that had resulted in discord spicing the tea with a bit of his magic… Not that she felt there were anything wrong with being the size of a mouse for that hour, the mice were more than happy to join their tea party for the day. Fluttershy went to her tea cabinet to check if she even had any tea in the house… she didn’t. “Oh my,” she said and pondered. “Perhaps I should give Zecore a visit, she might have an interesting tea bland I could try… and while I am in that direction, I could take a small detour and see how things are going at the animal sanctuary” She grabbed her saddlebag and went outside, seeing Angel who were warning some of the other animals about discord arrival later. “You be a good boy and take care of the house while I am out, okay?” Angel gave a quick salute with his ear, and went back to warn the other animals. That was the last time he ever saw her. When the clock showed 19:37, there was a knock on the chimney, and Discord dressed as the easter bunny came down. He was holding a present and shouting “Happy Discord gratification day”. There were no reply. “Hello? Fluttershy?” He called out, still no answer. Discord went into the kitchen… no Fluttershy in sight. “Well this is odd !” He took out a hand book from a pocket in the bunny costume. “According to this, we had agreed to have tea time today, at this time…” With a wave of his arm, he was out of the outfit, and started to search the home for any signs of her, but to no avail. He stood and tapped his foot a couple of times. “I better go see what is keeping her” And with a snap of his fingers, he was gone from the house. But what greeted him when he materialised next to fluttershy were not a smile from the element of kindness...  Instead he were only greeted with a spilled bag of tea herbs, and the horror of the blood filled scene where a thick tree branch had fallen down and hit her, killing her almost instantly. The blood having long since stopped flowing from the wound in her head.   Act II: It had been a year after her funeral… Angel had tried to keep true to Fluttershy’s final request for him, a task he only managed to for shortly after the second month. That was when the cottage had been sold to its new owner. A painter from Hoofington who wanted a change of scenery. Angel had tried to chase the painter out, but it quickly became clear that he would not be able to. The painter had unofficially decided to “adopt” the critter as his new pet. Angel had decided to spend every day training his legs, until they were strong enough to kick out the intruder for good. It had been tough for Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow dash & Twilight sparkle. Especially during some of the “national crisis of the month”. At least they had each other as comfort. And discord... saying that discord were a wreck would be an understatement. The “Guys” had tried to talk with discord about it during game night, but many of the games discord hosted… all seem to have a “fluttershy” theme to them. One could only play so many campaigns that included “Tea party with [Mythical creature]” or “Burn the forest” in ‘Ogres and ogliets’ before it started to get repetitive. In any other sessions, Discord didn’t even seem to care anymore. And if he had to be honest with himself. He didn’t even feel like showing up for that anymore either. It was during one of those nights that Rainbow dash found Discord crying under a bridge. She approached him slowly. “Hey, you doing okay?” she asked. Discord didn't even care about hiding the fact that he had been crying long enough that snot were coming out. “Im fine, never better, how could I not be? I am the lord of chaos who can do anything… except bringing his friend back. '' He snapped his fingers, and nothing happened. “SEE !!” Rainbow sat down next to him, and wrapped a wing around him. “Look, Discord… I know that she meant a lot to you. She meant a lot to all of us. But the fact is that she is gone.” Discord lifted his head toward her. “I know that Rainbow…” he replied while Rainbow continued on. “She is gone, and have been for a long time now… and I think it’s about time you start to move on.” Discord kept looking at Rainbow. “It’s been a year after all, and although I am still sorry to have lost her, I can’t keep being sad forever.” Something about those words triggered something within Discord, some emotion he could not grasp fully. How could he, no… how could ANYONE ever become happy again after losing someone as sweet as Fluttershy? His first and truest friend. “I mean” Rainbow droned on. “I could spend all day being sad she is gone, but I’m THE Rainbow Dash. Equestrias fastest flier, the element of loyalty, and a wonderbolt. I have responsibilities towards my friends, my fans, and my job” Fire started to burn within discord. Where she really justifying herself from not being in grief due to something as insignificant as her fans? Did she not know how important Fluttershy had been to his life? Before Fluttershy came around, He had NEVER received a kind word, never even knew what that word truly meant. That monster he was back then, had only caused himself to be imprisoned for 1.000 years in stone. Discord were not even fully listening anymore… every word that Rainbow spoke just infuriated him further and further. “... I mean, you are the lord of chaos after all. Just sitting and constantly being sad like this is just so… not you.” Discord stood up and started to walk, unwilling to hear any more from her. “Hey, where are you going?” Rainbow asked. “Goodnight Rainbow” he snared. “Well… okay, glad I could help you.” she said and waved goodbye to him with a big grin. That grin… Discord decided that someone like her did NOT deserve to wear a grin like that. Act III: Despite her best intentions, Rainbow Dash could feel her body waking up. “No… please don’t let my dream end on a cliffhanger” she thought to herself. “Daring Do still needs my help to beat the skeleton necromancer”. She turned over hoping that would be enough for her body to let her sleep again. But all that managed to do was to make a rock start to poke into her back. The sudden pain made her yelp and finally managed to get her up. She was about to kick the rock when she finally realized. “Where am I ? Why was I sleeping on the ground, and not home in my own bed ?” She heard the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, water flowing down a creek, and various animal sounds. She looked around “Am I in the Everfree forest?”