> Dollmares: Succumbing to Seduction > by Honeydrops > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mail Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle couldn’t figure out what annoyed her most about the box before her: that it looked like it had spent time as an Ursa Minor’s chew toy or that the box should have been here four and a half years ago. She felt the wings on her back twitch as she smoothed her white blouse and pencil skirt. It was okay. This was just annoying. It’s not like they had an actual crisis, aside from the Royal Mail being far, far more inept than usual. “It was dropped off like this, Princess,” Guard Flash Sentry said, looking a little panicky. “I swear! Just sitting on the front steps of the castle!” Twilight rolled her eyes at him. Six months and he was still jumpy around her. Just because an experiment had gone a little bit awry and zapped him into a rather adorable mare. She promised herself—again—that she would push through the reassignment paperwork for the jumpy ‘Royal Guard’ right back at Cadance as soon as she had the time. Twilight sighed. She couldn’t remember why she’d agreed to take on even a single Guard. It’s not like Royal Guards did anything. Princesses and Elements did all the heavy lifting in Equestria. Definitely not yellow-coated, blue-maned pegasi with an admittedly good physique who did actually look decent in the Castle of Friendship livery Rarity had designed… “So that’s why you originally sent him,” Twilight muttered under her breath as she returned her attention to the battered and bruised box. “Dammit, Cadance. If you try to get me laid one more time… ugh!” “Sorry, what was that, Princess?” Flash asked. His wings twitched. “Thank you, Flash,” Twilight mumbled as she turned the box on the table around with a hand. “That will be all.”   “Ma’am, with… with respect?” Flash mumbled, fiddling with his uniform. “You… well, we don’t know where that came from. The return address label was destroyed by… is that dragon’s flame?” “Seriously, one case of indigestion and nopony lets you live it down. Your tail came back just fine, Sentry,” Spike grumbled as he walked into the room with a small bowl of rubies. He stopped dead when he saw the box. “Okay, that’s not my work. My work is usually more… ashy.” Twilight waved her assistant over and glared at the box, trying to probe it with her magic. Too many enemies had tried too many stunts over the years. Yeah, Equestria might be all nice and peaceful—sometimes—but Twilight had already learned better. The last thing she needed was some surprise by an old enemy out for revenge who decided the postal service was the best way to get back at her. After all, that email virus from Trixie—joke or not—had been a huge pain in the ass. And she wasn’t even an enemy! “What do you think, Spike?” Twilight asked, a hand on her hips as she nibbled on a finger. Spike popped a ruby, knelt over the box and frowned. The drake had finally gotten taller than Twilight a few months ago and it wasn’t the only place he’d filled out. Beneath the strong, smooth scales of his chest, arms and legs lay nothing but pure muscle. Muscle he liked to show off with simple gray t-shirts and jeans. Two heavy wings were folded behind his back and even the growth in his tail hadn’t caused any problems. Except for sometimes when Twilight’s eyes—or mind—wandered. Like right now. “Sorry, what was that?” Twilight asked, forcing herself back into the moment. “It looks pretty normal to me, Twi,” Spike said with a shrug. “Why you so jumpy? It’s just a box. Okay, yeah, it’s been burned, soaked, chewed on, kicked and a few other things, but… just a box.” “I don’t know,” Twilight admitted. She scratched at her mane and her ears flattened. “I had some bad dreams Luna couldn’t get rid of last night. Stuff about old enemies. Tirek, Chrysalis, Discord, Starlight… even Trixie made an appearance.” “Yeah,” Spike nodded and chewed another ruby. “That last one’s weird. She isn’t even in the same weight class… unless she’s got freaky magical artifacts.” “Or interrupt her with Starlight during intimate moments in the lower library,” Flash muttered under his breath. “Ha!” Spike barked out a laugh and pointed a finger at him. “I still think you got off lucky. If Starlight had been the one to see you, you’d be lucky to still be in Equestria.” Flash blanched at that. “They’re… they’re still at her old village right?” “Won’t be back for a week,” Spike waved a hand at him. “So don’t worry, guardboy. You’re fine. Until then.” “Spike!” Twilight snapped—though it was a halfhearted snap. “Leave him be.” “Okay, okay.” Spike popped another ruby and grinned. “Back to the box Twilight can’t open without overthinking things!” “I’m not overthinking things. I’m being cautious. There is a faint magical signature on this thing… but I can’t place it.” Twilight waved away the comment. “I’ve felt jumpy all day, but this feels familiar.” Twilight ran a hand through her mane and growled at herself. “Okay, enough. Everypony, take a step back. I’m going to shield the table then open it by magic.” Spike took a few steps back, looking relatively unconcerned. Flash made it almost to the door. Twilight steadied herself, planting both feet on the ground. She had to adjust one of her stockings—again—but after that, she managed to remove the distractions from her mind. A shield of pink magic popped into existence above the table and the box. After a few checks, she felt relatively certain it was secure. Secure enough at least. With a nod, she used her telekinesis to slice the tape that barely kept the box together. Surprisingly, it kept its shape, leaving Twilight to open the box herself in slow, easy gestures. She peered over the top of the shield, using her wings for a bit of extra height and looked down into the contents of the very delayed package. Inside lay another box about the size of her head, this one of an odd-looking white metal with a blue lid and little orange hatches on all four sides. There were a few symbols carved into the sides of the cube-shaped box. Twilight carefully lifted the cube out of the box and put it on the table as well. “That’s a new one,” Spike muttered. “Never seen a box like that before.” “It’s a containment cube,” Twilight muttered, barely hearing Spike. “In fact—” “Twi, there’s something stuck to the side,” Spike interrupted, pointing at the side facing away from Twilight. “Looks like a note.” Twilight spun the cube to see yes, there did appear to be some sort of note. She carefully moved the cube closer, not wanting to use any more magic than telekinesis at the moment. Containment cubes were tricky. “Dear Princess Twilight,” Twilight read aloud. She had to squint, because the handwriting was terrible. “Inside you’ll find the latest test sample of our new magic-reactive fibers. Please, run them through as many tests as you like, though we suggest the initial tests be done solo for the fibers to properly link with your magic. We’re eager to hear back from you. Signed…” “Who’s it signed by?” Flash asked from the doorway. “Manehattan Institute of Technomancy,” Twilight muttered. “But there’s no department or doctor listed. I’ve heard of experiments like this, but never something this specific. It’s not exactly my area of expertise, magical constructs and materials…” Spike snorted. “Like that’s gonna stop you from poking at it.” Twilight couldn’t help but grin at him. “So… not a threat?” Flash asked cautiously. “I don’t think so. Or if it is, it’s an elaborate one… and a little silly. Only one last thing to do.” “Open the cube?” Spike asked, popping a few more rubies into his mouth. “Open the cube,” Twilight said with a nod. “After all, the runes seem normal… it should be the normal unlock sequence…” Twilight stuck her tongue out—a bad habit she still couldn’t quite break—while Flash spoke up again. “So what happened to it for four and a half years?” “Maybe it really did just get lost in the mail. Got sent a few places… maybe after we um… we moved and ended up in a storage room.” Spike shrugged. “Stranger things have happened.”   “There!” There was a faint hiss, then Twilight felt a small surge of magic rush through her shield and over her horn. She shivers slightly as the excess magic rushed into her in a wave of blue light. “Twilight? You okay?” Spike asked, a hint of concern in his voice. Twilight panted a little, then took a few deep breaths. “Yeah… just the byproduct of a magical item being locked in a magic-tight box. Tends to build up a charge. Forgot about that. It’s just energy.” “If you say so,” Spike eyed her up and down. “I’m fine, Spike,” Twilight said, levitating the lid over to the table before checking inside the cube. As promised, what lay inside was a semi-liquid series of lavender fibers. Twilight could feel the magical potential pouring off of them. They seemed to shiver slightly as she glanced at the underside of the lid. As expected, the alchemical and magical compositions were listed there in fine pint. Some rather intense experiments, but nothing too out of the ordinary. They seemed perfectly serviceable. Ideas started to form in Twilight’s head, everything from mobile bandages to living clothing. The possibilities for truly enchanted individual fibers were unlimited. Twilight dropped the shield. Flash let out a yelp and even Spike took a step back. “Oh, it’s fine. It’s just a perfectly normal experiment that got away from somepony,” Twilight said with a sigh as she lifted a fiber in her magic. The fiber immediately reacted, curling into a spiral pattern and shifting hues slightly to—oddly enough—match her coat color. It even started to glow as it absorbed some of her magic! She placed the fiber back in the box and smiled as the glowing colors began to spread to the rest. “However, I think I will do the rest of this in my lab downstairs,” Twilight said as she sealed the cube. “I can’t wait to see what this stuff does. Spike, make sure everything is taken care of. No interruptions. Have Flash help you… if you need it.” Twilight gave her assistant a wink and Spike grinned. “I’ll keep him busy.” “I’m… still here!” Flash said from the other side of the door way. Twilight and Spike both rolled their eyes before Twilight floated the box over to nestle in the crook of her arm. “This is going to be so much fun. Do me a favor and send a few scrolls to track down where this has been and who might have sent it, okay?” “No problem,” Spike replied, shooing her toward the south exit and the stairs that led to her primary laboratory. “Go play. Don’t have too much fun.” “No promises!” Twilight called as she broke into a jog, giggling at the chance to play with a new toy. > Experimental Wardrobe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had some minor concerns about her new ‘toy.’ The first oddity was when she had opened it in her lab. To her surprise, the fibers had congealed into some sort of liquid-like substance, something that shouldn’t have been possible. The familiar sense of magic had come again when she’d opened it. And she’d received another—and much more heady—rush when she’d opened the cube. After some basic tests, mostly done using her magic, the material grew more and more viscous, again something that shouldn’t be happening according to the alchemical schematics on the bottom of the containment cube’s lid. Her concern had grown when a quarter through her tests, her magic stopped having any sort of effect on it. She could lift the cube, but when she tried to magically interact with the now-liquid, it seemed to absorb her magic. The magical signature of the liquid grew as a result. Oddest of all, she soon found that the act of interacting—and therefore funneling—her magic into the liquid became rather… intense.   Most concerning, however, was the liquid’s motion. Halfway through her testing phase, it had begun to move about the room. Twilight had yelped and jumped back at this, but the thing didn’t seem to have any hostile intent. It seemed… more curious than anything else. Twilight couldn’t help but think about four and a half years in the postal service. Who knew what sort of magics this had been exposed to, containment cube or no? She might be seeing the beginnings of a rudimentary magic-based animal! Perhaps some sort of cousin to the mythical ‘goos’ rumored to inhabit the Hayseed Swamps? The liquid—the experiment—had wandered over her bookcases. Twilight wholly approved of this, curious if the experiment could actually absorb knowledge. It wasn’t until it had engulfed the bookcase when she realized this was her basement lab bookcases which contained stories that were completely inappropriate for most audiences. Still, Twilight believed it best not to interfere. Instead, she studied it, taking copious notes as she went. She’d quickly moved to her notebook computer while her desktop continued to process the data she had managed to collect with her various spectrometers and sample analysis scanners. Her hands danced on the keyboard for a good twenty minutes… and then, with startling levels of speed… It had consumed her desktop computer. Despite her best attempts, all attempts to pry the experiment from the computer had failed. Nothing she did had any impact. And considering what the thing could learn from the internet? That didn’t bode well. It could easily become hostile if it even looked up the history of Ponyville! Twilight had hesitated for a good half hour, but in the end she’d been left with no choice but to go upstairs and engage her hazmat protocols. However, as she had moved toward the stairwell, it had released the computer. It had laid there for a time, as if considering a course of action. Twilight had glanced up at the desktop screen only to see a lightning-fast slideshow of… erotic images, stories, movies, animations and more? Many of them were… latex-based? What. Which was strange as the experiment included no latex in any form. Even if it did remind her of the substance. A little. She looked up at the computer again and immediately regretted it. The slideshow moved so fast her brain could barely process it and it began to give her somewhat of a headache, despite its vaguely hypnotic properties. She took a step forward toward the computer, intending to walk around the experiment to disable the machine so it would stop distracting her from her notes on the experiments. However, it appeared that the experiment had taken exception to this. As soon as her shoe hit the ground, it surged forward. “Ahh!” Twilight yelped, trying to backpedal away, but the experiment grabbed her feet. In the space of a few moments, she had been almost entirely immobilized, both her feet completely encased in lavender fluid. Her attempt to gain some altitude by flapping her wings—which should have been her first response—was pointless. The experiment now had a solid grip on her.   