> Sunkissed and Snowy > by Jackelope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Soiree By The Water > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saddle Lake wasn’t a beach, but it made for a half-decent imitation of one in the scorching summertime heat. Even near dusk, when the sun was half-submerged far on the horizon, the heat remained relentless on the landscape. The only respite afforded to people in Ponyville during such times was a chilled glass of lemonade, a functioning air conditioning unit, or a very large body of water to toss oneself in. One such seeker of relief was Applejack, whose bare sun-kissed skin was no stranger to the sun’s persistent rays. He wore it proudly, in a manner of speaking. His freckled flesh could be compared to a veteran of war’s ample scars, and his permanent tan a disfigurement, only one needed to trade swords for hoes and plate armour for overalls. His features worker’s body was a trademark, and although he did take pride in his ‘scars’, they weren’t at all unsightly. Quite the contrary, in fact, some would consider them rather attractive features, the marks of a hardy worker, who, unlike some, spent more hours outside than in. However, not even he was unaffected from the blistering heat and required some small break from the coiling and fiery embrace of the sun above. He walked barefoot across the slightly submerged shoreline. Small clumps of sand fell from his feet with every relaxed step he took. He offered a glance to it, the pristine waters like a polished mirror, reflecting the pink, sparsely cloudy sky above in an almost seamless reflection; disrupted only by the ripples caused by his plodding footsteps. Being so late in the day meant that people found refuge in their homes instead, meaning he got to take in the sight all to himself - as well as dare venture from the farm clad in Stetson and a rather colourful pair of summertime shorts. As for the picture framed in the lake itself, he thought it was simply pretty. He was all but sure that if his vocabulary was wider, grander, he would have ample more words to describe the picturesque scene. But he didn’t, and he was okay with that, content even. It was pretty, why overcomplicate it? Such a thoughtful musing was almost applicable to something else, something he didn’t really want to acknowledge at that very moment, the thought fleeing his mind when he cast his eyes over to a familiar shape. Sprawled across a beach towel, a sun umbrella casting a wide shadow over him, was Elusive. The way he lay on the towel was cat-like, languid and with grace. The lithe form of the tailor did absolutely everything to attract the sight of onlookers and it worked; even if the only eyes besides the tailor’s own was the green hues of the apple farmer who approached him. His friend was good at highlighting all aspects of himself, although on this particular occasion only one part of him begged the farmer’s attention at that moment. As Applejack neared him, his eyes gave Elusive’s form a quick scan of familiarity. With the farmer’s limited knowledge of words, the best way he knew how to describe the tailor was with a candid ‘girly’, with a very supple and soft frame that left even the most astutely keen second-guessing as to the actual sex of the person they were looking on. Although Applejack, from a few pressured spa visits, knew definitively that the tailor was male – even if he openly questioned such whenever he talked at length about fashion. Although a cursory glance to the tailor’s rear did cause a flash of foolish doubt to enter his mind. Packed into a form-fitting purple speedo was a pair of fat slappable asscheeks, which themselves were attached to a pair of hips which slightly flared out from Elusive’s androgynous frame. If that wasn’t enough to leave Applejack scratching his head, he was all but certain that his friend had nought a single hair below his head. He oft wondered if that was simply a natural trait of his purple-haired friend or if the tailor spent countless hours shaving every inch of his body. Every. Single. Inch… Of course, he wasn’t that curious to investigate to prove his hypothesis correct, but the thought would occasionally enter his mind when it was empty. “Darlings!” Elusive exploded prematurely with sudden furore, smiling and eyeing the tanned farmer with a curious stare, relaxing a moment after, cocking. a singular brow. “Darling,” he corrected, crossing his arms under his boyish chest, “no one else is coming, I presume?” “Prior engagements,” Applejack answered promptly, offering only a shrug in consolation. “Afraid you just got me, Luce.” “Right...” Elusive answered, gaze suspicious, subtle smile knowing. “Well then, come join me. There’s plenty enough sun to go around, I assure you of that.” Applejack grunted in acknowledgement, sidestepping alongside Elusive and throwing down his apple-red towel upon the sand; close enough to Elusive’s towel to share the shade. He then gave the tailor a sideways look. “Ah’m surprised you’re so chill in such heat.” “The heat is simply divine darling. Some simply do not appreciate it,” Elusive replied, stretching outwards like a feline before turning on his side; watching as Applejack sat on his towel, watching a small sigh escape the farmer’s surprisingly full lips. Applejack gave his friend a curious look, taking off his Stetson and placing it down beside him; brushing his dirty blonde locks behind his ears. “Ah’ve seen you out in the sun almost as much as me these past weeks. If ya don’t mind mah askin’, how’re you still so… pale?” “Whatever do you mean?” “Well, if you were put into a pitcher, I’d pour ya all over my mornin’ cereal.” Elusive smirked, his the corner of his lip curled into the fainted of smiles, rubbing the back of his knuckles over his youthful chest. “I’m so attuned with my body, dear, that if it began to change without my express permission, it knows it’s in for a swift and severe punishment. Believe me. But, if you want the real answer: several layers of sun ointment, a wide-brimmed hat, and several pit stops in the shade from destination to destination and some sprinkle of genetics I presume,” Elusive answered with good humour, but soon after his subtle smile cracked into something more overt, giving Applejack a playfully seductive look. “I had no idea you were so curious about my body, AJ. If you wish, I could give you a closer perusal?” Elusive cooed, finished with a flirtatious grin, offering a playful waggle of his eyebrows. Applejack groaned, rolling his eyes. Often when the two were alone, things devolved into such. The farmer knew his friend was gay – he made so secrets whatsoever about that aspect of himself – but you ask one question some forgotten day out of curiosity and it forever bit him in the hide. Coy remarks and the occasional flirt was the burden expected of being alone with the dress-maker. “No, Elusive. Ah will never want a closer look. Ah ain’t no queer.” “Oh, you make me swoon, darling,” Elusive gave a mock, well, swoon, the back of his hand flying to his head as he rolled on his back; one hand going flat over the left side of his chest, covering his heart. “You know precisely what to say to make my heart gallop you absolute stallion, you,” he pantomimed with blatant sarcasm, wearing a wry smile thereafter his display of mockery. “Ya know, my answer ain’t gonna change no matter how many times ya’ll keep askin’,” Applejack replied to Elusive’s jest with a blunt clarification, crossing his arms and giving a firm shake of his head. “Penises ain’t something ah have an appetite, ya know?” he put as respectfully as he could, gesturing half-heartedly with an open palm. Elusive rolled his eyes, tutting. “Tch. How can you still be so naive, darling? Just because you don’t like this part,” Elusive said, squeezing the blatant and admittedly impressive bulge of his coin purse, “doesn’t mean you can’t like the rest. Think of it like ignoring the crust on a pizza. Just because you can’t stomach one part doesn’t mean you dislike pizza in general.” “A food analogy and you didn’t use apples? Really?” Applejack scoffed. He could have made the exact same analogy with the apple skin and cores. Elusive rolled his eyes, rolling back onto his stomach and staring out at the lake. “Deflecting!” Elusive replied, pointing out the obvious with a tone of exasperation. After a small pause, Elusive finally spoke again. “You do know that the longer you ignore this, the more I’m only going to keep bothering you!” Elusive sang, adopting a smarmy smile, looking at the farmer’s pout from the corner of his eyes. “You know how relentless I can be. Nothing can outlast my persistence. You recall the seventy-two-” “Seventy-two stitches, yeah, yeah,” Applejack swatted the recollection away with a swish of his hand, acknowledging the tailor’s inexorable patience. Admittedly, it often paid dividends. The dress he made from that incident