. “WELCOME” a voice from behind greeted her, making her jump into the air a second time since waking up. “Discord? What’s going on?” “Oh not much my dear DEAR Rainbow dash, I just wanted to THANK you for your advice yesterday.” he said with a sly grin. “Infact, I even worked all night on a prototype for a small project of mine. And I wanted to show my FULL GRATITUDE, by letting you be the first to try it” Rainbow flew right up to his face “So you decided to kidnap me?” Discord just brushed her of. “Like I said, it’s still a prototype. Would not want to ruin the surprise for everyone else just because I wanted to give you the first go at it” Rainbow slowly landed on the ground once more. “Well, I… fine… but next time you do something like this, could you at least NOT give me a heart attack ?” He just replied with “No promises”, which just made Rainbow sigh. “Fine, fine… so what is the surprise then? I don’t see anything here but the forest” “oh , right… hang on a sec” Discord changed into a red and white shirt along with a straw hat, pulled out a small blue box from the shirt pocket, and placed it on the ground. He pressed a button on the side of the box, and the box unfolded itself into a bigger box, before it unfolded again, and again, and again, until it was the size of a phonebox. There was a cardboard cutout taped to the top of it, which had a crayon picture of discords face along with some text reading “Discords funhouse - prototype edition”. “What do you think ?” Discord happily asked. Rainbow were making big eyes at the now no longer unfolding box. “It’s… a blue box?” “Borrowed the idea after watching some show, the show replace the main character every few years” Discord looks at you, not rainbow, YOU, the reader. “And in my opinion, Matt Smith is the best doctor yet!” “What was that?” “Nothing you have to worry about Rainbow” “O...kay?” Rainbow decided it was best to ignore Discords antiks. “So besides growing bigger, what's so special about this box?” Discord sighed “and here I thought the sign would be enough” Discord grabbed Rainbows head and turned it toward the cardboard sign, where another discord in a professor outfit where holding a stick, pointing at the cardboard. “F-U-N says Fun, H-O-U-S-E says house, Funhouse” “So you made a fun house. That’s nothing new” “But my dear rainbow, this is not an ordinary funhouse. It also physical challenges that not even someone as fast or athletic as you can handle” “HA” Rainbow mocked laughed. “I think you forget who you are talking to, i'm awesome.” “Truuuuuuue… but are you awesome enough to try out my little box?” “Pfff, whatever is in there, can't be THAT big a challenge. Look” she flew around the box a couple of times. “I just flew around it 20 times no sweat. I doubt there is even room in there for me to even do anything” “Allright Rainbow, how about a little extra then? You go in there and test it, when you come back out again, I will give you a special book that changes itself into the next daring do book, 1 week before release, and will keep doing this with every new release” That was an offer Rainbow could not refuse. “deal”. And before Discord could even say anything, Rainbow had already went inside. Discord rubbed his hands together “and the mouse is in the maze”. Rainbow could not believe her eyes. “I have to hand it to you Discord… I did not expect this” What Rainbow had though were just a small blue box… turned out to be so much more. She was in a circular room, the walls covered with doors, the only light came from the disco floor that spanned from wall to wall. The floor were even slowly spinning. The many colored lights painting the inside in ever changing colors that made the entire thing feel like the inside of a circus tent. The voice of Discord suddenly echoed within the hall. “Welcome to the Funhouse Rainbow, I hope you will enjoy your stay. To get started, simply pick any of the doors and walk through” A little hesitant, Rainbow grabbed on to one of the closes doors and opened. What she saw made her mouth drop. “No… no way! Is that… the wild blue yonder roller coaster from Las Pegasus? The fastest and most awesome roller coaster in the history of awesome rides ever?” “It sure is” discord said from behind her while holding popcorn and eating the bag “and there is NO line, you can ride it again and again if you want” Rainbow were grinning from ear to ear, and could hardly contain her excitement. “This is so awesome,” she said while lowering the straps to the cloud rocket car. Discord went over to the start lever. “Please keep your hoofs over your head during the ride” and pulled. And off she went. As she was catapulted straight through a series of daring dips and terrifying turns, Rainbow swore she could almost hear the sound of an old mare screaming "Wrong leveeeeeer". But she shrugged it of as a trick of the wind as she went flipping upside-down so many times she almost didn’t know which way was up. The ride finally climbed to the highest peak on the rails! Then drop towards the ground at lightning speed, before coming up to a screeching halt! “Enjoying yourself Rainbow?” Her eyes were still spinning “oh yeah, I could go as many times as I wanted right?” “Oh, we can do more than that… if you want, I could make it so it becomes even MORE faster and wilder each time you try it” Were it not for her still spinning eyes, she would had nodded her head more than just once. She instead teplied with a bigger grin. “Then let’s go again” and the lever were pulled once more. Rainbow was having the time of her life. The ride kept getting wilder and wilder, and and she was loving every moment of it. After about 50 more runs or so… she had honestly lost count at some point. She decided she had had enough of the ride. “I have to say Rainbow… You surprise me” “What can I say, I am awesome” “Indeed you are…” Rainbow did not like the way discord were obviously hesitant with his answer while having that grin of his. “Allright Discord, what is it?” Discord returned the rollercoaster to its original state. “Well, perhaps it's best if I just show you” And then he pulled the lever once more. Once again, Rainbow went up, down, around, upside-down, up and down until the end of the ride where it stopped. Rainbow just sat there… she was in shock. “Why?..” she finally started to ask “Why was THAT not exiting for me any more?” Discord just held up all the pictures taken during all the ever increasing rides. Rainbow stared at the pictures untill it finally clicked. “You ruined all my future roller coaster rides for me… No other roller coasters than this one will ever be as exciting to me again” Discord placed a hand on her shoulder as he unstrapped her. “I am so sorry Rainbow… perhaps trying some of the other rooms out will help you take your mind off it” Rainbow was on auto-pilot as she got up. “Yeah… yeah, that might be a good idea…” Discord guided her out of the roller coaster room, and into the next one. Still on auto pilot, she hardly registered when DIscord came offered her a chair. “Here, have a seat” Rainbow still on auto pilot sat in the chair. “Would you like some tea?” “Huh?” Rainbow finally snapped out of it. “Im sorry, what did you say?” Discord were waving a teapot over a teacup “I was just offering you some tea” “Huh? eh… I guess” Rainbow held out her hoof to grab the cup… when she noticed something on her arm. Was that a cloth? Looking closer at it… it did not seem to stop though. Going to her shoulders, and her chest… and… “Discord?” “Yes Rainbow?” “Why am I in a big frilly princess dress?” “Oh, you noticed huh? This is the Princess Tea party room” “Princess Tea party room?” “Yes, everyone who enters this room will be wearing a princess outfit. With matching mane and all” Rainbow quickly raised her hoofs up to her mane, and only then noticed that it were longer, curly and some of it braided. Her body instantly recoiled. “Nope” she yelled as she grabbed the dress and removed it, only for an even more frilly dress to be revealed underneath