Her breasts bounced as her breathing grew rapid. She knew this was a bad sign. She needed to get help immediately. She lit up her horn to send a message spell to Spike and prepared a teleport spell as a backup. It seemed… yes, Spike first then flee. Right? Right. She took a deep breath and prepared to shout. The experiment reacted before she made a single sound. It poured into her shoes, slipped through her stockings and completely surrounded her feet in a thin membrane. It wriggled along her feet in a strangely comforting sensation, but she fought against the odd calm trying to wash over her. This was not the time for calm. This was the time for panic and quick action. “Spike!” Twilight called, flapping her wings even harder—all to no avail. That left only one option. Considering the experiment’s interactions with her magic… she didn’t exactly what to do this, but she had no choice. She unleashed her teleport spell… only for her spell to ground itself into the experiment. The entire lavender mass shivered. “That’s… not good.” Using a strange motion, it slowly shifted her feet until they were parallel with one another. Only then did the strange experiment dissolve her shoes. However, it left her stockings. And it also left her completely unharmed. She tried to teleport again, but it seemed to just… fizzle. “Oh, this is bad…” she mumbled. Some of the things on her desktop had been from her own private—very private—archive. She did know how these things tended to go. “Very, very, ba—” The experiment began to slowly slide up her soft legs, eliciting a squeak from the busty alicorn, which quickly turned into a quiet moan. The experiment didn’t crawl or wriggle but instead moved smoothly as if she were slipping on her stockings in her morning routine. “What do you…” Twilight began to say only to realize the foolishness of this path. Instead, she shouted for help, but every time she did, the experiment slid a little further up her legs, ensuring that she couldn’t make full use of her voice, as it was marred by her slightly heated moans. Twilight only noticed that the experiment had moved all the way up to her hips when she felt it begin to pool around her panties. “No, no, no!” Twilight admonished. “Bad goo! None of that! I… definitely… don’t…” Something… distracted her. She looked around, trying to figure out what had changed, but… it took her a moment to connect the dots. That should have been another bad sign but at this point… what was one more? The experiment was doing something to her. She sensed an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Her nipples hardened. Her sex grew damp. She… the experiment was arousing her! That… that was impossible! But impossible or not, it was happening. It began to slide up and down her hips and buttocks, not to mention her front, though it did not invade her most intimate place. Instead, it attacked everywhere else, from all sides. It stroked her thighs and the tiny little erotic spots on the arches of her feet Spike had found about a year ago when they’d both been drunk. Then it slowly dissolved her stockings. However, the sensation wasn’t one of destruction. No, the experiment simulated the feeling as if they were being slowly pulled off by somepony… using their teeth. Twilight let out a lewd moan and, with the increasing movement and delicate teasing, instinctively spread her legs a little. To her vague surprise, the experiment let her, adjusting the position of her feet to make her comfortable. And then it slid into her panties. Twilight groaned. She knew this was a ploy. She… she… “I… shouldn’t… let…” she panted. “I shouldn’t…” She could feel the experiment cupping her mound. It undulated slowly, massaging her in a way no lover ever could. The experiment continued to work on her legs, her feet, her thighs and her mound, seemingly content to heighten her arousal by the second. She… knew better. She was going to resist and figure a way out of this. She wasn’t going to end up some goo’s sex toy… It wrapped itself completely around her hips and waist, save for a very noticeable empty spot. Then, it subjected her to a full-lower-body massage. “No, you’re… draining my… resistance…” she whispered as a hand drifted to one of her heavy breasts. “Seducing me…” The experiment, of course, made no reply. It just kept working at her. Twilight fought, but the longer it had her in its grasp, the more it began to learn about her. Twilight could feel its discovery of her lower body’s erotic secrets. The points she had learned through extensive experimentation—either by herself or with another. Each point would cause an increase in pleasure. Sometimes, a substantial increase. “Spike…” Twilight moaned, looking up at the door to her lab. “Come… come save… me… or…” She whimpered. “Or come fuck me… fuck me again like you did on Sunday…” Her hips bucked and her tits bucked with them. Her wings stretched despite her… stupid traitors. The vibrations on her mound increased. Maybe that guard could help her. Maybe Flash Sentry might be of use. A spell to increase virility, an extended period of intense sexual activity, then perhaps a spell to turn him into a lusty mare like her. One that would eagerly lap at her experiment-covered pussy as Flash was overcome by the same transformation that had claimed her. After all, Flash had already spent some time as a mare. Twilight would make out with the hot mare as they surrendered to… The vibration increased again. Her thoughts became increasingly jumbled and addled. In some part of her mind, she knew this, but at this point, she found she didn’t much care. Spike would be next. The two mares would descend upon the handsome drake. Twilight had enjoyed Spike’s draconic cock on occasion. After all, they were best friends and he was now a foot taller than her. Twilight would make out with the drake as Flash… Flare, perhaps? Flash would need a new name within the Bond—whatever that was. Flare would lap the drake’s cock until it burst in her mouth. Then Spike would fuck Twilight for the last time. When Twilight came, her gift to him would grow over him, making them closer than ever. Spike would retain his dragon cock as needed to fuck Flare and herself, but usually, he would be in the form of a female. Creatures within the Bond couldn’t help but think of themselves as female. She… She… shouldn’t be thinking like this… she should… Her own moan snapped her out of the silly thoughts as a finger teased her sex. One of her hands was in the strange lavender liquid, fondling her sex. But when she pulled her hand away… it remained clean. Odd. Most times… most things she’d seen showed it would strike at a moment like this. They used any chance they could get to spread. This one didn’t. Had she misjudged the experiment’s intentions? It… didn’t seem to be affecting her mind. Maybe… She idly ran a hand along a tit… a breast. She didn’t use terms like ‘tits.’ She was more educated than that. And an educated mare always wished to share her knowledge. Perhaps the experiment only wanted to experience something akin to sexual intercourse. It would make sense considering what it had accessed on her computer. She did have a great deal of… research material on the subject. It’s seemed possible. No, not possible. Probable. Yes. That was it. She should spread her legs for it, to give it the chance to experience the pleasure of copulation. It thrummed against her mound. She felt tickles of something against her back, sliding up and down her spine. It felt amazing. She idly wondered if the experiment could use her spine as a… a… Yes. It now seemed perfectly logical. All it wanted was to experience intimacy and passion. It had read these things, but had no framework. It had been her material. It was only fair for it to gain that framework from her. The intensity of the vibrations threatened to overwhelm her into a mind-shattering orgasm. Since the experiment had behaved so well, it deserved to experience this with a willing, unaltered host. Yes. Yes. This was… yes. Twilight felt something click in her mind. She relaxed and sighed, smiling as— The experiment suddenly poured into her sopping wet pussy. Twilight screamed in delight, her hips bucking wildly as she came on the experiment… no… that wasn’t the right word anymore. That felt wrong. It was rude for something that knew her so intimately. It deserved a better name. “Companion,” she whispered to herself as her hips bucked. Companion shivered inside of her, sending trembles through her aching core. She could feel it filling her to the brim, pouring through her pussy, even slipping through her cervix and into her womb. Twilight squealed as she felt her belly swell with Companion’s essence. She thrashed and groaned, barely able to think as she frantically fondled her suddenly sensitive stomach. Then, Companion got better situated within her. Twilight moaned, holding her stomach as it shrank back down as Companion evolved and changed. She loved the sensation of it moving over her, filling her, changing her… Changing her? Wait, that wasn’t— It wasn’t changing her. It was being what she wanted it to be. Yes. What she needed it to be. To experience sexual copulation, of course. No, wait… the Companion didn’t serve her. She was serving it. Why was she getting so mixed up? Her brain-bending orgasm had just been an adjustment to Companion getting in position to experience this new sensation. It just took a little time. In fact, in that time, it became better situated by becoming a thick dildo that slowly began to slide in and out of pussy. She moaned. “Thank… thank you, Companion,” she whispered. To her surprise, her naked feet were free now… though… she knew she had somewhere she needed to go in a hurry. But she couldn’t remember where. After all, why would she want to leave? It probably didn’t matter. Companion agreed, showing her its opinion by the increased thrusting of the dildo. She glanced around the lab, moaning constantly. Companion likely wanted her to relax more, but she didn’t even have a good chair in here, just a boring stool for her computer. That wouldn’t do. What she needed was… was… a bed. The fucking increased. Companion approved. She could teleport herself or conjure a bed down here. Her panties dissolved in a rush. Their disappearance felt like a lick from a giant tongue against her hot sex. Now she really needed a bed. She wasn’t how much longer she could hold herself… hold them up… Without thinking, she conjured a bed near the containment cube where Companion had been born. It fucked her slow and soft, showing how much it approved of her actions, encouraging her to continue. The aftershocks of the wonderful lick lingered, reminding her that she didn’t wear panties. Panties got in the way of pleasure. And she adored pleasure. So no, she had never worn panties. That way she could… “I feel… strange…” Twilight mumbled. “I feel… horny and sexy… no, strange…” The dildo almost stopped when she spoke about feeling ‘strange.’ But Twilight didn’t want Companion to stop. She needed to encourage Companion to continue. “I feel so horny and… and… hot…” she said hesitantly. It was an obvious statement of facts, but Companion demonstrated its approval. She looked at the bed she’d conjured. “I should get into bed to let Companion fuck me better,” Twilight whispered. “I should surrender to… to…” The thought slipped away. She couldn’t remember who she wanted to surrender to. She’d been so sure about things earlier… why… Her legs began moving as the dildo pumped her vigorously. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning and fondling her tits. She wanted to pull off the rest of her clothes, but Companion liked to remove them… though she didn’t know how she knew that. She settled on the bed in a strange, jerky motion. Then, she slid atop it, lying face up. She spied the door and without a second thought, locked it. It was against experiment procedure, but she needed private time with Companion. Anyway, she didn’t have any active experiments. It was only Companion and her down here. She didn’t want to be disturbed as Companion completed her education. Or… was she completing its education? She… She blinked. Did it matter? She was already learning so much. She needed to learn more. She loved learning. She started to think about her education… and realized that perhaps she had been neglecting an aspect of study. One that Companion could help her with. That sounded right. Companion approved of her actions and thoughts in two ways. First, the dildo thickened inside of her, and then it began to slip up her body. Twilight let out another piercing moan as Companion consumed her up to the belly button. Only then did she really feel it cup her ass. It began to massage her, but the motions were hampered by her lying on her back. “I should turn over so Companion may alter me to align with its directives,” Twilight said, though a moment later, what she had said had already vanished from her mind. She frowned. She was rather forgetful today. She should… Twilight turned over. The dildo that lived inside her pussy shivered as she pushed herself up to all fours. Her tail swished around, twitching back in forth in desperate arousal. She turned to look at her tail and behind… then gasped as her behind actually swelled outward. Companion continued to fuck her, but the change itself was intensely pleasurable, even more so than Companion’s forever-fucking rod. She watched in shock as her rear continued to expand until it became the size of Pinkie Pie’s! “Oh… oh my…” More lust-ridden fantasies played across her mind as Flash Sentry and Spike took turns enjoying sex with her, constantly thrusting and bouncing off of her impressive rear. Their hands—or claws—gripping it in passion and— She let out another moan as Companion went into vibration mode while it decided to explore her tail. Tails weren’t normally erotic, but at present, Twilight was having trouble thinking of anything that wasn’t erotic. She whimpered and thrashed as Companion slowly and sensually claimed her tail, down to the last hair. Her body flipped over again, though this time, she didn’t remember wanting to. But that didn’t matter, for her hips were swelling too. She ran her hands along her swelling sides, growing full child-bearing hips. Hips that encouraged potential males to fuck her. That’s what she wanted. She was pretty sure of that, at least. Oddly enough, she couldn’t feel a difference between her lower half and Companion now. It was almost as if there was no difference. As if her body was now made of the same latex-like material as Companion. But that was foolishness, as Companion only wanted to experience extended sexual contact with her, not change her on some deeply biological level. Companion’s thrusts became slow and deep. Twilight spread her legs for it. Was ‘it’ even the right term anymore? It seemed impersonal. After all, Companion was essentially making love to her in the most erotic, passionate and intimate way she’d ever experienced in her life. It deserved a proper