was mighty fine, AJ had to admit. “So what can I do ta possibly convince you I want nothing to do with ya – sexually,” he felt the need to clarify, huffing. Elusive didn’t give a prompt reply, pausing for a few moments in pondering, eventually departing on the tanned, defined farmer a contemplative simper. “Put some lotion on my back,” he said after a moment of considering, smirking at his friend’s immediate look of bemusement. Applejack was sceptical, trying to use his inane sense for sincerity and truth to discern if something hid beneath the surface of Elusive’s request. He could perceive none whatsoever, and that worried. “What, you’re gonna jus’ use potential months of annoyin’ me to call in a stupid favour?” he asked, tone wary. Elusive shrugged, giving a carefree, excessive frown. “To be fair, it is a rather gay favour to ask of someone. I imagine that this will be quite the endeavour for someone who so adamantly professes themselves straight, such as yourself,” Elusive replied, sounding less and less convincing as he spoke, although that was likely the result of the tailor finding humour in stating the farmer was ‘straight’. “So consider it a test of sorts, one which I will mark with the utmost incredulity. If you pass with flying colours, then I won’t bring up this business ever again. If you fail, well...” he trailed off, cheek pulled back into a smug grin. Applejack gave a few shakes of his head, letting out an incredulous snort. “Then what? A few layers of sun scream on your back and you keep quiet about this? Forever?” Elusive gave a nod. “I promise that you won’t hear another peep out of me regarding this, and nothing else. Not until sundown at least.” “Then what?” Applejack inquired with a raised brow. Elusive scrunched his face to one side, lost in false thought. “Oh, I don’t know. What does one often say when they depart from a dear friend? Some variation of goodbye I imagine. Ta-ta... ciao... Au revoir mon seul amour… there is so many to choose from.” “So if I do, you won’t bring up the whole... gay thing again?” Applejack asked again, seeking affirmation. He didn’t want the tailor to snake out of this through some verbal loophole the farmer wasn’t keen enough to pick up on. “Yes,” Elusive answered, giving a truthful nod paired with a smile; which was equally as warm as the heat which embraced them. “Although,” he trailed off, lips parting into a simple grin, “I would be remiss if I didn’t at least propose a quick skinny dip. You know, just so you’re well aware of what you’re missing out on.” “I’ll pass,” Applejack smirked, feeling almost wistful already for such remarks. It could possibly be the last of them if the farmer got his way. “At which point I’ll know you’re sincere,” Elusive smiled innocently, resting his head back on his crossed arms. “Here,” he said, grabbing and then tossing a bright orange bottle at the blonde farmer. “Remember, my skin isn’t tree bark, or farm tools, or whatever you’re used to lugging around. It requires finesse, a delicate touch,” he instructed with a firm stare on the farmer, his index finger swishing with his finishing remarks. “You’re already making me question if this is even worthwhile,” Applejack grumbled with a frown before shrewd dimples appeared in his cheeks, directing a wry look to his friend. “Unless you’re already regrettin’ this deal, knowing I’ll beat you at… well, whatever this is, and are tryin’ to get me ta quit out of frustration. I can see right through ya, Lucy,” he finished with a chuckle before flipping open the cap of the bottle with his thumbnail with an audible pop. “No takesies backsies.” “Yes, yes, you’ve seen through me. Now, chop-chop,” he encouraged, tone facetious as he let out a relaxed sigh, shimmying in place somewhat to get comfortable. Applejack scoffed. He surmised that Elusive was merely hiding his frustration behind a contented smile and closed eyes. Feeling somewhat elated he saw through the tailor’s deceptive mask, he spurted the ointment into his right hand with a spirited smile, covering his palm with a liberal amount of the sticky white cream. Self-assured, the farmer shuffled closer to his friend, sitting on his heels as he dropped the bottle of ointment from his left hand. “Okay, let's get started...” Applejack trailed off after muttering to himself, looking gormless at the back of the lissom couturier, wondering how to start. It wasn’t a complex task. He had applied such aid against the sun on his younger brother, even his sister too. Although for a reason he couldn’t exactly place, this arrangement felt a tad more… intimate, then those other two examples. It might have had something to do with the fact neither were clad in a rather tight and revealing speedo. But how different could it possibly be? “Are you going to start anytime soon? Or are you just hoping it will hop from your hand and onto my back all on its own?” Elusive’s tone was playfully condescending. When he made such snide remarks, it was always spoken with a pompous intone. Such a tone could easily cause the rise of vexation in others not on familiar terms with the fashionista. However, Applejack, much like his friends, had grown used to it. However the smile the garment-maker wore also helped keep any frustration at bay, and the farmer had been so frequently on the end of such remarks that he knew the tailor saved such subtle simpers just for him. “Kinda,” Applejack replied, rubbing his palms together, “but then again, I wouldn’t want to make your life any easier than it already is.” Elusive’s brow rose. “Are you implying I live easy?” “If the shoe fits,” Applejack answered directly, wearing a smug smile. “Darling, if you did even one shoe fitting, you’d be on your hands and knees begging for a full day of hauling back baskets of apples,” Elusive retorted. “You work requires a lot of hard labour, certainly, but it lacks the finesse and human element that makes my line of work so difficult.” “I sell my stock at the stalls. I interact with people plenty.” “Yes, but nobody is particular about apples. Certainly, you have your granny smiths and golden delicious varieties, but no one is going to give you grief over the exact colour, size and how slim your apples make them look,” Elusive countered, pouting. “I’ve had three complaints the past month about how a pant-suit didn’t exude the correct aura...” Applejack sighed, it was as close to a concession as he was going to give. “D’ya want your back creamed or not?” “I’d love to have your cream all over my back. Although, maybe do so before you apply the sun cream, yes?” Applejack was thankful for his tan, or else Elusive would have seen his cheeks take on a pink hue. They don’t always get to him but sometimes his obscene remarks hit their mark. What followed next was a loud, wet smack upon the tailor’s back. “Ow!” Elusive yelped, his chest rising up slightly with a start as he shot daggers at the farmer. “Hey, you’ll leave a mark!” “Sorry. My ‘luggity’ hand slipped,” Applejack grinned innocently, holding aloft the offending hand. “Now lay back down. Sooner I get this done, the sooner neither of us have to suffer from your mouth.” “There’s plenty of things I can do with my mouth, AJ, and believe me. None of them involve ‘suffering’...” Applejack blinked, face blank. “Are ya done?” Elusive shrugged. “Maybe,” he said reservedly, looking over his shoulder down at the farmer’s hand, then at him directly; expression sceptical. “You’re not going to apply it like that are you?” “What d’ya mean?” Applejack inquired, his confusion blatant. “How can ah possibly apply sun cream in the ‘wrong’ way?” “Sat down, besides me, no complete view over my torso nor any coordination with your hands. Much like you’re doing now actually. I’m not a slice of bread, Applejack, where you can wantonly spread mayonnaise. This requires a tad more precision,” Elusive answered, who then spend a second visibly going over possible metaphors in his head, arriving at one with a smile. “Less mayonnaise, more cake frosting.” Applejack wasn’t buying it but decided to humour him anyway. With the roll of his eyes and a sigh, he deigned to ask. “Okay then. How am ah-” “Straddle me,” Elusive interrupted. “Excuse me?!” Applejack fired back, eyes wide, almost recoiling. Elusive appeared surprised by his friend’s reaction. “What? It’s a perfectly innocent suggestion, I swear!” “Sure...” Applejack grumbled, lips pursing. “It’s only promiscuous if you interpret it as such, no? If such thoughts entered your head then perhaps I was right after all-” “Nope,” Applejack interceded, casting the tailor a deep, serious frown. “Then prove me wrong,” Elusive challenged, throwing the metaphorical hook. The farmer, despite seeing the bait cast, knew that if he refused, his friend wouldn’t receive a complete answer to the quandary. It would always linger, and whilst he wouldn’t say a peep, he could still cast Applejack knowing looks and stares