it. “Okay Discord you had your fun, but I think that… that… what the hey?” She removed the dress she was wearing ones again. But a new one emerged from it, this time with a little bow in it. “Better not try to remove to many dresses” Discord said with a knowing smile “it wont work in here, and we don't wanna end up being squished in them now do we” Rainbow Dash in her anger tried to tear it apart… but when the next one had gained glitter she finally gave up. “So why aint YOU in a princess dress as well then?” she asked. “Because I am a stallion, obviously Rainbow. This room would place me in a prince outfit” “So WHY are you not in a prince charming outfit either?” “Because I am not YOUR prince charming, that honor goes to this stallion” Discord snapped his fingers, and with a small puff Zephyr Breeze was standing next to them. He was wearing a white suit with golden decorations. Zephyr Breeze looked around frantically. "Wait? What? What's going on? Where am I?” Then he noticed Rainbow, in all her princess glory. “I must say Rainbow, you look better and better every time I see you. But you don’t have to do this much for my sake.” As if on cue, flower petals started to fall behind them, the walls turned pink and wedding music started to play in the background. Rainbows pupils shrunk down to the size of a dot. “Will, you excuse me for a moment?” “I…” Zephyr didn’t have time to answer before Rainbow were gone in a dust cloud, and out the door. “BATHROOM, WHERE IS THE BATHROOM ?” she yelled out in the giant hall, no longer wearing the dress or the makeup. A door opened up for her, and soon after rainbows head were taking a close look at the inside of a toilet bowl while her breakfast, decided that It did not enjoy their current location any longer. Discord were standing outside the stall “I did not think you would react THAT badly to my little joke” Rainbow tried to reply in between the hurls. “That was just… *hurl* the WORST joke I have… *hurl* ever been subjected to” Discord were stroking his beard. “Come to think of it… you didn’t even try the tea” After Rainbow had fully made sure that, the bowl were fully waterproof by stress testing it. She went over to the sink to clean herself up better, as well as to clean her current taste from her mouth. “I think I skip eating for the time being, it would probably just go right back up again after that little stunt of yours” “Funny you should say that Rainbow” he said while bending down so they were face to face. Rainbow blinked once… twice… three times. “I will probably regret this, but fine. Why is it funny I should say that Discord?” “How would you like to try some new ones you have never tried before?” “... I'm listening” “Better, you will be doing” “No I meant what…” *snap* Discord had teleported them to their next room. *Poof* “Will the stunt… be? Would you STOP bringing me to new rooms before a warning already!” They were at the end of a giant hallway, which seems to be missing its floor except for at each end of the hall. Looking up, she saw that the walls did not go all the way up. A little over the walls on each side of her, she could just skim rows upon rows of chairs. Rainbow felt a little cold at her sides for some reason. “This room, along with the following 4 rooms are connected and have the same quirk” Rainbow quickly checked if her mane were different again, nope. Was she wearing a dress? Also no. Nothing on her hooves, nothing on her back, nothing on her head, nothi… she looked at her back again… nothing… “MY WINGS !!! WHERE ARE MY WINGS?!?” Rainbow was starting to panic. “What am I gonna do? Without my wings, I can’t fly. If I can’t fly I can’t be the fastest flier in equestria. If I can’t be the fastest flier in equestria, I can no longer be a wonderbolt !!!” “Now now Rainbow, this is nothing to freak out about” Rainbow turned to Discord, and did not spare any moments for Discord to escape before she had clung herself to him, and was looking at him with a fury in her eyes. “Give, back, NOW! “ “Now calm down Rainbow, your wing will be returned once you have finished with this set of rooms” “Give them BACK !!” Discord snapped his paw and were now up at the balcony seats. “And here I was trying to be nice to you and all… But I guess you would rather have it this way. So I am giving you an incentive.” Rainbow were jumping up and down the wall trying to get to discord. “give” *jump* “back” *jump* “give” *jump* “back”. “Clear these rooms, or you will be stuck being wingless” Rainbow stopped jumping up the wall… and just slunk down to the floor. “Please, Discord… I will do anything… just let me have my wings back…” Discord looked down at her. “Then finish these rooms” Getting nowhere with Discord, Rainbow got back up and dragged herself over to the edge of the hole in the floor and looked into it. Inside she saw what looked like a big stone pipe going from the left wall, to the right wall… it looked big enough for her to stand on top of it, but there were no signs of anything else down there that could get her to the other end of the hallway. “So how do I get across?” she asked up to the podium. “Simple” came a reply “the pipe rolls”. “So… it’s about keeping balance? Is that it?” Rainbow looked at the stone pipe once more. “That doesn't sound that hard to do” she turned around and with some difficulty managed to crawl her way down to it. “Okay, I made it… that was harder than expected. But then again, normally I would have FLOWN down here" she called up to discord while shaking an angry hoof at him. “YOU ARE DOING GREAT” he cheered back. “Now get the pipe to roll to the other end” “Get the pipe to the other end he says, when I get my wings back I am gonna make his head turn purple when I place my hoof around his... “ she mumbled angrily to herself. Discord called out to her “What was that Rainbow? I can hardly hear you down there” Rainbow quickly replied “NOTHING” and focused all her attention on getting the pipe to roll toward the other side. Once she reached the other end, she crawled up the hole and went for the door. “There, I made it.. Now give me my wings back” “Nice try Rainbow… but like I said, this challenge have more than 1 room. So either you keep moving, or you will be stuck there”. Rainbow grumbled to herself, but went through the door to the next room. It looks almost exactly like the room she just went through. Rainbow looked confused up to all the discords. "Hey, what gives?” she asked. “Look into the hole, and you will see the ‘gives’ that is ‘what’ “ She cautiously went over to peek over the edge. “You replaced the stone pipe with a stone ball” “I replaced the stone pipe with a stone ball” said 1 discord. “oh my god, that is so clever,” said another. “So now instead of only going back and forth, she could also fall off sideways?” asked a third. “That would be fun to watch,” said the first to the third. “OKAY, OKAY, I GET IT ! the hay is wrong with him…” This second trial proved a little more difficult for dash, but not that much. The third one however, this time it was not the stone ball that were replaced… it was the hallway that were replaced with a grand hall. And an armys worth of discords were stationed along the walls, as well as in a tower in the center of the hall. All of