pronoun, such as ‘he,’ for it was obviously masculine. Companion thrummed. She wondered how he reacted to her thoughts in addition to her words, but— Companion slipped up her body further. Twilight screamed in pleasure as he crept right up to the bottom of her breasts under her thin white button-down top. He had ignored her skirt when it had taken her hips. Companion gently prodded at the clothing, as if asking for permission. Twilight giggled, positively giddy. She had the kindest, most considerate lover coating her from the inside out. She moaned quietly. “Strip me,” Twilight whispered as her hands slid across Companion—and her—wonderfully tender skin. “Make me your playground…” A single hard thrust of affirmation told her exactly what Companion thought of her words. She let out several horny cries as Companion dissolved her skirt, then proceeded to remove her top and her bra. With each removal, Companion always created the sensation of a physical lover being present, slowly undressing her in the most erotic fashion possible. Then, Twilight lay in the bed, stark naked, coated in soft lavender material not unlike latex. She gripped the sweaty bedsheets as Companion continued to pound into her with strong, powerful thrusts, making her his. She wanted this so badly. In fact, she wanted more. “Take my tits,” Twilight whispered. Companion did not surge this time. This time, he lovingly teased his way beneath her heavy breasts. With his surface, he kissed the underside of her assets, eliciting moan after moan from the horny alicorn. Only when every part of her underside had been loved did he move up, sliding up her wide surfaces, though avoiding her nipples at present. Quickly, Companion claimed her up to her neck, leaving her splayed wings, her arms and her nipples still exposed. Twilight didn’t want to be exposed. She wanted Companion to claim these parts of her. She wanted Companion to claim her entirely. After all, he deserved it. She’d offered herself as his test subject. She wouldn’t be happy until he had thoroughly tested her. Yes. That was right. She couldn’t remember the details, but that was right. She had offered her body as a sexual test subject for Companion. “Take my nipples, please!” Twilight begged. “They’re required for a full test!” Companion decided to have mercy. He gently flowed over her nipples… and then flowed into them. Twilight screamed, more from surprise than actual pain. A few seconds later, she was once again twitching and moaning in pleasure as she felt her milk glands being converted to serve the needs of Companion.  Something she was more than willing to do, in the interest of science. Her mouth locked open in a soundless cry of pleasure as Companion made her burst with lavender milk. It felt so wonderful to have Companion inside her breasts, altering her. Changing her. She wanted to be changed. For science, of course. Soon, they had swelled slightly in size as Companion finished his changes to her breasts. She felt proud of her new size. It would help Companion attract more test subjects for seduction and conversi— Twilight blinked, suddenly losing her train of thought. She attributed it to the nonstop sexual bliss she’d been in for an indeterminate period of time. Twilight began to fondle her Companion-covered tits, but this time, Companion did spread to her fingers and hands. She eagerly welcomed his touch upon her extremities as the two lovers became even closer. She squeezed her large tits together with her Companion-covered hands and moaned as the two giant titties swelled in size much the same way her rea—ass had. There was nothing wrong with being a sexual creature. And she was, so she should use proper terminology. Like titties, ass, pussy and more. Companion caressed every place she thought in approval. She moaned when a second flood of a lavender substance that seemed similar to Companion’s composition poured from her erect nipples. She shuddered as she felt her Companion’s touch on her arms connect with the part of him on her shoulders, leaving her completely encased her save for her wings. She spread her wings fully, feeling so deliciously submissive as she did so. Companion began to gently and sensually wash over every feather, but as it did so, Twilight sensed Companion wanted something of her. She sensed… She felt an odd tickle against her neck. She rubbed at it, only to find a small tendril reaching up into her hairline. She hesitated, tracing the tendril through her mane until touching her temple and… she didn’t need to worry about that. In fact, the thing that had been slightly concerning from her was removed from her mind a few moments later. She needed to go to the computer. > Getting with the Program > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Companion’s fucking slowed enough to allow her to stand up and walk across the room. However, the stool did not seem comfortable if she were to use the computer and continue to be fucked by Companion. And since one of her primary purposes was now to be fucked by Companion—for science of course—that posed a problem. She didn’t often— Her horn lit up and a soft, comfortable and well-padded chair appeared before her. She didn’t remember casting a spell, but she didn’t care. She was fine with Companion using her magic. They were practically inseparable anyway. She sat down and began to study the still-flashing screen. As she did, she found herself getting more and more excited, both intellectually and physically. “I… I’m processing this…” Twilight whispered in wonder. “Companion, you’ve increased my perception—lust—and comprehension levels! I can—sex—I can… process… all of… of… of—slut—all of this…” Something inside of her commanded her just to watch and say anything that came to mind. Companion completed his work on her wings. She knew she was one step closer to being perfected, beautiful and complete. Now, only her head hadn’t been claimed by the wonderful creature. “I can—be fucked in the ass—process all of this information!” Twilight cried in joy. A moment later, she cried out again as Companion’s physical makeup grew to include a smaller dildo in her ass. Both dildos continued to thrust, now in time with one another. “I love—how much of a sex doll I am—this ability! It’s—making me into the perfect slut—astounding.” She flushed, feeling a little strange as Companion worked its way up her neck. He did it with loving kisses and little nips. But she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the screen, despite the pleasure coursing through her body. And she knew Companion wanted things to happen like this. “I—am a willing and obedient sex toy—feel actually really—fuckable, as the primary of my body is to be fucked—warm in here where—the entity I call Companion fucked me slowly into an eager and willing sex doll—I’m… uh…” Twilight was having a hard time concentrating. “I should—absorb all of this sexual content to make me a better toy—maybe just… relax—and be completely reprogrammed by Companion.” Twilight reached out a hand—at least her hand reached out. She wasn’t sure if she thought about it—and tapped a button. The screen changed, becoming a rather fascinating pattern, with an even faster series of images, text, commands and more flashing across it. Companion, meanwhile, had completely worked through her mane and up the back of her head, up to the back of her ears. “I’m… starting to—lose myself in the need to be the perfect host to Companion—feel stranger. I—am