about the issue. For Elusive, a mere look could easily portray what a thousand words could… “Fine!” Applejack barked after a moment of consideration, rising into a crouch and stepping over his friend’s legs. He sat on Elusive’s soft thighs, placing the majority of his weight on his knees as to not put too much discomfort on the tailor. Although, he had half a mind to. The resultant position but his crotch just inches away from resting between Elusive’s latex covered cheeks. “There, straddled like a bronco, happy?” Elusive gave a sigh. “I had some witty comment pertaining to you riding me like one after you said it, but you just keep serving them up on a platter for me to exploit. You make it too easy for me, dear,” Elusive replied, bored, although he raised his head to throw a reassuring smile to the farmer. “And to answer your question: yes. Thank you for asking,” he finished with a cheery grin before laying his head back down on his arms. Applejack mumbled an unfinished sentence, something about gratitude, before taking focus on the tailor’s back. Both of his hands focused in on the slight dip just above his ass, pressing into the supple flesh and pushing upwards; his thumbs pressing lightly into his spine as he travelled up to his ribs. The result of this prompted a delighted hum from the tailor, which, peculiarly, inspired a tincture-worth of gratification in the reluctant creamer; who then made sure to rub said cream into the tailor’s skin. “Your hands are surprisingly soft,” Elusive commented suddenly, Applejack’s palms running up his sides. “Don’t make this even weirder,” Applejack replied banefully. “No, darling, I mean it. I would have expected in your line of work a few abrasive callouses. Perhaps you’re in the wrong line of work, Jack. Have you considered the spa at all? You would make an excellent masseuse,” he remarked. “Me, at the spa? I see enough of you as it is,” he joked, his hands rejoining at the base of Elusive’s spine, “so shut it.” “Gladly, if it means I get to enjoy your hands for a tad longer,” Elusive quipped, giving a brief giggle at his friend’s soberness. “Don’t forget the top of my back, will you?” “Yeah, yeah...” Applejack answered. When he reached out for Elusive’s shoulder’s however, he immediately realised something precarious. He was just out of reach, and in order to reach the uncovered skin, he would have to get… closer. “Oh.” “What is it?” “Nothin’! Nothing...” Applejack trailed off, realising he answered too quickly. If he were to make mention of it, he realised Elusive would bring up the point he had made earlier. ‘It’s only promiscuous if you interpret as such, no?’ Which would only leave the farmer with egg on his face. So rather than have it on his face, he egged himself on instead, to grasp the victory that was well within reach. Swallowing down apprehension and keeping his face stoic, Applejack nudged himself further up the tailor’s thighs, stopping when his protruding bulge came to nestle between the tailor’s plump buns. The scene was compromising at best. Elusive didn’t seem to acknowledge this change, much to Applejack’s relief; prompting him to quietly release the breath he didn’t realise he was holding within him. His palms made contact with his friend’s shoulder blades, and he moved them in a downward motion, connecting with the rest of the substance smeared across the tailor’s back. He then followed the curvature of the blades up to his shoulders in a surprisingly elegant move, and then, to ensure the cream was spread evenly, he moved his open palms down the tailor’s back. “Ooh,” Elusive moaned, “just wonderful… yeah, right there, right there!” “What’re you doin'?” Applejack asked, trying to restrain the panic in his voice. With the movement of his hands, Elusive started to pursue them, wiggling and shifting to have increased pressure in particular areas. Applejack went still the instant the tailor started to push back against him. “Yes...” Elusive cooed with perhaps a little too much sultriness. “I’ve been meaning to have those knots worked out. Your touch is simply divine, AJ.” “Don’t mention it,” he squeaked, frozen. Elusive’s moan rang a little too enjoyable in his mind, especially when combined with the friction his friend made against his crotch; the act encouraging a stir of unfortunate growth down below. Within his shorts his cock swelled with piping hot blood, stoked by a lustful fire which grew within him, encouraged to rage by the tailor’s machinations. Elusive, sensing the man’s strife, threw a coy look over his shoulder. “Oh, what’s this?” he questioned, swaying his cock coddling rear from side to side, a manoeuvrer meant to purposefully help foster AJ’s swelling growth. Applejack could do nought but wince in reaction. Elusive then gave the farmer a seductive leer, grinning playfully. “Do you make a habit of carrying around a tree branch and a pair of apples in your shorts?” “I-I gotta go,” Applejack replied quickly, stuttering and frantic to escape the situation. “I don’t think so!” Elusive exclaimed just as the blonde stud rose, and moved with swiftness and agility which would leave even Blitz flabbergasted with shock. The twink rapidly turned onto his back – caring very little for his towel - slamming both of his hands into the farmer’s thighs, forcing him back down onto his pelvis with surprising strength. The result was arguably more compromising than before, with both their bulges meeting in a delightfully provocative picture. “Oh, would you look at that,” Elusive commented, the prominent bulge in his speedo aligned with the base of Applejack’s growing meat. “Our balls are touching. I guess I was right after all. Welcome to the club, Jack!” “Nuh-uh,” Applejack shook his head frantically in denial, his long blonde locks strewn all over his shoulders. “Our undies are in the in the way.” “Did I also fail to mention your massive erection? Or was that too obvious?” Elusive teased, eyeing the still-growing tent with a degree of awe. “Wow, it’s massive isn’t it – oh,” he paused, flinching with the first appearance of a blush. A moment passed before the smile he wore before came back, almost double in size. “My, my, Jack. Was that a twitch? Do you like hearing that your cock is jawdroppingly huge? I’m sure you don’t get told it enough, not as much as it deserves anyway...” “Shut it,” Applejack growled, his erection throbbing painfully hard in its confines; pushing far enough out from his groin that he could now see the base of it when he looked down. “Let go of me.” “But it’s not only your… equipment, which is admirable, is it?” Elusive continued, ignoring the request, seemingly enamoured with the rest of what the farmer had on offer. “Huh?” Applejack’s brows knitted together, curious. “Like what?” “Don’t feign ignorance with me, Jack,” he said accusingly, his hands delicate digits starting to glide up the farmer’s toned thighs to his side; his fingers barely able the toned midsection of his tanned friend. “Surely you know what a specimen you are, no?” “Specimen?” he didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended. “Yes,” Elusive reaffirmed, smiling sultrily. His hands made a steady and slow climb up the man, the deliberateness an attempt to not spook the shy apple farmer. He followed every contour up to the arms, where he wrapped his fingers around them in a tender grip. He gave them a few gentle squeezes, his fingers barely able to sink into the flesh they were so thick with muscle. It was no secret that his sister did a majority of the heavy lifting, but AJ’s defined body was still very impressive, a true sight to behold. He was both agile, and strong, a combination that impressed even a layman such as Elusive. “You’re a buffet of things to admire, darling. Aside from brawn – which you have in spades – you’re reliable, honest, kind… cute.” “C-cute?!” he exclaimed, face scrunched up in disbelief. “Yes, like you’re being now,” he said, moving from his arms to his shoulders; keeping his captivating azure hues in constant eye contact with the farmer, who seemed indecisive on whether to maintain contact or to look away. “You’re so timid sometimes, despite all that muscle. You couldn’t even tell me straight to my face that we would be the only two here today, could you?” “Ah ain’t- I’m not-” “Shh-shh-shh,” he interrupted, wearing a disarming smile. “There’s nothing wrong with being a little shy, Jack. Butterscotch gets by, doesn’t he? Don’t worry though, you just need a little help opening up is all,” he informed, his hands beginning to slide down his shoulders to his chest, his abdomen, stopping at the hem of his shorts; the cotton cage straining to hold Applejack’s still rigid fuckstick. Applejack was at a loss for words, afraid of the circumstances and utterly dumbfounded how things got to this point. Not sure what to do, he followed Elusive’s hands as they trailed down him, each second they travelled sent little