them were stationed with a super soaker. Except for one, who had a small water pistol instead. Surfice to say, it was a soaked mare that went through the door to the final room of the challenge. Hot… everything was hot… The ground was glowing hot with lava. All around the hall, there were floating rings. And all the discords had a menacing grin. “DISCORDS AND DISCORDS!” the one in the tower yelled into a megaphone for his fellow Discords to hear. “IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE THAT I INTRODUCE TO YOU, THE ONE AND THE ONLY STAR OF OUR SHOW TONIGHT.” The rings started to catch fire. “IN ORDER FOR OUR DEAR RAINBOW DASH TO REGAIN HER WINGS AND ESCAPE THIS TRIAL, SHE HAVE TO NOT ONLY GET TO THE OTHER END OF THIS HALL, BUT SHE ALSO HAVE TO JUMP THROUGH EACH OF THESE FLAMING RINGS, ALL WITHOUT THE USE OF HER WINGS” Rainbow were slowly starting to feel the temperature in the room. “AND ALL OF YOU DISCORDS OUT THERE, HAVE THE GLORIOUS CHANCE AND OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS EVENT” Rainbow started to feel a new set of fear as she watched all the Discords stare at her. “You better be quick in this room before all that water on you evaporates” the discord said to her. “And this time, you will find that it will not be mere water that  we will be shooting at you” A few of the Discords emphasized the words by shooting streams of lava out of their super soakers. Rainbow were frozen in place by fear… one wrong move, and she could end up burned, or worse dead. This wasn't just dangerous, this was downright insane. How was this even remotely considered okay for a funhouse? [This is insane, this is insane, this is insane] she thought to herself over and over. “OH GET A MOVE ON ALREADY” the one nearest to her with the small water gun yelled out, before he shot a few drops of lava toward her. The drop of lava he shot at her landed mere centimeters away from her. The incoming lava was enough for Rainbow to finally spring into action. She jumped down to the ball and started to roll it as fast as she could. Where she had previously slowly used her weight to make the ball roll in her desired direction. Rainbow had quickly realized that would NOT be fast enough for this room. So she had turned herself around and started to RUN on the ball, to get it going faster in the reverse direction. Jumping while running like this had proved extremely difficult, in that she at her first ring had nearly jumped right off the ball instead. The streams of lava that the discords were shooting at her was NOT helping in the slightest either. Rainbow could feel that the water on her had quickly started to evaporste. Leaving for from soaked to her moist, and then completely dry before the heat were starting to do its work on her. There was the last ring, now she just needed to get to the exit door. Rainbow was running as fast as she could on the ball. She was almost out of this nightmare. Streams of lava and taunts being shot at her left and right. “SOMEONE, HIT HER” “STAND STILL AND LET ME SHOOT YOU” “I got one of her sweat drops that fell off her, does that count?” “I give it half a point” “DADDY NEEDS ENOUGH POINTS FOR THAT PLUSH PRIZE” Rainbow were so close to the door now, she was running out of breath. She saw a stream of lava flying right towards her. Almost at the door. Rainbow jumped for it. Streams of lava flew over her head, and disappeared when it reached the door frame. Rainbow were almost out of the door, but a last second shot managed to burn of the tip of her tail before she could get it to safety. Rainbow were out in the great hall with the doors again, her wings back in place where they belonged, and a slightly smoking tail tip. Rainbow spent a few minutes to cherish her refound wings. “Oh how I missed you 2” Rainbow had had enough. “Discord, I deem this ‘fun house’ of yours everything BUT fun, and I wish to leave” Discords laughter started to revert throughout the hall. “Oh my dear little naive little pony… whatever gave you the idea that you were done here?” Rainbow were confused. “I beat the challenge, and now I want to go home” “But you are not even close to finishing all the rooms yet, I can't let you leave without getting the full experience of all I have to offer you” “Your so called ‘thank you gift’ is more trouble than it is fun. All it has done so far is ruin roller coasters for me...” “Which you could always return to if you want to” “Placed me in a room wearing the most girly dress ever, WHILE also in the same room with the stallion I hate most in the world, for a suddenly wedding themed tea party…” “Which you still haven't tried, thank you very much” “Hurled” “I'm still surprised that it wasn’t the roller coaster that sent you there” “Had my wings taken away” “I returned then, didn't I” “And had LAVA shot at me! So if it's all the same to you, I would like to leave” Discord was suddenly on the ground, hugging one of her legs. “No, wait. Please don’t go yet... give me 1 more chance to make it up to you” Rainbow tried to shake him of her, but his grip was too tight for a simple shaking to lose him. “How about Something Daring Do themed? I know you have read all of her books” “I have, and right now I just want to get out of here so I can read that book you promised me for when I left” “Please? I will just keep pestering you anyway” Rainbow really did not want to… but it seemed she had no choice. “Okay, okay. You have 1 last chance” Discord were instantly up to his full height and proclaimed “Marvelous, right this way then” And so they went to the next room. The room was dark, except for an illuminated carpet, that lead to some sort of podium. There was something red on it… perhaps a ruby? Rainbow slowly walked toward the podium, trying to avoid setting off any traps, but nothing seemed to happen. “You did say this room was Daring Do themed…?” No reply came. Rainbow placed her front hooves on the podium. Some light started to faintly turn light up around the room… revealing a game show studio? The previously assumed ruby were a red buzzer. Discord were standing at another podium. “Hello and welcome to another episode of ‘Can you outsmart Discord?’ I am your host Discord. A.k.a the lord of chaos. And with us tonight we have Rainbow dash, a professional flier for the wonderbolts. In her spare time, she likes to read the many adventures of Daring Do. The best selling book series that I don't think need any further introduction. Rainbow have chosen to test her knowledge on all things Daring do related. If she wins, she will be able to walk away from here with her own personal set of top of the line training equipment for herself and her colleagues.” Rainbow just gave a deadpan stare, before saying “I’m leaving” and turned around. Discord quickly went over to her to block her path. “Oh come on now, you haven’t even given it a proper chance yet. Besides, there is a priiiiice” Rainbow though it over. “Guess it would not hurt to help out my teammates, okay, you are on” Discord were back to his host podium. “And we are back from our commercial break. Today's contestants have to guess 12 Daring Do related questions in order to win the big price for herself and the wonderbolts, so let's begin." “Hang on” rainbow injected “Why do I even need this buzzer if I am the only one guessing?” “Oh that ain't for when you wanna guess, That is the ‘Panic’ button” “The… panic button?” “In case you want a break from a question, you can press that button to pause the game and leave the room. But it comes with a side penalty.” “What penalty?” “If you leave a room before clearing it, it will add an attribution from all following rooms you enter until you return to clear the room. For example, if you were to leave this room to go to the library and pick up a book with the answer to the last question asked, the quiz room would gain something from the library room… and the library room would get something from the quiz room unless you cleared it first.” “Pff, I won't be needing it. I know the books by heart now” “Our contestant sure sounds confidence, lets see if it will last” The screen behind discord showed number 1, and then it flipped to show the first question. “Question 1: We all know the name Daring Do, but what is her full name?” “Easy” said rainbow with confidence “Her full name is Daring Do Dazzle!” *Ding* “Correct, Ready for question 2 ?” “Bring it” “Question 2: How many holes are there in her hat ?” “20” *Ding* "Question 3: What is the name of the cousin that went adventuring with Daring Do in ‘Daring Do and the villagers of Somnambula’ ?” Rainbow had to think a little on that “Ditzy Doo” *Ding* "And we have reached the first challenge point. Now we will begin adding a timer to our questions. The time limit for each question is 30 sec” “Big deal, I have already answered 3 in less time than that” “Sounds like you out contestant have lots of confidence. Then lets not delay, and move on. Question 4: Who did Daring Doo seek guidance from in order to overcome her fear ?” “Professor A. B. Ravenhoof, I thought this was gonna get harder” “Question 5: Yearling holds a degree in what? And from what University ?“ “Oh, um… hang one a sec… its…” rainbow were rubbing her temples. “Literature! And she got it from Pranceton University.” “Correct, your doing great by the way” Rainbow just smirked “you know it.” “Question 6: Before writing Daring doo books, A.K. Yearling wrote another book. What was the name of this book?” “Darn, I did quickly scan that… but I barely got through the first chapter without falling asleep” “Time is ticking Rainbow” “Hang on, just give me a sec” “You have 15 of them left” “It was something a griffon… darm what was the name of that griffon again.” *DING* “Huh?” “You are correct Rainbow, it WAS called ‘What was the name of that griffon again?’ we would also have accepted its other name ‘Beak and Roaming Studies’” Rainbow dash swept her forehead with her hooves to remove some of the sweat that had formed there, she had been lucky on that one. “We have reached the second challenge point, and once again, the questions will get harder. And the time for each question will be lowered. You will now have 20 seconds to answer the question. How are you feeling so far” “That last one were more luck than anything, but I still feel confident that I can beat you in this game Discord” “I take it you are ready for the next questions then?” “Oh yeah” “Question 7: In an interview with A.K. Yearling, she was asked on how she approaches writing villains for her stories, what was her response?” “That ones easy, she said that When writing a villain it's important that he comes to life as vividly in the reader's imagination as he does for the author “ “Question 8: Of all the villains Daring Doo have encountered, which one did A.K. Yearling state she had the most difficult writing about?” “Hmm… Probably the medusa sisters?.. I think” *correct again, Question 9: In the Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny, they had to recall the first edition due to an error on the cover … what was the error?” “Someone at the graphic team had added some secret letters to the background of her name… making her name read as Daring Donut” *Ding* “And we have reached our last challenge point, the questions will now be as hard as they can get, and you will only have 15 sec for each question” “That price is as good as mine” “Question 10: In the popular Fanmade comic ‘Manehattanverse’ by author Papercut. Daring Do is known under a different name, and profession… but what ?” “In the Manehattanverse she is part of the Elements of Harmony. She is the element of honesty and her real name is Honey Do… except for in the end page gag, where her name is Daring Don’t who just stays at home and read the comic she herself is in” “Question 11: What animal is always present somewhere on every cover of the Daring Do Series?” “Bats” “And the for the final question… this is the hardest one, and you will be given 4 choices” “Like I will need them.” “Question 12: How many commas are there in ‘Daring Do: Riddle of the Sphinx’  ? Is it a) 6.789, b) 7.373, c) 7.500, or d) 7700 ?” Rainbow’s mouth were down on the floor. “Who counts stuff like that ?” “... 10 seconds” Rainbow seemed to have no choice, there was no way she could lose now when she was so close to winning that prize. She had to make a decision fast. “5 seconds…” She pushed the Panic button. The ruby started to glow red, Rainbow wanted to let go of the button, but it was like she was glued to it. The glowing shifted from the ruby, and traveled into Rainbows front hooves. Rainbow felt strange from the intruding light traveling through her body. But as quick as it had entered her, just as quickly did it leave her again from her back hooves. The light slipped into the floor, and went out of the door. Based on the red light coming from the cracks in the doorframe, The entire central grand hall were being illuminated by the light before it finally faded. Rainbow were troubled by the light. “Was that the ‘side effect’ you were talking about ?” That feeling quickly gave way for another emotion. Rainbow was fuming. “WHO THE HAY COUNTS STUFF LIKE THAT ?” Discord lifted a knowing finger, and was about to reply that some ponies actually have ‘Comma collecting’ as a hobby. He would have even went as far as to suggest that Twilight Sparkle might be one with all the books she goes to multiple times. But he was interrupted before he could say any of that. “No, no. I don’t wanna hear it!” Rainbow raised her hoof toward Discord “But about that ‘penalty’ you talked about… as long as I don't leave this room unfinished, it won’t gain any weird things right?” “You are indeed correct my little pony. For this, and any of the other rooms, this rule now applies” Rainbow though on that for a moment. “Do I HAVE to answer this last question correct for this room to be considered ‘cleared’ ?” “No, you just have to participate in the game till the end.” “Do I still get the price if I guess wrong?” “You get bragging rights for getting the furthest in the game to date” “... Big deal if I am the first to play… oh well… better pick one then…” Rainbow looked at her hooves and lifted each in session while saying a little rhyme. “Eeeny, meeny, miney, mo. Put the baby on the po. When he's done, Wipe his bum. And tell his mother what he's DONE“ Rainbow finished with a confident smile. “For the final question, I am guessing B as the right answer!” A fanfare erupted, with confetti and streamers raining