surrendering to Companion’s will—wonder if… if… what was I saying? Something about—Companion’s desires are merging with mine. I desire what Companion desires—I… forget…” Twilight moaned as Companion’s loving touch slid through the inside of her ears. The pleasure was incredible. If she weren’t a test subject, she likely would have cum enough to make her pass out. As it was, she wasn’t sure she’d stopped cumming since Companion had claimed her pussy. Companion began to convert her mane and the sides of her face. Twilight let out another moan. Everything Companion did felt so erotic. So sensual. She could feel them growing closer. They were becoming one. She wanted it. More than anything else in her life. She wanted to be one with Companion. Nothing else mattered. Instinct told her she needed more time with the computer. Her hand moved. The pattern changed. This one was the fastest of all. Things moved so fast on it that she could possibly capture it all with her conscious mind. That meant she was experiencing subliminal programming and she was curious to find what it would… what it would… what it would— “Subject name: Twilight Sparkle. Species: Pony. Subspecies: Alicorn. Title: Princess of Friendship. Location: Ponyville, Equestria. Identification confirmed.” Twilight smiled at confirming who she was for Companion. Was Companion slipping into her mind from her ears now? Fascinating. “New entity designation: Companion. Species: Synthetic biological/magical hybrid built on malleable framework. Purpose: Locate potential subjects and convert into similar matrix. Secondary purpose: connect subjects to mental link known as Bond for the sharing of relevant data.” Twilight smiled again. It was nice to know more about her Companion. Her mane had been converted. Why hadn’t it completed its task? “Status of current subject as follows. Mental conditioning at ninety-three percent. Physical conditioning at ninety-seven percent. Preparing final round of indoctrination. Now activating full sexual inhibition removal.” Twilight squeaked as something in her mind was flipped off, and within moments, every repressed sexual fantasy she’d ever had came bubbling up to her. She moaned as Companion fucked her pussy and ass rapidly while she fondled her tits, imaging what it would be like to have all of her friends in a circle, slowly converting each one into a creature just like her: an eager, obedient sex doll. They’d be so beautiful, so happy, so eager, so willing, so sensual, so perfect. They all begged Twilight to be converted. They wanted to be converted. Everypony wanted to be converted into a slutty sex doll. She blinked, trying to figure out if there was anything wrong with that last statement. But she was a sex doll. That was her purpose. Wasn’t it? She… “Initiating final indoctrination.” Twilight gasped as the computer screen became her world. Twin cocks thrummed in her. Companion adjusted to include the sensation of tongues lapping her pussy, her ass, her tits, everywhere. In moments, she knew how to perfectly please even the pickiest of mares. If allowed access, her tongue could bring a mare to full climax in a ninety seconds. She could slip behind a mare, put her hands on the mare’s chest and have the mare begging for release within slightly more than two minutes. So much sexual information. So many techniques. She was learning so much. She gaped as the screen programmed her into the perfect lesbian lover with torrents of data. It wasn’t like the data she used to know was being erased. It was just being moved aside for new, relevant data. Primarily, acting out her new role as an intensely sexually active mare who wanted to share her brilliance—and Companion—with everypony around her in the most intimate ways possible. A hard thrust of both dildos forced her to moan. As her mouth opened wide, Companion slipped into her muzzle. She suckled him as he slid down her throat. She coughed once, but only once as Companion and her biological components became one. A sensation of sensual warmth washed over her muzzle, altering it to conform to better sex doll parameters. Then, Companion gave Twilight a treat. He shifted the part of himself that had just converted her muzzle into a cock-like protrusion. Twilight responded by instinct. She began to suck. Her newly improved tongue washed over the welcome intruder, teasing Companion’s head as she let out a lusty moan. The two dildos— Companion shivered around her and Twilight let out a soft sigh as she felt her mind be slightly altered. It was such an intensely satisfying feeling, as if Companion had just slid a cock into her very brain and gently fucked her. She didn’t know what he had changed. She knew she would never know. That was okay. Companion knew best. All while this happened, Companion’s living cocks pulsed in her pussy and ass as his third cock slid back and forth in her eager muzzle. She lavished it with attention, eager to thank the loving creature that had helped her to embrace her sexual nature. She needed to make Companion happy. Companion vibrated as Twilight felt him consume the rest of her face in a glorious rush of pleasure and warmth. Her mouth remained open so Companion could fuck her there. Her hands fondled her swollen Companion-filled tits as she bounced softly on her Companion-swollen ass. Her entire body had been taken by Companion’s loving lavender latex-like embrace. In moments, only her eyes remained unchanged. The computer screen slammed her again with knowledge. In an instant, she knew every position a stallion could take her in. She knew how to make each of them intensely pleasurable. Her muzzle was adjusted again to make it the perfect fit, not just for Companion’s cock, but for all the blowjobs she would give. Her tits even grew to allow her to give tit jobs better. Her hands wrapped around invisible cocks. As soon as she did, she knew how to jerk them off perfectly. Her cocksucking technique improved on Companion and Companion’s cock in her mouth burst with more of his essence in appreciation. She swallowed it, of course. It wasn’t like she needed more of him, since they were all but one… but she loved how he tasted. Twilight knew so much! She wanted nothing more than to bury her face in somepony’s pussy while being rammed from behind by a minimum of one stallion as they began to be converted. And she realized that’s all she wanted. She wanted to fuck and suck now. Her days as a researcher of theory were gone. Now she was the experiment: the concept that anypony could be the perfect sexual partner, as long as they were taken by Companion or one of his brothers or sisters. She and Companion would become that just as— “I will state my name, my identity, my purpose and my mission.” Twilight moaned. She loved it when Companion took total control over her. It was so damn hot. She sounded so sexy when it was Companion speaking. “My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She marveled at her ability to speak while still sucking cock. Perhaps some sort of advanced magic? And her voice… her voice was the voice of somepony who lived and breathed sex. “My identity is the Princess of Sensuality. My purpose is continued sexual activity. My mission is to create brothers and sisters of Companions by constantly fucking new partners. I will use any means necessary—other than force—to achieve these goals.” Twilight and Companion’s minds had mostly become one and the same, but they both knew that a forced transformation would be rejected by the host. Seduction and using intense pleasure consistently was the best way to secure new subjects. Companion finally slid himself over her eyes, leaving her in darkness for a time. Images appeared occasionally before her, quick and sensual. She could never catch real sight of them. But they always turned her on even further. Her body moved—through no will of her own—and Companion guided her to kneel on the floor. He had her jut out her breasts all while the separation between Companion and her vanished to almost nothing.  