sparks of electricity throughout him. However, this eventually gave rise to the feeling of trepidation when he realised where they were headed. He felt the desire to reach out, grasp his hands and stop this whole affair altogether, but something stayed him. When they stopped dangerously close to where they did, he expected a sly remark from Elusive’s mouth, a sort of verbal dagger. When none came he then expected to find a provocative expression on his face. But yet, when he glanced up to point his eyes at his friend’s face, he saw no such expression. Elusive’s full and soft looking lips were curved into the slightest of sincere smiles. Applejack couldn’t recall the last time he had seen that face if had ever seen it at all. In that exact moment, he trusted his friend completely. “O-okay,” he let out, voice reluctant. “B-but no funny stuff, ya hear?” “No one is more familiar with this particular organ than I. You’re in safe hands,” Elusive reassured, his graceful fingers curling under the hem of Applejack’s shorts; already he felt the warmth from his member. “And don’t tell nobody!” he added. “Please, darling. A gossip? Yes. A practitioner of kiss and tell? No. Don’t think so little of me, darling. Unlike some, I have a little class,” he assured, before yanking down on the bright shorts which hugged the farmer’s waist. Free from its confines, the cock swung up, letting out a hollow and meaty slap against AJ’s abdomen, before the sheer weight of it caused it to hang down; pointed at Elusive’s face. The virile, near intimidating phallus, throbbed and twitched with arousal which left even Elusive a little breathless. The meat was as dark as the rest of its owner, contrasting only slightly with the untanned skin which surrounded it. Elusive was a little surprised to see that the cock was uncut, but pleasantly so. Arousal had peeled it back some, revealing the bright pink crown of AJ’s mighty sceptre, which dribbled out a bead of potent smelling precum right onto the tailor’s milky chest. He might have spared a moment to feign disgust if he wasn’t so taken aback by it. “Wow,” he said quietly, blinking before tossing his eyes up to the person it was attached to. “It’s a lot bigger outside the shorts.” “Thanks,” he accepted the compliment quietly, lips tight pursed and face burning. To have his erection exposed the warm air made him feel anxious, yet his manhood remained solid and needy. Arousal really took precedence over common sense. “It makes sense now,” the comment came idly, his hand reached out to grip the bulbous tip of AJ’s thick girth with only his fingertips. He rotated his wrist in circles, enjoying the feeling of it leaking against his palm. If he had to guess the precise measurements, nine inches long seemed correct. As for thickness, six, perhaps even seven? Elusive was unfamiliar with such phallic measurements. None of his toys came particularly close to the farmer’s size. “W-what does?” AJ asked, the pleasure from his subtle motions thousand times more electrifying than what his own measly hand could offer. Elusive’s fingertips were soft, like five feathers were holding his prick in place for close examination. “Did you know that bigger penises often equate to smaller intellects?” Elusive informed with a passive tone, looking to the farmer with a mischievous eye. Applejack smirked, a little grateful that the situation hadn’t sapped the tailor of wisecracks. “You ain’t exactly gifted with towerin’ intellect yourself if that’s true,” he pointed out, pointing an idle finger at the erection poking out from the garment maker's tight black speedo. It didn’t match AJ’s in sheer size but it was still well above average, measuring at around seven inches and a five-inch girth. Elusive shrugged, cheeks tingeing pink. “Exception to the rule, darling,” he sang, releasing the meaty spear from his loose grasp. Applejack looked off to the side, wearing a pensive face. Whilst a part of him thought it was a load of bull, a tertiary portion thought it had some merit. “Poor Dusk...” he mumbled quietly to himself. “Shall we continue?” Elusive asked, tapping AJ’s knees. “Continue?” Applejack questioned, standing up at Elusive’s wordless prompting. “Does that surprise you? We’re both hard, painfully so. Both isolated with no chance of being found. And personally, I can’t imagine a scene more romantic than a sunset by a pristine lake,” he explained as he stood, giving a long stretch. “I’ve been laying like that for hours now.” “Romantic...” AJ muttered. “Oh. Sorry if I was being presumptuous,” Elusive said, showing signs of bashfulness as his pale face screwed up into a cringe. “Nah, it’s not that,” he replied, giving a dismissive swat. “It’s jus’, well, I never really pictured us as… us, before now.” “Well, surely you considered it?” Elusive said with a puzzled face. At AJ’s knitted brow the tailor could only roll his eyes as he stepped closer, looking up at the slightly taller man. “You do know why I teased you about sex for so long, right?” “Because of mah question,” AJ replied, knowing the answer already. “Yes. The first thing out of your mouth when you learnt of my preferences was…?” he trailed off, raising an expectant eyebrow. “Are ya seein’ anybody?” he echoed the question, giving a wistful smirk. “Yeah, ah s’pose it was kinda odd.” “Precisely,” he confirmed, pressing the tip of AJ’s nose in a playful way. “Yours was the most surprising and noteworthy. I mentioned casually in passing to the rest of our group. They were cordial at best, apathetic at worst. Butterscotch went red in the face, Blitz shrugged. Berry baked a cake. But you...” he petered out to a pause, smiling at the averted face of the farmer. “You wanted to know if I was already taken. And, AJ, the answer has remained the same now as it was then: no. I can change my answer of course, but that’d be up to you.” “Up to me?” Applejack asked, timid. Elusive reached out with a half-smile, taking his friend’s right hand into his own; his fingers were able to easily occupy the empty spaces between AJ’s own, interlocking them together. Elusive didn’t give a damn about the remnant of cream that remained. “It has always been your decision, Jack. I’ve been patiently waiting for you to make your move ever since you popped the question, and it seems after so many months, you finally decide to make it,” he elaborated, and as he spoke, he moved closer until the empty space between the two of them was non-existent. Chest to chest, heart to heart, Elusive had his ears open for an answer… “You’re pokin’ me.” “What?” the tailor could only blink, surprised at the sudden shift as he pulled away, looking down beneath them. His peeking prick had smeared some pre over AJ’s abs; his little soldier hard and throbbing. “Sorry about that. Maybe we can better discuss this afterwards?” “Havin’ our pricks hanging out does kinda ruin the moment,” Applejack chuckled, considerably less shy than before, defused my humour. “Well, I know how we can solve that,” Elusive began, stepping back from AJ and letting go of his hand, giving a pointed stare to the only garment the farmer wore. “Take off your shorts.” AJ snorted, bemused. “Getting more naked wouldn’t make talking easier, Lucy. It’d get awful distractin’,” he pointed out, although Elusive’s blank stare left him feeling a little dim. “Oh… right.” “Seriously, Applejack, you have to learn how to read the room,” Elusive phrased playfully, bending over as he removed his speedo, kicking it from his toes. “Applejack?” There wasn’t much new there he hadn’t already seen before, but the only difference now was a lack of speedo. Elusive was flat stomached and flat-chested, undeniably male yet possessed a tincture of natural feminine allure in his features. His skin was smooth, absent of even a single hair and incredibly white, like a delicate porcelain doll. There were no harsh edges to his face, no distinct jawline or protruding cheekbones – as though smoothed to perfection. Full lips, a cute button nose and a pair of brilliant blue eyes that Applejack knew full well were capable of seeing right through him. Gradually, his sights naturally fell to the most distracting part of the tailor... His ‘needle’ - a term unfitting for such a large prick – was almost as pale as the skin that surrounded it; darkened only by the few prominent veins that run up its length. The member wasn’t as long or as thick as his own, but it was still nothing to scoff at, standing at its full size of seven inches he possessed a tool that would be the envy of many men. Applejack’s eyes widened a little in surprise when he learnt that the tailor wasn’t entirely without body hair after all. At the hilt of the twitching member was a small patch of groomed pubic hair, cut into the tidy shape of a four-point diamond. And of course, at the bottom of the shaft, contained snugly in a tight sack, were two egg-sized balls. Standing there, gawking, Applejack arrived