down all over. “CONGRATULATION TO OUR CONTESTANT, YOU have guessed correct on every question in this game. And your prize will be sent to the wonderbolt facility.” Rainbow did a self-congratulating hoof-pump “aw yeah, aha, im awesome” and danced her way out of the room, where Discord stood waiting for her in the grand hall. “So, which room will you do next?” Rainbow looked baffled at Discord. “What do you mean… I am going home now” She took his claw and shook it. “Although it was a bumpy ride, it did seem to have some good parts to it. But honestly, it needs some more work being added to it, to make it more safe for none draconiquis” Rainbow started walking toward the exit door. “Bye”. Discord teleported in front of her. “Oh, I don't think you will be leaving anytime soon” Rainbow started to walk around him. “Eh, sure I am. See, there is the door… and I am going towards it with the intent of exiting through it… so, once again… bye!” Rainbow reacher out for the door, but with a snap from Discord, and the door disappeared. “I am sorry to say this Rainbow… but you still have many, many MANY doors to go through, and many more rooms to try, before you are even remotely close to getting out, if at all !” Rainbow slowly turned around to look at discord… and the look Discord were giving her frightened her. His eyes were more than that of someone just being serious. Those were the eyes of something more sinister and malicious “Di- Discord? You are scaring me” Discord started to walk toward her, with the light seeming to leave his frame. “Then allow me to lighten the mood, perhaps a visit to the musical room will do?” “Mu- musical ?” Rainbow were treading backwards away from Discord. “Oh you are gonna love that one, while in there, everything that you say comes out as a song” Rainbow tried to run away, but Discord was faster and managed to grab and lift her up. He then turned toward a door that opened up for him on its own. “In fact, why don't I start with the first one” He then promptly tossed her through the door frame while yelling “YEET” Rainbow screamed as she was flying through. “AAAAAAAAAAAA ♩ AAAAAHhh ? ♩” When she hit the floor she slided a few feet. ♩ Oh my, oh me, I hurt my knee ♩ Rainbow held her hooves over her mouth. She tried to say something again. ♩ I think something might be wrong, all I say comes out as song ♩ Rainbow got up and looked around. The room looked like its own little world, where everything was made by crayons. There was a knock on the door, and through it came discord wearing what Rainbow could best describe as a ‘barbershop quartet’ outfit. She barely had time to register him, before crayons came to life and started to illustrate the song he was about to sing all around her. ♩♪ Iiiiiiiiiiit’s ♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosion♩♪ ♩♪Hurting you in every way is my new fun devotion♩♪ ♩♪Experience don’t matter much, it’s all about emotion♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosion♩♪ ♩♪Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay♩♪ ♩♪Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay♩♪ ♩♪The first room’s a dogfight in space, I hope you like its trap.♩♪ ♩♪The next one is for bird-watching that got into a flap.♩♪ ♩♪But if you think it will end there, then here’s a thought to try.♩♪ ♩♪I plan to make that flank of your end up a burning fry!♩♪ ♩♪Oh.♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosions♩♪ ♩♪What could possibly go wrong, it don’t sound that atrocious!♩♪ ♩♪Life will be infernos that are really quite ferocious.♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosions♩♪ ♩♪Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay♩♪ ♩♪Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay♩♪ ♩♪The reason this is happening, is you made me see red.♩♪ ♩♪Now please don’t get me wrong I merely want you close to dead.♩♪ ♩♪This fate have been decided and approved of with a stamp.♩♪ ♩♪The author making sure of it, him and his finger cramp!♩♪ ♩♪Oh.♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosion♩♪ ♩♪Flames and powder set up to cause quite a big commotion♩♪ ♩♪First I thought to make for you a highly deadly potion♩♪ ♩♪But now I am set to see you in a big explosion♩♪ ♩♪Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay♩♪ ♩♪Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay♩♪ ♩♪You sound rather exhausted, dodging all the dangers here.♩♪ ♩♪Pyrotechnics is the last thing to place your hope and fear.♩♪ ♩♪Blowing things up is all you get, so let’s give it a shot!♩♪ ♩♪I’ll make a show thats gonna blow, your mind that ultra hot!♩♪ ♩♪Wiiiiith.♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosions♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosions♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosions♩♪ ♩♪Discord, Lord of chaos with his mind set on explosions♩♪ Throughout most of the song, Rainbow had to dodge fireworks, bombs and other stuff going BOOM. it was all just living crayon drawings, but Rainbow did not want to take any chances as she flew out of the room the moment discord would finally let her. True to the words in the song, Discord dragged her through various rooms. A dog fight in space, where she was dressed as a dog… and were forced by Discord to compete in a dog talent show. This was followed up by her being binoculars, and placed in a bread costume… which attracted a swarm of swarns to chase her for the food. Discord kept making her go through one room after the other. With each room taking its toll on her. It all finally culminated when they were in a yet another room, where Rainbow were strapped into a Bumper cart. Along with 10 other carts being driven by discords “♩♪My name is Lord Discord, and I am here to say, i’m gonna crash that Rainbow Dash, because she’s in my wa-a-a-a-ay…♩♪” “PLEASE STOP” Yelled a broken Rainbow “Please… just stop… I can't take this any more” Tears were flowing from Rainbow. “I wanna go home, please Discord… let me just go” Discord gently got over to rainbow, he sat down beside her and placed one of his hands around her. “There there Rainbow, chin up…” Rainbow were still crying “please, let me go home” She looked up at him with begging eyes. “Please” Discord gave her a friendly smile “You have almost tried all the rooms… you only need to complete a few more. When you complete all of them, I will let you go” Act IIII: Discord had let Rainbow decide when she would check out the remaining rooms, there was no need to rush after all. If she wanted to leave she was gonna have to go through them all anyway. And eventually, she did get up and started to walk over to the next door. She counted the doors she had yet to go through before opening the one in front of her. “Just 5 more rooms, including this one… and I can leave” she looked back at Discord who encouraged her to go on. She looked back at the door, and went through. Pear trees… she were surrounded by pear trees. It was an entire orchards of pear trees. “I am sure Applejack would just burn this all to the ground” Rainbow said, while shortly after getting a look of confusion over as to why she had just said that. Knowing Applejack, Rainbow knew that if there is one thing Applejack admires, it would be an appreciation for hard work and dedication. Rainbow