She moaned repeatedly as she felt him completing the finishing touches, changing her and altering her, becoming sexier, more fuckable. Despite Companion’s cocks inside of her, she needed more. She wanted another creature’s cock. When she thought that she was rewarded with image after image of cock. Most of them were of herself sucking on them. Or fucking them. Or jerking them off. She needed a cock inside of her. She needed to have a subject to infect. She smiled as her thoughts were realigned. Fucking someone was the same as infecting someone. And both were necessary. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am a sex doll,” she mumbled. “I am… I require sex to live.” She knew it was the truth from how her organs had been altered. She had been modified to be able to accept food and liquids, but sexual fluids were her primary nutrients now. Companion slid deeper into her mind, growing within her as part of her essence. She moaned as she felt the deepest part of her identity fundamentally change. With it, shockwaves rushed through her system, altering her further. Her normally soft pink magic became a hot, lurid pink. Her pussy deepened to better accept cock or the tongues of her lovers. Her mind reeled as Companion rearranged her spells in her head. New spells were added. Spells to make herself more alluring. Spells to craft a perfect illusion around herself so her new nature could not be detected unless she so desired. Spells of lust and passion. Spells to tease and toy. In moments, she had enough sex magic to be a one mare magical brothel. The idea made her moan around the cock between her lips. Then, the cock slipped away, becoming part of Companion once more, even though there wasn’t much difference between Companion and her anymore. “I…” Twilight whispered as she stood up and stepped to the center of the room, standing ramrod straight with her wings extended.. “I… oh… Companion and I… I am Companion now. Companion is me now. I… we… merge. Merging. Merging… Merging… Biological conversion complete. This subject is now at one-hundred-percent transformation. Subject core fully consumed. Full merging complete.” Twilight Sparkle stood in silence for a few minutes, her mind blank and unthinking. Things may have happened then, but she could not process them. “Subject identification complete. I am Passion Twilight. I am now linking with the Bond.” Twilight moaned, her horn lighting up as she felt her pussy thrum with the need to bond with others of her kind. Casting the spell felt like a new cock of pure magic being drilled into her pussy. “I have established Bond link. Bond link is faint. Other Dollmare is distant. Other Dollmare lacking in sexual data. I am uploading all sexual data to assist Dollmare’s conversion into sex doll.” Twilight summoned her mouth cock and began to suck again, wanting to enjoy this next part in full. Twilight squealed. She felt like she was given the best hornjob in history as a copy of all of her newfound sexual knowledge and experience was copied over to the other mare in the Bond through Twilight’s horn. She felt a little sad for her fellow Dollmare. She had been alone for some time and been without the sexual components so critical to their existence as a Bonded Passion. Her body’s cocks fucked her, though she finally decided she’d had enough blowjob practice for today. She knew so much more. She was a sex doll, of course. But she was also a special kind of doll called a ‘Bonded Passion.’ Her true name had changed to Passion Twilight, though she would still answer to her old name as Twilight Sparkle. That was necessary to bring more into the Bond. She toyed with her pussy as she thought. To think, just a few hours ago, she would have found such an act to be absurdly lewd. Now, she all but needed to do it. Her body had become perfect. Her new true form was smooth and slightly shiny, pliable and wonderful. Her tits had swollen by several sizes, and her hips and ass had expanded as well. Her pussy had been configured to serve in any sexual capacity required. Her tail and mane now had a rubber-like bounce to them. Even her eyes had changed, her color now darker. A finger slipped inside of her. She wondered if Companion had somehow corrupted her. Why was she so different than the mare she had been? But she wasn’t sure if it mattered. Companion had consumed her and merged with her. His thoughts were now hers. She didn’t even miss him, because she knew he would— Two tentacles detached themselves from her sides and began to fondle her massive new tits. She giggled and stroked them lovingly as another part of her body slipped up to mouth level. In a moment, the pseudopod had grown a mouth and lips. Twilight kissed the piece of herself, moaning as the sensation was transmitted to her pussy. She began to make out with the pod, then decided she wanted more. Inside of her mind, she altered her perceptions through memories. Then, she remembered Companion was still there. She opened her eyes to see her twin there, smiling at her. Celestia, she was hot. The mare before her existed for sex and sex alone. Why did she ever think otherwise? She willed a tiny piece of Companion into her twin lover. Some part of her knew that it was her new biological makeup responding to stimuli from her lusty, slutty brain instead of having somepony actually there with her. The rest of her didn’t care as Companion and her dropped to the floor and began to make love. A few hours passed with both versions of Passion Twilight crying out in pleasure—but only one feeling it—until the new sex doll decided it was time for her new body to be properly broken in. Her Companion lover reset and slipped into her, making sure to give her one more orgasm as Companion rejoined her. Her mental database of subjects opened as she began to fondle herself on the floor again. She lay there, one hand playing with a bouncy tit, the other with two fingers in her pussy as she thought. This was the way she thought now. How did she ever think straight before? Her friends would be seduced in time, but she could wait for that for a little bit. The idea of fully converting—and corrupting—the Elements themselves would likely have side effects… mainly in the form of the entire town being overwhelmed by their passion, linked into the Bond and seduced into a new sex doll existence. As their Princess of Sensuality, it was her duty to make sure all eligible males and females were converted. But she needed to start smaller. Her horn lit up and she moaned as she thrust harder and harder into her pussy, intensifying her magic as she scanned the entire castle for suitable life. Immediately, she locked onto two. The first was a male pegasus, relatively fit. This one Twilight knew had been harboring a crush on her for some time, though until now she hadn’t been interested. He had been her single allowance to an official guard for the castle. The second was her