at a profound realisation. Elusive was unique. He wasn’t merely handsome, his meticulous grooming and cardio saw to that. No, Elusive and all of his features, those which were pristine and aesthetic, made him beautiful... “Ahem,” Elusive let out a quiet cough into his closed fist, his cheek pulled back into a smug half-smile. “What. What?” Applejack blinked, giving a curt shake of his head to snap himself out of thought. “Well? Do you like what you see?” Elusive asked, giving a prompt twirl, allowing Applejack ample view of his impressively juicy and plump rear, finishing with his hands pressed into his cocked hips. A moment passed, then two, the apple farmer fidgeted, his fight with thought plain on his face. “Can you say something? If it weren’t for the fact you’re still engorged I would be offended.” “Y-you dye your pubic hair?” Applejack almost smacked himself for asking, cringing internally. He scoffed, giving a few shakes of his head. “How ridiculous. Of course not! I’m a natural indigo-head, I’ll have you know,” he replied, serious. As he was about to complain about AJ’s lack of finesse once more, he realised a particular detail about his friend, now that he was nude. “Although...” he trailed off, giving the farmer a perplexed look up and down, stopping at his groin. “You’re not as much of a savage as I thought.” “And what the heck is that supposed to mean?” he asked, crossing his arms imposingly. Unaffected by the farmer’s posturing, he pointed at him with an accusatory finger. “You have less hair body hair than me, darling,” Elusive illuminated, suppressing a laugh. “The evidence really does keep stacking up.” Elusive was right. His blonde hair was almost like a horse’s mane in its length, but the rest of his lean, toned body was cleanly shaven down to the skin. Even his mons were void of hair. “It gets hot!” he tried to justify, flustered, turning from his friend’s judgemental eye with a scowl. “I think hotness, concerning you, has absolutely nothing to do with the weather,” Elusive consoled his miffed friend with a lusty grin, trailing over to the farmer with an alluring swing in his hip. “Ah swear, it’s like playin’ a game o’ catch with you sometimes,” Applejack chastised, reluctantly wearing a smile as the tailor approached him, an alluring swing in his hips. “Is the constant teasin’ a prerequisite of being a queer?” “Blatant hypocrisy aside, I don’t think so. It certainly wasn’t in the memo when I joined the club,” Elusive retorted with good humour, coming close enough to the farmer to coil an arm around his flinching muscular form; hugging his back whilst a hand traced untidy circles on his brawny chest. “I think you just don’t want to say out loud that I know exactly what to say to turn that frown upside down.” He grumbled, averting his eyes from the lithe twink wrapped around him. “Could do without tha' sass.” “You like it,” he playfully opposed, poking him on the chin. “Now,” he began, one hand snaking down to stroke the base of the farmer’s throbbing meat; his fingers grazing the hilt. “it’s about time we do something about your big friend here, no?” “Yeah?” “’Yeah’,” Elusive mimicked the farmer’s slight drawl, grinning at his rolling eyes; using that instant to raise his hand from the meaty organ to give a surprising and forceful push against the farmer’s chest. “Oof!” he exclaimed, falling onto the sand, the girlish tailor a barely noticeable weight atop his chest. “Hey, watch it, I coulda broke mah- mmph!?” This was new. Well, not the experience but the situation itself was. He had kissed a couple of girls in life. Admittedly it was usually preceded by cider with both parties involved but he still remembered the experiences favourably. The riposte of tongues, the swapping of spit and encouraging moans; the oral beat of a good time some would say. Applejack was so taken aback by the suddenness of the tongue thrust down his throat that he could only lay still as Elusive made out him. He felt the slightly smaller tongue attempt to wrestle with his own, and whilst he was slow to counter, he eventually gathered the cognizance to fight back with the intruder; his sluggish contribution to the tongue skirmish was followed by a moan emanating from his own throat. Next, he had to find something to do with his hands that laid uselessly in the sand at his sides. He sent them to the twink’s back, pushing down against his back with passionate force, bringing him deeper into the kiss and allowing the farmer to feel more of the tailor’s supple flesh against his own sun-kissed skin. Elusive pulled from the kiss after a while, his face glowing with exuberance as he beamed down at the larger, bronzer man. “I was wondering if you would kiss me back.” Applejack gave a defiant smirk. “Wasn’t ah supposed to? You seemed pretty desperate. Just thought I’d oblige.” “Nobody kisses like that out of mere obligation, sweetheart,” he purred, seeing right through the farmer; giving him a nail-less scratch over his full lips. “And yes, before you ask: you’re an excellent kisser,” he assured, before leaning down to plant a softer, more tender kiss on AJ’s lips, pulling away to see his bashful expression resurface. “Cute.” “Ah’m gettin’ real tired at the sound of your voice,” he replied flatly, lips scrunched up, flushed. “You’re a bad liar,” Elusive cooed, rising up from the farmer’s chest; wearing a restrained smile of lustfulness as he planted his plump bouncing rear on the farmer’s fat phallus, leaning backwards and using AJ’s thighs for support. “Luckily, your friend here is very honest about what he wants.” “And what does he want?” Applejack asked, attempting to shift from nervousness to seductiveness, his member nestled snugly between the soft cheeks; their firm hug was almost enough to make the farmer explode right then and there. “Oh, you know what he wants,” he answered low, sensual, lightly grinding against the thick meaty pole between his cheeks. “I think he wants to bury himself in here,” he said, punctuating his statement with a provocative slap to his ass; the slight jiggle erotic. “He probably wants to feel my tight ass clamp around him, and I don’t blame him. I’m like a vice. He would also enjoy seeing my cock smack against my stomach as I bounce up and down, my mouth open, screaming out in sheer unabashed ecstasy as he pounds my boy-pussy,” he continued to verbally illustrate, voice dripping with seduction. He started applying more force to his grinds, gyrating his hips and sliding his ass up and down AJ’s hotdogged and twitchy member. Even his own manhood stimulated by the words he spoke, twitchy and leaking over the equally rigid tool beneath him. The picture Elusive lewdly painted made Applejack gulp; the sound of his heart racing in his chest was audible to his ears. The tailor’s continued grinding his cock releasing a bud of precum onto his own abs, throbbing despite the tailor’s weight. “A-ah think he would like that… a lot!” “I would too,” he concurred, leaning forwards once against; both their shafts mushed together now as Elusive sized him up, expression both one of longing and reluctance. “Well, we can’t. Not yet anyway,” “Wha- hey! You can’t just say all that and leave me hangin’!” Applejack complained, giving the tailor a disciplinary glare. “I’m not about to stick a leviathan of a penis up my derrière just because you say so. We need to prepare. We need lubrication, what we need is some... foreplay,”” he said with allure, unmounting AJ’s cock. “What were ya thinkin’?” he inquired, assuaged somewhat by the prospect of feeling something good. “What’s sixty-plus nine?” “Sixty-nine!” he answered with audible enthusiasm. “So you do know basic math,” he quipped. “Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes, used to it, before giving the tailor a pointed stare. “So are ya gonna do something useful with that mouth for a change or what?” the farmer replied, cock impatiently throbbing. “You do know what a sixty-nine entails, right?” he probed, head slightly tilted – smile innocent. “Yeah, I- oh,” he realised mid-sentence, looking at the tailor with a grimace. “I’m gonna have ta repay the favour, ain’t I?” “It’s only fair,” he replied with a carefree shrug, turning over the blonde stud and planting his plush butt on his chest; his delicate white balls mushed against the farmer’s firm pecs. “I jus’ that I never imagined, well… havin’ a pecker in mah mouth. Ever. It’s jus’ weird, the whole idea of having another feller’s dick in my mouth,” he explained, expression wry. “I’ve seen you put worse things in your mouth, Darling. Compared to the stuff I’ve seen you eat, my ‘pecker’ is practically gourmet,” Elusive replied, before pressing his open palm against the underside of the tanned breeding rod resting on the farmer’s abs, still taken aback by its obeseness. “But trust me, darling, I’ve been there. But once you get into it, it’s surprisingly enjoyable.” “Sucking dick?” “For