tried to correct herself “I meant that… I know fully well the reason as to why I am speaking the complete truth ?!?” Discord was sitting up on one of the branches laughing. “I see you found out the quark of this room” Rainbow looked up, just in time to catch the pear that Discord had dropped down to her. “I did” she said with confidence, although in reality, she had no idea what was going on. Discord looked a little sad “Oh, sorry to hear that" He got up and started to wave his arms around showman style. “This is the Liars room, it will make it so those who speak lies, will tell the truth, and those who speak the truth will only lie” He dropped down to the ground. “A small nod toward our orange friend, I wanna show her this room at some point and hear her reaction” Rainbow was visibly alarmed at the idea of anyone else being dragging into the same mess as she was. “Don't worry Rainbow… I will make the full product more enjoyable for the others. You are just the baseline I need to work from” Rainbow let out her breath at the relief, a breath that she did not know she had held in. “Can we stay here longer?” “Hmm? Oh right, there isn’t much else to this room. Let move on” The following room seems to be located on top of a cloud, and if the music and the blinking lights were an indication, then there was a party going on. Rainbow felt a foreign urge to smile. Above the cloud there were a sign that read ‘Welcome to cloud Cucoo land’. She could smell that the inside of the cloud were full of candy, and Rainbow could not stop herself from smiling. Although the party did sounds like it was lively, Rainbow were not in the mood for partying, yet she found that the frown were not leaving her face... In fact, she found that it was currently her new ‘default’ facial expression. Even if she tried to force her face to no longer wear the smile, she could at best only turn it into a small smile, but still a smile nonetheless. So Rainbow obviously went inside, did one dance and went outside where she stopped smiling again. “Oww, my face suddenly hurt from all that smiling… I did not feel THAT while I was in there” Discord were eating some cotton candy… or a piece of the cloud she had just been dancing on. She was not sure which one. “So,” he asked “Liked that one?” Rainbow were rubbing her still hurting cheeks. “Perhaps do something about the pain you get after leaving that room” Discord pulls a notebook out of his ear, and pulled out one of his fangs to reveal a pen attached to it. “Note to self… done. So you up for another one?” “Do I have a choice?” Rainbow asked with a deadpan knowing look. “You could choose to stay in the grand hall… or you could revisit one of the rooms, speaking of which, you still haven't tried that tea you know” “The next room it is then” Inside the following room there was a white mat on the floor, the mat had big dots in various colors on them. Rainbow cautiously stepped on the mat. The moment her hoof touched the mat, she heard a voice call out. “Player 1 joins the game, Player 1’s turn… Left hoof Red” Rainbow was about to ask what that was about… When she felt her hoof almost magically being pulled over to the nearest red dot on the mat. “Right hoof Blue” the voice called out again, and her left hoof went as instructed. “What is going on now?” “Player 2 joins the game, Player 2’s turn… Right ear Green” Rainbow saw Discords head being dragged across the floor until he was right in front of her, his right ear on green. “TWISTER!” he happily exclaimed while doing jazz hooves. Rainbow looked at Discord… and started to smile. “1 turn, and you are already flat on the ground… guess I win this game then” The game room seemed to agree. Discord took out his notepads again as the ‘congratulations player 1’ banner were taking its victory tour around the room. “Note to self… start with the ‘wash the dishes in the twister room” The last 2 rooms were surprisingly easy to clear all things considered… The second to last had Rainbow dash riding a giant rubber duck inside of a bathtub, jumping from duck to duck while avoiding soap bubbles. A lot easier than the lava room in comparison. And the last room she and discord entered were the biggest library Rainbow had ever seen… A sign above the shelves starting this was ‘the Library of Babel… replica’. Rainbow took one of the books to glance inside it… and started to laugh as it was just page after page of nonsense. “Oh my god” Rainbow said between her laughing “… is the entire library like this ?” Discord started to nod… but then thought about it “..well… most of it” Rainbow were still giggling “Can you imagine how Twilight would react if she saw this ? The biggest library, and it’s just books upon books of books with no meaning at all” Discord could not contain his laughter as he started to picture it himself. “She would probably start to organize them from least to most gibberish” he realized “Note to self… if Twilight enters the library, make sure to install an auto disorganizer and watch her reaction” They were both still laughing as they left the library. “Well, Discord… I did It. I went through ALL your rooms. Now let me have that book and we can call it a day”. Discord wiped the tears out of his eyes. “sure, you went through all my rooms… but you still have 1 more room to clear” Rainbow turned her head dumbfounded. “But I went through all the rooms, what is there left to do but leave?” Discord just bowed down to meet her at eye level. “You STILL haven't tried the tea”. Rainbow gave discord a mile long stare. “Again with this? Fine. 1 cup of tea, then I am out of here” And so Rainbow started to march over to the ‘princess room’ once again. She opened the door and saw Zephyr Breeze were still inside. Rainbow gave a sigh as she walked in, once again wearing a wedding themed dress. The moment she were inside… red light started to come from the door she had just entered from. The light growing brighter and brighter as the doors out in the grand hall she could see all shined. And then, the light left all of them only to sip into the floor and come rushing toward her. She once again she felt light going up her legs and inside her. “DISCORD, WHAT IS GOING ON?” she scared called out. “Why, it’s just the consequence of pressing the ‘panic button’ dear Rainbow” Rainbows pupils shrank as the ramifications hit her. The room started to expand, and becoming bigger and bigger. The walls, and consequently the door as well moving themselves further and further away. Trees, mountains, an entire world were forming and spreading out within the ever expanding room. Even more so when she started to feel herself start to smile again… that smile she could not remove. ♩Oh Discord my friend, I feel such joy without end♩ she sang, but [oh no…] she tough to herself “My, Rainbow” Zephyr said “I never knew you had such a lovely singing voice. Care to sing something for me?” ♩Nothing would make me happier in this world♩ ♩Singing for you is what makes my world twirled♩ [Oh no no no no !!!] she thought. Zephyr was overjoyed. Discord looked at Zephyr for a moment “Mind If I borrow Rainbow for a moment? I promise to return her in good shape shortly.” “Hmm? Oh sure, go ahead discord. Miss you already Rainbooow” ♩ I’ll miss you more ♩ Rainbow heard herself singsong her reply to zephyr, all while her mind could only think [What is happening?]