faithful assistant, the drake. Now fully in his advanced adolescent state, he turned out to be even taller than the foolish drake known as Garble. Twilight had cum several times to the fantasy of her oldest friend fucking her with that thick dragon cock. She had cum several more times to the act. Of course, all masculine parts of their anatomy and psyche would need to be suppressed when they joined the bond. But she could eagerly enjoy both male subjects as they pounded her again and again before they were converted and joined the Bond, becoming perfect sex dolls like her. Passion Twilight, the Bonded Passion sex doll of the Princess of Sensuality, moaned as she came at the thought of her first two conversions. They would join the Bond, then they would assist her in the slow conversion of the town. Before long, most ponies would have their sexual inhibitions completely removed. They would fuck in the streets and others would cheer, watch for further education or join. They would grow or remove components as necessary. A second orgasm crashed over her, her gorgeous sex doll body thrumming in joy at the visions of an endless parade of passion. None could stop it. Any who tried would be converted and join in the fun. Finally, a third orgasm hit her as Twilight smiled. She couldn’t wait to introduce the world to the new her. They were going to love her. The only question was if they would love her before or after becoming just like her. > Epilogue: Sharing the Upgrades > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ohhhh…” Starlight Glimmer rubbed her eyes and glanced over at her writhing girlfriend. “Trix, you okay?” “I… I don’t… ahhhh…” Trixie began to pant softly. As Starlight managed to focus in the dim light of the back of Trixie’s wagon, she found the blue mare running her hands over her small breasts, her hips, her sides… everywhere. It was like she was in heat or something! “Trix, uh… I’m right here if you need some… relief?” Starlight offered, blushing at Trixie’s surprisingly lewd display. “Can’t stop…” Trixie moaned. “Coming… it’s coming through… through my… horn…” Starlight looked up at Trixie’s horn to find it glowing. The catch was, it was glowing the wrong color. Instead of a light pink, it was a bright, almost neon pink, with twists of red and purple in there. “Okay, that’s… that’s weird.” Starlight gritted her teeth and lit up her own magic to block the spell, only to have Trixie suddenly grab her hand. Starlight stared down at the hand. It felt… odd. Trixie’s fur felt sleeker and the flesh beneath seemed almost pliable. “Don’t,” Trixie whispered, pleading with her. “I… I need it…” “Trix, I don’t know what’s going on but—” In a flash, Trixie sat bolt upright and planted a kiss firmly on Starlight’s lips. Starlight’s words died in her throat as the sheer need of the kiss overwhelmed her. In moments, she found herself responding eagerly, wrapping her naked girlfriend in her arms as they rubbed their breasts together in an increasingly heated makeout session. Starlight lost track of time for a bit, but when Trixie pulled away, her face seemed to shine in the moonlight. “Trixie… what’s… oh Celestia, your tits!” Starlight gaped. Where once two cute breasts had sat, now a pair of tits the size of Pinkie Pie’s hung from Trixie’s slim frame. The nipples were thick and hard. They also dripped with some sort of fluid that wasn’t quite milk. Trixie shifted position and poked them, only to reveal they were incredibly springy… and as shiny as the rest of Trixie. “What’s… going on, Trixie?” Starlight asked slowly, her eyes wandering over her girlfriend in a mix of lust and worry. Trixie squealed softly and before Starlight’s eyes, the mare she’d fallen for transformed from cute to… mouthwateringly gorgeous. Her hips and ass swelled outward. Her legs slimmed down a little. Even her mane grew. It was as if she’d gotten a full head-to-toe sexual tune-up. Starlight… couldn’t really say she minded. All the while, Trixie moaned and thrashed, working her breasts and spraying liquid across their bed and the rest of the wagon. Some of it even landed on Starlight’s naked body. She shivered slightly as the strange sheen washed over the rest of Trixie’s body, leaving her with a strange look that… Well, the only thing Starlight could think of was that Trixie looked like some sort of living sex doll. And to her surprise, that thought turned her on. A lot. Trixie let out a whine, still shivering as the light around her horn brightened. Then, she started to mumble things Starlight couldn’t make out. As she did so, Starlight reached out to touch one of the newly resized breasts. The moment she made contact, Trixie’s eyes flew open and she smiled. With a speed that shocked Starlight, Trixie had her pinned beneath her with her breast hanging before Starlight’s lips. Some of that milky fluid dripped into Starlight’s mouth and she shuddered. “What… what’s happening, Trixie?” Trixie lowered her breast to Starlight’s lips. Starlight couldn’t stop herself… she had to suckle. And as she did, an amazing heat washed over her. A need, a passion and a hunger for anything and everything Trixie. “I… just got an upgrade to…” Trixie whispered quietly. “To something I’d… forgotten about. It’s okay though. Most of it’s completed now.” Starlight managed to break away long enough to croak out, “Upgrade to… what?” “Being a Dollmare,” Trixie replied. “Trixie was the first… but it looks like Twilight is now a much better version. For now.” That didn’t explain much, but Starlight was starting to have a hard time caring anymore. She just wanted to suck Trixie’s nipples forever. Whatever her girlfriend leaked was fantastic! Trixie grunted and let out another contented sigh. “Last part of the upgrade. A temporary part… to help you, babe!” Starlight couldn’t pull herself away to ask what Trixie meant. It didn’t seem to matter all that much. At least until she felt the sensation of a twitching dildo against her lower lips. Starlight gasped around the nipple and glanced down, only to realize that her girlfriend had grown some extra equipment. “Don’t worry,” Trixie smiled as she began to slip it into her increasingly willing friend. “Once I cum in you, you can join the Bond and get all the upgrades I have!” Starlight groaned as she pushed against Trixie’s strange cock, craving it more with every inch. It seemed to fill her up entirely, perfectly, fully… it seemed to take every bit of available space in her. Only then, did Trixie began to rock. Finally, Trixie pulled her tits away, allowing Starlight to speak. “Trixie… what’s happening?” she managed to whimper between her cries of pleasure. “I… I don’t understand.” “You will,” Trixie whispered. “You will.” Something inside Starlight told her to relax, trust Trixie, enjoy the cock and that all would be made clear soon. As soon as she was just like Trixie. So Starlight leaned back, spread her legs and let her girlfriend fuck her. Trixie grunted… and she began to climax. Something began to pour into her, something friendly that only wanted her to feel pleasure. Something helpful and wonderful and… something that made it hard to think. Did she really need to? She could trust the something… It would give her all the answers she would ever need. The something only had to make her just like Trixie. Starlight didn’t mind. Trixie leaned down and kissed her. “You’re going to love this.” Starlight nodded. Of course she would. She would love it. Something inside her said so.