much the same reason Berry enjoys throwing parties for just about anyone he meets. Making someone feel good. Admittedly giving someone a slice of cake isn’t the same as fellatio, but the intent is the same. But the act isn’t entirely selfless. At a point to begin to adore it. Feeling their most prized organ in your mouth, throbbing, twitching, convulsing as ropes of cum fire down your-” as Elusive spoke, he began to dribble, promptly wiping saliva with the side of his hand before crossing his arms over his naked chest. “To sum: it’s very good.” Applejack chortled, poking Elusive playfully in one of his butt cheeks. “You’re such a queer.” “And I wear it with pride, AJ. I wear it with pride...” he meandered off, his delicate digits gripping, squeezing at the base of the farmer’s huge cock. He was still amazed at its weightiness. Using his thumb, he angled it upwards, a dew of clear pre falling to the belly in a fine thin string that reminded Elusive of expensive and sticky honey – looking just as delectable too. He looked over his shoulder, brow raised expectantly. “Ready?” “As ah’m ever gonna be,” he said, half-reluctant, yet more open to the idea than he was yesterday, or even half an hour ago. Elusive’s enthusiasm on the matter did leave him a little curious. He focused on Elusive’s genitals. He could feel the tailor’s rock-hard cock pushed against him, although the view of the shaft was obscured by the pair of large fleshy pearls. Elusive smirked knowingly. “While I do appreciate the thought, it won’t be my dick where your efforts will be focused.” Applejack blinked several times, confused. “Then what do ah-” in the midst of the farmer’s sentence the tailor decided to give a premature answer. He adjusted his seating, leaning down close enough that his breaths glanced off the pink helmet of AJ’s fleshy tan battering ram, pushing his bubble butt towards AJ’s face; scooting close enough that his clean, pink sphincter was mere inches from the farmer’s tight-lipped maw. His nose pricked with a dense smell lavender, and he couldn’t discern if that was simply the tailor’s natural scent or if he powdered his backdoor for just such an occasion. “Are you insane!? I’m not puttin’ my tongue anywhere near your hoo-hah!” “Applejack, please! Do you really think so little of me? I spend two hours every day – mornings and evenings – ensuring that I’m clean. Inside and out,” he informed, clenching his bared anus, a gesture which AJ figured was meant to be inviting. Applejack continued to stare at the tight hole as his friend spoke. As far as asses went, it was certainly pristine. His hands reached towards the delicious, far rear, his worker’s hands squeezing and sinking into the soft plump butt, kneading them like fresh dough until he pulled them apart; giving the farmer a bare, more intimate view of the tailor’s sphincter. “Yer still askin’ me to stick my tongue up yer butt,” he added, embarrassed. “And if you want to stick your dick up my butt, AJ, you’re going to have to do your part to make sure it will fit,” Elusive replied, his hand’s stroke up the shaft so soft it was more like a graze, gripping halfway up the meat; pulling down and peeling back the rest of AJ’s partially retracted foreskin, the full tip of the virile sceptre bared to the warm air. Elusive licked his lips, tantalised. Applejack sneered with annoyance, feeling like his organ was being played with. “And are you gonna do your part- ooooh,” he trailed off, head falling limp into the sand, toes clenched. Elusive’s tongue polished the tip of AJ’s girth, smearing pre and spit over the exposed crown until it glistened wetly. The pre was dense in flavour, one hundred percent concentrated taste of man, and Elusive almost felt privileged to be the first man to dine on the farmer’s essence. He then dared to let the cock pass through his soft full lips and into his mouth, his jaw opening as he lowered his head to take in the angled cock… It was easier said than done. The girth thickness of the member made Elusive’s jaw ache with how far apart it forced the tailor’s admittedly small mouth. The cock was a snug fit, and he tried to offset the occasional grazes of his teeth with a generous spattering of tongue lashes. However, Elusive found the experience orgasmic. When his tongue pushed against the turgid flesh, it was like attempting to push into solid rock. He wanted to lodge more inches down his gullet to trace the prominent veins that covered AJ’s meat, the throbbing masculinity far surpassed the silicone and rubber of his toy collection. Unfortunately, its sheer size meant he could only bury the member insofar the back of his throat, which was still impressively a quarter of all the farmer had to offer. He practically pissed precum onto the farmer’s chest, his twitchy pale prick ground down; his body soon acting on autopilot as he suckled the meaty lollipop with audible slurps, his hands joining in pleasuring the organ, pumping up and down the shaft with a passionately furious pace despite his delicate grip. The tailor’s oral machinations were enough to leave AJ paralysed with pleasure, his body seemingly afflicted with some kind of rigour vitae. Elusive was an excellent tailor but he was also a superb cock polisher, swallowing down every droplet of pre and wetting every inch of veiny cock flesh he could cram into his tight maw. Whilst Applejack wanted to lay there, savour the feeling, he had a rather unfortunate obligation to keep. Raising his head, he stared squarely at Elusive’s tight manhole, the clenched pucker waiting for him. Taking a deep breath through his nostrils, inhaling the rich lavender scent, he held his breath as darted his tongue past his lips. The tip of his tongue pressed against the hole. This was new territory for the moist muscle, and in trying to adhere to the tailor’s request, he began to trace sloppy and wet circles around the ring, attempting to distance himself mentally from the act. However, what he couldn’t ignore, was the twitches and wink of his asshole and the trembling of the tailor’s thighs. Whilst he heard moaning, he was doing it before his tongue touched him. He was enjoying this? This motivated AJ, whose tongue began to prod and push against the hole, surprised that it had as much yield as it did considering the tailor’s perversions. He firmed his grip of the delectable ass, pushing his moist analogue organ with greater pressure. “Hah!” the cock popped free from Elusive’s maw, his head thrown back as the slippery muscle entered him. The nubile organ wiggled within him like some sort of adrenaline-fuelled worm, and whilst the farmer didn’t know what chord to strike within him to elicit the loudest moans, having him accidentality strum and press against it in his erraticism made him quiver in bliss, and his cock dribble. “You’re actually eating my ass,” he teased, eyes lidded and breathless. Instead of a verbal reply, he felt Applejack’s tongue push against his special spot, and he arched his back, releasing a half-scream, half-moan. “O-okay, message received. Keep at it!” he encouraged, before resuming his cock gobbling. The two officially became in sync thereafter. To Applejack a line had been crossed he could never step back over, feeling a tad guilty he was actually enjoying himself, and Elusive was just happy to for the opportunity to suckle on such a delectable cock. Applejack could feel the ravenous yet precise movements of the tailor’s tongue, tracing the rim of his helmet, and struggling to force down more of his gargantuan mean down his all too small throat. He was a little impressed by the garment-maker’s seeming lack of gag reflex, and whilst he could not take the farmer too far down into his gullet, Applejack’s body quivered when he occasionally felt the extreme tightness of throat canal hug around him; the sensation over all too soon when he was forced out, Elusive spluttering for breath and growling in frustration. Applejack appreciated the effort, almost as much as Elusive adored the sensation of the wiggly intruder in his bottom. Whilst he slurped and moaned around AJ’s vascular unit, he pushed against the farmer’s first-time exercise in anal gastronomy, clenching around the slippery pioneer and groaning whenever he attacked the g-spot with the same brutishness Elusive expected of the farmer – and he loved it! The vibrations from his moans sent AJ into a tongue-lashing frenzy as they coursed up his shaft and gonads, trying to have Elusive’s ecstasy match his own, as difficult a task as that seemed. Eventually, and unwittingly, the both had signed themselves up to a competition neither had known they actually entered. Unsurprisingly, Applejack was more aggressive. His hands left Elusive’s soft ass to wrap his arms around his thighs, bringing him closer and in turn allowing his tongue to reach deeper into Elusive’s depths. The tailor’s arched back and full-body shiver made the farmer feel