. “Rainbow, sit and stay quiet while I speak” Discord commanded. Rainbow felt her body do so without her consent. She wanted to stand back up, but she could not. She wanted to yell at Discord to let her back up, but he started to talk again, so she could not. “So since you pressed the ‘panic button’ in the quiz room, I have compiled a, ahem…  small list of all the quarks that have been added to this one room. Now this room were originally only supposed to be putting you in princess dress and having tea with your prince. I made a small alteration to that one on my own for the prince to be replaced with Zephyr, but let’s keep that as is.” Rainbow tried placing her front hooves down hard on the ground to get back up, but her body refused to put up the energy needed to actually get any sort of distance between herself and the ground. Discord took out some glasses, wiped them with his beard and took out a papyrus scroll that started to seemed to never stop unfolding as he was reading.. “The current quarks that have been added to either the room itself or the one inside it. I will be reading the ones for the room first. Point nr. 1. Lava roller - Lava environment. Point nr. B. Bathroom - Provided at an acceptable interval where it would be convenient, but not disturbing… “ Rainbow had already stopped listening, and were instead trying to drag herself away from him… still sitting, and still being quiet while he kept talking. Discord were having none of that. “Rainbow, Stay where you are, and listen to me all the way through the list” he commanded, and she unwillingly obeyed. “All the previous mentioned quarks have been added to the room itself. And now, the quarks that apply only to you. Point nr. Banana. Musical room - Will only talk in song Point nr. Celsius. Liar room - only lie about feelings towards others. Point -nr. 0. Twister room - Obey commands given 42. Nr. points. Happiness room - Will always wear a look of genuine happiness” Discord listed more and more changes that were applied to her. She tried to cover her ears… maybe not hearing them would mean they weren't true… But the previous command made sure that even when she tried not to, Her hoofs would not cover her ears completely, and her ears were still focused on every single word he was saying. “And that brings us to the end of the list of changes that have been applied to you” He pulled the side of the papyrus, and it all returned into its unfolded state. Rainbow were once again able to move freely. Discord stood back up and went back to Zephyr. Zephyr however saw that Discord were returning, but since he could not see Rainbow. He called out to her. “Rainbow my love, return to me” ♩ Coming my dear ♩ Rainbow were forced to reply as she with an unwanted happy bounce in her steps returned to Zephyrs side. Discord stood smiling in front of Zephyr. “So I have just had a heart to heart with dear rainbow, and she wants to get married with you Zephyr Breeze, you lucky stallion” Zephyr looked at Rainbow with joy “I just KNEW you would turn around someday. Do you have a specific day in mind?” [NEVER !!] screamed her mind, while recoiling.. ♩ Now ♩ sang her body with a blush. “Now?” Zephyr asked a little surprised, but he quickly shook it off. “of course, who could possibly wait any longer for their hunky love of their life. But we will need planning and…” While Zephyr was going on and on with all the items that they needed for their wedding. Rainbow felt something small suddenly appear inside her ear. “Rainbow, stand still” she heard discord command, and she could once again not move. The big discord that were taking notes of all the items Zephyr were listing snapped his fingers and a church along with all the items listed came into existence around them. Rainbow saw that instead of actual guests, every seat were just filled with discords wearing cheap paper masks with badly drawn faces on them, and obviously... Zephyr were to full of himself to bitice the difference. “I am a sucker for ‘true love’ “ Discord said with a wink to Rainbow, who wanted nothing more than to kill every living thing in sight. “And this is my wedding gifts to you.” Discord changed outfit, and were now in a priest outfit. Zephyr turned toward Rainbow, and the tiny Discord hiding in her ear told her to do the same. “Zephyr Breeze, will you take Rainbow Dash here present, to be your lawful wedded wife according to the rite of our Holy faust?" Zephyr looked lovingly into his own reflection in Rainbows eyes. “I do” Discord turned his attention to Rainbow. “And you Rainbow Dash, Take Zephyr Breeze here present, to be your lawful wedded husband according to the rite of our Holy faust !" Rainbow did not miss the fact that discord had deliberately worded that, so it was no longer a question, but an order! Everything inside of Rainbow, to the very core felt violated as the magic were doing its work. Rainbow wanted to die… she would rather be dragged through every other room in the ‘fun house’ a thousand times over than what she did next. Happily sing ♩ I do ♩. “Then I am now happy to pronounce you mare and colt.” Discord stopped talking to look at them respectively. “Zephyr, Rainbow, Kiss!” Rainbow felt her lips pucker while her body was moving closer toward the stallion stallion she hated the most… and he was happily doing the same. Rainbow did not know how long their kiss ended up lasting, but every second it did, felt like its own eternity that was going on for to long. Discord manifested a pre-prepared piece of paper which had the words “Wedding Documents” written at the top in bold letters, along with the letter there were a pen. “In order to make it official, Zephyr, Rainbow, sign this!” They both did, whether they wanted to or not. Discord sent it away, to the Mayor's office in Ponyville. “I just love happy endings” he said with glee, while running to the double doors. He opened them with a spectacle and stood at its side. “Now go, go and enjoy your honeymoon in this self sustaining home. My last wedding gifts to you… oh and before I forget” Discord bowed down to Rainbows ear and whispered. “just in case you should somehow find the exit door to this room, and you mistakenly think there will be a way out of this. Rainbow, NEVER drink tea, fight to avoid it if you must.” As Zephyr Breeze carried his bride over the threshold, Discord waved goodbye to the two new lovely weds before finally teleporting himself outside of his 'funhouse' and went over to the closest tree. Discord placed his paw on the part where a brance so long ago had snapped. "I am sorry that I could not be there for you when you needed me the most... you were my first friend, and the best friend anyone could ever wish to have. And so... In your honor, I promise that from this point forward. I will follow your example and bring happiness and kindness to everyone... well... no rule without exeptions, so I am excluding Rainbow from that promise" He took one last look at the blue box, before snapped his fingers to make it disappear from view. “I hope you will enjoy your hell of a life as a domesticated wife Rainbow… cause you are never getting out of it !”