confident, cocky even, that he was beating Elusive in the pleasure game. However, Elusive wasn’t without the competitive streak himself. He couldn’t pull free from the farmer’s grip, so he couldn’t take his dick as deep as he would have liked. Fortunately, his preciseness wasn’t limited to his fingers and a needle, he knew precisely where to attack to get the advantage over Applejack. Sealing his lips around the corpulent tip, his tongue circled and polished the head. It was when his own toes curl once more did he decide to kick himself into top gear, his hands pumping the meat with zealously fast strokes, his tongue focusing on directing torturous lashes at the frenulum whilst he suckled on the head, focusing on the corona. When Elusive felt the farmer shift beneath him, his hips quivering as he tried to resist the urge to buck, the tailor knew he had won. Applejack’s tongue faltered when pleasure overwhelmed his senses. He tried to keep up his assault but gradually felt himself be taken away by the bliss forced upon him. He had never experienced such euphoria in his life! Having the barrier broken down now, he unwrapped a hand from around Elusive’s thigh, reaching for his neglected cock and began to stroke it. Unfamiliar with any man’s tool aside from his own, he may have been a tad too ‘rural’ with his treatment of it. He was soft, at first, but when he neared the tip of the seven inch prick he began squeezed lightly like one would a the tit of an udder. It almost made Elusive feel pity. Almost. He remained unrelenting, having to spare a hand at some point to stay Applejack’s hips, which threatened to thrust down the tailor’s unprepared throat. After a while more, he felt the tip and shaft swell, thickening with blood as the farmer’s orgasm neared… “Fuck,” the farmer cursed – both out of pleasure’s compulsion and out of damnation for the tailor - parting from Elusive’s pucker. His thighs flexed just as his sack did; hips giving upward thrust to instinctual bury his pole deeper into the moist hole, which Elusive countered by simply rising. Elusive could feel the torrent of seed gush up the farmer’s cock through the rock-hard organ with just his fingers, his jaw burdened with the added strain of the thickened did but he didn’t mind; cheeks pulled back into a bad facsimile of a smile. And, even though he could feel it coming, the surprise of its massive volume, as well as the load itself, still hit him like a freight train. His cheeks puffed out like big white balloons, not able to react in time to swallow the massive rope, spurting out disgracefully from his lips; leaking down the very sex cannon it exploded from. Each shot of cum smacked the back of his throat, and it was a coin toss on whether he could swallow it in time or leak from his sealed lips. On his tongue, the slimy liquid was surprisingly sweet, almost like apples he’d dare say, which made swallowing the thick syrupy seed a little easier. His hands pumped slower yet his grip tightened, squeezing and forcing out as much of the cum from the cock as he possibly could. Any he couldn’t swallow simply dribbled from his lips, landing on the farmer’s crotch or simply trailing down his cock like water droplets on a window. Elusive didn’t mind not filling his belly entirely to the brim with AJ’s delectable semen. Having it coat the farmer’s cock would make what came next easier... “Elusive, Elusive! What’re you doin’? I jus’ came!” Applejack griped, the tailor still suckling the tip of his spent and sensitive cock. Elusive acquiesced temporarily, licking one corner of his lip. “I won’t be satisfied until you’re begging me to stop,” Elusive teased, looking back over his shoulder, off-white cum plastered to the un-licked corner of his mouth; hand idly pumping near the base of the farmer’s dick meat. “Well, how about I do this!” Applejack announced, before retorting with action; cramming two of his digits side-by-side into the spit-moistened asshole, ramming them against the femboy's prostate forcefully. “Ah!” Elusive gasped, body shivering, his entire upper body falling limp from the surprising harshness of the attack, falling cheek first into a small puddle of cum gathered at the base of AJ’s hilt; his own white length swelling as he was shoved ungracefully into ecstasy. He spurted a few strings of cum from his pale cock-tip, covering the tanned, muscled chest of the farmer with his sticky white essence. Its volume wasn’t close to the farmer’s magnificent load, but it was still a lot from such a lithe, thin body. Panting, unclenching his toes, Elusive pushed himself up, some of his long purple hair hanging in strands down from his head. “That was unfair!” he fired at him, casting his eyes over his shoulder, unable to really sneer whilst still riding the afterglow. He chortled, withdrawing his fingers and shrugging. “You have always said that ah knew how to push your buttons.” “That you do...” Elusive commented quietly, his anus clenching, mournfully unfilled. If the farmer pushed that particular button more frequently, Elusive would have to consider being a little nicer. He rose up, straddling the farmer’s much stomach like before, breathless. It wasn’t just from his own fatigue why he was so out of breath, sucking, pumping and cumming was a surprisingly strenuous trio of exercises, but it was also due in part to surprise. “You’re still hard?!” Indeed, Applejack’s still felt his shaft tremble and throb with need, his large, dark mast ready for another round. “You kept suckin’ it is why!” Applejack exclaimed. “No, no, Applejack. You mistake me,” Elusive replied calmly to the farmer’s piqued frustration, reaching out and gripping the dick just under the tip, giving his wrist a few rotations, feeling the hardness under his fingers. “This means no breaks!” “Um,” the farmer started, feeling the tailor’s soft, shrinking prick pushing against his stomach now. “What about you?” “What do you mean? Oh, right. Well, dear, that’s the beauty of prostate orgasms. Rigidity isn’t a requirement,” Elusive replied vaguely, rising unsteadily to his feet, standing over the farmer for a few moments before releasing an irked sigh. “Oh, I much I wanted to ride you...” “What- Elusive!” Applejack exclaimed, rising up with a start as the tailor fell back onto his towel, landing on his back. The farmer hurried, crouching over by the tailor’s side, watching him roll onto his back; his face annoyed. “There’s a reason I never ‘play’ with myself before going anywhere, “Should ah do something? Carry you back maybe-” “Sorry for the interruptions, but I see a long, thick, hard cock swaying right before me like a delectable treat, and it isn’t inside of me yet. Be a dear and fix that for me,” Elusive spoke with a kind authority, shimmying his legs apart and resting his hands beside his head like a damsel. “I did have something more carnal in mind, but thanks to your little stunt, we’re left with only this now.” “I could flip you onto your belly?” Applejack proposed, bottom lip curled in consideration. The aghast look on Elusive’s face was all he needed to see before breaking out into a guffaw. “Haha, jus’ kidding. Missionary it is. Just as was intended,” he spoke whilst he got into position, hands sinking into Elusive’s thighs, pushing them slightly further apart as he took position between them; his cock dangling and inching ever closer to its target. “I don’t think whoever ‘intended’ for this position to be used would be so pleased it was being used for sex not to ending in a child, or the fact it’s between two men either,” Elusive commented, the farmer’s form casting him in shadow as he lowered down towards him, both lost in each other’s eyes. “Eh, from your soft skin and long hair, I’d say one and a half men,” Applejack joked, close enough now to caress Elusive’s cheek, circling a strand of purple hair with his finger. “And if you count your long hair and smooth flesh, I guess this would only count as masturbation,” he quipped, nuzzling against the farmer’s neck as he got closer, inhaling his scent. “And about the child. Think if ah do it hard enough, it might?” he continued in a low voice, now close enough down to have his jizz stained and muscular chest press against Elusive’s more supple one, one arm freed to prop himself up. “Gosh, I hope not. Think of my figure...” he replied just as low, grinning, before being shut up finally by Applejack’s lips interlocking with his own; face held in place by the farmer’s delicate yet firm grip as they shared a loud, sloppy and wet kiss, with batting tongues and swapped spit. Applejack could taste his own semen in Elusive’s mouth, the slight remnant of salt and sweet served as a reminder of which end he had only just filled, but he was too eager to fill the other to care. The tailor’s arms hooked around AJ’s muscular back, fingertips pressing into the skin as the tip of his fat manhood prodded against his taint. Smeared with cum, spit and pre, Elusive was assured it wouldn’t fail to enter him, yet he was still anxious about taking in such a large example of virility. Applejack continued to prod and press, missing Elusive’s backdoor, yet the tailor flinched every time. Not even his lover’s kiss could distract him from his own nervousness. When the engorged tip of the farmer’s sceptre finally found its mark, pushing against Elusive’s hole, trepidation gave way to excitement, and with a moan and relaxing of his hole, Applejack was then able to push in his pole. As soon as Applejack buried the crown of his cock into Elusive’s ass, he immediately set about redefining his perception of ‘tight’, for the constricting grip of the sphincter immediately set a new baseline for what he would consider so. He was delicate in sliding the rest of his thickness inside the taught twink, his hips shaking as he resisted the urge to slam his meat in, which funnily acted against the way the sphincter seemed to suck him in. It hugged around his dick with the same enthusiasm Applejack had seen only from distant, elderly relatives, although if he had to choose between them or Elusive’s backdoor, he’d choose the latter every single time. Elusive moaned into Applejack’s mouth as the inches slid over his prostate, with each and every one the pleasure he experienced seemed only to exacerbate to new, unexplored heights. When Applejack embedded the entirety of his ass smasher into him, he felt an explosion of euphoria from the immense fullness. He almost scratched the farmer with is pedicured nails, overcome with a primal pleasure. He had to break away from the kiss to fill his lungs, throw his head back, and finally… “Your cock is amazing!” he lauded, announcing it loud and proud, not caring if he was heard. “Heh, thanks,” Applejack took the compliment, suddenly pursing his lips to suppress a moan, Elusive’s bussy continuing to squeeze and milk his girth. “Y-your butt is pretty swell too.” “So fuck me already!” Elusive ordered, firm and aroused. “Aren’t we already-” “Thrust!” he commanded, before smashing his lips with the farmer’s own, shivering as he felt the cock slide out of him halfway, only to be crammed back into his plump tush. Applejack obeyed Elusive’s command perfectly, his hips effectively going on autopilot as he pounded away at the twink. The two loudly kissed as stars began to twinkle above, through the cracks in the blue sky, the night quickly approaching. The farmer couldn’t help but keep a relaxed pace, for he perceived the lithe garment-maker as fragile, almost brittle, as he would a lady or young woman. His lovemaking carried over the same attitudes as well, his kissing was passionate, inflamed, but that same fire didn’t exactly carry over to his gyrations. He was soft, thrusting deep with his meaty lance but tortuously slow in withdrawing. Elusive broke the kiss once more, giving the farmer a stern look, one which stopped him in his tracks. “What? I’m not hurtin’ you ah’m I?” he asked, giving a worried frown. “I might look delicate, but that’s mean you can’t go faster. Harder, even.” Applejack winced, unsure. “A-are ya sure?” “Aw, how cute. Are you concerned for little ol’ me?” He grumbled incomprehensibly, before giving a disappointed look at the smaller man. “You’ve probably fucked a lot of guys, huh?” he asked, grumpy. As much as Elusive took pleasure from the idea of the farmer being jealous, not even he was that bad. “Just one,” he admitted, actually blushing, struggling to keep his eyes focused on the farmer. “That ‘one’ wouldn’t happen to include me, would it?” He shrugged, giving a subtle smile. “I’ll keep that ambiguous. But as to why I’m confident I can take you: toys. Lots, and lots of toys.” “I see...” “Maybe I can get you aquainted with them? I have some excellent choices for beginners- ah!~” Without warning, Applejack took the tailor’s advice. He slammed what inches of his fuck stick were buried in his rectum, withdrawing all but the head as he became filled with the fire he tried to keep restrained. Smashing his lips back with Elusive’s, his thrust back into the twink was delivered with the same forcefulness one attribute a punch, the stretched hole struggling to clench around such a furious assault. The fervour of his fucking wasn’t negligible on the lithe tailor. His finger nails dug into the farmer’s skin, pain and pleasure mixing into a euphoric cocktail as his bowels were recklessly pounded, the farmer’s fat balls smacking against his ass as he was rutted like a mare in heat. Applejack bred Elusive’s ass at a restless and frantic pace, angling his cock upwards in order to strike at the tailor’s g-spot when he slammed inside of him, driving his manhood deep and hard and feeling pleasure explode within him on every thrust. The sex was heavenly, despite the aggression, and Elusive much enjoyed the farmer stealing control. The rough, lancing penetrations of his bulbous cock were unlike anything he ever experienced before, the deep motions hitting the deepest parts of him that he could never hope reach. His hole quivered, attempting to squeeze and tighten around the intruder, both in a reflexive effort to push out the intruder, whilst keeping him embedded deeply within all the same. He mentally asserted that with the planting of fat meaty pole, his bouncy derrière had been claimed as official property of the farmer. With the way he rough handled it, he certainly treated it as his own personal fuckhole. Elusive’s own prick found hardness again, throbbing uselessly sandwiched between their stomachs, dribbling pre. The ball-slapping, ravenous fucking, continued well into the night, when the sun had truly set, replaced by the bright white pearl which hung in the sky. The air remained warm, yet not as hot as their pleasurable friction, their twitching organs, their passionate smooching. They only took respite from each other’s lips to breathe, before mashing them back together to continue their trade of spit and moans. The length of time for which they banged may have broken a local record, each man felt raw in their crotches, and Elusive’s formerly taut hole was loosened from the farmer’s ceaseless thrusting. It was almost like sexual attrition, neither man wanting the wonderful experience to end yet they drew nearer and nearer to orgasm both. “Mmmph.” “Hmmph!” Their vocal, non-verbal exclamations let each know of the impending, Elusive’s bucking hips and Applejack’s staggered thrusts signalled their impending explosions. Both tensing, their bodies experienced simultaneous explosions of ecstasy. Applejack drove his cock as deep as he could, his balls clenching several times as they pumped load after load of fertile seed into the tailor’s abused ass. And in his orgasm, Elusive was all to happy to accommodate, the warmth of his seed pushing him over the edge, his lithe cock spilling out seed over his belly, his ass pushing against the cock lodged within him. The orgasm seemed to last for a wonderful eternity, but that bounty of bliss lasted for only a few seconds before the two became limp in each other’s arms, panting, tired, but smiling. Applejack rolled off the purple haired twink, cock sliding out of his rectum, sticky with cum. His scratched back landed in the sand, not wanting to burden his friend’s lithe frame with his weight. His eyes remained shut and his fatigued face livened with surprise when he looked above. “Stars are out,” he informed between breaths. Elusive took a moment to reply. He felt like a leaky balloon, jizz leaking from the thoroughly used hole, his body covered in his own juices. It had been a long time since he had been so messy. But from the still lingering afterglow, he settled on the fact he didn’t care. “So they are,” he replied after a moment, his gaze not lingering on the inky firmament, but rather, AJ’s expression. He appeared tired, but somehow he found the strength to wear a faint smile, the small dimples in his cheeks unmistakable. “Have you given any thought to your decision?” he asked. “Which one?” “You know which one.” Applejack smirked, continuing to look up at the night sky. “Ah thought about it.” Elusive chortled. “And?” “Need more time to think,” he replied, still looking up. “Oh...” Elusive muttered, lip tugged down at the corner. Similarly, he looked up, silence hanging over them both. “Elusive?” he probed, not too long after he spoke. “What?” Without another word said, the farmer turned over his hand in the sand and offered his open palm to the tailor. At seeing this, Elusive gave a small smile, ignoring the offer and rolling over instead, wrapping around Applejack’s brawny arm and pressing his cheek against his chest, contented. Whilst initially surprised, Applejack couldn’t help but simper, reaching around with his free arm and coiling it around the tailor, bringing him even closer to the embrace. He, too, was happy. Maybe he wouldn’t need more time to think after all…